The New York Clipper (January 1907)

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JtoABY-36. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 1287 TP 193 POPULAI talkod of IUSIO PUBLISH MlBh Olasa America, «-»*.- ^TlTr ° A • ■" 0 » T POUULAK MUSIO PUBLI3HBR, * w ^ _. WKo I S publl. hlng th. mo.t t.lU.d of High Clan. Boll.d , n Ar^orio.. LAND OF GOImVWM DRMMS tes^&SS^^ Isoafion." Alto Yolo says; *• A great Bong." Mr. Fred Rose, with Mr. Sponoer Kelly, lays: "Tho best song I have ev*r sung." | f ,i..l Commonlcatloa. to the uJ^SS^^ «*■-. wlr* I» Any K., ,o Suit th. VMM, to ********* Only. 'Great ae a duet. Th© best thing we have ever had.' Inclosing Programme,-Mo Canti, CHICAGO ; Grand Opera Home Bidg., JOE M. HARRIS, M gr . ft, 31 West 31st Street, New York. N. Y. (MEYER COHEN, Mgr.) PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia.—Councils committee on police- ngala tackled the ticket scalping «*■ Its meeting; on Jan. 10, and ■acted favorably on a new bill, efforts to pass which will be made at the next session■ of coun- cils, For the current week the changes at the playhouses-include: .John;Drew, In vHla House in Order." at (he Broad; D« Wolf Hopper. la "Happyland,"' at the Lyric, and Dlgby Bell, In "The Kducntlon of Mr. l'lpp," nt the*'.Walnut: At the National, "Nellie, i he Beautiful clonk Model," will .he seen for rho.nrat > time locally, ■ Broap (Nixon & Zimmerman, managers).— John Djrew pays his annual visit to this city the >cuirrent - week,, when he gives the local Pftfntnv of "His House In Order." Tho en- gagement In for two weeks. Mai C, Goodwin departed 10. after iwo fairly successful weeks. Maude Adams Feb. 4, for three weeks, In ■ "Peter Van," Utnti' (Messrs. Shubnrt, managers) .-De Wolf Hopper begins, 21, a two weeks* stay, c| jetting, hi "ilnppyiuml." "Wang" next week. Is'w Fieldi. In "About Town/' had three profitable weeks, ending til. • Walnit (Frank Howe Jr., ■ manager).- Digl.y Roll, in "The I-'diicatlnn of Mr. Plmi." comes 21. for Iwo weeks, following n fort- night of gootl returns dune by Framn Cams. In,.'Too Near Home." "in the Bishop's Ciivrlage" Fell. 4. Cubstnct (Nixon & Zlmmoruian, mana- gers). 1 — Hat tie Williams, in "The Little. cherub",'* Is lu her third nail Until week* which cuds 20. Lii:-i week business eon- iluhdd big, the star receiving nightly evu- ilousvwlm the other uiemlwra of the com- pany -sbarlug honors. "Forty-five Minutes from Broadway" 28, for two weeks. Ctl^STNfT' BTRB0T Opi:k\ IIotsc (Xlxutt it Zimmerman, managers).—George SI..Co- hnn.-- In- "George W'aslilnglon Jr., repented his lost season's success, und has miracted big houses. The engagement ends 20. Forbes KopeMson nnd Gertrude GHloU 28. Garmuk (Frank Howe Jr.. manager).— "TbeMan from Now" proved to lie an amus- ing s)ww, and drew line madness last week. Harry Bulger is ween Io good advantage., the songs allotted to him making big. lilts. .Much praise was also bestowed upon Helen Hale mid llnitio Arnold, the lalier being an old 1'hlladelpblit favorite, Richard .Mansfield,-In •prerCynt." 28. PARK (F. C. Nixon-N'irdllnger, manager).— "Simple Simon .Simple" cornea 21, for the week. Cecil Spouuer, in "The. Girl-Rallies," concluded, 19. a successful fortnight's stay. ■' 'Way Down F-ast" 28. ■ Oravh.h;.- A. Wegofarth, manager).—"The County Chairman," with Macklyn Arbnckle, 21. •:-lUek**l. Watson and Wrothe, In "Tom, Dick and Harry," found favor, to capacity business,'last week. "The Mayor of 'i'nkto * ne«t ■ Girard (Miller & Kaufman, managers).— "The Volunteer Organist" 21-20, -Behind the: "Mask'*, enjoyed hlg busIncRs last week, "lienn Rivers" 28.. FkoI'LE's iF, d. Xixon-XIrdHnger, mnna- jwr).-7-Charles. A Id rich, in "Secret Service S»m,'' ?1, following a week of fine business to i witness -'Kidnapped for Revenge." "A Man's Broken Promise" 28. -Blavev's (J. V ISckhnrdt, manager).—:. "The. Fbootom Detective" 21. Although "David Harum"- was quite n departure last week from the u*ual melodrnmRtlc offering. It woa enjoyed by big houses, "How Baxter Butted In" 28. National (J. M. Kelly, manager).— "Nellie, the Beautiful Cloak Model," has its ilrst local view 21. Lillian" Mortimer nchieved success, in "No Mother to Guide Her." lost week. Business was good. "The Cowboy Olrtr, comes 28. IIart's (John W. Ilnrt, manager).—"The lloiise of Mvsterv" 21-20. "The Blackthorn" wjis DUed iiv well idled houses Inst week. "The Coventor's Pardon" 2S. Voukvmhih'h (Miller & Kaufman, mana- gers),-—Manager Miller's own attraction, Joe IIiu*t|7, In "Our Friend Frliz," week of 21. "Tlie-Girl Pa lav" drew good jiutronnKe week of-14. "The Oirl from Broadway" 28. 'Standaro (Dnrcy & Speck, managers) — the stock will produce -The Shadow Be- ll intl 'the Throne* 21-20. "Confessions of u Wife"-played to big business. "Beware ot Men" week of 28. -KmiFfi (II; T, Jordan, manager).— The lilii for week of 21 names: Wlnsor Mcfay, Simon nnd Onrdner, the Kauffniaos, Nieaols Sisters, Hawthorne and Burt, William Tom- It ins. Max Wcssely, George Augur and com- .uiuv, SIduev Denne and company, Morrow and, Seheilbui'g, Mitchell und Cain, Bovanl nnd Nevnrro, Rnrle nnd Bortlett, I.nnra ConaWoo.k and the kioetograph. ' BTrou into. W. Rife, mnnagerl.—The BrlRftdlers, in their two net comedy, "Mr. Dooley on the Umpire Circuit," week of 21. The olio includes: Jack Symondw, Sherman arid Fuller. Nellie Hurt, and Lester and Moure... The Kentucky Belles furnished a nli'Rsing show, to eoorf returns, week of 14. Tbd-High School filrls next. lACKUM (J- <i. Jermon. mnnngcr).—Rice & Barton's Co. 21. The roster Includes: Bert linker, Lemuels. Monnlinn nnd Cook, Kenzetta and I,a Rue, Aleenr and Hamiltmi, and the KlRff Muslea! Four. A). Itceves" Show did profitably last week. Inez Meeusker's singing waft a .feature. City Sports Co. 28. (\iM.vo (Ullas &. Keen Iff. managers).— Titer vltttchelor Club Co.. with Pcpltu as a feature, 21 and week. Hose Hydcirs Loudon ttetHV have a good show, and attracted itne l|MWMi:weeft of M. The World Bcuters 28. YuncAitHHOs (Fnd WUIhoii. nmiiager).— ThV'-Alcuziir Beauties week of 21, with fea- !iir*ts by: Leonard und Whitney. Hart, anil Tple, McDevltt and Kelly, James and Davis, litta -Victoria, and Crane. The Merry Mnk> '■r».had a t-uccee^lon of crowded bouses Inst wifE Utt^BXTU SrtiKirr Oi'KiiA nousB fFfnnfc Duiuyiit, maoagen.—A new Uurlci«|ue, "The Mau< fipm Now," will he put ou 21, In addi- tion'to'»'skit, entliled 'The SfTOflW Man, which Is conliuut'd from lust week. In both uf '.these vie Rldianls. Hugbey Pougbi-rty Remington. Crottv Trio, (Jrace Chlldft and Lubm's clneogranh. hov Ton lUlflaa Tyson, manager).—Mov- inp ■ pictures, Illustrated songs and vattde- vine numbers are attracting floe houses, witli tlie admission at 3 and 10 cents. Notks.— Max .Hanish, the leading man of the German Theatre Stock Co.. and William Aaawkft have leased that plarhousp, and will take possession on Sept. 1 Burton Holmes lectures nt the Academy of Music on Jan. 2ft, 26... ,..W. D. Wcgofartb, business manngrr of the Grand Opera House. Is back at ids desk, after an attack of the grip Oeorge 1). Sutton, treasurer of the same house, has his annual benefit, with 'TUT! PaffM Pont Ml" rb the attraction Itorothy Hunting relres from the ca^t of "George Wnshlngton Jr.." ni the end of lis engagement at the Chestnut Street opera House, on Jan. 20 Nixon & Z'mmerman completed their m-heme. last week, of chartering all their local theat- rical enterprises, as applying for letters of incorporation for thu People's Theatre Co. The cnphnl si«M,-k Is *]tM«M), with Slam net F. Nixon, J. Fred Zimmerman ami Thomas 11. Love as the incorporators. All ihelr ibentres, lite Park. Broad, cheslnut Street Theatre and Chestnut Street Opera House Imve now separate charters Herman I*. IUcck, dramatic editor of 'fltv Mftafefrft/d Ittroid. Is bolug iMiciiicd for the presidency of Hie Pen and l'ciicll Club, the local uews- puper men's ufgaaluaon Work on iho erection of the tamo piayhotwes, the Wit- MoHi Penu, ndvtn Forrest nnd the Adeluhl, Is l>elug rapidly pushed, and ihcy will all be icndy tor ocenpthey by the beginning of the theatrical season, next Septeniber The project to build a Yiddish Theatre, ot Fifth and Locust Streets, has fallen through. Al- though- the lot was bought, the promoters were unable to raise sufficient funds to go uhend, and Inst week the lol was resold and- will be used as a site for a factory. Piitsiiurn-.— \t the Nixon (Thou. F. KIrke Jr., manager) K. S. Wilbird, Jan. 21-20, In icneiiory.. Last week Raymond Hitchcock. In "The Gftl.oper," played to good business, and gave a good show. "The Prince of Pilsen" 28 und week. |lELAM*d (J. A. Keed, manager).-r."Vcro- r.lnue, the Flower Girt" 21*2(1. The cast in- cludes" Louise Gunning and Louis Harrison and a strong supporting company. Last week "The Rose ot the Alhnmbra played to satis- factory business, and pleased. Mary Manner- Ing. In '.'Glotlous Bulsv." ^8 and week. GRAND (Harry Davis, mnnager). —Xbui week's bill Includes: W.. H. Thompson and company. Jns. .1. Morton, Weedon's lions, Tn:fy Shntiiirk, Macy nnd Hall. Hpadonl, the Quartette, Orth and Fern, Zenle Kelfe. Bob and Bertha.llyde, Kennedy and Jnmes, Waid- run Bros.. Bon .Morse,.and the clnnmnlngrapb. {jaii\ weekV bill packed the house to capacity all week. * Alviv (It M. Oitlick & Co., managers).— This,week, Clinmicey Olcott. In "Eileen As- thore." Last week, "The Old Homestead" closed a successful two weeks' engagement. "Little Johnny Jones" 28 and week. (R. M.,Guilck & Co.. managers).— The Four Mortons, 21-26, in "Breaking Into Society." They are very popular here, and packed houses,should be in order all week. ]<ast week, "1*110 Secrets of the Police" played to good business.--and gave a nice s-how. "In Old Kentucky" 28 and week. Blaxey's N. C. Wngner. manager).—"At Orlnplw Creek" 21-20. Last week, Tom Waters, In "The Mayor of Langhlnnd," gave a WW i'ii noi- entertainment, ami pleaded. Billy S. Clifford. In "The Jolly Baron," 28 and week. Gayiitt (Jan, E. Orr. manager).—The fiay Masiiueraders 21-20. The olio includes: Will C. lingers, the lasso expert: the Watermelon Trust and Ihe Nnvajn (Jlrls. Last week Ir- win's Majesties packed the house ail week, and save an extra good show. Larry McCale's comedy being nhove the ordinary, -He also presented Ills net "The Irish Admiral," and (1 was n big success. Bryant's Fxtmvaganzn Co. 2S and week. Acaukmy nv Music (If. W. Williams Jr., inanugeri.—The Broadway Gaiety Girls 21- 20, featuring Johnny Welter, the funny com- edian. 'Tli,? Land of Promise" Is filled with imnislng lines und witty sayings, the sup- porting company is good, and a pretty chorus completes a noteworthy organization: Last week the Nightingales played to the usual big business, and pleased. Sam Devere's Own Po. 2« and wwk. und.Jubu li. Murt)liv are *ceu to udvautugc. 1ft lue Jhst purl James MtCool, Kdwln <lold- ualt ubd Wm. Ctutulughutn are maklog idght- 'r liltu by their vocal efforts. .Ninth ani» Auch Mi;hbi:m (T. F. Ilop- 'iim. munugeri.—L. B. Hicks, the mlu'-r, who w'hs Imrlril alive for llftH'U days, is tlie blfff.feature in the curio hall. In oddltlM) to.l^ntliii. Prof. Orlffeo, Clilof White B>-at. Kid J'arker ami lhigltsh Jack O'llrlen. aud James Mnndv. In the continuous are: Tin* Mexican Orchestra, George Knlne, tlbby H*&t*f.H6*t i. " Altoon* Ac the New Mlshler (I. C. Mlshler. mnnngcr) Wright Larimer, In "The Shepherd King," Jan. 21-28: Billy 8. Clif- ford. In "A Jolly Hnron," 25, 2«; "Tlufus Itnsms" 28. Ki.KVKNTH AvBvrc (I. C. Mlshler, mana- ger).—"Montana" was well received 1-L At a. Field's Minstrels gave a good perform- ance, to a big house. ]& The Ariel Ragles' Minstrels < local i 10. "Tlie Sunny Houth" drew well 17. "The Beauty Doctor" 18, Ifl, Ihe Albambrn Stock Co. 21-20. Lyric (t. B. Conl. manager).-r-Attend- nnce was good week of 14. Bill 21 nnd week: Doomsday, Lemulxc Bros., Sratrl nnd Kess- uer. James It Glenroy. Royal Musical 1'lve, Lillian Ashley nnd Wallace Trnemon. Notch.— -.InUM J. Morton, who was nt ihe tyrle week of 14. was a rvaldeDt of Allooun for severnl years, nnd has muay frlemls liere. When he whs located here perma- nently he was playing nt the World's Mu- seum, which wnM burned out Jnn. :I0, IStt.'t, tntd he lost everything he had. He did a I'oiupllmentary nun for the performance of Ihe Kugles' Minstrels at the Eleventh Ave- nue Opera Houae. Jan. 10, and made a hit before u crowded house Beginning Juo. lil, the Kleventh Avenue Opera House will be conducted as a permanent fntuilv theatre. nt popi|lar prices Mr. Burke, one of the proprietors of the Lyric Theatre, was in town several days week of 11. Harrlnliurv.—At the Lyceum (M. Rela, manager) Lawrence D'Orsay, lu "The Fm- hassy Bull," Jan, 14, was a complete bui*- ctBH. The return engiigement of "His Honor, the Mayor," IS. was to a caiidclty house. iiml a third euttdgetut-ut will be played Io February. Al. G. Field aod Ids mluxtrebi proved a favorable tittrnctlou 10, aitd the Gre'al Lafayette met with so much success that u return entratrement. for him Is prob- able. The week closed to good luisluess with "Simple Sfiiion Simple." lit. The America rt Vlmgnipb *'o.. with u series of moving pic- tures. 20. Opkka Hotsi: fit Bels, mnnneer).—"Ton Proud to Beg" was a success H-10. and "The Eve Witness" had big business 17-IP. The John fllnimclelh Ideals week of 21. Notes. —John 0. Foley, former manager of the Bijou Theatre, this cltv, was here is, arranging for the location of a Nickelodeon. "Wcarv. Willie Walker" drew a big house at Mlddletown Auditorium. 19. "A Mill? Outcast" 21. and Slmngopavl. the wonder worker. 22 The llarrlsburg Operatic Society reorganized IT. and will pretcnt "The ,Mlkndo" early in March Arthur Snvder, a llarrlsburc lu>y. Is :ihend of the Great Lafayette, and Is doine well. Ills friends hare gave him a cordial greeting Edward Barton, of this city, will join the Murrny-Mnckay ■ forces The tola circuit, or Philadelphia, with a capital of fttltOOd, was chartered at the State depart- ment II. tout* K W. Weed, of Philadel- phia, is treasurer. The charter granted euvora the holdings in Pennsylvania. Snrauel Nixon und Fred it Nlxon-Nlrdllnger, having become stockholders together with Mr. Weed, who is connecti-tl with Mr. Itels' general oilier' In New York, are incorporators. The corporation will represent the holdings in Pennsylvania, and will tie headed by Mr. Hols, wlm holds ii controlling Interest. Tumi or four other theatrical men w*ho are liinh up In amusement matters, will be members <»£ tlie compniiy, which will Include John L. Kerr, of Syracuse. N. Y., who fe been tlie guucrnl inunagnr of all Interests, nnd will be one of the stockholders outside of Mr. Itcis. property on PHW Avenue, 80x^77, and will immediately eommenre building an np-to-<Iute hurlewiue house, with Mfchnel MeRlfntrlck na architect. The house will hnvc n seating capacity of l,M«>. and will open on Aug. 'M, 1007, with Joseph Weiss an lessee and mnn- nger. it will liclong to the Kastcrn circuit of tlie Columbia Amusenu-nt Ca The Poll Theatre is progressing well, and will- open e:irlv In the •Full, At the same time Poll's new then ire in Wllkes-Burre, Pa., will be opened, Rcndhiu— At the Academy of Music (John D. Mlshler. manager) AL G. Field's Minstrels Jan. 17.. Lawience IVOnay 21, Hadley'H moving pictures 22, Kmma Cams 2.1. Nel! Burgess 20. Oiii'UKr:i iFrank X. Hill, iiinnngeri.— Lnsr week's hill included: Laskey & Rolfe's linmensapftotie, Donovan nnd Arnold, Cognn nnd Banei-oft, Itnlpli Post nnd Ed. Russell. Three Whltmnn Slslers, Earl and Curtb*, and Lydfn und Albino. The bookings for week or 21 arc: Bnniold's dogs> and monkeys, Brown, Harris and Brown, llnymoad and cnverly. swan and Bainbaid, tbp Kemps, Harry Brown, nnd Voting and Brooks. n&AXn Oi>i:ra llfusi: (Nathan Appell, man- ager).—-The Kyt- Witness" and "Tun Proud to Beg" divided the past week, to large and well pleased audiences. Rune tUpilejrrfllY Jt Browne)}, mnungers). —Ruble's Knickerbocker Hurlesriuers had crowded hmises M-IO. Rb'e & Barton's Big Show drew to capacity 17-Hb IiHiiviiater.—At the Fulton Opera notisc (Cbas. A. Yecker, ■luaungcri sbepard's mov- ing pictures had good business Jan. I A, (."». Laurence D'Olsay, hi "The Embassy Bull," pleased a large audience 10. Local concert 17. "Simply Sliunn" drew well 18. "A Lit- tle Outcast" had u. good house 10. Illmme- lein's Imperial Stock 0>., In repcrtorv, L!l- 20. Family (Kd. Mozart, manngeri.~t!m*i'tiit attractions Include; The Rljnii Circus, As- cott. Eddie and company, Greve and tJreeu. Mnu-*lle. tiKsIsted by J'rc P. Keunelt ; St. John und Is. I'cvre, and Hatltaway's Indian tableaux. Nori:.—Manager Mozart was In Williams- port recently, opening n new vnudoi'llle house there, which has been added to tlie clir.In conducted by the Pennsyivnnln The- atre Co. • ' ■ .- Haxleton.—At the Grand Opera Uonse (Geo. Albert Haley, resident mnnagerl 'f'J'he Funni* Mr. Doolev came Jan. 10, and pleased. Shcpard's moving pictures II. "The Ballet Girl," 12, drew two good houses. "The tittle Outcast" 14. "A Night In Town," billed for 1T>. failed to I'otuiect. It was rumored that the compuny disbanded nt. Berwick, l'ii. Houw dark remainder of the week. l-'AMit.y (Knoblauch & Ilcrsker, managersj. —Week of 14: The Four Andersons, Miles und Mt ni in. teon and Adeline, Yoiiturkey. Ned KitKfflbuon. A). Holhucr. and kluctogrnph. HuslucNs Is good. Li:na Ih-mah (I'ri-euiaii &. (>oodwln, pro-'' prlctoi-si.—Week of 14 : Gi-i-fsJ and Rick, (da Clemens. Dohorty and Kennedy, illustrnted songs, illusion mid pictures. Ulcnrdo Dcinps, musical (lln-cior. WilLo-.llorrc—\i the Mlshler Thrntre (It A. Ilrown, manager/ "The Volunteer organist" nionwl. Tli* .'Great I.nfnyeite Jan, "j:t. 24. Al. 0. I'lelrt's Mlntirels 2.".. Emma Cams 20. GraXP O^UjuJtOCRR HI. A. Ilrown. man- ager..—"A HdcF for Life," H-Dt. and "The Wife's secret. 17-10, both had good busi- ness. "The Cowboy Girl" 21-23. "A Man's Broken lToralse" 24-2C. ... Iui> the Rcls principal Scruntnii.—At the Lyo i imi (A. J. Duffy. inaoanrj Lafayette Jan. 21, Emma Cams 24, Al. <t. Field's Minstrels 20. "The Vol- liiitoer Organist." lt», mr.tinre nnd evening, pleased large houses. acaubmy (A. J. Puffy, tnoangerj.—"A Man's Broken Promise" 21-i'.'t, "The Cow- boy Girl" 24-26. "A Race for tifo." 17-10, was well received. Star (0. Nelson Tee is. manager).—The Dreamland Burlesouers week of SL The. Cherry Bbmsoms Co., the past week, drew the usual larse kinlnent. Family (It It. Smith, manager).—Week of 21 : The Baker Troupe. Harry Iji Ron nnd company. Ethel Whiteside nnd bnr picks, Dale and Rossi, .Corblcy and Contey, (be Mu- MtUfMr and John Coiighlin. Noti.s. —.loseph Weiss, of this city, nel ing for the Columbia Amusement Co.. Eastern District, hns purchased from the Penn Ave- nue Bnotisi Church, of this city, th.- church WUHaitixport.—Al tlie Lyt-"Uilng Opera House (L. J. li'lsk, tuaiinyeri I.V Wolf Hopper, in '"Huppytaiirt." thoroughly delighted 8. ft u., Jan. M. *'I11h Iliinnr, the Mayor," mude a decided hit before a la rite and enthusiastic audience, Hi. Imperial Tctenuc Band tlmr- ouglily satisttrd S. U. O. 17. "A Night In Town" 18, the Oreut Lafayette 1U, Chits. K. Chmnplln Hlork *'o. wifk of 21. . . Family (Fred M. Lumnde, manager).— -This new hotisc opened week of 14, and did big business with the following attractions, on the Mitfart circuit: Paul und Weils, Lu- wande Wlltwui nnd conipnny. Harry Green, Frnnklyn nnd Eva Wallace, Kittle Sterling. and I'rot C. Nelson Camp. Bill week f»C21: Senor Amoldn and trnupn. the Jtloe'fmM.. Evelyn Misters, nnd Ethel Clifton and com- pany. ■ Cnrbnnrtnir.~^.u the Grand Opera Mouse (QflOm* W. Loivder. manager) week of .lun. 14 the KnlckerbiK-ker Stuck Co. gnve eleven perforin nnees, to good 'business. "TheVolun- teer Organist" 21. "The Itallel Girl" 24, "Side Tracked" 20, week nf 28, the Murray ft Macke> Stock Co., in repertory. FAMILY <F. I.. Illnlr. mnnnger).—.Went of 14, three performances daily, lo crowded houses. l.a Tell Brother*. Dclmonlo and Bell, Harry Bntchelur. Heery and Frnneln. Joe Mnrrv. William .shnlles, In illustrateil songs, atul klnetograph. — »'■< ' - ■ 12rle—The \V W Majeslle tjolm L. Gil- son, manager) Is now reopened for liljtli rUUM attractions. "The Clansman," mntlnec and evening, nlnyeil to ihe enpnetiv, Jan. 18. Dark week of al, Park Oi'kka llonsi: (John T,. Gli«on. man- ager).—"While Fitseii Hums." matinee nnd evening 17. come to large attendance. "At Cripple Creek," matinee and evening 10, wns tonimd with (mod business, ParCelln Stock Co. 21 nnd week. SorriMtowit—At tlie Grand Opera House (Chas. M. Southwell, manager) "Simple simon Simple" played to the largest business the house has ever had, Jan. 14; At 8 \\ ». Ihey; wen- compelled to slop selling standing room. "Weary Willie Walker" pleased 10. Hurhft tmil Nelson flidit pictures pleased good huslnei* 18. Murray & Mnckey Stm-k Co. 21-20, "The Moonshiner's Daughter" 28. "A Wlfo's Secret" ;{0. V. M. C. A. course 31, Knights nf Columbus lienellt Feb. I. "My Wife's Family" 2. cm ii in h in.—At (.be Columbln Opern House i John It. Kissinger, lessee and man- ager! tho Great Lnfnyeiie pleased two fair audiences Jnn. 12. Corlnne Itunkel Stork Co. 14-10. "Wcarv Willie Walker," is, pleased. Sbepard's moving plrinres 10, O'ftrleu and Burns light 21, "The Little Out- cast" 22, "Tho Hell Boy" 2.1. "A Ran* for Life" 2."i, "Womnn Against Woman" 2tl. Font Oil.—At the Able Opera House (\V. K. Detwllter. manager J (be I'nrl Ivnrgesa Co., week of Jan. 14. enjayed gootl business. Sbepard's pictures 20, Taylor Slock Co. week of 28, Myers .Stock Co. Feb. 4-0. except 0. when ihe Knauss concert (local Attraction) will be given. .lohiiNtinvn —At the Camhrln (Harry W. Scherer. mnnajjeri Al. fliVlW" Mlnstrejs. iimllnee and night, diil splendid business 14. The Allininlira Slock Co., In repertory, did KikmI business -LI-IO. "The Beauty Doctor" 21, "Girls Will Bo Girls" 22. Nell Burgess. In "Tne County Fair, 23: Wright torlmer. In "The Shepherd King." 24-20.. «»» CANADA. Moittrcnl—At His .Majesty's (it *1. Brooks, manager) "The College Widow" einhe in good buslnesH week nf Jnn. 14. "Man and Superman" ','1-20, Viola Allen 2H mid week. Atuuisair of Umtc (Waller Greaves, innnuReri.—Good houses greeieit "Bankets and llrokers" IiikI week. "The War Corres- pondent" 21-20, Cole and Johnson 2« and wePk.* fit C. Egertnn, mnnnger).—The Washington Society Girls pleased good ni- tendnnce 1-1 nnd week. The Avenue Girts 21-L'it, Wine, Women und Song 2H nud week. Fiiancmk (F. W, l,e Cbilr, miimiger). — "Al the World's Mercy" came Io gnmt busi- ness last week. "McFadden's Pints" 21-20, "The phantom Detective" i'S and week. Dkh NnrvKAHTRK (It. Hiivi'ii.1, mnnnger). —The periiiniieiit French Stock Co. present- ed "Le Duel" to fair business Just vi-eek, "Trols Femmes Pnur I'n Mail" 21-"_*tl. Xatioxai, Fn.i.vcAls I Paul Cn/eiii'iivc, liianiiger),—fht |w;nnnneiii P'rendi Stuck Co., hi "Romeo and Jtillelte," came to good iiouses 14-10. "Faust" i'4-2«. Bi.ioti (V,. Bellinger, manager).—The per- manent French Stock Co., la "Le Premier Marl dii Fnmri'," had fair timlnpss Inst week. "Madame Nltonrhe" week of 21. London.—Ai the Grand (John B. Stew- art, mauayer) Dlgby Hell. In "'Iho Edum- tloo of Mr. Plpn, Jnn. 12, had n very large house. The play was nlMMuMtlnllj re- ceived, and Mr...Belt responded with a cur- tain speech. "Veronh|iie, the Flower Girl," LV 10. drew two big Iioiwes. The only at- tract Inn nnnounced was nn nmnteur rulrislrol performance 18. 10. IIexmjtt'h (j. ii, ,vIok, mnnnger).—Busl- arm was mdle RiNid week of 14. For week of 21 : Daisy Ilnrcmirt, Mr. nnd Mrp. Mark Murphy, Eckerr and lierg. Woodford's nnl- toals, Josepliluc fiassiuau and pickaninnies, l^o St. Elinn. Tom M/ick, iitnl Hen in-1 in- graph. - ■ Al'litTORirM.—TheSchllnret Orcheslro. 12, as a concert course ntiriie.Hon. drew a good audience. Xotkh,— The Grand Opera Ileum lease has chiingeil luiuds. John it Kllxpalrlch nnd John II. Htewat-t, wan have wm trolled It from ft*!'. '• laHt * ,|r,m '»"■ "ltd the lease g<H-s ui tb<: Beiuieit Theatrlcol l^Kerpelscs Co., width controls vaudeville houses JnXruidon, Ottawa und Montreui, and wlilcli will imlM a vaiide- vllIn house hi HaiulHun short I v. The change In leasehold effwiH a change In the bookings Of Ihe (heatrC,' Sine.; the house wiiii built. Ill 1001. to 1000. A. J. Small, of Toronto, was the lessee. Plupntrhk Jfc Stewart arranged wltli the Shuherta to do the bookings, but owing to London being (lie only cliy in Canada playing such ottriicllons. It .was lav iiosslhb: lo bring enough shims nver the Wilder to make ii | lf ,v i H ith parties, nnd this w«, really Lhe Teiinun why the Iensi' wim transferred. Beginning i'el,, I. (he syndicate altractionN will again jduy the Grand. Tlie Beunett EnlerprlxPH Co, have had an uptlmi on the Grand properly for some time, and they may finally purchase It C. W. Ben- nett. Is nt present In Xew York It A. Me Venn. Montreal mnnnger for Bennett's, was culled to Ixmdon US, for consult at Ion on re. leasing the Grand. — '■— • — —■■■ i llntnlHiHi.—Al the tinind opoi-Ji House I A. It. London, mAnnger) , 'MeFadf|pn I N Flats," Jan, U, 12, had large und pleased nudlence^. •While Erl-co Burns,'' 14, met with a good reception. Cole and Johnson. In "The Shoo- 1-|y HegtMUil," |S, 10, cntcrtnlued good sl/ed bniu'-i-*. -A Thoi'onghbiTd Trailip." 17, bnd a large attdlenre, "The Vlllaae Parson" IS. 10. 'the An-lval nf Kilty" 31, 22. "Mr. Hop- Kinstn" 2,1. "The coRpge Widow" 24. "At the W.ald's Meiey"2."., 20, favor (J. G, Apnleton, manager).—Busi- ness hftomi. Bill for week of 21: R. G. Kuovvles. Krnnenum Bros., Three Meers, John Birch. Mnui:<- Maltlntnl, Hurry Curson Ctaiu*' ti l i tl i-ompuny, Green J trod., and Cnrdownle Slslers. HKnun. .A i the Ktissell (P. Uormnii. ninniigei-i "The Arrival of Kitty" (reliieni iii'i gonii tkindness Jan. 11. u». "The lege Widow" L'l. 22. Viola Allen L'.'i, 20. Gbas nu lloi'si; til. J. Itintwhialle. mnnngeri.— "Around iheCloi-l;." hi. 12,drew clowned houses. "T|ie War Corresiionilent" IT-ID. Uhv.vitt's iGiis fJninlg. ninuncei'i.—loud- ness Is still keeping up. Bill week of 21 : Phroln Midgets, Carter, Waters mid com. pnny. tu Belle Trio. DeitercHl anil Glbisnndo Honon. Wilbur Held, Mct'ue und Cahlll and Iteuneitgraph. ■ * (•Hclpli.—At lt"VH| tipii.i limine (G. L. lllgglns, nuiuiiaeri Incnl Jnn. I". 18, "The Atrivtil of Kitiv" 10. "A 'I'll oi-oughb red Tramp" 22. loml 2ii, "The Village I'nrson" 20. the i'lttsburg Orchostra Feb, 8. XtiTB.—Manager lllgglnsi was presented, by Ambrose J. Smalt, of Toronto, with a handsome inccrschnum pipe. In appreciation of his conduct nf (he tlprra House. The present of hm wan innde lie fore tbi "Dollv vnrdon" Co. S|, cntbnriiii-M.*—At I he Grand Opera IlntMC (Chas. It' Wilson, mil linger) "Mc- Fadden's Pints" Imd fair business .Inn. in. "Doroihy Vernon, of (tnddon Unit" had erowded houses nioilnec nwtl evening III, •While Prlxt-n BuniH" had n gimil house l.V "The Village Parson" 17, "A Tbnningbbred Tramp" If*. * i > THXVK8SI3U. MemphU.—At the .Vi'w Lvceuin (Frank Gray, lesseei "The College Widow." Jan. II. 12. played to crowded houses. "Checker..." 14. I.'., had good nrirtnhmce. "The Mnitlc Meir-dy," night of 10, was presented, wllh Walker Whltesble In the leading role, io u gnnd house. He was enthusiastically np- pbiuded. "Thi' HiiUKCil Messenger." with Crcslim Clnikc in the title role, played lo a large aiullenee 17, Mnxitu- I'illnlt ■ 21. "Wnnrtcrtand" 22, Z'\, touU James :'.">, jn, "The Chnsmnn" 28-rh). JIhI'Kinh' tA. h. Morrlsmi, mnnngeri.— W<s'k commencing 14. business was good. The programme included: liallun -Trio, Lu- viola Di' Win. SandeiNon nnd lloivtnaii, Ar- thur;i!.:. Mnrllnl nud MiuIikIIIiiii. Burton and Itronks, Ptiliv Bros., mnt l lie klnnilrome. 1011 wi-ek of Si: Tp'voilo, vi'iiirlioqulsi \ Korhly Brothers. Three Rosen, >Mnx Hllder- brandt, V|nlei Dple. pud Flnlnr nnd Burke. Burn: dlenj. ii, StnlulK-i'k, mnnngeri.— "The Boy Behind the Gnu," em Ire week of it played tn umwfl honseM. The iierform auee pleased. Week nf 21, "When Knlghlhooil Was In I'biwer." nl .VnHlivfllc— At Ihe VViulnme iW, .\, Sheet/, inanugeri Oscar Klinmin. In "Tht 'I'enderfoni," came to roiuI bushier uinllm-e and ulglit Jan. 0. "The College Widow" de- lighted u full house 10. Pini'onee DiivIh, In "The player Maid," played lb Iwu g<nid tutuseH 12. Hejirlmiu CrnKinini, In "AHof- a-Sudden Peggy," iilenseil n tm-ge Ihiuhc II. Creslon Clarke, In "The Ragged .Messenger," guve ii first iliisH iicifornuinco in a lurge hoiixe LV ■■cbi'ekci'.s" III, Lillian Russell, In "The Jlulterlty." IT; Walker Whiteside, lu "The Magi.- Melodv" IK. 10. Bum: (Geo. 11, Illckirimi. maniigei).— Watson, Kelley and Arllliulon, In "Me, Him ami I," iipenci) ivi : ek of 1.1, io enpiu-hy liiud- mss. Harry M!|liy lllfiiicy. In "The Boy ite- liliul Hie Cull." week of 3|, lltt'hiliHO.Mi: (W. H. Ibirdlfser, niaiuigerj. —Tills house WM well puiriiii|y,ed by large and enthusiastic crowds, th" iirlncipal atirac- tlnti being the hU day uknie mee, wbleb was won by ihe local, renin, Iti-liton nnd thulium. Manager Bonllrser is bonking some high class niinifiliui'i 'file Ills house, iimoitg iliem being Harry lluw.ird's dogs nnd pnnle*. /or week of Jim,- 28; Hwm.ix Arni-rmurM.—Mndnine Xnrdlen will appear In concert 2JL ■ ' " ■'■« ■ ltnoxvill4>.—At 8l nub's Then I re (Fritz Siniib, manager* the' Itablwlns, byiinnilstn, cnine to htg burlniins week of Jan. t. Mnble Mojiigj.mery. In TSntt." gnve u jwotl pet- lormiiaee, io n gnnd house, nt, -The Prince nf Pllnen" 17. "When Knight hood Was In I'lowrr" is. LlHHin. R0s/el|, lu "The Miiliei- ily." ID; Frlusl ftchefl', lu "Mile. Modiste." 22*. "WonderIn«d" 2fi, "PniKirnl" yu, -it's All Vnur Fault" ,'iO, Marl;* f'alilll Si, Nat C Cofulwlii Feb. 2. AiunoiiiiM Risk ' (Pints. Mi-.\'nhh, imni- nger^,--Mine. Soiimiei'vltle anil her editrnied burse tliin week, nlso bNwrvnli, MuslnesM Is excellent. VUIIMONT, *'» Ihirlliitftuii. — At ihe Strong Theatre tCiihn A: Grant, tiiaiiagcrsi Jahri W. Vogel's Minstrels, Jan. 12, had u idhiO house. 'The Gingerbread Man," 14,.bnd H. U. o. -riie War Ciirresiiondeiit/'ltJ, plena's! a guod house. Tin- aieniln-rs of the Coiniianv were enter, inhieil by the local Aerie «i Knirie«. Xnnce TNell 22. Robert l.nriilii.- 111. (■*. II, IlnvllMHtl'M HeprcNcutmlf r> In Cblcnir**. Thei.d(iri' Morse. Al. Cook, .luck Drlshnie. and Hilly I'aniou. of ihe aUove house, arc in llii- Shcimr.n llmnc. Chicago III., for u limped time, Iff. nieei -jtrftfessliifials RilvrfMted in their latent sotig Mia p WM u a »i p lAMCN Mi'iiii.w. r,.fiiierly oi Murray and Atdeti. write-: ".hist closed t,w.» weeks nt th* Howard. ItoattHi, ami Keith's. In St. John. X. B.. and ivhh s big hit In my singing spe- '■hilly." lliunv Stom:. Doiothv Windsor nnd Jnel: Payne beve foi-i.i-d n irlo unilep ihe name of Wood, Ktonn aod foul, lo appear In a one net farce, entitled "Mr, anil MM, N'ngg,"