The New York Clipper (February 1907)

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Febbuabt-9. THE NEW YORK OLIPPEB. i3sr DEUTSCHLAND ^Slr!" llSSUlf'** * 0 "* or,h " y * ar ' *'*" •W" <MM » Herniation with this long tail weak nt llamin.ralalii'ji. It wa, ,il„olat,l>' Ilia talk of tho town. Wo ilaru »ajr wa liaia the kUIU sunai of MH ■THE 1907 MIT- XI2ABETH MURRAY'S WHIRLWIND SUOCI HER BIGGEST SONG HIT IN YRAIts. HER GREAT I.MOII I'HOUl'CKIt. A Friend of Mine tom A Friend of Mine ■XtWA VCnaES! KXTRA VCRBMI We Kuva you "Syiupatlij'," al.u gave yon "Gaod Ailvlio." We now oir.r you Ilia almvc mi, nil can truthfully »uy lliut II *iirpn«,<» anything wo over wruli'. A aiaal inon mmg, Willi vary hiiuiy extra unei. in u tTurkar. -'-... - "* * ■ n • a KNOCKOUT- PERFORMERS, SINGING ARTI8T8, NOW IN CHICAGO, TAKE NOTICE!! 1111. IIAHIIY ana IRVING COOPER awl ilia UMPIRE CITY UVJimtT are naw at the BREVOORT HOUSE. ;clileago, lunteuil af the. Sli.rinim Hon... viiloli MM aiiiiouiireil In In.t Sulnnlay. V A nil: I V CALL AND SEE THEM. IT'S TO YOUR INTEREST. HEAR OUR NEW 8ONC8. All PROFESSIONAL FRIENDS ARK CORDIALLY INV1TKD TO CALL OK THEN. ,..''.' THE MIX OP" ALL MITE ' 1 II" M. The rreurtl liri'iiklng nong lill of llir yoar. Knawn llirougliuul Ike country* PUBLISHED »BM» 8TAHP8. IIP WEST 4Qth TWE THREE OF US, rvi e:\az YORK CITY. HKNO I'ltUlJIMMPIf. lore,'' "Cormeu," "llnrlicr of Hevlllc ">|fl ClnolMnull. — Tremendous hualnces at buUi/tM lueulveu of lil.hvHt class, despite u mMtfoC pifucrable weather, mm. Clmlnnull ewuhaUo. title upon llW ^'lulia to place uinolig t£| diiiiuiilk centres where prosperity roosts. ■LviUt' (•■<■*■' A Sum Shubcrt & Hcuck a Opem House CUm lessee* I.—"Mrs. Temples Telegnpr' Feb. o-9. Harry Cuuor bends tlie eompuuy. The week of Henry It Dlxey. in "J'tiu Man un (In; Box," wus one uf delight iu ■ rowtied buuKCH. aliirle Nordstroni MBit* curried away Hie honors as. Hllstibeth Anucs- ley. wlillc Sydney Jtuuth mid James A. BUM were especially clover. "Toe Social Whirl Sluaio Ham.. —Heury Russell is to present the Sup Carlo Opera Co. 11. for a week. In vfilHi *'Ut Olucottdu." "Rlgoletlo,'* "II Trova- " Trflvluia." "L.X Hobeme." i* and "Crtvnllerla ltustl- .,.. be presented. • . UJHSU Oi'KHA- IIookk (Hurry Italnforlh & Jobo If." Jlavllu, managers i.—"The Oruuil MokuI" . -i-i*. Lust wow the farewells of IV B. -VWhnI. Hie lCnghsb favorite, were a !]ii'■''*'!nI'Mi uf iMii.iM'' performances. CurtHln mils i Innumerable were given, uud at tbe elu»u uf every piny tbe uudleures Insisted on UottOffM tlW favorllo by itiieuled rocalla. h|r >YllTuid will carry rruoi t.'focluuult rocoh li'n'inii:-! uf a iinr. i uit'Uiorabli! ciigueeiaciii. '•'.'floDcl, NewcuiDi.'.'* tin- uuly new play In tCMQDi 'h'i appeured, drew Bplemlldly, unu laPMRU udeulre fur more of Tbuckerny. In tbfUV furcwella of "Tbe Mlddleiiiiili," '•Tint I'rofwur'u■ Lom: Story," "Tuoi rincu" mA. ■'I'ht' piuu.'l'bat WjH/ a Um Cuonun was a WWiimt ■flffure. Vllllani (llllette 11. 0.;VMIflC'|Oeo. F. I'lab &■ Loella Forcpitugli- I'ldh, Itiiaiiayeiri).—The Forejianpih Stock Co. bus ercalfU another stir by lue aniiounee- lueiit uf the local pmnlOL 1 of unolhvr suecfhs —'Wro'V—wbleb wl11 ]>v slnnwl ■*- '*' l(j « t , r|(hj l of.leiink'o""hii a run of dreary drizzle. but Uwlijehs kepi U|> splendidly.. ; Hrryehcl muvhu aiijl Idu Adair lUelr W«t In IttT* imapriliitluiiV The work of the WW- i'HUKu-ytock t'o. htttl won for too company tliu 'houiii" t.nvJable hluh rank held by tb« Plu^9n*0V Co.. during the slock days of lUe/olda^urlbSHx-vt bouse. "FrunecBea di KUalnlTJOrlO. i ■ . ■•'» ' Walku'MtBtkkkt it. C. Anderson * Henry M.-.^lVKleiy. munaB«v*i.—Wulsoii. Kelly and Arllugl«u,.«;|l, hi "Me, Ulm and I- ,"^on- il'Tluiiil/' IuhI week, was most pleasing to ci'iIaviI'm .. of . great, nroporllons. Josepu 31. CIlUeR omWtMl In" orgunlziitlon. UtH Murl)l«;'iind Utile Hilp were Ibe earda of the ra»t.. Vlii.'New York Towu" 10-10. . "COLlliBlA (U. C ' Aiidci-son .ft Hoary M. fcltwlov,' ■.ntainiiwra).—Arnold , Uuly ouu uib '■oaTiiuiiv- wllllie tbo headllners :{■».■.'('key ;»|jh.*itr'lu v "Ho*-.lJi! I.led To Her Unnbaml.' Tiie:arx,7liirflrn] (,'nilys, HIlMlM'ili Murray, iBc^Hur■BalTOttL'ls, t'linrlrs Harris. Ilcrlha Alrri'o'ii: A7O. Iiimcun, Klein.atal Cllftou, and Ibfi'Suteli-VerUon Troupe an-, other* boukeu. iWcrtH'BVOriSBA.iroooi. (llcuek. FeanesHy 4."Stilt niuuugersl.—"Hertbii. Ibe wiwhik UtfOhOfl Olrl." «■». ufler a w*jek of ;jmJ mmU . fur'„ Harney (Jllmore, 1p A Korky Woailf-ru'Hillillu." ■ "Hilled Uff Ibe Turr.10- io." , ■* .lAfcistlM (Heuck. Ireouessy & btulr, jpaiia- uttral.'-W'Tbe Way of Ibe Trant;gr<;i!sor. ..-.». Witit)' i Fdoco burOJT proved, a ntcrllng draWTqu card. ".Montana' 10-10. ■PiiipiaKV i lliibrvr Heaek. ]iiiniagerK--Tuy- lur'jOVrMui Itellex. with Al.' Hlee nnd hhep- liiird.f.'aoip; It-!). The hioocrnt "Maids gave a Kuort/biir-l'&Qjifc show lo big. business, laiikee Doudrii nm 10.. ■ ,. „„„ fct'iAKoAun (<;. H. Arnold, manager).-—Som Sv.T)lifter's. Ony Minsquerndcw U-0. after a week."uf good bualuess done by Irwlns/Aia- JOairvH.'.-rfho OuDs-IIcrmon usbt-pleturcH will U''Jo .added • Horry Kryonts Uor-Uouiiaiira 10-10. ■ ■ ._.. ■.HoitijmiiN'a Opkoa Hoi;se <^nltcr Can- ilrlfl," iBao.'abr).—The HOI 1'arally of acrobats "ra. Hie; top nolehes-for. the. 10-^0 vaadevll o Itoune; 3-{). A nuuiber of npcolol souvenir "Wits.slid an amateur nlglit are aiiuouuced. Mine, tyot'lueun, Tom and Oertle Orlniea, Ar- ibijr .Utopnlijg, and Short aud Shorty uro others puoked. & (2ai;'■;— Mo zlo. llomau, taken ill, across lbe ; wiLlt'iv will return Ironic A diamond <btir,ilr:uud laurel wreath wus presented to I'ruufc.Vuo dor Stucken on tbe evening of Ibv.'lweolV'Uftb uimlversory of hU appear- nnee UH.a.musleul director. The donors were Ibe'.gVnibors of tin- Symphony Orcbcstra. -...,. ...Wllllum A. Hackett, late of Lleanor llol-hou's" forces, is onjoyiog a brief ▼MO-tloB ut bhiuv Germufoc Sebulucr wllt-Kivo t.fWfiS TMttOl «t the Lyrlc'7. : ...;.M8n8 niuclL-r"waf royally greeted on tbe night-of yfjrjrayal bouelli at Ihc Germuo Theatre... - UufflBJ Umug. a Cloelnoutl Cooncrratory RWWQifi .rapraoo. Is sloglog lu New }°**- ■ ■■.'. Jtmhy Darldsou la appearing at thn ii'lw.rtiiB Tbe Boston Symphony Or- •■Iirattu'wihi hcurd ut'MuHle IloJL 2. WT^Ow hint fluie <o fuuVleeu yearn Josef Li«- v|DMf rocBjveJ (Unuderons reengiihlou at hw recital nt .Music Hall, 1 Tho Conrted On«rh*Co."wtll'bc-1ien; April 15,10.'foe ttircc IKTforuiuoCes at Music Hall. t'lcvcliuiil.—Al tlic Ojieia House (Harry Kiinc. manager) "The [.Ion and the Mouse' Fob. -1-0. with Arlbur Kyron. Oerlrude t'ogh- Iuti. Muleolui Huneun. liraee Thome, .fwseph Kltgour. and ulbern. Last week ■"..nice (Jeorge, In "Clothes," drew crowded hounes. ' Her support was excellent, including Prank Worth- ing. Itohl. T. Ilulues. Selene .luhrison, A. II. SUiurt. iiixl othi'i-M. Robert Muntell I MO. CoLiiMAL ((.'has. lleibvinan, muiiager).— "The Love Route," with Odelle 'l"yler. week uf 4. .lusepli and William .leffcrtiun pTOHOlit- r<l "Moving too (.iaine" IhmI week, to full hcuiri'H. If was n bright furee, full of clever Kitiiullons. The cu«t hielnded : Aubrey llouel- eault, Margaret Malcolm, llliinche Itonder, and others. Week of II. "The Other Ulrl.' I.vckciu (C W. Todd, muiiager).—Cecil Spoonev, In "The Olrl HalTles." the current wiek. "Arizona" was given a spirited pro- duction, by n enpaulo company, last week, "lldsy lny" 11-10. • KtiTiiV (II. A. Daniels, manager).—Car- rent week too Ktoners. In a oovt'l nnliiturlul rxhlbllluu; Oillvotll Troubadours. Hen Welch. M'-Mtitin nod Campbell.' VfrrOottv ihouologlHl..; tHiOftti and Warren, tbe l,uvlae<'lmuiou Trio, uud Ihfl k1neto«rapli. ' .. Lvnic (I'M. 11. Aolbuny, manager).—BlDOl AVlilicrtldc aud her Ibrec plekuuluules bend the bill week of V. Aimlber loipoi'tHiit n<*I 1* KuskcII Hrove, hiuideulTcd mouareli. '^ther ne(H tni CIiom. Iluwlnon. (he HellefoulH. I,e- '.Mm aud Mllbo'true. Murrlxoii and itoiua. Muster Citmuilngs. lu lllnstnited sungt, uud the eatneragrnpli. ■ i;!i.ovisi.ANii!(Pronk Sbrlner. luunugerj— "A Marked Wouiau" week of d. "A Millionaire's Keveuge" proved u big drawing card butt week mill pluyed to cruwded bouses. "The SewlllfT Maehllie Hill" 11-10. Star (Drew & Cumpbell. inuuagers).— Ibe Iiiiioeeut Maids, With Lurry Smith principal I'oiuedlnu. we<'k of -i. Olio Includes: Sadie Hunted. Soillli and Cbmunlou. Hughen and llotlcioo. Harry aud Jollu Seyoti. Ilortoo and La Trlsku. Tbe MI;mi New York Jr. Co. ia-.i week. The Purlnlan llellva IMO. K.Mi'iitK (Geo. Chctiel. uianuger).— ihn Hreater New York Stars week of I. Oesldes the burlerjiiue. (here urc speolulllew by Ibe i;mi'..»i!i:=. Ilosli-Un- yofc KM. Harry Write. Htmie, CbIuoOMI Hoey, Buelt Bro-J.. uud Mafrlnud ■ Tvsun. Lust week the Parisian Wlilon-x Co. held the boards. Tbe Lid Lift- era 1'1-W. — — ■ — Coin ui Unu.—At llir Orciil Soulliem (Wn>. Sanders, mnnugcri Nonce O'Ndl. In "The Soirerew," pl«»sed good hOOHBI Jlltt. !». W- "Tbe Isle of Hour Hong" drew fairly well IW. Tin-' l.utiles' Knifrpcuii laiorui repotted lis irtidfes' Minstrels, to big business, l>eb. 1. Primrose's Mlootrltll al.truetetl guutl houses B. Wright l-orliuer. lu "The Shepherd Mafc, 4- 0; Hon OrOOt Players 7, 8. sitLUKiir firm ok <». Ulllor, mwio»yj^— Bertha K'dleb. Ill "The Krenlzer Soitatu,' en- tbliwd fairly good liouse*. .Inn, II3-8U. Cyril BcVll. lu "The Prweo Cbap.' l-eb. 8. Hiuii Stokkt ((.'bus. W. Harper, pjojlHUVrl —The Smart Sel. eulei'taliied eupuelly liotiHeu .Inn. 2S-"'V Kellnr pleased Inrge bouses IU- V,-U.-2. "Unled Off the Turf 7-U, "«H>,000 Reward" 11-HI. „ . KniTU (W. W. Prusser. miiouger),--Busl- iivki for week of .liui. ^» was very good. Ill I. for week of l-'eh. I: Ciirrou and Herbert. Uulj pblno uud Uehoora. Ulobe of Death. Bert nun neitha (Jrtint. Mubel Sinclair, Itedrord and Wlnc'lieslei-, Taylor Holmes, and Harry Tl/'he's ColleglUUH. , „ 'Notes. —Iaabelln O'Mtdlgon, of the Nanen O'Ncll Co., who was formerly n member of tbe Htoulro Stock Co. here, was warmly we|- "couied by her local admirers during her ptu.v ■here.. Josephine A1 us Icy Who was boohed for the Keith last week, was unable to go on. owing to a severe cold Hurrlsun any Flake wan a loeul visitor hero Jan. -!-S, bovine'come on here to confer with Lcrum. Kulich. regarding a new play .'Ibe many friends of Walter J. *Jua*eos a local hoy, who Is with John W. Vogel's Minstrels, we're nulned to hour of bis serious aecldeiit nt Ogdensburg, N, Y. Horry Juiaes has Joined the forces n t the Kellh. YoniitfMtomi.—At the (.Jrunil (Jot 8dw> arln. mauogeri the Chester Ho Vonde »o. played lu good rclnros week of Juti. 2H. ei- t-ept yo, wheu rimtmeey Oleot p iiywl. Ip the capacity. Albambra Stock Co. I-eb 4■», OXCenS; fl, which Is tilled by Hilly 8, CllflTord. lu "A Jolly Bnroo." ■ , Park Timutiib HVIII Dcsbou, oionngtri. —Thomas E. Shea's ropcrtury compuar en- joyed very good patrounge last wack. hm- ttiro Course eulcrialnmeut l*eb. h. "Jlaltroud Jack" 7, "At the Old Cross Bauds'" 8- NoTBS.—Mnoogor Will Pasoon. of IjH Park Theatre. Ins clo«d a euolroet for life. WHO actress. Delia Leon. They were nisrrlet on New Year's Dav, tit the home uf J. L. t-lux- ionV treasurer of the Purl; Theatre. lu private life. Mm Deslion was Delia Halyard, of |f««f York Cltv, and Is favorably mid welt kuown in the profession. 'Manager Deslion Is one « NKon & SSImmermnn'o inanugers. Hlnce bis resilience hero be Imb mode a bout of friends, forhlfl strnlgbtforward nud upright wanngn- Loeut. Ilaiiilltun. — At (he JnVvi--n (Tout A. Smith, matuiger) ^VHllams uud Walker, Jnn. 'M, t'Od eapai'lly tin Alness, nod gave a clever show. "My Wife's Family." ::7. uutthire and night, bud koikI btlsluess. "Tlie <:olli'ge Widow." uu. had S. u. o. "Human Jlvm-tn" Feb. 17. "The Comer Uroct-ry" IS. "In New York Town" 111. lilsle .liuils. In "The Vunder- hllt Cup." ill : "A Bunch ur Keys" ^1. filtAMi (Met.'urtftv ft Ward, iiiamigers).— BUI week of Jun. -l.S : The Ainerleait News- boys' Oiiurlette. Hosco uud Sliatns. .Murk and Liiurn Duvls. I-toyd Mnek. Harry llodgeus, II- luslrulod songs, mid the khiotliume. y.Hin-Nvllli>.~At tlie Weller I.I. (1. Fug- lontt manager) "'Way Down Ka.-t" raiM .'tin. !!.">, iv large biMlne^H. The tiuns-Nidsun movlug pletum show. HO. pleased. "Tesas" did well HS. The Four Mortons .'II, "The Way of the Transgressor" Feb. 1. Herlha Knlkh ", "Tbe lute of Bong Hung" &. "ltufiii Unsttis" 0. Piiincbss TUBATM Is dark. Notkn. —The Are icnt nleliire shows have bton "reaping ,a hiirvest. all helug lurgtrly at- tended. In spite of I DO eitreuiely butl weather. .:...,The local ledgi^ of Kauh-s will give uu amateur uilnsli'el bbow ul Ibe Weller, Feb. --. unji«»n —At the Ylclorlu Hi. C. ^Uller. uiuuihfi'i'j Nance u'Netl, lu "The Sorceress," -Fan. :t0, Marie Cnhlll. In "Marrying Mary." iilavvd lo Hie cupaclly 1M, " I'hi; Bluek t'ruuk" liiul yowl bomiOM lt"». Prlmruae'a Mlrislrels 111, "The hie uf Hong Bong" Feb. L', Ibe Austrlnn plutilst, Morll/ Koseiilhnl, 4. RATIOMAIi lull Burrows, nmtiuger).—Kel- lur, the uuiglelun, enjoyed prusperlty Jun. -I*- :(U, "Whil" I'rlh'co i;iirns.' T jH-flO. drew good houses. 'Tinier {Southern Hkles" ill-Feb. ir, the Smart Set 4-0, "Arlzonu" 7-0. Clinton.— Al the Orund Opera 'Fred S. Love, umnuger) "The shtipberd King" drew line business Jun. :>■ ;;i>. Ill Ibiuy's Minstrels Feb. 4, linitjrecl's riuyers 0, Kiiiliryn Piirni'll week of M. in. <■" (Pults tie Tliomus, inaiiager.Hi.--l''ur weel; i>f ;i: Uushrol Uruiu. Bessie Smith, Rl ltler, Huberts and Rullno, L'lliel .lufltnuti. Ibe Ktllys, and luutluu pictures. Oood business iasl track - — ■■■■ ■■— . Murlun.—Al Ibe Oruntl (C. U. Perry, nmnnger) Hertlm Kulitrb. lu "The Kreiit&cr Soiiala." Jan. HO. Hubert Downing, In "Run- nlug far (.uveiT.ur," 'Mi "Tin; ciuusiiiiin" -», "Nut I.Ike Other Hlrla" l-'eb. 0, Mate. Mud- J.skii ia Mak|i>\' YAUntivii.i.t: (Mrs. Yulle. tiuinu- gnrlc— Week uf 4: Crane. Iiong uud (.'I'ltue, t'lias. 'Hell, .Ii-iikH und Cllfforu, and 11. B. Ciiesley Ca #■» mi\,m-;siit\. St, I'iihI. \) the Metropolian Opi^m Hoiim- (I.. N. Scot I, manager) the I'ntly Mn-I- esl Co. iiad very gumi OWletMi Jan. '.'A'M, singing "A Country Olrl" anil "Tbit Cltign- lir. 1 ' and niukliig n lilt In *>aelt. The SI. Paul Sympi'onv Urehexlra |N n line euueert lo big btn-llies-i, iiiolliiei' 27. Wlljbiui (ill- Idle, lu "Clnrlee," had. big IiiimIiichh L'SItO. Hu-elle Knott, Iti "Alice SII-by-lht-FIn'," III- Feb. Si "The Heir to tbe Hoonib" :i«. "Tim Time. I ho Place uud Hie Olrl" T-1M. "Madame Hutterllr" 11-PI, "The Olrl nud tho Haudll" 11-10. Muuugur Scott wus lu Chicago last wck. fili.'.Nn (Theo. \„ Hays, manageri.— LoIHq Wlllhiius. lu "My Toinbuy Ulrl," bad very good business last week, "The Oainhler of the West" week of •), and Florence Hlndhy, In "The Olrl and the Humbler." week of 10. Oiti'itetM (Martin Bora, general malin- ger).—Bmduess continued big last week. New- peojile for week of II: llailen BJW. rulhjn. ClwrlfHi ir. Seiiipn. Bert:-Levy, Ttyroil Olid. Luugdon, tko Miinlcat AvouM Una Paotaer, Alice Lyudim Doll nud anlmnled scenes. Ktaii U. C Van Roo, inanageri.—Tho Jolly Oruris Widows aod the Zarruw Trio bud very good busbiesH lust week, and pleased. Kotwfirt of -*J. wmiuins Ideals. Week of 10, New Cratury Olrio. . , Wixuhljii 'Sinllb H. Hall, msiwigvr).—'Ihial- ness ueM up well, nuiwltlislmidlng, tho very eold weather lusl week. I'eople un the stage for week of 1: Mumiuerlo Sfslers, Will Hurt, Ocorgo DemoreHi, Lugcue White and Tuny KMl'itm fSum Fink, luunugcrl.—Ilusiuera was vi',-,- good last week. Tlnkhuui and eoin- punv niukliig a decided hit with their oiotor- evcihig riding. Tbe only new people for week of -I wlfl be lh" Texiinu Sisters. All Ihu uthers bold over, except Tlnkhum and cum- _ oinouxeri. - - Cburies Fp'-cU. proprietor uud manager, will retln' 4. inking control uud mtinagetne/d of tlie Kmplre Theatre, !n Mlnneapulfs, o. Tlw Ibeutrc (Frorck's) will bo completely re- modelled aud changed over Into u cony llttlo theatre, nt which vandi-vlllo of u high ipmllty will he glvefi. The bouse will go under th* nnmo of tbe Majestic. Extensive changes »re to lie made, which will reijiilro two or thrcn mouths to make. Tbe plaus'buro been drawn by Keert ft Culbliro. tho nrehllecls of the local Orphetiu), and the iilleratlons will nit ul! nn expense ol UPtWOm x::u,oihi unit fHi.UOO. Tho proanitei nj' tlie project Is .1. Jack Hondy, iitniM'ii|ii»M». —Al the MetropolitanOpern Douse (L. N. Seutl. miiuuget', "The Time, Hi- I'Iihv uud 11m- Olrl" Feb. :i-0. "Tim Heir t» the Huuriih" 7-b. Buselii- Knoll, in "Alice SH-by-Hie-Flrc." Jun. 'J7-:i0, nud William Clllelle.'lit "Clarlci'." IH-Feh. *J. had good busincHK. "The Uli'i and the Haudlt" 10-Ul, "Madttm Bntterlly" M-llt. BIJUU Ol'KlfA ll'HSI. i Turn. I,. Illlvs lliftll- uger).—l.oi lle Williams, In "My Tom-Hoy Olrl." J uud week. H. Miller Kent. In "llullles." had very good houses hist week. "The tiumbler of lite AVesI" 10 aud week. Ohimiulm iMiiiiin Beck, geaeral mniiagcr). —Bill for -'I aud week: Fuuuv Rice untl her dunelng dulls, Muy 'hilly untl company, In "Stup. Look nutl Us It'll;" Un llnrrlson Smarl,. Dlllou Uios.. Three I .Hob Ions. Three Flood Brothers, lleilrls unit PrcsriiM and Die kliiudroine, HiihIiii'ms-wiiH good last week. I.Vi'Ul'Hl (t, C. Hpeers. mamigerl.—"Tho Duui'lug Hhl" :i ami week. "Suplio" pluyetl lo very large niullvnces lost week, "tfno Yudls" 10 mil wwlt. L'moik (Jollu KllluH, manager).—Hill for -1 mill w-ek : The Hl^Ieya, Ida ifowll. Clifford and fjrtb. Heurgi- liiiveiider, Culciitiiu unt! Meil-s, und Irene LIIHe. HliMlness Is good. 'iiii (Joseph MeCaulcy, mnmigi-r).--BII1 for "• und'week : Duruiul untl Hhlrlrr. Marcus Wesley. Wlleoi anil Wlleox. Rlhol Tnfl, -lolnr Oullugher. uud nioilou pictures. I'ulr Inisl- nan rules, ' PBWSf (W, A. SlngiT, iununKerL--Tliii WhIsuu Bnrlestpiei-H II und week. Rhtltn Moiindors, lusl week, hud very good business. The Jolly nriM Widows Hi iinilweek. Nutk. —Weed Monro, u promlnenl allurney Of MlnUetiiiolls, nud lor u great immyycarK the Mlimeupolls t'oi-respmidelil for Tin: Ci.ll-> rag. died, after o prolonged Illness, on Juu. 00, •■-■- liuluth. At (be Lyceum (»'. A. Mur-thsll, iminiigi'ri "Tlte Heir to Hit: llool'ith." Juil. ::u, with Ouy Utiles I'ost nud a Hue company, played lu u large uudlciicc Tlichi weie u imnibiT of eiirluln rnllH. Vau 'I'auguay. In "A Hood Fellow." US, .Ml. plcused. MorlU Uo.-i'iitliill. ■:'•'; KOUfloL "The Hunille Brier HiiKb" LITi, '-'ii. J. Puliuer Polllns hud Mr. stodiiprt's old chiiruetcr, und did wull with It. William Olllglle Feb. 4, n. "Mine. Hul- ii'i'lly," which was ehung.-d from 18. 111. lo 8, It "VYe Are King" 14, Florence Uale 10. Mi.ritoi'iii.iiAM (W. II. Longstrei'i, umnn- per).—Wulson's Buriestpiei's enujit Inst wdt. The show wsh one of Ibe best Ihls s'eilHiin, und gootl laislnesn ruled for (he week. Jolly ilea-'. Willows ;: uud Week. Blioi: ''10': MiiHlniiil. ouiiiugeiM —Cold wrntluT bus mi enTcel on bUHlm^s ul. Ihla pupiilnr place ur aiiniHcmeiil. Hill I'ur 4 ami wwk: Welsh Francis <'o..- Helle Oordoa. Trui'ey tiod t'urler, Si-dounl, Olvoo, Frledbind- er Hras,. Two Casetlas, Tuuner and tlllb"rl, laudorc S'.lrer, Jus. McCIellnu. uud new mov- ing plelures ami llltmtruled iuiij;,. 0« » INDIANA. lndlHiiniHillR.--Al I'lnffllnirr,upera House (Ad. I'- Miller, miiiiuger) Marie Cnhlll, lu "Murrylng Mury." Jun. •.'.*•. W, gave u de- llKlifful pfi't'-iinaiiee, The slar mid IJugene 1,'owIcm scored heavily. "Mr. Hupkhison, ^8, pleufi-d u'gooil hIkciI house, .htiie (Vircorun, In "Tlic Freedom *»f Sii^iinno" uud "A. Hull's llonse." -ti. pleased greatly. Nimce O'Nell, In "'Magdu" uud "The Horeerevs," Feb. '.'; Prluii'Obu'H MliiHtrels I'eb. 4, o, i'ruitels Wil- son 7. ' «. r.uiK-Tui:AriiK (Dloksim & Talboltw inuun. gcnO.—;■ Texas," Jun. Ul-litl, llllrd the hmiun 'Twin u day. '.'Iterlim, Hie. Hewing Muehlne Olrl," 'J8-.I'), pocked Ibe house at every |ht* formaiiee. The Smart Set yi-Feb, 2, lturnoy Olltuore 4-0. ■ OtiA.NU Ol'liPA (founts (Sbafer Zh'gler. mnn- ajrer).—Bill week of 4 : Jimle .MeCree uud ronywiiy, Kltuban/al Juiis. Hie Four Hurvpys, Itcllmiiii and Hoorr. Hurry Kwm Three Wen. ton Sisters, Les Utirund Trio, Two Koekk-ys, und the hlpHi-oue, KM cut t; tChus. Zluimeruiun. munageri,— The I'lirisluu Dulles did well Jim. a4-fflj. Co- lonial Belles, 2H-:il), gave uu uuiisusily strong AGENT duo tilgbt mv rep. .lulu any place, muy lime, M receiptor wire, IIA ft U A. .li)tlr.8t»N, :i:i Jl Si.,, N, V. 150 SONGS 1.10c . Words and niii«in lu 'J-i pu Miislenl Hem. Inc. CHiHlogu* OTTO MP«'C CKH.pfMW mt> 01 . V.-w \ it ,x WAITEB. 4 ALL ■RflHIfl PEHFOHHEHS Wanted, Piano Player. Most ruMd and fske. P'Ui'i a»k turn liek':l,an 1 novo lusl been tliorc. Aildress MOPKKM itKMKPV t,'(t„ -Jon K Main st, jo liunbim. utilo. WANTKO, fiirAekia-A Vaughn Big UK.v Aii vi rtlMng hliow Oi'iuimtiv No, I, AI U<t-uircr ami Olllce Win km , Mcillfiliu PeiTm Una s nil Onus, tlnii lioslllvely mukegtHMl, SkePM Temiir. doituuie-i mill iIhiiIiP'h. Prefer imixe wiiopiny piano. Irish, inilcli aud Hluck l>uo t'liitiedlnns, dancers prn lorred. mher people v?bo deliver tluigooiiti. So )uio/.ers. Uwesl ami all lin,i leitor. Uo uot mis represent. Tickets lo reiloiite jmrllei'. linen feb. is. W, M. Vaughn, Mgr., ofaii-.a. M. iJniii-*.■•■.. Ill, Tie a Uleuroyrt soil A. 0, Mlllcur, wrUu. m ' AT MHHIITV. tMlii'iillau. Willi -|iueinll|n.-. opeu for anything or will consider some giant dales. Will lump ■:>« iiillun, .'"in on wire. Over nun maci have tfekiit. B, M, l!I.Alth, Mai'tlii'iilloUil,tH:iAVolumSt.,t1iii;liiiiaH,0. um ftndoraon Mule .c', l'O, gave a pleasing minstrel perroriiiuiiee lo eupuelly. "Jolmnv Wise." 20, juaibice und night, hntl gumi liouscH. ■'The Deliver Kxprcus" pImim-i). "I'he Millioilnlre Trump" ill. ihc Four Mot I. Feh. I, "Around the Clock" (1, "Tho Old lloiiieHieml" P. "Tlie Mm-rlngc of Kills'* 11. CltlMTAI. (W. \Y. Me^Weil. iMiiiiuguri, r' Week of Jun. 2S: Oiu'dimr, Wi'si. hii4 Hon- Milne, tl-MMU'il and rilifovd. Le Burr, Aildrny Post, und Hie kiimdroiue. fairge iioiis>'s rule. Nuw Hi.uh; (Jubo Shinier, oiauugeri,- - Wif-k or 2M: Mel'lM'liunl und Wslers. Muri': Curtis. I he CiiuipbellM. Allelic, Mrs, Seiivey, und Hie llljouseope, ilrew Hie lurgeul hujii><->< lu I lir history of Hie house. Nm-KM.— 'I'lie ".luhiuiy IVIm-" Co. upon ar- riving ul the Ortmii. :'M, were minus their Munlrolie uud ei|iilpiueu(. Manager lleunliigs upi'eail hi/; prlviile eolli-ellmi ui iiiiIIm. eti:-, und the porrurijuuifi' wuh pul on without a hitch. Howeter, Hie ■•uinfsiny dlnlmiided after the engilg"Uienl Miff Aslit;|iilgl.i. of An- iler.-mii, will si art a vmuleVllle Imuue at New- enntlc, hid., shortly. , to very -big liUsluekis. luukee Doodle ai-Feb. \i, fin Thoroughbreds 4-0, Star mow Olrls-7-0. flAYtiTV IHdword Hhnyiie, muiiuger).—Ir- win's Majesties did the usual Mg IiiisIiichh Jmt, IM-UnV Orciiicr New-York stars,. •jm-iUK. gave u clever performunci;. to very big bind- BOM, Oav Muf-ipienidern .tl-Feb. 2. tlie Lb) Mflers 4-0. Harry HryuDl's Hurlehiiui-rs 7-u. Ouy Moridog O'loiles 11-13, Al. Reeves* Beupiy.Sbow 11-18. Notk. —Tbe Boston Symphony Orchcst rti, Curl liuelt.-director, .apin-ai-ed for .one eon- ii'i'l ut Kugllsh'i* U]h.'|-u IImiimu Fob. I. — .,-.,, b ■ — Ai.dtTBuii.—At Ibe Oraud (Jos. K. Heii- nlngs, mauogen Mary Bmerson, In "His Ma- jesty ond tbe Miild," Jan. 112, bad good busi- ness. "My-Wlhi'o I/umlly," y4, did good husl- l.nfHjt-H,',—Al ,lji; Oii'ud Oieo. Muil'ler- Imek, iiiamigiT) ".Mopluuil" drcv two good I ovh Jan, 20, und.'rfeiiKHi. Mildred llul- laml, In "A 1'iinnllw-or Mm W. ««*"" « good 'iliuw, h" One WiMlimsu. Pi'lmroiJi u MJu- sll-els, 2H. llld wiHifiMlory l.ll.,lll«::'.'. "Tbi Show Olri" Feb. 2. "Aronud Iho I'tock' ?. "The Old Ho sie.'iil" - S. l-'k"' Mlnctnd.t tloeidj II. 12. Ben tired'Pisyers II, 'Iho ColhT.e Whluw'' HI, "Kiilllcj." 20.,v ID. W. Miiutlce. mniiiigeri.* Week of Jan. 2S opined lo Hie tisunl guod hunlueim, tvhh Bin foihiwliig Mil: Well-*' Bros,, Boy- iiiomj uud l.'lark. Doljy Wt-tln, lOil/ui Lyman, Felix Blee, and Iho kiootlroiue. Nu'ius.— Iji Punlette and tin- Huppy Half llonr both rcpiii'l millrtfiieiory boolomi Tbe Purdue [.'niverslty Hiuid und OreliesU-o, which given uu eiilerlnliiliienl eiieii April,' d» elded iu put on 'in ow m this Hni" WioPuid of the uimal mlmd rule. Tim Hcleetlon him not yet been nnuoiiuceil. , ■ i " , ■■ .4 " - ■■■ — • F,vaii«.vllle. - Al the .(Jruiid (Peilley A, Ihireh; uitiiiagei-s^ the .buns': hud On slum: of patronage, with u good repertory glvinr by Ihu Muek-Loiine tflMOH Co.. J|n. gS-l'ih. U, "A Trip lo Kg.vpL" 27. played lo n good widl- e "The S..eli.| Whirl'. 1 Feb. 0. I'|;ii|'u;'h IPedley &■ Burcli. Homager:!). — I.lvliigslutie Slock Co. In O'gouil list or plsya, eoiilbiiies. uud pulronng*' bos been gotid, • M'BiiiiH' Bi-iou (Allen. Jenkins, iimnugcrt.-- I'liekeil In S, IE. M„ Jim. 2.-1. with 7, l.|1tln Johnny Jon"s." Hugeiile itiulr, lu 'The tiKiuoii In Hie Ciisi* - .'* 'JT-'IO. drew gnwl lueil tiiHS. Fnitiels WHkuii-'H, "Tbi' Hnind Mogul" Feb. L -• ■■ ID.IOU (Oeo. Sclllnger. biuilagcrL — 0'uod Iiail-oniigv. Yhih'l HlUliey. with Hie lUlppurt uf rii-li.inl St. Yrulii, Is scoring hrurlly. Week of Jim. 27. "Mutlm ut Hwitsiy" WU given. i.-.. ■ | i ,-.■-, Fruiikfurl.—-Ar. tbe- Hlluu i !,an:-i> ,V ItufToi'd. iuu lingers) ''lliius uud Six"-op- poured Juu. 20. "Jiwkh .lames" l>$. Jonu Corcoran, lu "The .Frmidom of Suxuou*," Feb. IC'Thc Show Olrl" 4, "The Marring* or Kilty*' 7. "The College Widow" in, "Way Down liitist 18,