The New York Clipper (January 1907)

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.■--^£i'1•;— i j£NTJA»Y42. < Tmm NWW YOBS OlilPPKR. 1237 Clipper Post Office> In order to rivoid mistakes and to insure tke prompt delivery- «>i tbe le*t-tr« -ad* ertUc-il lit (Ms list, no «OTClOpO plfilnlj niUlrt-HBc-il must be •tilt lor each letter, and n written order for the letter, uijxned with the loll asm* and Address and the line of business foil Owed l»y the sender* mast nlso be enclosed. Pleaee juration the dote (or nam- her) of toe CLIPPKH In which the letters sent for were advertised. S«jft V. li". ..filnrit, twin R. Lockwan. . beach, Cyrus W (lo^wlns. The Q iHiMor S. Archer. Helen Allen. Hemic ADJJfA, MttP. Alunr, 'leic-de AuiiOt. Jits, AMrleh, JJuttel Auuen, Mis* F. Ainulil, XaoctU AHliiBoii, Obtlr Aubtcy, Helen AgonluvSenorta A ik's, 31 ny Alpine, May Arnold, Bena Allium. Mabclle Amcnt Mri.W.D Anderson Frally Ablrnch Blancht Atlautle. Hulls Anderson lit lei i AlfHer, Did* M AflSbiS. Aliun. 11 AJMtn MIsaL Alien; Violet Bessiey, l*** 1 * Hreslua, Mtuc. BlMBMfc • ■ Mlf.elln. Burgess, An Barnes MnFrm- Biondcl!, Lib- ■ Die Arnold Barker Mai-jcrvi Buyer- Kthel Block, Vera' , Hii'nmrd. Mark Barker Bcntrl.' Bhlwcll, Helen Browne Edith I. Butler, Laura Ul'/U), BlaUChd l^'UPfC. Hose llnirl, Dorothy Howl], Doru Bruvrii, Mntwl Make MimO.V Dobiw, Elsie UtaUBKHit, Alma lii : '■[.*■, Jessie Blink, Jessie Bcnloa Lmlivlno Hurusinoorc, l'')'HVl]'t' Burke, Lottie Burke, Helen Harbor, Oltbv Union, Dorothy Blandish, Ul-ir Bclasco, S£nxu lliilliiulii, Jcuu Boyle, Stuu- ler, Alma Carney. Mm. Win. J. Clarke, Nnude J Cole-inm, Hub/ Crawford, ' Kunna D- (l.iuhaiii aisttra OiJIIuh, Llllluu (.'ftftwrJl, Hay Clinton. Kale- Cmlwell, Mary Ouvw, Mabel (I'lllim. Jlyrn Clu-ae Margaret Cosies, lfUls I'lOlllOII, LADIICJ' LIST. router, Wlll-ml Mcdruih Mis* M 1-VrHs, Blanche MeCall, Mr*, K, Putier, Minnie Maynard Detnm Fh-raiug, Ktiiel [MUljiirn Grucvf, Field, I.UllAU Mfjruf. Hnv 1 urrliigiou. IMsichette, Anna Nevada Meyers. Jennie Pitch. Alice Fnnclioncttl, Kitty Fisher. May Ford, Dora Forrester, Mrs, Clio. Fielding, MM. Harry Fairfax, Dorothy Ollmdre, Oldilya illlllr.gwiiiof, " I Men jeheuo. Marat idodkvln Vlrjfliia Gladstone - , ' Sisters (Tel) In Alberto Illnsereltl Till.' .tullnglter, Ada imam, Oik-ei, iurtlner Mw.K Itthtcn Mltu U. itirOon, Auiik 1 oliUuiltli r.lllli ,vK><lwln Alleen ■ ■li^in. Fanny ;ulllgan iroforv, - Norn Boll. ■ iv.iv, F!.!■.■>,i- Grnwy, Uftu Grlttttli. M:i''ol Gutfti), Hclk-n Golden, Mha B ii'uldcii, It.iy ' Godilnrd. Mha r.-in ■ w CitKMl. ■ Morgutrt (ialland. Ifel-tlin ElQwit, Mlt'lml I RaUtN MH.E.T Uavivnnt. -U'Uhli' : lleetre, Qua.., Howard, Vivian llnrte, Itonlne HlglfillH, Mrs. Tbo«. i Hunt Html May llsTtUr rVnncoH Iielena, Edltk \U'hn. 0 race i hitv.i. Sadie ilnrborouxb, Etljel Hardy, Allele ritlinn. Creatfle rjUWU Mm.Ncl . i looker t, BommIo i ilnwpll, Hvlen i r irclion niiui.'l llaytor Mm Wir. llHrilngtuii. Hill j iTomer, Kr i U.-i'.. f.iHil'" Hume, t'riuu'l- A l- . I ■■ ■ ,. Ilamllton tV'imo .,«„..„ cuiiijilwll. Kmmw ilnyivHHi. Mux .trOiltlj. Refli Cralii. Mrs.0-0. BWtMW< ' iSmion,, Slmeu U>ltler, Mrxlell. Vlnnle Klunley, Vers Crawley,. MsUcl I tar unit) MU-tu. Slngov, . -., Cnnrbd, Kdltb Henry 0«W M h ■ Marifucrlto »Juiiilihi»ll Louise Hurt. Jewi'.- (Sewanl, I'oarl Cinmlntliam. ., llunilab. aftUHal Hlitelotr Evolyn ., . Madw Hiirt,- Mrs.MHVK-StevMta. Row c»i-liitlf. (i.vtlc Hull, ■ Viola \»tviw. Ocor«l*f tHayton Bubbete llnrrlMm, NiilllL, lIctHli' iniii-in- I.j J.a.1 «MI'jn»c Pwilih. Mi- Xcll Mnrroy, Agnen Miller Mnrffnrcl Mnrolilo, Dltli Murray, I!j-v Mpj'ers. I<onl»e Mltclol), Von Murroy, E'JjUi Miller Carrie lietle Normrji. Ida Nulieis Hlstcrs NlChOlS, Ajjf k> .V-jMm, Mils D. Norton. Irjiu; Nlckersoii,' Mrs. K. H, Osborne Mv ..l\v O'Dny, hla Princeton/ . Miirrel [•nit;, Carrie JTiirl, Jcnnlo I'lillllpt, Xlw, Fred .'rctlyiimii, Hdiiu Juinn. Margie wiiitdan, Jollo Ultcaie, Mm. iiillv FrIUl .(ope, Marie Jiothrrt, Otuce UibDt-ld Harriet Uumtnel,' , Mn.^EreriHt ItOCfi?. MlaaH.M Itaymond Mad^-e Ttiminha, Florence Itnaslter, Helen R(,nUldo. E*a I Ion en. Dora Itamlall, Florence Itoydon Virginia UOBlyo, i MIhs head, HCMH .Vine! I u .iuyaor. Kit a Kebar, A-lrh-lti I'.iiMMoml, N'llll Koblimn. ' Mumnvt Nmvl-'i ii /-In ■' Show glare 1 ,* S.lnioiiClani M Stnffonl Comeliu :-«riii. May Motion. Aftnce dinger. Mary Simpson, Allle Stewart Nellie Snnrord, Fannie hiiraln, Annie fcelicH La Bslto Seflon. Lllllin Mntlalr. Malilo freveranee, . i Marguret Slewarl, Ltsila Courtney. Ilrvhuj, Oomlllo ' . rnuiaei lrviii((, l«a Crawley, Mlm iJonex,- StMrfln CMffurd. I'enrl '.lermon. Jretw (lunniii, .!L'Mle|'t'nh/N.t Mori'lu-o t;«lef, Jennie Hriiufrflan, Ktttj Cnrft, E. Mahel IVtinfeily. .May bumoiit. D.ihy iKIbhy OhUlottu IM-.Veio- OJsMllyK, TteiiMivl. lie Vimil (Jlndy- Klmlle. Minnie lWiWk'Uni'. 'I*slle, l fl ;oieiii:e ... ■ • Ntlfild I-awiencc. Mtic I>«ly, Vlulet il.tirlfet LouI»e IMtnen,', J'ltin |I.ecnnrd HuaanM pJemA, i>clyn htmtib Maael De Male, Mninl il-iiuncltmere,. Howling,. .Bwt'h ' Mia* L. L. He l'cu, Mlnnlo I.lepKni MIbb U. Dreber. Mlnnl |U orllo, ... . t'e Vyne, Dollla : ; Uoanmoa-l Hnveuport Alice. I.uitttdon,. ■. . D;- Lisle, Mm- - KaUieiluc Dnvly, Dora 1 ■'■ XaWe Klttn-n IhIIiitcu, Bone llxickwood. Derrlll, I'Bidllw! Mnrgeiet iJuvls BtlJtHbeili Li'tt-nen* Delle, Enid i Irlcc (10c.) Denv>s, Mary 15 T.traek Mtrfbm Dicre, Louio De fbnr ■■■ JDomlltei De Wolf. Virion De )' in ■•■!.. Mrs, \\\ .0. M DO Vew, Mutle l'li|«)lut. Muyme DiivIh, Jollo l'..ilie. pft Lawrence Elliott, Lollle Elll'tlte, Olilr mwtri, Kitty MiU, i-.::hm i:iHi'ry, Maude Kiirle. Vera Kurw, ituhy Furl. Etbel Earte, Alice Fa rli*, tleorgla plitt iVifle Kurle. Jullrt IYr0ii«Dii fii-it't, France. Marqnerife FliiRiirlli'MtK. H Koraiterc Hcifrlil Flpldiuc; Pjullne I'i.i ri'Ht, Killth VnrrniNti, May FrunkUu Lillian Little. Brittle IrfKlle. 1'aullae Umaraur Mlaa') t^lgb, Lattloier LMmt. Ml.L 11. II. Lovalne, Mre.W taiiBdon Hiinile l*e, Miimle Km in 11 Rowley (.■■■ ,!>'i ■ Mil I Melrose, Mrs. Klrner WnrKimii, lltne Morgan, Kitty Miitln-w. Cl-irs Maofien, Hn* Hirry Msltlniirl, Mm. Philip Morrison, Belle Mitchell Com I. Mitchell. Ado Mure., nfMN MurkR. Malik- Mersereau, Mrs. n. L Mem-renn, Violet Mun to I Mi. * Jeanne ttc Mcmd, Alice Alpine Family Allen. I'. S. A hi. j. Max. Ad onto, Joe Alberto, Frluce Allen. C. II. AlliNonx, The Aafn. Taul Aldica Twins Adams. J. K. Alfoofto . All. Arnhnrk Alt, Jack Anttey, Al. Alh-ti. Archie Auleer. Ad. Anion & Co.. OBNTLBMBIN'S LIST. S!u-ui'.'. ' ];■. r.i Mlnger, Mia.) M. St.' Kluirl, ;•■•*■ Ainu'ltp Stanley Urul.W Templetoa. ■ Claries Taylor,.' Hat tie Ttiniibull Fanny Tinner. Gladys X rerun I ns. Margaret Tlmmpxoii, Mtsa Trout man Try Vedrier, Kadle Vdb TuMell, Entile Vou AlfHtOt. Mrs. U. viuia. Mi''-, v. ii-i.'i. Delilde West. Ira Waldrop, las Whltakcr Helen WolfeM M'lmlsS Wklffclifle. recite Waters, Asm Wilton, Belle W4^ala mIbMI.L Worth, Irene white, Annie Wood, Olge Willis Mrs. Edward M. Wlfland, Clara Woaton, Cells Wugiter. Marguerite Wriltdi Mrs Hob Went, Madeline West, Esiel ■ wVfi. I'bocbe Wright, Jestde —',. Anna Murglo Weston Frsii*:es woodward. Entitle Will (man Kliler* WHilllCC. Hi, in- Whitman, Atbcrln Wilson, tieorgbimi Whtlney llerllm Vnrk, Oraco York, .tnitii Zetio, Mile. Benton 0, Mor.t- Ihirke. Walter browiilngH, 1'bo CysfN AJI'.-riimii Brown, Will Bn«nle*j ■ . Hooiloa, The LnrrltigMii Clinn lli'oonifciler I'm linnett, K»Iwl« lUul.llnll, Whit Mil Bronia Ikwbardy. .. B . Uleplien B.iler. E, U. LMctier, Frsnk (Hinras, Val Aflams. pld.-F. .'.' . < In,!. Allen, J. Mi Adolphutt. Ik»b Armrnrt Teddy ArnoM. J. V. Jt&mt Puma. Ed. J. UfTMlt. .Will Brill <). Nelson ■svrrbm ■ Ths Hentou Petco It. Itaiiard, V. U. Black. 8am AnderMtti UUtTA fhillaB. Gaj. AnHi-us. Billy iKI^rell, C. D. AVdo, Man Bnker. John T. Berry A Berry IBfirna. Mturlco Barlelli, Jot. „ Br'ban. Wm. " llolmont C:in^l_Ir Kelfratfe n.'fi. F Bojee. -T-ii'h Onley AM.nifon Piker. A. "*. Bouclrd Barney TtnlfPock, Ttieo, "Varer, wait ft, 'lennett, 1. Moy nates, w. H, lllFtll tt CO, Byrni*. Miko BriidfordM. Tim Bvwman. I'mnk I<nker Troupe Burns, Jan. \Y. Hurtling, G. C. Brown. 0. Will i;-i--i , Geo. J. Ibisiiell, J, A. BronkH, Csn»vT Runker Irv, C. Bunnell, Geo. Beieyn, Then. Brooks, itrn'L" RrennaiiH, Mttalc Berginai. Henry Byers. Tbou. C. Bowman. KM Belcher Boyd C. hoyd, Archie netm, lien Butler. Kli:l::iDl Been or. W. S. liHKnl rank: nnrblr. Allie Bellmuit 1 Moore Bryant, At. Bower* Ch-w. II l-nrlow. Kuitt Bnlley. lies, IHdweii Clar. D Blockcoue. Hurry Uaster' iitiiwii , Co.. Mg*. Beyer,. 1km Cole 4 Com Oonqner, H, CluiiDlna. t.ii-M. K. Cirle ARi-i-voori Crafotd, E. 8. Cldey. Cluifii'O Chapman. A. D Cook, can w. ClHircb, Fred Couture Darle Ct-wby. J. F. Caldwell, jia. J, Collar, Itov Coffey, J. \V.. Connor, Jaa. J. Cresi-ey. W. M. Circe ALaYouna tbleionn, C. W. Cnnitnlni, Billy tuner. Cbas. H. ctore, c. .8. CnrltoD, Burt Cluxton, Tt. Cnrleton tk CavenaiL (^iifjOTr, Bruce Cot*. Bob Conlin. Jan. Clark, Harry Carl, Bert titartlan, Mr. Corhett, Vn, t Carrel], M. 0. IfMfJti liVuVtflu Oiillns, Monto Uqnrw *■ pbh Cole, Will (>jboera, Join Cuiien, Jas. II. cunning, Tbe . Jail Breaker (uiiiielii, Cbas. riutoD, ii. ii. conneiey. Jack Curlyle Joba 0. Cutler. KhodPs tiurk. Duncan Cnalloupe Frauii CiiMweil. A .. \Ventwortb Carlton, Cbas. Curmody Jns.F. Connor, Jas. J, Cbamplln, Cbas. K. Sotiroy, Put DJilnti AMertil Cartello, 0. "■ Cortes, II. Cnnley, Ous Carpenter. Bert i 'l it k. Geo. De l ,<'i, Cbin. Dnsblcll Wlllarrl Detnpsey, Jack Dowllmi, Tom F Depew, Totor DeSheiley. Win, Diiroond, O. H. l>rmlbJt Lawrenc Don, Arthur GrVlner, Arthur Mann, iiiimy iiebhart, Geo. McElroi-, K.I. • J cPhall, Bert MorrW, ].. It. o. Hratef, Chester McFhall. tiordpn. Jaa. Gore, Holme* OBfOOtlX, », K. Oracle ft Reynold Gordon Lawrt-u. Godley, .\*.<. V, Ullaserettt Chaa Greene, J. K-i. Gretson. CHom. OajiM, Itiipii J. llodgea Jn-i viol Hill Mnrr.iv K. Ilnugers. Tin.' Haske, Henule Harvey, Arm. Hatch Ur.-'. Huntley. I. H. HfiatlntD Hnrrv llnrrls, Bol-Uy Hskler, J. J. ftylnnii, -hn, J. Itanaon, A. n. llnrrlKnn, Jom.I iie'Tiifliin, Juc. tlckey. John \ Jump ton. Prof Harrison. H. 8- luttklna.-Levv Kaeker, T. ii. lolder, 0, B. Hnrrls-l'arlt- lnson Stock Co iiirili. Link ileward ABIomi HIIUUH, A. Ben Ilelnlman, Frod IMIn Bill Oj. Biw. Mar tlusbes Cliui.ll H'M'y, Jobnoy Miirdman. Will llnsty, Cliaa. tins.well. Mnurh Holmes, Jack Howe, Ben fl II'. wt'. 1'. II. Micks, Geo. Mawtboroo & Bar- Hume. Dick Hatbawsy, Front Hall, Alfred Knllsad. E. J. Hnruboro, — Ilolllnrsliead, DM Haines, Geo. t' llnuna, J. Huuimoml. J.TI IFl-lHI-iNlCt l.n'.llr' I InrrltiRtnn. R. lltHOIIH, .Ilii;,', Harper, Harry House, Fred c. lllimiaoiiu A ramisj Hylands, Fred llowunl ALIndei HvdBV. Jack Ihtiulltoii, Willi Hohten, we, F Uays ft hnlght .tiiuhjou. Bert Deutoutle ft 'Hall, Harry J. Dlnamoro ItoBjiK'. P. M. Defly, Ben In: Melon], Jos. Dxvldsou. Obns. Duke, Amos Ed. I »• Route, W. Delo.vH Tbe ;I Dole, Albert Drake, Homer Dixon, Burt ft Harrow, Btuurt Itupree, Geo. Duwuey 4 Wlllard Vfvoo, Eddie Delpblno ft -i Delntoro DeVere. Bllty peTDMHti Harry lihiibsrH. The 4 Dehtiar, Jutea linuglta ft Ford Dloua, Herniaau nun mi. Wm. Dawson, . Ualler J. Do Ormond Jno. Devoy ft Miller DeForest Ham Deiinliig-Olto Dillon, iof. H- i'-r, in, Nat' Druue. Waali Davenport, ' , Harry J. Dlsccly B. K. Dixon, i i. U. Dewey, Earl (j. 1 ilinmim! ^ Howard. II. B l'.ii;:in ■■■. BrOWl Ihtrrlngtoii E./. Howe, .Sain Hurleys, The Hr-it.-ii ADalla- Howard, ft Timiterlalii - Hurry, Wni.E. Dltnn iiowden, thflln llollsnd. 1- iin. inn '..ii ah-: Hi- i -■■in-!. I'l'-'l Howard ft Hlun.l lltiiniiioiid, t;iias HuHttllBH Cii'icv Hiimllii. Itl.1i:.rl hit<lee, U. Edwin Ingniin A Croiiui Irving A HpeMumi' Jones, Wdller Jewell, Rnl-ert JcnnlUBB, Tack Johnston, ' C. Mason Jacobs ft Hunlrl McNHIi, 1-Ytnk Mcluiosb, Fred Mootea. O, T. Maria. J«e 9. Melfln, Jul B. Myers ft Mhimu McGlll. Dave Monroe. Ned Mealy, Rcgo 0, Mnrtnln, Harry Mucnini-er, F. A Montague. K. B. -MeCall. Trio Moore, Tom Mnmlctllle W.C Miller, Frod Miller, F. W. Ma. k, Ed. Mulloy. Dart Viivllii. Ed. S. Murteii, wm. IL-Knlglil An \-f Hello. Geo, E. Mnnillng -ichtlle decker, Wm. diller Frank F. Mildred A Bonder »latthews, C. C. Msmetto. W.ii. duck ft Elliott tfvtirttti, R. U. Mordant Kdwiu Mlteiiell. Dick Mnnthall Geo. O Merickcl, BenF Morgan ft Crono Mason It,Lester Mlllette Albert Mnddox, Dick May, Arthur O. Merrltt, ClniB. MHcltell, lleibt Marroit, Jia. Millard, Robert Mlllarda. The 3 Mullen, Ueu. It. Millard, Wm. Monroe, Ned Melrose Win. F. Monroe, Mack ft Lawrence Mantcim, Jack Marlow, Jin. MatIoii, F Ward Man's -Broken , Promise Mar. MUOaey, If. I?. Macklc ft M.i.-k .Uocart, Fred Martin ft Le Valley Murphy, F. F. Mack, Oil]* .Murray ft Mock McGee, tajik Meybohm, Mr. May, I'nnie McUuesteii, Albert II. Mlndruji, F. \V. Mack. A. It. 'IuIimK CIihh. ialitey, Wnltcr \elNott, J. ,\. Nevaroi, Four Velio .11 ; - ;, Mi.-.. North. N. II. '^clt. Mr. iH T. Frank! rn UliUt In . Town, Mffr. Nlirgln, Heriit L Nasoti, F. W. O'Kourkc ft. Burnett J rati co, M. 'Jlitiiiui PdwlnR n|.i'i, Henry MjStL S. iPNelPs, The Owens Mli-h. F. O'Donnell, T. II J'Neill. Thos. O'Brien \n». J. Omur, Beit Ott Bros, ft . Nicholson Oatrunder. • ■ Oarleton Farker, i;d. E. Paris, Lionel I'roveHiih. — Jonex. Ciirtln A. 1'lingle Johnnie Jeuklnj. U. W. i'oltor, II. B. . .roiiea.* II. J. , I'i-nlln.: J. ft. ,l<ihiiHt.iiH- Ralph Pnrlilan . .. JohiiMon, I.OH Wi. opera Trio Jobuson. t'llgrlni. Job. Carroll J. rilHcheT. Fred Jnlinaoih, - .1'■■(■..- i'l'lu.', ftlelllng, Geo. Snow, (loo, W Btiel, A. L. Bbbers, Emit Scboefer. Mat. ft ifi'Aa 5avlt|n. Gus Sevi-riiiR. Welling fmlth. Wm. Biuret). C C. hlim'nfelt Jos.C, Bauds, Tnul HHOndeni, Dill. Sutherland At id, ettlart, pbna.E. Cborke, wm. frmllb. rietober Utiihleaeld. Om. Straight, EdRrir Slews ft A Hnytngii'l Kntton, Jack FotiKri. Perrtn fearles, Arthur Boldlne. Mr. elrong, F. W. nMr. David F (*|iroBue. ThosF. Ht. Onge, Fred H.oiinoiii, Four hcott, Geo. Mmiler, Arthur fiiiher, Job. Stucket, Uow.M Si«<ok«e. TUoi. Klipyn, Al. SVWfll. A. W. frl'Hill-, Mr. Bll-Iey. Frank Stetuer. A). O. Bmlth, Morris hciitlieru. Burt Street, Jim fcnter, Henry »eott. M.AIusl; Scblll, Frank i Sweeney's Naah rllle Sludenti Bweuttnnii Wild Kage. I'. Allen Eolllvaii, T. i'. knrlug, Kd. Hhariiley*. Tho Stedmuii, ihii-iy Jfiiort. Wm. Ii. Salisbury, CHao. P Sheik Hadji Talinr Schuster, Milt. P.loones, Tho fun Frsncloisi Mlnatrols umm Pried Smith LeeOri'Mii Sullltan, hit F ierrwnt BrtrQa otase Garpn;r Turbeh, KiHecy Tetfe, Wtllnrd Terrlll, F. K Tewkabitry, Herbert R Tivmey. Jas. Tracy, Joe Trevor, Edwin Ttioum Aitn O. Terrell FrnnkM Tiny. Harry J 'I' Tlinn. Arthur Temiile AMorton luitier, O. Ii. Tnyktr, C. c. Tlt'iiunKtn, Ji-h'i Vhomsa AitonB. Teiiiiey, E. Tyler, Harry Tlnkkam, J C. Tliom«on. E.1.M' lumiil, HorryP Tlmony. John vrevalllon, F. Tyler, Bob Timlion, F.iii-.u Thoiiuisori N. II. Tool. Geo. M. Tllford, Lew Tlctjfnx. S. A. I'Msmoun llnui* Tantett, Jaek Tiilley, Guy Inrlor. Carter Vlliage Parson, Mqr Vna Deburt, Cornell^iiH Van Camp, Mr. Vnlmtlne, 8. Vietorellla, B. Varo, Frank ^■|ll*nteene Clin* Venice Clifford I ■lo, E. M. Bergi'ii, A. Valentine, Dr. Van, I'li.i;. Wai. Cnrenee wiiite, wm 0. Wintrrs Sid R. WI «m. Rnlelgh WfiiH, Alvln White, 0. K. WalMi, J. <). Wall. Jimmy Whltlnir. Elirrv Wood, Owi. \. M'beeW, Bo« Walnllet Chus. Webb, Walter Ward, Bob Ws&e. rred Writ MlnatrelCo Winner. Kotihle White, b. o, WlnlethoiT, Carl Hi'ls. 0. II. Mlilltltr. 11. II. Wliltey ClrcdM Wert. Itoinnd wriidit. oohlle Wnedslde Wm,U wnponer, Jack WiitlUt, Charllo HuednVt k. Wiggln. II. V. Wlcond Edward C. E. Wrod Brothers Wood. Francis Waterbnry E.M. Wnirrbwrr O.N. Wen If y ft Mae Mnntell WalMt. Billy Wllry, tHcnr Wtlllnros, Oen. Wsitnn, Dut.ii Winner Lester A Weber, John Watldeil. LeoO. Whltaiorr, Raruiuml Wott, J. R. WIlllBina, Lew Weit. F ft Dot Woodwanl Fred Wnlfe. W. A. Wills, Arthur W Wnleli. Bon Wlinitles. D, K. Wlbwn, Geo. X. Webb. Blllir West ft Van Sid.'n Wills. Arth W. Wild. Wm. 0. Went De Forest Wiikhiimni, |«M. Walton. Hurt l\ Wltltuah AIM.V. Vniiiig ft Brooks luck ley ft Brunnell Young, Tot. iBttM, Leon . Voider, Ed. 0. Yn'es, Auld-ey Xew, W. II. dimmer, Dave '/.ntum. Dick >':"-.' ft Klntt Jinrs ft 'Antix BEE NOTICE AT HEAD OF LIST. #■ ' » n.'NXHYl.VANI*.. Doyle ft (Jrnn/er Etfl Dewltt.C. Flsfrldi Fi'liest Eyans, Cii'od. B. Bran w. ,F; Hpl Albert EVera. Gen. W. mna wsUsce Edwards, ; ■■■I C. Kiruert , Kurle, Ira E, Mllott, Hllllo Edwards ft Edolo Evans. F. W. EnxTSon, W. D. I'.spev. Kil. Earl ft Bartlett Edward". A). Fay, Frank Fox, L; Fc.7,, CUstJ.:|. Faust, A. Jack Miigerald Wm. Frunka, Wllsoa Fox, M. I-'eutieHe. Harre 1- ielda, Bobby Fiiher, Louis FnntaB, The 2 Fields ft Ward roorman KUgur TEtt Agt. Fulton ft Larklr. Fiitrell, miiy Franc, Cbas. 11. l-'ui-lesutte, Oe<>. l'-ay, ll & Dado FleldB Norm. It. Fraukllii, H. r, i-'h i-i-.ini. Gain Fiiio,' ft Dniitiiir F.fiiklln. H. I. I'bulk, Arcble l'|ood. K A. , FrcdrlH, Alex. Ksrkoa, Muurlce Fuller, Oeo. prtMUR. W. T\ i-1.iii:., Arnold Flunk ft Hcrinni: Fields, W. «. Fttshuih. n, II. rorn-strr. Hum Frank, Frr-l Iwffi Gw. I. Fnrrel!. BIBIo 1 ' 1.-111 r, 1,. Milll' Fellt. rtromllch,- '.'!ni>', Godfrey, Hal Griffin, GliaH. E. Oalettl, Cbas. Gagnlcr Harvey <ieorge, Edwin Judge, Will jittone, J. D. , , Johnson. U'ii. C. Uinltli jcajcs, Walter JuiMter Bi'on- Jeienlwi. M.L. Keneuly, .T. Kleemy, E. R. Kiinii.-. Kerslen, ':.n-i i. Kelley, Jev/ell Kennedy, Win. tOllren, M. D. hellu, Sam Kohler. Geo. lietmetle, V. KondUs, .in. i. Milll. N, J., Ben Kiiii.i.-. J. E. Kennedy, S. A. Kennedy FrctlW Kelly, Cbas. j. Kcndfll, Leo i-imr (rent.) Hlng, Will Kerr, (J. H. Kennedy Coin. ^Oo.. Itjaj. Kollltis, Stuavt Ki'.il. .'. Will. King, Lnwrence Kelleiier, huultmuii. Ju- Klmt, win Ueni'llrk. '. L Kent. Edwin i« Foiie, Knnh ue. witiio M. Lucent a, 3, A, Levitt, Joe Luvly, J.tmi Link. Billy Unmard. Raymonc Uwrcncj ft Harrlngtoi r.'iinU'. Albert Lite. Prof. l.ftfAlnc, Wm. l.i'v.-.'llin. Geo. f.ont,'. Clsmle II l.enn*ili. Percys Lfclnir, J. E. Lelkty *i Hauellon r.niiham, i Karl [jirkln. Dniiule l,.atg, Fre.l I^ee. J. W. LludJy ft Bell l.iindx, Kmll i.hviiv.'iit. Joim Lett, Ij/iiiIh F. \AiU\f, Aluudo, Boh LamontUB, The I. urine ft Crots (A'ttii, Barriumti . i.uRov M'ftMrh <:||.lrroT. A- B. ix-a, Frank fii^rgen, Joko lister. Whiter liny, Julia ■ l.ln.H-roaii, Geo. Co.. Mar. Uwresve, Hnnlnrr, Jis< • I .Stephen Gordon Frank O Uon. Kd. P. Gsrt. F. -Loyri, Hyrtney Griffith. Frank h*n>*e FABerll leirr, II let thing 1-iPHlii, ilell, Ed. U. 'Boon, John 0 Glrlfc Will Bo Glrls, Xgr frfllllmer* Atth dlroore'B Band GMgory. Ceo. L Gallagher. Kd.T I.MKllH. 11 - tJrnee. Billy Gill In m. Frank A GaQty, Tom J.uekeit. Jo*. V.. Lee, I.oii bV l^ckhert, Mr. a- Mrs legffjtt. Dick ll'lll' 1 . -I"--'! Lour Ir. W. M. I-eon. A. i.fliic Italph , f^onnrd. Oeo. U Msrr, Harry I'r I'm rosea. Man. . Barry ;»g. Em II ... „t, Eugene FI In if. ', Uempftead Peru, Wilson Pike, Wet F. t'ollook ErneslE 1'ateben ft 1 Clifton Provost Autoiao i niiu.i, Frank I'artlck. Kirk I'lke, Wen F. Penfold Thou. 1. I'lielps Etin-neA. Price, Hurry n, I'aleu ftFL'iebcr I'tesion, «lev. Pautror, Geo. Penney O, Albt royne, -Wm* Gulllan Lawrcuo Oulnn, Con, unlgley, Oeo. (juiiui. Eugene Gliurrliuftuu J. hoach, Dun Bice, Jus. J. Roial, Harry Bad. J. J. Uttctdo Churtlo Renoes Dot ft Denny Ueyuotd'fl stock On. Unrlck Arth. II. lteno, Wm. II. iiiuiL-iirre. c. j. l-aiseutliBl, Jako Rent f row's Jul I'dthUSL.lM ItiiKsell ft Darls Itltiel, J. W. 11.. v ft Co. Freil Ki.nn.ii.'i Claude Hnto. Denny Knhuid, I- Kultlilf Tltundrr Jtltter ft Foster Riley, Ed. Hose, Cliaa. id Itti.tcr, Kd. hi. ILiKe, Juuk Itudiwli'ft'Dmil Itohtuson HeiitF Helu. 'Alltert Heed. Percy Kill*ton, Ueo. Uoehtrl, Cliud. ItoNa, Frank Rleo, F, M. Hotel I, W. (1. Roche, w. ll. BaitiHdalo l^ule Ramsdell, V. Hay, Jo-j niuburdfion. Eruent ltogen, Clyde Hlatioit. The -I Rllfy ft MlvhM RobltiKin. Ilfm RaHlelll. AH-'it MM Harry 3-:. llleh, C«rell A. Rice. II. C. Iiogerw ft Deotoy hbarpf. v.. N. fctater ft Vlnib fck-arnoii L*Otian- trnit A Rop-ra Fbeft. Th.w. T. tiweelland, .In*. Htahl: Geo. it. Kiod.laid k . . UUson Wnrtl nntl Murio ^ttirtrt. The rirpnrulnnd Bdrleaiiiieta hn«l lino ■■rowila Inst week. The Kentiirky W-m next. . . Lrn:i m (,tolitt (■. Jormott, ttmiirtrer).— Bryant Kxtiaviiu.iitJin Co.. Willi Tommy BttrtiH, the jnitcliiHt. its nn added fen Hire, t-X'A. 'Hto romPnrty'a rotter InrUtden; The ZaretkhyM. the aIIwMh. Mnrlun unit Thomjj- eon, Alien an-1 Keeley. Dnrmmly, Btiati and Klllott nml llAhkn Newton. The Gay Man* quorndeM anvc n Mvoly show Inst week, and attracted llni* bouses. AL. Ilccvcs' Co. 14. (Ellda ft Kooning tnnunBrrs).— Itohle'B Knickerbockers week of T ilob Mnnchcntcr's Nlglit Owlo held forth to crowd- ed houses nil last week. Bono Sydfll Co. 14-10. TunvAnitMn (Fred Wlllaon. mnnnBerl.— The Merry Mntldeiia weeh of 7, with inlent by Hnm Rice, the Fnrrel] Hrtin.. Putt I Car- ney, Johnson ,iiui jtiruo, Eriyrh Murray, HGr- ton and Burton, nml Ward Ilaynor. Wll- llnir.H' linperinls Ktnud them tin Inst week. Klkvcntii STnriKT Orau ItDBBB (I'rank rumnni. mnnnger). — Current: A hnrlesqun nf lloudlnl, rntltk-d "IIoo-IMnny; nr, IIoo* Done-U." nntl "liaptd Transit, Nit." In ad- dition to the flr?t part there nre sucelnltlca by Bennle Pranklln nntl Little Toodles, and Al. Utiyno'u bull doss. Ninth and Alien Mpbkcm (T. V. Hopkins, tnnnoBor).—In the theatre week of 7: War- ren L. Travis. In his aittomohllc net; Harlem Brothers. Tilly B&ntoy. Mnrlc and Lnura DaviH, Fred Dtiprei, Iieo si, Elmo, and Luhln'» clnemntojf rupli. In the curio hall: Ornco Gilbert, kenrdod womtin ; Jntnes Morris, elastic fkin mpn ; Onrnct Boyd, mniilclnn; Itaslte. sculntor: Mile. Clifford, sword shal- lower: v. 11 Bmlth, musician, and Walter wentwortb, contortionist, Notes. —Much (tympiUhy la bcliiR expressed over the nnfnrtunnte lilfarht of Charles J. (loodfell.iw, tlio pointlAv AaalRlttnt trcnniirer of the Chestnut flfrret Oporn lloiiHe, who, through fnliinc tyealglii, lins been obliged to rcnlirn. Mr. UondteUnw tins been In Ibo box office for inure Uinti twclvu yen re, and linn n hunt of friends: In nnd out of the pro- fession. He will In 1 tendered n inonalcr nenellt nt the Opera Home nftornoon of Jnn, 11. Mcmbcrn of "The' Mnn and the iMiiimiei'ihln. All tho talk concerning; Percy G. Wirilatoa* advent Into this territory v/an nettled last wn-k,. when the announce- merit was madu ttiat he had acquired from Nixon ft Zlmmermtui, tbe Icnxc! of (bo Cbost- hut Htreel Theatre, nt it reported nam rental of |4r»,0B0. Mr. WHIIaniH will ubtaln IiosBCRslon on Feb. 25, and reopen the houso us a vaudeville theatre on March 11. Tlie then I re will he operated by u corporation to lie known an the Chestnut Street Theatre Co., which will Uj composed of Mr. WllltnuiR und Olio iinii.r. of Brooklyn. The Clieiitnut Is owned by the Cochran estate, und ,a tun year leuBc watu algiied lnut Hummer by Nixon A Zimtnetinun, bo that tho lease has more than nine years lo run. This nIioiiIU Ihj a very l-roiltablc investment for that Arm, its the tormtt of tlielr lease. It is until, caIIh only for u.i'entul if;iu,ui)i> a year. The Chestnut waa built forty one years ago, with William WlioAtley aw Its that tiianngcr, und the open- ing i>iii witii "Vlrglulus," with Edwla For- rest In tin- leading role. For sotnc years It waa n funions Htock house, und iinsned Into the pONResuloii of Nixon ft Zimmerman In 1S8&. One of the reitHons for tlie firm giv- ing up MiIh house Ih, the fact Hint by next fo'HHOn the Edwin Forrest, now In the course of ronntructlon at Hrond und Walnut Streets, will l>e under their management The now bllln for Hi* 1 current week nt the down town h'HiNt'N mv: Nat C. GJondwIti, hi "What Would a Gcntlemnn I>o?" at tile Hrond: Html Williams, In "The Little Cherub," at tho Chestnut, and Kmum Cnrus, In "Too Near Home," nt the Walnut." ctiEKTSUT (Nixon & Zlmmerninn, niuna- Ki-i-Kj. iL'.itie Williams, Id "The- Little cherub," lor a ■ three weeks' tngagemeut. opening 7, Lllllnii Uu->:eli. In "The Butter- fly," bud a fortnight of good business, end- log B. ■• * '■ • • lyric (MesBis Khubertr'managers).—Lew Fields, lu "About ToMrTi. M -Htruck the popular fmii'v Jiud. week, nnd'drew crowded uouaos. Tin- engagement contlnuoa- until (),■■ '- Gapuick (Krauk Howe '.Tl'., hmnnger),— Wni. Fdverahnm. In' "The Squaw Man," bo- Shiri, 7, hi a third and tlhnl week. Lnut week's uslncua was big. Harry Bulger, 14, for two weeks. Broad (Nixon & SSlmmerqiau, managers).— Nut. C. Goodwin 7. Tbe current week will ho devoted to "Whet Would a Gentleman DoV while during the Until wuek, 14>1t>, be will bo Keen In sonio of his |irov1ous succcascs. K. s. Wlllard last week scored a big bucccsh, !'» fine hukiness. CHpKTNUT HTBBK.T Oi'hitA Hoi.hi: (Nixon ft Zimmerman, manngers).—"The Lion nnd tho Mouho" Is In Ita aTxth and (Inal weoh. Q«r- trude Coghlan and Arthur Byron contlnuo to share honors, Business continues highly profitable, George M. Cohan, In "George Washington Jr., 14. (Frank Howe Jr., manager).— 1'htinm Cams 7, In "Too Near Homo," for a two weeks' Htay. Chaunuey Olcott. In '-Eileen Asthorc," enjoyed two weeks of profitable buslneflfl, Hark (T. (i. Mxon-Nlrdllnger, manager). —(*eell Bnooncr, In "The Girl Raffles," 7-12. "As Ye How," after three profitable weeks, departed 5. "Hlnuplo Klmon Klinple" next. fJtiASi. Opkra Iiouhm (fl. A. Wcgefarlh, mnnnger).—Andrew Mack, In "Armh-Na- Pogue." 7. "The Wlsard of Qz" hnd un- usuully Mir buNltifHM last week. "Tom, Dick and Harry" 14. (jiitAiii* i Mlilor & Kaufman managers).— "tinder Hotithern Hklea" 7-12. Big crowds saw "Tbo Bye Witnorig". Just week. "Be- hind the Mask" follows. Piopi.k'k (F. (i. NIxon-NlrdllnRer, mnnn- ger).—"Old IsaacH from tbe Bowery" the rurrent week, following a big. week's huslnesH dotio by "VoiiiiR Hhffalo, King of tbe Wild Wert." "Kldnnpiied for Bevenge" 14. iii.AM;y'M (J, P, Bekhardt, mnnnger).— "A Hun- for Life - ' ihlu week. "Kidnapped fiir Reven(re" drew tho usual crowded houses, "David Ilarutn" follow*. National (.1 M. Kelly, mnneger>.—"A Marked Woman" 7-1'J. Charles T. Aldrleh, In ''Secret Scrvhe Hjmii," found fnror with crowded bouses last week. Lillian Mortimer Habt's f.Tolm W. Hart, manager).—Horry P. Carey, In "Monluna," 7-1L'. Relmn Her- man, In "Queen of the Convicts." did line business. Jon. Sullivan. In "Blackthorn," 14- 10. I r-KKiAtviii's (Mltlor ft Kaufman, mana- ctsi.— BIHy K. Clifford, In "A Jolly Baron." 7-1 *. Jessie Bonstellc, one of the old Fore- pkugh stneV favorites, was warmly welcomed by rrowried hmisas. In "Trooper Blllle," last Week. "The Girl relay" next. HiANiMait i Piu-.-y ft Hpeck. managers).— The stock, in "No Wedding Belts .for Her." the current week. "Fast Life In .New York" liftd large and welt pleased audiences last week. "Confessions of a Wife" 14. Kkitji'h (II. T, Jordan, mnneger):—Harrv Tate and Willnrd fltinma and civmpany, week of 7. Other* are. Burke end Dempsey. Ferry Corflrey, Besile Wynn. llomllton Hill. Mc* Intyre and Bennett. Voltn, Mosber. Hough- ton and Mother, nnd the kln'tiigrnplt, Huotr (Geo. W, Hife, manager). — Tha >mei , lcons i week of 7. Tlie olio ■TApiMj Gladys Clark, Bergman and Monabaa, Will .douse"' unit other pcrinmiorn will tnke pnrt. .Councils Inst week fnllcd in pnns tho ticket rcnlplng oritliiaiice. The vole waa 40 to 211 In Mr fnvor, hut It failed to net the requisite (wo third* of tho menihcrs prcacut The reported con- tention of local members of (he Viunlevlllo Art lull' Union to strike for moro pny will not be made The players reached this de- cision lnrt week, after n meeting with tlio vaudeville ngcnfs, who agreed to sign tlio union scnie. Another meeting will Inko plnre Hhortly. when n eotupromlse solutlini of the difficulty will bo reached Mor- ris) f*. Schlesslnger. Charles K, Hlnney's traveling representotlven was In town Inst week, visiting his family Apiillcntlnn has been made to the governor of New Jer- sey for a dinner for the Broad Street The- atre Co., with -i rnpltnl of flO.OOQ. Tho Incorporators nrc 8nmuel V. Nixon, -J. Fred Zlmmeitnnu nnd Thomns F. Love. .. .Fran- cis M. King, Into n member of Lottie Wil- liams' "Tom-Boy Girl" Co., was" mni'i'led on New Year's dny lo Howard J. HolihtHon, a former member of (he profession, nnd now mhnager of the Hotel Hurley, n well known professional hotel. In this city Tho Gcrmnp Theatre tttnrk Co. win produce "ibis Biuraenboot," week of 7 ..The Metropol- itan Opera Co, will be beard In "Lohengrin," n>t the Aendemy of Mualc, on Jnn, 8 Wi D. Wegefnrth, business mnuflger of tho Grand Oporn House. Is faklnit n Wesiern trip, i... .William Alexander hns, been en- gnged-to mnnnge the tour of Joseph F. Ilor- til,. In "Our Friend Frits." I'ltlnlmru. —At tlic Nlxotl, Hlrlinnl Mihik- fleld Jnn. 7-1'J. I-urn week. II, B. Irving and Pnrothen linlrd played to packed housos. Ilnviiiiiiid'ui k l i 11). lii:i,As<-i. (J. A. HfH'd. mnnnger)..—"Tbn Lgve K-tiite" 7-12. week. Leuu Ashwcll end Guy Btundlng, In "T|ip Hhulantlte" atld "Mrs, Dane's Hefen-ie," pricked the house. "The Hose of Alliaiithrn" 14-1D. cii.imi illJiiry Davis, mnnnger).—This M'l.'i'k'M i»l|l Includes: t.rossy and I>nync. "A Nlghi lu English' Vaudeville,". Jean Heiiinl's Co., in their unique burletta: MystcrloiiH IIowoi-iIk. Wm. iniimu nnd compnuy, Hnsquo (Jiinrieti.-, T^ivlue-tMmnniu Three, World nnd Klrigntoii, Three Mltcliells, IbMider nnd Burl. Mitt M'ond, Howard nnd I(ntherronl t the FrenchelllB, Arthur Yule, And the cinemato- graph. {It. M. Gullck ft Co.. mnnnger*),— "The Old lloraertcftd" 7 12. lajutt week. "The Mayor of Toklo" played to gnod business. (It, M, iJnllek ft Co., mntingors), —WHIIaniH and Walker 7-12. Lnst week Hap Wnrd,- In "Not Yet, But Hoon," packed the houso. "Hbereta of the Bollte" 14*10. Bi.ANi:r'rt. Emjmiib (N. C-Wagner, tniina- ger).—-"The Cowboy Olr!" 7-12. Last week "How ,Baxter Bulled In" played to good business, and pleased. Tom Waters, In "Tho Mni'or of Luughlnnd," 14-10. OAYKi-y (Jas, 10. On. manager).—The Bowery Burlcsquecs 7-12. Last -week the Bentz-nantley Co. gave u good show, and played to good business." Irwtn'a Majesties, Willi Larry McCalc, 14-10. Acaotmv-of Mt-stc (W. W, Wlltlama Jrl, mnnngcrf.—The Tiger Lilies 7*12, featuring George 1'. Murphy, the funny German come- dlnn, Laat week High Br-huot Girls played to good luminous, and gave a good show. Broadway GUIs 14-10. two S. B. O. house* Jan. 1 "Onr Ncw.iila-, later" drew n ftllr bouse .1. "The ■Ginger- bread Mnn" pleitsed a big audience -i. Howe's plcttirei \ Kirk Brown Ptock Co. week of 7, Do Wolf Hopper lb,' Ills Ilopor, the .Mayer," 17: the Imperial Tet?quo Band. 17, *'A Nl|l»t In Town" 18, the (treat Lnfnyette 10. iHj 1'AMlLV (Fred M. Luitiflde. mnnnger) will open wwk of 14. with Paul nnd Wells, Ln- wande Wilson Co., llnrrv Green, Franklyn and Evn Wallace, Kittle Sierllrtg, and Prof. C, Nelson ('amp . S . i ' ■■ ■ -■» Altoonii.—At the Kleveuth Avenue (I. C. Mlahler. mnnnger) "(Urls Will He Girls" had n good house Oec. St, Kvn Tnnguty drew Inrgo audiences Jan. 1, Tho AJcasor tfcnutlcH were well received 3. Rthel Barfy- more had u big house 4. Florence Bindley 5. "As Ye Sow" 7. "A Fight to a FlitlalT 8. "The Master Workmnn' r \\ High School Girls Burlesque Co. 10, Selmn Herman 11, Howe's pictures 12, Lvhic (L. M. Cool, mnnnger).—Week of >'r dogs,, m on keys - mm*m in.™ »>iu Cnrter, Harry and Hnlvers, Walter iMiitels, the I'elota, Kath* erluo Cell and Horr Jnnsen nuil company.,. Aiapkmv or Mcaie, Tyrone. — "QtUney Adiitns Sawyer" 3. •*—••• • . .1 ii-.* j,-' Lnnenislvr.—At tho FilltOn Opera lloute (Cbas. A. Yecker. mnnnger) "A Nlgbt ;ln Town" hail a good house Jan. 1. Dljrov Bell ph-nsetl u large mull en re .'), The -AlCaier Ih'iMitieh did well 4. Daniel Sully had good business :.. Kminn Bitntlng and company/,!- 12. except (', when "Tho Dnughters of Mrp" will appear. ■ i.. Famii.v iKd. Motnrt, mnnnger),—Currnhi: Wlnehermnn's bears nnd tnoiikoyR, tlio Wve aivIhm 1 '. tin- Klllpplno Maids, Fault and Welti. Jnnies X, t'oughlln, Wltlteley and Bell, and Hie moving ph'tnn-H. ,;•• NoTB.-~Thi' People's Theatre Is ngaUi closed, nfl or n career of Jnst two weeks. The mnnnger, W. 41. Hncluuan. tins gone. B -I,; Siriiiitnn. —Al the Lyeeunj (A. J. Duffy, utnnauer) Dlgby Bell 7, i-yinnn llowe's mov- ing pictures H, "Ills Hnnnr, Hie MnVoiv" U; HuriiM nntl O'ilrlcll light pictures ID. Rlel)- nrd Carle 11. Lawrence D'Orsny 12. "Simple Simon Simple" 1.1, ■ :■ Al'.U' (A. J. Huffy, mnnager).—"Ilu* man HenrlH" 7H. "The Bye wltneu" 12. 'A Di'spnratetMiaiice" wns well rccolved il-fi. 8t.\h (O. NcIhoii Tools, mntuiger),-—Bellly m wood* tllg Show 7-12. The Bohemian Itnriehi|iieii ixenrud 'nrge huuscs Inst week. FAMll.V HI. II. Smith, malinger),— Tlio bill for 7 nntl week Includes: Flo Irwlti,,Galvlp, Pint! nml reaches. Kolh nnd Marlowe. Cou- nt May . ,,, , l ,. , .,, , , I, ■ ,,, r, n'llll IIII,, VIII.IU1.V, imii-h :mh1 Allien, Bell nnd Henry, and Belle M.ckei-, Krlis—At Ihe New Mnjeslle (John L, Gltson, good liitsllitss hns been ,the order for the past week. Willi line nttrie- 11 uni. It WDN (lie IrtMt week of vuurlevlHC nt- ihln hoiHe. wlileh will nsnln open, after otto week, whh high class ntlmctliiiis. UtJC Ut'i:tiA I" MM*. had Itoom liny" drew |ood b-qelnese 2. "A Tp)p ,to Kgypi" was well received :t. Vtttx llfthey, 4, drew paying nudoeM, I'Aitu Upkra llocNii iJehn L, rillnnti. ntnn- itfirr).—Brothers Byrne. In "Bight Bejlr," iiiul large ntleudutiee .Inn, 1. "The Hit!) [toom liny-" drew guml bitaliiCHN 2. "A Trip NorrlNlDTVii.—At (lie (Iiiiiul Opera HOUM (Cburi. M, Stiuthwfll. inniuiger* "TUu Vohln* leer OrgnnlHi' did -;ood hunliiess Dec,.'20. "Tbe Uiii-nhig Iii'H" drew big biiHlnosA Jnn. I. "The Little Outcast" fared well.2. Y*. M> ,C. A, ffjtirse hnd eaput-lly II. '"The Girl from Ilrouilwny" hnd capacity 4. "'Side Truckful" ft. Irene Meyers' Bloek Co. 7-12, "Slinple Simon Simple" (returu iiigugeinent) 11, ' a ■» — ( o\m;( hi t i. llrltlgceiMsrl. — At Smith's (Bdward, 0. Smith. iriiuniK"!-) MIhh 1'oyntor, lu "Una Blvurs," Dee, Til, did well. "Tlin Girl ond tha liiiiulilcl'," .Inn. I, plnvcd to Lhu caunclty. "Our I'rleiid Frits," H. did well. "Ills Honor, thn Mii'.n," 3, ployed to big hUHlness., "Cirtl- iiisshmsi of ii Hire" 4, .'., "Mnn und Supor- nuin" 7, "The Phantom Uoluctlvo" 8, 0,"Tho Curse of Drink" 1U, Guorgu M. Cohan, lh "Georgn WuHhltigton Jr.," 12. I'Hi.i'H (B. It Mitchell, luatiogui').—Big business last week. Booked week, of 7: Law- eon and Nuiuon, Hennlngs, Lewlg Midi frun- nings, l'ror. DuiioiH. Quukor city tjimrtrtte, Mnudon, l''ltxputi-luk and company, Joe Weloa,' nml Will on Bros, .,,- -,- Sotm. —George Downing, who has. bemi it Sttlpliur Springs, Tex., wlUi John L. Sullivan. rotiirniiil houiu Jnn. 1 "Mtlli* Jack" Sltei (Mnn of John A. Slien), a lad•& football game soiuu years ugo. and wi'H known tu tlio lliejililenl and Imsehull pi'ofetWloii, ti'cd niiddenly nt his home, oppo.iltu Smith s Thd- ati'd In this city, :i. Thu little fellow was a fuvuiiiu with tin- members of thu prnfcsalcih iitnl with the patrons of Smith's and Poll's, bolng a Mendy patron of both Iiousoh. Ho pnHm'HKi'd a line pony enrt niul hot'su, atld won many blue ribbons nt tho local fnlrs.,.,.. John Turih', ptiHt president of (ho Bagles In (bis city, waa presented with a diamond ring, 0, by the members of Hie ihtIp Mrs. George Wlddeil, who Is known to the pro- fesslonnl world as Florctico Konnuy, a vague* ville porformer, was called to tills elty 3, from l)cr home In Now York, by the'death .of her father, Henry I'. Ki-nney, one. of the orgnnleers of tlio Knights of Columbus, and a member of Sun Salvudor Council, No, 1,- of N'UW lluvin. ncniilnK. — At tho Academy of Music (John D. Mlsbler, mnnager) "Tho BducntlOA of Mr. np-p" Jnn. 1, ''Uncle Josh Hpruco- by" 2,. "Tho Girl from Broadway" 8, "Our New Minister" 4. "A Night In Town" b. OnritKUM (Frnnk N, Hill, munngor).— Current altrnctlons nre: The Morels l'ony Circus, the Five Mnlork. Carter find Witters Co., Hui'iv Le Clnfr, Pnliner and Gilbert, Edylhe Olhlionir, nnd Htinton and Dallas. Orano Ol'RRA IlOtlKC (Nnthatt Appoll, mnnnger).—"Her First Fnlre Step" and ''Kor a Hnuinn Mfe" divided last week, to crowd- ed houses, Hutu: (Tlptlegrnff ft Brownell, mnnnircrn). Jnn. 2. Hnny Bryant's F,xtrnvaganza Co. —Bone Hill BngllHh Folly Co. drew well 31- ■cored heavily 3-b. i ' S ' " ' ihislcion. —At (bo Grand Opera House (Geo. Albert Haley, manager) "Tlio Girl from Broadway." Dec. 31, drew a good house. "The Gingerbread Mnn," Jan. 1, had two rnnicitv uudlonccs. Dantet Hrrily, In "The Matchmaker." 2, had fnlr business. Family rKnobinuch & Hendier, ninnn- Sari),—Week of 81: St. John nnd La Kevrs, Kin Bros., the Ileottlcn. Mr. nnd Mrs. Oeo. Hussey, Wrn. Hchulies, Bdgnr Foreman and Lllllnii Orr, mid klnetogrnnh. LIMA Dui'AM rW. L. IIoll, owner).—Lew WHIInms, dins. WniorhouRC, Mamlo Norton, Illusion and vltu<-rnj>h. ■ - - — a i CttrTiondnle.—At theGl'Rnd Opera HOUSA, "The Glngerbresd Man" plaved to good hnsi- nesg Dec. 31. "On Ihe Bridge at. Midnight." New Year's Duy, had good business, "Simple Simon Simple" msdi: a hit 3, and did g<)nd buslncHR. Mamie Flemmtng's Slock Co. 7-12, "His Honor, the Mayor,"' 10. Knlekerhoeker Stock Co. 14-10. Fajoi.y (F. It. Blair, manager). — Week of Dec. 31: Prof. V. tk. Jephcott. Arnnldo's troupe of beasts, Murray, Clayton nnd Brack- man, Welch and Webb, the Avolletts. Al. Bothner, In Illustrated songs, and klnato- crepb. - ■■•— '—n^ ■■ wiiiiuinsiinrt —At the Lycoming Opera House ft,. J. Flak, manager) Al. II. Wilson, Id "Mctz lu the Alps," drew and plcaacd llnrtford.—At rnrsojin' (1L C. Pnrsoin. mniKiger) "Us Honor, the Mnyor," Dec. 20, enmn to good houac^. Blslo Jnn Is, In "The Vnnderblli Cnn." Jnn. drew arejNte hiHtsPs. Bthcl Bnrryinorc, In "Alice Klt-tty- thc-Flio." Dec. 31, drew fair business. Annie lUisscll Jan. 7. UAit'rrniiti oi-kha Hoiihi: f n. II. Jennings, manngor).—"'Ihe Curse of Drink." HI-Jan. 2, mine to gnnd business. ,los, W, Hortls, In "Our Friend Fritz," 8-JL drew fair btisl- nosi. I'om'h (f'Otils B. Kilhy, manager).—Weak of Den. 31: Mile. Marquis' ponies, Welch, Menlv nnrl Montrose. IhHtbeH Musical'Trio, llogeis and Dec ley, Mnceo nnd Fox, Braorsoa and Baldwin and elceircgrapb. ,,... — ..., I.«. i i■■ — . Wnterlturr,—At Poll's. (Harry Parsons, man nger) Nnnce O'Nnll did good business Dee. 23. Grace Cauieron, 2(1, hnd fnlr re- turns. "His Honor, the Mayor," plonsed a 8ood alxed house 27. "A Marked Woman" row fair return _*, 20, Ii'loreaca Bindley, 31, hud good houses. "By Bight of Kword, Jnn, 1, camn to fair business. "The Vandcrbllt Cup." 3. hnd capacity. Jacqi;kh (Harry lloekjng, mnnngflr).—Bill last, week: May Tiilly nnd rompnny,-^'Mnfl,"'■ the Prvors, Geo. W. Day, Lillian Tree, and tho Wiltons. » ■ u AliKAKSAS. Little nock.- -At Hie Capital (Cbet, T. Taylor, manager) Jane Corcoran dlrj well ns*. 'jti. Arthur Dunn did good business 20. Kilen'Bench Yaw had'fnlr-business 31. Paul (Hlinorv hod two.big bouses New Year's Dnv. Walker Whiteside Jnn. 2. "The..Van- fVrhllt Cup"-a. 4, "The Girl nnd the Ban- White • Cups" 10, "The Banker's Daughter" Majestic fl'rcd B. Crow, manager).— Bill week of 7 : Wells nod Soils. Jessie CVmthoiil, La Veen and Cross, Carlton . end /Terre, n«tnu-s nnd Hotllngton. and Fyvle.Deueh. •- Niri-UA.—Both the Capital and Ihe Mnjes- Mr littd the S. II. O. sign out nu Now YenrV Dny, both afternoon nml evening,.... ./(-ho N"'*- T-yrtu 'Cbciitre (vaudeville ll), 20, 30) wilt, be opep bvtweco l'cb. 1 and 15,