The New York Clipper (April 1907)

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A GENUINE THE NEW TpBK CLIPPER. 37a HOME RUN. ■ This'is Tilt: ciiortus. . All the time my honey, ■«niify,»U ili» tlaiw ■ Vow .hull he my "wouv -.voc.ii> ••• &na my "biiljy-nlli-wi.*' • With your urius* *»-**i>*-**m» me, ttdou -we're rtoln* W«4 . Il«8 nevlo«e «Mt«li^wiir Honey lml.y nit the time. .' ■ "benefit" day* at Loot 1'nrk. Tbavlu's Con- cert Band has been engaged for two weeks, us the blK musical feature. One of the nov- elties of xhe ncW Luna 1'nrk will be a inv- ttiiiitc icnroductlon of an historic old New I'nglntid ""opry house," called "SI .tonkins' Old New Hampshire Opry House." Contracts amounting to nearly $40,001) have been awarded for electric lighting liiHtallatlon at Luna Park. Fifteen thousand dollars of thin amount, covers expenses of, entwining and MtMntu 25,009 electric lamps througli the trees. The special police force at Luna l'ark will number thirty uniformed ofllcerH and six In cltliens' drcas.all under command of Cunt. C. C. Iljicton, chief of Luna Part police. One of the novelties' recently added to the In- side amusement- shows at Luna l'ark Is "The Dark torn WW ShoW," founded on the popular ■oHM of colored "Darktown" cartoons. It shows the ludicrous mishap!) ca route to a Jin- One feature that Is certain to prove papular' wllt'be the maintenance, without cost, of a commodious ladles' and children's rest room. In connection with a fully equipped children's nursery. Negotiations arc under way with thn Pain Pyrotechnic Co., for a ' production on tho vacant block of ground Immediately adjaccut to the West end of. one of Hie Pain spectacles. The great mito-coaster Is the largest la America, being n few feet In excess of. one mile. . It is owned l)J the Chicago Coaster Construction Company, of which Paul 1). Howbc, of the YVhltc City, Is president. The stall of Luna Park, ticket takers, cannier*. etc.. Will num- ber'ubout 801) persons. Much beautiful litho- graph advertising material has been turned out, mid they are ready to give this beautiful resort a great "billing" during the next ten ilnyrt. oSd of the strongest free acts that will:bo scun tho opening'week, will be Hadl oil 1 HI. hi Orchestra Hall, with Hugo lfoer- inaiui. violinist,, ns soloist The lust regular pciforninpco Of tli,» season was given by. Leon Wurlisncr'* players nt Powers', evi»:i- lair.uf 14. wjH>n". Ihey appeared In llciimllx's brilliant llircc: act rusted}*. "Die zao.rt- Ih-hen Y'erwsmliei}," i<> « crowded house. Extra performances were given matinees of 18, II). of Ludwlg Knlda's successful drnmn, "Ih-r Helnillehe Roenlg" Charles I-Urlch was a Ct.U'nm Bureau caller. 20, nnd announced Hint his latest play. "The Honor of a Cowboy," wax n big-.succnw In the West, where the scenes are laid. Sir. Uirlch has spent several years In the saddle, on the plains,, and knows hi* .territory and charac- ter* well, He Is now at work on a new play ot the West, which lie hopes to produco dur- ing the Summer In this city Al. U. Kranz, who plays Lord Tyroue. In "The Rich Mr. Hoggenbelmer," was n Ci.H*i*er Itiireau caller last week. Mr. Kranz hns been very successful In the role, which, althongh a small one, he Invests with a very pleasing personality, sod makes It stand out well. Kdwlu Nlcander, of the same company, who plays the role, of "Piggy's" son, was also, a caller. Mr. Nlcander has had a very varied experience, having played In all classes of dramatic and musical productions, and 'ins always had good reports of Ills work Other callers during the wcck : were: Lizzie H. Itaymond, Herbert Brecon, John P. O'Mcnrn, John Heron, F. A. Hutch, Frank Hilton aed Bertha Davidson. ' " ": w « ' ♦ PENNSYLVANIA. l'hlltidelpliln Itoth Keith and Khiw & Krlungvr, the latter at tho Chestnut Street Opera House, offer unusually attractive vaude- ville bllhi at the beginning of their rivalry As 1 'li II ii- over to Chicago's Pcrmoncnt Dependent Children's Fund. The charity Is u worthy univ'nnit many of the most prominent citizens .'have already co-opernlcd In tha philanthropic work..... .''The Peacemaker.' ti four act comedy drama, by William II. Voung,-was given It* first performance on any stage, by the pupils of the School ot Acting of the Chicago Musical College, after- noon of IS, at the Studebakcr Theatre,, under the direction of J. II. Gllmour. Especially worthy of mention was tho work of Marlon Buckingham, Hurold Young, lloberl S. Hies ami Mnudc l'osncr The policy of the Calumet Tlicalre will lie chunged next sea- son, and In place of the stock company, the residents of South Chicago will again lie able to witness the attractions playing " will Slulr & lliivlln time. Mill hires will lie given Sundays. Weduesduys and Snliirdnys. Two coinpnules will appear each week, opening Sunday miiilnee. and Thursday night. The prices will range from 10 to 7o eeuts. Lincoln .1. Carter announces that: his mammoth production of "The Cat and the Fiddle," with which he will launch Into the musical, trick transformation Held, will be completed inside of a month, nnd that It will have lis mVMMlVj Aug. J5, ut the Cri- terion Theatre, Uure. He Is now hard at work nu a dramatic production which Is to excel anything lie huti yet done, In point Of uctiml merit, and he expects to lenvc for New 'YorE In u few days, to nrriuigc limn for it on "The While Way" Chnndos 8t; John Brcnon. brother of Herbert Itreuoii, ot the Chicago Open House Stock l*<>., was ii Ci.ii'j'Kii Bureau caller, in. and Is busily preparing tor Ills work' tills Summer. Which Will lie Ill Ihe Hill! Of lllllllsellleiil parks. ' Herbert Brcniin will close his" long season with I he stuck compuny. 27, mailing "ninth week begins • his iiinil unpen ranges In the light comedy Park (K 41. Nl role, In "The Second In Coiiiuiuntl." Ilo —WtlUanu nnd Wi will then begin aellve preparations with Ins Suiiiiiiih* sloclc compuny, nt Piisragoulu-oti.-the- llencli. Miss., on the Gulf of Mexico, where lie untile a'pronounced surcest* last Summer. Abraham Krlanger, Joscpli Urooks aud olliers ot the Kluw & Krlungcr forces were present at Ihe bicniIi'c of '"nut Hound Up," at' 'McVlckcr's. Inst Monday night, and re- mained several days. Nearly every theatre In ifnvn was represented at the opening night, ley sorao member of: tho mnnngerlnl or press dep'urtmcnl I/orln .1. Howard, ninimger of Howard's Thcatro, prevented a panic at Ml theatre, Hi, by announcing from the stage that there was a slight lire In the next building, and It was, thought best for Ihe audience to (He out' quietly, but tlmt there was no real danger. No one wus Injured, and the fire was extinguished very ipilekly In Die adjoining building '"I'he Casino (ioes to the Dogs" was ihe uiiiiiiuiiccmcut. of one of the local ilnllles, 17, the Hog Show having opened ill BrooAe's Casino tho preceding night.- Tbc canines were valuable and attracted Iur-e crowd**..'. .Hilly Heard, "the minstrel num." was a C'l.ifVt-u Bureau culler 18. He laid ott for a few days In this elty, and will then resume bis vaudeville tour Jack Me- Asse.v, (i. noted high diver, has closed a con- tract to appear nt orb Lunn Park during the Summer. He was a caller 15 ..Judge Wlndcs; of the Supreme Court, ruled, 18, that the tieorge Fuller Construction Co. could not lm held responsible for the Iroquois Theatre tire, us the plans had been approved by the building commissioner, which ended the re- sponsibility ot the construction company..... u Is estimated that .tho attendance at the recent t'enson of grand opera, at the Audi- torium, given by the Metropolitan Gpflra Co., was •_ , f..iMio. nnii that the receipts for I lie week wer,n WO.OOO. ns against $TD.OOO for Inst si'iinon.. .:. ,Mrac. ICslgnr Arb.v appeared suc- cessfully in the role of Mnurlcette, Ih "Jcu- nesfle,*' afternoon ot 10, at the Theatre do 1 Alliance Krunealsc, music hull, and tha entire perrormuiicc was a praiseworthy one. ......Johnnie Ilellly, comedy Juggler, was a Iiuicuu culler 18. He has boon playing Dvcrett Rest, the tramp, In "Peck s Had Hoy," this seaiun, and lias lieen very, suc- cessful Maud Rice was granted a divorce from Ocorgo Itlce, an actor. 14, by Judge Gibbons, In tho Circuit-Court. Charles Hrokate, a momber of the Chicago Opera House Stock Co., has severed his connection with that compuny It Is announced that at the expiration of tho stock company season, at thn Chicago Opera House. which will occur very soon, that musical comedy will ho put on. tor the Hummer months. Members are already being engaged. No nniKHurccnient I* made ns yet.os to the ofrfcr- Ing The. Humboldt Theatre will rcopou Aug. is, with a stock compuny, rim on the Plun ot that which Jukt closed a successful Kill, Grand Oiicrn House Cmkktnit Struct OMM IIophb (Nixon & Klmmerman, manager*).—Kluw & Kr- liuiger's advanced vaudeville makes Its first bid for favor April 22. Tbc 1,111 fur the open- ing week includes: The Four Mortons, Fiapln* City, yitarlette. lOmmn Csrus, 'ITionipaon's eleplunts. l-'.du. Rlondell and company, the ,. I'liueiiz Troupe. Ihe Staleys, Jewell's Muu- nlkeiiH, Greene and Werner, and chromatic pictures. Robert II. Mnntell. In repertory, last week played to splendid business. Owing lo Ihe Chungs In tbc policy of the house, bis Ihial week will be played at the (Jarrlqk. LTB1C (Messrs. Sliuhcn, managers).— "The Snow 'Man" is uow In: lis second ami lasl week, ending 27. Business last, week was good. The score contain* some very pleasing musical numbers, while the efforts of Idu llnwley, Vera Mlchelcnn, Willie Pldoiiln, and Fred Walton add to the show's success. Joe Weber's Co. 211. I'Aimn-K (Frunk Howe Jr.. manager).— Hubert II, Mnntcll's llnnl week of his local stay, beginning 22. will 1*0 devoted . to - •'Othello, "lulllis Cins'ar" and "Macbeth." "Mr. Ilopklnsou'' concluded, 20, n two weeks' stay, to splendid business. Oiga Net heroine, in "The Awakening." 211. ItimAh (Nixon & /.liuiiiernian, muuugcrs).— Phltadelimla has Its first view, 22,' ot Frank Daniels. In 'The Tattooed Man." for a two weeks' engagement. The caul Includes: Wni. Pt'iiotte. Hurry Clarke. May Vekcs, Edna Fas- sett and Gertie Carlisle. "Fifty Miles from* Boston'' departed 20, after a successful three weeks' sluy. Harry Bulger, in "Noah's Ark," May 0. . WALNUT (Frank Howe Jr.. manager).— "111* Jlonor, the Mnyor," continues to be Ihe magnet for big crowds, nnd If the weather permits, will loiitluiiu until Iain la May. The Ins 22. . Jxon-Nlrdllnger, manager). _ Walker, In "Abyssinia," are drawing nvcrllnwlng houses, unit continue fur the current weok. Tom Walters, In "The Mavoi' of," follows. « liitANP '0. A. Wcgefurth, manager).—Viola Gillette. In •'The Girl und the llundli," 22-27. "Red Feather" wub n strong drawing curd lost week, the efforts of Clicrldnh Simpson, In the prima donna role, being particularly: prominent. Nat M. Wills 21). GiiiAW' (Miller & Knufinnn, managers).— The Brothers Uyrnc,- In- "Kbiht Bell*," 22. Jessie Bonslelle. In "Sunday, was weltomeil by big bouses Inst week. "Tho Holy City" follows. National (Jos. M. Kelly, manager).— "Texas".22-27. "ijueen of the Highbinders," with lis multiplicity of thrills, fouuil fuvor last week. Chillies T. Aldrlch, lu "Secret Service Sam," 20 anil week. Hart's (John W. Hurt, manager).—Selma Heiinuii. Ill "Wedded, But No Wife," 22-27, following a week of good returns done by Jessie'Mai; Hull, In "The Girl Out West.' "For Her Children's Baku" next. l'niiiTAi mi's (Miller & Kaufman, mana- gers). —"A.ltuco For Life" 22-27. Lust week, •■The Master Workman" was well patronized. Eugenie Blulr, In "The Second Mrs. Tan- queruy," 29. Pkoi'LK'M' (F. 0. Nlxon-Nlrdllngcr, mnna- por>.—^"Nolllc, the Beautiful Cloak Model." *22-27. Last week, "The Gambler of the West." pluved to good business. "Women Who Dare" 20. Blankv's (J. P. Kekhnrdt, manager).— Louis' Hnrtmnn. lu "The Peddler," for tho first time, locally. 22. "A Fight For'Love, which served to Introduce Bob Fltr.sliumons, drew big crowds last week. "The Kerry Gow" follows. , STA.tiiAitn (Parey & Speck, malingers).— N. S. Wind heads tho Standard Stuck. In "The Orphans of New. Vork,"i 22. "Big Started Jim" wus given In cupltnl slyle. to Hue houses, last week. "Lost In tt-lllg City . 21). Kkitii'm (II. T. Jordan, ninnugcr).—Vesla Victoria heads a meritorious bill the current week. Owen MO! Rice and Provost, Wllla Holt Wnkeiicld, Frolik Fogarty,.thc Stunning Grenadiers ('Inn n und The Biislon Relies bail big crowd* last w.eo!;. The Tiiins-.Vtliinlles 2!)..-. . I .Trocvokiiii. (I'nsl Wlllsou, manager),— The Brigadiers. 22-27. wllh Andy I*wl«, Miller mi.I llunlcr. the Slirudes, Orouyllle and Mark. Winifred Stewiirl. and the Mason Sisters. Sam llwro 'displayed Hue cotoedy ability with the Rlnllo llounilers Co.. which played lo twelve capacity houses last week. K*.i:v*-'N*i n Stri*.i:t UnmJt IIuehh (I'rniik IMmoati manager*.—"Il.»r Air, or Gn«," Is u new huiiesnue. '*. , 2-27. *'The Capital Graft- ers" Is retained lu Ihe bill, while In the ilrst part several few songs will be rendered by lleniile Franklin. .1. M. Knnc, Kdwln Gold- Kick nnd James McCool. KMi-irti:. numtrnm (.lainro McKay, msn- nger).— Bill for week of 22: Wlxon and KStOU. Conley Sisters. Miirnhy and Rutin. Fritz Houston, George Van llsuf and moving pictures. Business; continues big. Ninth ano Arch UfHneVH IT. F. Hopkins manager).—Tlie Georgia Minstrels continue In.the ciirln ball week of 22. In. the theatre arc: Lc lx»nt, Sanford nnd tiarllngton. Chns. V. Anderson,, the Great. Belisley. Colhuni anil Francis, and Labia's clncograpti. Ron Ton (Lillian Tyson, manager).—Bill week of 22: Bailey nnd Flckett, Caster and Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Will St. John Flueh, Georgle Van Horn. Tnlly-Ilo Duo. Seymour and Kenneth, Nudge Vincent, Kathrrliie ICarlo and company, and niuvhiK pictures. ROnn.—Ye Park Theatre Co.. wllh a cnpl J tal of $10,000. filed articles of Incorporation vvllli the county clerk at Camden, N. J.. last week. The Incorporators are Samuel F. Nlrd- llnger, J. F, Ktinmcrman and Fred G. Nlxou- Nlrdlhgcr Another corporation that Hied papers at the same office Is the Neptune Amusement Co., with a capital of JfiO.POO. The Incorporators nro Gcorgo W. Booth and Conrad Jacobs, ot; the Walnut Street Theatre, of this city, and George N. Watklns, of Cam- den, ""N,; J,.... ..Tlio- Unllc<I States Mnrlnn Hand la booked for a matinee concert nt the tilrnrd Opera I louse, 24..* George W. Barbie.', for many seasons heavy msn In the Kiircpa.igh Stock. In confined to his home hi tills elty, suffering wllh a serious Illness The Bon Greet Players will be seen In a series of Shakespearean plays at the Academy of Music, April 2;t-27 From present In- dications there will lie numerous amusement* In town during the Summer months. In ml- iiildllluu to the vaudeville shows ill Keith's and Ihe Chesluut HI net Opera House, the Sbubcrt* are considering putting en "The White Hen, at Ihe Lyric, while Mnniifer Wegofortlr will run a season of comic opera 1 at the Grand Opera -House. The Trocaduro will flso run burlesque all Summer. ■ t ' ' ■' PIHHimrK. At the Nixon (Tho*. V. Klrke Jr., muuagiir) Gen. M. CoIisji'h lolesl musical comedv fuccess, "fifty Miles from Boston." April 22-27. Last Week Marie Cahlll, In "Mar- rying Mary." to good business, Me- Intyre uiid IJcath 21) and week. IikLanco (C, H. Piieksrd. manager).—The Tullv Marshnll Co., 22-27, will present "l"»c- Ing tlie Mii*lc." Last week "Zlra" was well put on and well appreciated by the patrons. ''Justice" 20 and Mbit GRANn (llnrrv Davis, manager).—.Bill week .of 22: Welter K. Perkins and compapy, Kel- ler nnd Pnuls. Amerlcns Comedy Four, l.nsky- Holfe (Julntcttc. Bellclnlre Bros., Paul BarneB, lliillun Trio. Kennedy und Uooney, living Jones. He Vole Trio, Mile. Lutlna, Claude and l-'ii'inlc llslier. the La Yards, Slddons Urns., nnd, the clncmatngrapji. Last week Ca- pacity, business and a.good show Al.VIN (It. M. Gilllck & Co., managers).— "Our New Minister" 2*2-27. featuring Joseph Convers ns the funny cons-fable. Last week James O'Neill, lu "Monte' Crlslo." packed Ihe house nil week. "Tom, Dick and Hurry" 20 nnd week. Bi.iou (It, Hi Oulick & Co., managers),— lllllv B. Van. 22-27, III his Inlest fun vehicle, "I'a'tsv In Polities." Lusl week James .1. Cor- tell. In "Tlie Burglar anil the Lady." played to good business, and pleased. Harney Gil more, In "A Uocky Hoed to Hiihlln,'' 20 und ■week, ' ' lll,;v's (N. C. Wugner. ingr.)—'"Iho Wuv of the TransgressorV 22-27, Lust woulr, Hawaii Poyntei*. Ill "Lena RIverH." played to satisfactory business. *Thc Sign ot the Cross" 21) and week. Gayi'ty (Js*. B, Orr. manager).—Tho World Renters returned 22-27, with the Threo . Sisters Ilurxug-Ciuiiara, lady euiilllbrlsis. Last week, the Bachelor club played to good Imsiness. and pR'asod. Tho Duluty, Duchess Co. 20 and week Ai'APKMY ot' Miu-iii: (II. W. Will In ins Jr., managers).—The New Century Girls 22-27. John F. McCnbo takes cure uf (he comedy role, ami there I* not a dull moment while be Is on the siege.* Last week Miss New York Jr. played u return, eiigngeiumit. aud pleased. The ColonlnI Belles 21) and. week. JIlI'l'ijtuipVK (T. M. Moslier, nnuiiigtsrl.— This wih**k bill: 'llu* Tiileotls, l^l.-Gai'dner, Reno und Allien, Mail Mnlloy. Win. .1. Flick. und the lllppngraph. Business continue* gmid. mill the niiinngeineiil has been giving the pntrons a very good viiterlaliimenl. Xotkm.— Colo Ilrothers' Circus jiluys In Knst Llbcrlv, Monday. April 22 Hur- num & Bailey's Ulg Show Is booked to ap- pear In Pittsburg. April lit), May 1. 1*1:1. 17. anil Installed the newly elected'offi- cers for III- ensuing year. , i b ■■■ a '. Wilkes-Hnrrc—At tho Nesliett (II. A. Brown, manager),, hist week, " "Way D<i«ti Fast" gave a gnml performance to n bimmJ house. "The Squaw Man"-was well reeclvoii by n large uiidleme, nnd Howe's moving iile- lures had H. It. O. Kcllar April 2». "Mr. Ilopklnsou" 21, Mario Cnhlll 211, "The Arrival of Kitty" 27, Adelaide Thurston May 1, "The Ilelr lo ihe Hoorah" ,1. Oa.ixn Oi*nit Hoisb (II. A. Brown, raau- ascrl.—Cliesler de Voildo Co. played lo good DiiBlness Inst week. Murray and Mackey Stock Co; 22-27. "The I'ediUer" 20-May 1, "Hnns nnrt Nix 2-1. Vorr —That the new burlesque tbratre, to be erected on the lloss lawn. South Main Street, will bo a reality, was made known recently, when It was stated that M. F. Coons, the present lessee of tho Ncsbltt and Grand Opera House, would mnkc application for a cliarter for the company on April 27. 'Ihe new compnny will bo known, ns the Columbia Thentrleal Co. Those who will make the np- lUlcHllon are: M. F, Coons, Jssophi Helss, Frlti lloUiiagcl and It, J. Bourke. The new thcolrc will play forty-live weeks a year here, n different company siniearlng twice each week. The house will be ready by Dec. 1 next. s ' , -Unon-Mlcr.—At the Fulton Opera House (Chns. A. Yecker. manager) , the lyulffcr Slock Co.. In repertory, had yerv good bust- iicsh April ir,2rt. "Mr. tlopklnsoir" 22, Marie c.ihill M, Family (Fd. Morort. manager).—A de- parture from the usual vnudevlllo programme will be made for the rest of tho season, and drama, with one or two vaudeville .*turns between tin- acts, will bo presoulcu. "rhe Chtlstlnn". 22-27, "What Happened to Jones 20-May -». Fiilnrdn, • Alexander and Scott, moving pictures will be tho extra attractions 22127. ItAHNUM & BAILBVs CIRCUS 2B. . Notk.— Prince** Chliiqullln and «eycral other performers from Inst week's vaudeville compniiv. nt the Fatally, were banqueted by the Mtiinlhuhu Club. II). a ' ■■ Nermitnii,- At tile Lyceum (L'ly *'<■ Hill, maiiagi'r) Kellur April 2-1, "Mr. llopkln son" -jr.. "Tim Arrival of Kitty" 2tl, Marly Cahlll 27, Kerantom Sympliony Ot-cheslrn 20. Adelaide lliurslon HO. "The Hinmw Man, 18, eiime lo h large house. • AC'Aiu'MV (Ul.v G. Illll. munager).—"Jlr* Kennedy Stock t'o. week of 22. The Murray nnd Mac-key Co., the past week, drew large blialrtosa. • , Star Ml. Nelson Teels, manager).— llie Star Show Girls week of 22,. Tho Balllmoiv Di'iiullc wen* received by crowiled houses tlie past wi*ek. ,„ , • Family (II. It. Smith, miuingcr).—Week of 22: Allele Palmer and coinoauy, Tbr-'ii llerls'ils, Lesler nud tjnliiii, Jack- H, l.yl"'. Will II. Sniyllie, nud Blniiclmrd and Lyloll. Business coplluues large. .l,,lins|..\»ii. — At the Cainbrlu (II. W. Schercr. uiuiia«er)"My Wife's Fuinlly" pleased April IT,. "Me. Illin und 1" played to two ■MM houses HI. t'*srn Kendall delighted a large crowd 18. Joe llortls, In "Our Friend Frlk" drew well 10. "Hooligan In New York" did big business 20. Adelaide Thurs- fon$9, Lhivld lllgglns 2,'l, "The llluek Crook 2r., H. Miller Kcut 20, "Tho Heir to tho Hoorah" 27. • , , .„ „ , Park Family Tbatrb (Harry V¥. Bchercr, .manager).— Large audiences at ovorj per- formance was Ihe .rule last week. BUI for week of 22 : Return eiigiigomenl of AninlibM irnlned leopards, (be Great Ulchurds, Collins and Collins, TI|onuis nnd Payne, llliislruted i..i,........ "*gaft!*w(|f"||p I.oiilavlllr.—At tlie M«ryAndi**)on (Frank Wllllatts. inaiiagerl "Mm. 'lertnlc's Tele- gram*' ; win' presenlml Apfll \"<;X<< drawing Idg iiudlenei's. -Tlins. t). Heabrooke followed, lsyiv. hi ""he Man on IhihlloX.'.' tot crowiled UotiM-s, For wrek of Si, "On Carole." Mai*.m*i.kv'n I J. T. Mncaiiley. mnnngor).-- This house i-einaliied dnrk week or ID, with the exception of n local production. Forbes Robertson ami Gertrude Klllott 211. 24. Mahiinic (Clilis. A. Shaw, manager).— "Montnua." week-of 15. played to line busi- ness. For week of 22, I'he Four Huntings. Avrnce (Glin*. A.-Shaw, manager).—'•The Cow Pnticlior," weok of M.-dreiv big. For week of 21. "Fora-IIiimafi Life/' » BrcKiNuitAH iwiiniicii Bros., managers 1. —The Tliormigbbred*. week of 14. gave a spirited performance, drawing good crowds. For wis<k of 21. Washington Society Girls. Hoi'KINH* (Win. Ilnlebinan. munilger).— The closing hill lor Hie season, nt this house, averaged as high as any week'* bill during the year presenting a pleasing- variety. The house cosed the season 2(1, after a most prosperous run. ■■ . Norm*.—Tho Flint Bl-ennlal Music lesll- val. under ilio auspice* of tho Ixinlsvllb* Muslenl Club, wn* atlvcn 18-S' at the new Armory, wl|h the New York Symphony Or- chestra. Wnlter Daiiiroseh. conductor, and Mme. Humbrleh. Francis Mncmltlan. Klllsou Van lloose, Wm. Harper, Mme. Mury llls- sem lie Moss, Alice Hoverelgn. Kelley i'.nW, Coruellle Ovorslrect, Alexander Huslavskv ami Hutu Si'liulls ns Urn altraethms. The large building was tilled at each performance. . .Fnnta hie Ferry l'ark open* the. saaHiai aboul May I Ttu*_ Whlto City. outdoor resort, opens 27. now attractions. .. a new wllh a number of Pud 11 enh.—At lbe Kentucky (T. YV. Iloh- erla, manager) the house was dark all lust week. The Hlutikcll-AlwiHMl Co. 22-27. Fol- lowing week will lie dnrk. Noxiw." Pawnee Hill's Wild West Hliow* came April 2il The Casino Hummer Tbrntre. under the management ot Win. Malnne, opens May n. with Iho Beggar Prince Opera Co. . •*■•> INMtANA. IimIIuiimiii.Hs. —At Miigllsli's Opera House (All. V. Miller, malinger) Foils 1 * UhIstImhii and Gertrude Kl'lrttl April 25-27, "Mrs. Win- ten's Profession" JlO-May I. Park lOiekHoti A Tallin!, managers).— Hilly II. Van. In "Putsy In 1'ollllrx." weok or ID. scored hi* usual miccess to cnpnclly busi- ness. Cecil Hpooner, ill "^i'he Girl Halllo*," 22-21. FIIId 11H (Harry Drury. manager). - Tim Brigadier*, in- IT. pleased big houses. Wash- ington Society Girls 1H-20, the Jolly Girls 22-2-1. II111 Avenue Girl* 2,">-27. Bolieiuliiii llullesiiiiers 211-Mnv 1, Merry Hlll'le*i|llur* 21. Kmi'Iiih (Kdwaril Hlmyue. niausger).- -Guy Mnsi|lieividei'*, 1,1-17, gave uu unusually strong bill to very goml business. Rose Hydell's l/ondnii Belle* IH-20. Harry Bryant's Kxtr.iv.ignnsa 22-21, Ilachelnts' Club 2.1-27. s ■ Anderson.—At Mia llriniil |Jon, K. Ilen- nlngs. ainnatrer) "Tin* Time, the Place nail the .Girl" broke all records, two perform- ances, April 111. Mr. Iloagnn and. the com- pany pleased Immensely. Al. II. Field's Min- strels hud a large houso IH, "The 'Lion nud the Mouse" May 1, widtn's "Fuust" h. Bijou (Davis * Kane, malinger*),-—Week of April 10 till* new house opeuud with an (Ucolloiit bill, comprising: I't.hcl Whiteside's Pickaninnies, the tk'huofer Trio, Btiker-lto'i iiisiui Co.. Dan Kobe.v. the iilluuscopo und lllnsl ruled songs, Heavy reeolpt* Cuymtal (YV. W.» MulOwmi, mtiuugor).— Week of 1.1: Keepe. Illll I'dniniids Trio. Audrey Post 11111I (lie kliieilronie, lu good bus- iness. Norn**.—Holder's Imloiir Circus held furlli nl Polo Aiidliui'liiiii, miller Iho auspices uf Dot I'lii icrii nl Order uf Mugle*. 12, HI. .....-, Tin* Griuid tlpera lliinsi* will b" i-nln-uruteil Ibis Hummer. Manage'- Ucnnliigri Is planning In arrange 11 new foyer in Hie bouse, also |u-»- scenery and electrical ciTm-is. ...; .Itliigllng's t.'lrcu* will show In Anderson, ,Muy 11 II. ('. Carlisle, malinger- of Mounds' Puck.-I* preparing lo put mi several shnws Hits sen* lion Andersi.n lodge of Klk* Is plHlmliig lo give John W. Y'ogrl and his minstrel com- pany a lilow : iiu( on May 27. ■ * ' 1 l.nfii) .He At the Grand (Gcu. L. Man- derlinck, inlmitger) At. tl. Fields Mlnslrels, . April in, had Hue bUHlncas, "The Time, thn Plncn and the Girl" 10, "The Clansman" 2H, "When Knlghllioiid Wu* In Flower" Mily 4, "The Lion nnii the Mouse" II, "At Yolo" 11. FAMILY (O. W. Maurice, niauager),—-Week Of Mi.opened In Hi It.-()„ with tlie following excellent hill : Kurle und Lille,-Fred Lu Have, Uthel Ynuiig, li'cllx . lures, isgnr Miniilorhack, of Iho Grand, has divided not tu imt Ih vaudeville for the Huiniiii-r. ..,-. .The Kulllnin^ 'uiisldltie Co, has denied, tliroiigli tliu local pros*, that It has songs unit moving pictures. 'Aml-nk M (Hlive.riiiiiii Bros., managers).-- Bert Parlcii', female Impersonator: Brudy mid Davis, nungii and dunces, und moving pic- tures, pleased crowded liousos. 1 ■ iin/i.-ion. At Hie Grand Opera Iftiu-io (Geo. Albert Haley, resident iniinager) Howe* picture*. April 10, pleased. "The Arrival of Kitty" 18, John W. Vogel's Minstrel* 20. Family (Knoblauch & Ilemker. pronrle,- tor*)—-Tills week : Ainela, Mr. und Mrs. Hick Truccy, the Three Ollden Ulsters, Chris Orccu, Win. Hchulles. Pruf. Fred Karrell, ple- lurcs nnd Illustrated songs. Good business rules. . „ Luna Dhkaji (Freeman & Goodman, lire- Srletors).—McIIose and Moljirncy, Kcnedop, en. Gnodwui, IIIiimi ml ml songs und moving plclures. Ruslncss is good. ■ i--.- *--. "^ mm l (^*v****" mmm *^*"*"** YViiHiini«ii«i-«.--At Ihe Lycoming Opera House (L. J. Flsk. miinuger) "Tim Hjpiaw Mun" did One big business April It I<ocfll Klk*' Mlimlrels bud IWo big house* 17, 18. Jos, T. I'oweris.' In "Tho Blue Moon." pleased a good slsed uudleiiro 10. Murle t'alilll 26, , Adelaide ThurKlon 20, Dun Hully 27. '," ,„"S II. moving \k Familv (Fred M. Igimude, lunniiger).— "t; '''.J!" "i^ ft»n f Bill for week of 22: Hurry Cruiidull and compunv, Hnllen and Hayes. Harry Tsuda, the Lueler*. ami Adele Purvl* Onrl. .. W<gy»«gj»«»■ "!!»«!> gggjf^S, any Interest IS the new.ya.idovlllo house that tl e ill MInst ir feature WB ' H (o jj, , hm w , a , ))|( tturW _ season. "The . ug nnd tho Broker," a niiisleul comedy, by Ned Nye. will receive Its {■■■(•/•I(ere May 3, nt Oriikosu, YVIs Mme. Scliiimnnn-IIelnk nppearei) ntternoon ot .'0. at Music Hall, before n large and enllm- slasllc niiillence, and chiirincd them with her excellent voice, In n lino recllnl. Arthur Hnrtmnnn, tbe lluugarlnn violinist, will ap- pear at the muni; bull ottcruoou of 21 The Thomas Orchestra gave Its lasl concerts «( tbe 'season, attcraoou of 10 aud evenlug thirVnhi-hins, Melville and lllgglnh, YV11U011 * Circus, Lee Brothers. Metzettl Troupe, and tec klnctograph/'Buslncs* la'st week was un- BlJOO ?Geo. W. Rife, mannger).—YV. B. Watson's Burlcstpiers l»-3jf. Tie bw'esiiues are 'The MormoiiB" and "The; linshfiil Venus." The Broadway finyety Girl* guve a lively show, lo good returns, 13-20, Miss New Xork Jr. 20. '. • , Iivckum (John «• Je.rmon, manager).—An- oilier turn In the wheel bring* the Ben Ton DurleHoers 22-27. The olio numbers lu- Cludo : Guv-Itamson, Young, Brothers. Pierce and Opp. Browning mid Bunt ley, and the Hlx Darllntji*.' The Dainty Duchess Burlcj-M-ers did nlto ' business last Week, Altooim—At the Mlshler (I. C. Mlshler, mni.nger) "Ale, lllm and I" had 11 Ulg house April 17. "Hooligan In New York" drew 0 f'ocd M/.ed audlnnce IH. F/.ru Kendall had ilg advuiuc snlo 10. "Our Friend Frltr." 20, David Iligglns 22, Adelaide 'Phuroion 211, "Kntl)es" 27, "Tlio Heir lo the Hoorah" 20, Y01 -ki* and AdnuiH 30. l-li.KVHNTlt Avknl'h (I. C. Mlshler. mann- ger).—The Minrny-Mackey Co. did big busi- ness lb and week. Hluimelclu's Ideals 22 and week, . . Grand (Silverman Brus., managers).— Business wus guoil week of 115. BUI week of 22 :• Crawford nud Do Liuicy. Albert Wash- ington, Ingram and Crouln, and Jack Lelb- frled. Noti:h. —YV. V. Hughes has the contract to rebuild tbe Lyric Tuesttu lliilldlng, which was. burned, Feb, 24.' Tim work hus been Blurted and tbe theatre will probably bo ready In son... senled CarlioinlHle.—At the Grand Opera House (Geo. W. 1-owder. manager) Howe's movlnj- pictures delighted s large audlcnnc April 1ft. "The Hnuaw Mini" played to capacity ID. "Kerry (low" 21. "ICast L.vnne" May 2. local Knight* of Columbus' Mlnslrels 0, 10, local Order Ragles' Minstrels lf». ■ Kauilv (If. L. Blair.; manager).—Week ■ nt Lambert and WU- I lipelte autn Club, of Piirdiin University, will pro- nee lis musical comedyi "Tlio rreatdeiit of oolong," at tlie Grand, about tho last week In May is J'urilettc nud the Mpppy Half Hour are both doing llnu business, nml pre- senting a good linn ot plclures M' NH Rroillliiitte I* singing at La 1'urdotlc, in plucu of John Wdsbacb. FrunUforL—At the Illlnn (Lsugebrake*• a, MtinibV, and Jrupcl*, Muller,- rcnay lu ,■„,,. ,„ ul>un llie rcgU | Br VaU Km . Jf™« , v ',, Yorlie and 9 Mullcr, Bert; Lcjlc mid cohipuny, «on^ .. .."Hoollgsn In New YVk" was pro- ^jluaitlmt muuHiFci ons. BleIvlllc and II gglnk, YVaUon* g Cn|pd ,, t , ll0 At !ademy of-Music. Tyrone, 17. ■«*•"•"" » '»''*r*f " ' en lirnlher*. Mct/ett Trouis!. nnd ' * ' * • • IH: Cho.'i'v and Bate*, Lambert and Wll- Ilufford, iiuiniigera) "When Knighthood Wa* limns. He- Hint lies. Mens. Herbert, Black In Flower" May H, "The Lion and Ibu and.Leslie., and klneliigrnpli. Mouse".«. .... , • ■■ Ciivhtal (Cliiw. . YVcleh. inanager).—A Norilst rChMl M. diV big rival of Kitty" perrormuuees 1't. well 1H N r-nlvei-sllv of Pennsylvania Muslenl Club 10. Alhiimbru Work-Co,, week of 22, .tuiues Kenpody Hlock Co. week of 20, except .'I, when Ynrlie nud Adams will appear. "iitcim April 8*1. Opera. House "(II. C. uiysllfted tbe custoin- Lalfa ■Sclblnl Vo-K, At tbe York Pent/., manager) Kellar mystl ary large business thnt ho always draws in tills city. April' 17. "Me. Him und I" had a good house, and was well received IH. Kirn Kendall. In "Rwcll Klegant Jones" 80. PaiiLor (Win. II, Pyle, inuiiiigcr). —'A good bill, last v.cek. scored well. IlAiiNtiM k Baii.Iiy'm Ciiicik April 20. Notkh.— The York Opera .'House .Co,, of which II. C. 1'eiilz I* tbe manager, has Just closed negotiation* for the erection, on the Bite adjoin lug the York Opera House, ot- a modern theatre, which will be given up en- and "be Pantzer Trio being the big features, tlrely to high class vaudeville,performances Tin, Vunllv Fill • Co. next. '• Plan* nnd speclfic'illo.!** are liow l-elnfc.prfl- '•CAHtNii (Kllas ft Kueiilg. innnngerH).—Bob -pnrod by the nrehlleels. nnd It s thelnleii ' ■'■ 1l ' i*< >•■« r-. ..,.,,„ ■«_•. m-... 5i... ..a* it.. , ,ni )., iiii-n Iliu mm' lnniii MiinclioslorVt'rnokcr Jacfesi22-27. Ijoh Vnil Osten, nnd YVarucr nud Rckel* ore the lead- ing spirits In Ihe .burlesque.* will B tlio ol In numbers meal Ion: Welsh and Mltlantl, Delia Faylelln, Millard Brolliers, nnd Ruby. Leonl. Uoruold a dog aud lueukry tliow la. uu uddeu Hon of the miinngeuieiil lo luive thn new house biillt nnd compleieil in time to give tho initial perforin jik:* during the early Fall of (Ills year Bro. W, Ilsrgcss, V. K. It., Harris fiurg Lodge. No, 18, B. P. 0.-Hike, nnd D, IS, R. of lulu district, vUltul Jtwk .L!mJk«j $Q I). >r.w haiipshiiiic. Muiidhestci*. -At tho I'urkTheatre (John Stiles, muiiiiger) Hie stuck company guvo "Men and Woimn," week of-April Kp, glvInu suilsfartloii. Fur week of 82, ''Out on Bull. Notrm. —At the Nickel (formerly Keiths) moving plctiii'oi* mid lllnslruleil songs con- Hum* to be Hie attraction here ..Frank (J. Mack, formerly iiuiuager of KeltllVTby- atrc here, and Iho Huvoy 'llieulre, LOWSlI, Muss,, has-been apoplntcd by the J. w, Gor- man Amusement OM n» tliebr lamikger for tho Mnwuiucsle Tliculrc, at the lake here. for. the'Hummer season. He statiis that |lm the- nice will Is; entirely renovated, with an en- tlreki new eleetrlcnl i>lant for their ollgiiinl elect'i'lhil effects, which will he used In con- nection with Hi! Veglilur vaudovllle show Al, Mart** k Burnrll Big Hhow will open nt 'Wc^t Deny, N. II., May 4. John Fugoii will lie tbestngf niimiigcr. a* In the past six years. Guttle Merrlum Is tha general dl- rwtrtM. * . .j .. • V Kit MOST- Ilnrlliiutoii. .-Al Ilia Wrung (Calm k Grant, imiiiagers) "ptilney Aduius 8-Iwyer had a gooii heiiso' April 111. "As Ye How did well 10 "The Mayor uf Toklo." 18, ws* well rei-elved. "The trimly Full" 80. "Not Yet, Hut Hoon" 22.. Kllinn Allen Club Mlii; strel* 24, 25 iknail,). ... ..,. , Sl> ■ ■ Fire In llMlle 'l'he*atr«. The Family Theatre, Butte. Mont., a vauil"* villi* house, owned by Hulilvnu & Coiislillii". cnuglit llro (luring u performance, eviiulnv nr April IH. Cuukcy, the Juggler, kept at.hi* turn on. the tinge, while telling the audience to keep cool. .Tin- audience did not stampede, but sLurled tu get nut. ami then all the exit* were throwu niK'ii. Mitny person* passed out at the slug" eiitruiue. No Olio 'Wis Injured, although them were many women and children la tile After every one had left llm tlioatw) flstnei* hurst Giroiigh tbe lloarj. Tho lire wa« ex- tinguished wllh small less, to the tlieiiti'i Itself aud about f5,000 damage to tho bulla* »"8* * .- '"*:•• i