The New York Clipper (March 1907)

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> MAItCH 2. THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. 50 '[jig"''''' I.IrtU,' and. Jna. E,. Saillvirt and iwp ,vvpii and vera, tarn njeuu. mo s »f ,nf 'Trio Vberte, Hayet and Batata, "J 1 "*;, i„ iFnnnle Van and the kinetograph. ' w , ." hnslness 18 and week. 'TrrscVs (Theo, WcMlIk, manager)-The Kcl ?,r«i ■•» and week has Fred Walton bl11 &%ndUWTi Others afei Stanley, " 'InrtTar the MaerlllcB. Vano. Marlon 4S B hS«.^4W Sinclair. Musical Lowes, rl-bt&r Girls,.and Keeneyscope. Fine *$&?( Ifrebte BUIa, manager).-The Dainty ffii'S 25 and week; with two extra "KSffaiSr Su» Selblnl and the Willie ttIlr ;« Troup". The olio Includes: Kecler '"?'Watson. Carie and Floret!*. Scanlon sD 2 FvansV and others. The house was "rondel from pit to dome at every perform- fl,1 ?twRiAJ. C( (W.' C. Gay lor, manager).—The , ?,; r.irls Co. started a week's engagement $PUm a crowded house. "A Wise Ouy" Tinted. The olio Is big. flood business iISm Buoadwat (Leo C. Teller, les- .?^Vhe Squaw Man/' with William H&3*m ? lM» week, "ken Hur" had a ff e " ? ek, ending 23. Next, "Little Johnny j0 ™'r'v fBennet Wilson, manager).—DoTld nffi n-HlsLast DoUar/ this week. 58mw* Williams nod Walker drew big S: T^TTV X(, ^flmlr fl ciark. manager).-The fforMBMten this week. The olio ; The Five nViInnos Warren and Brockway. Bohnnnon ™Tcore'y.' Xlblo and Spencer, Special feat- ure, utltontei Wf «na ."The Dance' of Xrsu«n Veils." Good business last week ; 7 »h the Bachelor ClnlyCo. Next, the De.laty lla potLi ^Charles F). Williams, manager),— rh l s week's bill Includes: .lainore sJlsteru. Irene Franklin, Bae and Brosche, Kanaka and »Vno Booney and Bent, Chalk Saunders, and ibe Wtzglbbon-McCoy Trio. Business con- lln miNEV*'s (Morrla Sehlosslngcr, manager). -"•IV Kve Wllness" this week. Big houses week ending 23. Next, "A Man's Brokeu ''"gotham (F.dgnr F. Qlrard. manager).— Rill for week of 25: Ethel Fuller and cora- iuinr Bertie and Herron, Stlnson and Mertou, K■ and Itrosebe, Keno, Walsh and Melrose. -- Corson Clarke Business con- tivii Snort and Kallles. Hairy Corson Clarke and" company, and Mc.Vamce. • I In nes large, Pavton's (S. S. Allen, manager).— •Rallies." with Kfta Reed and. Corse Payton. this woek. "A Daughter of the South"" had :, K o(id week, ending -*:$. Next. "Paul He- Iatkoi < Louis Phillips, manager).—"The orphans of New York." with M. S. Wood In tin' principal role, this week. Week of 18. ••The Waifs of New York/! hud big linslncfis. \bwh If ems.— Joseph Knllski. formerly mmiiiife'r of 'The Isle of Spire" Co. (Wcst- .•riii tind brother nflho nurdilar treasurer. Louis Knllski, of the Majestic Theatre, has invented the trcnsiirerslilp of Bennett's The- atre, ottnrW,' Ontario Business at the Star the hast week exceeded any previous week this season .!. B. l-'lynn. treas- urer nf I He HIJou, spent several days Inst week nt his home Inhlughnmton. N. Y..v.'. Manager l'rltlley repawn record business last reek "with. )>w Dodkstftder's Minstrels . The Ideal :order of-Ulka will give n iliealre parly at the Bijou. March ft. Six hundred satis have lieen engaged for the--occasion, u-lii-H the Spooner Slock Co. will present "Othello.", under the pcrsonnl direction of Frederick- Warde. ■. » i > 1 XBW Y.OBK STATE. Buffalo.—At the Star Theatre (P. C. Cor- nell, inannger) Fny Tcmpleton, In "Forty- ii»e Minnies from Broadway," Is the attrnc- ilon for week of Feb. 25. "The Spoilers" week of March 4. Elsie Jnnla did well week uf Feb. 18. I.yjiio Tiieathc (J. Laughlln, manager). —What promises to be the biggest theatrical engagement over played In Buffalo Is tint of timid Werfleld, In '-The Music Master," 20- Mnnh 2. The entire house has been sold nt advanced prices for the five nights and two matinees. I) ivld liesslcr and his Yiddish players return for one night. Feb. 25. Garden Thbatrb (Chan. B. White, mana- jer).— Qny. Morulng Glories and Oeoree niron wepk of 25, Trocnderos March 4. The Mil Lifters enjoyed mnrked prosperity and pleased. • LvFAYErrrB Tirn.VTBE (Chns. M. Bngg, man- ager).—Fay Foster Co. week of Feb. 25, Twentieth Century Girls week of March 4. The Empire BurlesqueM and Frank Gotch played to fine business. Acadehy (P. C. Cornell, manager).—"Be- hind the Mask" week of Feb. 26. "A Mid- night Escape" follows. ."Bertha, tbe Sewing Machine Girl." had a substantial run. Shea's.— The bill week of,25 Includes: Master Gabriel, Will M. Cressv and Blanche D«yne, the Flnneys, Ben Welch, Helena Fredericks, Nettle Carroll, Caron and Her- ocrt, and Mnxmllltan. Crcatore's Band was ■ a great hit last week. Tncic TriEATW! (P. C. Cornell, manager). -"1 lie Arrival of Kirty" 25 and week. "AH- zona" did quite tvell. WABBUmron THEATnn and Museum (Lewis t. Linn, raDnflgei:).^—Current: Femnle San- ow, Hossle ta Blancho and Bnndlon. ■ i e i \^' CHter — At the Lyceum Thintro (M. !••• »olft, manager) the annual minstrel show ^o under the. auspices of local B. P. O. 2!J Feb. 18, proved a huge success, an Ira- niense audience MUW In attendance. Viola Aim, supported by rioward nould, Sydney mironuri and nn excellent company, gave i.ymbellno" Rnd "Love In Llvary," before Tbreo large, houses, If), 20. Chnuncey Olcott iind his usual S. R. O. business, 22, 2.1, ...JSP A »"»nre" being given a beautiful pre- sontntlon. The Symphony Orchestra (local) r,'o' i ho Llpzln Yiddish Co. 2(5, "Tho Spollera' 1 -S March 2. •V no ?, Al ' Theatsb (Mar nttrtlg, mana- B r rK T McFodden's Fials," Fob.- 18-20, l'>!'F. , ^ ,">. Rood nttendnnce. '"I'he Uyiwy ,',,.' f "a"H'ln6 Holly Kemper, lind Inrge uiim™" fi& Thp Smart Set 25-27, "A .Ml lonnIre's lterenge" 28-Mnrch 2. Kakkr Thratbb QXtn, X. J. Boyle, mnn- iRiTi.— fiie Baker Tlientrn Stock Co. was •jcpilonnlly well cast In "Ilomlman Blind." ™tS *%&> S (,nl1 hualness being tt\r> result. ,t\7,J s S m ' n ,sln '" with the vaudeville acts m Mm G. Wood, moving pictures and UKu- iratwl nongs, 90 and week. "ilk (M'era IKiurh (,r. H. Moore, mann- ,"r).—Lust ivcolt's atroug bill drew S. It. 0. .SW'JP 0 Flnneys scoring heavily.. Week rii .' h' M Kdwards, Spook Minstrels, Ilay- (lie s Uoaa. l-lstolle Wotdctte and compauy. \S^°S MI| lKeta. Qulnlnn and Mopk. Orth k"i »li 0U * nm,y oua """ sou > a "<l ktneto- n ,».'" u,N " nnAN * Theatre (Henry C. Jacobs, ninn^r, Tbc . N( , w . York Stars gave a n ■ Itorlous Bhow, onUre week of 18, to larpo • •!',• il". 0nn s «'as an added feature it- -"■ tho Lid Lifters Co. 25 and week.r ?er), "^\ ne l«fl»tnn Widows had good bust- l'>i M J? h -J^i°- n n °* G "»> Kngllsh Follv York Sta^25-2T ' '° ™' ntht t,, " lness ' ** J&FEL ,<" h -"'b. Nichols, mnnager).—Im- peral Burlesouers, 18-2U. did gooj btiKluess. 25L 7 ™SS l « hi \ -V- 3 ' E aTe a 8° 0<1 Perform- Americans 25^7. ' ? "*«* "tartl i _Troy.—At Rand's Opera House (II. T. B"??iR1! > ° , k r ? slapnt J nlnDll e ei ') "Tae Arrival ?» «- , i t iL. hnd . " ga P i , hou ' e K,,h ' 1() - Marshall L„. lw f.L.I> Ie «is«l large audiences, In his lecture '•Through Jnpe.n." 20. "A Message trom Mors was a drawing attraction 21. iwrcas bad a fair audience 22. Kvrle [tot- &S"^& 'arge house 28, "A Hagged Hero" niV 2 ,l'oo C °!?i n «. T ?, ro tne R y*" 27;-<:hanpcey. Olcott 28, 'jWhat Happened to Jones" March "'Proctob's (William H. Graham, resident mnuager).—-Bill for week of Feb. 25: higher and Barrett, Paul Barnes, the Great Jernon, Orletta and Taylor, the Majestic Trio. Potter and Harris, and Kaufmann Troupe. Li-cEi-jt. (R. H. Keller, manager). —The Tiger Lilies had good business 18-20, Wll- llnrns Imperldls, with the Olrl In Blue, lilayed to S. R. O. 21-2.1. Campbell's N'lght- Ingales 2„-27, (he Americans 28-Mnrch 2. «»» . MICIUOAX. Ottrolt.— At the Detroit Opera nousa (B. C. Whitney, manager) Francis Wilson, supported by an excellent company, played to Ilhpral patronage Feb. 18-20. "The Land of >\od" closed, the week ro good business. The. house Is dark 25-27. Grace Qeorgo 28- March 2 » ■ s -i ■ . ■" ' — Lvceu.m Theatre (E. D. Stair, manager). —Al. G. Field's Qreater Minstrels presented a good entertainment, and drew well week of Feb. 18. "Peggy from Paris" week of A J. LAFATETTn Theatre (Dr. Campbell, man- ager).—Homer B. Mason and Margaret Kel- ler headed a well balanced bill last week, and crowded houses ruled for week of 24 : Thon. Q. Senbrooke and company, Chadwlek Trio, Roll, I'revosl. Trio, Two Kramers, F.llnor Hngen, F.tlwin (icorge, Voeig Bros., Harry A. Brown and the vltngrnph. Whitkev Theatiie (I 1 . - . D. Stair, oiana- gcr). —"The Phantom Detective" packed the house at every performance week of 17. '•When the World Sleeps" week 21. Teuft.n Tin-writi: (J. II. Moore, mniutgpr). —.Master Gabriel and cotnpanv oitule the lending lilt of last week's eir'ellent hill, and S. It. 0. was the rule. Week of 25 the hill Includes: fieo. Evnns, Julia Sanderson, Max Wossely, Knight I'.ros. and Morlou Snwlello, tho Italian Trio, Delphirto and Detnidra, Cliarlotre 1'arry, Willnrd. Slmms nnd com- pany mill the tdncingrHphL Oavktv.- TiiEATiin (II. H. Hedges, mana- ger).—Cracker Jack Rnrlesqners offercdllieir patrons :i good entertainment, and crowded houses was the rillo week 17. The Trans- Atlunllc Riiilcsipicrs week 25. Avnxi.'E T»e.itiie (Drew & Campbell, man- aaci'.')-.—Miner's Merry Hurlesquers gilve a siiljs'f.vlng performance. In llbernl palrohnge, week 17. ThcT'Jmplre lliirlesipicrs week 21. .CisYsTAr, 'CukaAjie (1. .1. Nash, mnhager.). —Last week's bill.was good, and attendance, up to the .'iiiual Bia«{lard. Dill >week of ;2S Includes: Golden and Hughes, Tourist. Trio, Juggling Malthleu, Ansoa Schlrhnrt and the klriodranic. ■) •■ ■ ■ ■ — - ' t T V- 1 ' •■ ■ ' " ' CnidL W. Siuidtrann, of the- tontn of Sanderson . and Bowman, died, nt the Cnl- verslty Hospital. Kansas City, Ma. on Feb. .t, from paralysis, ilr. Bowman waa per- forming at the Orpheum. that city, week nf .fan. 27, and on Jan. 2P, during hU »k Clipper Post Office F/U- Abbott FlomceL Blood good. Limit 11. titlltrd, K>ln» Harry,- •■ Mrs. Jlnuale Eewdrj, Blntlohe Brldj», Uile ... »kcfch t entitled "Theatre Tickets for Two," he was stricken. Mr. Sanderson was born In Milton, \t., twenty-nine yeRrs ago. He served In the Spanish-American war. Mr. Sanderson for- merly did a single piano turn. Mrs, Cnrrle Ashley Clarice, the widely known playwright and actress, died nt her home In Marlon, ltd, Feb. 16, from nervous debility. Mrs. Clarke was for n number of Reasons vr.lth Dcnmnrj. Thompson. In "The Old Homestead.'' she was the author nf the play,' "For Mother's Snke.V She leaven a husband, now In the South with "Our N*w Minister," and two children. Rnanell A. need, an actor, died from tuberculosis r.t Auburn. Pat, on.Feb. 2 f aged twenty-one years. He made hi* debut se,ven years ago at the old Dewey Theatre, Oakland. Cal., and since then became well known dn »» , m»»i_,-~": the coast. His father, one brother'and tee 5 r >«nBlabcha Blatcr survive him. The remain* were to- ffjg'llmflP' terred in .Oakland, v .'.'•. SfII''B«Iii- John S M«Wnde. the old time opera 5'^.' ?|™" nlnger, died evening of Feb. 15. at the Enter- B J£X r Blanche gency Hospital, Chicago, from heart trouble, jmtn Ooroih? He entereif tlie hospltnl early Inst November, Bexent. suffering from a complication of diseases, and mm. Omcc left about Christmas time. Ho often went Burns. Hatt'e there ns the guest of Dr. Fletcher, the super- limliiw. All'* Intendent, and went there 1.1. to spend a day or so. when ho was strleken. His sister, Susie McWude, wns nt his bedside when he died. Mr. McWade was born In Chleago about fortv-olght year*- ago, and received vocal training from the best teachers. When the. Chicago Church Choir Co. «a« orgahlr.ed In 18.70. with Will J. Davis n.s-manager, iio accepted a position with It. Jessie, Bgrtlett, afterwards Jlrs. Davis, was a member, with her sister. Josephine Battlett. Their' llrst production was "Hnafore," in which Mr. McWade sang the captain. The Choir Co. developed Into the Boston Ideal Opera Co.. and later the Bostonlans. Mr. Mc- Wade left the operatic stage some years ago, and, In 1808, went to London, where l.e sang before many of tbe lending clubs of the city. When a youth, be lost his left arm. It having been aceldentnlly shot off hv n friend. The funeral occurred 1ft, from the Rethnny Congrieentlonal Church, where he used iq sing of lnte yenrs. The - in order <» nvold mln(ak»« and to the prompt delivery of the letter* ndvc*tl*e«t In tilt* ll»t, »n envelope*'plainly nddre»«ed mn«t be i eni rnr eneh letter, nnd n trrltteu order for tlie letter, Rlicned trlth the fall niinio mid ntldrewii and tlie llni- of bnnlnrak folln-rred hy the sender, inokt alMo he c,nrlo»fil. Please mention the date tor nnm- bert at the cLlPPRR In which tin* letter* nent for tvere ailvertlneti, - 1,-ArtllZS' LIST. I»«le. Chs*. iMtberTrnniii! litrew, I l>e Bar, Hurry i Leslie. J«s. |Jtell«aA A Dale, l v . A, Fall* (2e,)i Rider, Otto Hii'litngteii, La llcrro iRooney Srephen Albertl Lanenster,- John,Rockwell, J. (1. F.tcela > Leltcnherger. ^indolph-, The KcktMn,. Willie- .- Frank R«ld, John H. ■tMruohrts, Kmer-'Leeaard Jehu II KO-.-elt, ITcl J. Hon A lirtnionds.Lipirelle, Otis linsSell Trio r.riccl, Uertn Lx'ons, J. Lowell ft Inwill j>iiior«l; BkM t'.»ik. Miss P. Curtis, Alice F. Crowley, . (Jenevle'e Crawford. wtnnlo D. Clayton, Mm Carew. .Mabel x .- K'ellle B. Ciarti, CMC6 Cook. Nellie Carlton llorotliy Coi, Ray Carmen IsBells Carter Winifred Cornell, 51 ml go Carliou, Doroihy Carlton, Kaille Carnvn, Clnra Chaplain N.'llle Coir*lr, i;mras Clinrland, tMUU tv<rui„lly Mrs..lC Fortv Cluh had chnrgtj of the 'ceremonies. Carter. Ethel Tie-Bov, iesse Jl KolmoH.-n friend of '>'"'"' r ,}. c ; 1 ' 1 ,. and tlie ihe decensed, conducted the services. Mr. McWade was onn of the orlelnnl members of the Forty Club. The pnll bearers were: Will .1. Jin vis. Heorge »'. Charlton, II. O. Swift. A. fl. Ilenunlsne. F. M. Morris. W. S. llnotli. R W. Smith, W. Hall and Frederick W. Hoot, who wss his old vocal teacher, nnd tbe Instructor or the Church Choir Co. icin-iii vaitmir. mi. ui<! rime actor, died at Mercy llospltiil, Cltleagn.'.III.,. Ffh. 21, from heart dropsy' nnd complications^ dun. to overwork, lie was manager/ ill different times in his career, of Cnrollne nichiird'M <.'o.. n stock company. In Brooklyn: the Cora Van nuvnfcu Jps.'le Tassel Co.. and ' "Tl(p ltli|di!n Hand" Co., n,.|meut wtfT* ulso mnnager of the. opera houses In Altoonn. Iliirrjsliiug. l'ottsvllle apd- Xorrislown, Pk. After.' (he lmnilng of this last house,- he miniiged "Indiana Folks,"'the KVhvtn Voting Conn. Blanche (.'lyiiier MtM.CH C.hvII, .Mri.Dod tShW, Mr-Cliss, Conrnil, 1-lilnli IMmier MayiBet! Dose, Orscv l'.iir, Mile. Di'SillOIKl, Drew, DkMfty Dajnon, Kitty lleAriaond. Mrs. l>ann. Vlclocla Uui-rc,. Until) Alliniiy.i—At Ilarmrthus llleecker Hall (II.- ;. .lai-olia, maungerj "A Message from Mara," <•* , .'. 10 ' ~ ua<1 fiood "houses, "and "The '■rniid. Mogul."..20. delighted a very largo •Mlence, Kyrle Bellew, In "A Marriage of •i■ .r. 0 ! 11 '. h ? d an excellent house. Fay '••nipleton drew well 22, 23, In "Forty-Qve ',■ I WSL 'foni Broadway." "The Cowboy • L 2j-2T ' Chauncey Olcott March 1, 8, inoeion's (Howard Graham, resident mnnaaer l— mil for Feb. 2fi and week: Henri I™?™' CMkley and McBrlde, Boston Quar- lf »e. Lncle and viate, Xat Halnea, Albertlna Grnnd Itaplds. — At the Xew I'nwers (Harry (',. Summers & Co.. managers I Hlauehe Walsh, In ■•The Straight. Road, Feb. 22, 23, drew well. . Viola lilllet.te. Op,era Co. 2(1. Al. U. Fields MlnsirelB 27, 'Tlie 1-nnd of Nod" March 2, Eisrn Kenunll ft. ' . M.v.iKSTic (Orlu Stair, manager I.—i-Vorke and Adams, iu "Hankers nnd Brokers,'' Feb. 17-20, drew well, as did "The Olri Bandit," 21-23. "Me/ Him nnd I" 24-27. "The Phan- tom Delcctlre" 28-Mnrch 2, 'Tcggy from I'Srls" 3,0, '"I'he Bnd Man from Mexico" 7-0. flRANO' OrKti.i HncsE (Churchill *; Davis, mnnajcrsl.—Bill week of Feb. 24 :■■' LHUnu Apcl, Mueller find Mueller. Tinrry and; Mar- garet. Daly- -Yokes, And; Wilson's dog* fljld monkeys.-. r \ '■' s.. <■»' .: — • ■•■ ■. JIFATIIH IN TlIK l'BOI'KSSION. . Archibald Clnverlnnr Rnnter, the famous novelist and playwright, died sudden- ly from apoplexy, on Saturday night, Feb. 23, at his home, 145 Went Seventy-third Street, New York Cltv. aged llfty-nlne years. Mr. Quitter wss born In Liverpool. England, la 1J54S. His first successful novel, "Mr. Barnes of New York." made him a fortune, and was later dramatized. In.the dramatic ' Held Mr. Giinter's best known work Is "Prince. Karl." Re wrote thlrty-nlnc novels and several playo, Including: "Two Nights In Eome." '■•Fresh, tbe American," "Mr. Totter of Texas" "The Deacon's Daughter.'! He was proprietor-of the Home Pnwlshfng Com- pany, No. 3 Fast. Fourteenth Street. Ills wife survives him. Krnulc MneVlenra, an English actor, lately prominent through his success us Itlchard llorrigan. the "Tammnny Doss," In "The Man of the Hour, 1 ' at.-the Savoy-Thfl. atre, New York City, was found dead early on the morning of Feb, 21, with a fractured skull, In tho areaway of the. Hotel Illvoll, No. 103 West Thirty-eighth Street, Ihls'eity. The police believe thnt he was stricken with heart failure ns he ivas about to climb the steps of the hotel, and that his skull was fractured ns he fell to the pavement. He was an Englishman by birth, and In his unlive land gained bis early slagn training. It was In tbe support of Beerhohm Tree that American Hti.llenees flrot became 'm-nurvlutert with hltu, appearing at lite Knickerbocker Theatre in ltn»7'wltb Mr. Tree, an Claudius, in ''Hamlft;" Taffy, In •■Trllhy," hndt'oinoinl Lnbroitk, In "The Seats of tbe Mighty." He tueii toured Australia for a year or two, nnd then determined to permanently identify himself with the American stnge. For three years Mr. MncVlc.irs played Important parts with .Inines Nelll'n company, touring the country, and for an erjunl length of lime he wns a member of flic Morcisco Stock Co., ap- pearing principally In Snn Francisco. In- lernient wiin In Kverpreen Cemetery, N. 1, Clinx. zimiiieiiiiiui, resident matmger of the Empire Thentie, Indianapolis, Ind., died Feb. 21. from acute liver trouble, after an Illness of two weeks, aged forty-live years. Mr. Zimmerman was born In Cincinnati, and entered Ihc employ of the Hcitck Opera House Co. ns an usher, at Hruck'n Opera House, twentv-llve years ago, nnd, worked his way up to treasurer of the theatre. When the Umpire Theatre was opened, In 1802. he was sent to Indianapolis to represent tho Illinois Opera House Co., us resident mnnager. and hun held the position continuously until tbe time of his death, lie was u uiciuber.of Knights of l'ythlus, Fraternal ;Orto of EagleU, Ked Men: add Knlghls of FWollty. He was of u kind nnd genial disposition, arid u host uf friends • mourn bin untimely end. Tlio funeral was In charge of. the orders of which lie wus a member. .His wife and one' son survive him. • „ , u • Will J. Duffy, business manager of "The Squiiw Man" Co.. No. 2, died last week at St. Vincent's Hospital. Norfolk, \a./ from pneumonia, aged Ufty-Ilve years. • Durlur tho past tweutv-mc years he had becu on. the executive staff of theatrical companies. Vor several soosous he represented eompnulea un- der f.'hnrles l'rohmnn'n direction, nnd left Mr. Fralnaan's employ recently to accept a. position wlih Llebler & Co. He was a mem- ber of the Qreen Room Club. Slock Co., and at.-.tho time of.Ills Illness was In 'vmidt-vllln-with-tils wife. Lenn Ui'-I.ngel. nhd'lhritr children, presetltlnir vThe llniglnr and Ills t'liildi"-U6n)t|Hl uMU'-'Jime. :Ifta wife. ifeMnJt d|fli)by. lScvfiu'. .vi-nlsi, :,u dnughlnr. Ildna':'- ele\Vn . years, and", his . brothers and sisters, survive him. .Tie, resided at 2545 In- diana Avenue. Chicago, where his widow would like .to henr from friends'. -. >•'• .William K. F.uson, since manager at the Sidney Knson Theatre, Chicago, 111., died on Feb. 21, at his home .In .thnt oltjv from cancer, aged flf ty-seVcn. years; Mr. . Uuson was a brorlier of Sidney J., owner of the Sid- ney .1. Eiisou Theatre. He wns boru In Tro.v, N. V..' where bo was married to Anna C. Walker In 1874.! They went to Chicago iu fSii7. where he was employed os mnnager of the Euson Thentrr. [uleriuent was in rur-eat Home Cemetery. His wife survives htm. Harriett Jaciiues, n burlesque actress, died from consumption, on Feb. HI, In St. I.onls. Mo., at _tbe home of. her grand- parents. • Melt last engagemeni was with iriark'^'Rim'AWiiy (llrls Co., season of IPOS- 11)04. i She In survived by one son ntjd a sister,', •. ; • .'/' . _,.;. '• wnilnm Yonng, n well known Western aelor, died In Chtongo. III., on I'eh. 17.' lie had been wllh the Lincoln J. Carter iittrnc- Hone, E. C. Wilson. Al. Davidson and others. Ills wife survives .him. Edna Ivolllns. wife of Stuart I* Foil Ins, died In London, Feb. 21, from tuberculosis, aged twenty-nine years. She was- well known In the protesjlon as a whistler, nnd has pin veil llio States nnd the European continent. She was for three yenrs with tbe Fulgora Show. Of late she appeared ns Mile. Edna. Her last appearance was at Keith's, Philadelphia, July, 11)06. She then went to Saranac- Lake, N. Y., jnd latrjr to England. . Her home was In Denver. She In survived by her husband and two children. III A 111 OF "HURON." .Wirov J. [USBUMXa, for over llfty yenrs chess editor of Tin: New York Cmitrr, died, Feb. 24, al Ills home In Campion Vil- lage, N. 11., from Brlghi's disease. "Mlron," as Mr. Mnseltine was known among dc'vntiws of the gtuneof chess, was about eighty years of age, nnd for the past fonv years was conald- ered one of the leading Cues* nnlborltles. As a student and unnlyst nf tlie game he had no Hiiperlor, nnd few eiiimlR. and many a knotty chess prohlem was sent to him hy prominent plnyers the world over, for him to straighten out. Ills loss will be mourned by a large circle of friends, In nnd out of inc chess world. In thlH country and In every land where chess Is played, tyhcre he was known for bin never tiring work for the ad- vancement ntid good of ibe game. Ills wife and several sons and daughters survive him. ♦»♦ _ Wreck on the I'cnnnj Ivnnlii llon.l inline- Well Kinm-ii Theatrical People. Amnng the people who were Injured In Ihe wreck ot the Peimsylvimln SiH-cml, the fast eighteen hour train on I In- Pennsylvania Bnllrond, between New York nnd Clllcdgo, wlilih occurred nt a sliflrp curve at Blinds Diamond, Ph.. tieven miles Knut of JnluiM- town, shortly nfier midnight on Friday, Feb. 22, were nix well known thenlrlcal men. At the Allonna llnspllnt are Samuel I'. Nixon, of Nixon A Zimmerman, Phllndelphln', ami Fells Isnuin. the I'lillndelphlii cnpltallnl, renl eRtnln dealer and thcairlcnl investor. Mr. Nixon Is seriously hurl, ills collarbone. Is broken, unil he Un,i lviluuds on Hie sctil|i. Mr. iBiiuni 'luid l)ls buck badly wrenched. nnd wns bruised on 1 lie band nnd.leg. lie Is In ii highly nervdus condition, but Is not considered tq Iki in dnhgor. ' Other tlienti'lcul uien hurt were M. A. Sinter, mHunger nf Ihe La Sallii Tlieiitre. Chicago; Qeorgo S. Wood, press agitit of I lie Colniilnl Theatre Chicago, und Hni'tuun P'cUr, .Milwaukee, a tlieiitrlcufTiiwyer mid mnnager. Kmll Pnur. of the Pittsburg oft'hps- trii, was iilsti on tbe train, lie escaped with trilling Injuries. Chase B, Fox, u theatrical architect,..wna also aboard the train, in company with MfHsre. iMinnn nnd Niton, lie escaiied with a good shaking up. ' A'wlre line boon received'from Harry As Ihillrti "K.UIiHiui LiittVnporl 1 .Vflllo nivsou. H|lll iietij. .Maud Drunipr- • '■'■ -;:.MIh««Jaek Itrjrn'j* TiAlk." l)Jirr,'ll. M* W -Ariiiorid. lllaiich. Iinveniwrt .May InilifiT,, May IJu Heno... ■ • . ', ISllialK'th, Afleff J'Vaw. Mrs.M.F IvVan*. Pentt Kflwurd llellcnC UUsdorth. ' .dtssUU Kvclyn, .Sisters Itmetsflii, • ' Mrs. Jfont Fnipst.i aiiteru Idlwarils llensle Kddy Mrs.Albcri KllHirorlh. - Tk)t l^t Kdi'ar'i" Jeuiili: Koy. Kill* ' Ford Sister* Fitcu, Eonloa K«J>'»"' fuller, Olorla -Frisier .Mr«. KL FltrgiliUim., Oithetlnc rraiik«, Myrllo Forreit, feillth Foiter, Llnfla Fltt,' Mm. K. W Fuller Lltrettc Foirler. Ml«. Farwell, Lilclll* Florence, Jieuorr, Xora Pellf Hen.lffln Vlrains timer, Mnrlv dnvr, Minaiet lontan, lielle .HIvln, Kllk loiden. tftanUe irnUtm Mrreia lolO.mltb tlljle Iteillert, .Milfle lemlennlnit. Ji.-ivle (..lute, Auxui'.a Ilearn, Alma ItnrHeld, Kulhryn Hastings, Jne. 11.vlKinder Allee lleninu, Ella L llmlxou. Nina lloiuiion Florenc Hess Sisters Henry, Marmorn lleeley, Nellie Lyons Halter, Alum Hall, Helm Hnnllng. Beatrice iiurii.nrt ^ryrde HIlMn, Violet Hlnes, XIIjs L. Huuies, F.thel Hsnscri, Oraee Hlte. .Mabel Ihiiuphtej Oene Ilarrlfou, Minnie Jordon, Mae JetTrU"> Virginia tteeler Jlnritarcl Kulisht, ilruee Keoogh MrrTlms KiMineily Clamta Kramer Mnildle kniiler. Klsl,. K:n-ii:ilr Jet"sln Mug, Nellie l.n (Vniiit "ei«sle Ix<wi«. Cspriiv l.n Van, FIOHsle t.n Sell, Seltnn Letter. .Minnie .ennnr.l, Nellie l.o.Mny. (Irnce l.n MOIit. Obm l.nTAiire lllnnch l.n Volt Mnrle. Mhnoi Nora M. I.uvnrlno Sl>(ers fin Cinlr. Violet Little lies ' l.n Tour Slslers U«lle lleairliv LrWI*. Alhiii K Lni'liire. FA'"" ; Mhrlnwe Mnlielc MCMnlleii.'■■ ■!.. Mrs: a J. '.n«rrw,-.MOsM Miillilds, Olnrn M«i(.leii, Ttwfnu Morrison.- Hell -Vay, Coru.. Ma an I int. li'in»;i.-' Martin, ■.... .,. Theresa L Mather VIMInln Meyhr. Itny - Mncdoimld, Mrs. Tlio* 1 Mooney, bin Slay, Ilelvn K Mnrtiswy Dolllt! Mickey Mr* (Jeo .MvDontld. 'Margaret Malbes, Clara Mllron, Katie Mel«|er Uloo'lle Miiy,- (lerthn Mnrmn. Mlli'rel McA-eUl'Mrslioini jlnrtnn Mllilnil V;irllH, II iiiln Until, Diamine .Miirray, Klitll^lh Os/lard, tiuldle, Nau ««l,iiier, Mrs. E O'Dell, lis* Plennl, Zola Price, Dora Phillips, Htttle t, t'lipiet, Paula t'arpHL ilabel Paul, Nettle rjor, Alum I'nirle, Lwule '.Julgley Mrs.'lw Kaynwnil, Marie Hotelle, Mvra ito\s>\ SuinnneL Hobertson, IVirothf Ilnymonil Maude ltliesuine ADiieli lt.1,1-0. Mile. llii—oil ItnmlHll, r.dllti itoir... MiM ItiKsell. rislo nitrhle, Certrmle flehsn, Adretti Koauey Slsteri lloliblns, Bessie llnne, M.ulo lltiMfCll. listuer R'ro'raoiid; IVarl nii-o, OHiln Rnvencroft. Ch'irlntte Rlsbee, Vlrgle Rine, Mn.v stnnwoo.1 ItetiS Siilllng*. jtloan Plnncbe Stanton, Mrs. Walter Sehuch, Mstiel siiiiiiuik. Zona st, Clslre, Mnrle It. Sieger. Lillian Slllltt' Sl-lers Sinclair. Mnrptlo Sievens. Kittle SImkit. Mur.v sitiyre. Mrs. 11.1. Strluklanil. (Jueenle Slinw. aiiidys Si^Kcr. I.lllle SnnderMHi Julia Suniter,<on; Mrs. Curl W. Jinlth, lieaMe -ticpnitl, lluiii Struild, Nettle Smith, Lillian Sli'iii', May S' ill Hi. Mm. A. sii-wnrl, Mrs. (Ml Vawi-T, Klnivr Tiitrier. Lillian Tlirmvbrldtte. . Ill'lell Trainer,: Mrs. 0. . -■ \ WliiHicI 'J'uylor. .Iiini' Turner, t.'orn Tnylor IJCeBie TfiilniUiii Nellie ""■i.tlor. • Mm. David Von Der lleffe, Sadie Vnllmol, Sieto \ InCcot, (IraCvi Vale, Vlnlet Vettiou Sl"ler< VertoOn,-little Wyiiti, tiiflle UIIIU. l.oul>e Will lama, uutic Wright, Blanche \Vha)|ea t.'arrlfll Wllwn, Kntlc Wtti, De.Hk« v>nllciV,NlM. A. )vc*t. linol* WsHirnrwaulo wtler. ftnth Wopil. Qblille WntlH. fiollle Webwler Muinl« Hill*, Jno. ijlieyn, Lome if.aMont, Huns liltentrood, Tom Latenrtcr, F.rlckwni, Hi M. ' (lea. A Ada nberhatdt. It. , l.a Mont Fredil Knlgraatelc i I.onls llros. Fuel), H. E. l.eonaM, W. n. I'llKwetth. Phil l.a Tier IlnrryO Ksterhroolc.' K. LeJrM'H, Ander Hurt A llartlett I snn A Leonard 1 aioendorr, W CLonc, frank l'iw,v„|, K. 1. ' Fl«eh*r, T. rtnn. Thoa. 1, . Marlon i.Bouoie Moore, Illiinehe Madden, Thelinn Hills, Florence Seal, Maude II. Neol May Ay«» Neville, fteblta Nevaro, Anna Newmn Mertlce Orr, Peart, ' O'BrliKi, Kittle GENTIiBDIBN'S LINT. Armstrong,.Mort 1 Bayer. L. M. Alt-iander. IBarr, Win. M. Russell Brown. O. II. Astalres, The Ap.lnle.-i AnJ unil. Acker. M. Aiisms. Frank Anger, L. :■ American. Trumpeter! Allmnl, Slgnor Allhca Tvlns Allen, Tax. ». Alinon, Dan Alllmond. SI. Asmn, Sara Ayrea. ». K. (2e.) Arnold a Porn & Monkeya A mole, Hick; Allen, Jaa. it. Acker, Chns. H. Altwodd- Wsrea Arlington (Jorhcdy Co, Atnlck A VTWit Ailnln", ftnm .1. Aletiinder L, V. AusMngs, tUsrenee Ailnms Urn*. Alum & Homer Arets. Walter Aldey. Kilniiuiil Al ilium, Chan. liarl.nv ft Kane IIMViks. II l!cs*enl,.Clourte lteruut's T.ryaiil, Joe I- - Jlurlonetlc Hanks, J. C. Case, Paid rilHloltl, (i. Huticock OrfcurV Penst Frank 1>. Illnuehdril V. K IUoll.lei I, IC. Bnellier. Frank Urate. Rnnlel F IirosiMis, Paul It Burton Ai > , Primrose lironn, Harris A Brown Fork, Prat Bailey, W. H. Borrltmton, II Burtnelster Fieri Barnard. il. ft Ilasel tliilr, 1), lilalolO, 0. Beniiett, II, Ilronne, Vlclor Biirlisrd, 0e». I'ail in on. J; ft, Folsn.l, ilsel; iiuiler, l'r.t-1 llnyce ft 'in. Ilurlow, Sum liriinn, fins Itoyee. .luck liiirtinlek. . , llliarlie Itlacl! ft .loin's linrPham. W. K. Ililrlun, flt«>. (.'. Illiah. Ph|l lleiir.. lien llelfrngu ''llea.F. Merry K lleny llioirlilnf- Vttfley Trio lliirtoti, I.'fl./^ ItoaerK, »HH( Iirtliio. ClirU ItoKen. W.'.T, Brtkcr;.M..-f». iirtdt, It..11. llcjtu, W, U. linker, CUm. llulkt. AVtB. J. imteti, /uT IVRUHer ft May IttMiiltuan, 0<«. neatley,' Huny urralit, W. K. klnn. "stating' 7 that M.";A. ¥lnke> nod T Oeorge WS&SirlSf ^♦ed in Chicago af fi o'clock y, it. {t&^&Jr^ s. Wood nrri 1 on Feb. 23, on a special, and wore not suffer Ing from their Injuries 1 ' •• • Bndifte. H Tnn fllit.EN hits •Fiiicrk-Bsfully filled Kund.ty nmokk, Lorl enaiflKeinenin at. various New Vork hnunes. Borkhardt WmRlcliifke', IM. He Is i.iiw filling time nn Ihe Keith circuit. wnton Petcn RlCofuton, Ktnnk bo>ip. Henry Bryant, -Arthur Burn*, -Joha H. ft"ir*. • L'urr, Nut ■'. -'. ItliyllMli! Qanniit, Itny w, Clark, ntinenti coni'iiuii.i Ifurr) cinyiini, Fttii 4S«sils. Tftn tla»ud ftlh'Vt'me Clilnl: ft Centon Colic', llal-ry • Oituimly, juw.Fi Corhln, »i. Clllitou, Wi. Curlyle, Julio Oallibell, Mr. Colvniau, WuiiL-r Corrull, W.W. ClitpiUiiu.l'ri'cey Callnils Il^fU-n Cllflou, WBIto Coibaru ft Frederick *Ford Falirocy, Unity Fide. Kolt»r F»w*. Julr* Forbes, Arthur Ftaakllaa, Tbe Funi, Cary Flint, llcrbt. L Farrel. Torn Frank ft Rob Field. J. Ro^er tto-K-, Jack Itelnlnxer', Wilbftm HJCe, Leon F. IWcer. I"rel ItBIne, Wade' lUoietta' ft Lfrnan n„j laM, John Uiik.oII. Mis l(:i«"on Cnirltit LeClnlr JIBnwen u.-iw ft .uiri l.ovelv, ,l,.a. i Itiidtn, T. I.svirence & ]Serivl«. Geo. T. BelRiinle shoualter, l.n Adella ! cleker. Chas. I.smoni, E.t.lle Lyvn, C. « 0. LiiTlirne A Lennsril i.iiinnureaui He. I ntiv. Chan. Lents, Claud .Ithnwi. A. W, Harry N. Swan ftHsmbai.l Snillb, Howard Stone. Hunts Sherman, Charllii Syhan *0'Ne»l Stniitan. Edwin »\my, (.'leu, Smith, Fleieliet Sleienn. J. A. Mlnnley . Arthur Fee. John <1. iMarl.vnie, II. Flood Forest (l.'Mrl'iiy A Frank ft I Pantwellj Stilly, J. F. IInrmanns|Mlnnnek, T. 1. SnolVord, Ohaa. rnlrchlld I> Roll Mtffily Sinn Inn, Priiest Frel.lkln Joel I llrln Sknlli ,^eii.l', I'nnl Freiteriek UhSir|M«Mle<M, Slierrv. J«s. Feranwu Allwrtl Jessie C-Oe. ', Jim rielilfi,' Al.'fl. Mpntgopiery J.N;Steveuaon Ward Fayblo, .Arlenls Mnskey, F. Swain, Cnrl Miller, Frank StnekMd, 0. M«r<ill, Jhh. F. St. Unite. Fre.1 Micoitl. Itnssl seliullk Fred .1. Affdiauftlitna The smith, Jaa. A. Murphy. Stan- Stone, R. lev ft MurpbylStmirt, Billy Marlon ft Deane.Suwyer, Joe Mantcy, Walter >tev.art_ftO'N*ll Fll'm, lrvlnit H. ft Farrarr ItalptiU I'ni .ft .€,irtnr Futbes. 11. I'. Flt/geralil W.l>. Franks Newuiun ivnnassey, Wm Oreene, L. L. (ilrnrd, (leo. (lrnnt, l-ml« (luatata, J. A. II lllMTt, 0. 'I'. (inlltmnre Arihr dadshy, Itnth llroaa, Siimuel Hrey, Tlnul Cnllnaher. Fl. oreene, Kr«l 0. liaykir. .las. ilreen Joint 13. i.tHHn, Jerry (inrrlsoii Jules cm-ton. Lew ll'ifi, Win. HiiRun. Will J. Ilnlner. Jullnii lloivitrd, tlreat llanio'tt. A. II. liliwS, Siirnpcl IC lloweilyWIII A. Ilurli|lil, II. W Ilemifasey Jsa.A Ililrdy, T.'J. ! llenth, flcn.' W, lli.uirh HrVis. Itiinnnn, WaltK. llerllt. Wnll K. llnlilmvoelh t'lis. llmmtil .v Nin-lli llnrrlsnn/riiiis Holmes, "Ned llnivrtV.U'e liuliimrii;>;«e.l If allien, Mrs. Hurry White, Mrs. Rimer Wilson, Frmhle iVnoir Joaneti,' White, Hliniiii Wllllnnn, Helen iVm-lwuril. Dollle C. wnii, iuK Zcno, Mf*. W.II lli'ierei. At! llon-ii, K. C. lleilKO. Jotln- Illllaf.U ltolicrt flailloiiH.' Tho.. IMirnin.v l^nls llUhtl.ey, J.U. Itaetiu,' \V>. J. llOwaril,,W. Hnsllnits, lien Hammond. J. II. HiilKir, Harry llallnnn. Billy lloiiinl. J, Herbert's Band Illlllor, II. It. Ilenloo, J. iinnkoit, A. II. Humes ft iVkIs lleinelioct Lnul* Hudson, H. 3 llrtwatfl. U. U. Ilydj., W, llelfotd, 1 Crane, Mr. A Mrs. 0. Connelly, Ilnxii r-nrlln, Rnli Colby Fmnily Harr, Wm. Ootnell. W. B. Cross, IM, Carletnn, Al. (larais-n. II. N. Chcrleton, l'\ Carroll, l'rnl Carmen Troupe Cook ft Doril Colemnn, luymoiln Corbett A Forester t>le. Oro. C(4inln, Hale Clifton, Willie Cleveland*. The 'Oilsli O.iF'. tina-an. Frank Cnrretlp. r Anthony Cotili ft Sl^teas Ch'mmis. Caiaerr;!l Cnojan * Itailernft '.biiiik Harry A nenpll, ihvi, V. Mel more. Tom Hniinell.v. J. C. Uinkmet-Hrttli. ler TifNIM risili, lHrelhirll Havlw, Cdjh. II. HiivlH, Albert l)eiiuiire ft :, . tlneldt iifflkc J. :r. DoUtlaa, (leo. iiiiiiT'iiii. n: ii. llUrtn, Henry 0. Hsvjh, Mllnt Itale, .1. A AM* in.ii ATiiwni.^.n Heuviis. Mr, 1:. Uunitberly, I Jailliy fle'ltiie, Iiinl liufuiir*. P. bttkf. }. T. Plckaon, Walter p«Ll*iel, 1. 0. Parlink k. F. Vi Fount,. ■;■ Khorman Iqrrelli Uity >atb>, rt. Haitsrirty Larry iLinley. Muit Harris. I'hll Hale, Mr.. ib-iaey Mark Ii. llolltiiaii, l>. A. llelierl, Arthur lliittirelt, i. W Harrljnn, D. J. Ilnpkrns, Albt.F. Irish, Vau«hn Ireland Fnd J. Jatne* ft Jnuk Jackton, OeO. JohDion CarrolJ Johnoon, Chas. Jrnnlugi ft. Renfrov/ Jones, P. J. Jnnlor, John Jerotoe, Klluier .loiilnii, flua Jonen, A. .1. Jacobs. .1. M. OiF .lonen, Totn.ny •» Kenney ftlloooey Kaiioeilv Olaytn Klni, Bert Keen. Waiter Klnidnn, Rex L. Keef A Pearl Kelly, Chns. J. Khetna Arth. 11. itny, Harry B Ktili, f/ltlls Huholer, t^Tiaa. ItlnJKalil. niily ||?|.T u,Hf Uetfo. inn il|fw' l M. BRS»jf t Kt.nelnnd. 0. K. Kline., Dave Kle/ni-AI Co K.dly, ch.'H. I. Klnus, The l.e Itny. wnlter 1^'Min, Hurry l.iiU.r, Frank l^Viirdi W'rn.B. 1*1111 llnll ijniU McFatrldie Hug Mnrmnr, At. Miller, I'r.wi Morrlasey, T. P. Muurlee. J. A. McCloy, M. ' Miller. Lmils Malinney. Will Mr.iti, Al. Mnyo. Alia. O. Moure. Walt. II. Ma.-llle. JC4. J. Allure. Steve Monbrr. II, I. MaJeMlc. Mm. Conmtv Co. Mnyo, II. Muck. Geo. IC. Mnrdo, Jesa Ueeier, ilea, Murray, W. «'. Mai' I ,V Itellitrr Moriliner, I In-' Mullallr lluruey Mflher. Phil HaigolaW. ■ Rnun ft Peter Mnnvllle. .Clia^.' MnSlfcr. Ilwutli- |nn A M.e her Mnliroe. Til-.- , .MliliiH, T. K. M'.unlri Je .'. IH Ms Mycrn,' AiW. Al Mi-i/lliilnckllllly ■lllier.'.Friiii,i MeCsttliy. I. iMtller Clniid-! MUllcr. CIiiiiiii A Mill In Mnr Tlnn ... Mi'lvln*. The I Nlm'r, K.'. . Kite, N. .N.'H'ttel il'niiiily Sire, FreilJ, Ne'son. Wnlter Nelll, Ja». Mcholf, He.,. (Isltorii, F. II. Hlln. Will .1. Ollxlr. Frank I. (Irvine Frank K utcrM-u Herman o'lirlim, Ja*. J Orr, Fred W. Ohoe, Carl ivfUmritn Kiifmn firleitti ATaylor urioh Brno. , fircotl ft Co. i'1'llara * '....• .WnlKii. tirlelta A Juyinr DtfeflH. F.'.V. "f. Presluo, John Pierce ft Koalyn Ptlee, Harry M. PUT, Chan. Ptrla. Lionel PnrKer, Beet Phelpj DUO Primrose, Oeo. Phelps lcngejii Pleroun, Hal Potter, II. B Poulwoth Barry l'rochaika A. J. Terry Frank L. I'hlllps, Al. I'lnlli!, Heo. L. Pinion. FrnokO I'del, Adolt Pnllfitnn. A. H PleelilnnU, The Park, Jus. A. Panliey, 'llieo. Price, .luck I'crry. II. K. I'nse, Major Pun American 4 I'olloek, 11. K. Palmer's Spe- cialty Co. I'lpiier Twins Powell, Tom Pnrkor, Hurt I'lerce. tinny (Jitarletle. The it.iwhinii Charllo Until lid. J. Rlehanlaon, Lavender Hunt, John Rose, Lew Rice Warren II llodifera ft F.vena HO ft Benedetto ItolK'rtn, t.len. Iteynunl, A. P. lllehanlsoti Wall f|.*e, Wins, tehnuser .lelinW Smllli. Karl Satulne, nnlpli Slnums Murrny.I Snow, den. W. Seara. Ilerl^rt Hwalu, inrl Slnipinti Unilo Shennllnn J. J. Stewart. Fred Sliat-p. Ilnri-v rlliiiitnn, Waller Sisitt. Mike Metens. II. A. Sorviiaon, ChrW HKvle. rf. Manm, sliiier. Master Saunter, Clin*. Seott ft M'lNnn Slt'ley, II. W. skliiin-r. T. I.. Boonecr Ilnrr.vl, S|r.|l,'ln.H.. I.e. in SriliiT.- t'.iiireh.. Xdllntl Hun? S. sintiinn, ,w; Ii. Smith. C. IV, Sliltiley ft - Allti'H ra'yon, Hurry . rimilsnii, ,Bcri|.'. Mil! III. Mlll'I'H irSaW,S«r»ii Tefry. Harry, .i. Tltlts. iy,4v'. Tiifuer .'ethili J. Teqbrockft ft. StS, ...lthmla-rt tnti.' iie„: . T.irr. ".Ins.": 'j'ewkslsiry; Herbert II. Tl 11*111, 11, A T«iiH-y, I!. Timker. II. II. 'Cellftnil, lien A. Tatiuu, Frist W, Ten Icy. lilnmr l'enipe*t. linn Tnlliiiiln. Kit. Tnylor, Obic. llnrrv If. I'.iiiiilnu. .ltillii-i v'liuviil, Arih K. Van Neli. Wllaon Vei'linn, Mr. Vlnt'lalr, l*er Vetnmi, Ben ll. Vleker Harry ll. Vtiladnim, The V nil. ICdwIn Vuridllnt, Win. Vlnlee liM-Mlt Vlllalr, Allan Varln, Ni Vi-iuiy, .(lea. Walter/, ft Malhnwa Whtta, Tom WsHh, Billy Walker, Ed. t, Wood, Henrr Wild, Wm. 0. Wll,on, Qeo. X. Woitncr, AllenK. White, .1. F. willlanu, J. U. Welah, Harry Wblte, Jack Wolf (Scene Painter Wftlto, lleuty Wsvaoner W. II Webber, Wm. Wlllurd, Chan. Wilson, II. Ward, Hilly Walker, Amos P Whltlort, Wm. WniWell F.AMay WlllaM, .toe I'. Wavrill. J. B. Weeks, Walter Wulerhnry K.M. Waterltury B. N. Weal, |)i. Forest Williams, Jaa.M WeJUs ft Wels« Wheeler, fl. K. Wfhh, J, O. Wllnoii, 0*>. Welilon. Donald WML Itollanil Wllllnms, Oan. IIAIHiisnn, F.. K. ttoyer. I'r.'l H. I IVlOlTHtOII. I'.ll. I^jjrry, ltd. I.Ttny AlA*anln IXli L. F. Ward. Happy Wrieht H. ft 1,1% Weviilaln, Lut- Wutd, Hanv Wnril ft Mii.ii- Wild. Hilly W.Kiil, FrouilA Wi a. Len V.llllnms II. H. Wulr Itrus. ltlee lima,ft ItMiicler, l>. VlrtnrlalWiiKU. .Iiilm K, tlnlilnaoii, HiiKii ] Voiiiik, Havlrt llsyiuil, ItnlY lYouilgJ. I mil llsyiinl, ftn.'d.'e. Ihisenllia Jaek \\maiK Harry C. tusenllinl, Paul Zurmt, The fliCKetls, TlliiK. Kniieta. l.'lnm. fluiiers, Will Viuiiia. Jw It'illliiM. Hulpb I - SMr. \(» llfi: AT III.1AI) OK LIST. ' «»» ' H-niKi. I.KVKVl.'uiiAX has been k run led an lilleHoculory decree uf (llvorco frnui HoorBij M. Cntiiiii. A jury found In her favor Mini- d.ii}',. Feb. 18, Three uiuntln watt MUM be- fore'(bo ilutil dnci-eu Is granted. Miti'tiEj; Hawk ifni uaiiv ireru Ci.trrria chltorH ill. They arc uieelluir «'llli (treni sue- catft-witb" "Tli« Hide Tracked''.Co., doing a irldiact with tUtilr iiurtuer, Wm, Curl. ■Tin; Tut-MbttA Histeiis aud ruilc Mack tuoiim tbe- Inn of their inotlier, who died In Oncnoi-li icij, Uoy ShadWInlt Triu 3B«l»shall F.M Carroll, Fled fbipman, A. u. CirHW, i>. • ■'CiirHa.-S'rt - >il»l*. Fotri-t". Jntvcli ft ItiiH^el telanuy. ll.rrry Idle A Rosa I >loea,.Ci t«. inliimr DNia Pltiy. J. t: le Mllrl, 1. fi. un.tUot' illed. nv Ihi-y were pliiylnit at iIm uiviuil Opei'.-i Uoiiae, Loh AdBoImi Cal., with the Murray ft .Mdclt Co. Mntle Trumbull and Iter, husband. Joe. W. Hpenrs. wete wllh Hie mother rtt the end; The body wns hurled In Hie fnbllly lot, nt Crown II111 Otmefetr, Cen> ireTilie. Inrl., on Fed 4.