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JANUAKY26. IVfcLK NEW YOBK ©IalFFBJIfc 12«7 C. Fred Fischer's Novelty Goon Song* Greatest "Hit" in 20 Years, Bar None !!! IF THE MAN IN THE MOON WERE A COON" Being lung by more rent "Hrndllner." than any other 10 Hoi.g.. The .Hue. for Ifcl. inng aie po.ltlr.Iy Ihe lint.I in Abulia. 1* you I'onbt it, ,.. tipiii, iS.HO per iel. A ROOM TO BIT IN HY HEART FOR TOD' h* AnotUcr Novelly Bong. Jn-t n Utile different from anything else. PublUhed In all key*. Drtn't mi.i It. "I'M THE KID m BUILT»PYRAMID" 1 " THoM.it Oilglnal Cerate 8ong ever nrltt«i> In America. II will ••tonlih yon. By CURTIS A. DUVAL. "SIAPANEE" "LET ME DOWN EASY" The Indian Pang.th*t "Senilis" ell otlnu* ~NAHO ny bBNAHO and WILLIAMS. N. B. Prof. Copies of an; of the above "tits" sent free for recent program, A Great Comic Coon Song, with a good .lory. A positive "Scream. 1 Address WIU-L. Rl MS Washington St., CHICAGO, ILL. '" ' '" : "P " blS '•"'1r A Ileal Ballad, by FLOYD THOMPSON. Beautiful .lid... 15,00. YOU'VE GOT TO BE AMERICAN TO FEEL THAT WAY" Jt>w Vorkrn jtlfi.ifl mil or writ* LBN .iPKNCeR'8 LYCEUM, ,„,, I ■ S*W f *»* M., »»w York, ....,„.., —Li! I I I . ' . " *m* weeli wae good. Next, Lew Fields, in "About Town." Majrstic (W. C. Frldley, manager).— "TLio, Mayor of Tokia^.ai-iiU. "The Wizard of 0;s"..hnd--crowdcd.,.hou8es. "The County Chairman" 28 and week. Uka.no {Milton T. .Mlddlcton. manager).— "Young Buffalo" this week. "Old Isaacs from the Bowery" did well. Next week, "Nellie, the Beautiful Cloak Model" bijou (Mrs. Snootier, manager). —The Spooner Stock Co. 21 and week, in Thomas Oakley's "The Charity Nurse.". Edna May Spooner plays Bessie Caalmt-rs. Augustus l'hllllpH It) seen to advantage. Business was flue last week. Next, "MtIcb Aroon." Columbia (Chad. II. Warn manager).— "Kidnapped for Itevenge" 21-20. Sidney Toler nlavod to bin bOWMM. In "How Baxter Butted In," 14-10. "The Four Corners of the Earth' 1 28 and week. QBi>iiii>uu (Percy Williams, manager).— Morle Dressier, who ueored such a pro- nounced success last week, la held over toe the current week as n kcadlinor. Others are: Poster and Foster, the Hengler Sisters, Creo Bros..' Ed. Blondel and company, Herbert Brooks, Patty-Frank Troupe, Hn| Merrltt.,lli<- vltagraph. and. as an extra attraction. Mili- tary Octet. Business Is to the capacity of the bouse. III'm. & BeKsian's (Nick Norton, mana- jjei-).—Xed Wayburn's "Dancing Daisies' head a good bill 21 and week. Others are: Lew Sully. Basque Quartet. Ouycr and CrlBpl, Monroe. Mack and Lawrence, Klta- mura Tronpo of Japanese, tjulnlan and Mack, the klnetugraph and. as au extra attraction, Urals' bnboons. Business was big last. week. Kkenxy's (Tbao. Wenzllk. manager).— Another good bill Is seen here 21-20. Ye Colonial Septette, presenting "An Okie Tymo Hallowe'en:" See Saw Girle,. Billy,. Johnson. Arthur nud Mildred Hoylan. Howell and Scolt. Drako's tdieep and dogs., Conners and Albert, klnotograph, and Felix, Barry and company. <■, Sriii (Archie Ellis, manager).—The Night Owls 21-2C. The coiapaiiy Is large, aud In- cludes a number of pretty girls. In the oilo are: The Three Connolly Sinters, Fields and Fields, Belle Hallaway, Cart Anderson, nnd Frank Pnveuport. Big business last week. iMrT.uUL lW« C. OayloT, manager).—Tho Twentieth ■ Century Girls .have possession here *J1 and week. The olio includes: Bitter and Fosler, Joe Wnts-m, Touia Haulon, Morton ami Diamond, Billy Noble, and Cor- nalla and Eddie, (.nod houaes past week. Telleb'b Buoaiiway (Leo C. Teller, lessee). —" 'Wav Down East" this week. That the play haw lost none of Us popularity Is evi- denced hy Ihe week's advance sale, Lust week "Mr. Hopkfnson" played to crowded houses. Next, "The Utile Cherub." POLLY (Bennett Wllnon, manager).—"Bed- ford's Hope." wllh Its roiillstlc features, opened night of 81. The indication** point to a big week. Big boiiMea lastweek, with "The Confessions of a Wife." Next, "Tom, Dtck and Harry." . _. Gayety (.Tames Clark, manager).—The Hose Illll Follv Co. this week. The olio brings out George W. It Ice, John K. Cain, and T. F. Thomas* Henrietta Wheeler and Idylla Vyii- itwr, Putton and Van, Cain. Evans ..and Wheeler, and Blanche Neweomb. "The Royal Billy Gouts" is the title of Ihe comedy. The Four Londons are an extra, attraction. Laat week the Jerscv .Lilies Jiad a big week. Next, tho Night Owls Co. Wovblty (Charles E. Williams, manager). '—This weeks bill Ib mode-tin of Tom Nawn and company, George C. Davis, Eddie Mack, Henri French, tho TiillerB. and the Sleeds. Business last week was large. Blanbv's (Morris ScblessLngcr, manager). —"How Baxter Butted In" I* this week's drawing card. Sidney Toler has the prin- cipal role. "The Cow-Puncher" had n large week, ending ll>. Next, "A Despcrnle Chance." Gotham (Edgar P. Olrard. manager).— The people this week are: That Quartette, composed of Sylvester, Jones. Prlugle and Morrcll: Binns. Blnns and Blnna, Sydney Grant, Alelde Capltalne. McKay and Cant- well, Zay Holland, and Matthews and Harris. Business continues big. „„, Payton's (S. S.,Allon, manager).—"Tlie Christian" this week. Crowded houses last week, with "Pot Old Time's Sake," -Next, "Driven From Home." tiYcnvu (Louis rhlllips, manager).— "The Southern Vendetta" this week. Good buslae.s last week with .".ller SlBtcr's Shame." Tna employks of Tony Postor's Theatre will hold their annual ball at Tammany Hall, on Jan. 20. There will beta gentleman team buck dancing contest for the Richard. K/ Pox medal, open to all comers.., Oiacomo Puccini, composer of "Manon Lescaut^" ■ "La Boheroe, ■•Tosca" and "Madam Butterfly." arrived In this city Inst week. .* •., "Bio Oca" Lgiimann, who was for over forty-llTe years associated with the.Atlantic Garden, on the Bowery, died on Jap. -'0, nt his home, m Division Street, from pneu- monia. .. m and most chtectainlng allows seen at Ihlit ciair.^MiK Lntlua/Murray sUUrs, Milton house so fac.ilie present season. "Tho Girl with the Bed Domino'.' proved to be n huge hueceas. niia-.cuused- the house to bo poena ■t everv ircrfovmauce. In the olio were: Pierce and Opp, Browning nnd RentlfT'. and the Musical Hodge*. Tlie-Vsnity Pair Co., with John L. Sullivan, week of 21. and -Kaiser ahd tho kl&etoKrniib. . sniTifiici- (Prod Befftor Jr.. resident man- nircr).—D-- Wolf llppper..packed the linimo 12. . "On R'nroltf"„«few goiKl-HouMrt 17-H>. Pnnllnc the hypnotic, la hookfrd 21-20. Nutks.— The marriage of Hay Aiwell, of Mi it* city, to Blanche Went, -la announced. Both are members .of the Marie Cahtll Co. ..DAvid Khnbert, father/of tbC Shuherl Alt»any.—At Harmanus BleeckerllolMH. Hrothers. Is visiting In this city..... .At B. Jacubfl, manager) Jan, 14-10 was a Una convention Hall, tlm 8t. Oogc Bros., blcy- NEW YOIIK STATE. luitTnio. — At the. Star (P. C. Cornell, mnnager). Annie Uusscll, In "A .Midsummer Night's Dream," Is the attraction Jan. 21 oqu week. "His Honor, tho Mayor," 28-30; Emma Curub,Jn "Too Near Home,".Sl-Fcb. 8. Richard Mansfield had the season's f>aii- iier three-night enKagemeut, and "Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch" did well. ; Convention Hall (II. U Meech, custo- dlan>.—Walter Damrosch and bis orchestra, in a Russian programme, under Mai D. 8mltb*i local direction, received .a splcodld greeting 14. Lhevinne did well 19.. Lyriu (J.; Laugh!In, monager).^—Bertha Kalich. In "The Kreutzcr. Sonata," ^1-2:): "The Rose of the Aihambra" 3641. "The Flower . Girl" delighted numerous visitors last week. .. Suba's.— The bill for 21 and week in- cludes : Adele Ritchie. Valerie Bergerc, In "A .Bowery Carallle;" Cliff Gordon, the Ivremka Brothers, - For time end Davis. Mul- len and CoreiM, Veinon and Murphy and Francis. Buaiuess continues excellent. AcaopmV' (P..C. Cornell, manager),—"The Gypsy Girl" l*l-?0. "A Marked Woman" 26- Feb. 2. "The way of the Transgressor" proved satisfactory. ... LAfAYBTTB (C. M. Bagg. mnoager.).T~Tho Thoroughbreds wool; of 21. The Washing* (on Society Glrla 28 and wiek. The Colonial Belle*-wre well received 14-10.■ ■ <:,mtii;N (Chas. C. Whltr, manager).—The Great. Itehman Show 21-2ii. Hyde's Come- dians and "Blue Ribbon GlrliT 23-Fct>. 2. John L. Sullivan nnd Bub Muuchcstor's Van- ity.. Fair swent everylhhig before them last week, and'amused big attendanues. Tuck (P. C, Cornell, manager).—Tliomn* K. Shea 21-2t(. Cecil Spooner, In "The Girl Raffles." week of 28. "Around tho Clock" did fairly good business 14-10. business week, with varied attractions,and well Dlled houses at every performance., Mon- day and Tiiesduy; 14, 13, three performani-cs of !'Tho Lion and the Mouse" drew crowded audiences, Grace George, In "Clothes,.- de- lighted a wry large audience 16. Viola Allen, Iti "Cymbelloe," 1". pleaded a particularly large audience. Uobt. Loroloo, 1'S, In "Man nflu Superman," appeared before a sold out theatre. David Hlgglng. in "His.Last Dol- lar,", pleased two Immense audlonccs 10. Mr. Hopkfrison" -21. K* . . , Pboc'iou'8 (Howard Graham, resident man- ngor).—A BU-ong uove)iy bill brought out- good business 14-10. Applause was directsd mostly as Hnsscn Ben All's Arabs. Willy Zimmerman and Jane Courtl-opo nnd conj- nanv, In a sketch. Pint 1 business ruled all woek. Week of 21: Ithodes nnd Carter. TA'tn. A. Inman and company, Toxarkana and Walbv, Dclmore Sistcre. Victoria's Bogi, Rl- ulto Four and "A Night lu English Uudo- Ejiruin (TIiob. R. Henry, resident mono- gp P ).—Burleaque held tbentteutlon of the- Hiregoers here, who turned out. In .large numbers last .week. , The . Dainty- DdchesH Co. entertaiiied 14-10, beghinlttg wJtli n laughable burleaqne. "Chile Con Cnrnl," and eudlng with "Tbo University Girls." ctlHts, .very Uio attract io:i last week. iiiafmtiut).-"Brooke nnil his Chicago litarlno liniiileontlNue.to uuod hnxinea^. ; OllVljKliM tMurrlii lleek, general m«iiagef). - -linn Edwitnla' School Boys and illrla pruVfd a uniid huidllner week of 11, Big box- otttcn ronifim iiutde mmral Mnnager Tom VAlhstrtT. wear his Impplrat smile. BUI for week of 21: Empire Chy Quartern 1 . Patiy Ilnw., Klto- BiiuzNl Jiumnve TruiiiH!, Eugenia Baker, PiMO. linker, Sniulerson and Boone, ami Cnhlera. . NuI-bh.— The llngenlwek Trained Animal Show abandoned Athletic Park as Winter iluAt-tcm, nud pulled stn!u:a for ClfKinpnti, wect-.of II Uoniy Lubmaun, itssncluto Itntoii Ititnue Arm«uV (|t, A. Bailey, realdeut mapagerl. .-WiiHly ft-Marr' Large nttendamv hist wook.. Wit-week of ffitjowl 21: Hh'o nnd mvwii, Whlttlitnn Hlstera nud WUHc-Rooliisoh, Gsidnoi' and Vincent, Mil* Klcnl Slmpsotis, Leo Carlllo. and .Mills and Morris. ...-,..<. -.- ■■ . ■ n . KANSAS. - . At the KUinV Theatre, I •omi«11y k rlafllMd'H Mltixtrels cmnn Jan. 14, ' toi.ttudtt I'linUUM. -The One Womaii." M, ptiMUKd. Pftul (lllnini-D. in "At Vale." ft flibwiiri to'rt. K, U„ and pleased. "The ltoynl Olicf." Ill, did tin? bugliiciiii, and t enve a good ..., lu "The Freedom of subline-." 14, came (o fair buKinwe. Harry Bfrfsflird; In "Tlie AVoninn Hater," HI; 101- dorado Btoek Uo. 1MH. "Enat Lynne" 2U, allow, .Jane Cocurhn, "uaniifj" ■' Leavomvurlli,—At Hie .Crawford Grand Opera HotlHt! (M, .1. CuiinHiibauv resident manager) Mnlinra'a Minstrels, .Inn. 11, had a t6l" heavy busliii-sn. Maild .Pealey,,in , "Thi! Illusion of Beatrice," pleaded n Urge autll- etice 12. Arlhur Dunn bad fair buslrtVB* 14. Adelaide Thurslmi, in "Tlio Girl tfora" Out Xfflftl^'VJ?' .Myli 1 '' 1 FlttHlmilHMlB, .111. "A CAI.II-'OHMA. NEW YORK CITY JOTTINGS. A new . four act comedy. "Letters, by Oliver H. Booth, will be presented for the first time by the students of the American Academy of Dramatic ArtB. at the Criterion Theatre, Friday afternoon, Jan. 2.1. A new- one act play, "The King's .TMrbway," by LI. Whitman Bennett, will precede the corned/. Jtairs Witkabk, of the music pubUBtilng house of M. Wltmark £ Sons, Is again at his post with that firm. His return to his lm- Kriant.duties with the. Wltmark "Beehive." s been marked by scores Of cordial greet- ings and expressions of good will from his legion of friends and members of the the- atrical profession gonerally.-. HAaoiNo II. Colpitt, whoi wob .appointed superintendent of Keith * Proctors Fifth Avenue Theatre when that house began lis present vaudeville season, has filled that no* ■Itlon with great credit since, and ban be- come very popular, bv reason of his courteous treatment of the patroua. , ... am. hue RnxAum tho French baritone, sailed for Europe last wa>k. Ho announced bis intention or singing here three months next year. Nahas Piianko. conductor nnd concerf- tnelster.of.the Met/opolltuu DMM Uuiute W dic&tru, huk i'wlgu.d. - Rochester.—At the Lyceum (M. IS. Wolff, manager) "A Midsummer Night's Dream" had four, very large and well pleased audiences- Ucsldcs the star, Annie Russell, who did ex- cellent work, 'John Bunny, Oswald Vorke, Catherine Proctor and Lansing Rowan also found favor. "Tbo Little Mlchua" was given its first performance on any stage In this country Jan. 17-10 It is u comic opera, in three acts, from the Fmieli libretto of MM. Van Loo and Durul, Hie English version by HVnry Ituwlllon, music by Andre .Messagcv. lyrics bv 1'ercy liiwnbank. The-plot Is u very light one, concerning the mixing up of two twin HiKlcrs, and the Impossibility of tilling which Is which, until .after both aro grown up to beautiful womanhood. Tho cast: Murlo Blanche, Marie McFurlsud: Itlnnchc Marie, Mary McFarland; .Madame MIchu. Ellta Proctor Oils; Mile. Hcrpln. May Xunlson; Mile. Julie, Ruth Bnlnc: Goston Rlgaud. William C. Weeden j Pierre MIchu. George Fortesquc: Xiagnolet,, Ernest, Lum- hert: Arllstlde \Vrt. Harold Crane: Se- bastion, Siarony Lambert; Madnuie Dii Tetic, Mabel Cox ; Madame Uoiiseltn, MayfirlllltbH : Madame Dc Saint Pltar, Lllllun Grey; Ma- dame D.i Albert. Harriet Du Harry: lir- nealfrte. Ethel Moulyn: Loir. * Violet 7«cll: ivni'i. Francea Du Barn-: Pnmehi, Emily Wellington: Palmyra. Zelda Haundurs; Ida, Lotta I'urker; Fruuclne. Itutli .lullaii ;;,I'^- li^llp, Ethel Dudley ; General Dps IfB, George Graves. George Graves, an English com- edian, In the leading comedy role, made his first appearance In this country, und made u good Impression. Ellta Proctor Otis. Wil- liam C Woeden, Geo. Forteaque and Ernest Lambert made Individual successes. J. C. Duff gave the plav-a very handsome mount- ing. , Augustus. Barrnt conducted. Lips In Yiddish Co. 21. Buffalo German Stock Co, 22, Henrietta Crosmnn 23. "Uls Honor, the Mayor," 24-20. i National (Max Hartls, manager).— "Ruled Off the Turf" proved to bo a clever and most Interesting racing melodrama, 14- 16, playing to big returns. Oeorgte Mack mado a big hit. The ; cver popular "Sky Form" h8<5 large and Immensely ploQued audi- VMM 'IT 13. (Frttcc Cameron, in "Little Dolly Dimple')." 21-23; Cecil Spooner, In "Tho Girl Ua BAKHn"(Mrs. T. J. Boyle. ttgna«r).-Tbe opeqlng.wwk ot the .'laker Theatre Stock Co. nrovod to be a big suwese 14. "The Con- festlons of>a Wife" being the bill. BuslneMs was large. The entire company, without ex- ception, Immediately cau(rbt on, and Will, no doubt,' prove- popu'ar in succeeding ptodnc- tlona. Hughes and Brown. Panule Collins, end moving pictures gaV-e entertaining vaude- ville between the acts. "For ller Children s bake," with the act of Cecelia Watson, 21 and week. . .. ..*„■■ ^_ * Cook Opbm IIocse (J. U. Moore, mans- g-r).— Valerie Bergere sod company headed one of the best bills of the season Inst week, and business was 8, It. 0, Bill week of 81: Arnold Daly nnd company, JoimTrtord and Mayuie wt.ru>, UlnnW Ford, Bedford and WUtChftftter, John T. Kelley nml-conipaiiy, itA P. ICetley and Annlo M, O'Brien. Ma O'lhtv, Johii and LouIh Holler, and klneto- grf"»K CosltKTrtiAN. (TTinry C. .Tacobs. mnnnger>. —a'UU \ivii lull CO* X4TK vWJ tl Ute UiYti-Lfct Quick, BrokcrH. 1 ' were both full of laughs. Prominent In the olio were: BhtM Leslie. Le Boy and Le Van Ion. and the lllatts. The Iiieamlnnd Burlesoncrm headed by Dave Marlon, 17-10. gave n jileaslng eniertaln- ment. nnd had good busliiens. Merry Bur- IcHQUers 21-2:1, . . ■ . Nom—Elide Dc MntI, of Ihe Avenue Girls Co., and Harry Becker, leader of the on.-licBlra, were married hist week lu New York, but tho- news did not leak out until Monday. At the conclusion of the perform- ance they were showered with rice and old shoes. .. It will Iti" completed by May nml will lie devoted exclusively (o high elm vaudeville., . . Klmira.—At the Lyceum (M. Pels, man Iger) the Chicago Stock Co., In repertory, nioved Inrgc patronage last week, with the excellent,business, cxeeptlon of Jan. Id, wheii Andrew Mack ap- peared lu "AiTull-Na-Fugue." FAMILY (W. C, Mlddlcton, manager).— The bill Inst week compi-lned: Luco and Luce. lm Itols and t-omnany, John Clinton. Eleauor llltinebard, the Harry La Hose company and motion uletaim mil for week of 21 In- eludes: Guk Edwards' mutual comedy, "Hoy Wanted;" tbo Three Luelfcra, Le Hoy, Ben- son and company, Howell and Emerson, Rice Hrothers and the motion pictures. Business continues big. Uialto (F. W. MacCouncll, manager).— FranltB and Pranks nit tlie. only new faces for the week of 31, the following people hold- ing over: Bland Sisters, May Ilocy, Dolly Bland, May Mil burn* Clmrh's llsmer and 11- CuAV>villi*. — At the Jefferson (It. H. Palmer, malinger) "Tile Awakening of., Mr. Plpp." Jan.-0, did good business. "Murked for Life" phiyed 12, inatlu'ee and night. Ar- t»ln Plnyei'S opened HI. to a packed house, aud roiuulii lnde|lnlt*-Iy, to piny open dules. "TheDevH's And Ion" ITi, Ireiurn rniirMe num- ber. 10. GniiM-NelMon light pictures 17, "The Little- Homestead" 18, canceled: "Tho Holy City" JO, "T|i« Maid and the Mummy" 21, canceled; "Olo Olatm" 20. Oi-EiiA Hoise 1.1. II. Tnckctt, malinger).— Hella-Catterlln Winter Stock Co. continues to -•**»♦- ,<)l IMANA, Xew Orlruim.—At the TilUue (T. _iiniib*'ll, mun hunusoutely sin drew* large audi nnd ever,\ inemlsj cd appreciation. big advance sole awaiting them. FilUl Scbcff week of 27, Cbekckst (T. C. Cowpbetl. ninnagej),— Nat M. wtlln. pt'Cflenlhig "A Lucky Dog." opened 38, to capacity, and drew 1 big crowds turougbont the week.. The supporting com- puny, a large and clover one. snared honor* Lom Aiitfele*.—Al the Manon Opera House ill,■■('.- Wynit, nlaonger) "Simmi lu Ueurch of n' Iliisbahd," prewnted by Isalier Irving and, - company, cloned n week's engBge- rtlent -Inn. lit, JAthes o Nelll 14 iiud w«ek. lir "The Voice of thu MlKhty" and "Monte CrUto." , ■ ... ,"t ' ;■ AuhiTomrM (Spniks M. Berry, munageli. —The Ferris-Stock Co. continued the pro- duction of "The Holy Clly" ntuither week, opening 14, due. to lm grenl sm-i'vas for week ending 12. "The CowTiov and the Lady" la the ntlracllon 21 nud, week. IhXArii'o (John II Bhtckwood, luhmiuer). —Th«* sleek emi]iunv preneiHeil "Sliore Ai'I'i-k" to fair biiHluvsH wei>k ending 12. "The DlcUilor" wax the nitraction 14 and week. "Unnsou's Polly" 21-2(1. Moiiosro'H 111 iriiANK (Oliver Moroseo, lunti- itger).—The slock company i-hmed the Hiie- ond week of lis HiiveeHsfii] run of "The Judge nnd the Jury" 12. "Dnrothv Vernon, of Hiiu- dotl Hall." wuh prcHi'iilcd week of Kt-10. "A Navajo's Love" 20-21). UitAMi Or);nt llnuHt; .(('laruuce Drown, miinitgci) —"fluster llrown" played u t-wo wceka etigagemeul lo eieetlent f-turnu. Wiml's Mlnsti-eU wan we'i n I tended 111 nud week. "SIk IlopklliH" 2<i, und week. . - UMMtRi'M (Miiitln Beck, gi-nciul munnger). —The f'-Hliirea 14 and week were: Einllbi lloae, May Fdoiiln, In "A Bachelor'.. Dream:" Menetokol, the Unlit lh-arx, Walter C. Kelly, . l-.(i, I*. IteyiiHld, WUhoii'm innnki-y, ".tenHle:" UYrk u,m! Uner, and the Orpheum motluti pie- turrs. U.vitiin, illviil* ft Zallee, proprietors).—Tlie Mil 1. aud week Inelndi-a: JtnwHon's trained und inuatmiaioir.f^^ pictures, wltfi' the ^popular .atar. '.'Gay New, York 1 Huslnesjs nig. wci-k ot 5 20,J'Bii«ter Brown-' 2. aha week. js— The NoTus—The local lodge of Elks held Its an- unci social session 10, Luce and Luce, from the Family Thsstre, giving an entertaining musical pvrformance... ...The Rlalto m he. lag much Improved both lu front and bo- hlnd the. stage Although no announce- incut baa been made, It Is suid that Henry Tavlor, who.managed Rorlck's Olen Then ten lait Summer, will be n'-cngaged- Tor the coming season May Mlllmrn U in her third week at the Rlalto. She ha» been u pronounced hit on the .bill. -■■-i ■ ■ '.. •' ■ ■ '- Troy,—At Hand's Ojicra House (II, T. Thompson, resident manager) Tommy Shearer and stock company drew good houcee alllast week. The BurnsO'Brlen Hglil pIcturcR Jan. 21', Clarence Bennett, In "The Warning Boll," Pboctoii'8 (William II. Grnham. resident manager).—The bill for 21 and week: Harry Tate. Daly and Dcvere, .Leona Thurber. Kcnnev and llollis, Pouter and his. dog, •Mike;" Hughes Musical Trio, and Klta- mtira Jap*tnene Trodne.' LyCeum ax. H. Sellor, manager).—Dream- lan4,3iu>W^ The m ^^^J^^^^i 0 opera f?™wetS Avenue Girls u I ed tbo iumsc W ■ he of U ,m big bnafnesi. iireienhac "II trow. Merry Maidens 21*28, the Merry Bufleequcrs t( ,„., ,*%£% V»m5k n "Cevalerla Hustl nager).- The new fnrue cinnnlv. "Dooley's Vnmtlun," was the offering of Hie stock company l-'l and week. . Pt-qi-t.K'K (J. M- Itolhehl.'d, manager).— For tbo week of .lJI-20 Ihe Howord &. vornon Co, priiHonU'i) "A Gambler's Swceihcart," to excellent satfsfuctlon., . , ,mm i mi . , § i i | i i oiiUlunil. — At tho Macd'oiioiigh (Chas. P. Hall, rnnimger) nlga KelherHulu, In rupvr- lorj'. drew capacity audiences week vitdlng Jan. ut. "Qulncy Adania Mawyur',' 14-20. OlgH- NeOieriole relumed for..one twrform- aiicu of "Sap|in" (triiitlnee) Jan. 17. .LiuKiiTY til. W. Bishop, uinnuger),— Blsbup'a Stodk Co,, in "Wo 'Una of Tennes- S'.f," drew eieeiirnr housett week ending tit, Blwhop's t'onipmiy of pluyors, In "At the White Horse TaV(iru, ,r 14-20: SchumaDn- Hulnk, contralto. In concert, 21. UmtiA Pahk OrKlv llot'HH (If. W. Htahop, ninnuger).—Tho Mora,Opera Co,, lu "Tbo Toy Makm*" (fourth week), drew packed housek week iMidiug iy. "The Queen's Lace Handkerchief* 14*5f>. , . r- Bum. (Ft). Hum tin, raanagor).—Atliic- tloiis* 14 and w^'k: Cooke- and Hothort, In BjLtiwjy (W. K. Hah.win; madagcr).— \*ff! original ".Yatikue Doodle Hoy and Girl;" •"Inlght" wus the offer ug * f,tnam <-»medy Four. I elglcr i^elgIcr Trio, ■ r|ng experts; Hie (.'aotslocb. Co., the Dinv luira, rilnglitg aud taFrdng comedians, and mo> tloVi plcturee. Business wan to capacity week nf 7-f2. Norm.Tv (Tony Lub&iskl, manager).— Jack Golden and company, presenting "A Fc!»ml of tie Family r Kurtls and Bmse and their talking dog, Bunch ; Burt Earl, ban- _. and Lvun; (Dav)H & LelimHiin: roaiing'-rn),- The BrowU'Bukei- Stock Co. did u luml oiilce liLixlness week of 14! presenting "East Lynne" It le doubtful If HiIm play wss rjw prenepied in this city In a more crcdli- ab)e manner than It was bv this compuny. tinder Ihe able dlree'lan of Stage Director Colin Cntiijibell. Edfth Knglln. thu clever lending lauv, who played tlie. lending role, has not been hpcu to better advantage this season, and won well deserved appreciation. The others of tin* company pleased. "Two Little Sailor Boy*" 21-20. - GHXENWArt* illy. Grcenwald, manager), —The TrniiK-Allantlc Hurler*t(uer«, prencnt- Ing u good bill, won much, appreciation from nod' sized* erowds 'hrougliout we>k of lit, Clark'K Runaway Girls 20-20, opening with n' Sunday matinee. H*Miwf>- (W. "On the Bridge at Ml inlght" wus the offering of the, Baldwin-Melville Stock Co. week of lit. and tbc company wis greeted at every performance by nnm crowds.- Tlie melu- drania was handeonielv staged and ably pro* seated. "A Marked Woman" 20-20. FnBKCU Oi'kha - HoUNK (Tbos. Bruliter, week 24-2i Ctlea At the Majestic (E. L. Koucke. resident 'manager) Vorke and Adams.- In "BanSers and BrpkerB," played a return dare to: a full bouse Jen. ,12. David Hlgglna,.ln "l|la Last Dollar," pleased a good, house. 1^. . ttuole/' "Cavalerla Hustl* can«" and "ftljrolleiti. SiiCnnftT (Sbubert Bros., managers).— Clay Clement, presenting "Sam Houston." week of 13. enjoyed u taoA engftgemeat. The Standard opera Co. will follow, Brooke's Wumtl Oabubx (T. P. Brooke, jolsl; (he thfeo Wilseyn, acrobats; purcella ami O'Brien, dancer». and motion pictures. Business was heavy last week. ... DweftHl mourni the loss of her father, who died in Albany, N. Y., oo Jan. Dora E. •ther, who ... II), from heart liiLltiro, "ViToen Women Love" was w< ?y. lecture did •fanch".had a Dr. A, J, Crapigy lecture did well 17. . "Ttje oin Prom the r received TO. , J n. J'T Q0& h&uso : Girl Prom the Ranch'Vhad a good h6uie'l8i Tbo Tweaty-olnhtb Separate, Company flllrd the bntlso with Grace George In ''Clothes," 15, ahs bciicrlt, and netted a mjng mitr. for tho biivo. The) ndvanco f.oln (or vmla Allen, 10, w.it l.iji.' Dr. A. J. CrapMy will Imna 21, Lip.il/ Yiddish: Co. 24, Uernn nnd ojtiicu ijgbt pioures 2.". 20 nnd matinee. OiiwiiXM (h, L. Koncke, resident mnnu- per>.—I,nj*t wcel:*it bill did well. ^This week: lifiuiUuuur, LiituU^uLt upviij tfiirrjf■" L*j OUR GOODS ARE "MAKING GOOD" f>*tywii*r«, b*WRiif*> tl.ry nr«* all we c-Ului thay ar*, ami MORE lo lis. Wa Kimiaulrs Vm, WILLIAM UAL, fno,, Maltm-s uf lin west 40 b St., Now Yofk. MOV I'OU CAliLOOW V. Th*-y h» flwrtsiioNAi