The New York Clipper (March 1907)

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„i niaddlsfc •ndtbeiclectrogrsph. Excel- sffi gggi 3 • - .. Stf^NHriSfaflSA "Spring,". Fob. ,25, *P-ffl«* J 26- brfor«I»nc audlencM. -"An *"J. vJ the" Hills," 28-March 2. .played to '^f,, ?l> ""w»* Down Bast" 13, "Coto- S& the vaudeville support «ns»fitto« of fft Snook Minstrels, ArthuJ \ule, Orl.ts, "J, oUc Simpson, all of whom were good B « received, l-owaode'a Indoor Clrcns ^ Frank*s cVrpenter Stock Co. 1110. *%*2c* <Chai. E. Cook. rnnnnger).- «■»? fiardner aod V ncent. In "Winning a S2i - «la leirtlng feature, last week. husl- H"* 1 «pellcnt Bill of week of 41 R f ?,« and company. John Birch. Juggllnz , n ° ! £nt the Exposition Four. Stanton nnd \UT» I&k ^reenwooa. Archer's Five E r.lrls and ritmeragraph.-- • _■ tfww" (Chns. SchlewTnger. manager).— n-Jik of 4 • Amnion P.nrlesquers and olio SsUft ot'Doille- fiUfford,vBpuDdlBg Boo- S Anna Perry, Percy end Howard, and lto'atoMcope. ■ holiness keeps up to the I'lual high standard. '• " : ■• • niVkelopeon.— Business ..was excellent i„iI«fcWti n pleasing bill. HUl-week of " Ilulh Clark, CkM. Allen. Dennis and Ber- wick. XIcDade and Welcome, and optlscope. THE msw "S-Oti^: GLtPPfcR. ft rMunde's Indoor Circus. 28-Marcb. 2, gave Sot performances. "Girls Will Be Girls" 4. 1'rankle Carpenter Co.6-9. llolroke.—At the Opera House- (James II o'Connell, manager) the Clara- Clemens concert Company appeared Feb. 2C, -and Seated. -Moving 'pictures-^ Passion Play. Kmler the auspices of Ilolyoke Lodge of ntai March . 4;Chaunccy Olcott 6, *GlrIs mi!'De Girls" 8, JObnt. Sullivan- Co. 0, ari Shaw,, hi "Alice Slt-by-tbe-Flre." 12; ilowe's moving pictures 13, Stetson's "Cnc'e Tom'r Cabin" 18. •; ■ • Eiinr.E <T. F. Murray, manager).—"The Moonshiner's Daughter,'.' Feb. Ml and the W York Stars. 28-March 2, bad good bus!- ntst -A WlfeVSecret" 4-6. the High-Roll- JrsT-9. "J«o Mother to Guide Her* 11-13, the Morning Glories 14-1& —t - ._:-... a . Lynn—At the Lynn Theatre (Frank G. Harrison, manager) Daniel It. Ryan and com- pany played- to fine business last" week. Qutacy Adams Sawyer" March 4-9. -. acpitoricm (Harry (Catzcs, manager).— All performances the week closing 2 were attended by large audiences. This week: Beatrice McKenzle and Walter Shannon and loopany, Kceley .Brothers, the Two Kings, Young America Quintette, the Four.Nelson Uoolq-aes, Joe Demmlng, Edward Keough and company, and the vltagrapb. Gem. (C. W. Sheafe. manager) .—Business h line. This week i J Joe-Raymond and Mae Roberts, the Brand Sisters. Sadie and Laura; Hando, X. J. McI'.achon,-the Cannons, Sack and Glld.i, nnd the moving pictures. • -. Salem Thkatbk. Salem . (Geo. IE.. Cbcet- tarn, manager).—The American -Opera Co. did good business last week. Daniel K. Ryan Co. i-9. .... ■ a Lawrence.—At the Opera House (Julius '.'ail. manager) the Elmer-Stock Co. last raft had good business, except,Feb, 2T f when "PIITJ.Patf! 1 BouM!!'.'. was seen to good ad- rentage. ■ Sbepard's did good bujtness March 3. "Alice .SIt-by-the-Fl^e , ' 4, The County Fair" 5, 0. "The Lost 8heep" 7. "BaBtJ,ynne''B. ..-.!•-,--, ■-.-«■ r.-^. ••-.-•=-•' Colonial (J. Fred Lees, manager).—Busl- ncss continues big. Booked week of: 4.:. Felix, Harry and Barry, Mr. and .Mrs. Mark Mur- phr, Ferry Corwey, Cook and 8ylvla. Zlnell and Bootoll, Murray K Hill, Gartell Bros., and the moving pictures. ., . . . « . . Xew Bedford,—At the-...New Bedford Theatre £\Vm. B. Cross, manager) Roe Stork 'q. opened to good buslncs, Feb. 20. Mande Hlllmin Ca. Mnren.4-0": '. ,"-:'■:. -.•:,•.•- Hathawai (Theo. B. Baylies, manager). -^BUl for week ot 4,:;That Quartette,, .The Klnsona, Kraneman Bros„-!Oi>nnolly Sisters, zira -,and. Stetson,, rnoliiia ■ Saxon, Jane Courthope & Co.-andthe Vlta'graph.."- ■ •Savot (nvm. n. «h!nc, manager).—Every pcrtormanco ! (Incladmgr the rSunday -con- certs) Bnds every -seat, filled. --For*--week- of •ji ncx line of moving pictures and vaude- ville. - - ;'. ^J?-- ~~ -■ ■ i -.- PBNNSYLVAMA. Philadelphia.—The owners of the Gar- nek TBeatre' threw -a bombshell In ,thc • Klaw *; hrlanger camp last week by notifying them Jtat permission would hot be- granted to turn the Garrick from a dramatic To a'vaude- ville house. Former Attorney General Car- son, who represents Mrs! Anno Welgbttnan- "alker, the owner of the building, In his titer to K'aw.i Erlanger states that an •njiinction Will bo. applied for on the ground u /L 00 ? a obange would convert a theatre dcutlned with the legitimate . drama- and 1 Ji ot , n>e blgbeBt character into that which ii recogDlwd as a dl&tluctlvely lower type of Pirloraiiinces. The Garrlck war scheduled w be opened as a vaudevlllehouse on April --, but this acUon will probably result In a change of pans. . . Unic (Messrs. Shubcrt, managerg).—The 3£ v, nr «sentatlon by Mrs. Flske of "The ^i.- or f Idca i' *« k «» Plate 4,. for. a. two S s . 5'«J-, The supporUng company ,Js. •Ti d d m by i? ba JIaBon nod George Arllss. .1 fr„ Bl l e Moon" departed March 2, after ■ fortnight or good return*. : f :\ A bEU"5 • Stbbbt Opera Uot-sg (Nixon i, r „f, huncrman, managere).-f"The Rogers anSt^.'" Jveland" arc tire fora*ivo -A \iM tay ' be « ln alng-4. Analo Russell, In mfSSSBS. NI *ht'B Dream," drew large and appreciative audiences last week. - ■ aggg (Frank Howe. Jr., manager).— in "ti n -X er . 8 "b'llUea are well displayed £„,, ,? , Du el. which attracted fine audi- ,J, S ' w ®° k - an d which continues until ei« • 1 HKehcock and Charles Walcot '-orge'.^a •^othc C s I ' C - Cl i! nt e ^ lU GtM M.\'^f lDB,B «. 4 ' F e repeated hfs last sea- elplent nf » so l ln *?«-wlc,.and was-the-re- list IJS, mu , c hl«PPlauso from fine audiences 3y* "Tho Tlypocritcs," 11, for two ■ifiiSJ; ( Ti^S tHow « ■ Ift >' manager).— undViTi? 0 /; fc, Mayor." begins, 4, ttc sec- •Urtle^ IS WoMte stfc,, Last; week's »ii(llen.;: r ,n , '"ncnnitc stay. Last: cent's in-' ?h« „» , l2 d tnc Khow I'fghiy enurtato- ° s '-i Li- ffort8 ? f Harry. Kelly and Janet SJS9 particularly ..noteworthy. / - r'Uk'.' iv'ij 1 ''°'^Ixon-Nlcdllngtr, manager).— I'll tab ivh ''' "V-NIxon-NlEdllngw b-iln» hi rn ' ta '.' i,r - Blarney from Ireland." ■WkuTZ. sc S° Dd nD<i Una ' wecS : 4., Last slnirtni- 5 "?w d ? CD i° T ed the ita't's defiifc and Gbavi „ uit "c Johnny Jones" foilowB.. -1 kJM SSS^^Sfa iG - ,' A -i WegorartB. I, wkVtnd« liS S \ a K m "cl.T" c4mes"4.-Lfew •arm «7.« "I" 1 a'a band of intnstrels found SSsVl TCfSS , t0 a-suocaaslon..of. capacity SS5af*Ji?<fe J be st ^' B "pcclaltTVag. Toiw^i't a «' bl 8f fostunv- "i*K«* york m!3EkJ?-2b SIxon'NIrdlfnger.' tnona- 'uuTuirn ? ss f oe Paelfic" Is-diie 4/ "The '5™' it - B P atron »^- "Rcblnd the • National (J, m. Kellv iim(i<»fi ts. .?■> !SJ?illi eW i 4 ,' At toe GW Cross Bonds" •I HAn^s (John W. nart.' manager).— "We- &£Sf JK ■»• '""owing a week of an li? i?£22f. «'" , n / s f.. dMC b - T "Jlarchlng Through t-eorgia. »a Woman ot Eire" next. JSKSSSfi! ' 1 '»>«r„*.Kaufnianii. mana- STl ) 'TrI A .. w °wan of Klre" 4-1). "A Jlessatte ■gft-JP— was enjoyed by lino botiKea the Icid" follow Jo8t ' Dh Santley, In "Billy, the mJ?S3K Ji narcy ^f s P eck - mannjgers).— Sho stock t«vives "The Curse of Drink" the S&a?l-\£S ^T U ,?, tri «' 8 P* tribulations of <mi\ n Shop Girl" were followed with tear- "Dora Tlio l rne" T ll C, ' OWdCa ll0USCS ' Ust wwk ' '-JS Ig*. W',1& Jordan, manager).—Rob- u-L",^" 1 ??' , ln . ? e Ji'«ylet. "The Man Who hod the Pool.' heads a meritorious bill the current, week. Others are: The Three ItDO-jOnds, George U. Wood, Pot Roonej and Marlon Bent, the Musical Johnsons. Sher- man. De I-'orest and company, Mr. and Mrs Truesde I and company. Fortune and Davis, Alice A oylor, and the klnetograph. Busl- , ness cootlnu,es pig. j Buou^.(George W. Rife, manager).—The Merry Maidens are In attendance 4 and week. Their numbers Include: Sam Rice, larrell Bros., Fattl Carney, Johnson and Jerge Kdyrn Murray, Burton and Burton, end Ward and Raynor. Sam Devere's com- pany enjoyed prosperity last week. The Parisian Belles 11. . Kcrua (John G. Jcrmon. manager).—Rico S B ^. rt0 ^ s Co -» *• with an olio Including: T. P. Thomaa. John B. Cain, Henrietta «heeler and Patton and Van. The Jersey Llliies bloomed on Une audiences last week. The Night Owls 11. •Casino (Kllas & Koenig. managers).— Hyde s Big Show, in "A Game of Chance" and "Kun ot Coney Island." Vaudeville num- bers enlist the services of Charmlon, Adams and Drew, the Bennetts, World's Comcdv lour and K-iurmaun Bros. The Behraan Show played to big business last week. The Pari- sian \\ idows next T;:or vm.ku <Fred Wlllson, manager).—The Innocent Maids will disport themselves week of 4. They will be seen In the burlesques, "The Gcexer" and "Uappyland," with spe- cialties by Smith and Champion, the Sevoris. Sadie Hoested. Hughes and Uazleton, and the Hills. The Dreamland Burlesqucrs tare a superior show, with twelve capacity nouses In attendance, last week. Dave Marlon had them going from start to finish, In the comedy feature of the show. •• Elsvkntii Strekt Opera Hot ke (Frank Dumont, manoger),—The burlesque of "Peter Pan" has made a ronounced hit and is con- tinued In the bill in addition to the skits: "Jolulng the G. A.' R." and "Forty-rive Min- utes from Camden." The first part continues to be a. big feature with the crowds that attend with unfailing regularity. Empire, Frankford (James L. McKay, manager).—The-bill the current week con- sists of "Doomsday" the btg electrical spec- tacle. Pslardaux and Bobme. Wlxoa and Eaton, Win. II. Smith, Helen McLaughllu and Elmer Truitt. Two shows being put on,, with big houses In attendances. - Ni.NTti am, Ascu" Museum (T. P. Hopkins. managvr),—Carroll, the man with tbo steel skull, Is featured the current week, in the carlo, hall,-tn addition-to Mile. Theo, snake charmer: Raymond's marionettes: Hashasb, whirling dervish: C V. Lee. magician': Boyce Bros., bag punchers, and Sylow, contortionist. In the theatre are.: Larke and -Adams. Geor- gette. Casper and Clark, James demons. Henry ana James, and.-Lubln's clneograpb. Business was-fine last week. . - ■ " Box Ton (Lillian Tyson, manager).—Bill week of 4 : Lois Worden, Shane and Dandy, Baby Hortese, Xadle Vincent, Florence Sum- mit the Carlcton Operatic Troupe, and mov- ing pictures. «-.. Nirrcs.—Charles L. GUI, treasurer of the Sundard, Is recovering from an attack of tonallltls..' .Musical organizations that bare been booked for Willow Grove Park for the coming Summer season arc; Walter-Dam- rOfiob ana bis New York Symphony Orches- tra, from May 25 to June 14; Arthur Pryor. Jone 3u:to:July 3; Victor Herbert, July 0 to Aug..*, Anrt-Souea, Aug. 9 to the close of the season on. Sept. it Frederick Leopold, treasurer- of -,the Broad,, has. bis benefit Match: 18, with- 'The Hypocrites" as. the attraction ...'.'Hcrr Lohengrin" Is the name .of the -Mask -and Wig Club's burlesque to be produced at the Chestnut Street Opera House during Easter week.... Andy Lewis, of Sam Devere's Co., playing at tiie-Bijou last week, was obliged to re- tire from the ahow.and Is being treated for catarrhal pneumonia at tbe Jewish Hospital * The- Chestnut Street Opera House Co.; 'with a capital" of $10,000. was grante'd a. New Jersey charter last week. The In- corporators were Frank G. Zimmerman, Fred Berger and Thomas M. Love. This completes all of tbe Nixon k Zimmerman local enterprises that now have separate charters. - • ., ■ a , Pittsburg,—At the Nixon (Thos. F. Klrke Jr., manager) Viola Allen March 4-9. Last week Maude Adams. In "Peter Pan, picked the bouse to the capacity, at ad- vanced prices, and gave one of the best •hows sue Dae yet appeared In. "The Col- lege Widow" -11-16. .- ' . .. • ' BBVA.8CO (J. A. Reed, manager).—James T. Po» ; ers, In "The Blue MoonP' 4-9. Last week "The Tourists" played to satisfactory business, and gave a good show. "The Light Kternal" 11-1 a . ' , ■ ..' GftASD (Harry Davis, manager).—This week's bill Includes: Edward Connelly and company. In "Marse Covington," Hyams and Mclntyfe. ■ Mary Norman, Spook Minstrels. Mwlicr, Houghton and Mosher. Rogers and Deely. Relff Bros., Three Roses, Dora Mar- tin©, Barr and Evans, Leila Taylor, Kennedy and Wible, Phllbrook-Reynolds and the cine- matograph. Last week's bill played to ca- pacity business, and tbe patrons were given a liltth class entertainment. Ar.riN (R. M. Gnlick ft Co.. managers).— S, Miller Kent. In "Raffles." 4-9. Last week : •The Wliard of Oz" played to capacity busi- ness; and <plcased. "Wonderland* 11-16. Bmol- (11. M. Gullck ft Co.. managers I.— "S1O.000 Reward" 4-9. Last week ^'.Nclllo, the Beiutlful Ooak Model," played to good business, and pleased. Sclma Herman. In "Queen of the Convicts." 11-10. Blakf.v'k Bjipike (X. C. Wagner. mana ; RC r)^-Thl3 woek, "Tbe Convict's Baughtcr. featuring Frank Harrington. Last week 'Around the Clock" played to satisfactory buslnaes, and pleased. "Day r.ew lork 11- (Urcrt (Jas. E. Orr. manager).—Irwin's Bin Show 4-9, beaded by Rice and PrcyoKt. Last week Ibo house was sold out dally. -John L. Sulllvnn being the big attrectlon^wlth the Goiden Crook Burlcsquert. Jersey Lilies 11- ■ °AflAt>E>i*-OF.Mt!S4C (H. W.-Wllliams Jr., IMlSlHli Tr Star Show-Oirls 4-B. feat- urinrcunr,ing, the Jail breekor. OUrers-src: T*¥%o«s*TOlrls. fhe Roller Skating Girl.. atodVtb* Woman with tho Praam* Eyes. Last weak Yantoe Doodle Girls played to the usual ioo4 buMnwa. and pleased. Cuampagne Girls 11.10.'' . i> ■"■•--» 1 "■■■ LS International Vaudeville Supply Go., I 1 Collr B o Pltre> Dwffalo, X. Y. Ransoc. not only, played to S. R. 0. records Mat many were turned ■ away. The new at- tractions : Krnncls Wllaoo. In "The Mountain Climber March 4: Cheater De Vondo 50. .Notek.— .Negotiations are still pending for n new theatre situ Lcn- McL'ord. of the Lew Mct'ord Co.. who has been resting at his home here, left 0. for St. Louis, where he will resume bis vaudeville engagements.- lie md as his guest 28. V. E. Bairey. ot Blng- hamton. .\. T Herbert ■ E. Lynch, for the past tin ce years treasurer of the local theatres, was transferred to Sbamoklu, Pa.. vtberc ho will manage tbe now Rels-Theatre at that nltce. formerly the G. A. R. Opera House. Samuel Kuchler will succeed him as treasurer, here..,,. ."Tho Clay Baker." played a return engagement at the Middle- town Auditorium 1, to big business. I Altonna.—At the Mlahlor (I. C. Mlshlor. manager) "Tho Isle ot liong Bong" liud largo audiences at both performances Ffeta. 26. Karl Burgess Slock Co. March 1, S. May Irwin 4, Mary-Emerson.'.In "Hla Majesty and- the Maid. 5, 6: ••The Woman In the Case" 7, HI Henrys Minstrels 8. Annie Russell, in "A Midsummer Night's Dream." 11. Eleventh Avexijj (I. C. Mishlcr. mdna- £er 1.—Big busbies* week of Feb. -23. Tho Ear Burgess Stock 25-28. Parisian Belles Burlesqucrs March 1, 2, Guy Stock Co. 4 and week. • Gbano (Silverman Brothers, managers).— Business last week was good. Bill week of March 4 : Slddon Bros.. James and Parker, Barry and Dunn, and Jack Llebfreid, In Illus- trated songs, and tho moving pictures. Notes. —"Tbe Isle of Bong Bong"' was the Academy of Music. Tyrone, 27 Arrangements are bolug perfected for the appearance of the Barnum-Halley Circus In AltoOna,. April 29: Jewell's Manikins were billed for the Lyric week of Feb. SO, and were an-attraction at the Eleventh Avenue .and tbe Mishlcr with the Earl Burgess Stock. .... .Manager Cool, of tbe Lyric, knew nothing about his theatre being burned until hla arrival here Monday morning. 25.' when he beard the newsboys announcing It. There Is no doubt but that the Lyric will be promptly rebuilt, as the property Is too valuable to He unimproved. As no suitable place could be secured-to complete the season the employees of the bouse nre leaving for their homes. They are mostly from Cauton, O. llasleton.—At tho Urand Opera Ilouso (Geo.' Allwrt Haley, resident mnnagcr) Tay. lor 8toek Co.. week of Feb.'18. gave seven performances of repertory of. popular playsi to good "At Plnay Ridge" 28. ''Tli* High Klyor" 28, "Tho Lion and the Mous»" •M "The rrliu'p of Pllsen" March'4. Family Turatue (Knoblauch ft Herskcr. proprietors).—The bill for week of 25 In- cluded: C. Nelson Camps' scenic and elec- trical production, "Tho New World:" Prof. Dodd nnd dog. "Nigger:" Ver Valln ami KoUlnsnn. Lew Welsh. Charles Hsrleton,, In Illustrated songs, and the klnetograph. I.r.wv ptsuAM (Freeman ft Goodinnn. pro- prietors i.—Ccrod and Rich. Edith Ht Clair. elms. Waterhouxe. lit llhi-traleil songs, and the klnetograph was the bill week ot 25. a Willlianuiiort.—At the Lycoming Opern House (L. J. Flak, mnoager) "The Lion nnd the Mouse" delighted a very largo and en- thusiastic nttdlcncc Fob. 25. Viola Allen, in "t'ymbcllue," . 26. blessed. "Tho lslo of Rong llo^g' - pleased a big house 28. "Tho Social Whlri March 1, HI Henry's Mia- sfrols 2. Ils'rder-IIoll Co. week of 4. "Snug Harbor" 12, Itadley's pictures 13, "The Choir Singer" 16. • Pamilt (Fred M. Lnmade. manager).— Good patronage. Hill week of 4: "Lovo Will Find the W.iy." Lulu Beeson. Emerson and \ anhorn, N'cllle Rcveltc nnd La Tell Bros. --■1 . it 1 . Johnstown.—At the : Cambria, Theatre (If. W. Schoror, 'manager) "Tho Isle Of liong Rong" played to crowded houses Feb. 35. "Too Proud to Beg" pleased fnlr audi- ences 26. Tho Parisian Holies did line bual- dm matinee aud night, 28. vxho Girl From the Ranch" came to a big advance sale March 1, 2. Mary Emerson. In' "Ali- cia," 4. May Irwin.- In "Mrs. Wilson An- drews." B, "The Woman in the Case" 0. "Simple Simon Simple" 7, Annie Russell 12. Kuaton.—At the Able Opera House,(W. K. Detwlller, manager) 'Charles K. Cbamplln Stock Co. enjoyed good business last week. Francis Wilson, 20, bad an extremely large audience. Bennett ft Moulton Co. March if. 10. except 13, when "In Old Kentucky" ap- pears. * »» INDIANA. Cbvstal TiiKATMi. (W. W. McEweo. raan- ager).— Week of Feb Ml Msflnmc Latette, Jir.r. Esta Allen, Frahols- and- Bogert," the Vork-Horbcrt Trio and the Klnedromo drotr good houses. ■ • ■•- ;• Rijoi: Tukatrb (Kane St Dnvls, mana- gers)—Week of 25 Black and Leslie, B. W. Bailey, Mrs. May Seavey, Lavlna and Milbmu. Abe Lavlgue and the BIJouacope. L'aual good business. ' ■ N'otcs —Anderaon now has on* first claas thcRirc, two vaudaville theatres and tbe moving pictures theatres, the second, ot the moving picture houses being Installed on Main street and la called "The Win."-; All of these houses nre enjoying good business, the ilrnnd In particular, tins hud tho largest ImisIiic.-s lii in,' history of the house, this year, . , 1 I.a Pnyi-tir. — At the tinind (G*o. L. Miiti'lerbm-k. mniuigvr) Setb Miller Kent, In "Rallies.". Feb. 20. pleased excellent business. La Koyotte Dramatic Club. 22. deserve praise for their excellent presentation of Oeorgo Ado'a "Marse Covington" and "The Triumph of Pauline." Felix llaney. In "When the Harvest Dnys Are Over,' 1 33i had satisfac- tory business. George 11. Adams. In "Hirmpty niiuipty." 26, to 8. It, 0. "A Country J«y r ' 28,-llobert. Downing March 2, Colo and John- sou 0. Crcatore'a Band 11 Family (D. W< Maurice, manager).—The week of Feb. £C opeuad-'to 8. It. O., with an nxlra good bill: Tbompsou Sisters, Krtdin barren. Knox Broa, Laura McDowell, Felix Rice, and the klnodromo. ' rfoTK8.i—Lu Purdetta and Happy Half Hour still continue to excellent business. Both houses now hnva chango of programme three times a weak.. ....George II.- Adams, of the Savlllo "Ilmnpty Dnnipty" Co.. was the guest of old frleuda, Mr. aud Mra. Eu- gene Dyor. during his stay here Chris C. Cana and F. A. Stout, of this city, will ouou « new. live-cent theatre shortly, In Frank- fort, J nd. • \lnceniie«—At the McJImsoy Thcatru (Frank Green, manager) Etra Kendall Rlajed to a good house Feb. 23. "Puna's ,.S* ,. p " >iu ' c, i. '■ : •" , • .. "J^" ""J*» of "hong" 28, "Boater Brown" March 2. H t MINXE80TA. 1 I Serantotav— At tbe Lyceum (Uly S. Hill. manager! "The Prince of Pllsen" March 6. "In toe Bishop's Carriage" 0. "Under South- ern Sklos" came 2, matinee and evening, to good houses. Acakbmv (fly 8. Hill, manager).—The I-.arl Burgess Stock Co. week of 4. "Young Buffalo, King of the Wild West," 28-March 1. was well received. Stab .(0. Kelson Toots, manager).—Tbe Nightingale Hurlesquers ^eek of 4. The Tiger Lilies, the past week, bad good busi- ness. Family f II. It. Smith, manager).—Woek ot 4: Harry Cllbs and company, Whitley and Bell,- Burns. Morris and company, L. Byron Kynon; Glluiorc Sisters, and Jack Irwin. Business continues fine. • •- Note. —A. J. Daffy, manager of the Ly- ceum and Academy, left March 1 to assume the management of Keith's Boston Theatre. He Is succeeded by Uly S. Hill, who comes from the Colonial Theatre, Akron, O. Readlnir. — At tbe Academy of Mualc (John D. Mlshler, manager) "Tbe Girl from the Ranch" Feb. 2(1, Wilton Lackavc 27. Francis Wilson 28, "Happy Hooligan"'March 1. "Human Hearts" 2. "At the Old Cross Roads" 4, "Tbe Isle of Bong Bong" 0, "A Message from Mars" 0, Billy Kcrsands' Min- strels 7. '. :..■•.-. ..-•;.- Oui'mxM (Frank >'. Hill, manager).—Bill for week of • 4. includes: Win. Iff- Murphy, Blanche N'lchols and -company, "A Night With the Poets," the Great Llvertoii, Besnah and Miller, Casting Dunbars. Lawrence and Har- rington, and Eddie Mack. Excellent business continues. ■■■■.-.'.■ Gkanu Opera Housf. (Kathan'Appell. man- ager).—"Huns and Nix" drew crowded bouses Feb. 25-27. : . . < Bijou (TJpdegraff & Brownell, managers). —Bob Manchester's Vanity Fair Co. and Rose Hill's English Folly Co. divided tbe past week, to good business. . I XorrlstoTvnv— At tho Grand Opera House (Chas. M. Southwell, manager) rar- tcllo Stock Co. pleased good business week of Feb. 25,' In the following bills:, "The College Girl,". "The Ranchman's Daughter," "For - a Woman's Bake," "The Admiral," "Faust" and "Dr. Jckyll and Mr Hyd«," "A Meaoge from Mars," March 4, "The Lion and the Mouse" 6, Y. M. C. A. course-7. "The Gibson Girl" 0. the Smart Set 12. "Human Hearts" 13 "The Isle ot Bong Bong 10. Note. —Samuel C. Mott. one of the beat known mcu In the profession, and ex-mana- ger of Jeffries, Is now ahead ot "The Dion nod the Mouse" Co., and reports, record breaking business wherever the show Is play- ing. „_ -'•- - Indianapolis.—At English's Opera Uouse (Ad. F. Miller, manager) "The College Widow," Feb. 22, 28, packed the house to the doors at every performance. Krltsl ScbefT was 111 at French Lick, and unable to ap- pear 25-27. In "Mile. Alodlste." Her char- acter was. taken by Efflc Fawcett, her under- study, who scored an unqualified success, nnd received mncb favorable comment from tbe local press. Business was very big. Emma Carus, iu "Too Near Home,". booked for March 1-3. canceled. "Tnu Vanderbllt Cun" 7, "The Heir to the Uoorah" 8, 8. Paiik Theatre (Dickson ft Talbott, man- agors).—"Queen of the Convicts,' 1 Feb. 23- 27, did the usual big business. "York State Folks" 28-March 2. "The Phantom Detec- tive" 4,0, "Around, thu Clock" 7-0, "Me, Ulm aad I" 11-18, Cole and Johnson 14-16. Oham) Ol'KKA IiuL-at; (Shafcr Zlegler, manager). — Simon Gardner and company and Eltic Fay were tbe principal features of an unusually strong bill last week, and capacity business ruled. For week of March 3: J. Morton, tbe Royal Musical Five, Sisters and Brothers Ford, Mathcwa and Ashley, Volta, Searl nnd Violet Allen, Los Klncrs Moullns, YullI and Boyd, una tbe bioscope. Euwiib (Hurry Uiurv. manager).— Grant's London Gayety Ulrla, Feb. 21-25, gave n plcuslng performance, to good busi- ness. Miner's Merry Burlesqucrs, 25-27, gave n bright and breexy performance. Ill- alto ROUhdcrB 28-March 2, the Empire Show 4-6, Watson's Hurlesquers 7-9, _,GAYETy_ (Edward Shaync, manager).— Rice ft Barton's Big Gaiety Co., Feb. 21- 23, scored Its usual big success. Boston Belles, 25-27, tared welL City Sports 28- March 2, Cracker Jacks 4-6, Golden Crook Notes.— Ed. E. Daley has canceled bis contract as press representative for the Gen- try Shows for season 1K07. He Is still do- ing the press work for tbe Park Theatre, here, with marked success Chris 0. Brown, representing tbe International Thea- trical Co., signed a. lease with V. T. Malott. owner of.tbe no* theatre, now In course of construction on South Illinois Street, for n high class vaudeville bouse in connection with this circuit.- The theatre, which Is a ne\v, modern, ground floor house, with bil- cony and gallery, seating 1,400, will be flu- Ished some time In August, and will be ready for tbe opening of the noxt season. Am- nions & Dubolgc, of tbe Crystal circuit, who originally secured tho lease 'on this house, found that it would not be practicable for their line of attractions Thercmalus of Chas.' Zimmerman, late manager of tho Empire Theatre, were taken to Clucloantl, for burial, Feb. 25. The attaches of the lo- cal theatres sent many handsome floral re- momhrancea. Harry Drury, who has been the advertising ugent of tbo Empire Theatre for several seasons, has been appointed man- ager to succeed Mr. Zimmerman. Carliondale.—At the Grand Opera House (Geo. W. Lowder, manager). Week of Feb. 25, the Mav Hlllman Stock Co. gave ten reper- tory bills, to well pleased audiences, and did good business, considering the Lenten season. "Under Southern Skies" came to fine business March 1, and sustained the good impression made last year. Uadloy's moving pictures March 4. • •• Family (F. L. Blair, manager).—During week of Feb. 25, three performances dally. to crowded houses. . Tbe following named features were In.evidence: Prof. Wm. Kemp, in "William Tell:" .llanley and Valosco, pre- senting "Tbe Wrong Flut :"• Kennedy and wible. clever entertainers: the Floods, nov- elty ladder balancing: Siegfried, marvelous monopede: Al. Botbner, In Illustrated songs, and klnetograph. Marlon.—At tho Indiana (Harry G. Sow- mera, manager) "When the Harvest Daya Are Ovor" came Feb. 21, to good hualnesa. Robert Downing, In "Running for Governor," 23, cn- {ayed large patronage, presenting a comedy hat Is clever nnd entertaining throughout Mr. Downing has always been seen bore In heavy tragedy, and tt Is refreshing to aeo how ably Tie portrays the character of Hon. John North, which Is far removed from any of his former work. His company Is well balanced. "Montana" packed two bouses 27, and, while tbe play Is Btrongly melodramatic, a beart Interest and aomo good comedy re- lievos It to a great extent. It is enjoyable. Harry D. Carey, as Jim Graham, andG'ortrudo Fowler, as Florence Harper, acquit them- selves ably'In the leads, and Joseph Harris, as Perrauit. Is capital. Boston Belles March 1, Arthur Dunn. In "Tho Little Joker," 2. Guano (Harry 0. Summers, manager).— Buckley's Dog Circus, Edna Roberta. Herbert Bert Lennon. Blanch Imnes, and tho Hc-Auoa, Feb. 25 and week, drew good houses, CnvsTAf, .(J. II. Amnions, mnnuger).—Mc- Cloud and Melville. Will and May Reno, the Sterlings, and Ituth Smith' entertained largo audiences 25 and week. Lancaster.—At the Fnlton Opera House (Chas..A. Yeckcr. manager) "The Ctrl- rrora the Ranch" did well. Feb. 25. William V. Mong. In "The Clay Bakor," had good house. 27." Francis Wilson, in "The Mountain Climber,'' pleased- s large audience.- March 1, Viola Allen, In "I'ymbellne." played to a crowded howc, 2. Tho Tayjor Stock Co.. •.•oportory". 4-K except' 7,, when "Tbe Isle of Bong Bong," is booked. Familt (Ed. Mozart, manager).—Current attractions Idclnda: Throe Dlerlckx Bros., Tarry and timer, Daloty Primrose and com- p.-.ny. the Tsnakss. - Lowe, xylopbonlat, Thomas R. Curtis and-company, and moving pictures. - -, :-■-•.■_-■-• Eric—At the Majestic (John L. Gllson. manager) Bpn-Greot'a Players, Feb. •-'«. .vero favored, with good attendance*. Mildred Hol- land. March 1. in "A Paradise of Lies," gave great satisfaction to larg* attendance.- "Sim- ple Simon simple" came to paylug bualnosi Starch 2. , M. P. Wilder 5,. "The Iwtali of Ox" 6. Paiik OpCua Horn; (John L. Gllson. man- ager).—Vance ft Sullivan Co., tn melodrama*, \isirri««>nrs{.—At StJfjreeum 'Theatre (M. Pels. maw«txr)£'Tbe Q Pilnce of Pllsej. Bvanavllle. — At tbo Grand (Pedlcy ft Burcli, .managers) two crowded houses saw ■lames Lackayc. In "York State, Folks," Feb. 24, and both audiences were pleased. "Busier Brown" March 8. Pkoplu's (I'cdlcy ft Burch, managers).— "The King-Bee," for two matinees,-24,-and evening performances. 25, 26. Tho plat called lout big houses, and gave general satisfaction. "Weary Willie Walker" March 3.' Bijou (Allen Jenkins, manager),— "At Cripple Creek" had good houses Feb. 24- 27. "Parsifal,'.' In English, 28, bad a sell out. "1'untaBina" March 3-6. Hoi'KiMs' Biicif (Col. Jack Ropke. mtina- gw),—rGood pstrnnuge. Bijou Stock Co.. sup- porting Vlolflt BnrneT and Richard Halnt Vraln, Is giving a good list of plays, "A Son of Toll" was givon last week, , Itoth Ulss Barney and. Mr. Saint Vraln have been In Evansvtlle all season, and bare grown in popular favor until- crowded bouses are al- moat a nightly oecurrsneo, ■• - — > ' ' r i. ■■ * . . Anderson.—At the Grand Tlieatio (Jos. E. Hennlngs, .manager) 8. Millar Kent In "Baffles." .Fob. 23, bsd two good bouses. "Tho Comor Orocel-y." 23, canceled. - "The King Bee" 28, Seville's "Humpty DumpIV ■Match 2, "The Vanderbllt Cup' r 8, Colo and SI. rani—At the Metropolitan Opera lo'iso (L. N. Scott manager)"Tlie Prince of India had big to capacity buslnoaa laxt week, nnd pleased Immensely. Week of March 4, L. S. Wlllsrd, In repertory., This la announced ns bis farewell engagement. Lil- lian Russell. In "Tho Butterfly, 10-J3; Me- Intrre snd lleatb, hi "Tbe Ham Tree," 14-10. GtiANo (Theo. L. Bays, manager).—Oruct^ Merrltt and her capable support had big business last week. In "When Knlgbtwond Was In Flower." She made a dscldod bit. llowurd Hall, in "The Mllllomilre Detcc tjvc," week of 8: Cecil Spooncr, In "Tho Girl IlaiOea." week of 10. Oiipinst-M (.Martin Reck, gcnorul mana- ger).—Last week, was a banuer week, with tho Orpheum Road Show as tbe attraction, the house being all told out loug bofore tho cuUlu went up, at several porformancea Bill for week of 3: May Edouln and Frod Ivdwurdx, Merrl Oabomo and company, Char- ley Ca.w. Wynne WInslow, Huwurd and How- ard, Hurry and I Is I vers, St. Ungo Brothel's, and animated pictures. Stab (J. C. Vuu noo. manager).—Thor- oughbreds Co. had good to very good busi- ness InHt week. Washington Society Girls week ot 3, and the Avenue Girls week' of Winphor (Smith B. Hall manager).—. Business was big on the stsgc laat wook. with the following people ns .entertainers: Kdtvard Keltic, Sldomo Dixon. Tucker nnd Klngsley and Venus Do Ml lo. Tho other departments came In for good' patrouage, also. Bmi'MB (Sam Fink, manager).—Dualness was very good last week. New people for week of 4 are i Chas. Hartioll. Carl Raymond, Carmen, and Henrietta Roberts. Those hold- ing over are: Kate Dlgby, Lottlo Delmoie, Ruth Cavan, Carroll and Gardner. Josle Coughlln, Luelle Blake, Charles Ellsworth, Debbie Vedder, Hlrdio Van Hawk. Grace Msl- tlicwa. Theresa Kemp, and thu Martin Slstors, Mention. — Ellen Beach Yaw and Mail- mllllan Dick, at Central Preabyterlan Church, Feb. 27.; Our ble Auditorium will open April 2, with -a. arand ball and concert. Tho size of (he building >« 180 bySOOfoet': stago, 145 by 125. It scats, for opera. 3,200; horao show, 0,000: convention, 8,000. Tho Aitrll- torlum board has established the following scale ot - prices for rentals; Tho minimum price is gino a night, for convention meet- ings. In which the board will not be rocntlrod' to furnish ushers, ticket Rollers or takers, or other holp, outside of the regularly employod force; to local entertainments, to which ad- mission Is charged, a minimum price of 1200 Is charged, tho board not furnishing any extra holp; lor operas and theatrical entertain- ments, a minimum of J30O will be charged, which will include the necessary ushers, ticket men. and other extra help usually suppllod by theatres mid opera houses. s Minneapolis,—At tho Metropolitan Opera House (L. N. Scott; manager) "Tim Prince of- India" Msrcli 3 and week. E. 8. Wlllaril, lust week, did very good buslncHs. Mclntyic mid Heath 10-IU, Lllllun Russell, In "Tho Butterfly," 14-10. Bunu Oit.ra Hoosn (Theo. L. Hays, manager).—"When Knighthood was In Flower" 3 and wook. - Ktjgenfe Blair, In "The Woman in the Case," did very good bouses last week. "The Millionaire Detective" 10 and week. Oiipiibum (Martin Heck, gcnorul mana- ger).—Illil for 3 and week: The Ornheum Show, direction Martin Rock: ManetkeL - Nod v'ayburn'a "Rain Dears." with Julia CuttU, Walt. C. Kelly. Ed. K. Iteynard, Wilson's monkey "Jcdalc,"' cjaudc and Funny Usher, and Work add Ower. This bouse reports good business for last week. ; < Lyceuk (I. C. Spec.j, manager).—"Rich- ard Car*el" 8 and week. "Mmc Sana Opbo." last week, had crowded bouacs. "Trilby" 10 and week. UN'iutm (John Elliott, manager).—Bill for A and week: Lutx Bros., Dick und Allen MrAvoy, Helm Children,Cretoie. Irene Litttn and Chillies Marvelln. This houao reports grwit hualness for lust week.'.._-. Dnqv-tw. A, Singer, manager).—Co- lonial Hello 3 and weelt. The New Century Girls, last week, did very good business. Thoroughbreds 10 and week. - »—^^ s Dnlnlh—At the Lyceum (C. A. MarHholl, niaimirer) 'The District Leader," Feb. 25, with Joseph E Howard und Mabel Harrison, did well. "The Little Duchess." 26, 27. ■corM big. "Tho Mllllnnntro Detective" Jlarch 1. 2. with Howard Hall. E. H. Wlllaril rhudK his first appearance In fifteen years. Feb. 2l-'j:), and matlnfc, to good btiMlncSH, Tnerc wss a change of bill at vuch performance. Illancho Wal»h March 4. D. "Bed Feather" ft 7. Met frityre und.Hcotb 8, 0, "The Boyul Cher 12, MKTBoroi.iTAN (W. II. Longstrect. rnnnn- gcr).-7-CsropbeIl & Diew's Colonial Hollfs. laar week' did big business. Thoroughbred*, with a large company, weok of March :t.,. - BMOU'tJoc Maltland, manager).—Business for last weak was to capacity. Bill for 3 and week; Cook nnd Botbartj Cnsar and com- pany. Heati'e Bnlm. gonsa and Sloan, Bonnie .Ic-un.-Ias^i' Silver, Trssk and (Hadden, Jan. Mi.-Clellan. and moving pictures and. Illus- trate? SOilgK. . *■♦ Puccini, the Italian composer, who cams hero to-Kuperlntend the staging of his own. "Madame- Bntlevfly" at , the Mutropoiltau CiKra tloutru,' balled for bomo lott, week.