The New York Clipper (May 1907)

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May n. THE NWW YORK CLIPPER. •*£* 329 1'orker'B new comedy. The story tells of a Hon!on tf* merchant, whose Krtgllsb partner dies, leaving his pretty, young duughter to carry an l))s ihare of the woyk. .The pretty, vVitinK m rive* In Boston Just ulioiit the tlnie i,.r the ten riots. She stays with ,inlih March, ttb tea Merchant, and his Jealousy spinster sister. The two' partners Hhare oho office, rind thus, notwithstanding International complications and a suitor ap- proved by the dead merchant, they acquire In each otheT/n life Interest. ...The play proved to be u bright, wholesome one, and ought to till the Vaudeville for many months. Charles llnwtrey Is (he John Chance, and Blllie Ilurke, who lias nrtpiired quite a name In musical comedies, Is seen as Miss 1'erclval, the daughter nl' the dend tea merchant. Others In ttte ploy are Arthur Playfiilr. O. B. Clarence, Hubert Haroen, Alice Beet and HwvMle Herbert. • ■ "My Darling" closed lis run at the Hick's <m Thursday.. It was not a great success either artistically or financially. The play will open a provincial tour with thq same cast 'at Dublin, on Monday next. The lirst London performance of "Brewster's Millions" will he done at. the Hick's, on i.Muy 1. Gerald dli Maiirler, ivhn made a big success In tbo inline part, In "Ituilloy." at the Comedy, will filnv Brewster, u pnrt which ought to fit ilm admirably. The opening of "sirs. Wlggs of the Cab- bage" Patch" wbh shifted from Thursday to m-liljtht, the failure of some members of the company to nrrlvo In time for the original date being the cause of the shift. I believe. invert* of statistics will be Interested? to learn, tiint. according to the official report of Hikings ot., the Paris theatres In 1000, the figures were larger than those Of previous vears, (exhibition years alone excepted). The lirand Opera, for Instance, took £147,0^4; the (.'omedle Frnncalse, (40,9411; the Opera coralqtio, tl07,r.84, and the (Moon, CJnMillO. of the non-aobvontloned theatres the Chatc- )••! hearted the list with nearly £80,000, the Varieties coming next with £54.310, while the Vaudeville took £38.240, the Hymnnse £:in,2l<l, Hi.' Oalcte £3 i.:i."iii. and the Krnnls- sonco -JB91.R20. A large CniWd assembled In the Mart, To- kenlioiise Yard, Thursday afternoon, when Hie London Coliseum was offered for sale. Iliil not it word was spoken except by the auctioneer —there Was not a single hid. For tan minutes or more the auctioneer discoursed on the iiingrJlleeiicc of the building and Its enormous •povalhllltles. "From lost to first. I am Informed," he sulci, "this magnificent property hn> cost £300.000." The acquisi- tion of the site alone Involved between £100.000 and £150,000. and the revolving slags, propelled by sixteen electric motors. Itself c»it .130,000. As to the seating ac- coinntidiitlon. It was his opinion that It would lake S.oOO persons easily. Here was nn np.i.irt unity, the auctioneer went on to say. If It whs not to be a music hall, for iiinniwrs from Germany and France who wanted a piece In which to produce operas In this country. The house was to be sold, he added, by order of the High Court, as a going concern, nnd In twenty-four hours It could be opened to the public, for It was swept and garnished, and everything was In readiness for" Immediate business.' Owing to Hie conditions of the Illglt Court, the auc- tioneer hud no power himself to bid, nnd even the rccrvc figure was under seal In his pocket. Hut Inasmuch as report fore- sluidiiivd ..the willingness of a syndicate in .lifer £2110.000.. be suggested a start of £150.000, Just halt the sum that they knew the, 'Coliseum had cost. There being Ho re- sponse, "mity I ask £100.000?" he asked. Still the sllinee of, the packed room re- mained nnmvken. Afterwards £80,000, and llnnlly .CiO.noi) were suggested from the auc- tioneer s stand, but there was no bid, and I he nuellnni-ei' withdrew the property with the remark tnat. any proposition w(th regard to It might he made to the office of his con- cern. Mrs, Brown Totter will sail for South Africa on May 18. to fulllll n toiir With Fran!: Wheeler. During her -visit to that country Mrs. rotter will appear In a scries of characters from her repertory, opening her season early In June. I'bii and Nettle Peters did not return to Hie States as 1 staled in this letter t few weeks ago, They were iiersuaded to remain nn Oils side for a While longer, and, accord- ing to present accounts, will leave for New York 'July 21, hut Just for a short visit, as tliey return to' Knghind on Sept. 1. to fulllll return engagements on the Moss & Stoll tour. They have done exceptionally well at every house they have played, return engagements being honked before the conclusion of the lirst engagements, which speaks for Itself. (•wing, to Alfred lister's success with 'A Uci. Episode," nt the I'nluee, Ills en- gagelttenf" ot (hot house has b«en extended. The duologue Is excellent. On Slay 0 Iloruce fioldlit will make his reappearance at the riilivce„.nnil will Introduce some new Illusions to <■■-:■ ticjnr ibe event. On the sumc night Splsscll Brothers and Mack will make their debut In, this country. The directors of the Kmnlro have now ilelbillely decided on May 0 for the produc- linn of "Sir linger dc Covcrloy." the new bal- let, by Adrian Boss, with music by Or. Os- mund Carr. On Monday next two new acts will lie added to the bill nt that bouse, the ivrez.iir.;. and Mnrglt ami Lchncr. Manchester Is to liuVe a "While Clly," nn umi'senieni pnrk on similar lines to the ii i ■ in lie i- which have sprung up ill America in recent yqtirs. The Manchester undertak- ing, 'Which will be opened to the public, lit the first of Its .kind In this country. The promoters arc already 'In negotiation fpr slles in London, r,eeds. Scotland, Purls nnd Vienna. An endeavor Is being made nt Man- chester to employ nil the best features of the Ainerlcmi nmuicmeht 'parks, r.tid to ndnfit them to the taste of the F.ngHsh public. The promoters hove inquired the 'picturesque HolnnlcnJ tiardens, Old Trnfford, for tea years, at an annual rental .of.£2,000. Tliero ace already spacious prnmenridea, n band stand nn<l a lake, In which a fairy fountain, Willi clutnglng colors, will be placed, nnd the new feiiiures will Include a hnllronm, n skat- ing rink, a scenic rnllwny. a novel form ot swllehhnck, n captive balloon In which ns- cent* will be mime, and n host of minor nt- trncllons, familiar to-the American patrons of "White Cities," but comparatively nn- 1 linwii in (his country. Tile promoters axe carrying through the scheme with, character- istic American hustle. The electric light Installation is to be In working order in sixty days. A paiiieuhiriv striking feature will be the tower, 200 feet high, which la to he a copy of the tower In the White City nlens- ure. grounds of Chicago. C. II. Heaincntc, »f Manchester, Is the architect of the scheme, and the general manager is John Calvin Brown, of Chicago. America is very well represented at the Circus Cnrre, Amsterdam, during the current month. Among the "Yanks" on the bill at Hint limine nt'e: Tlie Brothers Mnrtlnc, Her- bert I.lovil, Bud Snyder, and Able Mitchell. The Brothers Marline have been doing ex- ceptionally well on the continent. They play the I'lislno, ltotterdam, tbe-llrst- half of May. and the Hcnln. Hague, the second half, after which they go to the Palais de Kt«. llrits- sells, for n fortnight, with time In this country to follow. Tile Tossing Ailstlns opened at the Hlp- ixslrome. Liverpool, last week, nnd caught •>n Immediately, with the comedy work of Hie male-utcniher of the team, nnd the grace- ful dqnchie of the female member. As a result or their successful opening, tliey have been engaged for the cbtlro Bnrrnsford lour. Tlie Musical Johnstons return to ISnglnnd from the Slnles very shortly, lo open on Hie Mosr ft Stoll. i.nn. nl tlie Birmingham house, mid they will, lie on that tuur, with the Ox- ceplliui nl' one or two liulejieiideiil halls. until Iteceiiihi-r 0, lluiT, when they will piny a return engagement of six weeks at the AltiahiDm. in this city. They Will probably go on the continent rat some months, from March, 1U0B, before their return to America. Jock Morris, who lias beeu connected In tlie past with Barnum Jt Bailey, Buffalo Bill. Jules Hurry, Allen's New Orleans Minstrels, the giantess, Who Is now appearing at the London Hippodrome. Tliey will sburlly pro- ceed on a tuur of the Moss & Stoll bouses. Will lingers, "the mod with rhe rope," ar- rived in London Inte lost night, lie has brought over three meu and three nonles. a ad will Introduce a tilg novelty act to the amuse- ment seekers of this country. It will la' re- membered that Mr. Rogers was the talk of London last Summer, when be plnycd fur Hiunc weeks. In fact, the people and patters liuve been talking about "tnat cowboy chap" ever slurc he llnlshed bis engagement at that house. < It. G. Kuowles, after nn absence of two years from this centre, will tmiKc a reappear- ance after his tour of the world, at the Pal- ace, early In June. During his engagement there Will be a series of taut luces, at which Air. Knonies will give his succeisful lectures, "Old. Worlds Through New Kyes." 1 also understand Mr. Knowles has certain out- standing exclusive engagements In the pro- vinces. Kiln Shields, who, returned from South Africa a fortnight ago, was to have opehed ut the llolborn Kroplre, last Monday, but she was obliged to cancel that engagement, owing to a severe cold contracted on the voyage from AfrlcO. She Is billed for the Grand, Ciopbnm, nnd the Palace, Camherwell, for next week. Itnymau and i'ranklia, who made a hasty trip to the stales a few weeks ago, are due la to-day, and are billed to open at the Pavilion, ou Monday Their act Is very well liked by the patrons of that house. The variety department of Ashton's Royal Agency Is now under the mnnageinent of W. Mcott. Adncker, who was formerly associate manager with Ben Nathan. The latter has Joined forces with Day's Agency. Mr. Adnck- er, although a vary young man, has nn excellent knowledge of the variety, and Is well thought of by managers ami performers. De Rleiv's success has been so prominent nl the Alhamhra, that his engagement has been prolonged at that establishment lie will be a feature there for some time. The Mlllmnn Trio still continues to go big. Blrille Mlllman, the clever young lady of the trio, had a very had fall last night, ami. from what I understand, a somewhataerlous one. Josephine Sabel has achieved a notable success In South Africa. Of her appearance at theKinpire, Johannesburg, the local paper says : 'Miss Snbel- wns accorded what was perhaps the most flattering reception, ever given any nrtisl In Johannesburg, .but It was nothing niore than aite deserved. Johan- nesburg audiences arc highly critical and not Infrequently hard to plci:ne,'and the man- ner hi which they 'receive o turn may he re- garded us nil earnest of the Intrinsic merit, especially of a variety performance. Miss Salad had'no Ooiihr lieen informed of this, iiiiil. If such were the case, she has occasion io feel highly gratified nt the tremendous ovation which came from every part of the on the of her pci-fnri'iinncc last night." • • ' +«♦ l'KNNSVI.\ AM A. I'lilliHlt-Iiililii. —The unusually cool weath- er In Aorll kept up the attendance ut all of the houses, but May days will soon see sev- eral of the houses putting up their shutters. The Incursion of Keith A Proctor Into the legitimate Held will probably result In the iiccup.ipcy of UN Chestnut Street Thentfc next season lor that purpose. It has now been Idle fo.' nearly tfiree'montlis, the only use being made of it being a hugh bUllioniM on the front, advertising the Keith am ac- tions. iiitn.Mi (Nixon fc Zimmerman, managers).— Harry Bulger, in "Nohli'B Ark," makes his. local bow May 0, for two weeks. In Ihe cast or.:: Sulllo Klshcr. Stanley Kforde, Haltle Arnold, h'dWin' Wilson, Mnlda iSnyder and William Murphy. 1/riink Daniels; In "The Tattooed Man," concluded a prosperous fort- night's ntny 4, • . , (Krahk Howe Jr., manager).— ftiga NetheiMile, In "The 'Awakening," wns given n hearty welcome by flne audiences who thronged the house lust week. For the final week Tier repertory will Include "Adrlertne. !.<•• coitvrcur," ••fc'apho" and '(Carmen. iHarry Bulger, In "Noah's Ark," Will move over to this house wn-k of HI. LVOtc (Messrs. Shnbert, managers).—Joe Weher and company had good sized houses Inst week. Which thoroughly enjoyfld. the vocal efforts of I, Milan nnd Mali rice l-'iifkou. the Impersonations of Cecilia. Loft us nnd the comedy efforts of tlie tttpr, Win. i. Hodge and Otis Harlan. The second and flnnI week oeglns 0. Dgvld Warlleld, In "The Music Master,' 13. for two weeks. Walnut (Frank Howe Jr.. manager).— May U marks the beginning of the eleventh week, and the eighty-first performance here of "Ills Honor, the Mayor,'' which bids fair' to break all prevloiio records-for a musical shd\v. . I'Atttt (V. d. Nlxon-Nlrdllngcr. managers. —Tom Waters, In '"rhe Mayor of l.aughlnacl." loomed up prominently as a fun producer, anil drew packed houses last week. THo same attraction will continue until the end of the season. OtiANn <<;. A. Wcgefnrth, manager).— Billy Van, In "Patsy in Politics," 0-11. Nat M. Wills, In "A Lucky •Dog,'' tested the capacity all last week, "The Gingerbread Man" 13-18. (IiMAko (Miller ft Kaufman, managers).— Dan Sully, In "The Matchmukcr," (1-11. The house production of "The Holy City" drew largo audiences Inst week, the old slock favorites- being accorded hearty welcomes. Rose Melville, !n "His Hopkins," l.'MH. . National (J. M. Kelly, manager).—"The Sign nf the Cross" this week, following six diivi; of good business done by Charles T. Aidrlch, In "S^ret Service Sam." "The Girl from I be Ranch" 13-18. Haiit'.s (John W. Hhrt, manager 1.—8elinn iler-uun begins her third nnd final week, 0, wneii she will nppenv In "Host l.ynne." Last week "For Her (Milldren's Sake" drew large numbers. Van Klnzle, In "At 1'lncy Ridge," 13-1S. KniiRPAt.'Ol'.'s (sillier & Kaufman, mana- gers).—"Ten Nights in u Bur Room" nil Last week, Htigehle Tilnlr's efforts, In "The Second Mrs. Tnjiqtterny," were reworded by large and well pleased houses. "Tho Kreul- xer Sonata" l.'l-lS. _ , • Pboi'I.b'b (V. '0. Nlxon-Nlrdllngcr, mana- ger).—"Tho Outlaw's Christmas" 0-11. "The Women Who Dare" was received with much favor, by line houses, last week. "The Sign of the Cross" lil-18. HLAftnt'R (J. 1*. Kckhunlt, manager).— "The Fatal Wedding" Oil. Allen Doone, In "Kerry Uow," sung nnd danc.od himself Into high lavor with tho patrons, who turned out In large numbers last week. Ildisell Broth- ers. In "The Hired tllrl's Millions," l.'MH. STANnAiiD (Darcy A Speck, mauagersi.— N. 8. Wood continues tit the bend of the stock. Which presents "The Wnlfs of New York." week of fl. "Lost In n Big City" was weli patronized Inst week. "A Rugged Hero" 13-18. Kbith's (II. T. Jordan, manager).—Henri De Vrles, In the play, "A, Case of Arson," Is tlie beadllner week of 0. Other entertain- ers are: Walter c. Kelly, Little Hip. l-eotm Thurbcr, Amerlcus Comedy Four, William Could and Vnleskn Hurtnii, I^i Solvngxls Troupe of Dancers, Lntelle llfothers, the four London.-. Milton's dogs, the Bell Hoy Trio, Bailey and Austin, Wisid and Litwson, Vencilau opndollcr Bund, ami the klneto- graph. .'Crowded houses continue, afternoon and night. . ClICSTNIT KrtlllKT Ol'l.'KA llol'HK TMXIHl lletween the tilg VAll>L\ II.I.K ninllagers, will call for new KKlill'ITS. (let an Act NOW. Particulars fur tt. stamp. International Vaudeville Supply Co. 1 College Place, ■ Buffalo, N. V. ft Zlnini"rni.'in. mniingersK—That advanced vaudeville in this house has come to stay. Is well lodged h\ the lop notch crowds. For Ihe current week "The Kimg Birds," which scared n pronounced hit last week, with Helen Bertram nnd Wm. Burress. continues as the big letter event, while Ihe other features are: Kdna Walla.- Hopper. Mile. Da vie. It. C. Kuowii.H, Henry U-e. Vasco. the Juggling Macllan.i, Curon and Herbert, Vlnelll's horses, and moving pictures. . Ruoti iflcorge W. Rife, mnnnger).—The Innocent M«!ds week of 0. The company in- cludes: Smith anil Champion. Hie ttevons, Sadie UtifsM, Hughes mid llnr.eltnn. Hill and UK', and Smith nnd Conway. The Mlsa New York Jr. Co. wns much In evidence, to good business. Inst week. New Century Ulrls 13-18. LvcKtiM (John fi. Jermon, tnnnngcrL— The Big tycnsutlon Co." this week. In file olio nre: The. Blodgetl Sisters, Rlcliy crelg, and Williams nnd Merburne. Hon Manchester's Vimlty Fair Co. had snllsfaclnry returns last week. Casino (Kilns A Knenlg, managers).— Clark's Runaway (Jlrls ft it. The two act farce. "The Sultan's Dilemma," keeps rhe comcdlnns active, while the olio names: Clare Burg. Bowery Comedy Quartette, Bert Wlg- gln, nnd the Four Livingstons. Tlie Trans- Atlantles enjoyed good patrnunne Inst week, tho Jessie Keller troupe or 'cyclists being an feature. Tlie Masiniernders next. Tiioi'Ainaui (Fred Wlllson, inanngi-rl.— Williams' Ideals this week. Kalhcrlrte Clare hits the boy role, while lite olio mentions t Hilton and Zeff, All nnd TcyBcr, Mnlicl John- son, International Trio, Frank tl'ltrlen. mid Clayton nnd Fryo. The Jolly tlrass Widows Intd pneked houses Inst week. F.i.hvknth SriinFT Opkra llotisg (Frank Dumonl, uianagi i i.—This Is the II mm I weel; of the Reason ut this house. The week will lie devoted to Hie skit, "Vaudeville Crazy, or J lie Rival Manngcm" llugliey Dougherty Will nlso essay a InirlcKipic of Vesta Vlctnrlu. 'Ihe season lias been nn iinilsttnlly successful one from nil standpoints. RUMOR, Frankfort! fJnmes McKay, mnnn- ger>.— .Vck of it: Jen" ami Laverae Henley, ihe Great Menslcy, Ilitrke and lirllnc, Pero mid Wlhx'iu, mid moving pictures. Ninth and Aiich Muskiiai ,(T. F. Hopkins, mnnnger).—In the .theatre the current week nre: John Healev. Butler and La Mar, Chris- topher Omen, Miller nnd Hopkins. Clura Colt, nnd I,ul. Iu'h clneogrnph. lieorgln Minstrels nre Hie lesion- In the curio hail. Hon Ton (LII|Ijiii ,TnMnL. mannger),— Bill week of tl: JerOld Ifevetier, Frames -Mc- Henry. Karl nnd Zclln, Florence Sumner, Benjamin Trio, Nndge Vincent, Mlltoa La Hoy, and moving pictures. Notes. —S. Lublii has awarded a contract for a $10,000 front, lo the store property nt No. (I20 Market, which lie will occupy for moving picture exhibitions. It will be of plaster nnd marble, wllli electrical effects, and will be the hnndsomest In the city...,'.. Tom Dougherty, treasurer.df the-Park, netted> u handsome stun by His benefit Inst week II T, cciiven, drr.matlc islltor of Tin- 1'iibHn l.rdtltr. Will sail shortly on' his annual (rip to Europe Manager Wlllson, of Hie Trocaderu, Is making arrangements for u Sum- mer season of burlesque, which he will ln- migunite hi the close Of the regular season. T. J. Coniiell. lioiirnliih or tlie Cm thk. has his henellf on May 14. with ">0|ili's Ark" lis, the attraction. Wat tee Locker, of the lirand Operp Louse, hits been elected to inemls'i-slilp In the Theatrical Mechanical lleneliclai Association The employees of the SIinidard. have a Joini Isaiellt on May iff). Four, Potter and Harris. La Kevre and St. John, mid. iho clneniamgraph. Ijist week's hill was gviod. and packed houses ruled. Ai.ilx (R. M. liitllck ft Co., niunngcrsL— 1 Horothv Vcinon. or llnrtddii Hall, till. Lust week. "Tom. Dick nnd Harry" pneked the house all Week, nnd pleased. "The Old llome^reud" 1.V18. nunc (It. ,\I. liitllck ft Co., managers)'.— "i11lis Will He Olrls," tin. fealiirliiK Al. Leach' ami tl'e Tltns> Kosehuds, Lost week, Barney Ullnirro, In "A Rocky Road -to Dub- lin." played lo good business and pleased. Cole und Jolinson, In "The Shoo-Fly Regi- ment." 13-18. ttLAXKY'M iN. C. Wagner, manager).—Kve- leen Vlunniore, hi '"llie Arrival of Kilty," ti- ll'. I/isl week. "The Sign of the Cross" fmcked the house nil week. Black Paid Trou- badours 13-H 'Uayanr (.las. K, Orr, mnnagerl.—"The Girl Willi' the Reil MasK" l» pre'senled In con- Junclto-t, with the Bflh Tttli Rurlesqite Co., ti- ll. I-a<t wis>k. the Dainty Duchess On, gave one of tlie hcMt shows of the season, and pneked the house.. The Casino Ulrls 13-18. AomiMmy oe Mimic 01. w. Williams Jr., manager!.-—The Thorotighhreds (Ml, Includ- ing Inc l.nnnnls. Last' week, the Colonial Belles gave n goisl show, and played to satbt- tneinry ImslncMs. Wnshlnglon Society Hlrls 13-18. "' Hift-opRniUK it. M. Mosher, manager).— This week's hill: The Williams Dun. flnyllor. Berrlun and Mnekln. F.dWurd Hyde, the Hnlliiii'bniid and Ihe Hlppogniph. Business Still "(iiiilnne-. Ui he very good, and tho amateur night performance, on Frldny even- ings, brings out the put runs In large numbers. Notks.— Ilitrniini ft Hallcy'* Circus plnycd lo ca'pnellv on April 30, May 1. ntnl gave one of the liest shows they have presented for several sensnns Limn Park opened Saturday, May ■!. but. weather conditions was iignliiHt them, am! ihe patrons did not turn ma hi very large nutnliers Kenny-Wood anil Hunt hern Parks opened Sunday, n, with hand concert- nnd new amusements, wentlier has leen very cold here. ajol Par opens Its season on May 11 The Itottinn Imperial Bund, under the direction of Signer Miiglinnn, has in'en engaged for the season. ......Frederick (I. Nlrdflnger, manager nf the Pork iileaire, has flled a jtetlllhn. Ill court, asking Hint his name be legally chunked (o'Frederlrk fi. Nlxon-Nlrdllngcr Inilge Holland, in the Knifed Slates circuit Court, has banded down a decree ordering Kugenle lllnlr lo nay to Marie Welleslev Stliilng, the sum Of gi,183 for Infringement of copyright, In producing the piny. "Sapho." Pttislniru. At the Nixon (ThAs. V. Klrke Jr., iiiiiuu-gcri "'Jhe.Belle of -Mnvfalr" begun IWb vVirDks'Mn'jr II.' Last week Mclfityre end ifenlli pncT;ei| the house nnd gave the patrons a great, laughing show. "Noah's Ark" will land In Plttshdrg May 20. Bklahco (J. A. Reed, mnnnger).—David Warlleld. In "Tho Music Master," returns tl, for a week's eiigugenieut. The advance sole Is Very lahte, and everything iiolnts lo packed houses "for Hie week. On Momlliy 'iiiglit, April 30. an original production from til" pen of Marlon Fairfax, entitled "Justice," was nreaen'isi for Hie first time on any stnge, liy ilie Tally Marshall Co., before a large audience. It Is a four net comedy drama. The title Is not well chosen, nnd the author lins concluded to chongo the name, but bus not yet decided what the new tllle will be. Tun company plays an engagement In 'Cleveland,'week of May. 0, and will then re- turn nnd present the same piece for another week iit the Hclnso. Tlie atory tells of a young man who bus served a term In Ming Sing for having killed n man In u drunken hrawl. The first Oct opens In the apartments of the young man's father. Herbert flront. The father sends the hoy, Roger, to Arizona, and Immediately nftcr the son's departure the father's vulel ntteinpts blackmail, la knocked down and discharged. The valet threatens vengeance, and Hie father, owing to the over exertion,'dies from licart disease. The rest of Ihe action'lakes place In Arizona. Roger, without disclosing his ptisl, lins under- taken a great Irrigation scheme. He falls In love with til i daughter of the principal backer nt the enterprise, and a stenographer. Hilda Norrls, falls In love with him. The dis- charged valet arrives and there In the In- evititlile exposure, with (he result Hint Roger discovers he does not love ihe girl lie thinks he did, but really loves Ihe stenographer, mill evcntuully lie succeeds In wlnulng her. 'Wil- liam Ingenioii, oh Roger Grant, did splendid wdrk and won great praise for It, add Alilelln Gardner, as Hilda Norrls, played delightfully. Master Richard Ciibltt did sotnc praise- worthy work, and Wm. McVay also scored a distinct success, Charles Dow Clark, ns tho French-Canadian; John H. Collins, as Mason: Theodora Morris, as Skinny ; Wlllnrd Robertson, ns Itcdily, mid Harry .1. West, us Jenkins, nntlves of the Wild West, were all excellent, illo cast : A Chambermaid. Mar- garet Mlswoith; Harris, Mllnno ('. Tllden ; A Hell liny, Charles A. Lynch; linger Grant, WP'lain Ingersoll; Ilcbcr (Irani, Tully Mar- shall: Copper Joe. Charles Dow Clark: Ma- son,-John S. Collins: Skinny, Theodore M. Morris: Reddy.Wlllard Robertson : "Penf-lles" Mnckny.'. Albert Meyer: Petey, Master Rich- ard Ctililll: Jenkins, llarrv .1, West: Mr. Hrnnger, Johp Fenton; Hilda Norrls. Amelia ilardnor: Judge Itlielnliart, William Mc- Vuy: Wing, Richard Lyle: Ah Hln. Harry Malnh'i'l : "Mammy." Jcffrys Lewis; Janet Hrnnger, Mm ion Fairfax. • ,., On ami (Hurry Davis, manager).'—This week's bill Includes: Arthur Dunn.and Marin. (Hazier, Kdttb Helena, llarrv Daveirport and Phyllis Rankin. Carr mid Mary ohm, C<m- slnilllile Slslirs, Cilrllii and Olio. Musical Avolos. cllnlon and Jermon. Hllln-Newllti Trio, Franceii; and Lewis, Alabama Comedy The AlfoiHiB.—At Hie Mlshler (I. C. Mlshler. mnuagi-i'i "The Helr'to the Hnorah" was well received April nn. Yorkc and Adams drew good busliies' 30. Primrose's Minstrels May II. "Mrs. WarisHita Profession" 4. Mrlntyre and IloOlli 7, "The Curse of Drink" 8, 0, "A Rocky Roud lo Dublin" 11. Fil.KVKNIH AVKNPK OfllOA IlltllHN (I. C. -Mlshler, iiiiinngenl.—The HlnOk Crook Bur- lesqucii, April all, 110, did good business, closing the nniise for (he season. . (IliANu (Silverman Bros., managers).—At- tendance Iihi week wns good. Bill May (1 uml week : Alf. cnuini. King nnd Mtnngc, Bert Soper, Lllllmi Metlregor. Noths.— i'h" llnriitun ft Halley Circus gave two performance* April 1*11, to Ihe Inrgest audiences any elreun ever had In Alloona, The shops nnd public schools were all closed, Bad tho da* was observed ns n holiday Uovton's Mlnr.trrls appeared nt the Academy of Music, Tyrone. May ii Manager 1.. II. Cool was le town April 30 The F.levrulh Avenue Opera "llf.nse wits nliauiloneil ns a theatre Aorll 30. and will hereafter he used liv Hie lni|S'rlnl department store. The house has lleCn tised an a theatre for about tlilrty- elglil years, nnd sOtne of Hie most prominent. nrtors' In Hie country appeared on Us stnge. At tin: closing perforinuncc or the Black Crook ill" all bid farewell to the theatre, by singing "Auid Latig Syno" The rebuilding of the LtrlcTheatre Is lielng held Up by Ihe lily building Inspector, on account of Hie building extending nut too far over Ihe clly line. The mat tec will soon be adjusted, how- ever, . | \i.rrlsii.ii ii. At the Grand Opera House (Herbert Lynch, manager) Nellie Kennedy Stock Co. pleased good business week ot April 20, In repertorv. Ynrke and Adams, In "Bankers and Brokers," May 3; Kellar 11, Diunont's Minstrels 18. This closes the bouse for the sen.on, i Noth. —Clin ilea M. Southwell, who hns So oucressftilly condncled the affairs of In Grand Opera House, of thin place, for Ilia piist two seasons, while acting as resident mannger, hag been transferred to anntlutr Held of lulsir, and before May 10 will leave for Scranton,' 1 Pa., to assume charge of the Lyceum Then Ira and tho Academy of Music tlnire. Under Iho supervision of Mr. Houtn- weii, who la a thorough theatrical man. and well known among the profession oo It "hustler," Ihe patronage of the Opera House here has bean Increused many fold, until Iho theatre Is nt present one of Ihe best paying and atost successful houses on tbo M. Rels circuit. Mr. Southwell, during Ills stay III Norrlstown, miide u legion of friends, who learn with much regret Hint lie wns soon In depart. His successor as resident mnnnger of the Opera House will be Herbert Lynch, who has already arrived In town to look over Ihe situation. Mr, Lynch has hud several years' experience In the theatrical business, and comes hero with a flne record. He was treasurer of the Grand Opera House and the Lyceum Theatre, In HarrtHburg, Pa., for over four years, nnd managed tlie fi, A. R, Opcru. House, of Shnmnkln. Po„ for several months prior In his coming here. « JoiniMorrii.—At the Cambria (Harry W. Hcbercr, manager) Yorke and Adams Ih "Bonkers and Brokers," did big business April 20. The local Files' Minstrels, 30, benefit per- formance, pneked the house. Tommy lluycs, wllli the bones. 1 whose act lias pleased so well at the Park Theatre, assisted In (ho enter- tainment. London Gaiety Girls rlorlostpio pluyed to Jarge audiences May 1. Mcintyre and Heath 0, "Tim Curse of Drink" 7, "Tho Man of the Hour" 8, "A Rocky Road to Dublin" 10. Pabk Family THRUM (Harry W. Hchorer, manager).—Large crowds lust week. Hill week of 0: Mcl'ron and I'oole. the Young America Five, 'Fred end Kvli Mosart, Tom Klplty, Illustrated songs and moving pictures, Amiinu U (Rllvermon limn., managers).— Kllu Cain, vocalist; Kink Snd Strange, com- edy sketch ; John McLaughlin, lit Illustrated songi, and moving pictures, this weak;. NOTM.—Colellrolhers' Circus did big busi- ness In this city on April 2T Madame IOvu Hnilib, one of tlie trapeze performers, had a bad foil of about thirty feet lo tbo ground, Twlvled ropes Were resiionslble. Latest reports are thut she will be In condi- tion -to perform within a weak or so.. .... Itlngllng Bros.' Circus Is hilled to appear hereon May 13 The liagenbcck-Wollace Show comes 23. Jirofltnhle season nt this house. "The Petl- Her," 2-4, was well received, Stah Hi. Nelson Tecu, mnnagerl.—The Gaiety tllrls week of «.' The Champagne Ulrls, Hie past week, gave good satisfaction to Irrge houses. , Family ill. tt. Smith, manager).—Week of A: Fox-Dunkhorsl and company. Murphy und Anderson, Terrv and Klnter, the Amine*, Fred lllvenlmll end Will tl. Smythe. Busi- ness continues large. Notbs.— Ply (1. Hill, manager nf the Ly- ceum and Academy nf Music,'will assume Hie management of the M. Rein houses at Rend- ing, Pa.. June I, He will Is? succeeded here by Chillies M. Southwell, of Norrlsiown.... • 'I lie Fori'paiigh Sells Bros.' Shows come May 31. Sidney Dvone and company, Camilla Trio, Kmll Ilo'h and coiiinany, Maude F.dwurds, Charles and Fnnnle Van, ond Gnetx and Net- Cnrlioiidnle.—Al Ihe liriuul Opem House I lien. W. I.owdrr. nianngeri Joseph Klng't rentllflop of "Fast l.ynne" delighted n large audience May 2. The conipnny Is welt bal- anced, nnd made good all It advertised. Local Knights of Columbus' Minstrels Ot 10, local Frilterilhl Order of Fugles' Minstrels lo. Fa.mii.v (F. l. ninlr. manngerl.—During week nf April 20, capacity business. Thu following hill wns rendered: William Kemp, pianist: Musical Bennetts. Prof. Montagues Cockatoo circus, Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Tracy, presenting "Down on Cowslip Farm:" Sknll- nelll. William Sholtes, In songs llliistmled. snd klneiograpli. Notbs.- --.Ki'repntigh A Sells Brothers' Show- Is iilvrilsccl to tipiicnr June I. The bill- board-, nre blooming with chromatic Splendor, nniiniiiielng Hie great morning pageant On Friday nflemnnn, May .i, at the Family Thcntr". a lienelll jierformnnee was given for the Central City Fire Department. The nl- tcnilnuc.' wns large, nnd Ihe gross receipts were d.nulled. itendlnir.—At the Academy of Music (J. D. Mlshler. manager) Mario Cahlll, In "Mar- rying Mary," pleased a large audience April SO. "Thu Heir to the Itooroh" played to capacity May 1. This performance was a testimonial I.en ollt to Assistant Manager J. Boyd Mlshler und Treasurer Klinsr ID. Itutter. This dale nlso marked Ihe retirement of Manager John D, Mlshler, under whose ca- pable direction this tboatro has attained its popularity. M. Rels succeeds as lessee. OgpiiRUM (Frank D. Hill, manager!,—HIM for Week of May 0: The Piano I'lilends, i , HI... n u.J.l .-.ii.ii.v .no, mil . son. Good holiness continues. Chan p Oi'KKA Hoiimh (Nathan Appell, man- ager).—The Alhaiiibfa Stock Co., In reper- tory, drew Well filled houses last week. . .lie ' Hrraiitnn.—At the Lqreiim (illy G. Hill, manager! Mnry, .Mi|iiiirrlng \laj 7* "s up iniiii iillrhciloii. cliisliig the regular season at this house. , "The Hiir to the Hisirnh," 4, nililltiee alu|.ev.'iiliiK. had well pleased houses. AcAiiniv'il'ly ii. Hill, iiiniingeri.. -The Htoek Co., (Ill, will close a most l iiiu'iislei', Ai the Fullon Opera House (Clies. A. Yeckler, iniumgerl "Tlie Mull of ihe Hour" Mnv 7. "The lliim Tree" 8. Family d-'d. Moxan, iusnage'r).—-"Whnt nilppeiied to Ji.nes," liy Hie stock cumpnuy, drew crowded houses April 211-Mny 4. "The Charity Rail" is the attraction ill I. llriidv and Mnhnney, It: "The Hebrew lireinnti nnd tile Foremali." nnd Watson and Little, In ii sinning sketch, "The Mntrlmnnlal Bargain," will furnish <bn vaudeville feat ores between Ihe in is. Not!'. —The Roof Cimlcn will open for llio sonsoti June 3. Prepnrnllons for Hie opening are nenrlug rnmpletlnn. ■■■■ ' - i • ■ WllheM-llnrrr. -At Hie Neshltt (II. A. Brown, mannger! Adelaide Thuratnii gave n good pcrfotniaiire Inst week. "The Heir In File lloorah" had a good house. Mary Mao nerlng May II. (Iiiami OI-kiia lliiust: fit. A, Brown, mnn- nger).—[Jilt ' week. "The Peddler" scored well, ond "linns nnd Six" played In H, II, O. "At Cripple Creek" Mny 0'8. "A Little Diu- rnal" OIL Alhnmhra Stock Co. 13-18, Nellie Kcituedv Slock Co. 2U.2f>. I'i.iiki'.m on ft sia.i.s IIiiiin.' Clin'cs May 30. I iiiisi.tnn. At the Grand opera House (flfo. Albert 'Haley, resident umlinger), week or April 27, Archie L. Sliepard's moving pic- tures pleased. FaMII v < Ktiuhlnuck ft Hersker, proprietors). —Musical Thor, Reno, Smith And Iionr.o. 'Ilarnes and Lee, Howard and Under, Kreil Mnrliir, Prof, l-'red Fiirrcll, and plciure». Gonii business rules. , Luna Diikam (FreAmnn ft Goodnmn. pro- Crulg.' l-hni Sebepp, Fdwai'd aicv, lien. F, tioiiilwlu, songs llllli klueto- scope. ■ o 0 ■ win in iii»|iori. A i Hie Lycmnlng Opera House 11.. .1. Flsk, iiiniiiigi'ii Adelaide Thurs- ton, In "Tlie Girl from Out Yonder," drew and delighted a good sired audience April 27, nnd desnrvnd ST II. O, Han Sully, in "The Match Maker," 27, pleased, "Are Van u Miisrtn?" May 4, Kellar 7. Famii.i (Fred M. l.ainnde. manager).— Bonkiul for week Of Of llnnth nnd Ituild, Dawson, Muck and company, Fred W. Morion, I.nnore and Hi. Clair, and ilnlety Qunrleite. S'otk. -Forepuugli ft Sells llros.' Cirrus Is billed fur June 7. ' ■»«» MARYI.AlVn. iintiiu.orc. —At Ford's (Charles is. Ford, manage,'), ihe only thsMtra of tlie highest iililSN I'clilnlnlng open, offers Cession Clarke, Mnv II, In "The llllgged .Messenger." "lilt) Van Winkle" was well potronlaed week elid- ing 4. "Th" tllngerbr I Man" Is duo 13. A ii.iToio i/.m (James.L. Keman, inonageii. —Thu iipi'iilnj opera of the Hummer season. 0, Is "ll'i'iln I loud." Illanrhu Morrison and Lvinnn Wheeler nre the principals. Hilly It. Van luil a good week With "Palsy In Poli- tic*,'' closing 4. The season has been it highly prosperous one, "'lite Herennds" will beiptit on 13. MAiiYfiANii (Jnines L. Keman, manager).— tlnrrv L. Tlglie nnd Lorls Seiirsdulc, ihe (iluili llovnl Japanese i'rnuiie, Mnses nnd Sliiinuoii, Ihn Kemps, Lillian Tyce, Kelly ilttil Kent, nnd Dennt Bedlnl furnish tho week's uniuseiniinl, higlniiiiig II. Hoi.LiiiAV HraiiL-r (George I.. Itlfe, mnttn- gar),---"Kerry (low" will M sistn (|-||. wllli Allen Doone In the parr mlidn famous by Jo- seph Murphy. Hnb Fltxslmmnns closed it good week 4. "Tlie Peddler" 13, IIi.ankv'm (Cltns. K. Bluucy, inaiiiiger). — Tlie Russell Brothers open it! in "Tim Hired (llrl's Millions." Williams und Walker hud full houses week ending 4. "The Folnl Wed- ding" 13. OAVirrv (W. L. Ilnllnur. manager).—The Casino Girls begin n stay nf one week II, following the Dainty Duchess Co., which climed 4. The Parisian Widows 111. New Moniuikntai. (Sum M. Dnwson, man- ager).—Tho New Century Girls open tl, Williams' Ideals Closed 4. The Colonial Belles and John L. Sullivan are due Li. Lt'iiiN'H (Hdward C, lOorle, manager).— Tlie Two Dowllnifs, Victor Brothers. I.lndley nail Hell. Jack Stockton and Mllinlo Miller are lite new offerings 0. Norm.—Klectrlc Park, which will Ognln he under the management of F. ('. Sclieiiber- grr this year, Is undergoing mnny Improve, inenls preparatory for Inn Hummer openings, Slgiior Del Mnnto's Hand will give concerts all week, beginning n. " ' i ' ♦»» ' ■ " - Mill I'll < AllllI IN A. t'lnirlolle. —At the Academy of Music ((». V. Kessler, mnnnger I Hilly Kerslinds' Minstrels drew a large crowd April 20. Wsl- ter D.iMinaich's New York Symphony tlrches- ii-u wns enjoyed by a small'crowd of music lovers 27. "Around the clock" May 2. Ndti:. —Thrre are sli moving picture allows opernllm; In the clly now.. i n ■ ' ' Wllmlnmon. --At I tic lirand Opera House, the Peiiuhl-Gypsene Co., April 2N and week. bud good business. Hilly Casam Minstrels (colored) Mnv II, Fcrui'hMiypMiio Co. 7-11. ■«»» DUNN anii IIaiiiiv Wftwi "We are now using iwn drums In our act,'and arc there with Ihe 'big noise' nl our finish. Mr. Dunn « linlintlon of n locomotive,; .In ja sniire driim, tneeiH wllli n general sur irl* 1 ) ami .receives volumes of applause. We ftlilycd the Howard, [baton, Inst week, and play ithpedy's Theatre, at Fall River, neat week, with a few gonii weeks lo follow." Jamkh Wilmon writes: "I closed with Hie 1'rlinrose Minstrels about four weeks ajfo, in acceiil a position al Pawlel. VI.. In the vaude- ville theatre. I like The pltlee, and Move signed n contract for six months. I was trap rtrnfhlner with the show, imd have worked myself from Hie smallest lo Hie Isrgesl tiiiu- sl rel show," ... ....