The New York Clipper (March 1907)

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M'AB€H\?>0. vnsm i^ouk: clipper. H73 AlirOra <"• Viii|i'irni>u>.;,jJiii.. -mm-ii i,,Lri 'a, flnmrrtortd :i, ■ KeiitlaUvllle 4, Sooth Tfcritl It, BlkUartfl. •■ '•' .•.',•'.."...: "Rnlnh of rMionc" (Eugene MMMN.' fflgr.)— Kewnnee, III.. 2«. Fern ill, Strofilor April 2, I'oMlao it. Hknnilnsion 4, Clinton t>, Danville, fl. "RM' l'Pntlwr" (Jos. M. Onltcs, mirr. I— SpriW K>M, 0., . 28, r Dayton 20, Columbus rW. itanl, Boiie f ai«nrjr B. Dirrli, mgr.H-N. Y, City 25, Indefinite, a ~- Khm.'Ihotaua'K. /Nixon & Zimmerman, ruRT-s.)— iJoadoo,: OSt., Can., SMS-ilO, Toledo, o., 31- gan P Cnrlo« i Or*™ (Henry,, ntnucll, nrgr.)—San jTanclado, 'Oil., 26-31, Seattle, Waxu., April Sldne/t G*«rfe (A- W. Hernuli, rogr.)—N. Y. filly 33-'a0, Philadelphia. I*a„ April Ml. finooner, Cecil (Chas., K. Illancy Amuse. Co., iinrx.l— Aoulsvlile, Ky., 9M0L .St. Joseph, Ala., April o. Saiitloy, Joseph (II. II. Han(!oOk, mjrr.) — l'lltn- hurt;, I'r.k 2J-30, Clovohilitt. (>., April HI. "witt Set (J. E. ComertoW, riiRT.)—wlltnlngt<». Pel,, M-21. 'dlUNlen, N. J.-, 2S-iJ0, Haltrmure. Md.. April 1-0. Southwell, Marjorlo (Don J. Dorron, mcr.)— Sara- »ac Lake, X. V., 20-20, Cornwall, unt., Can., Sin.n>:, Klwln, and lila Players (Waller Hnvltlae, mgr.)—Hooper, Nebr., 21-itO, uloux City, la., Ill-April 0. Sneildcr-Palge Hlock (Mpedder & 1'nlge, mgra.)— Klrksvllle. MO., 27-29. "Snow Man" (Kara S. ft Lee Shubert, Inc., nigra.) —Hoston, Jlas*., 25-Aprll 0. "Social Whirl" (Sams. & f*o Htiubert, Inc., Inarx.) < ftun. '». ft •y.-CIty April 1, Show Uirl" (B. O. Whitney, mjr.)—Clrclevllle, II., 27, Chllllcothe 28, Wilmington 39, Snrint- rlei.i .10. Hamilton ,11, HlllnUiro April 1, rortii- mnulh 2, ilimilngton, W. Vl., 3, Jackson, 0., . 4,1 Athena ■«, Wctlston 0. "Silltnn of Snlu". (HntUnon Corey, ingr.)—AtUh- tlc City. Si. J: '2.1-27, Ued Bank 28, New ItninnWlefc 29, I'lnlnileld KO. '•Simple Simon Simple". (Kiwi 0. Xlion-Nlrd- llniror, mgr.)—St.. Marys, O.. 27, .Marietta 28, Allien* 21), Cambridge 30. "Sllenl WllneniV—Hartford,, Conn., 23-2", Bridge- iHirt 2H-30, Vlillnrtclphln, l'a., April 1-0. "Sirnngcr In Town" (II. R. I.lntnn, mgr,)— I.oa Angeles, Cnl., 24-30. Fresno 31, Woodland April I. Chico 2, Vreka 3, Medfonl. Ore., 4, (iranta Pass 3, Salem u, Portland 7-1:1. "Side Tracked," J tile Walterb'—Oea Moines, la., 21-27J. -.. . "Snug Harbor" I.e Comtc & Flcaher'a (Forrest Ithnm, mgr.)—Knlnvlh, N., Y., 27, Penh Ymi 28. Ithaca. 30, Norwich 'April 1, Herkimer 2, title*'ft Hloilir,, Johnstown (1. "Suuav.' Man" (Lloblcr ft Co.. mgr*.)—Sandusky, ().. April 1. "Seiwaiu Kilty"— DiilTalo. X. V., 23-30. T Terry, Ellen (Charles l'rohman, mgr.)—Washing tan, D. C, 23-30. Thundon, Adelaide (Francis X. Hope, mgr.)— Wln-'iiui-snlein. N. 0., April I, tlreenshoroS, Italelgh 3, Norfolk, Vu., 4, lllclimond 3, Lynch- litirtf vJ ■-. . Ten.iiUilop, F«y (Klnw ft'Krlaoser, mgrs.)—Man- eliesn-r. N. II... 27. Haverhill, MnKs., 28, Con- rtM, X. MS' 21', I'ofiHhloulh 30. Tnole. J.,l,.—S.'Y. CMy 23-.10. 'luvlor Stock (II. W. Taylor, mKr.)—Allonna, Pn„ ir,-30. Votingslnwn. O., April l-tl. Turner,. fllara (Ira W. Jackson, mgr.)—Cflhoea, .N...Y.. 25110., Taylor, Albert (0<enr V. Nix, mgr.)—Oklahoma I'lty, Ohio., 34.31.. ... Troiijiilnle llros.' Theiitre, i ■ii-iimh (Merlo Trotw. (Kile, itigr.)—Osiiwnioinle, Kitn., 24-30. Tmiifilalf Urns. Theatre <W. W. A B. B. Troua- dale.- mgraj)— Knovvllle. lo., 23-27, llnsaey 28- 3(», Hu< 1011 April 1, 2, What Cheer 3, Monte- 711 m 11 4-tl. ■ •"rniirlHtR".(ftnm S. ft Ixv» Shntiert, Inc., mcrs.l —N\ Y,-OlyS3-.'Ui..-, •Too Proud 10 |Reg." Lincoln .1. Corler'a—Xenla, (l„ 30. SpHhgtlelil 110. "Time, the l'lnee nnd the Clrl" (M. II. Singer, mgr.)—Chicago, 111., 23, Indellnlle. "Time, the Plnre nnd the Olrl" (M, II. Singer, mxr.)—SI. I,mils. .Mo., 2130, llelletllle. 111., ill. 1 - "Texnn" (Ilroihllinrst ft Currlc, mgr».)—N. Y. City 33.3il, Washington, n. 0,, April 1-0, " mgr. 1—Hoi Prwlnn "Trip In Kyjpt" («. U. Kerr, mgr.)—Salt Uke I'ltr. V., 21-27. l»gnn 38, llrlghain 30, " 30, I'ornlello, Ida., "Two Merry Tramps" ' lllll;l|li>U' . Mil., "Two Orphan*"—N. Ill: iMcVenn.,ft Veller, nl(fr».) 37. Hriiimwh-k 28, Y. City S3 30. V "Under Southern Skies," Eiatern (Harry Doe) I'nrker,. lAwO—Utlca. ST. Y„ .'10, Amslenlunt AMI 1, Klneainn 2, Waldon it. Peek-skill 4, (>*- "liihllT 3, -Yonkera 0. "Under Southern - Hklea," Weslern ( llnrry liia-l Parker, mgr.)—New Philadelphia. <>., April I, Wooster 2, Ashland 2, Mnusfleld 4, Hiieyriis 3, Newark U. ' "I'nder Southern Sklee" Western (Harry Ilnel I'nrker, irtgr.)—-WuMilngtan. Pa., April I, Wnyiicshurg 2, McKvcxport .'(, Ueover l-'alls 4, Vandrrgrlft 3, Johnstown 1!. "Uncle Tom'a Cabin." Al, W. Martin's (Ed. fl. .Miirtlo, mgr.j~N.- Y. City 23-30, Boston, Mass., April l'B. "I noli- Tom's Cnlpin," stetson's, Northern (fleo. Pick, ik-i.) Hli, Tinils-r, .Mont., 27. Milium '28, •Mllea t:ity"2n. Mlenill»e .•ill, Mnndnii, N. flak., April I. Ttlntnarck 2, Valley City 3, Cos- M-jhiii 4, winriiiK-K. Man., Can., 3, 11. "Untile. SI IliiMklna," A—«. S. 1'rlmroae'a—»ahl- green, 111,, 3(1, Miiscuutnli 31, Nnshvllln April 1. "llnclir SI Hnsklna," B—C. S. rrlmroac'ii—Man- kuto, Mlllli.. 30. "I'ncle Josh Spruceby," Eastern, I). B. Levis'— I'.-iluN, .Mi-.. 27, llonltou 28, WooilKtock, N. It., Can.. 30. l-re.l.-rl.-l.m 30, St. John April 1-3, Moncton 4, Sackvllln fi, Spring Hill fl. "I'ncle Josh Spruceby," Western, 1). B. Le»ls'— Brookv|lle, Pa., 27, Clarion 28, rteynoldsvllle 20. Pnnxsutawuey 30, Kmporluin April 1, He- novo 2, Oaleton 3, Coudersport 4, Kane 3, .lolinsonbnrK 11. - "Cncle Josh PerklnR," II. H. 1'raiec's—Waaseon, O., 27. Wdbnsh. lad., 28, Lafayette 20. Ander- son -lit, I'rnnkfort April 1, Shelhyrllle 2, Terra Haute 3, Princeton 4, Blcknell S, Vinccnnes 0. •v Van, Billy V. (P. H. Sullivun Amuse. Co., mgrs.) -^Memphis, Tenn., April 1-0. Van Dyke ft Knton (l\ Slack, mgr.)—McKcenport, Pa.. 23-30, Canton, 0., April 1-0. Van Iluren Stock (Dustln ft I.upolnt, mifrs.)— Jogglns Mines, N. S., Cuu., 2S-30, New lllua- gow April 111. "Vlliogo Parson" (0. E. Wee, mgr.)—Marshall- loivn, In., 37, Dos Moines 28-30, Rock Island, HI,. 31, Clinton, la., April 1, Muscatine 2. Ultumwu 3, Crcston 1, Shenandoah G, Nebraska •illy. Nebr., 0. "Volunteer Organlat," Eastern (Alleu Pcsrce, «igr.)—Kraukfott. Ky.. 2», Mnyarllle 20. Mid- tlli-low 11, 0., 27, Dayton 38-30, Cleveland April "Village firocer" (Dustln ft Liinolnt. nigra.)— shlpiiensliurg, Pu„ 27, Slcchiiiilcshuri; 28, MsrysTllle ft, Wnlfh, Iilnnelic (Wagenbala * Kemper, mgrs.)— Vlctf.rli\,.B. 0., Can., 27, VmnMHWI 28. Willi'- coji. Wash., 20, Everett .10, scuttle 31-Aprll 3. «ardelil. Davhl (David Belkaco, mgr.)—Chicago, 111.. 2.VAprll 20. "llson, Francis (CharJea Vcohman, mgr.)—Al- ...ftfW' K« V., April 5. Williams, Itniile (Chnrlcs Krohmau, mfr.)— ,,., l .7 1f,on ' >ln *'-. 2G-A|)rll 20. "Illiiril, K, S. (Charles A. Moore, mgT.)— De- trolt. Mich.. 25311, Cleveland. (>., April-1-0Y Wllaon, Al.. II. lSidney It. Hills, mm.)—fraud Itaplds, Mich., J1-27, Jackson 28, Battle Creek ;l>.. South Bond. Ind., 30, Aurora, HI.. April I. DnhiMpie, U„ 2. Decnrali 3, Mason Clly-4, Albert I.en., Minn., 3, Maaknto 0. welter's All Stars (Joseph M. Weber, mgT.)— m lesion. Mnw... 2n-Aprll «. Wntslruh. Ue,i t7 (Henry Miller, mgr.)—Boston, ....ilpl"-. April S-20. «ill hnls, Lome (1 |, 1,. winchell, mgr.)—Chef- l.hnftga, Tcnn., 23-30, Atlanta, Oi„ April I* ff *II"P tSliilr ft Nicolal, nigra.)—N. Y. Clly fcii'.ifl, »l«s. Xnf. M. iT.rniiilliitnit ft Currle. mpra.)— «';i'«'. III., 21311. -Boston, Mass., (. - .'tuei rlTer.',, 25-30. 7*3 j/yWii. Sulliiai. mgr.)-W %i/' , ^ Be !iii«' A ;'-'ftf '^rv Sfr'Vmfrti ?8a ,??: & ,pp,n « n ' p, ' k : "- f-nl'raV Spring •'ii. y° -• Bo< S'' ^n' ft.I* J«"l» 4. ., llntrhlnnon, Kan., r>, Newton (1 Warnlnfe Bell." Clarence Bennetl's, F.ast (K. T'.' S*^e? -.i!»r.)-Mo.iroe. M1.I...' 27, Mount t.temeofl 2S, Jackson :in, Cnltln-.tler \nrll 1 jwsSf* sas a, hSSSm 7. iVnii' i: "Wtirnlng Bell." Clarence Bennett's, West (II. Ooidon. mgr,)—Crete. Nehr.. 28. Whea the WorW Sleeps" (Sol SehwnrU. mgr.) — "wLen Who lin're" (A, K. renrsnn. mgr.)— AprU Ml *' 7, KI " B,l * ,tn :l0 - N^rk "\V»y ,,f Mm Transjreiwor," aiss, n. Yale's— leorla. HI., 24-27, Cnnlnn 28, Calesbiirir Sf.< .Ollitwa 30, Chicago ill-Aprll «. ™ ' •Wlmnl of Wall street," Eilwln Patlerson'*^- « nSJ'.iH'i" ?, 7 ' i,m ^\ n Ontor 28, Norton 20. Oherlln- VA Alma. Nebr.. April t, McCook 2. Arnpohoe .1. Oxfonl 4, Hnidrege r,. ?8E!?2££lF < Jow I' h M« Gnlles, mgr.)—N. T. "Wliuinl ot.Oi" (Ilhrtlg ft Soamon. mgra.)—Cln- . elnnntl, 0„ 31-Aprll «. -•».;—«-iu "^'."-"if Harvest Days Are Over"—Toledo, 0., 34-27, Qrand Bnplds, Mich., 28-30. Ttfta and Adams (B. E, Forrester, mgr.)— Chlouro. III.. 24-30. Milwaukee. Wis., 31.Aprll '•Young Bnffnlo, King of the Wild West" (Chas. Bgwy Amnae. Ca., mgra.)—Buffalo. X. Y„ "Yankee Bess"—Philadelphia, Pa.. 2.1-30. • tnr.kee Cottsnl"—Snllsbnr.v, X. C. 27. 28. Nor- folk. Vn„ AprU 3. • • 111 Hi.Ksqi r. A?fk> v \i iii:vii,i,i-. Americans. Edwin D. Jllner'a—Detroit, Mich., 24-30, Indianapolis, Ind., Apvll 1-3. Avenoe Olrl; (Heo. Hale, mgr.)—Minneapolis, Minn...24-30. St. Joseph. Mo„ April 4-6. Alcnunr Beauties (T. W. IMnklns, mgr.)—Provl- dcnre.rjt. I.. 25-30, Boston, Mnsr.. April Ml. Adams, Prof., ft Co.—Vienna. Md.. 2r,-27. Salis- bury 28-30. CrMleld A[irll 1-3, Poeoinoke City Ilfydnj's. Hurry C, ExtravngnnM—Chicago, lit..- 24-Aprll 0. Blue ItlhlKin Olrls, Jnmos Hyde's—Brjoltlyn, X. Y., 25 April 0. Bowery Burlr*<in*r.i (.Toe! nurtlg, mgr.)—Toledo. O., 24-30, Indianapolis, ind., Apil) 1-3. Akron. O., 4-0. Itohcmlnns (Barney Olrard, mgr.)—Albany, X. J'.. 23-27. Troy 28-30, Montreal, Coo., April B011 Tons (Rush ft Weber, mgrs.)—Provldeace, 11. I„ 23-30. Boston. Maas., April 1-0. Brlusdlers (Chas. Cromwell, mgr.)—Toronto, Can., . 23:10, Buffalo. X. Y.. April 111. Boston nelles (Jack Singer, mar.)—Albany, X. Y.. 23-27, Ilolyoke. SIa»»., 28v!0, Boston April 1-fl. Broadway Gaiety Olrls (James II. Curtln. mgr.) —Pnterson, X. ft, 2.V.T0. Jerse-; Clly April l-C. Behmiiu Show (Prank H. Ilrjan. mgr.)—Brooklyn. X. Y.. 23..IO, X. Y. Oily April lfl. Bnehelnr club tllnrv llasilnits, nign—I.nne.isler, l'a.. 27. Untiling 28 3f>. PhlUilelphla April 1-0. Clly -Spnrls (Phil Sheridan. • iiiut.I —Lnfayelle, La.. 24, Itenumiifll. Tev„ 23. rialvestnn 20, Houston 27. Wiicii 2S, llallns 20. Koasas Clly. Mn„ 31-Aprll 11. Cn«tiio cirls illohert Mnnehesier, mxr.)— Pills- Itura, Pn„ 2.",-3t», Sprlncdeld, ft,, April I. 2, Mniieic. imi., 3. Indlniiannlls in. CrSt-ker Jacks (Harry Leonl. nijrr. I— llochesler, N. Y„ 25-30. Albfiny April 1-3, Holv'.ke, Mass., -l-d, . Colouiill llelles (Chas. Valke, mgr.)—SI. Louis, Mil,, 24-30. Indliiitniiolls. Hid., April III. Cherry lllnssoms (Will A. Pyne, mgr.)—X. Y. City 25-April it. Champagne fllrls (Phil Fisher, mar. 1—BallImnrr, Md.', 25.30. Philadelphia. Pa.. April Ml. Dainty Ditehess (Hush ft Welter, nigra. 1—Itoslnn, Mass.. 25-30, Springfield April 1-3, Albany, N. Y., 4 II. Hreumliind llenulles (Ilert Kendrlck. mgr.) — Brooklyn. N. Y„ 25.30, N. Y. mty. April 1-13. Devere'H, flom. Own—X. Y. Clly 25.30, Pntersnn, N, ,L, April Mi. Empire BilflestpierH (J. Fennessy, mgr.)—St. Paul.-Minn.. 24 30. Itiilulh 31-Aprll II. Fay boater (Joseph npponhcltner. mgr.l—Mil- waukee. Wis., 21-30, St. I'niil, Minn.. ill-Aprll ft • CrMter.New York Stars (Jacobs ft .le>mnn, mgrs.) —heading, Pa., 2.1-27, Newark, N. J., April lft •', (lay Morning Glories (Ram A. Serlhner, mgr.)— -N. Y. City 25-30, Philadelphia, Pa.. April Ml. flay Mostiueraders t tSani A. Serlbner. mgr.)— tSlcogo. III.,, ivtrolt. Mich., 31-Aprll 11. Oolden.■ Crook (Jacobs, ft. Jermon, ingre.)N>w Orleans,- La.. 34-30. ,. Illsli School Olrls HP, W. Dlnklns. mgr.l— Pbllo- ilelphla, Pa., 25-30, Provlrteace, II. I., April J-d. Ilhrkness ft Fox's (Roy K. Fo\, mgr.)-Burnet, Tex.. 25.27. Irwin's itig show: (Fred Irwin, mgr.)—Birming- ham. Ala., 25-30. New Orleans, l,a„ 31-Aprll 0. Ideals (II. W. ft Sim Williams, mgra.)—Louis- ville, Ky., 24-30, Cincinnati, O., 31-Aprll d. innocent Maids (T. W. Dlnklns, mgr.)—Troy, N. Y..'23-27, Albany 28-20, Scrartlon, Pa,, April Imperials (ft. W. ft,Sim Williams, mgrs.)—In- •Jlanapolh), Ind., 2.V27, Chicago. 111.. 31-Aprll C. Jolly Olrls (Gus Llenlng, mgr.)—Montreal, Con., 25-30, Toronto April 1-0. Jolly Grass Widows iGus W. Ilnsan, mgr.)—Cin- cinnati. 0., 24-30. Cleveland Anrll 1-fl. Jersey Llllm (J. Froshln. mgr.l—lOlnclnnatl, 0., 24-30,. Birmingham. Ala.. April Ml. Knickerbockers U,onls Koble, mgr.)—Baltimore, Md., 25-30, Pltlsburg, l'a.. April 1-0. Kentucky Belles (Rnliert Gordon, mgr.)—Boston, Mass., 25-30. Worceater April Ml. Lid Lifters (II. S. Woodhilll, mgr.)—Philadel- phia, Pa.i 25-30, nendlng April 1-t. Merry Burlesiiuers (Hubert Mills, mgr.)—Dnlulh, Mln„ 24-30, Mlnnenpolla 31-Aprll B. . Miss New York Jr. (I. H. Herk, mgr.)—Scranton, Pa., 25-30, N. Y. Olty April 1-0. . - Merry Maidens (Cliss W Daniels, mgr.)-Wor. cestcr; Mass., 23-20, Brooklyn, K, Y„ April Merry Makers (It. E. Patton. mgr.)—Buffalo, X. Y.I 25-30, Detroit, Mich., April Ml. Mulestlca (Fred irwiti, mgr.)—Detroit, Mich., 24 30. Toletlo. 0„ :il-Aprll_6. New London Gaiety Olrls (Cliff W. Grant, tngr.) —WiiBhlngtoii, D. C, 25-3(1, BuKDuortt, Md.. NlslIi'lngnVes' (A. Jack Faiist. ingT. )-Jcr-ey City, N. J.. 25-30. N. Y. City April Ml. New Century Ulrls (John J. Mt.yn ban, mgr. — IurtlauupollK, Intl., 28-30. Ifllllsrllle, ky., .11- Parl?.lin IWIes (Chas. B. Taylor, mgr.)—Boston, Mass., 25iiO, Troy, X. Y„ April 1-J, Albany Parisian Widows (llnsh 4 Wel*r, mgrs )-New- iirk X. J.. 25-So. Brooklyn. X. i., April 1-1.1. Illalt.t KoundeiH (Chas. Franklin. "')".)—IIlls- burg, Ps., 23-311, Wiielilugliiii, I). C., April I- Heeies', Al.—SI. Louis. Mo.. 24-30, Chicago, 111., liui.r 35-27, Akioii, 0.. 28-30, Cleteluiid April Bit* * Burton's Blc (laietv—Knusns City, Mo„ 24-30, 8t. Louis ill-April 6. Hose SytlelPs London Belles lW, S. Caiipbcll, ingr.)— Philadelphia. Pa., 25-30. Baltluiore, mm"* vVood'H (Pat Kellly. mgr.)—X. Y. City 25.30; Alhouy. X. Y„ April, 1-3, Troy 4-tl. Biinnway lllrls (Peler K. Clark, ingr.)-Cleve- laid. O.. 2.1-30..ltuffalo. N. fc-JW WJA:>-. Star Show Ofl" <W. y S a ^K y \^W bl nhln. Pa.. 23-30. N. V. < ll.v April, l-n. TSmm Century Maids jfanfy kM*. ■»■) mrt^pfuMm ^ n mm cs-^g i^l)^ijffsW^witf jf*x-oo:d* Wlthfrosdiiildpi ononliiir from 50 to 100 ft. Thlsnus l*cn at Allntitlc city, for mio ienssin. and t)t NnnJiWket licncli. ISnoton. Mihs\, for |msi iwo sen»ons. £i.»» . iTloe, *;.(X»...t)anticse6n'I»wnrlUii»to,i>t'ri|tlori hoan^ -, ,, tt : ,. « With pi'iureniiiiu (ipenitiir fi'tini Si M .'.oft. Thl-t'wus 111, Kiiimiis .Ijliv ln-i season, price, (fttdsV Willi proscenliiiii ttpcnlnir from 13 to is) It, ITK-e, tl.rjm. (NOTE—Write for fullpariloiilnisanil llnof clectrleul etTetis coiiialiied In die aimvo. IM not compare these with other productions now on Iho mnrke under iho,snmc names), . , , WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF SUMMER PARK ATTRACTIONS, We siipjilieti nil the projection npiilliinefs for Hie Sew York lllppmlronie, N. V.; I"hoiiip-on ft Dundy's Lima Park, Cone) Island; I'nder mill Htci the Sea, I'rentloii, Sllicrlnn milwm uud llciciilier til the World's l-'nlr, si. Isiiils. MANAGERS AND ELECTRICIANS, ATTENTION!!!!! S«n<t for.catalogue.Willi full description, nnd sliftwljie incllnel. of olsMiill.tu of ,-\«-iyililnir permluiiiu lo l-II.HCTItlC.U. STAGKCItAPT ami PARK AilrskJiriNTS. Price.biic'., : )vhlcfti'tvlll Isr Wdiii'ipri from flrM j.l nnrclmso. setil 10 regular rnaiiimors free.. ilill WK8T .idili ST., \K.« I'OIIK t'lTV. ■K V r-'i AMCSKSIKNTS. Price. •J.iC.Avnieil Will ne nciiuci JOSEPH MEHOHEN ELECTRICAL 00., Largest Maniifiicinrers of Klectrlcnl .vpplluuccs and I'lfc-is in the World World Beaters (J. Ilerls-rt Mack, mgr.)—-Spring- Held, Mass.. 2-V27. Albany, X. Y„ 28-30. Bead- ing, Pa., April 4-tt. Wine. Woman nad Song (M. M. Theise. mgr.)— K. Y. City 25. Indellnlle. Wssblngton Society Hlrls tW. 11. Watson, mgr.l— lies Mnlues. la.. 24 27. St. Joseph, Mo., 28:10, Kii'isns Clly 31-Aprll fl. Yankee Dootlie Girls lAtf. O. Herrlnsion.'rogr.) X. V. City 23-10. Boston. Moss., April ill. MIXSTHKI.S. Allen's, A. G. (Geo. W. Qulne, mgr.)—Rockland. Tex., 27. Colmesnell 28. Harlow ft Wilson's .-(Lawrence Barlow, mgr.)— I.owreneaburg. Tenn., 27, Columbia 28, Pulaski 30, Athehs, Oft., 30, Xew.Decatur, Ala,, .Vjirll I, Seottsboro 2, South Pittsburg, Tenn., 3. Dockstatlrr's. Lew i Charles D. Wlldoa, mgr.)— Jackson, Miss., 37, Meridian 28, Birmingham, Ala., 2D, Chattanooga. Tenn., 30, Nashville April 1. Memphis 2, Hot Springs.-Ark., 3, Pine Bliin* 4, Texarluns. Tex,, A, Shrcvenort. La., fl. Donnelly ft Hatfield's (Tommy Donnelly, mgr.l— Danville, Ky„ 27, Harrodshurg 28, Winchester 20, lllcbroond i'.o. Dandy l)l.tle, Vnelckel ft Nolan's (John J. Nolsa. mgr.)—Paragould, Ark.,-37. Jonesborn 28, Pine BluhT 20. Little Hock 30. Clarksvllle April 1. Fort Smith 2, l-'n.vetieville 3, liurrka Springs 4, Aurora, Mo,. 5, Carthage 0, De Hue Broa.' (Billy. Do line, mirr.)—Bristol, It. L. 27. Newport 28, ■ Danlelson. Conn., 20, Moosup .10. Jewctt City April I. Wllllmniitlc 2. Mookui, Mass.. 3, Warren 4, spencer 5, Ware 0. Field's. Al. O. .(Doc Qulgley. mgr.)—Colorado Springs. Colo.. 27, Fort Collins 28, Cheyenne. Wvo„ 20. Greeley, Colo., 30, Denver 31-Aprll fl. Oorton's 10. C. Pearl, mgr.)—Union. S. C 27, Sparlniiburg 28, Greenville 20, Salisbury, X. «'., 30, (Ireenshoro April 1, WlnsiouSiilem 2, Dur- ham 3, -t, Kersands". Billy (Geo. L. Barton, mgr.)—Asbnry Park, .X. .!.. 27, Trenton 28, orange 20. 30, Lelilnhiivn. P.t.. April I. Munch Chunk 2. Mot- rlsiown, IS. i„ 3, llfilstkisi -Mi. Primrose's. Geo. II, (!'. J. Diinn.-, nisr.l —Untie, Mont., 37. 28. Forgo. X. Halt.. 30, Winnipeg, Man.. Can., April I, 2, Grand Porks. N. Dak., 3, Hiihilh, Mlim. 5, I.n I'mss.., Wis., fl. Bli-linrd'unit I'rlnsle's. (Holland ft Pitkin*, mgrs.) —Sehree, Ky.. 27, Henderson 28, Owenslsiro 20, I'.vunsvlllp. Ind.. 30. Tell Cllv ill. Ik«,nvllle April I. New-Alhnny-2. Sbeibyv'.lle. -Ky., 11, is-, iiiiiioii 4, Somerset 5. Chattanooga, Tenn., fl. Vogel's l.loHu W. Vogel, mgr.)--iVushliigi.Hi. I>. Cm 35 30. .. <innsi:s. Bamnm ft Bailey's.-X. Y. Clly 35-Anrll 27. Henry's, J. K.— Kingston,- Intl. Ter., 27. Lebanon 28, Holder 20. Murleiia 8ft , Sun tiio-.'- (in.. Afu-il 3, 4. Allanln 5. u. tlist II I.WIOI s. Aiiensla Horse Sliow (G. W. Wllkltis, secy.) — Aiigusla. Oa„ April it, 1. Cook A Harris (II. A. I'onU-, mgr.) — Illlea, X. Y., 25, ladeftnlie. Crvstnlplex f'nriilvnl (M. II. Walsh, mgr.)—Brat- lleltortt, VI., April Id. Cooke Comedy (Harry Cooke, mgr.)—Allenlowti, N. J„ 27-21). • • ■ Film, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. (If. L. Flint, nur.)—St. Joseph. Mo,, 93-30, Council HliifT.i, )a„ April 111. Fnntlnelle (Df.' Jneepb T'nrrell, mgr.l—Havana, Cuba. 31-Aprll 27. ... Faust I.lfeofnma tlL Powell, mgr.)—llunnewell. Mo,, 27, SHrlblrtli 28-30, New Cambria April 1- II. Mareellne 4'ii (looro-lii -Trntdiadoiirs (Wm. Mepnlte, mgr.)— Wavcrly. Illlin.. 37. Mmlnt Bos,, 28. Deliiuo 20, Maple I'lnlii iiii. ill/ l,orii; Luke April I. Grlfflth il.vp'iolic Cometlv (0. II. flrlflllli. Ingr.) — Fremont. Nebr.. 35-ftO. Hnmnton Cnrnlvnl i'o. —Cnliirabli, S. 0., April 10. Hoiinliltii Coon Show (II. C. Piigitsley, mgr.)— Atlanta, lift, April Mil Iutlilslrlal Stieel Fair 1.1. W., mgr.)— West Milton, 0.,. SfWItl.- Lnfayelle. Hie flreal (T. fl. Lafayette, mgr.)— Indianapolis, Intl., 25-30. Melronalllan KnlerlnlOers (J. F, Is-ylen, mgr.)— Artesian. H. Dak.. 27.. Preseelle ami K4na »lny Magnon (!■'. W. Magoon, mgr.)— snleiii. Mass.. 2330, Pinillne, J. It, (Stewart Lllhgnw, mgr.)—Provi- dence. It. L, ur..:io. Pink A Gray's Musical Comedy I Novel Ka- lerlslaiaeal--Oreeawooil, Wis.. 25-30. Price ft Butler iWm. G. Price, n-ar. i—I'leasnnt Clly, O., 25-30, Crooksvllle April 1, Sooierset 30. Powers. -I'. J,—niclimnntl, Vn., 25-30, Norfolk April 1-fl. Sevengoln (Walter C. Mack, mgr.)—Xew Castle. l'a.. 25-30, Mount PleasanL April 1-3, Seolt- dale 4-fl. Smith's Greater Show—Spnrtnnshiirg, S. fl., 3.,- 30. Svlngall (W. .1. Hurray, mgr.)—Shamokln, Pa.. 3B-.10. Thompson ft Klook Comedy (Thompson ft Klock, mgrs.)—Ilnwhlns, Wis., April 3, 4, Ingram 3, fl, fllrn Flora 8, 0. 7.un Zan, The Orent (Bdy HaipiKun. mgr.)—Will* Point. Tea.. 3527, Mlaeola 28-31 ■ Twent... --Clilengo, III April ■! 21-110, Milwaukee, Wis,, 31- tlie 1,'iiy Knslnr OiniHiny. Wixiisnit iHmltli 11. Hull, lilitlliiger). -Iliisl- .'kn \^,\•' nmmT * , ■ nirw. mBTs.1- --,.„ ^.^ -~ jwirisi riarjeU nnfl Ih«v l|t» ..IMftHng Masa., 25-20. Al WliiningerBrni/o'trTi"{FMhbATlnnlngef. mgr.)— a>l«S0, 111,, S4-30,'Kenosha, Wis., 31-Aprll 0. Vanjly Fair iftolierl «•»'»'•■*'•.■ *J7'l. rt City 25il0. Prnvldetice. It. I.. .April I* Wffiu'» Biirlesniiffs (Sam Robinson, mtt.)-- Cleveland, 0„ 23-30, Pittsburg, Pa., April 1-8. ness was rirr ic'.'sl. vvllh the following hill for weok of 18 : Tllf. sklpliie HIhIci-k. Irish Araorlcnn Trio, ,11ml Hohhy finrrnlt. Hill foi- weok of 'Jr. lueliniesi'l'mej- add Curler, tin; MuHlcnl.HniltliH. Xellln TexHtlu ami Wllllatti J, Hitlilvnu. The promenade of the mAln aiirrllorliim hn» Id-eft etilorited rhaklbg It the rooMl comnlel'e grrliisem^nt estilhllsheiil of Hie Uiml In the pniinlry. I:mi<ihi: (HiitA rink, mnnngeii.— Business wfis verc-Bflnd weeicrtr IS. inn I'm- weak or M incliiflos! IvnlfilrthCes. flic JllRUloi'; Mumio Ilfirilel8 nnd Ihn (hioo JlflVrlanns. Ttlftse ^"Ihp, fleririlde •nvfin. /.11- THE FASHIONABLE SHADE ^Golden Brown Color 21" is the trade name to tell your shoemaker if you want the correct shade for women's, shoss. From a full in Paris last Fall it has Income a rage in New York. The fact that the feet look smaller in shoes of this color will commend i: t) all women. Ask your shoe dealer and write for a sample of the leather, which will be .sent free on request by addressing OEKERU SALES 00. • • No. 13 SPRUCE STREET, NEW TORE CITY. Suits and Overcoats have personality and style. The broad, gen- erous shoulders, graceful lapels, and finely tailored coat fronts give the wearer it well-set-up appearance. lUiilt to your measure for $25. Samples and fashion illustrations mailed on request. Broadway & Ninth Street, New York* —^—^—— 1 n 1 1 > 11 —■—— ■■■» rfirrtlN.—The M, I'nnl Auditorium will open April 2 Willi 11 Kiniiil S.vinplitinv i-oiiecn mill hull. Hie SI., I'nnl Syiiijihoiiy (IVelicsl l n llll nl■ -.11111 tc Hit' iiiiihIc. Klnlioi/ite preitni'iilliinu liavo heen mmlo for (lie event, mill (1 will lie n.rfrent nnolcty fnncllnn Tln» Junior I'lune/rs will itlvi' I lie Slleels of I'iiiIh Vnuile- vlllc if.. 1 a MI11 iten|i»l In. —Al till' Mel i tp|«illl iiii Openi llniiso iL. N, Scull, iiiiiimueri The HoHclnii <i|K>ra Co. Miireh a-l nnd week. Wright i,mi- mcr. In "The Hliephcril KIiik." IT nnd week, plensed. ■Tllii (.'olleito Widow" Alllll 4-11. Ili.inr iii-i:ih lloiiMt) (Theo, L. Iliivs.inlinii- cer).—"Thn Millionaire'* I|evell|»e" Mon-'l 2-1 nnd week. Heell Hponner. In "The Hlrl lliillles," 17 nnd week, |iIciikciI. "Von Yon- non" .'II nnd week. Oiii'ina-Ai 1 Mm Mil Heck, Renernl mutin- eer).— Hill for 2-t illld week: Mildnme Ade- laide llci-rlllillin, .MllllinwK nnd Ashley, I,Ili- um nnd Lawrence. Llllliin Hlinw, Wiiiren nnd lllnnchiiril. Cnnlmell mid lliirrls. nnd Ihn La- liiikniiH. HoimI IiiisIiichh 17 nnd week. l.vitKtiM (I. •'. Hpenrn. tnnna«ei-),—"Hndor Two li'lnus" 2-1 mill week. "Trllhy," 17 nnd week, ilretv Inritc niiilleiices. "Wlinlllnpnenfd In Jones" ill nnd week. IlKWKV (VV, A. Hln«er, mminaer).—Tho Avetmn HlrlK 24 nnd week. WnslilnRlon Ho- t-letj- cirls, 17 nnd week, report. koihI Inntl- iit-HM. Miners Merry HiirlcsqucrH III nnd week. wool;. Week nl 'St Mny lliiwnnl* repenla lit u dlffcrem mIhiw. iKiiiiivmi A f'on«l<1lne, monn- Iteiti. I.iihI week I lie Three I'olilei i lienileil iho hill, nnd •ilheiv, mm locnl, tilled In, t'nvHT.M. (li, I. AdmiiN, niiiniigcr).—Tin* hill Insl week lui'liided : Mfllier nnd afrtlier. Hinllli uud Wiirnoek. Mile. Keinee. Miller and Alt'Ciuile.v, (iH.-nr Wnlcli. I'lylni; Mnrllns nnd lilelurcH. . Niitk. —l-'ornier Chief Wm. H„ |lotierl», of the Denver lire ilepiirimenl. linn hIriiciI n cnnlrni'l to Uppenr (win' a day nl- Miinluiltnn Itiiich, In Hie iiriiilih'lloit »( "l-'ltdillnu the KlnnieH," which Im lo lot pceiienieil nl Hint reaori Hie i-oiiiIuk Hummer. «)«♦ OHKUON. SI. Piinl. — Al the Metnpolllnn f»|iern 11 hum' III,' N- Scott, rtiaillllfer) the IIohcIhu oiien (.'iilniiiuiy,.ln rojiertnry, lind fnlr Inial- ncto. week of March 17. -Week of 24, Wright l.ia-liiiei-, In '"rile Shephonl KIuk." "'nie Collejje Widow" ill. (Iiian'p iTIii'ndore I,, Iln,v», mnnngeri.—"A Mlllliinnlrri'ii Hi'tciiK"" held the bonnlii week nl 1 17, to good liilaltlcHx, '.'Von YmHiiu" i-omeit week of 2-1, fnllnweil hy "Kinilnniiiii" week of ill. Dlii'tiKCU (Mnrlln Heck, (rertiernl mnnii- K ,. r i.—tltfr iio'iitd'ii ctihlliiirc at lllla noiniliir nlnce of nnitiKchieiit,' Hie IhimIhomk IhiIuu; cm- meltv week of 17. The bill fnl- week of 24 lui'ltiilert : Itlco dlld Collcil, the l-'oiir llui'veye. Miirr.eilii utlil Mllluy, Iluppy Jack Hiudnei. the Three TrtmliktloiirM, Allen iiilll Hlinw. Mor- row anil HcliellhorK, nnd ilulUllltetl Hccuyx, St.mi (3. l'. Vilu Hon, nniiillBei-).--Mlucr'x Merrr l)iirluNi|iturn, with (iriilln.-. the Siuon wreftller, 10 meet all I'ltliierM. uud rai'felt $2.~t to iinv mull that lie fulled lo throw lu Iirtcen niluiltex, drew vrfy itilod Iioiiwk week of 17. Week Of 24, the Umpire Show. Week of 111, Dulntli.—At lite l,yeenm ((.'. A. MnrHlutll, iiiiiiiiik"i'1 '"I'he Itiiynl Chef" wax kIvvii Muroh in, 10, and pleiiKcd. The Itoxdim Olicru Co. week 'it 'Hi, I'rliiii'OMe'N MliiHlrelK April ft, U. MiM'ii'iroi.i-i'Av i)V. It. I.eiiKNlrci I. miillli- «ei'i, t'niiiiiiH'll A. Ilrew'x Areiiiie tllrlx luxl. week. The nndlenccx were of koikI xlxe. Merry IHirlesijf.erx 24 and week. Ill.ior Line Maltlunil, imiiiiiKcr).—It. inilkex lilt lllffl'tl'lll'l- lloW lln- Wt'lllhel' IX, tlllx Jlllll'li Ix IIII al to iiiiinclty nlKhlly. Thn enmpany fur IW nail weel;: Kretilte, CLiim. Mitrrelln, tho Sivliknril'i, I lie Twd.KlirlhiirM. Uudure Silver, .lux. MrClelhi.n, the Helm Children, lilt) Lulz Unix., Hclitliililcr'H OrelieHtiii, Hie muvlllK plc- HlritN and lllindritlcd hiiiixx. Nim:. -There Im talk of. Kluw & Krlnnucr iMillilldit it llrxt. clftHM vniidtjvllle huuxe here, mill It la Hiihltlmt Knlil 4c Caxtle will linvu a new ItiiiiHe fur next neuwon. » t» ( (tl.OKAIHi. ,,, inkp. Ainnin lRierit, up n Oanlher, Lotll(« neitnore, ChnHey Heobfy, lllrdlo Vnn Hawk onrl Bruce. MfittheWx. .Denver,—At the llniitijwuy (Mrx. !■:. I-'. MeCoail, iiiiiiiu«iH'i"Mui1iiiii Hiitterfly.' 3l-2il. Kiivt- tin cxc.cllcni Hlinw, lo Hid hlxi/nxt liUolrii xx in the xeiaijii. Week of 2o, Ki-cil mut, in "Tim irmplrr." (iIii'iiki m (Ma tlln Heck. Kcnei-nl munnger). —The annul Rood 1)111 iDxt week -pleiiauil inrfte hiiiiKox. Hill week of 20: Tho Kodetten, Vun Alxtyne and Henry, l-)l||bt Iledolllh Arithx. l-:iennor KAlke. Nellie llcniimont nnil Ai-ihur Vnn. Oorollijr lirew, siileltU mid lloiterx, and iilfliirex. T.tliui: (llnvli iMi'X. I". C. Mccoiirt, mnn- n/rnrl.—Theodore Ilnlwock,. in "'I'he ( (,'nnlitrtnti." plenxn'd Inrge hnmmx liivit week. Week of it, laiwreiiep llv.rt, In "We Ato lihIB." ^iiitirm (relioh t HmntWr'. iruitinii'w).-- TbeiM^ldie fioM'h. illl "A Ijoh'x MAflFt." rlltl hie liiixlnoin iintl (Jave a cond xhnw. Week of 'jf. "fhe ni'lle tit .Trtrmri.:,:, ■ f lonrV U lelnkI. - ay. Howard Muilcul C'nm«1», Co., In ''Mile, I Fl," gate A gonrl nhfjfr to fitg bilnlnrta last I'oMlnnil At the llelllc (w. T. l'utlRle, iniiiuiKeri ITIinroxe'x MhixIrelH did lino IiiihI- nexx Murrh Hi, II. Mnrll/. KnxenOinl, |il- iinlil, illi-eellnn Loin MeerM-Wymi I'tiiami, hnil It liltf Iioiikm 12. Crextnii Clarke did miner light hii'lneait I I-IH, In "The KitRgeil Mi-khoii- Kitr." "The Vlrglnlim" comex IH-20, Kiwellit Kriotl, In "Alice HlLhy-lhe-l'Ire." Sl-SIl; "Tlio TeiiilerfiKil" 'JN illl. li.tKiii ((MO, l„ linker, ninnnaer).—The linker Theatre Co, lind two cupnefty Iioiihcm 17, to wIlnexH "Hhnnnon nf Hid Hixtli." "A Itlat-I, Hheep" dill lilit hllxInOXH week of II). "Ax It Aliui Hoivx" will lie pill. Oil ^1, "l.eull Kloxi'hna" 111. I'ltti'fliil (Mllloii W. Heatuiiii, mnniiger).— "The KIiiic of Trnmpx" had' two cnpncltv htiiiKos 17, "Lmtl In .New York" did light ImxtiieXN weuk of 10. "A Cowboy Olrl" 24, "(He Ulxoit" ill. f.vine (Kealhiir & Flood, muniigera).—'Itie l.yi'le KtiM-k Co. week of IM, pix-xeltllllK "Ml- elmi'l HI nitron"" Hvaii '(JlltileH II. Ki'i'lcl.ntui, niaiiagcr). — TlW Allen Hlock Cfi. week of 1H, )ii'CHi!iitlli« "DitXerliMl nl Hie Allnr." (Iiiami i.iiiMicK ti. KitIcIixoii, iiiiiniiger).— Mill for week nf 2.*) lucliidex: Mr. uud .Mrx. Wiiller V.. Henvex, mid einiiiMiny. jtrexentlnu llii'lr Merry Mmiililim, Hinllli (Vltrloti, Hurt Wextim, Mr. unit .Mrx. John II. Cohhiu', Daeey, ciiiiko anil Ailiilc, the Irzuvx, Harold linn*, and the ili'iiiiill.'ctnie, I'a.staiiKh'. (.IoIiii Jolniiioii, taiuiagcr), — I or 2u nnd week Include-: 'I'he l.thly fi. Hilt Throe Floreiilliiex, lit, icy fiml Wilvtic, lllnlr lltotlierii, II. V. Hluiixlleld, l.eo While, mnl Hie hliu/riipli. . Kltt'rX'H (Joe ,1. Wiixi, iimniiger).—Hill for Sit mid week Incliulex: I'lulre Hlmiley, I'm Ihlltoli, Jexxle Klrkwooil, l-'ay i^xlle, MOn- .'rl('f hlld Hlllllh, Vlt'Kllila Vet'tluU, Walluee mnl Hunch, Ijirrv uud Alice Wenvci'. Mini N. Vei'iiuh, Jim Dliltou. Million AI wood. Mattle .Uatlicwdi. Iloiiiilf lliiiiiile, Atlclulilo Htewatt. .loxle W vet'K, nnd llm xlock. NtmiM. - llnlo'K Mcvnie. tour of the world. Fred Frltx, iimuiigor. lonlluttcx lo full- htnil- ne««.. William II. Hhorwoml. <in A'neii- enn phtnlxi, will give n piano recital, 10, »t Murliirk Hall. «t>*» ■ . J. HriiVAim mi.t.vs hni heen making > h R Hit Al the Wealern hoimea, fnllowlBg Rll the Mg iridgUlnt- ncle. lie woa thn«ne»fcit>r Of, And NlFa, I'.d, Heittle, nt lEtlr rahlll tul home. The Klitn nt Heattle unit BBfitiAH- nun gave Mr, Ijy lyn n rnjal r«*h- lion it their an|«Dill(l tilth, hoiiaea Id ,IIW»« cIJJm. Jdllit lirenler, formerly of OMtjhir mI«1 llaydmi, etitermlned uho at Bealtle, Mr. Hrenjer being now a iinnceilful reit eitlta 'c\ierMt.