The New York Clipper (February 1907)

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14'KBUUAKY ?3. qvEpg J^nsw tob^ g^ippic^. ?t> • I'M GOUSTG TO TELL MA-MA ON YOU *I LOVE YOU, GIRLlfe, BUT I DON'T KNOW WHY THO' YOUR HAIR IS TURNING SILVER YOU'VE A HEART OF GOLD THERE NEVER WAS A GIRL LIKE YOU THE ONLY ORIGINAL, * HOLDING HANDS The fact that other houseB have imliatcd this bode 1b sufficient rccommcndatlpn for it. * Bcantlfal glide*. • WAIT TILL THE «QPH REAVES FALL PUBLISHED BY WELCH & WILSKY 318 N. 10th ST. Philadelphia* Pa. l'HOF. COPIES NKVT ON IIK('T UP CARD OR I'llOtillAMMK By J. E. DEMPSEY Everybody whistle* It with you. You'd better have b iirolesaloiinl ropy right away. It'a going to lie TUB song till* Bnmmn, Iteitrlee, Ncbr., 20. Seward 21. Iloldrldgo 22, Iln'nUigs fit, Omaha 24, 2J. Kearney 8U. Lei- '.'"ton 27. x'orth I'latte 2S, fort Collins, Colo., March 1. Bouliter 2. ■sv.Mteal Olrl In Dixie" (C. S. Ruble, ragr.)— Piedmont. S. C'.. 20. Greenville 21, Laurens •••> Spartanburg 23. Chester 2«. "Kiuiitf South" (J. C. Rockwell, ourr.)—Xorth ' Hnlt'luiore, 0.. 80. Bowling'Owen 21. Swnnton -•Delta 23, Monroe. Mich.. 25; Adrian H, jniLPHVtllc 27, Broason 28, Coldwntcr March 1, Three KlTors 2. T Tcrrv. Ellon (Charles 1'rohman, mgr.)—Chicago, iff. lS-March E ■ _ _ Thurston. Adelaide (Francis X. Hone, mgr.)— Alexandria, La., 20, Baton Rouge 21, Jackson, Ml" . 22. Vlcksburg 2H. Bronkhaven 23, lint- tlosburc 2fl, Meridian 2T, Mobile, Ala., 28, Mnu March 2. Tartar Slock-UL AY. Taylor, mgr.)— Hualetou, K . W-23, Pho?ni*vllle 83 March 2, Turner. Clara (Ira W. Jackson, nigr.)—Pateraon, " J , 18-23. MWdleloWn. N. V.. 23-Mareli 2. •rndii Mi. and Mr*.' WIUou R. (T. S. Buckler, ingr.)-C|rainl>ersburg. Pa.,-18-23, Frederick. Ma.. OT-MArch 2. - _ '-,.'_ Trousdale Bros. Theatre. Eastern (Merle Trout- dale, mgr;)—Slater, Mo., 17-23. Hlgglnsville TcMarcb 2. Troti«dalc Bros. Theatre (W. W. A B. B. Troim- dale. Agra. (—Carroll, la., 18-20, Deulsoa 21-28. Awlnbm M-27. . . . , "Too Proud to Bee." Lincoln .T. Carters—Belle- route, Pa.. 20, Tyrone 21, Burueaboro 22, Al- toona 23, South Pork 23, Johnstown 20, Blalrs- vllle 27, McKcosiurt 28-.\I«rch 2. "Thorns and Orange Illossoina," Rowland A Clif- ford's. A (Frank Walton, uigr.)—Milton', r«„ 20, Wllllamsport 21, Lock Haven 22, Clearfield 23, CUrwensvllle S*. Do Bo Is 20, l'untnntaw- itey 27.' ■ • 'Tiiiic. the rlace and the Olrl" (M. II. Singer. inxr.)—Chicago, 111., 18, indcOnltc. '•Tliuc. the I'luoe and the Qlrl"' (M. n. Singer, „,«,..)—st. Joseph; Mo.; 22. Kansas City 21-27. "Tens."' Brondhurst * OilrrIe's—Brooklyu, X. Y.. 18-23. Iloboken, N. J., 24-27. "Tllllc Olson," W. P. Fnlkncr'a—Lnremle. Wyo., 21, North Platte, Ncbr., 23, Graud Island 23, licutrlce 27, llorton. Kan., March 1.' "Tea lliouHHud Dollars Howard." Srcnccr A Aliorn'a—Cincinnati, 0., (7-23. "Thoroughbred Tramp," Eliner Walters' (Oscar Jones, nigr.)—Gloversvllle, N. Y., 22, Oboes . r ...... 0 "Under Southern Skies," Eastern (Ilnrry Doel Parker, uigr.)—Philadelphia, Pu., 18-23, East Stroiidshiirg 23, Plymouth 20. \V!lkcr,-Barre 27, Plltiton 28, Norrlstolvn March 1 "Under Southern Skies," Western (Harry Dool Parker. ingr.)—Pull* City, Ncbr., 20, St. Jn- .■•pit. Mo., 21-23, Atchison. Kim., 24. Trenton. Mil. 23, Brookflcld 20, Ciirrolltou 27, Soils- luir.r 28. "Under Southeru Skies," Central (Hurry Doel Parker, mgr.)—Paris. Ky.. 20. Mayarllle 21, I ronton, O., 22, Huntington 23, Oalllpolls 25, Poincrov 20. Alliens 27. Marietta 28. "I.'nclc Tom's Cabin," Al. W. Martin's (Ed. S. Muilln. togr.)—Philadelphia. Pa., 18-23, New- ark N.J.; 23-Msreb 2. "Uiieln Tom's Cabin." Htetson's, Eastern (J. W. llroHiilce; mgr.)—Llltto Falls. N. Y., 21. Her- kimer 22, Utlen 23, Hlon 23. "Unele TVnn's Cabin," Stetxoii's, Western (^Ym. Kibble, uigr.)—Adrian, Midi., 20, Mount Clem- eiisiSI."- - "Uncle .losli Spruceby," Eastern, llauks & Fro- m'J—Salem, N. J.. 20, Brldgeton 21, Lske- woinI 22, South Amboy 23, Fleuilngton 23, Tt tiiuii, Pit., 20, Muhauvy City 27, Miners- rllle 28. ••LTnclp Josh S|truceby." Weotem, Hunks A Fra- nk's—Suillmry, Oul., Can., 20, .Sturgeon Vails 21. New l.lskurd 22. Hulleyburg 23, Cubalt 20, North Bay 20, Pembroke 27, Renfrew 28. "Uncle -Iran Perkins." II. IT, 1'rnn-e's—Rock- vllle. Ltd., 20, Cloverdalc 21. Blootnlleld 22, Oiluuiluis 23. West Haiku 21, Mitchell 25, Mudliton 20, ConiiersvUle 27, Washington Court llunsc. C>„ 28.. "I'tivle Sl-llnsklns." A—0. 8. Primrose's—Hum- boldt, Knit., 20. I.u llmpi' 21. lola 22, Fort Seott 23, Roseluud 21, Scammou 23, Neudesha 27. " ' • "Uncle SI Haskluti." B—0. S. Primrose's—Ver- f.iilli's, 111., 20. Mount Sterling 21. Uulney 22. Dallas Oily 23, Fort Madl-.ion, la.,' 24, La llui|K-, HI., 2, V "Vanderbllt Cup" (Job. M. Oaltot. mgr.)—Ilam- III'.:., 0., 21, Spshigtleld 22, Duyton 23, l'adu- Villi. Kj„ 27. ■' "Village Orocer" (W. W. Lapolnt, mgr.)— Peter- li-ro, K. I!., 20. Eaat JufTrey 21, Winchester 22, Amherst, Masi., 23. ■ - W Walsh, Blanche (IVageubula & Kcm|»r. mgra.)—. Imllaiiaiiolla. Ind.. 20, Grand llaplils, Mich., 22, 23, Saginaw 25. Woiilpld, David (David Belasco, mgr.)—N. Y. City 18-23. Wilson, Frauds (Oltarles Frohman, mgr.)—^De- troll, Mich., 18-20. Ooluuabus. <).. 22. Ithaca, N. Y.. 20, Eiiaton, Pu., SO, AUeiitown 27, Head- lag 28. Wlll»rd, E. S. (Charles A. Moore, mgr.)—Wl- oona, Minn., 20, Duluth 21-23. Minneapolis 23- Slareh 2. • " Weber's All Stars (Joseph M. Weber, mgr,)—N. Y. City 18, iudctlnltc. M'IIIh. Nut si. (Rroidhurat A Currle, ragrs.) — Sedalla, Mo., 25, St. Joseph March 2. v.:nd. lup (stair A Nicolal. mgrs.)— Phlladel- lib a, Ps.', 18-23. ™'- " , .t ll -» Jo,> ('«•• A, Mack, mgr.)—Reading, P».. 1S-20, Harrlsburg 21-23, Camden, N .1.. 70, „.; ersoy CRy M-Afarch 2. Williams hnd WaFker (J. D. Barton, mgr.)— „,Br«ftjja, N. V., 18-28, N. Y. Oltj 23-MarclCI). vMitnlnger Bros. (Frank Wluulngcr, mgr.)—Mat- Bros., toon. 111., 18-24, Blootuliujlon• 23-March 2. Vtn Rron. Stock—FtauWIn. lad,, 18-20. «nllack's Theatre, Northern (Dtiblnsky I „,nigra,)—Rock Island, 111:. 18, Imleliulte. "allack'a Theatre, 8outlicrn (Dnblueky Bros., lugrs.)—Qhlbcy, 111., 17-20, Clhitou, Ia„ 23- Mareu 2. " 'Way rjown Bast" (Win. A. Brady, mgr.l — „ Boston. Mass., 18-Slnrcli 0. 'Way. Down East" (Win. A. Brady, mgr.)— Counersvlllo, lud., 20, Mlddletown 21, Terr* Haute 23. Danville 28.' Hammond 24, Jollet, .nM'n Si s Elgin 2Q, .Rockfortl 27, Joncsvllle 28. mill* 'Frisco Burns," Llubolu J. Carter's-^ „ Chicago.- 111., 17;28. ttoman of Fire" (P. H. Sullivan,-mgr.)—N. Y. City 18-23. Chester, Pa.. 20-27. Dover. N. J., 28. New Brunswick March' 1.'Plaluneld 2; Way of the Tiausgtessqr.'' Ohas. H. Yale's— Terre Haute. Ind.. 20. Paris, 111.. 21, Dauvllle 22. Bloomlngton 2H, Chicago 31-Marct) 2, J oclckel, mgr.)—Vlsalln, Cal., 20. Fresno 21, .Madern 22, Mode«u 23. stu Jose 24, Pelfl. ll" m i 2 J' i 4 " 1 " 1 :0 - Vnll<! J 0 2 "- "aklsnd 28- MarchjJ. Stockton 4. Sucrnbieiito 5. Portland, Ore., i-u. "Belle of Mnyfalr" (Tbos. W. Rylcy, mgr.)—N. ^. City l.i. Itidethiltc. ' " ' Carle. Rlehiird (diss. Marks, gen. mgr.)—Oil- cujto, III., 18, Indenulte, Cshlll, Marie (D. V. Arthur. Mr.)—Km Or- IS!""' ^n"".? 7 " 23 ' -Mobile, Ala.. 23. Pensacol*. FJa., 20, Montgomery, Ala.; 27; Birmingham Cnhierai Grace. Opera (C. II. Kerr, mgr.)— Wheeling, W. Vs.. 18-20. Altoona, Pa;, 22, m Johnstowu 2.1; Pittsburgh-March":!. Cronlore and his Bautl (Howard Pew. mgr.l— Buffnlo. N. Y.. 18-23, Cleveland, O.. 21, Ashta- hula 2... Warren 20, Canton 27. Wooater 28. Toledo March 2. 'Cnmlnjr Thro' (he Rye" (Will J. 'Block Amuse. Co.. nigra.)—Springfield, Mass.. 20, Itrldgeitort, l)r>nii.,' 21. Daiile!? Frank (C. B. Dllllngliam, mgr.)—N. Y. City IS, Indefinite. D'Aivllle. Cninllle (Snm 8. A Lee Shnbert. inc., nigrs,)—Knncsvlllc, n„ 20. Frankfort, Ind.. 2'.', Kansas City, Mo„ 24-Mnrch 2. De AtiL-ells. JrlTerson (Frsnk McKee, mgr.)— X, V. City 18, IndeOulte. "Everybody Works But Father"—JackBonvllle, Foy; Kddte (8am 8. A Lee shubcrt. Inc., mgr*.) —Blooklyn. N. Y.. 18-23. ■— " Fischcr'a Orchestra—Dnwaglac, Mich.. 20. Battle Civek 21, Ciinrlotte 22, Kalamazoo 23, 24, Alle- gan 23. Sherwood 20, Rlkbart, Ind., 27, Lans- ing. 3Iloh,;'2S. "Fri'e LitHCO" '(Klaw A Erlnncer. mgrs.)— Vlclts- burg, Miss., 20, Memnbls, Tenu.. 21, 22, Cilli.- Kt.\ 23, Little Rock. Ark., 27, Hot Springs' 28, Texarknna March 1. "Fanlana" (Sam S. A Lee Sltubert, Inc., nigra,) —N. V. City 18-23. "Forty-Uvo .Minutes from Broadway" (Klsw fc Erlanger. niJrs. )-^-Oakland, Cal.. 18-23, Stock- ton 24, HacrnnieBlo 23. 2(f, Clitco 27. Grand Open (Onesr Haramersleln, mgr.)—N. T. City IS, Indefinite. • ■■ ' Grand Opera, Lambardl's—Ban Francisco, 0*1., 18. Intlciiuite. Glsser. Lulu (Klaw A Erlauger, mgrs.)—Brook- lyn, N. Y„ 18-23. "George Washington Jr." (Cohan A Harris, mgrs.)—N. V. City 18-Mnrcb 30. "Girl and the Bamllt"—Uracil Rapids, Mich, 20, Juckyon 28. "Oliigerbreud Man." Enstcni (Rice & Weaver, nigra.)—New Haven, Conn., 20, Wntcrbury 28. "Olnrerbread Man," Western—St. Louis, Mo., 24-Mnrch 2. "May New York" (Joi>epti Pettlnglll, mgr.)—At- lanta, tin., 18-23, IIIriuIngham, Ala., 20-March Held. Anun (Floreuz Zeigfeld. mgr)—N. Y. City IS. ludelhille. Ilnpitei-. De Wolf (Sam S. A Lee Shubcrt. Inc., nigra.)—New Haven, Conn., 22, 23, Newark, N. J., 23-Murcli 2. Hltclicock, Hnvmoad (Henry W. Savage, ragr.)— Clilcugo. 111., 18-23. Aurora 25. Jollet 26. Peor.a 27. Gulcsburg 28. Burlington, la., March I. Hodcrn.tinii. Jennie. Lsillis' Orchestra (D. II. Ha- deriiiunn. mgr. I—Ulilppuwa Falls, Wis., 18-23, Him Clulrc 23-Murch 2. Howe, I., nun. Ladles' Orchestra — Worcester, .Muss., 18. Indefinite. "His Honor, the Mayor" (Win. R. BUI. mgr.)— Euslim. Pa., 20, Philadelphia 23-Murch 2. Irma Coinle Oitera (Win. Ileywood, mgr.)—Lin- coln. Kuti.. 20, Council Grove 22, Mudlson 23, Ji 'rlloijioii 23. Yates Center 20, Altoona 28, .V-.xletbi. March 1, Howard 2. "Isle of Bbug Bong" (B. C. Whitney, mgr.)— Alluoua, Pa.. 20. "Isle of 8|ilce" (B. C. Whitney, mgr.)—Hamil- ton, Can,, 20. "Isle of Spice" (II. 0. Whitney, mgr.)—Fort Scott, Kan.. 22, Springfield, Mo,, 23. Kilties Band (T. P. J. Power, mgr.)—Rustou, I.u.. 20, Monroe 21. Shrereuort 22, Natchez, Miss., 23, .lachton 23. "Little Mlchus" (J. C. Duff, mgr.)— N. Y. City l*-23. "Lltlle Johuuy Jones" (Cohan A Harris, mgrs.) —Scruntoit, l'u„ 20, Newurk. N. J-. 23-Murch 2. May, Edna (Charles l'rohmau, mgr.)—Loudon, Eng.. 18. Indefinite. Mouluii (ii*rs—Detroit, Mich.. 21-23, Morton. Ethel, Opera—Troy. N. Y.. 22. JIace, Fred W. (Harry Asklu, mgr.)—Salem, Ore.. 20. Portland 21-23, Olymplo, Wash., 23, Ucalllc 20. 27. Victoria, U. c. Cuu., 28, Van- couver' March 1, 2, Bclllngbum, Wash. 4, I'ivvrott 3, Tacomu 0, BUeuburg 7, Yakima 8, Walla Wallu 0. "Miduiuc Bulterlly" (Henry W. Savage, mar.)-- Grruf Forks, N. Duk„ 20. Fargo 21, Ilultc, Mont., 23. Spokane, Wash., 23, Tucouis 20, Seattl,' 27, 28. „ „ .. , , "Maior of Toklo" (Jos. M. Oaltea, mgr.)—Jersey Cllr, N. J., 18-23. Kprlngtlchl. Mass., 20, Wntcrbury, Conn., March 2. Powers. Jss. T. (Sam S. & Lee Sbubert, Inc., mar*.)—Philadelphia. Pa.. 18-Maieh 2. "Peggy from Pnrls." Madison Otrty s (.Ins. It. Somes, nisr.)—Columbus. ().. 18-20, Day tun 21- 23, Delrolt, Mich.. Sl-MurcU 2. , „ ., , Robinson 0|>era (F. V. French, uagr.l—Portland, Me., 18-23. Salem. Mass., 23-Msrcb 2. Royal Artillery Baud (Jos. De Vlto. nigr.)—At- lantic Cite, K. J.. 18, Indefinite. "Roho of the Alhumhra" (Melville Hammett, ingc.l—N. V, City 18-23. , .. , "Rojul Chef" (Harry Herbert, ragr.)—Lincoln. Nebr., 20, Yankton, 8. Dak.. 21, Mitchell 22, Sioux City, I«„ 28, Sioux Fulls, 8. Dak.. 24, Mankato, Minn., 23, Albert Lea 20. Li Crosse, Wis., 27, Merrill 28. , . ., SchclT. I'ritsl (0. D. Dillingham, mgr.)—South Bend. -Ind., 20. Milwaukee. Wis,, 21-23, Indi- anapolis. Ind,. 20-27. Dayton. 0-. 28. • San Carlos Opera (Henry Russell, mgr.)—Chi- cago, III.. 18-23. „ , , ".Social Whirl" (Sam S. & Lee Shuliert. Inc., mgrs.)—Olevelad, 0., 19-2S. Willlauispurt, Pu., "Show' Ulrl" (B. C. Whitney, mgr.I—Kpkomo, Ind.. 20. Eltvood 21. Alexandria 22. Mnncle K"g| Marys 20. Vnu Wert 20 Llni. 27. 28, St. Marys, 0.. 23. Van Wert 20. Lliua 27, Fremont 28. Norwnlk March 1. Bucyrus 2. "Sultan of Sulu" (Madison Corey, mgr.)—Duluth, Mliin.. 20. Ishpeiuliig, Mich., 22T Caluipet 23. IlaucoeK 24. 25. UMttMi. Gladstone 27, Es'cunabs 28. Marluelte, Wis., March 1, U» "Simple Shiioo Simple" (Nixon A Zlinmeruinn, iiiars.l-Plillailelpula. Pa., 18-23, Rdgtvay 20, Warren 30, Olean, N. Y„ 87, Bradford, Pa., 2»° JnmeHton. N. Y., March 1. Erie. Pa., 2. "Sleeping Beauty and the Beast," W- E. Nanke- viiie's--Oltawn. Can., 22,^23. Terre Haute. Ind- 20. Paris, 111., 21, Danville ••ajJSni Kitty"—Denver. Colo.. 18-23. ,22. Bloomlngton 23, Chicago 31-Mnrct) 2. "Seiiiltiary Olrl"—Jacksou,' Miss., 20. \, fi c ^'" B Kh^ * Aporu'*—Camden, jE&uum, Fay (Klaw A Erlauger, mgra,)- ..„,■ »' Hl-20.- ■ ' wilkes-Barre. Pa., 20. BUnlra, N^ Y., 21, Al- 'Warning Bell," Baat. Clarenea Bennett'* (For- JSH *<■", 23, Uuftulo 23-27. jest Isham, mgr.)—Palmyra. N. Y.. 20, Pcnn Vits 21, Oanandafgiia 22, Auburn 28, Oirtlaml 21. Waverly 27,iWiitklui 28, Batavla March 1, Perry 2. * 'Warning Bell," Went. Clarence Bennett's (Harry Gordon, mgr.)—fort Madison. la.. 20. Alble 21. Ceutervllle 22. Ottniuwa 23. (i.:kaloosu 20, .Osceola 20. Corning 27. Rett Oak 2B. Vtm the World Bleep*"--(Sol. Schtvarti, mgr.) , -PenrlB, .III., 17-20, Juekson. Mleb., M, "hen the Harvest Days Are Over"—Lafayttte, iud„ 23. v Y lorke A Adam* (B. E. Forrester, mgr.)—Graud „ Itauld*. Mich., 17-20. 1 ■ \oune Bu(r*lo. King, of the Wild West" (Cuas. '-„ "'aaey "Amtljai" 6*;. mgr*.)—N*#*rk, N.' J.. BUSK Al.. ,. n ,* cd ' „ 8 am .(diflrlaa Fwumon. mgr,)—N. Y. „ uiy 18. indoiimto. iio-ion ideui OiM-rd (Edwin Patterson, mgr.)— ladolt Knn., ai, Logan 22. LenOfu 2.1, Gtlusco -3. MlnWcoiwlls' SO". Snlluu 27, Hutchinson 28, Ulupuan March 1. 2. Ulack Puttl Troobadoura, Voclckel 4 Noluo'* (0. Wilkes-Bat-re. . Iianv 22, 23. Uuffulo 2j-27. roaiists" (Sain S. A Lee Shnbert. Inc., mgrs.) -^Cincinnati. 0., 17-28. Williams, lluttle (Olius.- Fmbuiun, mgr.)—Bos- ton. Mass.. IS, lutleflulle. . Waters.'Tom (Fr«l 0. Nlxou-Nlrdlinger.• «nit.)- Soulh Fork. Pa.. 20, Somerset 21, Mc/crsdalo 8). Cumberland 23, 151kin«. W. Va.. 25. Ornf- ton 20, Clnrksliurg 27, Binkhaunoo 28, Weston Wll!s rC M,i'.V» 1 l''!johTB 2 : Will.. mgr.)-Key West, Fin ' **0-3Iarch 2/ "Wlu'iil'of Wall Street" (U'W Vlrdrii, nigr.) — Vert on. Tex. 20. Qnanab 21. Childress 22. OIirnuioB'23, Amarlllo !3. Dalbart 20. Clayton, "WiMrd r 'ot 27 6»" (Uurtlg fc Saauioo, mgrs.)— Plttsinifg. Pj.. 83-Murcl) 2. "Wonderlaiid" (Jos. M. Oaltea. mgr. l-^olumbu*. 0„ 5S-37, Akron March 4. Ill IlLKSIll E AVl> VAUDEVILLE. kJSSm SWwlu'D. Mttiei'a-N. V. City 18-23. •Tlhahir ■ nTy..' 23-27, TioV 28-Murch 3. ATMS Glvls (Geo. Vf^ "K^"*™**'"'- lod.. 18-20. Chicago. 111.. 24-Marcu 2. Aleastir Beauties (T. W. Dluklns. in»t.)-N. Y. City-18-28, PutcVewi. N, j*„"»'Mi»rcli 2, MANAGERS and ELECTRICIANS, A nPT^IT pV^I^VlTklKJ Wolifivenn hand tim ijirae JOHXSTOWN KLOOD whloh has iiocn at Kantaakct, Boaoh fnr the past two seaioni. Al JL M.MUa M. M.\f£% • Also Small JOHNSTOWN FLOOD whicii wan al Khusm City last season, and one Mt. vesnsius In Rrnpllnn. Oar now IUU4MJ7 t ATA LOOITTC I* completed, wl il stage rraft and nark with thing pertaining to electrical stage rraft and park amoi»m*nti d*4neted_ftoda: Drat S3. no parchaae. Bent to regular miloniera free. full deaertptlon of, and ihnwlng method of oiieratlon of »T»ry- Prloe of Catalogue, >» cent*, whlnh amoaat will is evie:imoi-ie:im electri LARGEST MANITKAM-l'HKllis OP RL.KCTIUCA1. ITAUK AtMM.IANCKS A.VI> RKPKCTS IN TI1K WOULD, N. Y. CITY. •» «e 354 WE8T 50th STREET, Bryant's, Harry C Rxtinvnxanim—Blriiiihgliuui, Ala., 18-23. Sew Orleans. Lb.. 81-Mnl-eIi 8. lllne milium Girls, .lumen Ujde's —llosttm, Mass., 18-23, N. Y. City 2,i-Mitrrlt 8. Bowery IlurUwiuers (Jts- lliirltu. mgr.)—Kniisiis City, Mo.. 17-88. SI. Louis 2»-.Miircli 2. Bohemians (Ilnmey (llriinl. ingr.)—Boston, Mas'., 18-33. Worcester LVi-Mmcli 2. Bon Tons (Rush & Weber, iagrs.1—Rending. Pa.. 18-20. Newark, K. J;, 25-Marvh 8. Brigadiers (Clias. CrumWell. mgr.)—Brooklyu, N. Y.. 18-23, N. Y. Cllr 23-March 0. Balllmorc Beauties—Cleveland, 0.. 18-23, Pitts- burg. Pa., 20-Marcli 2. Broadway Gaiety dlrlfi (James II. Curtln. mgr.) —Phlladclphln, [•«., 18-33, N. Y. City 23- March 2. Boston Belles (Jnck Singer, mgr.)—Toledo. 0„ 17-23, Indianapolis, Intl.. 23-27. liehraMi SI»on- (l\ D, IrryalL' uirr.)—S. Y. City 18-23, Philadelphia. !'*., 23-March 2. Bachelor Club (Harry Hastings, mgr.l—Brook- lyn, N. Y„ 18-28, N. Y. City 23-March 2. City Sports (Phil Sheridan, ingr.)—Pittsburg, Pa., 18-23, luilli-nnpolls. lud., 28-March 2. Cracker Jacks (Harry I.eonl. mrr.)—Detroit, Mich., 17-23, Toledo, <).. 24-Marcb 2. Cohmlitl Holies (Ohas. 1'allte. mgr.)—at Paul, Minn.. 17-23. Dulntli 24-March 2. Cherry Blossoms (Will A. Pyne, mgr.)—Phlln- .lelpliin. Po„ 18-23, Providence, R. I„ 23- March S.. Champagne Ulrls (Phil Fisher, mgr.)—Louisville, Ky., 17-23. Cincinnati, U„ 8 I March 2. Dainty Duchess (Rut-li 4 Weber, nigra.)—Newark. N. J.. 18-23. Brooklyn, N. Y„ 23-Marcb 0. Dreamland lleouttrs (Bert Kendrlck, ingr.)— Jf, Y. City 18-23, Pliiladelplils. Pa., 23-Marcb 2. Derere's, Sam. Own—Billllmorc, Md., 18-23, Phllndelphla. Pa., 23-Marcb 2. Umpire lSurlexouers (J. Wufc aaaj y , mgr.)—Buffalo, N. V'.. 18-23. Detroit, Jli.-lt.. 24-M.iicli 2. Pay Poster (Joseph Otipeiilieluier, mgr.)—To- ronto, Can.. 18-2U. Buffalo, N. Y.. 23-Jlareh 2. Greater New York Star* (Jacobs £ Jermon, nigrs.'i—Rochenler. X. Y.. 18-23. Albany 23- 27. Ilelyokc, Mssh., 2N Murcli 2. Guy Mom lug Glories (Saun A Scrlbncr. mgr.)— t'li-.'.'lau.l. <).. 18-23. Uiiffnlo, N*. Y.. 23-Murch 2. Gny Mail|uernderH (Sum A. Scrlbncr, uigr.)—New Orleans, La„ 17-23. Golden Crook (Jacobs A Jermon. mgrs.)— Haiti- nior^, Md„ 18-23. PIKsburg. Pa.. 2.1-Mnicli 2. High School Girls (T. YV. Dluklns. mgr.)—s.-run- ton, Pu.. 18-23. N. Y. City 23-March 2. Irwlu's Big Show (Krrd" Irwin, nugr.)—B«ltl- more, Md.. 23-Mnrch 2. Ideals (II. \V. A Him-Williams, mgrs.)—Mlnne- neal la, Minn.. 17-23. St. Joseph. Mo.. 28- March S. Innocent .Maids IT. W. Dluklns, mgr.)—Wash- ington, D. C 8a-March 3. Imperials (U. W. 4 Sim Williams mgrs.)—Al- bhny. X. Y.. 18-20, Troy 21-23. Montreal, Can., 25-Murcb 2. Jolly Girls (Qui I.lenlng. ragr) — Worcester, Mass.. 18-28. Brooklyn, N. Y.. 23-March 2. Jolly Oraas Widow* (Gn* W llogsit. uigr.)—8t. Joseph. Mo„ 20, Kuiihoh City 24-March 2. Jersey Lille* (J. Proshln. mgr.)—Heading, Ta., 21-23, Phlladelplifa 23-March 2. Kentucky Belles (Roberl Gordon, ingr.)—Pater- sou, ft, J.. 18-23, Jersey City 23-Moreh 2. Kiilckevbockein (l.ouls lloblc. mgr.)—Providence, R. I.. 18-2:1. Bostun. Mass., 23-Mareli 2. Lid Llflers(II. S. Womlriiir. mgr.)—UuO'ulo. N. Y„ 18-23. Rochester 23-Mnrcli 2. Merry Burlesquers (Roberl Mills, mgr.)— Detroit. Mich.. 17-23. Chlcugo, III.. 21-Murrli 0. Miss New York Jr. U. II. Ilerk. ingr.>—Wash- ington. D. C, 18-23, Baltimore, Md., 23- Murch 2. Merry Maidens (Clias. W. Daniels, mar.)—Jersey Oltv. X. J.. 18-23, X. V. City 2r.M1n.l1 2. Merry Jlnkers (IL K. I'llton, mgr.)—N. Y. City 18-Miirch 2. Mnlestlea (Fred Irwin, ragr.)—Kansas City. Mo.. 24-March 2. Night Owls (Rolsrt Manchester, mgr.)—Beston, Mass.. 18-23. SprliigMeld 23-27, Albany, X. Y., ay-March 2. Now Loudon Gulety Girls lOtln" W. Grant, ingr.) — linlluiiNiKills. Ind., 21-23, Louisville, Ky., 21- March 2. New 0-»ntiir.v Girls (John J. Moynllian, mgr.)— Duluth. Minn.. 17-2,1. Mlnneaiiolls 21-Mm oh 2. Nightingales (A. Jack Fimsl. mgr.l— K. Y. City 18-23, Troy. N. Y., 23-27. Albany 28-SInrch 2. Paris by Night (W. II. Irons, mgr.)—Philadel- phia. Pa.. 18-23. Parisian Widows (Hmdi A Weber, mgrs.)—Albany, X. Y.. 18-20. llolyutie. Muss., 21-23, Boston 23-Marcb 2. Parisian Belles (Clias, E. Taylor, mgr.)—PltU- btirg. Pa.. 18-23. Rlallo Rounders (Clins. rranklln. mar.)—HI. I.ouls, Mo., 17-23, Indianapolis, Ind., 28-Murch 2. ' Reeves'. Al.—Cincinnati, 0., 17-23. Birmingham. Ala-. '-'.-. .March 2. Rose Hill F.ngllsli Polly (Rice A Burton, mgrs.) —Sprliigflrld, Mass.. 18-20. Albany, N. Y-, 21- 23. Rending, Pa., 28-Mnreh 2. Itenti-Smtlev (Mm l.eavltt. mgr.)—St. Louis, Mo., 17-23. Chicago. III.. 24-Murcb n. Rice & Hni-ton'si Dig Oilety—Indianapolis, Intl., 21-23. Clnclnuatl, 0.. 24-M«reh 2.' Rose Sydell's IMidon holies (W. S. Campbell, inni'.l—X. Y. City 18-23, Providence, It. L, 23-Mnreh 2. Rellly k Wood's (Pat llollly, mgr.l—Providence, R. I.. 18-211, Bostou. Mass.. 33-Mitrch 2. Runaway Girls (Peter 8. Clark, mgr.)—Chicago, 111.. 17-Mnrch 2. Star Show Girls (W. Kenuessy. ingr.)—Cincin- nati. O.. 17:28, Cleveland B3-MarcR 2. Trans-Atlantic niirlesqners, llnrtlg A- Hcaiimn's— ChienBO, III.. 17-23, Detroit. Mich.. 24-Haich 2. Tleer Lilies (Issy Grwls, mgr.)—Troy, N. Y., 18- 20. Albany 21-23, Scraiuoii. Pa., 23-Mareli 2. Trocaderos (Chn«. II. Waldron, ingr.)—Indiana- polls. Ind.. 18-20, Akron, O., 21-23, Cleveland 23-Murch 2.. Thoroughbreds (Wash Marlln. mgr.l—Milwaukee. Wis:. 17-23, 81. Paul. Minn.. 24-March 2. Twenttolli Century Maids (Maury Kruns. mgr.)— Miiiiiival. Can.. 1R-23, Toronto 23-March 2. Vnullv I'nlr (Roliert Mnmchoster. mgr.l—Phila- delphia. Pa., 18-28, Reading 23-27, Chester 28- Mtireti 3. . " ' World Boaters 13. Herbert Muck, mgr.)—Brook- hn. N. Y.. 18-Murcti 2. Wltn-, Womnn nnd Song (M. M. Tlieise. mgr.)— X. Y. City 18. Indefinite. Washington Society Girls (W. II. Wslsoit. mgr.)— Clileugo. III., 17-23, Milwaukee. Wis., 24- March 2. Watson's Burlesipicrs (Sam Robinson, ingr.)— Kansas City. Mo.. 17-23. St, Louis 24-March 2. MIXHTIUCLS. Doeksttidev's. lx-w (CtiSrlCx D. Wilson, mgr.)— Brooklyu. X. Y-. 18-13, Philadelphia. Pa., 23- Mnreh'3. Doiinclly A Haldeld'S (Tommy Doniudly. mgr.l— Grlfth'i. Oa.. 20. Ncaouiu 21. Csrrollton 22, Oedartown 28, Iluntsrlll*. Ala.. 23. Murfrees- boro. Telm.. 8u. Bbelbnlllc 271 I'uyetMTllUs 28, Colombia. 8. C, Marcll 8. ■ •>■' ' • Dandy Dixie, VorlcUl 41 Noluu's (John J. Nolan, ' rtlgr.l--Ht. Augustine. I'la'.. 80, Uiv Oak 81, Vanuatu. On.; 2J. Alhshr S3; • '■ FleltPN, AL O. (Due <3nlgl«y. mgr.)—Detroit, JOeh'. 17-23, Ttaflle Creek 23; Jacltson 30, Grand Rapids 27, Kahunasoo 28. " ' HnrkiKsM «r l-Ux's (Roy l!. Po«; ingr. 1—Bastrop, Tex.. 18-30, l.ngrnugt 21-23, lAKkhurt 23 87, LllIlBg 88 UarOi 3. Pit KersaaaV. Billy (Geo. I.. Barton, inir. I—Middle- latro. Pa., 20. York 21, AuitniHdls, Md.. 23, C.dtinddr. Pn.. 28. Coatesvllle 23. Pettstnwn BO. PrlinroM-'s, lieu. II. (P. J. lliitiur. nigr.l—Pne- Ido, Coin., 21. Cripple Creek 22, Denver III- Mareli 2. l.'i'hlllo 3. Sail Luke City, I'.. 4. .*>,'llgilcn 0. Boise. Id*., 7. Itlelint-iM ami Prluglcs' (llnsen A Holland, mgrs.) (Ikln.,20, iiUuhi.uia City 21, Kl- reuo 22. Crld 8:1, Blnekwcll 23, Pnurn 21), Wlnfleld, Kan., 27. Sedan 28, Coney March I. Cnirry.vllle I. , Mlr.errl 8, Bnrtlesvllle. lud. Tor.. 4, Clicrryvale, Kan., 3, Cbnuutr (I. Vogel's (.Inhn W. Y*flm, mgr.)—Mount Vernon, N. Y., 18. Sew n.s;belle 1», IN>rl Chester 20. Stnuifurfl. Cnim.. 21. Brlilgrisirt 22. Derby 23. Dsulniry 23.'Xewburgb. N. Y.. 211. Kingston 27. I'.lleiirllle 29. Port Jervle March 1, Otnii|»'. X. J„ 2. West's. Win. II. (Sauford II. Rlcaby, mgr.)—San Pianeif-co. CsL, 1823. . nisi i]i,i,vm:oi s. Crnlkshnnk—Marlboro. X. II.. 20, Ttoy 21. Swan- aey 23. Kecnc 23; Coek & Harris. Rnalern (B. A. Conk, mgr.l— Moiili«»!lcr, Vt.. 20, llrllows P«l|* 31, 22, Lnd- InW Ian. Rutland -30, Walllugford 37, Man- cliesier 28. PI int. Mr. ami Mrs. Herbert L. (II. L, I-'llut. ingr...— Jopllu, Mo„ 18-21. Wldilla. Kan., 23- March 9. Fredrick. Hie Great (P. 0. i Mertln, mgr.)— Rllchey, Mo.. 20. 21. Wyandotte, Ind. Ver., Gr»m("'comedy (O. B. GrllDth, mgt.)— Daven- port, Is.. 18-22. Clinton 28. Hastings, Ncbr., 23-Marclf ?. Kull A Hugh's Surprise Co, (11. P. Suaruc, mgr.) (IrolOn. X. Y„ 31, Cuimlcn 22. Vau Rllen 2.1, llreesisirl 23, Owcvo 2. CniiinlsMI 27. Lnfnyetic, tli« Grenl (T. (1. Lafayette, ingr.)— Youuirslowii, 0.. 21. 22. I.iidiii. lil. Nell. I'rto—lltiekeiissek. X. J., 20, Tronton 31. New »i\f.ivd. Pu,. 22. Mount Joy 23. Iiiitrr.vvlllf 23. Hoe Itmi 20. Uiilnnvlllo 27. Mtlludetphlii 28-Mni-eh 2. Ixs-'s Gluts Illoweru (Jack Lv. mgr.i—Yoc. Pu., 18-23. Meyer Moving Pictures (II. J. Meyer, mgr.)— I'liii'.ii, Ph., 30, 21. Spnngler 32. 311. I'rtseelle nnd Rdna M«y Msgoou (P. W. Mngoon, nwr.) —Xnilli Adams. 3iass.. 18-23. Lewis ton. Me.. 23-March 2. Powell's J'aiist Llfiornnin (II. Powell, mgr.l— Mount Verm. ii. Intl.. 15-20, KilDchl,' 111.. 21-23, Nashville 23-27. Piitilliie. J. II.—Great Hurrliiglon, Mass.. 18-3,1. ReiKt. lidwai'tl—Rogers. Tn.. 20, Helton 23, (lld- lllUUS 20, Hi'nip', trad 27. Hupp. Mr. and Mrs. (Augustus Hupp, ingr.)— itrtsikllcld. Wl:,., 17-22. Scvengalii (Waller 0. Muck, mgr. I—llochcsler, I'll.. 18-83, New llcnslutii:,! 23-Miiirli 2. Smith (in-ii.r Show—(Islneslllle, Klu.,: 18.23. Svlugall (A. Mack. mgr. I—Gellvsbtirg. Pa.. IS- 30. Carlisle 21-23, Cmuberluiid, Md., 20- Maul, 2. Thurston, Hie Grenl (Hurry P, Lyons, mgr.l — Cairo. Kgypl. 18-20. Vatic—Itlelituond. Ky.. 17-23. SoHKWt 2-1- Mttreh 8. Wilder, Murstioll P. (A. II. Bsllard, mgr,)—Troy, X. V.. 20, Hyrnouse 24, Auliiiri) 23. tlhucn 20, Geneva 27. Lovkioi't March I. OIIKCON. I'.irlliiii.l. S|ii-t-lnl l.fltvr.—"Oregon." nn orlulunl liistnrlcul drntnu. hi live ucIn, by June MfMllkii Ordwiiy, received Its Hist pie- Hentiilliiii on any stnsc. by the linker Theatre. Co., ot I he linker Tlieolfc, on Jan. 28. The scenes are liiu In Oregon In the early '30:, t>n the old Oregon Trull, and In the vicinity of I lie present city nf I'i a - tin ml. and Hie story I'oncerti* u imrly of euilgrnntH who urc In Ihe Orcnon country. The Story opciiH Kitb Ihe arrival of the emigrant train, nt tlic Cusvudes of tbe Coli'iiiliin Hlver. Alice Ilurvev, duugli- (er of of the einlgrnnta, Is nhduuted by the ('nyusc Indiana. I.CO I.lnluli, Alice's lover, iletci'ioliica to I'csruu her. lie Is winned In- Doiiblclioi-i'ow. a pioneer of '411, not to cross Hie river Into the linatilc country, where the family of the hitler's brother was inns- hatred nt nn earlier dsito. hut I,en pei'slats In hi* dcteruiliiuiloi), nnd Is ciiutured by the In- dians. While hi captivity he makes a friend of nn Indian mold, who wears a locket given by Doublcborrow to his urotlicv'* daugliter. and the rescue Is finally nccouinllshcd with the iiKsUtuuee of the Indlun girl, who ac- companies Lee nnd Alice In their flight, and proven to be the niece of Doulilchorrow. "fho Mcddlng of Altco and hoc l* the final act lu the drama. The comedy clement I* supplied by u voting Irish emigrant girl and n young Scotchman. The names used In the cast are those of iictunl pioneers, of Ibe '50s. "Ore- fton" was presented under the peiconul utauc. direction of John Salapolls, with special Keener}- painted by William Grnbncb. and the authoress vi-nu fol'ltinute Id liavlng tbe n i- idstance of Mm. 31da Doll Carrier, otic of the best, womnn mnuotccrs In the United States, with respect to the technique of t'uo piny, (aim : Chlof Hnerlili'e-lIy-a»-T.v-ce. Ar- thur Mucklcy; Rimncr of the On discs, ■ Ly n- tiui A they: .Inincs Harvey, William L. (Ilensou: -Mrc. flnrvey. Minn C. fjleason': AI|co narvcy. Lillian Lawi'diice: Dcuoy Har- vey. Joyce, flntil.'f : Tluiothy, Clady* Hanks; Joshua, DoiniId Horse; Mui'tha Jane, Xuda Ilnnlts ; Mellsin Ann. Jessie Kyle: Mahetiible, Adeie H.-tiiiiB ; Atii'un Ilurr. Dot Kyle: Pugg? O'llnrn. Moi'lbel Seymour: ICIdor snap, llon- f'ld Iluc.ics: Ocacun Mow. Howard Russell: Sandy (Illesple. J. A. Glenson : Zcke Dundor- ilorf. WiiMiiin DIIIb; Torn DouhluborrotV, W. iLirrks; Lee f.ititon, John M. Haliipolls: Lit- tle Knwn. Kthel Orcy Terry: Lfjn Zlgler. Kthel Jones: Mrs. Hippie, Yolborg Algreii; .Tunc Harlan. Florence l)nv»npoiI : Mrs, M'hecler. Delia De Moth: Mr*. Peltlgrnva. Lillian Rtinkt!: Ivlmlra Turnbiill. Man Cor- nelius ; Long Joe. |40 Mndbard: .Pcglccr Smith. Lyuton Atliey: llnttcrrnllk nnmnli- reyei, Thomiis Harper; Sieve Hkldmore, l.M i: I'ntiei' ;(','.ptiln lilies. Jomea Hralth: Tllto M'oodmun. wiiiiiini Ilenter: mil Ashpole. Ceorge Hradhnry; IHlsb Applcgate. Juiuos Morjau : Jinclinrtn Bones. Orrln I'luuey. a i a UTAH. Halt Lake City—At tbe Suit Lake The- atre. (Ceo. D. Pypcr, nmnagcr) Olga N'ctbcr- sole played to crowded, bouse* week of l"cl>. 11. Creston Clarke. In "Tttc Ragged Men- lannr." 18-80: Isabel Irving 81 -83,- OttAXfi (A M, Cos. uaungai-).—"Lost In New York" did good biulueas 10-13. "Qulncy Alluiut bnwyev" did well 14-10 "A Tegos ■tuni-'cr"' 1.7--0. "A Jolly Aniat'lcui) Traluu" ji.SU. • •• ~ ', -f- LYRIC (It. A. Grant, manager).—Week of 10. "A Pledge nf Honm-" ,11,1 good UnUk . Ourviriii (iUiilu Deck, uiaoiiger),—Wcog of 11 : l-7lu.Iit Vussar (iirls, Howard nnd How- ard. VnII1 nnd I'.ovl. l.coiiiiiil ami Louie. Wynne W'lnslow. nnd Jimmy Lucas. t s » IMVI'HICT OK COLIAIIIIV. AViiNliliiKton.—At the New XntlOlinl (W. II. Uniwy, manager) William UHlCllo, In "Clarice," IS and week. Illclmrd .Mansllnlil, In "Pei'r Hynt." ami one nljfbt of "Beit)) Ilrumincll," aeored 11 nnd week, Maxima Klllott. In "Her Urcnt UAtrh," March I.' Cui.i'MntA (l.uckett A Dwyer, malingers). —This ueelt, Kelhtr, nKslalcd by I'fllil vain- don. l.nat week Lhwrence D'Olsny, In "T1i« I'uii.tmsy Hall," had good business. May lm in 2.1 nnd week. Iln.i.sni (I,, stiidilnnl Taylor, ninnaaci'). —(Iny Siniulliig nnd lldello Tyler, in 'Tlin Luvc Ilouic," week of lH-2,'1. I,nst week .Ininca T. I'ower*. In "The lllne Moon," hid crowded mioses. Mr*. Klske, III "Tho Now Yorfc Iden," iTi-March 8. .M\,ii-.ktic (0. L. Klsler. manager).—• Illekel. Wntson and Wiethe, In "Trim, lllcli and Ilnrry." 18-23. I.nst week Jno fldrllu. In "Unr I'l'lenil 1'rltz." hnd excellent luisl- neaa. "Clilnniown Oharlle" 2"» nnd week. Lvckl'm (Kngena Kernmi, mnnagoi).— Thl» week, MIns New York Jr. Last week Sam Devcre'n mm Co. kejit tlic house crowd- ed all wcelt. TJip Baltimore lleaullea neii Chasm's (Mian II. Winifred !>« >Vltl. man nger).—The bill tlila week Includes: Tin' Hlieiinnii Do l-'orcHt coiupnny, Ihe Kltignrl Opera Troupe, Melville Hills. Cr*M lilim,, l-'i't'dn and llnre, Horn .Martini, Mullen nnd Corclll ind the vlinejrupli. ♦ ■ » COI.OII AIMI. Iipnvor. •— At the Ilroadwnr (Mrs. K. I'. McCiiuil. itiniiiiKcr) last week good houses were plenned with Amelia Illiiglinm. In "The l.llac rtoiiin." Week of Feb. 1H-23, Slllfu D'Xell: wct.'k of 20-Mai'ch 8, Olga XetUrr- MW Taiidii fiit.xxn (Mrs. K. P. Jlt'Court, map- ngcr).—"HI* HopkliiM" did big business lust week. "Serurunt Kilty" Pel). I7-'.*:|. Prim- rose's Mlnalri'ls 24-Mni'di 8. "Tho Tender- fool" follows. ORPIIkTN (Marlln Heck, manager).— Tills house did (he usuiil good huslnosn lust weuk, villi the following hill: Three Mood Urn*.. Three Mllchclls, lOtulllu Hose, I,cv Harrison, Mil} I'Moiiin ntul Cecil Ldwuiils. (Inlic Iluasy'x iierfonulng cata, St. Oligo llrotbers. nnd pictures. Gi irns (A. II. Pelton, munager).—"A .folly American Tramp" whs last week's: attrac- tion, nnd did fnlr business. "Lion's Heart" I'Yb. 17-23, "Old Arltansnw" 2-l-Maich 2, citvHVAi (f>, I. Adams, uiuiiiikci'). —(loml iuii,r.ieMs ruled lust week, with the following hill: rivlvi'Kler and llensel. Vinrlck rind I.o londii. I'liuili lleucli, (Murk lliolllers, Oscar v, aicii. and the pictures. Novill.TY (Henry Ltiliolsltl. mumiger).— Tho bill last week Included: Manchester lIl'Ullii.'i'H llpiland and IIoIIIhiid. thu Alierns, July mill I'nkii. Maud Coi, Jennie llonllr), mill Ihe piclurcK. XtiTl's.—Josef Mievlnne, Ihe llusiilnn pi- anist, rendered nn excellent pmgrnniiiio lit u local chinch, before a fair slued audience, U s»'» . AIAIIAMA. Troy.—At I'olniar'M Theulic (Krunk P. I'oliuni', uiantigi'i') wiib dark I'eh, ll-lu. Coin- ing: "Must Lynuc" 12. I'rof. Krauk (>. Htever- Inc. iilniilsl. 32.'"J nines Hovi. in MIbsoiii I''2,'.. ClTV Sl'IIOOI. AllPITOUIUM.—Mllt'O, IllUltl- Clllll, 12. Moiifiromrry.—At the Montuoinery ThiJ- non (Itli'Bchcr Rroa.i niaiiagers) "The Cnl- le«e Widow." Ki»h. 1 i), hud gootl bualncHii. Xnl C (Joodwln 81. IH.kiii (O: A. Neal, manager).—"The Nine- ly and Nine" cloned three uuyu' eiiuugeniciil, lo crowded house*. "Tbu Missouri Olrl," 14- 1(1, pICUM'd. iff Dofiitur.—At tbo Lyceum. (Thomas I'olk l.lttlejolii), manager) Nat (.', Onodwln. In "A Glided Pool." I'eb. 0. hud line business. The Lyman Twins, In "The Uuatlers," 111. had n good house.' Anna liny, In "When Knight- hood Wtiii In Klowcr," 14, came to one of tile InrgCKl houses of tho season. Coming: "7,azn" SO, "A MtswiKe from .Mara" 28. "Tho Mummy nnd th" Humming Ulrd" 20. "The Sign of the Cross" 28. solum.—At ihe Academy of Music (Lone ft Itees, ma lingers) "Zaiu." I'd). 1). "When h'nlghlbood Was tn I-Tower" had a good house 18. "KverylxHlr Works Hut Ifpther" 14. "Mrs. Wiggs t,t Ibe Cabbage Patch" in. "Our Now Minister" 21. the Uaya, In "Down tho Pike." 22■! "The Hlgn of tlm Cross" 20, Adit- lulde Thurston March 2. Kvw i)i-e«tiir,— .\t Hie 1'nync Theatre (w. K Htced, manager) the standard Opcru Co,. In "Martha/' I'cb. 11. The sauic com- pany, In "The liolicniiiiti Olrl," 18, had u line house. ■ . +* » ivr.MT vinGiKiA. Wlieellnir—At the Court <H. n. Krnni!- hi'lm. managet'l John Drew, In "Ills House In Ornor." came Feb. 11. and hud big returns. Illunche Walsh, In "The Straight Hoad." 13. had 8. It. 0. "The Islo of nong-Bong" did well 14. KrtUI 'Hcheff. In "Mile. Modlsto," 18: "Tlio Marriage of Kitty" S3, 'oppka IIouhv, (Clias. A. KclnltT, iiiniiagev). —The limine win. dui-k IMS. "The Cow-I'unidicr." 14-10, liail good returns. "Dolly Iilmplus" 18-20. Cole and Johnson. In "Tho hlioo-Klv lt»|lniei)t," 21-83. Hi-roii (Scliuek ft llearloy. owncrsl.—The bill for week of II gave good aatlsfscllon. lo like i-enniiM. nil) for week of 18 Includes: Knl ia'iin Bros., the Tour Hrucdons. Karl I). McC'oIiouch, and tbe moving pictures. OajuTv (C. D. Thompson, owner).—Tim Hurnn'O'Ilrlcn fight pictures, 14-10, Bad good returns. The house Is dark week of 18. NOrt.—'J. X. Wttlei-bury. of New York City, has undertuken to break the endurance tout Of continuous piano playing, at tbe Uljoii Dlcuifl, formerly (be Mekulbduoii, g t rfe ' .... . KA.vyoiio axo D.MiMKarux dftnr Iwenlv- llve wt-ks uu the Sulllvnii-Cuiistdluo clrdlilr. are rotiirning Host. Thfly have played re- nin engagement* over itio entire' circuit for Coniiillne. i» ■ .-•;■:".;»;* r i;