The New York Clipper (January 1907)

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1240 THU KBTW YOIKK OiiIPP2IBi January 32* SEW YORK CITY. Keltll A l'roetor*« In ion So; a aire Thrairc (!■;. >*. Albw. general managerJ,— The Mil* reck of .Inn. 7 was up to the ntB/iil- ani of thlB ijmisf. George Kvana, "The Honov Hoy." in the ft'th and fait week of htB star, was. still popular. Max Weasely and bis troupe of,mmri»1 Jugglers road* their first sppenmnce nt this house. nn<1 Were accorded much ■ ni>p..-inpc. Nira Allen and company, In a oiio act comedy, entitled "In Car Two— stateroom One," made a decided lilt, end gained well earned encore*. Others who added lo the enjoyable programme were: (.'arson and Wlilard. Mir--* funny German Keith A PrOctor'a Fifth Avenue Theatre.—Bdwin Stevens, assisted by Tina Marshall, appears liure ttili week, In "An Kvenlng with Dickens," and on Jan. 7 « KAod Mizecl nihtlnee audience gave hltn liberal retard for his .cleverness. He showed dis- tinct talent in ploying the various char- acters, and was given worths- aid by MIbb Marshall. Chns. Ouycr and Ida Criett, In the continued big winner, "Watch the Fin- \fb," were fcarumi on the. excellent bill. » Cfbrtl nrovcd a clever worker and a v.ii-.iflbir addition to the act. Others were: Adele Ritchie. In her flue songs: nthel Mc- Donough, "The Oirl behind tho Dtoni;" Kebert Van Alstvne and Louise. Henry, la tticlr clever RaI skinner comedy; Jatnes Hnr . Keith * Proctor's. Piftr-clghth Street Theatre (1;. R Albpe, general rfljtii- sger).—A good bill. Is presented here ibJa week, nnd the house was Well lllied on Mori day, .Ian. 7. Hado and fiertrtian. In their flkit, "The New Oirl," offered some clever singing and acrobatic dancing, onlaw Trio held tho attention of the house by their ex- pert wire work. Auric Dogwell captivated Keith £ Proctor'. TweaWr-ttlra street THeatr*—This week a capital .bill Include Clayton Wblto and Mkrlc; Stuart Co., in the well, played arid, bright sketch, "1'arln:" the Kaufman Troupe, remarkable bicycle tldcn : Crane Brothers, in their funny act, "The >ludtown Jail;"* Irving Jones, the clever colored entertainer; Willie Ztmmfer- tnahn, li' hlM entertaining and nrtlatlcim- -■ tho Four the audience by her sweet rendering of old personatlortl of music masters; }ho Four nuon time ractodles. n* well &a by her person- Fords, wonderful dftnwra; Metropolitan story Mlty. Mian Ibimn'a monkeys'were pleasing Grand Opera Trio: WUUnmTomklns, whose Rleai to' the younger part of the audience, cape- talk, '^fie Sense of Nonsense.'' M'flM « -;fcW 'fetetflS HeralM aqaaVre theSTro (&un-K. & Uc.Rhlibert(lnc) * JiA Field*, managers).—At ihlfl house,, on Monday nlghi. Dec.: Hi, occurred tha fll-st metro poll nth pro- duction of "The Road to VeaUrdaj}," a play In four acta, by Beulati M. Dlx.attd Evelyn Oreenleaf Sutherland, the work having jj«n originally presented Nov. 11, at the uaftfck Tawtre, Chicago. The play, which Is built novel lines, Leila a story with la a, -:ory. will Laveson. Matt-no., (hie wife) atiil Dteanor (nla sletoi-) nrr> firm nellnfers Jn tho theory of rolnciitnntfnh. Elgpeth Tyreji, rood thlna'?, 1 well told! and NeWn. Hunter Malenn'a slfeter, la ^n A visit from Araeti riuan, the tmmp Juggler: Herr Oral*, with hi* reninrkatilv trained bnl>oonfl; the Nichols comedians: Henry and fiheo Taylor, In _ ikivcI Hharp.ihootfng snd juggling act; Cdlth Helena, remarkable nop'dno amglng; Boranl and Nevaro, in on original novelty, "Weary Blstersi Id their capital dct, and Hcrto Waggles, the Dandy Dude Tramp; Kugene and Rogers, in Ringing and dancing, i. Jolly, the famons French cornctllat; Itcllly motion plcturen ronunur' and Morgan, In a laughable playlet, "An t.'i;- ezpeeted Arrival :" John F. Clark, In a pleas ert _ younger part „ dally. Tudor Cftineron nnd Ikiward Flonu- k«-~ »« » &*m —« *"—sr,— -""vr" Kan mode ft hit with their act. "On and Off." arid Nwsen, remedy juffglem. The motion < MAJi qHC t ^^l¥^^JW^lS*I§W •rha Dnintv i.'mir a nunt-lcr of lUfhtA vouriff hlctttfei cuntlmlc. ' American style, HUe returns from one or her "men, ,'aV ?& <l»«"!l the,S" t«'™°5 "'«*■ l&frgS, \ (^"J", /"& ■ l!2&J£HiF^F^J*f n'm, ^T fntor. the dnncltie bclne Mrllrtilnrlv nornl. manlljH-).—At thIn Uouie, on Motility night, pcrtnadeil by Mnlcntl to toko n nap. ■ Bo- time In New York, Clyite llfch't new four wish tlitt. Father lime mlslit move Bhck Ueorge n, Hnytlor and Jlftrry Buckley [•leased In tliplr tnu.lca 1 act. Moater (Jllbrlel nme m ,.cwr .ur«.. vgpi. <n**s*m. *■"■! «ne " w "" ^^-^"•V-h.T"^.^^"'^^; 'ZT~ v ~Z£\~ [.re^nteVl At U-frt playlot, "A.untle'a «« eomedy, *tllW_»h« Tratl.,'Mn_whieh three^ gM Jf»™-„.»»1<M, C ., ?.*,JSSKi lag monologue; the Three Perry Slaters, the frollcaom girlies: Fiwter snd hla educated dog, "Mikp :'• Connors'and Raymond* ilog- ers.nnrt Jflnc^ru, and the nlotlon pictures. tiorrlck Tnontre (Charles Probm&n, manager).—William Collier collected his just tariff of laughter and applause on Dec, 31, when be gave his new three act farce, 'Caught In the Rain," it* first local bearing. Visit" Master Oobrle). as'B inter, being as- Clara Bloodgood is featured. The Pla» was triglit re turn to the c Of tumc> and watofflMf Murray Hill Theatre (Sam Dessuwr. mm by Oeorge All, who divided honors, as rtrlgfnally nct-d Oct. Jo, 1906, at ttrt t-uelld that perlo . Norali «W^*H«nM manager) ltohle's KiiIckcrl>ockers were the tho dog,Vita Buster; Al. Lamar, as Thomas Avenue opera jMlM, Cleveland, 0. The maid, warijs her. thst it Is mldsutraper eve, attraction bete New Year's week, with sn Tucker: Victa Pcrrin, an Mary Tucker: Nan story in brief, tells how Becky. Warder dt»- excellent programme. Including "The Arrival Dodao-i. aa Aunt Matilda: Maurice Itagc- derrakesjq, affect a reconcllllatlon between .' 1i-i-.. r a _ .. ] i i ■ _ ,.-.-«— ^__» - . ... 1«. . Ad I 1 ., l . ,. » U'l, n j.... .^ ^, .t t- ,1 I « ,-, ^ ~ ■ of Prince HidJI." a lively flrst part, In which Hen Ncff, jib the bogus prince, and W. C, Cuibmarj. n bogus baron, cause considerable fun tn their uniMuftl surroundings In society. Wra. G. Clark, Jack Jennings, Robt. Jewell, played various characters. Clyde Harrow (Iressed nnd acted ■ well as Mrs. Aaterbilt, man, aa Count Whewte, nndlCd, Lamar, aa Hairy Ryder. The motion pictures were con- tinued. i Amerk-un Theatre (J..M. Ward, mapa* feer),—On Monday afternoon, Dec. 31, "The Phantom Detective," a melodrama, In four acts and tdz scones, by Lem Parker, was and proved enuallv successful as aurhor as J,?, 1 ! Fnnnle Wood, Louise St. Clair and Flo given Its first presentation here, bivlns pre- viously been produced ftt a Brooklyn theatre. She first scene Is laid In the home of General . r flrhurten, a wealthy old soldier, who Uvea with his two daughters, Clara Warlrarton and, his adopted daughter, Laura Leone. Laura is really tbc only daughter of the genpnil, and when a buby, w«s stolen by TfH-cr-iu.'a hypnotist, and after many ycara Clara was. returned In her place. Laura, hs was as actor. Me and Grant Stewart are F.lUott took. aood.crJc of their roles. The credited with the authorship of this plsce, chorus Included the Messrs. Goodwin, Taba- which'was originally produced at the Savoy L". l,lft * ' t(J " e , Culver, KtlltJi Culver. Kills, Julia Thentre, Atlantic City. N. 31 on Nov. I'L HV^tife ,!e Barrett. Doyle, White. Hayes, Mr, Collier struck the keynote of truthwacp S*2i Williams and Joyce. . Lbulsc Willis he said In bit. speech on the opening nigbt jnrrodured a clever toe dance, giving various that a friend had ktodly informed hfai that ■ "f M*; 1 flnrt cakewalk movements. "Phe qui* the play was not a great one, but nobody ex- 5 ical numbers. Included: "Hoclely," 'Tbc ■**aa from Arlstma," "The Hweetest Little Fled and Gvs LUidon, who have separated, owing to Fred's falthleBfioe*! to.his marriage vows. In eplte of his faults Eve still loves her buabanu. who,' however, has tired of &ef. Fred becomes an ardent admirer of ccky. and they meet dally. B«8y, who, Re arc told, loves her husband, Tom. likes ic unconcealed admiration of. Fred, and all the While consoles uereelf With the thought and, a wish made on that eve will surely come true. The u-.i following acts repfe- aent the dream of Blspctb. The period la Itfoa. and the various characters of the ptav appear In the dream. ISIspe'tb refognlSe'i each one In turn, bat they do not recogoltc her, and after a thrilling experience, lit which her lover Is lushed and she la forced into an unwelcome marriage with Lord Stranirsvou. her dream (Or, more properly speaking, nlghtmure) ends. The Inst nrt that "she w"nt , "uitrmatery"bHng"Eve a«d"Tier •brfnga'^u back to mldfluttmer eve, 1TO3, husbahd together. Tom',.In the, meanwhile, War h6urs axter the action ofaet. one. Tni Is unaware of the tittle drama -that Is being acted under his very uose, and wheb hla eyes pipy „ coWedy. fa arc finally opened bv Eve, bo asks-an ex- and It Is .icmarkably well wr|tten and cop called, fantAey. the programmes,,., _ Fantasy It la, true enough, pinnatloo"of"ferjky."*Thi8"yoang Woman has strticted, and holds acquired frani her father a propensity for audience to .the end, Eft- f melodious offerlna, Idl by Louise however, Is found and adopted by the rich St. Clair: "Tlie North Pole," "Tin the old man, who aees a resemblance In her to i oon Lothario." sung in Irvely , style by his dead wife, but the real truth Is unknown lien Nnff, with suitable assistance from lo either. Clara la heir to hla fortune, biit e /■ompany: "Why Girla Ltatve Mr. Warburton swear* to. change his will pected a farce to be great, and when it fur- nishes a laugh to almost-every minute of its Action, as this performance doea* it Miroiv fuiililg lta mlsiilon. "Caught In the Ha hi " has Kevi-rai uovel scenes, some odd and very funny bits of stage business, and K noibe very bright lines, when these com- Home, a medley, by a quintette of the unless ahu gives up Morgan Teal, a young mendsble features arc linked to some spirited t-nrnedlnns: the Half and Half Sextette, in a man of shady reputation, and for whom thu action, tho result may readily be Imagined novelty costume, half full length skirts and phantom detective Is In search. Morgan and the other, half, UghW; "College Students," Clara decide to do awfiy with Laura In order Mbowlng colors of Fba..varioUB seats of learn- to gain the riches, and are Joined by TIs-br-re, lag with a novfcl march and the finale. - "Flirting." with the tableau, "Diving," poaed by MIbs DSrrow. The costumes througbout vara very showy, eHpeclslly the "dove" suits and the "North pole" effects. The olio was opened by Jack Jennings and Bob Jewell, comedians, In rang and talk, which caused ronsiderablc laughter; the Great Christie undoubtedly scoredhltu, and Mr. Collier found a role that gave him every scope for' bis quiet and unobtrusive methods of gaining laugh*. In, the iton wo are told that l>lck Crawford, modest yoiirjg hero and popular mine mana- ger. Is postcalied of a fear of fair women that amounts practically to a mania. >one of hla male friends can ever coax him to key his courage up'to tbc point of being In* troduccd to a lady, but one day Dick is caught la a shower, and, under the, awning to which he flies for rescue Is, Muriel Ma- son, one of the fairest of the fair. Result: Dlclc falls with an awful tbud, and Muriel chains up his,heart. Hut later on his part- ner, graitpicg and merciless James Maxwell, cornea to hlin with the proposition tbat he (Dlckl marry. Muriel Mason in order to save her father from ruin. Dick, hot knowing that the girl of the awning episode, Is -Muriel, refuses, and when Muriel, who thinks that Dick knoWH .who she is, hears of the refusal, Ehc accepts Maxwell out of pique. This com- £llcatioh Is a bad one for Dick, but eventually e Hnda a way out of II, and wins the lady. Mr. Collier made Dick Crawford a very like- able fellow, and (he clever lines that fell to bis' lot were made to count to their full value, George Nash, as his partner, a West- erner, who never lets any obstacle stand In the.way of bis ambition, gave a legitimately drawn bit of character acting that proved followed with a floe oi Juggling with various comedy effects, both novel and clever. A number of mechanical dcvlcca were success- fully Introduced. Ills make-up forcibly sug- gested a tramp. Flo Elliott and lieu Neff handed out f some clever comedy httn, Mr. >'etT. being a performer of unique stylo, and Miss Kiliott looked, acted nnd sang well. The Five Pcsohkuff Troupe of Russian danc- ers gained admiration for their clever spe- cially, l'oschkoff gave an exhibition of lnur Who Is searching for his title to a foreign estate, ahd of which he MNtft General War. burton robbed him. The general Is taken III, and Laura procecdA to revive him with water which Tis-cr-rA bad drugged. lie then puts her under his hypnotic power and com- mands her to kill the general, but she romes out.of her stupor at th«- critical moment and refuses to do so, whereupon Tls-er-ra him- self murders tbc old man and escapes. Laura lying, to such an extent, tbat Bhe dnda it dldlcuK lo speak the truth under any clr- ctimslauceb.-:. When ehc, denies that, ehc has met Fred with unwarrantable frequency, Tom believes her, but'finally, whep he discover* hef lb several lies, he doubts her. This doubt is strengthened by the repoit of the detectives cmrjlo.vcd by Eve to watch M? husband arid Becky. Tom leaves her, never to return,, and she goes to her father, who, when be {earns--the cause of the separation, telegraphs to Tom that Becky is dying. This has the effect of bringing Tom to bis -wife, and upon her promise to try to speak the trntb. be takes her to his heart again. It will thus be seen that Mr. Fitch has used well worn material as a. boils of his play, not be has constructed the work with, als uairai titeverncsB. Witty lines iu abundance are put Into the mouths of the various player's, and the result Iu amusing. One fact, however, the interest of th* The flrat act ls„ of necessity, ri little long, and seenia talky, but once the curtain rises oh act 2, this defect la forgiven and forgotten, and thu action which follows fully atones for previous short- comings The characters in acts 2 ftn'd ", are. for the most part, tbc direct oppofcltes of those In acta l and 4, and not only are they well drawn by the authors, but On art; capitally sustained by the players. Each character in the two dream acts-Is a study, and It was In theselbat the various members of the excellent company did their 1 best work. Minnie Dupree gave a charming performance. Helen Ware'a portrayals of Malena Leveaon and Black Malena showed marked contrast, and proved her to be an actress of more than ordinary ability. The same may.he Bald of Julia Blanc and Alice Gale, whose work as Norah (iiilaw mid Mother (inlaw, and Har- riet Phelps and Goody Phelps, respectively, was decidedly excellent. Mr. Whittlesey, Mr. clever. A tambourine specialty was liberally applauded. "Lonesome Luke's Lurk.." with w..C Cushmap In tho title role, closed the rhow. with good comedy Incidental -to the wedding of an hclrcssto a tramp. The en- tire company were seen tp good advantage, led by Miss barrow as the heiress, "ttur- JnKuuc Queens," "Look Out for the Automo- bile," Mr. Cushman: "pick Up Your Hags and Uo," by Fannje Wood, and "The Dairy Mold aud Chauffeur." were successful u numbers. IjouIs Noble,- in ibis production. particularly' fine, -and Nanette Cotnstock *£ B "ustalncd his.reputation for hating good made Muriel Mason a < her to bis deli and keeps her from thi. clutches of, the law until tie can prove her Innocence. Tls-er»ra. however, steals her from Frank and takes her to his foreign Island, where he Intends lo make her one of his many-stave wives. Frank pursues, r. ~~zl ,-- —r.: with the assistance of Dewey Hafferty, his gig" 2KFI 'i 1 SMIS* *'"' var oua dlf " ebutn, and Maxlo Goldberg. Dewey's sweet- SE2! 9t f 9 &233EJ*2 g,rt . 8 . W€ro -* l . l ft VV . Z J heart. Frank and hln little band fall ITiMSSl^k^n^SSA^mSSl *&&■ l^elf uporiThe'audltor.which'i'athat; Dempster and Aflrlaul Nesblt also corltHbuted but it Jrntectcd bv FranETolSom who wkes altt'<»ush the play nmusea. It falls to Interest good work. Jhfl play was handaomcly staged i prniecica d.v ^ f ranis l-oispm, wno cases Af: „„»,,,„„ ,„' „,f V | nil i tw c ;„i,„^ ' n SLi, i£Z25 bv J. C. Hoffman, for tl^c Messrs. Shubert, At no time Is curiosity eicited to the extent of wonderlitg what will .happen next, and there Is not one of the characters that arouses a jot of synipathv. This, however, la priyy. of explanation. A play, like a house, If .built upon sand, will topple over. The weak, oharacierles* personality of the cen- tral figure forma u very unstable foundation on winch to hulld a play.- A chronic liar ever arouses a feellug of-abhorrence, and this feeling ' culprit. or tiits m and hence, sympathy \* Impotrslbie.. And thus, capital though Mr. Fltcb's writing in this, work Is. there seems-little probubllltv that It will meet with the wiccess which his cleverness Is entitled ta. Clara. Bloodgood, _ _ very charming young lady. Helena Collier Garrlck did some remarkably clever acting aa Mrs. Uerrl- 'ikTi. a worldly-wise woman, who is not afraid of meeting all sorts of conditio™. Wallace Kddlngcr, Grant Stewart. Jane Laurel and Louise Drew were also worthy of Hppclal praise. Tbc caat: Dick Crawford, wllllam Collier: James Maxwell, Geo. Nash: Mr. Mason, John Savllle; Bob Livingston, Wallace- Eddlnger; Bryce Forrester, Grant Stewart: George Thompson, Joseph, Kauf- man: David Bertram, Alan Allen; Adam Lpngwaite, Thomas Beauregard: Jake, Taos. Martin, George Washington White. Cbarles I'oore; Mr, Sprlggs, Duncan Harris; Foot- man. John Adam; rollceman. Thomas Lea- noa : Muriel Mason. Nanette , Comstock ; "Violet Mason, Jane Laurel: Mrs. Merrlden, Helena Collier . Garrlck: Nellie tjardtner, Louise Drew.. -Tho,second weok of Mr. Col- lier began Jan. T. * Mnnltattnn Opera House (Oscar Hani- liierKteln, manager).—For New Year's tilgbt. Director Hnmmertteln,'thc tirat-'iprcKcn- l at lop-nf the-H'ensoh of "II TrovHtore, wltb ibib cant : faconoro, Muie. Ituss; Aiuccna, Mine Dc Clsuuvoa; Inez, i Mile. Zaccarla ; Manrli:u. M. Daltuorca; Cuutfl dl I.una, M. Swelihac:-Fernando.-M. Mugnpx ; Kiiix, If. Trechl. Fernando Tanara conducted.. On Wednesday'night.. Jan. "J,■ Mme, Mclba made her llrt>t uppeurincc aa a member of this cornpany, uppenrtog us V'lolctta, In "I.a Tra- vlata." It la pracilcullv six years since Mine. Molbn linu been heard in opera In this city, and 1L-e house was packed to give her r. welcome. Tbe cast wis; Violetta Valery, Mine. Melbn ; Flora Bervolx*, Mile. Zuccarla; Annlnn, Mile. . Hovcrlna ; Alfredo Germont, M. Ilattsl; Ulorglo Germont, M. ltunaud : Gas- tune, M. Ventiirlni; Barone Doupbol, M. Fovwtta: Mawhcae d'Oblguy, M. lleacblii- Itan: Dottore Gronvllle. M. Glllbcrt. Cleo- fonte Campanlnl conducted. The bill I ii- il:-iv. nluht, 4. was "i.'Hrnien." with the same cent cs before. On Saturdny nfternoou. 1% the bill- was "L'Kllslr DAmore." with Mme. Flnkert. Mite. SeVellllHC and Gil the t]ie lirst iwrtornm Iiouko, ami the llrat time the work wus given in Ibis elty- this season. The Saturday nlsht bill was.''La Trnylnta," with Mine. Donalda is Viplcttn. Utlierwlse' tho east wsh the before. The bill Monday '"X 1 - 1 . 1 '-*■ -•"J-TW.jygjg*- i--^'-^,-.- monologue ,«C Vjualnt sayings; offered"with • Metnrlai Theatre (Oscar rlammentaln. , m i qU e style. Wla was the sensational njaiiagjrl.—The excitement and gayety of f Pa ture of the performance. This gaiitleman. Iha holiday season, with lis attcuaanteruwds f orn i C rlv known an Belyca, allr. cd hlmselC or uiiiuscnent aoekcrs, which frequently to lw „*„, OTOr by a fuU 6tw , (] auionuVWle, at tend to Interfere wtlh the coinfort at the f,^ ,. prHHl and mi0)CO „ onc the worte fop ivttular .theatre patrons^ baa departed, aud n In cxinricucc. SSendu's wonderful physical dovcloument makes him especially suitable ebowB. Ben Solan Is representative "Louis Doll, musk-Hi director; B. C. Hammond, stage niansgor; Tisomas. Carey, master me- chanic. On Thursday evening, Jan. 4. Louise St., Clair ant! Wm. C. Cushmau were mar- ried on the siagc after the performance- The audience stayed. to witness the ceremonr. This week's attraction is Uosc Sydell and her.Londuii Belles,.who have been breaking records all along the lino, and who Ailed the Murray Mill solid at both performances. 7."Tho l*rlncc of Petticoats" is the title of the play, and it Includes, a number of Nhuwy numbers, several .of them novel- lies. Mix* -Sydell, .In a alumilug gown and nbcaul'.fui cloak, i-ccclved an ovation Mon- day evening. She sang well and acted with bar usual vivacity. W,. H. Campbell, as I. Shurkcin, a confidence man, lias a select line of-stung, wlik-hhc unllhibercd ip. good style. JumcH .Wesley.Mack, wa* funny us the Irish- man, and Ilurrv Marks .Stewart did full JiiMtlcc. to a Jew cbarscior l li) .his ..original manner. Hope new comedy hi tn wore Intro- duced .by. them. ..Ddrbtby Mac.Owen.'Vera HartC, TcKKle' Weston. Uostfc'Weston, Casalo Hfcmard. Fred C. Stylet*, , r Fred L. IlaRtlnjpl. F.'J.Traxler'ahd'HuiTy 3'. Graw'completid the <:ust. The chorus included a number of sightly.girls, who put forth their best efforts in the (iit>eml)le numbers. Of .tkcae, an auto* mobile, grouping, -wltli revolving, wheels, .a canopy and automobile front, made a pro- notuiccd hit. During this act Miss Hydrll sang "My Sweetheart, Mtss Automobile, to several encores. Her other numbers wore: '•Dear Old Broadway," "Sarsparllla Snow," "Coronation Days." "Flathoh and "Under the Grand Old Flag." Cassio Bernard led Iu "I'll Let You Chew My Chewing Gum." "The King of Coney Isle." by Mr, Campbell; "1 Like Your Stylo." by Fred C. styles;. "Cupid's Cavaliers," by Vera Harte, and 'A Warm lleceptlon," conversation number, the bonds of Tls-cr-ra's cannibal men. arid is doomed to die. Laura', upon refusal to become the hypnotist's.wife, Ik cast into the Hops' den, 'but is rescued by Frank, who uses lib* own bypnotic power and overcomes Tls-er-ra. They return to the dead general's home Iti New York, where the real truth la revealed by Tls-er-ra, and lAura Is there* fo& heir to a' Urge fortune and marries Frank, while Dewey and Matin also are ok- the untruthful Becky Warder, gave .an united. Tbe performance Is Iniermlngled altogether Hatlsfaetory nerftfnnancc. WIN wtlh good special tlea by the Hull Sisters ,lara ' J - , **■■£. ma<le n SP^ Intpresslon dingers and dancers, and the American News- aB I'om Harder, and Wlllfam B. Mack boys' Quartette," who scored a decided hit. WB ? excellent ns Stephen 'Roland, Becky's proven by thu numerous eucorea. Oabt'of wtlier. ■ /eldn Sea«, , as Mrs. . O'ene- rharaeters; Frank l'olsom, tbe Phantom De- y»eve Creaplgny. gave one of the best per- fective, Allen Bennett; 'Morgan Teal. Walter l0 C mft A'" eH °" the.evening, aud was justly .T. -Wilson: Dew^y (Dew) Raiterty, Thos. J. awltled to 4lip rfccoghitlon accorded her for Hniltli; Tls-er-ra. James A. Num.; Serifcant K ' Bsfferty. Jos. Dltloh: Corporal Goldberg. Marty Moore: Gen. Warburton, Lee Helium : Jlmnile Dugan, Fred Ford; Sergeant Ketcbutu, Ger.rgo GehrlnBer: OrBcer O'Hariaba'n. Wll- iard Gllek ; Officer O'Plaherty, Lee . Laird; Officer O'Douahiie, Fred .'Ford; Mlkc'Malloy, •V. R. O'Malley; Hans Poltzer. Frank Half; Johnnr Wise. Phil Mack; -Laura Leorie. Sadie Glbney; Clara Warburton. "Slaud Truer: Maxlo Goldberg, May Wiley:--Miss Whit*. Grace nalh'MlaaXSreen, LUllanHall'. Miss Brown. Ivy -Lillian Tec!: MIrh Block, Frances Cromwell;' Mi-Mi. Sue ■Marshall; To-To. Jnsle Nelson ; Tip-Tip,'rtrrle -Jahseh ; Lo-Lo, i Hsttle Clark: Yo-To, Marie Daniels. Executive staff: Rowland, nilfford i Du Vrles, proprietors.: Dave 6eyn)C|tir, mana- ger: i: -W. 'Grlffltb, advance agent; Geo. Pydenhauu etage .manager: Clifford Glllard, musical director: Jean De Caunsln; piaster of proyerttsiL, "Young 'Buffalo, ■ King *of tl^e Wild West," was tpe bill, bp&plng after)i'H»n of' 'Jan. 7, to large attendance. The play retain* Its popularity. * Young Buffalo won his usual favor, nnd was ably supported by Caroline May,.Bnuu' Rosalie, John 11. Gor- don, Kugene La Rue and John Cowe.ll. The cast: King of the Wild West. Young Buffalo ; Randolph Morton, Howard D. Lent?.; Jack Morton, John R. Gordon; Judge Grit, diss. Drake: Yellow Face, Antolno Provost: Lord RufPugton. L'uRCltc La Rue; Two Luug. Tom Willis: One Lung, Dave Lewis; Chihg Lee, John Kelly; Black Cauuon-Fete, Uow.ud L. Dorsny: wild Eyed Charley. Frank Dobson : Hatcliet-Faced Abe, -H. F. 'McDonald : Pedro. John W. CowrII: Halii-ln-lhe-Face, M, Mad- by 3. _ managers of the production. The cast In full: Actt oiie and four —Kenelm PaUltou, While Whittlesey: Juck. Gi*entoL-ex, Robert Demp- ster; Will LeVesou. Wright Kramer; Adrian Tnnlpkyns, R Owen Baxter: Klspeth Tyrcll, Minnie Dupiee; Mcleua Leveson, Helen Ware: Kleanor Lcvesou, Miriam Nesblt; Harriett Phelps. Alice Gale; Norah Glllaw. Julia Blan: Dolly Foulln. Agnes Everett. ig Is accentuated If a woman Is tbe 4**? ( '"0 " m L/°, , f r -:J> 1 e ,1 e ', in Powlet (Lord It. The aversion to the central .figure f tran W v £H'J v,,,h ; Wl, ^t|f*«y; lletorxnadu lb play extends to the other characters, iiick, Robert Dempstrir:-Will wl* the Ffeather, heme, symputhy !» ImooMlble.. And Wright Kramer: lomklD. the .tapster, F. .. . tapster, ... Owen Baxter; Lady Kliiabeth .Tyrrell, Min- ute .Ditnree: Black Maleiin, Helen Ware; Kllnor Tylnev, Miriam Nesblt ; Goody Ilielps, Altec Gale; Mother Glllaw. Julia Blade; Dolly. Agnes Hverftt: Hubert, cimrles Mar- tin: Wat. W.. 8. Martin: Blr John, a vicar, Selmar Roma I he. Mat. F. K. Brown. The second week began Jan. 7. .-*.., Pastor's Theatre (Toby Pastor, mana- ger 1.—An excellehtly arranged ,programme was enjoyed, opening ut the Monday ulatlUec J/qu-'^i, with Frank Martin and Charles her work, The cast in full: Warder. Wil- liam J. Kelly; Roluyd, Wllllam U. Mack: Llndop. George. Bjifok: Butler at 1 Ihe Warders. Hodgson Taylor; Employee at Mil- - , ,--.-.-..^-.-yv — e ;ro, — -:-■• liner's,. Fred. Harrison ; Becky Warder. Clara ftn( * Proved to keep all present, la laughs at rles Buckley, and companv, as the special feature. In a one act comedy, entitled "The Intruder," which 'fioK-d ;i pronounced hit; Brown, Har- ris And Brown, la- their "Just to Laugh, Thflt's All." skit - wem as pleasing as ever. every move; Hoey and I*e. In.brlglnafparb- dtes were compelled to respond to nu- merous ' encores. - Others on' the bill who lent valuable aid were: Odell and Kin ley. billed as "Pierrot .aiid Pierrette;!' um^-htQ and her Candy KldN;'-AI, Treloar, assisted hy--J?tina- Tempeeti In an exhibition of mus- cular - Hnd beauty development; theDemar- cos. trapeze performers; Rich and Howard, black face singers anrj '-dancera-': tb'o -'-La BJoodgood: Eve UndOu. ..Mrs. Sam Sothern; Laura Krasor, Elene Footer; Mrs. Genevieve Cresplgny. Zenda-Seats. --■ New York Theatre (Klaw ft Eriahger, managi?rs). — After, ah absence of:.several months. Kfsle Janls and "The Vanderbllt Cup 'returned lo town Jan. Ti: The Bame suc- cess greeted-the sur and play,as.when last seen here. Mia* Janls was at her best, and her famous Imitations of well known wrformtirs „ was well received; Tha full cast; Newt FavurvBrolherai Jp "Flips and FI6ua;"-»lg- Offut. CharlcH Dow, Clark; Mrs, WUIefs. nm-.chefajo, (augiclauj.iChVIs -Green.: corn- Grace Gvfswold: Theodore Banting, Robert e<Jy musical ae.t; Crclghton and Ijls educated L.l.lnitey;. M'bh- Cersfatrs. Blanche Chap- roosters;. Millie - und Gertie Walton, In'.-a man; ^Dorothy .Wlllets,-EUIa Janls; : Dexter novel dancing act, and^thc American vita- Joyce; ArthUr Statiford ;:cierk, Albert Cowles: s^P'i, - Wl Dtrteetlvr, Mldde While: Mrs. HlllraWr. Helen Weifherby; Mrs.'N.vlve«ter, Kate Mayheftr; Mrs.' Fllaatrom, Grace Grlswold; Mrs. ifcy. klmev.. Wary GrcvlUc;r Mrs, Dfllenbofg, Louise Sylvester: Mrs. Ostrand, May Quin- tette ; Wlnnif red. Erma Greene; Eioise. L«lla Malllou: Gwynne. Biidyue Zulwr: Elaine,. Jane Oakor; Pearl. "Jacoucs" Mrndley; Marlon. Daisy Lccjn; Freda, Orma Nnglo; Maude, Leona Drew: Leona, Percy Janls ; ■ Celeste. Genevieve Vlctorln : Kate Croops, Ella Hatton: Inkle North. Emma Nuylor: Gaspard. Hal De Forrest; Curt Wll Mlacb.'a Tltea«re- (CUfiS. Burnhtfin. mariaeer).—,8am Bernard comrnenced bin twelfth week, Jan. 7, In ''The Rich Mr.'Hog- gcnhelmcr." ; . •... ... Princes* Theatre (Henry Milter, man- ageri.—Margaret-Anglin and Henry Hllter commenced, their fifteenth week. In "The Great Divide." on Jan. J. ... ■; - Kttlckerbncker Theatre (Al. nayman & Co., managers).—Montgomery and Stone and company began, Jan. 7, their sixteenth week.-In "The Red Mill." Aator Theatre (Wagenhals & Kemper, lets, Clarence H&udyaldes: Cladnda Lark- managers). — Blanche Walsh. In- "The spur, Edith Decker; Hon. John D. Boxwood, ^""J* 0 . 1 p°* a % opened at this honee.on Jacques Kruger; Arthur Boxwood, F. i.°_ u _ r *' nrJo .. : .n**S?. A| o.Y_ Lake:_ Lily, New Joan etrargtit Mouuay, Jan. 7. tlon will appear I A notice of tbc produc- our next Issue. rSi.i.^fuii B™f equipment. The olio prekentod tbc Weston Caiollne L2 \» t»Et Kistera, In their clever- and entertaining Mm. Ml! U 3 A SSL H SE t-lnglng. dancing and boxing act: W. H. Camp- At the. ■«g-**.■fiPfeJ* fi* beirand James W. Mack. In "The Inspector" Inee, Yo« James \V. Mack. In "The Inspci an act cmbcllisUed by the presentation of .the hundsonic models; the Buckeye Four (Trnx- Icr. Styles. Uraw and Hastings), harmony ckperts, ivIiom 1 singing eanicd apnlause: Mav; Wild Nell. Emma RoanJlo: Miles McCarthy. Maggie 13. -Meredith, .conclusion of the Wednesday mat- . _ »ung Buffalo and his tribe of Indians will meet oil those In the audience who wlahto come upon the stage. Next week, ErneKt Hogan. in "Itnfua Itsstus." Fourteenth Street Theatre (,T. Wcslev be tne'VuIc .hbre," and "there "were^ocuslous Ooirrlolc . Theatre (Charles Frohman, during the week just past when many pcoplo manager).—Wll if gin Collier. In "Caught in Harry Marks Stewart, in a funny Ilebrow Rosenqueat, manager).— Jjw llorliz npneured while the Maalncss at all limes Is tu> the cu parity, one ran now eujoy Hie performances under unrmal condlrlnnii. The bill thin week gives block iypc position to Chailes Warner, who nvtkcs his natal here in his Intensely dramatic skit, "At the Telephone." Also Ihted on the bill are: The Colonial Septette. an artlxtlr vocal aud Instrumental novelty; Pat Routiev end Murtou Bent, in songs apd dances: Sydney Grant, modologlet; Herbert Rruokx, conjurer ; Bobby North, Mcbrew ('-■■iiviii im - arras ltni«., comedv acrobats: Fosicr nnd Foster, comedians: the Kemos. t-ulorcd foiucdlans, aud new views by the vltagraph, Third Avenue Theatre (Martin J. Dlxou. m.inuuer>.—Joseph J. Siilllvaii Is playing Hie principal role In "Tbe Blackthorn," a muHlcil f-voirdy. by Chaa. 1(. Flemlnsf. The mipporttng company I* cast an follows: Denny Del«n. Joseph J. Sullivan; 'Walter i-evlson, St. Clair Evers: John Hilton. Henry s. R'neldoii: Bob Renwtck, -K. B. Caoip- hell: Oscar Smytblng. Goorare. J. Laiubert; r.,tivt» Harry . Jones: Nellie Lovlsos, Eleanor Wlxdot ■ Kli'v V»r-v\\, rff- »'"- Hums: llcna. Little Gertrude Specialties were Introduced by Messrs. Sullivan and Lambert, and hv Etta William* »«d M»*»e Gertrude. W. s. Macnlre la business mana- ger: J. It. RHcblc, advance agent Next n-.-v. "Tb* Man nf Her Choice.' 7 Yorkviiie Theatre (Frank Oorateo, I'Kinui.'.M ■). —Tlios. E. Shea. In a repertory m* tire pluys. began an engogemsut of one •■ -wt- ^^•r^» .inn. 7. Next week, "Under bouthcrn Skies" fur this sort of an net. Tbe audience fully nppreplntod the merits of the performance, .luritfiuc from Monday's business. Gils should be the banner week, of the Murray Tint, which has bc-'ii ateudlly galnlnc in point of attend- ance. Win. S. Campbell Is manager; .Tack Sydell, business representative; J. Edwin Owmi. nuiNtcal director: O. O. Itldcnour, rie.c- trlclan: E. J. McCuskcr, stage carpenter. Next week, the Rachctor Club. MelropolHrin Opera llonac.—On New Year's ft(t*rii"on "Ilnnse! uud Gretel" was flven with this east: Haensel, MUs Matt- eld : Grcfel. Miss Alton; The Witch, Mme. Homer; Gertrude. Mlas Weed;. The I.lttlo Rami Man. Miss Moran : The Little Dew Man. MIkk (shearman: Peter. Mr.. Gorlts. With "Tosca" as the bill. Mme. Emma Karnes re- turned to 1Mb bouse Wednesday night, Jan. -. The cast was: l-'loris 'Tosca. Mme. Emma Eanies: Tin Paatorc. Mme. Jacohy: Mario t'avaiadossl, II. Caruso; 11 Barone Srarpia. M. Scottl: Ceaare AnjrelftttL M. Dnfrlche: II SSftrestano. M. Rossi; Spelrtta, M. Paroll: Solarrone. M- Beguc; UP Carcerlcrc, M. Nava- rro!. "Fedora" was sung Friday night, 4. On Saturday afternoon, ft. 'Lskrae wrs suhar. "Sieafried" was tbe Saturday night Mil. "Lucia dl La miner moor" was the bill Monday nhrht. T. MadUon Sqnnre Theatre f Kin w & Kr> liwg*r, maangersV—-C.irlottn Xllison. In "Tbe Three of !**," basrun her iblrteenth week on Monday evening, Jan. 7. The one hundredth performance will be givon Weduesday uiitl- QCC, V. at tills theati't* on Jan. 7. In a comedy'drama, In four acts, by Lnngdon McCormlck. en- titled "Our Friend Fritz." whb'h tells the story of the tbnft oi ten one thousand dollar ,„ bills from ono of Uncle Sntn'N mull ban*, and "**} L*" 0 ^? 11 ' **J £ 1 catur *^- !fle ,? le ' B -.- the troubles of Ruga, a poorhoiiRi- waif, and . toinlnH \, C S' & presenting 'The Mysterious Fritz, the big-hearted German bov who be- friends her. There Is plenty of nielr-flra- Matlc action In th.o piece, some thrilling situations, anil un average of lntercRtlpg hap- lienliius tnleulated to make ihe person in search of such things well satisfied Willi re- sults. Mr. Hortie had some good lines, which he delivered to capital advantage, and his singing caught the house, ttpplansn being warm both above and below stairs. Hfc ha* a cood tenor voice, aud uses it well. John Ravold was stood as tho harsh old postmaster, aud Krnie Veronee played Itnps Kd. J. La Saint, Walter Caufman. Ada Bpshcll, Kleanore Calncs and Milton Gardner were all worthy of special praise. The east: Krlts Seblller, Jos. F.IIortdi: Nathan Hammond. lata Ra- vold: Bart Yancll. F<d. J- Lb Saint: Rufua Wh Ite. w« I tec Can t man : Wavne Weston, Carol Italy: Dim JMYGuirp, R. J. Move; Old Chuck Gordon. Noah Rcvnolrls: Officer fibec- ban. MIHon Gardner! Adam Ooogenhetmrr, iVorg" Tbrop; Billy Keene. Noah Rrmolrts: Mrs. llfmmond. Sarah thironer: Blanch Ha- zt'ttnn. MJUM L. Frederic; Pac=. Pmle Vr- ga u ge; Mrs. Maloee, Ada Boshell: Nora Ham- mond. Klcanore Calncs; Mrs. Vancll, Ada HcMhcll- ?T*vr York Hippodrome (Messrs. Shu- hert A Anderson, ra»na«t#rsl.—"Neptune's Dftiurhter" nnd "Pioneer. Days" continues to the Rain," commenced his second wee a" Jan. 7. Belaaco Theatre (David Bclaseo, man- ager).—"The Rose of the Rancbo" began lis seventh week Jan. 7. Hackett Tiientre (James K. Hackett. n»an(Uff).—Rose Sfalil conmieuced, Jan. 7. her thirteenth week In "The- Chorus Lady." Dni>-> Theatre (Frank McKee, mana- gerl.—"The Belie- of Mayfalr" commenced, Jan. 7. Its sixth week. Lyceum Theatre (Daniel Krohman, ... managerL—'The Lion and the Mouse" be- House;' George Mozart, the English. coup. Si" ft* flfiy-nlnth week Jan. 7 rdlnn. Is rt'talned for this week; Frank Bush 'Liberty Theatre Klaw & Krlanger,man- ngers).—M:*.anor Rohson, In "The Girl Who Has Everything." comiacnced her ttfteenth were turned away, unable to secure even Kt+indinp room. There is another of Manager »illlams* excellent bills offered the patrons for this, week, Marie Dresslcr's reentry Into Vaudeville here, last week, has been so suc- cessful that she is retained to head thc:.ulll tola week, In her new vehicle, "Oh, Mr. weinsci." Homer P. Mason and Margaret Kcelcr made their.American reappearance. 7. In their comedv sketch. "Hooked by Crook:'' the Military Octette, Introducing Vrta Girl Kle " ' Is telling hla funny stories; Alroasio, Euro- pean Juggler, made his first appearance here 7: the Bell Trio, vocalists; DAlma's troupe of trained simians, and the vltagraph com- plete the bill. "T .Thalia Theatre (Sullivan. Ik" Woods, managers).—"A Iteapcrate Chance" Is this week's attraction. The cast includes: Jack Sharkey, Harold Vosburgh. Kelcey Couboy, Harry B. Vokes. Bob MeClung, Bob Mattler. tjeorge AV. Bughce, Wm. B. Ferry, Tom Hodgemnn. Frederick Guest, fleo: Chcnet, Al. -WUbou, Isabel ■ Fen ton. Baby Beatrice, Blanche \einiinir and Kllrabeth Hunt. Next week, "Nellie. Ihe Beautiful Cloak Model." savoy Theatre (Frank McKee, mana- Vrerk Jan. 7. warden Theatre (Hollls R. Cooley, man- nrer),—"The Student King'* began Its third week Jan. 7. umpire Theatre (Charles Frohman. manager).—Monde Adams, In "Peter ran," commenced her third week Jan, 7, Atlantic Garden (W. Kraiper's Sons, m-inngernh — Milton and Kaiser, comedy triple bar act; Ben Beyer, comedy 'cyclist; Hodge." ami Luuiiehmere, comedv duo: the Floods, hnlanciiifi' Inddqr and Jug&rllna;; Sadte M<dVmald. descriptive soprano; Prof. Harry Hilton end trained Hogs, Jsek F.lllot, In II- please Inree crowd*, and he*ah, lta seventh man ager).—Weber's Theatre Co. began the week Monday. Jnn 7. with tho uauat vande- second we*k .Inn. 7. Iu "Dream City" and vlllc and circus features. . "The Made Knight." Lyrle Theatre (Ram 8. A T^ee Rhuhert, lladaoa Theatre (Henry D. Harris, man- managers).—Mrs. FUke, In "The New York ageri.—"The Hypocrites" commenced Its Idea," begau her eighth week Jau, 7. twe.utlvtU week J.iu. 7. .... gorl.w'Thc Man of the Hour" commenced lustrated songs, and nvw moving ploturcs Its nxtb week Jan. L -. are the nttrffetiom* fr.r thl« week. ^ ,j *,2, , T ^*" 1re if\. r - Campbell; mana. Miner 1 * Bowery Theatre (Kdwln D. f" r >-^P'sb"u«*c, wbli-h has been dark Blnch Miner, manager! —The Avenue Girls art Wednesday .night, Jno. 2, when the last per- *—- - *■ - fornittiicc of "Thp Double Life", was given by Jlenrl De Vries and company, will rr^ oiten. Friday night, 11, with "The Mimic snd the M;ild." ■.-'■ , ,. .: Manhattan Theatre (Wm. A. Rrarlv, manager). — Wilton Lackaye catered bU fourth week, Jan. 7. In Man." Weher's Theatre (Joseph M. Weber, drnwing this week, with "The 'Pigp-r Springs," Klsle Leslie, Lc RPy rtiid T.a Vanlon-. McFar- land and McDonald, tho Hlatt». motion pic- turca. and "Get Rich & Quick. Broker*," Charles Johnson, Mike McDonald, Phil Me- Farland and Olga Orloff are seen to good ._ their respective roles. Next •The Law and tbe Week, the Merry BurlesQuers. Broadway Theatre (Lltt ft Dingwall. rnnpfleersi.-^l-Aorm . HcWj. In'"The'Parisian Model." Wran, 1 her,..sev<tptlK w-tfalt, Jgn. 7. Kleanor Kent replaced Truly Bhafctuck on the above date. , ,,..., Majestic Theatre <\v. l. Eowland, man- ager).—Henry Woodruff, u w Brown,. of Harvard," begun his third week Jan. 7.