The New York Clipper (March 1907)

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'HAKCH 3_0. fflE::NE¥;YteK; CIjIPPER. 161 HOLLLIS and VALORA t£OOE Infill© JUGGLERS CO Week of Mnrr.h til Week of April 1 Week of April H - - <■-<l. II, liulliiiiiiiiolL. f ml. Unlit Street TliMilrc, Peoria, III. JSf ••■•' Lyric Theatre, Dan.vlHc, 111. Week of Mny ft Week of April 111 Week of April !4« ■ Week of April 5W li> i If Thentre, Teiio llnute, Ind. • - Olympic, Ctllrngn. • Mi> ymiti kit, Chicago. Majestic, * lili •>*<>■ Hooked lollil by J. .1. HutilMfc,' Kilw. Ili»> uimn unci Jake Strrnnd, Weslern Vaudeville JInn«|w< Association, Chli-ngn, III. with St Patrick's Day, and business held ui> i„ ho flne overage of former weeks. "East Ijunc" Is offered at present "ilonto Crlsto • itkin Tiimtdb (Ubbert T. Molts, maiiB- m ,r,'_i"Tho Queen of the Jungles" has Jiii'lit en again nt, this house, and the niielilnu trust la In full sway, bended by livrlsoo S-'ttwnrt. J. Ed. Green, Jerry Mills, iViiilo Grady and Elvira Johnson. "Junga- *," Is a rnilqno feature, which calls forth nls of applause.' and "The Monkey and tho Muld " and l|ie song,' "Queen of the Jungles." an always dncored, with the other popular iimbcrn. The successor to. the "Queen" la irtng written by Stanley Wood, who dra- Miitlzod -Jron. the Terrible," and wrote a line vendor of "Resurrection," and. will bo on'smti-'l shortly". This Is Mr. Wood's first hicttrsiuii to the musical comedy field. lloWAsn 'J'iieatbh (Lorln J. Howard, rami- .„,,.) —"fhls house runs along very evenly, ■ind does a fine business.-presenting good plays, and the company Includes many ca- lilbli' pCOPIO. CtLUUKT TllBATBK (John T. Connors, mini- "Away down South" though, this house, is, Hie iiiws of the flue performances irlvi'ii reaches the centre, and many people imiruey there to kco plays which arc rarely ilveii :it the mora get-at-able houses. "Itobert Viniuet" drew capacity houses last week, with cirvcr William .loscy In the title role, and Die production was well Staged. This week, ■'flic James Hoys In Missouri" la the startler. "At liney llltlgo" next week. Mtiiunv TiiEATKK (Charles 11. Marvin, manager)—Those who witnessed "Jane," Inst wiw enjoyed a henrty laugh, and the clever comedy was well played Try ■this ex- cellent organization. "The' Lady of Lyons" will provide er.lertalnment this week. MJjKttTM! Tiikat«k (Lyman B. Glover, laamiNl'r),—l''red Walton and company made n ireiucndoiiR lilt Inst week and the week before, in "Clsslo's Dream," and are .held over iills week. In the bill week of 25 arc also: Anna Kvu Pay. Sherman and He Forest, la "A Juy Oram;" J''lriney's Water l)uern*. ll.illi'n and fuller, the Dander-La Velle Tt'lo, Jus. P. MaeLlouald, Howard nnd Howard. Joe Whitehead, nnd Grlerson Sisters' A. I\. Cnldera, Jackson and Moon, and the klnotlroiuc. . (Ii.vmi'h- TilE.vriiK (Abe Jacobs, manager). —The Pour Mortons, lately returned to the inns* of vaudeville, head the bill week of iV Others Include: Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Crane, In "Everybody's Up;" the Plorcnz Troupe, Lew Stily, Harry Howard's ponies,' utile'Young aud Brother Dixon and Fields, Ho Adler, Lines and Ityiui, loos Brothers. Mueller nnd Mueller, Charley Crenyon, and the klnodruoie. Il.ivjt.MiKi'.T TilE.vrnE (William' P. New- ark, manager).—K. J. Comiclly and Gerald (jrllliu. In Morse Covington," constitute the iii'iidliniT this week, and tho vharinlng sketch klsiiild be well received here. Others on the bill include: Th» Piccolo Mldgels. Keurl and Violet Allen Co.. In "The Traveling Mau:" I'auny lllce, Musical Kllest, Mllo. Dilrln uud ilnneer. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Powers. In "The Players:" St. Ongc Brothers, Elliott, llelaire aud Elliott, llurry Harvey, Kuox Itrotliers, anil the klnodromc. Staii TiiKAriin (James L Ledorcr, uinun- lirr).—Ulll here Includes: The Mnnola Pam- ily. Hie 'froilcv Car Trio, Adams Bros., All'1. lieorgo nod Llbblc Duprce, and the Sluroscopo. Business Is great, l.iim: TlIKATlu; (Hen Snyder, business urn linger).—This house una llrnily estubllBiied Itself us n populur vaudeville theatre at the South Hud of (lie city, and' the bills are an UtriicHvc feature every week. Business has lieu steadily Increasing since I be opening. Noam AVKKVa TiitATliK (I'uul Slttuer, nuinugcr).—This house was opened lo the I'liblle Feb. IB, linvlug a seating capacity of 1.100, and hus been dolug a Hue business KM since, ottering very good bills. For the current week the nil ructions Include: The /■luuiicrnuina. lagls nud Ingls, Irene Pord, Im Melruv .Trio, the (ireat Matcos. Paul Do lire.and coiupniiv. In "The Talo of an iJephunt," and the pictures. AcAIMUY (Wlllluui Itoclic, manugcr).— Miliuiupi'd for llevengc" wus a potent draw- ing card IukI week, with many thrilling sltuu- loiis. "Kulwl Off the Turr." with Gcorgle • ark shirred, Is (he bill this wuok. "Tho "ii.vnr iif l.iiiighliind" ill. Burnt TitKAiKK (William Boelic, manager), -"he <;reat Wall Street Mystery" drew wssl business Inst week. P. Aug. Anderson, « I lie Curse of Drink." should play to llnu Mom this week. Uarney Ollmore, In "Tho Koeky Itoud to Dublin," ST. < iiiTKiiKix TllRATUB (John B. Ilognn, nmn- fsert.—llarnev (illmoie Is n ureat fuvorltc ffiffi, 3"!' "WRlhJf "Tim Hooky Bond to miblln for the St. Patrick's week ntlraetlon. J?'*," ..*'*•' Wftve, and the house was well lied all the tunc. Howard Hall will appear His week In hr; romantic drama, "Tho Mll- iimnlnt Detective," supported 'by Bulbar JJBJU and a line company. "Ituled Off th u the A miaiimiia (James n. Brown, roanagnr).— 'tilled Off the Turf drew tine crowds Inst "eels, wlin upplnuded the work of Georgle 'lack iiiol Hie. entire company. "Eight Hells" l« Hie onerlng this week. "The Way of the rnuiHgrn.Hvr' :si. ''"i.ujiuuH iWeliber Bros., managers).— i.....' x J*}'ur nil Liiiighland" pleased good "' «;s lust week. Hlchiird Kyrlc MucCurdy J I l;e (ern n,| w w{ , (!k , n ...,^ 0 oul uietnu j, 1 "'!. in which he does soinu xplendld work. v i.".."" I •l«"nnon next week, In "The Shoo- '<} liegiinent." ,„!'i us ".i',' s TiiKATiu: (Sid J. Kuson, MM- «„ L~ n "' "W Musoiieroders did well last II.. ' ft™ " lu perryrnjauce was enjoyed. 1 m llryaufs Burlemiuers offer a line show I.?.. vv !'." k - n,ul tu « company Is bended by •iiry ltlyant himself. iiBslsted by Albert 81k- i'.™. I lie hltuiiiiiru Jup Troupe. Murlon nnd in mm, chus. B. Watson. Martha llnbel- '.' • l»frmody, ]«na Berrl, Bush and Elliott, v II L l '' v . 1 !" 1 ' nam and NowIol. Billy K. , ,'„""'./"die Szweck, Sura Carr. Stella Itey- •ni, Maud Bailey, Laura Morgun. May Knls- '"• Annie limine nnd others. Two clover tVi i ''■""• 5 ""' «'h"errd, nnd the ehorua Is said !,,"■' .exfullcflt, The Dance of Hie Soven Ithv' fV." 1 "Salo'iie," will be presented. Al. '%*.".'•" »ly Show next wc(*k. i«Je\ M .». l,l iJ TI,B '•' ohn A - Fcnncssy, 'nan- if.i.w'.i~. rll<! *'"y Poster Co. was Joyously re- \mll ."• »'«t week, by large liouses. and the tiEffJ* Wlis nM tuat could he desired. All ik-,?.. *' cru earorully looked after, uud tho KJ2S8"W0Jran nlong very smoothly. The eZ. i " . c «ntwry (iirls will doubtless be Si- -\ uuslness of the usual capacity this nS a "d us the company Is a strong one, euon. ull,; ,wMI be satisfied. The principals, w-lih ""■ "P ccl »l offerings hove been chosen "\My on l 'tli c t ?ca ( d aklnSr " 10 '° mV ™ 7 °" Ual JSJPSwo (L. XL Welncartcn, monnger). th» i.,.. ,. nvln ■ MnJeaMrH'l-avortwl. tlirniigh «iliii»» if V f '""^ensc last week wlilch cou- 'lies their offering, (o the amusement of '■M J}**} undletices. The tluy Masqueruders iliau« T w '"' a coiupaiiy. of line eoliia- "-. n«|«Bi uud dancers, tached up by pleasing scenery and costumes. "The Plxer" Is the title of the opening skit, and the per- formance closes with "Homeward Bound." 'there nrc forty people hi the corapanv. and laughter has :i stroug hold on the audience during the entire performance. Harry Bry- ant's Burlcsijuera next. WoxiiiniLANii Muski;m (0. U. Mills, mana- ger).—.Business has been Increasing nt such .t rate tbut Manager Mills Is looking for more space with which to accommodate Mr patrons. In the theatre: Blllv Crumbv, Moore and Browning, Lee and Francis. A. Wlndeckor and company. Dainty Mabel Lnmson, Jerome, Lee and compnny. Mamie B. Do Ocsch and the Wondcrscopc. In the Mu- seum : The War and Historical Museum. A World In Wag, Prof, oblvak's Boyal Hun- garian Orches'rn, Prof. Ellis nud Thomp- son's (ilnss Show. London- Duin Musfxm (Wm. J. Sweeney, manager).—Thin house Is doing a iHnd office buslnes.i, nnd Manager Sweeney Is continu- ally (»i the lookout for better attractions that ho may Improve the standard of the bouse, which Is nnd alwuvs lias been good. In the theatre this week: Violet Moore. Clara Clark, Maud Mosher, and Hull's moving pic- tures. , In the curio hall : Volney. the mnn of mystery; Jiillciie, snake clianucr: Veno, magician: Nnvotny's Italian Band, and Jenno, rtroni: man. CI.AHK Stiikkt Miiskvm (L. XL Hedges, manager.!.—Business Is In n thriving condi- tion here, nnd the bills continue lo please, as do Hie attractions In the curio ball. Aktrrmath. —Leon Schleslnger. formerly treasurer of the Arch Street Theatre. Phila- delphia, arrived in town 10, to assume the iiokHIu.i of esslstant treasurer of the Co- lonial 'i'lienlre, where bis brother holds the position of treasurer. Howard Caiilflold, the former Incumbent, left the theatre a fuw days previously, William Do Hollls, of Be llollls and Viilnrn, was a caller 21, having Just arrived from New York. They open at the Grand Opera House, Indianapolis, Ind., 24, for Kohl & Castle..... .Itecent engage- ments through Bennett's Dranuitlc Exchange : The M-rrltt Slbters. Louise Hawkins Wllklns and I Hamilton Parks, with Whitney's "A Knight lor a Day" Co.: the Stanley Sisters nnd Mario Bcvcre, with "Sergeant Kitty;" Mi', and Mis. Burroughs, with "A Itacc for n Wld.nv' Co.: Geo. Cox and H. Garvin, with "Dorothy Vernon, of Haddon Hall." Co. : Xlr. and Mrs. Belmont, with "Sweet Clover" Co.: Isubclle Lamon, with the Howard Stock Co.: .Marie Collins, with Wright I.orlmer's Co.: Prink Blnkhurst. with "The Wnv of the TransgiMsssor"' Co.: the Byron Paiully, with P. C. Valentine: Alice Lovelace. Julia Klna nnd Geo. Calverl, with "The Kerry Gow Co.; J. C. Davis, with 'The James Boys In Missouri" Co.: Adolph I.estliiu. with Wright Huntington's Vaudeville Co.; Prank Dunne, with Hanlons' "Puntasma" Co.: P. V. Zlmroer, with "Adrift In Now York" Co.: Isabclle 1.union, with Prcd Walton's Vaudeville Co.; Vail Dc Vernon, with Clar- ence Kent's Vaudeville Co.; Mr. und Xlrs. Jack Murtiii. with the Hosclan 0|iera Co.; Paul (joetchc. with Edith Passed nad com- pany : Marie Salisbury, with Harney 011- iimre's "Itneky Itoud lo Dublin" Co.: W. It. A.vlen, with the Hosclan Opera Co., Minne- apolis; Marl In Laurence Davidson, with "SI Plunkiird" Co.: Haymond Whit taker, Lillian Pleld mid Margaret Dldben Pitt, with Saint Polls nnd linker Stock Co.. Portland, Ore. The old Apollo Hall, Blue Island Ave- nue .in.I Twtlfth Street will be convert- ed Into a vuoilevllle bouse, opening In April. The house will be remodeled and the slttuo will measure 21 feet from tho curtain Hue to (be bark wall, with a ."0 foot opening G. B. Mills, manager of the Wonderland Museum. Is negotiating for fif- teen more liouses In various portions of the city, to be operated In conjunction with Won- derland, uud will build a now house on Lincoln Avenue near llalstcd Street, which he expect* to open In the Pall. Herbert, the "Prngman," was n Cmitkii Burcuii culler 21. and told me that he would be with the Sells-Ploto Shows this scnsoii Prod W. Kennedy wus a culler 20 The "Adrift In New York" Co., which played the Columbus week of 10, stranded here .Onirics B. Macldlu ami Mm tliu Laurence Davidson, members of the company, (WW CI.HTKti Bureau cullers 21, and were on their WUV to call Upon Manager Hurry J. Powers, to seek relief, aa none of the num- bers had any finals. They had been bronchi on here direct from New York, and had with them May ISnrtou. a fourteen year old tfilld, who bad been playing a part la the pluy.. . . Prnnkltn Wright was n CMPi'Kn Bureuu caller 27, and Informed me that he has Just signed a coutruct to manage Xlnttle Viewers next season, In her old success, "Edelwcls." Xlr. Wright will also have Wanda Illvers, In "Baddy, the Mall Girl;" Adelnldo Handull. lu "Nettle, the Waif," arid a three act cumin opera Lew Aronsou, of the (lolluiur Bros,' Hiillroad Shows, was n t'MI't'Klt Bureau caller, 21, and reported everything in a hustling condition at headquarters Frederick Mursoy, corespondent of Tub .>»;w • Yoiik Ci.irriut, lit Peoria, III., was u culler 17. anil stilted that the thriving town was doing very well In the theatrical llm II. H. Burton, business manager of the Stur Theatre, joined Arloii Council. No. 11. KoVal League, evening of lo. and, after the meeting the Council, of over ;i. r iO. marched In a joily to the Star Thentre, and witnessed the per- formance. ...■. .Herbert Breiion, who will Jiavo a Summer Rtock compnny nt Phstoii- gulu on the Bench. Xllss., says the following people'will be iiiemheiK : Helen Dnwiilng, B. J. Murpbv. Wnldeinur Hurkbnrdt, J, II. Hiinllev, John Mllusaiin. Ana KI bluff, Mrs. St. John, T. Seller Paijuettc, Anna DuponI, II. (i. Lemming, (icorge Dciliis und Oeorge Brewer. With only three or four exceptions lbs members of Inst year's compnny have been engaged "Der Haub der Sublnaer- Innen" whs given u performance, night Of 17, nt Power's Theatre, by the German company, to n capacity house. ... .."Lcs Peiiinios Portes" was given at Xlusle Hall matinee nnd nlglit of 111 by the Alliance Prnncalsc. Thev will present "Jeuncssc" April'JO, .... "Two Little Girls." furinerly kimwti us "the .Little Xllclms." will have im curly produc- tion at the Htudcbiikcr Theatre. be com- pany will Include: KHtn Proctor Otis, Harry Xlncdonoiigh uud George K. Portesque.. I^niii Waclisnor's Co. gnve n linn perform- mice. Mondiiy nfternoon. of Leasing s tragedy. "Emilia Galottl." at PowersV Theatre with Miss 8lng:-r hi the title role... ,K. 8. Wlllurd bade farewell to llm local stage..Saturday night, 111,'antTwlicn callud upon for a Miiccch, aiiswrre-l In- u' few well chosen words,. .... Jlme. Xlelun aang to a capacity audience. atteriiiHin of 10. at the Auditorium, and wnn repeatedly culled upon for encores, which she griofpusly gave. Slgnor Campniiarl as- sisted here In the programme, with Slgnorn KuksoII, hnriilsi, nnd « mnjorlty of the Thiimis llrclieslrn J. Kdw. Doyle, uf of the Urn of Pangle & Doyle, miinagem of the Nonpareil Stock Co,, was n caller 2.1. und announced tbut they would buvo n com- pany-of twcnly-lwo people, with n bnnil ami orchestra, tills Summer, opening nt Uuto- vllle, Ind., 3(J, with Winchester to follow, April l-;i. Word ci-mes from the local offlce: of Wllllnin Morris that the ngency will he In (Ion condition to cope with the situation next Pall, m thin city. The offices hnvc been moved trout the former Inrge room, to n. suite on the floor, wblch now comprises three rooms, and when other offices arc vacate*), June 1. the spac will he extended to six or seven vounis, which indicates an Increase In busbies.. ..The llarkln antl-tbentre scalping ordinance, was signed by Mayor Dunne. 10, nnd a <p;csl for evidence on which to base prosecution, was begun 22, by Chief of Police Collins and Acslstant Corporation Counsel Wnde. The latter says: "After careful In- vestigation of tbc constitutional points that may he raised by the scalpers In any light they inuy make on the ordinance, t advised Chief Collins, ir. an Interview, that thn ordi- nance Is constitutional, nnd will be upheld In the courts." Chester W. (iruvcr has established a new theatrical booking agency In the iiiiemitii Building. 07 Clark Street, und Is hustling to get mutters In shape for the forthcoming rush of business Hugh Coyle, publicity promoter of Xlnckey's Euro-. penn Circus, was a i'i.htkh Bureau caller several days la.-r week, and stated that the show would donate ten cents out of every twenty-live cent admission ticket sold during Its stay here of eight or nine week's to Chi- cago's I' Dependent Children's Puiid, started by a local paper. There arc between twenty-live and thirty thousand children In this city who are eligible to this excellent charity, anrt this donation on the part of the clrcjjs will prove n great boon. Air. Coyle Is now endeavoring to seuure .a. site on the lake front, near where the ''Bernhardt tent" was staked. Mackay's Circus adver- tises that It will revert to tlie.old-llme iutio-. cent amusement forms In Ms offering, elim- inating all death defying nels.-whlcli have a nerve straining effect on women and children. Sclilndler's Theatre, formerly Aurora Hall, at Huron und Milwaukee Avenues, has been opened, nnd Is presenting good vaude- ville acts, which will lierofatcr l>e listed with thn regulur houses, ns It Is being run upon the same principals ns the larger houses. Other t''Bii Bureau callers during the week were: W, Y. Perry, J. 8. Young, Prank Hilton, Mrs, Crnmnton. Mile. Cnrlta, E. J. Batch. William P. Nugent and 13. P. Plodcan. 4«» MASSACHUSETTS. Huston.—-Joe Weber's Co., nt (he Colonial, and "As Ye Sow," nt the Boston, (ire the principal changes announced for Holy Week nt the down town theatres. "The Snow Xlon," at the Majestic, "Mr. Hopklnson," at the Trcniont; William Gillette, In "Clarice." at the Hollls: 1 In Hie Williams, In "The Little Cherub,' pt the Park, and Williams and Walker, In "Abyssinia, nt the Globe, aro continued nttrnctlons. while Jon Welch, In "The Shocnmker." Is the offering at the Grand Opera limine The usual shift Is mudu at the stock, vaudeville and burlesque houses. Busi- ness malntulncu u very good uvcragc lust week, ail things considered. CobONtAl. (Chas. Proumnn, Hleli & Harris, mmiageis).—Joe Weber und his company. In "Drcain City" and "The Magic Knight." Is the offering here during tho current fort- night. "The (Irund Xlogul" closed four weeks of well mcrltca success. Boston (Lawrence McCarty, manager).— "As Ye Sow" returns for ouc week, 2D, and following a fortnight of good business for Chauncey Olcott, lii "Eileen Asthore" Tho .Metropolitan Grund Opera Co. next week. Ma.iks'I-ii: (A. L. Wilbur, imitugcr).—'"The Snow Man" remains here 25, opening the sec- ond week of a three weeks sluy. Tliu new piece cuught the public fancy at once, uud large houses luivo ruled. Individual hits were made by Willie Kdouln, Prank licsbon, Hurry Pnilelgh, Ida Ilnwley nnd Vera Xllclielnu. TltKMONT (JllO. II. ScllOCffol. Iiuillllk'erl .— "Xlr. Hopklnson," In which Dallas Wciford Is featured, Is now III the second week of lis three weeks' engagement. Busluuss bus been very satisfactory. Stiikkt (Isaac H. Klch. manager). — William Gillette, 111 "Clarice," continues here, starting upvn his second week 2.V The engugeiiient lins been extended to April 0. Good sized houses huve ruled. Tank (Chas. Prohiniiu, Klch k Harris, managers).—Untile Williams, In "The Little Cherub." Is now In her seventh prosperous week. Oil 20, occurs the llftlclh performance of the piece lu this city, and souvenirs of silver bon-bon d'shes, will be given, to lady patrons. ci.niii: (Stair, Wilbur & Nlcolnl. munngcrs). — Williams and Walker rriuuln through tho current (lays, their second and final week. "Abyssinia has proved as attractive as ever. "Arlxoiia" next week • GllAMi Ol'KIIA llOL'HK (Geo. W. Xlugcc, manager).—Joe Welch will glvo us our first views of the "Sbouniukcr" 'Jn-litl. Dining the pust week, "The Pour Corners of the Earth" enthused fair slued crowds. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" next. PjiNri.B Sucaub I Boston Stage Society, malingers).—Tliu stock company gives "Under Two Pings" this week, with "The Merchant of Venice" In preparation. Last week's play was "East Lyinie, creditably uclcd and well attended, Buwiii.ilK Soi-auk (G. K. Lothrop, iiiiiiit- ger).—Tho l.ntl.reii Stock Co.. bended by charlotte Hunt, will be seen twice dally this week. In "(Jiieen of the Highway." •'•Kathleen Mavoiirneen" was n good drawing bill lust week. In rehearsal. "Tim Wulfa of New York," with N. 8. Wood featured. Kkitti'k »B. P. Keith, manager).—Bill week of.2f.: Six Ihigllsh, Hoekers. Sydney ' Gl'iinl. John llyaius and Leila Mclntyre, Belleelnlre Bros., Alice and Henry Taylor, Ciuikley nnd Mellrlde, Huffuyetlc's ilogs, Zuy Hollund Heiiiimvnt's ponies, OHvolrii Trio, Keeley Bros., 'IVo Kings. Ilnrry Hotter und compnny, cti.rnio nnd (Niprettu, and new .mo- lion pictures. Oiii'iibiih (Percy Williams, manugcr).— Pine entertulniiieut fur week of 2!i Is offered by : Empire City quartette, Stnley's Tnins- foriiiullon. Myles McCarthy nnd company, Kltuiniiru'K Japanese 'J'ruiiiie, Dixon mil] An- ger, Annie and Elllu t.'ouley. Hurry Brown, T'lcnro Ti'lo. Conner and Haymuud, nnd new ■mil Ion pictures, IIowakii (Jny Hunt, baslness manager).— This week, tin- Parisian Belles, In "A Pulr of Peitciies," In (he olio are: Itcbu Donald- son, Dully nnd. O'Brlcu, Huwtelle. iinit.Si'iirs, Sinners anil Law. The Howard's own vaude- ville bill Includes 1 : Gardiner nnd Vincent, Hlce ami Elinor. Selbbil nnd Hrovlnl. Hie Hawaii is, Ciniiiliighum nnd Powler, James Murruy, Brand Sisters. Tony Mack, and .Martini and Doyle. The Innocent Maids pleased Immensely last week. ' , .. Palai.t: (Chas. II. Waldron, manager).— This week, elms. H. Waldrini's Trocadero Co. The eoiiipiiny uud olio includes: Al. Patti'r- son. W.rtt ami WlllhiiiiH, the Cralgs, Mue Tiivlor. Air und Mabel Wilson. Stlrk ond Lou- dim, AiiiiiI Hill. Grace Grnhaiii nud Prunkbi Lewis. 'I he house variety bill: Heifry T. Wulte, Andy Jiilly, Ward Bros., Uuw and Wallace, Daly Bros.. .McKay and Upton, and Jerry Delano. Good business for tho Morn- ing (lliiiies Co. Inst week. i.'ui.rMniA ' (II. N. rtirrcn. mnnnger).— The Kehtuckv Belles, bended by Jnck Held, this week, sklln nre "Society nnd "Hun- coed." nnd the olio Introduces: Young Buf- falo, Andy, Century Comedy Pour, Wlnra Trio. Ella Gilbert and Jnck Held, Ag- nes XlcVey und Prances Weston. Ned Adnuis anil Sam Andci'son will meet on the wrestling mnt Tuesday evening. The Merry Maidens Co. prospered Inst week. • Lvi'kiisi (0. II. Bntcheller, manager).— The Dainty Duchess Co. 2ri-:ttl. There are two anappv burlettns and a strong olio. An lidded attraction ts the Willie 1'iintzcr troupe of ncrobnts. J. 11, Xlnck's World Beatcra scored heavily lust week. Austin & Stone's XIumkum (A. B. White, manager).—"The l,iidy and the Punthcvu holds over as cnrlo hnll fentun- for another week. Others are: Kalbonl, noted sculptor; Mousulln nnd Itiissell. nthletle marvels: Ger- man Rose, musical wonder: Topp's Baud, John TBI's marionettes, and Trlxlo, snake queen. lu the thentre arc: Minstrel Maids. With new N|H'i'lalilcs by Violet to Dale, Ethel Norman, Lottie Blniichnrd. l/>ulse Brandon, Ida Caaipbell, Cassia Prench, Winnie Clark, Smart ind /.cuulilc, Stciln King, Prank Conk, Imw Benedict, Chns. Clark. Jordon Bros., nnd extra vaudeville by Ned Nelson, Ed. Woods. Wbnlley aud Wlmlley, and King nud Unsloop.'s Miiskkm tli. II, Walker, mnnn- ger).-—Cnpt. Sidney Illmnan and his life saving dogs nre featured In the curio hull 2fi. :m. ' Others: Cninllle und Ponn, contortion- ists: Malcolm, painless wonder; Prof. Hall, Illusionist, nud Prof. Lynch's Punch nud Judy. Sl:ige show: Alice Jordan's Buries- qucrs. The olio: Xlyrlle Hussell. Alice and lsdly Jordan, Madge Dsylelle. Mamie School, Ed. nnd Jusle Evans, Edith Pnrrlngton. Alice White. Into Cherry, und Howard's moving pictures. Nh:ki:i.(iiu;iis (W. II. Wolffe, manager).— Curio bull, second mid llnu I week : Wyoming Jnck nnd Prairie Nell, Lee Onuo, contortion- ist, and Young Kinney, bug puncher. Stage show: liolllo Clifford's Hownrd Burlesque Co. Olio—Olllc Perkins, Lillian Lane, Glndln Plsher, Maud Ciuiidall, Mny Wuldron. Jciiiile Hutch, Alice Xlelvln, Lillian Learned and Do 11 In CI lg erd. NoTirs.—A. J. Keller Is a popular addition 10 the Orpheum stuff Bui Ion Holmes will lulk on "Up the Nile," nt Trcniont Tem- ple, Prlday evening and Saturdiiy nfteruoou, 21). :tl) Thu Sportsmen's Show will be held lu Xleeiinnlis' Building, April 1-13 George J4bennrd's iiniiuiil mlnsirel show will be given hi Chlckerlng Hall, Tuesday even- ing, March 20 Boston Lislge or Elkn, No. 10, mis elected these ofllcers: 10. II.. Lawrence II. (Sullivan; E. L. K„ Geo, II. Jdbnson : E. L. K„ Chns. I 1 . llurlev; K. L. K., W. II. Xlmiiby; secretary, U J. Kane: treasurer, M. W. Norrls; tyler, W. It. II. Slnrk; trustee for three yours, J. J. (Inn- ley : rein csi'iuui h i to I lie grand lodge, Dnnlel P. Lelir.n "Jeanne DArc" will be read by Mrs. Jessie P.tdiidga Soiitbwlck, In Jordan Hull. Wednesdiiv iiftcrnnon, 27 At llm benellt purforiimncu for lleury Clay Baniabee, held nt the HoMou Thentre, lust Piidny ufteruoon. nlHiut Jl.iinu wns realized. The lotiil fund collected lu this city amounted to *l 8,070. -, » s■>riii U in-1 d. a t the Court Suunro (D. 0. Gllmore. mnungcr) Lnwrenco D'Orsay, In "Lord Doncusler," .March 10, pleased. The star's clever efforts, and Mabel Boobuek'a Hue work were most favorably commented upon. The mutual visit of " 'Way Down Emit" came lti-20. to usual business, "l'lff! Pnffll Potif!!!" 22. William Pnvcrshnm 211, after- noon and evening; Kcllar 27, "Fifty Xllles from Boston" 28 M. Hum's (Gordon Wrlghtcr, resident mnnn- fer i. -Bill week of 2ft: Julia Sanderson, (utchlnson und Haliihrldgc, the Uoldsworths, llerxac's Circus, Lawstm and Namon, Three Mcers, Waltors and Prouty, and elcelrograph. Gil. Ml Mil, (.1. A. 11 el! II esse! , IllllllllCer ) . "No Mother to Guide Her," Mill, liinl heavy houses. Thu Bachelor Club Hurlcsquers, IN- 21), hud no trouble lu enlertiiliilng Inrgn houses. Tim choruii was comely und exquisite- ly costumed. "Lena Klvers" 2I-2!I, the World Beaters 2R-27, "How Baxter Bulled In" 28- ,'IU, the Dainty Duchess Co. April 1U. Stv.ik IKii.vom. --George XI. Cohnn's latest work. "Plfi.v Xllles from Husluii," the scenes of which lire laid In North Brookflold, will be given lis Initiative nt Court Squui'o Theatre, 28, for three duys, following which 11 will huve a Ibree weeks' run ul tho Broad Direct Theatre, Philadelphia. Num- bered aiming the cust nre: Enunn Janvier, Prltx Williams, Grnyco Scott, Donald Biiiin, lliuel P. Lowry, James II. Bradbury, Beatrice llurrls, .lames C, Mm lone, John D. O'llura, Lores Grimm, Limine Hlal, George Parsmis nnd Hussell Plncus Mury Ktockwolt, lust season's lending lady, who gavn such general satisfaction with the Poll stocks, will head the company tho coming Summer son- sou la* Shuhert slopped over burn .10, on his way buck from Nortliiimploii, where he went to witness thn premium of his latest musical comedy, "The Know Man," which was given at the Academy of Music 11; Inciden- tally he went over nls holding, (he Nelson Thentre, which he snw for thu llrst since tensing, Mary Xlumierliig, who bus been coiitincii to her room nt the Worthy hotel with grip nnd rheumatism for about two weeks, returned lo New York Inst week for special treatment, and will not resume her sinning tour until April 1 Charlotte XL Gary has liccn anting IroMllmtic soloist with the Empire Orchestra, at the Huston Automobile Show Manager Hustings, of (he Bachelor Girls, announces Hint i\ big noveit v net Is soon lo be lidded to the olio lo replnce Hie Three Armstrongs Zen- ds, I lie human womlcr, wlio allows u forty- two hundred pound nulu lo puss over his body,, reports meeting with must henrty re- ception everywhere, decently nt the Sunday concert nt the Ibiston Thentre, be wiih obliged lo respond lo twenty encores The origi- nal Busier Brown nnd Tlgc nre lo be nt Court Hqiinre Thentre, 20, In Hie Interest of the Browne Sins; Co .Mrs. George Shu- beii, of "The Devil's Aurllun" Co., spent Inst Smiduy with her invents, of CTilco|s:c Bond. Edwiit'd VI. Dunn, gem/rut press rep- resentative for Cohan tc Harris, Is hern booming mailers fur Hie opening of Geo. Cohan's "Plfty Xllles from Huston" All talk to the contrary notwithstanding, the Shnborts huve not given up Ihelr leusn on the Nelson Theatre, and although moving pic- tures are to be put on during the Summer, the ikiIIct of the bouse remains the same, Geo. 11. Miller still being roltJucd at their resident manager. ' » ■ ■ ■ ■ WtNMMfUV—At Hie Worcester Thentre (G. II. Light on, resident manager i, week of March 20. with the exception of Good Prlday, tho M.i'cnlm WlBlnnis Stock Co., including ' Pliirenee Heed, will play "Innocent ns a Lnuib." Lust WVl'k llnj company produced pleasing "New Eiiglniitl Polks'" In a very pleasl numicr. The «ork of Julin Cumberland, as a country Ind. Won strong favor. Pu.iNKu:; Kui'aui: (J. P. Burke, resident malinger I.— Henrietta Crosman 20, Kcllar 28, nsslstrd tiy Paul Valndon. Bohlnson Comic Opera Co.. In repertory, Inst week, pleased. "Plff! PaO'l! 1'ctif I!!" 21, did well. Pnu'M (J. ('. Crlddlc. resident manager). —Week of March 23: The Phays, Eltu Banaal Troupe, McCren and Poole, Ueldy ami Currier, Swan nrid Bnmbnril. Men-dltli Sis- ters, Wnlerhiiry Brothers nnd Ti-nny, and the electr.niraph. Business Is excelletit. Paiik ^Alf. T. Wilton, manager!.—Week of 20, Hie Morn Maidens Co., Including Sum Klee. lh-> Perrell Brothers, Pnttl Carney. Ward nud Itnynor, .lohiisuii and .lergc, Edi Hi Murray, nnd Burton nnd Burton. Young Jenklng nud Peter Uoiilclte will wrestle for a purso 27. 1 ' » ' Lynn.—At the,Lynn Theatre (Prank G. Harrison, manager) Kirk Brown played to line business week of Xlnrch 18. The current nttraiilon, 2.v:iu, Is moving pictures, and "Coming Thro' IM Bye" 110. Manager 1 Ini - rlsun's Sunday evening concerts, this season, have been n great success.' Ai'tuTiiuiPM (Hurry K'ntxes, manager).— Big Iioum's Inst week. The Holy Week at- tractions arc: t'urletoii Xlncv. Maud Hull nnd company. Pniilhie Snxon, Howard nnd Biith- erford, Emlle I loch nnd company, Mile. Lii- tInn. the Majestic Trio, Almuiio and the vltagraph. tlKtt (Chns. W. Sheafc, manager).—Big aiulleiireN snw the perfiirinances here last week. The present bill: George Whnleii, Hie Eastern Slslers, Pniuk lOlmo and com piini . Harlow, Wicks and Heed, Amy Osgood and Hie moving pictures. Tiikatiiii (Hen. II. Cheetlinm, mnnn- ger), —"The Isle of Hplce" played lo n Bimd house 22. and "As Ye Sow" illd big business 2!l. Prescelle, the hypnotist, 20 nnd week. Nun. — Lord k Dnwnlnc'a Dreiimluiul Tlienlre, Mnnnger Slienl'e's Electric Theatre. nnd Charles B. Slmrey's moving picture show, In West Lynn, nre all doing good busi- ness, Introducing the latest pictures und Il- lustrated songs. All of the moving picture shows lu Salem also report good receipts. ■ l.ain'enee.—Al the Opera House (Julius CiiIiii. mnnnger) "Arriih-nn-Pogiic" (localI had a big bouse March 18. "Coining Thro' the Itye" drew good houses HI. "As lu Sow" had guild business 2(1. "Tho Isle uf Miner" pleased ii good sized audience 21. "As Told to the Dills" drew good business 22, 211. Shcpnrd'.i moving pictures hint a good house 24. Henrietta Crnsman 27. "The Devil's Auc- tion" m, Ciii.uN'Ai. (J. Pred Lees, manager).-~ Booked week of 20; Military Octette, Three lllckm.iii Bros., Iloleomli. Curtis and coin- tinny, Dick Lynch. Admits und Muck, Linie Vliilu, Xlellch's birds, und Hie moving pic- tures. Tiiiiutoii. —At the Taunton Theatre It'aim k Cross, miiiiagi rs) Hie (luge Slock Co. euiiin week ol March 18, III good business. Mine Mudjcakn 21, Shepard's moving pictures 20, und "The Devil's Auction" 20. ♦ «» CANAI1A. i'.iioni.,. -~\i the Princess (O. II. Shen- pnrd, muilHger) Wilton Lncknye, Xlnrch w- 2:1, did guisl business. Week of 20, "The Heir to I In- lloolllll," tlliANii (A. J. S1011II, mnnnger),—"Peggy Ironi Purls" drew well ltt-Stit. week uf 20, "Hislford's Hope." Maikhtii- (A. J. Small, miiiuiger). —"Thn tin nililer of I lie West" proved 11 drawing curd lust week. "Secret Hcrvlco Huin"'2li-:|U. Siika's (J. Shea, mnungcr).—A good bill uud big business ruled for llm entire week, 1H-2.'I. The curd for week nf 20 Includes I George Evuns, liosiilrn and Dorctto. Kiilgln Bros, und Minion Snwtelle, Beliuiiiu uud Moore, Haymond nud Caveiiy, Lea Arlbus ami W, II, Tonipson. Staii (P. W. Stulr, mainiger).—Merry Makers Extrnviigmntii Co,, l8-2ii. drew largo business fur the entire week. Week uf 20, the HeUtudlers, NoTi:.—The Thcnliirnl Benevolent Assorts- Hun held Its Twenly-llrsl 1111111111I honelll, Miireh 10, nt Hie Grand Opera House, und achieved lis greatust. sin-cess. The managers uf Hie compuiilc* present during Hull: week, mid the iiiuiiiigcrs of thu tlicutros contri- buted lu the must liberal wuy, with talent fur the eiilerlaliimciil, which drew lui llm lltiuust ciipuiily uf the theatre. J. Tlinson WHS eli'i-ted president, uud II. (.'. NowUIUII, secretory. 1 < Xlonll'rill. -At Ills Majesty's (II. 0. Brooks, liiiiiniger) "Xllle. Modiste" proved 11 good drawing curd week of Miireh IK, Thoiinis Jeffersun, lii "IHp Villi Winkle," 25-110; Otis Kklmier, ii. "Tim Duel," April Ml. Ai.AM.MV ok Music ( Wuller llreaves, nian- "Hciltoid's Hope" eauie lo good Ill- lend :e 18-2;l. "Peggy from Paris 1 * 25 "HI, "Kerry Gow" April t-U. PlIANrAIM (P. W. I,e Clair, iiiiimigei). - "Secret Service Sam" hud big houses llisl week. "The Gambler from Hie Weal" 20-JIU. "Tlie Sign of tho Cross" April HI. ItovAi, III. C. l'.gerteu. mnnnger),—fjimtl hu'ises greeted llm lliigudlers W'S'K of IM. The Jolly Girls Co, 20-'ju. Buheiuluim April Dim NuuvBAures (It. Ituveux, inmiilgeri. —The perimiiieuc Preheh stock I'oiuiiuliv, lu "Cxii t nllnelte," eaiue to fair iIHciiJuucc lust week, Next week Hie house will be dark. National Piiancaih (Paul ruzeurure. mniiuger) —Tie; perniiiueiil. Prench slock eniiipaiiy, III "Aiinu Knrenllie," luul fair bust ness IS and week. Moving pictures of Hie Piisslou I'lay la Hie current nltriiclloii, 1 s ' «tiiel»ee. — At thn Audltorluiii (I'lnrko Brown, mnnnger) Vaudeville keeps uu draw- ing gninl houses. The follnwliig bill was well received .week uf Xlnnii is :■ George A'lslln. the I'lve Colilinblntis, Little flurry Owen uml cumpniiv. Blssett nnd Xllllnr, llolilnsun nnd Grant. Marlow, Plunkett uud lontiintiy. Hlnck- sum and limns, Hcnor Amul'lo und the kliietogrnph. The Aiidllorlutn will Is- dark dining Ilidy week, mid Manager (inrkn Brown will Inke iidvniitiige of tie- holiday and lake 11 trip In' New York, lo secure bookings for Ills thentre. Taha IIaki, 1.1. E. 'Walsh, manager) ■ Marie Hall, vldln virtuoso, rendered a it- llglitfiil concert lo capacity, 20, Thkatm: I'01'iii.aiiii: (J. Iloiirke, manager). -•■Thn. Prench Htoek f.'o,, In repertory, con- tinues to draw good houses. » ■ . London At the Grand (Lew 11. Bowers, manugcr) Hie Chicago Symphony Orchestra luul 11 very good audience March 15, who were delighted with the urelieslrn and tho liK'ol Pestlvul Chorus. "Xly Wife's Pnuillv, 111. pleased good houses. "Dura Thome," JM, bad a splendid house. "Bergeuut Kllly" hmi