The New York Clipper (December 1906)

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DE0E1HBER 22. THE NEW YORK OlilPPBB 1166 World of Player*, jgp" was la GMenwaod Cemetery, N. T. Mit Gobdox and her husband, Don Gor- don, fancy trLcfc .bicycle riders, Rave a cham- pagne stiptor Sunday, Dec 9, after too last Show nt Dlflht. During the week cbanww bad teed, wid on two dozen quart bottles of The " Trie FATiitB, mothxb and niece of Louise Chicago Vaudevillians Nonak—The Chl- Eoop*. formerly of the Hoops Ulsters, were- cag> Vaudevlllians are not two weeks old cccid'otflll; 1 asphyxiated by illuminating yet, bat they arc making good. Leslie and b»b on the morning of pec. 0, in their home, Russell are getting curtain calls every eight Merniald ' Atcnue and West Seventeenth la their new specialty. The roster Is la fol> alskst K. H*U« a comedian-, and Carrie- day, Street, Cone; Island, N. X. The funeral lows: Scott Leslie, "The Premier ot Black Cecelia Cooper, A member of "Bankers and BrooUj was held Tuesday..Dec. 11, anil Interment Pace;" "JuahUa Rnsaell." cemedleniip; Fred- Broker*" Co.. were married recently ta the West wiin ,"■«>»« «»«*"* •--* Mouet't, Mo.T Tiiankigltlng, .- erica, magician; Cecil Cord, violin virtuoso; BroeJtlyn, N. Y., by Jtho Rev. IX. Schroeder. U. ffWMM «« 'tEST nam Xlafttogs) two dam-es and a home talent niTatr teopfr. GrAco Bryan, pianist; S. 1 RuaseJl. ftdver- A.nisciumiK .U. bankruptcy wm w R«atsd _-.fg**J"ggg. 'VSFjiSSFLETBnl sltlon. Hnrjtey '» wall, and the -nun In llaiug representative. Everybody' worki to Robert T. Hrdnee last week, who filed m W& i«LJg tg ^ 3S ftttTfinHjitoS Ktl> iMtrVh lo appear. l>rt llMf* id we give ten acta, n TohTntnry petition in bankruptcy (n the Han JjV D ™«ft «%■ iS«?Sr San frlnSSS our advance representative, wn* tnken -TJ], and Williams are In their laat week United States Court on Rent. 15 last aliow- *£• »"» '^.J * ,h 0 «l5to ' ir ™ IWI * g n<t nft ,V ,„ How wltb the show at Ofaird. lORjabUhleft of Jf,071, will, no assets. "TfifcSiiffl &■* *> «**• Png'««l fc. W. fe* "Tim Wuitk Sttf .compAiiy. of Saw ^y|g»g»a? t S>g M Ki£SSBa w ZS Wlcltltn. Knot,., to I alto Mr. RnIr£M* York, which Intends i» prodw* and eipJoit «"•.*«* JgSLSSrtaf^nSit tout c,n£ Mr. Mnnjer 5 fete Bm work ahead, SS playa. was ipcorpornt^ln Aluany, N *., lg "oJTSJS Divio and? tic OtftHm I" wBS *I«oIwn of by local manaWm. «n.D«. lit. wltlT a,coital of \KMOjxm . the Mauager Edward Hoy o ami V* <«I>*£^ j y i h w -. loe drawing came off Saturday even- ing And Mat <iordon held the luck; number, rrtiicli wai '75. Those present were: May and Don Oordnn, Blossom Robinson, Master joe Goodwin, Sabra and Al., of the marvel- ous Cowlei Family; Timothy Collins, John renders, w- J. Furlong, Harry Morris, Clans Ivena and others. M _, Wbkon'a and Fbank Notes. —We closed p' very phnsant and successful season with the Pawnee Bill Wild West Show at Nash- ville, Tenn.. and are now resting for a few weeks at the Cumberland Park Club, situ* ntcd at the Fair grounds, near Nashville. It la an Ideal place for ua, as we have the stables and covered track to work oar high school horse! Columbus, and also our shoot- ing horses. We have charge of the shooting club and we are working oat Borne new stuff, Weubna'8 shooting act, Mile. Sommervllle and Coiumhas were the feature acts of the show this season. 'Leo. F. HahjUhon, "Our Hebrew Cousin," writes: "1 Joined the Francis Greene Stock Co. at Acton, Ontario, Nov. 6. and am meet- In? wltb success. I have added a few new parodies and several new stories to my reflate oct.'Lavinsky'a Troubles,' which la making fl hit everywhere. I am booked for herd, and ittNfl and yCilj.iams .ire In their on tho Jackson middle W«st circuit, sad open Dec. 24, on the Levy, Loverlcb and Lfihclaftl coast circuit for twelve weeks, thin being their third time over the "8 L" drctitti. 1 .[AN.u;n;t Habry Mooru, of thV^Grnii'l Family Theatre, at Fargo, N. D.. ei— that there la now no doubt but that vaudeville bete will be opened "__ the date fixed for the regular vnu start. The fun will begin with a n 2.30, Christmas eve day, with the highest dnss vaudeville people obtainable, the latent moving picture shows snd catchy Must rated songs. The prices will be 10, 20 and 30 cents, with three performances dally, at 2.30, 7-3Q and 9 p. u. Nona pbom McQuinn's Canadian P"ATHFiwDEns.—We opened our regular set- toa at Marlliaok, Can.. Oct, 1, and up to this writing business has been at the top notch. At Cobden we packed them In for three nights, at popular prices, and made good for a return date. This season was our first Into olil Quebec, and it has proved a winner. The aurance policy, and a small niuonnt of money in the Bank, llis principal creditors ar« the N>w Amsterdam Nstlontil Bank, the Met- ropolitan I'rtntlOK Co., Ida Conquest,■ urwt „ reetaf* emtreet with Arnold Dely. Mr. Dillingham says that after a* hnn _»t_arrc4 I'Bw-RrjBDr.tTe Mr'inly for "one season. In New Votk. he Ht.h:k Co.— Wo ore in our nlncteenih week »*. "»V..«f Q - u VTbeutre Antoiae"'Tn tble of the moat prosperous wnaon l /* *'!• , W ft2ff My. '^Mr. Daly's 'tTr»t"plsy iuidpr DUIIa* company numbers six people besides the Me- ft Engelbart. of Lohdon. and the-John Lau- elljr. . Mr. £■¥» TO-R a £ V■■g Qnluu Family, which alone numbers seven, caster estate, of London, for Sl7 t 4i>», am- hams l £&£*f*l**™ v™«» r Ti»» ■ The roster is as follows: Little Lorraine, tlngent on the lease of the Shaftesbury The- ?• ^ J* w \ J ? bB ^° v«!fc T« I Resinald. Jeannette. Kathleen, Rose. Mr. ami «tre. Tho firm debts arc Jltl,3W, snd assets » prodnceii in ,jy ew _ >5 r »j ll i m . l ' 88eW D^urhi^fh^ran M ft r? W Da!? r wlli'!gIve^it«lal Mrs. UcQutno. Billy WcHton, black face com- |7,300. Milan; Joe Riley, IrUh comwlJaa; St. Swarty I11ESB d„ vaus writes: "I will m>t bo the Eaitern parka Delt Summer." Water, tlancera: Mr. and Mrs. Loopnpre. ttUe t0 „ „ n ,(,,, rMi tttla Mason on account Ilvanv BtBNa, bag puncber, playa his laat n»<I trained dop and pletore outfit. He close 0[ ,„ L£kk I hate not boon out since tbo —i -. d~-.«- A Chrlatraaa week, at Newcaatle, and open tor .._- \- fob matinee, encn week, ol fbrcj <mt> act 1>1b£» "The-Flag Station, ".the Mentej'a- ra*,' and "The Lemonade Bo.v\ . j ;- • CtiAJtijBa ctRTwnioiiT has. awi™*. 'Tho Thr* rosier Is; The*. K. bt-FtSTK S.Jliitlcw, N. U. HurdWle.-O. A, Clnrhe, 0.1. Miiwbury, Thus. Mi ■ »«I«- ran, w. A. Orlgj. B»rt Sciitlitni. C. J.-De- wilt. Al. Vade, tht Mlsaea Fannlo Da-Pew. Virclnla Duncan, Molllc Bennett, •oyrtlj Vaile, Floaaln Wheeler, Minnie Ca»y,-«rlrl the Wheeler Hlatew. Chrlstrna, wtsh'wlll be spent at Alton, III. ■'• '„ • KOTKH WIOU WlBDSlUSM'rt BlO "HW C*U- iJSg ufTcL Kniertataers, 1g A'SL'SBgS'L 23f£&& ?>»"»_"»»«• Decl4- la , and .boUxw ;.waa Sle anli'?WtrlSi W lesque Co. early. _ coinpnnv on account of her health, Hkrkv and Berby. write that their act has met with bi? success over the Western Vaudeville rcircnJt this season. Week of Bee. 10 Uiey topped the bill at the Grand, Grand Haplda. They go to the Berry farm for the holidays. Heart Axn trot write that they dosed" weeks* work with the Payton Sis- ters* Big Co. at ■ Coi-aicana, Tex., Dee. 1 which' was engagement. GuBtavc Peter eon'. _ at Alvln, Tex. While laying over on Sun- day. 2, in Corslcana, Mr. Hunt was nicely entertained by the Eagles; ManspibLuand IFakvey write: "We are Kpendlng a few weeks at our home in Sharon, Idaho, whore wc arc arranging a new act. After the bolidavs we will resume work." Tho's. G. Heath writes: "Alice Walsh nod myself bare severed our business connec- tions with VYolL It, Hyde, and are now doing a reJlned, up-to-date singing act in one, wtlb four changes. We opened at Jollct week uf Uec. 3, with big success, and "pen at Appletoii, Wis.; week of r»ec. 17, for the Western Vaudeville Association, with twelve weeks to follow." Faoan 'and MEitttiAU, Irish singing And dimcing" sketdi- team, are together again, HatUe Merriam having entirely recovered TrOm an eight weeks' illness. They are at present going over the New England circuit, after which they will play tho West again. Tbo act, Ih'ey write, Is meeting with good success, and they are booked a long way ahead. Smith ajatl Abado closed with the Trans- atlantic BurlowjUfi Co., and accepted sixteen weeks from Iho Western Vaudeville Asso- ciation. BtNGU-ui, the ventriloquist: Belle Verna and the Three Auburns bare finished a sue- ressfnl season with Cooley & Uagan's Float- ing Theatre, and have Joined the Coagrovc Stock Co.. making their second season with tils orBunistatlon- . Viu.i.v-t Gbo»s, German comedian, is still with Ferfla' Comedians, and reports meet- new aerial act. Miss Galle claims to be the only Wi.roan gymnast In existence dl&roblng oa. a breakaway porch, making two complete changes of wardrobe. Whii-k Leonard and Baatedo were playing ar the Star Theatre, Miracle,- lod., Wm. Leon. tory Ibualnos'i., Jo* J. HulIiVan-.j praMntlag. thfr musical comedy drama, ^fhe niackthttra^? fep»«5 ni L lit iiLUi j urunc, iuhuuc, iu-j., mm. u^u-.- ard became a.member of Muncle Lodge, Mo, 2P. T. M. A. The team la cess on Gus Sun's circuit. mSafmM Urtr £nilanfl,"~wh\'trc i' touring. '% \ A aiitw chukot niUWA I is. how affjj. 2P. T. M. A. The team 1b meeting rith sne- s» on Gus Sun's circuit. Claudr Austin, comedy Juggler, uses n Landgou McCormlck. ontJlkd ^bft/'VrliJttd Fritz?! with Jo*. F. •HiurtlB na tho. M*r, from Alio ,ppn. uf ^riead just the same, and after the show the poodle was found In Mr. King's.hat in the dresstog Nat Blossom and wijb (Nellie E. Bios- torn), who arc meeting with big success Ihrough Minnesota, South Dakota and Iowa, giving high class entertain meats, are getting return dates everywhere. Notes nioii the Cuackerjack Co. — Wb have just uioscd two very succesHlul weeks ut lliilLlmore. Itiislness was great, and the bhow a grand KiicgeHS. cud all are'happy. At .the Gayely, 1'ittsburg. we broke the rec- ord, and that, too, tho week ■ before Christ- mas, when the atores aro'all open and people all savtng their spare caHh. ear prei- cnts, wblcli makes our attraction all the stronger, and the only show that can pro- duce the quality of goods that finds, ready SurchaBers. This company seenm to be In emand. We opeu nt Cincinnati Christians week, nnd if our prior date there is any criterion, we should do a great week. Leslie and Williams, who are, plajing the Wm. Morris Western time, arc booked solid to April 28. 1907. . . Brown and Wilmot, who are working on Western time, report that their act. Is meet- I am niVfV gnlnir -to* my home, a-farm Inthe mountains of Pennsylvania, ;by advice of my doctor, where I hope by next season to have better health than ever." I-j NnTf.K 1-HOM CARItOLi. DURW ASD'COMPANV. —We have been playing the Slate of- SIlw- aoiirl the pant month, and buslne**: has ttecit very .good. Thecomiany is Jnst'the MM » *j nt ^orrlitown,- Pa.», on -few., lo- rn when It opened early in tuo ; aeasoa,-and in«.'Mnir put ont by- Writ. W. Wilier,. 6t is making good everywhere.-, vyhlle. playlu« the OUard Theuirc, JPbllfldHiJhln; and 'la -"Tdnetloo,. lh'fcw lucre-many ntfval Ms, -MK .fllortli. all, Tiawi (rem two to flw snows each wcc,k« to say nothing <xt the many rHrnlvalii that an; merely ekliue out ua ■ i»jd«lence a(l over the State.- We only hnve n fnv, - mora .nUnrtn In the Stflte, and then we go lutA'TeM*, where the Ikehses are reasoBanle, nnd wn hope for better returns. Gncni* Laughlm Joined tho edvabce MnM l»e.'l, ttt Ajoe- andrlfl. Manager'a ollie-r shew (llasoii ft Dlgou's "Uncle Tom'» Cabin" Co.I is doing a lloo bualness lu rXanus and >u- flDTKS HtOK SWIIELV, HHII'MaHv'Ai'CO^- Dffi»«- Ins Stock Co.,(WrlteB: at Hamilton, •'N.-|V., o _ It In my Ihtflflllito, howvTcr, W KorgattU t_>.v.A „.-..,, 4*i,I,t(U j'm'.iii'im thnti tatrnp' 1 • In'the near futufe), stronger thati erer. MlLliKED Bf.ANCMAl|D. the»j .: i; £■, i Dec, . MUa'-Dlanrhtii-d" \,iTl Vet^kn to Ami.-rki4 elHy in September, .IDOL ultd will appear nt 'the irowds. The company is under the managf- ment.of Howard Powers, with Will 1). >'. Norton as bualness manager- ■ '■ " ' llAORY M. ItOYALK AND WIKK (f'ur'.d ■ La n- dou) are spending the holiday* at.the home of Miss l>andon's parents, Kainnuazoa Mich. They closed with ' rllmer Walters' "Windy Sum from Amsterdam" Co.. at liijou Theutre, Chicago, Dec. IB, till after the holiday*. Mr. .Itoynle says: "The utage I»oy« of : tno Bijou" nicknamed Miss Landou '<ilnger,' and she-will use the-sobriquet lu the future." Mgbsuk. Lierlkk & Co»tPAKV have en- gaged as a new star, Isabel Irving, who will go on tour lu "Susan In Search of a Hns- ^ band.*'. Mlsa Irving will begin her starring which they upenti'lft C*t engagement Jan. 7. In Los Angeles. She that week, with ihC, aid I i-IuhciI my cot owing' to bail ieti rttotn after her TiicJday night aonearanc* These two voMiig stars havo liH'n doing ancn au excellent'biunneiH tho entire ueaHoni, «ne lave cretitmi «Ucli uu vxcellmt InijytMelofb, nniuy nsLurndatm nrc being boblied. pnne, sailed: for■'■ Liverpool remtn ,,, and will an,— principal thekirei'lo tho United Htutt^ahtl Cunndfl, In ,the. fdUowlngTupprtorr.: -"Clen- rmtrfl," ''Macovtht 1 ' 'M.eal.;.ihc rorstltcn, '•Marie UlUart" and ''l?eiior|i.'' Hblbton and ■Hoop write that owltlg .to the closing of Savjlfe's "HUmpty Puupty'' Co., they wetH - compelled to low ni.week, '- uoehofltou, 0«* but' In " of tm.Cttates- wlTl Ih; supported by a "eonipany Including' tbev were abls to lookup (even VgWH t'Wti ■■* with Blennor opening nt the BJJojl;.fhviitN, Ciftton!" 0. ■ While in CoeWctop, they wore ruynHyvontef. PS Mi!ry Shaw has 'Juat relurn(Hl;froDi fenM seriy «ntl will soon beiln «cliH:tlitg tbo cii«i-whlcJi Is-In support her lu "Alice ttltbj-tlio-Fll'0, J ' which will bo tnutler tbo iuflu«Ken)Bnt *ot Hweely, Shlpman ft Co. A apleitUM te«r has been book-;d for Wm ftbnw, ontr the'the- ■trego+ra ihcov-Rhnut tha country are lookipc forward cngcriy td liw advent, Laura Buyrt and Henry- Hhtntord, who haw Juat dosed a topr of Iho lur«;er rfekw of the Boutlirjii "Dorothy Vernon, of ilitddon Hull, will com- mfloce a fonr weeks* tour of Cunadn at-tlho some of those who, appeared v of a llua- rbewi Play- Canton; ■ 0. ,w .'oyfllly'iintef* t'al'nid 'by^Moniifr ciit'te'r""«i)4 Hie <2<Jt»J Prlneraa Tlicutre. in Toronto, oo Dec.' Thero la cvory Indication that, n warm *■«■ coDio awaits them In Otnailii, porllcolarUr by roasoii of Uielr riecent aaMn'intion ■ — ing i-ith hi?success, and any they are spoken S^J l ^^ e ..^^'SriS tt bot rA l ^&^Sk t L^ffSi j-isr'ffijd^uirtSsTafK: KfiWtffMMffi jusz^^s^sr^ssisrsi '"^Sr^o^^ty^^u^ertal ggjj. ^™^T.? m %l\ aSl! *1B™ r.0„ .T«K,J,,a, &«*,*& JV S|l $2'JffUS!L VUg*** performer, who la being featured on the Jackson circuit, nnd has the Novelty circuit to: follow, reports that her act bss been a pl.y lap} wHsLMt anecess. blg_hlt oa every bill. WHIT—" Jessie Irett have also been engagea 0. aiip- Co.—This popular lYtllB CvmWI«anpl«r)l|lBji ird Itowo Co.. . . iKirt Miss Irvluir ' featured m the liepd of l«r »«t) »Wf" "■'"'a- Nutw mna Couas * inOHIIf 1 0« "BoY^hassigneu with the Butler- pan, at the Mptfe%Wlr* ..Whw'"* & '%""' 0t ^"•C Co - •SSPSlSel'l Price Stock Co., for roles, spcclalllea and Va.' Her drainMlo .*«*. K N,rll«t:l'i asUI■ Bh- Allen. mnna«er.~«e are still l'l»?J°« J lllmtrated songa. Irheu, and this, eitoblilnd »'ltl» u-nnfl.tlBf- Haski Knapi- cloned wllh CliaB. II. Vale's lug-voice end n cl*ver.dOH'liig H|.r;rlaltT**ofl« 3EO.M. Jackson vrrltes trora llotteroarn. L'6. but were trasBierreo to "•"■"Ji.'^Sk "! Uie TraaMresM)r■' Co.. on Dec. 1, won her m , any.adBltek«..-,Hll* wll IB » be !.. under date of Dec. 3. as follows: "The tor'a Union Square. New York, and met with "£*,£$' the '■IluuVan fiearU" Ch <Uf f°a tun* of tB";S((ls 1. Bros' .Big Suffl- mou«. Jackson Family• of Aroerlcan'cycl at, success. They played the Howard Theatre ^ M ^gS%S» blsTd role*of Frsderlck »«■ Stork Co,' tvhjcb.oufo,-. In.JlayT 1WB. K^*g&™2&3g2&JHE* "IISIL j». t no OT .» utile Araedsle'thefosvy. .''-'..■... T. .. TOtwlll bb». -Itf* **_«*»»•*»•'!*■ rxELT and Bell were hooked to the Howard Theatre, Boston, week of nov, W. Jackson writes from Rotterdam. 26. but were transferred to KeUh t l'roc Hoi y&mou wlLl clcse j in France, Germany and Holland, at Ham- 1'bedeiuck Humes Jn., Known as little ham, fier 'Wc sail for America Jan. 8, and -Skldoo," two years old. made his flrst ap- open at Keith & Proctor's Fifth Avenue, New pearancc at the fJ rand Opera House, Grand York. Jail. 21, with the circuit to follow. fr'iuKK and Etta Clbbmonto write tram fJtoKter. Scot. (Grand Theatre), that they opened with tho Losky & Rolf Fourteen mack rinsdars at the above theatre oa Dec. 5. -to a hill house. The net scored a line atMte doping the big production (panto- iuiine>. , Mrs. Clermonto did an ecceutrlc dance that met the approval of the audience. Thty also state that they have signed con- tracts with the Lusky-Koif Co. for one year. The trip' from New York wan a most de- . lightfnl one. Jesse Lanky nnd bis mother Armadale, the-heavy. L'oNtA- RlDufc, general agent.of the Kdsall- Winthi-ope'attractions, writes ; "ThjH la...the eft-frith lb* nhoMe»tMmp«)y. . evio 'o banner i»u«inc«n. and In 1'rcncott. Ar!z.,-~bng before It km time for the ,co up, we bed the.H. K. O., sljcn «p. The K.k.Tw- aire,' at Preacott, Is oae of tho Unhut rtnd beH eruUpped vhousea lu the Went, nhd tnoy nre nble lo slogf>.n'ny comiwny touring-the i-oitiitrr, Our router: I*eon-Alwn,'ma.nag*r ; Dick (town, hu»lneK8 oianager; IHmar., nimffiii.'i iih I Up. .White, Albert rrV'ltoheirt •firecn, .j.iT. Ea^QE \«„k — mo tun* biiiM. h KiicrcHfl that nrru Reason',Of me rjohdii-.vimoruiw. owjct a;o. ; uozcr (e »tuiim, hV^if'aSw^et/tnedTn'tta actTwbfcir.a Co., and has p^,to*»c*t,.te^Ofni KanV, ^MR he Is V^S^l^^SL^L^S^ monnrchH* as to a\Tother show.. In tbe South Ha;nna Dave C*i*p*i?tU**i 'flrecn. .J :T hS?^, 11 W i'Tniff M' ^rflfS !IJ ?Br-fSK 1Wpast live-wwks have.Iieeu -Brown Itert {oWil,*, If«ni|l«-d»l-llton. "Sfadoo,' the sniallOBt Dutch .comedian on D0(J _ At rCharleston. H.-C. we gave Lucille Mm • Va W^'lllliiifrlw WttJW A. j! DtmUnt'ck, ntmlcul director; W,- C. IW,..' ...-J." .ll_,.->... . LI a.l,Jll!lu.^ Aim.. setting. Including pluah dropa. Lkonauo and l'litLLii'b write: .tnd father were in Glasgow, but have gone specially engap-d to tlnlah * m % < "tV?Vi« und were re-engaged for week of 17 at .the Hippodrome, Plttuburg. Pa., breaking a Jump Into Chicago, where we ure booked up until May. We return to New York City In June, when we «ail for England." Bekn'btt'b Canadian Ciultit, comprising theatres at London. Hamilton, Ottawa and Montreal, are now being hooked through B. Iiack' at I^hdon before they go to Tarla. The Fourteen Black Hussars are being well received. SuPiRiiF. Court Juhticb O'Gokman has sppro'ved the'lucorporatlon of the Vaudeville Coinedv. Cliib. on application of Daniel O'Relllv. Tl(e club was lucorijorutcd for mutual protection of Its members lo all lejml wayB In procuring an equitable contract he* twen riianagers and autors. and to protect lets and parts of nttc. The incorporators are':."Will M. CreKwy. James I. Morion. Lee Ilu'rrlsoe.- George Felix oud Charles J. Hteln. Is\rw:rJ LlLLIKV AM' AX.NIB BLOCU, tWO Viddloh vaudeville performers, were mar- ried on pec. 1^, at the Grand Central L'alace. S'ew Tork City. _ . _ „ Week or Dec!. 17 the Cowles Family are going .to their bomR In Altoooa, Wia., to lake a tcucti needed rest, as they have worked almost constantly. They are also planning a big; ChrlBtmuB for Baby Cowles. They will rest until-the first of the year, when they will gn out again with a new act. Raymond Mbbritt has canceled all of his vaudeville bookings In Los Angeles, Col., until FfiAtiL-lBViWopened at the Boston The- atre; Lowell.' Mans., Dec. 17, for the season. In ntnck b«rr88rjue,'as an arranger and pro- ducer. , „ Em VlUaW lu hla Jopauese juggling na> claltv,. was. one of tho features at the new I'edpV*. Thehtre. Ulbbiug. Minn the open- ing-week. He will be at the Elks" Carnival, Jack Davik h'aB dissolved pnrtnerahin with " ner partner, and Is doing a charac- .:■)<• North. Jaci; Wcst ASp-'Mdr.'h-(W KMtLiP?,;.W° ri'<o*«y-Hii(l iW- _ doing - .. Southwe.Bt. The Kdsall-Wlnthropc Pavilion Show opens In February," . ■ „ '■ Notes now the Bo«ton Ideal CottiiDY-'«re playing ItW'rnMHpl Co., Mort Franklin, manager..---We cloae for brettp roles wllh WqBgX the holjdnya at Front Iloyai; Va., on Dec, 22; The company has been Houth Iho paet *c4r, playlng^hree^nlKht fitnnda a uti ii i WnMl y, Turner, stn£t- dlMetot; F. MeOlllerd.. fllec- rrlclmi: Vli-tor Pan at. tllle roll?: Bnhl* Allan. Loin lirlrtgo, Alfred Hrldu-j, J. Hoane- ▼el, Nat Vsle, Tom Murko and Anetv Brady. Tip. Oth ltHLfAULr; Ih a. pleasant raller. NOTKU KlIIlM' 'Tlltl IIOWBTMOON" ■■ CO.— Weather Tory bad,'but we nro doing a fair buslucBB. ■ <;harloft^ Purnott, as Juliana,, keeps then, roaring all through the ihow. 1 • Under m Ztm. Tt open again tn January, after a two weeks' rest. In New York Stale, producing a Tow <Jerman comedy, "written" by. Manager Frank- j—fin* —if■T^a^aT^aa-BaV offlce ~~The -•». ' n which John K. Myers will. aBsurne house on Dec. 10. The.houseB la Montreal German Senator. " Mr. and Urn. Hyeraare to'visit their home In'Newark, NV J., during the lay-off. and Mr. Franklin will upend « few daya in the clty.-then. go to his home,In Kurope on Tueutlay, VHy Cnhoes, N..Y., to remain unlll the opening, weeks' vncatlon ~" The company 1b to be strengthened for the opeu In Boston, corning peason, * -._ L■ • -'- • Manaoeh Andbi.w MiM'mkv; and wife are ■pending the holidays or their homo In Me- dina, N. Y M having recently closed their ban- ner ueoson ot fifteen years at Winnipeg-. Man. in .Chicago they, were the guests of Elinor >lnndevillo (Mrs. M.< 0, Iloward), .where the Merry MalderjH - , Co*. MxA.vro?. and rjA^nfa — are * meeting^ with ^Vi^i^J'^L^K'J'tL', ' , « n iuaiiMgor. will go" hi ndvuiee or'a w#jl , IVI" nuvwn, \,ui,nviiiiis ,a_ .. ful. sjiftHiiii of about nlnij mon iho; luHi'lnif tin- I'ulti-d HUiK-M nnd (/Id Mexico,' JlHlnlt-Tldaf, : being of Mp aggie M« Hoy. U!s" for,oeL- partner, termonologue. Or.Uf ToSaar anu Ban assisted by Al. G. ^"KWaSW- Kia^'K.tflcrs'ewS.'S tlful 'Masonic llorae. _ Mr. Young writes (hat the affair was most successful? especially the . pfrfitrruance -JK Great C,ay; hnndnuff expert, who, during the afteciooD.. was sucoessful in nreaMng ont ol 'taa'cDUiity Jail, after unlocking three huge Iron 'door*..and in the evening, dur- ing ,lhe Derfurnancc, he escaped from a straJghl jacket-. ,, ,.„,' Thb ' TaocADEiio QiiACTiriTi; wrlle : "We are now playing vaudeville dates, .haying ami Hamilton open lu February of next year. The Gbbat Lk Dbnt, premier Juggler, baa be»n engaged by Jenn Bedlnl, In bis success- ful act, "The 11 J's." Lottie Gilson wilt join ihe 'lwcntletb Century Maids Jan. 14. at Boston. miscellaneous, ., „ — — ■- Mandevlltc (Mrs. M.< 0, nowa Uobteii or Dr. C. O. Spanglec'M IHg Medi- the'y'ali spent a moBt enjpyahle-week. n clue Co.: - Dr. C.'O.-Spanglee. nmnagec: Mrs. Mr.-and Mpa.<W. K. Brownino aontinue V. O. Hpaugler. cbnraclern : Edna Mac Hpang- iucceasfully. Ip ^Chinatown Charlie,"* Mrs. ler,- sonbrette: Kugene Spongier, buck and Browning being particularly effective-ln.tbe wlug dancer: Grace B. La Monte. plaalHt • and Ingetiutf; Jesse Atkens, contortionist and Hiirfiilfh ring act: Prof. Jalllette. ciarhctorb: VA. IlaK black face comedian; Harry Do Castor, pyramid aud trapeze act We aro louring wept Virginia in our own private car. I'rof Kugene, with his.'troupe of .edu- cated dogs, and Van, the high dlrfng dog, la uIho with us. Titk Ekerbok Faiacb closed Nov 2"i. at Morgan City, La. Those cloning with the company were: Bud Meeley and wife, Alfred Phillips, Dan Carray, Bay Car- ray. Autt-e 8yken, May Hamilton. Tlllle *"nk White, Dell Ilofman, Geo. Buckhollz, Tom Morris, Chas. Treadway, liarl Found, Cbas. Conger, Walter Falken- etelu, Wm." llegg nnd ¥. C Dollmyer. AMtlb'faiii'. wrKir. *li» ... feOfc^-^TItv.y .\HJfihtA ., . vprypleaaant two wpf'kb'^itli Wnu^v rfihl known theatrical comi Storllng, TQOf>k«l Jii>Jjn*;H Ttifitt HprlBB- Ihimh bill -poster, bua re The MuhicAk Joiwitievti retiir4Bivfnji& "'uemWy, fM%; : -n. AtWr< ft. fair an wllh 1 their 'ttiirfails-thcx mill ...mi, it.Ktlth'ii riifiitre-'VeoH *1f ,l«u. 1*. for a rour^luVlii^/L'iihit+n'Veelt*. Thsv will return to Ehtf.and • m Jtuje ,iife|t, for. a thirty-two vtot/UtTfnMr ot thr MjJ-a Kmpini. thcatrea, lngliam, .. tttr _ 1*hok.. Khank J. rr/*i)i>''l«(iil jtrcKout tiyj ' iw " B, H, Hitm'ond, miifilcal director wlthtthe vlvpdlait week lij^ an eugagenient at Plyiuiv Ihtorailtiooil Tho- atre, (Hidden, Wis. lJ* r wlfj'rpHiirne*-.h|fi pp- sltlon uHMiiusicdl dlri'Mur nfn yyell known road company after tlK* 'hollfldyit., ,' ■,":"..' The oi-d Tinii; sticfeljs.of Mjntile-.Mnduu'hi and -LImIb Kvaha, ''Fflgr^ Fetry," .wiit.;rt- Cntfor ■ Stock-Cot. Joined the Kagle*, Aerie No,. 1505, at Lisbon, O., Dec. 12. j Ai,BeaT Dabbtnoton Ii>ln his nineteenth w-ek with the. "Trip tn Egyrt"Co, and re- port!" meeting with iiHgMB, ' .-' ■ ■ Hsnit C. Oaks ban'signed to do the light eomedy role with Robert Downing, In "Ilnn- nlog for Governor." ■ ; (Tuas. L, Bl.\ney comes forward thin sea- son with another dramatic masterpiece for the popular price ' circuit, ia a comedy drama offerlug, "Old Iaaara from the Bowery," Introducing. Harry First, woods fflst winning laurels tn Irtcrpretlng this character creation. Mr, Uianey-B p. _. Bald, to' deal with some two incidents that g (I moping Pictures. Elayed Feorla- Chlcapo. Cincinnati and FittB- jrg for the'Western Vaudeville AgBociation, wSF-JOn 'United. Booking Agency, jumping The Emho.v Kinctob cores, with their vurlous latest Improvements, Including a new takeup. are In big .fcuinnd with llluatmtors. "A Midwikteb nioht-*s Dueam" Is a tliaely ■„ Him furnished by the Vltagraph. - hack to Illinois, wbpr.' we play tne Western "Cnv Bank DgPACLtcn' 7 nnd "A Thrlllhi« vrmHtirillc-tlwe." beginning at. Decatur. III.. Detective Story" are iiiu-rentlug LuUlu fillip. LnviiiiC missed only ono week since closing 'Xhu Powkq automatic film shield Jb the with the enmbtnation. 'Around tho Town,*" lateat Wa. H. FORTSKK A.sti Pat Blksaud Qiniw Vow, nre now doing h feature specialty wltb the ougli , suQiey. stock Co.- ■ ■•■'■■ mmtuwmm happened In the life: of u Well known .ru«r- chsnt of the East side of;the City of New York. Harry First, In the character .of Old Issues, the Installment nun), glres a brll- linnry to the character of tho honest old Hebrew. Tito supporting company fta one of Btroacth. and the'prodiletlon is one of ei- ccllence. It will be sean In ibl- city at tbe American Theatre. • ■ ; ■ _ II. Ivi-.KAii, who rt-cently cloied wllh 'fh« Burmin 8lHrri'""<:«., nt Cresten, lu., hna been n-eneaged for the "For Her Bake" Co., us lefdloir man. Ueo.. f. Montgomery, musliud ol I rector, has .uny; II. M, Miutof, .... poster, bua returned,to Nflw.yorlr; Wai. Morefiesd and .1. WalliKv, to Hourjtvu; t'. Thumpsop, to KuiiHaH Ut;'i; i>..'ht>o)t-l<''. tiii-1 11. Btltes, to IVi.vcr; C I'lhBlOr, ,t.. imlly-i; It, ||oo.'«t. to Ciuthih".. (J. HiA'rlH.'lii I'ltubiirg: A. Turrell, to■ Tinwltn^iniU r. Jhirber, to Cedarvlllc, 0. The buy*'on law ear'fBBra gliul to get buck lu tbn biafc,-. and Ihiiho for tltchoiliutye. ...," :■ ." ' Nii-[ i:h i'iicm THg' ,1, K. IIUMIIf Know.'-t- We- an* lit Winter tiiiiirlern, «t HUdiewiH. hid. Ter.. Mr. IlenryH hoinif. , ''flieSweajlu'r \h line, find I be uuiionlu are lu ffood.cuhdiauil. Mr. lleui-v i M JiM-i-i'UHlng IiIn wTawf 'uii«I*tfyn li'Ti'. uddluif n ftit'ii tu the, larffecopagli Jo .hold Ion wore luirseH. Ttlit, b|1o,w««UJ1I \ii <>i|Jarued •licit seaHon t« u u(tc*,n ■ w,ji|foii (Hity playing nhow, will irurry about thirty p.opl.i w\ "a baud. Mr. ll<!urj Ih liri'ukiug' ; lr\''fi>iir ainre Hhtdlund poiib'H lliut ure (horuiigh' bredH. t'li.y aro three year* ojil. utid- only w.*lgli .50' pmnidM 1'iu'li,' height,,.H*:, lueliw, mid. will hIko ii<id live* or all uiun; - qVjgs U> hla troupe, wiilcb Ik now one of the liest troii|K'M of Krtjiicli poodles on tiie roud.* Bant rcKHrdrt to Thk oi,)i Ul-liaule. We .cuUUl nut. get along wllhout It. • . Ttiu AiiKKNB write from Havana, Culw: "Wc closed, sfter four weeks wltb the Clr<;ii.< Fetilx, and have .IgmU wltb the great, fublf- ahlo h) attend the funeral •wrelceK owlhjr to looet, Clrcus.'OpenJnif on Tir.v. a, for a tour the dluUncc, aed ttt« Into ltour-ut-.whjch the until April 1, )\hit. Will return to New mcHHOge was received.,' . ., York Aurll lo, uod start ou. our Amitiesu - F. J. BTBATtOM has signed with Cqay. K. tone April 2-\ ab Ihe Howard, Ronton.'* 1 . . f- Elaitey'u 'new ihow, , 'Kl(tu4] , l»fU for -He- tiib HenhatiuKal Doiskk wrho that tut* venue' Co. . . • * - , inutle n distliu-t hit ™t every-performami of "* f - -- - ** *■ * *— l —» - *■— ,),:. In /i..,,* l"l....... ..!.•■ fr.r I .... .....1... .1 "Fflgfi'd Feri ^ tl»t MB AalflWy l»rirt- "Coon Hollow." Id Ablhlrv I'drfc and Anjlipi, with marked succew.' ah«- will b» hlhyed it Intervals rturlDg ihe>r#at-'Of thp J ac'afcorr. Leona Catitcb. known in., urinate, life d« Mrs.-Leona 8s|va(l,.wrlt«; "I vns'gratltM a divorce frbln A- jL iiuivall, irt Judge Wlude's t.'ourt, Chlcatto, 111., OD T Dac:-8,'' ' ■ While ri**iriNa Waul(tf|ian. Ill:, Llpcoln J. riumer. tbe Tom Logan of the Western "Hitman Hcarte" Co., reo»Ired a telegram informlnj him of Ua* dflatli or bin oiothfr, Mrs, Comfort I'limer- Mr, Fluiuer was us- DteMQ. _ Cliaa. Frohman .-diHir Circus, 'given for two nm ei VillHiiitm. In Tolwln. clnslng L>eo. $,' ■ LIO'/.-lu. ^t.'U so Kcu,r lia'a b«tco, tmita-'ty tiiiVVln oaroan for rxtt-llpowftf.'■ ', 'I" ''" TELL ME, PRETTY MAIDEN 1 ■ ■ .WfuAt OlC0rglft«Ju]d:ICB po-nlhiy riiwl tlmu on.: «t bKtV relfCAWLWUl' I'. 1, KII.MM 11,11, ll< atath'.*,,'. ■_ Its Wwl Itto SI.VrSflwll'JlK—