The New York Clipper (April 1907)

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AmhP- TJCE Jg&W; ^QRiJ PILJ^FPR. rm UOLttBN GATB ULUAN1NG8. Special mmty *« tut N*W York Cmmer. San .rB»xci8CO, .April as.':—At tho Van .w .-..atprdtty marked the beginning of Lll- ItaTniiMellV one Week'srdngag«oent> , ln '(The ituiitrOy." Raymond Hitchcock played a special engagement, In "A Yankee Tourist," ^Tukatrr Novsi.Tr.—This In the fourth and Inst week of Florence Roberts. "Sapho" Is "''rnvis.—K?obf Dill. Barney Bernard, Neva Armor and company. This week's bill In •'Pousse Cafe.'" and a travesty on "Antony " D ?'rNtB^*—Walter Sohford's Players are In their eighth week. "Secret Service Sam" Coi-onial.— Frank Bacon nnd stock coin- iianv. la "Moths," this week. 1 new Alcazar!— "There and Back" this ^'ahkiiIcAS.— Thl* Is the second week of "The Tenderfoot," by the San Francisco <!i.crn Co. It la said that beginning Monday, Aiirll 20. I"'* company will go to the Greater Novelty Theatre, for two week*, and produce "onlliEuV—Bill for week opening Sun- ilav "1: Ti)« Four Harvcys, the lllaltn Com- «lv' Pour, Bessie Wyhn,. Linton and Law- rence C'artmtll and Harris, the Fadelte Or- chestra, Morrow and Bchellberg. Louise Agnust and company, and the k nodromt. Ciiutks— BIsbop'B Stock Co., 22 nnd week, in "Nellie, the Beautiful Cloak Model." ♦♦♦ IOWA. IK-h MoineH.—At the Auditorium (Win. Foxier, manager) the San Carlos Opera Co., In-UiTravtaln,'- April 22. I.'osrtiB OrBiiA Holism (Win. Foster, man- ner) —Annie Russell gave n' most excellent nmdvH'llon of "A Mid 8 """" 1 -' 1 ' Nights Dream," V.T "Tho Lion arid the Mouse" attracted a ood sized house 10. John Drew, In "His .'louse In Order," played to capacity 17. label Irving 20, Otis Skinner 2J». . (liiANit Of-bua Huosb (\ym. Foster, mana- ,,,., _<Xorlh Bros, Co., In repertory, week of •I, scored a lilt. Grace llayward Co. week Kilpm (M. •! Knrgcr, manager).—<Bual- ncsx for week of 10 was excellent. Bill week „r ■»; Chas. W. Bowser ijnd comiiany, Glr- dellcr, the Pryors, Josophlne Gassman nnd picks. J.ri Belle Meeker, Sisters St. Clair, Jay llogart, and mo tion pictures. llnrlliiRton.—At the Grand (Chninbcrlln, Ilafr'lngton & Co., managers) "The Lion and S" MflW' (return), April 15, again I lied Ihe house at top prices. "Tlie District Loader" (also return date). 18. had another fine audience. "Eaust" comes 20. Uaruick (J. M- Hoot, manager).—Current: UolTmiin 'cycling Whirl, George Hoyt, McGcc and CuIIIiib. and Martha Palni. M, n-s.—B. P. 0. Elks have purchased tho old r. 0. building for $20,000. and will spend $10,000 more In fitting It up as their per- manent home. i . ., ™ Boone—At the Aries Opera House (Ben Wiley, miinager). week of April 10, the Grace Haywood Co., in repertory, played to good LltlKlUCHS. _ Tub Scbsic (Scenic. Amusement Co.. mon- riKCiM).—MuvltiH: pictures aud Illustrated soiil's, with cbango each week, arc drawing eood audiences nightly. The singing by Ha- muli Ingram, of illustrated songs, Is well re- ceived. . _ , Notes.— The Scenic Amusement Co. has organised and started on the road several gond repertory companies, which will open Mnndnv, April 22 arid 20. Among tho strong- est and most featured play Is "Sox Against Sex," presenting Ulcliurd Mandell, supported hv a strong iind excellent company Mr. Muridelf closed wltb tho Grace llayward Co.. after ii very, successful tour of thirty week*. In leading heavy, roles. * icdu r lliiitidn. —At Greene's Opora House (Will S. Collier, manager) the Dalrymplc Comedy Co.. April 14-110, opened to big busi- ness. "Tho IhIo of Splco" 22, Otis Skinner 27. final llayward Co. 28-May 5, Mine. 8cbu- uiuun-lleluk It. .... I'Eoei.n'.H (Vic Hugo, manager).—Usual big biiHhieKK mill this good bill week of 10: Mar- tin's dogs und monkeys, the Three Mnsciuer- revliis, Noblctlc und Marshall, Salvall. Mas- ter Slater, liny W. Fay, and the klnctoscope. Notes.- — The Dnlphus (Williams Bros., uiMiugers), with moving pictures and Illus- trated songs, opened 17. at 810 First Avenue. The BIJou (n. If. Pocock. manager) opened 20, at 3X0 First Avenue, with a ueiiny arcade, Illustrated songs and moving pictures. ■ Dubuque—At the Grand Opera House (Win. 1,'. Bradley, manager) "Texas Sweet- hearts," April 13, pleased. Crcatoro «ud his hand played 10. l r aul (lllmoro 18, "The Vil- lage Vagabond" 110, "The Isle of Spice" 29. Il!.iu/ii (Jake Uosenthal, manager).—LaBt week ope of tho strongest bills of the scuson had packed houses. It Included: Edward Mc- Iiiinald. In Illustrated soiigs; Marquis ana l.lnn, lliirton and Brookes, .loscuhlnc Gass- iiiiin and her plrkanlnnlcH, the Hoffmans, In I he 'cycle whirl, niid the klnetoscopc. » ——— Keokuk At the Grand Opera Houhc (D. I.. Uuglios, nianngei:) "The House That Jack Hiilll." prehitntcd hy local talent, under Ihe aiisplirvM nf the Monddv Music Club, drew large houses April 12, J.'l and 10. Ktlcnno Gh'ardot, In "Charley's Aunt," 22. li.t s:\i.i,'b (Beeves & Dodge, manager!)).— Cardona's lions, as nn extra feature, and Kate King Hope, George Hoyt, Guerdon Col- vlii, arid the blogruph drew good houses 10- 20. Hill week of 22: Innlss ahd'nyan, Mar- Jarle Hope, Dutch Walton, and Guerdon Col v In. (o Milwauti M.«qck'pro WISCONSIN, itukee.—I'resent lodlcaUoaa point TUteeaus being offered an abundance tiroductlons shortly. Alpert Brown's Lompanj, composed of former favorites of the Brown.Baker and Tbanbauscr Coolpanlcs, 35 n,|, cady opened a ncheon at the Davidson, »nd 'packed the house nt almost every per- formance the first week. Theo. Roberts opens a season of stock at the Vabit Theatre, April 29. IH-.hard, Kahn expects to have tlie Star remodeled nnd opened early In May, with n stock company. SiiunBnT (Edwin Thanhaiiser, manager).— Charley's Aunt" was presented last woek, with Etlenne <;irnnV.)t in the title role.' At- tendance was satisfactory, and the perform- ance Al. Mrs. Flske Is announced for a. re- turn engagement, In "The New York Idea," this week. AUUmmcA.— "Busier Brown" put In last week With the usual good attendance. Mat- lie IVocUott scored the hit of the performance. Week commencing 21, Manager Jus. A. Hlg- ler offers the following vaudeville bill: Doro- thy Teiuiant. Violet Dale, Baby Gayldr. Count Dc Bum & Bros.. M. C. Walters and Tyson nnd Dixon, Bowers and Dixon. Metro- politan Opera Co., April 27. Bijou Crr.i:A llonsB (J. It Fierce, resident nianager).—"The Cowboy Girl" drew the pntrons In big numbers last week. "Kid- napped for Revenge" week of 21. Davidson. —Albert Brown opened his sea- son of stock productions 14, presenting 'GrniiBtnrk" as the opening bill. Crystal Heme divided honora with Jas. Durkln. Al- bert Brown', Grace Mac Lambkin, Blanche Crozler. Colin Campbell'and C. Terey l'ollock ail cdntrlbiiTtd to tho success ot the perform- ance. "Lovers' Lane" 21-27. FABs-r.—Managcr. I^on Wacbsncr will close his Mam of German productions Sunday, 21. with "Her Hclnlickc Kochlg.V Theo. Roberts' season of Kngllsli protluetlons will commence Monday, 20, with ''Mrs. Dane's De- fense." Catherine Gray will play tho leading role. Staii. —Miner's Burlesqucrs put up n good performance last week, and attendance was satisfactory. The Merry Makers week of 21. Crystal (F. B. Winter, manager).—Still pncklnj; ihom In. Following people week of 22: Dlonuc Sisters, Marie Rivers. Carlton Tcrrc, Antrim and Peters. Mrs. and Mr. l'.r- wln Connelly, arid the Crystalgraph. Grand (W. W. Braden, manager).—Busi- ness Is good. People woek of 22: Auer and De Onsso, Alice Hamilton, I'eel and 'Frgncls, Geo. Vcomnn. Bnd the Woodford Stock Co. Notbs. —Kryl's Band opened Its engage- ment at tho Hippodrome, 14, and Is scoring heavily Mllcrv's Royal Italian Band ,,n< < also arrinui'd an engagement at the Schlltz Park Creators appeared nt Pabst 10, 20, and was enthusiastically received. « Ban iiulrp. —At the Grand (C. D. Moon, manager) "The Girl from the. Golden West." April l.l, with Karl Ryder and Jane Wlieniley In the leading parts, had S. l(. 0. Hickman Uessey Co. opened n return engage- ment ll-2(i to S. It. O. Paul Ollinore 21. "Tlie Kyc Witness" 24, Rqsc CoghlaR 20. Unique (Wm. Armond, resident rrianagcr). Bill for 22 and week: Hawlcy arid olcot. Draculu and compniiy and llowley and Leslie Morrison and Roma, iti'miii : ISLAND. Providence.—At the Providence Opera House (Felix It. Wcndclschacfcr, manager) Virginia Hnmed opened, April 22, for a live nights' engagement, in a new play, "Tho Great Question," which received favorable criticism, The United States Marine Band gave a concert aftomoon of 20, and the Mas- sachusetts Institute of Technology play, "William, Willie and BUI," was produced 27. I'i.Mriw: (Spitz & Natlianson, mariagcrs).— Following risky O'llara's Irish play, closing 20, came ".Young Buffalo. King of the Wild West," which aroused enthusTusm, opening 22. "In Gay New York" Is the offering 20- May 4. humi's (Charles I.ovenberg, manager).— The Until vaudeville bill of tho year attract- ed largo audiences, and Included: Charles K. Mack and couipany. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew; tin- Four Bards, Helena Frederick, Bcrniir's Maniilklns, Ben Welch, Mr. and Mrs. Kemp's Tales of the West, b'red Watson mid Morrlssey Sisters. Lillian Ashley, Sey- mour's dugs, i'a run and Herbert. Two llydes, Musical Simpsons, and Asher and Patterson. This four weeks of comic opera opens 20, with "Robin Hood." iMi'iititAi. (L. H. Curtlp, manager).— ITjo IJroad'v.'uy Gaiety Girls gave much satisfac- tion week of 22. Sum Devere's Co- 2». Westminster (George 11. Batcbcllcr, man- ager).—The Parisian Widows was the at- traction 22 and week. Greater New York Stars 20. Notes. —Manager Charles I.ovenberg, of Keith's Theatre, spoke at a loglslatlvc com- mittee hearing, 18, against a bill forbidding the attendance at the theatres of children under sixteen years of age, unless. accoai- puulcd by un older person Robert C. ('11111111 lux's 1ms tiecu engaged for the Albeu Stock Co., for the coming season Louise Mitchell will play the leads In tho Umpire Stock Co. during the Summer season.. WoiiiiMoelteL—At the Wounsockct Opera House (W. F. Barry, resident manager) Stet- son's "Undo Toms Cain" l\}. blcused the usual lurge uudleiice April 17. Mildred Hol- land will be seen la "A 1'nrndlKr of Lies" 10, "The Islv of Spleo" 24, "The Isle of Bong Bong" 20. "The Choir Sluger" 27. Hull (Jos. W. Couklln, manager).—I'.unks inn! Hunks bead the list of vaudeville per- formers at this house week of 22-27- Tho bill lust week Jiet with upproval, aud tho usual big business continues. — •*♦ MSTHICT 111' COLUMBIA. WuHhliiutoii.—At the Now National Thc- TliXAS. Kt, Worth—At Awcnwall's Opera Hours (Phil W. Oreenwalt, manager) (Cellar, the hypnotist, enjoyed good b\islneM*> Dock- stader's Minstrels Ai/Tll 18, "Buster Brown" 11). Mrs. Leslie Carter 27. Hunt (J. II. McDonald, manager).— Bill week opening in was nn attractive one. and' included: Mr. and Mrs. Robyria, la "Straight Tip Jim": PurgeBs, Daniels nnd Burgess. Russell and Held, Lockliart SlBtern. Ijirry Shannon, Ellsworth aud Burt and tlie Xtalestogruph. Business continues satis- lartor.v. Lyric (W. D, Russell, manager».—Bill week of in: McKlnnon and Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Blessing, Elmer Jerome, Fred Blunt and Ihe klnodromo. Business In good. Standard (Frank De Bctpie, manager 1.— "The Adventurers" was the title of the cur- tain raiser week of lo. In the olio: J. K. N. and lieorgle Powers. Jnstlo llartzrl, Jaok McKadden, Pearl Gllmore, Ilarrlsou Hall, Roy Woods, Magiiln Brooks, Cox Family. Julia Fox and Rose Elliott. Business dooming. Xotkh. —The attractions at White City (Jake Schwartz, manager), and at Lake Erl.> (I/ce I'Tcmlng, manager), continue tho same as last week, both parks doing good buslnois. Van Amberg's Circus did vycll 18. « Gnlneavllle.—At the Opera House (Paul Gallia, manager) Sterling Stock Co., week of April 15, dirt large business This house has now closed for tho season. Wirpeman'r "Kit Carson," under can- vas. 1(1, had splendid nuslbess. Albert ■ Taylor Stock Co., under can- vas, week of 22. ■ ■ • Notxs. —Manager Ednrondson, of the Audi- torium Rink, hns a force of men at work on scenery, stage, etc., getting the large build- ing ready tor the opening of his Summer theatre. May IS Hugh Bonner Keel, last season with time. Modjeska's Co., la visiting his parents here. a i Bsllanv—At the Dallas Opera House (Geo. Anzy, manager) Lew Doekstader's Minstrels, April 16, 177 came to good business. "Buster Brown" 18, Ht. MAir.sTio (B. S. Muekenfuss, manager).— BUI for week of 15: Klein. Ott Bros., and Nicholson, Three Polrlcrs, Erank Milton and De Long Sisters, Nichols and 'Smith. Graco Anderson, 'Wilson and Rich. Ijaby Putnam. Lyric (W. II. Rice, manager).—The fol- lowing bill, 15-20, drew well: V. U Perry. Two Lucas, Hlllard and Vernon, Edwin Bd- warda, .and moving'pictures. , ' a . . Galveston.—At the Grand Opera House Dave A. Wcls, manager) Law Doekstader's Minstrels pleased large audiences, mafloee and night, April 0. "Buster Brown'' drew well 10. Koclan 17, Mrs. Leslie Carter 23. Tin: Van Aviuuru Giibat Snows had well ailed tcuts 8. - . ...fril l! .. LOUISIANA. New Orleans.—At the Tiilanc (T. C. Campbell, mnnnger) Mrs. Leslie Carter drew largo audiences week of April 14, and her tine couipany gave satisfaction aud won much well earned npplnuac. This engagement brings the Tiilnne s season lo a close. Under tho able munogemciit of Major Tom C. Cnmp- bell, ably assisted by genial Walter Brown, the first season has been the most success- ful ever enjoyed by the Klnw St Erlangor management here Throughout the season the plays and compnnlcs navo been of tho highest order, aud good business has always prevailed. Many companies played to ca- pacity houses. Cuehcknt (T. C .Campbell, manager).— Lottie Williams, a popular star, scored heavi- ly with her company, presenting "My Toin- Boy Girl," week or 14. This engagement brings the seuson of tho house to a close, af- ter a successful run of thirty four weeks. Illg business provallcd throughout the season, and the offerings were the liCHt ever offered at this playhouse. Suiiiihrts (Shuliert Bros, lessees).—Mary Mannei'lng, In her lino presentation of "Glor- ious Betsy," drew large audiences . 15 20. cm tain culls were numerous for the clever star. GliKKNWAI.n (lly. Grecnwald, manager).— Tlie it. isc Hill lolly Co., 14-20. did Immense business, and proved one of tho best offer- ings seen here this season. Clever come- dians, dashing Miiihrettes, R big and well drilled chorus, who know how to slug, dtihco and act, and pretty cbstupics ana stage effects combined to make things go with a daab. The Casino Girls 21-27. „ Okpiikum (Martin Beck, geueral nmiiu- ?cr).—A strong bill drew big audlcnvca l~i- 0, and won much appreciation. . BUI for week of 22; Foy and Cluck, Frank Byron nod Louise Langdon, - Albert Bellman and Louise Moore, Julia Kings-Icy and Nelson liowbi. Happy Jack Gardner, Obasung'it cockatoos and C. W. Williams. Notks. —The. Lottie Kendall Opera Co. will open Its engagement April 27, at Ath- letic Park, presenting as the opening bill, NKW JEaVUfiy. Nevr»KU.—At tho Newark (Lee Otto- lengul, manager), this week, "Man and Super- man," with Robert t.orainc and an excellent cotopnnv. "Mrs. W'nrren's l'rofesslon," with Tilary Shaw, week of April 13. created Inter- est. This theatre will be closed tor tho sea- son. Saturday, April 27. ' SnvntuT til. M. Hyums. manager).—Tlie Hlrdinll Slock Co., which is gaining In favor with each cbango of bill, presents "la Mli- xoura" this week. Tills play Introduces Chris- tine Nonnan, who has not been seen here be- fore. "All the Comforts of Home" was clov- er! v played week of 15. and good audiences voted tbp company the best Newark baa scea In several years. "I.imiIi Klcschna" next week. Proctor '8 (II. C. Stuart, resident mann- gov).—Tills week: Benjamin cbaplti. In "At the Wbltc House;" Seven O'Kabo Japs, Golden Unto I'lvc. Martini and Maxtmllltan. Rein Brothers, Bruce and Datgneau and l'rnncls Wood. Attendance maintained good average week of 10. Oii.hmiua (M. J. Jacobs, manager).— Dolly Kemper. In "Sweet Molly 07* this week. "The Two Orphans" drew the beat business trls house has aeon In a number of weeks, 15-20. "At Crlppto Creek" 119 and week. . . "a (J, 11. Ducken, manager),— "Parted On Her Wedding Tour'Mbls wegk. "Custer's Last Klgbt" pleased week of 15. The Russell Brothers, In "The Hired Qlrl'l Mllllonx." week of 20. Wai.iimann'h (W. S. Clark, manager).— The Trocadcroa offer a wide assortment of fud and music this week. The Morning Glories proved as fresh and brilliant as ever, week of 15, and received the sanction of larger crowds than usual. The Boston Belles week of 20, Notes.— The burlesque managers are begin- ning to cngrgo people for the coming season. .Manager Clark hns signed a three years' "Kismet." « i » CONNECTICUT. Uriditetfort. — At Smith's (Edward C. Smith, in.iuiigur) the Itogeix Brothers played lo the capacity April IT. The Hoslou Sym- phony Orchestra, 18, did welt. Chuuucuy lll- coll. 10, did big business. "Mm. Warren's Profession,' 20, liud good returns. "The Oc- contract with I-con Erroll. to be the comedian of the Jersey Lilies. This Is said to bo bis first appearance In this lleld.. ■.. .Scrllilier's (lay Morning Glories will be known as Hrrlb- ner's Big show, next season, and Manager Wainstoek has signed contracts wllh Itcijlnl and Arthur, Collins and Hart, and La Kniits, the last a new act In this country, which la said to be a sensation Treasurer I.ovett. ot Waldmann's, will receive his annual benefit June 3, When a special programme wilt be given A bill pasted the legislature at Trenton, last week, making It a misdemeanor for managers of theatres In New Jersej to admit chiliireii under fourteen years of ago to their theatres, when they arc unaccom- panied by parents or guardian. ' , ', . ■ Atlantic city.- At the Savoy (1'red E. Moore, manager) "Mrs. Warren's Profession" drew well April 14, us did "Tom, Dlik aud Harry" 15-17. "Cleo," with Nance O'Ncll. drew good sized audiences, 1H-20. "Cleo' Is an emotional play in four acts, from tho pen of Edwin Milton Ruyle, and It bad Its Initial production at tbls theatre 18. The story was suggested by AdolpU Helot's "L'Anlele 47." It tells of a beautiful girl Of the fash I mi able French set of Now Or- leans. Cleo Enure, who, though loved by her Cousin. Hflillllppo Scguln is sought by Fruu- clsco'De V cruet, a Frenchman. Tbls lovo la mutual, although fought against by Cleo, becauso sue. Is not of pure white family stock, her mother having been an octoroon. Tills secret bus been keiit within Iter own faeurt until she fulls In love wllh Fruncols. When Francois confesses his love. Cleo Is forced to tell him the secret of her birth. It happens that un old butler of the inure family lias betrayed the secret to relic, Uoullgiicy, tho general's daughter. Fran- cois then openly . announces that Cleo la bis Balanced bride. Tho pair go to Paris, anil us Francois' mother, Mine. Dc Vprnct, will not think of allowing Cleo to become her daugbtcrdn-law, the young couple live together, and for a time aro nappy, (finally, however, tiring of his ciiaipanliHi. EraucolS grows cold In his love, and seeks the friendship of Eiiulco Shaw, a girl (rum the States, who la living in Paris, nicoiiipiuileil by her father, Colonel Alexander Shaw. Francois determines to ac- company I hem lo America, and so Informs Cleo, who Is now fully aware of conditions. This declaration angers Cleo, and sho drives Erancols to assault her In order that tho Ffrcnch law will imprison him and keep hlin from following Eunice Hhaw to America. Her plan is successful, and Francois Is given a sentenco of llvo years In prison. He Is paroled, after serving three years, and Im- mediately leaves for thu States, and nuirrles Ennlco Shaw. News of his mothers fatal III- neso brings him back to Paris, disguised, but upon bis arrival be Is met by Cleo, who Is now'presiding over tho greatest of tho city's f[ambling establishments. Knowing that Cleo las recognized him, and fearing her betrayal, he calls upoa her. Her determination to avongo her wrung, reveals tlie fact that he Is married to Eunice Shaw, who pleads wltb Cleo lo spare Francois, Clco's mercy sirs lain en* out Francois' poslllon, and ho Is released. Cleo Immediately swallows a poisonous po- tion aud dies. The cast: den. Botillgtiey, McKoo Rnnkln; Mmo. Buiillgney, l^lla Hop- ton; roelie lloullgaey, Ann Archer; (juuiro Mian. Nell Miirati ; l rimmls lie Vcniel. W. L. Abingdon: Mmo. De Vornet, Ida - Water- man : <ilco I'auiv, Nance O'Ncll; I'lillllpiio Si'giiln, William Cimitlulgli: Iteu. Helen (liu- Jacorh'. —Moving pictures 17-111. Cbiiim- cey O'wlt ST. ■ Notkh, —Keith A Proctor have purebnsed the Jaeohs' Theatre In Its entirety. 'Che price being named as tl3>',oo.O, n considera- tion frbm T whfeh amount Lesven Jacobs gels lo relinquish bis lease. The now purchas- ers will take control June 1. and. after re- modeling the theatre, will place tho'building In the regular Keith A Proctor circuit, tt Is sflld that Mr. Jacobs received llS.OQO. to re- tire bis lease, which has seven years to run. Mr. Jacobs. Is Is said, will go to Co- hoes, N. V., end manage, his father's the- atre there Bobbins' Circus Is .billed for 20. . ^...ii, ' , . .1 ,... >' . ——— llobokeii. —At the Lyric (P. II. Soulier, niauagor) "The Outlaw's Christmas" April 21-24. "At- (•ripple Creek" 25-27. "Eight Bells" 28-May J, "The Choir Singer" 2-4. "the Boy Ilehlud the Gun" r,-a. Emi'jui: (A. M. liriiggemaon, proprietor). —Hill week April 22: Fred Karno's- London Comedy Co., wltb Billy Ucevss and the orig- inal company; Norton and Nicholson. Hick- man Brothers. Kelly nnd Kent. Savan and Melirhle. Grace llasard. sod, as. n special nttriicilun, Klta-llanzal Troupe. Business Is One. Notks. —During the severe Illness, of LeHder William lllckey, nf Keith A Proctor's ligrlom house, George A. Junker, formerly leader at tbc Empire, la creditably filling his position. ■ * Patcraon.—At tho Opera. House (J. J. Govtsehlus, manugcr) Shepard's muvlng pic- tures, week of April in. pleased. , Emi'iuk (A. M. Ilruggcnmu, niuuugerN).-- - Capacity house* Inst week. Rill for 22 nud company, Julie Uhig nnd company, George week: Spool; Minstrels. Kuuuel t De Foy and Wilson, Oitrtcllc Ilrds.. Fans! Hnw., Ciirllslc's dogs and ponies and lh.e Emplro motion pic- lures. I.yi'Kim (F. .1. (lllbcrt. manager).—"Van- keo Hess," with Mamie Elemliiff lu the title role, played to good bouses 15-17. "Tho Peddlor" enjoyed liberal palrumiKO 18-20. "Tlio Choir Sluger'' 22-24, VTlic Man of llnr Choice" 20-27. J Aeons' (Maurice Jacobs, iniuingcr). — Innocent Maids had a prolltablo stay, week of 10. Parisian Belles week ol 22, Vaukeu Doodle Girls next ■*- _j 4. W. Taylor, manugcr I. week of April 8, vaude- " all toruuu," 21, 22, played to big business. "Tho ot Spice'' 2.'l, "Queen of the White Isle 4n»T2g» Wl V.S© ^ N , efhe;^ , i^'Sap U ^,.rK!ni,^ Shew 17. iolui Brew 18, "The RaJaT of couvrenr." "The Second Mrs A .Tmi.q.t.eray" and llltoux" 20, Gertrudo Mwlng Co. 21, OtlB Bkhinrr 25, (Jcrtrude KwlugCo. 27 Ih.iTi;.—Iluslness bos been unusually good. Hill lor 15' and week: Four Shannons, Al. •lolson. Tusciino Bros., Devlin and Ellwood, l'.vans un.I Kviiiib. Elverlon. CJaxton Rlehman teinpiiny, Giiy'M Minstrels, and Luna Kline. , I'Asni.v.— Business Ik reiairled good. Bill lo and week: Ton Kuni, Miss MlJIer, lllus- Iralisl songs; N'eola. Golden and Hughes. Eph "Hlliiin.s, and Woodwork's new moving; pic- lutes. OsknloosB.—At the Masonic Opera Houso 'A. I'. Owoiih. resident mnnnger) "The Isle »f Kpli*" bad a good sale for April 18. "resiling luateh. Pons vs. 'Turner, HI. "fho '■Irl of The Golden West" 24. Local Mana- ger Oweus, who has been working out wltb las liK-al baseball team, leaves hi n few days •OT i-whir Itnplds, wlicre he 1b on the pitch- lag si nil for the present season. „ I'oxs (Hewitt £ Duncan: managers).— atiiisiell nnd Itoiualiio, nerlallsts, left 13, for 1'iii'ciipuri, where they till engagements. « ■ Hnmllfoii At I bo Jefferson (Tom A. ^allli.'iaai'.nger) "The Governor's Pi)rdwi." Hi!. ' '"• 'i"' 1 - g"u<l business and pleased, •"lly It. Van, in "Palsy In Politics," 14, matl- "» and night, hud cupacity. Dc Wolf Hop- per, in, ployed td 8. K.O. "When Knighthood Has In Flower" 20. Grand (McCarthy A Ward, managers).— kornn. Doll Farlnrneau, Ethel WhlteRlde and i'lekniiliinles, Adnms Brothers, and ReilUeliler and Knight. „ ♦ • » . — 1ICI.K.N Marvin, a prima donna, nnd Kd- w "" 1 Ilerlsirt MJncr, of Thu Morsiim Trie- Hil'. nrt departtiienf, were mnrried ou April 10 i In New Xotk City, Cainll!e." Last week "The llypoerotes" pluyed lo excellent business. Hurry Bulger, In "Noah's Ark." 2U-May 4. CoiAivtiilA TnwrnB (Lueketl & Dwyer, manager*).—Tills week, Ezra Kendall, In "Swell Elegant Jones." I^ist week Robert lioralne, In "Mail and Supermini," to full houses. The Klllles Band cbuecrts, 21, wore well attended. "The Gingerbread Man" 20- Dei.asco TtiEA-ntH (L. 8toddard Taylor, manager).—This week, local events until 27. when the University of Pennsylvania Mask and Wig Club presents two performances of Its new burlesque, "Herr l/ohengrln." l^nst week llcrtlia Kallch presented '"The Krcutzer Sanatu," to deservedly good business. De Wolf Hopper, In "Wang." 20-May 4. Majkitic Thkatiib ■ (.0. L. Eisler, mono- Kcr).—This wee!:, the third of Kathryn Pur- lieu's extended season, she Is presenting "Eaust." Last week "The Belle of Richmond" wus well lilaycd and patronized. "Roanoke" "c'liAsii's Tiihatiib (Miss II. Winnlfred Do Witt, manager).—This week- The Military Octette, Kllnoro Sisters, Zuzell- Vernon Cn.. Sours, Hurry 11. Lester. Terry nnd lilmer. Grace I'bllders and the vllugrupli. I^ist week IOdwurd Connelly, In George Ado's playlet, "Marse Covington," headed tho usual fine bill, to'cupaclly houses. LYCKiiJt Tmbatiir (Eugeno Kernan, mana- ger).— This week, Williams' Ideals. Last week tho Jolly Grass Widows bad good busi- ness. The New Century Girls April 2i)-May I. TliH'Foiim'Al'CiH A 8kli,k' Claccs cnnlo 20, 30 ' . i'tii' Nkw Natidn-ai, will run light opera, and the Columbia nnd Belaaco's will hute comedy stock companies during the coming Summer. — ■■ -. ••- — ... I ^l» Slaves" 24, tho Smart Set 25-27. I'm. i'h (K. B. Mitchell, manager).—Dig business week of 17. Booked week of 22: Mile. Victoria, Charlie and Nellie King, Tcn- brooko and Lambert Company, Clinton and Jcrnion, Jack Lorlmer, Meuetekel, und tho elcctrograph. NoTiia.-^-Tbc final rehearsal of the Wild West Show, in this city, was held 10. The combination left here, 21, for Madison Siiuure Garden, lo open 23. Col. Cody and Johnny Baker wero greeted by a largo delegation of members of Hamilton Conraandcry, Knights Templar, here, 20..... .George Bush, former sparring partner of Join) L. Sullivan, is-hi this city, uriuiiging to take out u show for George 11. Downing, a former theatrical backer of Siilllvunl Tins local acrlo of Euglcs will hold u memorial service 111 Ibis city May f>. The aoi'lo recently iiiado $700 net, oh a ball, which will be applied lu the fund used In piux-hnsing a new ? JO.OOO home. Attorney' Henry E. Shannon, past worthy president of tho aerie, will deliver the me- morial address. t ilnrtford—At Foil's (Louis E. Kllby,' manager) week of April 22: Mile. Chester and her statue dog. Lillian Ajihln, Chadwlck Trio, Wood, Ellis, Humlltnn and McDonuld, Maymi; Gehruc and company, Stuart Barnes, and Selblnl and Grovlnl. Paiisonk' (II. C. Parsons, manager).— ham: Mine. Plcard, Lizzie Hudson Colllnr; M. Gournce, Wm. J. Eergiisoti rPltou, Kruiik Dekutu ' Viilpc, Wm. lliueltlue ; Col. Alex- ander Shnw. Chiudii Ollllngwn ter; Eunieo Shaw, Mabel Morrison : Jean, E. J. Do Vnr- ncy; Louis, Valentine Vance. "East Lyniifl" 22, "Joshua Hlmpkins" 23, 24, "Tho oiiuaw Man" 2r», "Tho Two Orphans" 20, "Kerry Gow" 27. Youno'h . PlWi Tiibatrk (W. IS. Sliackel- ford, manager).—Vaudeville continues to meet wltb success. Bill for week of 22: Jack Van Hup* aud Sophomore Girls, Ray- mond and Clark, Bryant and Savllle, Todd .hidgo anil Hon, Adelaide Francis, Harry Lee, Hill and Sylvluiiy, mid klnclugruph, Cbaum-ey Olcotl, In. "Eileen Aslhore," iilcused a good sized audience 10. "The Isle of spice," JO. i-oioml week. Rogers Bros. 20, "The Lion and tho Mouse" 22-24. Haiitioih) OeiiiiA lloUHi; (II. II. Jeiiulngs. niiuinger). — "NeJlle, the Beiuitlful Cloak Model," 15-17. pleased. Mamie Mciuiug. Ill "Yutikee Bess," hud good sized iiudiencos 18- 20. Trie Original Octoroons, la "Happy Da/s la Dixie," 22-24, substituted ' for "As Ye Sow," canceled. "Human Hearts" 20-28. * t » ' SOUTH CAROLINA. •CbnrleMou.—At tho Academy of Musi.'- (('bus. It. Matthews, manager) ".The. Old Hoineslenil" drew well April 10. "Slumber- land" flocal), under direction of Harry Foote, drew big bouses 18, 10.. "The Uingcrbrcud Man" had good houses 20. The King Stock Co. 22-27, Manhiittuu Opera Co. 21), InUell- ult«. Henderson, .manager) "Dorothy Vcnioii, of lladdon Hail." week of April 22. "(Jucen of Ihe Highbinders" lit follow. "Texas, lfi-20. pleused. Hon Ton (T. W. Dliiklns, maiiHger).— Manager Dlnklns' o»n mad attraelloii, tbc Innocent Maids, week of 22. Parisian Belles next, Williams' Ideals hud a prolltablo stay 10-20. . . Kkitii & Puut.'i-oil's (P. Burns, resident manager),—Current: Hymns and Mclntyrc, Geo. B. fleno and coiupuny. Ilasipie Quartettn, Elmer Tcnley, Eclioff and Gordon, and tho Dalleys. Notks. —Local 30. National Alliance of Killers and Kill Posters, meet the first Sun- day In every month, ut their new ball. Tint-' let's. Grove und Third Streets. At their lust meeting six blllci-H from the Buffalo Bill Wild West were gathered Into the fold. The record- ing si'cr.ilary, Walter MoGlmpsoy, is ut 07 Bright Street e.Miinagcr Ernest T. Mly, of "Tex:is," who bus liel'ii very III, Is again ' . on dutv. somewhat thin, but full of busi- ness. He will spend bis vacation "at tho . Jamestown Exposition. "Texas" cloaca the season May 4. Laura Burt and Henry Stanford arc featured In "Dorothy Vernon, of lladdon Halt." Tho New York Uni- versity Glee, Mandolin and Banjo Club Is ut riasbrock'.-i Hall, 30. ., ■ , , ■ ' . s Kllaniieili.—At the Lyceum (Drake It Kirov, mauagers) Itobt Downing came April ■ 10-17. in Vlluiiulng for Governor." Mr. Downing WHS rcpealeilly encored, as was. his excellent cast. "A Mtlbi Outcast" fid- ■ lowed IH-20, and pleased. Vanity Fair Co. . K2-24, .'"ilia-UiitluK'tt Lkiliima'\- ao-a;, _ Oniden,—At the Camden Theatre (M. n'. Taylor, manager), week of April 8. vaude- ville all week, under the auspices of the local Rni lee, In nld of Urn Police Pension Fund, iiislncss « as to capacity all week. "A LIU 1" Outcast," April 10-17, opened to satisfactory business. Jos. Hoctlx, In "Our Friend I'rlla ' (return), 18-20; "Hans and Nix" 22-24. — ' ' -fr i rt —~ lOI.UHAIH). bcniir.—At the Broadway (Mrs. Ii. E. McCourl. in'oprlntor and munugiui. Itoseih.- Knott did good business, In "Alice Klt-by-lbc h'lro." April 1S-I7. Sun Carlos (y|inra Co. had packed hoiiMH 18-20. Blanche Walsh, In "The Straight Road," 22-27. OnrifgnM (Martin Beck, resident malin- ger);-—Bill last week Included: Elizabeth Murray, Mar. Tourbllllon Troupe, La Belle Veola. Dave Nowlln, Qulgg. Mackey and Nlckeison. Dni'iinil Trio, thu IMnelng Daisies, and the klnodroinr. Week of 22: Mabel Mr- Kiiiley, May 'Fully and company, FunUcr Trio. Lllllmi Shaw, Mark Sulllvnn. Maxwell nnd Dudley, Johnny Johns, and the pictures. 'i'Aiion Granp (Mrs. E. V. McCourt, pro- prietor and manager). -Griffith's Hypnotic Comedy Co. (lid fair business last week. The house is dnr!( 21-37. I.UHKI.SKI (Henry Lubelskl. proprietor nnd iniitiaic'il. -The bill last week Included : Gardner and Dell. Hatiuillo, Vincent. Mac- Curthy nnd company, James Hammock wll- ItrtniK, Tliomrson and llony, und the pictures. Good bu.ihii sh rules. Crtstai. (Geo. Ira Adams, proprietor und mnuiiger).—The bill Un April I0-2O Inrlmli'd : carrolto.i and llmlges, Oscar Witleli. I'siulllcs. Ik»w Dliaiond. Waich Duo, Hiigliunlo 'I'ronpe. nnd the pictures. Billed tor week of 21 are : Kugene Triu. Cull and Johnston, Clans and Itadellfl'c, l.tiurii Jones, Kliiglmry, and thu pictures, Niitks.— On Monday ovcnlng. 22. MiwsrH. I'cltiui & SmuUnr, managers nf thu Curtis Thentro, will give n uounlit perforiniiiiee lo the executive staff, Adrian Miigulru, John Schuler am) E, II. Gi-rsnn. Theodore Lvifh and comphhy will present "Caplulp Heurni.., p.'B. A." It is uodernfood that Idu Coanucs't will open the Bummer Ihniilrl.ral season nt Elllcb's Gardens, and May Buck- ley will follow. Tills tiagoila like pliiv- hoiiRc has been remodeled, and sluuils In readiness for occiljinncy Contracts liuve bei n signed nail plans drawn for u new vaudeville boiiHd, tb Vi iireetod In tlm ni'UT future, on Curtis Street, hy the Sulllviin-i'oii- slillnu VAudnvlllo Co., at a cost of 170,000. ■ ■ * . * * . . . INDIANA. Kurt Wiiylie.— At the Mpjcslle (M. E. Rice, niaiiiigcr) '.'No Mother to (luidu Her' bad capacity houses Anrl) 14. May Irwlu had big biishietn 15. Primrose's MbislrelH nirt wUli good returns 17. "Tim Tltno, the Place and the Girl" plays a return engagement 21, Cole mid Johiisini, In "The Slioo-Kly Regi- ment." 22-23; "The Men nnd the Mouse" 20- 27: "Montana" 28. TaUNN (F, K. Hlunder, niatuiger).—Hill for week of 10: (Jorge K. Spoor's couipany, Lliidsuy's rings and monkeys, Pcto llukor, Ihn Ushers, h'lo Alitor arid company, Bertha Meyer, titi.l the kluodronie. (for week of 22 : Harry Itl-lmnls ami company. Jot) White- heud nnd Gilirson «f»ler»r, Wells Bros., Mitm- phts Kennedy, Dolly Wells, llerthu Meyur, and the klniMiriunc. Notbs. — AksImIuiiI Trcasuror 11. It. Dennis. of tho Majestic Thenti-e. is a iirofessloiial bull pbiynr, and has Joined Ihn Wheeling Cen- tral League tcuni for the season..... .Pain's spectacle, "The Full of Port Arthur," will be given here during the Slate (I. A. R. eneiiiiip- inent. May 21-23 Thu recent rngagumeut of KI'IW & Ei'lilliger's pr.Mlilelloil of "Tim I'rluco of India," at I ho Mujcstlc. made a new rceo.'il for a single week's buslnesii In Fort Wayne. The gross reeelnls rcneheil about % I LOO" for eight'pcrformaticcs. ■— , m • . • — AIIKANNAH. Hot Hiirlusts. -At the Aiidltoiluni (Uric ham & liend, muiiugcrs) the Myrkb'-llurdvr Stock Co. had big business und well pleused audiences. It WHS considered the best re- pertory company visiting this scclluii In some time, "duster Brown" April 11. This practically closes the season, at. thu Audi- torium. Notkh.-i— Manager J, Frank Head, of the Auditorium, Is erecting In the heart of the city an alrdoinc theatre, with a scaling ca- pacity of about 1/JOO. Tho building Is being rushed lo completion, unit Mr. Head expects to have If imlslied mill opened by May 10. T'hn untorlaliiineiits will be opera and ivper- lory coiupiinleM and lilgh class vntidevlili'. Such mi eiiierprlse will he hulled with de- light hy our citizens, mm well ns the vlslllug population, as the need of stieh u plain of umiisi.'uicfit during liir* Siiinmvr nionlhs is iniicb full. Xtlls theatre will be under the direct maongemoiit nf Mr, Head Al. Whlllinglon 1'ark (II. O. Price, manager) llm Suauner thsatre has been rcconstruvLcd by Morliiger Price, and now has a seating ca- pacity nt LOW. It will be opened about Mnv 1. lo run for Ihe Summer months. .The en- ■ tuutalnnieiits will lw opera and repertory companies and moving pictures. 'I"be open- - lug of tbls amusement pork is eagerly looked forward to. »•< ■ 4»» • HfaUW IlKgOn Vaw, tho slugor, and Vera ' Gfildlliwnlte. n hiwyorof llnslon, Musi,, Wt'tB ; iiiujxll'll Wl»Ulljr/»a'tllit-i!Hfc . .' - '