The New York Clipper (February 1907)

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1314 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. February 2. THE N EW YORK CL IPPIE THE FRANK QUEEN PUBUSHINQ CO.(Llmlt«f.) PROPRIETORS. ALBERT J. BQBIE, RnlTORIAl, ASP BCTjNMg ^tUNlOCT. '"'a miBDAYirEBRUAPV 2 . 1W7 - Kntc-rrd June 24, J879, »t the Fort Offlo •l Siw Vork, K. T„ na s«ona class mtmi, under th« act or Mareh a, 1370. HATE 6! AdTett!«ni™t»-j:.S» P« IMh ' ,,D «l <l •* ""wTtrtl'om.ntu •« wl ' h b0^ ' ,,!^ • ,0 rW cur. wtrs. „.„„ SUBSCBIFTIO!!. On« JMr, la ndTunw, »i: * ■montfci, *-: ,hm ionthi, II. Foreign po««« **■* Single cnple. will be lent, poslpnld, on re- ceipt ol 10 cente. Oar Term* n— C«,li. IBB CMPPEH ll Unied evew WednMflfiJ morning. The )o»t four (nnvrrtlslnai P»g« 00 TO PltESa on H»t»ra»y «t II■ »■ "•• " d toe other pegei <"> SlONOAlf on« TUESDAY. Tbe 1-ornw CloelnB VromvUr, T"«»" Unr ot'lO o'nloclc A. M. Ple««e remit by ejprera;. money order, clock, P O order or roglsiered letter. All ci«h en- dosed wltb letter Is nt the risk ot »ender. A.Idre.. All »;oromiinl<-ii«lo>i« to THB NBW YORK CLIPI'lSli, 47 West 2Sth Street, New York. ItrglltcrrA Cable AiirCM, "Aotiioriti." THE WESTERN BUREAU ot Tin Curran I" loi-Jted at Boom B04, ABblnnd nioik, Chicago, John T. 1'rlnce Jr.. msnog.r nnd correspondent, where mlvertlse- meniR and subscriptions are received ot our regalnr rates. THE LONDON BUREAU Locntwl at 48 Cranbourne St., London, W. C, John II. Carnej, manager and correspondent, where advertisements and subscriptions are received at our regular rates. Tub Clipper cm d» obi-aimsd, wuolb- saip. anii MtTAiL. at our agents, Ilrentano-s new* depot, 87 Avenue de TOpern, Paris, France; M. Lllienthal, Frederick Strasse 101 (Ttrmlmie Hotel), Berlin, N. W., Oer- muny; Diamond News Co., 07 Prado, Ha- vana ; Manila Book and Stationery Co., 128 Escolln, Jlnnlla, l'.l.: Albert A Son, 137- 1311 King St., Sydney, Australia. THE KEW VOUK CMI'PfSIt pnl>H»lie» only olu> rdlliiin, ««<1 *»»' '■ «!•*'* from New York. QUERI ES ANSW ERED. No Itfpllei hy -Mull or Tele«mpli. ADDBE8BM OK WHUHHAHOOTfl NOT GIVBH. AU. IN QUK3T uy HUCU (WOULD WRITEI TO THOSE WUOM nil SUE, IN CAR! OK CHW CLIPPKR Port Orrico. Am. .UBflM will BE AOYKHT1HRD ONB WOK ONLY. If TIM VOUTO (IF 1 ANI TKSATBICAI, GOMPANX IS UOCOftT, mi TO OUR LIST Of RO WBM ON ANOTHEH JMQB. Wt CANNOT «RND llOUTKH »I HAIL OB TBL KOBAPH. DHAMVriC. C. W., Boston.—We have no knowledge of the present wbereabouia of tbo party. Ad- dress a letter in care of Wis offlVe, and wo will advertise it in Thr CLippaii-lettor list, W S. K., Buffalo. Misa I-:. B.. Camden, A. S. M., Rending, T. S. 0. R O. It. T., Erie, anil „ "I. .\. I..."—See answer to C. W., above. m M. M. J., New Orleans.—Address any of our moving picture machine advertisers. B. J\ w., Homer.—Offer It to managers wbo produco piaxs. ■ - • * - _ J. 1J. McC. Pntcrson.—Soo answer to a. V. Wi Miss 0. D.. Vnncoiiror.—1. Without rccom* meitnhtfi any In narllnitar, wo n*for too to ITanklyn Snrge«nt. Empire Theatre Ruildlnfr, New York City. JLjtefM Uelasco does not condnet a school. , '. . P, & P., Dtftrolt.—Adilroas party Ineare of tin- Actorn' Sorlety, 1M West Fortieth Street, Kp« Vork City. , _ , , U H. 11., Nfwarb.—Address the Entorprlso Muaic Supply Co., HI West Twenty-eighth Klret'i. New Vork i!Uy. ■ _ II. K.. llrooklsiL—Adiln'tw .Tiw. M. V\eber. euro (if Webers Thenlre. ltnuidway una Ttt-wity-nlnth Street, New York City. P. L. 1).—AdUrusH M. WItniark «& Sons, 144 West TliUtv-wventli Street, New York City. W. J. '1'., Bayonnu.—-Letters: tinvo been sent t» dead letter nlllee, l\ W. J., Alliance.—Write to Hie raanagor ot the theatre In the rltj yon mention. T. O. D., Mel'lioison.—AOdresH Frank Howie, Loudon Theatre, New York City. S. .1. C. l'lttavllle.—Address Mnrilnlca & Co.. 41.3 Sixth Avenue, New York City. ema-LNNi:.—1. We nover reply lo queries nmcerniiix I be private affairs of any one. '2. Shu did. a. Sbo Is plaviUK In London, 4. She Is n inemlier of 'The Creat Divide Co.. ptnvlnc nt the Prlnceas Theatre, New York City. .„ . M. M. J.. Monessen.—We have no nieaiis of fci.awlni:. Aebwbm Urneat Hogan, who l&e -nufiiK llastua" Co., as per route In <mr route eoluniu. M. J. S.. Custer Oily.—It Is the entrance below Ida ilrst set of grooves. COXKTANT ItKADKlt, ltOSlOU.—Will HUSWer uexL week. „ . \V. M. C, Long Island City.—We hove no menus •>( knowing. W. A. W„ Plielus.—AudreHS the ltldpalh Uttrean, Itoston, Mima. . . N. II., Jvnev City.—t. Address the Crest Tindlng Co.. 1-lU West Thirty-seventh Street, New York City. 2, For "Limber Juice," ad- dress C. B. (irlfflu, 27 Enst Tweuty-second Street. New York Clly. J. II. K., lliurlBhurg.—Walfli our vaude- ville route list ouch week. J. 11. S. L\, t.'utwe*.—We never Indulge In couiparliJOUE. C.VIlllS. "A. B. C," Heading.—1. A wins. 2. B Is right. 3- 0 must play the ex potted card the hrnt time he plu^K, after such card Is ex- poaed, when such play will not cause a revoke. W. S. C. Oyde.-^The tlush having tho ace, k!ni'. qnceu, eight'nnd four was the best band. BILLIARDS, POOL, ETC. J. A. !■*,. Huntingdon.—The ehot, as you deKcrlho ft, whs legitimate, uud the player did not Incur n pennlty. MISCni-LANKOI'9. W. O. C, Chattuoooga.—Address any mnker of howling alleys. R. W., Ohleaao.—He wins. U Pi, New York.—Addresa tho allorney Meneral of the State. L. M. UL Olytnpla.—All hetn go with the referee's decision, and the bet Is therefore a draw. MASSACHUSETTS. Boatonr—Novelty la provided this week at the.IIollls Street and ihe JTreroont, where Wllllani Kuvershnm nnd'Henrietta Crbsmaa open. Of the continuations, Cthel Barry- more ebnnges -to "Captain Jinks." nt the Colonial; Mrs. Klske began lipr second and final week of "The NeiV York Idea," at the Majestic; May Irwin oponA her seconnLweeK and Inst fortnight at the Park, and^'Ben ilur" starts Its third week nt the Boston. Popular priced attractions are:■■•Toe Wlserd of Oz," nt the Globe," and "How Hearts Are Itroken," at the Ornnd Opern House. The Third concert in the Bostou -Lyceum course will be given nt Tremont Temple, Jan. 2B, with Moe. Chariot re Maconda and the Vagn- bondln Male Qunrlette. Biisiness was 'ex- cellent last week, notwithstanding the severe cold wenther. •Holuh iJTBEHT (I«aac B. Rleh, manager). —William I'avewham begins. Jan. 28, a three weeks' engagement, -presenting "The JJquow Man." Forbes Roherfson and Gertrude Kl- llott clowd a moat satisfactory.Iortnlghfi'6. Tbejiost (J.' E. Sehoettel. manager).—A formlcbt's engngemtfht for Henrietta' Cros- msii, In "AU-of-a-Sudden reggy," begins M, Tlf? Knights of Colnmbus anccessfglly pre- wntcd "1 he Wonderful Land of Man," a mil- steal comedy, before crowded bouses, Inst week. Coiosur, (Cbas. Frohmnn. Rich & Harris, m.*inncrrH).—Arter n week of splenflid luisl- bfn for "Alice Klt-hy-the-I-'Ire/* Kthel Harry- morr Is sren (his week In "Captain .Units," and will continue It next week, the third and Ihsc of the engagement. At n special mutlnee, Jan. 31, *the will present "A Hoira House." ■AUjcstic (A. L. Wilbur, mnuager).—Mrs. Flske, In "The New York Idea,'* Is now In the last half or her fortnight. Tho star Hepred a pronounced stiex-ess. and capacity houses were Immensely pleaded last week. De Wolf Hopper next week. I'ark (Cbas. Frohman. H!ch & Harris, managers). — 1'resa nnd public have taken kindly lo "Mrs. Wilson Andrews," as present- ed by May Irwin, nnd business has lieen nt the capartty mark. This Is the second week. I.U3TOX (Lawrence McCarty, manager).— ••rten Ilur" opened Its third big week 28, with Indications pointing to H. U. 0. until the end of tbe engagement. 10. fJLonn (Sialr. Wilbur & Nicolal, m.Tia- peraj.—"The Wizard of Oz" Iwelns a two weeks' stny 28, following David'IIlgglns, who had a good week for "Ills Ijist Dollnr.' Okaxd Opeha Hnrss (Ooo. AV. M'ngee, man- ager).—"llnw Hearts Are Broken" this week. During the past week large and enthusiastic audiences saw "The Curse of Drink." "Old Isaacs from the Howery" next. Casti.b SQUAns (Uostoii Stage Society, man- agers).—"Taps." n German military drarou, will he given Its first local stock hearing this week. It follows. "The .Shnughratin," which was capably presented, to well filled house*:. '•Raffle's" next week. Huoir (John Craig, manager).—The popu- lar stock forces take up "A IJrnss Monkey" for this week's .enter tain me at. During tl|e past week. "A Poor Relation" drew.packed nouses. The work of? Mr. Craig. Cordelia Mncdonsld, Thos. McLarnle, Winer Clarges and Mary Sanders was especially deserving of note. "An Enemy of the People" next week.- ,.:.'■ HownuiN BQCAMr. (G. E. I.othrop, mnna- ger).-r-The Lnihrop Stock Co. offers, "The Scout's Revenge," Htnnlng 2S, and following "The Cattle King,*' which brought out big pnironnge. "Her Fntal Hln" next. Krith's (n. F. Keith, manner).—-Vblta, 1 he. electrical-wonder, is the headllher on the current bill, which, Includes: "Polly Pickle's Pola;" Eva Williams aud ,Iac Tucker, Mel- vln Kllli, Geo. .Wilson. John .McVeigh nnd Nellie Daly. Duflln-Rattcnv Troupe, Jnllofte ■Plerrepont, Wm. Inmnn nnd compnny, Our- telle Bros., the Crnlgs, Wood Bros.. Wise nnd MHion, the Pelots nnd new motion pictures. Houdlnl, the handcuff kln«. was the star at- traction during the past three weeks, to 8. it. O. . ■. Onem:t:it (Percy WIlllnmH, mnnage-r). — .. The Boris-on of vaudeville here continues pros- perously* Current: Henri De Vries, In "A case or Arson;'' the Mason-Keeler Co., Her- bert Brooks. BetU'revost Troupe, the Kin- sons, Meredith Sisters, Howard and North. Oordncr and Stoddard, the Bell Trio, and new vMogrnph .views.' • •• Howahi> iJay Hunt, business manager).— Hawthorne and Burt, "Shorty" and Lillian IV Witt. Bongo and Loo, Knvward, Conroy nnd Wayward, Harry Brown. Mr.-nnd Mrs. tico. W. llussey, Martin and Rldgeway, EL Nino. Epps and Lorctta, John Barker, Murphy and Pnluier, Al. Levan, Havilnnd, POwoll, M/crsnnd compuny, the Hownrdscope.and tho Howard BurleHquers, In "Treasure Throwers,'* are the enrds provided for 28-and week. - PaijAcr (C. H. Waldrbn, mansger).-»^RuRh and Walter's Bon Ton .Co. Is here this week. "Pousse Cafe"- nufl "A Olrl from Mars"' are the burlewines, and tho olio engages: Six Darlings, Monte Carlo OlrU, and Guy Raw- son and Frances Clalve. The Dainty DunbesH Co. eavo a..good show, and attracted good Inislness last week. CntxiiiuA (H. N. Farren, mnnncrer).—The, Merrymakers arrive 28, present iug "*Tho Mayor's Vacation," and offering rin olio which Includes: Clipper Comedy l'oiir. Los Sprays, Nelsou. Milledge nnd Casey, Jcanctto Young, the Elton-Polo Troupe, Chas. Nelson nnd Al. Cnsey. Stuers aud Sweeney will wrestle on Tuesday evening. Miner's Americans pros- pered last week. IiVckom (0, II. Batcholler. manager).—A Rccimd turn of the burlesquo wheel brings tin* "I'aria h.v Night" company this week. Mildred Stroller aud Lew Golden head tho fnu brigade, aud tbe olio employs: Nelson Fsrnum Troupe. Ten White Hussars nnd-.tsev- oral olhnrs. During the paKt week l-'rccl Ir- ulu's Big .Show, drew pucked houses, imd furnished fine culcrtftlumcnt. Arams & Suonk's iMrHHPM (A. R. White, manager).—This Is the second and final week of [he convention of "Massive Maidens of All Naiions." In the curio halh. other featutes arc: Olturn, Japanese ladv magician; Bran- don nnd (Jlhsim, "con* girls ;*' James Irwin, upjslde-down man : Till V Marionettes, Trlxle, snake queen and trained monkeys. I'lue stage entertainment Is furnished by the Mln- hiicl Maids, Introducing Violet Dale, Ida Campbell, Lottie Blnncfaurd, Louise Bnindou, Viola Crawford, Cnssle French, Mllilrcd Allen, Annie Rosa, Krnnk Cook. Lew Beuedlct. Billy Hall. Chan. (Mark. Alton, Jns. Maxwell, and select vaudeville, by King nnd llatdoop, lo- vltie and Alum, Bynm and iBlauche, and Joe Maxwull. and new motion lectures. W.m.klu's Mushum t L. H. Walker, maua- jjoi-1.—lu curio hall seeond und last week : The Georgia Minstrels. "Happy" Jack Smith. daring aeronaut: Dunbnr, king of the air; Nttcs Jau.'jen, bag puncher, and I'rof. Lyiu-h';- Punch and Judy. Stn'ge ::hu\v : Llllln Hous- ton, John Barker, Howard's muring pk-lurce, and Nlua Searles' Military Maids Co. NicKBiAumoN (W. it. WolftV, mhuager).— Muuagcr Wolffe provides a doitou nu.veltles In the i>lg curio hall, tho current week, and In the theatre the Elite Bnrlcsquer* will hold the boards- The olio includes: May Collins, AlU-e Bennett, Maude Cmndall, Ooldle Hatch, l>bjIo Piescott, Llllliiii Larncd, Edith Pui-rlug- lon and James Taggavt. -CoMIQl'il (W. J. Alleu, manager).—Brand new pictures for week of '2& are : "Trial Mar- riages." "The Mechanical Statue'* und "The Charmer." Illustrated soaps will be glveu by: May Vincent, Greet 1 Mordnunt. Harry Downing, TUos. ■ Bullock, John Benaley uud Prank Cohnu. Business continues to exceed all expectations. .-• XoTKif.—Sunday concert bills.. 27: Keith's —White and Stuart, Maggie Cllne, Moshc,-, Houghton and M.oslier. Catlierlno Havea nnd Sntwl Johnson. Ferry Corwey. Zlelta and King. Cook and Sylvia. Orphrum—. Arden and Alu'l, Kadlr, Mux Tourbllon Troupe, Cook ifnd Mitchell, Jack Lorimer, Stuart Barnes, end Cook and Clinton. Boitdnin Square — Lew Hawkins, Steele nnd Whittle, Madge Pot, Robinson nnd Grant. Lawnon and Na* men, Dan J. Harrington. Byron nnd Blanche, Mnrr and Evans, the Psytonn, Elmo and Ful- ler, and Lizzie Ott. flosfoit—-Four Oregorys, fllldny and Fox, Kngllih Sisters, Terry and .Blraer, Gladys Flsherri, Bergman and Ma- ;honey, and Clark's . dogs'. Qtob* nnd' Ha- <MH9---Holcomb. Cartls-nnd company. Frank linsh, Ellis Nowlln Trio. Oraro Hazard, lloi(t-rs end /)eeley, My lea McCarthy and company, Orville nnd Frank. Willie Wefl- ton, Oiierd and Gardner, nnd the BIchs. .,',-...Wm, II, Matthews, manager of the Lyric Theatre, Philadelphia, died In that city Jan. £4, from pneumonia. He won at one time manager of the Bnrl; Theatre, Boston. Boston Lodge, N*o. 2, T. M. A„ has elected these oflicers: President, E. M. Barry : vice president, F. J. D. Ferguson: recording secrecorv. E. It. Tyler: ireosurer, 11. P. Pickering; fln. sec., John J. Bnrry; 3ii*t. fin. secy., P. Moloney, nnd 0. F. Sanborn. trustee for three years The Boston Mu- sielnns' Protective* Association, Local No. ». A. F. of M., will give a benefit 'concert in Mecbnnlcs' Hall, Sunday evening, 10...... BenJ. J. Lang, conductor of the Ceci- lia Socletv. Boston'fl noted ronslral orgnolzo- tlon. has resigned after thirty-one years of service. ■ ■ ■ _ - ' Woreostor,—At the .Worcester (G. jH. Lighten, resident maniigeri w'eek of Jan. 28, Maleoim W'illlnms nnd his stO'.-k company, including Florence Iti-ed. in "Old lleldel- iH'i-g." ljist week, the opening one, the com- punv plsyed "The Girl In Waiting." This was the first production of the piece on any Binge, and thn performance drew crowded bonnet. The compnnv was at Its best at all times, and tbe opening night, 21, will be long rt.cienvhfird by Ihe nubile as well as the plavers* "Leah Kfeschnn" npxt week. Frankijn (Si V, Burke, resident manager). —Lev,- DiK-kstader's Minstrels Feb. 2. "Uncle Tnin's Cabin," Jan. 21-J3, drew fair business. "Pcck'sBad Boy." 24, had fair returns. Ethel Bnrvvmore Feb. 13. , ■Lvnie (Clavton Legge, manager).—Week of Jan. 28, the Clayton Legge Stock Co.. In •The Man Without n Country." Last week "Little Lord Fauntleroy" had good bushier. Park (Alt T. Wilton, manager).—Week of *_'8, Miner's Americans. Including: Will II. Ward, .lolly fteh, Henry Bergman. Clark, Hlg- f:lns and Berkman. the Four Gregorys, Olga (olio nnd Jlmmle Mnhoney. In Sundstrom, of Southbrldgp. and Harry Wright will meet on the wrestling mat 2U. Last week AV1I- llams' Iroperinls drew excellent business. l'ou'fl -J. C. Crlddle, resident manager). —Week of -J8 : Edwards, Davis and company' In "The Ijnmasktng:'* Al. H. Weston and compaoy. F.llls-.Vowlln Trio. T'nn Clayton und company, the Dnh'-vry Sisters, Tom Moore, Blsset and Miller, and the electro- graph. Mechanics Ham,. —The Boston Symphony and Olga Snnmrofy Feb! '*.'■■ --- Notb.-— Lee Shnbert and members of Ills Btaff mnde a ilyl»g visit to Worcester, a5,.to NOTICE TO COURESI*0\'DI37CTS. Salem Thbatbb. Salem <G. H. Cheetham, manager)*-The L*lroer Stock Co. played 4o good lajsiPMs week of 21. The Adam Good Co. 2R and week.- •* Hprin K field At the Court Square (D. 0. Qllnore, manager) *-*QuiDcy Adams aaw- y e r," wiwk of Jan. 21, drew fait sized audi- encss. "The Lion and tno Alouse** 80-Feb. 2. Nklaon (Shnbert Theatrical Co.. mana- Be M l._-Othe)lo" wat put on by the Ryan Stock Co. Jan. ,21-23,,nnd gave a w»tlsfn*.; : tnrv prddlictlon. "OTlrlen, The Contractor, closed the week, and amused. .The closing week, 28-Feb. 2, Is to be divided between "Jim the Penman" nnd "Monte Lrfsto. Pom's (Oordon W. Wrlgbter. resident mnn- ngerj.-^Cnrd week or 2S: O-Hhnn-Snn and r-impany, Charlotte Parry. Prof. Mnrcnrta monkevs, the Mnjeitlc Trio, Al. Carlton, Murray npd Lane, Herbert, and eleetrograpb, OititOBE (J. A. Hennessey, manager).-— "Thorns.and Orange Blossoms." -17-lg, did tbe usiuil good business. ThP Golden Crook, 21-2:), 'furnished aplenty of fun. Tho olio was above the overage. "Tbe Fool House 24*20, IbwIb* Big Show 28-80, "A Ragged Hero'* 31-Keb. 2, "Paris by Mght" 4-.G. . CHA:ra.-*-The Young Men's Hebrew Asao- clritlon tendered'a hanqnet to \Mmc, Ltpztn nnd the members of her company nnd Jacob ilordln, the author of "On the Mountain," at the Colonel Cafe, offer the performance, j~. After the liaiin.uet speeches were made by members of the compnny and club. ■■ . - i ' i Taunton.—At the Taunton <Cnhn & Cross, managers) last week (he house was dark. The Fenherg Stock Co. week of 28, with the Musical Colbys na the strong vaude- ville Teatnre. ■*■>» I'DNNSyiiVAMA. All commaiil«*ntIoriA Intended for IMilillfiifliin In TUB CLIPPER, doled Frli. 10 mill -'.I. nhoilld rrntlt thli* billce not Inter than Snlordny, Felt. !». it mi S.iinnliiy. Fell, lti, rcn jn-fl i vi- 1>*. tO Insiir*' iiiKi-rt ion. wttnesfl "The Girl In Waiting.' It-Is-an- nounced (hat no more road shows will appear at the Worcester for some time, as Ihe Shu- berts have arranged . to have Malcolm Wil- liams and his company produce stock plays. It may happen that this conuvany will Iry out new plays often. J. Hartley Manners, aiillmr ot ■The Girl In Waiting/' was >ber» l.omii, — At the Lowell Opera Hnnso (Calm & Ginnr, managers) the "theatre, was ton ;;m:ill to hold thoso who wished to See Lew Dockstadcr's Minstrels, Jan. 21. "A ■Hncgcd Hero" enjoyed excellent business 22. "The. Lion and the Mouse" drew packed liousea 2K-26. J3thel Morton Opera Co.. In "Boreas," 28 ; "The Henrietta" 2U (load K. of-C;). "Tbe Gingerbread Man" 30, "Peck's Bad Boy" 31, "Bora Thorn'e" Feb. I, "Man uud Superman" 2. <ACAi»iMY of Music (Hlcbard F. Murpbv, manager ■..—The Sevorln De Devn Stock Co. ofl'erea "For Her Children's Sake,'' last week, t.» S. R. O. Ernest Anderson made his re- appearance, nnd R. C, Turner was a new addition. Both were most successful. This week, "The tab Way," with Scverln Be Devn. Hathawat's (John I. Shannon, resident manager).—Current: flight Vassar Girls, Takayann Troupe of Jap*. Holcomb, Curtis and company, XM11 and Ward, Bates, Duggan ami company, Ethel Klrke, Tj. J. Hori'lngton and the vllagrnph, Boston.— /'The Mlsehlevons Students" nnd "Don Jose"- proved excellent eutertninmont lant week, drnwlng R. K. O., and Bella Hill's Illustrated songs went: with big-success. .Cur- rent! Irvlng's .BnrioK(|iiers, In "The■'Opium Ben" nnd -'Trial by Jury." Olio: Charles Mnckle, Steele nnd Wright, Bella HIM, May latin, Bates and Hrnest nnd the -Boston bio- scope. Walker's < L. B. Walker, manager).— Nina Searlea' ltiu-Iesouers. last week, made a hit. Current: Xellle Hartford's Beauty .Show. Olio :• The Cliffords, Auger and Thi- Intuit. Morris nnd Steele, also new Illustrated songs and new Howard moving pictures, Full River.—At the Snvoy (W. F. Ma- son, i-eshhiut manager "Pecks Und Boy." Jhn. 2(1, fared well, "lliy Lion nnd the Mouse," 2S. 21); the Morton Opera Co., In "Dorcas," SO; Low DockHtnders Mlnntrels 31, "alf I Were King'' Feb. 1. 2, the Four Huntings 4. 5. "Man and Superman" (t, "The Gingerbread .Man" 7, "Il»w Hearts Ate Broken" 8, 0. ■ Acapruy op Urate (W. p. Mason, reul- dent mnnager).—The Avery Strong Co., 21- 2t*. played to good business, nnd gave much wiUm'acthin. Shepni-d's moving pictures pleased two large mullencea 27. Prescelle and Edna May iln&oan 28-Feh. 2, the Hoe [Stock t.'o. 4-0. SHKBt>v's (Chas. B. Cook, manager).— Willi ,tlie Fays ua n leading feature business was excellent last week. Bill week of 2.S In- cludes: Knmo's Fngllsh Co., In "A Night in London's Slums:" Luwsou aud Nnniou, Wal- ter Daniels, Laurie Ordway, llulleu und Hayes, Ardsley -Brothers, Madden, Fitzpat- rli-k nnd Tliomimon. and the c a in era graph. Hofc-iuN (Chas. Sclik'.sHluu'cr, imiiuigori.— Week of 28 stock burlasque aud vauduvllle. BiuIpegK Is excellent. MCKCI.ODKU.V. — Hill for week of 28 In- clude*: llnymoud nnd ltoberts, Mellla JuaeN- Un. Harry Moultou, Mlsotte and Steele, und the optlsvopc. Busiuesb coutiuucti good. Xynn.—At the Lynn IF. (J. Harrison, miiniigel-j the Adam tlood Co. played to good business week of Jan. 21. Myrkic-Harder Co. 2S mid week, "The Gingerbread Man" 31, canceled; Dot Karroll Fen. 4-0. Ai'DtTORiuu . (Harry Katxes, manuger).— This week: Blnna. Blnns and Bliins, Bobbins and Titnamaih the Cbadwicb Trio. I-eona T'lmrbei and her pickaninnies. Charles Wavne und company. Gum Williams, nnd tbo vltn- Ctaph. .ttHJi (C. W. Skfftfa mnnngor).—Current: Th* Br.rrlngtong, King aud Stange. Hugh Mc- Veigh. Jonnnette Lleford, Heleton nnd Hood, and Hliuufc a movlug plcturca, Pli llndelpliln. — Councils took another shy at the ticket scalping ordinance at Its Inst meeting, and, after a protracted debate It was decided to refer the measure to the CMv Solicitor for an opinion a* to Its legality. This action will probably result In the ordin- ance being pigeon-holed for several months. The new attractions for the current week are: Forties llobertBon nnd Gertrude Elliott, in H Cma and Cleopatra." at the Chestnut Street Opern House; Itlchard Mansfield, In "I'eeV Gynt." at the Gnrrfck, and "Forty-live Minutes from Broadway," at the Chestnut Street Opera House. CHILD'S AWFUL SKIN HUMOR. Screamed With Pain—Snffe»Ins Nent>. iy Ilrokc Pnre«t> ft£f art—Speedily -* Curetl by Cntlcnrti, ' "I wislvtoipjfcrm you .that the Cuticura Remedies have put a fltop to twelve yearn of misery I passed with my son. As an -infint'T-' noticed on his body a red spot, and treated same .with different remedies' Tor-about five years, but- when ihe spot be- gan to get Iargerl,put Wm .under the care of doctors. Under their treatment the -disease *.prenu to four -different parts of his. body, .*T^e longer the doctors treated 'him'the worse it grew. During the. day it would get rough and form like scales. At .night it .cracked, inflamed and badly awollen, with terrible burning 'and itching. When I think of his suffering it nearly breaks my heart. His screams could'be heard-down stairs. 'Fhe suffering pfmy son made me fnll.pi hiisery. I hart no ambition lo work, to eat. nor could 1 sleep. One .doctor lold me that my son's eczema was incurable, and .gave it up for a,bad job. -One evening I saw an article in .the paper about, the wonderful Cuticura and decided-to give it a trial. 1 tell you the Cuticura Ointment is .worth its weight in gold,,and when 1 had used the-first box Of Ointment there was a * great improve- ment, and. by the ..time 1 had used the second set of Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Resolvent,.my child was cured, .lie is now twelve years old, and his skin is as fine and spipoth as silk. Michael 'Steinman, 7 Sumner Avenue, Brooklyn, N. y., April i6, 1005." fiAitr.n-K (Frank Howe Jr., mnnngor).— _:irhnrd Mnnsfleld Is here, opening .Ian. 28, in "I'oer Oj-nt." For his final week lie will ho scon In his repertory. "The Man from Now" departed "JO, after two weeks of fair business. Uiiektxct Street QUBKA Hoi.'sb (Nlxoh & Zlmmermnn, managers). — l-'orbes ftohertaon and Gerlrudc Elliott began a -week's stay ^8. opening In "Ctefl-ir anil Cleopatra." "Hamlet," ".Mice and Men" and "The Merchant of Venice" will follow. George' M.: Cohan, In "finorge Waahlnp/ron Jr.." had two successful woeka. ending 2fl Kyrle Btftlew. next week. CuESTxtiT (Xlxon & Zimmerman, mana- gers).-!-"Kort,v-flve Minutes from Ilroadway." ■18, for two weeks. Hnttfe W'llliaina, In."the Little Cheruh." departed i!G,after three weeks of unusimllvprofitnhle business. '. ; ItiiOAi). (S'lxon & Zimmerman, mnnngers). —John Drew created almost favorable" im- presalon. In "His House. In Order." last week, nnd drew crowded houses; The en- ensoment web. Feb. '4, to,,bo followed hy Maude-A'lnms. In "Peter Pan," 0. (Messrs. Shuhei-t, managers). — He Wolf Hopper bejdrm his second and. final week, Jan. 2C. when he-wll pnt'on "Wang:" Last week, .-"Ilappyland" drew 1 fine houses. Henry Woodruff Feb. 4. ■•■ £ .-. Walnut (Frank Howe Jr., manager).— Dlgby Hell. In "The Education of Mr: Plpp," concludes a two weeks' stny Feb. S. Good sized bouses.last week, Jessie Jlusley, In "In the Bishop's rCnrrlage." next ' ■ ■ Paiik (Fred 0. ^'lxon•/^^rame^man, mnna- ser). — "'Way Down KaBt," 28, for two weeks. '-Simple Slmbri Simple" amused ernivdctl houses last week. Gn.\Nt> (G. A. Wegcfnrtb, manager).—"The Mayor of Toklo" S, "The County Chrilr- rnun" dreir big crowds lasts week, with Mack- lyn Arbnekle. "1'lff I Faff! 1 -Ponf t! I" next. Girard (Milks & Kaufman, mannBers).— Bnmk Poynter, In "Lenn Rivers," 28. ".The Volunteer Organist" drew big houses 21-28. "Texas" next .People's (P., G. Nlxon-Klrdlinger, mana- ger).—"A Man's Broken Promise," 28, fol- lowing a week of good business done by Charles-T. Aldrlch, In "Secret Service Saia. 1 ' "The Secrets of the Police" follows. Bla*rv'h (,T. r. Eekbardt, manager).— "How Baxter Butted In" £8. "The Phantom Defective" thrilled big houses the previous week. "The Eye Witness" next. National (J, M. Kelly, manager).—''The Cow-Boy Ctrl" 2S. "Xellle, the Beautiful Clonk Model," drew fine house* last week. ''Happy Hooligan" follows. Hart's (John W. Hart, manager).—"The Governor's Pardon." with Arthur Nelson ■featured, 28. "The House of-Mysterv" pleased Sl-at Dnn Sully, In "Tho Mntcbmnker," next. Kobbpadoii's (Miller & Kaufman, mana- gers).—"The Girl from Broadway" week of 28. Jofl Hortlz, In "Our Friend Fritz," is a strong drnwlng card, nnd played lo capacity last week. "At Plney ItldKe" rollows. ST.WMRn (l)nrcy & Speck, nmnneerR).— The slock wilt exploit "Beware of Men" the current week. A well acled production of "The Shadow Behind Ihe Tin-one" drew crowds Inst week. "The Factory Girl" next. Keith's fit. T. Jordan, manager).—Cur- rent: E. ,1. Connelly and company. In "Marao Covington :*' Katie Barry, Paul Spadonl, Fields nnd Wolley, the Mhx Wessely TrOupe, tho .Ken(ons, Basque (Juiirtetto, Du Bols' mnokeys, Swor Brothers Eleanor Henry, Carter nnd Harris, Arlington and Uolstroai, Bender nnd Wnvle. nnd the klnetogniph. Uutrn (Geo. \V. lilfe. manager!. —The High School Girls 2S and week, with Hilda Carle, nnd Kennedy and Evans ns the feat- ures. Ijint week, ihe Brigadiers found favor with b>g audiences. The itohemlans next. I.vcutrM (John G. Jermon, luttuageri.— The City Sports, with Jutm U Sullivan. 28 and week, nice ft Barton's Co. furnished eu- itirinlnuient to fine houses last week. The Golden Crook Co. 28. Casino <l?llus & Koonlg, managers).—Tho World Bonters 2S and week. The Bachelor Club had good icturns. The Dainty Duchess Co. next. TnocAnsno (Fred Wlllson, mannger).—The Jolly Girls, with Edmund Hnycs, 28. Tbe Al- cazar Beauties drew big houses last week. llkventu Bmsm Opbba Inoaa (Frank Dnmont, mannger).—The offering for tho cur- rent week -Includes a bnrlasnue, en- titled "Swettunham nnd Davis: or, Get Out uf .Imiiatca," The bill alao Includes the hold over skits. "The Man from How" nnd "The Suuuw Mun." Busliu'ss continues big. Ninth ami Alien Stu.^t Mttsmtu (T. V. Hopkins, umusger).—L, ll. Hicks, the mluer, couilimes us the hlg Gtfotya the curio hall, lu addition 10 Neuniuno, mind reader. The Mexican orchestra, Lentlnl, Henry Hnrrlsou aud James Mandy. lu the theatre are: UU. too, Allen uud Keeley, XlM N-lson. Hurt hud rdinette. Mnrllu aud Sliver, and Luhlu's clutograpb- Bos Tu.v (Lillian Tyson, manager).—Bill for week of 28 consists uf: Lorraine, Urn ■ man Sisters, Uuth Muitland, Sandusky's Anl- ami Circus, and moving, pictuiee. * EMi-inc, rraakford uaraes L. McKav monaga-l. — Excflliout vaudeville acts, tfie past eevernl weeks, have stimulated the re- SWJP "fofltihle figures, for week of "V The Oder Trio. Garnet DflJC KSff SJ c&ngT llton and Mns ^' W^am wm. H. Matthews, manager of tin? Lvrle caused much gloom arnonf \i. a^uilatiucel: Although only a resident here for two vears he made many friends, and his untimely death Is keenly felt ."The -Mnn From Now" closed Its season nt the Gnrrlck on Jan. "Jij, Harry Bulger will go into vaudeville, while Helen Hale and several of the piinvl- pnla and chorus will join Bnymoml "llitiV cock's company The Metropolitan opera Co. wilt be heard in "Carmen." nt the Acnde- my of Music, Jnu. 29..-... .The German Tin-. ut. iv Stock will produce "The Marriage uf I'ignro" week of 28. ■ '« -■ PlttMimi-K.—At the Nixon (Tho. F. Kirk Jr., manager) this week, 'The Prince i>E 1'ltsen," with Jess DiVUdy. John Drew next week.- - - ■■ "-V •■, ...,■.-. Bklasco (J., A. lteed, manager).—Marv MinuterIng--, Jan. 28 and week. Lnst wt>ek "The Flower'Girl" played to good hnshicss, and pleased. Blnnche Bates next. Obaxo . ( Harry . Diivls, manager).—This week's hill includes: Mrs. Lnngtry and com- pany, Harry- TIghe and Colleglana, Tbe rest? Ilent2, Koyal Musicals, Matthews and Ash- ley, Mnyme Uemiukton, John and Alice Tay- lor, Mjorrow nnd .Shellburg, Dick Lynch, Lil- lian Ashley',' Delmnr Bros., Hanson and James, ; Lnvlgne. and Leonard aud the elne- mn'togrnph. ■ .... ".■Atvi.v- (It. M, Gullck.i Co., manngers).— "Liltlc Johnny. Jones" .28, for t.wu weeks. Last week-Chaunc-ey Olcott packed.the.liouse to the cnpnclty, aud bis singing was a )>lg hit. This mum has had -phenomenal hnsl- ness since the first of the year. - ■- Buor Hi. M. Gullek & Co., managers 1.— "In Old.Kentucky" 28 and week. Last week, the'-Four "Mortons played to good huslnew, and pleased. Kellar, the magician, next. Blanbv's Empibr (M. .0. Wagner, uiann- Jer).—Billy S. .Clifford 28 and week. In "A oily Baron.'' Last week, "At Cripple Creel:" played to ; good business, and pleased. "The Cow ..Puncher" uc^t. .iUtErv (Jns. E. Orr, manager).— narrv Bryant's Extravaganza 28 and week. The Wflison-Htitchings'Eflwards Co.,' nnd the Kit- amura Troupe of Japanese nerobats are added attractions. ; t,aBt week, trie Gay Masqne- raders played to good buslmBs. Al. KeeveV Big Beauty Show next. jLC*aam op .Music (W. H. Williams Jr., mannger),—5atn Devere's Own Co. 28 and week. "The Girl With the A'ellow Mask/' a sensational novelty act, appears-at every per- formance, Last week the Broadway Gaiefv Girls, featuring Johnny Weber, played to good business. The McCall Trio appeared as tin added attraction, and made a big hit. Their dancing, nnd tho extemporaneous sing- ing of Wm. McCall vote repeatedly encored. HH New York Jr. next. Note.— Under .the efitclcnt management of James E. Orr, the Gayety 1b onjovlng a sea- son of unprecedented prosperity, with a few McepUons, the attractions offered- have been of h, high cIsbs order, mid the house Is now high .In the regard of the plnygoln/r public of nttfjhurg, lo which the large audiences are ati eloquent testimonial. AHoonn: —At the new MJnblor (I, C. MIshler, manager) tho most hrilllnnt tb*>* ntrlcal event In the history of Allooiiu, was the opening of this bountiful theatre, Jan.'il. bv Wright.Lorlmcr, In'"The Shepherd KUtg- The house was packed from pit- to dome. The opening address was made by Hon. Simon 11. Walker, mayor of the city, who spoke In behalf of Altoona, and was-followed by Hon. Martin Bell, Judge of Blair County Court, who spoke for Blair County. Manager MIsh- ler was then called on, nnd he expressed his gratitude to the people for their many ex- 'presalons of go ml will, which encouraged bin to rebuild the theatre. Mr. MIshler has been a resident of Altoona for twenty-six.years. Hi-;first worked In the shops of the I'ennsyl- vanlu Ballroad. and afterward embarked In business. In which he has,been very 'success- ful. Since he has taken up (he tlicatm-ul business he bus proven to be u most able and hitw&stul manager. William V. Mohg, »■ "The Clay Baker," was ■ -well received 24. Billy S. Clifford, In "A Jolly Baron," ^5. j»\ Ernest Hogku. In ''Hufus Uaitlin," 28 ; "What Happened to Jones" 2», "Ballroad Jack" 31, "Texas" Feb.!". Ei.iiVt:xTH Ave.nub (I. C. MIshler, mana- ger!.—The Allmmbm Stock Co. hnd satld- lactory business last week. Kmum Hunting 28 and week, Ilosabello Leslie and company l'eb. 4 and .week, ■ untie (I* II. Cool, manager).—Bill Jim- 2H and wcok : W. II. MUrphv, Blanche Nichols and company, Dan Qulnlan and Keller Macli. Borsch .and liusaelL the l^our Novarros. the Mozart*, .lumen Glint nnd Rose Murray, Janet WJnsteti. uud Ittttk nnd Barlraiu.— Acauksiv 01* Music, Tyrone.—"The Strug- gle for Life" 2Q. Nf>rES.—J6bn D. MIshler and wife, of Heading, Va.. were in nttendunee nt the open; lug- of the new MIshler, end were guests of Manager MIshler, at hts residence*... .Wright Lorluicr is Bufforhlg from a' b»d cold. U*' onlj- uppeai-cd here for the opening night, and for the ui-st act on the second rtlgltt. Uo was homewhut Improved when he left here. .-1, .■■ip ,,u .. 1 . ' .. ., Uiiateton.—At the Grand Opera lionise (Geo..-Albert Haley,- ; resident niattflgcr) "A Wife's Search," Jan. 21, drew n fulr ■i«d audience. "Ballroad Jack," 2^, pleased. •'Tj.o Maa.of Hot Cholco" 25, Shepacd'a -mono* plcrares 28. I'-AX'tiiA . (Khoblaueb * Hersker. proprli- tors).—Week of 21; Mr. and Mra. O'Br «u, Waldorf and Meradot, colllno and Colllm, Musical Rofds, tho Bar^ltues, Al. Bothntt. Illustrated aongs nnd klnLtogrnnh. iTKus.—Owing to the occlaental ignition