The New York Clipper (January 1907)

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January 26. panv tllF for' W**k or 21. It succeeds "She oared Do Right,", which »ttr«VBdjMKejwd well pleased crowds. "The Scout s Revenue U Underlines. '-■ Krriu's <Q. F. Kelp, muager).—Hon* dlnl, the- handcuff king, remains as head- liner for the currant week, the third aud Inst of hlit engagement The surrounding xtiow includes-: Jlaigle Cllne, Clayton SVhlte and Marie Stuart, Mosher, Rough/ton and .Uosber, Catherine Hayes nnd Snbel John* sou. Lew-Hawkins, Ferry Corwey, Zlska aud King, Cook and Sylvia. Meeh Trio; Reeve* nod Kennev. Lillian Maynard, Kelly and Miirguu, an,d_new moving pictures. Crowded lioitpox rule. . r ^ ORl'HKUM (Percv Williams, manager).— A bill rich. lu. feature acta, for week ot XL Includes: tiruel Arden and. George Abel and i oinpnny. In "Three ot a Kind;" Eplt Thomp- son's elepbunts tsecoud week), Jack Lorl* uicr (second week), ihc Tennessee Students. Abdcl Kudvr and ills three wives, Cook and THE IStEW YORK CLIPPER. 128» rT r Trvrn ■ uearly filled the bfeoM 1& when the Boston Symphony..Qcchftatca. rendered a programme which, met with the approval of the music Uivkra, A large following of her own- national- ii/sawMme. Lipiln. in "On the Mountains," li. She was frequently npplauded. for her excellent work, "(julney Adam.*! Sawyer" 21- 20. *'TM Lion and the Home" 30-Fcb. 2. Ni:lhos (Shubert Theatrical Co., mana- gers).—Daniel It,van aud his stock compnnv divided 1 he past we«k between "The Royal Lover" and "ThcFninl Wedding," ,nnd did equally well with each. Besides Mr. Ryau. if. C. Itrowne "came in for a large share ot praise, and Alice Fleming ndded. to her local -popularity.' Week of 2 !,• "Othello" Orel three days, and ••O'Brien, the Contractor," last three, l'ni.i's (Gordon Wrlghier, resident mana- ger).— The management furnished another good bill 14-lH, tnrltidliig: Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hughes, Llnd. and Myers and Herman. Week of SJI*: Edwards. Davis and company. Avery _ !!!HKLLO, BILL!!! Mr* Write Ikstchu iml ^ti, and Write Hum H IrLT, I lav* mom left, U*q, Ttis.l*a tight. LUt for Slump. Mo pojittU. IntarnationsI Vaudeville Supply Co. 1 COLLKOK PLAOK, flUKPALO, N. Y. 0-20. lMm are: American Nelson picture* bad a fair house 9ft . "W -- *■ rv. fin,, .-■■■■■ Kan 12. The Tmup?' l4tff rt fJoVle rB 7nd 'SSir vhWapb •«* «««. Julia Redmond and company. Ki*»t IIowaeo (Jay Hunt, manager).—Opening «'i>.y"«rtette. and electr-ogrnph. iiLAitiKK <J. A. Hcaiics-suy. manager).— "The Governor's Pardon." 10-12, wan enjoyed by liberal patromtge. Phil Sheridan's Ully Sports, 14-1U, gave n good show, which pleased. .1 til in Sinclair was fascinating und a «,ni unit thP. IInan 1,1 Horlr-nnnr-rs, In "There "'OHBonu*. 1;-1,11, the Go den I rook EllrilVfl- gnuza Co. 2l-2:», ,'jhe Fool House" 21, 25, .Monday afternoon, 21 : Kate llooney, the l'xberH, .Hublpson nud Grant. Lawsna and Nnmon, Lillian Wnltone. Dan J. Harrington, tin j wins, mh'it And Kvans, ityron and a Bit Show 21-20 n»Mmiri IVara ago he wa% a mnslolan with Cotton and «P « the Opera House here. 15. that her by Marie. D'Oyle, torlnne Sales. \i n ,.- h ,'' 1 , uinntrels and also ulnved In the brother hod died on tint date In Chlcngo. i/and John tW and thej olio M«{J> J XM^M^ffl^Ui^ mJ , , Tte- « ^ •fiJ'S^'jS'l, °?|?Tk2 Haven, at; the iline Pre** Eldrldge was con- "old a grand hall April ... Hlanch, the Pnytons, Klmo and Fuller, lluvi- i.uul. Kefteher, Henry Myers and Howard- scope, and the Howard ltiirleaquers. In "There with the .Goods*." Large nnd delighted audl- jf's saw. Inst week's ollL pALAcO.tC. H. Waldron, manager).—Witt the"DalritX 'DuchosB Co., which fit here thla week, are Ci Alia SelMn), the Willie Pnntzer Troupe, Keeler nnd Watson, Clark nnd Flo- tette, nod Scanloa and Stevens. J, 11. Aluck'a World Kent era provided excclleut en- tertnlnoient to good returns last week. Couwmi.v (11. N. Knrren, manager).—Mi- ner's AmerUnns an* here on their llrst visit of, the season, "iiixed Pickles," a two act musical burlesque, introduces the company. and InterTenlng vaudeville Is presented by /.vu and /arrow, Marie Stuart Dodd, Clark, llergman and Mahoney, the Pour Gregorys. Melville and Roller, Joe Goodwin and Will H. Ward. Prokors and Rooney will meet on the wrestling mat on Tuesday evening, ana thu'nm'nteuu will bold form «,i i-riu*.* even- ing. Willljuns" Imperial Ilnrleaquent packed ilie house last week Lvcecm iG. H. Datcheller. manager).— Kred Irwir.ij BIk Show 31-2*. The burlesques are headeil bj ' Prank Young Includes: Hazel ... and Hoppe, Idister Brown Sextette, the JUs- solblnders. Kive Uarrlson Sisters, Hiid Hognn, West cot t and Bennett. The Golden Crook Co. proved a winner last week. 'Ami is & Stone's lleaaCN tA. B. White. manager).—The fat ladles' convention Is the curio hail feature for week of 2L Other • novelties are: Ottura, Japanese lady nia- uictan; Braddon and Gibson, "'cow girls; Jae Irwin, upside-down athlete: TBI's Mari- onettes, aud Trlxle, snake queeu. .Another Mg show In the theatre is presented by the Minstrel Maiila. introducing Vlolette Dale. Ida Campbell, Alice Berwick. Lottie Blan- c-hard. Annie Boss, Loulw Brandon, \ lola Crawford, Cassle French, Annie May. Frank Cook, Lew Benedict, Billy Hall, Chaa. Clark. Alton, Jas. Maxwell. Bob Desmond, aud extra vaudeville by Bertlna and Brock way, Wel- come arid McDade, Joseph Maxwell. Morton and Walters, and new motion pictures. Wai.kbb's Museum (U B. Walker, niana- p 0r j,_Tbe Georgia Minstrels, Carl Smith, during bulloonlsi; Dunbar, king of the air: Miles Johnson, bag' puncher, and Prof. Lvnch's Punch nnd Jiidy are curio ball cards for week of 21. Btifi show: Nellie, Hart- ford's Kllte Burlesque Co. Olio: Anderson Slfliers, Thlbault Bros., Blanche Lorlng, and moving plctin-es. Xickki.odkon (W. II. Wolffe. niflnager).— ' rurlo hall features for week of 21 arc: Prof. Gershal, pool expert: F. F. huott, Irwin's Big Show 2T-2U. Stage chat.— The third annual ball of the Bill I'osu-rs and Killers. Local 15, of this trlty. will l>e held at Maple Ifall, Monday. Feb. ft, The cornmltli-e \* mnkinj; elaborate plans, and It Is i>x|iecied that the ball wilt eclipse nil previous ones. The grand march will be ii"«itn after the clmm of (be Ihenlres. Mr. and Mrs. HukIics closed ut Poll's Thursday, on account of Mrs. Hughes' Illness, und returned to New York. R, E, Graham and company took their place .Incob t^orfllns, the author of ''On the Mountains," In the Yiddish tongue, which was presented here IT, by Mme. IJpzIn and her company, was nn Interested spectator, this being the second performance. The prouiler look place at i foe Hyperion, New Haven, Conn., 10, James Manning, tlu> well known burlesque inaiingcr,'. visited friends here IS. George II. Hubbard died In this city 12, after a fh'ort lllucss. Mr. Hubbard was seventy-eight years Old. Some - forty l.yttn.—At the Lynn (P, G. Harrison, mniingert The J-:truer Stock Co. played to lull* fiiislness Jan, 11-10. The .Uliim tiond Co. 2I-2«, Myrklellurder Co. 2d and week. Aritl'rouit'M (Ihurv KntxcR, tnitmtger).- - liii-!nt-^i rontlnucK big. Hill week of 21 : The Klghl Ynssnr Girls, Uolaml West, lierlle Heron. Harry llreen. Lynn nnd 1'ny. ifct Knitinis. Holcouib, Curtis ard company aud ih" vlingnttih, Oi:.u <Ciinrles W. Shenfe, manager).— Last, week's busin>*s was exivlletil. The ctirreiii hill hii'litdi's: 1'lck Vnnder and ltsvo Beilmnre. the It. T. Wllllnms Buu. BUI Hud- ding. Billy Carey and Llda Cotter, Kugeno Sweet and the bioscope. S.VLt.M TllKATRK. S.V1.KM ((lea. II. t'hect- ham, mnnagorj.—The, Avery Strong i'<>. played to fair business week of 14. The Kl« mer Hlock Co. 21-2*1. Notes.- —Minagcr Shenfe. of the Gem. hns made a number of iinproveinems In his house recently Benin h Marie Blx, nuilmr and pliiywrlghl, of this city. Ihin gone l<> St. Loitls. to witness the production uf om- of her plays, "The Lllnc Boom." whh-li N iMdug presented by Amelia Bingham. ■ i • •• —« — ■ i ■ - llolvoke. —At Iba Operil IJoiiao i.luni'*s II. tl'Conncll. liuuni^i'i t Yloiii Allen, Jan. 14, and "Comlny Thro* the Hye." ir t , enmo to S. It. O. Al. W. Marlln'f, 'Uinli; Toms Cabin" 21. Clara Turner Co., In repertory, week of 2S. i:M vir.v- (T. F. Murray, manager).—"Tho Curse of Drink." 14-11% and ibe Dainty Duehpss Biirlesqiters. 17-19, played to big business. "The tJovi-noir'ji Pnruon" 2l'2a, (he Bon Tons 24-20. "The Unwed Hero" 28- 3<>. Vanity Fair Bnrlesqucrs :tl Feb. 2. Notes. —Bessie Gibson, who plays the role of Bossle, In "Coining lliro' Hie Kyc," re- eel veil word just before the curlalu Generation, . XewshovH* Otiartette, Alter and De Oneo. Delia fjiih.Vcrna Kflrtc. nnd Krtdtr Mmtyn;- vsm«f> vllle. at l«*2it, drew well last week., Theo- dore, of Theodore and liAoec. wHs a wonder- ful contortionist. The Seymour Slsiera danced well. Sid Br \ier .Hid Beatrice Houthweck bad n good nliHik wire net Slrsju- hall.— The San Carlo Opera Co., of New Orlenii**, la to come, with Nordics, Feb. 11, V>. (U. I'lnrenelo Cnnstnntlno-nnd (>ui- seppe Caiii|innarl nre in the eoinpAny. Gossip ftp Vim Lodiiv.—llarry Hnlnforth l< Wrk >fr.m> a hurried Irlp to New Y«rk imd Mamttri'i John II. llavliti Is home from New Orleans William A. Phlster. the miii of Montirmneiv Phlsler, dhuunile editor of 7'ne ChiCMinufi frlli'inr. died "Inst week nt lil't tnihei's home In Hyde Park.... Malinger Chnrles lHIUnchum is'iut here In en- Joy the euLhushihilc oratloua «iv,n l-'rltxl SilielT Lillluu Arkell Itlxfurd's pupils gnve an organ recital nt the Odeon 18 l-.nimn -Heckle is home from N*W York Ulchiird Sililli-wen, 11• ■ i ri ■ ► Garnio nud George Itogoioy, the Trio lluneiuhle, are (*) make nn olilo tour llnus> ItlchnrdM will make his piciiiferi' In uu Individual reel in I at tin? Cincinnati Conservnlory Concert Hull. 21 Mwnrd WiMe. luruietly of the Pike Stock AV.. died nl IWiitur. Ill Mike llonlltt. tlae hull phivi-r. exiieets lo sn Into vaudeville next scaioit, with his wife, Mnhel llite. necicd with the house. Kdward Carter, from here, Is stage niaunger of "Man and supermini." Arthur Brown, a musician, formerly with Primrose's .Minstrels band, was burled at Honsntonlc Inst week Local friends of Sadie Julia Goutpers ten- dered her a reception on Saturday, Jan. 12. The evening closed with dancing. Many were present froai uearby cities Jerry J. Connn, while playing here, made u pres- ent to the Si. Benedict's Cemetery Associ- ation. Worcester.—At the Worcester (C. II. Lelghton, resident manager) week of Jan. 21, Malcolm Williams' Stock Co., including Flor- tuce Beed. will produce "The Girl In Walt' Ing." Last Week the local post, G. A. It., played "TUe Drumuier Boy," ander the direc- tion of A. Frank Nail, to record attendance. l-'iU.NKLjx (J. F. BurJve, resUtent manager). —"Uncle Toin*« Cabin 2l-2:i, "Peck's DM Boy" 24, Lew Dockstnder and his minstrels Feb. 2. iJist week "Coming Tbro' tlie Bye" arow very good patronage. "Sinn and Super- man," 8, drew one of the largest houses of ttie season. "If I Were King" plnyod. to fair business, 10. "The Governor's Pardon," 12, met fair returns. Lxitio iClnyton Legee, manager).—Week of 21, the Clnyton Legee Stock Co., In "Little Ixn-d Fauntieroy." Ust week "The Cowboy i.nwreuee.—Al (he Opera House {Julius Cahn. manager) the Adam Good Co. held the boards week of Jan. 14. lo good business. Shepard's moving pictures lit. Tmnkle Car- Kenter Co. week of 21. "Coining Thro' the ye" 30, Lew DwkslHder SB, <J. Fred Lees, manager).— Packed houses prevailed ut every perform- ance Inst week. Teresa A. Malouey, a local singer, proved a big drawing-card. Booked week of 21: Einll Hoch and company, Paul BnruPH. Lee Tung Foo. Vnldare 'I'ronpe, Prankin Trio, Four Singing Colleens. Keno, Welsh and Melrose, and tbe moving pictures. - ■ — — #■— ■ ■ i nan ton.—At the Taunton Theatre (Cahn Jt Crews, mnnngersl. —- "If I Wep' Klug" ideiised a good sized audience Jan. lo. Al. W. Martini ''I'nele Toms Cabin" did Us nsunl tiiotl buslnesK IT. "A Itnggod Hero" 10. The theatre will be dark week of 21. May Collins Burleaquers, Comiqw: ..(\V. J.. Allen maungcr).—"Foal Tlay," "Cabby by the Hour," "A Wig Chase nnd "Joined Lips" are the moving picture features provided by the mauagement this week. Illustrated songs will be rendered by Otto Fisher, Tom Bullock, Harry Downing Nellie — Frunk Murphy, Jack Mageo, and "Hlromer. Last week, the Twentieth Century Mnldf were well received. l'nu'8 lJ. C Crlddle, resident manager). —Bill for week or 21 lindudes-Cliff Bereac's nnu O-Hana-San and cotapauy, in i*Tlie Otto Flshc-r Tom Itil ock, Harry Uowuiuy, i.trcns. u-riBim--»ii mi cympuij. >u « u . Murphy nnd lilolse Willsrd, Notes. —Sundav concert bills, 20: Boston Theatre —Twenty-fifth annual ueneilt of Bos- lon Lodge. No. 2, Theatrical Mechanics As- soehilion. ■ Bftr.dolu St/««r«—Mylen McCarthy nnd compnny, Splllcr Musical liuiniwn,. Or- tllle unci Frank. Brooka and \edder, ilarr iuid Evnns, Bortlnd und Brock way. Dun Ma- luiuby, J. A. Dnnn. the Batrlngtons. the Piottls, Welcome and McDade. Paul Adding- ton nnd Lbale Ott. Qlobo and JtulvHlin-- Kltauura'a Jap Troupe, Klngaley and Lewis, Klein, Ott Bros, und Nicholson, hat e Honney, Avcrv and Hart, Glrard and Gardiner, Wal- ters and Prouty, Brown und Warner, Connors and Raymond, Jennings and ltcnfrew, nnd the Baileys. Keith'*—• -Simon and Gardner, Frank Bush. Three Keelena. Hntcllffe Iroupe, UaRln's monkeys. Muslenl Johnsons, the Holdswurtbu. aud the Alpha 1 rlo. Onthcuni — Thompson, Juck Lorhner. Herrmami, Hungarian Boys* Band. Carroll Johnson, Wills nnd Ilnssun. Maude F.ihviirds and the nttvtm. rrcaioni —Lew Docksjadcr and members of his company...... l"e Lnluuc and too Lyric ' are the lutest uddl- tlona to the list, of umuwiuent places offering moving pictures nud gW»J sona-s Katlierlue Gondsmi will give a piano"recital In Clilckerlug Hull, 'niursday Aflemoou, 24 The Point of Pines Con- struction Co., Onvld II. Posuer, nreBldtut. htm opened olJlcea In the Old South Building. Too company Is building n large amufiemeut park at the Point of Pines, ficvere Beach, which will be opened about May »."•••-• Bene O'Dav, treuaurcr. and Max Gnotlmnn. assistant niunngar of the Nickelodeon, were innrrlcd on Wednesdny. W A bill hus _ W. Day, and the" electrogrnph. BiisIucbb la heavy. \ori:s. —Since Mr. Williams aud Miss Reed raoched Wnrcvster, ihe New York trtury of their mnrringe has Wen dented Mr. Wlillmus lm*j honked Hurry S|Hing. who was with him last season at the Franklin, to paint bis ncenpry at the Worcester. ■ Lowell. — At the Lowell Opera House iCahn & Grunt, manager) Dot Karroll and company. In a good repertory of pluys and ex- cellent special ties, enjoyed good business all last week. Lew Doekstndor's Minstrels en- tertain 91, "A Unwed Hero" 22, "The Lion und the Mouse" 2.T-2II. Acaiikmy or MrHli- (Blclmrd F. Murphy, miuiiiL'eri.—The :*everln-De Ueyn Stock Co., In "The Confessions of it Wife," proved very Miecesxrm lust week. Bertha Crelgaton, May- lsillo Estelle, Fretleric Bnrt and Joseph Glllon won nmrked favor. "For Her Children s Sake" this week. ^ ., , I-Iathawav's (John I. Shannon, resident manager).—Another excellent bill came, io big business, last week. Current: W. J. tiilenm and company, Kennedy and llooney, fliw Williams. Clierry nnd Bates, BUweae Sloane, the Baileys, Bessie Greenwood, nnd the vltagraph. Bo«Ti».v U. IL Tebbetta, maunger).-—riifl Gaietv fllrls Burlesn,uers, headed by Bella Hill, are making a hit here every week, cur- rent: The Gaiety Girls. In "The MIscMey- ions Students" and "Don Jose." Olio: Bella Hill, Marlam Martelle, Plnnrd nud White. Annie llernnrd. Lieblcr aud Williams, and the Bneton bioscope. Walkku'h a ■ > OHIO. ClnelnnnU.—Four plays new to Cincin- nati arc part of the theatrical menu offered duriug the present wcCa. Despite continu- ous rains and a rising Mood, which has In- terrupted trolley trallii'. business held up re- markably well last week. (ji:.iMi Oi't;uA House (Harry Ilalnfonh & J'ohu II. Havlln, managers).—"The Prince of India" comes Jan. efr-df, with Wllllnm Fnrnum and Adelaide Kehu lit the cast. Frltxl Scheff was royally welcomed last week, und "Mile. Modiste" added to tlio pleatstu'c of crowded houses. Wllllnm Pruette Hiin.vd In the honors won by the stnr, nnd his song, "1 Want What 1 Want When I Want It." received tbnndermii encores; Ubuide Gilllngwnter, Berihn Holly and Wal- ter Perclvsl were others among a splendid cast. & V Wlllard 38. Lyiiic (lliuck's opera House Co. & Lee ShulierL directors).—Mary Mnnnerlug comes 90-9BB, In "Glurlous Betty," by Itllu Johnson Young, under the mfltiagemeul uf the Shu- berts. "The Lon Honte scored an emphatic triumph Inst week. Odette Tyler was com- pelled lo share npplnune with Olive May, whose Lilly llaxcl wns u breezy bit uf refnwn- ing comedy. William Ingursoll's John Ashby wus sincere. In fact, the whole company war) cnpiidle. Henry K. Dlxcy, in "The Mim on Ihe Box," 27. OLVMi'lc (Geo. V. Fish & Luelln Forepaugh- Fluli, luanitci-rsi.—The Fnrepaugh Stock Co. will present "Tha Cnforsecn," 20-2U. Thii* piny Is thu second notable production lo bo given lis local premier at the Olympic, this hamuli. I-ast week "The Merchant of Venice" wns splendidly staged und capably presented, with Hcrw-bel Maynll as Sliylock, und Ida Adair in the role of Portia. Jennie Klllaon wiih a dainty Nerlssa, and Waller I!. Gilbert n ljuiiicclot full of Infectious humor. Big houses enjoyed the Shakespearean week. "The Pride of Jernlco" 27. Waiavt Stuebt Ol. C. Anderson & Henry M. SJIegler, maniigcrs).—Jacob Lltt's old money maker. "In Old Kcutucky," comes 20-2U. The week of the Pour Morions, In their crop of nonsense, "Breaklug Into So- ciety. " was oue of crowded houses. Clara Morton Is prettier than ever, and Ham, Pearl and Kittle all nld largely In the fun-making. "Wonderland" 27. Coli:misia (M. C. Anderson & Henry M. Z If-& let', managers).—Master Gabriel, of "Buster Brown- *•" t'olumliUN.—At Hie Great Southern iWm. Sanders, mniinj'eri "Tlie Daughter* uf Mnn" pleased fiih-iv }i-»h\ Iioiiscs Jan. 14, IS, "The Cniintv Fair*' »nd fairly well 10. "Dn- niHiy Vernon, ofHaddon llnll," 2.1, "The Bhick Crook" S*. Sin iu.iit (Frank 0. Miller, mnnnger).-- The Slitnilnrd Opera Co., lu "Mnrtlul." 14, 1.1. nud the Bolu'inlnn Girl." HI. ciitermlned fairly good pnlroiiiigi*. "The Light Internal" plioiMed 17-11). The Giitih-lleminn pictures 21-2;i. Henry K. lilxev, In "The Man on the Bnx," 24-211. ilimi 81. (Clina. \V. llariter, manoger).— "Texns" nnd "A Child of the ItegUnent" di- vided the week of 14, lo Inrgt- IiurIuckh. "Wlille Frisco Burns" 21-2:t. Itmuey Gllinore, In "A Il.H'ky Idsiii to Dublin." 24-Jtk KMirn's (W. W. Prosser, mnnnger).— Tin? Fadetie Wnmntis' Orelieslni provtsl in he a hendllnei- of uininiial merit, and con- tributed largely to (ho excellent huslncss of the pnst week. Othera were: Billy Van, Huthnwny and Relgel, Lillian Ashley, line. Urosche nud Cruse, ihe Columbia Four nuil (ho La Vlne-Cluinron Trio. Bill for week of :' 1 au-lnile-«: Bnlley nnd Austin, Bhii-iiwk, l.iiiiciiNiei- Co., Mny-Belfort, Miiyme Iteming- ton nnd picks. Tom Kdwards, Belff Bros, the Seven Mowttlts. Xoti:s. —Harry .Inines, who wns with (In Uugenbeck Show, has rcturnM for (lit- Win- ter.,. ... .11. C. Sdmley, nu old ihentrleal iiniu. wns here Die imst wei*k. He U infiua- ger of Ihe Fadctte W'umuns' Orcliestrn Lulu Elvis, a member of the Standard Opera Co.. which pluycd nl the Shuberl, 14-1(1, met her broluer, Paul Mason, u well kuown local newspaper num. whom she had not seen since si<o wns three years old. The re- union proved to be n very happy one. ClevclnniL—At the Opern House (Hurry D. Kline, nimumer) Richard Mansfield n here week of .Inn. -i. Illchard carle drew* (icrfid housei 24 nud week, In "The Spring Chicken." Grace George week 28. Couis'iAi, (Dreiv & Cntupliell, managers). —"Tlii' Hose of the Alhmubra." by the opern Coinlque Co., week of 21. Msdanu* Knllell drew big houses week of 14. Virglnin llnrnnd, In "TIh* Love Letter," week of 28. Lvcri'li (Geo. M. Todd, inunnaer).— "lyovers and Ltuintles" week of 21. Williams A Walker's Co.. hi "AbyNsliiln," had g< M >d houses week of 11. "Ari/otm" week of 2K. CT.EVKLAMi (Geo. M. Tisld. uiannger). - "Riihil Off the Turf" 21 and week. "The llorky Bond to Dublin" drew well week of 14. "A MURomiInTh Ki-rc-hK*" week of 2«: Keith's (IL A. Daniels, munnger).—Bill for week of 21 includes: Crcwy nnd Davue, Ihe Merkel Slaters, Bernlor's Mnnlklna, lino ROd Brnsche, Ilnrry GHfoll, Jack Norworth, the Kooney Sisters, aud Huthnwny and Sle- gel. Lvtur (Kd. IL Anthony, niannirer).—Tlio bill for 21 und week Includes: The Oukiint Bros.. West and Benton, UlchardH, Mile. Allen, Harry L. Wcbli. Homer and Potter, Horry ■mm, Star (Drew ft Cnmphell, managera).—8am Dcvere's Co. week of 21. The nrnndwav iinielr GlrN had good bonnes week of 14. Mis* New York Jr. 88 and week. Kitl'iiiK (Geo. Chenet. mnnnger).—The Blun Ribbon Girls week of 21. The Boh man Show hud cond receipts week of 14. Parisian Widows due 2K. Wife's Family" had good business 1_. Light"BtwnaPf 'prrawd-lS:-"Hooligan In New York" was well oatronlxed ML "A Woman of Mvaterv" IP. Norrlt Brw.' Reper- tory Co. 21-ia. litory B." Dl»?y 24. . OHt'itiUM (Ous Sou, managari.—-Bill week .of 21 : Three De Bo}lcn,Droi.. Plauitn' Mid- Ktti, Budworth nnd Wills, Walter Hyde, new songs nud pictures. - i.vcKUM ill. c. Kflly. mannger).—Brook- hurt Slock Co. opened to good houses 14-10. Canton.—At the' Grand Opera Hoitsn (Fred S. Love, manager) "'Way Down Kasi" HUM JbBl 4, 10 ihe eapaelly, and -The, LIqu mid (he Mouse,' 1 IS. hiriifd them awny. WT1- ltaniH and Walker, lu "Abysitulu," 21; Tom Watei-H. In "The Major of Lniighliiud," 2.T: Knymond Hitchcock, lu "The Galloper," 24 J Wilitlit Lurliuur, ill "The Shepherd King." as-an Buitti (Polls & Thomns. manager a).—For week coinuieuelug 2D: Benin Leah DaiicourL the PrliurOfJes,' the carrys. Nellie Ray, the /.linutci-niRiis nnd moving pictures. BttslneVrf Is siiilsfnclory. Zniicuvlllc.- At the Wellcr Tlicnlre (J. G. I-higlnnd, manager) "The Clay Baker" ciime -Inn. I), malhiei- nnd night, lo good busi- ness. "The Lion and the Moiwe," II. ployed to it jincked hotiHc. Virginia Ilnnioil. In "Tin! Love Li-ller," 12, also stood them up, "The Light F.leinnl." 14, pleased. "The Master Workman" m. Nell Burgess is, "The College Wld»w" 21, "The Clansman" 2:1. Mk.mih.iai. Hai.i.. --- Panders' AMsnelatlon Poultry Show attracted large crowds IMS. N011:.—Virginia Hnrned nnd company rest* ed two ilnvs here, nnd witnessed the produc- (lon of "Tlie Light Kternill." .inn. 14. WmiU MI tT A . YounEsinwii.—At the Grand (Joe Helm- grin, mnnnger) moving pictures, Hundny, Jan 18, drew big. The Bowery Burlesnnors Played to good refill-it!* 1I-1U. Andrew Muck Mliinciipiillt..- .\i the Metropolitan Opern House (I.. X. Scolt, manager) Augustln Dnly Mimical Co.. In "The Country GUT' and "The Chixuli'-'." .Inn. 20-'.'l: .luines K. Ilnckett, lh "The Walls of Jericho," 24-2U. Frnnels Wil- son, In "The Muuiilali) Climber," 14*1(1, and "Tim Man 01: the lion," 17 III, did well. Ho- nolle Knot!. In "Alice SIM..vilie-Flre." 27-:i0; Wlllluin GllU-lte, lit -Cliirk-c," ;U1-Vb. 2. Bunt' ih'uka H<m Nt: iTheo. L. llnys, mnn- nger).—Week of Jan. 20, James J. Corbelt. lu "The Biiiglur nud (he Lady. I'he PR Stayed to huge houses 1:1 mid week. H- MMU>r .ent. In "Katflcs," 2T and week. Oneitici'M iMartin Beck, geiieml mnnnger). —Hill for 2d anil week: M-k Long nud ids- lene Cotton, hi n proienn playlet by lMgar Allen Woolf. 1'iiiltled "Mv Wife's Dlntnonda;" Hlekay and Nebon, Kllzal-etlt Otis Spencer, IMght Bedouin Arabs, Palfrey und Hoellei', Knight Brolhers and Snwtidle. and' Gllle Voting nml Brolhi-r, Fine houses' CI und week. LviFkim (I. C'SpivrM, niimiiger).—■Frawlny Stork Co.. In "Lovers' Lane," 20 und week. Same company played lo very good business liinnil we«'k. In "Chlmuile Fiulden." "Sapho," by the same company, 27 und week. Hrwhv |W. A. Mlnger. manager).—I'lm Rlalro llotindcrs 20 nuil week. Champagne UlrlH and Frank Hatch. CI and week, came to good business. Loudon Uulnty Girls 27 and week. t'.wurr, (.lolui Kllloit, manager).—RID for 21 nnd week: l-Mdie Leslie, Mite. Carrie, Solomon the Second. Belle Slum-, .Inrvls ami Tugor, nnd Irene Little. Very good bttslnoM. - ■ ■ ■ m ■ — ■- i- *t, l'nul Ai U10 Metropolitan Open HolISC (L. N. Scott. i:;iniii«rri Mux l''lguinn. In "The Mnn nn the Box," hud very good business -Inn. l.'l-Itl. Ho pleased nil who saw him. Kruncis WIInihi, In "The Mountain Climber," 17-11* ; James K. llnckclt 20-38, (he \Hi\y Muslenl CO. 24*27, In "The Country Girl" uud "Clngilh-c:" Wllllnm Gillette, lu "Clnrlce," 28-.10; llnselle Kuoit :U-Feb, 2. ; (tit.iNP (Thro. L. Ilnys, mnnnger).—lames J. Corbelt, in "Tin* Burglar and the lJidy," had lilt: InislrifHS week of Jan. Kl. "Unirles" week of 20. Loiilo Williams, in "My Tom-Bo; Girl." week of 27. (lui-iiKi'M (Martin Heck, general manager). —An exlraordlnarlly strong bill resulted In Mi; business week of Hi. The bill fur wsik of 211: Julius H(«*ger, Vhmco, Ihe Four Rlnnus, Fox iiii'i Foxle circus, .Mr. and Mrs. Allison, Alexander and Itertlc, and thu Three Dancing M.'U-helr.. Sr.vii (.1. C. Van Jloo. mnnagor).—Til* lllalto ituiiuders, with Hnm H. Howe, drew lug week of 1:1. Fur week of 20, Watson's iinrk-HiiiHi'i* ; the Jolly Grass Widows 27 and WiNDKou (Hinltli 1). Hall, manager).--Week of 14: De .Rarest Brcm., Kutlierlne Roth, Cmpo and Tiinutr, Kugeuo Wlillo, Tony West nud By I venter. BumIiioss uxperleuced u revival ufier The holiday lull, and icood houses were Iliu rc-Hiill. Thu bill fur week of 21: AL II. Burton. Kutlierlne Hull), Crnpo nml Turner, Louis Crawford und Lee Luroy. li'iujiu.'K's tClias. Frcrck. mnnnger).—Busi- ness was fair lo good week of If. For wiiok of 21, tiew people are: Percy and King ES -. gnret McDonald, Marie U'van, Fnmklts Simp' IP. I'iiuiuirg Orchcslra 21, Barney flllnuira son and Dolly Demmii. All of llinso appear- till '.'I'l,,, lln.i.ili. Ii.,..(ni " Ot llnci'n'u lit .. ( i i i-.i j I.... I...I >..,./.tr a.lll In, III iiunl- i.TI'.illl Vlrf'tllln 22. "The Beauty Doctor" 93, Howe s plcturea 21. "York Stale Folks" 25, "The Clansman" 2tf. IMnic Tii»:atui; (Will De Hhou. manager). -—Moving pIcluii-H. l.'I, drew well. "Tim Rohi> of the Alliniubrn" wns presented 12. lo 11 hljr hotme, and wns urently enjoyeil. "Thu Old Hoiiietdeml" 21, WIIIIiiwh nud Walker 22. Raymond Hitchcock ill, Tom Walker, In "Tbo Mnvor of l,aughlnud." 2ft, NVjtbh —George Olnhntiser, of the imw IRJo'u Theatre Co., Informs us that he hus dosed a contract with Gus Sun, of New York, to do Ilie Rljnii Theatre hooking, working lu coniunctlon with thn Woslern Vnudevilh! Association... .The 11 Hun vnuric lug Inst week will hold 01W atcapt Virginia Hiiyiien, thu Musical Ulllotls, and Julia Rnn- nell. . , ICiiriuu (Sam Fink, inimngcr).—Buslnesa wiia gisid week of 14. New people for week of 21: Donolly Broil,, Lottlu Demile and Ittith Le Van. Ml the niht-ra will hnld over except Jessie Heiiueit, H10 Martin Sisters Htld thn Mccker-llilkcr Duo, Mkstion.-- Ttio ninth symphony concert nt the Mcirnp.illimi Opern House, 111, waa the best nnd most Hnci-essrtil of Ihe world*. The Second Clinmljcr Muslenl BceUnl will lie given ai the Park Coiigrcgiillnnnl Church. 17. Mrs. Ilermnn Hclieffer, pianist; Carl Venth, vlollnlsi, und Cnrln Fischer, 'celllat. vllle hoiiM] will open to Hut public lu thn KuHcnthal will nppenr at the People'H Church, spring Mnnnger Jos, Schtigrln and 22. The Windsor Iip.m established nninttjur Trenstirer Joe Murkovllv, of the Grand, hnvq nhown for Friday nights, rniilaclng the usnal fame, here 20*2(1, commeuced tbn nubltcatlou of a clevor little house pnnr.-r, called The Orund A r o(*e. The first publication proved n hit. Tliosa en- terprising young nieu arc talented along been Introuurni In the State k*i)pirijws> vuilm- for die HcenslnL' of a booking agents Mnn hearlcs .. and SnStrlctl exhibit Ions .V... Mme. Melba Co.. with new oRn. moving pictures und - whi be oS the Boston Sym- inatrated sonm, The special DeMUV wilt Phony oShestm mjSliv *■---• -&«K be pugilist .Toe Walcoti. 38-and 10. rmU niver;—At the Savoy (W. F. Ma- v — n-ir^i ai- tue New Bedford son. resldnnl mnnnger) -'Quinsy Atlntns Rnw- S^-Mra; A L..t" e n^**».«™lrA2 ver.- Jan. li-D). played lo koo.1 business. was greatly enjoyed. Wllllngtoii A. assisted by Oi-orgo All. as llgc, In the sketch. lhI ; , ln( » n ' m , j|* nvo ,, ]mt Min of „,[; •Auntie's Vlalt." .Nellie Beaumont and Ar- General Mnnnger T. K. Albotuth 1ms U B. Walker, monager).— thur Van. Lucy and Luclef, Slutrp Brothers, , jIaim enmiueicd, and Will gu ahead with bin Blp Burlesque und Vaudeville .Norton aud .Nicholson, the Peklu Zouaves. UPW hoil ^ n{ uraln. Ohio "Mudam olio, moving pictures und 11- Allen Shuw, (he Ilorsog-CninariiB Slaters nnd - " Al. Carlton will ulso nppenr. Last, week's 21; MyrKle-Hnnler Co. IIatiuwav (Then. B Bayljes. ««»«£«>: —BUI for week or 21 : Hr-rruionn. th« Gwat. Green aud Werner. Bell-i revos WUJ Deming, Chadwlek Trio. Slay VUlsb, Xeiry nnd Khner,. and the vltagrnph. Savoy {AVra. II. Rhine. mflua«r!<-HN»- ness cohUnues. good. For week o SI ¥» ger Shine is offering a splendid line of new films, and Ruth Clarke. _ Notes.— Helen Butler, the iwnnlnr aoii- brftte, of the Bennett-Sloulton Co.. was called home bv the death of her mother. Tho memtwrs tit Ino company, with whom Miss Biiller la'a great favorite, sent a beflutifui floral tribute" Chai. A. McUralh. or the pamft company, enjoyed tbe hospllalHy of his many friends hera la»t week. Boy" 2n, 20, ''The Lion and the Mouse" 2ft, 21). Lew Dockst.-idoi-'M Mlnatrels 31, "If I Were King" Feb. 1. 2. AcADtmv or Mtsn? IF. W. Slason. resl* deut manager).—"The Governor's" Pardon," 14, lo ploved to good hiiRluens, aud gave great satisfaction. "A Ragged Hero." in, 17. enme to fair returns. Martin's "IJucle Tom's Cublu," 18, 19. had good business Avery Strong Co. 21, 20/ l^urcelle and Kdnn May Magooo 2«t-Peb. 2. Hiittnv*B (Chns. P.. Cook, manager) —- Desplle the wild weather of the past week, business at this lln-atrc remained at Walt water mark. Charlotte Parry. In "Tlie Comslock Mystery" and Rny Cox scoreil eat- Rhatle hits. Week of 21: The Fays, in ThcumflturgT:'' Bert Leslie nnd compniiy, biihlness was big. Walter JoneB nnd Mabel Ithe were the lilu of lust week's bill, with Bert Levy, the New York citrwonlst, who scored emphatically. Cnrlelnn Maty, Maud Kdnn Hntl nud .Icxsle Dodd have a clever playlet, "Tlie Magpie nud tho Jay." Heitk'h OrntA HofSE (lleuck. Fen< uossy 3c Stair, managers).—Selma Ilertuun It eurtnln of a great reception 20-2(1, when she returns In "Tlie Queen of the Con- victs," Ldxt week, Pugenln Blair found "Tho Worann lu the Case" a great magnet. Tim eot-ngement was most successful. Alice Urn- bum. as Claire Foaler, gavu the Rtnr superb support. Bnmev Ollmore • 27. In 'The Bocky Road to Dublin." Ta'cecm (lleuck. Blulr k Fenu<-ssy, ranil- agers). — "The Master Workman" 20*20, Butterfly" tilled Ihe Grand Jnn S. nud tho enrrrlnttirocut was tho musical treat of tho season. Toledo.—At the Valentine (Otto Kllvas, munnger) the bill week of Jan. 20 Includes: Fadot to Ladles' Orchestra, Rimer Ton ley, Milt Wood. Columbian Pour, Thrco Hickman Bros., Barry nnd Unlvors, and Bard Bros. Lycki'm IE. R. Kelsoy, manager).—Flor* ence Bindley, Jnn. 10-12. and "Happy Hooll- [pin." i:Mti, both gave good shows, to good iitslness. "Texas" 1T-1U, Andrew Slack 20 and week. < •■ AncApi: (Abe Shapiro, mnnagor). — "Tho Flower Girl" wns favorably reculvod 13, 14, Vaughn Gianni* Stock Co. presented "Prince Karl," 10, 17, to good houses. Mary Slnnner- my 18. 10, LosV week "Tlie Burglar's bauihte?' plYu*Vii JR* 1 ^,/*!? 8 A flp J^ ^Wil^l* »«* lovers of the i.l.rn-s?nsatlonal.^Alma 1 J.learr| fl!tt.«fi*Li?^ffl!L.Sr!.«J2: iarw? ^Vag^ygyS @ mSF*" -icumfiturgy. IrTcludlog Bailor and Barberetto: Lndra Sprin«fleM.—At the Court Bmiare Tben ; orrlwsv. Stnbblcflcld Trio, Monalo Emerald, tro (D. O. tillmore, inauaoer) "Conilag Ihro -jpiy g. Foi^jiutl canwm^raph Hie B*C" VHTSMM twice Jan. 12. by audi cttces of goodly proportions. Stella wBI* aud FTonV'Lalor aro two cletflr entertain- rrs, and the show qb a whole wns inoht HW ably commented on. A latge house saw Rob* r-rl Lor&lne piesent "Mnn and Hunerman. u, nnd was highly pleared. The patrons the usual hlgli ST\Mi\t:i' i'l'. It. Arnold, rannagcr). —I'lio Bowery Burlrt-nuers. with LH2I0 Frellgb. the songstress, 20-20. Tbe Heiitx*rlantlay Bur- le*ciuer* played to big business last week. Luba de Harema's act, with her mountain hull dogs and cake welkins; ponlep; was ao added attrnctlon. Irwin's .Majesties 27. PeofLt'a (Hubert Houck. manager).—Miss New York Jr.. with Charles J. Burckhardt q* tho chief cunediiin, will he bore 20-26. Sam Dercres Own Co. gave "Won at tn« Wirt,* r Hnn-'H 1'joe PcAi-lstlnc. manogor). — "A Thoroiuthbred Trainn." 10-12, and "Queen of the Hlgbhlndrri." lU-Dl. dr«w the usual good boiiscs. "Tnc Man o( Her Choke" 17*19, '''Montana" 20-23. _ sprlni-fleld —At the Fairbanks (Clar- once Miller, manager) "Tbo Col I eg* Widow" ewne to a well [)ll«d lioime Jan. 12. "The County Fair" bad good builatsu 13. "The Daoghtars of Men" wis well patronised It, 3, third show of thn evening, thus glvlug oppor- tunity lu local talent desirous of mipsavlug before tho fnotllgUlH. Tim re Is plenty of good talent In Hi. Pnnl Tbe ononlnir of the Aiidliniliun hus been poytpouca until some time In April. ——— •■• DuliKh.—At the Lyceum (C- A. Mnrabnll, manager) HI. Paul Hyniphnny Orchestra gavu 11 concert Jim. IU. The soloists were Mrs. Von Rncke, (<n|}ruiio, nud Carl Vuiith, violin* Ul. The amlhyice wns miee. "Dura Tliorptf," IL pleaded, an did "Peck's Bfld Roy" in. "A Poor Kflntlou" IH. "The County .Chair* mnn" 10. Francis Wilson 20* VTbe Tit" 22, HoaenthAl, plunim. 23; "The Yankee C'oostU" 21, "The Bunnle Brier Bush" 2ft, 211. MttTllUI'OUTAN XHBATHB (W. H. LOOB* Htv«et, mnnnger).—-The New London Gaiety Girls, Fred W. Bailey, hualnesH Manager, opened week of in. If was capacity on the fuelling ulglif mid good I ho rem of tlie week. Thn company gnve n good show. Put WUllu mndc a good Irishman, nud tile olio was ex- rclleiit. itlnlto jtoiindars, with Bum H. Ilowo and a nuipher of cniueillnns, 20 nnd week, I) hi 1 tr (Joe Malflaml, mannger).—Tlitt Itousti hud big dm wing cards Inst week, with Mrs. Genernl Tom Thumb, ('mint nnd Ilnrrm Magrl, Hie Marvelous Mnlcoms, Little Trlxle. Cn'rr" and Jordan, Mne 'I'uniey, Mndell and Cnrblpy, Isndore Hllver nml the moving pic- ture*, Business -vim large for thn week. People for 21 nml week: The Znlns, Lexll* mid Wllllnms, Joippli Cnilfthan, Luln Pearl, Mr, nnd Mrs. Lurry Hbaw. tho Pendletdns, nwar./'Utij Uumnu Top;" ulmom Hllv#r, Jas, MoCU'llnnd nnd Rcbueldfir'a Ot-chestrn. Wit.. —George A. Riifn died In thU city 1, following ail operation for InteitluaL ob- gtruOllon, imeutiionia following, He was for * long time a m«mb«r of Flantnn'a Baud, at Boston (Chns. RchloiBitiger. manager) — Week of 21 atock burlesnue and vuudevlltc. Business 11 reported good • ytCKKr.ooeos.—Week of 21: Meyer $SiJ?iKtJfiS& ^BminP^'koep-. up to maliipilT-IIertert'ffieSyv-HI eMMM pieiiirea ft, nd lived In Dulillh moslly all his H-Wy-JJJJjnf 1 ' BW * M up IO w in -7 rM ,. n t ibe tuie net dranin, The Third Cluwu (Gnhrlcl Hncba, msnnger)^-r]aos. mother nml brother survive him. with Andy Lewis and Maude tilott In tit OH; 8k onor IB. Francis McMillan 21. 'Do- The .!-»«um Th«ft »: WW^«fmN{ Ma- cast. Innocent Mnlds 27. tothy Vernon, of HaMon Hall." 22, Morle M, N. O. Band, ftlao a niemhrr of tho Mil* ailc Romsaos'n Orr.u* Hocar. (Walter Canflcld. Cahfll 28. "Tho Black firook" 24. Howo'a Mclans' CnloiJ. He was foriy ; ann r»-*« o|f. nnd lived In luilnth moslly alt Itls'llfe. Ills