The New York Clipper (February 1907)

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FJSB&UABY 1<». i* *miraft'-cffcctlre,-ghoald be pn T HE NTSW YORK CLIPPER. State legislature only, p.ispcd by the rlttahorjr.—At the M*oo. (T. F. Kirk, managerl FrltsI Setoff Feb. 1MO. Lflut wMl!, John Drew ptajtfd to. well ruled houses. "lie Lloh and ihe Moiiae" ift-^H. Bpcasco jJ. A. Heed, manager).—Jow»pa ■And Wm. w. Jefferson, ir-lft, id "Blnying the Game.'* Last week Blanche Bates played to jpacketf houses. Thos. W. Itoss 1S-23. . (bund (Harry Davis, manager).—Cur- rent: -The' Waaaley 'Troupe. Vernon. Sheao and Warren. Diamond and Smith, Scott and WUson, Dorach and Russell, Kltatugl Broth- en. Two Xlnga and others. Aitin (R. 31. Gullick & Co., managers).— "Tom, Dick and Harry" 11-16. Last weelt, .-"Little Johnnie Janes" closed a profitable two weoks' eufffiRenient. "limy ixzy" ift-23. Buoo (R. M. Gulllck ft Co.. managers).— "The Black FoIIticInn," by the Smart Set, U-1C, mnmn S. II. Dudley. Ln*t week, Ketlar myilfled Inrge nndiencca. "China- town Charley" 1SW-".. '■'■Bumfs EMrran <N\ C. Wagner, mana- ger).—"For a Human Lite" li-ie. Last ffftek, "Tho Con' Puncher"' played lo good bpalneas. Gaiety (Jos. E. Orr, manager).—Rice & Barton's Rig Gnyety Co. 11-1U. Chns. Bar- toiTlS : -v*ry popnlar here. Last week, AI Hoeves played to good house*. Shermnn'a CIW Sports 18-2:;. Academy op Mi'iuc (II. W. Wlllinnis Jr.. malinger).—The Innocent Maids 11-id. Last week, Miss New York Jr. played to good busi- ness. Parisian Belles lS-i':;. MASSACHUSETTS. f^?«L niTe X*~^I^° 8W?! Theatre <W. L\2 Ift K£* ""Went manager) tb-M'our Hunt- W> «hl 4. B,. plejWMl. "Man and Super- {■"*" ««.*' a 1mm audience ft "The Chwr- ISSfiJV* 1 ! *£ w *'*" 7 - """w Hearts Are i,roKen, s, v, — „ ga»e satisfaction. "East Lynne 11, -'Alice Slt-by-toe-FIre" li», Boston KfilW^SS^a.* "Coning Thro* the ugr ii, "ptir i Pntri i i-nnf:: F ft. Acauejiy op ilrsic (W. I'. Mason, resident manager) business y ... —3->- >"OTlCR to connnsroN'orNTs. All mntrannlcntlonft Intended tor pnhll^ntlon In THE" M-VVW VOKK CUI'tKIt, tinted Ffili.^tt, should re«rh tliU other n*t JjMer thnn Hatortlny. Feb. H I. to Innfirr Insertion. ggeBgg^gagj^Msaggg" ■ mm ■ 1375 ■^— Xoti:*.— The Majestic Theatre, on the West side, is now at a stand still, bwyi of WW cold weather, The building is -of caner«te construction. M ami jfert Cohen stales that the theatre n-lll shanty he devoted to permanent 'aroel: ' attract ton*, * ' , ■ Cincinnati. — The Intimation that the The Koe Stork Co^enjoyed good ConrledOpera Company may bring out "3a- Dnnlel Uyan Co. li-lQ Le ltJine * daring- the roming-brief engagement Sernnton.—At the Lyceum (A. J. Duffy, manncer).—vaudeville Is the bill for week of. Feb. 11, Including: Tom Nawn and com- fany, Harry Brown, D'Alma and dog, tho artier Trio, Hoey and' Lee, Dnuvv Hnr- coart, -Irene Lee nnd Kandy Kide. Wilton Lackaye came to large and delighted audi- ence*, 8, 9. '" '.ACADfcifr (A. J. Duffy, manager).—"Queen of the "White Slaves" 11-13, "Four Cornera of tocXa&h." 1T-16. "Chinatown Charley," 7-0. cad good hoaws. js^ab (G. Nelson Teets, manager) .-rThe Alcazar Burlesque Co. 11 and, week. The Kentucky Belles, the past week, gave first raw performances, to good houses. Family (H. R.Smith, manager).—Blllweek of 11'Includes : Jim nnd Sadie Leonard and Dick Anderson, Perklns-Lappcr company. Josephine Brown, Tom allien, Owley and Randall, and Cooper and Gear. Columbia 1 .—At the Columbia Opera House (John B. Blsslnger, leasee and manager) 'Xovers and Lunatics" pleased a big house F*b.-4. "Too.Proud .to Beg" played to a good house H. "Quincy Adams Sowy^.r" 11, MM-Were King" 12,- "Over Mngnra Falls'* 13. . - I Xote. —Manager Rlsslnger announces '"Tho T.Ion and the Mouse" as an attraction early In' 'March. Brant Slock Co. 18-23. StiEKiiY's (Cha;;. E. Cook, mnnager).— Booked week ol 11: Military Octette nnd the plrl with the Baton. Donald and Carson, ; f l! c '\ |,- to. Takeznwa Japanese Troupe, J'.thel LIE Hon and companv, Merton and Dunn, the Six English Itocbcra, with Clara Ihvopp. and eameraernph. Boston (Chns. Sclilts-iinger. matmger).— Rig business conrlnuea. Ennlish Galeiy Bur- lesque and Vaudeville Co. offered excellent entertainment last week. Steele and White scored heavily. Current: college filrls Bur* Irsquers. with an ofcn consisting of: Dynes ana Dynes, DfllUe Clifford. Ed. Wood, tho Halls. Alarle Henley, Arthur Slmm, and B<n- tonsrope. N'lCKfxODEON.—Business Is excellent. BUI KM* of II: Uoelierord and May, At. Bnrbe, Mnrlon I:vans, Freeman and Stone, and op- ilsuope. Woreeater.—At the Worcester (0. II. Liauton. resident mnnager) week of Feb. 11, Willie Edouln, support'Td hv 3[aleolm V.'ll- Hnma nnd his company, win produce "His Day Off." Last week thin company ployed "Leah Klesehna." to large attendance, and the entire company seemed at their best throughout rbe week. Week of IS, "The Parish Priest." 1*bu>Cm.v (J. F. - Bnrbe, resident mana- ger).—"The Gingerbread Man" 11, 12, Mad- ame K, Lipzln Yiddish company 13, "Captain Jinks." with Ftael Barrrraore, 15: "Allc* Slt-by-tlie-Flre,:' with Mary Shaw in the title role, 16. The Four Huntings, In "The Fool House," T-d. met with fair business. Lyric (Clayton Legge, manager).—Week of 11, the Clayton Legge Stock Co. will pre- sent "Thelma." Last week the company played "Woman- Against Woman." PUS (Alt. T. Wilton, manager-).—Week StJ^SSLF^S^L. VI&EJI&SS&X The prestation of Margaret Anglln's play, TUlIe Cohen. Gladys St. John, Nellie Burt, Lester and 3Ioore. Sherman and Fuller, Jacik Symonds, and the Mullinl Sinters. IJiat week, tlte Merrymakers played to vi'ry good business. Pom's (J. C. Crlddle, resident manager).— BUI for 11 and week: John T. Thome and Grace- Carleton, Myles McCarthy and com- at Music Hall, has ulready aroused a little squall of AnMti not quite ihundcrotn cpougb to be called a storm. Some clerlcnl critics think that an opera stamped wb'ked .in New York Is not <inlte thi> son of production to bring to h young. Innocent city like Clucln* nntl. Gtr.vxn Opera Koran (Harry Rnlnfortb Jk Jofin 11. Havlln. managers).—William 'lit- ietio u corning Feb. It. In his own play. "Clarice." Lust we**,' the l'lxley and Lajtm opera. "The ijrand -Mogtil" Co.. IwlwM Frank Muulan and ilaud Lillian Berrl. who were heartily received. John Drew. tS. In "ijls House in Order." Lyric (Sam S. i: Lee shiihrrl &. Ileuek'a Oiwra House Co.. dlrwtora).— "The Social Whiil," with Charles J. Rosa, Ana Lewis and other notnblo* 1c the east, will he aeon ]ft. "Mrs. Temple's Telegram" was resptinslhle for a week of laugluer 3*!>. llarrv Conor, QtarsvDMb, Harry HiHlard. Allen-Alui-nane, _M.-;ni; cameroa, Carey llasilng^, Viola Adams and Samuel Klawnn» all lent good aid. Busi- ness averaged goo.1. "The TourUtK," with Richard Golden, 17. Mrsic H.U.L.—The San Carlo Opera Co., w'th Xordlcn. Alice Nielsen, Montl-Baldlnl. Contl Borlinerto Golden, Dereyne, and a-host of other feminine operatic stars, as well as Constantino. Fornarl. I'nlclnl, Cnmpnnari, Bnrocchl, Pcrello do Seguralo, and many more, come, under the direction of Henry Russell, 11, for six performances, omitting Ash Wednesday. Th*- roster Includes: "La Glacondf." "RIgoletto," "II Trovatore," "Car- men," "I.n Traviata." "The Barber of Se- ville" and "CAVallprla Rustlcana." SIg. Cohtl will conduct. Maud Powell was the soloist at the largely attended concerts of the CIri* clnnatl Srmphony Orchestra $, 0. Olympic (George F. Fish and Luelli Forepangh Fish, managers).—Otis Skinner"* old success. "Frnncesca dl Rimini," will ba urgnri "Zlra"—Cinoinhntrs first glimpse or the p;n- satlon—:waB an ovefWhelmlng success, ran Adnir ahd l^doa Rlsmeie, carried Ihe landing ehameters of Hester Trent and Ruth Wild- ing to a thrilling climax. Harry l-Vuwlck took tho most important niate->rolc. for Her- schel Mayall tested preparatory to his try Vonnor-Tnun.— .\t thi- (||Und. th** Al* hfttubrn Stock Co.-rtrpw well Hb> 4-t>, eseept 0.- n*hen lMUy & Clifford gave- a clever per- Wvmanee. Tile Emma Bunting Stock Co. 11- ML J*.\nK (Will Desbon, manager).—"Itallmnd Jack." 7, nnd "At the Old Cross Roads." S, enjoyed good returns, Ul Henry's Minstrels 11, the O'Brlen-Biirna fight picture* 12, Oans-Nelson fltrht 13, -Arlnonn" 14 . Notrm. —John Illgglna, a member of the Albnmbra Stock Co., was called to Bridge- port. Conn, by the sudden death of Ms father, and rejoined the company here Lnwronce Btlxlrr. a YmingMown stage em- ploye, who was with the dothcrn-Marlnwe Co. has returned home on account of. Illness. NEW -JEIISKY. N'rwnrU-—At the Newark (Lee. Gttolen> gul. mnnaiter) "Checkers" returns this irMt- with Hans Roheris. 0;U Skinner's many admirers were well pleased wllh his efforts In "The Duel" Inst Week. Wilton 'Larkaya week of Feb. IS. Smni*i:v (11. M. Ilyams. manager).— Odetto Tyler,,In "Tho love Route," 11-10. Lew Fields played a record week ending it, In "About Town." Mrs. KUfce we*k of 18. PttocTon's (II. C. StOUt, resident mnnager). —Volta heads tho bill thin weik, with Eds feaiH In electrk-liy. The rterlcsa Mowntts, Jugglers, nre also Ventured. Others are : Len Sully. Kelly and O'Brien, lluictilnaon niid Halubrldge, Collins and Brown. Mdntyrc nnd Bennett and the Hurlevs. "CuLiuniA (M. J. Jacobs, manager).—"At the World's Mercy" Is the current, attrac- tion. "The House of My*tery" received mod- erate attention week of 4. Dun Sully 1S-2.1. Blanty's ul. U. Bnckan, manager)-— "Happy Honltgan's Trip Around the world"' this week. "Kidnapped for Revr-ogu" glared to good business weak of 4. "Venae uffftio" 1S-2.1 Waldmin's (W. S. Clark, manager).—Thn World Beaters this week, fentiirlng Lex RomanoB, danseuses orientals, and Salome, the dance of the seven veils. The Bachelor Club plaved a fair week . ending u. The Dainty pitches* Co. week of 16. Notes. —At the Rhubort, 4, Just nftef the curtain Went tin on I>w Fields' show, Louise DresAer snrplned her nnklo, and >uib- Bequerttly fAlbted qnd was carried off the •tags. j - ■"■■■I - S" ■ i " i Atlftntlr City.—At tho Ha?oy <Frcd T- HOIiOMM tJATE ULHAMXCtS. .•Jpccfol D(*pfflfc^ : fo Tft" Sa» YoaKCHTPCT. Ran" . CaASCtacA Feb. i5.—.Vt tho Crrt> trni 'Cheatte Ikn 1* the eighth week of tlia LnmhariM firand Italian Opera GA» The following operas will be given: "Iris" "La Uiocondn" and "Frn Dlnvolo. 1 ' Gan*Tpa .\ov6..ty.--- Monday. It. »fcr tvto week*, maths Farnum, In "The Virglalan," luris—Kolb and lull appenr In "The Isolte of Avenue A" this week. Colonial —Frank Bacon and stock com- pany. In 'The Half Breed," 11*16. ameuu'an —This b the second week of "I'rlncesa Chic." Oai'itut'M.—Sunday t matinee) 10 nnd week: Klennor Falke. Ijisky-Holfe Qnlli* tette, Bedouin Arabs, tlb-kev nii.i Net'on, Jack Gnrduer, Nellie Beaumont and I'mrik Wayne. Patrice ami company, Little lllp and the klnodrome OtitTM.—Rill week of 11 : Tony Rydet nnd his trnlncd monkeys, l>evtln and Kll' v\i>oiL Alultie Family, Al JyNou, i.nlginnl tinlely ^firls. Id traveatv. "In Ynt'ntloa Time, and ihn new moving pleinre.i. .. 1 '"<'■» ■ ' ■ MICIIIOAS, Cnrbondalc.—At the Grand Opera Honsa (Gi- W. Lowdor. mnnngerl, week of Feb. 4, the Charles K. Champlln Stock Co. drew full houses—S. R. O. at nearly every entertoln- ment, sJThe Benuty Doctor" 11, vaudevlllo IS, "The Hottest Coon In Dixie" IB, "IBs Honor, the Mayor," 18; "Mork Trial," under auspices of Wornan'B Belief Corps of the local Graild Army Post. 110. FaMily (F. R. Blair, mnnager).—W*eek of 4 r'.Potchlng Brother*. Curtain nnd Blossom, Spauldihg and Duncw, liussell and Davis, Wllilam Shnlien, In songs Illttstrnted, and klttetogrSph'; ..... ,- 'Noi'Efl.-^-The i Iii-rrlsburc lire on ■ l'eb. 1, deputed, the -Charles K. Champlln Stock Co. nf^scencry.and wardrotie. hhd left the mem- he'ra apnarentlv wlth^utfacllitles to continue. mit>Charles K. ClinmpUn is.,a- man-nf ,re- sotircefi.*" He'ca'molo TJarlmndalo on-schedulo tlnj'e.-opened "wltb a -matinee' 4, aud gave twelve ..performances durlutr. the week, which left a splendid Impression In connection with the Uarrisburg fire incident it gives pleasure to note the fraternal Interest which the Murray and MacUey Co. showed. From the stage Mr. Murray made known the dis- aster which came upon the Champlln Co.. and announced that his combination bad offered scenery and wardrobe to help out. , ■ i ■< ■ ' Ilnrrlsbnric.—At fie Lyceum (M. Itels. raanagef). with but one plnyhoiiBe, business ■ la' big.--..Each of .the following attractions won'much success: "Lovers and Lunatics" F.-Cb. 5, "Coder Southern Skies" (I, nud "A Desperate' Chance" 7-1). Blanche Walsh 11, "Ilia Honor., the Mayor" (third return en- gagement), 12, "A Woman of Fire" IS, Mack- lyn Arbuckle 14, "Little Johnny Jones" 10.—Geuoi'fli Manager John L. Kerr, ■of the Rela circuit, was here C. nnd an- nounced that a new theatro would he bujlt to replace the Opera House, .destroyed by lire, as aoon ns a aultable location could he secured. This theatre will be In addition to the ■vaudeville theatre, work on which will start.In April H. IT. Whlltier, general manager of Martin's "U. T. C." Co., was hero D*U. ,the guest of W. Morrow Tnlt STorlne Dunham, of "Lovers and Lunntlcs" Co.. a Harrlsburg favorite, was elven a warm welcome here o. llkcn*lse Jack and Nellie Ward, of York. Pa., who are with the same companv... .."Big Hearted Jim," announced, failed- to put In an appearance Tha chairs, sccnerv. etc., of the Steelton. Tn., i>pera House, will be sold at nherlff sale 10. ; . ■■« .L. ■■■ ■ •? ." !-- Hntletnn.—At the Grand Opera House iGeo. -Albert Haley, resident raanng*r) "As Old In the Hills," Feb. 5, drew good houses. Earl Burgess Stock Co. 11-10. except 15, when "His Honor, the Mayor,"- returns. Family ■(Horsaer& Knoblauch, managers). —BUI for last week Included: The Origins] Dlerlcky Broa.. J. X. Cougbllu. Caspar and eiarkv--BAitlett. Gorman nnd Bnrtlett Tops ahd .Topsy, Al. Bothner, and klnetograph. Bll3lnCS3 is good. Lbha Dbb-vm Is Btlll in course of recon* ^trucillon, and will open sliottly. with entire* ly hew Interior, enlarged stage, and Increased seating capacity: ' - : -: v | Johnatovvn. — At the Cambria (H. W ; Schefer. -manager) "The Blackthorn" pleased two audiences Feb. 4. "The Hon and the Mouse" did S. B. O. business 5. "A Little Outcast" played «. "A Woman of Fire" did well 7. " Bnrns-O'Erlen fight pictures had good j utulDcan 8. "The tslo of Spice' pleased largo audiences 0. Cheater De vonds Co.. 11*16.. excepting Tbusftday, 14. when Kellaf, the magician, appears. Laura Burt nnd Hehrv Stanford, In ''Dorothy Vernon, of Iladdon '.lull." 18 ; " Hans And X lx" 10. Voric—At the York Opera nousa (B. C. rent?:, manage*) "Too I'rodd to Beg," Feb. 8i pleased. "Under Southern Skies" bad a good house 7. "Thorns and Orange Blos- soms" gave a very good show-8. "Uncle Josh -Spriiceby" it, isabelle Leslie 11-1C, "Dorothy Vernon" 20, Kersnns' Minstrels 21. the Oratorio Hocletv (local) 22, "Little Johnny Jones" 13. l'iRLoa (Wm. B. Pyle, manager). — Fair business, with.a very good bill, la st week. Eimi-tn. —At the Able Opera House (W. BV Detwlller, manager) Taylor Stock Co., week of Jan. 28, drew large audiences. Myers Stock Co., week of Feb. 4, did splendid busi- ness, "flock and Buftkln.' by Lafayette Col- lege boys. 18 ; ."His Honor, the Mayor," met * nee and evening 20. "Little Johnny Jones matinee cad evening 22, "Happy Hooligan Grace- Carleton, Myles McCarthy and com- i n „ rD i e 0 f Lanclotto, In tho Boker tragedy. Moore, mamigeri "A Wife's Secret" had good paoy, In "WaJtoerTotn.s Dream; Harry "Shenandoah" 17. business Feb -i. "When Women Lore" did Iflle ,' m ™*,!? hln Jf ; , } ta S r f* d x !^? rts C'.i.Litau (M. C. Anderson fc Henry M. well tj, 7. "Mv Wife-. FamilV had a MM- monkeys, Salter tmnlels. Murphy and Iran- dingier, manngera).—Junle McCree and his cestui tngagerarnt R. D. "Under Southem els. La Dent, aud the electrograpU. Business company are due 10. In "The Man from Den- Skies" 11. 12, Wilton Lackaye 13, 14, "The Lowell. — At the Lowell Opera House Cahn &. Grant, managers) the Elmer Stock Co.. featuring Walter Woods and Leigh Iw Lacy. In repurlory, did very good business lURt w,-ek. exceptinc Feb. 7, when "Coming Thro' The Rye" had S. It. O. The Kirk Brown Stock Co. 11 and week AtunRJiY op Mi:s(c (BU-hard F. Murphy, manager I.—The Sevorhi Dc Deyn Stock Co. In"Tlte ■ Wages of Sin." did the usUnl packed btsnitsa lait week, Mr. lie. Deyn In the lend- ing,, role.' -Frederick Webber'returned to the company last week, nnd .received a cordial welcome. This-week. "A Mfln.from.tbo Coltleu WtJstl'' riext,-"Thc UtuvritteiL UaW:" - ■*;> :,IlATtuWAr's. (J: I. c5liahtion. resident'man- agcr).-—V;urt*nt: Eva Mudge. Three Speclers, '•.Goiintry^Chorr/'-ChnrL'R W*flyne and com* prtriy, McNcmeo, NcUon Comlques, the Chad- wlck Trio, nnd the vitagrapk. Bohto.v. t.T. II, TeitlK'ttft, mnnager).-rCur- lent: Charles lrvlng's "The Reception:" the burlesam', "Hotel Astorbllt;" -Charlea Mackle nnd couipHiiy, In "The Derby Bricc." Including Mnrlam Mnrtelle as Jockey Brady. Olio: Bella Hill. Bedell Brothers, Joe Barker, and the Boston bioscope. Wjilkeu's (I» B. Walker, rannngerL— Quecu Quality Burlesquers gave a gootlshow last week. Jim nnd Ilnbe lmlley were a big hit. This week. .Nellie Hartford's Bur- lesque Co. Olio: The Clevelnnds, Alex, lirlsson,. special feature, Fritz Hansen, wrest- ler, meeting nl! comers. Usstrnst. —The uraal ball of the Lowell Aerie, 223, of Kaglen, wna a big event of lust week. : .Mr. and Mrs. Charles Irving are meeting with much success staging the bur- lesques at the Boston Theatre The Kmpire manager, J. H. TcbbcttB, I'lttslleld. Mass., is dolne a capacity business this sea- son, with high cIuhs vaudeville. Manugcr Telihetla spends two dnys of each week at the 1'lttsfield house. ■ • i ■ ■■- I,ynn.—-At Jhe Lynn (F. U. Harrison, manager) the Dot Karroll Co. played to good business week of Feb. I. "If I were King." afternoon dr S. drew u good bouse. "Coming Thro' the live" 11, Jtoe Stock Co. 12-1U. Manager Harrison's Sunday concerts arc doing tilg. Alditouikm (Harry Kataea, -nnnnger).— aiils week: Fred Karno's vA Nlcht in the Slums of London." T'Sndn. Will Dockray. Adele Purvis OJirl. Post nnd Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Jlramle Barry, the Do Fnye Sisters, nnd the vltngrnph pictures. ■ Gkm (C. W. ftheafe. manager).—Current: McKeever and Sandry. Heed nud Drlscoll, Ilayden and' Faster, Jessie Burden, Laura llousiou ahd the moving pictures fUUM TurATRr, (G. II. Cheatham, manager).—The Myrkle-Hnrdcr Co. pUy*d to fine business last week. .. — I ■ ■■■ Xnwreiice.—At the Opera House (Julius Cahn, manager) "Man aud Superman" played to a g.wd sl^ed audience Feb. i. "Uorn Thorne'' had fair houses r». "The Mocking Bird" (local) had big houses 7. 8. "Bertha, tho Sewing Machine Girl," fair business, ft. Shop.nd'B moving pictures had good houses 10 "Qulncv Adams Sawyer" 11 and week. Colonial' (J. Fred Lees, manager).— Crowded-houses ruled week of 4. Bill for 11 and week includes: The night \assar Girls. Bowers, Walters and Croaker, Sabine. o'Sell and vWjBg and Wardl. Willlani CablH, Orlttta and Taylor, the Nichols Sis- ters, nnd the moving pictures. si s INDIANA. InillnnnpoIIs.—At JSngllsh'H Opera House (Ad. F. Miller, manager) Primrose a Mln- bfrels. Feb. 4, 5. scored n hit. Krancls Wilson. T did well.' Louis James. 8, p. 'Tho 0W Homestead" 11, 12, "The Grand Mogul U, 14, "His House In Order' 16. I'AitK (Dickson & Talbott. managers).— Bnrne\ Gllmorc. 4-G. filled theilmnae. Bnth-r Southern Skies" MS "i'eggy from Parla' 11- OfiAVD Opeha Horse (Shnfer Zleglcr, man- ager).—BUI. week of 1U.Edmund I)ay and company are ihw 10. in "The Man from Den- ver. 1 ' Associate entertainers will include: The Four Harveys, Klta Bnnzal Troupe or Japanese acrobats, Harry Sears and JMvihe May Vernon. Albert Heliman and Louie Moore, Durnnt Trio, nnd the Two Korh- ley*t, Last-work's hill drew well. Arnold Daly van the lending feature. ICIlzaheih Murray, an old favorite, was received with the usual enthusiasm, nnd the Musical Cuttys were grcnt. .. Wai.M't Stiikkt (M. C.Anderson & Henry M. Zlegler. mnnageK). — "In New A'ork Town" comes ,10, .with l-oucv llaftkell duil Charley-Lw.nard.In. the lending roles. The week tit. *-:Me, ■ Him' arid ■ I" was.iRiirchnrgiHl with -laughs. BUIv- W". .Watsqii. MiKe k>liy nuil .Billy.. Arllngjon wore- the lnadlitg fun ranker.-!.,- nUhlffc^','waB good.-. '"Ihe - Cuiirtty cliftlrmaa"-l7.*; . ">*. -•: -• ■*■ vvj :llEi:cK's Oi'KUA' IIolhi; (llcuck, Feunc^y & Stair, managers).—"Buled Off the Turf will come 10, with Cforgc. Mack hh tho Btar. Last week's riiu of •■llertba, lac Sewing Ma- chine (ilrl." w:is vcrv fcuccessful, with Edith Browning in the lending role. "?IO,000 Re- ward" 1". Lvfi:t-.u (lleuck, Stnlr & Feanetssy, man- agfrsj.—Harry It. Carey, who wrdte "Moit- tanu," will hi; aecn In that ranch play lo, its Jim .Graham, l.nhc week i'TUc Way of tho lYanagrcssur" was successful. "At Crip- ple Crcuk*' 17. •Stashabo (C. B. Arnold, manager).-—Harry Bryant's Kxtravngnnwi Co. and Beauty ,con- gress l»'duV to nrrlva ; 10. Snbi-Scrlbner 8 Gay MjisiiiiorodPi'H held the boflisis last week, and were Hcen In the liurk-sques, "The Flsem" unci "Humcwnrd Bound." 'the GanB-Hcruian Ught pictures were nu added attraction. Of (he olio,. Charley FarreU'a "Turkey in the Straw" was a bit, and the Watermelon TriM was a decided success. Al. Beeves' Show 17. i'coi'ie's .(Hubert Heuck. managor).—The Yankee I>oodl« Girls aro to nrrlvu 10. Tho Parisian Belles, In "A Pair of Peaches," pro> Curse of Drink" ].», 10. Younh's l'ii:u Tdratbi: fW. R Shackel- ford, manager).—-Week of 11: IMmore nnd 1."''. Carroll nnd C<iok, Florence nnd Slnnot, Bel] nnd Bichards. George Yon Hnuf, Flor- ence t'lnrk. Ctaum McAvoy. nnd klneingrnph. On It. "The Lnrl nnd the (ilrl" will appear. . ■ i — ■ ■ — ■ linimkrn.— At the Lvrlr (H. P. Soulier, managers lHislnr.«s has hern good, " the Mask" Feb, .lO-l.'l, "As 'fold In the IIIIIh" H-Jlt. "Tbf Omi( Wall Shvet-MyKtcry" 17* '.'^■"TIio Kn Wl(ness",21-2.1. t ... '-'Emlmri: iA. M. Hriiggeiaann, pro|irk'(or).— Cil(i'pnt■': /.Mfiliet McKlnUy, Klngsley. nnd Lewis,. lloiiiilngx,-.I^wlh'aiMi Ilfiiriinits, Knlg- niftrPil.-,.KoRers.nnd Doelfly, J'alaftdr.rthd Gll- iM-ei^diflimhto.-nnll Mpfaiey-arfiMTollH-Iu;' 1 ._■.' ' ; ' '»-—-■''■■■— '• iii'Mi-y City.—At the Academy (F. II. Hi'mt-'L-M.u. ittniiugeri' "A Message from Mara" l'eb. 11-lrt, "The Moyor uf Toklo" 18- 2S. Bos Tos cT. W. lilnklns, manager).— Dreninlimd Ili-nnlles tl-lil. KKi'tti Jc Puot-iim'H (Frank Burns, resi- dent manager!.—A strong variety offering for week of II. -- i ; ■ ■■'■ ■ Camden.—At tho Cntudeu 'Cbenlre (M. W. .Tcj'lor, ataangor) "The.House of Mys- tery" repeated Irs former good Imsluax* here, aud played to well filled houses Jan, .11-Feb. 2. '-llio Cowboy GlrlL 4-u, gave a very good akow. "A Man's Broken Protnlao" 7-P. ■•How Baxter Rutted to" 11-18, -The Kye Witness" 1-l-lfl. 'A Wlfe'a Hecrel" 18-20. a*» Ml*M->irt'A. St. font. — At the Metropolltaa Ope.ra House the Symphony concert, raatluae. Fob. :t. was well uttended. -The Heir to tpn mrtsinn tieiies, m "A rnir M I'eacnes. pro- ■»■£££•• •j^-irjH i/^,1 MiMiuun ji.b '"fhe vided tun foi the hurlesquo lovers last week. 3gSS" rt J , g2? S3 tit riff 7*10 flvm- AaB-^lM-^JS^-lA SWI'M,*: nh?nv 2J«« ma?l»Jc' 10. "Madnmc \Xl billons, a sporting annex to the .bill thai was ple.-ialng. The olio was brief but good. Reba Donaldson did a clever change dnnce uct. Star, Show Girls 17. BotMN'SOx's (Walter Canfield. manager).— The Told Mnrnti Japanese Troii|>e or tlfrlil- t-ope walkers will he tbe'enrd*. al the bonne of popular priced "10-20" vaudeville. Id. Mr. met Mrs. Dick Tracy, Annie Lesllo Wllliatus, honv concert matinee 10, "Mndnme Butter- fly" 11-13. "The Girl and the BandlL" 14.1(1. Ai-ilmr Dunn 17-20. rttiirn engsgnuent of "The District Lender" 21-24. Monoger Scott and bis wife will take a trip (<> Los Angeles nnd the m:i-i, HiartlaK I), leavlpg AsHiritutit Manager Horry K, Itleker In commnnd. Giianu (T. L. ilny.», mnnager)—Busbies was good with "The Gambler of Iho Wasl," week of s. Florence lllndley. In "The Girl Detroit.— At the Detroit Opera House ill. C. \vtiliii-\v. matiflgvrl Robert Maoiell.had guoil littuses week of t-eb. -I. "The Lion and Mi- Mouse" 11-Id. l.vcf.LM (ll. It, Stair, mannger).—George Sidney. In "Ban latf s Vacnrlon," enter- tnltied crowded nouses :t-0. Cecil Spooner, In "The filtl Bntlles." week of 10. Lapaycttg (iMr. Caianbeil, manoger).—At- tractions for week of 11: The Thomas ,t. Byan llleinleld Co., Pat Rooney and Mnrtoh l.-.-ut, l^iveii's comedy nerohnt". Emily Nice, Mnrs»llles, omiortlonlst; Harry Breen, Tom HefMn, Le Clair and Bowen, and the vita- crnpU. ' i.. WiiiTNDY (E. D. Slalr, maBager).—"Cus- ter's Last Flgbt" drew packed houses week of 3. Billy S. Clifford week of lo. TOCPLB (J. H, iloore, mnnager),—Attrac- tions for week of 11: Cnptnln 'leorgu Auger, McMahon'i Musical Maids. Will 11. Creiiy nod Blanche Doyne, the Flnneys, Cbarles r. Semon, Ben Welch, McMahon and CliRpnells, Nettie Carroll, and the klnetograph. GaYrrrY (H. -H. Hedges, mnnager).—Th* Trocndero iiurleiquers had crowded ooiisss week of ;., Boston Belles and Oaoa-HaNnan pictures week of 10. i Avtttt-a threw A Campbell, managers).—* Tho Washington Society tilrlx were crated by libera) |tntronaae week of ;i, ■ Avtnue Girls and Burmi-U'HrIe& tight plrtutea week of'10. ) . CitiaTAi. (J. J. Nash, manager). •* BUI week of H : l-'onilnelle, Anna ahd Eirte tjon- ley, llllilx'rt nnd Warren. Okurn vvonden, Stella Rhine hnrt, Atis-m Sohlrhnrl, and lb* klnodrome, » Notes.— Horry Ijimkln.- rrcently asflocl* ntcd with Hr. Campbell lit the l.nfavetle The* aire, has retired nnd rnb'ml n well known business Uouso of ihl-i cliy. Dr. Campbell, proprietor and miiiingi'r. Iiiih icn weeks of ■fori cIhsm attraetlniis already looked to ap- |ie(ir at thN now homo of vaudeville Chns. A. Alt man. house mnmigpr of tho Whitney Theatre, .dlsplucfsl the ligaments of hlH mm i-np by a fall against the winh-ccw of his thcuire, Inst week, nnd will be rou- tined (o hi., rrsldeiirn for ill lesst two weekH. Ailfilo Jttichle wns forcinl loenneelher eitgiigi'inent ai ihe Tfcmpln -'nieutre, Feb. it, nuil !■-.■■ inti lo her home.- ip New Vork. rtbo was suffCjtiln gXrojp-ncuie ga-itrltls .' lirnmi ittij>i<lt. —'At Use, NewjPowers Ul: G.'*>mm«rs «E'4M.i,-ainita> I ()r4l*;'Tlio , -Col- lege Widow," Feb. 7; plnycd.To'lfc rf. O, ^'ThO Ficeiltfin-in' Susntini-"-li) l lil, illnncho AVhUh 22, 2X "The Girl nud the llaiiilli" 2(1, AI.'G. Fbflds MhiHlicIs 27. .\l.\.n:i j ti: (Drill Stnlr, manager). — Wll- Il.-uiiM mid Walker, II-U. plays-d in S. ilL, O, "Ruiitiltig for ttnveriinr" 7-'.), "Around tho clock" loon. Chux. i:. (impewla 1 i-iu. Yorke ami Ailnms* 17-20; , | liiiAM- Ot'HUA iiufsK (Cluircblll ft Davis, 1 miungets).—Week of 10; Mile. Bsmathllde. K»iK> Brvi., Four 1,1 undue, Bublsrh aud I'lilldroMS, npd Uf.r ry L-. Wflbb. ■ SiHtfiiuiu.— ai the Academy (C. W.j'or- ti*r, mttungt-r) George Sidney, in "Busy fusy's X'nClllloU," l»lll.VCll lu'.tWO good ilOI.M'.K |;"fil. 2. Andrew Mad; 'appeared .1. Mndnme MiwUenk* pri-wuiled "MnchetU" lo. a inli* audleuce 4, frith a good performance.. "The college Widow" had H.-JR. O. r», and proved to he 0110 of (lit- best nitractloiih mou In LUin tlty ibis s-'iison. The Kenncay Players H>> 10, Blanche Walsh 2d. JgKrHHH (C S. -Hnrgent, Manager).—The hill for- 11 and weak Indiidct: Mr. rind Mtri, llohyns, Snnsoue and DelUn, lion and Thoni|i- n-iii, iit'ip. A. Bonne, Orgerlta nnd Arnnlu, nnd (icorge Hlilranu. , nSSSS, ivtiiinn. r^ in-n siH Zninr 'nlni I inS *"*■■ ° r «■ i-'lowncn Bindley, In '"I'he Girl and cSlS. in 7 "Alu WcTlThnt SS?^ -4ft %-» «* * «I ^"^ "* and Stoddard and Wilson, In "The Rni Catch- "Ttfi": f «...i n n,.i, ,.„., n i «„«-„*.» and Stoddanl and ci-h," are others booked. Ijisi week's offering was plenslng;. Mile. Careno and ber educated bears provided n rooiI net. Helen Trenwall and Arthur BrOwnlug made good. Buslnevs was pleasing.' GotMtP Qh> TUB Luniiv.—The death of Isa* belle L'rqtibnrt, at Rochester, cavkc as a shock lo Arnnlu Daly, In whose Utile company she had Iwen lib to two weeks ago. Hho was booked to piny: Cluclunntl this week, but Ida O'Dny was secured In her place Walter N. Lawrence sp»nt some days here looking over "MM. Temple's Telegram." Edwin II. Price wrts lien.' with "The Grand Mogul." Harry Billiard, of "Mrs. Temple's Tele- gram," la a Cincinnati boy J. J. BosPa* thai, manager of Kntherlue Ostermtth, wna In the clty-rhlB old home—early In the week. OtiritEUM (Mnrlln Berk, general manager). —Bill for week of 10: Fahay Rife, ihe Four Lnkens. FlMny nod Burke. Olllon Rrntliet*. the Three Lelgblons, Lavlna De Witt and A. b. caldera. Star (J. C. Van Boo, (nrtnag'Tj.— Biifl- ne,js was fair wi-ek of A. with Williams' Jdkals. Week of 10, the New Conhuy Girls. Colonist Bellea I7-23. wutbaoR (Smith B. Hall, maoager).— The CbBttges in 'be theatre proper, hereto- fore noted,, are a Llg Improvement, evety seat commanding n good view of the nidge. The entertainer* week of B were: will Bait, MniquAt'le Sisters, Deinnrest. Fay. Safnes nnd Kugene West. Kid Mobler abd Dud Trstnpr spent seT«rsl days here rn route lo Chlcaaa, from Winnipeg, the guests uf Tresi- F.MPlnc ( Sb m Flak, mnnager) .—New Cleveland—At tbn Opera House (Harry faces week of 11 • Jusle Coughlla, D'Atvllte D. KMae, .mnnager) "The College Widow" sisters and tho Bergct- Brothers. Tbf only Feb. 11 .aha week. "The Linn and iba on«g to cancel nte Ratnous ajod Balnons, Mouse" drew packed bouses wees of 4, and who mfldo a Uf bit with their hflrrel JumpInK. proved intensely interesting. Hnbert Man* ■ --■ • ■ n - - - - ^CtAsS^jBSSr^ .SingsJan. managers). ' Mlnnaaiiblla^—At the Mptrepolltiin Onarn ---The Other Oirl" week of U. "The Love IIoimo (h fOgft MnawrT "Jbe Olrl Botite" hart good receipts week of 4. "The nnfl tha Baadlt'* KfU 10-1(1. "Marlftrae But- • ". ..S . .1? .^ .. . .r j ....-1. trt.flc." IJ.ln "Ttla 1'lirln Ihn l>ln... nnA tl,n Social Whirl" 1, due 18 and *c«k. Ltce'M <()«>. M. T«ld. monasfr).— flcorep Slrlnt-J. lo '•nn»j' Illy'a Vacation," week of 11. The 'K.l llnBlM" drew well week of -l-li. "Ground the Clot-b" week uf CLr.vEUND (OW.M. Todil. mv\ager).— "Hcnlm, lite SewlBK Mnclilni; Oll'l. 1 week of 11. "A Jfarkeil AVomou" imrked die Imttiw week of 4. "l'"or n Hiioian Life" week of 18. Ki:ith'k {II. A. Dnnlcl.. u,alla([L'r).^-Tlio hill week of 11 lncluUe3: Jlerrl 0.worne, Cleo. Btul Katajetle'" dow, KiiUht Uro». and terfly' •lirl,'- n-in. :i-i:. an/1 7'0, both plen-e/1. •Jil. ArlLur Dunn JtlGX The Tlmc.lbe riaee and.the •The Heir lo (he Hoof/ll!." The IJUt rlet l.eadei-" 17- iDluuiT, the Ce««era«. Richard Utihlerajd conlianv. Duels ami .McCotlley, Sir. and Mrs. sawtelle. itado and Ilortoiun. Jiutthetra on AUIboii Joules II. Cullch, Urjimt and Ba- ,\ K |,loy. MOaua and Mnntte, an/I Maimllllai , ' , I . I ..'.,...- « .J.. » ... . ■ AN.'oN-B'iyowlstf, the whereabout/, of f.. A. Turner will confer a ravor by eomraun,- catui* Kith .Mra. Turner, Mancheater areen, Conn. . vllle Frank an/1 Hob, and the bioscope. [auc (Ed- K .Vnthony, tnttnakor).—The KUTUI lOhas, Zliumcroiaii. nianoscr).— wu lvcek of )i luciudea: Mld/llefoli. 8n,ll- ThorOuL-hbreils. 4-0, did soo/1 liuslneaa. Ktar er m j con) pj„y, the JIahluliU tin, Trie, show Jirln and the Oreat Cuuning .4), Hash- Cllarl | t . iiasty, Lyons mid Culloai, Odd tho Itlialcal Toy». .'• ' • ■ . (Drew t Campbell, monagera).—The ,.,iiii Collea waelt of 11; TSV Innocent llomlne Olorlca MaidiCo. had anod bilalneas week oi 4. The Baltimore Eeautlae are <due 18.. ■ - Em-lac (U«o. Chenot, raanoicr).— pbxJJS Lllrer. MM of 11. The Umber St* ton Htnr. drew well week of 4. The 0«r »<wa> ln« 'ilorlia week of 18. Show Ulrln and tuc ureat tuuninf .-o, ..a.™- ciiarllc Inaton Society lllrh 11-13. „.' • iruslcal ' (JiVETV (lidward Sha.vne, mnnoKcrl^The stAn , Md Llftere fared well Id. U«ry »r-«n a ,,„,,,„„ KxtrnTnganaa Co. 7-0,, Gay ll*i;i, At Rce«s' Co. 14-lb. . <! ■». Mv-(i\i-et luiiiV, daughter of Mr. and Mrs KrSBslly,dI«l a?Fort Worth, Tei., Jan, IE She .vas two years old. Bi-mtr opera Jtoi'an (T. L. l[iiyt:,.mnno- ger).—"The nsmbler of ilio Wesi" 10 and week. I/ittle Wlillnros, lb "lly .Tom-Boy Girt," 3 nud week, did good biHlness. I 'lor- enc Rlmlley 17 nnd weefc. (ismnrii {.Martin Been, aenenil uanager). —BUI for week of 10: Lucille Mnlbnll nnd ber reach f«tv». Fred Hsllon and Mollle Ful- ler, Mubical AvoiOH, Linn I'itnt/nr, Fred Byrou and LoUtHO Lunadoii, Johuny JoUiik, Mile. D'Zlrln and biuodrooir. LTCEUH- (1. O. Htievro, nifiiiflKfr).—1'raw- K-y Hiock Co.. lu "Qtlo Vodla," lu aud week. Home company, In "Tho Dancing Girl," :: and week, imt biidJttesH ibod, "The Frisky Mrn. JoliUtion" 17. and we«k l.'MOt'E (John niilott, mauairer).—Bill for 11 pud .week: Welch FlnclH and companv, Bctslo Babl), Blicft Bros., VenAar aad com- hauy, Tra-ik nnd Oladdlsb. Irene f.Htla. Dp.wkv "(w.-A. Hloger, mansge l Jolly GrnaH Wldowa 10 and seek Btirlefloiierfi. a and Week, bad very good buni- ons. Williams' IdeslB 17- and weak. ivnria—A! the Hrnnrt (Chamberllu, Harrliiatou &. Co., uiaiiajnsrai "Driven from Home. Fell. :i, had n good houau. "The Dairtni And Ion," .1, had «kk1 rcttirna. rTh* CJf.ui.mnb" A, Flon-iitio Jibberta n, "TJitj Con- vict's Daughter" 10, Arthur Dunn 11, Al* b^rtu Gallatin VI, Kxra Keaflall PL Hug»nli> BlDh- ,1ft, "The Old Homontead" BI. "Hlrl of the Hired" If, J. K. Hnckett 10, aLUehtic (Al. L Wtawed, resident man- ngsr).—"The Black crocil;," UiI. did .big- •■ijupnii of the Illghblodcrfi" 7-0, Andrew Alack 1043, "The Burglnr'n Pniighter" Wll Main HTiir.RT (Frank B. WeH.on, rcsldem iniinagerl.— Hill for w«ak of \\ ■ Pekln Zoo- awn,. Barry, nud Wolford, Arthur UcbiiDg. Llhilsny'a nogR and monkeya, Tnnnehlll and irnilclliTe nud the klnodrnmr. wfaarti (Cbarleii l>\ Bsi-'.Kon, laanager). — Wtm of 4: and Rnnnon, Do V«ru» tihrl Vnfli Harry Lee, Thrto Kellya, Armouii end moving pictures. KM (It. W. I'raser. manager).—Froser fltock Co., for wcpk of 4, pMiented "Acroaa the mtmr ■ ■--*■■ i i—I.- p — h— RprlMUOrld.--At (Vhnttarton'M (0. W. Chart*rton, mnnager/ "The nerH's Auction." Feb. .3, ple/ified, as did "The Little JoJtsr,': 0. "Merry Milkmaids" (home talent|, 7, drew a good botlse. . "The Land of Ko4" 8, ProncU Wpw 0, "The Use of flpice" 10. ruir.-iv (Burton A ^tnlth, niAnsgers).—For week of 4: Ttia Villvann, LiuBcj iHuier, Berry AHA Wnlfnrd, Laura Rnckley, La Toy Bras,, and moving liicturffa. ■ OLVMPic (Wm. Jackson, manneer).—Week of I: llotiniatiit and CoillriH. .loo Homme*. Bcgn nml HI. i/ivr, Merthui Mdwarrl, Mr. and Mrs, Curler, nud moving torture* i;.Mlmr (John Connors, uianajter).—Week of 4 : The Mack Hlslera. Lillian Little. O'llarn nnd Wat mm, Chrlstoiilier, May Goodwin, and niovlng picture*. NttTB.— Friday nljrli.t. R, Ik amateur night at the thili-ty, with liberal prlwH. , , .,. - *>,.,,, , lfJ UiiIiips'.— At tbc Kmpire (W. L. nusby, mnnager) "The Convict's Daw- 1 -' biishicriM Feb, "Busier Brown 1 ._ JHnMf liadkood Arthur Dunn pleased '1. scored B, "Tho Land of Utile. "g'TtV-rThc »oii" lind a big honw) «. "X Trip to Uftypt" h. "Tbo Want hue Hell" 0, Eugento Blah* 1" "Tbr. Clnnsmbir 18, Lhnvlmit 14, J. B. USc-kett 1ft. "Tbn Isle of Hplco" 10. . BU')t' U'nti Ick & Min'onnoll,' rjrjnagcrs),— Hlfl week of, 11! Brown B ton, and. Uoplcy, Ciiorrv Hlsters, La Toy Bros., rlort Kern, Aim Mae Llcljig, and moving pictures. XiitI;^— Allle. Vlda. on liar way to Kaw Or- leans, stopped In this city laat weak. -»*' " ■ ■*»»»■' .?« ■« "* ■ Urn. II. HABRia, monolojist sad -Jst.esr. wrltfs that-ho lw* signid contrscti for tlia coming sesson with Marks Bros.''Repertory Co., NumbM •*. ....,.' Z ■ • — -