The New York Clipper (February 1907)

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FEBMJABY 16. JUSTfiECEllfEO! Anotiiof Urge Conilinnn) Tms NEW TOBE OGMFMER. 1879 '. Worn W writer of "WImh iiic Whlnpoor JM ONE WEEK OKIY! 93°P *» IfW SUDES ,_ _ - -„»« THIS-IS •aoPBtlOW-COST! 'S BLUE SKY TURNS TU GREY" p,wltltnlv NONE KIIBIB HoiWtoti. Tex., 13. Cnlveston M, DMUMbI 13, Pott Arthur II). Orange IS, LnfHjello, U.. Id, Aleiniidrin 20. Union Ilouge SI. Jnclw'm, Mies., Ht VlflAeburg 2.1. Terry, -lilleff (Charles Frohmsn, mir.)—X. Y. OUT 11*10, Chicago, 111.. ISMi'i-clt 2. TautntS, Kfft (Jos -\I. Onllos. aigM—.Milwaukee, wV, 10-1(1, Jackson. Mich.. It, TnJ'lor Stuck (H- W. Tn.vl.n-. rogr.)— Sbnianfcln, fit, 11-10, ilaslctnn ia-2.1, Turner, Olsrn (Irn W. Jackson, mar.)—Yonkers, N. Y.. 11-10. Pateraan. N. J., ls-ffii. Toad. Mr. find Mrs. Wilson B. (T. R. Iturklfly, mgr.) — tlngerstown, Md., 11-10, CIiambeMburg, Pa., 18-28. Trousdale Uros. Theatre, Eaatcrn (Merle Trooa* dale," iflgr.)—Marshall, Mo., io-10, Sinter 17- K Troijsilalc Bros. Thentre (W. W. & D. B. Trnus- d;de. mgr.)—Mopleton, la., 14*14, Carroll 18* 20,.r>nTwn 21:23. "Too Proud to Beg," Lincoln" J. Carter's—Mount Curate). 1'.*!., 18, SUamoklu 14. Sniilniry IS, l-ewlaburg 10, Beurn is. Lock HHvei. 11). Heiie- fonto IK). Tyrone 21. Barneaboro 22. Alioona 23. "Thorns mid, Oninge Blossoms." .lowland A Cltf- ford'H, B (Frank: Wlntli, mgr.)—Perry, X. Y., II), Niagara rolls 14.- . •'Time, the-Place Milt tlM flirt** (M. n. Singer. mgr.)—Chicago, HI., 11, rmltDDltc. "Time, (Up Tlncc undthe GUI" (M. H. Singer, ntcv. 1— DuLtiJiii', ID., 13. Burlington IS. Iowa City 20. . . "Tcius." Brondtmrat ft Currle'H—N. Y. City li- lt). .'...- "Ten .TlMraW Dollars Reward," Spencer & Alwrn'B—Coliimlnwt <»., 11-13, ..• . "Time .Oboti." F. w. Faltaere—-Park City, u., 10, Logan 18, Laramie, Wyo.. 21, North Platte. NCbr., 23. "Tlmrouglibi'etl Tramp," F.tiner Walters* (Oscar ■lone*, mer.)*—Ottawa, Can., 14-1(1, . V ' "Under Southern Skips." Wwtcrn (Harry Docl Parker, mgr.)—ContcsvllJp, Ta.. 13, WIItuuir- toii. Del.. 14. Chester, Pa., IS, Rending 10, Philadelphia 1S-23. "Unrttr fiontliern Skied," Western TTarry Docl Parker, nigr.)—Lincoln, N#br.; 13. 14. Mis- ma. VilKT. In., tfi. Sioux City 10.-OmHhn, ■. Ncnr,, 17)18. Mnrysvllle, Knn,, IP, Falln City,, 20. St. .Io«euli, Mo.. 21-23. "L'ndft' Soalhvni Sklee," Gentrnl (Tlirry Doel Parker, mgv.)— Loalariiic, fij.. 11 ■10. Rich- tnoud 18, Lexington 10. Parln '-■>. MqvbvIUu 21, Iroutott. (>.. 22, Uuntlngion 23. "tlnclp* Tdm'B C(bln," Al. W, Martlu'ji <VA. B. Hlllh.iMfii]—I'nteruon, ft. J,. 11-12, Trenton M. Clic«ter. Pit.. LB, 10. PUllndelphla 1K-23. •"Utiele .Tom** Cahln." Rk'tmni^, Ranierii (T. W. Brownlee. iner.)—r.iitlaiirt, Vt., 13, Glenn l'alls, N, Y.. 14. Srlwitecttttly 1.1, 10. "Unolp Tom's Cabin." flletsou'B,, Western fIVro. KiUt'le. mfr.)—Terrc Ilaule. Intl.. 13, Mum, O.. 13, Koslorln 10. Norwnlk 18, Fremont 10. Adrian. Mlcli.. 20, Mount Clemena 21. "V»t\P Toiii'h CnMn." Mletwn's, Xovtliern (Gen. I'eeU. Mai-Naualino. B. C, Con., 13, Ynu- cuuver 14, WestinliiBtor 15, Anucortct), \Vanli., to. "Uncle Jo*b Sunireby," Kuslern. Ilotikx k Frn- l| y» y W Cheulei', F'a.. Lit, Ooin>liobwclwn» 11. It(rii:i-hftini Hi. Norrlittowii 10, unronl IS, Dover, Del.. 10, Sitk'ni. N. J., 20, Brldcciou 21, LakpHood 22, South Aniboy 23, "Uuclo Joab UnriKCby." Wrut'-rn, Hanks & Frn- tee'ja— Port Arthur. 0»l.. Can., 13, W onWWWl H, Blind Itlior 13, Tlifsnulon 10. fiutilt Kie. Mario 18. Saull St<>. Miirli*. Mlrh.. 1ft, Hud* hiii.v, nut.. Can.. M, Klui'iceou Falls 21, Kvw Mkkonl 22, Halleybury 23. "iriicle Jflnli l'crkhiR," ll. II, l'rkzpe'H—Hunt- liifftion, Intl.. 13. Muntleello 11. Wlmlfnll 13. Mnumn l", Marlon IS, CriinfunlMTlllo 10. BockTlflc; 20, Cloverdale 21, Bluomilcld 22, Columbia 23. "l/'ricl*. SIIIn«kUi»," A—0. S. Prlmr<we*H—Yaton Outer; Kb"., 13. Altooini II, linttjH'iideiice 13. 1'iedonlai 10, plttihurje 17, Wrle Id, Cliumit« in ■ UtiiiilK>liit 2U. L11 ll;inil- 21, lota 22. Port MAI 23. "llmH SI lluckliiB," B^—C. 8. Pi'lmrose'H—On- trilla. Mo.. 13. Fulton 14. Mmilcuinory CHy - 18,'lVireetltAli 10. CoHnavlllp, HI.. 17, While- hall. 18, Arenxvllle in, Vvruilllca 20, Mount Stei-lbitf 21, Qulnvy 22. V Van TJuren Rtoek. TUfjtnj (W. n*. Upolnt, Bgr.) —Fi-wlerlcton, N. B., Can.. U-ltl. "VillBKis. | , arMti" (0. E. Woe, nigr.)—Jackson, Mlcli., 14, Kalamazoo 10. Mlcblgmi City, tnd., "Vaiiderbllt Cun" (Jot. M. Galte*. rn»r.y—Chat- tanoom. Ti'iiu., 10. Vlllanc CJrouer" (U". W. Lowlnt. mi;r.)—West wK N. H., 13. Mllfonl N. Villon 13, ]|lll*- Imro 10. BeiuilnKlon 18, Autrlin 10. l"eterl«oro 20. KdMt JitiTrey 21. Wlucbcitlci- 22, Amberst, Miibh., 23. W Wttinii, Blaiielic (WasenlinlB & Kemper, ingrs,) — CulunjUiuv-O.. 14. Dayton 10. IVniUchl, David (David Belawo, mgr.)—N. Y. City 11-23. WIImii, Fruncla (ChnrlOK Fmhniun. iiiur.l—St. I.'"il!f. .Mo., 11-10, Detroit, Mich., 18-20, ColuiabtiH, D., 22, Wlllard, 15. 8. (diaries A. Moore,' nujr.l—Mil- wniikpc. Win,, 11-10. Rockfoi'd. Hi-. 18, i.:i Crohtie. Wis,, 10, Wlnonu, Mlini., 20, DuliHh [ 21-23. Wllsoju, Al. IJ. (Sidney R. R1IU. mgr.)—Plllla- dplDliin, Pa„ n-itf. \\ emmff, Hcury < Henry Miller, luffr,)—Phila- delphia, Pa.. 11-10. Wckr'a All Slots (Joeepu M. Weber, rnirr.)— A » fc -«*I , ^'"? llCmC 'L. mi ■ Mll8l « ** com'iib'Mjr or "Wft G01 u Will do tii Maiunin Bye and liyc' ORBER SUDES OF PRQ8PECT MUSlO Gnlreaton ij. tonlo. Toy.. 13, Houston New Orleins. La., 17-23. Comi-ronocuce. Opera IC. II, Ki-rr. miir.l — f ^'"'leltihln. Pa., IMC. XurrUtown IS, ,\1- Cronlore niul Ills Baml (llownnl Pew, mar.i— SclieupcUdy. X. Y.. 1H. Utlcu 14, SyrncuV 13 A11 hum 10. Uoclie-lpr 17, Buffalo 18-23. Uinln« rijro* Hit- Btt" (Will J, Block Amoso. .num.)—Fall River. Mn^.. 14. 'i , «iiiii..n Co., . Kvw'uhIImiI Hi. Danlchj, Frank (C. It IHIIIiuliain. mjrr.)—Balll- mere, Md., 11-10. X, Y. Oily IS. mVilnh*. He Aiiitell", JelTersoa (I'rnnk MeKee, miir.)— X. \\ City It, ludefltiltf. ,»*».. DArrilir. Cnmlllo (8am S. ft I.eo Shubert, Inc., incr^.l—Bnffnlo, S. Y.. 14-10. FlKcber'n Orcbealra—UtM, Mlcli., 13. Albion 14. Ivnlniuiiioo 13-17, Buchanan 18. Elkhart. 21. Chnrlotl« 22, Kuloimusun -23, 24. tree Lanco" (Kfm A lirlauger. BMW,) Xtm Orleaiw. I.n.. 10.10, Baton Itougp 17, Natcbei. M1h„ IS, JacfcaoE 10. Vlcfeaburjr 20, 21. lorly-flvc Mlnutea from BroudWay" (Klaw ft Krlautfitr. ingrs.)—Los JuraelML Cn!.. 10-10. trmmo 17, Oakland 18-23. Stockton 24, Sacra- mento 23, 20, (MM 27. "l-antaitn" (Sam 8, ft I/>e shuliert. Inc., HUtt.l —-Bolthnore. Md.. 11-10. Grand Opern (OBcar Unmiuertttcln, tozf.)—N. Y. _Olty if, linloitnltc. Kuinl.- rtwfHqtMM (J. Fcunessy. rocr.l—Toronto, Can.. U-IC. llntfalr*. X. Y.. 1S-23. Fay Potitcr (Jow-i'b <>j)[ipulipliurr. mar.)—Mon- treal. Can., ll-ln, Toronto 18-23. unntcr Xew York stnr* iJadtn ft Jetuion. wim.1—Boffalo. X. Y.. 11-10. Roelicaivr 1H.-2::. (.at MtiruliiK Utitriea (Sam A, Scrllmcr, mit:)— liKllanapolb*. Hid.. 11*18, Clrrplaud. 0.. 18-211. war MtMiH>rii>ifrtt [9m a. fAt rtw wf. mir.i- Bh-inllixhaiii. ,\ra.. ll-HI. Xpw Orleans, l,a., Oolrlra Cn.nk UuelN & Jermon. uuirn.)—Biilll- more, m,i,. is-23. llniM'a Vwnletllie—Iowa City, la., 10. Illtfi Seliitol airbV (T, W. Dlftkbin, mar.)— Troy. X. Y\. alls. Albany 14-10, ScMnim.. Invhi'B w£ Sli.w (Fred Invln, mcr.l—Phllodel- phl*.. Pa.. 11-10. Mnh (H. W. ft Sim Wllllann!. mar*.)—Datuth, Ml:iu.. 10-10, Mlunenpolio 17-23. Innocent MuIiIb IT. w. Dluklan. mgr.)—PUta- burf. Pa.. 11-10. Imperials (H. W. ft Sim Williams, niar-..)—X. Y. (3ly 11-1(1, Allinny. N. Y„ 13-20. Troy ll-tt, Jolty Gtxh (Gun Llenlng, uigr.>—Boston. Man*)., 11-10, Wonwler 18-23, Jolly (Ji-tua Widows Him W. Ilogan, tugr.i—Mln- ileuuoll". Mlun.. 10-10. Jerary ■ I.lllw . (J. Frosbln. mgr.l—Spriusilrbl. Mam.. 11-18, Albiiny. N. Y., 14-10, lleadlng. Pn„ 21-23. - I CO., Park Place* Brooklyn, It. V. Naex-r week Tin, NHNIN or nearly OVK 111 MlllKl. Popular Bisrlesqaers «-ili ii|>|i«>nr In our AVVIVKKSVHY M'MDRH. GET YOUR COPIE S EARLY, KOR 8*l>»-3livor K Hut TnbH; nonrly new; cost, $«i; porroet comlltlua, medluiti alr.c, uprlfjln, 3 vaivcn, oioilt cover, ruck. Qto. C.l).|iu f;u. vritii inai. Kd.siogdlll.oate AngclrHCorac'ilAOn, Ma- dill, Intl. Ti.t., Peb l», anil week: ciiHikniiia, imi. Tor. , Pi 20, MM ffUuk. iroa SALK-llandunT At-t, Tnmt ilymory, H«ooAd sight Aot, Spirit (iAhlneL Biaok Art out- fit. Leg Irou, (labium, Aga, HkjtlQLaD'a Uuitit loillim other bargalni. ctnjulan TorBTAMP, GK.O. A. R1UK. 4 Undcrwooil hi,. Auburn, N. T. Grand Own (Ilclnrlcb Courleil, mgr.)— N, Y. City u>J.sLi£,*&L1 ,., 1 . ^ , 1 « .- II. IndellHlte. . fc ; ~"** vu » MJUWIar Mm (Uobert Gonhm. mgr.)—-V. i. Clt> 11-10. t'Mcr^ou, S. J,, 18*23, IviilckLTliockera. (Lonln llolle. [wrVl iffi Y. City ■iii^VBB'it CurrU?, mgra.)— Welch. Joe "(Joii.'A.ICla'ck'mgrri—IlotyokP. Main;. '11*18, New Haven, Conn, 14, 10, t'lslullcld. N- J.. 10, UeudiiiK, Pa., 18-20, Uarrlnbarg w 21-23. ; . Wlnnluiur Broa. (Frank- TVInnlngcr. mgr.)— n Ch(ii'rpstoii. III., 11-17, Mattoon 18-21. Waliapk'B TlvNtre.- Nortliern (Dubtnnky Bros., JpHRock" Island, III.. 11. Iqdeflnlte. "nliar" Holfack s^ Tlieati-e,. ftouthem (DubluBky Bros., „ RptH*Qulliey. HI..' 17-20. "JPW Down < P£ut',t flViu. A. Brady- mgr.) — Pn(er»n, N...T., 11-18. New Haven, Ooun., 14- 18. Boaton. Mnn.. 18-March 2. *j Way Down Eaat" (Win. A. Brady, mgr.)— I'emicracn, Ky- 13. Parla 14, Craw(ordavllie. 111'., 10, Frankfort 1U, Andenon 18, Shelby- .,„","": Jllle 1ft. Omncmvllif* 20, MlddlDtoiro 21. Terre -JSES'S „ "nule 22, Danville 23. «"lio 'Frisco BiiniB," Lincoln ,T. Oarler'n—ln- 'llunapollB. Hid.. 11-13, Terra Hauu 14-10. „ Chicago. HI.. 17-23. Woman <jr Fire" (P. II. Sullivan, mar,)—nnr- rlewimc, Pa., 11-10, neadlug 14-10, N. Y. City "Wny or the TrniiBgreBaor,'*.Cbna H. Ynle'a— LoiiIbtIHp, hy.. 10.10. Vlncennes. Bid,. 18, Terre Haute 10, SO, Putin, III., 21, Danville . 22, Binominal on 23. '*Wg Vm Ivlug"—Dulutli. MtnrJ.,14: When the World Sleep*" (Sol Schwartt, rngM „_-—(Hnnhn, Nehr., 18, "amliiff •Bell." Gordon A Bennett's, * Wrat ..J-fi 0 ")' Oordon, mgr.l— Burlington. la.. 14. "Jfe'H Becret," Spencer ft Abom's—Rlliabelli, ..«..' J " 1 *- 1 ' 3 ' Cainflen 18-20. "bat nuppened to Jones" (X. L. Jeteuko. mgr.) Elmlra, N. Y., 14. Corning 10. Y lorfce and Adams <B. E. Forrester, mgr.)— Ajidcwon,. fiid., n. louna Buffalo. King of Hie Wild Wesl" (Okas. 'j;- Ulauey Amniio. Co,, iiigri,)— Pblladelpbla. Fa-, 11*10, Newark. K, ^.. 18-28. Grand Opera, Lnmbnrd.'s—San Fraricliico, Col.. 11. lipleiliiltc. . > - Glaser, Loin (Klaw ft Erlnnger. mgra.)—N. Y. City 11-16. "Oeorge Wasltiugtnn Jr." fCoban ft Uarrls, mgrs.) —jC Y. city it-Mdrch 2. ■ , t ,-•. "Olrl tWO tbe Butdlt'*—MlnncopollB, Minn., 10- 13. St. Paul 14-10. "0interbreed Man," Eastern (Rico ft Weaver, nigra.)—nolybke. Mjihf,. 14. "Gny New York" (Joseph I'ettlnglU. mgr-)— CtiRttmiofign. Tenn., ll-l«. Atlanta, On., 18-23. Held, Amu) (FlorcQi Zelgichl, mgr.)— S. I. Oily 11, Indefinite* Hopper. De Wolf (Sam S. ft Lee Shubert, Inc., tiwrp.l— Sprlimfifkl, Masa., 18, 10. IlUciicock, uayuiond (Drury W. Savage, mgr.)— Cbkago. HI.. 11-23. ' IlinlermRiin, Jennie. Ladles' Orchestra (D. U. Ltadcrniutin. mgr.)—Red Wlog, Minn., 11-10, Chippewa Falls, Wis., 18-23. Howe, Leaan. Ladles* Orchestra—Worccetcr, .Miinh.. ll, ludcQulte. "His Honor, tbe Mayor" (Win Raymond 8111, mgr.)—Carboudnle. Fa., 18. Enalon 20. Irnm Cotalc Opel-a (Win. Heywood. mgr.)—Good- hind. Kun.. It, Ilollc 15. Hill City 10. Plain- Held 18. Sylvan Grove 10, l.luwln 20, Council Grove 22, Madlfoo 23. "Iste o( Bong Bone" (B. C. Whitney, p-r-.l— Purkerslfiuu;, \\. Vu.. 13, Wbecllng 11, fjlarka- buig 15,. Knlrmont 10. "Isle of Spice" (B. C. Whitney, mgr.)—limit*- dab*. |»u.. 13, Cleartleld 14. llldgwuy 13, olean, N. y;, in. "Isle of Spice" (B. C. Whitney, mgr.)—Beimla- . town. 111., 13. Clinton 14. Gutcuburg 13, Qulncy 10. Alton 17, Sedallu. Mo.. 10. "Mltle Mlehua" (J. O. DulT, mgr.)—X. Y. City 11, IndeOnlle. "Laud of Nod" (Will J. Block Awuw. Co., mgn*.) —Lafo.vcite, linl.. 13. "Lllllv Jvbniiy joiiob" (Cohun ft Hnn'lH, mgrs.) —LnncuHtcr, I'ji., II. iOaxtou 22. May, Edna (CIiuiIch Piobmau, mgr.)—London, Eng.. 11. iii'lviviille. Monlou Opera—liiilluini|>olls. 1ml., 13, 11. Dny- ron. 0.. 13, Columbus 10. Detroit. Mlcb., 21- 23. Mace,, l-'red If, (Horry Aakln. mgr.)— Sncrn- iiinii.i. Cat.. 13, Uaklaud 14-10. Itosebuig, Ore'.. 18, Albany 19. Sulciu 20. Port laud 21-23, Olymplu. W'a»l... 23, Setlltle 20. 27, Victoria, ll. C-. Can., 28, Vimeouvcr Muivh 1, 2: - "Madame ButterBj'.' (Henry W. 8uviig>>. mgr.)— 81. Paul, Minn.-. 1113. Mhineuiwlls t-110, WlnuljH-g, ..Man.. Can., IS. IP. Great Forku, N. Dak.. 20, Fargo 21. Bulte, Molit., 23. "Mayor of Toklo" (Jos. M. Unites, mar,)—N. Y. City 11-10. Jersey City. X, J., IB-88. Powei-H, .lame-- T. (Sum s. ft 1a*p Sliubert. Inc., mgi'M.)— l'bllatlelplila. Pa., 18-23. "Parsifal 1 *—Petersburg. Vu., 10, .Staunloa 10. • "Pegay (rom Paris." Modlsou. Corey'» (.Ins, R. Somes, mai'.l—Toledo, O., 10-13. IiiiIIhusiwII*.. I lid.. 11-10. Columbus, O.. 18-20. Dnyloit 21-23. "PUT, Pan*. 1'ouf' (B. C. Whittle?, mgr.)—Full River. MflKH., 13. tloblnsoit Openi iF. V, French, mgr.)—Lcwlilon, Me., 11-10, Portland 18-23. ., . Royal Artillery Bond (Jon. De \lto, mgr,)—At- lantic City. n. J.. II. liideilulle, "Rote of tie Albamlnii"(Melvllle Hmnmelt, mar.) --.V. Y. CHy ILIudeflnlte. "Roynl Cliff tHarry Herbert, mgr.)— KvduUn, Mo., IB, Topeka. Kan., M. l*avcnwortli IS, Dps Moines. In.. 10. thualia, Nebr,. JJ-W, Lincoln 20. Yanklott. 8. Dak.. 21. Mhcbell 88, 8101U Ult)- la.. 23, Sloiiv Falls, 8. Dak., 24, MiuikiU". Minn., 25. . Sclieff; FfftBl (0. II., DIUlnaliatn. miir.)—PIUi}- burg,' Fa:. 11-10. 8uulh Heinl. hid., 20. Mil- waukee. Wis.. 21-23. "Social Whirl" (Sum 8. ft Lee Shubert. Inc.. m(*rs.)—Oinelnnatt. 0.. 10-10. "Show Girl" (B. C. Whitney. iiigr.l-CoimwH- vilie. hid.. Ill, Day ion. 0-. 14*10, Liilwi CltJ. Intl.. 18. Tipton IP. Kokomo 20. hi wood 21. Alexandria 22. Munele 23. _ "Hlniiilng Beauty unl the Betsi." _V\. h, Nunke vllle'M—llainllimi. Oni.. Can.. 1^, 10. "Sullun of Sulu" (Madison Corey, mgr.J— Du- luth. Mini).. IP. 20. . „, "Simple Simon Simple" (Mien ft Zlinmennuii, ingrn.l—Plilludelidihi. P11., 18-28. Ttmplctoii. Fny (Klnw ft Krlimgor, mgn.)— Brooklyn, N. Y.. 11*10.. Ilarrlabara. Pm, 18. Koraaion 10. WRkes-Btrre 20, Kluiirn, N. 1-, "Tenderfoot'"'—Purwius. Kno.. '20, CofTeyTlllp 22. Wllllaus. HnlllP (Clnirlcs Frolimin. mgr.)— Boslon, Muss- 11. h'-ifi}" 1 -** , .... „.«, Wills Mualoal (John B. Wills, wgn)—key «cst, Pla„ 11*10. "Wonderland" (J*""- "w11tard U of Ot" (Hurtlg ft Soamon, mgrr..)— "Wlitira of ■VaU 1 8treet" (I,eiv Vlrden, u-gr.)— MangunT Okln.. 18. Alius 10. Verocm. !«.. 20, Smnoh 21. ChlhlrcsH 22. Clarendan 28. Americans, -.dwhl D- Mlurr'*->. Y. «ly 11*23. Avniup Girls (Geo. Hale, mgr.)—Detroit, Mich.. 11-10. Chicago, 111.. 18-Murcl. 2. Alcwar Be#u«le* n (J. f, D "ikl«.,l*-Seraii. ton Po,. 11-10. R. Y. City 18*28. • BryantX -hm-y C. Esinivigaiisa-ClDclnnatl, 0.. 10-10. Birmingham. Alii.; HJ--3. - Blue Ribbon tllr.*. .Tmncs ^^^Sfft3m X '* 11-13. Hohoke. Mass., 14*10. P0HM1 l*W. Bowery Burlesqiipro (Joe Hurilg, mgr. I— hinui ni, Mr.. ti.aa. M. Galtca, mgr.)—Audcr- CHy. Mo., iT-88 BohrmloJw "(Barney Glrard. bsjA^-I B. I.. 11*10. Boston, Mass.. H»*»8. Bon Tons C|Km ft Waher nigra.)— Ph Pa.. 11*10, Rcfiillnii 18-20. „„,«,, BrUlln-a ■ (Cbtt. Cromwell, mgr.l-^ovcoater. -CelTOlt. Jtk'b., Mt'SICAl. '"■'"•nl. 61m (OUarlu, I'roliuiuDi meM—St. Y. , Cly 11, indefinite. """'•''l'lc.l Opera (lMwIn r.llemon. mur.l— P,«*llii. ICm.. a. U, Norton 1?. phllllj.BburK 0. Sluktio 18, Concordia 10. Bclolt'SI.Xojw . --. hpmte 23. Uluk I'.tu Troulxilours, Vo.lckel i Nol«n'» (E. iwlckol, uijr.)—L„, AurIM. '0,1., HMO, njnMM 17. Titlure 18. Hnnlort It. Vic ■•,,,,* !0 j "MM "1. Miitan.% llormto S3. r ; "wStl* "• luilollnlto. t-orle, Rioliuril irjhQ,, Mark,, gen, oikT.)—01,1- UU111, Marie (D. T, Artiiur. ui8n)—San iw ronton belles (Jack llwl "«'• I- in.HI. ri.l.Hlo. n.. 1'--'^ Bclnnitl Show 'r-.. D i„; r !'."o 1 , M,B. 1110. N. Y. Oltr 1S-2B. BaVbclor Club (Ilarr- Huuw. oisr.l-Brook. Cliy'sJortV' {V'hli' NHtUu, ra«T.)-B«lllinor,. \lrf - ll-lfl. Pitt. mrk. I'u.. 18-W. Oricto Yalta (Hirry Lconl. rap-.l-Cbleaeo. Ill 10-UI. Dplm t. Mich.. 17.2rf. O&U BfiicVu.., T MU«auk«. IVI... Ift-ll. Ht. Poul. Minn., n..'!,. ObcrrV Blomsom, (Will A. I'm. "Wr.l— N- ^■ oils Tnd., 11*13. LoulBVllle, Kf., IT--;*' ,. jSS. Sam- Own-Washington. D. C. 11-10, 11-10, I'roviddice. IL L. I8-2«T Kail ft Uugle*«i Surprise (Unry flborpp,- mgr.)— Syracuse. K, Y„ 13. Tolly 14, McOrawvlUe l$. W1iltc*>y Point 10. Lafayctto 18, Freevllle 10. Drydeti 20. Lid 4,irttra |fJh Woodnul). tngy.)—Cletolanrt. 0.. 11*111, Bfiffalo. N. Y., 1K23. Merry 'lliulw<ihera (Roftert Mills, mgr.)—-Buffalo, N. Y.. 11*10. Detroit. Mich.. ,17-23. . . •tin New Yetk Je. (I. 11. llerk, Digr.)—Wnsblng- imi. D. C, IS-23. Merry Maidens (Chas. W. Dnulels. mgr.)—Pater- son. N. J.. 11*10, Jersey C1(y 18*23. .- ; Merry Makers IR;- E. ration, mgr.)—Brooklyn, N. Y.. 111(1. \. V. CHy 18-Marcli 2, Mnjestlcs (Fred Irwin, mgr.)—New Orleans, La.. Night Owls (Robert Manchester, mgr.)—Provi- dence, II. I.. I MO. Boston. Mnhs., 18-23. New EmlMI iiilciy Girls (Cliff W, Grnut, mgr.)., —St. Louis, Mo., 10*10, Indianapolis, Iud„ 18* 20. . New Century Girls (John J. Moynlbau, mgr.)— St. Paul. Minn,, lu-td. Duluth 17-23. Nlghtlugnlea (A. Jnck Faust, mgr.)—Philadel- phia. Pa.. 11*10, N. tk City 18-23. Parla by X.gtil (w. B. Irons, mgr.)—Rending, Pa.. 11-13, Philadelphia 18-23. I'nrih.iiiM Widows (ltimh ft Wt-hct. mgrH.)— Rocliesler. N. Y„ 11*10, Albany 18-20. Holy- oke. Mass., 21-23. PlTMH Utiles (Cliiis. F. Taylor, mar.)—Clove- html. 0,; 11-10. Plllhtiurg. Pb.. 18*28. Rlallo Itounderu (Chn->. Fraiikjiii, mgr.)—Kan- -ii- CHy. M»„ WlO. Ht. 1«uIh 17-23. . Reeves*. A1-—Indlanaiwlls, Ind., 14*10, Clncln- natl. i'.. 17*23. ItoM' tllll'English. Folly (Rlee ft Burton. tugnO —Hoaion, Mass.. 11-10. Sprimiflatd 18-20, Al- bany, N. Y.. 21*211. Ri>iili.-t>iint]-'y (AU* Uarltl. mgr.)—Kouans City I*u1*j. 17-23. HKKTtHKH. ETC., TO OHOHH-Frlue and At references for stutnp. uninbH-H (No< 2 . haroOf ndltbtft, Hk\; I PHnnlleri, UGngf.Ca". l,i"i m' other sailinlos Tor alanip, MARY iv I*. •J'UATBU, *m Broad St., I'WV , H. I, , . , "■ llasli-iga lb, IP, Patluii 20. 21, Hpangler 22, 23. Prcseelle nud Edna Mky Mngoon IF. W. MBgoon, mgr. i—Portsmouth. >', II.. 11*13. Dover II- 10. North Adams, MaHa., I8'i!3. I'oteell's FaiMf LlfMMttna til. Powell, mgr.l— Orayvllle. III., 1M3. Now llnruiotiy. Hid., WlO, Mount Venioti. 18-2H, FnOcbl. 111.. 21-23. I'milllio, the GreM—Sprhigdold, Mass., 11*10, liniri. F-danrd—Klllreu. Tvx.. 13, Metla M, Si-Tpogaia (Waller c, MdcV mgr.)—New Cniilc, ,PA., 11*1(1. Rophealer 18*23. Stullli. Grenler Hliciw—Ijike City, Fla., 11*10, Onlu-MTllh* 18-23. , . Thurston, the Great (nnrry P. Ljtfui, tngr.)— Culru. Egypt, 11*20, Wilder, Marshall P. (A. It, Rallnnl. m|M—Noln- neeta'Iy. X. Y., 12, t'tlcn 18. Sprinitueld. Mass.. H, wNew Haver, Uultll,, Id, IlaMfdril 10, Troy, N..Y., SO, Syttteilso 23. ii 1 « - CAI.trotlNIA. Lim AMgr*-ts>»,-*-At the Mqhoii Opera Ilouao [llVJC, Wygtt, munnu.-ri "The t'mblrn" Feb. 4-0, "Forty-live Mlmites from Broiiuwoy" 11- 10. Ai'MiT'juifM (Spai-kri >l. Iietry,- iiiiiiiiigrTi. -*-Tlif Ffiilti Stock Co- preKeittcil "'I'lie Sol- MntaVJ. to gwd biiHlnOHH, week ending 1*. "At I'lney WMP I und week, "The HOiy City" 11 kiiflw'H'k. - llu Lm'I' (J. II. Itluekwuod, mpnacer),— I lie ulock cpaipnny flayed "The Mosojue ruili'i-ti.'' to excellent business, week ending 2. "His, EXcell-nOy. I lie Uovwriior." 4 ; aiut week : "Hcslde I he Putintc llllui' llUsli" 11 ami week. Mi.nni'n'H Ili'iiiiSKi. (Oliver MdfoscO. IILlLh Mo.. 10,10. 81.J.** u »?* l , ]; 2J1 '., lllBla ,_ „, 1, Mfiiiogt'u'H Uuuiunk (Oliver Moroico. nan- B 1ll%taa1a^l^lSTOS l4tt, ? l, ^ •*" " Hgcri;-"We tUna o( Teiim^e.'/.' & the vH Kn'Tlilor-lWes^tW, I, Campbell. filMbV ^iV^M^rteHa^ 10 m«r./—Brooklyn, N. Y., 11-10, N. Y. CHy 18* "UUllfll'U Carvel <M), I lie lleill'lctttl ll» Reitlv ft Wood's (Pat Rellly. plilu. Pa.. 11-10. I'roTldwieo, mgr.)—Phlliidel- r „ H. I.. 18-23. . Clark, mgr.l—Ht. Is>uls. ..jagu. ,111.. 17-Mureh 2, Slsr Show Girls (W. retiiKvuy, mar.)—UulNvllle, Ky., 10*10. Gli'Cipiiiill. O.. 17-2H. Trans-.MIahtU; BttnWdltm llbrllg ft Seamen's— ClilentO. 111., 10-23 , , , Tiger Lilies (hit GnnlK. mrr.)—X. V. City 11* 10, Troy. N. Y.. 18-20. Albany 21-23. Tiorudeios (Clius, IL Wiildron, mgr.)—Toledo, 1.1.. in in. IntllMMtitill*. Iii-l.. 18-30. 3'lioronctibre.lM (Wash, Martin, nigr.)—Chleago, 111.. 10*10, Mllwmikif. Wis., 17-23. Tftenilelh Oiiiuvj- Maids iMuury Krnus, mgr.!— Alt-snv. N* Y.. 11*13. Tray 14-10, Montreal, on., 18-23. Vanity Fair (Robert Manchester, mgr.)— N. Y. City I1-k\ ; Flilladplplili. ra.j-18-IEIs World Bwters 1.1. Ilerl*rt Msck. mgr.-—New- ■irk. N. J., 11*10, Drwklm. X. V.. 18-Mareh 2. M'lne. Wotiimi nnd Soim (M. M. Tlielsc. mgr,)— N. Y. City 11, Indrllitlle. Wiinliliurtoii Society Glrln fW. 8. Walson, mge.l —Imli.indjiolla, 1ml..' 11*13. Chicago. 111,. 17*23. B'ntfon's rtiifii-MiiHT!* (Ham llobbipou,■ mgr.)—- Kmwaa City, Mo„ 17 23.. , . MfNHTRRIjS. Barlow ft Wllson'a (Liwrrmica Barlow, mgr.)— ■ uii.t-vijt-- t«.. Hi . Biiiie Bros.'—Lss Vegns. X. Mex., 13, Alhu* ■in, run* It), Plio'lilx.. Art)!,, 22. Do-kclnder's. U'«* 0:iiMrh*s D. Wllaon. mgr.)— X. V. City 11 -10. Brooklyn. N. Y„ 18-23. Donnelly \ Hutllehl's ■(Tomin.v Donnelly, mgr.)— Permm-Ilim. Flo.. 13, Brunswlek. On,. 14, Way- cross 13. ViiMpstil HI. Cortlelr IK. Amerlcun 18. Dmiilv Dhiei Voeluke) ft Xnhiif* fjohn J, Nolau, i,,vc>—Sorford, Fla,, 13. Orlamlo 14. tils* ■■...mi-" 1S, Tuuipii 10'ts, GatiieavlHc H>. Rt. Augii!,llm> 20, Lite 0:ik 21, Valdosta, Oa„ 22, Da line Bros. (Billy De Rne, mgr.)— Bast Strnu-ls* tmitf Ph., 14. WssUlimtoii. N. J,. 15. High Brldae 10. Bomervllle 17. Clinton 18, Fledtlog- loit 10, Lamberlvllle 21. , ^ . ,, . .. , Fields'. Al. 0. (IMC Qulgte.e. mgr.l—Auborn. X. Y.. 18. Hyrncuwe 11. Genera 10, Niagara Fulls Hi. Detroit. Mich.. IMS. , „ Guy mm.' (G. r. Guy. Mgr. l ■ ■Ke y awr, w, va., 1». Thomaa 14. Davfa 10, Parsons 10, lUklus IB, • HI nenry's—Tllusvllle. Pa.. 13. Carry 11. Jame«* town, X. V., 13, Gowanda 10, Dunkirk 18, Warren, Pa.. 10. ItMMM ft For*s (Hoy R. Surng, Tet.. 11-18. 6mltbn 18*20. Lngiange 21*28, :i tul Week. . Utuxn Oi'Kha II0C81: (Cloi'eiire Drown. luuiwgei).— Huge Melville, In "Hln HoukliiN," eloaeil lietT 2,iD j-uutl bUHlni'sH, Murray und Muck. In "Arouiia Town," .1*11. FlHt'iinii'M (A. K. -FliebeP. munggeri ITncIici-'m (*omedy, Co. lireitolileu "" 1 llus !Uy, Co. prcauuicd "Helty haiifl" 1 nud rveelt. Iluiner V. niilelirM Imulu tie I. Ulltl IIHiVlUg liK'IllI'CH rniliLilOleil til'.' hill. I'Kori.t'H (J.- Al. Itollu'bllu, manager).— "Lyliwooil," a, milliarj' Uruhiu u)f the uaj-H of '01. :t nnd week. J-lMi'iHt- < Hilly llniiks, resident iiiatingi'i'i. —I'VatnrcH 4 und wwk IneluUud m-w vumh- villi- acts, TlhiHtmted HODga, D-Ul comedy okelcli by the Kinplri' Mioek Co. t'uriu.iM (Murtlii Heck, .:<'i.'Till iiiuitu- cr.r).—1-VuturcK. 11 add week: Nrd Nye, Yt'urrcii utul Hlnnt'bunl. Kdgur Aklilhon-IJly, Mu'ntello and MIUht. Alfroil Keleey und eom- piiiiv. Smith uud JulniMOii, tit 1 .* I^ibaknns. >luuUox and Melville, aud Oiplieiiui uiutloii plelurea. l.Ni-'i-i: ■ f IlPiitx A- Zullee, pronflAtora).— T.-iiiuic. 4 und week: Junes itiiH Wtl*<oit, iruvcitl)' on "Nlube;" Mr. nnd Mrn, Jean Dp CliRVciiiiutK. In "The LaWyerw KIHrt t.'une:" Hilly MeHoble. dm t'lihim* Comedy (.'oupnuy. piTscutlog "Til Tor 'rut;*' Hlua* Hilled sougs UOd moving picture*. Notes.— II. .J. fJlnn loJelned the Moiohcu forces Feb. .'I, ufU-i- tin ufikeiH.* In the KiiHt, where lie wetil lo tuko 11 purl In "The Judgn und Ike Jury." Henri Allen In III In n local-liuHpitiit, und week of 4 Tliuinuv Lowell took liU place In (lie Orplicum bill. OUto Muck nnd IiIh hIhUt. l-'rnnccH Tniin* Lull, ot 1 lie Murray ami Muck rmnpuny, piny- Ing ut Hie OToiul Opera IIouhc, lec-lvn] UOfft, while 'here, of the deiith of llielr uiollicr, In the Waal Lovcll Taylor liaM arrived In .Los Angelea. lo apend wivurut weoljH wtlM'lila alatcr. Jcdn Carlb. n »ewn- jiuper .wj-ltur of IIiIh city, during which thou nlic hopcH lo rceuporute her fulling hrulth, Anolbcr ulster. (JracA Hull, w1i» In nlao on the stage, will npcvul & few doyn here on her wny Cunt from Hon ITqiicIuco Cdllh Ydi'i-lngton, leidlug woiunii will* "Til- 1 Umpire'* Co., bus beun Hi al n leading lmtel In nib, city for several days. HUMMV Oliver Mot-uHco unnoUncea. (Unt nln ulgtt8 nre.dnl. ... Pos ' jyt llJ J !!! ullely. ifftnged foV the crccfliiti of n- now me 14-10, Biatrev tMgfrv In I-ah Angflag Wetuol Kopia .« ™«.\ ■* —■*■■ npopdra at Hlmpaoa's Audltorlppi Feb. 7, . ii^aWrSbSo" u »*' er L*« Nol direction of ffl Uehyuier. 1 m r«(Uk ih r ri«S; .-..'.-It In plated, that Mr, Heuyl&cr lioa 1-rlroroH* «SE 11. '(I'. ".1. IHinne. mar.1—«t. HOll. .. 1 . ..lolin I,. Rnig lim Halninl III, limit,. Mo.. lCW, SeJ«ll« 17. Coiro'rllle. Kmi„ iiqaltlpn In llw* bo« «lli™ of the Auill- lft.20. Lnnitnae 21-28, ■ lierrbnil,'. Bill)' (Geo. I,. Barlon. m»T.l- .iek. Mil.. 1.1. Hngerntonii I l-.-Wayns^tioro. p„. la, Cbanitifmhurir 10. CorlUI, 18. Hiert. Blel-nnl- aii'l r*rlti,le', (Bumo ft nollaml. ni,rf.) Talilranali. Iml. Ter.. 18. CkinnlMe M. llinko- tee IB. Urrtu,- 10. doalli M<An*ler IS, Hill- Mmr 1k. Bknirneo. Okla.. 20. Oklnlioma CHr 23. Knld !-. niartnell 2.1. Fonea Oalnc.'llle Can., i". . ... Cook, mar.) Can.. 13, norljniitoii...vt. Voiei'. (Jolm vr. Voscl. nufr.l—rtiiOaon. X. T, 13. Fl.bklll H. Tnrr.lpini 13. l'eck.klll 10. CIIICIS, SnarUV. .1. IT—lla'llrani. Tla.. la 11 BlarU 1.',, rcrnonillRO 10. MIKCEM.AXEOUS. BUI Balli^'ft .Tuhltee—Hamilton. Out Coo, A llnrrlK Co.. I'.B*teni IB. ' —VallevneM. Qua.. Can.. IS, - - 11 Wuierlmrr 1G. 111. NortliOeltl IH. 10. Slffllt- l*ll.r 20. Beflo*- l'alh 21. 22. Uilloir 2»-2^. Diiiirinionil Co. Ifleo. Drurumoml. m,r.l— Halnliion.1. 1ml.. 18.10. ■ WfinV Mr. ai.o SS* Ilerurrl r.. III. I., rilnt. 11.CT.)— HnrlmtOeW. Jlo.. 11K1. Jni>lln li-SS. Fliinln t Kline'" Coineillan- HI. J. Mine, luer.l —MalTalrV, I'a.. H-IO. Uoolter 1S-20. Oeorala Troulunlour. (Win. JtcCalX'. mir.l—Ilif- ror Mlnu., IS. BnlTnlo 1**P 11. Hlerrart 18, ".n<.ii.:'Veli. Trio—xVhory', vt., 13. Shirley, lljfld week. iirrhim. wbleli lie usMUpied with tbe open ing''of tbe bouse, a few inunlha ijg0 ', UUInn Albeiifon, tlio nea' leading ludy ut the Hclnseo Theatre, scored n IMl* reeng* nlfli-i) at licr Qpst tippenranre, as Dulcle La- I'ondle. In "The Makrpicradcrn." Dluicr Iltirrts. playwright nnd actor* delivered an cfl'a-tlrc lecture on Tbsan and his wotka he- (ore ii (roman'a club, In thU city. Jan. 24. Mace <;iconic:,f left for the Kaat.... Leo Johnion. eqiupoffer nnd publtsber, rormer- ly of Hon Francisco, la now In l-on Angclo*. with a view of locating...... Bl 'N'uevo Is the name of a Rpanlsh theatre, opened In this elty Feb. 2. under the management of T. K. Peter*, with a slock company of Bpon1».h people .from Mexico.. ..John IJ. Illackwood. manager of tbn Jlelaaco Theatre, returned from Ills I'nutern trip In ssaich of u lenjlnft woman lo tlllithc placu of Amelia (jardner. ,.i i „ 1,1 — ■ ■ — ■,-, „ . Han ou-Ko.—At the Pickwick (Palmer Itros.. managers') Myrtle Vane, auppoited by ni" Lawrence Klocx Co., drew largely. In Tlia Christian," week ending Feb.- ... MUs LItclifltW. Veil. Trio—Xt^-horr, .... ■«. n,,,.../. Mas". H. Ameshnry 13. Now rJa»en. Oonn.. is. Fast UntherfovO, N^J.. lu, liackciisick Iff, Trentou 21. New Oxford. I'u-. 22. Mount iJSli Bros.' Co.-WiteTto*B, X. Y.. IMO. Uol»lan*. SlwWeal Comtdv 1%**™% L. jfigtn, myr.)*-wictford, B; L. 13. Kingston 14, wViffi-ly 10. Lve's 01ti"» Blowers (Jack Lea, P.) 11 •in. Her--' >f...t,lg Plet'irM fit f. Htm mcr.l — Ylnmadalc, Pa., 13, 14, Nauty Clio 10, VI. Ok.vxp (De hKcoiit k Field. maDogerg).— Tlic Orand Block uppcurcd In "Jnck of Ilia- taondv." to good Iioumk weak ending ;j. TTiu company, Id "A Hogged IToro," woct? of 4. JiMPHtB (H. A. Tirnlcc, 'oasou).—The Xatie Mualcul'Co. played "liel* Name Was M^audi*." to,good huiuts week ending 't. Unme coui- niirUDnwr P 0 ^V appear* in "Mr. Hoolay." week of 4, aitT.'-uovcr. m| \SWtf Olrl" 11-lT. Hlectihivw. —Bnslef.nhmtivi, tn lllustrnted ■oags, and latent uiovlug pJcturca. THEATRICAL HOTELS 80ARDINQ HOUSES. WW. TKI.I. inn hi.., nnmril >n,l DoinifHt 3l,., llo.d.n. vii'hiti. ur nil vnuilo.lllo thdAtre.' illo mliwnek. HMiy IliN . NWillT. Prop. Wii'umh \ Unillaon, UIIIOAdll, o. o. Vniinimn, rron. sirictij _ Amnrlcnii nun. $sla BUtgle; Vnuilnvllle pHtronago In.ltod. ElirOntttn. ''US-ltM AV«„ UHIOAQU. fl.00n«rl)*]f. •rilAt-.Al.i, a it, 11, ill K. II. s, v.. nr. Keith'a Acini, or Mimii*. upwi-t. KnouiN <w. } ino., ,1 t titrJul I ».nniit»miok. »Mi lUXMOAMTu n. SARflNAG HOTEL Broadway, 7tfi Ave., list and 424St., N. Y MB BOK Or TBE PBOFBUBIOIt. Kuropciut plan. M u week und op. M. I., PleNHLTV. 1-Unisfor. 1-i.i-ntt'fi> Meirupiiiitaii Hotel. PaLack lltiiKL, loi~N.Clark at,,Uhloi rrek; with prlvaio Iwth, •■ II. II. HUM I'll ItKV, Prop. >i>, uuloago* gottipain,to.M norwevktwlih private imth.V. Turk fin Ham, i<m. It, II, UKATTtK, lawyiir. CoiindooUKl uaioi *"", Jii'tgliienta «od doureoi obUlbfd No noturieij Couniol free. MO Clark ii- is, unj % abscJaiiy. , prohipti/. Nc k. Chicago. CAK.TIIltY UK KOl'MH A VRIWATIUI" TBAat* Twoniouoi iiiaiund wife. ODlypoifariu- ers 11or 1.1 < i. TIhibo thai uan eiitcrmlti Inielllgurjr. peopio. Void of slaug utul MtlKftnlr* Change for 1 or 2 weeks. Huozc lighters, rag utftiwrs, atfltmura and eliuera, No. 1 ».at ,irt." unig arnaon for rigid people. Nn tickutt. I'ndiietl, ur uloln at ouon. aitte all ilriit lutiur. N<» faliuT prlvcs fwld. 1 mean IhisIik'n*. iii.hi >,< iiearTrotn per- nriiioru ni run time, u. u. MUIT11, Mgr. Klng-K klod. Co.. Hieburue. Tvx. liITI10UllAPiiM-A Inrg'i jiosorlinetit of thaaiilotil window nnd stniid. hills of nn unusual lurgv variety, of Urn highoat grade oohir work, ■iiMahlu for all itltracllntis, untilu for the Contra! Ml ho, A ling. CO., at |<| OCOM per ihbH, Cata- logue seni. ii pou ruuucsi. Julius Hion ,t Conipanv. l-.tgl.iili Ave.. Now V'Tk . P ."Furrsjuic Husb. nr.wiro piintiw tor I'liiiuiuis, Parks, i? to.. % '-'.'Mi p"r 1,000; %\M per AM), post-fig Id. OAHINRT VII0TO8, umilotl, IZ.2A pliipo.;' KDKNA gg jft a»ia N. Hrinid fit,. Plil la., fa. coHrtnTH riiii, .8Ai*K-i,argHin* m new and sci'.oiMl-liand instrument", (talnlugnesl rrcp. HTANHAllli HANI! INKTKUMKNT CD., 03 Mud- bury HI., lloston, Mubm, ,. • HAfl.tON -The World'a lluetiL The Cclflbraled Whyio Jjiyillc. cuitiloga mnl llalf-Toima of vr, AriistH Fruv. ill)'. A. V, FAlltllANKN t,(»„ vi oOdhuiy hi., liiiNtou, Hjiiih. "kUilt- t t»MI'llHICO ArfX> AHllAriOKI! or asr instrument or number ot lnitrpMfnu. ■««a*>oMs and riinsi-*. «im'"h'*«. a W- M**nd mmp- 01IAB.).. LI'.wih. 4w Itlehinoml ut.. Cliiulniiall. <> PILOT MACIIirsHN, M.W PIN OHM. I-af.'il money maker. 1,««) UTHKUH, CIIKAP. tJLOAN NHVKI.TY CO.. Hiath.n r4._Plilliidolpma.J^i. iroil HALK, HI.IrT nACJlilnJKN--Iliurlar- falna, illRlitiy used, wrllo fur roduoeT list. ahTmooLhiCkii. m N. nvhthjiL^pbihL "utrW-Bll'sJ CAMKUAtillAPH or Kdfanit Motion Picture Mm-hiuc also films anil Vlowt wahlid. T.J. Itorlawh, sog- Hlbeftit; Pt nia.,p u rUUlIN TO VllKOW VOfJR VOICK VKNTIULOyUIOM TAUOIIT. For levins aiidrnai Prof. Lingerroiui. 106 N. ftih hi. , rhll adoipbla. r* . WAN TIC 1) for l/rawy Hros.' Nhow, UimLjUhn ll, nil line*, good Loader, ouo who kunwi* Imw (o haiidlu iitou; douiih<Ti»p Tualn, nmn aud wl(« profvrrutl Also trotipom Hogs ami Munktijator Trlnk ami Talking Putir AOI, oiau lo innko ati- nouneunmiiis and lend '■> ih« prevs.' JrirMiH Moihii, ii HIciIiuuIh und Wrav. wrllo. Hfalo aalaiy In llrst icltur. und make It low. Address OKO. 11. LOWK ItV. Hlmnnndoah. Pa, irVArlTKI* imirii'lllaio lo inakn cuturaot for soaalmi'i) hotoi, tMiiniiionclngMay mtli mull Kepi. ltd, Aflorwaiilato locate for tiieatrv, botul him! d'tllolng. 1 nut rurnr-tii ilt li ij aa follow*: 'i 1,'orDUls, Clarinet, Trouibotio, Trap Drums, Iioublu Haas and Tijlia, flam-, Murp and Cello. Kacli mua nilint dotjblo In UraHs. ttulury iiiuhI bu low. Hoard and lodging In hotel, Kacli innn ijiiimI give a hiicuiI ly of fio.uothai ho will not dlsapptiliiiuml that con- tract"wlll'bfl kept uproihurwlNn no nnilco will ho lukun or application, if iml in: sirlctly h »bvr ami rollaolo, no khlurii, itml MihI clasff in ovory ro- apL'ct. Answer at ouce all particular* (<> Have ctirrcspoudflncO lu I'rof. J, LKVin, P.O. Hox 017, Kaiclgli, N. C. Could place hoiiio luatruuiuula* Hon now. Wiio wrote lafuro, wilto again, hot nccusn'iry to he union. iitrtv yuiiKcomo iioyruiriKiNiai. Front and Haek Demllng, oauh trick llldatrwod. Bgr. MorpbetUHjiliooLS.'H N. Vi\\\ HI., l-hllaypa. N. 19th 8L. PtUUu.j Fa. HOW J t> '8TART IN 8II0W BVil B"opyilghled).8dlfleroiii. Itooki, 100. All kl OKPPlF f' H BUHOOl,. gj N. lith Ht., Ph W A Si?KU, Mr Or. MtiLolUml5 Dig hjc.l. Show, VersntliuForftji'inci'M thai can clianufl for three to four weeks. Hhiur Tcums, nkotnh TtHim-, •Single Hnubroitu, AH 'Kiiiiiidriinglfig ami fjaouiiiu C'oitiudlnn. Ifliol Hie best In the laisintws, dou'l answer. Opoii PlttHhurg, Kan,, In Opo* llouse, Peb. 'JO. Ask for wicit you wunt In m-st. Idler. AddrORB Hlt.CIIA.S. Mci.l.LLANM. , . . t , Oklahoma Ui». Okla. At Liberty, ADVANCE A«K»'I!, CIKVIIH CUNTKAliriilt. 1IAI1 MANiliKlt. I.'.nu experience. W. II. IIIMKINH, VIM llroiWwur, Mv'Xirkniij. WifWaTi^rmilll"i i S and tlmriis (Jirls lor LvtculD Tliealre. Adilrr»» 0. H. 1'iHllKlt. Hon. hiir.. »i>rniiilclii, 0. FOR SALE Met o; swell Mi»rl"H':!tca,;;>, luritor, hlcrli. Almost new, olOitanHy drtMcd, J(ooo. Sent prlviicao ox-iminailoD.. A. HLoVKlt, Humblrd, Wis. MAX BROOKS 19 .MINI IK. Vr- COSIEDV. ,1-lulNO AND UANOItlO (IN OVK). SADIE VEIIDER