The New York Clipper (February 1907)

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1354 THE N^W YOBE OlaLPPmt' FBBBUABY ». Pit We Road. All Itontca Moat flench Vn Not Later Than aiondnr. »li(M.)-^CWfcIgo. III.. 3-0, FOfT Woy/ie, Ibd.. ::, Turrti Haatc 13, Kvanvllk- 14-10. Clifford. Hilly S. [IbAt l.e llor, mgM~- Young*- io«-u. o„ a. Rrle. Pa., 7. Asutebala, o.. 8, KlTrii 0, Detroit, Mich., 10-10. Colo and Jonwwn (Philip llolmon, mirr,)—New Grace George (Wm. A. Brady, mgr.) —ChJcs|u, 111... 4*10. Gallatin. Albert* (Stfctiy. ffhipmut & Co., mgr*.) —Otinmwa. la.. 0. Grind lUpidi, .Mich.. 7, CllSlon, In.. 8, Rock Island, lit., 9, Davenport, is.-.- ID. Molina. III.. 11. Pocrfi 12. DRAMATIC, Haven. Conn., 44 Hartford 7-0, Albany, K. Qrimth, John- (A. R. Sadden, mgr.)—Sterling, Kilt.. 0, Uutculuson 7, Kltlgmnn 8, Wichita U, Lawton. Okla.. II. Clilrraitm.lnd. Ten. 1*. Rl Hrn- citlfl,. 1,1. fvlllBBslicr 14, Enid IS, Still- water 10. Gllm-ofo. Homey (tlafltn A Nlcolal. mar*.)—-In- rffananol'r,. IimI.. 4-0, Tern? Haute 7-9, St. Louis. MO.. 10-10. Greer a Flayers 'Ben Greet, tottr.)—Cantnn. 0., 0. Colmnbu* 7. B. Day ion 0. CrawroiMwVlIle. In*].. 11, 12, Cuiini»aln>, 111., 18, Lafayette. V„ U-13. Carjfmer, Frankle (Jcre Grady, ragr.)—Woon- a ■ socket. R. !., 4-0, Brockton. MntW., 11*10. Adams. Maude (Charles Froliman, mar.)—Fhlla- OaaWMjfcljr Then ire. Mmitlteru (Uih*. Harrison, deljilil*, I'a., 4-23. nur.)—Baton Bouffe, La., 4-0, NaiCU.^, Mlai., Allen. .Viola (Charles W. Allen, mgr.)—Toronto, _»* ,. ,.„ ,„ , m _ Oai:.. 4-0, Loudon 11. Hamilton 12, Niagara Cboilt.t*y-Kcll?er (Fred 0. Chatincey. rngr.)— Falla. N. Y., 1«J, Buffalo 14-10. CleaMelu. Pn.. 4-0. Auglu.. Margaret (Henry Sillier, mgr.)—N. Y. Cutter Htock (Walla™ It. Cotter, mgr.)—Wa*b> City 4. Inilelliillc. „ IngtOD, I'a.. 4-0. MlsiervlJle. W. Va., u-10. ma . t «, JBl uunn]»ai|m, Arlmekle. Macklyn (Joseph Luckett. mgr.)—Jcn»y Chonte Dramatic (Harry Choatc. mgr.;—Iliimca- imi., M. Blomtditgien 10. City, K. J.. 4-0. t«j. la.. 4-11. Corytloji H-IC. Gilmorc. Paul (Jnlca slurry, mar.)—Halt Lake "Collegi* Widow," Kastern (Henry W. Hnvage, City. fJ., 0, 7. ■If J J l BH Pfc Midi.. 0. HNM Rflvlda 7, Oranewiii, Chas.. and Anna Chance—Jackson, Battle Creek 6. Cleveland, ().. I MO. Mich,. JR. College Wl-low." Western (Henry W. Savage. Orahnme. Fchllnaud—Norwteb, N. Y-, 4-0, Otwe» Lrr }**- "*"W *■■ and TJWntlie Balrd <NUon * , «—«.-.—... .. .. „ .. 1- „.- ZlminernMP, m«rs,>—Washington, D. C. Pliltndclr-I'la. I'a.. 11-28, ham 14, Atlanta, (la., 1&, 10. * Aldrlch. CIikh, T. (A. II. Woods, mgr,)—Brook- lyn. N, Y.. 4-lti. Aiiiei-Iiions, Tbe (Artbnr K. Herlmt, uigr.) — Marlon, Ind., 40, Illcliwwin.t U-10. Aubrey Htock (71, tJ. Illlncr, mffr.)—Lowell, MaFB.. 4-0. HaTLThlll 11-10. AiiroH's ComeiHQDN. Hoalliern (Rd. C. Nutt. nigr.) —GalfleSTllle. lex.. 4-0. Durant. Ind. Ter., 11- 17. Alhuiubrn fltneh (Plill Levy, niar.l—Youiicotoffn, O., 4-0. ClnrkrimrB, W. Va.. 11-10. '!A» Ye Soar" (Win. A. Brady, war.}—Chicago, HI.. 4*0. "An Tdld In tln» mils." W. F. Mann'a, Raafefn (Netblt RcoTllle. inpr.)— ,%smokiu, I'n., U, .Ma- bnroy Clly 7. 1'lalnlleW, N. J., 8. New Rruna- u-] ( 'k l). smiih Iletlitelicin, I'n.. 11, Norrlxlown 13, Trenton, N, J.. 13, Hubokon 14-10. M A« Told in Ik* mm" W. V, alnun'a, Weetem i Don A. Mai'inUli.n, "inicr.l—l-'i" Atilninit, Colo., •f. Holly 7, (]ar<Ien City 8, Dodge UIIt. Kan,. .0. Larned 11. Ureal Betid 12. Md'henou 18, Nc"(un M. HntelitiiKiii 15, M'lelilla 10. "As Told In tile HIIIh." W. P. Mnnn's, Centnil • (Cttreneo R. Rurdii-k, ingr.)—Perry la.. 0, Hoonc 7, JetTersoii 8. Carroll 0. Mminlns 11. Allnullr 12. Red Oak 18, Crest on 14, Ccntcr- vlll.j 16. Ultnmwa 10. "Around Hie Clock" (Walter Weaeoll, mgr.l—An- ■demon. Ind., 0. Lafayette 7. Wtbgahr S. Kort Wayne 0, Grand lluidda, inch., 11-13, Toledo, O., 14*10. "At the Old Crow Rood*** (Arthur C. Alcton. ingr.)—Alliance, O., 0. Warren 7. YoungMowH 8. New CaMlc. Pp.. 0. Moyeradale II. Front- bur*. Md.. 12. Marllnaburg. w. \'ti„ 13, Wit* cheater. Va., 11, Frederick, Md., 13, Auiiapolla 10. . "Arlzonn" (Dayld .T. Rnmaac. mjar.i—Columbne, O., 4-0. Dayton 7-0, HteulienvUle 11, Rout Llv- erpool 12, Canton 13, Akron 14, Ymmgatotni 10, Krl». Pa., 10. "Ai Ci-linde Creek." Rnstern. R. J. Carpenter's— .Inrkcoi). Mli-li,. 0. Hntile Greek 7, Dowaglac 8, KolimniMo 1>. Chlcnuo. 111., in-10, "Al Cripple Creek," Wenlcrn, R. J. Carpenter's— Yreku. Cal.. 0, Redding 7. MnrysTllle 8, Oro- vlllefl. Wnodtrtiid 11. Vultejo 12. Napa V\, Polft* lnuiu.14, Han Joxo in. 10. Stoekion 17. Sncrn- inent', 18-21. Fresno 22, nakerllcltl 23. "ATentrer"—Paleraon. N. J., 4-0, Ilouokeii 7-0. Hmoklyii, ft, Y.. 11-10. "At the World's Men*y," Spencer & Aborn'p— BuOalo, N. 1'.. 4-0, Newark. N. J.. 11-10. ■ Blanche Baten fDarlj' Uclnsco. mgr.l—Pittsburg. Pa., 4-0, OiUiugo, 111.. U-MareTi 'J. IiH # rryiiiure, Rlliel (ClmrleH Frobmaii. mgr.) Aiauw. Co.. maw->—Fall River, Uaaa.. 8, t. l WW aj iL 8. Dak., 6, Bloin Ba|L 7, hkbvw Plilladelpbia, Pa.. 10-10. •• ' t ^ „!«.; 8, Algwia 8, UM Clly ll.. to*. 37l£ "UaM flanaoii" (Jai. T. McAlpin, iKMfe Me Tlle,^ R<>w^(J. a. HUrtlDg, mgt.)—»•£ maaelK'. Tel.. 0. HlepbetHTille 7. Oranbury 8, Cal., 2. I'fMcott. Aril., 4, Alrjuyujcruuir 1 \" WMibrrfoW 0, Tbnrrfr >1. Cttco J2,. Balhf 13, M«. t 0, IM Vegas 0, Mp Colo., 7, viei« AMlew 14. Big suriiirt Mi Peeoa 10- ' ■ 8.>Celora^ ttprtug^ 0. D*u*cr lo-lft. ' mw "Ilntitjv lioolijan" (ifnrry mil. «gr.)— Phlla- Mawi UtpMLy iG». B. Hunt, HrO—flea** delpblo. Pn^ 1-0. Newark. N. J., 11-10. . v ™ « "Hana and Nit" (Coloolal Amnae. Co., mtra.) — (lallto. 0.. 0. Wooster 7, Aahland S, Bearer Kalla Pa.. 0, Conncllavllle IS. 'iMM of Myatery" ofltteatUal Broa.' Ainuae. Cfl.. ruara.1—Newark, N. J.. 4-9. ■'IlntteBf Coon In Dixie," Oldeon & FeMon'e Ut4jn F. Kagnn. tngr.l— plflk N. Y.. 0, Slana- Oelil. Pa.. 7. fllwuWg 8. Corning. N. T.. 0, OaffMt 11. SupqnebaUna. Pa.. 12, Foreat City 14. Ulypltant IS. Caruondale 10. I Irwla. May fHarry Slonu. mgr.)— Boeton, Maas., ■ 4-0. Phlladclplila, I'n.. 11-23. Ala., 0. Moote, Kiilcne (F. C. Conrad, mar.)—M«ri™ lli./O. Sarterjille 7 Hcrrtu 8. Jobnin wft* Mnn»iiyab'«:o 11, HnrHibnrg 12. Eoualliv 1*' Itenfon 14. West Frmtktort 13. Clwler |.f ' Mortons, the t'oor (Frnuk L. Hawier, mw 1—^> Lools, Mo.. ::-0. Kntiaaa city io-irf. Mm-rr- niirr.j—New drleann, La., :»•». Pcnancola. f*la., "TWO, II, Mobile, Aln.. 12. Montgomery 111. lUrmlng- Ony Slock (Cbas. W. Mercer, mgr.)— Rochester, ham 14, Atlanta, <Ja., lfi, 10. Pnl 4.11. "College Widow," Soulbern (Henry W. Saragfe, allien. Haw) I'elera (Rdw. Olllen, mar.)—Mount mgr. 1—Frankfort, Ind.. 1.1. Pleasant. Mtch.. 0. 7, Clare & U, illilland 11, "Cow-Puncher." W. F. Jlann'a <R. L. Maxwell, 12. Gage Stock (P. (lag*", mgr.)—PeeksliU, N. Y., 4-0. New Rocliellr 11-1U. "Oraud Mogul" (Klaw A Rriauser. mgrs.)—Cin- cinnati. O., 4-0, I^oalafllle, Ky.. 11, 12, In- illniiapoHa. Ind., 1». 14, Columbus. 0.. 13. 10. ■•Oenwee of the Hill*" (Will J. Jtlock Amu«e. Co.. rn«r».»—Hartford. Conn., 8. 0,- N. Y. City 11. IcdeOnlto. "Ontnliler Of the "Went" (A. H. Wood*, mar.)—St. Paul. Minn.. 3-P. Minneapolis 10-10. "Olrl front the Snutiy South" (Tthtcts Vale>, marl.— Franklin, Pa.. 0. Vanderrrlft 7, Blalra- Tllle S. Oreetinboro 9. Unbnitown 11, Browna- vllle 12. MotKHuyahcIa 1:;, New Kensington 14, Uraridock 10. "Olrla WUI Be OIrb>" (Wm. A. Brady. mxtM— Troy, N. Y.. 7. Albauy 8. N. Y. City 11-10. "Oypsy Olrl," Win. T. Rcogh's—Toronto, Coa., >■(> Montreal U-10. "flnrpnior'n Pardon"—K, Y. City 4-0. "Olrt Pntar"—Ilolyoke. Man., 4-C. Manclicstcr, N. H.. 70, Moutrell. Can., IMC. n . n.iekett. Jamcfl K. —Oraahn, Nebr.. 5-7. St. Joseph, Ore. 0-7, Seattle, mgr.)—PiflHlftirg, Pa.. 4-9, Lalrobe ll. Me Keesjiort 12. 13. Wheeling. W. Vn.. 14-10. "CoiifenHloti 'if 11 WJfe" (A. II. Woods, mgr.) — Brooklrti. N. Y., 4-P. "Caner'n La*t Fight" (J. rc. ClitTord, mgr.)— lyelrolt. Mich., 40. Tole-lo, O.. 10-13, Colum- IrtlM 14-1(1. "C«.'iirlct"i* Daughter." Edw. R, Halter'a—Tonopnfi, Nvr., U. 7, (.uinileW b, 0, UgJeu. U., it), llk-h- Oeld 11, .Sollnii 12, Maiitl 13. Kptirlam 1-1, Muruiil \:>. Nepbl 10. "Chinntouii Chortle" (A. II. Woods, ingr.)— Wllken-Bam*. Pa., 4-0, Scrauton 7-0, PhTladel- jdilii 11-10. •'Cowui.v Olrl." KHroy & Brit ton's. Rastprn (Frank Irt-JKC. rmrr.)— Camdb... .V. J.. 4-0. WU- ntlUKton, Del.. 7-!>. Baltimore, Md., 11-10, "CJflumiiaji" fileo. H. Brenuon, mgr.)—Cbntta- itouga. Tenn., 0, Knoxvlllc 7. Peoria, III,, 8, qulney 13. "0>unlry KM" (II. B. Wliittakcr, mgx.)—Oaa- todln, N. C.-O, (JaflTiiey. S. C. 7. King's Moun- tain. N. C„ 8. Concord 0, Ktatesrlllc 11. Lex- liiglou 12. ThotnuHfllle 13, MounL Airy 14. "Ciirckera" (Coruellos Gardiner, mgr.)—Brook- lyn. N. Y„ 4-0. Newark. S. J.. JFlO. "Clilldnf the Realmcm" iciibb. is. Blauoy AmURO. Co . Mbts. )— Cltlcago, III.. 4-0. irvlbr. I aubel—Portland, TV nab.. 8, 9. "In a BlBhop'H Carriage" (Licbler £ Co., mgra.) —Philadelplila. Pa., 4-1G. "In Old Kentucky" (A. W. Dingwall, mgr.)— Baltimore, Md.. 1-10. "In a Woman'M Power" (F. G. Conrad, mgr.)— Lebanon. Kan.. 0. Mankato 7, Courtlaud 8, Itellcrille 0. Concordia 11, Glen Rider 12. Os- borne 13. Stock ion 14, Down* IS. Belolt 10. "It's All Your Fault." Kdw. R. Salter's—Bed- for*1 City. Va., 4. Lynchburg 0. OherlottWTllle M ;"!; SSEJVa'alnn^' 4-i antf nud Mack <0H»e Mack, mgr.)—|y« »„ Sriew. Cat.. «-0. Oibard 10, Ventura ll. s a nt. artwra 12, .Hun* Oblapo 13. Santa r,rt 14; Stockton IB, Oakland 1C, 17. " lfoiur, Wtu. V. (Rowloud A Clifford, mars i_ Clarkaborg. W. \a.. 0. Weatou 7, hiikTaii _ s.Kikiiis 9, Phlllppi 11. Manningion ii» "■*. taopt 14; Somenet, Pa.. 15. ,w Uyrkle-Harfler HWck, Eaaleru tW. II. Harder tngr.)—8alcm. Maw., 4-l>. l'orunjid. Me..' Myrkle-HuMer Stock. Southern (Latlmore h 14M mgW-)—Jefferson City, Mo., 4-ti UpT catur, HI.. 11-11). . 1 w, a* Murray A Mackey. Eastern (John J. Murrar tafr.)—Krte. Pa.. 4-0. Bearer Falls n-iij* Murray A Mackey, Western (John J. Mormr' nigr.l—Slmlra, N. Y„ 4-0, l'ottsrllle, i» a IMC. Marks Bros. (B. Vf. Marks. m(r.)—N>w lor,. dun, Ojuh., -4ti. Fall River, Maas., 1M0. McBouild atocfe (0. Wm McDonald, mgr.)— Jjuui- las. Aril., 4-9, Blibte. 11*10. * Mo.. 8, Toneka. Kan.. 0. Kanwa City. Mo., in- 13, Hannlbnl 14, Qulney, 111.. 15, Springfield 10. Beaton, Muss.. 1-0. I# "County Cliolrman'* {S. A."Schlosj, mgr.)—Seat- named. Virginia (Sara S. ft U* Sbubert, Inc., tic. WSBh.. 10*13. ragra.)—Chicago. III., 4-9. Mllwaokec, Wis.. "Convict's Daughter," EdW. B. Sailer's—Peoria, III.. 10, "Country Joy" (J, n. Boumnn. mgr.)—-New Harmony, Ind., 0, Grayvllle, 111., 7. llurrl*l.nrK S. ulney 9. Newton 11, Grcetiap 12. Miltloon 111. Mai^hnll 14, Linton, Ind., lo, Hymcra 10. O Drew, John (Cliarleo Froliman, mgr.)—Pittsburg, Ph.. 4-0. Wli«*llug, W. Vn.. 11. OotoiabiiH, 0.. 12, Daylou 13, riprlngficbl 1-1. Fort Wayne, Ind., l.~>. ludlnuapoil** H). D'On*ny, Lawreiico (Daniel Frohinau. mgr.)—Bal- tliiiore. Md., 4-9. Waablugtoii. 1). C. ll-IU. Dlsey. Henry 12. (Walter N. Ln«r«ucc, mgr.)— Pndueah, Ky.. 8. Scdnlln, Mo., 12. Dny.. Aimn fSweely, Hblpinnu & Co., mgrn.)— N.'itflic?. Ml.-.-*., U, Jncktun 7. CuiltUll 8. M. Ti- ll k.u 0, DemapullB, Ala.. 11. Sehmi l£ Sbctth-ld la. Deealur 11. Ilanfonl. Chnrle«! P.. (P. Lawrence Walker, mgr.) —Wichita. Kan.. 0. nutehlnaon 7, Raton. N. Mcx., A. Raat Lns Vegas 0. Alboquerfiue 11. Kl Paso, T«.. IS, 13, TuCson, Arte.. \i, Plicwis 10 rioMU. Joseph F. (Miller A Nicola I. mirrO—Ho- 1ml-en. N. .1.. 30, Washington, D. C.. 11-lC LAST CALL Sinmitoli 7, Hnrrlaonburg 8. Winchester 0, Washington. D. C, 11-10. "lkey and Abey." Rdw. R. Salter's—Denver, Colo.. 3-». Cripple Creek 10. Florence ll. Sa- llda 12. Leadvllle- 13, Aspen 14, Glenwood 15, Grand Junction 10. - J •lainpi, Loul» (Wallace Monro, gen. mgr.)—Mun- cJe, lud., G. MaHon 7. Indianapolis 8. 0, Day- lor 0.. 11, Springfield 12, Columbus 19, Louis- tllle, Ky., 14-10. Janh. Rials (Llebler A Co.. rngra.)— N. Y. City 4-R. Ryyacuae. N. Y- U-137ltochetter 14-10. Jeffereou, Thorns*—Springfield, Mo.. 10, Parsons, Ivan.. 12. Vert Scott 15. Scdallo, Mo.. 10. "James Boys in Missouri" (Brown & Wliltc, tugrs.)—Galveston, Tex.. 0. Beaumont 7. .lea- ning*. La., 8, LafBTeite 9. Alexandria 10, Baton Rouge 11. Natchez, Mla«„ 12, Ylctnbure 14, Jackson 15. "Jerrr from Kerry" (Patten A Fletcher, tngra.) — rtalcerifleM, Cnl., 0, Pnrtofsvllle 7, Lemoore 11, viaiiiie 14, Madera 15. K ■Jim of tbe Hour" (Brady it GrUmer. mart! U. N. Y. CUT 4. Ibdetil'llc. ' "Mrs. Wlgifa of 1 tbe-Cabbage Patch" (Llcblcr k Co.. mgw.)—Cbuttauooga, Tenn., 7, Mtapbli 9. Nalclicz. iJl»i.. 13. "Mrs. TeuiiiIc'H Telegram" ("Walter N. Lawrtncr uigr.)—Cincinnati, O., 3-0. "Mr. Hopkluaoti" (Corxon <t Ilaokctt. mzra.)— SI.. Louis. Mo.. 4-0. "Moonshiner's Daugliler," TV. F. Mann's (Rpr Klugitou. msrr.J—Etheabclb, N". J., 4-0. Orauxc 7-0. Stamford, Otiu.. 11. Daubury 12. North Adam*. Miss.. 13, Plttsfield 14, WoslflcM, C«4u.. 10, Toirlugton 10, "Marriage of Kitty" (Jules Murry, mgr.)— Frankfort, lud., 7, Antleraon 11. "Message from Mars" (A. L. RhclaBlroui. mcr) —N. Y. Olty 4*0. ^ "Man's Brokeu PromJae" (J. L. Veronce Amiiw. Co., nigM.)—Wilmington, Del., 4-0. Camden X. J.. .-9, Waterbwy, Coun., i2, ETldKeij&rt u Sprinaucld. -Mass.. 14-10: \ '-* —" "Markerl Woman" (A. U. Woods, tngr-)—Cie--f- land. V.. 1-0, Toledo 14-10. _. Portland 13, 8alem. Mass., 14, Worcester 16, New Haven, Conn., 10, UlmanfMl, Clnrn (ChtirlcH Frolirnnn, mgr.)—N. Y. City -1. Indefinite ("iteclnl iniitlnee>>). Bellow. Kytle^C. B, DillinjUiom. mgr.)—Phlla* .dclriblr.. Pa., -1-10. Bereurni**!, Harry (J. J. Coloumn, mgr.)—Scdolln. Mo., 15. Burt. Lnuiii, itnd Ileur.r Ktanfoid (Kvm>st Hlilp- mi/D. gen. mgr.)—New Murilu-tvllK W. Vs.. 0, tSlcultenvllle. U., 8. Wuynecburg. P11.. 0. WiihIi Me.. II. itnngnr Dodge, Sniiford—Groat Betid. Kan., 0. HoWllg- tun 7, La rued 8, Mtafford it. Downing, Robert iRnlil. Irfe Allen, mgr.)—Grand II-tpltN. Midi,, 7-'J. Peorln. 111.. ll-IU. 11 wn; Falls IS, Riiinfoitl 14. ... jurjf. . . liiglon 11, Councilsvlllo 12. -New Kfttflngton Do Von*. Flortt (J. 13r McKeoHport 14. Lnlrnbe 13. Oreetwhurg 10. Dodge. I.-i., ll-JO. lllugluun, Anicllu—.Mnrtdnililown, In., b, i>muha, n Emr.. 5. 0. lAuvi-r, Colo.. 11-10. Bindley. PiorcnW- (II. IC. ForrcHler. mgr.)—St. Paul. Mf'in., 10-10. Blair. KujiPiiie— Qniney. III., 12. Hlekel, Witt son and Wrolbo (A. II. Woods, mgr.) —Baltimore, Md., 40. Plltwbui-g. Pn.. 11-10. Brown. Kirk <J. T. Mncnuluj, uigr.)—Fltchburg, Haw,, 4\y, Uwell ti-io. Bunting, linnnu—ICitil Bnrgeaa'—Rant Liverpool. n„ 4.0, Youngsiowii 11-10. BurgeiH, Karl (it. W. Alexnnder. nigr.l—Head- ing. Pa.. 4-0. Newbnrgli, N. Y., U-10. BurgcuM. Kiirl (Oeonic V. Ilnllitay, uiur.l—Onwe- ko. N. Y„ l-ll. Auburn ll-l(j. Burih'CH. Korl IT. II. TUormwll, mgr.)—Given- tLIU-, MIhk., 4-0. Monrw. La.. 11-HI. Heiitctr-Moulioii (W. J. Keleou. mgr.)—Tyrone, Pa., 4-». llenu»>u-JIoulloit (Ira K. Newhall. tasr.) —Yun- Lfi-H, N. Y.. -1-0. Puugbkeeiwif 11.It Ilpiilit'lt-M'-Ultoii—Altouiiu. Ph., 40. Beecher ft MuyeV Comt-tlfniiH (W. fl. needier, mgr.l—nillnii. S. C.. 4-0. Flon>nri> 11-111. Boyd Buri'—Tllden. Nebr., -1-0. Atkliiaou 7-0, StU'irl 11-13, BdKiielt 1-1-10. Brady stuck (D. 0. Hurlmau, mgr.)—llutlt-r, Pu.. J-n. Burlun't* t'oiniHlbina (Wiley A- Klrby. wgrn,) — Fort Dodge, lu.. 40. Nm 11-10, Bari'lc stock (lldwln Itarile. mgr.)—Blk Clly, Okla.. t-y. "Ben Hur" (Klaw A Itrtanger, iiigvs.)— BohIoii. Mnsa.. 4-10. "OrrwiPter'H Millions" PIuOsBnaw ft Dundy, mgra.1—N. Y. Cllr '' "BoICoi-d'H Hope' , Y. City 4-10. 'Biwtcr Brown." Rajlen (Boater Brown Amui*e. Co.. tiigi**.)—Selmu, Ala., 0, Diriuliiirliain 7. Allfliitn, t)u., t>, li. Alliens 11, Route It 1 , laiiongH. Tenn.. 1:1, Knosvllle ll. i'arlx. Ky., 15 l.cssntfifjii 10. "BUbtn- Brown," Wt'bteni (Buster Brown I maw. Co.. mgr*.;—San LYimclro:, Oil.. 3-10. Port- loud, Ore., 17-10. "Bon tile Brier Hindi" (SlilpiUiin ft Coir in. mgrs.) r-n'liutlrcg. Man., Can., 4-0. Valley City" N. Dak.. 11. •'Prffihii, the Sowing Machine Girl." No. 1 (A. B. WitiIh. mgr.)—Cluciiitnul, t).. U-tt, Cleve- iQUd u-10. "Berthn. the Sewing Mnchlue Girl." No. 2 (A. n. >\"codH, mgr.l—PortKUioutb. N. If,. 0, Mai- den, Muea..'7. Haverhill 8. Luvrence J. Marl- boro 11, Milton! 12, New|jorl. II. I.. 13, New Bedford, Mass., 14, Webster IS, Gardner 10. 'Rig Hearted Jim," Klimt ft Guiaolo'a (Dunlel Iteed. mgr.)—Ilurrlnbur^'. Pa., t-U. SprhwttleM, Ma6P,. 7-0, Hartford, Coiiu., 11-13, Watcrbuvr U, Brldgctwrt 13. 10. "Buuch of Ki\vh" (Ous Bolhncr. mnr.1— Dixon. Ill,, 0. Starting 7, tloeliellv 8, .streator 0. Joilel ll). Kaiiknkce II, RoulU Ilend. 1ml., li;. Klkhnrt 1.1, Three Illrew. Mich., 14. Churlotte IB. Jack- H011 ni. DoTi*. Florence (Homer Tex., 0. Dunn. Arthur—tSyrlncfleld. IHuondnsioii 1), Peorln 11. Do Vytido. ClicHler, Slock—Sharon, ,'ohustwii u-10. Do pew-Bunlelle Stock (Thou. 15. I>c Pew, mgr. t —part*, Ky.. 4-y. Rotiiour, mgr.)—Fort Day. ntgr.)—Austin, Decatur 7, Pa., 4-0, Dillon Slot'k (W. A. Dillon, nigr.)—BldtMord. Me.. 4-tl. Portsmouth, N. IL. 7-0. Glouceater, .Mu*>8., 11-10. "David CorstHt" (Harry Doel Parker, mgr.)—Os- kaloosn. io.. 0, Den Molue» 7, Boone V. Cednr BniddM 0. Molliic. 111.. 10. Iowa (Jin. la.. 11. tirliiiiidl 12, Muraballlown 13, Waterloo 14, IiuU-iK'udeiiw 15. Dubuque 10. "Huuiiliterc of Men" (Henry it. Harris, roxr.) — ItoolieKter, N. Y., 5. 0, Buffalo 7-0, Brooklyn 11-HI. "David Huriim" (Juliu* Cabu, hilt.) —Washiiig- lon. P. C 4-0. "Dorti Thoriic" Rowland ft ClIITord'H, A (llnrrv Bryan, mxr.)—Haverhill. MittM.. 4, I.hmv To Those Who Want To Be In THE AilVERSM UBER OF THE Dl Kollelt. Berlba fnarrlson Grey Flske. mgr-)—De- "Master Workman" (I'hll Hunt, mgr.)—Cblcagj. 111., 3-0. Del roll. Mich., 10-10. "Mldalgltt K«ni«" (Kd. H. I-tatler. mgr.)— Rortt Maii-I. IH., d, Mollnc 7, Ottawa 8, Juliet -i, Cnlrago 10.28. "Minister's Has," Macaalcy ft Patton'B (R. r. ButlMgc, mgr.)—Jeaucrctte, La., 0. Abberllle 7. Opelousps 8. Crowley 0, Lafayette 10. Jen- nings II, Beaumont. Tex,, 13, Port Arlbor 11, Unluitc 13, Hoii^tou 10. "McFtttldea'H FlotB" (Howard Powers, mgr.)— CoIiom. N. Y.. 0. Anwtenlam 7. ft lea 8, Ge- neva 9. BnrTulo 11-10. "Mcwiiger Boy" (Geo. D. Sweet, mgr.l—AH»i* uucruue. N. Mex.. 0. Gallup 7, Wlcraiow. Ariz.. 8.' Fiugnintr 0. WllllaniK 11. Jerome 12, Pre*- cort 13. Klugman 14, Needles. Cal.. 15. Sauls Parbant.17. "Midnight Flyer" <Ed. Anderson, mgr.)—Biota, Wash.. 0. Kent 7, Blanc 8. Scdro W*ooh>r a. Ik-tliuphain in. Everett 11, Aberdeen 12. Motile- m\:o 13. Cltehalla 14. Centralla 12, Un-ip;n City, On... 10, Petidlcton 17, Dayton 18, Walla- Imrg 10. "Missouri Girl," Fred Raymoud's, Batstcrn (Geo. Bedce, uigr.)—MeMlnnvllle. Tenn.. 0, 8outb Pittsburg 7. ClcTelaitd 8. Dallas. Ga., 0. Atbrua 11. Dayton. Tenn., 15, Uoekwood 10. "Mlnuurl Girl." Fred RaymoiKl's, Western (M. II. Nurlm. nigr.l—Ororllle, Cal.. d. Grldley 7. Bedding II, Dniisniulr 12. Slwon 13. GrnuiN Pasy. Ore.. IB. Roseburtr 10. Cottage Grove 2u. Junction City =1. Corrallla 22. Ullhboro 23. "Mad Love." Kdw. it. Salter'^—Alboqueniuc. N. Mex.. 0. Gallup 7. Wludlow, Ariz., 8. William.-* 0. Pha?r.ix 10. PrcKCott 11, Jeroiac 12. Klajr- iiiaii i:t, Neeilleti, Col., 14, Waugh la, Cultlco Clty_ Hi, ^^ » Olrl" (Cbae. E. Blaney Amune. Gj.. Minneapolis, Minn,, 3-0, Milwaukee, calr. 111.. C Knusas Oly. Mo.. Ii>-10. Ivnoit. Rosclle IS'veely, Shlpmnn ft Co.. mgrs.) — silllwater. Mluu., «, St. Cloud , 7, Superior, , Wis.. 8. Dnmtli, Minn.. 0, Brnlnerd 11, Crooks- 1 Inn 12. Kellerd, John v.. (Gro. II. Brown, ntgr.)—Dun- kirk, N". V., 7. I-ondon, Out., Can.. S, 9, But- ruio. x. y., 11. 12. Kenuitll, F.zr.-i d.lebler A Co.. ingn>.)—Chicago. III.. 4-0. McKewport, Pn.. II, Uniontowu 12, Cmiellsrllle 13, Jobnstown 14. Altoona lo. 10. Kellar. Hie Croat (Dudley McAdow, nigr.l—Pttln- liurv. Po,. 4-U. OuiniellHTllle 18. Johustown 14, Altuonu 13. 10. Kolb nnd Pill—San Francisco. Cal.. 4, ludeflnitc. Karroll. I»ot (J. C. Welsh, mgr.)—Lynn, Mass., 4-B. Concord. N. H.. 11-IC. Kcniieily. Nellie (T. II. Dclnmn, mgr.)—Green- ville. Pa.. 4-9. Sharon U-10. Knlrke-rtoeker Stock (W. 8. Hamilton, mgr.)— NeMlmr>0i. N. Y.. 4-8. Roadout 11-10. . liana adj. jntnesfA. Sjtttr, mgr.)—Danhury, Conn., 4-l». New Britain 11-10. Kcrtliotr-Hlllniaii (Omer J. Kenyon, mgr.)—Man- hattan. Kan.. 4-1). Logait 11-10. Keimeily'ti Players—Saginaw, Mlclu J0-1C. "Kirs at Flume"—Standi oil town. la.. 10. "Klua: of the Caflh* Rlug" IV. A. Kller. mar-)— Ournu* Chrlstl. Tea.. 0. Alice 8. iSaredo 11. "Kldiidpiteil for Revenge" (Chat*. K. Blaney Amase. Co.. niffrs.i—Newark. N. J.. 4-9. Prortdence, R. 1. 11-10. "Klu^ of Trainjw," Pastern (Billy Walsh, mgr.) —Friendship. N. Y„ 0. Andover 7. Hornelln- villi. S. Perry 0. Wayland II. Mount Morrla 12. Brockport 13. Avon 14. Leroy 15, Penu Y'an HI. "King of Tramps." Northern (Leon Abbott, ntgr.) "My Toin-Jlo* —filfbland Center. Wis.. 0. Boacobel 7, Prairie mgrs.) — M da Chleo 8. Dutmuue. la.. 0. Wis.. lO-IC. Wo have room for a few more pic- .», Kxeter. N. IL. 0. Illddeford. Me.. 7. Angus« <.„„„. u,,*. «__ —.-..« u«— " _ 8. wuterriih. u. itwkinnd 11. Bath 12, Liver- tures, but we must havo ordera ,. .j-ia "King or Tramps." Western (Cohau ft Sutherland, "My Wife's Family," Western (W. MeGowan. nwni.l— Sprlagtleld. JJ. 0. ioar.)-rSalt Lake City, U., 3-0. Coalville 8, "King of Trami*," .Hcntbern (Eddie Delanev, Bark City 9. mr ;)— OreCtbiboro, K. C. 0. Burlliutton 7. Bed- "Me. Him and I" (Ilnrtig ft Sennion, uigM.)— ford City. \a.. 8. PocabofllaB 0. North Fork, Cincinnati, O.. 3-8. Chicago, III.. 10-10. and photos at onoe. Last day for w. ft Dura Thome."'Rowland & CllrTord's. H (Harry Mnnivlncr'n^lR Skahasaanpai i'a aTJMiljLi« t.-hapiMdl, mgr.)—Lyudou, Kan., 0. 8L Jo«'ph, 22T^^L2S5tf!S5^^L_S5*J! (Slalr ft Nluulai, nigra.)- Mc. . "Dcvil'a And Ion." CIibh. II. Yale'n—Caulou. III.. 0. Uutexhurg 7. Mouiuoutb tj. Mullnc l>, ltoi*k Ihluiul 10. Davenport. In.. II. MuKcatlne 12. Ilurlliigtou 13. Fort MadlKou 14. Uttumwa 15, (^kuiooea 10. "Dhdrlci Leader"—Denver. Colo.. 4-0. "Driuikurd'tf DuughbT." lWw, It. rtalter'»—Mudlll. Okla.. 0, «aluenvllle, Tex.. 7. IVhIfmi 8. Sher- amii 9. (•ottbain 11. ParlH 12, McKluuey 13, (ireenvllle 11. Terrell In. I'orl Worth 10. "Driven frum Home"—Uurllnsioii, la.. 8. "lUildiniuir-t Huiieynioon" (Frank L. Wblttler. mnrit.1—CusitatolH. N. Y.. «, Chsciiovui 7. Grolou 8. Moravia 0, 8euccu Fulls 11. Bum Yan 12, Dundee l!i. 15 Blilott, Maxlne (Geo. J. Applelon. mgr.)—Chicago, III., 4-0. Montreal. Can., 11-10. Rdcito'i, Robert (Henry B. Harris, mgr. 1—Balti- more. Md., 4*0. Philadelphia, Pa.. 11-23. Rineirun, Mary (Nixon A- Kltuuicrmuu, murs.)— MM. 0.. 0. Toledo 7-0. "I!>-e Wltucsf." Lincoln J. Carter's—Phlladtl- plilo. Pa.. -1-0. Wilmington. Did., 11-13. Cam- den. N. J., 11-10. "Flint Lytinc" (Al. S. Ruins, mgr.l—Dute.iburg. «. C 8. Cainden 0. Oberaw 11. McColl 12, Florence 15, Blackthorn" (W. S. Mogtilri'. mtjr.l—Brockwwr- ville, i'n.. G. lliizcllinrfl 7. Kt. Marys S, Kane 0. Jotiiifcoiihut'g ll. Mouni .ti'weli 12. Smeib- iwil 1:1. Coiulerj-itorl 14. Galelon 13, Purl Alle- mtuy in. "Boy Bi-hliKl the Gun," C. B. ft II. C. Bltmev's— Miiutgwnti'i'y, Ala.. 1-0. Mobile 7-W, Atlanta. tin., M-iu. "Brouk for Liberty" (liiieruatloiial Amuse. Co.. tnuTiO—Cufirlcrot. P,i., 0. Monuii«aliela 7. New CaNlle 8. McKeci-imrt 0. Wnyne^burg ll. Wnnli- liurtou 12, Kust Llveriwol, 0„ 111, F.llwood Clly. Ph.. 14. Ba«t Palcsttttc, 0., 15, New lvenslnuu.n. Ph., 10. "Barker's Child. 1 ' Eastern (Harry Shannou. iniir,)—Bnrtlcsviiip. imi, Ter., 0. I'uwhuska, ■ dkla., 7. Cleveland s. Ciiandier 11. Pun-ell, lud. Ter., 11, Pauls Valley 11*. Sulphur 1U, Anl- mori* 14. Miidltl 15, Coatgate JO. "Baulicr's Child." Western (R, IL perrv, mgr.) \oruilllou. K. Duk., S, Klk Polur 0, Sioux City. !'V- Jf**, "l 1 . 11 , 1 "^ '-■ 1,alll ° <:rvvl * ** PaliWrJO 1 1. Blair. Nebr,. 13, Bnticmft 10. "Burglar and Waif" (Mhnw-Oullnghcr, mcnO-- Wnl-00. Nebr.. 7. Schuyler 8. Ottntaa 0, Hmujihrcy 10. Genoa 12. Central City 13. Shel- , ton 14. Ivearuey 15. UuxIIikk li). • "Bttsicr's Holiday"—JmjkbiiiiTtRc. HI,, d. BlacB Crook"—Peoria, 111., ii-0, Snrtuglleld. Mo., 0. South MuAlwtcr. lud. Tor., 127 C Crane. Wm. IL. and KM* Jettrevs tCbuilec Froli- nwn. mwr.i—Victoria. It, C. Can.. 4. Vancouver 0. "liatcoai. Wahb.. 0, Tnconm 7. Portland. ?^'».* i ^ u • 'fK* 1 ®"? 0 ' Cul - U. Oakland 12. 10. Ktocltton 14. Frwno 15. UakcrsUuld 10. Loti Anscleit 18-20, Kl Paso, Tex., 21. Tlnunousvllle 18, Sumter Murlon 10. "Baal Lynnc," Joseph King's (W. W. Suttlewortb, nigr.l—Rutland. Vt.. 0. Albany. N. Y.. 7, Bcn- ulugtou, Vt., S. Ilooslck Fullu, N. Y.. 0. 9 Fifke. Mrs. (Harrison Grey Flske. mgr.)—Provi- dence. II. I.. 4-0. Now Haven. Conn.. 5. Spring- Mi Stfiaa,, P. Brooklyn. N. Y.. 11-10. . Ftnerbbum. William (Llcblcr ft Co., tngrn.) — Ihiatou. Maat*.. 4-10. Fields' All Slurs (Lew Fields, mgr.)—Newark, N. J., 4-0, Ilostoii, MitHti., 11-10. Faruntu. Duotiu (The Klrkc Iji Hliclte Co.. mgrs.) —Ogilen. L'.. 7. Suit Lake City 8. 0. Sun Fruu- eiseo. Cnl.. 11-28. , Flgiiian Max (John Cort. tugr.l—Corxlcana, Tex., tl. Wnco 7. Astln 8. Man Antoulo 0. 10. Hren- bnm 11. Galveston I*!. Port Arthur 18. Iteun- mout II. llouMtun 15, Shreveport, La., 10. IT. Fe.ily, MaiHtc (John Cort. mgr.)—Alexondrln. " Monroe 7. Sbreveiiort 8, Ti-snrkanit. for adB. should bo neiit in immediately **<£%, ^fti l ?'^ r » ffl' J ****m to avoid the possibility Of being iMfttavr. Wright (Wm. ,.\. Brady.' mgr.)—Colum- orowdud out. tS& 4 " 0 ' Sl)rtuif0 * 111 7 " 9, Chicago, m., 12, Lomlne. Robert fC. B. Dillingham, mgr.)—Fall VUICBS KOK 1'OKTHArrSt ^i, "««■■ ?• »» Bedford 7. Taunton 8. ci.,„ 01/....1/ *»-«n rroektcti », Ilolyoke li. Maa 11 * *S2S L g* B * J - C. (W. A. Junker, mgr.)—Rrenham. ol^O 4*1 -'o,00 Tex;, 0. Bryan 7. Kuvusota 8."Coiiroe 0. Iluuts- v-lllc II. Crockett 12. Pii!ojlln& IS. NueogiJocbes It. Garrison 18, Tlmpson 10. I^flle, Rosala?le (Sim Allen, mgr.)—.Vlloona, Pa., -1-tt. York 11-10. Ioebes. The (Will H. I»cke. mgr.)—Altiwwmt. hail.. 0. Iknaj 7. Erie 8, Chunute 0. Hum- Uddt ll. I... ilvtrpc 12, lola IK, Garnctt 14. Bitrlingtoit L*. Yatca Center 10. Leo La Salle (C. G. Barr. mgr.l—York. Nebr., 0. Aurora 7. Wood River 8. Gibbon 0. Rear- tK-y It. Klui Creek 10, l^sliigton IE. Coead 14. GotUcuburg 13. North Platte 10. "Lion and the Miuiae." A (Henry B. Harris mgr.)—X. Y. City -l, indefinite. ■Lion and the Mouse," B (Henry B. Harris, nvr.)—Clevelund, 0.. 4-0. Detroit. Mich.. 11-10. "Lion ami the Moose." C. (Henry B. Harrb*. ■*""■»—Wheeling.. IV. Vn„ «. 7, Parker<bur- S. Charleston 0, Lexington, Ky.. n. 12. Knot- •llle. Tenn., 13, Chattauoogu 1-1.. NasbTlllc 13, l*IUCI-;s FOll AUVISHTlSE.MBM'St Va inch, single column ?:.i AddrcKs nil couimunlcatloBB to THE NEW YORK CUPPER, -17 M . 281h Street, ffrtw York. 10. "Llltle Homestead" (Wm. Maeoulev. mar 1 . nioomtleld. lud.. C, Colnmbns 7 RuhIitIiU s Ok""u btock (John Osman, mgr.)—Abbeville. & Sprimrfkd.l. 0.. 0. Wllminglon II CIllKihc . JS? & !* rn ^ U ,iil2!. «. 13. - Ponamontk 13. Circlcvllle 14 LaacaBter vL Homestead" (Franfelln Tbomnson, mgr.)— 16. ZRitcarine 10. i^ucaBter Ufcyette. Ind., 8, Anderson S ladlouaimlla It. Hull. Geo. F. (Frank W. Nason, nigr.l—Monon- gahclti. Pa.. 0, Cbarlcroi 7, lirowusvlllc S, Unloutown 0. Moryiulown. W. Va.. 31, Fair- mont 12. Muuulugtuu IS, Clarksburg 14, Weotou 16, Grafton 10. HuiitlngM. the Four (Hairy Doll, mgr.)—Brock- tuu, Maen., 0, Worveator 7-0. Muuclicster. N. IL. 1 MS, Soutli Frumliigham. Mass., 14. Iloly- oke 16. 10. Mob'su. Krnettt (Geo. II. Harris, mgr.)—Zauca- vllle. O.. 0. Ulmmvlcln Ideals (Jolin A. Ulmuieleln, mgr.) — Norrlstown, Pa., -4-0. Hlinuielcln's. Jobu A„ Imperial Slock (It. F. Blra- uudclji. mgr->—Chester, Pu., 4-0, Easton 11-10. Hunt Stock (M. A. Hunt, mgr.)—Knox, Ind.. 4-0; Mlcblgau City U-10. Hlllmuu, Maude (W. A. Dillon, mgr.)— Glouces- ter, MaiM., 4-0. Salem 1M0. Harder-Hall (Eugene J. Hall, mgr.l—Bradford, Pa.. 1-0. HHcrlng stock (Edgar Hacrfng. mgr.)—Wavcrly, , la- -i-U- "Little Outcast" (Jas. A. Oalvln mar 1—Jahn, 01d , Alkail " ff - Hickman & Bessey (Robert Lawrence, mgr.)— . Mrrtm. Pn.. 0. Alloona 7. Windier s Latrobe 0 Ho* SS ~' Cliaiupal^n. ill,. 5.,.. Sirculor 11-10. *£gL& «S ?<>**" rf K. Bronwn Sr)- %SL\f t ¥Si Hcrold ^quiti-e Stock (Tl)ltcr & Fuutdiuwe. mars.) Klnirlium Canton. IT.. 7. — r ■"■-'W.i- —Mlliou. Pa.. 4-0. Jorwy Shore ll-io. "Man from the West," O. A. 'CranddlPB (W. K. Sparks, mgr.)—Bay City, Mich., 0, 7, Baglniw S. 0. "Moutana" (Chaa. L. McTernnn. mgr.)—Chicago. III., 3-0, Cinclnunll. U., 10-10. "Mistakes will Hapi*tr'-Jacksonvllle, ni.. I V Nethcrsole. Olga (Loula Nethersole. mgr.I—Hel- ena. Mont., 0, Anaconda 7, Untie s, 0, Salt Lake Clly. V., 11-10. Nllhon, Carlotta (Waller N. Lawrence, mgr.l— N. Y. Cltv 4. indeOlilte. Nitjimovo. M. Alia (Henry Miller, mgr.)—N- Y. Clly 4, indellniie. Nc-i-son A Wells stock (Geo. K. Jobmwi Aiuuw, Co. mgrs.)—Cub*. 111.. 4-0. "Nellie, the Beautiful Cloak Model" (A. U- Woods, mgr.)—X. Y. Clly 4-23. . 0 Olcott. Clmunccy (Auguitlua Pltou, uutr.l—To- ronlo. Cau.. 40. Niagara Falls. N. Y.. II. Uca p a rl It. Jamestown 13, Glean 14. Humel!*- rllle 15. Flndra 10. O'Neill, Jamea (r^dgur Forrest, ntgr.)— Denver, Colo.. o-O, Wichita. Kan.. 11, RnTd. Okla., 12. Guthrie IS. Oklahoma City 14, Tulsii, Ind- Ter.. JS. Muskogee 10. O'Nell, Nance (Jaekson A Bced, nigra.)—LonK- rllle. Ivy.. 4-7, Kraiuvrlllc. Ind.. 8, VlDcenae* n. It looming ion. 111.. 11. Springfield 12, Kiu- wis Clly, Mo.. 14-1 f. ^^ Ostermuu, Baosn—Hamilton. 0.. 11. O'llura. FUkc (CtiKt. 12. Blaucy Amu»e. Co.. mgrs.)—Baltimore, Md.. 11-10. "Little Prospector** (Frank G. King, nun*.)—Chll- lloothc. Mo., " ' 0the. Mo.. 0. Gallatin 7. Plattsbura 8. Fdaer- 11 0. Tiolton. Kan.. II, SenecB 12, BeattlelS. IlluwuMio 14, aatell 13. Froukfort 18 «Sf Mo 00 "!)' {tltnTi ' M1UCr ' msr - ) — KanMB "love Route" (F. Bav Comstock. mgr.l-MJIoTc- liml. O,. 4-0. Newark. N. J.. fl-ML v " P n rors " ' Eurt * n Xi»n, mgr.)—Norfolk. Ark., ft liorsprlnwli; Uflh. BockI 12."Sue I,a i!SS.ff'.S "K? (ttobl * U " llurrIa ' a « r ' ) BlnfT Hi. Memphis. Tenu.. 14-10. -* -■-* UI, ?!l' , ■ «*•••..■'-»• . __ Fitrsiininoiis. Bub tj. C. Mnllbcwn, ingr.'i—Pop- lar BlutV. Me.. (]. IlHrrlsburg. 111.. 7. Murphya- boro ***. Oratralla 0, ulney 11. Paris 12. Fleming. Mamie (W. 11. Graeey, mgr.)— Will la ms- aatt. I'n-. 4-0. Fenberfc' Slock (Geo. M. Fenbcrg. mgr.)—Marl- b»ro. Maso.. 4-0, Fllchburg U-10. Ferris' ConiedluiiH (Frank Dudley, mgr.)—Iowa Cllr. In.. •!••>. CPtlur Itapids 10-17. Ferris Slock (Dick Ferrla. mgr.)—Los Angeles, Cal.. 4. Indethilte. "Flniniug Arrow," Lincoln J. Carter's—Newark. N. Y.. 0. Lj-on 7, Palmyra S, Niagara Fall* 0. Krte. Ph.. lt-i;:. Union City 14. TUusvillc 13, (HI CPy lit. "Fuiwi," VUle'a (Olga Verne, mgr.l—Perry. Okla.. 0. KniKll«;bi'r 7. Guthrie 8. Oklahoma Clly 0. Norman 11. KI Reno 12. Apache IS. Anudurko 14. lMmrt 13, Liiwion 10. "For a Humua Life." Wm. T. Keogk's (I.. .1. Fosse, nutr.)— Baltimore, Md.. 4-0. Pittsburg, Pn.. U 10. "Four Corner* of the Kurtb," Klimt A Oarwdo's (John I Reincro. mgr.l—N. Y". City 1-0, Scran- ton. Pa.. ti-IU. Wllkcs-Barre 14-10. "Fast Mail" (Syott & Baynor. mgr*.)—Olympla. Wash,. U. Ilmjualm 7. Abcrdcou S. Tucoiua 0. Seat He 10-10. "Vnntimuin" (Wm. A Edw. Huulou. tugrs.)— New (trleans. La., :i-p. Hurvey Stock (Frank J. Harvey, mgr.l—Man- chester, N. H.. -1-0. Blddeford. Me.. 1I-IG. "HypwrltPB" (Cburles Frokmau. tugr.)—N. Y. Heir to the I1oor.ib" (The Klrkc La Shelle Co., iHgri..)—St. Paul, Miuu.. 3-0. Mluueupolls 7-0. iKlipemliig. Mich,, II, Calumet 12, Hancock Ll, Murqctle 14. Given Bay. Wis.. 10. Osbkofli 10. Hunuiii lh\irls»." Southern (Jay siuih. imr.)— .In, Unv. 18. M,rlon ll. Bocrrm .leiimtc. * ' * •" cltr "• '"■ JliiBliiiiii On*, L'.. 7. Pl«s„.iit Cm. 8 1 rrnr >. s«lt T.,ta> Clly 101». I'ror. Ollr M Manmioli O. Jtmta 10. FnliTlcw 18. Moaut "Lovcru ouO r.aimtlc,"— utlcn. R, X. q M MonsMd. nicliBnl (Ik-n D. Stovem. mn-.l—Phil. •iWi*iij. '»., .1.0. n-, a ui„|, lon . n. c.. n.ia lr»ll Mlrl,.. ^0. OIcoI.ikI. 0™"VHT "* 1,1 J -,, M , , " , T " B ,5 i l . m »- * '■"■ 8bub»rt. Inc. "Our Nw. Minister" (Jteiph Conrcr,. tDflT.)—S,- r.iitiali. G... G. Brunswlrk 7. Wascrow, 8. Jeek- TOU.lUc. Fl... 0. ralilcsta. 0... ll, Carteio IS. Macoa 13, Atliens 14. GbattauooifQ, Ten,.. 16. KaoTTllle lc "On Parole" (Henry Miller, uurr.)—Spr:ns3e!<1. Maw.. 0. 7. "Oar Old Kentcci,. Home" (Warren Jloore. «E»r.» —C.ner. Kan., 7, Peru 8. !nflei»'nilence P. 'Old AikauMW.*' Fred Barmond'H (L. A. M* ' Gllibon. Nebr.. 0. 7. Sl-I- ^lllns MnllA Tej;., ft Galveston Collier. William (Chuiius Frohiuau.' uit-r.)—N. Y. "fall}' Fclli"—Tuylurvllle. 111.. 0. Belleville 8. _ City 4, Jndetlnitc. (; Columbus ,_.. 13. Springfield 1(1, "Human HearU" Western (Wm. Franklin Blley. tm-r.)—bcattlc. aW»h.. a-0. Porlluud. Ore.. 10- "Homespun Hearts" (Frank G. King, nurr.)— < X 1,; «*".;. J!'„ n . ,,ie ^Ml*- 7. Concordia 8. scftiidln o. PMlllpuurg u. Nortou 12. Smith tenter 1... Kcusiugtini it. Lebanon 13, Babou Montsomery "IljilV city." Gonlo.. A Beimett's. RM (H. M. Mor7t!ner.' Lllltal.' '(rt'^Ve™ Blacknllcr. tngr.i— Warn Clnlrc, WU. 0 ««..»-.i»i. "- - ' .. "i: *' "Holy City." GoHou A B*-nnett>. West (I* Comte & FlCBlier, mgrs.)—Tav'or. Tex., 0. Austiu 7. "Hidden Hand" (K. «. Conrad, mgr.)—Krebs. , Ind. Ter.. ft Broken Arrow 7. Okmulgee 8. CluKiiiore ft Tnl« U. Cleveland. Okla". 12. Pawtt4krJka 1». Barll^vllie, Tnd. Ter.. 14. Cauoy. Kan., lu. ludupandeaco 10. "liuoeler GirP* (Urn Cohan, nigr.l— Boaton. HI.. ft Dtblgi-ou i. Carml s. DrowusTille, lad.. ». I HI Lltv in. Tlunrinaltntv ll. I'rlnoetoii 12. Mimnt Curroll U. Loowoiee 13. Salem 10. ! "Her ltbe VtU* Siep- (KIHott Amase. Co.. umn.) ' —Key W«t. FU.. 0. Ilnvuna. Cuba. 7-g. Miami. Ha... II. Palm I!*'*ich 12. New Smvruu IK, Dar- , louu 14, orniond Us Palaika 10. I "lion licuis Arc llwka."* .(iliitcuUuil Ctw, I .... Colo., 9, Fort Collins 11. Lo*'' Longmont iy. Lafayette 14. Idstf* Springs 13. Central City 1ft "Old Isaac* from tbe Bowery" (Clins. R. Blaary Amnse. Co.. mgra.)— Boatou, Mosa., 4-0t Hur'.- ford. Conn., 14-10. P Paltoo. W. B. (J. M\ Stout, mgr.)—Brookha'eii, Mlsi.. e. Jackson 0. MOnroe, La.. 11, Uustou IX, I.ongvlew. Tex.. 1J. paletitine 14. Pumeii. Cation (W. D. FlUtfcrald, mgr.l— Bellalre. o.. 4-0. Caoton 11-lft P.iytnii Slaters (C. S. Payton, mgr.)—Abilene. Kan.. 4-0, Merkcl 11-10. Plckerrs. the Four (Wiilw PIckert. mgr.)—St- Agustlne. Fla.. 4-9. Live Oak IMS. "Prince o* India" (Klaw & Krlungcr, mgr^.l — Kamtaa City. Mo,. 4-0. Omaha. Nebr., 11-10. "Pit" (Wm. A. Brady, nigr.l—Kausas Clly, Mo.. 4-0. Omaha, Nebr,, 10. II. "Phantom Detective." Rowland A Clifford's iVi™ Seymour, mgr.)—Montreal. Can., 4-0, Torvuto ■ l -*°- „ j. "Poor Relatlor." (L. A. Nelms. mpr.^—Grand Forks. X. nak.. 0. Larlmore 8. Devil* Lskc ». Manor 11. Bow Bells 12. Kenmare 111. Vel«_lL ViiVi", K;| I" tiviaw s Erlancer. nmrt- \ — fff'BLa '?; "' D '"l»!l>am. m t r.) . ,^'Tn, vm. , .. "iiTiiiiitii ii. Tjiiiii nil) niiiiniii ' **. 11-10. "ayonne .0. N. \. Clly n«rk.l—EranartJIe. Ind.. 3-9. Kasnvllle. Tenn.. Kaslern (C. J,y Smltb. Merntt. (S„ce1.r, SUInman 4 c... msN.) "Pnlr (t Cfltintrr Kids." THREE OF A KIND BEAT TWO PAIR uu.k.01V.«frteJHS:« ] SfA","*E TRUHK •» . royal flu.h of •»»•}*« s najS aTjjSSl. • ™ « u th * b,,t - w * «■■ * ■ ■* " '''• , - SraDFOKOWXLOOCEO.