The New York Clipper (March 1907)

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100 ■•*> THE NEW YORK CLIPPER THE TX1ZW YQBff: CLIPPER. o.M j^gggj tQ, THEflfeNK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO. (Llmllid) jtjv '' PIIOrttlKTOBS. W ALIiERT .T. flOIUR, KMTOTIIAI, AND ItlJMNKHH MANAOI*. flATDBDAY. MARCH 30, 1307. Entered June 24, 1870, at the Coat Offlca lit Now York, N. Y., n« second claM matter, under the act of March A, 1879. RATE8H Advertlieraeota—J2.80 per loch, aingie col- umn. Advertlsementi iH with bnrdar, 10 per cent, extra. fltlBBCniFTION. One year, la advance, $4; six months, 12; three months, *1. foreign pottage extra. Hlogle roplea will be sent, postpaid, on re- ceipt of 10 cents. Oar Ternia «rc Cash. THR CLIPi'EIl In ImuhI every Wednwidi* morning-. The last; four (advertising) page* (10 TO PRESS on Saturday at 11 A. M., and the other pages on MONDAY nail TIJIISDAY. Tin- KarniH OIomIdk Promptly, Tuee- •in y at 10 o'clock A. M. PIMM remit by express, money order, check, P. 0. order or registered letter. All cash en- closed wllti letter In nt the risk of aender. Adilrra* All Cmniioiii Icn M.m. (o Hill Ni'.W YORK <LIIMT.Il, 47 Wwrt 2Hlli Street, New York. Itri.llatrrrd Cabin Addiv**, "AnTHOiUTT." THE WESTERN BUREAU of Tiik RtjOHM la locnteil at Koooi C04, Aahland Illm'k, Chicago, Jniin T. I'rtuce Jr., manager and correspondent, where Advertise- ment* and Hdlittcrlptlons ure received at our regular rates. THE LONDON BUREAU Located nt 48 Cranbourne Hi., London, W. C, Jniin II. I'miicy, manager mill correspondent, where advertisements and Hiilixcrlptloai are lecelved at our regular rater*. Tub Cmctkii can wo oiiTAiNien, wunt.i- bii.u ami iiDTAir,, ut our agents, lirentano'a news depot, .IT Avenuo da I'Opera, Paris, France; At. I.lllenthnl, Krederlck Ktrasse . 101 (Termlnua Motel), flerllll, N. W., Ger- many; Diamond NewH Co,, 07 I'rndo, Ha- vana; Manila Honk mid Stationery Co,, 128 Kacoltn, Manlln, I'. I.; Albert It Hon, 1U7- 130 King St., Sydney, Australia. THIS M: w YORK clutch nnlillaiina duly one cdltlou, mid Unit la dated from New York. QUERI ES ANHW KREI). No Itcnllca liy Mnll ur Telegraph, Ainuii'.ssrM on wnr.itnAiiotirN not oivin. Al,i, IN QliKST •if men smiin.o WAIT* TO THOME WHOM TIIRT SKIIIC, IN OAllB OV TF1H CLIPPER Port opvich. Ai.t, mottbrh wilii 1111 AtlVKIITIHUII ONI) WKKK llNLV. \f TUB HOtlTH OK ANT TIIHATIlll'AI. COMFANt IN bOPIUIT, 1IKKKR Til MUM LIST OV ItolITXN UN ANOTHItll 1'AOB. Wl) CANNOT BIND 1IMUTII IIV MAIL I1U TRLHUKAl'll. inmnTii. H. I. 0., .Vow York.-—Wo have no knowledge of ilit- present whereabouts of the purty. Aildrcws a Id tor In our cure unil we will urivcrtUe It in Tin. CT.iFii ii letter Hut. M. jL W„ l.nnlHvlll.-. A. G. P., Caiidron. T. II., Uronx, II. II., Columbus, C. K. McC llaaton. II. U, I... Wlllloiiisport, l». H. \V„ Allien. T. I,. It., Lnfayelle, unil M. 0. II., Now York.—Son answer to D, I. It., above. . A. O. II.—Address I be frost Trading t'o., Ill B'Oil Thlrtysevoitlh Street, New York City. Aim 1„ \V„ Iriuiioii. —Kay Teuiplolon np- poured In Now York, In "Forty-live Minutes iiiim llrnnilway," .Inn. 1, tmiu. It. R II.. tSiilnesiillc. -An vnno lining us you suggest, would place hinisi'ir llnhle to legal ncilon miller tile plmey law. II. \V„ rhlengo.- The llrl K lnnl Itln.k 1'nttl isissci-i'ini .limes) Is nllve. unil la hi 111 houd- liiK the Itlnck l'ulll Tl'uilliinloilI'M, II. K. .1.. Monlrenl.—Van lira, Loudon, Kmt,, i'iiii iIiuiIiiIchm miHwer your iiuenlloii. II. S., New V>irk.-»\Ve du not know where you i'iiii ki'I tlii'in, inili.sM the iiiuiuiserH uf I lie vin'lolis ciMlipiiiiles you IlienlliHI Will fur- nish ilu'iii. Vuii inlulit write encli iiinnnKer, ill.' 1'iinli's <ii' which will Ihi found In our inllle iUl mm Week In week. S. 1,. 11., Ilclroll.— AiIiIi-ckn Klltn l'roctor (ills. In cure uf ilie I'nifcssloniil Women's l.ciiuiie, Ni'w York t'lty. I. Mm WllmliiKioii. —We never liululgo In CIIIII|lfll'lsO||K, II. I', It., New York.—Wiitch our ronto list Al. It. IIm I'ort.Miuoulli.— \\c will pulillah llsls. us iisliul, I Ills Spi'lUK. i'. I'.. I iiiiilllln. — AiIiIi'cxh tlie l.llirnrlan of Cunitri'Wii WiisIiIiikIiui, II. ('. •I. S. Mo|.'., Ilimpcsiun.— All the routes we receive Hiipvnr In mil' route list from week to week. Uin.'li inn' ciiluinnx. I". M., Iliislini. — Sec iiuswor to J. R. McP, tj. in: It.. lli'lil«cpiui.--|.'roin $40 p<>r week up. W. It.. SI. l.onls.—1. Snliirles nro n'Riilnteil li.v l he siinply mill ileiiuind. -. The iiuuiaKcr h/ cn.'ii ilicnirc pays Hie snlnry. The merit of I lie iici unil I lie pulillc ilciniind foe It tuivo In ilo Willi the IIxIhk of Hie siiliny of n given ■id, nut Hie milliner of penple In It. .1. S„ Troy.—AihliesK S. K. llodgdon, St. .Imiics Iliill.Hnij. New York CI I.v. CAHDS. ^'. I*. It.. New York.—In poker, If n pl.iycr (ilsciirils mid draws fresh cnnls, mid, viiiilc sol villi; him. Ih" ilenler expose one or inure cmils. Hie de.iler iinisl. plnce the ex- po,*''! enril nr cnnls upon Hie nullum of Hie limit nuil Klve in Hie plnyec n coi-rcHpoiulliit! iniiiilicr the tup of the puck, before sor- \!iu: the nexl plnyer. A. s.. >1nii»1inll. —It wins with low. 4l » OKLAHOMA. Oliliihnnui Clly.-Al the Overholser IIM. iivti'liolscr, luiiiuiger» "reek's Had Hoy" pleiiscil Mnnil in. rioreiicc Itnlieiis, In "i'lic Sliciijiih of Hie Weak," drew (jnoil hostne-". Snnfoi'il Ii..ilt'.'. In "llnnieo unit Jnllel." If. "I'lirslfnl" ilu KiirIIsIH. Iff, had il koi ii I coliipilliv. "The Collciie llov." Ill, iileiiM',1 ".Thi' llnlv City," 17. .dlil well. In.i i.i Tei.uvile. .Mystic SluiiiciK, lii'oiiahi "I'liliilliu; iIn- Town," fur 21. nx a enmiill- ineiiliii'V pei'h-rniiiiieo t« lliolr frlemls. "Tlie Muuuiiy unit lhe lliuiiniliu; llinl" L':l, Albert Taylor sinci: .Co. 24-:n. si.iiiii's u*. ft*, Sinter, mnnnjscri.—"The Tollers." 1" tiiiU week, did ciipiuily business in opening, OUR LONDON' I.ICTTISR. FBOJ1 Ol'n HUN OOIIRKKPONDPNT. Cllpppr llnrenu, 4H Cranbonrofl ML, . l.«-ioepi«e/r »nuorr, IntldllM. W. V. ■MAncii 111. In "John filnyde'n Hotirtr," ft now piny, by Alfred Hutro, whh'Ji wns civin liisi week. (leorge Alexooder has found n very worthy suecosaor to dJk Jruii: phenomenal Kin'epRs, "IIIn House In Order." .Tlie »lory of Iho play linn to do with John OhivoV who Is siuipoaeil to he the Iron king of Amerlcn. Ilo iharrti'd nt Die ago of twenty-eight, a ?lii of nineteen. II: wns a love ntafeb. and m* ii lime they lived In complete happiness. Hut no children c.inie, and Cluvde, fretting for 'u fuller life, threw ^ilmaelf Into the Whirl nnd rush of American flntlnce. Hus- band mid wife gradually drifted apart. Sbo lived lii Carls und. other contlnnniol plea- sure resorts; he In New York. Toibo innn cfiine million upon million of money, faschin- 1I11K him. Iiolillng Iiiin chained, absorbing nil his energy. To the woman rnmft a lover, Tim bitter, Trevor l>erode, wna u linndsomo young painter. At the opening of the play tin lies n studio In I'arla, Mr.*. i;lnvde hita a lint, nnd he Is pninlJng her itorlralt. Tholr minim In common gossip, and some hint, of II rrnchCH the ears of I ho liushund. One nlghl: he suildehly presents himself nt his wlfe'M lint. She Is giving a. dinner parly lo her friends, I^rode being one of the num- Iwr. The giioslH leave, anil Dlnyde anmninccs his Intention of giving up himlness, nnd de- villing the whole of his time to Ilia wife. lie nshs her If her heart Is nx free us It was In the old days. She, laughingly, nwiures him Unit be baa not, the slightest reason for jealousy. In the second act we find (Jliiyrie In his rooms nt Hie Itllz Hotel, London. Two matters of Vgat Importance claim his attention; he Is trying to discover how far the affair between his wife anil the painter tins gone; he must also check. 11 n attack on Ills Interests by a comhliiiiilon of American llniinclers. Ho has nn Interview with 11 friend of l^>rode's. with Lady Leroile, the painter's mother, nnd with Lecodo himself, lie tells the painter, mean- ingly, lliul the sittings must be discontinued, and offers him payment. .Ixrodn destroys llio check. At tills momcnf*';tnydn Is called iiwn.v .by his eniiildcnthil clerk to speak to his man of Imslness, In London, on iho tele- phone. Thorn Is a crisis on- the New York Slock Kxclinnge. (Haydn Is obliged to go, leaving J/ormle in tho sitting room. Then, from nn Inner room, comes Mrs. tilavdo, who bus overboard Hie Interview. Slio Is In •loudly terror lest, lilaydo shall kill her lover. The couple arrange to elope Hint evening. .Mrs. lilaydo has loft, tho door of the Inner room open. Whnn their conversation Is nt tho fever beat of passion, tho hand of n man steals neros« the Intervening space, takes hold of the Inner handle, and very softly clones tho door. Tho guilty couple, pnrulv/od with fear, and realizing Hint Hie person shutting the door must liavn overheard their plot, stand spellbound. When Mrs. tilnydo returns to the Inner room it Is empty. (Haydn comes buck, and I .erode assures lilm that ho will lenvo Pirrls til. dnce. Tim hiishnnd Is satisfied, and the Interview with his wife passes on' rp'lio pbasnnlly. Incidentally nhe lolls him 1 line she has only Just, arrived. When she his gone, he learns from the servant, who cloned Hie door, that she had seen Leroile. Then his eon Orion Hnl clerk admits that Hie lini1r.11 at bin wife and I,erode Is common tall;. Al Ihn opening of the third net we llnd Mrs. lilaydo arranging Ihn de- tails of Hie clopomeiil. She will pretend Hint she Is going in n reception nt tbn embassy. A friend's motor car will ho walling near Lorode < sludlo. lilaydo comes In and tolls her Hint he known everything. Her fenrs for Iho Hiifoty ef her lover are redoubled. Throw- ing lo Ihn winds Hie Inst shred of honor and self-respect, she swears lo her hiistinnd that she im'-'M him deeply and oaren nothing at. nil for the |in inter. She <>\t>n puts her arms nlioiil his neck and klasen him on the lips. Ho believes her. She goes nut, ostensibly to the rc'.'cnlioii. 1'lve minutes later (ib'iyde leurns Hint lie has been cruelly deceived. Mad with imgninh and horror, tie follows tier 10 Lewde's studio. The couple are there, ready for •lopitrlurc. Instead of committing murder, na 01m would naturally think under the clreumslimcr-s, Ulnyde maken the follow- ing speech; "*lhis wotuiiu loven yon. Klin used to lie my wife. Hho loves yon hcvoiiil anything else— honesty, truth, shame. She aiad.• llio grcnlesl. of nil sacrifices for you-— she has lied and betruyod. Take her uwnv. I shall divorce her, you can get married. I MintII make provision for her Hint she shall never (Mini. Take her and help her to lie ami betray no more," Tho couple stand Iniigiie-lled. (Hnyde goes mil. and tho Until cuiialn falls. The run). Is as follows: John (Hayde, Hcorgc Alexander: Trevor l^rodc. Mniiio-.iii Lung; Michael Shiirmur, Michael Shcrbr.uike ; Muriel Lorode. Mva Moore ; Lady i.i'i'odc, Helen 1'i'rrnrs. The advance snio pic- rilcls ciipncltj business for many months to come. (iimlnu Mayer linn arranged for Iho pro- duction nl Tony's Theatre, on April 2!i. of the well known Ameiicun piny, ".Mrs, Wlggs of the Cithlmgc Patch." Tho entire company, Including Mrs. Madge f.'urr t'ook, Hint hna Is'cit In Ihls piece III the Slates for three mid 11 halt years, will still from New York 011 April lit, and some twenty odd iiclore and tuiriisos will accompany Mrs. Cook. lleeiiiiilim Tree, In his sneorliilt tho annual dlnnrr of the Stage Society, nt I he Criterion liestaiiranl. a few nights ago, referred 10 Seymour lllckn' defence of musical comedy ■ In 11 IiksiI paper. "1 rend," he said, "of a very lirtlllani young actor who declared Hint in.' ri17.m11 was in decadence, and Hint, mu- sical < "linedy was triumphant, nnd ho added that II. was all nonsense lo talk about art— Hint nil we thought of was Ihn commercial side ami Iho accumulation of wealth. Tho cunt of art Is 1o bo deprecated, hut still moro to lie deprecated, 1 think, la tho cant of nega- tion, if we may be permitted lo ho proud of Iho accumulation of wealth through mu- sical comedy, surely wo, on Hie other hand, may nlso Justly be allowed to bo proud of our poverty ensuing from Iho legitimate drama. 1'nvorl.v is often our only reword." At tho (tnloty tho now musical play which Is to succeed "Tho Now Aladdin, when tho time for succession comes, will he urobablv called "The (HiI* of (lOtlenborg." Tho now niece, which will. In ono sense, I nm told, liuvo the atmosphere of tho siory of "Tho Uriind Din-boss, Is divided Into two nets. wlih :w 1 scones In the Hist, opening at a Herman cavalry barracks, and going Into Iho secaid scene to 11 pretty Herman village. Tho nor Is laid In a boor garden nn 11 bill, overlooking (ho llhlno. and throughout, its fur us the male characters arc concerned. Hie play hits a military element. In tho cast will ls> found lioorge (irossiulth Jr., Kilmuml Payne, Hubert Niilnby, Alfred Lester. May do Sotisa, violet Hulls (Iwo American glrlsj mid lierllc Millar. Lewis Waller 1ms 11 really good piny In "The I.lllle Admiral," hy Horace Hodges ami T. Wlglev Percyvul, which was played for the llrsi time at tho Lyric last Saturday nlghl. The play begins with 11 prologue, nnd Hie scene Is a private room In mi Inn 011 tho frontier of Kmnco. lS'.M. Admiral Sir Anthony Addcnhrookc, aged elghty-slx. Is dy- ing. Ills lawyer Is with hint 10 discuss Im- portant private affairs. Ami with him, tis>, Is Ann Churchill. Ilo has known Ann live minutes, bill being a typical sen dog, with a l.'iidenev lo expletives, and a heart of simple fnliti, lie knows ill once Hial Ann Is to bo misled. The lawyer In sceptical. Sir An- thony leaves his grandson his money, If he Is a comma in Icr by June I, 1S2.'I. Ilo in un- married. Ann Is hopelessly i«->nr. In not one wo moot the grandson, Lieutenant Anthony Addenbrooke, a nautical rake, with drawora bridge Colleges. To-night at thla 'hrmse-ln full of hills, and who Is constantly dodging known as "Hoat rtace .Night," a clnemato- process-sorvcrs. Hut lils heart Ih Inilhe right graphic record of Iho race being added to tne place nnd when ho moots Ann he alRrts re- blogrnph pictures. forming with lier help. In dead earnest. Hut when nil the bills nro pnlri. and the promotion la obtained, Ann's heart -falls her, She lain sot nut 10 catch n hiishnnd, hut nhe has fallen In love, and she Is ashamed. Bui: An- thony noon puts things right, the' lawyer blesses the pjilr, nnd the curtain Tails on. n very happy couple. The principal i!harne|tirn lire lo (tie hands of Lewis Waller, A. Ii. Uoorge and livelyn Millard. In llio ntihurhnn theatres Charles Cart- wright, (well known in the Xtates) and Her- ald Lawrence are producing u new version of "DXV'.'i Copperfleld," entitled "Dan'l I'eg- gott.y," by II. Ketieit Chnnihers. The play Is an unusually strong one, likewise the enst. BairS ITCHING RASH, fclla- Shields, who .Is now playing her aec- onil nngngement In .fl9nt.l1 .Africa, writes mo that tho present engagement Is even moro successful than her llrsl. Alio is singing several songs, her most successful being "llogtlmoi Millionaire," 'nnd,. slrnnfco to say, "Itlll llnlley:" The. latter'was .one of Miss Shields' hltn dill-log' her Ornt :Mlp to country, ahrt now tne aiiiilencos.-wlll no he one enl... Is due fo arrive In I^indon on April l:l. "■"- 7""'" "W '""" ™*^ wlls llrp " tatt. I I nm obliged to the genial lllenry (larrlck, had llCetrd of so many cures liy t|m rLt press I 'p'l'esenlntlve nt Hie lllnnodrome. tit mmmn i1>a.m a A,*mm 1I1.1 r .1 .,. file following net ho done nt tli.'it not lot T'aco Mid 1'ret -<Jovererl-llr», nr .... and W.inlil ivy tin Tlrert Onl-| ro ' uuillnle llfllof nnd S|im,lj , nr( . " by llalnar Callrnrn. "My'feihy wasTjibotlt 'ninc"inotiffi< ah 1I1 /»■'.!„<.. c an if most, es! »mjt i~»..j nm 'iuiuiii nnu'. morn t? rtt whcn.' wsh on licr face an<J f e , Hcrlfcct<isccincti to t irritate her most. c ' her lenvo Iho stago until she Blngs It as nn pcci3ijy 'flights. 4-licy would cause i,». fncore. Miss Shields has nlso ft new song, t0 |j C |)fAk C |, 0 f |, cr rcst .„ ■ c ,„„ > 1 . ,lfr entitled "Walking Aronml ihn World." She ',' U J v "\7 ^"* ' V. r ™ *> n "«.somelirne. In I^ndon on April 1:1. p» c , w0l »« C V "l" 1 sne was tired out | to the genial illenry (larrlck. had heard of so many cures liy t| lr . r'r itivo of the. Hippodrome, tar cttra jRemodics that I thotieht I wA.m cwh regarding new things to _: v# ,,i|.„ lt , _ ,-j.i T ,,„ u~£Zz, ttoul ' 1 which Includes Cbnr7es"( ; nl'Twrlirhtr«oralii ho dmio nl that lioiiae. On Monday two new givcime n ft inni. I lie improvetnom wait LwWiiS "Sirlen, cilfitrle, i! ff WpplnK n.lra.'tlonn will bo aeon tar tho llrst lime In llot.Cffll) C, in ft few hours, and |, c fnr e Klliel Ward, Clarissa Selwynno, and others. l-nndon. They are "Alnrlr.ll, the fyroonn ha<l t| Set l one'box of the Cllliriin CiL There Is soinoihliig- very Inlerestlng about **""«*>••*? " i V , " >-Atln! '' J 1 2? W L?S i5'^ rnent her feet were well nnH t, , lnU I'rnneh plays. If one understands flfm'lon- »««;. Alnrle •J'liHsnaiier-nn-the 'lyroloan ™« k'i "f 1,1, «:)IL II. .V e 'Wvcr guage, and a great many on Ibis side, among ghuilejs. s en led—Is twonly-soveii years of troullled her since. 1 also used it |„ rc . Hie playgoers do. l-'or that reason a French n .?.lV.,r!5 ,, L^ c L! n ..l , !.!?Ji t, _!!. n !!.i* c Sil* „™« movc wliat ,s known as 'cradle cap.' frnin |/| it n,nJ mII 1 !Ij_ . ;d ...te. Now I am conlldont t. bos become an Instltit- «' f' 1 "'"i I, /T SPI i*ir rrt I fr 'i m . ',^„i "^ '^ V IrS ' J . J P Cl,mcr ' I hotMnston, M Cl (Inn. There Is a growing clientele for French S&U&'JSS?' V,, hll £,' nm Jh ha ffiPSRj!? ^im" -June ft '06." . nines. ..mi itin Snormnos unetni u ,iece BU nt upright polos. To make the feat more dim- •> i .,-", n-,,11 , plitys, nnd Iho enormous social success of upright poles, z^z^^zr^z ffice-a"o? -aas^tnfc.ritttt Wales, nine times. prospcrouR period pbiys in f/iadon iooiih expenses, well as artistically, » attractions London, expects the best, and so •'»« c» t lioforj attemplod. when " here. OCR C UICAOO L ETTKrt, vuox fitm own conur.aroNDiNT. S I am In t'rrn, SSkfa! ISLSSSLST ta? " "w name Implies, will give a realistic Idea. 0 Jeek oil" th? host* Tn taSSS Sieve™ not ""'J - ot » » torm but ° f * lfirrl » 0 dlsw, "' r ZrJZt SSSrSi.^ ffiSSSICfK™ nt sea. Now machlncry_ of the most novel Weitern Bureau of the New York < llnner Room (MM. Aahland Bloek, Chleaan The Hurricane, 8prtn _ Kt Ia ,,„„ „ s w|m , » ; last week, and Winter coats wore n mil weather which denmiuleli l-'rom i„J!TKJ» n ,!;om R ^' f 0 h m Wj.n2H n ?^ Soulhamplon, where" they are playing the e ' n T ^^^V^SlLr^tSSSffnJSS o?t1Sr^r»n^^HSsr ^*™»™™™ 2KB » nans. m*. arc secured my London managers with the SLPSS S*^?^ l SSF^S£» a {a?JSSE^ 1 per)-—MRudc Adams continues in crowd tltl, provision that they shall not bo performed acre In French until tho Kngllnn version bus first is-en produced. I could nnmo several In which (his rostrlclion applies. Mr. Iloiirithler, for Instance, has 'Lo Iluei,' Mr. Alexander bun 'Lo Voleur," .Mr. Harrison con and are ia grcnt demand tar next Christmas, house at. every performance, and "1'eter Pan" Happy' Hughes wus especially compll- has token a llrm hold upon Cblongnnos. Sun incnird for his comedy work. Bernard, In "The Itlch Mr/ Hoggonheimer" Mr. Askwlth, the arbitrator in tlie music u announced nn tho tallowing attraction. hall strike. Ihik rendered no decision os yht rowwm'TiiKATim (Harry J. Powers, man- regarding the. performers' claims, and it Is ngi-rj,—May Irwin Is In her Roeon.l ami called 'Lo Dnnsetir Inconnu.' for prodticilon here In the Autumn. I shall engage u com pnny of the very host players In the French capital, unit "' hearse ond produce new pin 'lite four himdrodlh perf... Hello of Alnytalr" lakes place at the Vnurie- , vllle tonight. Tho second edition of the VvTikto popular piece lias proved a great: success, and 'T'' • It. Is noi probal.lo that any further changes -'.' will lie iie'cessiiiy. Kver alnce I have heen in Lonf- 1)0011 Willie Oschollnskl, known lo nil Iho fro- .speel, The hoiise hna been pmiasl to a. inmost I'ttpiiciiy, ami the perforraanreH have inn eiigaKc h cum- nunnfors of the "lliileli Clnh" on I 1st,, xtmae "'"""•• ■"•"■V".'* "" ll •"" i"-ii"riuiiiiics nove irs Hint 1 otin llnd Z --m tv " l« the' ,IZ .W»i'n«.Vr ti^ ,. oh X*'"-""Joyed by many who had never seen then wo shall rc- h„ v . n V, lly s ;, Jl Via '\,* He J'l"Z Ji,» I- io' ''""«'""'. '""» """"hy ""oio who had bee,, tys." '., "'v*''''^' A„iV'„ ftSfh'JSiJi.S'SliS 1 tariiinalo enough to have seen It during lis forronneo of "The "TgAgg.JA Bg*Jr!^J^. h ** l J'.. >l .«»l?-..^ tang run In New York. Nearly every day Kk£RSB3BK ,... «»«—n,, .w.r *.!■<-.' i i.uvo ...-ii ... _,,„ ',)'';„ m r.\" r, i'J\'\ , 7„ m , 1 "I" 'i 1 * |" n ir',i n .'J have seciirwl seals nhoitd of time. Thtfe .ondon nil Hie plays nt tho Vaudeville hnvo ^'"„ „.^l „L ..!,« f '"»IHn8 variety dales we( , k , remain afler Ihls one, and the bttslarw .eon tong lived. ., ,, ,.M „ „ V**P WW Indication of holding up mil lionriro lluivos, the principal comedian at. H, II. relber sailed from Sonlhnmplon, eslnbllshltign. new record for I Ills house. Daly's In Ibelr recent productions, nnd Who on Wednesday, for New York. He expeein lo Stuwiukkii TllBATM III, It. .Ilermeyer, went in tho States some Hmo ago to play relnni m this Bide in tho early Summer, manager).—Thomas W. Itoss has Bide a his original p«rt in "Tho Little Mlehus, ,J>lher passengers on tho same boat worn Mrs. marked sueeess In I'he Other lilii." and when It wan produced In New York. Is re- Millie Hale, who In on a holiday trip, and the piny has pleased it great number ftf turning ' t watt produced In New York. Is re- Willie Hale, who in on a holiday trip, and the piny has pleased it great nurtl : lo Ihls country nlionrd the Mimic- Spessaidy, Ihc lienr man. people. Wo were given to understand on Ihls Alfred Lester, who met with such great Cor.ONi.ii, TllHiTnn (Heorgo W. I ai while the pio.v was not a aiiccens, fayor with his mi, entitled "The Scene Shift- manager;.—Richard Carle Has "sp ■p side ilia Mr. tirivon was very'raiioh liked by the Now York theatregoers. Mr. Craves will appear shortly under Ijisirgo Kdwardes' management. In this city, hut tho play und part have pot boon selected us'j'et. When Clyde Mich's piny, "Tho Truth," Is done, for the llrsl. lime In London, at the country. Manager Alfred Hull Is lo he enn- ederer. sprained" ers Lament, at. iho Palace, some Hmo ago, several records since he opened here nine opposes rtt Hint house next. Monday, In a. weeks ago In "Tlie Spring Chicken," which gy..*ffl grt» SHS( B ft." , i<f*."'» P»«»iiiir«lit has heen one of the most popular m.islntl hiMnilo. Lo'Iortnjada. the Spanish dancer, comedies wo have ev»r had the plensnre nf ,n it' <n,?l" , ».ni"h K„» r ? l " r ?i on . K"! "T," !*** "*« , " ,|l « of Muyfnlr" follows April nlghl. Tills will he her fourth visit lo thin 1, the Lnnc as the Huron In "Tlie Unhes In tho gagnmoin. are nbotit leaving for Now York. Woods." The offer Is a most excellent one, they were to play the month of May In but Tom is still considering, in a few weeks Berlin, but they have set tbnt tlato hack, us lie will leave for n trip to the Holy Land. Hie locil managers are not issuing nny cun- A successful pantomime .mist .makes enough tracts for linmcdlalo time until Hie nrhltrn- during a pantomime sensou to live very com- tjr'n decision regarding the claims of llio fori able during the Intervening period. striking performers Is given. Newell and morly. Chicago Oiv.ra IJovhh (David II. Hunt, manager).—"Tito Eternal City" erowdcri the bouse, last' week, und tho excellent work ul tho many members of the company made a iimrkoil iinpiesslim upon tho iiurilcncos. Mnn- acof Hunt offers tho old laughing success, "Tho Private Secretary," this week. Owing ilou hackwnrde. he will motor to many of tho interesting points, and wilt probably leave for Paris i-.oxt week, from whence ho will noil for America, lie ha-s made a very valu- KANSAS, „ Wichita,—At tho Crawford (E. L, Mart- ablo collecllon of old plcluros during his i lnB ' manager) "Olrl of the Hlreels," March travels. ' B H. scored. Edwin Barrio Slock Co. opened ... opened a week a engagement 18. with a largo house. Tolkii Ai'hiTtnmiM (R, c. Toler, mana- gfr).—Tim Acme Comedy Co. is crowding the house nightly. Tho Queen of Spades." at the Alhnmhrla Is, ns I staled In it recent, loiter, one of tho host, halters thai ban been produced nt the Alhnmhrla In n long time, nnd Managers Al- fred Mnul and Heorge Scolt are lo-Tio con- gratulated for their selection of auhlocf, etc. A new number to (he hill on Monday next manager).— "Peck will he that nf the Mlllmim Trio, new lo Hi. "tllii of the Htrretn 1'HtnharK—At Iho Ia Belle tho flllo role, did splendidly. "iCast l-ynne Is the bill this week, and "Tllo Light Ihnt Fulled" follows, limducss holds up splen- didly, lNTKn.\ATto.\Ar,TitKATnn (Kills P. (Hickman- mnnngerl.—Tho stock comnnny eontiniies in do good work, presenting n repertory of fday" enKih week, of diversified typos, nnd I In- al- tonrtitnco Holds up well. IIumboi.ii'I' Tiikatiih (V. II. I'olnchok. mjii; ager).—"Shiimiis O'Brien" wils well nlteniieu ."i° litLRclle (W. W. Hell, nnd well plnyod Inst week, nnd tile perform; s Had ftoi" pleased March anco pleased. "Mnnto Crlsio" Is the current this coun.ry and who are blilM hy-thoinnn^ ^^M^^P^^f^!^ SUSQj 1™" iniMM ' . "'" '" iigeineni oi Hie Alhamhrn ns the "Inst word Stochshaetllor Family concert. 10 "1'nrslfal" I'loi'l.u's Tiiihtiu-- IJKwonh Plltfrlin. mn"' !^^!!!!..*^.TO^nJ^iW* JO^k^"- 21. "minting the Mm^!^^ 1 ^!^^^ in ismlining w.rn uecmiisis. in-nay ncciirn w, A Spring Chi tho groat boat raco between Oxford and Cam- Town" 38 (rotum). BiiltnWIe bill offered tor the week commeneini.