The New York Clipper (January 1907)

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1234 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. January 12. Note* mom Ot "Jerry from Kerry" Co.. We. hurried our .evening's cntcrtnlnment. ana Notes rr.o>! mi) HttL as» Makchesth; Dxsln, l - ia»ti>iAK, pK«Wcntot the Actors' Kma ■MB Al. W. Martin's "Cncle Tom's cabin" Co.- world', ■const- u Stinrjbr-tSristmili Willi lip OM Hill ooo Fund'ot America, Is'nj.lln maklne Ms »»«»"•' Sil'lSi -liT »ISiS€ iK^^jBsgi-aJftuf*iffl :5S»ss:K ( »'t 5 ;p^ ESS$SSSffiS»6 TORTURED VfltHi ECZEMA" been 'fratifrbt with pleasant surprises and support ... about ... dlmbloR the feummlt of the Cascade Monti "and micli a gathering among my performers, I Qnd,. is conducive to the harmonizing of $40,000 a yeor )s spent In relief, but (he source of Income Is extremely limited, ind ulna between Leavenworth, Wash., and (be 1 find, la conducive to the harmonising of source oi uhwih \m wraptuJH*"™*. "SS [ffl*?3&«lSr«^tfSB Sunday little blckerlnga and differences that arise the small aum asked by ths oncer *<*£» S^^^^YpXT^^ J more or lc«> * «JSBEk h«! ^d from h, «Mllrt the profe. morning,- th*jro wat .. crash. People were throWn to the floors tif ibe pars, glass from windows and lamps (lew In all directions, and confusion reigned supreme. ThlB nil happened In the space of a few seconds, then a dead stop. The train did not leave the track and not a soul was killed. A lone engine had struck the train containing I ho'company, Some of the more unfortunate passengers were cut and bruised, and John I'ntten. one of the managers of thy company, figured very prominently in :be relief (.( the injured* Wc were held (en hours awaiting relief, but there was more trouble lo follow ncforo reaching Scuttle (the ■oippnny's oostlnnllon), wc hart another two hour wait until » gang of men -.hoveled the remains of a mud slide from the hills off the inn*. We arrived in Seattle twelve hours lute* hut very happy nnd ihnnkful that noililng of n more serious nnuiro had hap- pened. ... Alt. W. Martin's. "0. T. C." Co. had their utinual Christmas dinner nt the Boston Cnfe, Montrcnl, Can., when. If wc Judgn from the menu at hand, a royal feast wan enjoyed. CinunTMAH hakquut was tendered by three big abows thut Mr. Hill and myself control, are people of many races, with their varied temperamental natures and Ideas of ethics, mingling together as on? big family, and. though our companies are free from It, (t Is reasonable to suppose that personal misunderstandings nre apt to occur, and Christmas, with lis olive branch nnd Yule- tide symbolism, seems the fitting time to bring us back to the realization of the Scrip- tural mandate. Tone? on earth, to men good will/ Each of the three companies nnd, as usual, their Chrlstmn* trees, burdened villi presents, many of them of a mock nature, to add merriment to the occasion, and their Santa Clnu-t to dispense them. The Vanity .'air Co. celebrated nt the ■em- pire Theatre, Toledo, nnd John L. Sulli- van, who was a sppelnl feature wllh the at- traction, acted us .Soma Chum, The Cracker .lacks, playing the Standard, Cincinnati, had n Miss Sunlit Claus, Id the person of pretty Ituhy l>onfl, nnd the Main Owls received their tclfi* from Sol nnd Nnt Fclld*. nr the Murray Tim. Net? York City. Tiik ni'Ks-rs nt the Actors' Home, Staton Harry' H. ■ Mitchell, mnnn'ger of '"The Isle of Island, had quite an enjoyable time on Christ spu?' Co" to the members of the company, ""»*, bcrn^ remembered by their friends In nil the.Lclbel House. Erie, Pa. Not*-'.** nmu the Chas. .K. Champlln Co.— Christmas was the happy event of the year with this company, one of the prettiest christlnai trees wus put up for Baby Jack MrKce. and he received hundreds of gifts from all over the country, and It was im- possible for his father to pack them in crate*, so many toys did he receive. Mr. •wirt Mrs. McKee gave a Christmas supper, after the tree parly, nnd everyone exchanged present*. Mr. Mi-Kee received a solid gold swisa watch and chain; Mrs. McKee, n set of Hudson Bay snbles nnd n diamond brace- let i Mrs. Champlln, n diamond bracelet and a set of furs: Mr. Champlln, a diamond Elk charm; Mr. Storkdnle, n solid silver, handled umbrella: Mies Byers, u diamond ring; Miss Star, a silver charting dish set; Molly Stair, tings, pins and a diamond brooch; Joe Bosh, u solid gold watch. Other members had many remembrances from home, and it was the happiest Christmas spent by our members In year*. Business wllh the Champlln company :ms been,' all se»sou, of the record breaking kind. .... , .... ■, . . Notes from the Gay Xew York Co.—Wc broke ull records at the Itllou Theatre, Rich- mond,' for Christmas week, Horry Emer- son was preaenled wllh a handsome basket or Mowers on Cnrl-dmas eve,-by the-Elks. which jKSl wTincU^ergeuey Burea me oils gifts, among which was a money dona- tion to each from Mrs. Et'IeHenderson, cigars and candy from Louis Havelle. candy, smok- ing tobacco and clears from Sydney Cowell nnd members of Richard Mansfield's Co.; a large basket of California fruit for each lnd)', and a box of cigars for each gentle- man, from Mrs. George Gould (Edith King- don). In addition to which she sent a sub- stantial cheek to two of the former members of Augustln Daly's Co. A good old-fasbloned Christmas dinner, In which turkey, mince pie and English plum pudding were Import- ant features, wus given by the fund. Notes khom the La Verna Moorb Co.— Business wus good at Oakland week of Dec. lo. Manager Wilson, of the Opera House i«iys the I,n Yernn Moore Stock Co. Is the best he has over played, and 1ms offered us ii return date. Mis* Moore, our leading ladv, still receives lots of good press notices. Business opened good nt. Clinton week of Dec. 17, nnd Is holding up fair. We played Greencastlv, Intl., week of Dec. 24. I'rof. linker's Hand and I'rnf. Plgg's Orchestra nre fcitlures with this company. The com- pany is under the management of Leu II. Harrington. Tub tiiui. Torn of tho "A Woman's Re- demption" fo. tIii'oii>*li New England, proved entirely successful, we ure Informed, and a nndn will be honked pluved the week of Dec. -4 at the 'America it TlienH'f, New Vuifc. had a banquet given them by.their muiinger Christmas night after the show, n: Joel's.'. ■ . [>v>'r; smMori:, of the Rowland A Clifford attractions, , writes: "The l'hantom Detec- ilvo'Vatlll-contlnues to test the capacity'of niltho theatres visited, und has Justly been Krononncud as n distinct novelty. A com- Inntiuit of mystery, mirth,' music and melo- drama Is nut ofteu found In one product Ion, hut "The Phantom Deteetivo'* contains all the above qualities. The production re- ceives the entire scenic equipment HiIb week from the studio at Joseph i'hysloc, the In- terior of the Knjah's castle, with the lion's pit; being a marvel of scenic aft. Another Illusion baa been added, which will receive its premier In Newark, and II Is expected to be full v as start Hag as the others. Toby, the lion, got out of The cafte In Camden, N. J., and while not exhibiting any marked de- gree of ferocity, nevertheless his freedom caused a general "getawny" ou tbe part of nil the stage attach* 8 - 0* **■ safely car _J ni't*r u short time, through the strategy his keeper, Harry Kelly, and everyone breathed easier. I.illle and Oracle Hall nave introduced their singing nnd dancing spe- cialty In the seconrt act, and It goes with marked favor. The American Newsboys Quartette an giving a new Bclectlon of . NoTCS-vniiJi I he Mattlce Stock Co.. sup- IwrtliiK Lois II. Hammond.— We laid off riiriatnuis week, thus enabling nil to eat din- ner at home or wllh friends. This company played nn eight, weeks 1 successful engage- roent'duriny.fhe [Hist- Summer, at Ix>ndon. f'tin.. opening the regular season at Warsaw. N. Y.. Oct. J. Since then, despite bad weath- er, we have not played to u loging.week. We carry ten acting, people, Mr. Mattlce en- deavoring to give nn nrtistic performance wlilt a small cant, and he Is doing so. The company remnlns Ihe same as It was one year ago. Mr. Mattlce and Miss Hammond go to Titlsburg for the week, Mr. Alraou, business mtinnger, going to his Lome at New- liurg, N. Y.; the rest of ibe company hieing themselves to the white lights of Brondwny, nnd nil met again. Jan. 1, at Turn-town, prepared for the New Years work, after a merry Christmas at home. KONTKR AND NiVTBS from tbe BoiiUCl' Stock Co., K, B. Bonner, manager, located nt Shaw- ls a very slight strain upon their resources. The Actors' lloir,e, iu which the old.mem- bers of the profession are taken care of. Is Id splendid condition, and tbe amount spent for relief to sick and disabled members of the profession. Increases every week. Richard Mankcield's company enjoyed one of tbe most unusual Christmas festivals ever devised. The players, musicians, singers, daocers and stngo workmen were, without exception, the guests of the distinguished aclor. Air. Mansfield ordered a dining car ui(ached to the special train which carried him and bis company to Birmingham, Ala. It wns storked with a rare Christmas feast. In addition to tbls Mr. Mansfield turned over his private car. with Its servanls nnd other resources, to his guests. There wnsa Christ- mas trey before supper, and Mr. Mansfield presided la the Santa Chins capacity, and presented every one ot Ihe one hundred nnd thirty-eight people in his company with a 0ft. tm lU pact the company presented Mr. Mansfield n superb heal en copper tobacco holder and lamp, de.nigned nnd executed by a New York firm, to match tbe rich furnish- ings of his private car. A* oiuci.VAi, Christmas tree Idea comes from n hotel In Dixie. As the hotel !s very popular with the theatrical profession, Mon- ».ser II. N. Dutton for the Piedmont Hotel, Atlnn'n, On.) conceived the Idea of having A Hnm Tree," a la Melutyre nnd Heath, In the big reception room on the ground floor. The tie* wns beautifully decorated and illuminated, and nil tbe guests wore K'lven 4maV hatus aud other gifts as sou- venirs. NOTES FJIOW THE "F01t IlBIt SAKE" Co., Tarkei- & Jersey, managers.—This company r.petied at the Grand Opera House, Ottumwa. In.. Christmas matinee and night, to capacity, giving the best of satisfaction. Roster: J. F. Jersey and j", l«\ Parker, managers; Kdw. l'erelval, Karl Stanley. Geo. W. Still. Jock Forrester, Dave Marlowe, Helen Gllling- water, (iertrudo Illtcliey, Mrs. !■*. F. Parker and Daisy Ashmore. we. nre booked solid In the hesl time In Missouri, Iown nnd Illinois, up_to Mny 1. Hosteii of the May Stewart Co.—Cllne & Robert, managers; J. U. Cllne, business rep- resentative; A. A. Robert, business manager; Jds: Booth, stage'manager: Jlay Stewart. Mrs. .lane Sylvester. Kdiih 3Iovales,\ Jack Kennedv. Dan i'rn?.cr, W. H. ■ Ward. Joseph Booth; \Y.' W.'■ Van Wlncfuiter nnd James Klllson. . M'ilkv : llA.vtt.TON. who. togellier with his wife, ltulh Wiley, has heen playing at the Kmplre Theatre. Springfield,' 111,, for the past live months; was taken seriously 111 on-Dee. K, with nervous prostration, lie Is now !n Hot Springs,-Ark., fillll very 111. ..Mis* Wiley Is nfiending him. They, arc-nt urn Olive St., pleased to bear from friends. i Notes fuidi the Partelto Stock Co., now playing NewYOrk Stnteand Penhsylvanln. —We are meeting with success everywhere we ploy. We carry a carload of special scenery and n company of twenty players. W; A. Pnrtello gave a banquet to his com- pany ou Christmas night, at Jamestown, N. v.. which was.thoroughly enjoyed by every member present. C. Kdoie Mohton ANti Leila StrMsiEnus Join the "Lost In New York" Co., at Ohllll- cothe, Mo., Dec. 21, nnd Verna May wilt Join v.t i-'ullon. Mo., 17, for the part of Jennie. Tire tfEIM & Sa.noster Amusemknt Co., which has heretoforv devoted Us attention prluciprtlly tt» Summer entertainments, bss decided to branch out In tbe theatrical field, and will, about tbe middle of January,' send out "An Interrupted Honeymoon,*' with the nnd John 1<\ Sully as a star. shows the wonderful drawing powers Martin's production. At 0 o clock, Chrlst- " the members of the company, number of Invited guests, _. private dining rooms of the where tbe annual Christmas honored custom with this cnmpnnyi. was served. General representa- tive H. YV, Whlttler, who completed the ar- niugpntents for this dinner, had left nothing undone, the large hall being tastefully deco- rated with English and French flags, and last, but ov no mesns least, "Old Glory." The as- sembled guests of the firm were regaled by an old fa.shioned Yankee Christmas dinner of turkey and "fulns." During the repast, sev- eral toasts were drunk nnd speeches made. When the "afterpiece" was reached, a com- plete surprise was given to woody Van Anda. in the presentation of aa elegant gold watch, the gift of his fellow associates and the lady contingent of the company. The presentation speech was mnde by C. \y. LomtstitfT. At the conclusion, all united iu tinging.'tAuld Lang- Syne'! nnd "America," nnd giving three cheers for the proprietors, AL w. and Manager Kd. S. Martin. Al. W. Mania Joined the company at Toronto. Dec. J7, for a two weeks' visit. Fred A. Church Ik Hip lslest addition to our large company. 1'red llochslnhl. of the orchestra, has lately composed a new Intermezzo, which he baa dedicated to the citizens of Telcrboro, Can. The title is "The Prison Intermezzo." NoTtis h-noM -The Flaming Arrow" Co.— We plaved Harrlsburg, Pa., Dec. 24-2Q, to big business. On (he evening of tbe twenty- fifth, after the performance, we had a joyous lime. Mr. Sellon, our manager, gave a sup- ?ier on the stage to members of the company. Ve also iiad a Christmas tree, which was decorated for the occasion. Minnie Wilson Carroll and Florence Willis (Mr. Sellon's wife), did the decorating. The chef from Ihe "Flaming Arrow" Co.^ car, arranged the spread. There were Christmas presents ex- changed by nil members of the company. Mr. Bnlley, our man ahead, was with us, nnd acted as master of ceremonies. He was Santa Clans, and handed out the present*. Mr. Seldon and wife remembered everybody in the company. After tbe presents had beea distributed, everybody aat down and en- joyed the Christmas supper. Remarks of thanks were exchanged by Mr. Sellon and members of the. company. Foster Johnson, "Buckskin," spoke his thanks In the Indian InuKuaue. We knew what he wns talking about, but could not understand what he was saving. The mun wifh tbe camera was .there. and took a flash light picture. There were twenty-eight of us in the group. So far tbis has been a prosperous season for "The Flaming Arrow. Best 'wishes .to you for a happy and prosperous new year. j Ma. anu-Mbs. At;. J. Mamskx (KUaKra- mor) tire lu their sixth week with-C. P Bono's production of "Along the Kennebec. Mr. .MRMHcy. Is playing the heavy, and Miss Kramer the lea it. Khwtx Dm.vj, singe manager of the Osmon Stock Co.. writes from Anderson, S. C, con- cern log-their Christinas'festivities :."In con- formance with Us-annual cuBtom, the Osmnn Stock Co,, after Ihe.Chrlatmas'eye perform- ance, gathered In the; hotel parlors, and around -the -festal tree held- carnival long after the midnight bells '..ushered In • the grand feast day of Christmas.. Presents galore. * were handed out by Santa Clans iIIaiTv Allen), from off, the tree, and many were the gifts from-, friehdi and-kindred far away. - The guest of. honor was Mrs. .Oshidji, who traveled many miles to be with her husband and daughter (Marguerite Osman) on this occasion. The royal greeting ahe re- ceived, not to speak of the tokens of affec- tion and esteem presented, made (aa she expressed it) more than recompense for the long Journey. Manager John Osman was the recipient of an elegant silver shaving service, a gift from the company, who took this opportunity to express their apprecia- tion of his business methods and their re- gard for him as a genial gentleman, for, as it was written in tbe address, 'there was Sifiji! Sfri^^SCSjHBW w.^H n/e given. \Wk sully'Family. no<l John F. Sully as a star. H was written In tbe address, 'there was reiy cagea of Dec. '1A "Dora Ihornc aud "Jay In New The nlav will he elveu an elaborate scenic onlT one J °hn Osman, for, after he was trategy of York" were the bills. Week of Dec. 31. "Dr. iHfl^SS.TJwi elKRAf JSFiVnSX made, the Lord broke the mould.' At the ere the bills. Week of Deer 31, "Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" nnd "Perils of a Great City" were the bills. Iloster: E. B. Bouner, L. 0. Pack, Earl Craddo^k. Kdwln B. Han- sel!. A. P. Gland*, Chas. Jordon, Ollie Lenox, lllvls 1'nyton, Lor«ne Roberts. Mrs. Karl Craddock and Ethel Kulp. Lois Meredith has equipment, and tbe star, we are. Informed, will be surrounded'by a company of unusual excellence. "An interrupted Honeymoon" Is u musical farce comedy. In three acts. Sadie Mixer Can field, -of "The Belle of May fair" Co., is spending the Winter abroad. jepI'ersox Hall and Gertrude Maitland loads. <Mrs. Hall) are in tbclr sixth week with I seTson 3 ;"nnd"i.s T fenSR && Sff&tS!? i'SEB^MarVS? medleys, and have fo respond to repeated lust Joined the company to take the eueores nightly. May Wow and lommy Miss Meredith has been with the I closed with Mnlley & Phillips' lighUul .lliUe comedy sketch, Interwoven as everywheVe itojm This Is our tenth rlflce" Co"after a" season often weeks 'i Is lii fho.jilay., cmiaea no end of favorable week here.. Business has been fine, with ;he Notp.s fiiom "l\e Wl"ard of Wall Street, * loruiuent. l-.dwlu Clifford came on while the show was In Rro«.klyn, nnd will return when the New York ettgagement U played. IImiy Mmuiy Li:f Hamilton, son of Mr. niui Mrs. Harry K. ILitnUlop (Helen Rclcka). in arte his debut on the singe nt the age of eight weeks, hu .Inck Mnson Jr., wllh the Castle Square Stock Co,, at Wheeling, W. Vn. W. J Pmncp, business manager for Car- roll's production of "Hip Van Winkle," spent Christmas at Mount Tleasant, Pa. Notks or "A Thip to Atlantic Cut" CO.—Members of the "Wills' "A Trip to At- lantic City" Co.* headed by Walter s. Wills, wore g'tests of Mrs. Duke, at Orlanda, Fin., Nov, 20 to Doe. 1. During their stay there lhey enjoyed themselves automotdllng, yacht- ing and horseback riding. This company opened the house for Manager A. D. Parker, at HI. Auguntlue, Flu., Nov. 20, to capacity. mid Malinger -Parker Immediately engaged i hem fur his New Year's date. In the near Hit nre this company plays Key West. Hu- Inunit Islands and Cuba, returning North during Ihe Spring. No'pus fuom "Tun coi'nt-ry Jay" Co., .1. Howard Ilnumun's.—'This new rube show ■vnened Its' second half or the »eason at St. Mary's, O., Christinas Day, after a week's rest. The show has marto good, and la ahead financially, which 1b a credit to most nn? show during this, the worst Reason known In veal's. Although wo have nnt done phenmnc- iml business, we have done well, and have gilt edge lime for the rest of (lie Reason, be- ing bonked solid to June. Wc will play all Summer through the Norlh. IUistcu ov J ok" A. Wallace'!* "Puck's Bah Boy" Co.: Joe A. Wallnee. proprietor; Tim l>celer, manager: IJ. W. 1'lckerluu, 1-nnlucsFi manngiM*: V'rmik and Hndle llarrl- gnn, Harry w Mils, P. Francis and M,nhct Joyce, Tom Hlgglns nnd LBy Phelps and Umn Vliu'cnl. Tiik Wuhtkux "Itnllrimd Jnck" Co.. under Hit,* luauaircineut -.if Louis It. Christ, rcuorts tapncliy "huslucss Hi rough Oregon, Washtog- loii. CnlKornln. Nevada und Utah. The wa- ter: Louis B. Chrisi, tsole uwuer auq uniuu- tter of alt Wctleru terfllory : Qwr Caufiuun, luitdness renn>seiitntlre: V. A. Burbauk Jr., iiKcut ; Chris N.rtsou, pUytnc (hu title role; Clareucc Baker, Billy Council, laddie llawcK. chas. Brewer. Itlrlitird Dickinson, Sum St muss. Leliu Tlnmipson, Mae Verne aud Lillian Lane. The company Is booked solid until Juno 20. Luhtkii l.ONWHiiAX. a leading man of prom- iucin-e, will make bJ* stellar debut lu Jnn- "iitc. as ibe vagabond hero-poet, in Justin lluutty McCarthy's romantic piny. "If t Were Khic." Hie drama lu which E. II. Hoth- ern scored n signal success a few reasons auo. Tun "JnvcBs fP. I'raacls and Mabel F.) have Juliiert Wallace's ''Peck's Bad Boy" Op, week here. Business has been fine, H. II. O, slgu out several nights. The com- pany, as a whole has mndo good with ibe people. Evelyn La Tkm, (Mrs. Chas. Hnync-s), accompanied by her little daughter, Bony Bnriioru, »pent another enjoyable Christmas week with tbe llombergs, of Homberg's Park Theatre. Itaelt Ulver. Biltlmorc. All the- members of the family were reunited tit Holly Neck Stock Farm, which Mr. Hom- terg has recently t'lirchaacd. This makes the fifth Chrl.itmns Miss Ln Telle bns spent vlth her employers, bnvlug worked In stock with success at the Park Theatre. 11. A. IIeilman, agent of the Jewell Kel- ler Stock Co., writes: "We are in our twen- ty-fifth week, and hove only hnd one bad week. We have also played to twenty bouse records. If there Is another popular price attraction In the South that can produce such a record, we would like to bear of It. Our company numbers eighteen people, and so fur this season have only made one change. Wo spent Christmas nt Jonesboro, Art. Mr. Kelley has played there overv season for tbe i nai six: year*, but this year the business wus to the capacity of the house, and fully five hundred people were turned away A theatri- cal season nt Jonesboro would not ho com- plete without Mr. Kelley's annual engage- ment. After the performance, Monday night, the members of the company exchanged many handsome presents. In a little speech, Mr. Ball, In behalf of the entire company, pre- sented Mr. Kelley with a solid gold watcii. Simla did not forget any one In the com- pany, nuil this proved to bo (he happiest Christmas Dny any of us ever spent ou thu road." Paiitiiknia Kkndau., Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kendall, died on Thanks- giving Day. Pnrtlicnta was their only child, nnd their loss h hard to boar. Mr. und Mrs. Kcudull have for a number of years been very popular iu Western repertory nnd stock rlrclos. HosTKfi ot* Ihe "Queen of tbe itockfes" Co. Is us follows: Chits. F, Rhodes, nuiunger: urnce Man Dell, ns the qiieeu; Mntt D, Les- lie, Alum 'Tripp. Alice Huinlltun, Chas. liny, J. II. McLaughlin, willimi Price, Harry Spcrry. KHxaMh Hay. Frank Oliver. Cnrl llaupt, Pete l>nre nud r. L. I^imbcrl, iifteat. T. II. Wjnxktt bus HCcurcd from Jerald Shepnrd, the sole rights to his latest far-deal comedy. "Who's Your Wife." The comedy will be tried out lu the Spring. KtakH wom Uii a noon's Out Knot: Snow. —our Christmas date was nt Oclwelu, Iu., and we had fnlr business all the week. The Lew VIrden, manager.—We are still playing lo goad business. At tola. Kan., and Au- rora. Mo., last week, one business was very large, which Is especially gratifying, ns they were return dates. We spent our Christmas at Wler City, Kan., and 1 doubt If nuy other company hnd a finer time than we did. Our members are very congenial, nnd each one took n pride In doing his part to make the celebration n success, nnd success It wns, for never was Iherc n finer tree or finer people assembled to receive the gifts of Santa Olnus. Among the presents were: A one carnt dia- mond stud to Mr. VIrden : a set of solid gold bends to Mrs. VIrden (Miss Dnnlnp): a carat diamond ring to Mrs. Brynnt (Jane Mor- gan) : a beautiful gold trimmed meerschaum pipe to Mr. Berger; a diamond studded Elk phi. to Mr. Bryant; n set or told cuff links, to Mr. Hardy; a diamond studded stick pin. to Hnrry llaoerts, and tnnny other beautiful and useful presents. Then there were the •"lioohy" prlzPK, which were selected to suit the peculiarities of each one. Probably the funniest one wns nn old battered ilug, which wns presented to Mr. Berger. ln cninraemorn- liou of his famous wnr stories. Hnrry Rob- erts, who Inined us last week, gave out the presents. Everybody sends greetings to The Old Hf.uahu:. HicilAim (X Mapdon Is en route (o the const nnd hack with the melodrama. "Nettle, I ho Newsglrl," plnyinK the principal comedy, ihe fiermmi lobster peddler. The company opened In tvnusns City In July, and Is play- ing only the tost lime. His specialty, he writes, lias been n big success. - Aniihli.'s Ciimkmans (Hasten), under the inmiiigenietit ot! M. F. Ketchiun, arc playing to good business through Michigan, and more ihnu maklus: good, wc are informed. Buhy Clndys Is a strong vaudeville feature. Nu- merous other specialties, by different mein- Ihm'h of the cmupntiy. together wllh a reper- tory of strong plays, briugs (he business. Tbe roster Is ns follows: M. I''. Ketchiun, iimuager: Frank .1. Dean, .1. 0. Marlowe, Clms. Jarvls, A. J. Wiles, Paul !■'. Chase, Allelic M. Ivetchum, Maude Umnlltuti, Lelaa Bretoiine nud Baby Oludys Uctchnui. M.utnARti'1' BiiNVHT.t., who returned from the West two wevks ago. aflcr a successful tour. Imuifrtint'.-ly folutd the Brooklyn <irnurt Thwtra Stock Co., formerly the Pulque, doing xoubrctto roles nnd hading numbers, In which Hhe reports decided success. Cl.AHKNCE Al'SKlNHS. Ugent Of t)<C Tom jrorka Stock Co., writes; "Wc opened nt the MiiMijwm'M Lvrlc Theatre to stiindlug room only, and will play stock for thrcu weeks. mode, the Lord broke the mould.' At the banquet, Christmas night, the spirit of tbe time was abroad, - Tip* elegant spread re- ceived due attention, and wit und wine held revel. When, In the early hours, to tha melody of 'Auld Lang Syne, the members went their way, filled with memories of a luippy Christmas tide, nnd resolutions to make the coming year .better even than the one hastening to its close." Okhtruum Ewino Co, Christmas Notes.— Christmas woh spent at Newport, Ark. There was n liberal exchange of presents among all the members ot the company. Including some very handsome and expensive gifts. .Kuril per- son had their gifts for presentation arranged In their rooms at the Hotel Hazel, and, after the company called at Miss Kwinc's apart- ments, with a very handsome Taylor trunk, to the chorus of "I'm Johnny Jones, the Property-man," I lie exchange or presents be- gun, the company belug invited from room to room. After the performance Christmas night, Miss and Mrs. Eivlng tendered the company a banquet, served by a well known caterer, consisting of n mr-m that left nothing to be desired. J. E. Doherty (tbe former opera house manager), and weil known In ihe profession, was a guest of honor. Toasts were drank, and being '"on speaking terms," good fellowship reigned till 4.30 a. m., when, with a vote of thanks and best wishes for the continued prosperity to "The livings," we retired from the ha liquet hall, nnnnlmously expressing the occasion us "one of the merriest and most enjovnhle Christmas events in many seasons." Those present were; Mrs. J, C. Ewlng, Gertrude Kwing, J. E. Doherty. Louis Denn, J, G. Stuizmnnn, Chas. Colvllle, Drew Simmons. J. c. Urlnperi, Edgar T. Neville and wife, Wil- liam N, Smith. Hose Winchester, Irene Jones, nnd Misses llattle and Hazel McNutt, the twins. . Bess W. Carter writes: "Am In my eighth week wllh E. V. Pheh.n's "Hallroad Jack" Co. Next season I will Introduce a rural sketch in vaudeville, entitled 'Ezra,' With three people." Ai'mu-iy St. Clair Is recovering from tbe nccldciK which nltc met wllh soven weeks ago. und expects lo be able to work by the hitter pnrt of January. JosTfirii Brums- has Joined Lincoln J. Curler's "Ens': Mnll" Co. Nutkh mow the "East Lynne" coinpnhy, headed by Dorrit Ashtou, mul imdor tho management of Chns. Ncwtou.—Wc arc hav- ing a very successful season thus far. This company has been out .since JasL March, ■■penIn-; at Liberty, N. Y., and wc hnvu I" ' to piny the roles of the bad boy and Duffy, Mr. Varo was called home from here by the the li-Nh policeman. Illness i-f his wife in Cuba. Knn Iowa has 11 II. Oi:tst:v. who closed with the "Along been a very prosperous State for us. We Hit- KrniirUiM.:" Co., at liock llnvt'ii, Pa., Is lu go under umvns from Dcs Molnee tbe flret a new business, at Hldgeway, Pa. of June. unu lit' uc^t 4'i ift i/tiaiuvon .,!■ i no nwi, JW r?**W «■■». ..... JP-—., *,,.-« -.-- .-*.w H .. v ~ wv . t-oaipRny enjoyed « swell Ctirlstmaa dinner It Is just like Hummer up here In AlbcrU. at I'nlnu ifouso Christmas eve. Our mau- ager. Win. Brnutlon. also treated the com* pauv to a snt-i.-rlor feast at one of the lead- ing rests umn is, and Sunt a Clans remem- bered each member with mnuy costly gifts. llaycd Peunsylvuiil'i. Ohio, Mlchtgnu, Wis- consin. Indiana, HIIuoIb. Kansas, uklotioiun. the ludlun 'J'crrltoty, and aw how lu Texas. We lost two matiuees last week, one at Austin, Tex., on last Haturdav. The rompiiuy did not nirlvo until 5 v. jr., und the audience, wus dismissed. On Suuduy, at Sun Antonio, Mnnugur Wola, had a large advance sale ior tbe matinee, but the truliis were bo lute that Manager Wets dismissed Uio audience, which packed tho house. The _. company arrived at 4.20 ft m,. belue thlr- imd the company Is doing n big business." ten\ hours late from Austin. Business litis Itri.i.v Cv.ih;hn writes that ho is Iu nn bean very good In the larger cities of Texas, fourteenth week with the Chester De Vnude and the climate down Herb la fine. The Co., play lug- parts, and doing his specialties, innnagcmetit. bns decided fo continue on My new "laou-rii Tommy" specialty, he uddfc, through Louisiana nnd Mississippi The Is mnklngn big hit. Ltsogiy Vxn writes: "Am roaking a blr lilt plnruik the conudy pmt In 'The Rlrlaud ihe Uandli.' My song takes five and a\± inuQies every night." eorapdhy ooataliip the following namea Clms. Newton, Dorrit Ashtob, - Ed. C. Stew- ard, May llnytoofid, Fred Btnrr, Miss Clay- ton, Harry Ncwioa, John Uamlll and Itfni- t«r JoUu Cough. Tremendou* Itchlna; Over .Whole Bod>-aori.tnhc-d Until Bled-Won- .tcrfui Otare by'Cotleiiro. "Last year I suffered with a tremendotis itching on - my-back, which'grew -worse and worse until it spread over .the whole body, and only my face and hands were free. For four months or so I suffered torments, and I had to scratch,-.scratch, scratch until I bleu*. At night when I went to bed things got worse, and ;I had at times to get nj) arid scratch my. body all over until I was sore as could be, nnd until ■ I suffered excruciating-pain. They told mc I was suffering from ec- zema. Then I made tip my-mind that I would use the Cuticura Remedies. I used tliem according to instructions, and very soon indeed 1 was greatly relieved. I continued until well, and now I am ready to recommend the Cuticura Remedies to any one. Mrs, Mary Metzger, •Swc^t- water, Okla.,: June 28,1905-", - . "Tow, Dick ■ ano Harry" N'oTra.-—..\i. Rich, manager of Blckel, Watson and Wrotbe, in "Tom, Dlfk and Harry," gave the com- pany a grand surprise, on Christmas night, taking the entire company in sleighs, niter the performance, to Thornhlll inn, a.road bouse atop of Mount Koyal, Canada, where a banquet was served, and plates were laid for sixty. After the dlaner we retired tn the ball room, danced till tho wee hours, aud then had a delightful ride home. The oight was made to order for sleighing, the moon shining brightly, and "Mother -Kortb" cov- ered with a beautiful-coat of snow, which helped to make the night bright an day. Among those present were: Harrison Stead- man, James Williams, Walter 1'earson, Mel- ville Brown, Arthur Cobb, Jack Spurrier, Clay l'rlcem, William Blair, John Co-uello, Ilarrv llwart. Walter Webber, Mr, and Mrs. l'rnnk Melville, Mr. and Mrs. 3y Gould, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Blckel, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watson Jr., Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed. Lee Wrothe. Louise Auber, "Our Kid," Fanny Thatcher; Dodo I'belps, Viola Russell. May Harrison, Kitty Nelson, Mable Zeere, Flo Allen, Jossie Carter, Miss l.e Bol, Berlin Wells, Marga AusLln, .I'lo Bernard, Trlxy Buchanan, and our host, Al. Bleb. Among those present, who were not members of the company, were . 1-erpont Gelscr. editor of 'the Evening Anr#; Albert .Bossnow, represetotlve of The Montreal Star; Walter Orievcs, manager of the Academy of Music: S. L. Myers, agent of the "Around the Clock" Co., and Mi-« Sylvester and Miss Shawe, both, members of the Century Maids-Co. Everyone present voted' it. the grandest'nffnlr of Its kind they had ever attended, and one long to he re- membered. 1 ■ Hkkucbx Bri-'nox. who hended the Brenon Stock Co. at the Broadway Theatre, East St. Louis, ill., has severed his connection with ' that organization In order to accept mi engagement ns, light comedlau ut the cblCHgo Opera House, with the Chicago Opera House dramatic stock. -He opened m ihe part of Frank .Kennett, in "The Great Diamond Bobbery," and.Immediately jumped into poimlar favor. Mr. Brenon announces that his company In rascn'goula-ou-the- Beach. Mississippi, will open on May 6. for a season of slxteeu weeks.' The guarantee that Mr. Brenon,is receiving from the I'as- cagouln Stfeet B. It. CO.;,will bfe, he writes, n ;ooa$Iderable -sum; larger than the one- he received ' last Summer, With the- exception of one or two of the old favorites, an eu- ilrely new company will be engaged. Mr. Brenon will, when ready, secure bis people through the medium of advertising In Tim Cupi'tiR, as he states that last Summer he was able to engage a splendid organization, owing to the Immeo3e amount of answers be received from this source. Helen Downing, the clever ingenue, who was the inoBt .popu- lar, member of Mr. Brenoh's company last Summer, has been re-eagaged, oWlag to many requests from the regular patrons of An- derson Park. She Is at present filling an en- gagemeut ln Chlchgo. Mr. Brenon tu spend- ing all bla spare time reading plays, and will select forty of the best, to produce at bis parks. Notes from Sasi Wtu.mis' Attrac- tion*^ which Include the Empire Btock com- panies. Eastern and Western, also two Harry Williams' Own companies. — The Empire Stock Co. ( Western) has been opt seventy- three weeks nnlld, and has inndc very few changes. The Empire Stock - (Eastern* opened last AuguBt, and has beep playing to the very best of business. The same-can be tiold about the two vaudeville compnuleR. The Western company Is headed,by Knrland, Jail breaker und handciift.' expert; also has tho Olllvette-La Marr Bros., Mills and Sav- age, Olive Wallers. William-* nnd Dngan, Ds*vogt, Quintan Sisters, Fred Detmedtci. nnd Six Gracey Sisters. Tills cotiipany did capacity business at Akron, O., week or Dec. 17; also nt. Snlem, Christmas week,, where a. line Hpread was set at Metzer Hotel, by Mr. Wllllamii and Manager Wagner. . LoTTib' SoMiiitSj of the Homers Family Mimical Comedy Co., and late member of "The Wizard of Oz" and "Under Southern . Skies" companies, wnR married on Dec. 20, at La Crosse, Wis., to George F. Case, of the Bijou Theatre circuit, who Is nt present manager of the Bijou Theatre, La Crosse, Wis. Miss Somers Is the daughter of Col. and Mrs, P. 0. Somers, of Dulnth, Mlun..' und sister of Willie Homers Gerln, n I'nclfic roast favorite. 1'errln Somers, of the Jolly Grass Widows Co., and CarLSoroevH, formerly irianngcr of the Bijou Theatre, Calumet, Mich, The young couple will be nt h6nic In Winnipeg, Manitoba, shortly. I-pcAL r.'J, of iutehijitloual Alliance, The* ntrlcal Stage I'mployees, of Cripple Creek, col., gave their third annual banquet on Saturdu.v evenluc, Dec. "JP, at the Urnnd Opera House. A general Invitation was tendered to Ihe performers of tho Star The- atre. Among those present were: The Mar- vin Bros. Barleil and-Uarfleld nnd Ful'collu and Orhen. The eprend was botthteoUB. tho eatables being too nnraerods to mention. J.. D. Wnlterfi, treasurer and secretary, ncted aa tonstmaater. Vaudeville acts were contributed by the Marvin Bros-, Bnrtell and Garileld and Burcella nad Ot-ben. Two three round hoxlig bouts were, put on- by toad hi lent, nnd refcreed by O. Froddio Weeks, tlio Itocky Mountt'ln champion. Every- one enjoyed thcmsL'lvrji thoroughly, and- wended their way homeward lu the weo hours of the morning. any mil hnowlug the wherenbouts of.S.' A. Mitchell.(or S4tu Mitchell) will confer a favor by acntllug his addtces to his wife, who h repofred to be 111 li» Albln.- la. This. 1*is»tif Ovkiia llticHi-, ,at Perth, Cat... has boon placed on the A. J. small theatrtcul ctrcilt. nmi Is also on Tout J, Ntiylor's main Hue chcnit, with Arthur M. Johhslon as local mauager.. N'OTKH l-RUM .TltB EOSAM- - WlXTtlttOPE Stock Co. —We had a very plcaiant time ou Christmas, when tbe entire cbtopany ex- < banged preaOUts. Every one - was reinem- MMd—even Little. Joe Goodwill: who .re- ceived a diamond ring from Mr. Edatllt. All are happy nnd well. Buslnoas Is fair; We. have felt the Christmas uhoppthg, but now that It Is over, look for good btlsliicss. Cntn- plliueuts of the season to Tin? Old B«- i.i.ini.i:. MichirR co»TM,t,p; who retired from iho cast of thc i Maude Tenly Co., la' "The Illu- sion of Beatrice," will return lolil* Inline in New- YorU, after, al few days; rest at ogOtoV V.