The New York Clipper (January 1907)

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January 12.* tse 'hew yqrk odipp^r. 1241 i Cswlno (WRm 3. & Lee Shuoeet, mana- so o.—fault h'dwatdea b" an engage- ment there Monday night, Jaq. 7, presenting, for the first time in New York, "The I'rln tma Beggar/' written and composed sneclftily for Mlfl* Edwnrdis by.fcdward Paulton ana Alfred .ltobyn. Too, comic opera Is In two DcS.'Ond Ml OraL produced at.tho Majestic Thrfltre, '.Utlca. N. V.; Jan. IS, 1900; The scenes -are laid Itt the royal palace of V'a- -nrlu, and near the Hermit's Cbap*l on the ,'slnnd of Ferns, and the costumes* and spec- tacular settings correspond admirably v>iUi the ■Imogltjury locale of the action. A revolu- tion han been financed oy a capitalistic baron, and ending with the accession to the throne of Otto .\X.\. J'lnaorial difficulties, how- ever, l'Orce the king into matchmaking opera- tions on- behalf of his rod, l'rlnce Karl, whea Klatne (Paula Kdwardesj comes upon the scene the Baron Lombardo. who vir- tually holds the king In bond for money id- vnnced to blm. Insists that his, the baron's . daughter, must be betratiied tv Prince Kail. It appears, however, that Elaine, wbo 1* tlio daughter" of a woodcutter; has previously jifttl. the' goodf fortune to;,save too young prince's 111* by pulling him uut of a wood- land stream; She fell hi love with htm their and there, and follows him to the courc on Vfljiorla'as a beggar maid. Prince Karl does not recognize In the' beggar muicL lilii reamer, and the king, In order to save n's ciown- lands and crown. Jewels, plans to marry the beggar girl himself, thus leoviog the Way' clertr for his son, the l'rl&ce iCitrlj to marry Lnmbardu's daughter^ As the Ptorv duVelnpH, however, tlu proper persons, as; 1 If uRmif in t'ooite opera, beVurn iJieir nfRaltles. and- all, of course ends happily. The audience '*on Monday night wns a very, large one, and the welcome extended to dainty Paula Ltfwardes and the principal* wjt cordial- Itt' the^extreme; As the Princess Iieggnr, Miss Kdwardes joked, sang, danced, uiiu made laces at the audience la her own charming and inimitable manner, which hr.s made her such a favorite wllii Casino audi- ences. Excelled support was given the star by Harry MacDonough, Eddie Oar vie, Usr- tr&m Wallls, Jan. G. flcaney, Stanley L. Fo.-d. and Cecelia llboda, who, sang most charm- ingly. '-The comic opera will likely make a lung stay at the Casino, The cast In full! King Otto XXX, ttddle Garvle; Prince Karl. Liertrain WaliJs; Count Hollo, Jas. G. Kca- ney; Casper; Ernest Graham; Hans von Sprvidol. Harry MaeDonough; Baron Lom- bard©. Stanley L. Ford; Father Boniface D. .1. l-'lanngflii; Itowena, Cecilia Bhoda; Aj- ttrkfa, Adtle Barker; Elaine. Paula' l'.d- wartos; Edith of England, Suzanne Hovd; Margaret of Scotland, .Mildred Cooke; Kutit- lecn. of Ireland, Jlnbelle Courtney ; Josephine of France, Ella Bock: Helen of Oreece, i>n-?- Jovc Pen wick: Zulelka of the Orient, i'he- gh'eti- Mtwi- J. W: Murphy-, . tfard Stone. Executive staff: W. M. Half, acting manager; "WHiard /Holcomb; repre- sentative ; Herman/ perletj musical director; ii. J. Flanagan, stage manager; ■■ '.Dewey -I'liepitrr (Union Theatre Co.. manager*}'.—Tom- Miner, whose Dreamland UiirlesQuers Co. iftmp the week here Mondny, ■Ian. ";■ to-ore at the biggest matinees, o. ihe season, enuse Coi* complaint-at ihe .reception accorded Mb ...excellent -./organ* liatlon, ujton ■ its .ti'rst- appearance at this ■ house, tbrts' se|ii«d. Mr. 'ilindr ; hns*Jfcj'com- pftnv of excejlent merit torlnterptilt the two »ct-boi-lesliue wbt*-b^iie;pveBent»'In rn elab- orate style. The Opening, burlesqiie Is -called - Homeland."' Mmpflt doea the- entire strength of the compaby, L gives great op- portunities t,", the comedmn-*, .-graceful dancers' &nd singers, anil-, the- catchy music ;ijta btt&ht dialogue form'.a fitting-setting. 'the- 35f*' Oscnr F.resteln. Harry Foi; Joseph Jarob .Cohen,' William Ijatirence; linn Smooth, William Dull, and Old John Brown, Have-Marlon; Fred Stanley, G. L. Horsey; Charles Bentley, Mark Thompson; captain Kldd. Fred Barnes; Constable Ityan, Coorge H. Pearce; conotable Macadoo, J. .1. Doher-ty; Constable Ketchnm, Ike wfitl: Daisy Dflsh, Aggie Uehler; Violet Bose, Peerl Melnolte; lfoae T -Violet, Cora Melnotte; J.llllc Blossom, Adelaide Fell. Between tho burlesques a pleasing olio Included: Barnes and Lawrence; .singing comedi- ans : BIJou Con;tdy Four, Dave Marion and company, In a sketch, called "East Sloe Ufe:*' Harry Fox. In storlea,. nod the Sister* Melnotte. The programme concluded With the second act-ot "ftoseJand,." and this also employed-.the.-strength of the. company, nnd It served to rolln<1 out a dec'tledly ptengant i-ntcrtalnmont. ' ICxecntive 'Btalt: Bert' J- ICendrlck, nfannper; Hurry Chflpman, ma- ftlcal director: Jos,. Van VLcklen, electrician; Ike Wall, master Of properties; Mrs. Mel- notie, wardrobe mUti-ess. The attraction here for week of Dee. 3i was Uutler, Jncdlw k Lowry's Clierry- Blossom Burlesqners." It was tots season 1 !? metropolitan debut for'tbe company, and one of the largest audiences of the sea Mil assembled to hid: it welcome. The company has been carefully put together. the members are entirely competent to fill their allotted positions, nnd the programme Is- arranged most cleverly and produce* the happiest results. The burlesques are both written to permit Of much bright comedy, ludicrous HltautlonH, and climaxes, while catchy roiinlf. up-to-date, songs, marches and t-hornsra predominate The «hOw opens'with n funny burletta. entitled "The Wrong Count Totinsco." and is Oftt as follows: Captain lli'.rdicnible. Tan Nolan . Mm Captain Hard- scroble. Lilian WalWi; Count Toimkco, Jas. Brynon; Coaky, corker, John Perry; Pretty ratti, Cora While; Lord ChnmVy, Joseph Ward: Hans, Frank Rons: .Lorry, Horry ShPppi'l: Prof.' Jagon, Arthur Putnnin: Sul Skinner. Beatrice llaliln; Til He. Dot Richards. The olio which .followed contained innnv wel' known vaudeville acts, Including: IJIlle Perrv, kodak girl; l^otft an* Payne, iinroltatRj 'Frank Ross, singing comedifln; Munhnsfet.t Comedy. Fo>ir. 'and Nolan nDd White,' In a sketch, called "Looking for a Hecord." The concluding aklt Is a rib tick- ler called "Look Out Below." and Is a fit- ting finale lo n. corking good mo*. , Hiecu- tlve staff: Will A.Pyne, manager; John II. VnrtTt stage manager; John .Leslie repre- sentative: Geo. Coflnetl, musical director; Wm. Vooihels, carpenter. Next week, .Merry Maidens Kurlesqttcrs. " ' ' lluber'n MnaenMi (John II. Anderson. manogor).—The week's attractions Include: '•KttiP," missing link; Slg. Cnilfio'": perform- ing bears; "Zip," Barnum's "What la it? Saridow and Lambert, muscular, posing, anil many other pleasing novelties.. In the the- iiIre high cIhsh vaudeville prevails, and In- cludes : Homer and potter, Blake and Pc- lado's.tnihiuil sheep, Llbble ltetulnetoiK and the Kdlhonjnovlnft nlctnres. . ■ tiruna 0|i«»Ul«Mifte (John II. Springer. proi)rlei:or wild Wttu&t)r&**, B^H! Ue* Co., wllh. JoHcpbCawthorne. In "The Kree Lhuce,'' opened n week's engagement at Ihls IXHtU ihHulav evening, Jim. i. to a well filled hoiife. Nert week. May Irwin, In "Mrs. tt II- sou-Anilrews/' „.. ■ ,„. Miner's Ktfiiitii Avenae TlieJrttre (Ed- wlu D. Miner, msuiiger). —MlncrV Merry JHirteMOen opened nt tills Jiftuee Monday iD.illiiw. Jan. 7, to'a well lllletl bouae. A iwu net colnedy. entitled "The Mining. Olrl," together: with an ti it star olio, proved to be>p thing-i running In a merry mood. Next week) tho Ewnlre show. tondou Theatre (.lames II. Curtln, mauflger).—The Merry Makers Co.- la.-this week's num-iion; -wiili a bill including: ■Utiunliig ror'Mayor.'with Chna. It. Nil- son nnd Prnnk Millard- as the candidal**: Minnie ond Mnrlc. Hpray.f, dancers; Jennettc Yoimg, operatic soprano; Nelson, Mllleuge and cTnsev.,tn "Blmnn, the Itatlir:" the Ch> iifi- t'uinedv Podr, of tinging com?Aiab»: the Elton Polo TraflU of aerlallslB; (he. moving plciures. nnd "The Mayor's Vacation.' 1 Next peck, tho Ideals. ._ Km AniHtcrilnm Thrntrr (Klaw & Er- langrr, maXagersi.-^Tne-fitrt New Yoflt prfe ductlon of "Brcwater's Mllllona." with Ed- ward Abele-vas" the Btn'*, ocedfred at this theatre, night -ot : Oea 31; New. Vegr'a eve. with an andtence present which tilled' every.' part this magnificent theatre. TBa' play w«s originally presented ut the Taylor Opi'rivJMuse. Trenton, K .!„'Oct. 10. llrOO; and.Thompson £ Dundy nro its projectors. It is a Toilr act play, dramatized by Wlnchell Smith and Byron ou'gley, from tieorge Uflrr MrCutcheon's celebrated book, "Brewster's Million!*." Nothing better In the way of,satire' on frentled finance has'been seen: upon our stage, and It Is a play replete with life and action, possessing no dull moments. Erotn a mechanical and scenic viewpoint, Frederic Thompson' and Wlnchell Smith, under whoso pnpervlslon the play was produced, have done some" remarkable things. Especially Is this ihe case In act three, wherein the illusion is so perfect that the. npectaior feels that he is. witnessing the reality. The sceaery In th(>r net,'nnd also that of act- one, U particularly beautiful. In their dramatization of Mr. McCtttcheon's book. Messrs. Smith and Opglev have taken certain dramatic liberties, but the main theme la nut destroyed) The story tells of the efforts of Montgomery Brewster (Ed* ward Abelea) to spend, in one year, one mil- lion dollars (an inheritance from his grand- father), to obtain seven million dollars, willed under certain conditions to him by aa uncle. The conditions stipulate that while every, penny of the million must be tllsul- pated, he must preserve nhsoltit* secrecy In regard to the whole affair, one condition be- ing that no must form no matrimonial en- gagement dorine the yenr. This cnndlrlon (.■Hiiaes many serious complications in bin love affair with his Bweetheart, Margaret Gray ("Pegcy 1 '); admirably^plny*d by Mary Ryan. The iniiiculMen which the yunng man en- counters In disposing of his million, are car* rled out In a manner most novel, and the whole Idea of the story Is a rare and inter- esting oue. In- his endeavor to spend the money he opens a broker's office, and' em- ploys his friends at big salaries. He rejoices when stocks that'he has purchased go down, but Is dismayed when the same stocks soon soar skyward. He bets S1,000 on a 40 to I selling plater in a race, and, to his dismav, the horse wins for him; be Is arrested r«r auto speeding, and a friend Intercedes with the court, and gets his fine remitted; he. attempts to lose n fortune at Monte Carlo, but hard luck still pursues him, and he breaks the hank, so he charters a yacht nnd takes his friends on a cruise around the world.' This, during a-series of. trying situ- ations' and episodes,' accomplishes his task, and we find him in :tct four in his rooms, just nfter ah auction sale Of. bis effects, completely "broke," and nearly dead from the effects of his ■■terrible tnsk.'* The play tells a Jolly story, alropiy nod directlv, nod was received by ihe big audience with dem- onstrations of • pleasure which augurs well for lis future. Iu tbe main, Mr. Alleles .was fully up to the requirements ot n/quite exacting.roTe; and curtain- recalls for Mm, also for the prinrlpal members ot his very capable company, were numerous at the end of cuch.«ct. The engagement Is for sJlr weeks. The cflst: Archibald Vanderpool, Sumner Card : - Joseph . MacCloud, Joseph Moodburn; Frank..Bragdou, Wlllard . Howe; .Nopper' Hiirrlson, Oeorgv Probert:, Mrs. Dan ■DevMiiie, Enviiy-'Lytton; Horace netting!!!, Uaetoii Bell; Subway Smith, Jack Devcreaujt; HLvrwsg ,:fleorge . CJare.;. Barbara I&W, Olive .Murray-;, Col.- ( Orcw, Nestor Lennori; Jnriice -Armstrong, 1 -Josephine I'ark; -Mar- garet Gray ("I'cggy"), Mary Itvan; Mont- gomery Brewster ("Monty"), Edward Abeles; Fred Gardner. Leslie Bassett: Mr. Gtant, ■Albert 'Sackett; .Thomas. Arthur Mortis; Trlxle Clayton. Ceclle Breton; First Office Boy. George Spelvln; Second Office Boy, Willie Frank: Monsieur Barglc, Eugene Red- ding ; Miss Boynton. Amy Humeri*; First' Officer, George Wright; Captain Perry, Wil- liam Rawson ; Steward, Roy Prosser; Quar- termaster, Dftrl MacBoyle; Sailors, Walter Ollfton, Joseph Turpln. Martin lloag, Albert Sperry arid John Hodge. Executive staff for Thompson & Dundy: Byron Ongley, mana- ger ; George T. Lynch, press representative; George Clare, stage- manager; John Foster, master Carpenter; Joseph Logon, property master; Hugh Thomas, electrician ; I,angand Harris, assistant' electricians. The second week'Of. *;Brew»ter> Millions" began Jan.-'.?. .Lincoln Souare Theatre (A. U. Dexter, manager).r-"Matilda," a farce. In three acts, hV I. N. Morris, with a number of songs, for which music .was - (.imposed' by George II. Gartlan, and lyrics written by Everett Kuafcay, was produced here for the firm time In New York, Monday, Dec." 31, to a good house. . Matilda is ah American actress, wltu English relatives. 1 She bus been left a'large Mini, on condition that she marry' drawling Lord Jermyhgbam, who would also benefit by his marrying Matilda. The one who r*- fusiKl would lose his or her share. When Sir Claymore and the other English people rtrrlvv In New York to take Matilda away with (hem, xhe Induces a young actor, named Tod Archer, to Impersonate her, while she disguises" herself us a cabin boy. wbo ls ! to serve on Sir Clayraore'a yacht. The counter- frit Matilda, during her visit to the yacht, shocks tbe assemblage, by her smoking' and oilier unladylike frolics, occasionally being cbaM-rl about the deck by the Irascible Sir Claymore. Delicate subjects are occasionally broached, when Matilda ,!* invited to tbe prlvat*: cabin of a young lady visitor, and When tbe cabin hoy Is ordered to assist the lord In dressing. Alfred Hickman deserves credit for the manner in which he ployed th>. female role, without attempting, to eon* vltic<> the audience that lie was a girl. He unWfli'i.i over with humor. Amv Rleard; ns the its! Matilda, had many bright lines. Mundf Kultdn was a charming ingenue'as Kdim. and sting "The Innocent Debiitahtn" with plenslng coquetry, and proved to be one of the attractions. Lionel Walsh gnvo on excellent Impersonation as Lord Jormyhg- hatu within tbe limits or nosslblllttes. The l>t of songs Included: "Love. Me In toe Winter," "Affinity;;' "What Is Life, What Is Love." "vVhow-lin-Po," nn Indian ntifflber. with suitable busbies* by the company; "Roll On," "it's Nice to Be u Girl," "I Wonder Of the Thing's Worth «While," "Who's Your German Friend?" and "■Me'r- mnhlh." The cast: Sir Duncan Claymore, Charles Lone; Lord Jermyngham, Lionel Walsh; Lester Mnrbliam, Joseph Tuohy; Tod Archer, Alfred Hickman; Br, Mmb, ICdwln Mlddleton: Dr. Hhort, Robert New- combe: llo'sun, J..Homer Hunt; Htewart, Frederick O. Patterson; Lady Arabella; Jer- niynihabi, Clam' Thompson ; Constance Lamb, Kttitertno: Emmet: Kdiin Itayinoud, Maude t^ilton; MaMtdn, Amy Rleard. Jfew Clrole Theatre (t'lilon Tlieairea Co.,'nionairei-al.—M. M. Thclse'H line otgan- Irntloi, the Wine, Wnmnu nnil.Hoitg Co. headed by the dashing Itnttltn. and, the clever conlcdl'Ui. Alex Cnrr. continues Its triumph- i*tit* (.■ngngement here. There Is lint llio sdlglites' 1 Ihdlcatfou of « "drop" In the pbetioow-nally huge tni.-iii-i--.-s?--. -though It In in the -Hecniid moiiih of Its engagement at this theatre. , ■ la inO'Alpk.** Next wceg^Thomfls E". Shea, la'-rtpirtbto » "; , Staji Ovm. T Keogh, manager).—"Ruled Off the Turf," with Georgia Mac*, bogan a week's engagement '7, and opened to packed houses, "A Man's Broken Promise next weMt. ■ .. ■ • ■ kr.iTii A Proctor's ONE HtnOHtSD a-no TWENTY-rtriU STREtT TlHUTRR. —■ "DorO- tby Vernon of Hoddon Hall," with Minnie Seltgmnn In the title role, is the offering of the stock company tbla'tweek. 'Miss seiig* man was a big appbiuse winner, Jan. T, and others who won, recognition were! Oeorge Howell, Wm. Norton, Peter tang,.-Paul Mc- Allister. Robert Hill, George Manning, Riley Chnmt»vlaln, LnUse Randolph, lldnn West. Mnthllde Oeshon and Agnes Scott. The vaudeville presented Florence Saunders, Me- 'Irath nnd Pnge. ar ' - At.iiAMUKA (f*en 5KW tork crnr Mfimt - UitfAUKR J. M:, of tho American The- atre, was well remembered on Christmas, The employes, In front of the house, predated him with a large diamond locket of a special de- sign, apd iV stage bands and orchestra gave hiui-n gold'and stiver lovlogcup; appruprl- ntely inscribed. ♦*♦! — KBW YUHK STATE. Grath nnd Page, end motion pictures At iiamuha (i'crcy (J. Wniiams. mnnn- ger».—This week's Bill Is headed by Herr- mann,. Ibp Great, tubers nr": Schll2onyl- llurgarlab Hoy Rand. Stuart llarnes. Turn Nawn nnd eompony, Keno, 'Walsh and M*l« io'.\ the Klnsons, Jack Lorlnter and the Runny South colored Ringers aud- danccr-i, Jncob's dogs and American vltagraph. HimTM jtt Hbami^'s Mt mh; Mali, (Ren Hurtlg, manag?r).—Fred Irwin's Rig Show la the attraction for this week. The vaude- ville portion Is a capital one, nod -offers: Snlea and Roberts, Goldsmith and' lloppe. Ilagnn. Wrstcott nnd Dennett, Ford nnd Kwor, and the Austrian Rostleblnders, Next week, Paris' by Night. •Gotham (Dave KHtttt, manager).—The rtohemlnn RurlesrinerR opened lo Mi It. O, Jan. 7, and met with a great reception, giving one of the brlglitest first parts* nnd Imrlcsques seen here in some time. Cotto and Revere, and Joe Rarton and company appeared, and'the show concluded! with "Hkldoo So's Trial," In which the following specialties are presented: The Musical 8tew- Hrts, drew and Hayes and Geo. T. Davis. Next week, Rellly & Wood's Rig Show. . Family Tiikatuh TAl. Ookeo. manager*. —This week's bill. Viola and Rncle. Marie Russell, the Rich Htio, Archie Rovd and company, Julia Curtis, and Norton & Rus- sell's Spectacular Comedy Compnnv. Urn-Urn.- At Keith & I'lnclvr's lUi'lein Onvi-n lloui'e btislncss litis Improved couurdcr- nWJ. This' weeki Ned WMyburn's "Flilur- rtv;Wtouef,*' Mnnis Ctoliiii liurt pompfliiy. r-'iiliiev Oenoe nnd 'v»hliwi»iv MnnsfiehL ami Wilbur. Mny Holey and bei 1 P»dly Glrlsr. Cljrr Gordon. Quintan rnd Mnck/ Wylto's Dog Clr- —"Happy" Hooligan's Trip A World ■Is here lliln week. I^nsl: mis, and new mr-vlnc nictnrea. U'iihi Kni> (J ' K Cookion. riiailQg;ir).— "The Volunteer Otgflitlsl" opened (0 a erowd- pfl hrtiise Jan. 7. Next week, "RedTord's nope." *.- '' Mi:rnoi'i)Mn 'Ilurllg & Sennion. , mrtHa* BR*)<— I'lils wteki-Ai. H. Wilson, la "MtU Brooklyn. —At the Montauk (Edward Trail, manager) May Irwin the current week. •The Fiee Lance" did well, Next, Wm. Fa- vcrBham. SiHJBEnr (Lew Parker, manager).—Cyril Scott 7-iii. In "The Prince Chap." "The Belle of London Town" was favorably received, Sot hern nnd Marlowe 14-10. Majlstu- (w. C. Frldley. manager).—"A -Message from Mars" 7-12. "Redford's Hope" played;to good business. Next, "The Wizard of Ok." r.itAxn (Milton T. Mlddleton, manager).— "Tom, Dick and Harry" 7-12. "Ruled Off the Turf" drew the iikuiiI big crowds. Next, "did Isaacs from the Rowery.*' - " lli.ioc , !Mre. Snnonci-. manager).—"A Traitor to the Cicnr, by this popular stock- 7-12. "For Her Children's Sake, last week, was appreciated by large audiences. Next, 'Home, Sweet Home." * - ■_. ■ :- ... '•-Coi,iMiit\ (Clms II. Wuprz. manager).— "A Wife's Secret-" 7-12. "The Cowboy tilii" pocked ihem In. Next, Slrthev Toler, In ■ How Baxter Rutted In." .'• .. Onrnufsi '(Pevtv it. -W'UMnras, mnnugei). —Thbs .we-;k-.William-NorHftimaWs'hin Arst ,ippei,rnfice iu,vHudevllle. -'Others''are : Kllle l-Uy. llphry Lee, In new version of "Ort'st Men. Past and Present:". -Jewellta-electric Manikin*, Arden. Abel and-company, the FOnr S'nglni,' 'Colieeiia,, Twelve Tenncswie Students, with Abide,.Mitchell ; Mme. I'^inmy's Pets. Eddi° Mack and- the vltagtsph. Crowd- ed houses Inst, week. '* . ■ .IIvlik & Behsun's {Nick Norton, mana- ger).—This week: Hosen OoghIan. In "The Higher Law:" Dixon and Anger, 1 Mile. Ches- ter. Bessie Valdare Troupe, Alf, Orant and lihhel Hoag, Gailagber and Barrett, llertlc Herro.i, the Kighf Zlngarl Troupe, and the hlnetograph. Kf.cvfjv's (TIipo. Wenzllk. manager).—R, fl. Knowles, Julia Sanderson. H. V. Flts- gernld, Sloan and Wallace. Young and Brooks, McKlssick and Shadey. Blanche Sloan, Agoust Family, and kinetograpb. "Btah- (Archie Kills, manager).—^The Jersey Lilies Kxtravagansn Co. 7 and week; Olio InMudcR: Woods and Oreen, Lnvlno and Rob- inson. Vrddef. Frnnklhi and 'Buckley, Bowen t'lirt I,inn, f.ordon and Chacon.. De Turk and Fay, Isabelle Hnrde, and, aa'an extrt foat- nre, Manager Kills ban Mr: and Mrs. Harry Thome, In "In an Uptown Flat." Business last week was good. •IitpRitiA!; (w. r. Tartar, manngpr).— The Rniolre Riirlesfiuers 7-12, The olio In- cludes : The Four Musketeers. Imhoff, Conn nml Corlnne, Martin and Crouch, Johnson and Riicklev, Lena I* Courier and oiheru. The Meray- Kurleflipiars did well. -TRi.r,KU'n llan-inWAV (Leo (*.. Teller, lea- pee).—Marie Cnhlll Is here Ihls Week. Last week "Man nnd Supermttn" did n large busl- nea.*. Next, IJallos Welford, In "Mr, Hop- klnson." - - ; ■ Forxv f lWrtW Wilson, mnnnger).—"Mel- lie. th.' Benutlful Cloak Model." Is this week's nttrarllon. Business Inst week, with The Kav*. was lflr«e. Ni'Xt, "Confesslonn of n Wife." ' ■ Oayetv (Jamen Clark,' manager).—The Weber & Hindi Co. Is here thin week, In "Paris'hv Night;" The vaudeville features: Nelson-Kiiir'nnm Troupe, the White. HtiHinrs, Annie itoldcn. Muhry, Clayton anil Drew, tbe lleaieye and Will Rngvra. Irwin's Illg Show p!ny«"d mo crowded houses Inat \Veek. <i»iety Lilies next. ampbton (Mmt-ln flrhleiwlrjgcr. ninnoger). Around the week, "The 01H IlhflleK" pldved to crowded houses. Next, "The Cow Puncher," NnvRf/rV-rchnia. K, Wllllnhifi. mannier).— This week's lint Include**; "That QnnPtetle" iHvlv^ster. Jones, prlngle and Morrell). the Hen man Trio, the MUMM Oelmore, the Three Whitmans and Willie Loldnson. Jack Mar- shall. Wntaon, Hdtclilngs and Kdwards. Big husineas Inst week. Pavton'b (S, H. Allen, tnannger). — The stock company support. Kttn Ilwd Poyton, In- "The Charity Ball." 7-12. Big hualnesM last week, with "When Knighthood Was In 1'lower." Next. "For Old Time's Bftkft." Ootiiam (Kdgtir If. tllrard, tnahagci).— Adele Luhrmtm nnd conipnny present what they call a condensed version of "The tllrt from the Golden West.'' Others on tbe bill nre: George Tlihtcliet- end Cbarlen Krneta, O'Brien and Bthkley. Jatnes and Lut-la footer, J'eters and Bui-Hell, Thome and Carletou, nni] llAnmlo's dogs, ' •LVi*t;( r m (Louis Phillips, manager).—Tin- riicri v PJckPI-t Mils week,, flood htislrieos Inst week, with "The Hliadnw Behind the Throne." Niivi'K lTt:>fK.-r-ItIHini(l llydi- started on J Is ehnunl mnr Hniindny. .*■. tn I'ltlin Beach. lie will lie gone uiso'if three mnuths Percy, WUHnniH .Iinr*-gddal .unotlier house. i« his i-lreitll. lie litis signed tin 1 leas* for Hie ClVsTliut Btiei-t Tlienti-e. Plillndelpliln, ami will nben tt week of Mnhh I. lis n lilgli class vjiiub-vllle h-nise .The members of tb6 Treiisurers* Club, of Brooklyn, have re- i-i'ivnl their new iilils, which are very neat,, and lienr.ihe itm-i-lptldii, "T. ('. of B.,*' wllu A Mm box rthwlly under the letters Will Hyde bail n verv serin us n trident New Veftr'h rlftlit, wlili'' ni'jt in his aulo. and will carry hlh arm around in a sling, the doctor's w, for tlie next Ave or'six wreks: . Mr. Iivile did not ■Hccobipanv jiOt. fatliciv Kouth this yenr. nil account of bumuM..;., Hfdney Tole/. who Is to appear in "ll.nv iraxler Btitted lu.'' at the Columbia, week of 14, will be welrnmcd by n number of his tnnnv rrbnifi* In ibis city, Mr. Toler'was lending nun for the Part on Stork Co. for a number of,seasons While. In Brooklyn he waa-a sreat fawrite* . ; ._„ Boffalo.—At Convention llflll (Loflls W. Cay, ritannger) tbe Pittsburg Orchvktra and Mme. Melbn Jan. 7. Damrosch 12. ' Lyme (J. Laughilu: manager)—De Wolf Hopper 7-vt, "On I'arole" lO-ft, -The Tour- ists ' delighted big gatherings New Vear'i wsek. Star (P. C. CornelU manager).—"The College Widow" 7 and week: Mr-hard Mahi- ■CM 1H-H1, "Mrs. AVIggs .of the Cabbnge Patch" 17-10. "The Prtuce of India" did Well. Hu&A'n,—People appearing 7 and week: Grace Von StuunifurO, Mathews and Ashley, Mr. and Mrs, Murk Mdrphy. Jack Wilson and i-ompnuv', Lasky Bolfe •ynrotette, Harry Ollfoll, Fredo null Pauley, aetl Csrmeu 'i'ronpe. GARueN fCI'its. H, White, manager).—Hon Ton Bnrlesnucra this week. Vanity i-Stlr and Johh L. Sullivan urxt week, lialoty Liiu-beBs did well. LuAiT.Ti-H (Chni. M. Bagg. manager).— New Century UJrli 7 nnd week. Colonial Belles 14-p.i, Tbe Ideals met with marked encouragement. aiaucmv (P. t*. Cornell,«ianager).—Bar- ney Cilltnorc this week. "The way of the Transgressor" nest week. "The Burglar's Haughter" 'watt a popular offering. Tkck I ft C. Cornell, manager). — "Sky Farm" returua this week. "Around the ClocK" next week. "His Last Hollar" de- parted .". Wasilinotok (Lewis P. Mnn. manager). —Week of 7: Iiatidlon. H. L Beed, lterna Dancourt, the Sloans, Wyoming Jack, Prairie Neil, moving pictures and new curlofc Notp~ —Uutfnlo professional? spending the holidays at borne gave u dance and vaude- ville entertainment at ToUrolne Hall, 4, man- aged,' by J John J. Duponl, Rochester.—At the Lyceum (M. R. Wolff. manager) Forbes Itobertaon and Uertrude Kiliott had H. It. O. Dec. 31, "The College Widow''proved more popular than ever Jan. 1-3. Oossetitmch Orchestra (local) 7, Uni- versity of Pennsylvania Qlee Clubs 11'. National (Max Hurtlg, manager).—Tbos. lv Snea plu.ved to flne returns Dec. Ol-Jan. 1'. "York state Folks," with Bay L. Koyce and Jaraes l^tckavi-, bad u succRslon of large hoases 8*3, Bakuu tJ. It- Moorr, manager). — The Moore Stock Co.. In "Mlrhael Hlrogoff." hsd an excellent New Year's ntli'tictlon. Week of Jan. 7 is the closing week of this company. With "The Parish Priest." COOK uriiRA lloi'HK (J. II. Mnore, umini- gfr).-'-''F« , d Walton andV coiiipany, Chas. Mack and company. Moriflthe* Terese- llenlx. Melville Kills, KHly and Vfnlette, Murphy and Kruncls, Swmi untl Bamburd, utid klueto- gTapb week of 7. CoDiXTiiiAN ill. V. .IntobH. iiiMitagrr).— Ttju World Heaters played to fair returns liis«t ,wrek. The Dninty Dticlitwt Co, week of .l«n:-7. • •,—Mrs. T. (I.* Boyle will supplant W,' B. MuCnllumV local .maaager for J, II. Mporc. afl-Diaaager of the Kaker Theatre.'-be- ginning week of Jab. 14, llrlnglng un almout entirely nuw comiuiuy as a resideru stockag- gr«g(ttlon, to UiHin'-ter. TIip new company wtir bn known ns the Baker Stock Co., with Mi-s. Boyle as manager of both theatre and company. Moving pictures und vaudevllln will be glveu between the acts, and popular prlcei will prevail. An entirely new cotn- tmnv will be engaged, with the exception of tichard Bakor, John Sumner. Adelfna lUi- fetto and lvllsabeth Boss,- wbo will be re- tained David Higgles, In "His Last Dollar."- will be at the National 7-u, while "The, Way.of Ihe Transgressor" will hold tho buardB lu-12. - . — ■■■- # . ■ ■■ - Albany. — At llarmauiis Bleecker Hall, Marie omul,• ne.). St; drew a big audience. Lawrence H'ttrsny, Jnu. l, pleased Inrge au< dleQiPs. Annie Itussrll delighted two large houses Jan. 'J, .1. "Tbe County Chairman." 4, din well, ami Forbes ItobertMOn and tier- trtidi' Hlllort rinsed n big week, lo excellent tnislues's. Arthur Nelson. In "The (lovenfor's Pardon," 7-D; "At tho World's Mercy" HM*J, "Thtr Lion and the Mouse" 14, in. "PjiotiTofs'H.- -Bill week of 7: Horry Tate's "Motoring." Mile. NitdJI, .Meredith Sisters, ffeo. W. Wood, lu-iiclnire Brothers, Hill and ward. Adorns and Mack, nud Smith and Campbell. Kmcirk- (ThoH. It. Henry, resident mana- ger).—The Bm-lielOr's Club, .1l-Jan. ■J, gave it pleasing entertainment, lo big bouses. Al, Beeves' Show was all that could be-de- sired ,'t.fY The World Beaters 7-0, rtiee it Barton Haletv Co. 10-12. OiifsiTV.—The Tlioroughbredt, .11 -Jan. 2, won High favnr, nnd crowded the house. Hellly A WoikI'h Show. :if», gave an excel- lent performanre. Washington Society Olrli 7-o. r Troy.—At Band's Opera lloitse. Hairy Brown, In "I'nvld Haruai," had a good bouse Hec. :tl. Marls t'uhill played to H, It; O, Jim. ). .Mat-Iyn Arbiickle. In "The Cutinty Chairman," lud gout) liltslness .'{. KorhiW BobertiOn and t.ertnide Mlllott played to a large house 4. Annie itussell had n Mg house I). The Cbkrles K, t'hampllti Stock Co. wenk of 7. , Ptif/crolt'a.— BUI for 7 nnd week: Barrows A Lancaster Co., tilmer Ti-nley. wiIIIm Fam- ily. Kaniitdeli SixlerM, minlmlil*-* birds, Al- vfn ami Kenney. Mlt-rimii and ruin, and Moitller Sisters. LYct'UM (It Hi ICeller, manager.—nellly & Wood's Big Show drew big hoiiHeti'Dec. :tl- Jan. 'l Tho Tlmroughbrcds had tilg houses :i-B. The t'herry Illouomi 7-l», Waslilngton Society Olrls 10-12. ■- i . ■■■# ■■■ -.■■■■—■ H>-rtpuse.—At the Unliable (II. A. Hur- tlg, manager) Thomas E, Hlien Jan. 3-D. '"ijie Way qf the Transgressor" 7-0. vr>:i;j.iTi tipciiA (J. L. Kerr, man- ager).— Mnrle t'ainli, la "Marrying Miry," 4. fi, "The Olngei-ltresd Man" 7, H, *Hf. Hop- Iilnson." 11, I3i OlIA^I) H1>KHA HOL'Hfc (CllflS. PIUOimtT, innnagei').—Bill week of 7: Wilfred Clarke add eomponv, l-'oitr Merkel Hlstera, Ten brooke, Lmhherl und company. Franco Piper, the Marco Twins, the Columbia Four, Saoaa, nnd Slit'i p Brothers. , ■ ig . ■ Bliiwliiiiiitoii, —At IbeStoneOperajtonso fj. P.F,. Clark, miitia'ger) Kirk Brown,, lu repertory, drew larje litislness last week. exi-epl .1,1:1 2, when Marie CnnlU appeared td, n inigc BiidleiM-c. Knickerbocker Stock Co.. 7-12. (.■«( r-[ii ><, when IMgby Bell appears. •aidiniiv (II. A, Iltillcy, resident raoiisger). —BUI week of 7 ' liberty's poodles, Murray HiMiT... J.'u-ii Mnsou's Chti-klels, ltrlndaiaoor, Knt-I and Bnrllctt, Josrphtne' Cohen and company, abd Fred' MUn. . '" ■ , ' l,. _ ll — » H i| M .--.l«-i L'flrft.—At Ihe 'siajMHe (E. L. Kouoke, rcildeut raatiageri Anole IHimscII pleased-a full bouse Hec. ill. Andrew Mnrlc opened the vi'ju to twO tdg audiences. Jhd, 1, Forwit liifUcri^u and (Jerlitide HlfloH were well ■rjKriml :t. Vogel's Mlualrel' were favorites 4.'■••'TlU' Mummy, ami Ute Huminlng Bird" B, "The Arrival of KUty r ' 7. "The County Clntlrtuan" 8, "llw rtad at the Altar" t», lee- Hire Mt, "At Cripple Creek" It forks and Adams 12 ■ "■ f)ni'in:i:.M (I',- I,. IConeLe. reildent mam- gtr).—This week: Violet niock and cob)- pauy, Ward aad CurrtB,:I'roilnl, Daisy Hac- CaloIumGasand \ Moving Picture Outfit Tfe Latest Vlotory/ ofSolinofc WcitiTtyovi.fnrnlihtiiKeorDliliteetitflta with ilniple and explicit Inelrucilont. Th» rialdls Lar«, *£*££&$* Mgulartheatre mmnerture cltcalt, *i** IOCS rcldi E chnr-rhM, Public Schools, Puollo ORthirtDga NotEtog attordi bctteroppottanltiM »r SS8U Out Outfit Compdses th, 0. P. OO.'B ffiHl'fc'HS! 0AI.OIUM OA» OUTMT, «• ■rutMt candle, MfMt and moataoonomloiiliiai'mjilM outfit ,v« Invented. l¥.lik«»0lh. SttrMBtlcon, lloilm PtcUri Hictlw, Film, SRdll ',,,!," lor cniplatl MHrUlnrnfUH. Aliaulntrly tho lUMt fllm,*n\iv!6w.onlheni»rkct. IncludlD, .11 MdMBI lar Ibe piibllt'. .nJoymBDU CK1CISB r*0JtCTI ttC8. Ml8iifhntl..Pitl. OT.CTllMfc court, St. Onge Urn.*., rive Mark Americans, and Orvlllc nnd Frank. SmiuKHT (Fred Hergcr, resUlent manaier). —"The Love Koute" mtt a guod honae Jan. I. l>ft WOlf Ilappet 10. XnTiis.—Andrew Mack was tendered a re- tention by tbe K. ot c, of n-lileh lie Is a niembiT. at their hall, after the iwrformance In this city A cnllntlon' wait served to over one hundred nnd llfty inemher*, 111 ILLINOIS. ivorln.—At the flrand, "The Time, tha 1'lace and the Olrl.' Dec. 2T. bud », It. O, "It llafineued In N'ordlnnd," "J-V played to large business. "l ! nder Hunllierti Bkles," 21i, had*Inrge liuuse«. 'Tho t'lnus Itlder,'* 3H, had good returns "Kurty-itve. Minutes from Itroadwiiy." with Cor I tine, 111. Jan. 1, had ex- cellent buslne«K. Flnrmce (late ii, Itrnrfetta fnniiMn -l, "The Virginian" \ '"The Maid nnd the Mummy' u, I'rnf. and Mrs. IIerl>ert U Flln* 7-1'J, "A fluheh of Koyi" til, "Won- derlnntj" H. " ' ■ _ >lA.iK«TU'.--Loltle Wllllntns, In "My Tom- Boy illrl." I>re. ST-IB, hud full bouses. '^At ihe OW up Hoade," :tu..ian. J, IiRiI.IIqo biislnexs. Tin* Hmart. tu.-i ;t-a, Jamek J. Cor- hull Hi», "Hilly, rkc Kid," Ki-u. "The Olrl nnd the i.jnililer" IH-lfi. .... Mai?. HTKecr-rFrank ». Woiton. resident intuiflgeri. ■ -iW»?ek uf. iT:.. Musical Klelsi. Avon Cntdedy Knur, H. Fred Haider and runiphny, liikon.t- Howern and -Dixon, -.NOUtet t mid 'Mnrslmll, Mnrtln 'Vnn Itefgen. Arthur Ism 'airf Mlnrik 'ftKmipBon, nnO-the I: I no- drome;-.- •:.••- j.«t ' l ,■ "■••,;' /.'• - * .Wk*ht'b.— Week of• mr. SO; Smith and At-ado, Hoi 1 nml .1 Daisy Cunningham, \ thu l'rtulcoliiN. Matftrr. Slou-r, Manning Trio, und moving piciuiew, St.mi. —During, week of 110, the Frascr .Stork Co', prtoented "The flln Itldger." . • \ViiN(i^ut,A*(u..Mi.>>):iiM ((.*. 1), Syiu, mana- ger) continues \>j do large liuslncsn. Notkh. —Local lodge of Rtta gave Its an- nual charity ball and vaudeville perform- auctt nt the Coliseum, HI, II was largely at- tended, and was a grand, surceas, An excel- ....■a Japs, Three Mmlrops, siifkiicyn doga and ponies, Itlnerr nnd Kim- lent bill-was given by: Linden Iter k with, ("a- O'Tura Japs, Three Madci ball Tmitne, .tnrt Mnnliattan Comedy Four. Hen H.»Jerome directed, the nn'heslra, . .. Qulnoy.-At tils ICtupIre IW. L. Biinby, manager) the Inuocent Maids fared -well Dec, aB. ' 'It Uapiuiflud lu Nordiand"' Uu<i big huslneas 1:0. Nell I)urges« pkas«d'3U. Mlldreil Holland satisfied a good houae. 31. "Thr Halah of Ithong" had guod youies Jau, I. "A Croim Of Tliuiua" D, J 'We Are King' u. Henrietta Crusninh' (return ' dat«i ,7, «K "Weary Willie Walker" 8, Mme. Modleski 0, "A Millionaire Tramp" 10. "Tbe Type writer Ulrl'" 11, "Korty-five Minutes Broadway" IS. Frlmrcwes Mltistreln 111. Ituut: (1'iirk-k A MuConu«ll, manager*). —Hill weak Of 0: Mrrln Itnlftou. Ifidtk Itld I^eslle. Muhoiiry lira*-, Al. Coleman,' Ana Mr- 1 i.lebig, nnd moving ptuiures. NMER,—"The Kalab of lilioug" Co. laid off Inst week, reorgnninbtg the comontiy nnd re- he.".r.ilng new song* mid Hp-vfiiltlcft. TUt* l-Mlmore Misters, who were the Inndlng feature with the old.cniiiim:ty, have gone to theh- home In Chicago, Among Ibe leading ueuple will be the following: Carrie 1'artcllu, V'raitk Minor, Jos. MltehcTl, Ruluh Mourv, Mnua« Mealy, Mill Hchwarti, musical director; Hug. Hpogord. advance ugeot, and lteleu Uher- wood, premi agent, , Ilalton rowttll, the man* nier. tt.-iys his company haa been doing u good butlers* nil season, and with the new and larger compnuy, he eiptct* to do still better. Tbry open ut Macon, Mo„ Jan: 0. -■ — ,■ „» ■ Decnt ur— .\t I'owei*' tlratid 0|*ra House 13. F. tilvrn, tnannger) W, II. i.'rtne nml Mills Jeffreys, PrY, W, pleased n large nudl- ence. Hiandnrd OfwM ('»., I'D. rame 10 fair luisliicHF*, . "A TiirkMi llaih." SI. plenwd. Mueller k Froamun's Vntidevllle Co., Jan, .1, did good' business. -\\> Are King," 'J. wt'Wl n hit. "At Ibe Did Crow floods" :i. "The Time, Hie pla«? and tbe (Jlrl'"-», •'Tlio MM ilangerk" ». llijou (A. KIgfrled. morjnger).—Week.of ■n : . l-;ight Iledoulit Arabs, Hhlelds and Kodgors, nlxf'ii and Flt'lds, tlocbuway and Conwar, Dixie Harris, In llliiittititid itougs, nnd the IHJoiidroine muvlug iiletn'ros. XffttAy—Klerlm (Will T„ . Hdilth, mnnti- reri rejwris tiualnroH sciflsfaetory, for the flrat week....TUfl NlnkoluOittili (II. f.'. Htriek- land, inaiinger) mx-ncd Jnll. II, to tight busl- retw.-ftwlng In Ihs worht lill/xnril or Dip sea- <<» hOt 111 * UlDLINV. (IiRrlemoH.—At the Academy of Miule 'Chan. It, MnhlicwH, nuiiisufi'i Dai-low I1r0«.' MliialrHH Itad. a fair house l>er. Ul. "The Tender foot" 'bleaaed goiid UoiiMew New Yeni-'n Day. HlBck I.'attl bod her' itnttal top hem bouse Jan. '1, -Tile Lion nml tlit Mouse' 7. "The I'rlnee or l»ll#n" Hi. ".My Wife's Family", tt, riirt-v II. Ilmironf l*J. ■ 4 , »» l'l'iiu ilur I'lh*. hI». . Additional New Year" greeting" buvo been received by Till: Ci.iri'kn from: TonilHiIll mid Itadt-illro, Mrs. Flunk llvyan, Muvti'i- L'rnrst Doldeh. Hob and Eva MelUMey, Kelt -: mI Duprvc, llnh and Mae Hewtetl'j, Mut-my, ( .nylon »nd Jlritrktnnn. Coti^ und CI*MucnH. William X. riinltli, L<>nnle CiiuulDimttdl urld Davis, and Alice I'liIIbrooks amri<ldtii-y Hey- nolds. m >*> W, .11- M.initr,;: phmrlMor or Hie Kiilllty flou|h> Floating' Theatre, wnn n i;Mn*»iii fuller -Irtst week. The iHtht' Is laid tip dl 8noitav.lHe.Kv. Mr. Markle Is airaiiRlOe his company, for tii'> cotulhg s.mkhh. tie wan accompanied bv It. Riaenioii; 4 of tlSA Kmersoti . Co. I'lonilng .Theniie. which u In .winter, miariors at l'nducAli, Ky. \Um. report: excel fen Mills I utms for tbe spawn )«ai- clOBCd* 1 .,^,, ;,,.,' ' -, ..». laMfcaaj