The New York Clipper (March 1907)

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MAKOH 30. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 165 iiiu'i—Montrml. C'un., April 1-0. ""BTjSSSwM SIO. Bennlnglou. VI.. April 1. onto. (Aubrey Mllteutbal, mgr.) ..A'.. .i«lrude Wm. Co., was greeted wltli ft storm of applause, ...i ,. — ;—: , nftcr mi dam-Inn act when here, and was Cliu-tniiail.— Xlic Syrophonv Orchestra Is presented .with a Doe bouquet Two more now thejndctl r.torm centre, and Frank Van picture show theatres recently opened to the IOWA. . Ufa nenry. Milium. manager) -At. tho Shubcrt (W., C Blanche Halts. In "The NcVuV AH Star. (Lew Fields mgr. Or?^L n ^ < S.*?i Anna Cbanee (Wells, SHE?* Harlan, 'mirs.)—TonngltoWB, 6., ST. Dunne ft *B££n$£ £ * Leo^Shnbett. Inc., ^&38kffE&*, 27. Decatdr. Ala., 28, was tho soloist at the orchestral concert*, turcs, are equipped with opera chairs The afternoon concert drew tho largest mail- and h»ve excellent decoration* turuUgriaBt. nen audlenres of the season. Her lntc.rpre- Ahont twenty o! these theatres are In opcra- Ilo|i, m«r».) junaML Ilsll. Jejsic 13-April 0. KIH™. I , T■ £« on Ore- Jennie, Ladlea' mgr)- CLIcago Portland, Orcueslra u *fK?fcnSSS5mrmty TM city, ia„ "."■•April. 0. (Vance ft Sullivan. ..„„*'Baxter _8-"g to j&i Josenh « M Wm - W.-Washlniton, D. C •■' A Cd 1 1'T. P. J. Power. .. laterpre- tatlon of "Tho Almighty" was of especial beauty, and (riven with magnificent effect. OnAKnOPHRA Houan (Harry Ralbforth ft John H. Hnvlln, managers),—'■The Lion and the Mouse" 25-30. Annie Russell pleased •nst week. Marie Cahlll, In "Marrying Mary," next. Lvbic l Sam 8. & Lee Shubert ft HcUck Opera House Co., directors).—Clay Clement, !4, In "The New Dominion." Last week, of 111. Easier Sunday. In a Brand produc- tion of "The Itqly C'lir." ' . ».. ... OarilKUll (Mnrlln Uock. genera mana- ger).— UIII for week of aOrCuns. K Evans and company. Countes* Olta. Roast and Paolo, the Hoyal Mnslcl] Five. Edna Itnh- ert», Han Nowlln, Werdon and Oladdbib, and Edward Ora.v. r. ■, Notc— Manage Choi.. C. Matthew*, of Athletic I'ark, wnlch will be known this sca*ou as the White City, announces that Hon In the city. a.—At the Opera, House (tlnrry Intyro and Heath. In 'Ihc linn anuger) "The Prince, of Pllsen'' ■ Madam Kuttcrfly" ApHl $. :h 25 "The Hair to tho HootaU" OnANb Opera Hocmb (Wm. F Cleveland O. Klhio. manu week jf March l_ and Viola Allen divided last week, and bad excellent houses. E. S. Wlllard next week. Coloniai, drew A Campbell, managers). —•The I'Hncc Chap" week of 29. "Tho New Dominion" drew well Inst week. Mrs. Flake FcisTKR's Opbra, HousB (Wm. Koator. man. _ ogorl.—Lillian Russell appeared to a large- , 0 i, popular Summer «»ort Will open April sited audience. In "The Butterfly. 18. Cecil 21. having n» lt« main attraction Loltln **l>OOlH*r ''* "^*' ,rt ftliO 1 idlotl V*.». l!fl : Mc- ifaMaCtl 3*1 a #■«•*, n,innn?tlnv i*iimninv of 'The Girl HafooV." 25. 2(1: Mc- Tho Horn Tree," 28: h r» s""ff. JlaVon April 1, Hawflnsvllle. mat, ', V ll.iblln t- Savannah 3, Charleston, S. C. i. ,1" . sellc (C/O. Bstr. mgT.)—Waltrenlmrg, **&J* j». s». Mcntc Vista April I, 2, Cree.10 Bertha Kallch made her first Cincinnati ap- next w.... pearance in "The Kreutser Sonatn." The Lyckum (Go. M. Todd, manager).—"Me. star wai generously received, and she da- nitn and I, week of 25. "The Wlxardof "The .•\r™ 4 'warrerr«i Profession"—Kantas City. Mo, •IIan si Josen'i April 4, .•Nott'c tlie. Kews Girl" (Ooold ft Freed, mgr..) Viola Anna. Csl.. 2T, Pomona 28. Ueulaiida an i.,,, Ifernanllno 30, Needle. 31. Kingman, "\ri« April I. Pluenlx 2. Mca.a 3, Pre.cott 4, ieroinc 0, Williams 0. ■•iHii llwoesfcad'' (Franklin pompson, mgr.)— vi«- Orleans. l.«.. 31-April fl. ..„M lH.a« frim the Bowery" (ChaS. E. Blnney 'In.* Co.Vn.g»*.)-N. T. City i#Ut§T A ivnLatanP • (William Gray.- mar.)—Con cord la, Kan 27 Superior. Nebr.. 28, Hebron 20. Fair- imrv'sO Creston. la-. Aorll 1. Oweola .2. 0»- k ;«i»a S Slaoumey 4, Albla B, Centrevllle 0. fSOEbm (W/p FlUgerala. m»r.)-Phll. . t ^^u 1 'bo," ,, (oJo' W. Heath. n,gr.)-L«w- met, Kan. 30. served bcr recentrnn. Theodore Roberts, Adele Hiuk, ClousTlogel and Jennie Relttartb were cxceotionally good, and the David of Gladys Hulette was n superb Juvenile In- terpretation. Lew Fields :u and week. WalKut Street (M. C. Anderson, ft Henry M. Zlegler, managers).—Hans Robert 24, In "Checkers/' 8. Miller Kent found "Rafflea" a drawing cord of power last week. Lillian Rhodes and Sara Leigh handled their role* eucctlvo:y, while tho. work of Frank Mc- C'ormlck aud Vaughn Trovor was most praise- worthy. "Tho Whard of Oas" 31. Olympic (George 9. llsh ft Luclta Fore- paugh Fish, Managers), — The Forcpaugh Stock Co Is doing just 100 per cent, better than last year's Muiv|i biwlnesn at Kobln- Co Is doing just '"rt year's March n's. "The Rivals" -I, and commencing 20 the theatre will be In charge of the Bhrlners, Who will share In the box-offlce returns. The benefits thus derived will be added to the fund to take Syrian Temple's Band to Los Angeles. Audiences of splendid size eh- rum-v, «»"• ,,rj,i,i„,,„_,.. #a ii wnniia hii ■*■■ Angeles. Auuiences oi epicnuiu size cu- "^-'.'"'n'^w^fl Awlll^ McKeSrort Pa S« the revival of "The Middleman." -tvueellng. W. Va., April l 3. McKeesport, ia„ Jgg^ MayaI1 WM - nn |shed CyruB Blen- Oa" pl-.vye 1 to capacity all last week. Volunteer Organist" next week. Clevbland (Geo. M. Todd, manager).—"A Race for Life" week of 20. "The Phantom Detective" had good receipts last week. "Hilly, Ihc Kkl," next week. Keith'k (If. A. Danlcli, manager).—BUI week of 25: Vcugban Glaser, Fay Courtney and company, Kerry Corwey, Raffln'R mon- keys, Two Vivians, Carson and Wlllard, Nichols Sisters, and Murphy and Wlllard. Lyric fl!d. II. Anthony, manager).—BUI week of 25: Four Schades.C'ardownle Bisters, TannkKs, La Belle Meeker, llennclla and com- pany. Hose Washburn, and Decry and Fran- cis. Star (Drew & Camplicll, managers).—Wil- liam II. Watson's Burlcsqucrs week of 2.V Itlalto Itotmders bad good business last week. The Jolly Grass Widows next week. Kmimuk (Geo. Chenct, manager).—Clark'* Runaw:iv Girts week of 20. Trona-AHantte Hurlcsi]ucrs drew well last week. Renti- Santlcy licrlesouirs next week. Foster, maun- . vr ),^-"Moiitana" played to good buslnc.a Mnicli 14-1(1. "For a Human Life fared woll 17-20. "The Way of the Transgressor" al- loyed bis houses 21-23. Wnshlngton Socloty Girls 24-27. "The Village Parson" 28-30, "Ilolty Tolty" 31-Aprll 3. Empirb (M. J. Kttrgcr. manager).—Bill week of 25: Harding and Ah 8ld, Mile. Olive. Diamond Comedy l''our. Harry Brnhnro. Itogers Mcintosh, the Castanas, and Itad- cl'tfc nnd Clou*. Notbs. —Dea Moines Is to hove a new the- atre, under the management of Fred Bu- S and !a to \T kn^as^he^ajeVtl* BuS-'^&i" iW«^ lb f r The plans call fir a ?15O.0OO building. ciowdcd houses week ot 17. 'The Governor Cedar Itaplds. — At Greene's Opera Housn (Will 8. Collier, manager) Not M. Wills, In "A Luckv Dog." March 10, plessed. Mahurns Colored "Minstrels. 1H. plcaied. The Kroilk J. Long Co.. W, In "Dangers of Now lork,* drew the usual Sunday crowds. Arthur Hart- man. 18. gave tho flneat violin recital over ^gr D W m and Deaa, and the vitiigrupli, heard here. "The t.lon and the Mouse. 10, thmvlk (J. -11. aioure, uiniutgcr). — Blliel 20, had two cnpaclly houses ond big mntlnee. Lmes wus the leading hit of lust wwk'» lews State University Band 22, " Way Down t, X collout iiffcrliigs, nud S. II. O. was tho ruin. East" 28. "A Pair of Country htds 24. '"1 he AUr:ictlmia weeti of 25 Include: H. M. Hol- Collcgo Widow" 25. Mclntyre and Heath 27, taluI aD ,i cMajyawy, tlio lluffln-Rcdctiy Troupe Kendall and a flno supporting company of comic opera and miitlcal comedy ability. Ld. F. K»Anion will manage thh company. ♦«♦ MICHIGAN. Detroit. < At Ik* Hetrolt UMM House (II. C. Whitney, inaiMgei'i Moln Allen, In "Cym- bellne." eiiteii.i.ned large nnu apprcclatlvn audlciii'i's March I8-I>. "'Jhe lieu- to the Hoornh ' closeil the week to good patronuge. K. 8. Wlllurd week of 25. LlcmtM (K. D. Stair, manager).—"Mo, Him nnd I," presented by a capable company, drew well li-2:i. The Hays. In "Duwn tlio Plko." 24-30. , ,„,. WiiItnky (E. D. Stair, manager).—"1 ho - usual 'a Pardon" 24-30. Lakayktth (Dr. Campbell, m»nagcr).— Frank Maltose and company were among the. lending lilts on last week's bill, ami crowded house ruled. Attractions week of 25 Include: The 8a-Hcras, Vasco, Mile. Alexandra and P.i'itli', Burns, Morris and company,. Kitty Major, Nlbbc and Bordeuu, the Great See- it..Uriwin. Forbes, and GcTtrade Elliott (Klaw « I'langer. mgrs.)— Krle, Pa.. April 1, Voungs- S™0 '.. 2. Akron 3. Detroit, rtlcli.. 4-C. Rkhnrr (His (Cliarles Frolmian, mgr.)—Mon- ' (mil. Ciin., April I* , . _ Kfott. Urrll (Waller N. .Lawrence, mgr.)—Clevc- ••Jfsn'of iiio'Cross" (It. G. Craerln, mgr.)—Mon- in-nl. Cun.. April ■-<). •Toxni'." Kronillinrst ft Currlc's—Washington, D. a. April 1-t). „ „ ••TlKiroii-'hlircd Trnmp" (Oscar Jones, mgr.)— M.khIIIoii, O.. April 3. Akron fl. Csnnl Dover 0. '■VamkirMIt Cnji" (Jos. M. Oultes. mgr.)—Cln- vlllllllll. <>.. :il April C. villi* Musical.Comedy (John TJ. Wills, mgr.)— Lire ('Ink. '''I"-- 28-30, Quitman. On., April I- :!. Vnlikwts 4-0. "Yiui Voiisou"—Mhineiipolls. Minn., 31-Aprll 0. 0 ■ * MISSIIMll. karri, and Ida Adair a pleasing Mary, Wilson Ifiminiel made an emphatic hit as Jcsae Peg. The Butty Todd of Will Webb was n clever Colnmtiim.—At the Oreat Southern (Wm. Sunders, manager) Francis McMlllen received business and this good bill week of March 18 ■The" County Chairman" 20. "Olrl or the Streets" 30. Maud Halllngton Booth April 2, Kzra Kendall A Francis McMillan, violin- ist. 4. Pbopi.k'8 (Vic Hugo, manager).—JJiuftl big Kanana City.—At the Shubert (Walter ftriiford, munager). last week, Blanche Bates, in "'t'Bc Girl of the Golden West," had ca- pacity buslpcsB at every performance. This week, the new show, "The Powers That Be, snd next week, Henry IS. Dlxey. In "The Mun en Ihc Box" (return engagement). Willis WOOD (Woodward & Burgess Amuse- niiiii Co., managers). — Last week, Isabel Irving, In "Susan In Search of- a Husband.' ; iuiim'iI well filled houses. This week will bu divided between Paul Grlmorc, In "At V:i|e," nnd the Savage Opera Co., In "Madnra lSutterfly." April 1, "Mrs. Warren's Profes- sion" conies for three nlghtB. cn.i.vii di'kiia House (Hudson & Judnh, iiianngcrs).—Last week. Al. G. Field nnd his minstrel company ployed their annual engage- ment, to usual good business. Press Eldridgc nas Ihc prlnclpul fun maker, and he was :iill v moisted by Harry Van Fossen and Harry Kiiunk. This week. .fas. .1. Corbett, in "Tho Iliiiglur und the Lady." Next week, "Around lhe Clock." .( Opbiia House (E. 8. Brlgham. man- iiker).—Last week, the thrilling melodrama, ■Muniunu," drew well and lileased. This week, "For a Human Life;" next week, "A .Marked Womnn." AtDlTORluM (Woodward & Burgess Amuse- ment Co., managers).—The Woodwsrd Block Co. gave n Hoc production of "The Holy City mid scored such a hit that It will be 1'iintiiiiied this week. The next production will in- "Nell Gwynn." i.'kmtuiiy ' i.iim week, character study. "A Parisian Romance" 31 Coi.UMhlA (M. ('. Anderson ft II. M. Zlegler, managers). — Kdivln Ardcn 24-30. Others Ore: Lewis Mc-Cord and company, the Sut- cllffc Troupe, Mnrceno, Ncvara and Mareeuo, Cliff Gordon, Chris Smith, the Four Lukeni and the Two Johnsons. Hbui'K'h Oi-kha Hoi-si: (Heuck, Fennessy ft Stair, munugerg).—Tom Waters, 24, In "Tbs Mayor of Lnugljand." "A Marked Woman," In trhloi) wiiii,i Granger, n Clntimiatl boy and erstwhile stock favorite at the old Star, did good business hint week, Louise Vale was fine as Lucille Gordon, and I he Empress of China wns well Interpretatcd by Helen Court- ney. Uo<: Melt lite, In "Sis Hopkins," 31. MCRUM (Heuck, Stair ft Fenucssy. nmna- gers).—"The Night Before Christmas" 24-30. "The Cowboy Girl" proved a novelty Inst week, nnd .lulls Rowland proved a pleasing little actress, of moro limn ordinary talent. Kay Raymond shared In the honors. Four Huntings .'11. SrAMiAiio (Churles I'. Arnold, manager). —Clark's Jersey Lilies 21-30. Fred Irwin's Big Show proved up to (lie standard last fii r ~,rave"two "good performance* 16. Viola week, mid did o nice business.. '1 he chorus Allpn Iir.. Maudo Fealy 20. "lied Feather" 28. 0 cordial welcome from his numerous friend* March 22. Viola Allen 20, 27, "Red Feather" 30. Shubert (F. O. Miller, manager).—The house ,s dark week of 25. limn Stuket lUhaa. W. Harper, manager). —"Around the Clock" attracted good busi- ness 18-20. "Under Southern Skies" pleased big houses 21-23. "Glrla Will Be Girl*" 25- 277 Hose SIclvlll.; 28-30. Keith's tW. W. Pressor, manager).—BUI for week of 25; Joseph Hart's Pantomime Co., Mr. nud Mrs. Sidney Drew, Mr. and Mrs. Allison. Dim Quinlnn and Kellar Mack, the Muslc-il Avolos, Alvln Bros., and "Tho" Quar- tette. Notkk. —Josef I.hevlnne will give a recital at Hall. 27 Fred Ncddcmeyer will give n recital af the Board of Trade Auditorium, 28 Sellsvlllc is taking on an nlr of activity The Foropnugh-Sell* Bros.' Circus Is shaping Itself there for the season. a ■ Springfield.—Al the Fairbanks (C. J. Miller, innnagci-) "The Olrl nnd the Bandit" pleased March 14. "The Olrl Who Looks Like The Ronnie Family, the Three Olivers. Goo. Nadolny, Carrie Maasoney and Lenora Wil- son. Arthur Elshcr, Ray W. Fny, nnd the klnctoscopc. Notes.— Lodge No. 251. It. P. O. Elks, sleeted these Qfnrcrs 15: 8. 8. Brotherton. H. B.; T. W. Ilunkle. K. L. K.; C. II. Bobbins. E L. K.; B. A. Allen, K. L. K.: 0. L. Ilolli- rock. secretary: A. B. Vnn Albnda, tro»nurer; F. A. Allen, tyler: J. II. Rot brock, trustee: E. It. Meyers, representative to grand lodge: E. A. Leo, nltcrneto ('has. W. I'rendcrgnst, head flyman, and Bert Hlcknn.l. r.tiigo Htliche, at (ireene's, we'e married 14, by Justice Nugont, to Kllznboth J. Bnrnlrlc snd Norn Wortlian. resiiectlvely. Jone- nhlne Riirkluirt. wife ot Joe Biirkhart, Ml fl*mnn at tho Iowa City Opera House, died 15, and was buried here 17. IlciiiilngH. UwIb and Hennlligs., Elite I'liy, BuilHi und Campbell, Hamilton Hill, Slcede h niinioiuliH- compniiy, llnrili Brothers una Walton and ihe kluetogruph. Gavbty III. II. Hedges, manager).—"Uio Girl in Blue," In conjunction with the Bow- ery Burlewiuers, mnde the hit Ot tlio scuhiui 17-23, und packed houses were the rule. Irwin's MnJeatlcM week ot 24-:itl. AvKNt-u (Drew >V Campbell, manuKer*).— Wlllliims' lm|H!ilnl lliirlesiiuers offered a guyd cnlertiUnmvut, nnd patronuge was up lo tho usual slumlord 17-23. Hurry Lewi* and Miner's Americans week ot 24. Cuvhtai. (.1. J. N'asli. manager).—Last week's bill was good, nnd attendance, after- noon nnd evening, was good. Attractions week of 25 Include: The Tennis- Trio. Joo I'M- nmiids, Burt Howe, Ellet Brothers, Anaon Scblrhart, and thu klnMlnuue. Nun;.- Allien Light llHH l»eeli appuliiletl mnnuger of the Crystal Theatre, lie comes frnni New York City, nnd linn been ciiniieclml Willi theatres for ll""eu years. He begun ills duties hero March 20. — t- Keoliwk.—At the Grand Opera limine (D. i, manager) "Mrs. Temple's Tele- gram,"'March 12, had a line advance outlook. L was very efl'ectlve. nnd Baby Hollo Williams and the Buster Drown (jlrls made n tre- mendous hit. Hose Hill Folly Co. 31. PLoi'i.e's (Hubert Heuck, manager).— Tho Jolly Grass Widows 24-30. William 11. Watson's Burlewiuers proved good cards ins) week, with (be Mlllership Sisters and Charles Olson, the wrosller, as added at- tractions. BIHv Watson as Philip, the head cook, wns uprun-'.oualy funny. Ideal Burlcs- qucrs 31. Gossip ok t»b Lobby. —The excursion sea- son of the Conor Island people begins 31... .. Joseph C. Dnum arrived In udvnncc of "The Lion and the Mouse." Alfred F. Malsh Is the new secretary nnd treasurer of tho Coney Wand to Valeric Bcrgcre says she Ib going to London to give the Brlttons "Ills Japanese Wife." Manager Henry M. Zleg'.er was hi Lexington, Ky.. last week. .Vi-..-d Grunt Younfo of Viola Allen s staff, eamo In to tell of his star's coming. The new rink, in Music Hall, closed Its first season by u "sklddoo party," 28.a... Manage:- John II. llavlln haa been at West Baden, Ind Homer Sbcrldun, of Mt. (Joseph Doncgun, manager).— cw>m<mii,"ar>' old dramatic writer, Is visiting the Colonial Relics, wllh the his Cincinnati home Cheater Park will Ihniedlu 'lAoupo as u special feature, drew o\mn 'iu'H^aonUuy "ij Oscar Schatli. This week, the Thoroughbreds. Next violinist of the Lyric Theatre orchestra,_and The Show Olrl" 30, "The Lion and tho Mouse" April 1-3. „ Okano (Springfield Theatre Co., managers). —The Jewell Kelly Stock Co., 18-23, did good business, and extended Its engagement until 20. _. .. , _,„ . , OaPHit'M (Gub Sun, manager).—BUI for week of 25 : Tht Alarcon Trio, Wm Mack, the eievela-ids, Norman and) Price, new pictures and songs. Dayton—At the Victoria (G. C. Miller, manager) "The Olrl and the Bandit. March 13, pleased. Maude Fealy, In "The Illusion of Bentrlce." 25; Olga Ncthersolo 27, Allen 28, "Bed Feathor" 20. National (Gil Burrows, manager):—Cole and Johnson, In "Tho 8hoo-Fly Regiment, did excellent business 18-20. "The Little Duchess" 21-23, "81s Hopkins" 25-27, "The Volunteer Organist" 28-30. Giiand (Schram 4 West, managers).—The BrondWny Girls, week of 18. did satisfactory business. Week of 26, the Black Crook (bur- ""soLo'iBaH' Home Tiibatbb.' — Cotter, the muglclan, 28. . .. , Hughes in." Marca l *. nun a iuiu no i mi" nearly every scat being reserved. Gertrude Ewlng Stock Co. opens a week's engagement, hi repertory, 25. "The Powers That Be April 3. La Sallb (Beeves A Dodge, manager*).— Good house* Inst week. Bill week of 25: Carberrv ond Stanton, Wilson aud Rich, Gould Sisters, Ed. Badger, and E. C. Ward. NotH.—'l'he llljoti (C. It. Franklin, niana- llnllle Creek. -At. the I'osl (IMC. Blull Ii, uinnnircr) "The Flnmltig Arrow" iilcuwid big houses, three performances. Mnrch III, 17, E. B. Wlllard. delighted a full slued house, nt advanced price*, IP. "The Wymivv Man' had a good house 2. Grace Cameron, In "Utile Dollle Dimples." grcnlly pleased 21. Al. Wilson 20, "The King of Tramp*" 30, the Cutter Block Company April 1-0. Ill mi (W. B. Ilulterlleld, uiuuagci). BUI for week or 25: lluiljl Lesslk, Drako's inilneil dog's und sheep, Miirln Glruril, Four ger) opens March 25, presenting moving pic- Luelers arid Ihe; clltMluscupu picture*, tures and Illustrated songs, giving dally Notk. —W. 8. Hiilterlleljl, of thu lllj matinees, with a change of programme three time* a week. I BurlliiKluii.—At the Grand (Chamber- Hn. Harrington A Co., managers) tho star attrucllon or Ihc leauon'wa* ''The Lion and the Mouse," March 15, which drew capacity Viola uudlenen and grcutly nloused. James J. Cor- heti made ii favonible Impression, 19, In "Tho Burahir aud the Lady." "A Pair ofCon ii fry Kids." 20, drew well nnd pleased. "Ihe County. nSlllrman" 30, Mclntyre and Heath April 2, Pnul Gllmoro 3, "The Clansman" 4. McMlllen 0, "The lleuvor Express" 10, "the Lion and the Mouse" (return date) IB. Gaiiiik'K (J. M. Root, manager).—Current attraction* ure: ISva liny, re-engaged: Ucn llutin, the Bcmont Trio, Gordon. Calvin and the moving pictures. Business continue* ei- eel lent. .a bus purchased sixty-six fuel froulilgo on. ly-slx fuel trontilgo . uu East "Main Street, for tin) Western. VhiiiIo- ville Miiuitgers AsMOchltloll, a* a slle for n new 111|ou Theatre for this cily. Tho prup eriv run* buck about 140 feet: to Hiale Street. The house will have u smiting enpne-, Ity of from 1,200 to 1,400. Thu house ut Kiilnuiiuoo I* to lie enlarged lo about Bin same capacity, which, w.lh Juckaoa, will firm ii trio of llllini tlienlrlcnl enterprises, under the uiunugeiucnl of Mr, Bullertlold, well week. Ihe Aveuue Girls. . M.i.n.sYie (Clluton Wilson, manager).— Ijisi week Al. Beeves' Big Beauty Show gare good iiei-foruiiinceK. This week, Rice and Bar- Ion's company. Next week, the City Sports. oiirnt'.iiM (Murlln Beck, general manager). —The bill of 18 und week Included: Edoiiln and I'MwurdB, Yuma. Durand Trio, Auric Uugwell, Kk-hnrd Buhlcr and compuny, St. Huge Bros.. Jim, A. West, and the klnodromc. This weeks attractions are: Uttto "Hip." ihe He Long Bros., Ferguson and Muck, l.iivlne Du Witt, Alice Duvenport aud com- ('any, Blullo Comedy P'our, nnd Frank Murck ley. Gertrude (Bnnies) Converse, of "The Ulue Moon" (bonis, wore married during the past week, bv Bcv. Hugo Elscnlohr. The brido Hamilton,— At the .TefTerson (Tom A. Smith, manager) "Tho Squaw Man. March 14, had capacity business. "Around the Clock." 17. did good business nnd gave ft NriKiiiinv—At tho Academy (C. W. Pur- ler, niiiniiger'i "Tho Clansman played to * good house March HI. "The Olrl of Ills Mutiny Mouth" hud fair patronage 17, Hi. Felix Hiiney pleased 111, 20. "The Kopiuw Man" 22, "Horn Thome" 24-27, Howe * mov- ing pictures ill. • ,.,., .ii:i-ii:io, (C. H. Margciit. mamigor).—Bill week of 17: Ndbletto and Mafshnll, Anna Woodward. Ed. I^u »lnn, Goorgo MtmtW, m&^K<*'SS2nk Cincinnati B >%&J&^ffl^&"& B. R. O. 20. North Bros.' Co., In repertory, Dnlinqnr—At the Grand Opera Houm (Win. L. Brndloy, mnnngorl "A Mllllonnlr* * Hulherhiiul snd (,'urtlM, D>»l-u-Phone, and Ar- Itevengoi" March 15. "When Knighthood nnir llcaiivnlsu and company. Was In Flower," two performance", gave ei- Itkhh.— An Important clinngn has Juat faction. 1(J. "'Way Down East - rltli her husband. Toledo.—At the Valcntlue (Otto Kllves, manugcr) for March, good business pre- vails at every performance. 25 and week I Herbert Brooks, Donald and Carson, Kxposl- tion Four. Fr*M Ebcrt Co.. Mawstto Troupe. Mother, Houghton and Mosher, and Windsor and MeCay. _. . .. „ T.TCUUM (E- It Kelsey, manager).—Al. II, - Alpa, a drama, week of 25. Giiand (McCarthy A Ward, managers).— eellent sutlsfacl.-., 22. "Tlic College Widow" 30. . Duuu (Jnkc Bosenthnl, managur).—Uaual large honses last week, with tlio Now York llootblnck yunrtelte and Comedy Ifonr, Bis- * Dr. Guano V^PgJTti^mJStSFfimA Ite am? Newman, Mile. Ksmathllde. Dr. ^ T. k ..b! J ;Ve B ;?o1,r* n An^r.o , n t s. n ' « SSfW. '• »'-"- "-ray. ««« Shah. Kiebardson and Hodglns, and bioscope. company,' Harry the klnodronu Mansfield.—At the Memorial Opera House. (Harry L. Bowers, manager) Viola Allen, fort iloilgr—At the Midland Theatre (Wm. P. Dcrmer, manager) tho Glrard Stock Co. opened a week's engagement March 18, himself a wife the early part of April Manugcr 0. D, Woodward Is In New York on Imsiuess. and Orange "Blossoms," 14-1(1. an well aa "The Convict's Daughter," 17-20, drew well, nlavlng lo satisfactory business. The Night Before Christmas" 21-23, "When tho Harvest Days Are Over" 24-27. a Akron.—At Ihe Coloniul if. R. Johnson, manager) 'The Sultan of Kulu" had nice busi- ness March 18. "Tho Little Homestead plouaod 10. "The Mght Before Christmas did well 20. "The Prince of Pllson had two big houses 23. Forbes Robertson April .1. "Hlmplc Simon Simple" «. Ezra Kendall IJ, "Uaffles" (relun dale) 15, "Checkers 18, "The Ham Tree" 22. Gaybtv (Achlllc Phlllon, manager).—Tie - Tiger Lilies and the Runaway Girls i. divided the pa»t week to good nouses. Rosa ...JC Hill's Engllsn Folly Co, Msreh 25-27 Itenlz- pjieiicer. Williams, Thompson and company, Hantlev Co. 28-KO. Night Owls April 1-J, the i Nil and Johnston, Cluxton-Rlchmond and Bowery Biirlcsquei-H 4-tl, company, nnd Cosmon'6 moving pictures. Music Ham. (II. S. Qulne. manager).— I.viui: (J. A. Donncll. manager).—Fultop uros. Stock Co.. In "A Woman's Honor," ap- h nred lo good advantage last week, and "row good business. "The Diamond Robbery" «eek of 24. I'koim.k'h (J. M, Jackson, manager).—Well ''I'll ||,||i.,rL.. «..l t _*l II A. B. mi.. Tlf 8t. Josculi.—At Tootle's (C. U. Phllley, niiuuigcr) "The Isle of Spice" pleased March -1. Paul Gllmoro 23, the Flints 25 and week, Miulsin Butterfly" April I, "Mrs. Warren* 1 lofesslon" 4, Cecil Spooner 5, "The ClnnB- mun (I, John Drew 11, Creston Clarke 12. LrcKUM JC. U. Phllley, manager).—-"For J■ llumnn Life" had good business March 21- -•- "Her li'utal Error" 24, 25, Wusblngton Society Girls 28-30, "The Mummy and tho Gumming Bird" 31-April 8, the Avenue Girls * <;-, "A Marked Womnn" 7-10. t.itVNTai. (Fred Cosuion, manager).—Week "i 17 wns lli« banner week of the season ''III for week of 24 : Tnscono Bros.. Walter Mmldnsky.—At the New Orand Opera House (Hanson A AlbBiigh, managers) 'Dp- lothy Vernon, of Hnddon Hall," played to «ne attendance March 18. "Tho Gingerbread Man" camo 21. "The Moonshiner *Daugh- ler" 23. "Girl of the Suuoy South" 28, "The Hquaw Mun" April 1. Family (Oscar F. Cook, mounger).—Hie houso stock company, In repertory, Indeft- " Majkbtic— The Musical RubboIb, Oft, Si Hays, and the Evans Trio composed tho bill week of March 18. . . 4 i > VlllCIMA. Chairman," booked for 30. canceled, and the dato will he Oiled by tho Edgar Marring Bep- ertory Co. .... ' * , Io»v» Clly.—At the Opera Hou»« (C. C. Rowley, manager) Frank Vahtra» Operatic Mlnitrcl*, March 18, pleased a large audi, enco, Eva B. Micey Concert Co. 'Si. Cbo rToyal Chef" 25, '"Ac College W dow"- 20. "The County Cbalrmun" April I, Er.ra Ken- dall 2. . . been concluded In lb« llieulrlcar situation In tiagliiaw, which will place both thu local the- atres under the management of diss. W. Porter, nieseut uiunngvr of the AcHdeiuy, Mutters have been concluded and conlriiels signed by which B. D. Stair, owner of Ihe Aeiideniy, and Ihe Newlmi forces, which con- trolled Ihe JcfforH Theatre. Iiuvn comn to uu agrceineul, and both house* will hcmnNor [in operated under one .management. The JeffeiH uiiiioiiiice* March 17-211 the lust week of vaudeville, aud the theatre will bu dark for u short lime, pending thu Installation there of u good stock company lo close I he. season. Next senaon, It I* said, J offer*_ will handle Ihe moloilraiiiulhi ofrorliigM, mill the Acndeniy Ihe high vlasa all ruction*, and thor* will be no Hunduy purfprmaiicos at Uio Acndnmy Miiiingcr Surguiil has given Soglnaw the belt vaudovlllo that 11 ha* OWf uod. nnJ bus mado thu JcfforH popular. II I* iinderslood. In leaving here, Ho will continue his connection with tuo Newton forces, w In which ho bus been connected for the pa*t. IKo years. Manager Kargetit tins proved ■himself a capable manager during his residence here. - host of and ho will leave wurm frknds. ihe clly with a LOUIHIANA. Sew orlennn.—At Iho Tulane (T. C, Csniplxdl. iimiiiiger) Jobnlwew «™ *■ o» puny won miie"^ seating "HI* II--. hum 24-1111. Jefferson He Angclls 31 itnd week. nuMCWT. (T- '.'■ <-'ainpucll._ manifer).— .eiiixes ndcil all lost week. The Wheeler . Musical Comedy Co., which scored a big hit a more than i.OOO lew necks ago, return 24, for two weeks. . 4 , » . » INDIANA. i>nnkf ort At. the Blliin (Langebrukc A uuirord. managers) Cole and Johnson. In loe Shoo-Fiy lleglmehl," «atlstled a largo "'jdlencc March 11. "The Rajah ofiBhotig" ;',, "Tne.Olngerhread Mun" 21), Camlilo D'Ar- »Hle April 3. t'jtrsTAL (Chas. Welch, manager).—Bill for •JJk of March 25 : Lelseurings and ,Thoi-n. The Blue Moon" opens this bouse ns a regularly ordalued theatre on April 2. Only two per'fonnanceH a week will be presented, and (he management will produce only large " NOTK.-Ilio new Casino, at Lakeside Park, has been completed. The senlliig capacity Ii o«.,«*.» W ...-At the Grand (Joe Hehag- l «j***. "^„"h 1 k" .'o. "in ' UShlOgVr) "Under Southern M<les. March , u a " d ™ I u \ V all" J* Is nwt and moving pictures. 7. both »« good ""J",,' ,...,ik„ ruil „ * Mim/le. uioi Norfolk,—At tho Academy of MuhIc (Otto Wells, local manager) Marie Cahlll gave two perforinunces Mnrch 10, lo very satisfactory business. Jefiorson Dis Angclls followed 18, to n well lllled house. Maude Fes y 30, Mrs, Leslie Carter April 1. Adelaide 'iliurstoa 4, "The Yankee Consul" b, "Muu aud Super- man" 8. , • royully rucolved. while qn,_■*« eomsr Gbanby (Otto Wells, local manager).— scored big. "Tho Child of the llegliunnt "Oucon of tho Couvlcts" this week. Bust- O.4-30, ..j> n( . ni.i Humestirad' 31 and week, ness Is vcrv good. . Biilbhiit IHliubert Bros.. • manager*).—De BlJOU - (Abb Smith, mamfgor week nf Mah.h 25: Elsie Fay. / fleld. llollen I^ovetle. Josle Ullngen. Lewis. Hurrv Moorhead. Willie Thomas, M. II. itourti. Blllv wiiiinniH. John i.eniie and : Graml Hnpld*.—At the New I'ower* (llnri'v G. Soumier* A Co., maiiiigiiis) K. ». Wlllurd, March 20. 91, played lo throe large Ullilleiiee». .Mabel MoKllileyiillili l.inpll'O Vhillle- vllle Co. 24-30, "The Prince of I'llncii" April 4, "Mudumo BuHerlly;;o, '"I'lie Lion nnd Iho Mouse" 8-10, Vlnlu Alien 11, Mclntyre nnd Maikht'io (Grin Bfillr, inainiger).--Orilce I'nineron. In 'Dolly IHoiplo*,"-March I7-2|I. drew well, as did the Four Morions. 2KM. Al. II. Wilson 2-1-27, "When, I be Hiirvesl; •h appreciation last week, lire- , h|yM Artf ( Jv er" 2H-II0. "The Mllllunulm Bo- louse la Order." Amelia Blng- „,,,,| v( ," niAprll .'I, "The Curse of Drink" Terson He Angells 31 und week. !« , JT. «:. Campbell. m«ni«r).— h„anii oi'KH* Hoohji (Cliureblll k Duyls, Ijiw Docksladcr'* Co. opened 17, to 8. ; B. O,, inadsgers).—Week of 2-1:. Miller, Bomba, and won many laughs during the week from |, ;<)w , fn ( M . vino, Cnrrle llolle Miliar, Nob- inrm- audlcace*. All the old favorite* wero riicelved. while the now comer* letle And Mnrsluill, mid tlnliuuud uml (ioudo. ■ i a ' 1 , 1 . Bay City.—At tho Washington (W, J. Ihiuiil, iimtiHgeri "The Clansmrtii'' drew a Iniiri; hoiiNo Mnrch 15. "Kerry now.' IH: •wlien Ihe llnrvest Days Are Over. 17. 18, ^.-People W „irriop,*.r plnyed to, big buslaes* 17-23, <«$;;,, "| rJlorvcH Day* Ar e Vlver." 17. IM, Abhle Hvo- ,,resenHMg "ll.ippylaml," and "Wang. „",| 4l eGlrl rmpi (lie Hunny Hniilh." 20-22. »*'" U- l ' I Ki , l£i^ l S , ',K 8 t "ll .11.1 «lr 1...HIJ**; "l.oru.'1'honio" 28, 20. i busliiesv. "III.; (Jlrl from Ihc Bunch. 18-0, Orew fall- crowdi- und pleased. "Lovers ore Lunatl.'^." 22. highly pleased. The Four Hnnllng* 2-'«. Churh's Grapewhi 27. . PaIik (Will Dps ion, matiageD.-^'lhe H«lJ thu Hoorah." 15, filled the houie and give excellent satisfaction. 'The Wttl/Homa. atead" 10: movng pictures, 17 :"The Warn- Kll " 18™.0nd g 4he Night .Before Christ to RMiei Yon"ng. v "Alien nnd V Keeley 1 ~ciihs..!ind - ;; -J e Welch. Ilarr, Debar, and the kino- mflL S^^^ffil^F^glSKS .■• - ■ ■:; ft ? d pK^^,5' , ^ y dr?wTe.. b a„f plea^u. 1 ^ «n PopIp —At the La Porte (D.. M. Xye. j.ltlle Joker" Is due 23. . .. . ,_ aniiuger) "The Girl ot the Golden West" ' N„ Tli *.—Frnnl: Tlernev. one of out 'popi l»r crowded house- Muleh 20. 'Sweet ltM .„| povs, ond with "Ihe bullan of SulU* hud Clover Over the Garden Wall."" Business I* good. . Ai'me (Wllkersuu & Mim/le. innouipirs),— Ihiokliigs for week of 25: Emma Wallace, Isulielle Huntington. Bykc* Hros., Myrtle Heymore, Mildred Cleodora, Irene Delmore, and Hont* nud Edward*. AnoifontOM fJ. M. Barton, manager).— People week of 25: Cant. Snyder. Annie Bel- mont. Guy Johnson, Albertl. George Muk«r, Patterson and llnndolpb. Mendel Hfster*. and Ilessle Loyed and company. Buslnes* I* gl "1IANHATTA.V (Crlnnlan Bros., managers) —People for week of 25: May Bell. Mlutile Irving. Arthur Lime. EiL F. Griffith, Joe IViwney, John I lines, May Lemuels, and John Wlllurd. Business Is good, ■ •, he Brown-llak-r Stock Co played lu big huslnes* lasl week, presenting "Tho Near Magdalen." Jiiiiioh Ihirkeii. Uio trow leading muu. Iiiih hceouie very iiopulur with the. Lyric putniui. und his work, ns well a* that of Edith Evelyn, is descrying of special luna- tion. "The Convict's Child ' week of S3. Giikknwalo (By. Greeuwnld, muuugcr).— Phil Shorlduii's City Sport* opened rastmen and night. 17. lo filled houses, and drew nicely throughout the week, The Golden Crook Co. 24-30. . , .. rUUlXfia Or. «• Baldwin, mnnnger).— The Italdwln-llelvllln Stock Co. h»<l a big week's luiHlnoM week of 17, and; a* usual. gave fine satisfaction. "A Celebrated Case" wns the bill, and It was ably presented, by this company. 'Hie house will be <lnrn for •llolv Week, and the company will enjoy a much- m-ofled retl. Tboy will resume wot* Howe's moving picture* ."0. Ai.vutiid (W. .1. IJsiiiil, nmosgeri.— ihn Ma.llwm -Hfiuare Stock Co.. In repertory, eliiseil a three weeks' itngngemcnl nnd Inelc i:e»Hi*i, 20.- _., , , lluou (J. I>. I'llmore. mnnsgnri.—lhe foi- lliwlngblll whs presented week of 18: Fox ond Hummers, Husle Goodwin. DougliiH, Doug- Ins and Blanch, the Three Musical Millers, Truman Seymour, and the HUouscopc. 1 1 Kiiliimar.on.--.At Ihe Academy of Music (II. A. Hindi, mnnnger) Mny Irwin, In 'Mr*. WllaonlAndrews," nnd "Mrs. Peckliiint s (n- rouaell" delighted 11 him* nudlenc* .March IB. Bluneho Bntes, In "'nn' <«lrl of the Golden West" had o fair Iiiiiib* -HI. "Tim Cliiiisinon" Oiled I lie houso IB. The Four Mortons bud light huslmss 20, 22, "Tho Jiooslcr Girl" 28.