The New York Clipper (March 1907)

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08 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. March 16. M55 CIipper'5 Anecdotes. Personalities and Comments, CONCERNING STAGE FOLK and Some times OTHERS BT JOSKI'IIINE QRO. 'Trout 1" was the call that Prank \V. Winch used to jump to, a* bell boy, not eu many years ago—elgbt, to be exact Now lic'a oat "front," as manager, watching the good business at tbe local box offices tbat [lowland & Clifford's big attraction, "Thorns and Orange Blossoms," Is doing. Tbe natural quickness he displayed In bis "bell boy" days, together with tho possession of a higher order of brain power, soon gradu- ated him from hotel service to the pad-and- pencil ranks of the newspapers. In Manila, Japan and Russia this Intrepid youngster (he's only twenty-Are now) gathered news as war correspondent. "Tbat San Francisco Boy," as he Is familiarly known on bis home coast and elsewhere, has also the reputation of an adept In tbe study of criminology, hav- ing often cleverly aided tbe police In their own Held. Success In plsy writing, too, has winch achieved to a popular degree. Ills first breaking Into print was at the time of Barney Oldfleld's record breaking ride, In San Francisco, when be accompanied tbe renowned autolst on that terrible whirl of speed. ' Once a newspaper man, always a news- paper man, In so far as quickly to seize all opportunities toward tbe attainment of an end. One of Winch's objects at present Is to make as much money as possible out of "Thorns and Orange Blossoms," and In this he exerts bis newspaper acumen. He raked In a few extra dollars, not very long ago, In a Michigan town, where, at a late hour In the afternoon, It looked as though business was not going to be at all good. There was a rival attraction In the place, and one that was going to be hard to pull against, particularly as to low price and multiplicity of people, for tbe other wis a vnudevllle show, combined with many at- tractions, under canvas. Something bad to be done, and that quick- ly, to offset the opposition. Winch sauntered into the newspaper office, and being at home l1owl » on his knees and proposed marriage, In the realm of printers' Ink, got immediately Julla ' B sense of humor got the better of her, Into touch with the editor. The topic of the- and " he nearly broke up the scene by ex- of the delicious pastry she bad prepared with her own hands. A general expression of disappointment pervaded the faces of those present, a mo- ment later, and on tasting the pie herself. Miss Humphrey quickly became aware tbat something wss dlrefully wrong. Calling a bait, she proceeded to make an Investigation, which finally resulted In finding tbat she had used "plaster of Paris" In her cream pie. Instead of cornstarch. 9 Fred Klblo Jr., tbe live year old son of Josephine Cohan and Fred Nlblo, who are all about to depart for Europe, recently put to tbe blush a very good friend of tbe family, an actor, who had been temporarily em- barrassed as to finances. This gentleman was taking a walk with Nlblos, 8r. and Jr. On passing a pawn- shop on Sixth Avenue, he suddenly stopped, and, excusing himself to Mr. Nlblo, said tbat he must go in and get bla watch from bis "uncle." Nothing more was said upon tbe subject until a week later, when Fred Jr. and his mother happened to pass the same pawn- shop. Tbe youngster stopped abruptly In front of the place, and, pointing to the algn above tbe door, Informed bis mother In a shrill voice: "There's where Mr. Blank's uncle lives." "How do you know, dear?" asked his mother. "He told papa he bad to go In there to get his watch from his uncle," replied tbe youngster, disclosing an humiliating fact tbat the friend of the family would much prefer to have kept from the feminine portion. 9 Julia Sanderson, formerly a Shubert star, and now adding new successes to ber list In vaudeville, unblushlngly confesses to the most unusual proceeding of marrying her own father. Tbe simple statement Is a shocking one, but when augmented by ex- planation, It Is only amusing. As a girl of fifteen she was playing a small part and acting as understudy In tbe company In which ber father was plsylng the "father" In tbe piece. On the Illness of the actress who was playing the part of the heroine, who marries him In the third act, Julio went on In her place. In the aecond act, where her father went WA8HINGTOX. Brattle.—At tbe Qrand Opera House iJohn Cort, manager) "Uncle Tom's Cabin" rew well Feb. 23. Paul Gil more, 24, 25, in "At Yale," bad excellent attendance. "Tbe Umpire" attracted big audiences 20, 27. "Madam Butterfly," 28-March 3. at double the usual prices, bad capacity houses, and was a musical and dramatic treat Daly Mu- sical Co., 4-0, In "The Country Girl" and "t'lngalee"; "Buster Brown" 7-0, Murray and Mack 10, 11, In "Around tbe Town"; Itosellc Knott, 12, In "Alice Slt-By-Tbe- Flre"; George Primrose's Mlnlstrels 14-10. Brattlr (Kussell A Drew, managers).— "My Wife's Family" pleased good bouses week of Feb. 24. "Lost In New York" week of March 3, Black Pottl Troubadours 10-10. Lyric (Itussell 4 Drew, managers).—Week of Feb. 24 Zlnn Travesty Co., In "The Cap- tain and the Maid," filled the house every performance. Week of March 3, Zlnn Tra- vesty Co., In "The Telephone Exchange. ■ Week of 10, '/Ann Travesty Co. Loin (Alex. I'antages, manager). — Tbe I'antages Stock Co., In "I'udd'nhead Wilson," week of Feb. 24, broke tbe record for attend- ance. Week of March 3, "Tbe Mysterious Mr. Bugle" ; week o( 10, "Friends."' Star (E. J. Donellan, manager).—New people week of 4: Countess Magrl (Mrs. lien. Tom Thumb), Count and Baron Magrl, May Kvans, the 1'endletons, Frank Cuahman, Viola Engel, Eddie Roescb and moving pic- tures. OariiBUM (T. J. Consldlne, manager).— New people week of 4 : James Francis Sul- livan and company, Mr. and Mrs. John Cossar. O'Dell and llart, Edna Morella, Sam Itowley, A. G. Frye and moving pictures, 1'a.ntages (Alex. I'antages, manager).— New people week of 4: Soquomoto Troupe of ltoyal Acrobatic Performers, Sloane and Arnold, Baby Prarce. Burton and Wilson. Baker unti Mock, Arthur Elwell and moving pictures. Nona.—Walter Wilson and Pesrl Havlln, of "A child of the Regiment" Co., were united In marriage March 6, i*i the Pres- bvtcrlan Church The Pawnee Bill Wild West Show, which has been making head- quarters In Cumberland Park, Is busily en- f'aged getting things In shape for the open- ng of the season, which begins about April s t'hattanoosrit.—At the Opera House (Paul It. Albert manager) Sbepard's moving pic- tures pleased March 1, 2. "Man and Super- man" canceled 4. "The Sign of the Cross," 5, did well. "If 1 Were King," 0, came to goorl business.: Adelaide Thurston 7, "Tie Marriage of Kitty" 8, Dandy Dixie Minstrels Jl, "The Old Homestead" 12, Maud Kealy 13, Wra. II. Crane 14. James O Nell 1 15. Buou (llobt. I* Wayne, manager).—"At Cripple Creek." 3 and week, opened to good business. "The Child of the KegimenC 11 and week. Florence Bindley 18 and week. HirroriMuiK (C. S. White, manager).— Whestlers and local talent held tbe boards 4 nnd week. s . Knoxvllle At Staub's Theatre (Fritz Staub, manager) "The Sign of tbe Cross" come March 4, and pleased. "If I Were King," booked for S, canceled. "Tbe Mar- riage of Kitty" 7. Adelaide Thurston 8, "The Okl Homestead" 11, Maude Kealy 12. James O'Xelll 14, "The Gingerbread Man" 20, Wm. 11. Crane and Kills Jeffreys 21, Max Flgman 22. Ai'MTORit.'M Rink ((.'has. McNabb, mana- ger).—The Taylor Sisters and Moore's pic- tures drew well week of 4. Clayton, Jenkins and Jasper, booked for that date, canceled. Tin- Itexos 11-10. ««» ILLINOIS. atrlcal rivalry wns brought up by tbe wily Winch. "There's not so much of it as one might suppose," declared be, "and in proof will inform you, for publication if you desire, that I've just been over to Invite the mana- ger and company of the vaudeville attraction to come over and see our play this evening." Winch mentally added a prayer for forgive- ness for the fiction, though he considered everything as fair In business, as "in love and war." "It that's the case," said the editor, pick- ing up from his desk the announcement sent In by the vaudeville manager, to tbe effect that the show tbat night was to contain special features, "then It won't be necessary to run this." Instead, the evening paper contained a pleasant editorial on the friendliness between theatrical managers, with the announcement that the vaudeville company, attended by Its manager, would be Winch's guests of honor, occupying boxes at the theatre playing 'Thorns and Orange Blossoms." It did not take long after tbe Issue of the anper for an angry manager to hunt up another young manager, who was guessing a little bit how bis coup was coming out. A few quick words on one side, met with a few conciliating ones from Winch, who also milled tbe other In a friendly way, soon re- sulted In peace. Winch then proffered the Invitation, which wos accepted In good spirit. The boxes were filled with tbe members of the rival attraction, and, by Winch's clever forethought, there wns no splitting of the- atrical profit In that town that night. 9 If things look as though they were not steered In hla direction, Wincb Is not slow In Mb tnctlcs to make them change their course. Hero's a blc of his philosophical verse: "I bate tho fellow who sticks around And knocks the livelong day— Who brags of the work he might have done, If things had come his way. "Hut I love the man who pushes ahead, And smiles a t his work or play. You can gamble when things do come around, They'll come Mb way—and stay." t The housekeeping, homey sort of life Is bo Infrequently Indulged In by the average nctress, that whon she gets a chance to mesB « bit In the kitchen, she often avails herself of It. Shortly before the Australian tour of Ola Humphrey, she occupied tho furnished apart- ment of a professional friend, residing In New York City. Ola dearly loves to try her hand at cooking, and particularly to make pics. I.Ike the old lady In tho atory, who made "pics an' things," this clever young actress, In her culinary attempt, made some "plzen things," with the Intention of treat- ing some friends thereto. A cream pie wos the object of her cooking endeavor, and, as all cooks know, corn- starch Is the thickening Ingredient. In the cupboard of her friend's house Miss Humph- rcy spied a glass Jnr, which she felt sure contained tbe desired cornstarch. She mixed with water the amount prescribed by the cook book, and stirred It Into tbe cream pie mixture, which subsequently went Into the oven to boko. At the luncheon, an hour later, the piece ri*e resistance was brought on and served by the hostess, who bad been .telling her guests claiming "Oh 1 father, this Is so sudden. Taromn.—At tbe Tacoma Theatre (C. II. Herald, manager) 'The Bonnie Brier Bush" March 6. "The Umpire," with Fred Mace, 0; ltosello Knott 7, Corlnne, In %"Forty-flve Sllnutes From Broadway," 10, 11. Grand (Dean B. Worlcy, manager).—Week of 4: Kelley and Reno, O'NellT'a Majestic JllnMrels, Onetta, Bnrt C. Weston, Dncoy, Chase and Adams, Polly and Ethel Hazci, Frederic lloberts and Grandlscope. Stau (A. Engel, manager).—Alien Sto<:k Co., In "Under Sealed Orders," 4-9. Nots.— 8. Morton Cohn, the millionaire theatrical manager of the coast, has re- entered the field, and Is planning to create the transcontinental circuit of a chain of first class dramatic and musical theatres, to be operated upon a high class plan, at prices to suit the masses. Mr. Cohn has closed a ten year lease of the Savoy Theatre here. The new company has already secured the- atres in Seattle, Portland and Spokane. Tbe remodelli-g of the Savoy Theatre Is con- pleted, and company selected. The work of rellttlns the house Is practically completed. The theatre now has an entirely new heating system, nod tbe stage has been reconstructed, 'ihe slope of tbe floors and balconies, and tbe seating arrangements give the eye an easy sweep to the stage from all parts of tbe build- ing, and place the Savoy among the beBt con in the next act she completely upset stage structed theatres In the West Tbe Savoy decorum as they stood at the mimic altar, by saying in an audible whisper: "What would mother say If she saw us now!" ■>»» WISCONSIN. Milwaukee.—The week of March 11 prom- l9 '' 8 wejjj At the Shubert, Edwin Thanbauser ¥ n fCrS 0 / Ua i leIl . e ^ ate8 „ 11 - 18 ! «»«■ Kallch l" 10. Standard Opera Co. follows week of J7 putting on "The Mikado." * M w. v,l, ?9 N (Sherman Brown, manager)— Hght pictures of O'Brien and BurnB drew fairly well 8-0. "The Prince of India" comes week of 11, and Olga Nethersole week of 18 .,n£ I '".J MBn *;.T Ma,la 8er Jas. A. Hlgler offered "The Royal Cher' the past week, fo good st? tendance. The Four Wrtons week of 10 "Fontasma" week of 17. ' J: IJ S 0 « (Jonn •*• Pierce, resident manager) —Cecil Spooner, In "The Girl Rallies,'' week of 8. proved u strong attraction. Barney Oil- more, In "A Rocky■ Itoad to Dublin." 10-10: Howard Hall, In "The Millionaire Detective," Stab.— The Merry Burlesquers come 10 for week, followed by tbe Empire Show week of 17. Manager Frank It. Trottman offered a boxing tournement past week in connect- ion with the Avenue GlrlB, and drew capaci- ty attendance. CiiYSTAi _Business good. People offered by , 1 ', B ', Wlnte J.. week °° u - Includi: Bartlett nnd Collins, Blossom Robinson, La Getc Dawson and Whltcfleld, Ann Hamilton and compnny, and the Crystalgrapb. OiiAND (Walter \V. (Iregg, manager).— Business good. People week of 11 Include: Woodford Stock Co., In "The Italian l'a- drone, "Trolley Car Trio, Le Claire and West, Gertrude Scls, Claudius and Scarlet, and latest moving pictures. will open soon as one of a chain of popular priced stock companies, employing a high f;rade of talent An entirely new compsnv las been secured, and the new successes of the dramatic world will be presented. B Simknne,—At the Spokane (Cbas. Much]- man, manager) Paul Gllmore, in "At Yale,' March 2, 3, did good business. Savage's English Opera Co., In "Madam Butterfly" pleased capacity bouses, Feb. 25, 20. "Alice Sit-By The-Fire"' March 4, 5. Columbia (Geo. M. Drehcr, manager).— 'Yon Yonson" drew well Feb. 24-Mareh 2. "A Toor Relation" 7-9. Auditorium (Harry C. Flayward, mana- ger).—"The Ensign" was well presented bv the Shirley Stock Co. Feb. 24-Mnrch 2. Washington (Geo. C. Blakeslee, mana- ger).—New people: May Evans, the I'endle- tons, Frank Cushman, Mrs. General Tom Thumb, Count Magrl and Baron Magrl. Notk. —Count nnd Baron Mag:-1, who are said to be the shortest Elks in the world. were entertained by Spokane Lodge. No. 228, B. r. O. Elks, Feb. 27, at an Informal social session. Peoria At the Grand, (Cbamberlin Harrington A Co., managers) "The Village Parson," March 3, bad large returns. Ellen Beach Yaw pleased a fair bouse 4. Howe's pictures 5. " 'Way Down East." 0. had large business. "The College Widow" 7. "The Hoosler Girl" 0, "A Pair of Country Kids" 10, Gsns-lierman fight pictures 11, "Tbe District Leader" 1G, 17, Lillian Russell 18. Majestic (Al. L. Wlswell, resident mana- ger) —Tbe Four Mortons, in "Breaking into Society," Feb. 28-March 2, played to capaci- ty ; as did Ernest Hogan, In "Rufus Rastus," 30. Harney Gllmore 7-0. "A Millionaire's Revenge" 10-13, "Kuled Off the Turf" 14-16, Yorke and Adams 17-20. Maim Street (Frank B. Weston, resident manager).—Bill for week of 11: Harry and Margaret Daly Vokes, Herbert and Willing. Henderson and Ross, Mueller Bros., Robert De Mont Trio, and tbe klnodrome. Weasi's (Charles p. Bartson, manager).— Week of 4: The Russells. Wilson and Rich, Markel Bros., loin's poodles. La Cortllll, and moving pictures. Stab (II. Walter Van Dyke, manager).— Stock company. In "The Star Boarder," was the bill for last week. Stoxr Hili. Garden (Frank Grave, mana- ger).—Miller Stock Co. opened 11. Note. —Bert L. Heylman, treasurer of tbe Grand, died 6, from consumption, after ao Illness of three months, aged thirty-four years. Mr. Heylman was born In Peoria, and entered the employ of the Grand fifteen years ago, as usher, and worked bis way up to treasurer of the bouse. He was a member of the local order of Elks, and that lodge had charge of the funeral. His wife and parents survive him. • When the Ghost ^Walks^not.: rWMernbers onTthe'Theatrlcal Profession, L PT HOllv ■Waterproofed Linen Col- li r« and Caffs, which LOOK like linen, are a positive bless- ing. Cannot wilt or lose their shape. Look like new if wined with a damp cloth, and last for weeks. Always stylish, being cntln every up-to-date pattern. Collars, StSe. Cuffs, 50e. If not In stock at your shirt store, send as style, size, num- ber wanted with remittance and we will mall toanyaddrew' post paid. Catalogues free on request THE FIBERLOID CO.. 10 Warerly Place, New York. ♦■ > TEXAS. ,. 155F*SP— At tne Houston Theatre fat C. Mlcheals, manager) "She Stoopa to Con- quer delighted two big houses March 2. Prof. Crlstlon lectured, 4, to good business. "The tree Laoce" came, 0, to a nous-- filled to the doors, and pleased. It played 7, with two performances. "The Mummy and the Hum- ming Bird'* 11, 12. Majestic (Frank Sturgls. manager).— Business continues to the capacity. People week of 4: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dowllng Spring-Held—At Chatterton's (Geo. W. Chatterton, manager) "The Vanderbllt Cup," March 3, pleased. Ferris Comedians, 4-10, inclusive, with change of bill nightly. Gateti (Burton & Smith, managers).—Bill for week of 4: May, Doree and Walford, lady novelty trio; Parish, ventriloquist: Jack Tralnor, Morrlsey and Proctor, Lu- dle Harper, nnd motion pictures. Empire (John Connors, manager) Bill "•Ton 5E"»3 P UB <n™lSu*H :», jo ji*)* joi Beach, Elmore and Bartlett, Minnie West- hause, Nellie Raymond. Goodwin and Good- win. Mile. Denby, and Twentieth Century orthoscope. ' OuriMC (Wm. Jackson, manager).—Bill for week of 4: McKlunor and Reed, Miss Delvonm, LoRose and Hatfield, and Little Busy, Lottie Leo. Fisher and Rosen May l.awson, the Two Dematoes, Miss Fayette, singer, and Myrtle Edwards. — 1 Decatur—At the Towers Grand (J. F. Given, manager)"The College Widow," March i?, (ret " ra , ,«%>• delighted a S. R. 6. house. Nelson-Wells Stock Co., 4-7, had fair B ¥Sb. « F S ntawna " 8 ' " A palr of Country jMgJi "Hogan's Alley" 13. Henry E Dliey 14, "Tbe Sultan of Suli" ie! ' ±. n UI V A ' S i fff . rled t manager).—Week of 4: De Graw Trio. Rentfrew and Jansen „ S¥ <> r m« WeBtbrook. Will Vidocq. Cooper and Wilson Dixie Harris, and the Bijou- drome. Excellent business ruled. J Percival, of the Nelson-Wells {.ernando May Duo, Mecban's dogs, Charles st0 S k c ,°- w «s married to Eva Johnson (non- Sharp. C. W. Williams, Delmore apd Darnell, P[» f <!»slonal), March 0, bv Judge Murray at and the majestograph. ' his office in Springfield. Ill """"J. at Kim Claire.. Moon, manager) -At the Grand (C. D. North Bros. Co. closed a Notes. —Rucker's Tent and Wonder Show opened, for the sixteenth week, 4. it con- tinues to crowded tents Van Ambur»'s Dellevllle—At the Lyric (F. R. Hal- lain, ^monager) "The Gingerbread Man" 10: 0, Un- gjasrs. 1 * , " rhe u °' ai cnlr »• e - $sis&£&^tfStezs£« ?5?^f?v 8.0^ poke*™ 0 Umwm (Wm. Armond. resident mana- ancC8 l I n l " The per).—Bill for 4 and week: Delia Watson. crowdcd houses. Geo Delmnrs. Clever Conkey, Wm. Armond. Marlon and Doane, Jno. Harrington, and tbe Manbattnn Newsboy Quartette. ♦*♦ MAINE. Portland.—At the Jefferson »M. J. Gar- I'lly, manager) a good week's business was done March 4-0, the attraction being PreB- cclle and Mrs. Edna May Magoon, hyp- notists, assisted by tho following vaudeville features: Blnns. Blnns and Bfiins, Alclde Cnntalne, Mnvollo, C. C. Bonner, and Yackley ?i ..Kni'? 0 ,!' * ,?°?M : ., Sbepard's pictures I 1 ' ..Wv, 1 ^ 1 ioufiil" 12, 13, T 'As le Sow" 14, Nell Burgess IB, 16. Portland (J. E, Moore, manager).—Kelly and Kent, with six other good acts, moving pictures and travel views, attracted the usual fine business 4-0. Booked 11-18: Thome and Cnrleton, Three Dumonds, Mayme Remington and picks. Mile. Albertlne Mellch, Hawley and Olcott and Lucia and Vlatl. nun, In his lecture, "Nearest the Pole." appeared at City Hall, to excellent returns. 0. ."i^'Pi 6 i 8 . RT .° y .. moving picture theatre, with pictorial ballads by Austin and Dorr, draws good attendance. « » » KInw.V'Krlmiiier Secure the Tremout. In lloalon, for Their Vaadevltle Clrcnlt. Arrangements were consummated last w-ek with John B. Schoeffel, whereby Klaw & Er- langcr obtain n lease of his Tremont Theatre, Boston, commencing about the middle of August. Mr. Schoeffel will be Interested with Maw * Erlnnger, In Boston, In tho operation or this house for what they call "advanced vaudeville." Klaw A Erlnnger state that they are procuring the highest clnsa houses posslole for their purposes, and that It Is their intention to make many Innovations In vaudeville. the Majestic Theatre, 6", with two~'nerform* <i»- 1 anccs, fn "The Prince Chap " and Kd two %Tt&S Sk i es 12 '„Camllle D'ArvIlle 13, crowded houses. This was 1 Mil engage £3. D , enve r L BPHfi ">, "The Hidden meat, and out of the regular booking ofthe That Be'-'i?" nL5 roc r, t . or .' 1 ?.,'? lle Powe " house. B ln Si 55 19; Dandy Dixie Mlnlstrels 23 , bCHOETTLEHS AUDITORIUM (Jos SlmpBOn assivsM^jaSLS »£-*,«» bdou ,j. - pleased matinee nnd night of 2, "As Told 15 the Hills," 4 tame to good patronage. Rufus Rastus Minstrels G, "The Free Lance" 8, 0. .Majestic Is drawing large houses. The weekly bill follows: Mr. and Mrs. Perkins Usher, Crlmmlns and Gore, Grace Cortland. Howell and 8cott, Camllle Person!, and Bennington Bros. Lvntc Theatre.— Good business here. Tho people are Laura Jones, Lambs Merry Manikins, Reno and Azora, and movlne pictures. 6 Aaatln.—The Hancock Opera nouse (George Walker, manager) will be dark until March 10. ,r Tl! ^ « NBW m ,. MAJBST,c Theatre opened Msrch 2, "The Prince Chap" being the Mr. Besseher Is manager. 3£5l* s * nss 1,Tu8t ^ a "Wr Illoomluft-ton.—At the Grand ODera uSSWX ra B nk p M n K P fl ,L elgh ' ■■«Jer) P the iouCrS? Jr.''' ,?• S E "r' "f? "Mar^T'?- :: Sweet Clover" 0? "'Wa> Dowu'ebsC' 7 "Blue Beard Jr." 0. "Th e Sultan of Sulu" 13 Castlb Tiieatrb (Wm. Avery - —111 u for ™' manager) STaS ggr H ; nrletta g " *"" aad K* fflSKK? as? a 2 -1± Efl Jnckaon vllle. — At - Mummy first bill. continue 1 /iS" ,v f"\S".'~ At th * Grana Opera House (Dave A Wela, manager) James O'Nell had n good sized house March 1. "The I.ante O KLAHOM A. Oklahoma City At NOTICE . HALFTONE PICTURES In Ihe read. In* linires of THE CLIPPER will be in~.-rt.-ii at these prtceai S111 it I r Coin inn S7.BO Dnnhle Column 918.00 Naahvllle.—At the Vendome (W. A. Sheets, manager) "The Sign of the Cross- gave two delightful performances to good business March 2. James K. Hockett In "The Walls of Jericho." played to capacity. 4 Adelaide Thurston. In •'The Girl from but \onder." 0: James O'Neill 13, John Drew 14, Maude Fealy 15, 10. ' „«"<»' (Geo. H. Hickman, manager)—' STA *™''a"'(C.''w."sta"ter' :, m 1 ,S U „ 9lne , S9 ' „ to sat Rays fliwoDRMiB (W H. Bordlescr. manager!. —Tho principal attraction week of 4 was Jesse Darling, la fancy skating. \t i.Ti''. , r na BSl 0P«<>e« of 4 with n pleasing performance nnd t sfnetory business. Week of 11 the In "Down the Pike." ' &SrMa"WSW They sail for South Africa in January form iSS 7 .™/ 0 * make a trip around the world!' ^ to I.WHITESON, PUiuiHiR. CHICAGO, ILL. LARGE SIZE, 10- : .\13, 18 Pages, $1.25 per l"! |I0 per 1,000. SMALLER SIZE, 9X12,16 l"aje*, ooc. per 100: $7.60 per 1,000. Contain pop"' lar illustrated songs, Jokes, etc. Send for Samples. WHITESOI, PUB., 240 E. MmUM! 1 St., Chicago. Spangles. J1.25 Per Found. OOLD OR SILVER. Cotton Tights, pair —•S Worsted Tights, pair J* Plaited Silk Tights, pair * K Best 811k Tights, f 9.00 »inch cotton tops,!** Calf, Thigh and Hip Paddings. Gold and Silver Trimmings. Send Deposit and route with order- TUB BOSTON II BOA LI A CO., MT w»«hinavin "t.. avwwn. Ito* BEFORE AND AFTER THEATRIC MOQUINS 6th Ave., bet, 271b i.d 28th Sis., New York, MOST POPULAR FREVCH RESTAURANT. PAR'SIAN OAFB. : : MUSIC S.30 TO 11 p M ~Tfi 6th Ave. and 20th St., New York. THEATRICAL SHOES. COLORED SATIN and LEATHER STAGE SANDALS In all sites carried In stock. Can Fit Out Com- panies Without Any Delay. Bstlmatei Furnished, THE LATEST. THE BEST. JUST OUT. T.w 0PTI6RAPH NO. 4 X Has the ONLY PERFECT FRAMING DEVICE Writ* a. for 40 REASONS war Tm simM in THE NEW m ... OPTICRAPH In preference to »i: other Molion Pi-f.;' lUchlns. Blsuulog^ of Lanterns, fi^t Slides, AoeMi:*''C; >v AMUSEMENT IUPPLY CO IK f 481 Obsmloal Bank Bids', i ""'"* * ^ Be p Actor ' or Actress 10 PROFESSION SO FASCINATING OB PROFITABLE. I teach you by mall, so yon can (to at once on tne stage. Send for my beautlfull)- ' llB '" trnted book explaining method, also I'll''-" 1 *;; scenes ot plays, actors, nctresscs who have '•<*"»* eftlcient through my training—mailed I •**& Address HEKRY DICKSON SCHOOL or ACT1KG. 806 KlmUal Hall, C Jil.J*igg-__ I C A r> rVT to De » CONTOK11'■**';•'j utw-iiyi ^ explained (cipyrwM . Price 2So. Otto Supply, 270 W. 39th St.. Si^21__ HALF-TONE 8- CENTS ...--. , -..^ ^MINIMUM*?* STRATE HALF TONE PROCESS CO MWSOWSJUOWl.NVCrTVN*,.