The New York Clipper (March 1907)

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l&ggvg ^gg 1XEW. ¥ORE CLIPPER. 81 «tR iniCAOO MTTBir. •I ' «J. rHMMMMar »•>>»<■- mif otta ow* co«iif .BfONM;Nr. We ^$&?* KklnaDDed for Revenge" (Cbas. CnNHMw in ' ni-lO. "KIM of the Cattle Blng." W. A. Kiler'a (Joe RMser net.)—Las Cruees, N. Mn...ll..iUn jRarclai laTsoeorw 14, Belenl5, Albno.nera.ue fJiiaSklvSfri (Wm- *>• Jaradr. mgfil-t^sea*-, is-cuAfV 1? r.. 4. GloMTrtvllW.. Albany 0. Ulcus Falls 8. Plallsburg 9. Mont if ol, Can., 11- Lorcb. Theodore (I'eltoii & Stnntzer, nisrs.)—Culo- ijJ La SalSl (C. (1. Burr, lujr.)—GuetDeser. TYto S, 0, Ault. Colo.. T. ftreelev 8, Windsor 'i'Fort Collins II. l/ovcliuid 13. Bertboori 13. Uulsvlllo 14, Lafajctle.,15, Colorado-Hprlngs l.o Brant Stock—KoVwicb, Conn., 4-9', Haverhill, Lafajette, the'Great (T. 0. Lafayette, m?.)- L'u'llUcetlie, O., 11. rarlfersbuig. ,W. Va.. 12, llantlngtou Ijl. Aililaml. Kr-. 14, I'ortsBOatU, o . IS, 1I11M»*0>1*J- - '-■• "Llou and too Mouse" (Ileur? B. Harris, mgr.) —Columliua, C, 4-9, ludlauopolls.'tnd.. lKjrt. ••Lion and the Uooae" (Henry B. Huirl*. mgr.) —Omslia, Ncbr., «, 7. -Sioux City.' la., 8, r'ort Valag 9. I*» Mo-laes 11, 12, Bluomlatlun. 111., , i : Itarnlnlltowil. la.. 14, Burlington It, Mo- liue. Ill- M. ,„ „„i -.-.. .« ... •Llelit Bteniar' (Henry Miller, mgr.)—I'ltts- i«w. ra., u-io. ■ "Lover* and baaotlcs" (Chas. E. Thropp, mgr.)— Berlin. Ont.. Can., 8. 8tratford 9, 8t. Tbotuaa 11. St. Catherine 12, Loudon la. 14. Wood- cock 15. St. Catherines ltl. Jlsry >j3nnering (8am 8. & Lee Sliubert, Inc., "mere-)—Bprtngnelil. ■ Mass-.. I. Jackson, 11 ion.. Haciauic Modjeaka (Julea Slurry; nigr.)—-Warren, Pa.. 4. Jamestown, N. V.. 5, Oleao 0, Uornells- vllle T, UeneTa 8. Corning 9, 'fuwaodo.U'a., 11, Wavcrly, N. V., 12, Uneonta 13, Albany 14, Ulcus Falls 15, Holland, Vt.. 10. MaeDoiiald, Sara—Chicago, 111., 10-10. Slsrks Bros, (tt. W. Marks, mgr.)—Lowell. Mais.. 14V North Atldtus 11-18. •ilrj. Wlgga of Ibe Cabbage Patch" (Llehler & io.. ingrs.)— Sin. Bernardino. .Cal., T, Itlver- «lde S. ItcdlcnUs" 0, !x»-Angeles 11-10. Fresno IT, Son Francisco is act. "Mummy ind the Humming Bird" (Julea Marry, mgr.)—Orange. Tex., 0, Part Artbsr T, Beaa- uout 8. Galveston 9, Houston 11. 8au Antoulo 12. Austin 13. Waco 14. Martlu 15. Dallas HI "JUrrlage of Kitty" (Julea Murry. ingr.)—Green- ville, Tens., «. hjioxvllle- T, Chnttauoogu 8, ...,„_(!.. (;. c„ 9, Salisbury 11, Cbarlottc 12, Greenville, 8.C, 13, Spartaibn:^ 10. sjthu- aahjOa.. 10. * „ "lUssooil Girl." Fred Raymond's. Eastern (Geo. Bodes, mp.\— Pulaski City. Va.. 4. Bceua VI«ti'5.:l4rington 0;-Clifton Forge 7. Corlna- ton 8. Elaloa, W. Va.. 11. Mount Iloiie 12, Glen Jean 13, Montgomery 14, Charleston ltl. "lltisourl Girl," i'rwl llaymond's. .Western—Port- land. Ore., 341. Astoria 7, Vancouver, Wash., 8. Mouteeaiiu I), Aberdeen 10. Uoqulam 11, Ta- i-onia 12. Port AugeU-a 13. Nanalmo. B. C.,- Ciui.. 15. hadysmitb 10, Blalue, Wash., 18, Auacortca 21. "Mayor of Liughlaiiil" (Fred O. N'lion-Xlrdllugcr, attr.)—Uauoliigtou. W. Va.. U. Cbarleston 7, Athene, v.. 9. Iinoilllon 10. Mlddletown 11, Delaware 13. Fostorla 14, KUidlay 15, Lima 10. "Master Workman" (Phil Hunt, mgr.)—K. T. City 11-10. "Muety aud Sine" (Jat>. D. Barton, mgr.)—Ixmls- vllle. Ky.. 3-0, EransrlUe, lad., 10-13, Torre Haute 14-11). . . ••• . . • . "One Wntnaii"—Kansas City. 5Io.. 10-10. "Old Arkansas," Fred Baymoad'a ((.. A. Ed- sranls, ntgr.)—Cehr,' TJ.. 0. Mercer 7. Brlgbatn I, 8audy 0. Mount Pleasant II. Spring City 12, Maoli 13. Elblnore 14. lMcnneld 15, Surlngrale 10. Salt Like City 17-20. "Old Turnstile"—Mancbeatcr. N. II., 0-0. I'urneil. Kalbryn (W. V. FlUgerald. mgr.) — SteobeuTllle, O.. 4-9. ' Cringle, Delia (Claude Kelly. »gT.)—Dickinson, N'. Djk., 4-12, Sheridan, Wyo., 13-20. raullae, J. B.—Plttsfleld, Mass., 11-10. "1'rlnce of Indln" (Klarr A Erlangcr, nigra.)— Minneapolis, Minn., 3-0, Mlltrankce, Whs., 10- 10. "Palnihi'g the Town," Chas. II. Sale's—Bnton Itocgc, La., 10. Natdiez. MLw., 11. Jackson 12, Vlcksborg 13, - Monroe, La., 14, SUrerennrt 15. Hot Springs. Ark., 10. 'Teek's-Bad Blj." (Geo. Utath, mgr.)—Wichita, Kan.. V, Fredonia 11, Sedan 12. li:-s. The (Stair t Mcolal, burs.)— Memphis, Vena.. 4-fl, Noshrllle 11-10; Ujau. Durdej—Salem, Mass., 4-9, Wllkes-Barre, Pa.. 11-lS noc (C. j; W. Roe, ingr.)—Brockton, Mass., 4-9, New London, Couu., 11-10. Siooutr. Cecil (Chaa. K. Blar.ey Amuse. Co.. nigra.)—Milwaukee.-Wis,, 8^0, St. Paul, Minn., 10-10. TT Sautley. Joaepb (II. II. 'Hnncock, tnsr.)—Bayonne, S. I., -M. Trenton 7.-Plalnneld 9, Pblladol- phli- Pa...,11-10. "bnnaw Man" (Llebl'cr & Co.. ragrs.)—Charles- ton,, W. Va., 6. Portsmoutb. O., 7, ZanwTtllc 8. .Newark O, Columbus 11. 12, Hamilton 14. 'Simple Simon Simple" (Fred O. Mxoo-Nird- linver. mar:)—IlomcllsTllle. X. 1'.. 0, Clear- Held. Pa.. 8, Dn Hols 9, Bullet 11.. Tareutum 12. Franklin ft, Mcadrlllc 14. Greenville 15, Sharon 10. "Stiow Man" (Sam 8. aVLee Slioberf. Inc., nigra.) —New Haven. Couu., IMS, Springfield, Mass., 10. ■ ■•. . ■ „ Terry. Ellen (Charles Frolunan. mgr.)—St. r^ula, Mo.. 4-9. Detroit, Mich;, 1118. Buffalo, N. V., 14-10. Taylor, Albert (Oscar V. Nix, mgr.)—Taylor. Tex.. 4-9, 12, EnuU 13,.14, Greenville IS. 10. . 'Time, the Place and the Girl" (M. IT. Singer, mgr.)—Omahn. Xebr.. 10-12. Trip to Egyiit" (C. II. Kwr, mgr.)—Algona, la.. 0. Cbsrlea City 7. Maeou City 8. Boone 0, Cedar ltaplda 10. Marebatltown 11, lona Falls 12. Clarlnda 13. Bed Oak 14, Walioo, Nehr., IB. Uracd Islmd 10. Tourisls" (Kim 8. 4 Ue Shobcrt. Inc.. mgrs.)— "sihlngtoo, D. C. 11-10. Lncle Tnin's Cabin." Stetson's, Northern (Geo. Prck. mgr.)—Baker City. Ore., 0, Walla Walla, >\atn., 7. Dayton .8, WalUbunt 9, Moscow. Ida., II. !«wiiton 18, Genesee 13, Colfaj. Wash., 11. Cocur il'Alene, Ida.. 15. Spokane. Wash., 10. tncle Josh- Spmceby," D. B. l«rls'. Ksstern— Gnelph, Can.. 0,- Peterhoro 7, Belleville 8, Kingston », Ottawa 11-13, Shcrbrooke 14. Ber- lin. A. B., 15.-BWd«fotdr Me..- -10. uiclo JosbSpnjcehy." D. B. Levis'. Western— Berwick, -pc. 0, JIuncy'7, Uwlsburg 8. Troy 9. Look Karen 11. BclloTltle 12, Tyrone lo, Al'.oona It, Wlntlber 15. Greenauura 16. Liiele Josh Perklun.t' 0..n< Fratee's—Bebrlng, O-. H, .New Comerstown 7, Zaiwsvlllc 8, Park- ctvburg.' W. Va.. 0. Woodtfleld, 0., 11. Mlu- 0 ?.l "'y J 2 - Jouagslown 13. New Philadel- phia 14, Akiion 13,7Klyrla 10. V P )r !ff J t Kkton (K. Mac*, mgr.)—Cumber- land. Md., 4-9. »ll»n. Frtneln (Oharlea Froliman, mgr.)—Wit- mlnetoo, Del., 4. T^nton, K. J.. .".. 1'aterjon o. Mlrtnletown, V. ■ y;. 7, Yonkera 8, New Ko- floocryO' Henry (Hejiry Miller, mgr.)—Spring- J W*. Maw,, 7-0.- Providence. B. I.. 11-111. ,M Bi i ;tot1,e '< B< H- Wlncboll, mgr.)—Mem- ;*«y Dosti H»il» (Wm. A. Brady, mgr.)— jte5*Sit9M» 11. New Bedford 12, Fall .«?,';** 13. Wprcester 14-10. M« ' B i* nn - Spencer & Atom's—Springfield, "Wonderln'nd" (Joi. M. Galtea, mgr.)—rittaourg, mm 11-ls. ,ft fn,u * ^ Bo11 .'' Clarence- Bennett's, Western tllnrrv oordon, mgr.(—Omaha. .Vent.. 8. loung Btiffulo, "King of the Wild West" (Chas. Blaaey Amuse. Co., mgrs.)—ft X, Olty 11- ■W* aTj6»,nfro. "My Dixie Olri" tola wefk. With '"tb» TWO OrphllU" to follow. .. v Majestic Tmurnn (I.ytnan II. Glover, I , . UM> .SI W 1'—To* ""I week of A .Includes: UroWi. Bfaih.., AJBc9 «tU',FWMr>Y WbOlhrt Adlef. tHd TWa-VlffahB. Dlxor? atSl Mm, Mr, and.lira. Onrdner Crane, Klliol Lorey, i'olly Pickles' PelgJ' Senrle and Violet Allen, the Kloi-cn* Troup*., and the kino- drome. work shop on the North Side Is o scene rtlvt Son Vnr fi?„ e h° f 1 " ,e m . <>st '»tAble of my son- all"house^JSrtff ,,M V* cn Phenomlna) at •urnousts. and the record t-nu for thin city hrttedlh 305UiJarteaaSSli M.ii"'. v'"" 6- ??''. a * r, i c ' *•*•»• Trio. -Mr. and Mm. WT-'Atar t'iu ■■ « ih2 a ifl£fAi^ B i'! , *fi•* d « , I?»« "*!«». Roberta Four. ,Joe Goldsn, Mile. eeedlnir liUen Terrv %« »«a! wt - /k 1 ""- » av . f s «nd Macauley. Wlmlsor McCay. Vas- rry. The Whlmer (insr. C j>, | err Hawkins, tile Tonrbillon Trouiw and the klnodrome. Uavwaiiket Tiikatr* (William I". New- kirk, manager).—The bill week of 4 In- cludes : Gllmotir and La Tour. Edna Kob- eris.-lbo Vnughnoia, Ollje Vhung and Bro., Allen I^mlon.' l»ll, AnAa I3vn Fnv. Lew Wells, 8nt«H0> Troupe, Charley Harris, Val- erie Burgere and'company, Marecno, Ncraro nad Mareeno, and the klnodrome. STiu TtjtiATKa (Jame-. L. Ledcrcr, oiana- fer).—The bill here Includes: Frank Dunne, House (erstwhile new theatre), wllfnot ! , K n > fi annoontted, owing- to alreratlSn. not havlaj been eomplcled.^ The ataEc h being mnrle twice as deep as It was orlfL, iy. . It Js now unnoticed to. ooea 10. Marrii R! 1 ffi fV at *?■ lMlt • U»«' outlook la for a lot of Ale] weather, ns the Winter bM Sea an exceutlonally open and mild "no si fa" .:!i{' ,N0 J?, T »£ATaK (wm i. Dnvi 8 ; ■£ bouses nf^„S. b . f i;?"' <> wcel ? bU - t ' ltt M Aner and Do" bnw, it 'WDieb she presented "NnuccOid> wag greeted by an* 'In three styles of. dauolnc: Ilarncy Ttlo. Auer and Du Oiwo, "A Tattered Itevelatlon In Hags;" tbo" Original Cherry Sisters, who lauma write thel*. own ><ongs and monologues: the °f„i* e A****. "".??■ which proved tf very Three Musical Miller?, and the Staroacopc. lAtiC Kcosinaton (Ilea Snyder, business manag'jr). — Tttli newly opened buuse: " -Bllen Terry aa-r .Jcb 2f'"Vh^Lffs^ri"" ""l 'o«=al Performance. of. The vJootl Hope." which proved a very m*9 >mmmi Mlas Terry's birthday in- tillod to capacity, and the well beloved act- If k ?v . waa B ' v,;u a licarty reception. The fPSffiffit 'Vn" Tne Good Ho &" took on K;*gff8 slgnincance. "Captain Brass- hounds Lonverslou" was given one perform- anoe, matinee of March 2. Maud Adams will commence a four weeks' engagement. In 'i'ownas' Thbatee (Harry J. Powers, man- f«r>.—Jobs Drew la In the last week of his engagement here, In "Lils House In Or- der, and has been doing a splendid busl- l^eas. Ibe play has been well received, and the star; wins to have made the greatest bit of his; career, locally. E. S. Wlllanl. next week, In repertory. Oapbick TBEAinn (Herbert C. Duce. man- »«e*).—Blani-he Batcs.ln "Tbo Girl of the g|**5 T cst /" na9 maA( > one of the greatest b , lls In the history o£ local dramatics, with frank; Keenab sharing the success for his superb performance oT Jack RSnce. This Is the fourth and final week, and the house is practically sold out for the entire time. David Warfleld will open 11 In "The Music Master," for sis weeks, and the advance sale promises to eclipse all records. :C0LOKIal Thbatrs (George W. Lederer, manager).—Richard Carle, In "The Spring CWckfn," seems to be the only thing to say of.this attraction, as the story of Hie opening ■week has been repeated In tbe seven succeed- ing weeks. McVickeb's Theatre (George C. Warren, manager) .—Orrln Johnson has made a most favorable Impression In the title role of "The Shepherd King," in which be succeeded Wright Lorlraer. Feb. 22, the latter going to Lakeville, N. J., for his health, which gave cut that week. It is expected that Mr. Corl- mer will return in about a week. Joseph l\ Hall, manager of the company, was suddenly stricken wltn pneumonia- 23, and sent to the hospital, whore he Is showing signs of im- provement. Bernard A. Itelnold is filling Mr. Hall's- place during his Illness. May Buckley has been most successful In winning tbe hearts of all Chicago In her charming im- personation of Princess Miriam. Studcbakeb Thlatbb- (It. E. Hermeyer, manager).—Bertha Kallcb made a most fa- vorable Impression In "Tbe KrcuUer Sonata," last week, and will continue to present the {i.lgy this, week. Theodore Roberts Is appear- ng In the role of her father, and lends dignity to the ; excellent cast. Business Is splendid. Thomas W. Ross, in "The Other Girl," follows. Grand Ofeia. House (Harry Askin, man- ager).—"Mr. Uopklnson" has certainly found favor locally, and the bouse has been filled at every performance, while tbe antics of Dallas Wclford have caused the' greatest amount of favorable comment. Mary Man- nerlng will follow, IB, in "Glorious Beta*." Gbea: Nobtiiekn Thbatbe (Fred C. Eberts. mar.agoi).—Cecil Spooner played to capacity business last -week, In "The Girl Baffles.' The Four Mortons, in "Breaking Into So- clsty," ore the current'attraction. "Fan- taama" 10. CiiiCAeo Opeba Hocse (David H. Hunt, manager).—"In. Mizsoura." that etching of the "show mo" State, was splendidly played bere last weak, and William BratnwcU. De Witt C. Jermings, Helen Iteimer. Eleanor Gordon, Charles Brokate and lira Taylor did exceptionally tine work. "Why Smith Left Home*' will be given this week, commencing mathnej, 3. "The Henrietta" will follow. La Salle 1'hbatbb (Mort H. Singer, man- ager).—Decorated from the sidewalk line through the looby, and to the rear wall of the 6ta*J, this house presented a tbie appear- nnce. evening of Feb. 27. when the tbreo hundred and fifth (and record breaking per- formance). was eclebrattd, and at the.same tins) the audience took advantage of the "lid or' appearance of things to congratulate Manager ginger upon his fortunate escape from ihc railroad wreak of recent date. Handsome souvenirs In the form of soft leather.bound pamphlets, were distributed, having cuts of all members, together with scenes from tbe play, and cuts of the com- posers and librettists. The occasion was one of Jubilee in every respect ■ ...... BUSH TemMJS THEATnB (Elisabeth Scho- ber, manager).—In "Mistress J<cU' the Players Stock Co. found one of the happiest mediums of the season, and the performers played-tbe merry-scenes as though from shere enjoyment. Sarah Truax MM « very pleasing Nell! George Farren played Charles well, but the honors of the piece were fairly won bv Morris McHngh as old Strings, than which -Mr. Mellueh has never given a better performance. Oza Waldrop charmed as Moll. "La ToRca" given 4, fol- lowed by "The American Lord. _ International Thbatbb (EIHs F. Gllck- raan. manngerj.—This lino company otters rhange of bill almost every day, and con- tinues to good business. ... has done-a very good business, and Is located where there Is little or no competition. The lllls arc strong, and the favor Is made in earnest. lor the current week the bill In- clude* : Cttlef and Waldron, Dawson and Whitllald. Art Adair, Buckleys dogs, Bert Melvln, and tbe bioscope. AcAflBJiv .(.WJIHam Roche, manager).— 'The Gambler of the West," with David Landan fcalored in the title role, did ex- cellently last week, and tbe play made a very atrong impression. Frances Ncwball was particularly good as the adventuress. This week, "A Marked Woman" is tbe at- tract!.;i. James J. CdrWtt, in "The Burg- lar and ibe'Ledy," next. Bijou Tiieatbb (William Roche, mana- ger) .—r"The Way of the-Transgressor" proved a—welcome attraction; ptnytng lo good re- turns last week. "Montana" this week. "Kor a Human Life" will follow. Cr.rrsiiioN Theatre" (John B. Hogan. man- ager).—This popular North side house of melodrsma continues to do a fine business, and "The Burglar's Daughter" benefited by it last week. Lottie Williams, In "My Tom- Bo/ Girl." will be here week of 3, followed by "A Marked Woman." Auiimoea (James H. Brown, manager).— Lottie Williams, la "My Tom-Boy Girl"'drew big crowds last -week. "Too Great Wall Street Mjsli.y" Is current "Kidnapped for Revenge" Is underlined. CoLVMDfs (Webber Bros., managers).— Billy Clifford scored a success last week in "The Jolly Huron." and the bouses were big. Eugenie Dlalr will offer "The Woman In the Case" this week, and the high- class at- traction should pull big business. Ecsok'h .Tiieatkb (Sid, J. Euson. mana- ger).—The Iteatz-Sanllcy Co. came here last week with- a strong olio, and several good things la the burTesauc section, and pleased. The Bowery Burlcsqucrs open 3, ivillt a raelnnge of music and dance, a gaiety which sbould please the most exacting. The performance Is divided Into three sections, and "An Artist's Studio" is one of the of- ferings. LUzle Freleigh, a good singer, heads tbe cast. In tbe olio: the Fanell- Taylor Trio, Beu Jansen; Hills and Wilson, Caroiellta d'Elcederc, and' Mile. De Leon. Next' week." b'red • Irwin's Majesties. Folly Theatre (John: a. Fennessey, manager)-*^Tbe Avenue Girls made a big Lit last week, and the business was up to tbe standard. Miner's Merry Buries- quers offer a splendid attraction this week, which Is on a par with - the-amusements generally presented by this enterprising firm. There is a full quota of comedians, singers, dancers, specialists, and amusing notions to keep laughter going from curtain to curtain, and the costuming and scenery uphold tbe reputation of the company lu goad style. Empire BurlesqUers next, . Tsocadeiio (L. M. Wcingarten, manager). —Clark's Runaway Girls proved one of the most enjoyable offerings seen bere this sea- son, and the bouse was packed at every per- formance. The famous Rcntz-Santley Co. moved over from tbe. North side, 3, and started out with two capacity houses, and an.erldent intention to repeat at every per- formance. "Forty-five Minutes from the Bowery' and 'The Squaw Man's Wife" wo tbe principal sections of the entertainment, and the olio shows up well. Including: Colton and Darrow, Marshall and King, Allen arid Dalton, Wlxon.and Eaton, Murry Livings- ton, Charles D. Weber, .and the 'Cycling za- noras. Nina Bartolinl beads the burlesqua forces, assisted by Jean Darrow, Marlon Blake, Viola Van Ordllor and others. Next week, lilt. Bowery Btlrlesquers. Wo.npeuland Museum (G. B. Mills, mana- ger).—This house continues to do a fine and Increasing business, through consistent cater- ing to the desires of the public, and tbo gen- eral neatnesi of tbe place. London Dime Museum (William J. Swee- ney, manager).—Businoss continues good, and the attractions are of tbe best.. The follow- ing arc lit the curio hall'this'week: Valenca. the woman with two toniruos; Irene Lighten and Maude Slosher, bag punchers': Maratona, snake charmer: Vcno, magMari. and Nelson, armless painter. In tbe theatre: Violet Moore, Kittle Scott, Madge Mart ley. and Harry Dodd. • Cmbk Stbrbt Muskum (L. M. Hedges, , manager).-Business' all -the time .la the SStS^mlmmSSl^S&i «SS S2%I3 ment at tbe. Academy In T 'Tho Gambler of great activity Irene Itoljea. n yourlg lady wno-niade "her loral sppeiirnuco recently m the Majestic, hns berii very successful In the West. Khe gives excellent Imitations of Eva Tanguny. l>elln Fox ami Mnbel Dnrrlson, i Joseph'F. Hall Is In town, a* business niannscT with Wright l.orlmer. In "The Mhsp. herd King." ..Michael Attnlnn. wlinm eteiTtody In theatrical «.'hlcngi> knows, was a CLli-i4:n llnrcdn cnllnl last week, Itarltia )ust got ti|- from n slrk i.cii, where he hftd bran ..lufforlng from pneumonia. It was tinder 3In Alttnun'i Auspices that tin- lisn- qlMM tendei-pil io tbe mhuBgcment nntl t onv panr of "The Tim*, thr- Pls.-e nnd the Girl" took place, hul be ins, tintoriuniiltiy. slrlck- Sn a few- tltya or sii provkms to iho event, ......The testimonial benefit to the wife and children of tb> lata John illltgen. at the Chicago Opora IIoiihc, was a r,ueecss, ana tM- beneficiaries rettprd u lino puine. Ths hill was a Ion- one Thn llwal r4port of the "Streets uf I'avls" Ba- zaar Iibm been announced, and Iho Tns?ft- vttnt ' Hospital, In aid of wlilrli the affair was given, Is $44.nST.CiO better off than formerly. Mrs. George S. Isham. treas- urer, made a report The advance sale of the S«n Carlo Opera Co." established another record at the Auditorium, where", up to Saturday, in. a RTenter number of ttchcta h»«I been" passed out thsn for any former occasion, and in spile of the low prices askefl, Iho receipts were over IfSO.OUO..'.... Eugene F. Ellsworth, a millionaire philan- thropist, who made It possible for Iowa Kalis, la., to have Its handsome. Metropolitan- Open House, and other public buildings, died la that city, 14. aged rifly-nlue years........ Owing to the fire which recently destroyed the Coliseum Annex, the big Elks' fair, ached' ulcd to occur (here 18, 10. was postponed to sonic time during April. The entertainment will Include a Hippodrome, l'arlslan concert and bainnr... .Ida O'Dny, who played the leading female role in support of Arnold Daly, In "How He Lied to Her Husband,'' during the two weeks' engagement at the Ma- jestic, was obliged to Jump Into tba part at short notice at the time of tbe Illness of the late Issbelle I'rquhart, In Myraeusc. Miss O'Dny was doing her banjo act at the samo theatre, and when the ami nun cement was made of Miss Urquharfs Illness. Mr. Daly persuaded ber to go on temporarily, though she had ncrer played a part before.' Her success, and the-death of the former player In the part, led to ber definite engagement by Mr, Daly, and she Is winning praise In Uer performance... .11. P. Burton, business man- ager of the Star Theatre, was a Clipi»kb Bureau caller, and reported business as being splendid at Hits hustling little house on the Northwest side of the city Tames Carow. leading man for Ellen Terry, Is the only American In the company, and' Is-a native of Chicago, at one-time being a clerk in a. Wabash Avenue book store Herbert C. Duce, manager of the Gar- tick Theatre, celebrated the anniversary Of David Warrick's birth, by the hanging of an old print of the famous actor, thus add- ing to tbe excellent picture gallery In the Western bnllway of the theatre Cholly Bell, black face monoloxlat, was a Bureau caller 20, nnd said be bnd been very success- ful through Ibe West, playing.for the West- ern Vaudeville Managers Association. lie will play burlesque next summer Stutznuvn. and Crawford were Cmppeb Bureau callers having finished twenty-three weeks of time on the Western circuits, aud will go Kast in April, nnd In tbe Summer will play parks on (be Frank Melville circuit. Lawrence Evart. who la starring this season lt» "We Are King," la meeting with great suc- cess, and the pre** reports cjvo him unstinted praise........ Herbert Bert - Lennon was a Cmvphb Bureau- caller, and reported that his vrlfo is working with him now, and tlia aet la going well. Last week he left the "Windy City." and started out through ths smaller surrounding towns... .Edwin Young, an old time actor, and well known through- out the country, died at his home In this city, '41 Mort H. Singer, manager of tbe Ui Salle Theatre, was-In the wreck of thtt Pennsylvania 1U It. 18 hour Limited, K3. /it Ulnck Diamond, ra., and bad bis (dot badly bruised Anent tbe record which "The Time, tbe l'lactt and Hie Girl" achieved last week, it Is- Interesting to nete that the other long runs lit this city were made by "The Umpire," 30-1, at the La Salle, for- merly the record; "Forty-nve Minutes From Broadway" (h'ay Templeton), at the Colo- nial, .234: "The Lion and tbe Mouse, at Powers'. 144; "The College widow," at the Studebaker, 173, and at the Dearborn (now the Gurrlck), "The Tenderfoot" ran 20O performances, and "Tbo Burgomaster," ISO times Mort II. Singer, who-was In the wreck of Lho Pennsylvania Limited about a. week ago. Is none tbo worse for his shear- ing up. but George S. Wood, of the Colonial Theatre staff, was confined to his house last week, with strained muscles ttnd brulsas, though otherwise unhurt .John O'Mara a former correspondent of Tuc New Yodk Curpgn In Ottawa, Can., was a caller, March 1 Harrison Grey Ftsko was In town last week looklng'after the Interests of Mme. Kalleh at tbe Htudebaker Theatre ......From Hay City, Mich., comes word that Jnmcs K. Corbott, a- member of tbe Kennedy Stock Co., became suddenly Insane dn-the stage of the theatre, and called on some one In the audience to shoot hliu. He was removed to St. Mary's Hospital.....'. Mr. Gould, of Gould and Gould, la playlug In and around Chicago for the present until his wife's recovery, a baby girl having come to bring happiness to the couple, F«b. 27. The baby was christened Helen Gotlld Mr. and Mm. David Landau. (Frances Kewball) • were ■ CLii'nen Bureau caller! watchword here, and the throngs wL._ seen coming from this place indicate that they are well pleased with tbo constantly changing curios and other attractions. AfTEniuTH.—Luna Park, at Halsted and Klffy-peoond • Streets, will throw open Its gates May 11. This third magnificent Sum- mer amusement rjark. v costing; weveral hun- of the west," In which S(f. Landau does some splendid acting In tbe title'role. •' Helen Kclroer, the popular character woman of the Chicago Opera House Stock Co.. will hisve her "night, 4, when photo- graphs of tier will be' distributed as sou- »raj^«K$*5 V ^«;4 &°%£^£%&& this city Jan. SO. At the time of It Is demise he .Was at- work oh a, .pta^which wis. to depict life, lu th* urtfltf world.... -..Burton Holmes gave his traveloguo on Ireland,,1, 2, at Onhrtitrn lull. and. will be heaij. 8. J), an Swltdoiisndi... .Ma* HoTnrlch. baritone, will give ft song recital,' io: In Music Hail, and icmiiio n.> QofoTcn. bartlone, will h« henrd In the' sAnt place, IT Mr; and Mr«. Alexander Prttchnlknir were heart In a Joint violin racital at Music Hall, titter- noon of Feb. l'4. Dr. Nathaniel I. rtabln- hsm liwttlted an Bernard Shaw'a "CstsaT and cieopitrn" and Shakespeare's "Julius Csesnr'." i'4, In tin? mnrhlng. at Music Hall .. .■!. .MscMlllen. vlollnlsd nppesretV sfthr- noon of b>h. J4 ni Music HjiI. swfstvd by Mme. Kosliis IIiij.> Dvlte. . . . . .The Thfima« (irehestw. wills Herbert WIIMf. spoon, basso woloW. aiipvare'l at Orchestra Hall, aflerniii.n of I. uuil evening of II."to Inwe siidletiees other Cliitsr Callers daring the week were: Mrs. Cramptoh, of Crnmpton'-A Musirlnn's Bureau: wiillsta F, Nug4mt. John' ilnwxhtirst. mnnager of.'the I'otriess Kxehsnjfe<: Jsck Burnett, -Prank Hilton, Edward f. Kadow, R. A. lUtch, Wll' nam i» Neodham, mtislc pobiisber: B. Bar- boon of I^ang A Barbour,. and Franklin Wtlgbt. • . W HO " i MICmOAN. Detroit.— At the- Detroit Opera .House iRvC.. Whitney, manager) Grace Georfgi'la "Clothes." was grMtSd b* large and (MFC' dative audience* Feb. 'JS-March C. B&Mrt Kdeson, In "Strong Heart," Weak Of -MffrVh Ltccuu (K. D. Stair,, manager).•—"Peggr from Paris" waa.presented by a caimblo com- pany to good .houses last week. Graqo Cam- eron, in "Little .Dollls Drmple," week of it. Lafavuttb i Dr. Campbell, mausger).— Last week's well balanced bill drew tbe usual crowds. Attractions week of 8 Inelutln: Leo Car ill lo. James U,- Donovan, ln-sko, Stanley Johns, .Marino, Hcatrlcc Mereland, Sw Van and MeHrlen. Valonl and Cecilia M>Bton. . -. WitiTNni <E. D. Stair, manager).-—"When the World Siccus" pleased packed bouses last week, BtMM lienntui week of 3. ■ ■..'< TcMi'LS (J. EJ. Mpore, niansger),—wotg* Evans wbb the leading hit of last wcek'a ex- cellent bill, and 8. It. G. was lho rule. At- tractions week of 4 Include: Ned Wayburn's "Futurity Winner." Junlc McCrss and com- pany, Augusta. Uloso, Geo. Mostrt, welch. Mealy and Montrose, Dillon Bros.. Wonder- ful t'hlnko and company, Mlnnlo Kaufman, and lb« klnetograub. ... ._-. Gaibvk (II. H. Hodges, manager).—The Transatlantic BurUsqucru presented an - en- tertainment that pleased good slxed boum* last wei'l,", Joe Oans and Clark's llunawar Girls rt-n. Avbnuk (Drew t Campbell, manager*).— Tho Great Lmplre Show, with Ilogrr IrabofT. Savo one of tbe best peiforniKncci scon bere His seasoii. and Kdod houses was ths rdls last. week. The Fay Foster Co. week of at VntUT.iL (J. J, Nash, manager).—A good bill and good bouses ruled last nick. Attrac- tions week of 4 Include: Mack and Kllhrtt, Acrobatic Hills, Mabel Cassldy. Barney First, Anson Selilrhart, and tbo klnodroaie. IS ' ■ KBlnmnsoa—At the Academy of Music (B. A Bush, manager) "Tho Girl and the Bandit" drew a good house Fob, US. Field's Minstrels played to S. It. 0. 28. Cmtori'a Band March 0, Iltro Kendall, In "Swell Bis- ■mnt Jones," 7; Stetson's "Unci* Tom's Cabin" 0. ..... . Bijou (TIios. Rood, manager).—This house Is meeting with uninterrupted sticcssi, drawing uniformly good bouses and offering tlrut etuss vaudeville bills. Fisher's World's Fair Orchestra's two Bunday concort* ap- pear to be a tlxture, and attract big—often capacity houses; Itoster for week of 4, In- cludes: Five Musical Lovolands, Wn, J. Mack, Howes bisters, and llalmund and Good. * Vaudbtth Tntariii! (Fred A. Iluff, man- age).—This houao opened 28, and Jiai been doing en Immense business. High class moving pictures, illustrated songn aad aosso Taudevllle acts are tbe attractions. > Note.— Wonderland (W. II. Johnson, man- ager) continues to - draw good houses with arcade and Auditorium. it 1 Bar city.—At the Washington iff. J. Daunt, manager) William Owen did big busi- ness, matinee and night. Fob. 24. "Tbo Land of Nod" drew a large audience 25. illatich* Walsh, In "The Btraight Road," was wall re- ceived 27. "Thorns and Orange H1ohsmu»" March 7. Grace Cameron Opurs Co., lrt."LIttl«t Dolly.Dimples," ID; "The King Bee" CO. 11, "The tfinminj,' Arrow" 12. _.f At.vABAuo (W, J. Daunt, manager).—MJ»f- gsn's Comedians. In reiiettorv, pleased gdoa sited ttiitlli iiccb last week. Madison Squars Stock Co., in repertory',' week of .1. / , Bt.iou (.1. I). I'limore, manager). — Bill week of Kel). 20 Included: Fero and Wilson, the McCnivers. Hloosom Uobluson. theLsOn- dore, nnd tho HlJotiscope. •> Note.— James K. Corbott. of tbo Kennedy Player,!, wuk taken seriously 111 Feb. 13i and Isat.tbi Lutheran Hospital. i n i e " Grand it»iii<i»^—At the--New Powers (Harry G. Hommors * Co., matngors) f'THe Land of Nod" March 2, 8, "Bars'K*naall,:hi "Swoll Blegnnt JohoSj' 0: Wm. Owoli 10, "The Clansman" 17. 18. ■ • .., Matkhtjo (Orin Btalr, manager!.—"Me, Him and 1." Feb. 2447, drew well, as old "Tbo Phantom Detective," 28-Marco '8; "Peggy from Paris 7 ' 8-tJ, "Kidnapped for Itevenge" 7-i», "Dototby Vernon, of Haddon Hall,' 1 10-111. : '•_''" : - Guano OPUKA Hoi'hb (Churclillt & Davis, monsgfTOt. — vVeck of 8: AdatiilnlTSylor, Del-A-Plume, Billy Durant. Martini ant)' WM- mlllnn, and Rosa dn*-Severns.'• ' ' t < Snarlnavr.— XT "iBe'"AcTiTJcBiy" (Cliss. W, Porter, manager). Wm. OWen Co. pMsented "Othello" und "Borneo and- Juliet" n stooa Ynnsw-Vnb. TJi, 2U. H '■*«» . ottL . r '. 8C »^»^c«ToTj r *arTmB Clippeb SSLk wtft - sB d stited that be had:1ust Snn Te ?.J , , cre «roa.lCut«. Us has Tils trained gk .glng BllF- which' be'will «*e to «wd-it»p1dsV Mjsctt,r for a few weeks, and 59 ,'«»> to thrroadttWln. ; Mr." Bnnilrl i!^. ,r, J t 1** Ma««d-a very pleasant, ehgnge. wS.L?i <"«. Palatini Park, Hnyaaa, Cii6«« t»y»Mr*rtSt<U a ^ tte Wfformers were n*h!L!i?. IiC8 w^ T ' n ' , o* will' star under Dovld feS&, ,0( ; toc ycavs ' bcslB ' plenBiires seekers. _ Southwest sides. Tbe location Is Ides), and the cronnds are covered witlt-majcstlc oaks. ItoibOLUT^PiTuVTitB (Jos-Bransky. mana- which give the fork an advantage that Is arC ), -Last Lynn6" pleased the audiences possessed by only on« other of the local- of last week In Its old tlmo manner. "Ifan; parke. The Bite covers att area of twelva chon the Cricket," another of the old, acres, and nn Imposing entrance has been timers though always IntoroBtlng. la on this erected at Halstead an*<Fifty-second Streets, week ' "DnmirJ and Pythias" next. , studded by several' thousand electric lights.- iTKtv Theatkk (Robert T. Motts. mans- Great towers flank an.elaborate arch, from • which blase. In great electric letters, "Luna Park." Among the larger attract lona are tbo largest autoTlde roaster In America: a thril- ling -water ride, "Shooting Niagara," an ex- hibition with elaborate sconle accessories; showing a village street, and terminating with . a thrilling lire scene, entitled "Ths Darktow'n Klre Show:" a *2O,0OO ball room t and a 820,000. skating -.rink ileal Gypsy Camps, an Oriental Japanese Tea Garden. ""H-Factory. Box Ball Ships. . Topsy-Turvj, Ttaxzlc-Darzle. Merry-gO-rounds. WM other popular amusements will be provided. Tne' lsrger buildings arc well-under-way, and others ajc .startjng^ dally. ^Tbc officers ar/j' L. II. mnnagi Knh,.secretary: H. Milton .Uicbbcrg. pres'dent And architect,..:....Charles Prince will present bis, one act play," "A About' Town." In yatjdeTllle. very slidrtl.. .-:...-.. .Walter McCnllongh wrltCK frbm-fil Pas(>. Va.. that he Is meeting with great 1 euccess, wh*wh«**lifi«' his "own "stock coin- patrjrV after having«played leads for- threo inorrtbs for thn Trunk Leake Stork:c»..-;. .A Itorclnnd t cilffoTtl■are''making grr-at prepar-' atloris for ihrlr big.production of nest sea*: ner).—"Hoflolulu". played lo flno business during the last fortnight, but In accordance with the policy of. the bouse, a change of bill;' will be made 4, when "The Grafters will bC given. This Is a three act musical nlsy. by Blaine Gray,- with music by Joe Jordan and James T. Brysn. The piece Is staged by J. VA. Grson. assisted by Jerry MiUs. end Lonls PenniDgton. • HoWard Thbatkb (Lprln J. Howard. Manager).—The usual changes of bill here. Electric Theatres* l] brlngTs continuous round of good audiences Alleys. Klylns Air which enjov tho good acting and the ea>. ioyable plnvs. Buslntsa holds un well.' EtUtSl Thkatrb- (John T. • Connors, manager).—"Tho Moonsblners" was well en- Joyed last' Week. and. the highly exciting sltnaHons called out: great applause. Tbo Eighteenth In Montana" lg-tbo bill this week, and gives evidence of being a success. '.1»*.HWm> that Jack Built" ntxt. ssAatowB THEATBa (Charles B. Marvin. manager).—Business):last week was up to tha standard, iiud the nadlenerswere pleased with the offerlag. '-Tennessee's Pardner" la the-current' offering; and ,th» oM story of life in the mountains of tost stste should mako • s. st vo«s - appeal. "Trilby" next. Pr.nvt.Vs TiinATRt: (,!o-"epli Pllgriol, limit-. own coicpnny of Bcsndlnuvlnn actow to (tic (larrlck Theatre. March 31, for ono per- formance, to-appear in an Ibsen'play. Sup- I ortrng blui will bo Miss WrlgbPFolkttan nnd Arthur Thallnugh, both of tbe-It oval Theatre, Christiana,, nnd Mrs. William tier- neri...«.Harry Habn, baritone, wiU a Ctir- rso Bureau-caller Fob. 28, coming fi'um lho Uaat, haling .ployed ft South fiend, Ind., tho. wpKic.pre.vloiuij He haB> throe consecutive weeks at tin. Family Theatres. Mollno end Bock Island.. ill., and Davenport, la Olllc Young and Urothcrvwbo arc playing the Kohl & Castle circuit at present, called Feb. 20, and the clever "hoapl^ls".wcro very pleased > ov*r -the wuy their-act haa been going. William. M. Johnson, the pi'lrao mover In thn management-of Ulvcrv)ew Park. Was a Clipi-cb Bureau caller 20, and stated that the mammoth work will throw open Its doors. May ::,-> A benciit for tbe Actors' Fund will tukn place at the Auditorium, 'i'i, and 'all tlm 'attractions In tbo city at that tlmo will bo renreeented....-.. ..Harry We Rawlins; proputtv master of "The Girl of tin? Tbo Land of Ned" •I, His iieho Walsh I me to a fill i house IJU. Illppodroine Hpe- ally Co. March 4-0, f»*ei"on'* ''Uricle, -Ton!*- had good hstronago came to a fill* ' olalty Co. Marr., Cabin" 7, "ThorriB nnd-Orango Hlossonis" 6. thers ere starting dally. The officers are: Golden Wcul," died of nephritis. Feb; U8, at ,. It. Lauttersteln, ' president and general the;Hnhnemnnn Hospital, this city, lb had intiagcr: Irfw Myers, treasurer; Jas.r M. bsawKoTttsc employ of David Belasco for inwrment hmao in New Votk Clly. Wawtatg s German: ontuedlana' will give two- matinees, at Powers', tbU month, the first occnrrtrig 4. whdn Overweiifh 4 'Brnodersch*n," a conMrlv, giveti iaBt Huntliy, will < he repeated. Les- irlng't "KrallU •fiafottl" will he played i!5. ....Joslsh Flint Wlllsrd, known. W 'tho I f.OPI.K -S I l|I-«v I |;>. 1 eJU^tri'll • aessaajj, ai*.i ■• . m *.v»>.-. ii>i ...» a a .».» j-su.*ii>,u./n an u^*e> tr^tm- •"""I»» a fits*. "iiiniu, PlUl/njA . \\J tin? Pfcr).-""0tt l He Bridge at lliOaJgU" had li son,-VIUc itiUvdiw iiUi»Uar."- Wti-Uvtlt' XOI'ld et.'lUtCa's 'ftff. J«doil'filial,^ Olea-lO l>. "The Klamlnjr Arrow" 10. 11. ''The Girl of the Bunny South 1 '; 111, 11), "Ths Clans man'' 10, ( . - - «■ ■ . JriFWRH. (C. ti Suraent, manager) .-—Bill week of March B) Damson and Zsceho, Ctrl-. Smith opd thr; Two. Johnsons. C'sstellnt snd Hall. Harry Gnsellne. C.'hiiH. II. Ward, Harrr H. KL-nards nnd company., and Hawysr. , ' . ' ■ i'i ' si r i JneUson.i— At -the Athotiiviim (II. ,1. POf-' t»r, resident rnaftager) • "Mr Wife's Kotnlly' Feb. 22, "Wb«»n the World Hleepa't I'I, AL «. Field's Minstrels all, an.t "Tbe Oil I snd ttte Bandit," 27, plr-awd large hotls/;s, "Unclii Tom's .Catiln" Mrlrch 1, ^The Hnnny Bom*' S, "The Devil* Auction" 0, "The'lrbirniar Arrow" T, Mary MsTmerlnc 13. "The Clsni.- ■so". 14. "Tho Girl B tbo Golden Wwr-IB, 'Ths 8qtlaw Wst" 21, WEST VIIICIMA. ' ' .Jin ■ Whft»Ilnf).-A-At'the-Court (15 B, |fr»n»- hflln). manngt.r). Gen, rllrtiley. in "Busy law's Vacntlon,". Feb. 20. had good returns, Kit it- eryn Ostsrman, in "The Qlrl w; Like . Me'" Jlni-eir 1. 2; did wall. Kitttm rtlmpte" S. May IrWin 6," lege- AVMoWi 8. 0, ■ • ■ i UlliXI* Off.r.K noi'HH (Chas. A. Kelnler, nmuarer).—Marv F,nisrson, In "His Mljeaty' and the Mnld." Feb, 2r.-27. had good ratrtrlW:- "Thit ■ Volnnteof Grtanlst," 28-Msrch 1 fared well. "The Mayor of Lmrghtahd" 4-A, "In .New Vork Town' 1 7-9. ;L» BU9U (ticbuck & iiciu-lc/*- irrf8«|j)«jji. .turns. NHii- Who Loots' all. "arapie