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1294 THE. NEW YORK OIjEPPEB; Janhaby :nc TV, n Wll rr «-,i. nt .« The title of this NEW March Song sounds well, but no better than the music. The composer is the famous THOS. S. ALLEN, known the w< over for his "By the Watermelon Vine (Lindy Lou)," "Any Rags?" "My Duksy Rose," "Good-bye, Mister Greenback," etc., etc. This is a guarai that the song is at least worth the attention of .the BEST. Change NOW and be the FIRST, not the LAST to use as fine a march song as was c written. Unless known to us send Up-to-Date Programs for copy and orchestration. NO CARDS desired or acknowledged. ALTER JACOBS, 167 TREMONT STREET, BOSTON. MASS. MSW JERSEY. Kewnrk.—Tlu> first appearance nt "tttSei ' I ha Nmrk Theatre {Leu OLtoicngiil, manager/ of William Knvcrshom, In "The Squaw Man." marks tlir* currrnt week us <mc of the events In the theatrical aca-jon. The opening per- formance, Jnn, -1. ].<* fur ,th« benefit of the UnhjU Asylum. I<*ay Templeton, in "forty- five Mlnuten from Hruadway." nttracted largo and well pleaBcd audiences nt every perform- ance, week of 14. Georgo M. Cohan, in "Oeorge Washington Jr.," week of Un". Humbert (II. M. Hymns, mnnagcr).—The 8r«t nppenrauce of "On i'arole'' ocean this week. Hud. with an excellent cam. It prom- ises to liold marked attention. Cyril Bcqtt received fair attendance. In "Tbe I'rlucn Chap," week of 14. "The nine Moon" 1!8 a ml week. raocioii'w 'W. X. Si uart, reorient mana- ger).—Another, novelty in offered the patrons i bin week, iu Apollo, the strong man. Other interesting features are: Hmltb and Cainp- Ml,'J, K. Murray and Clara Lane, iu "A Night at Uomer the rinneys, the great mvl towers; Kred Ray and company, George II.' Wood, The Aerial Smiths and Adams aori Mack. Large audiences attended last weak. : Columbia (M. J. Jacobs, manager).— "The <JlrI from Broadway," the current bill here, Is a wide digression from the .won offnrliig, mid. being well rendered, should Mouse*' liS, '12; Emma Carus, In "TuuXear Home," 24 j "Railway Jnek" ^3. 20, Yolxo'h ran TBUtn (W. .fi, Shackel- ford.maimgeri.—De Wolf Ucrpper, In "Happv- loiid," had u big hou.Ho 18. Tor week of 21, vaudeville, with the Klght Cornallas. Harrr ester HaMu. Hedlcdgi- and Woribley, tbi MISSOURI. . Kansas City.— At the Willis Wood (Woodward «V Burgees Am. Co., managers), lust week, "The Virginian." with Dustln I-'iirnuiit. Krauk Campbeau. Bennett Muaaon, MabcJ .Wright and Eleanor Wilton gave ex-. I'astor. In 1S70 they Joined Hooley s'Mln* streft, in Brooklyn, and went to Chicago In open Iloolev's Opera IIomkc, Id 1S71, where ibey played with great succors. producing nil Llpur own pieces. In the Fall of 1871 they started out with their own company, being very successful until the I)e Wilts. Helen Harlan, Tana, .'Norton aria* cotlent performances, to good business, aud Clilcavo Are. They had engag.-tl.thc Metro Russell, and klnctograpb. Camden.—At the Camden Theatre (M. W. Tnylor,■manager) "Kor a IloinaTi Life," Jan. It-Hi. and "On the Bridge at Midnight." 17- 3(i. two powerful melodramas,- With beuvr scenery and good coinpknleav pffij'bd to verv pood business, capacity being the rule. r>anlel Sully, In "The Match Maker,," 31*21; "As Told 111 the HillB" 24-26. -' • v ♦«» IOWA. rensatM Iflrft season's success. This week, "Ilbe Olngerbread Man." Next week, Mo* reuce Roberts, three nights, and "Mr. Hop- klusoa'- tJic latter part. — • — _ .Sul'uert (Walter Saaford, manager).— fjist week, "Mrs. Temple's Telegram, with 'Hnrrj- Connor, Uracc -Kcais-and-a generally clever cooipauy, scored a hit. Big houses jMilliuh Hall, la Chicago, ana this was biuncfl down, causing them to dfelumd. In 1871! they played n IkfH months' engagement w|tb John- fcftctf»on,--nt--t'.c Iloa-aMl Athen.-eum, Button. They luen joiued Morau ft Man- ning's Mluatreis, la Philadelphia, pluyiug for the- i-eat of ibe season. 1n~liS7S they opened with Dan--Bryant's Minstrels, at the- wei-o on hand'at *»very performance, "'fhli TTvcnty-thlnl Strsct Oi>era 'House, New fork wi>ok "Ti.e Sd u-iitri " UmI IV,-.,.:- "Tlie < - , ' , >"- Bet>irnlng to England, la 1874, fhey create special Intcrpst and good huislueus. . RIvcih" proved to be much Above the ordinary, and Beiihih I'oynler, in the title "Lena I part, waa well appreciated Inst weak, KUNSY'a I J. II. Bucken, manager >.— Harry Fund, In '.'Old Isaacs from the Bow- ery," Is here tbla week. W. T. Aldrlch, in "Secret Service Sum," mystified good bonnes with his mativ chnnges hist week. ",Ni> Moth- er- lo Guide Iler" week of U8. WALDirANN's fW. K. Clark, manager).— Uobie'a Knlckerhockeni always tarn some- thing of s]h>cIb1 luterost to offer the Tistrons, HUdlhls week. Iu mitiitloLi to thi usual brlt- llout < ostiJiiicd burlt'snucs aud a strong vaudeville bill, the Mvu rcachkoffs, Ruusiau- dancerk, and Ciytlo Darrow are featured. Tbo Nlgbt Oivls enjoyed u week of good averageThunlnesa ending 10. The Loudou Belles week of 28. NOths. —Olympic Pork la proving os great aa.au aruueeuieut resort thea* Wintir uionths an It ordinarily does Iu the Suiuiaer. Holler flkatlog Is the attraction, with mouv< urofes- •Idnal aud amateur racing events of more than ordinary importance, .fan. £;> Qua Anthony, cx^ctiampfon of Atnoilca, will com- pete la a relay race against Dan a-vcency, Le Darling, Ray Urn, F. Delauev and fr. Manser. .Ian. :;o, (he opening events In the amateur championship of Norlheru New Jer- sey will occur, being an open event, and the finals on Feb. <J. Those events are under the direction of i:. ID. Wood*. ■ ■■■■-»■ ElUnbetli. — At the Lyeuin (Drake ft Klroy, muoagers) "The -Fool House" camo Jan. 10-1'J, to guod returus, and gove satis- faction. "Frieud Fritz," 14-ld, drew good hnslnesa, aud liroved acceptable. The Knick- erbocker Burlusqiiers carao 17-JU, lo good sized houses. The conipauy proved capable. '.'A Desperate Chance" 31, "Mappy Honll- gaa" 90, SR. "No Mother to Unlde Iler" M- H(\, "As Told In the Hills" *JS-;tO. "The Con- fcsdlons of a-Wlhfl ni-Feb. 3. .l-icons'. — '•The Volunteer Organist" 17, "Winchester" 10, City Sports 31. Field's Mfnsti-L-Is 32. Tn-B.—John Batichelle. for a number of years advertising manager for the LTceuni iTicatre. and later with BlelBon's "V. T, C.,** has accepted a position an llthogrnuhcr tor H.i II. Jacobs', CoLoes, N. Y., 'J'hsatrc, and Ik uon' In tbo Held Mat laws will occur tivery day hereafter nt tin Kycciim Theatre, avMBt Thursduys '.. Former Htags Manu- ger William Vroont, of tho Lyceum Theatre, Tk now stagi' carpenter with ,r A Man's Brok- en - Promise." Kort Uodffe.—At the Midland tWm. P. Deriner, manaoor) Mac, the'liypnottst. held Hwav week of Jen. 7. to fulr liou»es. ; .' Frank I.. Long Co. 21-24, VFMdUB from Puck" *:5, "A Ragged Hero" 2U. ■■ %• Aiditohium (Albert C. Smith, minascr). —'The Flfty-slsth Regiment rendered on ci- eellent concort Handay, to*blg huslreai. -j- v Notb.— Overman Bros.-open' a vaudeville theatre In the new Colby block; on First Avenue South and Seventh Street. Junius. The houw will lie called tin: Alexai. Tbre«t per forma ncea dally, aud an. .entire change qf jirogramnie 'eachweek, H the rule. The'open- ing bill follows: The Nondescript Comedv Trio. In **Tbe Black Deleetlvc:" IM. S. iSc'hufer. in "Flfteeii Minutes in Oermany;" BOM Williams, Frank Younic and fiiTtrude Shields, Bd, . I*eroy, dramatic reader, and posing act by entire company. ■■ ' . ii | . mm DaTcnport.—At the Rurtts Open House (Direction ChamlXTlln, Kindt. Harrington Ss CftJ "The Typewriter tlirl," Jan. 8: Francis Wilson, ffi S. Miller Kent, In "rtuffles," 12, and "Woiiderliind," H*. all pleased. Amelia Ringhfim, hi "The Lilac Doom," 15; "The Courict's Daughter" IS, "A'Bunch of Keys" *b, tbc Champagne Uirls 21, "It Happened hi Nordhiml" 32, Prlmrose'a Minstrels 2!i, "Uncle JoKh Perkins" 27, Arthur Dunn, in "The Lllile Joker." 30. ,*^> «. ZS^^.. lii.iTK {plrectlbn Chus. Blrkall^—Bill week week "The Social Whirl, Tonrlate." Urano Opkba Hocsn (Hudson & Judah, rnuuagers).—Last week Oco. M. Cohaa'K clerer comeilv, "Little Johnny Jones" had immense husluess, and recelvcil a royal wrl- eunie. Bobby Barrv, Tom Lewis, Sam Ryan, Stella Tracy, Man Rafter aud the Gingery Chorus cave a performance that made every- body fit up and take notice. This week Billy ft. Van, luihis new show. "Patsy in Politics." Next week, Harry Bcresford, '.a "The Woman Haler." ■ Oui-HBim (Martin Beck, general manager). —Last we-.-k's bill gave great satisfaction to the big crowds. The Empire City Quartette proved a Btrong feature, and scored big; the Kiln.Banzai Troupe of Japanese Acrobats did a line turn; Trovollo, veiltrllouu 1st, had a new setting for his i-apltal act; the Three Flood lli'iH. scored heavily. Chau. IV Camo aud his fax-terriers were good, EJugcnia Buker sang well. Ksonri'utda did her zylopbonc act, aha the klaodromc had some tine ni-w moving picture*. Thin week: 3,uc!I]c Mulball and bcr ranch. boys, Patrice, dies. v\< Semon. the Dillon Bros., i.ena Pantzcr, Anna Chandler, mid.the Musical Aroloas. AL'L'i'iunu-jt (Woodnard & Burgesa Amuse. Co.. manugers;.—l^ast week the Woodward Stuck Co. gave good performances of tlie clever comedy. "Christopher Jr.," In which Kva Lang. Geo. Arvbie, Will Davis and Oer- trade Berkley deserve s] week. "Dorothy Vernon, Two Flags.'- . -XiiLLts OPEiti Hot as ■( 13. S. Brigham. man agerl. — Last: week the new- melodrama. 'Bertha, the Sewing Machine Ulrl," scored of 21: Dixon. Bowcm ami Dixon, Downev mid Wlllard. McCune and'Grant,-Tom Powell bit. to thrilled audiences. ' This week. "A Mid- night Escape." Next week. Howard Hull, In and Lena Klein, Family (Direction Munro & Oolkers).— The Austins J. V.. Mitchell, tbo Yerkees; Duvls and. Darla, Galcttl's- troupe of pcr- formhig'udgH and monkeys, and movln;" ~ tures, 14 and week. pie- Cedar Rapid*.—At Greene's Opera House (Will 8. Collier, manager* S. Miller Kent, as '•Ratfles.-.Jau. 11. proved u big at- weea. rue yopiau uunesqnera. Win Mm traction. "Au Amerlcau Trump," 13, drew n 1 od p !: n^ ••, King aud Odell. aud the Sidvnlas, Bwd sized bouse. Aincltu %lughaui, hi r> 'J'hc Mlllionulrc Detective. ' M.m>'ii<; uj j lha Uurjht: fQljut Wilson, manager».—Last week, the Boston Belles, with clewr people. Including: Rice and Walters, Clarence Wilbur, Rattle-Mills and Fraiikle Bailey, scored a hit to big bouses, This week. Bob Manchester's Cracker Jacks. Ci;nti"iiv (Jor. Donegan, mauager).— lA\st week, the Utoplau Burreaqncra, with Marlon "Tfit* Lilac Rooui." 11, carucd the plaudits of a critical audience. Strickland .W. GIHUau, IS. In Y. M. C. A. course, entertained tbu usual big crowd. "It Happened in Nordlaml," li. nnUM n big houw. •(Thclnia" 19, "On the Bridge at MTdnlgut" 30, PrlmroBes Mlu- strela 35, "The Little Joker"* 37. l'loreuce Oale 3u, Jsuies K. Hackett 1(1, Ferris' Comc- dlsns Feb. ;:. PmnJfn fTfc Hugo, manager}.—Big busi- ness.aud this line bill week of 11: Arthur Slunrl aud the Kceley Sisters. Kd. Lmluc, the Halvloes, Braut uml Larauo, Bay W. I'uy and the klnetuscopc drew big houses. This week, the Star Show Girls. Next week, the Champagne Girls. }'i:oi-Li:'s West HiDr, Kansas City, Ks. Next week ^ o|Kued with Sam Hacuo's Minstrels, at St. James Hull. Liverpool. While there James TJimworth died, Feb. 21. 1S73. Bugenc then returned to America and joined Carnrross' Minstrels, at the Erercntli Street Opera House, Pblbidelphla, where he remained for live years in isaO be again returned to MughiDil, and played short engagements In iMudvn. He was taken 111 and returned to America, In 1SSJ. jblnuig ISmersoa's Min- strels in Cullfornla, where be played three months. Jn JB8- Flugenc' took a compao}- from Calirorula to Honolulu, U. I., thence to Japau aud China, nnd then back to Eng- land, where he was taken III. He had to re- uuilu tlif-rc seven inoutba. and then reluracd to America.- In lSKy he JtJliied'Leon &.Cuah- man'* Vaudeville aud Burlesyue Co.. which wan his last engagement'. After thai be lived privately on-Sevv.-iiy-ulnth Street, New York City, until ihree Durailja before his death, when be weut to Brooklyn, to the home oi his ulece. T»* Great FleldlnK (George H. Field- ing), the Ju,—'- N. J., Sum' plhatlon u-imIoil Coiin.. and was well knovrh hi-Uiis country and Europe." For years he was a feature in many of the big productiona on>tho Aincrlcan stage. Over twenty vears ago - he began bla career as a comedy Juggler hi special meutlou. This Newr.rk. Among the shows hi which his /' Next week, "Under Juggling was a feature was "The Black Crook.' In am, besides bJs special act, he »as also the understudy of George H. AOaius, th.:. Ibtaoas clown.. Fielding appeared, hi "Muir.ply DampTy'- for nix years, Rellly & food's Show. Harry' Kcrnell's Co. and Al. G. Melds MinHtrels. Ills last performance was given In Newark, at the, Empire-Theatre, for the benefit of tbo Theatrfcal . Mechanics' Lodge, In 1602. Fielding 1,3 autrlved by ttrer Mlstera—Varn:, Mary" and Kllzabetu ■leUiing—arid tnxi * brothers. Toward and Wllliaa. the latter also belpg a Juggler. The fmicral will be held on Wednesday monilug, •lun. 33. A solemn high mass of requiem will b» sung In St. Patrlek> Cathedral, and Inter- ment will be In the Cemetery of the Holy BrHkm . Mra. Nvltle Gnlou Christian Bell,wife of William R. Belt Jr., died at her home. 174 CCKipSITY HALF PRICK UU Shark, shipping case and two painting Working World, }^0: Catapuokaand FffiB i. Mummiea, 150 ■ List free wm NKLsu » Tan Nojden SU . No.Canibn.i.^, H DO YOU WANT a SKETCH or HO Vol fo SUIT YOCU ABlLITyr If so, writei hi it JCST WHAT TOt\WAMT, and Wc will fori to you al SHALL COST. Send 2c. stamp iJr, nlsra. bovd gnpnlv Co, T3) MflMj St.. PU SKKitHEs, TravwUcs BnrlesgneM. written to order. Only the.very beat OfSaui furuiabed proressioualrf. Jos. Kcr^lmw » lonwoodSt., -Plrtigdrlphia. 1-a.-— ' WANTKD-Two Al Comcrtiaue, ui;- Character Han. stout; one Soubrcttc 2 specialty; one Character Woman, fall Mint' clieap. State fall nanlculars. Addre»s CHARACTER. Care of CL1PP MUSICIANS WAKTKD IM«EOIAT to make contract for Seaahuro Hotel. Bern ng Hay ■ Until September 1. Aftenvsr loiatc for Theatre, Hotel and Dance-, u mentation sa follows: Two Cornets," Clai i'rombone.Trap Drum:'. Double Ba-s una ] -lano and Harp. Each man must be uoul Brass. Wanted, a nut« aim cello plover, tad who wrote bJ-Tore please writeagain". raUn pcr week, board and lodging Id the hotel * mani must give a security or Jio.w tbai ht aof disappoint me and thai the contract wj c*rried .out.-Otherwlfle no uppucaiton wit wken notice of, Hurt be stnctlv soi-er an >ickcrs; nr^tclawin evuryrcipect. An*w. Ticc to save corrcanondenca To Prot. J. U C 0. Lox Hi. luieieh, N C. Ciuld pla^e< m9mmmmtMm at once." ■JCndtl liketoi'tra in Or 12 second hand noitoFUbvaips anil cmu must befin good order. c; JnjKler, dJ«i at his home in N'ewart, torla -Hotel.at the Hlgblauda or Katntal mm morning.-Jan. 0 from a com- j.. died Jan. TS. JffmSS liar mlffifS n»t- dlaniaea, -He wis bon. In Nw ng e. «t la.- hotel. lK,:„vL Thla house has been taken by the Fulton West Seventy-ninth Street,Maw York Cltv, Stock Co., which appeared lust week iu "Ca ' rolllc,'^ to^good bueiucsB. * Stock Co. J. B. Fulton and Will F. Fulton are tbc lessees, with J. F. Fulton as mauager. Others In the companv arc: Will Fulton, lDnld Jackson, Belle Jack- sou, and Jewtlc tillderwestcr. This week, "In Missouri." ' ■ ARKANSAS. CONNECT! Tlij^T. -lerapy City—"King of the Wild Wert" uiel with a good ifcrpflon In spite of tbc T«n- ttt-irray weather, at tlie Acadeinv. wi'i-k ending Jan. 111. fine Imslucw preralM at Keith & Proctor's, and tin* talent offered whs ivumL oii-optiible. Tho Jolly tlirls. with Kd- lmmd Hayes, gave h womlnrful Imiwlus to WtHlMMi nt the Ron Ton. .../ Vc - V .-1 BHV ' "''■ ■ •'■■ Houdei'soii. tuiiiiageri.-— Sky Farm" Jan. yi-rt, "The County Clitilr- mau" week of '2H. Kwnit .V l-itot'Toit'fl (Frank Rnrus. resl- (l"iit lniiiuiKCrl.—Hill week of ^1 : Thomas J..KCPKU ami cuinpnny. Fields and Woolev. Iudii and Coanut Morrow ami Srhellberg, Hamilton Hill, Delphluo and Valium, aud, us.u Hpeciul fenture. nunounred as tbe tirBt 1 we mi any Niagi'. .Tullan Mitchell's prodiiu- Hon. "The Seven Hvil Tons," Ron Ton <T. W. Dloklna, muuagerl.—The Houewlpu Hurles(|uera lir-2«. Rclfly ft Wood week of 1***. NtiVB.—Oeorge "Kvans cnnccled Kalth & Fioc or h b*| wet*, on account or Illness. Jot Welrb QwtJ the date. ^ iii'idM-viiurt.- -At. SuiU-Vs rBdwan] c Rujlfh. inaauger) •'HooliganV Trip Around tho World," .Ian. 1 J, pluyeil to nod trtMlMtW. "How HenrtK Are Broken,*' 1^, Hi, did well "Coming Thro' (hu •Ryer' *' R. 0. "Tlie I'ool House, liu^litess. "The fvmt VutmjmM-On Ctirtlr ■Jl. "llioniH and Orange Blossoms" I'-j, *_'y, aa .!« >rc KI - i S'' *'-*-'■ '"Chinatown Charlie 1 ' J'oljs (li. B, Mitchell, manager!.—An- olhrr. big week nii"*--d Uii^ToVhliie^s at'lbls liaifsi-.Hooked for week or 81 are: lluwla and Jan Kiiufuuiii, Leonora Klrwlu. UumaJ and Nevaro, Tom Muuve. Una •"laytoii aud com- puny. Duberty Misters, and Fred Kuruu's puniomlmcs. mat iu, Little noeU—At the Capital Theatre (Chos. T. Taylor t maqager) '-The Rankera Child" Jan. 11. "Checkers" drew well li'. "College Widow"' bad the S. R. O. Plgu out 'The James RoyB In Missouri" had " 14. ton bfavy house 15. Louis James. 19. iu "Tbe Merry Wives of Windsor." "The Clans- man" ys. ■H.-praywl tb ■S."' "JIAjttsTrc (Prod B. Crow, lanuager).— IS. ill. did good Week of ^1: The Great I'sterbmok*. Karl ifllUban and Torn Murray, Howard aud Jan. Hi. Mrs. Bell was formcrlv a well known actress, and prior ti> her marriage played with Clara Morris, and hi the A, it. Palmer Stock Co. Funeral services were held on Jan. IP. at St. Anas- Chapel, tbla city. l.ujitiir KHintt I*o«»ll. Id private life Mugeuc Klliott, died at bis home iu Ilav Clty. Mien., Jan. iu, from paralysis, ageil thirty years. He waa formerly of tbe vaude- ville team, Ilobbs and Powell. At varloua times be was with Itlngllng 8roa.. Forepaugh *.Sells Broa. and the John Robinson SboUw, He wad with Hlm-Mng Bros, whm taken ill, at PhllHdclpbia. His mother and two brotheri eui'vlvc hhn. (•rorKr It. Hubbard, a musician, aged seventy-eight year*, died in Sprlngtiihl, Muns, Jan. 13, after a month's IlluedS. Mr. Huhbard waa some forty years ago a musl- clau with Cotton * Murphy's MlustrcR and also played la the orclutetrB of the old Amerlcau Thentrc, New Hiiveu, Conn. He Blaud. MeWatcrs-Tyson and coiuouny, Hlcc 'eayea a widow and two sons. The burial and-Hkncr, and'athers.. - --9HATH9 IX THIS I-IIOFKSSIOX. iCuitciie Aineli. famous as Eugene, niltistrel ImpctKonalor of "wench riaj at*Mdniry.-,.\t poll's (Hiirry 1'arsona, twrj "t*ora Thoriic," Jan. l4. ctuuo to J'lllirDr- Icrs. dl'>d nt Uir liomu of his iiIpih!. 7IU Mnrun .strpwt, Urooktyn. N. Y., on Jau. 3N. jikwiJ wvcaty ycurs. Julinnv Vusworlb. old time Dilnsti-ol, was wicli hliii lyiieu Lc died. „ Huci'iic was born In Hew Vort Oily on June ,.„,,!;"5L, 1 ■•,**"'.? plRusnl. ub dill- Ifii- 1'onr I'luiitliigs.' .1; •• oiiilnv Tliru'.tlm Ity.-::i8. ",v Hmu, Croni Mars 10. '".riionw nml Orange 41loHhol)!H"' 2%. "ft lour Onm of tfc Batlb-' v2. sa. IblnaloKii Charllo" SA. "If 1 Were KIiib" JO "I bo Mnnuay and llio lluuiulni; Bird" iv. HOKE? 'Ihhatiiis (J. II. DtSu iuan»- ff,'- - . 1 ! 1 ". Kc f k ° r '-'' I **• *"oiu- 9mm, Mylcs SkGufHj . anil. roiupunv. Uuwm Wol- laiy and Orotkor, I'rnlrrk. and Uou. How tbc Htago wltb Wood's Minstrels, at 444 Brotuvajr, .Now York cltv. Iu l»5:t. In tbo old minstrel ' took-biaoa.4.1^.. __ Arthur Brown, a.tnusleiao. at one time trim l J rliuro«e's ^Unsti-els. died froru licalt falluru. in..2Cp.w- York -UHy.-J»» - lu.-- Ho loaves a widow oud Uiree- brothers, lutec.- lni-nt was In Uonxatonliv Jhi-., fieorBe- A. Hn.c.a member of lrioatcn's Itnnd, ut tbe I>yeeuui Theatre, Dululb. Minn., died In that elty on ion. 11, following a sartilcal operation. Ho Tas forty-one years w age. " Henry _ Saul res. once. a grand opera '' In Tlurllnirton, la., -Inlaw. Aire. C 1>. HqMm. He was eighty-two yeora of aae. old minstrel ball that, uied to stand Ju« i'» u ,, tlg »>« I'rirae lie was eonnected with some above Canal Street. Ilnaene made a oreat ? f 2S """ !t V'S 1 °' K " i fompanlns. and aang who joiued. the i-ompunyahortfy nfler ho „,i.±» ■"m^",.''?.' rri'te?*" .™"ieYlllc _. compuny shortly aflcr .h- !-'..■ .. 1S "?' ''"(.'cue, licorge (.'hrlslle und ',:• 5i "• l"l«n wont lo Canrornlo with I!. M. Houtpy.- uud opened nt- Tom Mnuuire's Olrtrti House. San r'runcigeo, whero they llcturulng'to New York IloliokKU—Al tlie Lyric (H. l\ SuulkT, ■uutiiRei') Muluets was furuhuvi' cipccla- t ouj week ending .lun. 10: "No Mntber to Ouldo Hur' Jan SO-SK "The Moonsbluer'a Owitliler" 21'JO, "Cuuiesalons of u Wife" » t -oil. Bai'lIlD (A. M. Kruggptuanu, proprietor). —«cck of Sli Herbert Hlcc. Artfinr Hill aud roDiiwny, Iu -Hustpr's A'lslt to Ills Aunt;' Sudlc Leonard, 'i'eu Hrooko. Lam. Iiprt and coninany, Ulla Taylor, Emmersoii and Baldwin. M.urav K. Illlf.and. i, n Vpp- elal attrae Ion. I.ewU SteCurtf apd cotDiiauy, lb "ner Last Robeurs.il." Uusloess iii- tluues Pirelleot. ' ->'«os---'l'lle syndlculi' Inlereeled Iu luc ngMM of the now Hiratrrt.lo this eliv. mat with so many liurjedlmcnls uud no eiplann- tlous froin the bullrl'ujt lns|Ketors. thai tliev have lually appealed lo the Supreme Court ror-redress. /,i'!"JH? t, " y — At ,b >' S »">J' Thontre jfrart K. Moorp. ninnngerv Irene MversTo in roper orr. did well .Fan. 14-11!. "tho l'rw iflBS 1 u-'B ««"«" business 17. "The Km- !? K ft!" -..V'"" v,,r - v "iHWssfnl IS. til. Al 0. Hold's JlUistrels Ml, "The Won nt .1 the anj.nnd ltutberford, MuJestlC Trio und Sadie Played all Winter. Julia GoiulH-rs city |n jsjp. ||„ . Niirc—Miiddcn I'ltzpatrljt and eompauy, und shurtly afterward St. M. Hoolev aud .ilf.™,. S'°' - ,0 "/'B »,»(«; prcsentad with Camiitwll droppnl but and stu'rted u «.u- nuieh churnia by^tbc ISIks'sljodgo last 'Mod- "uny of their own. ealllnc II HooleVa Mln- dayulgbl utter lln'lr uet. Large honsos nl- slrels. liugeoe was engaged as prlm'u donns. Jumes Vnaworth Jolnea them In 1800. and he and_i;ugenc were billed us the two slale. '", 1S01 they started Unswortti's MlnHrels, with James L'nswortb. Eugone and J. K IHnilkcr as proprietors. TTlev were vrrv successful until the war brake out, es- lH>elall.v In Cauadu. The tuklng of Fort tended nil the past week, one'uf ihc™b03t hills of tho season being preseuted. ' : . . Hartford—At Furaous Theatre (H. C. rarsons. uianuger).llobl_J.orralne, In "Man end l-upernniu.' lind birgo. houses Jan- 11. 1-. ^'On the Mouutulus" IS. "ColulugThro' tbo Rye" IU. ■ —f""-«T Surnter c.„»d.huslne.s.to.ffiop"aud thev E5U"??„ m '2i %S IlAlm-oui) preui Horn (U. I[. Jennings. S^HH if Ogtlensburg, R. y. Eugene and *„',/ ■M^Shnf i! '."".?":'•—»'• % Murllu'e 'Lncle ToiK kV*^ 0 ^.*^' 1 ' "'^'o England, where tbey SSjSVSSt^ I'nMn ' drew good houses H-10. "HowHVarls Are ltrokeii, 17,10. s,\.k j ■ - ,—-..---- ,---=• -"■• —-"a vaudeville rHTtortner. dlctl fn Hot Sprlh^, Ark.. jj,n. li. Ik .van a member of Philadelphia "HP. Kt), «. T. M. A. Ifltt wife survlvea biro. -Uobcrt X«II, an actor,r died-at his" both*". 00 ureliani'Htrect. Newark;' N; J., ou Jan. in. from ltrlsrliTV' dlaease' aud pncuaionia. Mr.'AcllvHTisj bwrn la North OtmnTx 3. about" forty years; ago. Hewent to-Nemirk" M'hcn a lad and attended'St.'Janip*'Parochial tjctipoL WllllaDi 1". Cody (Buffalo BUI) took u fancy lo him, and*'gate-Jluh rt poeltlun with bis Wild West, Show. Mr. Nell put lo h evco- tecn mn on the stage; playing in various roles. We catoe In for attention In Newark Muring tbe period bo was a member of the slock. companies at the Columbia and Um- plro Theatres. He was a member of Newark -' Elks, aad tbe Artors* Or* Interment will be In tho ige. ut- tau hotel. He wnt, uvenly-t yean old. Mr.'CoIllus was an actor In 1 when lie appeared at Barnum's Mnwiaii 8taM;t hm Bruadway, New York. He pi heavy parts and: was Iu enmnSi Booth. Barrett, Scott, Forrest and l famoua actor?. Hie lafet engagement flaw years ■ago.- with Bub FttzsImmoDE' comn At that time he was taken 111 and his i became ulu?ost- a blank, comiielllojf hiu give up. stage work. He recovered, utf jraf. ii.:ver hhusolf afterward. He bouBht 1 ictoriit Hotel about Uftecn years aeo. wlf«- aarvlvea hfui. ■ Op. John H. Yoduk, u retired i. and futber yf Horencr. HamHton, the acti died: suddenly at bis home In Bridget lonn., Jan. ,15. He was.hi earlv life a dated wjth ICdwln -Boolb, John '.Mctulk nnd fcdwln Forrest, nnd had pluved Ui s companies In Rochester, NV Y., and Chic III., a quarter of a, cnitury ugo. lllv set wife, Miss tlamllton'B stepmother, surr: her husband only twelve hours. The do funeral occurred Jan. .18. W. W. Weal, formerly an aclor. died blrj hoaic Iu Akron, (>., ou Jan. IV. froat i cer. He had retired .from the stage at seven yours.ago. Mr, jM was the e« or the Orauis Medicine Co., aud a mea of Akron Lodge,.363,;B. p. O Elkft. who I the'< funerat bervli-cs. He feaves one broi: a non-professional. John Wealey, an actor, rtow uamt private life was John Wolbcrt. died »t .mother's-liome, -144 JelTersiai Strrel. Bui N. Y.. on Jan. 13, aged forty-seven ft ne waa on tbc stage fur about tweuty ye ■ retiring about twelve years ago. ou acco of III health, since which time he lias II ■ ui Buffalo.. IIIh mother., two brotaori i three sihtarB survive him. B. <J. ntltoii. formerly of the vaud'i team, ctatk and Milton, died ou Dec. IT, ihe HgLVptlan Uovernuieut Hoppltul. at St from abscese on the liver. lie was on way. home, from India aud Cbhiu, aftei Jwu years* engagemcut. nib wife t,urrl ■DA Edward WHtr. au actor, fortuFrly lit- Pl|r« Btock Co dIefl , a&t wwk ot catnr, IU.- - • —-r - '". «■£ ■ — . r,:. . ... ,WE ST V ; Qf;(.U SX\, WUerllhirri^Altbe Court Theatre <E. ■I'vanzhclnt. luanagurv:- "The County Ftl j-k i» n( .,i w.,,4*i-turas. Mario tubttl, "JIarrylneMary,*'22.,.' - Gbanu Onu Houaa- (Chas. A. Feto manager).—"The Clay. Baker." J-l-10. 1 good-reiniiia. 'Hjueen of tin; 'Conch-ls." Il», uTil ' nig. 4 T*be "UlbsoJi Ulrl" -'!• "Around the Clock" IM-l'i;. BuiUri-(Claud.Nelson, manager).—b'lll Vaon ending 1!) gave satlBfaction. lw g< vctwrnr. Peojilc for week or ^1: Hurry i Bulb Orville, SpeilUeu aud Henvii. '''iint luno and Siollti, the I'hrcc Lcuh. and the m hip pleturca. v . . C.\srn: mm (H. \V. Uogers '"» gee).—This house bus been caaagri IrWj vHudeviiie to □ c>mblnatIoii bOusf. "I Man trinii-till'*WeaC'■held- the Ua»«v 17- instead of-B?rf MvCann Co.- The first tb wights Jant weelf the- homw was dark- 1 Bert 'MeCaon Itepertorv Co.- week of "I - .OAiKrr <Ktfwln■ lVr* Miner, uiaua^r) ITtls houBe, week eudtnit lo;*-was-dark- coutlunvu to Ol-'M. • •* SOUTH-CAROUKA. Charleatun—At the Academy rf *■ (Chas. B. .Matilii'W?. uiutiug^ri "I'> ' jam Fault" bad u fnir hmme Jan. II- !■ Jefferson, In "Hip Van -Winkle," ■ pkawl ...■ml licavlljv •"*"""' t™>rtcd all tnrungh Bufland una ticrmnuv. oifiT™ ■ r„in.." .. ,j.. . hd»«Mi-U;Kl Wjt-lmalovwMSr'illuHrr Kn.» mSPI? l^°IMw! : t,a\'K r a, 1 d'°ri! 1 -~'1!a! ^Wf U *«3tS'- »-« w|a - B0 "»2 ' I--™ B&SkMSBSm* BUftK WomaslclDK :•'• t'lit Vlowlu Mluwti" JIp.«»»l ™ s ,<"",,» taan. Imt a woman. After travrl- Mr». Jloiuij- Barry, Quaker Cltr oinmat •"? ■'" '.'eruiany they wait tack to London. Avery and-Hart. Lillian Tycc, Lavtwa and W'-P*''" »»<l Kujenc opened at Uie Xamon uud elcclrograiih. - 1 "" IWU " uu Cunterlairy and Oiford Jluslc Halls. tLen === ' HSIgQ g Mr ' ^»rt<m- Tnw remained In London tliree yeara. playinn with great sue- 0 ''r!: &?!f' wh J e J'. '^ .°P»n«l In Liverpool, with Wilton-* MontaWs JflnifrelK. nrw ' .lllioca Ufll. There (Gey prnluivd nil IllMr IHeees. pmj a lujr there four year* la 18UK Dan Kry.int to Olivn In l-'ourteenll, Uinvl, How owupred Igr' Tony 1'LOH* /,.(ni:LDt: baa been encaged for lead- on noon Iu nayioOuil mfdwwk'a Oom- IHiuy. In nppcar In- -A 1 -Ytinkw Tourist," the opera; Into wlileh Mr. nitrluwek'. - s makeup us a nrcro cirl wan so --^ i^r-'■ w " 1 l^aP,,ai- WIIIM ■■■M. i|r«w mi I-til. ■'■^:iah'-" Co that the bermans used to bl- sure h? *°o later bocametbe propr lator tUtStfyg «aU5,"CbeclterB', ? 'L'o. it a man, but a woman. After trovrl- ' : TAC! WE'RE rt lTp' aK^rj^5ft^jjaft^"*3J^.sa^ XAOBt new cimile shr^ss^^fmmj We guaranliw "it." . WILLI ASt BAi. I nt,. : .-mamiuar.. Jio Went ASHi Bt, Hew, York- . - SraU FUR CATAlWl't: c.