The New York Clipper (April 1907)

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6. SS-j thjs , pw: XO^^ ,Ql^pP r P3BR 189 LITHOGRAPH RK. : j§ ej WW PRICES ON SMALL EDITIONS. LIBERAL TERMS. ACKERMANN-QUIGLEY LITHOCRAPHI KANSAS OI-TV, IVI O. NEW YORK OFFICE. KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE BUILDING, 1408 BROADWAY. Now Yoik Telephone, 2194.:?Hth St. We are quoting specially, low prices o.r» contracts for fwll lino of Papor-Lithograpi • Work, Heralds, Dates end Smell Stuff LIBERAL TERMS AND SMALL EDITIONS: Circus Dates and Type Work, Roll Tickets, Theatres Tickels - I , i Jiiiw a Four Sulolllfo sister* nml Work, Block (Iro.V and" lii'.othw JinHse.?' in about two • months... .. .MeWatters and Tyson iref* in imm lost week, and will open In .lollot. April i, wiili, Lansing, Mich.,to follow, whore Ihn new house will lift opened. They oxflPct In/play. tJin Majestic, tbli illy, Inter. They closed lliolr Southern tour, Willi .several other nets, nt Ft. Worth, Ti;x.,. nipt instead of coming direct to. tills city, organized a coin- puuy. from the other acts playing tliere, with AU! waiters AVMnrrlitscy, us managers, and pin villi two weeks Into Chicago, hnving Fdgur Scldolt'* -'.'A Spring"Chicken" as the play; Into Which they worked their several vaudeville uols. Mr. Mc Wot tors says they hail a very ■ pleasant und prolltablo trip Qarry Hnhn, baritone, wits a caller several days last week, anil left the city to rehearse with Yorkc and Adnms, who ate nt the (treat Northern' (his • week;.... .At the unrrlck Theatre, afternoon •of. 28, a benellt was Riven for the benellt of . the Jackson l'nrk Snnllnrittin. which petted $1,501). .Man) of llie vniidevillo performed In' the city tendered their services, and the sum went to help the babies at the Institu- tion The Chicago String 0.unrtctte gave the ilfth of lis series nf Hlx concerts In tho foyer of Orchestra Hull, morning of ;t0 Jula* Lombard, basso, will he seventy-six . yeara of age April 18, nml will .T. Dnvls and . oihers will Under him a benefit on tlint duv, at the lllbiois Then!re. at which Mr. Lombard will sing The Kniplrc 'I hen tie, wlileli has" been rcruuatrticl«d from the basement to the VOOt, will Is- run by this Singer Broth- ers, as u iiiirii'smie house, playing nl (ructions of tin) Western Wheel, and Ihe'v expect 10 open It nlxim Mnv 1. 'I'llIs bouse Is uu Madison Streei, near llaisload Street, nud al- most aerv^S the, llayinn rket Theatre. ■ It ,wlll be tiumr.ged by Wllktni Singer, who hns beenmanaging the Dewey In .Min.-iipolls. Inside of n month work will he started on the new theatre which this enterprising trio ol brothers liuenil lo mil nn the same prinvl- plo as the l.n Spile. It will be known .us the Princess 1 , nnd will be on (Mark Street, near Van Huron, nr at the Southern end uf the Loop. When this Is cotnpielcd, they will hare three houses lii this city "I'hiiilia (Jo- int! 1" , given a performance, afternoon of 2."i. at rowers', by Wnrhsncr's Herman Co., before n large audience. They also presented "Dnritui Anna." a classic comedy from the Spanish. of Moreto, evening of 24, in the snme theatre, giving two good examples nf Anc .work in the ancient class- ics, within twcnly-foiir hours Waller ' N. Lawrence pnssed through the city Inst week, nnd stated that Carlotta Mllson would appear here, In "The Three of lis," nt the Onrrlck Theatre, at which house It comes for the Summer run Marie JSlog- ler will make her farewell appearance In thin country ut the Garrlck Theatre, niter- noon of III, : .a ported by I he Itohemlan Opera Co Crontore's Bond will return to give i wo concerts; at I he Sludebiiker, afternoon and. evening of 14 The war'on ticket ' specula lors has lsvn carried forward hy l he ornnnatMII which started the trouble, hut owing. It Is said, to "politics" (llin mayoralty election coming off 2). the specula tors are snlri to bo linmune unlll then. The defend- ants hi the suit say they will fight the'ease lo the hitter mil, About fifteen of the specu- lators sent this word In Corporal Inn Counsel Lewis. 21. Chief of Police Collins and As- sistant Corporation Counsel Wade arrested eight theatre managers and lb, roe specula- tors 27. The cases were continued by .Intlge Take, for two woks, hut the iilacklu hill went through (he Illinois Senate by a vole of |2II to 0. which the unll-soiilpors sny Is, (lie most Revere blow ever slrnek nl: llie scalpers. 'J'hn chief clauses of llie hill read as YoIoIwr: "All ticket*'to theatres, circuses. and all other places of. public enterlahinieut or amusement, mil*t have printed on lliein, in 'conspicuous tvpe,' I he price and the mini- Isn* of Inb seal. Any person, llrm nr corpora- tion, occupying or managing any room nr hi- elosure In which llekol* lire sold, who askSi or receives n price In oxcors of that: print ml on Ihn ticket, or anyone who offers to sell tickets for Increased price on any street or in any public place, Is to he deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall he subject to n line of $50 to $200, or a county Jail sentence oil between sixty days nnd one year, nr both. If. shall he unlawful In establish nn agency or .ft' siilinfllei> for Iho sale of, HcUeis ill: greater prices thnu those marked, and stipu- lates that I he owner or neeiipnnl nf any building or room In whleti tickets are sold, as, for Iiistniii-e, Hie lobbies of bolels, shall bo equally llnhle as principal. If nn rMnM charge Is nuked for or received." Frank Wliinlngef, of the Wlnnlnger Urns, lllg Shows, wns a Rnrenii caller Inst week and stafed .Hint everything was being finished for tho season ut their headquarters, and (hey would have two big companies out this sen- son. Other Bureau callers during the week were: Count Chllo, K. A. Hatch, Frank lllllon. Silas .7. Conync, Win. !■'. Nugent, and Jlrs. Cruniplou. 4» » coLonADo. ncuver.—At Hie Broadway (Mrs. K.' F. McCourt, munagor) Fred Mace, In "i'ho Um- pire." did big buslncRs last week. Week nf April 1, Lillian Unssell, In "The Buttcrlly." Oiipiibiim (Martin Beck, general mana- ger).—Week of 1: Boston Fadettcs (repeat). l.nulse Agoust and coiunany, Cnmerou and I'lunngan, Anrlo Ongwcll, tho Four HiiIiiiih. (.'nrtmcll and ITarris, Win. Morrow, and Miss Schellhcrg and pictures. 'J'ABon OnAKn (Mrs. H, F. McCourt, mnn- ager).—Lawreaco Kvart appeared last week, In "We Aro King," to good business. Al. 1.1. Field's Minstrels this week. , Ci'KTis (l'elton & Smulzcr. nianngef.i).— Bessie Clifton lust week, lit "The Belle of •Intiau," did nice business. "The Fust Mill" (his week. \ovi:t,rv. — I.nst wiH-k : Unylnn Sldirs nml (icorgc liei-nv, Mcllwniul Wllsnu, Burton and Vass. Kdmi McDonald. Kimball I!ml hers, tin! Prentice Trio and pictures. Cuvhtai. (Cihi. Irn Adiuos, mntinger).— Last .week: Arnold and Artie, Mathews and Mcltnhte, the Bentons, Miss Davenport, Smith and loin.;, liiustrnled songs and pictures. I.uir.i.sni (Henry Luhelski, manager).— Mny lion aid Musical Comedy Co. did big business Inst week, presenting "An ftgyptlnn Mummy." Week of 1. (he same, compuny. In a new piny. Notks. — Specialties tills week at the Cur- tis, by Bessie ci If Ion. U. Harris: Kldun and S. Coto, nr;> exceptloinil Manager l.n- Is'lskl, of the theatre by (lint nauie, Intro- dnced two extras that were very good—the ••rlglnnl Fredericks Family el Acrobals and .Mills and Biecher. " . & ■ in' * '"' itm • ■ M. F. KuTCUttsi, wife (l.llllaii Montrose), sad Baby tllndvs are visiting their sister at Mnplft llnplds, Mich., for n few weeks. _ ArAS»Acnrsi:iT.s. Iloston.— The coining of the Opera House Co.. fur a week nf grand oporu. at llie lluslon, Is the chief OVMK In local amusement circles for' KUsicr Week. There Is no change of bill at I he olher tlrst class houses, hut: the nliracilons are all In the llmll weeks of llulr ciig.igcmeuts, and are as follows: Joe Weber's Co., at the Colonial; "The Show Man." nt the Majestic; "Mr. Ilnpktnsou." ut (he Trcmont: Wlllhim Hll- Intie. Irt ■•Clarice." at rile Mollis, and Hnule Williams, In "The I.itflc Chcrtib," at the l'nrk. l'opular priced show's are: "Arixonn," at tbo tllobe, and "L'ncle Tom's Cabin," ut tho Grand Upera House. Business during Holy Week was ail thtit could have been ex- pected, and everybody sremed snllslled, Mnn- ager McCarly iias maile (lie Inlerestlng an- nouncement thnt (he Boston Theatre will be conducted as n vaudeville house at the. close of the Summer scuson. The attraction* will lie hooked ilit'ough the Fnltcd Booking Offices. As the Tremont will also hevonie n varleiy house, iiooklng through Klaw k I'.r- langcr, vaudeville matters will be very In- teresting next Fall. Boston (Lawrence McCnrty, manager).— Helnrlch Conrlcd's Metropolitan Opera House lorces ore lure for a week of grand opera. The house lies lieen entirely sold nut nt prices ranging from %\ in $.">. The repertory: Mon- day, "Faust;" Tuesday, "Tosca:" wedrtes- dny mat., "Maihuii lliitterlly:" Wedursdny. "frlstan nml Isolde: Thursdny, "Martha ; Frhhiy, "Taiiiihfluser;" Sii'turday. unit., "Aldn ;'' Saturday, llie double bill, •llnensel and Oretel" unil "I I'ligllais'l." "AS \"c Sow" wns lust week's uttriintiun. "Coming 1'liro' the Bye" opens April 8. Coi.oniai, (i.'has. Friihman, Rich It Harris, niniingers).—loc Weber and his company, hi "Dream City" and •'The Magic Knight," scored n decided success here lust week, and enjoyed good business. The engagement, will end d. "Forty-live Minutes from Broadway," Willi Fay 'i. S. Majkntio (A. L. Wilbur, manager).—"The Snow Mad 4 ' lias enjoyed a prosperous fort- night. This Is the Inst week. Hurry Wood- riiu", In "Brown, of Harvard," 8. ■ Tiii:mont (.Inn. II, Schix'ITol, manager).— "Mr. Hopklnsou," with Dullus. Wclford, Is now in lis third and Haul week. Business has been good. "Tbtf Ulrl la White" S. Stiii;i:v (Issue B. Bleh, manager). — wiiiinni cilleiie. iii "Cinrlce," enters upon his third week nud Ihuil fortnight. Oood slxed houses iiuvc been the rule.. 1'AHK (Cluis.' I'liilnnan. ltleh & Harris, raiiiiugeis). - llaltle Wllllmns, In "The Little Chcriih," will end her eighth and Until week (!. liohcrt lalesoii. in "Stronglicnrt." 8. (ii-iiiu: 'Stair, Wilbur >Vc Menial, inami- gcrs).—Williams and Walker hud snilsfac- lory business for "Abysslnlu." "in Old Ken- tucky" S-HI. Oli.iNU Ol'Klt'.l U0I1MH' (deo. W. Magee, manager).—Al. W. Martin's ""Uncle Tom s Cabin" tills week. Joe Welch, In "The Shoe: maker," did well Inst week. ".Nellie, the Iteaiitlfnl Cloak Model." K-IU. Cakti.b Soit.uii) (Boston Stage Society; miinugers).—The slock company piesenl* I- 11. "The Merchant, of Venice." with Unwell llntuel, Ben Johnson nnd John Wiiidron al- ternating as Shyloek, and Chills Lnwlon as I'oHin. "Under 'I'wo Flags" wns last week's hill. "Olivia' - next week. llnwnoiN fhu'Aiui K!. H. Lolhrop, jnann.- gerle—N. K, Wood will have Hie sttppMI of tho i,iit.liro|i /dock forces Ibis week, hi "Tim Waifs of New Vnik." "Oiieen of the Hlgh- wav" proved u sirnng curd last week. X. S. Wood. In "Tho Hoy Scout." H-lfl, l\ kit i I'm (It. F. hellh, malinger).—Vosln Victoria this . week, heads a poleut bill. which ii I so include-:- lien. W. Wilson and company, Harry Tnle's ''Motoring," Jackson Family, Bac nnd Broncho, tiuaker ('Hy Quur- lofle. Three Llvlers, Beaumont's Ponies, Black anil Jones, Harry llreen, Oreen Bros., I'en rl and Diamnut, and new mnllon pie- lures, Oni'iiisTM (Percy Williams, innniiger).— Oennnrn'H Vonethn IMondollcrs, Fields and Ward, and Slienu nnd Warren arc heave trpen aels this week. Others nre: O'MeerM Slsfers, • Village Choir," Mnziiz and Mazctt, lleilfnril nm! Wlneliester, Charles Sena, Miii-rny K. Hill and new motion pictures. HOWARD (.tny Hunt, manager).—The Yan- kee Doodle tilrls Id. Tan olio: The SI- donlas, Marion nnd Pearl, Harrison uml (ireene, l-.'d. B, mul Holla While, ami Frank- l.v'ii Untie. Ineliided In the Howard's own bill nre: Monroe, Mack and Lawrence, Ma- jestic Trio, MnrilnciH and Sylvester, Clin*, and Cannie Van, (lift Moxleys, 1'atchen aud Clifton, Iho Zoynrras, tiurdner Bros., David MiicFiulden, and (he llnwnrdscojic. The I'arlslnn Belles Inst week. Slur Show UN-Is next. KlURH (Chns. 1'L Wnldron, manager).— Btitclieiler's llnslnu Belles return hero 1-0. Thu coiupnny lu'lnclpuis are: clarence Wil- bur, Fruiikle Bally. Harry La Mnrr, John Murray, Jiilin Walters, Dick Black, George Aiet'oiie, Hat lie Mills, and Qiilnn and .Mitch- ell. The J'alai.'C's hill offers: .1. W. Ilnrrlng- (nn, Klnenld. the Pintles, Holmes ami Holmes, and llie Hull Bros. Last week's visitor was Mgr. Waldron's Trocadero Co. Cracker Jacks next week. Coi.l-.miiia (II. X. Furroo, manager).—The Alcnttar llenulies I'll, Lnwrencu Clinic and coinpauy, Kiln Vlclorln, James anil Davis, and MeDevlU and Kelly. Kenliicky liellcs last week. . , LvoKi'ir (0. II. Biitcheller, manager).— Hush & Weber's Hon Tons this week. Ill tile lnirlesipies nnd olio are: Browning and Bent- ley. I'Tiincts i.'lnlro, l'lerson and tlpp. Young Hi os.. <iuy Itawson, nnd the Six uurllngs, The Dainty Duchess Co. lust week. Vanity Fair Co. next. Al'HTtN ft Stiink's Mi:« (A. It. White, managert.—A musical treat Is In store for palrous ilils week. The Swedish Symphony Urclie'stl'ii lit nils the list, and other ucl.s are: Jfwo Snakerinns, Fielding, (he hiimnu llsh; TIH's niHilonelb'S. Topp's Tennessee Trio, Trlxle, -nuk" eiicliaiiln-.-s. nnd Ben Iliir. llie big pvlhuii. In Hie Ihealre the Mlusliel Maids are In I heir iilni'ly-fonrlh conseciitlve wnoti. Willi new speclallles hy Violetle Dale, Ktliel Norman. Winnie Clarke, cassia French, Louise llrii'.iilin. Ida Ciinipln-ll, Lolllo Blanch- aril. Arhi'ig nnd WngiiiT. Buiibler and Uuliiii, Frank Ciiik, Lew Benedict, and Lionel I'm Is. An add.'I vniidevllli: bill 'Inchuleu: Henry T. Wnlie, Louise Williun, Murdu, Dale and Del- inont. and new iilclnrcs. Wai.kkk's MllMKl'll ill. R.'Wnlker, mnnn- lior).—Cap). Sidney lllnimin mid (lis life saving ilo;:s. remtilu as fi-atui-eH In curio hull lor Week ••< 1. Other*: Lark and Adams. barrel lumpers: the I'crnirm Rose, nuislcul marvel: l>. 3. Crcciie, trick nnlcycle rider: Amino, perfect mnii, nml Lynch's I'liticli nnd Judy. In llie Ihealre ■ Nina Searle's Alhani- lirn lhirl<'si|ii.'i's. ruin. Custom Hhtnni, Hub Wlifren, fVeri l!iis.s, Lillian lloilMon. I'lor- enl'e ijihhff. Mltf Kussell, Lnis Davis, Kiln Hoy and Hiinai'd's moving pictures. NickijOjukom (W. II. Wolffe, mmuige'r).— Prof. Itushii, liundeiiir nxnvrt; Curl VreeucI'I, hiiinnu volcano, and William IVarsnll's Dnrk- towu Mlnsirels, nre leaders In curio bull this week. Singe show Is given by Dollle Clifford's While lloso Rnrlesquera. Olio:. Ollle Per- kins. C.lndle Fisher. .Maude cmndnll, Lillian Lennni'ii. Ollle King, Smllh mid Cooper, Znr- relit and May Collin*. Noi-rh. — The llieatro Premier and (ho Dreamland Aiiinseruent Palace are' the latest nddltlons to Boslon's list of moving picture und llliistnited song resorfs Mine. Sehu- innun-llclti'; and the Kmiiz Orchestral Club will appear In the ttovton Lyceum course, nt Trcmont Temple. Monday evening, 1 In the snme ball, .">, it. Burton Holme* will talk on "Alliens nnd the Olympic games of BiOO." ;Tho iiiimif I nii<f Hnydn Society prodnced HIindnl'H "llelshnxxnr, (Irst per- formniiee hi Amerlrn, In Symphony Ilall. Kaslec Mnii-flay night The Sportsmen's Show will he held lit Mechanics' llulldlug, I- i.'l Auiiotmceiiietii Is made nf the mar; rliige of illi-islnw Draper, son of Llent.-ilnv.' Drniwr, nrtd Oneenle Sanford. nf "Tile ltleh Jlr. Iloggenheliiier" Cik Tom Downx-y, foriiierly supevliilendent of Hie Combine, has Jollied lb" I'nrceM of (he new Drcumlnnd I'nlncc The liden Musee. managi'incnl re- pnris business excellcnl. Lowell.—At llie Lowell Opera House (M^. 21. 111.".in, I'eshii'.ii ninnagei'i HonrleitaCros- Itiitn Marc'.i •.'.",. .sliepard's moving pi. lures 'Jll, and "Coudtig Tiu-o the Uye" itblnt'ruturn) •ZS. nil did well. "The Devil's Auction" April I, "Xlcollelle" (opera by local players), "J, il; Wlllluiii FaveiSdlam -I, Veil Burgess f>, "Forty-flve Minutes from Broadway." with Fay Templeloii, ii. Ai'AOKMV of Mt.'.stc (Itli-hnnl F. Murphy, mnnnger).~Tlie new srock ciuiipmiy. known as t|to Iiigt-.'iiu Slock Co.. opened In "Tlid Lltlli! Oray Lady." "llie compniiy proved an excellent one, anil won 101 tin'.Hale favor. Mnrv Stnckwell, leading lady, und Harry J. Ingram, Iho lending man, received numerous recnlls for clever work, and Charles (llliney, Punt Barrett, llnl Doiinltue, Itulpli J. Her- bert, Julia Vamey, Dorothy Lit Mnr, nnd Marlon Leotlnrd guve excelleul support. Lust week Hie company oil'ered ■'Cannon." und Mnrv Slnekwi'll proved herself a phiver of great ability. The company, especially Air. Ingrain, deservwl comuieiidirlloii for clever work. This week. "Hubert Kmmet,'' with Harry 1. Ingram In the title role. IIathawav (John I. Shannon, resident mntinger),—Current: Chns. Mlddletou and company, Vlllers nnd See. Alftmnslo, Mi-Ken- /.le and Shannon. 'Musical Simpsons, Pftullno Snxtoil. tin- vllimraph, und extra feature, the Merkel Sisters. riiis-rox tJ. II Tclibetts. manager).—The stock tiurlenipie continues In win favor. For 1 nml wi!ek: The LiKly Minstrels. Olio! Dtiiley Brothers. James Maxwell, .Martin und Doyle, llnll nnd Piny, the Boston bioscope,. nnd the Boston Durlcsnucrs, In "The House of Trouble." Wai.kbu's (f ( . B. Walker, malinger).—The Xlnn Se.irles Biirlesmio Co. gave a pleasing enleiiiilninent insl: week. 'Hie company In- cludes : CharlcH HuaiiKon, mi old favorite here. Nellie Hartford'* lllg Buvlesrpie Co. ihi. week. Olio: Nellie flnitfnrd, Oriteo Walsh, Florri He Long, Blanche Suvny, Annie Miii'Doiuilil. Pearl Arnold. Annie May, May cripps, mul Blnuehe Luring.. MllNJIij:.. — Charles Ilmulllnn has Just closed twelve weeks of slock at Casino, Law- rence, mid will play the'New lCngtand circuit until the parks open, when lie, will rejoin his former partner* lor the season John I. Shannon, resident manager (if the local flnlli- nwuy, Kii In Miilileii. Muss., Inst weelc, lu- s|iectlng the Auditorium, Iho newest addition In Mr. Ilalhnwiiy's theatres John C. Burns, after Rcvcrnl weeks' rest, rejoins HIiii- ni.'lcln's Ideals ibis week lohn Itydett, of the Hvden Brothers, sold Ills famous paint- iugs of the Civil War. lo John Culberton, who will feature them nn the Wnrputli nt Hi'- Jnineslov.-n Exposition Theatre Antique oiii'ii'i lls doors, I'., with the latest In motion pictures nnd illnsirnted nongs. lull Hirer. -'I'ho snvny (W. V, Muson, reshlenl; inanngi'i') was dark Holy Week. "As Ve Sow" April I, "A Message from Mum" -J, Vlddlsh Compnny I, John Craig. In reper- (orv, r>, IIJ Kirk Brown Co, S-M), William Fnvershatil II. Loralne Hollls 11', '"lite Lit- tle Cherub" 13, Ai' OK Mubic (W. F. Mason, resident manager).—Wrestling match between liar- x'ev Parker, of Brockton, and Hcorge Roth- iier, of Xnw York, March 28. Sbepard's mov- ing pictures, ;I0. greatly pleased. Cosgrovo Stock Co. April 1-0. Week of 8 vaudeville. Niieedy'h (Chas. K. Cook, manager).— Rill week of 1 : Knrnu's Isuulnu Co., In "A Xlght III an Kngllsh Music Hull:" Pierce nud Miilzee, Lillian Tyco, Allen and Henry Taylor, (irticc Lysler, Kelso and Lelghloli, Presloii Kendall und Cameragraph. This week ends llie vnndevllle season. IJiilll limn for tint opening of vuitdevllle In August. 11i 1-4 thentre will be oeeiipled by the J. Frank Burke Slock Co., under Hie management nf John Hurry,-presenting a uew piny weekly. The Initial prislui'lbill. week of H, will In " lock Sriite." .Mr. Burke won popu- larity here last. Summer, us did Kthel Bluer, his lending lady. Others lit the coinpuuy arc: Harry Humphreys, Bert Walters, Albert Mclloverii, Hurry Andrews, Frank Thomas, John Daley, Albert. Usinard, (lorry Stam- ford. John Carey, Ann Slntrlelon, Florence Muck. Florence Hartley, Ivthcl Thomas, Les- lie 1'aluier, mid Baby .McVeigh. Bomov (elms. Sclilossltiger, malinger).— Week of 1 : Hose Morris Bmlesipiers and viitldovllle. Xli'HKi.bDKux.—Week Of 1 : Harry Young. Wallers nnd Cruris, Wood und Lu.wson and opllscnpc. Xiitks. —Charles Hlgglns. formerly of llie Full Itlver Bill Poslilig sluff, Joins L. W. Wiislihnm's i:li-eus M M|W J. I'reil Miller Is now u'lverllsluir ugciil for Slieedv Thealre lohn K. (lervey. udvi-rilslng Ituenl nl Hie Aemleiiiy of Music nml Savoy Thciilre, jiilus Cum la Bros.' Circus as ugelll early In April Mrs. itolnud Lloyd and sons are In town visiting her husband,- Mr. Lloid, of the t'osgroi'e Slock Co AH the'member* "f (he J.' Frank Burke Stock Co. are in town ruhenrsltig. Wooing of F.Ve." Wei'k of S, "A Liiily of Ounlliy." I.nst week (he coniiiniiy prodticcd ' inii'i.-eiit us it Lanlb." The I'lniraeiM' work of Cc<i.go linrce. In this pled', ns well as In oiitem recently, prove* him to I* especially capable In illnVult. ehnrftcier work. I'tt.vxKt.tx i J. F. Burke.. resident, mana- ger).'—Wm. Favorshnm, In "The Squuw Sinn," I : William* nnd Walker it, "Coining Thro' Hie Ityc" 4 i second rclurn), "In the HI shops t'arrlnge" *,, '"Hie Isle of Spice" (1. I l<-u- rleiin. I'rosninn, March 2.1, pleased. Kellur hud n large house 28. "The Little Cherub" April S, Nell Burgess It, Thos. Jefferson lit, - I'AINC lAlf. T. Wilton, mnnugori.—Week of I, the Kentucky Belles. Including thu Wloru Trio, Held nnd (illhert, "Young Buf- fnlo" and Mnrlelln. the Century Comedy Four, and Andy MeLeod. Business Is very good. I'm.i'a (j. c. Crlddle. resident manager). —Week of I : Xltn Alleu and company, llie Three Mcers. Fdith Helenas tho .losselln Trio. Hie llnldswiii'tlis, Avon Cnniedy Four, Hiilehliisiiii und Bnlniii'lilgc, nml Hie Klectrn- grupli. McetlAMis' Ham, (llnslnu Hyinphiiny Or- (best in and llerihil Cuslilng Child 2. Xhtkh.- -When Mr. Williams and Ills com- pany are producing "The Wooing of Fve," al (In; Worreilcr, (Ills week, marking Ihu tlrst lU'i'seunil i uK of the piece on any stage. II. is a modern dramatic comedy, by .1. liner- ley Manliei's. Mlgtinii oxer rejoins the eiitn- puiiy Hits week The enforced ubseiico of one of "The IMuiys"' for one perl'nriniiiire, ut I'oll's. Inst week, caused n gap which was ullluiiii. ly tilled hy Mr, Cildillv, Hie iiiaiiiiK''i' m Hit' lions... His npis'iirunce prored that be has l.iteiil talent' which cull be siiiiimniied into use nt very short not lee. nud (town, ilie nCw plelitres. Nines. -The old Columbia Opera llnu*e. which hns been nut. of cnnimlsslnii for n nnni- her of years—since iho building of two mod- ern Ihenirc*—wns reopeueil Siilunlny. March :.n, as a place of ilmusemeiil. Moving pic- Hires nml III. isii'iitetl songs will bo Iho al- liiicilons. it will he known as Tho Nickel Theatre Itlchfird O'Brien, uf this ally, lias Joined the Arnold Duly Co. ♦»«. •mo. Siirlouilelil. At the Court Siiuarc (D. O. (illtuure, nuiOiiger) lvulltir iiaidu Ills lurcwell visit, March 27, and myslljlcd a iiirg.) uudk'iK'c. "Fifty Miles from Biisluti". 28-;((l, iri'nrleiiu Crosman April 2, Spring- Held S.viniiliuiiv On hi situ II. "Ill the Bishop* Carriage" I, Wlllliims and Walker .*■, United Slates Marine Blind 0. "The While Chyuuit-' 1 li in" !>, Id. "A Piirldlsc of Lies" II, Joe Weber's All-Slur Co. 12, "The Comity Full" IS. 'l'lil.i's i Curd.ui Wrlghler, resident iiiuiui- gen.— Sprlnglii'ld huunred lis dilUKhter, Ju- lia Sanderson, last week, by crowding the hoilHi' nt every pcrriirniauce. Bill week of 1 : 'llie I'luiys, Five Xosses. Hilly Van, Mullen uml- Cori'lll. Ileldy and Currier. Merldeth Sisters, Willie West on nnd clcclrogrupli. HlLMiiltL 1.1. A. lleuiii'Msev, inalingeri. - Muck's World Uenturs, March 2. r i-27, draw good mullein cs. "How Baxter Bulled In" 38-80, Dulnlv Duchess Co. April l-.'t, "Al the Old (.'rous llonds" l-ii, Bon Tons 8-11). .In thu Fuviat.—The line likeness of Julia SiiiKlcrson which appeared on Hie front page of lust week's'i'KU, was greatly adailred by lei- many friends here A cull for tin) members of Mary MamicrlnR'a comnuny to usiieinblo here March 27, wus Issued by Man- ager Huron. Miss Munnerlng will Join the company ut Chicago, und resume her tour nt Klgln. 111., April 1 Tho Bijou, a now moving plrlarcs theatre ut 2HII-2H8 Main St rent, wns opened on March 2.'I, and reports business to he good. .. .Tho following otllcor* of tho Springfield Lodge nf Mlks were elected at tho meet lug, March 2d: R It., C. M. Kel- ton; l-:. L. K., .1. K. McCarly; i:. I,. K., W. r. CIovrIi: R, fj. K., 11, I. ITatt; ancre- tary. J. A. (illibon*: treasurer. W. A. Robin- son ; trustee, C. T. Shean; delegate to (irund Lodge, Dr. J. F. Martin; iillcrmite, J. A. Nhtkcrson. l.yiiii. —At the Lynn (C. 0. Harrison, man- ncori F.iHhoii iiiovlug plclilles nil last week, oji'cpr March lit), when "Ciunliig Thro' thu Hyn did good business. "Abyssinia" April 1, "The Nipinw Man" 2, "Tile (Jomity Fair" il, 4, "Itlp Vim Winkle" B, Chuiuicey Olcolt II. AiiniTiiHlit.M (Harry Knt'/.es, mnnnger).— Bill week of I : Homer B, Mason unit MuT- guiet Keol'r, (ienrge llouiiin's "A Nigllt With the Poidii," Liiido and Blake, Daisy liar- court, Klverlon, N. K Wlilllle and company, II mini war and Seigle, mul the vllngrnph. <ji:st (Chns. W. Shenfc, uiunugcr).—Cur- rent : Ned Nelson, Boh und Honhu Hyde. Myrtle Unssell, Hri'iinnii and Hart, tlreen and Wcthcru, and the moving picture:). Sii.i:u Tiiii.vri'.i:, Snleiii (<!eo. It. Cheet- hum. innniiger), H.-nrleiia Crnsmnu I, "Abyssinia" 2. "A Alessnge front Mars" 4. N'oTiiS. -Thealre Dreamlaiul und Iho FJne- Irii' are doing excellent business with mov- ing pictures, and Hie Casino Is a new one opening 1, with lloyl's moving pictures. Tim Combine will open almui ID Thonilon F. Tiiriey.rtiie man of many faces, with hi* dog "Salem" lire amusing thousand* ubout the Streets to, A. Nlckeraon, baritone. formerly of thu Theatre Combine, Bostou, Is now nt tho Ulectrle, engaged for tho scuson hy Manage.' Hhcufe Fred S. cuiiipbcli. of '"I'lie Volunteer Organist" Co., I* Visiting <.'. It. Shorey, of this city, und will asKlst In one of Hlbel May Hhorey'* new plays, soon lo be produced. Mr. Shorey liK* closed Ids picture show und will go lo York Beach In June for the Summer season, ll,,l>oi.c At Ihn Opera llouso (J. II. O'Coiiiiell, innniigeri "I'lfr! Puff!! Poiifill" eiune Al .ii eh 2.*,, In good biislilcss. Deniiiun Mitley, uf this city, who Is playing Peter Pontile, was given a big ovation, Dim Bvim i'n.. Ill repertory, week of April I. Hap Wind N. KMi'iin; (T. F. Murrav, manager).—"How Huxier Hutted In" March 2B-27, and the Huston Belles, 2K-;i<>. did Hiilisfuctory busi- ness. "At Hie Old Cross llonds" April l-.'l, cracker Jueks -In. "If huh and Xlx" s It), tho Tinns-AtInnlies ll-l.'l. I.nivrciii'r.—At. tho Opera House t.lulliis f'nlm. Jiiimiiger) ll.-nrli ttn Crosiiimi did well Mtircli 27. "The Devil's Auction," till, pleased, .lohn Craig, In "Lend Me Vour Wife," April 1, 2; "The Squnw Man" .'I. t.I. Fred Lee*, manager).— Hooked week of 1 : tieorge Abel und Kthel Ardi'ii coiiqiiiuy. "The" Otiiirtette, Citron und Herbert. Fortune and Davis, ilnywurd, (.'on- my, Ilnywurd and company, Rounding Oor- dutis, Fields und Wolley, una moving pictures, •Worcester. -At the Worcentcr (fi. II. Lighten, resident manager) week of April I, Malcolm W'lllnnis and his stock compnny. In- cluding Florence Heed, will present "The " Korlll AiIiiiiim. —At the Ftliplre l.loiin F. Siilllvun, malinger) He- Hue, Co., Miinli 2.',-;id, pluycd to good business except- ing 2d, wiien "pur: i Mir ii iiutflfP* tiw an excelklil business. Ileuilcltu ('rosiiiuli April .'I. Drtiry Mlnsirels (localI S, "The Ileal Widow Brown" (i. itiriiMiiNn f.M. It. Taylor, mnnnger).— lllll week of I : The Six Dixie Seremiders, I'errj Convoy, Hew l-'lizglhbon, Lc Clnlr ciiiclniintl. —Holy Week, nlway* more or less of a dread to theiitrieiil folk, Wft* marked by tho presentation of iin-ce new plnya and n scries of lisllmonliil Is'itellts Hint added In- terest lo Hie Thesplnn situation. Taken as a whole, business averaged belter Hum Is usually the rating for the period Just before Kuslerdtlo. HiiANii tirniA Hot:*): (Harry Itulnfoi-ih & .lohn 11. Iliivlln, iiuinilgers).—Mnrlo Cnlllll will be with us April I, hi "Miii'iylng Mary. "Tho Lion mid Hie Mouse" drew largo audi eiires. Arlhiir Byron, Oerlruibi Cngblnii, A. S. IJnimin, MiiIh-I Mori liner. Malcolm Duncan mid .loseph Kllgour were nil large contribu- tor* lo a splendid performance. Sum Bet- Hard. In "The ltleh Mr. Hoggenlli'lliici'," 8. I,Villi' (Sam S. & Leo Shuberl k llem'k's Opcfii Hull*'' Co., dh'eclorsi.- -Lew Fields and his coinpuuy, Including llliinehe King. Peter F. Diilley, (leoruu lb-ban and Louise Dresser, come March 111. In "About Town.'' Clay Cleninil, In "Thu New Dominion." had full- business, 'famine D'Arrlllc, April 7, in ana performance of "The Holla or London Town." Mrs. Flske opens S. in "The New York Men." Ol.) Mem (Henrgit F. Fish ,t l.uellit Fnre- paiigh'- Flsli, niaiiiigcrsi.- -The Fol-epaugb Slock Co. !s to stiiae "A Pui'Miili Itomnncii" ill, Lust Week '"I'ho lilrals" was put on, with Walter (lllbert us Hob Acres, Her M'liel Miiynll, ns Cuptnhi Itesohite, nml Ida Adair, ns I,villa Lungulsh, Mrs, Mnlnpi'op was hi Hie good liniuls of Anllu lleiulrle, and I In r iv I enwl.'l; played a ciiplm! Sir Lucius O'Ti'lgijei', Wllsnu Hummel got everything (hern Was in be extracted from the minor role of inivbl. mill tils work was olio nf the bright- est of Hie I. right spots III Iho llitcrpretttlloii. Most of llie week Syrian Temple, Nobles of Iho Mystic Shi'lne, were In charge, and their slim I Hie receipts will lie applied to Inking the shrine Hunil across the rout Incut, to Los Angeles. Willi rei'i'ullim cumuilttecH mi duly each ulgin In Hie loliby, the week wits de- cliledly one ol social nillvlly. "Pawn Ticket 2IU" will lie levlved Aurll 7. Wai.nii' S'riiimr (M. C. Ainlerson k lleiiry M. Xlegler, inanaueis). —Hilinlla & Mitchell's iniidiiellon, "The Wlaaril of I)•/.,"opens Mnrilli .11. Last week, lleury M. lllnssiinr* racing play, "Checkers," with linns Huberts In (be role mode fiiiuoits by Thomas \v. Boss, did splendidly. Dave Bruhnm Jr. wns Hie Push Aillier ol the cusl. Paulii (Hoy unit Clare Armstrong were both nxceplloiiully gmsl. "Bankers and Brokers" April 7. (M. C. Anderson & Henry M. y.legler, mnniigei's).—Tho (Irent Lafnyelte a Hie heiidllner March 111, III his Illusion* .itlil surprises, "Cni'ium." "The l.iul.v nud Hie Lion" mul "The Salyr und Ills fin ml." The W. F. Powell «' pit i.v Will pii'si-iit I'hlnimul Day's "Pals." llllieis nro: Tim Dollnr Troupe, Arthur Doll nnd Minnie Thninpnnn. Alice Lyndon Doll, and Mueller ami Mueller. Last week's show was good, and drew (Mil wllh F.dwln Ardeii and Desmiiiid Kellev, in "line Henpecked Hern:" Lowls McChoid uml Iho Royal IIiihuIIiiii Serelltiders as the star cards, liia-i-K'fi Ol'Klt* lloimH (Ueuck. Fenness.v fc sialr. miinagersi.—Hose Melvllln I* due Mnrch .'II, In "His Hopkins," her eighth animal vlsll. Tom Witters wvi* here Inst week. Ill "Tile Mayor of Lniighlaiid." Tlie iiuil'eii.e seemisl lu enjoy the iloparlure from meloilrninalle lilies. Jllllies J. Corlk'lf lieXI. ItVI'KltM (llcllell, Slillr k Fetllil'sny, llltlll ngcrs).—Tlie Four Hitiillngs iiniienr March HI, In "A Foul House. I'lie Night. Before t'lirlslnuis" spent Hie last week hern find business was fairly good. "Till! Cow I'liiiclier" April 7. Ktanhaiiii (C, II. Arnold, timitnger),—The lloso Hill I'.imllsh Folly Co. opciiH Mnrch (II. i ienrge Wilson was llie "hlossdlll" Hint loomed up moHt prominently In thu Jersey Lilies Inst week. They |ire*,li|ed "The I'hii n. .graph Hlrls" ami "The I'i'liU'i! of .let'sey." lioweii ami I,Ilia were ilia hit uf thu olio. The Ciisluo (llrls April 7. I'Koi'i.r.Vi illciberi Ueuck, inniuignr).— Williams' Ideal Kxiravlgiin/a Co. will open Mai'cli SI. The Jolly finis* widows provided Hie iiiiinseiiieni last: wiirk and played lo good Nixed houses. Ruth Kveroll, Tlllie stiulte. Hie Znn-o Trio mul Thompson Sisters till did their shore towards pulling up u good show. New Ceiilurv lilrls April 7. Mi'Kic iHi.i.-.'i'iie last set of Hymphotiy Concerts, by llie Clnclnmit I Hyiiiphnnv Orches- tra, are lo be given April r>, ii. isiailiicled by Frank Van dec Htucknu. 'I'ln- annuul Wug- iier pr.igiiiiiiiuo will lie given and several Clnohinull singers will uppeiir, lucllllllllg Mann* II. Kcllei imiii, Aiiloliiollo Wiuiiec Wesi. charlotte Callahan, Joseph II. Schenlle, .lohn A. Ilonnliiii. Wesley J, lluliholl, llOw- urd S. Ilariieit, John ('. Iliirsh nml (iilhert Sch i a nun. liiissil' nr TllH Lonuv.—M. C. Atidi'isnii canic West Willi (l"'i>l'ge II. Cnx, nnd g:)Ve glowing ilei'ntililk of Hie RUtMNM of Ihu r.'nw York lllppiidrome V cuuti'iiet rot' n uew lliooklyii burlesque house, for Hie Kinpltn circuit, was signed at the olllce of Hiinklu D. Jones, here. Tile house Is In he hull! -nt ijiilucy nnd lliiliih Streets...; ..The Amherst Ciillegn Hlee, liaiilo uml Mandolin Club give il ciiucel'l. at Hie llilculL April 1 ICrne*- llllc S.-liiiiiianii 'I.-lnk Is In give u snug re- cital nl M usle Hill Mav II.,,. . .The TiT.mglo Club, of Princeton, present "The Mummy Moihli'cli," nl the Aiiilll.nlma, April 1. I Iluylou.—Al the Victoria 10, <*. Miller, niumiger) Maude Only, In "Tins Illusion of Beatrice," pleased March 2S. Commander Pcnry gave u must Interesting lecture 20. iilgn Xeihersnle, In "Snplni." 27, did well. Vlulu Alien 2N, "Ited Feitlller" 2H. Robert lidesoii April I. "Tlie Time, Hie I'luce und Hie Ulrl," ii: "Madiim lliitterlly" 4, "Thu Lion uml the Mouse" A, U. National Kill Burrows, innuiigerl.—Itosn Melville, In "Sis Hopkins," was given u wiirm welcome, mill pncl, .-d llie biaisc .Milreh 20-27. "The Volunteer Organ 1st" 2H-:iH. "Tbo Ninety and Mm''' April l-.'l. Florence Bindley-Ml Hli.iNli ISelirtim & West, iiuinilgers).—Tho Aiiiei-lciiii Mn his (lacked the luuiso last week. The orange Blossoms Burlesque week of I. Xni'i:. • Because of police Interference. "The Blink Crook." which wu* billed al tho 'irnnd lust week, did not appeal'.