The New York Clipper (February 1907)

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IflBSBABTf 28 - ^ms<msw.xQKm .o^igyBB 11 13 FOUNDATION of SUCCESS in the RINK BUSINESS IS AM EQUIPMENT OP THE CELEBRATED i,.o, hc &. i* x> m o ixr CU8HI0N FRAME BALL BEARING SKATES. Used exclusively in all of the largest and most successful rinks in America, and by all of the mcst prominent skaters in the world. We hold every world's record. WE SAC- Ifaudwille and At. G. Fjbuj's jtotEaV-Mi-. Field, who was In. .New lork Inst wek on a short business trip, has began work upon his production for next senson, which he says will be mora elaborate than nn,t he has' produced In the past. One of ha chief features wllliie a re- vlvnl of "The UttMvBoy.jn Urejsn. a race. gj* scene. As It #111 bo printed InOlr. . I* <utm. -of- .Le Clair and'Hart, writes • "I nave dissolved parlnernhlp with Geo Hart, and closed with Weber & Rush's Parisian Widows Co.-- -Heteaftor- -I .shall work with Cfias..-F.i Bowea, a former partner, Bii03., novelty "cyclists, write: 'Bioce' closing with. Watson's Oriental*, Nov. 12 l&Gti, ut/torton, Xnd., wn have been play- ing ~rlBi9 through Colorado, doing-our noy-. tlty-'cyclcvaet. ».Wa have Joined 'I'. W. Din- tins' Innocent Mttds Co." LIttUS'.Mofl J BTrs,;.ortUc team of Arnsiierg and iIor«itte,, was taken seriously 111 With tvuUord lexer nt her homo In. Philadelphia, owRJety* we're^Abllged to, Cancel ; their ? .'en- flEm&Bt at -TJitOf, Mnst., -and btberyWork, SoiTner reenvery;the, team will opea),.wIth thelr-ne»'»Jt6tefi( wi-ltten^.v Frank, liilltTetL•-•TSSfifr" tlrsr. ; Wesson," Introducing L --gVIri her violin solos, r,■.: -.-' ai:n • wfltoa.: "-After plnjfngtli» Hebrew', comedy. ; part with- the • for ii'lyjfriiMi iif ,tblcty'- •ipii lint yis^I&m'sbsTgYiri iec violin SOlOS , . SAitt*L"Sl. ffina'^Co: . Ave We*lui,-1 shall close with said show for a much needed re*t,:\i< 1 have been la. poor health. I am lin'vlna ,A new net written for me. which'will be u novelty In the line of Hebrew note.'" ■;-....: '.^■■.. .\_ ,..■■ Lewis AND. CnuriN ♦rile •..■"We'opened at the Grand Opera Hp$se, Grand ILurvltls. Slleb., week of Jan. 21, on western Vaude- ville Association time, and nre bookeil up until April 1. The matinee of Jan. 114 was called olf on account of the river overflowing and flooding the basement of the theatre, also ^.rlflnnl music ana startling electrical and Bi-cnle effei'ts will nnhnhco the Magc./nidfcc'nV'n. Tills will only be on'n of four hlg^EtVrsVs Ihnl will be part of the mtcrtn!nrn«i«faT»red by the -minstrels next somen. *Mnsw9M'l company began Its annual Kastern tour nt Johnstown, .I'n., where-It met with a rousing reception, and was compelled Id give a mati- nee; playing to pocked houses atte^npaia, uid '.evening. H-was- found, neces- sary, also td.'play'jBiatlneea .at Altoorin,- Bar- lisbnrg. RrnflUig arid Trenton, nnd oi'-'UILs, Ktra,matlnee perforinnneeR pit ItcadlhgvWil- intngton. Trenton,- EllzJibeth. Easion, -Allen- town. Wflkes-Bilrre-and ScrAnton, the'eiitlr* capacity «f the houses Was: sold Within MM hours.after.vtlie sale operledj and.thU in .spite of severe flnniy storms and zero weather which has prevailed the Insl two weeks. .Ur. Pleld has. made it his annual custom to have everything new each succeeding season, and ns Jie-ls naturally elnted over tjie success at- tained .by his cornpmiv, lie. la putting forth every effort to make tho production for nest season'.' more attractive titan anv ho lias launched in the twenty-two years he has owned nnd managed the company bearing Sis name, Mr. Field Is the owner nf. a pair f perfectly matched White hordes of pnre lien Alidnllnh breed. These horses head the O.v accoi'nt the sudden Illness of Clara Melroy tlhe youngest of the Melroy Trio*, they 'were unable to'finish the week nt La Torte, irid. Her brother and sister finished the week without her. it was for this reason thai „Hw trio canceled week of Fob. 4, and went t« their home fn Chicago, so that MM Muliy might rest for a couple of'week-s. •Tim Iidiiertv Slsrrtia are just flnlshlng the 1,'olt clrcitltj. They nre lw«ked up until May.' 'Ilieyhre relnTarslng n new song; iimf Intend In producing 5*"-«r llaltlmore. .Votes iro« Job Rili:t's- Coitrpux.s.-^- Wo did a very iflce luisiness at\Ilamse)'». N. .1.. despite the fact that It Is.nismall town. The performance went nicely, anil made good. Miintls nnd Mack tnndo n hlr as usual: Lit- tle Imttle llntehlsson. the ."Juvenile Won- der;"" the YVest Sisters, singers nnd dnne. er?, wore both star attritcilnnH: Dit Vnl, riiaglclnn "nn*l Qrejclnjir mystified the mull- eticet.iJoe Blley produced Ms' sensntlnnnl sword-ewnllowlng act'and .rapid picture act. The.ntaJr consists of'E. SH.avIn lm Vol and Tud nembijr.-.- - - . .,.- : .' II. H.. XI.inie:fct.i.i-orerjed Ills Herlln ofllce Feb. T, lh.l« beinn hU fourth branch noire. It Is th.if result of bis last trip through Oer- many, atidl'in Ilerlin Mr. Marlnelll reallted that tlii*"epfnbllshln« of an nfllco there would be advisable for bur constantly growing buslneiw, . • • " Maroir CatliNj now with the tendon fl.aleiy Girls Co., .will-lie seen .In musical rameily nest season, under the direction of Cliff fir. Grant -•.3 i Wm. 0. Joumsox, who Is now playing thu Cnnsldlne circuit, is nrt his way to California. Stanxet. and SctAStON, who. closed two tvrcks, on Feb.'ft; .nt the OMrystnl Tnentre, l-'t. Joseph. Mo„ nnd opened 10, nt the yo\- -JlanaRer,s, agree in that Gladys':' is one THE POPULAR FAVORITES, ANDY CARBNER, Our Old Friend "PATSY," -AND- "ROXIE" SEVENTH SEASON WITH TOM MINER I PRINCIPAL CHARACTER ROLES. a. T.U ROiJTE "THE BOHEMIANS." •wwp | SEASON, IM7 I );. 8.EeVgOet, 1908 I Dup.iN'o-: Ihelr cnifageHiet!b Street, Peoria, HI., tlie Musical Uoolmnna were entertalnedM'flr the weoktby. V. C.'Lacey, t prominent druggist of the city... vAcKKIi/ANl)'.CSta.LlJiS, fancy rifle and. pistol experts, report success.with their .shooting act. Their Onbh, thejrVwrite,- Is one of a aovel kind All the lights arc turned our. hi a Mr. Acker shoots out twenty candles that ire attached to Miss Collins, ten of which are fastened on her bead. N'EWS WOM THE DEWF.r THEATRE, Utlca, X. V.—Entire ebingc of management has taken place. John Selfert Is now sole pro- prietor nnd manager. Itenovatlon and im- provements to the house make it now a nice, cozy theatre. Good business Is the rule at all times 15111 for week Feb. 4 was: The .(ieloys, .musical, .act:.. Nellie. Dc.Oarmoel, Slrrtlc; Russell, -George :IIo\vard. Ollle Clay- ton, Gene- HnrrpSrey, Trdf. C. K. Prank, (Irnce '■.Walters, rtlme and "Alby. comedy sketch:-,Caas. G, Spencer, musical director.. -sJSUtfclPT Mltmtrsls. Itki:r. UowB.'-'tlie funny rube." while play- ing -the,Crj-ptttl Theatre, Denver, Col., week of Jon. -7, was Initiated into the T. M.,'A.. Lodge.No..-gS, st Denver, Col. t also Mr.' Ir- win, of tpv uHnm : Lazeni, the magician clL -ot'-tne Juggling lliirtells, and Yorkj, preparlhg for next se4son'3 attractions. Judging froth his plans, the twenty-second year- of the - big mmstrel Imnnnger will be in'nde notable by the elaborate production ottered the public. The Al.-G. Field Greater. Minstrels celebrated the twenty-first anni- versary of'lhelr organization at Cbarlestown, S. C, on Oct. 6 last. The occasion was such an enjoyable one. and such genuine good fel- lowship naturally evolved by reason of tho celebration, that Mr. Kleld has determined to make the birthdays of bis minstrel company the occasion of an annual Jollification on successive anniversaries. Xnaierous friends of the company iverc f prcsent at the celebra- tion at Charlestown," many coming, from a long distance, anil-91 r. Field'was tBc recipient ot. hundreds of telegrams from friends, and others who could not alt-end. Joe It> Helder has been.handling, the money. In his capacity .»B treasurer of .the Al. 0. I'leld Greater Mlh- Btrels, for more .than twenty years... Doe yitlgley. the^manager^has been with the cotu- . O'Dki.i. ano-Haht. after nutting In ten weeks at the Louvre Theatre. Juneau. Alaska, where tbeir comedy acrobatic-act.met with grand success, arrived at Seattle, Wash. . Lew CiLLMor.E, the comedian of Olllmore and Carroll,' and Jimmy CastlK of. Castle and tolllns, have jolnecljhands. and nre booked unth Sept. S next. The net Is meeting with Kreat success, and will be kno.wn as Glllnioro •mil Onslle. The Tuber.Delovs are doing nicely,-In Colorado, where they have six weeks' work. L'Ki.vK lldwEN Informs us thai he has signed for the coming season to do a clown net at. Wonderland .I'ark, Ucycrc, Mass. Ilo is riow playing clubs around .New York. ,. .Macuice J..*J8i.%ss,.Kd. J. .Vorrls and Ida E. t'amey. billed as Rums, llorrls and com- pany, who recently finished .fourteen weeks nt' tbc Morris llinc, doing their comedy sketch, "What llnpjx'ncd to o'Hara." Mourn* Kane, who played., root's Opera House, Itochcstery S._Y. f Informs us that his ^Am ; iFLVN\ 0 (sMy"thTlT a FTeW ! ^ and-is now . monologue and-parodies were a great sue M bfs twentieth year with the organization, com. . • - • ,- ^ ....•:■:■.■'.•' •;„''>-• '• Saul Lafonrte, v^nl director, has held the IJavMa --Anp Box a ^vaudeville featuro pesltlo-i for ten ySll's past. .with the &n .Ww.dmtt Co., for...twenty. ,MAck USD." Keui'hib | n fn rra „, that tliey nine MM closed vr]tb that company week of closed wllli I lie 'Mames Hoys la Missouri" leb ; M, to enter IvniKlcvltle. ; Co-.'t»t \VaiWite, Tex.. .Ian. 90, after four-.,. Eleanoji,...wbo reports as hay-, fei weeks, of success. They will return to' ha .-cored strongly lu .vaudeville,. la her Iml Uancll, of the LeVoj-sj Fanny ivltness.ihe'lrilt'.ilion. I.evoy, 111* was present to Wa'ab'tfif-*u»T beaChko us that Harry Crawford, old-'- time performer, formerly ; of Crawford 3'nd McKlsson, is sej'loiisly ll^ ; aDd In .want nt-.tha Urlsbaue.' General llcmliital, Brisbane, 'Queensland. Aiistraliti. uhmes Kowden. our luformant, states that Mr. Crawford is suffering acute agony from au Incurable disease, and would be glad to get help from some of his eld friends.. Harry Crawford was born in VlUsburg,-. and won fame as'a comedian and eccentric, dancer. He bad appeared with Thatcher, • Primrose & West's, JSarlow & Wilson's, nnd other min- strel orgaulzations. Hi. tinge ret and opened a new act. ••lilt at Boston, Feb. IS. After this season he will not be seen In feminine attire. i I'lNABD Ajfo-.W'ntTE,-musical., comedians, nro with j .ibc Jcre McAtillffe Stock Co., as oue of.\the, vaudeville.features. .-• : Ki|T)B..Bi!iiTOS,-of the'tMm of llurion nnd .Primrose, Is very "' zations. . .. ■— ■ ..• 2SSS^C3 returr>ed from abrpnd'Iast- week, ra ?n.t lias ar Wilmington;"iDel.. Feb, 11, In Btcaa pf n He win Mart on'.the Keith clr- K ? * a "W larioBs.abactors and actresses of.note, pro- dmt'il a now act last week, lu which.-she is ably i supported By-Theodore Lyfell, an ex ceeillngJy. clever j-comeolan,. The piivalere took place in Mahnnoy City, Pa. • -.Koxks' i'RoJr Oavecbt'a Swiss Opera Co.— On-Oct'(81, 1DUD, ws.openid d perrbnnent vaudevilles iiousewat. 8tillwaier,i.Mliiii.« We arc rumilug it on the family theatre plan, with two performances daily. The seating capacity is about iw, and- business .has been up ■ iq -'.he Obrccht standard. Fallowing Is the roster-of the niatiogement: C. p. Obrech|:, proprietor anil miitiogor.; Mrs. Obrecbt, treos- .ttrer;.ji llV-Ohrecht; musical director; .Mi»s "Mac,-stage manager. James Hood basjolucd our. company. ~. ilia buck m.rt wing dancing Is Something .'out of the ordinary, and be is mnklufr n "big hit -here. - ■ -. . .. i . Mahel Weiui, formerly, of-the team of Jen- nings ami Webb, lias Joined the London iJul- rhe 111 at their home In toam had to cancel six I'lillnaelphla. weeks' work. Grace CounTi-Axn, "The Witch of Wall Street," writes: "I opened on tho Majestic •■Irculi Feb 11, and'-'my act ls^d" feature wherever I have appeared I answer m'es- ilons without pads, telephones brolher para. jihernalla." ... •.; ^, - Oscab Foerest writes: "TUnve farmed a partnership with Ilcpule. Allch^.nnd..we..nre now the team of Forrest and Allen, and have oneiof. tbn finest, and moat n()vc|,. skatlug - nets aver-put.on. ■■wc 1 Jti*' t^'try.DBt this -•ict-4it'the Sttjestlc. Ttiefllre. .Jlwiston, and after^nf play tbe WeatSra Va'ilde'vlllc ,Mnn- agers'..-'citoilt.- of twenty-Blx weeks. Good liiiik to allour frlenOs.". Cahpieui' -4jm" LTltl'ERRA, whO'liave beea playlug vnud*vli|t>.' dates since Nov. ^6. re- l>drt great success with.their novelty magical act. They have sighed contracts for next ^v.Diraer with ,(^>werv llros.' Sbow,.Mr. l .Can> Held to dojagtring and ma file, and lllldcm will "do- trnpew and hoop contortion. The season will otien April 20. Canfleld and 1111- <!erra close-their vandn-llle season at Austlu i Stone's. Bosion, in Malvh. THp MoaicAt, Woepeh write:, "We are In unr flrteenth weel: with tho «uth Gray Co., ii.i the feature vaudeville act. "the Btibe: and the .-Maid,', Which Is a big stiecess, and we ore compelled to respond to numerous en- cores nightly."- ... ..... "JotS'LEvltT JiNli Aon'er FALr.s:report meet- ing, with good success. In their new' singing and'talking, comedy juggling net. They, re- cently closed a.rpleaBant twelve weeks' en- MisHsKiwBt the Clifton Comedy Co., and iirr'now Qnnhc Gus 8un circuit. M.iitHitALL is-u 'Hi.ncl.vib write that they will have a new act for the'Sutnmer and ncxt^soason.- with a big electric .finish,, in wlilelrHall* IBUsM will be featured. .'JTney nre-wlth "aei'ndden's Flats";Co..;this mak- ing' their ecconil season wltlt tltat company. yeif. TitE.-'KEeLET Bros., comedy* alhletcs, oi Keif. 4; began a fourweeks' tour of thu KcltU L-Iriiliit." Begintiltii'.Mav 18, the.v'have coectnenfou the HuU'ivau k comsldlnc cir- cuit; .lasHngrtwenty-elglit week3, playing tbo largestTellies, of the Avest, . . -. , • FUtiAN;i>n'MEitiitAX, comedy.'9lnatcrs and "Wo are inco'tbig W'H 1 ' , " U ¥ vaudeville witfiii'new act, which, they say, 'is;a real live wire proposition." ' 'IIarbv lltcil, manager of Hill's Mobile colored performers.: reports good business through Xcw England. Mr. Hill, who bas engaged Madam Walter's female brass band. Is-booking Summer' parks, and will open at Xew Haven, Conu.. with novel street parade. Devi.nh and KH4.SC have dissolved part- nership. Ftldle lJeyiue.44 now working with Glorin-.Fuller, doing an Irishyebmedy sketch, IhtrpUiieliis singing and eccentric, dancing, and sftyst "The a«t. !s u big success, and we. have''good' tlinc boojted." Mahsu " anii S.viiTEtJ.o, writing.-from Jo- liannesburjr.S. A;.'Jan. 5, say:.-"Our engage- ment 'has been extended Jo twelve weeks-in-; m of nine.. We were bboked for six weeks Johnninnbur!! andHhree weeks at Cape Town. Afttr three weeks-here Edgar Hyniitn notified us that our stay at Cape Town would be six weeks, making twelve In nil. We are both well, and are going nicely."-. .... ,' Tim PniMROSE SiHTEUSy while playing at 'Weast's Theatre, Peoria,. HI., during the week of Jan. 2*, were made honorary 1 mem- bers of .the T.M. A..>'o. ■«), by Charles V. '. Ilnrtson, ptesldent of the orders Ilfnwnniir ani> -Wells, refined comedy sketch, nre In their fourteenth week playlni; the family vaudeville thenrres-through lu- dlnna anil Ohio, and are bnokeij.-aolld tintil May Tber act.-lhev wrlle, basi met with: ? P C hllS r - w A'h! f i2!3^ n, *i; great stuW wloc costumed gently and ^MgSSKftttl Sot depending'on .grotesque mako-llp to ; .»- ,J..?*?&[±d™ t l J± cure laughs. "This team will enjoy their Rummer varalIon, aft nnnal, at their home at White Bear Lake, Minn. FaEDEHtCK A?.t> PObp write: "We.haw In- frodhced ft new, nnd mak- ing a blfi hit. It Is one of the features at t:.he.;MnJesiIc Theatre, Norfolk, Va„ this ^Sttiit -F-inAHDAi'S ANP JV. A. Boiimr were at the llo'trnrd. Boston, week of Feb. 11., pre- senting their vaudeville offering. "A German in Paris." Tboy have the Keith & 1'roe.lnr. nnd Kohl & Castle elreiilts to follow,: and have lieen signed by A. II. Woodx for next 'season, wllh one of his melodramatic pro- (1 "AiMmi V. nERNAim Is nt the Boston Then. Ire. Lowell, Mass.. playing In slock, doing fiuibretln roles. ■ ... XAcr.t. ^iiADAMK P\«>™\ e ' L ^f r P v or v: shoo dance'r: the Minphys (Jo original -atf.^"''''^ 'V_rt %h 4 Thev ■«& s ^^ tl?am ' nn « n lar * c »A l JK^Jt , $h^bSa Fb..rp. L hss signed as buslt.c for a retnra date there, June .1. ItoswR or win OtiEAT IIerbSiann Co.— Tlie Great Herrmann, sole owner: M, II. Stnrr, business manager: Bert Harding, ad- vance representative: John Pnrker. musical director: Wllllnm W. Oretz. Htnge dlrerlor; W E Conrov, master of transportation; Mde. Hcrrhinriii. mentol telepathy: Conroy mill Blest llaxel Depew and Marlon On way. MAitK JoilNSON. of Fisher nnd Johnson, comCdv 'cyclists, announces Ihnl he hns dis- so veil" partnership with Mr. Fisher, aui has n •meVa'lrtnersl.lp with Benlievex Tjcy lelirlng every day, nnd will have ono best 'evele acts (a the business. The ,111 he'btinwu as Beyer r.ti.F Johnson. ' -r lust finished the Keith A Proctor Circuit, and came to Chicago to Join Mr. .Tolinson. Tbey have booked some of the •^fe'sioST, Wttjerly, wy« ? d andJW WAltTKD immediate to make,, contract tor seMltore hotel.comiueuulng Mhy I9lli until Sept. 1st. Afterwards to locale for thestre, hotel nnd dancing, instrumentation as follows: 2 Cornets, Clarinet,, Trap Drums, Double llnss snd Tuns, Piano, llsrp aud Cello. Kach man hinut double in Brass. SAlnry must be low. bosrd ntnl lodging In hotel*. Each msn must give \ security of 410.00 that he will not disappoint and that con- tract will be kept up, otherwise no notice will be taken of application. Musflie strictly sobei and rollnols, uoklukers, and drst class in every re- spect. Answer at onco all particulars to save cormapondenus to Prof. J. LEV IK, P.O.Box 347, rUlebgn, N. C- Could place smiie instrumenta- tion now, Who wroie before, wiltu again. Not necessary to be union.. Mon writes that be. Una.Joined .bands .with big Bob Pole, nnd that thev receive fldlld lnn*liK and applituse In their real comedy musical net. "XKnosr Me. . - j > I.IM.IJLN-- iloREtti, ot, Arn.» ety (4Iris Co.. opening the olio nad singing leading ptlnclpal numbei-s. -lihe Juw pinned with Clf" "Kl. Grant fqr three years, und will be seen Id' ttiuslcal comedy next season. Gseat Bancroit. feiahle Impersonator aud double voiced voenllst, is working alone. In his twentieth week at the Globe Music Hall, Chicago, 111. Akoimscn, female Impersonator, has fully recovered from an Illness of four months, lie bad to undergo a surgical operation. He will resume work, opening Feb'. 11, at the Grand ~ lnd.- .. , •:: Ucetiia write:.'.'We have 'Just received our new comedy pldylet, entitled 'Mrs. Kctcltnm's .Sixth,' .written, .by Barry Gray, of Philadelphia. This act has been constructed upon-new.and original ideas, wllh Bongs, mlislc and material strictly up- to-date, nne) away f/rom nnylhlng we have ever presenled. We expect if will be a big winner (or uh. Will be East shortly, on ono of the' Vaudeville ch-culls. Wei have just closed over the C. E. Olson circuit, through oklnhomu and Kansas, meeting with Huccess." NOTES rnoM Kali, k Knule's .Tullv Hur- ntm—We are playing to capnclly business on the one night stands In New Vork State, nnd managers are asking (or return dates. Tbe cotnjinny is booked solid for the season. Wo arc presenting the following specialties In connection w|tn the regular farce: Gen. Kail, roniedv Juggler; MKs Engles, vocalist; J. J. uilrphy, Irish comedian and wooden 'John .1. nnd Hal- chorus. II. I'. ess manager of this company. ■ WluiAUii and It'iUfAN, who recently ployed'thirty-two successful weeks over the Western Vaudeville circuit, returned Fast Feb. IS, to open at Cleveland, O., with Con- tun, litlHbnrg, Hast Liverpool, Whealing. I'.ufialo. Vork, Fa., Philadelphia, Boston nnd Tonv l'asor's. Xv V. City, tbTollOW. Ada Q Mai; anil Maud lleatb nre playing their elehlli week nt the Boston 'Ihenlro, Lowell,, uud nre mcellng with big sue- ce8«. Milt 'SiiEnVtAS, Hebrew character come- dlaa says: "I have left tbe MUcy and Abcy' Co., In vrhidi 1 was stnrrlng, and have gone Into'vaudeville, where 1 have been very sue- ceHiftil. I do a inoUnlogue dbd.t)Aro<lles,;nud oiv.act has made sueli n hit thai 1 urn booked solid for the next eighteen Weeks to come. Week of Feb.-ia turn at ClillUcOHio, 0.,'and ^5 at PortsinnDlb." OEM: FiiXCKOiT, who.biis.bflen oulto 111 for thepnet tweV weeks. Is now ouf or danger; and expects to bo out-again' In n .week or. two. Ltztirr Booth, who has Wen woifelug nt isaltlpiore. Md., for. the "past five wet 1st, left there with.her son to Kpcnd a-few Weeks wllh her mother la New York Slate. .. J.-llKfXAnij DItllin openeil fjr the Tucs- dnv minlooo, Feb. ."., nt (lie IIIiou, Winnipeg, bavins been snowed In at Graflon,. N. ii. He, Is nowiplaylBg tbe Jitillvin Cjitldlne circuit. —. . 934 MONADNOCK BUILDING. CHICAGO, IIX. WaND/VtilVERSIn ■Rtddy itlS Wsil Cirl' ftBELUlQE RANDALL • - in - Nellie Ih* Wall' FRANKLIN STOCK CO. Easlsrn and Wstiirn HOUSE ilAN'AiiElta wanting Ihix oillc.e winners should send In llitlr open time si once for the st.iivs attractions next, -season. 8O0HRKTTE WANTED t<> star In new play. Must, he Al Soubrotte: good locking, good dancer. Address (by letter only) giving experience, age, height, weight, specialty. It any, and enclose program and photo*. MUMATlftTS—1 want a good play with a good smotloaal lead for femnlo star. Give full particulars. Address . ... t'K.s. NKLiy WIIIOHT, Boom s .ii Monadnock Uidg., Chicago, III. OF PARIS. Largest mfrs. of 6l<GArl9 la the world, for Skating Rinks, Otnoe Hall», Kerry do Rounds, all kinds of slows. . v , ... .... ftyw.yqiiK tigjRiop , g^By>»A __ , BS-9"HB ORGANS--GAVIOLI & CO., , BEFORE »N0 AFTER THEATBE, M0QUIN-S 6th Ave., bet. 271ti and 28th Sls„ New York. MOST POHUL-AR ' FIIF.X It HK8TAVKANT. PARISIAN CAFK. : : JiUSItJ 5JW TO II P.M HOWTI)BEtOJlE ACOMUIITIONIMT. Front and Back Bcudlng, -cacli trick illustrated. Iliie, Morphet's School, 097 N. 12th St., Phils., Pa. i ii ni l - . *- 1 > ' II '■ !> Iit>W TO HTAJIT I?t SHOW BL'SlTIESg (Copyrighted), a different boolis, ioe. All kinds oat -fioKJ?Ft>7r s JjOUOOL. 837 S. liltli- St., PhiU., Pa H. II. BKATTIB, lawyer. OonOdentlal cases a apeolalt;. Judgments sod decrees obtained Srotnjitly. No notoriety (,'ounse) free. 2M Ulsrk M sfiw M Wt '■■ -- -;■ ■• . liiTHOOUAPiiH-A largo aiisorimiiut of tluestrlcsl window and stand bills of an unusual Urge variety, of the highest grade color work, suitable tor. all attractions! made for the Central LUiiu. A Kog. Co., nt 2,V cents per sheet.. Cata- logue sentupou request. Julius Wen A Cumpany, 14UliixtIi Ave,, New York. -., • ■ FUTVKKIIusb. or Wife Photon for I'ulmlsls, Parks, etc., tz.ooper l.uoo; ll-J* per auo, poxtpald. OABINRT PHOTOS, copied, %l:ib per 100. BUKSA STUlilO, 3312 N. Broad HI.. Phlla.. Pa. COHMi'lK KOU SALK—bargains .lu new and second-hand Inntruments. Catalogues free. STANHAKll BANH IS8TRUMBNT CO., 82 Hud- bury St., Boston, Mass. UAPl.HiS-Tln- World'H nnest. The Celebrated IVhyte Uivdle. Calalogs and llalf-Tonen of 26 Artlata Kree. THE A. C. FAIRBANKS CO., W Hnahury Ht.. Bos.tcin, Mass. . SLOT 5IACII IN KM, NBW P1K ODH. Latest money maker. 1,000 OTIIERH, CHEAP. SLOAN HOVELTV CO.. Station s, Philadelphia, Pa. LEARN TO TIIHOW YOlilt VOICK vrs'TRILOQClbM TAL'OUT. Vov terms address Prof., Toi S. 6th St., Philadelphia, Pa, SKKTCI1KH, 1CTC, TO OlaOMU-Prlcc ann Al references rur munip. Bnmplos (No. 2). i-arodv and 6 OngH, inc.; J Parodies, 16 flagH. 25c Ust of other wimples for stamp. MAKY E. P. THAYEIl, U1W) llrnod Ht„ Prov , k. 1. - CONEY ISLAND REPRODUC Polite Entertainer . A Nil . America's Favorite Eccentric Dancer. 14 MIMJTUS IN MIR, I'ei Add., ran of hi:stf;b\ vjujiinte im. REDUCED DURING LENT on tho play Hint never falls id do tbo banner business,,. ADRIFT Npw ayilittbio far stook, wlUi or wltlioiit prodnc- thin, Kull lino (|f printing. Addi-c.nowner.CAIt- lAnI) MAOBN.MJM BlSadway, Ntaw VoVk Freeport, L.I. fk, or. PLANHT SHOW PRINT and ENGRAVING HOUSE . CHATHAM. ONTAHIO. Tho most complete type and bluok engraving house in Canada Write for references. You cim nave duty or 16 cents per pound and other charge* IJy placing your order here. Address 8. 8TEP1IKNH0N, Prop. BE AN ACTOR An Actress Or Orator Best paying profession-in tho world. Engage- ments secured when qualirlodi Write for. scree Booklet on elocution and drnmailii art by <-i»-r»- • pontlnni-f. CIIIOAQO N( 11(11)1, OF Rt,(|. < r UTKiN, 4Kb Clilcacn Opnrst lloux. Uld«.. Clilcngo. ITT. i . *"*"7* edllds, ulcers, cauiact. bloodubot eyes, weak, tired or watery eyes, and eyre tlut ache, use Schfsgel'e uincic eve lotion, a soothing remedy that cures quickly. Write today lor freo .ample boitls and lull information. Un- closflJc sbiiiii. Address H. T. ScUlogel CoslSis Bom UnnK liirtg., I'eorla, III. CABINET PHOTOS Oik }Hovl>. A marvelous electrically Illuminated and operated l-enroduellon of America's mom pulinlar resort Coney Isjsnd an It I* lu nil Its moving .Summer glories. Mstt ttm) ■— -< wjtfc.Q»»aaVi• hTHaS Used as aSoectacular Holiday Window Novelty. Been by hnu.lrods of thousnndn of Kow York sboppem. VYOVLI) UK A IIIU AITKACTION as a 81«rc Show, u Fair, Tiieniro, Moving Picture Ualli or Slot Machine Parlors, Hull or Hummer Resort Feature. Unlit by Hie K. J. Austen Company. ,W1U be sold at a very low price. For further particulars .apply to CMS. BRANDT. Chief Decorator of c Ay. 8u<; Ccr»v Henry Now York 1E.GEL Pres. tt.lH) sfMOML-, Heml yonrnogatlvc to print rroin or photo to copy. Future iiiiHbnnd ur Wile I'linlos, while, black, vlsl- hie or invisible. S'j per i.ituo. Mend for sniunic. ■- .Wr.NOT, PH OTO , Bnoliton, II. J. ■ USIG ARRANflED For Piano, Ituiiil nnd Orobcstra. W. II. NKI.90N, 03 West 281U Htrcol, Now York. '9 Tents, OirettH KohH, Poles mid Htiikus. fiend for it-tt. Tent Khiiw Properly of nil kinds iiouxbt and sold. PKAKI, VAN. Kurt hvlllH^N. Y. iicmiibgi and itec'ltatTtini. All dramatic papers iiolil And molted, catalogue freo. tiUAH, MnCUONALI), S3 Washington St., Chicago, 111. IN SHOW BUSINESS. jMgjjqV InstfMotlort. What Aids In l.eurn :i:id How. Points nn Siilnry Prion lOu. Otlo Co.. 'J70 W. Slilb at., Mow York a.fOrjTORTIOSlST. "luslnitetlliud « .. .1 (ciiiiyrlitht). Price 'jdc. f ott bu|ipiy, :■:« W. spiu .St.,.\ew York PLAYS, papers nold And mailed, r ' k/CUONALI). 63\Vttshln[ START. What Aels lu Leuru n:wl J'rliiis lot:. Oil') Co,, UTO LEARN **gfB£& %We want our money's worth. That's why we adverflta In fha ( Old Reliable,