The New York Clipper (March 1907)

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• f •V .. MsaBOBl^U ^IHIN^ A Twisting Cut Off and Pull Somersault Off Horizontal Bar. •. V.., .The most reckless, mirth provoking humping act on matin Vara Dim limon •n tht> art of original, spectacular, Iuillrrou* unit seemingly Intiiosslhlp rklte .. IffKV T1MK AKl'KR LAST OF APHII*. «■■■"«. *l IN ONLY A MILE A MINUTE A Pew Difficult Tricks with a Pnnohing Bag that Look Difficult. on roller skates learningmi s«l. A I, >v \uuJ. hi ilu- dialect, K>'»n.i|iir grlmnri• * inul ullil gyrations. Past Master* 1 Incline or ion. high, jin. long, loin, w Mc, nl an angle of 111 degree, iisrii In art. Mgrs. .if rotulifiiatlons ami lira n divy ' "'!' AtMrwM C'nro or t 1,11'I'EH. KENTICM. go merit, cnm- houses. "The March 4 ' "The Wall* Riinw, manager).— 1 and the Qilro- LouUvllIe.—At' Macablcy'B Theatre (Jno. T JI&clUHey, manager) "The Lion and the Monst" llajed n week's - a\iDCloi?-Keb. 25, drawing Hilt tothe Hoomh" M»» oMJrleho" 7-9. 'MASoSiic (Chaa. A. 8h&w m&SSk ;Blndley, In ••TboGlr bier''\-U*t week, attracted Mrge audiences, Mlis'Bind ley made a decided Impression For wwk'Ctlf pV "Qay New York." • Atr^vt; (Chas. A. Shaw, manager).— ■JlO:0()0 Reward," last week, caught the lov«s ■ of melodrama, and they filled the nontV'At erery performance. For week of 3, •Tho>!j|noty'nnd> Nine." '/flr}cKli|inrJVM (Whnllen Bros., managers). —The: London OalntyOlrla gave a spirited noftarmttnee last week; which drew crowded noWi.''J'or week of 3/the Rlalto flounders. 'Hpy-KIMS' (Wm; Helchraan, manager).—Pa- pltKaTwiis the hcndliner last week, arid scored blS?: The-others on the'hill were well ro- ciiTcd.'j Kor week of 3:: Kmmott fin -Voy and cjiopjny, l''oilr Merklo Sisters. Howard's pony sndtdogs. Ft-rguson nnd-Mnel;, .Mr. and Mra. J --T. Powers,- Leah Russell, llrynnt and 9a- rllle. and the klnodromo. ...... «'» ■ ■y KANSAS. i'itt«iiurtr. — At the f,a Relle (W. W. Bell,'ijiannger) "The One Woman." Iflpb. 22, plmsfdVa' sood ■ house, .lohn Griffith, in • lali , nardUir,.'.gav« ti good performance 23. Merer' 3toejc- Co., In "The Whole n.-inim. Pan- ilSr," '2t, packed the house. ••The Lion and irle"Mouse": 28, "The Isle of Spire" Mnrch 2, Motey Stock Co. 3-fl.- Fort .Scott.— At the Davidson (II. C. Eruteh, teenager) "HI Hnsltlns," Feb. 23, did will. 1 •."The Tenderfoot," 21, had good busl- nws. -"'Tbe'Isle of Spice." 22, drew big busl- c«'s. ■ "The One Woman 1 ' 28, "The Mon and the Mouse" ■ March 1, Amelia lllncham 4, "TnS~ Convict's- Pnnghlor" .'», ftieltnrd:i & PJingl»"8.' ... — ! \ ■■■■■; ~ 4»» SOI Til CAROLINA. '■; Syavtauburar.— At the Grand Opera House (1., 1L. Grocnwaid, manager) although this c|(y has a population of lens than "0,000 pconle, wo arc very fortunate In se- curing first class attractions, dun to the •splmnld railroad connections to nearby ■•(ties, ouch, as Augusta, (ia,; Atlanta, Ga.; .yhshs,, Qa.; Columbia, K. C: Greenville, | C:; CunrrJotto. N. ('., and Ashovlllo, N. C. F,»ch of ihose cities can tin reached In from orie to five hours. The bookings for the. next (jjUflan nThei-'oiir PIclirrlR IMarch 7-0. "The iBlacil 'CrookV 13, "The Marriage of Kitty" 4|;j"The Clansman" .15, "If I.Wcro King" - ing ly, WC'lc of. 18, a return engagement of the .lyj;e\|m:.8tnck. Co.; featuring Marion'March, i.uiirlpninn. ai the Academy of Music .(Cbm.; II. Mntthews. malinger) the Crescent ijiofk l'o. Una line business Keh. 25-Mnrch 2. *ltn,the..ei(;i , ptlon of 2d, when "The College *KMokV: "AW to good business. '.'Kreryhody Works.Bun Pather" 27, Maud Fcnly March «, jtMfi'Ganl!] 7, Lew nocksfarier'k Minstrels S,.- 1 ,Tho Ftlncl. Crook" ft. <«» "lit Attrndanre and (Ipnrral Siicpw Alteml ihr "Tarty" Hnmilton ■ III ■>.( ■!>-(. . "IVxly" rtiinllton, Jusily famous from coast to: const as the press agent par caorUcncc, SffiPni}' a bannnot at the Waldorr-Aslorla Hotel, this city, on Saturday evening,- March .'. that reus! surely have warmed tho cockles nt his jieiirf, for It was an event that will go down In Junlory as the biggest ol Us kind •nptndiite;' ' y ne rn wore over four hundred people prcs- ■»nt; The dinner was given In the grand ball room ot the hotel, and was a most remnrk- ■JSS r ycnt. The guests of honor snt, al a u, J'* 1 " ,ft ''entr<> of a circus ring, about which were paper hoops. Jumping ribbons, saddles, .]-nds,, and the other parn- paernulla (nXM circus. Heiween Ihespeechi'S fhero were souks and vaudeville acts by well i:nown perfcrmers. iMt'ly in tho evening I he guests stood up in drink Hie health of tho man described on THemonn an "The Foremost, Florid, Flcuros- ••«nt, Folvvcr Fr^sh and.Fair, Fervenl, Fervid. Kilt, and Furious, Fosforescent Father of tr^elv Moving Fancy, Florenllnc Francs and l'ft)-Hung.lnme.'i • • . SffW'IW' Hmnllloii was introduced by lon.itmnster John Hennessy, and ho raadn » 1 ' japlfal speed). ■ fiovernnr Hughes then Ittans i| .spoecii, miii others gave I he guests -sAmhles or their skill as nfter-dlnner enler- inlntrs. '„'- v one of lh« entertainers of tbn evening dlsapfwlnied.., Clifford i Wllav wn* the flrst in appear, The nevl wan Mile. Rrgiiin Aria, « tao Manhattan 0|iera House, with Miss m ,an ?" l " ! »'ompmilst. Cecilia Ixiftus also •weaifd and among' the entortnlhers were ff? IV ^ lcl "rln. Kittle Cheatham, Ifidward I'lee and Charles Prince. e**SH9 snosls', tJiblo were Govcrdor Cliarlcs 1.'. •?**&*• Herman A. Mela, comptroller; i-i.,1- «J amM "l^garaid, William M. Ivlns, 92i?. iVjiidmnn, Ma*c KInw, Irrlng Lewis, sSfig". "owarnl Jr., Paul Armstrong,' H. H. i^'JIlrVli I'. Wilder. Col. Geo. ,'hS.*"'" nml Conrad Klein. Somoof the '!iSH? w?fe,: Herman Rlddcr, Louis Wllev, V«SJ..5 , Hl ' mR *reel. Jeromo Helgel. Roy L; iJ,VT r1 0 "r., 1(,aft(! '''romme, J. T. McCaddon, iiiSii?' Rln K' n nd, W. W. Colo, Thomas L. tiSI?,^ 0 ?.,.!^' ¥• Stewart, Major.John M. nufea,. Wlllinrrt D. Coxny, Deitcr Fcllowcs, }K r,?5, J'' :W atkins,.Louls B. Cooke, ft, K lr,V?' - <. toronpr Pete* P- Acrltnlll,. James H. 1 '''V' nlf A.Arthur J. O'Kefife, IMword Lnuter- JI* George Broadhitrst, Rlohnrd llriino, Jacob A. Cantor, Will- Page, Frederic W. iiinmt.son.Abrnham L. Brlnnger, Georgn-M. wnftS' "amuel »• Hnrrls, licit Beach. Col. ^"'"ff f. Morris, .Major Joho J. Br.voc, yp™ 'lohn M. Tliompson. Cbahnlng Pol- hi 4 ^i Q p?° r « n -. J u Cook. .Joseph Mayer, George RIMstem onrt, O. J. (hide. .•:.-,„, ' •♦■« — -::*.H *l at CiURtm II. uiLMsmiAM's coimtry plnce^t AVhlln Plalnes, X \'„ night V.iii' i.^.i'^tr^on'tlie stables and ken- '" some damage in , the house. inls ond did .. ' oiir f)n«' horses were deslrnywl, and also eight or- ten vphleles ot various kinds nnd 2 0 J»2e^-"logs.. Tho loss Is estimated : at jS2fi?"- J * B w , * , I"lW of which is covered oy liianrance. •KiSffSJP'jWP JnsRrinxR SfMMBna, who are «?£ ^f, helr ,way IJnat..met.wl(h.grejt sue-; houBsa T>l«yw»«^the Western vaudeville DEATHS . I X TUB PR OFESSION. Charlea Rrln Vrrner. m££H !SS J".". 1 renched this office that Sis r, r . Ktl ?v Verucr (•'•akamiiR GKrinn") (lied durlDg December Inst, at. sen, while ct» !5m n 2't',K M i i |pft J h . nt <, °' | n>ry when a hoy, j^jffl n '.M»:pa6ple to Australia near tile! S ftgJBJL 0f> f,.ond enrly In the 70's made M 3 professional debut ot llallarat, nt the,III- Jou Theatre, In the farce, "l-ho Irish Lion" supporting Ilnrry Towers, W ho was stm?lt s i n ''v. 1 "e t played In Ihf stock srme months at .this theatre, and then went to Old Ben- dlgo'.now called Sandhurst (the famoun gold mining town), ami then was nl.'the Lyceum Theatre, ufiiicr tlir. mnnii((om^nl of llnrrv Stanley. There he played a long time, and nil. vanced step by step to the front. Hard work was accessary, then, stars plaving six nieces per week, legitimate and otherwise. Two yews and six months work made him nrminlnlcd with Shakespeare, Sheridan Knowlrs. Cnlman, flouclcnnlL . nad' all tho lesser dramatists, lliirlesque became aud- denly tho rage, about, this time, nnd rrnui a legitimate Juvenile actor Mr. Veraer Jumped to burlesque comedy, singing, daticlngv tho ballet, etc. While performing n. tanWHIH lie gave imitations oc the then great comic singers, making such n success that, he was engaijcd as a star 10 go to Sydney to do that work alone. At Sydney, nt the V'ork Street Theatre, he mndo an instantaneous hit. Afterwards Air. Verner paid n short visit to this country, thence back again to Melbourne, ihence with his own • company to • India, touching nt the lain of Ceylon, passing from Bombay all through.the Interior as far up ns Lahore, and-thence hack to Cnleuttn. From Cnlcutin he went lo Chitlngong, Aknvuh, Rangoon, Moultmeln In British ' Burmab, thence to Puliipennng, thence to the Straits Settlements, Singapore, nn In Hong Kong, back to Singapore, on to Java, touch- ing at Batavla, Lnurabaya and Bamarnng, theui'0 lo Northern Australia, where the good ship on -which were rhe:Verner Co. rnn on to a sunken-■•oral reef. I'ortnnnlely it was near Hie AilAiralinn ronxt, and the passengers inil crew readied shore «nfely after fnnv hours' hard rowing In n boiling stiu. and wl'th nnlh- Ing to eni or drluk. Mr. Verner next, after plaving through the northern towns of Alii- trolla, went in Sidney. New Zcalnnd, where be. remninmt elglitceii months, doing nil the towns. Thence lie traveled to Vnn Dlemnn's Uand, and back to Melbourne;. He played a short engagement with T. J. Ilerndnh and .1. J. Wallace nl Ballarat, Sandhurst, etc. Then from Melbourne, he embarked for Capo Town. South Africa, nnd opotied with Cap- lalti Disney lloebuck. There he starred-for, come mouths In h repertory, Including "Rip Van Winkle," "The Shnughrnun,'' -'Armbnn- I'OKiie, rhc Ticket of Lenve Man," "The Wife, n Tnlo ot Mnntiia," etc. Mr. Vomer next nppenred In Knglnnd In his own ver- sion of the Germnn comedy. "Dr. Klaus," and In nn original play, cnlcd "Hans, the Alsatian." Later he left for America.'bring- ing over a niece well known ever the water 11s '.'The Rvleilon." The piece was a failure here lo ,'i great ex|enl, through mismanage- ■Hill hut Mr. Verner won laurels. Next-he lo the diamond Odds of Kimherly; Mouth Africa, where he lieeame lessee of too Theatre Itoynl, niul made money. After.a round nl London, I'aris,. Madeira, Scotland, etc.. Mr. Vt-rnor returned to America, took 11 short Jobbing nnsngement, left It In dis- gust, and played "The Shaughratin," with II. M. Williams' Co. His success as Conn was instantaneous, nnd after that ho was encaged to alar In "Shnmust O'Brien." In that ploy he won hie greatest fame, nnd for years It tras his vehicle in this country. f-lrnnpisi Jnm«N '(Jimmy) Ilatnixltrrly. composer nnd musical director, the home of lil« mother,-22 West. Third St rcei, Chester, I.'a., on Feb. ,27. from jineiimonin, aged twenty-nine years, lie was lawn In Chenler, received n. classical nnd musical educntlon, and was a phinlst.-anil traveled as musical dlrefttor with some of the ■ largest .companies In the Unlled States. '- was director of —i:hj- Liberty HelW' Hum Oevere. Snm Devere, .famous minstrel comedian, banlolst and singer, and owner and manager of bis own vaudeville and biirles<|ita organ- isation, died nt ft o'clock A. lL. on Friday. March I, at his heme on" rhTTCnnoy Island Boulevard, I'nrkwny, L. I.. N'. V,. from cancer of the stomnch. Mr. Devere wsr born In New York City sixty-live years ago, and bed lived In Brortldyn for-forty ye^irs. He was cdtKiiied In the New York schools, nnd nt the ago of twenty onlereVI-'tbc t.hentrlenl pro- feislon, first establishing ltl=! renutallon.'in a biii'-kfiwe comndlnn In the music hall which preceilcrt Hyde *, Bchmnn's' Theatre, Brook- lyn: He mndo n, great hit nt the tlmo With ' his banjo plnylng-and- i'odiIc songs, and hi the early SO's was snld to bo ono of the lirghnst salaried performers nn the va- riety staae. During the season of 1881-1882 Mr. 'Dwcre.pnt out, called "Jnspar." Sam Devere's Own Co. opened Sept.- Ill, j«tm, at Barry's Goydy, Albnay, N. V.,ahd played forthn llrst tldie.ln New York, Sept. ;:», of the' snron yeaf.'-at Mlper's Bowery Thetitre, where Louis noble was then, man- ager. The. show. Included H U g Ml W' and Kelly, O'llrle.n nnd Redding, Jit, "Insnnlly:" Cnpllnlu Forrest, Hip .liarnella Brnfhors, In thflle'. Chinese net; the Wood Family, In."Tho Organ Crank:" Snm 'Devere, singing in "The Whistling Coon."'and other .songs ;,C. W. Lit tlefield, the Acme Four, and Ilnrry Parker's Dog Circus. About font- wcekH ngo .Mr. Dcvcro -was- compelled, to .leave his company ttj JCnnsns City, owing to-tho- rapid advance of-it "long "Standing case of cancer of tho stomnch. .Mr. Devcro married Francis Brnlley about twenty years ago. For the past Uftcen years bo had lived on Ocean Pnikwav, nnd owned considerable rcol estate In tho section. - Ho wan formerly au IClk, and nt tho time'of bis death was a Mason. 'lie b survived'by'i his widow, 11 brother,. Daniel Devere,. now In Maine, nnd three slaters. Funeral services were, bold at his infe home on .Sunday afternoon, March 3, the llev. Dr. Scarborough, ot the Flnlbiish Methodist Episcopal Cliurcli, officiating. Thorn was- n largo, attendance, Including Manager Dcrcy Williams, Archie Kills, % iiIksci, Kdwln. Bull, Will O'Brien nod many, other managers and 1 performers. The Ipter- nlont look place Monthly, I. In Sleepy IlOiluw Cemetery, Tarrytowu, A. Y. -'Dolly Lyonn, nl: one-time prominent ns a feather-weight pugilist,, died nt llellcvne Hospital, New York City, 'on Feb. 27, nged thirty-eight' venrs. He r waa "wall kndtirn In the theatres, ns he hnd oftetithhfieared on tbn since in boxing exhibitions. ',:'.' Ilorari- < Dili) I Wilson, late rtf Ittog- llng Ilroo'. circus, died nt St, Marnret's Itos- Itllnt, Kansas City, .Mo.. Feb. 0, from stom- ach iron hi 0, lie was for ninny years Willi Atlnm Forepniigh. Mr. Wilson-waa horn on Aug. 11, ,l«r..'l,: In. Michigan. klirvlticd. bv six nephews and one nelre.. Interment Wit at Wyandotte, Kamai. lie Co., Hie Smart Set. mnny'of I'.'us'niH's en- terprises, Wills Brothers' Comedy Co., Mc- • irendey Comedy Co.. "The Llltfo Tycoon" < o., Iliad; Pnttl'a Troubadours, and many other companies. He wan also luiiisn direc- tor.In New Ynrli, Ittiffalo, Syracuse, Dtlea WlhtrlnRton and- Chfster. lie. -waa a com- poser' nnd nrrnnger of nhlllty. He was also Hie nulhor of mnny of the pnpulnr «|rs; At the time of his. death, he was engaged' in teaching music . In this oily, nesldesn innlher, there. Is left to survive him three sislers anil n brother, rrof. John 1'.- Isjugli- eny. who conducts n musical store. -The funeral was held on March 2. nnd Inierment was In. SI. Michael's iVtmetery. »'hesler, l'a. Itoxlnn llrnuitrnm, principal eniiirnllo of lite Savoy Tiienire, l/>ndon. : Kiiglnntl, died ..In that: dry on .March I. Mls.-t Brand- ram sang the old women pnrts In Ollliert and Sullivan operas from 1877'iintll the disruption of the'organisation which, bad so long provided comic opera nt the' Snvoy Theatre. MIsm ltrandranv was horn hi Loh, tlou. hoc . rcnl- name being-Moult. ;8«pjr*as educated In'France, Her nret it»™lif u Gilbert and Sullivan opera was ns Lady S»n- gazure. In -The. Sorcerer..", wbhtb alio took at a few hours' notice. In-1870 shnv come to Amcrlcn with a company that-resented "The 1'Iraten of IVnznnce," and- oa her return t.0 London she became a member of tho cele- brnled Snvoy company. .She created all the old tvomen pnits In. the, Gilbert nnd Sullivan opernit except thoan In "Patience" nnd "lo- antlte.",. One of>bnr greatest simresses wns In "rite Yeomen fit the Guard." She con- tinued lo .-.Ing. until a short ilme ago, nnd uppenred In tiin London firoductloii of "Ver- onlnue." . • . . i ■ 1 Wild II0M1-. '-The. Monkey Girl from Yuca- tan, :> circus rrenk, mnnnged by Geo, A. ilnldwln. wns.hndiy Inirnrsl In ti r.v»nv of 11 boarding house over McGregor's drug store lo .Columbia. .8. Con Feb. 23, nnd died snnrll.v afterward. She hnd been left nlnnn In the vooni. nnd 11 Is helloi-ed that In ven. luring too near lho smve her clothing caught fire. Wild Hose, ns this frenk «f nnluri; was known nil over the cnuntrv, was a Mexlcnn, being from Yucnlno, nnd was forty- live, years of age. ||e r head was slightly larger than an orange, peak shaped; and her bands were nol unlike Ihoso of tin npe, while hei- eyes were nf a piercing Irfnck. She was small of stature nnd her body wait, nil twlsled up. so that when - she walked her inovemenlK were- somewhat like an ape's. .Mentally, she wns deilclcnt. Klvhnril Hrlliou. formerly n member of the flrm ot Ilnrrls. Brlt.ton & Denn. mnnn- gei-»;oI the.-M'Oderoy of Music. Baltimore, Mil.,' and a elrct'tll. of Ihentres In Maryland and lVnnsylvnnln. dlert nt bis home In Bnl^ tlmore on Feb. 2L Hn hhd heen .'suffering frmn.pnrnlysls for live year* Mr. Itrittod was horn In Baltimore forlv yenrs ago. After tho dentil of his brother-in-law. I'atrick Har- ris, well known In amusement circles, Mr. Btllton. Mrs. Ilnrrls nnd Tunis F. Dean as- sumed the direction of the Academy of Mu- sic, lint'.imoi'c. Later the control of the house passed to Nixon & Zimmerman, nnd Mr. Brltton dropped out of theatrical affairs. Harry (Henry *'.► Stork, maglclnn, and Inventor of tricks of magic, died nt his homo In Rochester, N.Y., on March 2. /rom cerebro- spinal mfulnglils, aged forty-three years. Mi'.' Stork was a stago favorite Uvcntr-flrn yenrs ago, wh.-n he appeared at Tony Pastor's. Ho' played the Keith and Moore .circuits several limes, and lnI8IH played a six months' en- gagement In Chicago,, under the management of Lyman niovcr. He then traveled with" Kollar, for several-seasons. Tin-was actively eitgage-1 in thealrlcnts until seven years ago. When he went, into business In Roches-' ter, N. V. Fnrly In I be Nil's he went In lie- ttolt, nnd n)ie|intl a conjuring depot. Among HUM WW! vIsIteiL.liim; fol-'nofc Idenn were Alexandre lierrmann and Kellnr. ' Charles Rrrlrani. well ttnowtr con- juror, dl<d In London, I*ig., |refi;.2*l Charles florlram .was one of Hie bcsLlioown conjur- ers and prestidigitators In.JJrtlfnpe. Of tale years he .had seldom JMUbt In'theatres, being seen only nt private entertainments^ He wnn about sixty years old. Otto tjolilschmillt, .liuibnnil of Jenny Mud, who-died in Loudon la 1887, pssseil awny;'.tit*thnl city*.'on Feb. 2!i,' aged seVenty- elght'year?. Ho married Jenny Llnd hi iRr»2, during her American tour, on which'he was WANTED, PYGMALION-GALATEA CO,'iicncilf 111111(1100 rliher Tuesilay, April tt,or Tbursibiy, April II. If you are booked rear ruts) burg ihut week >011 can Jump In, pi:iv • Hie pctformiiiiec. iliul gel Unek u> viuir night sliiiul. The in 1' of nlnvlug the M\nn, Aineilcn's iluisi llirnlre. Is nnnb souii-ihing. I it II! pav \ou fair salary, I fur illsh iinintcii. ivlui will Join .miii 1 m. Minis iibciiii for I'cbciii-.iil*: Inn furnish luiliiucc of nu, ft | rahiioi iM-cin-o co. I will put up tile show myself, 11111I will engage people. If win arc Up In I'vg., please write mc, sUHlng luwosrsalarv for :i I'Clieiu'siilH nnd one pel foi inuuee. .,, . '. ■= ■' J1MMIF, I'LAIIKltTV. 110 Dili Ave., rillsliurg, Pa. ', lMIIOI>V 4 CHEER IP, W1BY," for »fic. AMlhrolute HIT, and It's GOOIJ I'Olt .UiY ACT. Uel II NOW. To-moriow may be too late. .. Addif >s M AHV IS Lffl,»»., Lincoln Ave., Chicago. Harry Thomson TDK MAN WITH Till l.niM»>. .' • , It'i.HOI'KINSON AVi:., lllMiiKM N. N. Y, WANi'RU, iiciivlen. JcuTlltislne" linn, man- age stuge; uttick I'uec, with Hpcipiii Irs; Juveallc Man, witii spcdultlcK. Also INunlsl. Must N> suiter 11 mi rcllHlile. Sslnry low; pnv own. Join on wife. Address 11. T. tlllek, "ATlinrii III Her lletirc' Co., Onklaiul, Mil., 7; Terra Alts, \v. Vn,, e; Tim- ucltiiii, W. Vu.,ft. ~WAKTKD 'OS t'Oll "AI.K. I nUtTiS Jain nn wire, Al Medicine performers in nil Hurt, liong, sure engan-ment, especially sketch Tram*. I'lniilst , Silent Sinn. Will scud no lickels. but will , advance reasonably on urrU-ul. Kor sale, 11 lengths of s-Tit'i- Seals, [juiiiis, Poles, Hale llings, Tuolit, Stage inul Mecneiv. stored m llicliinond, Vn. Al Ciirtdiilnn. I'rof. J. 11. HeWoiir, Mann iter Orcgou Hiiliiiu Medicine Co., Kerry villi-. Vu. . W A.NTKD. -t)rchcs7ru Leader, Vlollu, i^iibie Units, I'jaim, Double Urass. Join at ouce; state sabirt: pnv own hoard. Address Manager Udell- Jo«h Spruceliy, Berwick, I'm., Molt. «; Mimcv, Ps., jlch. 7; Lewisburg, in., Mcb. 6; Troy, f'u., Mch.». "VNnii, roil Tlir! UAHUIIAVIUI OIHCVHi Hide Allow neuple, frr-abs and '-.niinstlies nt all kinds., Imiy l«ig ptuieiiciJ, liidy ula-s bbwi-iv, Npunlsb itnlleei'-, etc., ele., slroilit mull. Juggler", iniiN mni wife in do mind rcmllnir, nuiglc mid ritineb, via nl-, inldgils, fill pcn|>le nnd skeletons, II flll-l, llll.llllilllt M U Slrilllgc or illui-iuil elllirile ti;r: tiiiui lo iiiuke -econil opcaliur-, iiimuI nil iluv Jld.etsellers who WILL WIlltK. Nonii liiitsolmr. rellnlilc people u.inieil. Addra-ts J. I,. I'l'SNKII, care or NiMH lioici.ot St. and llnuulwiiv, Non- York City; after A|irll I, Chcsi >r, hi,, mto of llHiifraves' Shows. WANTKD—Good Coinctllan. Summer Season, Will buy Hairy Grand I'lauo, Hcjanery, tJIn-us Soats. Kor sale. Oxylltli (bis nnilll. Dig i.'oiicerl. I'lnino graph, Hying Lady 011UI1. TnuVe for Films. I.F.1: 1.1; VANT, iiiwiiim-, W l,\TKl), 00(H> M11.KNT MAN, or Ma glciiin. tlhniigcfm-nne week; doslmlglils In nets. Tickets, If not over uoo miles, mid If I know nt, Kivltiir Merrlum. wlro or write. .Unit. tlKUMAN Jl Kl>. CO., /.iiinbrolii, llooilhiie iU>„ Minn. WANTKD.Muslcal nhd Dancing Sketch Tennis, Coiiiedlnns, Aerolials, conlorllonlsl. AurlHllst, I'l- auo. Player mid Hot, Advance Man. Salary flrst letter. . Two, night stands under ennvas, open May v ). Performers dnuiiilnr. brnps or orchestra given preference. COR MALK—J,00O ten ffim, ft.n|«/.|ier fool; One Sllkollim Srrpi-nlliin Dress, f s.t»i:.jn Colorcil Ser|ieiiiiiu> Slides, ts.ot); One '.: Sl/.'Ud'JectlVf Leuw, *i«n; tine Si-t.MiiHleOrifiin Pipes, «lll| oulllt #:..'«. Otto Wlntllo, write. Jiu-k Arnpltl, llebmn, X. Dnk. W/Ur+BD ATrtiri^Jolnon^vTre.'slngTfl'nml double nets, Mnn with liovllig Picture .Machine nnd Hlins for ;l day chiuige. Adtlrcss Hutu Collins, Mineral, Ohio. Sin. AowiiNt Manna, musical director of the Crystal I'nlnre, Loudon, Hug., slncn DMA, dlcd-dn that dty on March 1.. Ho was born hit Htnlsonburg, Uermnny, March 19. 182A. lle'lennied muslr ns an apprcnlleo to MmhIcuI Director. Urban, nt Killing, between 18-10 and 1844, mni played the darlonei nnd laicr tho violin In various Gc-rjoan-ol-gnnl/nllnnK, he- doming conductor pf K'roll'H Orchestra, In Berlin, In 18B). He went lo the- Crvslnl N1M», In Lontloii, In lN.-iD, nnd remained lis musical'.head mult inn,-,, helntr ihn fnuiider 9trlqp famous Saturday 'concerls, flavor Mmltli, tt cowboy, was killed on Feb..1 ( , while making ri leap on fiorsr-lmck, nt illectrlc Pnrk, 8un Anlonlo. Tex, • He wan giving nn exhibition of high diving with the Carver Show. Smith wns eighteen years) of age. .HI Is thought that. In dropping Into the water, tho-horse Ihrew back his nend nnd struck Hinlfh in tho face, knocking ihn boy and caunlijg him to sink nnd drown. ■ tt.ol. 1 liim. M. F'vHrtrrr, for mum yenrs . manager ot (he Academy of Music, flngcrs- ber neeompualBt on the nlnnn, Mr; andrMrs, town, Mil., died in Mint oily nu Feb, IK, Coiaschmldt. woat to livo in Fnglndd in'isris!' • "sreti slxly-seven years. Ho was professor In the Royal Academy of . 'Music, in.. 1803, was made vleo-prlnclpat' In 18011, was 1 flint musical director of tho Bach Choir ia 1874. nod resigned In ISHr,. Hn edited. In conjunction with Hfarndale Ben- nett, "The Choral Book for England." 1 Mr*, .cariiitur Mtpilli-, n leading tle- slgner of theatrical cnstnuioit, died fln-Tnex- ilu.v nigbt, Feb. 20. at hor-homo In Ludlow Park, Yonkers, X l'„ from pneumonia. Rho wan the daughter of an English artist nnd Iho wlfo of 1'Mward, Hledle, llclnrlch Con- tled's property master nt tbo Metropolitan Opera House, For ihn,lest lifteen years she has designed costumes used In most of tho largo productions, both dramatic nnd mtisl.' eni, which Imvobueu presented. 011 Broadway.- Mrs. rllcdlfl.wan 1111 Kngllsli woman, abbot 4fi yenra old. f«he leaves one child, a" son, to yearn old. . " . ' jo»«r i.r rr 1 u*u.y. n well known "actor, anil stage mnosger of the Court Theatre Vlennn, died the re. on. Feb. 27. lie was born 2? *tP}\-1' %"' rt ' ln thnt "">'• «e made, his debut: In lAfin at tbn Theatre All dot 3 Wleu, Vienna, and after a short stay' nt Crappati and llninu whs encaged at.Ihn llofr, hurp.Tbeatro ia,t8.-iR. (le tins apeored In all the principal roles of the classic repertoire, notiihlv Hamlet. Illclwrd III.. Wiirro, Uorpn-' gnn. Hlijlocl;, Vnnsen, Tartnffe nnd-others. .' .loim Cnnle>, comcdlnn, of the Vanllv EUf, Burl».Ao.iie. Co. lyss klHod nhoul i odock oa tho morning of Sunday,, Ma,ch »» hv Juinrlng from the window aVthVAWft Hotel. Chester, Pa., when (be bolel wns ills, covered to be on Are. Ho fell to the si rent, and dleil n few hours Inter nt the Chester Hospital. -Mrs. Lillian Ilavrnport, ♦asmystcrlotts'ly *hot Park, Brunswick, Ga., la not known wbo did _ •urriTed by htchniband, B, L, pavenport. OoltJ,' Prod Marline, formerly known ns Budd and "Buddy" ii,i-» dog), and line of Jnhu flobinson's KbowK, died al the residence of liU Mslcr. tab K. Ohio St., Chicago, III., on Feb. us. front cotiHiimpllon. He whs a member of Omnha l/idgn, F 0. It, nnd lutet- ujeiil wns In the family lot. South Haven, MIeb., March fl. Ode sister survives bin. Mr», N| ih illniie> , a vniidovlile actress, died nt the Swedish llosniltnl, Kansas City, Mo//-on Feb. 24, nged twenty yenrs. Her husband, Ilnrry Chester iHnnev, nn nctor. Hurvlvns hei. , i.oiilc i,e Clair, hinging and tbinclng soubrette, died on Fell. 21, nt her home In Chicago, 111.. ngert twnDty-thrcc yearit. She) was with "Bagdntl" for two hojioodh. Mho Is stirvlvetl by her mother, father, three brothers, and u sister, who Is Avon l.e Clnlr. s.ouhrettc, ■«*» iTeapnrt, nn actrcsa^ will « Id the anb*flftg. ,a l)bc P*°«tl»* • Jrorae ilo.}'« llt-nrflt. : : A.!'.big fund was.raised for George Hoev. nt a spednl performance In Corse Pnylon's Lee Aveuiio. Thenlre, Brooklyn, X, Y„ on Sunday evening, March !l. ' •The house nnd help wj-ro donated by Mnn- ngcr I'aylnn. and the While Hals of America iiirnlsbed most of the Inlenl. Mrs. Klin Heed I'nyion, Grit en Fox, Rthel Milton and Chnrlottn Daniels ncled as flower'girls. . -> George lioey vn* for several seasons a airtner of ihe Poyion Stock Company. While Playing In ihe hljnit Theatre, 1'afl River. Mflss.,-some months ngn, he fell downy a stnlr- wny.' stylklng on his bend. Ills life was de- spaired of, nnd llio' surgeons say Hint nit hough he Is on tbn road lo recoverv. hn will never.again ho In lit eondlllon io appear AUCTION »AUM. CIRCUS AND FlflE SHOW PROPERTY, The following elrniis anil lire show ptoperiv known as 'I'ulliiil> rliflitltig Ilu- Pinnies, will liesobi 1.1 Ihe lilghest liliblei- on tile Ittlli •Inv or,March, I(t07. Ill llnllinlorr, Vi|. i'ln<u*4iro|ii<ri.y nil In good coiidlllon. Due mas- slve csrvid burnt vvaiton, 1 one ticket wagon ntlfv eulllii|ie,i-nr\eil, Hilrll -two whistles one stnke mill chain wsBon.conipleie; Iwosiiliiger wagons, IS mid al fwd long; live baggage ivngiitin, two horse tents, m by mi feet j I, I no feelor side vtail, 12 wet hlirh,.ii«eii eight weeks ; one strlisiil hint- qune, :i(l In m fer.l; one sIMv-tont round lop, twelve lengilis of portable grand smnd, twelve Hers high: ten lengt hsor nlrcns reserved sen In, nine Hers high: ten lennths of bliteif. twelve Hera ht«h; rope, liloek nnd iftckle ; gvulihlhg hoes, uniforms for propcriv men, dec- . nrches, i.-uipuiihi', slake puller's. . trie cable, iH-nnnit Ma tools, cNnilvsluDdonlfll. Fire Show prn|H-rf,v ns fuiioivs, nil lii good comlf- llon: oneaiiioskegglliii engine, one Ahretis flip iiiiglne, Mrs lioso wagons, 0110 htxik antl ladder truck, sixty rant king) one iiafrol wagon, one ranVM buggy, ilfiraii sen of ipiii-khiiehluftharness, eleven hiintlri'il feel of twelve-font lire hone, one life net, one nil- conipies.tnr, five pompier ladders, thlltern llrecilt'ct boxes, several hundred fed of air ho-f, irenenV unifotnu, life belts, eic, etc. Billelolie held ill George Hi Ilu'1 Tnilisfer Cu Haiti, iirouipllvol ul't'i I, M. I'nrtoi-lhfi'pnrilriilit- ivi'iteio.lflHNr'ilNNLKY. Care ilulln's lintel, ;-.|l \\\ Kin III I in 81., Piilllinnte Mil. ■ St.. ''! or W. .LHP.S'NPSSKV, Lyceum Tbeiure. Sixth SI. Uuils, Mo. !i2°'J 8 ihe aiiUuir of "A Struggle for The Pace That Kills," "The Powef of "Tha Black Bobj" and other playi. 5,000 FEET OF FILMS FOR SALE, THHEE 10 SIX CENTS PER FOOT. m mm, nu m up. Picture MBebinei, riluii anil Slide For lent. Write for List. Til IIBIUI tIFlfiMffi CI., Ui jW nth Wjgmjj, K.TY. BIG DRAWING CARD. Slides (Views) Magic Lanterns k Stereoseip'o niv W- w 11111 111 \ i. t: 11 v. I'lo Dinner, Sceiin in rmverStiidlii, Killing nu Hoof Garden, •£,<: eiu-li, ,Mi Slides to .set. I'minpliouo fol sale ulienp, In-Ann shape. i-Hii-i N< •1. I, K. I HUM , Wm Wa»tilna;low D. P. 25 Lady Musicians 25 ynn I.AI>IICM< «<ll< ill HI'IIV VVI, I MM f'.M'l ««», Nice Siirlnt; lour already tiookctl 011 guiiraiilce, slnioalf first, letter, roubi iiiogoml miislcul le»ui. Address; OLADDIIK MOKH, l . liiuii'i.'lnd. WANTED, LK\I)1\C« MO,H> ami GOOD 6ENEBAL ACTOR 1 in,ni repertoire iicoplc, urlle. KltA.V KTi tH KH,aai.ltltl > . .1|,.rl...niC)» Wanted, COMEDIAN. LMCiilrlii Knoe.l.KliOiii s. mid It. Mini, SouIiici'bj i!rerer:siniill ticiipie. ,n w , i>| H iii.i. t-un paifii niilnrs, llrst litter. One piece. jt„u, m once. -VI. A. MOHM.HV, lli-Cnmb, »llss„ii; llm Ml, Louis II, Glilfo ort 12. Illloxl |l). Mo bile 11,-lti. ' WANTED, LADY PARTNER That can sing and dance, lo loin recognized i^oiih - dlan In Yiiiiilovllle SkMeh, •■ Kill. I.AXHT. (ion. Del,. Huston. Mnu.. Wantuu, Canvas Theatre Gnmplein; scnM, ilglils, ele. will bitv or lease. Address k. M4IHHIN, Cnreof Houiureiiisl'i'litnire, liuiilniine, Mil. M Hit. lilHIII PKOPLK. Tell ns about votirself. DIAMOND JACK MKU. 1:0.. Illootnili Id. Khscx Co.. Xew Jersey. WANTED, Musicians, Actors, Double in Band, Pianist, Double in liunrj; Snecbilly Hoiibrclle; gonil ItCp. People lining MpeclHlly. II. J. KHWOOH, icia \y. tlm Kl„ N. Y.l'Hl. rVl^aicallVlayf H WKHT ST., >'. Y.TITl. .4 , xS ' "WAnrnen, l>AIIT.VKIt for four act hielt. uroina, Gtsnd opportunity for c.vperleiieid uisii ager who n-lnhes. to. back s.-imc for from »."O0 to MOO. Have scenery. MISS K.l'1'K Dll MOIH, Core orABKLMASj^, Drooklyn, N. V. LADV will sell luiiiti-dine Street, llvcuinv (lowns,*.-,to .■}!,-.; Oncru Coal. ■ DKHSAl', 'ST «'. Illlh St., lfllgilt. , WA»TBD.-BABY UKANP PIA.NO, also One Hundred I'oldlag Chairs. Address jbhyast cumfTpy co.,.West urownsvllle, Pa,