The New York Clipper (December 1906)

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December 29v THE KJhiW YORK OLTPPEBi 1189 COLORADO. Dtenver.—At the Tabor G r« o -1. (Mrs, E. K.. UcCourt, manager) '"Phe Sultaa of Suit)," hit weak. plnycd. to to!; houses. Week of Dm 24, Maude Pfcaly.- ,,nBM»ffAyMM*fc.'-E. F, McCourt. niu- fieri,-—This house was dark last week. Week tit-24, ."In the Bishop's Carriage;" week of 31, Melptyre and Tleaili""- U:!?hecm (Martin Beck, general mana- ger).—-Good bouses ruled lost week with; Vaico. Jtmle McCreo and company, Uus Ed- ward*' School Boys and Girls,. Wilson Bros., Austin--Walsh. 511Ie. Aleiaudra and Mons. Bortle. Peru nnd WHsou. and klncarorae. Brandon* {liny P. Brandon, manager).— '.The Moths oi* Society" and vaudeville drew well last Keck, tlie Brandon Btock Company proving one of merit "The American oitP* -.'3-29. ...QVBT'J (•*■ ■■ Pelron, manager).—"Uy Mr hum Iff MISSISSIPP I . Naichr*.—At tne Baker Theatre (Sam 3 Myers, mnnagsr) Morgan-Pepple Co. played week of Dec. it), to fairly good heusea.-The costuming^ of .the company was unusually World of Players. DEATHS I.\ THE PROFESSION . Dolly Theobald, well knOtrri Id vaudfr JqhxB. ^il»io.N»irrUea;"Coii«ttilurtho yllle and ifaitltpatc fietfi, "J? aid UUj4 deitracilon. by lire, of tb<* New Jefferson herself night of Dee. 18, In her TOCtt al- rar TJitatre, a ffiwhei ln«l., I desire to way: Star Hotel, Colmnhua, Ohlo._ She .had.bMa. . Jljjs. CiLHia.. Mtiui in CTDvalBsclnr In \ KM York hospital. Tho sew arrival U'a . ct RiT-JWf. of the X«aa fcteer i m&m& specl.ltWwere ap tajtA f*J»»*. ^^^laF Aa^Ho o£ra S»J»»ffig thh-wwftV^cF standard. '"The Black Crook'' wis very good kc5aathe» », £ u V™r5 e *iX the. fire. bnt of which her husband, Uuwat eer Qua/-. Jc writes: "We ttponed Aug. 6, atJUoiu- VWtth'-the 'Soar Coraers of the TSaitft' Co., and have been doing nicely ever slhou. The newspapers axa very kind to ua through* the Father', 28, "Tin? Land of N'od" 31. have decided to put I traction each Week, In • : UcFadeUn'K~Fta«." d llmvatd Powers, wh* cut tbir country. In their praise. We hat* nsger. .ie*iau*v is -Mid to have prorapted • some rtntea bobkefi. for the Snmaer. awl aUf • Sic her to take her 1 l>. Ms* TbenUd was 4 with the some- show mat wason. •Jttjt .Mf *- neri« -««_«--/j'-: r -«... _.., z ......--I, vi.r#»* i. H ilii flrith us, and Is going to H|fe$ Fomhy" was last week's attraction, nnd dill good business. Week of 23, "Dora Thome " XovEiTY (Heury Lubelskl, manager).— "Slrrobje" was the headltner of a good bill last week, the illustrated songs and pictures being features. Cutbtai, (G. I. Adeem manager).—Bosen, Bonner and company, In "Chums, were the feature of a good bill last week. Notbh.— Tho name ef the Tlvoll Theatre lias been changed to the Grandon The- of tbe Father" -' Frank IhtnleU gft dreenTllIe.— M House (Han. " drew a targe Woumu" "The. Isle of Spice" Tlie One Woman" lug banners, the ladder gave way ami I fell wftl ' thy Aiidttorlnm of hl-i home nty. ror me nwn .mem- i mi• mK-am-rw w w v"«i uast live veare b.« had been mpcrlnieudoat are all enjoying: gtMKl lieulili, and Kal of the Newark brunch or Ilio Kiigif SyHtew. coma proniutlv .«V«ry Sunday morning. Tine.— az m* onariw upera ^niJay iiTwMhM^^i'iiMiM ■■if aklTiiil ullliwatert \ewnrk, O. Mtiaiiiv K. Hill Informs m lhat ho re . larrj E. March, manager) ^*W "J gjg rtfiSSS ^SS^lPmSm TeBSTWSfS a tor. who was atrane;. 4 ly tlninbe.! ilfr«>n «Hkn oi' WeMern tln».h> ■)- rge t -^i 1 ni'f lo V" , '; 7 1 '- Th0 0u,! hoinef io*Fi* wivn" wh?i- the hwkea Iliab c«l In Hope Valley. It. I-. died there middcnly *,turtlng the Kohl-Caalle. Andenon nndjlon- -o, raw www -f. wn(| Bet pbyslclan* uny It will be aeverat on Pec. IT. The proprietor of t Tth full forffl on my left foot, breaking and complotoly L'rusllng' r tho nokle. The Prater; "W'KST VIRG1MA. ut.jiit.bH before I will Ngovef the uae of mj klnM ("ircuttn. M"» oi>cnrt Inck on the Kelih rlaic Hoc. 24. ni Qumft, Wnriilugton, with Whceltiifc.—At Uie Court (E. II. Fran* helm, manager) Win. Favunbnm, la "Tht Snnnw MnnT* linil Ann n«. 17 "Tlia ntrlcal people are asslutlng the local charity So.»aw Man,'' had 8. R. O. Dec. 17. "The Tgaiilznllona to ralw funda for Christmas 01d HomcBtead" 23, "The Arrival of Kitty" baskets for the poor. TEVNESSEK. MuuuthlM At tho New* Lyceum ( V. (•ray,.-manager) darkness prevailed Dec. la. Muic. Schumann-Ik-ink, nsalsted by Helen Schaol, appeared In concert 14. "Parsifal," 18. .ll>, bad splendid LiiBluess. Richard Mansfield 23. Frank Daniels 20, Charleu U. Uonford 27, 28. Paul Gllmore 20. Hopkins* (A. B. Morrison, manager).— B11 for week or 17 : KckhoiT nud tiordon, .Nlciola AlsUirs, Collins und Dart, Lillian Ashley, Basque Quartflte. Three Madcaps, OKabeJap Troupe, und tbe kiuodrorae. • BuotJ- (BeuJ. 51. Stalnbuck, manager).— "Acroas_tlie Pacific" 17 und week. Week of 24, '-The Black Crook." 2S, 20. Gua.mi Oplb-l House (Chas. A. Feinler, manager).—Iflmueleln's Idcala, in repertory, 17-22, had good returns. "A Trip to ligyiit' 1 24-2B, "The JJnster Workman" 27-2«). Bijou (Claml Nelaon, manager).—Pwple for week of 2i: Jleleu Tronvllle, Jones and Raymond, Frank Kusuell, and the moving pictures. CASTI.B (II. W. Rogers, manager).—Busi- ness wax good for lust week, "East Lynne" being the production. The stock corurrtny will produce "lu a Woman's Power"' and "Jesse Jamen" current week. Notu. —Minna (iennell, aenbrette of ttie Castle Tlieatre, li Bcorlng a hlg hit and mak- ing a great many friends with her work la the various productions. a >» ILLINOIS. whose death npitntred lu itici*«i columns lust account of there being mi many Carrolla »wb will n-Kfc, was crroncouslv reportwl ti» hive been lu the profession, we have changed out Waldorf DM liiMt remalnliiK Bale memt>cr of tho orlg- names to Robert Carlo niul Lillian Brevoort, it.Tday," lnal llrm o( Hide & Iwliniaii. lit- was nt and will hereafter lie known as the nbore, . , ,»» Suiher- mi time a incmlwr of tlmt ftrm. The llrm appear)ug ■ U\ our original comedy* Iwonty [. JDAx. from Its Inception to Its dissolution was Minut's for Ilefrvshmcnts. h from London. Ram. composed of Klrhnrd Hyde, who still mtr- H. k, Wrkrick, tenor rncalUt, .rtmrta rrte'a "Peter Sb* siiiri- vlves. and Is'now presldeiu of the Hyde A rnretlng with great « with the BarlOW- when I met with this accident." B. II. tiOTUKItN AXD JCI.U M*KL0WK present, for their Mrat piny lu tlw Wal Theatre, Londuti, "The lload to Yenbrdoy," a new drums, by Kvolyn tJrceiileaf Suther- land and Beanlah M. I A CABLU DISI'.iTU states that J. M. BarnW. . til Its third run at the Duke of York's The- Helunnu Ainuseou'ni Co., and the Into Louis litre there, on Dec. 18. Puullns t'baso <\ Itehnutn. Olirlidoiiber P- Iteliman was sn played the nosie part, and it Is stated that employee of lhat llrtu. IN- whk not "n ber \tiaturnl grace, daiuilucss and gayety hrotber of ttic lale 1-. «.'. ueliman, b Chuttiuiootxu.—At tbe Albert Opera House ..(Paul It- Albert,- nianager) -"Simple Simon Simple" pleased Dee. 10. "The Benuty and the Beast" pleased 12. "The Virginian" bad an 8. H. O. house 13. This Bluuitiliiarttin.—At ' tbe Grand Opera Llotisc (F. M. Balelgh, manager) "Mv Dixie airl" ettiue to fair business ■ Dec. 13. "In Old Kentucky" pleased Its usual large audl- ^uee 14. Crane and JeffreyN, IB. drer u play proved the best that hue shown here f a'r sized uudleuce. '"Everybody Wurk* But tulH Heasou.. Dandy -Dixie Minstrels scored .father IT. Williams ami Walker pleased - iv Inrge^auUleuce U*. Watson's Orientals IP, Black Crook Jr. 1!*-'. "Forty-five Minutes from well-14. Ben Greet Players 2L "Parsifal" 21, Paul Gllmore, In "At Yale," 25: 'Tracy, the Outlaw," 20, "The Girl and the - Ban- dit" 20. ' Wells' Bijou (H. D. Cardoza, manager). -r" ( Wheu Knighthood Was in Flower" 2*l- 29, VMaoIBm and V 31 and week. . . new-. SnujjEBT.—Mme. Schunninn-Ueiuk's concert drew s. It. o. 13. - iiu-nawr _i._ uuninn iieurts- it*, tne At a mkbtixu held (n London, Ku Mmart Bet ,U. "We Are King" Jan. 1, "The Dfe. IS. • theatrical people, under (he am, the I'lacc and tho Ulrl" 3. dsney of John Bare, called to wuakl< W*J (wai- Avery, manager).—Bill subject of u memorial,to Sir Hotiry 1 wuek of li : Itoscoe and Sims, Mr. und Mm. "Jeo. Kldd, Billy Cross, Ahern und Master, fv.'ojiu and the motion pictures. >usliv(iu." At the Theatre Vcodome Iw, A, bheetz, manager) "The Beuuty and the Beast," matinee aud night Dec. 15, came - to fair business. "The One Woman," 18, 18, drew fair business. Paul Gllmore, In "At Tale/* 20: "Parsifal" 21, 22, Frank Daniels 111 "Sergeant Brne," 24, 25. Bijoc (Geo. Hickman, manager).—Kath- ryn Ostermau. In "Tho Girl that Looks Like ■Me," week of 17. delighted large crowds. "Across the Paclilc" 24-20. Knoxvlllc.— At Staub's (Fritz Btaub, ruanagej-) "The Virginian." Dee. 14, played lo big business. .The Old Homestead Quar- tette, 10. pleased. Ben Greet Plavers 2(1, )*uut'Gllmore 21, Tracv, the Outla'w," 22; fk-u Greet Playei-s 25, "The Tenderfoot" 27, "A Message from Mars" 31, "The Girl ami the Bandit" Jan. 1. Frank Daniels 2, "My t\ tfe'B Family" a, Thomas Jefferson 4. <i» -WISCONSIN, .Milwaukee.—There was very little do- ing lo theatrical circles past week. ■ ..sHL'BEiit (Fdwlu ThanhuusiT, mauager). —E.< H. •Sothem und Julia Marlowe Dec. 21- 2B. "The PrhKe Chap" atl-Jau. 2. - Davidson (Shurimn Brown, monager).— Otis Skinner wilt present "Tho Duer week of Dec. 24. Henrietta Crosman 31-Jan. .1. AuiAHitRA (James A. Hlgler, manager). — "Painting the Towu" put in last week. Billy B. Vim, In "Patsy lu Politics," week of l». "Wonderland' 30 ami wMc. ■Bijou. — Manager John M. Pierce offers James J. Corbett, In "The Burglar and the (Jady." week of 2it. "Arizona" week of 30. •'.Bertha, the Sewing Muchlno Girl," was well received week of 1(T •Stab, —Cunning, the jail breaker, and the Star Show Girls scored heavily Inst week. Mannger Frank U. Trottmau offers the Cham- pagne-Girls week.of 23. 'CiasTAL (Frank D. Winter, manager).— Cardoua.and. his- lions. Geo. Brown and com- pany, Russell and Held, Bliuson-Cook Trio, Potter'Family, and Loose Bros., week of 24. *•. ■ ——. ■. » ■ ■ Ean.CIolre.—At the Grand (C. B. Moon, manager) '.'The Maid and the Mummy." Dec. 16. pleased u Urge house. "A Poop Rela- tion, "IS,, camo to. fnlr hindoos. "The Dis- trict Leader" 23. "Peck's Bad Hoy" :t0. Flora De Voss Co. Jan. 1-3. UXiqce (Win. Armoud. retildent managerK —Bill fftr week of ,17 : Delia Watson Tink- ham aud company, Win. Armond, Sleeker- Baker Duo. John Harrington, Mawu and Kllburn, and Taylor and Knlrman. S. R..O. ruled. People for 24 aud week: Throe Mas- rtnera Sisters, Will Hart, Stlokney Dog and Pony Show, and Ethel Vane and company. *« » KISnTUCKY. churmed everybody. The wiu. of Honkln Duval, the actor, who committed sulcklu recently, was hied, la^t vreck, lu the Snrrogute'M astei of New York Pity, by, the law urflj of Morgan as ■Seabury. The bu'k of Duval's estnlo of $10,000 Is left lo his cousin. Martha Kanfcln Allen, of tbls citv. wbupi be also names sn executor* with Itudolf Schalk. To his friend, John It. uton- slpher, of Zaneavllle, Ohio, ho gives fSOO In remembrance of kindness and friendship. - Wuilu a' kkiikmssal wns In progres-t. Jun. 20, In tbe famous Court Theatif. at Welroer. Germany, where (be first plays of Goethe and Schiller were glveu, a lire started which burned tbe Interior of the structure. The actors escaped, but. un nttendant wus In- jured by u falling elmndelior. The destruc- tion of tbe theatre is no Kivut loss, a » ltwn» -- to have been torn down la February to> make Broadway,'with Currlnt^ 2J; "It Happened way for a new building. i mnfftwE l'i. "Human UenrtH** 29. the At a mkltixu held In London, Bug., on ' pte4- ■r the subject of u memorial, to Sir Hcury Irving, It was resolveii to erect n statiiu to tht* de- ceased aetor In a cent ml part of London. The subscriptions will be confined to nicmboro of the theatrical profession. Tbe meeting de- cided lu favor of a Hlatne ou a site In cent nil London, the cost to be MuD.OOO. (Janlcl Frob- innn subscribed $23U. The resolution iKt^sed recited that lb? statue shall be an affectionate tribute from' tbe managers, actors, actresses uud drnnmtlsts of the United Kingdom aud America. A';.vi;s IIulen LACKAVK, sister of Wilton I-ackave. and a mtmbsr of "The Heir to the Iloorah" Co., was married to Herbert Johnson Bldlogs. munager of the company, on Doe. 17, In Oakland, Cal. The ceremony wan performed by Juitlcc of thu Peace Georgo Samuels, In his office. In tlie presence uf suveral membtrs of tbe couipiny. Guy Itutes Post, who has Tht; leading role, abd Mmtha Mvsehburg, who plays the nurse, acted as wltucssen. Owing to the Indlsiiosltlon of Julie Heme. the part of Luel, hi "Tbe Prince of India," was most successfully undertaken by Agnes Mark, at short notice, during the run uf ihnt play In Philadelphia, MARUAner Benmftt informs ns she has arrived from tbe West, after a successful tour, and has joined Austin Davis* Stock Co., as leading- soubrette. at the Grand The- atre. Brooklyn. N. Y. NtiTKs raoji the Miller Stock Co.—This company opened on Dec. 15, presenting Mr, Miller's three act farce comedy, "Tangled." The company Ipcludeit: Elsie Itlchinond. Jen- nie Hall. Bertha Fox, Fxlward Smith.. Daniel Messner, Chas. Goodman, Edward Miller, Leon Davis, uud Henry ijormau. munoger. K t <aw A HWifllffsWl have selected Sydney llosenfeld's new comedy, "The Aerw Club, as tbe vehicle for Lulu Owner's starring tour tbls season, opening In KnrlngQeld, Mass.. '-arly lu Jannorv. 8Ue will lit* sup- ported by a large rorapany of player*, In* eluding: Frits Williams. Orrao Caldera, James Bradbury. Frank K, Unib, William Herbert, Edmund Lawrence, Saw Coit.TIflrrr Odlln, William SnmpHot, John T. Ward, Olive Wvndhnm, Marlon Abbott, A<!a Gll- more. Anna Johnson and Mrs. Annie Yna> mans. ... nif uncle. Mug his father's Wllllntn P, | brother. Borcherl. u miHlvlnn. mid author of ;m opera. "Tlie Btlds of Niwom**,*' committed freight was tlfty-llvi' years of BM "- of the Wilson Mlnsirels. MAiir.t, LopgitAitt Is 111 nt her homo In Allcghcnv. l'«t.. nuJ will remain there until tiler Clirlstmaa.. , „ ;,_. ,,i 't***fli "J1S- N<itks rao^i Clmrlea Bninont's JublleoMirT , trels.—W Mlrlilgnu. .Plrels.—-We are In ojr elghih week. Haying Roster of company: Chas. uti- ed sulclilt. bv liinahig himself to a mont. proprietor and fnananr: Prof. Cmnua car. at Mayvllle. Wis., Dw- 1U. H« Waflle, dlreclur of bond anf orchestra ; CJab. v-ilv.' vcars of uho. Mably. Homer Befr^, .Tohnnl« Hiirrav, ,Hnai Hud ' Ufhtlc, the riirec Amerlenn and Hillr Brown, Iter Hlerrndt, Ilex Brandt. Frank Gamby. Audio Johnson, Will Dq» hruck. Llertit' Leuth(*rv.'lleroid Johnson, Ai'W»l Barber, Ed, Hall, Art Joa«s and Sim Wil- liam a. Oitiiii; Adaus, r»f Nugul und Adams, tiu been lu the hospltfll lu itultlmnre, Md., for Mvait wcukH. Hue Informs us tlmt she went. under mi operation which) proved ancceaa* UmK died UtJR IT, on (ho .mad, und hodv wjh wnt to'his wldttn*. liiiTrt'iiee Dlaiiiond, well kuown min- strel, died nt Now Castle. I'll., Dec. IS, aged fortv-two years. He wam i»uo of the lnj»*t known minstrel men of tin: wmiii'v, hnviug hern funiirrled with the Al. <-». MM Mill- Hii'i'ls (or "ten seonons, and with PrUui-ose & j West. Ho mi at on« time In pnrtacrslilp ful, aud ebo mpeeta to he at work ogala very wllh Ills brothers. Matt and I-ev. They *«">»■ ■ were known as ihc IWaraoiul-Brothers Min- strels. .Mull, Lew unci two oilier brothers and two slslnrs survive htm. Funeral services were lulil Hnndii)% IK. by th" Now Custlo Aerlc. No. tr..*t. V. D. PI.. t«f which be was > ihartcr incmlier. liiti*nnin( **iih lit ISt. Sinn's Cen'eter;, New Castle-,- Pa John Nelson (Happy Jaukl Akrani*. preys agent, died from drif|wy on Dee. IS, nfler a loug llluess. nited Klxly yt-ors. Ho „' y^at tlrawing'tOTd. W»"» lmvo "Tim Griat lnintlled the prens nuliui- Nir Huffs lo Rills 'rnitu. Itebliorv, 1 ' "Hunk Itohherv," "Bg-Coa- Wild West Show when It uns IBwt organ- v |ct Match Heller." "Coiitilerrnltera," and mm Pictures. -Moii'>s I'ui.m Hayes ft Itolilnann'a Show.— Tlibi slutw oitenud lust duly with the. asm" pcMile that are now wit li iim. We hers met villi grest KtmceuH. Our_uluiuro inncblin Is IzetL Interment was «t Bldgttllcld, Conn. Ills wlCe survives him. Portlaod. — At tho Jefferson Theatre (Julius Caiia. manager) Maude Adama. Dec. 17, IS. In "Peter Pan," drew large audiences. Tfca Karl Burgess Stock Co., 19-22, Includ- ing vaudeville specialties by De Mollis and Valora, Davis and Walker, nod Herbert II. Power. Adam Good Co. for week of 24. Portland (J. E. Moore, manager).—Tho bill for 24 and week: The Mysterious How- ards, Nan Engleton and company. Jul Inn Bone, Nettle Carroll, Blocksom and Burns, Polk, Collins and Carmen Sisters. City Hall. —Olga Samnroff and the Bos- ton Symphony Quartette bad good business 19. The nest concert occurs Jan. 2. with the Lougys Club, Lllla Armoud and Jlelba and company to follow 28. < «* VERMONT, HarllUKton. — At the Strong (Cuba & Grant, managers)' hint two week was durk. Lome Elwyn Co. Dec. '24. and -week. Law- renco D'Orsuy Jun. 1, Marks Bros. 1 Co. 2>5. Under rbe Cents. NOIt:S VUOM TUB GllEAT WAUSEB SUOW. —We have closed a most successful season of twenty-two week?, playlug Western Wis- consin. The show Is now at Us iiiiarters In S ip'il we arc geeflng every- ef 1907. We liave touitvlllc.—.U MacJiuIt'j's flmv" T. Macnutey. inunager) Mnbet Moulgomery pre- sented- "Zuwi" tice, .17-19, to good attend- ance.. Amelia BtuxHUiii 20-2H. Mmc. Mod- jeska 2], itieliard Muhslleld 21). •Masoxic TuKATnt (Cbiis. A. Shaw, muuu- gtf).V-"iVo are King." 17 and week, drew - good < returns. "In New York ■Town" 24-29. Acmc (CUns. A. Wbaw, matiui/ert.—"The Man of Her Chofce" 17-22. "When tbe World Bleeps" 21-29. StCKisciHAM tWliiilieii Bros., managers). —Tlie Tiger Lilies 10-22, the Nightingales Htji'KiNs' (Win. Bylclnuan. munageri.— For peck.or -'H. a good bill, beaded bv Ha Pruvcutiles. Lllllmi Shaw. Marzello and SIM- lay.-Boblscb aud Childress, Gardner uud Mu- cent, Vernon and thy klnodrome. MKwuukee, Wis., aud ihlng reud.v for the senson __ Just bought a new sleeping cur, and It Is without a doubt a beauty. We will also add len Shetliiud ponies, twenty dogs and four monkeys to our trained stuck, and a new lop, 70x110 feet. Gvery one Is well, and wc look forwardto a proDpcroua season tn 1907. Adah Gillkspik, who for the past two seasons has tilled the position of uss!s*taut manager with Al. r. Wheeler's ShowF, Ik .re- engaged In the same capacity for the ueuson of 1907. Ho will spend the holidays and a Khorl vacatlou with his family at Cululs. Me., after Which he will return to the .New Model Winter Quarter*, at Oxford. Pa. Tub AFr.uns or Bak.ncm 4 Baillv'h Cir- cus were mentioned In tho Probata Division or the Illgb Court, Loudon. ling-, Inst. week. mi an application that Mr*. Ituth lamina Hulh'.v lie up[>oiiited uduilulstratrU pentltttte litr of tbe'ewtute of her lHte hubbHUd. Jumes Anthonv Uailey, Mr. Bailey held nearly half the shares, viz.. lti7JWl. Another director whs now needed lu Mr. bailey's place, und the widow was anxious thnr her uhares should he registered so tliut she might be repivwiit'Hl ui Hie ejeution. Justice Dean granted the uppIU-iiDun. - Imi'Uhtanv news comes from Winter rjuur- tnrs of liit- Itlngllug linjs. Shows, ut Burultoo, Wis. Tit news Is lo tlio iffi-et tlmt «H I/ec. ft, at Barn boo. [ml* was* effected Un con- Kblldailon of Hie Itlnglhlg Bros..aud'llugt-n- t>euk' Sliows. Further Information'relailvc to the tt-HUSiirtioii stales that tbe transaction Involved the. transfer of tho controlling In- terest lu the Hageuheck Show toriic■Rlligilng Bros.; who will uiunago It-next season us an Independent rtttractlon, and, lustend tl*prc- sentlug the untmals lu one ring, us formerly, there will l«v three rlngt. In.which trained animal-features will be preseuted. The .en- largement ef the ilugtubeck Show, along ■any other lines, is being considered, and as the' success of tbls organization duriuc the past seus'ou was pronounced,. It Is perfectly safe to predict still greater results for it wider the- skillful liaudllng of tb') 3Iefsrs. lllujjllug. As now arranged, tliu Hagsnbcek Show will begin lis uext leusonlu New Or- leans next Spring. Mt.i.e, HiLtA just closed ft - Rucceasful sea- wn of -thirty-six weeks .with the great Bells- IToto Show, aud Is re-engaged for next sea- »s> iitMKC CttlldrniTu t hriitinius. Tbe unniial festival (or ill*) stuge children hss given at TOW Payor's Theatre and Tammany IInll..ou Sunday evening: Dec 23, under -the direction Of MrK. ; K I* iVrnnudea and n comIIIItee. 'There «WBf" nhout tn hdudred youngsters prMwit- Tin* t"yst was nerrrd tn tin- basement iif the then ire after (he show, und the Christmas preterits were distributed in Tiutitouny Hdll. .FolUuvIng H the nrugraiume; MllUnaud Violet Schneider, violin stile and song; Dottle. GUI, popular song: Sleithen Aiwcll DnvfK tlatic*;; llaliv l-'ios<(. coug aud dauce;-Dajnly Dottle Dale «iid Hni-old liulc. sketch, "As Children Heit l.'s;" Waller ICviim, son*/ arid dunce : Myrtle Xlegler imd Adulal4o Zleitler, uismetl hy llic follow lug rhlMreii from "Tile lied »IIM" Company: Cbrls-di- Joss, Boso Coyle, Mil- dred llnti-binsoii, vhglnlii Mnlliollsiid, Kosu- lliid Klegler, Harold Zlcgler; Kulli W«Hs. nijeclnilles": Baby Klon-iicc. Kuugs: Hubert »ud Orwllu Hiokil, suug, "Wslllug at the Rbttffft ■;"■ Baby Vcruwu. buck and wlug ilun'.T: Kwoeiiy Hlsfers, nonit* uud dances; A stair Children, soug uud dnjcf: ColbyCbll- dren. sjwclaltles Tony Paetor acted ns nla*ter of eereinontcs. lntroduclQg each mite. and after the ant presenting to ca<--b a, doll or u. book UdUugPilk and Ittinstrel, CtUOKKRY AND N*EII<I10» llUVC Just ClOStd 0 very succeaaful eight tveeka' engngoment At the Ham Tbeatre, MUsouln, Mont. They re- port mreting with great iiiccets with their new and original act, "Clovur." Frank ami Ana Williamu joined tbe Frauklyu ltepcrlory Co., at Omaha. >eb., Nov. 19. to do their Mack face specialty, lu which they make a comidelo change (ram white to black. Tbe act. they write. Is meet- ing with hlg success. They ouav at Postnr's, New York City, May f>, with Boutoa to fol- low. Li Bllln IlnsAMOVti writes: "Have been playing dates since tho clorlug.of tho 'Blie Looks (Jood t» Father' Co.. and am now at home until niter the holidays. ] null for London In June. When I return X will work with a new partner. Bobt. Landls-Franclsco. Mv net has been a success." Chan. Smith, rnutdclnn, has Joined the Bob and Evu McGloloy Co. Tin: Du Ma m report line HUocesii nt Walk- er's Museum, Boston, week of Dec. ID. lUnpAcn avu llAnnis wi-Dh: "We upon for w, F. Henderson tor five vvceks, and oa Jan. 21 (tjien for tho Western ■ Voudcvlile Manageri*' Assoclntloii. Our new act, 'Twenty MlEiiti-a tif Muirlmoiiy,* Is a comedy skeleh. * 'T.'.vloh and Faihva.v, won reeoutly opened at Milwaukee, Wis., on tba Nasli clr- cull, with Mnirl* tliao lu follo^, arc booked solid until Api-ll next. Fox anij Du IUli, write: ''Wo arc tbe big- gest bit of any dancing net playing the West, and arc booked sol ill on western time until July, 1907." Homkh Hot(<nir£B Inform us that they are In their sixth week ou tho J, II. Amnions Crystal circuit, and have been tho feature uct. Their new VuDkee sketch, Looking for Betsy," ' 1,-jonrt. of other mm. also eight Illustrated ;-uiig«. Itoxter: Kayos und Hayes. Boy llob- itisoti. Arthur Holt, Gladys Howard und Ida Liberty Niiti:s viiom tin' Blgolaw ft Plarce Mov- ing Picture Co.—Wo hid si roum through ihe State of New n'ninpshlre, maetlnv with our succeKH of. pn«l yours. Fortune seenii* tu fn'vor.'na, ns we nre tolil we hold tne record over other companies for buslnqtS-Tft this wictldii. We have some of the very latest nubti'Cta In llhihinited songs and mov- ing pictures;, and are fully nnto-dats lu oil lines. The company is ou fullows: Hiirt-F- Pierce, lecturer and inamigei 1 : George Hh- vero, comedian and miiHlcaluct; Clnm llo- vcrv, mind reader aud dancer; Lllllo A. Jones, expert pianist and musical sneclnl- tlsii: Maude Plorce, rtmg Illustrator, also In- troducing her trick dog, Cute, who delight* all In his clpverwork. a«» The Conivdr Club lleiieHI. Tho Nov York Theatre wuh llllwl In lis- pm-liy <>n Bitiii|sy ovenlug, Dec. 2,'t, with uu audience cjiiiiikjmhI, for the most purl, of lORniigei'K, |n>iToriiii>rH and others In some wu.v conuectt'il with Hit- profotisloii, to witness un t'Xcelh'nf progruuiiue Tor tin- henillt, o( tbe Vuudevllle (.'titucriy Club. In the box oBIco was James J, Morton. Irensurer of tho or- ^iiniv.uflun, niul Lei' iIiirrlr>on was the' tin- iiuuiner. MiirHhtill I 1 , wilder gavu n briei" Htiii'cii. expliilnliig' (be nhJcclH and utms of tlie I'luh. Kolluwlng fills a niosi. pltwulug bill wns prt<seitt«tl, lueludliig: Will M. Cicsiv nud HUiuHie imviic, wtlilum UoaW, wini-uu Iiunuii jiii'I i-«mpiuiy, b'red Nlblo. Joiepblne iniuii nud cotiipmiy, tillduy uud Fox, Or- pliouui Cowdy Four. Howard utiil Bland. Felix and Ilariy, .lulm T. Bully, the FIvi Keulotis, Dave Lrwla. Harry Gllfoll, Jack lx>rimcr. Will lloviflrs. Itlce aud Provost. That OmtL'tette. I.ouli,! DmaKer, .Inek Norworth, Gertrude rioffmini, VhU'nrd Day uud com- iwny, Sydnoy (limit, Mr. uud Mrs. Genu IIugiii*, Jiiutes J Morton. Miii'Hhnll P. Wild _, er, Ityun anil Itltclillulil, tlio Allisons, By roil bnu mot with great und Luiigdon, Unrry Corson Clark und com- ~ jmuy. Mr, nud Mrs. Uurdimr Crune, A. 0. hutieini. lice lliirrlsou, rtniltli it lid Camp- Ml, Will II, KKcldf. Ib^iiev uml Bent. Wat- son. lluichlngs mwl ICtlivnrdH, Murphy nijd Wllliirit, l-'ied..lbi.v and enmpiiny, Jules Our Knijwlcs. Keiini'tly uud Kooncy, 's. Toio-Auwii, fjonlco MorMn«*i favor, and they bnvp biren offered return dates everywhere. Tticy «>pcn on the Big Three L circuit, at. Bhw, Nev.. Dec. St, and have twelve we^ks lu (iallforala and tho Middle West. f'AMIt'1.0 AND Fli-NA. toiltort lonlstH and .. entilllbrlstx, who recently ret united from tho .Mr, und Mrs. Toto Js'nwn, Lduti'o Morttnnn Vtest, and opened nt the Lyric Theatre, and Auto Glrla, Dixon uml Anger, Julius Clevninad. ft., Dee. 17, havo good work to Tannun mid Ailolf /Ink. Thoso who »cefl« follow. They report great success with pled (sixes were: WIllIuiu HiiiiimeMloln,' W(l- tlielr act. ihim Morris, Percy Williams. Sir. tuid Mr*. Jon ItitKV, fomedlau and sword swallower, Murk A. Lne^-ii<;r, r,lii|i> JuiiIk, M, S", Btm- wrltes fhni he .mh pontpone<l the opening thmii, J, (J. Vliu-enl, Kam Jlei-nnnl, Sum .11. of his Yuiidcvllln show at tlie new Firemon'a Biti-rls. Da any Mutmr, uud fittmcrvus lurahn- Hull, Hllburn, N. V,. until Jan, 10, 1007. new nud BgeaHb • -- The following have ht-eii oiiuugea: $m Den- The Viiiiilevll)« idcvllJe Coini'tly Club whs organ- ixgrt tlm. narly-ran . of Inxi Juue,.aiid T ja- eludes ntf.oirg 1|m iji-'iii'h-i h Hie majority-' Of Ihu bondlliiL' ocli lu Hi<- vitudevlllfi |jtpf*k- flon. , V• ii' j . tw» neimum, ftirtnerly uf Denti'tinum and KIley, Dntcb miisiitil net; Kldd Knrley, black face monologht uud dancer: Hobby Hold, tomlaite, of (ho Great Jobu IhiMuHuu Show; Bisters Mortluor, nluglng and- duuclng skit; Miss L, Roy, eoiibrette: Wni. H. McfgereRtl, aoug Illustrator; Master Hurry Green/ serial bur Jffi^ffidSg'a £lg I.ADT ACHOBAT. COST0BT10HI8T. Hnui'i "Comtdv Barbfr »h()p" nrllj ho tbe Qf HiHD BALAHCEB, WANTED, closing piece. This will be toe first vaude- ville show hi tba.aaw opera bouse ut HH- buriL Pnduvnli.—At the Kentucky *T. W. Boh- .erts. uianaeer* "A Texas Sweetheart" wus , the only bill of the past week, nud had good cafe tufelnesH. Itlchurd Man^tleld Dec 2-1, -Hu- . (xn C. HrEios.has bcttiiue-'gcnorul tnauo- man H >art«" *& .PuttI Gllmore 27. "A Bunch gerbf tUo-Genrry^r-Js.' Kliow. of' Keys" ' Sb, "A Country Editor" 2ft Wm. r. J. Sassauia has eluwd a nil Mil oath 1 ttwen Jitn. l, Mtue. Modjeska 1, "The Isle season with the Sells-Kioto H\iovr, aud Is of splec" ;i. 'ffhe-tJlrl-and th«; Buudlt" 8. uowrestlng ut-Uot Bprln^',. Ark^ for recognlaeil COMKbT ACROUA'JHi ACT. Address at once, J. a, cu oof CLII rEKOtfcai MANAGERS and ELECTRICIANS, .4 r r r f 1 lT\JTIa r fc'V w '- lia^eon band the Large jniiNKTOWN fiOM which has been ut Nan tanker iieiclt for tin* put two soMMona.' iS. M. KMUiM m * VA* • Also Biuuil JOBNHTOWN VVDOli which was at KaUifts City Imt scaaou, uud one Ml. Vesuvius lu Erupllon. Otar new 'MM CATTALOOBK Is complet*d, with full description of, *ndi showing method of oparavtloa or **mrw- thli| pertaining to «l*>ctrloal »'age craft ami nark umaasmenta, Price of tialadoMntOUs oenta, vrhleu anaoaat will n* dedacted from Unit *j"5.U0 parch §*. Sent to twgular cu»tomers fke«. ■VIE IMC MEN 1.MIOKST JTAM'F'AVTURERI Of KI.ISCTHICM. «TA(IE APPLIANCES AND BFPEC'J'SI!! TUB WOIU.D. 354 WE8T 50th STREET. N. V. CITY. tSJeMcl -f«W*..P&talOfftU>< TINSIIIIE 1 "* 1 ' 8 ^^^™ WM. Ml, Inc., 110 West 40th SW New York,