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December 22. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER: 1157 ELECTRIC MARVEL Q^ THE AGE!! J MODERN SCIENCE OVERCOMES TREMENDOUS OBSTACLES !I ! Wliat tire San Francisco SporthiB Writers Say About AiiivIS*-* BROTHBRS Motion Plotuivs* Giving a Citelilce Reproduction of The O'BRIEN-BURNS FIGHT "The pictures reproduce the affairwith completofldelity of detail. O'Brien, who was present, became greatly excited duringthe progress of the fifth round." EX A M IN E R. Por tlie Heavywelelit Oiianiplonsililp ( "Wonderfully realistic. Marvellous examples of the photographer's art. A triumph for Cooper-Hewitt lights." CALL, Opens at Madison Square Garden, ■XAOT REPRODU "Miles Brothers have made It possible for fight fans to witness a glove contest held hundreds of miles away without leaving their happy homes. Pictures perfeot. Nothing overlooked by the photographer's lens." - BULLETIN. "Fight pictures a big suooess. Clearness of details a complete sur- prlse."-CHRONICLE. , A New York City, Thursday, Dee. SO. 3BEN SHOW NOW HEADY FOR SOOKINOl 1VIA1VAGERS SEND ITV YOUR OPEW TPXIVIE: Without dnUy for th« grektoat or aUl.Motloa PlotureB off the Heaviest Hitting Contest ffor the Heavyweight Championship. Entire *>vt*nliigs entertainment, wltli>r*rl>rt apparatus, operator, ami all complete. Caanol Book Houses with Less than 1,000 Selling Capacity. ALL BOOKINGS HANDLED mv MILES BROS. BOOKING DEPT., 10 £*f? ^JrV? T " BIA98ACHU8F,TTS. -The principal week of Dec. 17 are: Viola Allen, In ' Hon ton.- 13 bliu for "Cyni- bellne,* 1 at the lloJIla Street; "Coming Thro' the Itye," at the Treniont, nuil "Mrs. wfgp P* t' 10 Cabbage Patch," at the Boston. I.ouii Ami well offers "Mrs. Dane's Defence" for, tier second and final week at the Majes- tic. Clara Bloodgood, In "The Truth," ut the Park, and Elsie Janls, lu "The Vonder- tillt Cup, at the Colonial, continue. Popular priced attractions are: "The Arrival of Kitty," at tbe Ulobe, and "The Cow Puncher," ut lite (Irniid Opera House. The opening con- cert of the Boston Lyceum course will be siren at Tremont Temple, 17. with Rllcn Beach Vuw anil the Koyol Welsh Male Choir. Holms Stbeet (Isaac B. Rich, manager). — \<\<r the current fortnight Vloln Allen will lie seen la "Cynibellne." Alexander Calvert. Howard Gould. Fuller Mcllish, C. Lwlt Al- len, II. J. Undllcld, Myron Calico and Alison Sklpworth nre prominent In the supporting company. Nmide Adams, In "Peter Pan. dosed eight weeks of capacity business 15. Juuu Drew, In "Ills House In Order," 31. Tiibkont (John B. SchocrTcl, manager).— "Coming TUro' the live" will have Its unit local hearing 17, booked to remain for three weeks. Among the prJDcl|>alH are: Frank Lulor, Slellu Slay hew, Almn Voutln. Frank limine. .Joliu Park. Char lea Wallace, Perclvnl Joiinlngii, BIIDe Taylor, Hcsslc Olbson and riuieii't: Towiiucnd. "The College Widow" KiiJoyetl live week* of untlsfactory business, rlynmg IB. Boston (Lawrence McCarty, manager).— The attraction for two weeks, coramoncliiK 17, Is "Sirs- Wlugs of the Cubbnge Patch." It fqllowe "Little Johnny Jonea," which at- tracted evenly good business during the past fortnight. B H. Sotbern and Julia Marlowe 81, M».it...rii' (A. Ii. Wilbur, manager).—For Hit! concluding week of her fortnight's stay, I.vnu Ashweir will be HU In "Mrs. Danes Defence." "The Sbulainltc" was presented lust week, to large and appreciative audi- ences. Bertha Kallcb Trill follow, In "The Krcutzer Honutn." • PlBK (CIioh. VrobDlBi Well & Harris, man- agers).—Cltira Hloodjjood, In "The Truth, Is now In the second week of her tbrco weeks e image in ent. Wood sized houses were In evl- defire lust week, and tbe play has scored n iropnloi' success. The next attraction will be 'tyrlc Bellew, In "Brigadier Gerard." Culoniai, (Chas. Frohmnn, Itlch & Harris, managers).—lilalc Janls, In "The Vnnderbllt W$r- continues to uttrnct excellent sized c'rowila. 'riila la the third and tlnul week ot lite engagement. She will be followed by George M. Colinu.lii "Ueorge Washington Jr. OliiHri (HtDlr, Wilbur A Nicola I. managers). —Opening Sloudny nrternoon, 17. for DIM perfonnuuecs. "The Arrival of Kitty" will entertain. Clood sized houses greeted Muelyn. Arbnckle, In "The County Clin I r man,' lost ivvoK. I (anions* "Fnntasnm" next. OtiASl* Ol'HlU Hoi'Mti (Geo. W. Mngee, maiiBtjer).—"The Cow Puncher," with John A. I'rvston, Is the current offering, following ti week of good average business: for "Slon- tniui." In which llsri-.v 1). Carey WU starred. "The Coufeaslons of a Wife" next. Castih Soi.miib (Boston Stage Society, niUtlM) — "The lllvals" by Hie stack nompany this wceli. "Cousin Kate" was last week's bill, dellxhllng good sized crowds. "Sh'erloek Hoime* ' next. , Buoo (John Craig, manager).—The John Crulg Stock Co. this week, In "The School for Scandal," tin n successor to "The Hlgn of ttie Four," which taxed the capacity dur- ing- Hie pu*t fortnight. Next week, "Jock IN Jill mid Co." . ,. UuvriKriit Bqimhr (O. B, Lotbrop, muno- imr).—"Kaclicl UoMitotn" is the offering of the house stock this week. "A Prisoner of War" ma nn attractive bill during the .past week.- "Kidnapped In New York Is In re- hearsal- Kurrii'a (It. K Keith, ninnuger).—Mrs. l.nngtrv will hold over for thin week, mid the Hiifi'ouiidlng show will include: 'flic Wemclya. Julian Hose. Four Merkel Sisters, OHlluulier nud Barrett. Mcloal Trio, Polk, Collins unil the Carmen Hlslers, Kltuglhhon- MeCov .Trio. Diamond and Snilfh, Nettle Carroll, Arroa Bros., Four Matrons, Scott and Whuley, Dale and Itossl and new motion pic- tures. Oui'iir.uu (1'ercv Wllllaina, manager).— Tlila Is "bnrnniii week" ut this popular house. The bill Includes; Willie Kdwilu. Maude Uay- nioiid, 'Ilicrne und Curletoii. Miigoiii'O Itourke odd roioiHiuy, Blglit Vussar Girls, Cnrlln nud Otto, Uoi»by North. Hacker Letter Trio, Krleacl's dogs and the vltagroith. Creatore a Baud proved u strong drawing card lust wiVk. . IlowAitn (Jay Hunt, business manager).— UlH'Rlug Monday. 17: "Battling" Nolaoti, Csroniind Herbert. Kddlc Cirard and Jessie (iiirdiier, "Bue" Smith Nautch Hlrls, Orlctia and Tuvlor. the rycMng Bronettes, Dewey and Thornton, Ixirkln and Duly, Francis und Ilogpin, Henry Myers, Henry F. Walle. (rull- iiwile, Butler Hsvllaod, the Howardscope, tad the house burlesquers, In "Why Cer- tainly." 1'alack <C. II. Woldrou. manager).—The Night Owls, headed by Carrie Neltz. are here on their Ural vlult of the season. Burlesques Kt '\\ Millionaire Bnchellor" and "The vjl's Knehantmeut." The olio names: Belle IIu.tbnway'8 Monkey Circus, t^onoclly Sisters. Howell and Emerson, Frunk Hurcourt und Curt Anderaon. Bote 11111 English Folly Co. made merry last week. CotuuniA (It. N. Farren, manager).— Miner's Merrv Burlesque™ this week- The fuo brigade Is headed by Phil Ott and Teddy Slmouds. In the olio are: W, ». Harvey und tmpany. All, Hunter and Ail, Shnonds tind Warde, oil and Nelson, Ford and I>ot WMt nud ntbeni. Rih-cIoI wrMtllng Ixtutn are soliikla!etl-' for Tuwda; evening, and thu nmatcurs will hold forth on Friday ulght. Tbe Avenue tllrls proHpered Inst week. IjYCKU'm (ti. II. Batchellcr, manager).— A second turn of the burlesque wheel hrlnjjs Harry Bryant's Mxiravoganra Co. for 17 and veek. Prominent la the olio are : The Albert Slaters, Bush nod Klllott, Ueorge Wllsoa, Unrinody. Kdna Berrl, Bnnks nod Newton, Marthn linbelman. aad Marlon and Thomp- son. Tbe Cay Mnso,ucruders provided pit class entertainment, to good returns, Inst '.virk. Cbas. Fartell, In character eongB, Korcd heavllv. Auhtin & stone's Mikkum (A, B. White. rannngcr).—In curio hall, second and tlunl week: Orquestta TIplen Mexlcaun, Mohammed Knhn, Hindoo necromancer; Zip, orlghml "What Is It'r" John It. Ulley, -veteran "fid- dler ;" Topp's Black Hussar Band. Trlxle. Hnnke queen ; .tuhih, Forber, wire walker, and Till'H Marionettes. Stage show: Mlustrfl Maids, introducing the Misses Dalo, Cump- hell. Burke. Steele, Lawson, Sloore, Aliisette, Allen Sisters. 1'Tcncb, Berwick, Crawford, and Frank Cook, Lew Benedict, Hurry Christy, Jus. Maxwell, Cody and Hcnno, and extra vaudeville hy Millie BUM. Mnjune, Mark and Laura Davis, anil the Crotty Trio. Iiiii.1- ncuB holds good. W.vi.k.ki('s MtiHrrv (I,. It. Walker, man- ager).—In curio Hall, week of 17: West Khd Kid, pool expert; Harry I>c Mar, Iron- Jnw miin: Mile Neva, nre queen, and PuncJi nud Judy. Stage show: Nlnu 8enrles' Silver Star Burlesqueiu Olio : Sugrarn and Cronln, Wilson nnd Mason, Dlanchu Lorlng and mov- ing pictures Nickuixipkon (W. II. Wolffe, manager).— I'm h> hall, week of 17: Momas Ling Hhl Troupe of Hindoos, Sclein Sid, card munlps- Intor, Melieimott audi Slcvln, bar nerform- 1'i's. In tbe theatre, Poppy Iturlesquers. Olio: Bverett and (i*mell, Dollv Clifford. May U'nldron, Matidu Crandall, Hatch Slaters, Sadie Preacott and moving pictures. Cumiquh (W. J. Allen, manager).—Mov- ing picture fentiires for week of 17 are "The Stepmother," "Winter Bathing" nnd "The Inexperienced Chauffeur," The illastra- ii-'i songs will be rendered hy May Vincent. Arlic wintlirop. Tboman Bullock, Grace Mor* ilnnnt. l^ionk Cohan. John Bensley, Margaret Rllla and lvihii Fuller. BuslnesH contimifs at the rapacity mark. NoTErj.—Sunday concert hills. HI: bnntan Theatre —Bnrtellc Troupe, Brobst Trio,(jatm and KniNt.. Three Anburns. nnd J. W. Blni(- haru. Jtowdoin Squaw —Joe Flynu, Four American Trumpet era. St. John and he Fovro, Crotly Trio. Wliltely and Dell, the He 1'ontas. the Davis, Harry Sfooroc. Chng- nou, and Llxxle Otto. VtobK and Mnftstia— Mnreenn, Nnvarro and Mnrectin, Kmll Hoch nnd company. Mr. and Mis. Jiainilc Barry, Hughes Musical Trio, Coatea nnd Grundy and company, Foster nnd Foster, Lllllnn Tyec, Tom < III ten anil Mort llennlg- Keith'** —lamM Hiirrlgnn, the Flnncys, Willy /lm- mcrmanu, Olllvotll Troubadourft, Meredith Sisters, Hawtlioi'nL' and Burt, Rogers .mi Deeley, tlic Lnlinkuus, (lormaa and West, nnrt Devoy nnd Miller. Orphenui—(Irontore and his hand. C'lnouovnlil. It. (J. Kaowlos, Cnn- lleld nndCiirlctoti, Prof. D'Almn, Leonn Thnr- her and "picks," Mllehell nnd Marion, nnd llartli Bros, nud WiiHou ....Col. A. ft. White's novel ermtloji, "The Hirlh of the Suoflowpr," will be produced at Austin &, Stone's during Chr^stmns week. ... .Frank Lloyd, of tliln city, lius bfnn eh'fteJ luternntlonal president of the Illllers nnd Hill IMnters Union Dvlffbl ElmendoiT's dual lecture at Tre- mont Temple, on Saturday afternoon, ^2, will be on "Palestine and Ilolyland." The Boston Symphony Orchealrn Peiutlou Fund concert will be held nt Symphony Hull, on Sniuliiv evening, itO "toby Lyoiih Iiah signed with Will J. Hlock to support Kmuia Cnrus, In (Jleu McDonough's now play, "Too Nun lluinc." SprlnuBeld.—At the Court Square The- atre (D. O. Uflmoie, maanger) Itohert It. Mnntoll was aeon In "Rlehard III," Dec. 10, and stored heavily. A fair xlzed house lis- tened to tbe innudollii, guitar and banJo coiu.Tt, 11. Those taking part were tlie Ploctra Qiinrtclte, Myron A. BUkford and .1. .1. Dcnvlti. Tbe Orpbeuai concert, "Th« Messiah." 19. was largely attended Liberal putrouage whs bestowed upon Vloln Alteu. In ''Cvuiuellne," 14, Maude Adams 21, 21!, "The Vanderbllt Cup" 2-J-L'O, WIIHuui Collier 27, Uruce Cameron Opcrn Co. 2S, Ktbel Barry- more UO, Clnrn Itloodgoial 31. . . \£i.suN (trco. II. Miller, manager)-—The onlv attractluii of tbc past week was "The Love itoute." 11. 111. Odette Tyler was ex- cellent, Olive May rhtirnilng, and II. S. Northrup gave n forcible portrayal of tlic ranchman. Vaudeville IT and week, wllh 'J'he flrent Pauline. Jaopies Inuiidl, Amann and Hartley, and American Trumpeter*. "The Tourlsl" 20, "Taps" Jill, "The Mimic tod the Mulrl" 2T, I-enu Asbwelt 28, 21). Poli'n (Cordon Wrlghter, rosldcnt mnnn- gcr.)—Tbc approach of Cbrletmas seems to Save bad little effect on the attendance tbe Kat week. Bill for week of 17: Sherman and i Forest, Almaso, Huglies Musical Trio, (ius WIlllauiH, Mnipliy nad Wlllard, Four Arllugtous, McNuaiee. and eloctrograpli. i;ii,)KniK fZ. T. Damon, manager).—"On tl>D Bridge at MidalubL" *i-H, drew Iheuauil good huflfueBs, and pfwasad, Irwtn'si Majesties, JO-13, gave ax good a burlesque show as one would core to sec. "David Huriim" 13-19. (Joy Musquernders 17-11*. "The Coai»y Olrl" 2u, 22, Hurry Bryant's lOxtravugsuzu Co. 24- 2ti. t Sinu Liouth.— Julia Naodcraon has re- signed from "The Tourists," la which mu«s had a prominent role. Madge Ciclgliton auc- feedlng her, Miss Suuderson has received a numWr of fine offer* from New York maa- Hirers to go Into vaudeville for a short time, wliich kIh! will. In nil probability, do...... Julia lloolh, .leading lady of the. Hunter, Bradford Slock Co. here Inst Summer, lias Accepted a similar position with the Clay- ton hegge Stork Co., of the Lyric Theatre, Worcester, succeed lug Jnnc Dure. Miss Booth will Join the company 17 The act of Welch, Mculy nnd Montrose was with- drawn from Inst week's hill nt Poll's, mid Coakley and McBrldo substituted George P. Sheldon, a Sprtnglleld young mini, is numbered lu tbe caat of "Cymboline." Mux Gates, of Syracuse, N. V., has rcnlnccd A Dp O. Uooiiej as treasurer of the Nelson Thenirc .Inmea A. Hennessey has been engaged as nssletunt mannger of the 011- niore Theatre Timothy Daly, of thin cltr, has been rhosuii Btnge manager of "Tiio County Chairman," now playing through the middle West A mili- tary carnlvol will he held at the nrmory .l:i!;. 2-12, HMI7 It li plnntied now to give the premier of "The Aero Cluh." by Sydney Itosenfeld, In which Klaw k Kr- Innger nre to star Lulu Ulnser, at the Court Street Theatre early la January..... .Mnr- Jory Clifford, of "The Student. King" Co.. bos Hie Bynipnlhy of a large circle of friends In the dentb of her motlier, which occurred nt Da st ha nip ton. 7 Alice Dnnrec luis aerered her connection with Clark's Hun- away OltU Company Sadie Mart hint has resigned from the cast of "Mrs. Temple's Telegnin)." Ora<:c Heals 1ms been nmuml to assume llie role. Miss Itenls Is well tilted for the part, liuvlng plnyed It with William Morris Inst Summer In Chicago...., .The ctn.li of (lie Snered Heart Church gave a *nrrcd concert at Poll's, 1), which wns well attended I'aul Davis has returned from New York, vrliero ii.- went as a delegate of Local 10, to the Notional Blllem and Bill Posters AxKoclntlbu of America Tlic following officers ware chosen at the Inst meeting of the Sprlngllcld Aerie of lCnctes: President, John T. Moran; vice presUlent, Ocoi'ge Mabcr; secretary, M. V. 11 mi in; out- side guard, Joseph Carey: treasurer, John Dcely; trimteea, John T. Holland, John Deely. Michael J. Markley, Dr. T. V. Heur- don. Dr. K. C. Syrett. The Installation will bo held Jnn. i; The body of J. 8. Quia, formerly the Hartford correspondent of Tno i'uivki;, wns brought here for burial Dee. 1. .1. 11, Morris Is looking for ii location In Pittstleld for a vaudeville house to add to (ho circuit of Family Theatre, Olovetsvlllo, N. Y,, and Richmond Theatre. North Adams, Mass. .Tin- K. (>. T. Club tendered n bnntinct. 111. to Frank Colby, of the Colby Children, who appeared at Poll's Theatre. Mr, Colby wns made an honorary member of the club ."Pearl of a Creut City" linn closed. lesque will be the rule of this house from now mi. Wamckii'ss i i,. M. Wnlker. manager).— Current. Nellie Hartford's (Inlden Star Bur- lesque Co., with I he following olio: Tbn lieatiics, Ingram and Cronln, Prof. Dow and Blanche Lorlng. Nor km. —The 'Cycling Brunettes, who np- pearcil nt Hie Haihawny Inst week, nre two well known Lowell lx»ys, who have been making a big lilt on the N. K. circuit. Tlielr act Is replete with brand new features. In- cluding tmir famous "akldoo" wheel. Large theatre parties showed the esteem In which they arc held. From here they go to the Howard. In Boston, till nfter the hnlldnys. Week of Jan. 11 will find theia at Pastor's, New York Clly Fuunylnml ((I. W. Carey, innnnger) pi-oinlses some hnitul new pictures and songs, uloag with the many other features. t.'Mvcii. — At t)jt> l^well Opera House (Calm & <;rmir, luauscers) fiiwrcuce H'ur- Kiiy. In "The Kinbussy Ilntf," pluy»l to good biiHlaess Dec. 11. Tbe Taylor Stock Co. did well the rest of the week. "The Girl from tli! Hniirli" 17, French .Dramatic Ot. IN, "The Bluiik llmru" Co, ■ Hi, "Thorns nutl Orange Blossoms'' 20, "Railroad Jack'* 21, Acadi'mv or Music (R. V. Murphy, ruan- anerl.—The Hcvcrin Be Dcyn Htock Co,, In "177(1." played to good business all Uat week, t^iirrent, '"I'lie Coward King," with Lester Louorgnn. who Joins the company this week, In the Ipiidlnu voir. Hathaway k (J. I. Hbannon, manager).— JoM«'i>hiiir> Colinn nud company, nnd the 'Cycling Hriinnettes proved 1o tie the drawing card* last week. Dill wf*k of Dec. 17 : V« Cok'ttlal Hrptotte, Hitrrv Vokes nud Marsnri't I iiit v VuLi-H, Murray Sisters, Joe llnrdiaan, Hcfback. tlie (Jreut Vuwne, New Vork Har- mony Four, and vltsgruph. Hiihiov <J. IF. Tcbhetts. manager).—The (iuioty (HiIn l!uiit'«i|ui'i>. wlih Mnrle Bogera. will enterialii tills week, to be followed bv n vaudeville- whow. including: Bates iind ISmcst. Frnnck .Mochon, Mr. and Mrs. Hall, nnd Marle-ltogers, llluxtntted songs and niov. lnf pictures. Two shows a day. Stuck bur- hyiiti,—At the Lynn (F. <l. Harrison, mnaogcr) Ibo Coflgrovo Stock Co, anno Dec 10, to fult business. May Plsk, who wan formerly nt tlic head of this company, and who hus been Hiitfcrlug for a uuinbcr of months from Injuries received la a railroad accident, visited her former laanugcr, John Congrave, here last week. MIsb Flsk will ■ not be nblc to resume her work nn the ntago again for some time to come. Tbo Fcnberg rUMJl Co. 17-21). \i:oit(Uim:m (Harry Kltafli manager).— 'this week;. The DAlmn Dog nnd Monkey CIrcut*. Alexander Ulvan. presenting (he Zln- gura Traitpe, Whitman Klsters nod Robinson. Dorti Hnuca, I'aisey Doyle, tbe Lnvlno-t'tmn- roil Trhi, .McKay and Campbell, and tlie vltu- graph picture*. Udm (C. W. Sheafe, mnnager).—Ilrobst Trio, Rrlrwon. Ildtler and La Marr, Hob Wlnstenley, liaiizetla and Lyman, and tbe movlug pli'tures. K.M.KW TraMTHH l< J, II. Chcetham, mana- ger).—"II nl l mud Jack' 1 came ir>, lo a good MntW, Joseph J. Sullivan, lu "Tho Hlnck rhora," 18. Notbh.— The work of rebuilding Mechan- ics' Hall, Knii'iji. which wns destroyed sev- eral yearn ago, Is progressing, and tlie house will be ready for vaudeville next wnson, under the niutingemeiit of Calm & Hrant, it Ik understood Nchcmlah W. Andrcwn, a veteran tbentrk-iil imtiiflgcrof Salem.Mass., dl«rl In his bonis la that city l.'l, from pneu- munla. Up was born June lit. im:i, and nfter gritduatlug from school took up hill posting. Later he liecniue a business man- nger of Muchnnlcs' Hall, nud bad many first class tltoutrlcn! companies como tborc. In 18NT) he became the Benior member of the linn of Andrews. Muulton A Jobuson, und coutlnued In It up to a few years ugo, when he retired. Tbe firm wuswelfkuown through- out New ICnglaad, tbu West and Houlli, as mnufigers of iipern and repertory companies, He whs unmarried. Fall lllver.—At Hie Savoy (W. F. Masou, resident manager) "Knllrond Jack," Dec. 10- 12. and "Dora Thome," i:i-lt». plon*ed. "Thorns und orange Blossoms" 17-10. "Tlie Black Thorn" 21, 22. "tin Dangerous <lround" 24-2H, "(llrls from the Bunny South" 27, Ucu. Mini n- 2S, 30, Ac.MinMV id' MtiHic (W. F. Mason, resi- dent nmiitigerl.—The Wllllnm A. Dillon Stock Co.. 10*1(1. played to fnlr returns. Maud lllllinan Hiot^ Co. 17-22, Clara Turner Mloi-k co. M-ao. SiiKKHY's (Chas. K. Cook, inunagor).— Hood vniidcvlllc offered beii! eai-h week ron- tlntiOM to hold public approval. Hill Ihla week: Ilyan-ltlchileld Co.. wood nud Inulls, Bell Trio. Woodford's DOWN and monkeyM, tho He Macos, Arnold Slslers. Mnrlow*- Plunkctt Co.. nnd tbe camnrngrnph. Huston (Clins. Hclik'sslnger, nuutngerl.— Bill for week of 17: Morris utld Steele, Heorgt) It. Johnson, King and Stance, Man Ijtcke. Ada Morris, Hostonscope and Paul Perry's Hurlesipiers. NtCKKUOMEON.—(iOud nllOWS UQ ROOll biislncKH Inst week. Hill week of 17: ltiilh Clark. Tblluiult Mros.. Cnldwetl nnd Wcnt- worth. Pearl Arnold nnd Nl rice I scope. (tni (W. H, t.'hrlstle. mnnagcr).—Moving pictures nnd HluMratcd songs. Fair busi- ness Is rennctcd. ■■ ■ - WorcvMtcr. — At tlie Franklin (J. I'. Burke. n-Hldcnt tnarnger) "Utile Johnny Jones" I'hv. 17. Mamie Adams, In "Peter Pan." lb. aft, Nance O'Nell, In "The Sor- ceress.'* II, 12. pleased. "The Cow Puncher," i:t, H, mm to fair returns. Vloln Alien. 15. In "Cyiniiellna" IMHK (Alf. T. Wilson, manngerl, — I ho Avemii' filrln week of 17. The company In- eludes: lOlsie l^eslle. Charles Johnson, the Hlutts. Olgu tMlr.fT. McFurluiid and McBon- iild. Li Hoy nnd l.u Vanlou, Mamie Mitchell, nnd the "tllrllgrnph." Last week. Hut WhmIi- iiwtoa Sorlviy tllrls-plnyeri to MM houwts. I'm.t (J, C. Criddle, resident mnuiigerK— Week of 17: Herrmann, tbe ami; tirnll Hoch nud compniiy. In " five's Young Drttniti:" .llmiiile llnrry and Mm Harry, lu 'Tho "Village Cut-Dp:" Jcnnne Ardi-lle, Kmcmnn mi\ Hiildwln, Leila Taylor, Dubois nnd educated ape. and the eleclrograpli. Lnit wenk'H fittrnctlons drew very well. Lvuic (Clnylon Logge. innnnger).—Week of 17, "Northern Lights" will ho produced bv the Chiyton Legge Stock Co. I.ust week, "A Night DnT" proved a very good drawing en nl. Notkh. —After n hearing before the Mayor, Ihn colored people of this city siici-eldcil lu having "The Clansman" ennceled here. It was to have been presented nl tin? Franklin 10 II la rumored Unit the Shuherts will place Ceo. II, Llghton, tho nremrnt treps- acerat Lhe Worcester, nt the numager's desk. snd Hint Mr. witton will sever his coiineiiliiu with tlic house. Irturrcne*.—At the Opera House icmnt St t.'itlm, managers) Mnuu Hillmun Co. held the boards week of Dec. 10, to good burl- iiesH, Special attraction was Jewell's Muni* kin-. Knepnrd'fi moving plchints hud two big nounex 1(1. "ItallroBd Jack" IS. 1ft. "Black Thome" 20, "The fllrl from the Katu-h" 22, Coi.it.viAl. (J, Fred Lees, rnimugcr).—Illg business and nn exceptionally good hill. Hooked week of 17: Coburn and Bum-roft, Juliet Webster, WIIHe Zimmerman, A. K. Murray nnd Cljint bane. Tom Moon*, Wlllnrd SltntoK. Kxposlllun Four, and tin* moving pictures. .-. — ..< .1 ■ i tiiilpiike.—At the Ifperu House fJ. If. O'Coniiell, nuiDnger) "Thr Claiisimia" came Dec. 11. 12, to fair business. Tills play was given two performances here.' owing to the fact that Its Springfield engagement: was '-nn- ccleri 1 . ■ "(Julncy Adams Sawyer" Sn-30. 1 Kupikr {T, V. Murray, managorj.—"Thu Cow I'ni.i'ii it,' L'l-15, played to good business. ker llurlesqiiers 2U-22. '"* gnu" 24-241, itose Sydcll 27-2D. 10-12. nud tli- Night Owls, ) good buslnesiH, The lw erhpeker llurlcsiiiiers 2U-22. "Ilnppy II light - The Knlck- II- Tnuntvn.—At the Taunton Theatre (Cnhii k Croifl, nmnagoni) "Dnrn Thome," Dec. 12, and "Itallrond Jack," I'l, both pleuscd. Tbu William A. Dllllon Co week of 17. itnoin: ISLAM). i'ro\ iiicnci-.—At the ProvUlem-e Opera House (F. It. Wctidelsclincffr, initnugei-) Blanche Hnles, In "The Ulrl of the Golden West," plnyed lo crowded houses Dec. 10-12. Ibi' house being dark tlio remnliidur of tin* week mid the week of 17. Lena Ashtvell, hi "The Hhiiliunlro" nnd "Mrs. Dana's Defense," M*36l .tollii Kcllerd, In "Tnps" and -"Mac- beih," L'7-211. I'mhiii: (SiitHt A Niithnnsmi, managers).— The trained dogs. In "The Way of theTrnns- gi-i'HHor," made n lilt week of ID. James Ken- nedy's' Htock (Jo., in rciKirtory, at popular jirb-es, 17-22. "Around the Clock" ClirlsttuuH wpi-k. Kbivii'h (Chas. Lovenlicrg. iiinnagcr),—On Hie bill for 17 and week are.: The IiitiiietiMii- jihoin', .Inmes J, Moriun, L'lhel MrlhumuKh. J11II11 Klugsley nnd Nelsmi Lewis, llnwlhoriin mid Hurl, Henulngs, Lewis anil IIciiiiIiiks, iti>< Lot/ llrolln'i's, (he I'Ici|uhvh, ITtngeralit und Hilday, Henry and Francis, Jessie Mursden, and I'rliB's dogs. Imi'kiiiai. (Leon II. Curllii. manager),— Miner's Merry Fnrco Comedy Co., lO-lO, dlil big bimliiess. It was followed by tlie Umpire Comedy Co., The Fny Fosler (Jo. Is bllh'tl for 2-1, Thursdny night has heon estubllshuii us nuiatcur night. Wi:MiivNn:n ((Jeo. II. llnti'heller, monii- iferi.—Ilni-ry Bryant's Big MxtravtigaitKa Co. wns (In* nltrnctlon 10. AI. lleeves* Illg H' nn old fnvorllu, 17. Hire A Barton's Co \\ o..ii«miUi-t. - ,u the Woonsocket Dper« Hoiis.'i w. y. iinnv, resident niunagor) Niituo o'Nell, la "The Stticurnss," I>er. 14. Myrklo- Hnrdci Slock Co. 17-22. This liouso wan dm-k 10-11II. j t Hi 11 Tm.vniK (Jus. W. Conklin, tnnuauor). —Stan ton Specialty Co. week of 17. Dusl- iioss rpinulus eii;i>ilent. N'o-ra.— MiihIc Hull, which has been closed) for several seasons, luis hern loused hy Kcnoti ti. hiiiituij, who luis given thu mice nopulur 1 in-lit iv a lliormigh overhnulliig. IJiulcr Mr. Diiiitim'H iiinungetuen,t Ihn t bent re will bo upeiieil us a moving picture hall, to bo known us tlic Nickel. Henry Wnrd will preside nt llic-uhiuo, nnd John 10. Hulllvuu will iippenr with lllitsdiiled songs. ■»« » WF.KT UIU.IMA. U-lii-clliiiic. AI the Court .Tlieiiln- (K. It. Fiun/liclm, munngnr) Mine. Mudjesliu, D'te. 11, had good returns, followed by Jcfferrioii Do Aiigelfs, In "The oiri and the Ouveraur," l-i. to big liusluess. Murray nud Mnck, In •'Around Hie Town." 13, did well. Win. Fa- vci-sluuii, in "Tbe Sriutrw Miin," IT. ' (Blind Opriia Hoi-hh (CIuis. A, BYlnhT, iiiiiiiiip'i'i.-liiiili 1(1-12. Clins. T. Aldrlih, In "Hi'crel Service Sam," HUB, had big rn- luriis. IIIiiiiihIi'Iu'm Iiiiperlnl Stuck Co.,'In ro- portory. 17-22. Hi mi- (Clnud Nelson, iiinnngitr).—lluslneis wns giiod for week ending IB. People for we<-k of 17: Princess Cliluipitlln mid Kd. Nowell, Karl HlNtm-s, ,1. Hose, Hensley, ahd tho inuv- lug [ilvinri'H. Castlk (II- W. liogers, itiniijiger).-rB>iHt- ness wns good for week of 10. Wetk of 17 (lie stuck compnny will produce "Kind Lynns," • * > in.(.\«Aiti;. North AdiuiiM, -Atvilie Kinplre (Jolui F. Kulllvnn, njunnger) "On the Bridge nt Afld- lilglll," Dec. HI, luullnee nud night, illd fnlr oualticsf. "DbtH Iliirum," II, enjoyed good piitmiiHgc and pleased. Onns-Nelwin light idetiires w*-re nliown IS, lo gmid IuisIiichs. llolikC duik week rif 17. RlCKMOVu TitiMTtiB (M. It. Tavlor. resi- dent in.mngcr).-Business last week wns big. Sidney Deun and company made one of Die biggest IiKn of uny net ever semi In the rllv. Traloor and Hide ids.) deserve mention. Hill week of Drc. 17: O'Connor,, Mann tiers mid company. IJvnn Kviiiih, Van Cleve. Went- worth anil I'ele, William II. Burke, iiatii- away and Hulgte. and moving pictures. >'f)TKH.—Blcharil F. O'Brien, local, Is with [Uinlel Hully this season, lu "The Mutch- nuiker," plavlng (lie part of Jim Curter. He la making n line Impression Thomas McLarnle, lucnl, Is one of the leading mem- bers of the John fralg Stock Co.. In Brmtou. The IClks held their annuo I memorial service rt the Kmplre Thentre, Sunday even- log, li, und It was largely attended, Wllinl»ift«H.—At I be (imiid Opera Monte (Joseph I, (Inlucr, mnunffor) "It's All Your Fnilll pleuaeil Dec. 1,V Cliiunuey iilioti, I11 "Kllei'ii Asiliore," 17: lUIiel Hurry- n- , in. "The Cliinsiann" .10-22, Hltiime- Icln's lilenls 24-20. Doi:iiKT.\nfcli'H Oaiiiiuk (W. I* Dock- Hinder, miiniiiturl.—For week of 17 : tihealer D'Auion, Parker's dogs, Orpha Purls 'Iroupe, AruiHiroiig und Clmk, /anores, Arnistroun nuil Dnvls ami tho kliiolograiih. LvcBl'St (Diliilel IliunpliHcN, nuniuger).— "Her (iiilv Sin" pleased biign audleaees 10- I-. 1 . "The Olrl from tlie Sunny South" did fair IkikIdcms l.'t-IB. House durk 17-22. "A Jolly Huron" 2-I-20. "The Fool limine" U7-2H. *»»+ . VliHMDM. llorltuMlon. — At the Slroilg Tlli'illra fi'niiii A lirant. maiingorsi the'Druiy Ojrrt-a Co. iiinrfit. Sunday, Dm, 0, illled Mm boutttt, l-'trul Irilent picijiiinlnated III a siier**!) con- cert. The house wss given by the nuiuiiit*'- nient. Much praise should bn given (lei 1 In inane Soeli'ty for lliclr uctlvlly In helplux the iiiifuriunnle coinnuny lu their nerd, Over F::00 was cleared. House dark week of 10, ulso week of 17. Lome tilwln Co. 2-l-HO, "Tlio Atillmssy Bull" 1. »,» SOUTH < -AKHLIV.'i. Chariot if.--At the Academy of Mimic UK V. Kessler, manager) the Onns.Nclson light t moving pictures) had fair business iH'c. 11. "Are Vou u Mason'/" 12. did well. Mildred and Itouclere, IB, pleased greatly, "Holly Tolly" 20. ' - ♦«'» ' Jli.t'iicixii: A Mkaicin have closed a thres Ti-urs roiitriict with Hie famous Auierlcsn vlollnlste, June Hoed, who will make a tour of Hie United Slates nud Canada under their management, commencing Jan. :i, next. tientilfc Flue, (be, wull kuown Hopruuo, will nccuiapany Miss Heed.