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332 , nil. •in ; on: o-ll, I'ni.into. Ml«s. Orpbeiini, San Fran., Cal., (111; Los Angeles, Ki-2. r > 1'n trice, A Co., Columbia, Cincinnati, 0-11. I'arlti'r, l^o, Allniillr Harden. X. .V. C, 6-11. I'ersonl, CoiDlJk. Kmplre, lies MNMi. ft., '111. I'ero U Wllscil, l<:ni|llr«, rrnnliforil. I'll] la., U-ll. I'elln Zoiiavea. Aiulllorliiai. Lynn, Mobm.. 0-11. Penilletcnia, The, (llohe, Han Fran., Cal., 0-11. Terry, Frank 1... Lyric, Utile Monk. Ark.. Oil. Perry it Alcrla, Star. Benver Hallo, Ta., Mil Family. New Ken«lngtoii, 1.1-18. I'clftt, Fred it Annie, Dennelt'a, l-oudon, Can., CI I. I'litllli,* .* lurlnritenii. Orplilitm, Newark, 0., ti- ll. I'kciilo JllilfpiK. Temple, MtaH. Mia Pierce & Multrc, 'Poll's. Worcester, Masa., C-l 1; I'uuf.r's. K V. &, 1.118. , „ „ "Polly pickle's Pet*," 0. O. 11., Hyrocuae, N. Y„ I'nlrler's H). llelnuir <.*iilali-ii. Okla. City. Okla., ll-ll: Klectric Pk.. Ft. Smith. Ark., lil-lfl. I'nwer'K rieilni.ls. Illpisslwnic, N, I. (!., nil. poller .v Ihurla, (|. ii. II., Phlshnrg. U-ll; Kcllh'n. Cleveland. I.'IIR Price & Id-inn, Imperial, Trcinnnt, 0„ nil ; Or- lililiini, Cnliun, MI-IK. "Prhnii'v. No. as." Kdworda'. Chase's, Wasblng- imi, ii. ('. u-ll. I'riuis. The, Majestic, Tnpekn, Kan., (111. 1'iiri'i'll.i .',■ nrlsn, Kinplrc. lies Moines, lu„ Oil; Star. Itiunllal. Mn„ IS-18. ijulgg, Mnckey ft Nlekenaon, Orplieum, Kt. Paul, Minn.. 'Ill: llnynmrket, Chicago, Hi-IB, "Qulnl.-lle," The, Hnyinnrket, Chicago, 0-H i Co- luuiliin, 8t. 1.0111k, I.I-18. liny, WW, .'! Co., K. « P.. Jersey Clly, N. J„ ltnfnve'lic's lings. Proctor's, Troy, N. Y., fl-ll. Knnf, i.'IuihIk, tlljnu, Calomel, Mich., fl-ll. ltiixliiv «- lliinlis, Umpire, llnllmrii, Lnglnnd, fl-ll; Umpire, Slnrknairl, 1JMR i IMteliess. llalhnm. anaft: puln.v, (.'liaison, 2"-.liine 2; Palme, Woke Ncwhiglbn. :t-ft. Hainan ft Ann., Knvoy, Hamilton, (Tan,, 0-11. iliifnn'*, Isiulso, iMonlw-ys, Union rupture, N, Y. C„ "Holn ftiw,:' Alhninhrn, N. Y. C, (l-ll. lladn. A.ltrrliiinn, Family. Klinlra, N. Y.. till. "Ilnlnlimvs," The. Dreamlanil. Ironlon, (»., "Hi nrftsdwnv. Mlddlcrowii. 1S-I8. llae. Dnrnihy, Main Hi.. Peorltl, III.. HI. Itawls A Von Knnfnvnn, Acme, Sacramento, ill., U-ll; National, H»n Fran.. 1S-I8. Redmond, Julia, «V0o., l.on.lnti, Can., (l-ll : Tera- plo, Delroll. I'M*, „ ., ., •iRc.l Unveil Cadele," Mlucr'a Bowery. N. Y. C Keciiless Reeklnw. Riverside Kink, Toronto, Can.. «-ia: Stadium Kink, Montreal, ISM. Reim, (leurge B„ ft Co., With Ht„ N. Y. 0. lleno ft Acorn, Umpire. II. Madison, In., • Ornlieunt. Itnckfonl, III., 111-18. Itetllck. Carl !•'.. A Co., Olnthc, Kan., Oaiillon, Mo„ 111-18. ' llenler ft flniwller, llnlou Squaw. N. Y. C. lli'vuolda, JiiM. II., Drcnndauil, HrnUiloek, Pa., 0- lleilford ft Wlnehealer, K. ft P.. Jfraey Clly, N. J., U-ll. Helm; Will «i May, Donora. l'n„ nil. Ilene; ll<**lo. (lollimn, N. V. C„ U-ll. Ileiiilimion, mam, A nualer IlrownleH, 1'roetor'a, Newark. X. J„ U-ll. ' ^ m# llevnnrd, Kd. F„ Alhamlirn, X. Y. C. (l-ll. Itcin - HroH., Audllnrliuu. I.vnn. ,Mnwi„ U-ll. Ilennee Family, Orplwum, llookford, III., 0-11; Family, t)o»enpon, Ib„ 1U18. • "lied f)*l," TJie,'l*ook O. II., Ilorhealer, N. Y„ ll<'llly.°.lnlinnle, Kllle. It.>.-w Ixland, III.. U-ll. Illeeft (Mben, Hlien'ii, HnlTnlo, N. Y., 11-11. Illee ft Klmer, Chnae'n. Wnalilnnlon. II. C 0-11. l'.iint. .Inlln. ft Oft., Colonial, l.uwrenee, Maaa., • 0-11. Illi-c ft Cmly. Kellli'd, CnhiiiiliiiH, O.. Oil. Itlvenhnll. Fred, Family, Nrrniilon. Pa., (ill. IllXeei) llroN., Piiluiv. HiikIou, ill I; MuJ'.'hIIc, PlitMiinr. i:i-I8. IlliiliiM 141. Hliea'a, llnlTalo, X. Y„ Oil; Toron- 10, Can., 111-18. Hlce limn.. Kellli'a, Ikmlou. U-ll. Iliullo Comedy Qunrlelle, (irphcimi. I.«w Anaelea, Cul.. ."'18. IIlo i:in«. HI. PnlalH de Crysdil. Maraelllea, France, (1-111: Clri'im Parl«t>. Madrid, rlpaln, ■ lil-lll; Kmplre, York. Knglnml, ,Iuim> .'1-8, tllcli. John ft llerlhn. Victoria, N. Y. ('.. 0.11.' HoKenawelii, Hadye, l.yrle, Cle?elond, (III. Ilolihlnx ft iiniiiilim. Hi Ion. Norfolk, Vu„ U-ll. llimiiiiKi ft HIOKMIM llaihawiiv'H. Nrw lledrnrd, Mkhh., U-ll; AiHlllorluiii, Lynn, 1(1-18. Ilnlivna. Wm., Crynial. Milwaukee. U-ll. lloaen (S), Kellh'ii. Boalon, 0-11: I'oll'a, (Vor- eefller, 1S-IN. Ilonni. I8irn, r.n, Ave., X. Y. ('.. 0-11. Iti.lMTlH, Muriel, Helilndler'o. Chleaap, 0-11. ll'iHulre ft Itoreltn, Poll'a, Woreealer, Ma««., 0-11, IIomi ft i.cwIk. Kmplre, New Croaa, Kniland, (111; Fniii.rc. rltmirord. t:il8; Umpire, Khrp. llii»li. J(l-an; Kmplre, CnrdlO', UT-Juno l, Kmpliv, Swnnanii, !I-H, Home, Mayo ft Juliet, HlJ.ni. Deealur, III., 0-11; llnlcly, HprinRtleld, l.'l-IN. II.. I. If. I. a chiiiireMK, Temple, Ft. Wnyne, lnd„ U-ll; llljnu, Dmilur, 111., 1S-1R. lliiKerx ft lleely, Temjile, Detroit, 0-111 Cook 0. II.. IloeliONlor,' X. Y„ 111-18. IIokc, Jimmy, l.liuii. (I., (I 11. Itoouey ft Kent, Colonial. X. Y. ('., 8-11. K.iUtim.ii ft Faueliette, llroudwoy, .Mlddlelown, (I., ll-ll; nijnn. Wheeling, w. \'u.. IS-18. Ilnnmln ft Hove, r.Hih Slreel, N. Y. (!., U-ll. ItomnnoH (n), (Inrrlek. Wilmliixlon. Ilel., (ill. Iloynl .Mualeall'Tve, Orpbeiim. nenytr, 0-11. Ilnwliii'd, llonnrd, Iloalon, u-ll. Iloekwoy ft Conway, Majeaile, l,rt Halle. Ill,, nil; l.yrle, Kemdniilon, l.'ilii. iiiiir. Jiillnn, Orplieum, HokIoii, 0-11, Itu-ivm ft Shn«. Flnillny. Flndinv. (I.. 0-11; <)r- phldin, Kamliiaky, 1U-I8. llnlilii .en ft (IrniK. MIJ..II. I.n Craa.-e, Wla., Oil ; THE NJSTW YORK CI^IP-PEp. il, Paalor'K, X.'Y. c\. Ml. Zaael-Vernon Co.. 2.td 8t„ N. Y. O., 0-11. MABSACHK8 .May. u. (Iiilnue. Kan Clnlre, i;i-ik. Iliiwudla, klualcnl, Cryalal, (lonlien, lml.. Oil; Alliniii- Amlenwxi, lit-18. Ilvnn ft lllclilleld, Orplienm, llkln.. 0-11 lira. X. V. O., IS-18. Super. Hen. Ilrnnd, Allnonn, I'm., 0-11, Snln. O, K.I CiikIimi linrKsiil, l.ui-erne, Hwllrer- hind, II-in, Siniii'll. (irenl. Auditorium Kink. Knoivllle, Tenn.. Salt, Sni.el. JoHenldne, Tourlmj South Afrlea, (l-.'l!. SawniliiH, The, llnlim 8<pinre, X. Y. ft., 0-11. Head, Cnrrle M., Dreamliml, llrnclilnek. Pa„ 0- II. 8Wmde.H (1). Blloii, H'lnnepeK, Cun., ll-ll; BIJou. Huliilli. Minn., 1,'I-IS. Hisilt ft Wllaon. 0. I), II;, Syrnenxe, N. Y„ 0-11. Mevmoiir ft llupree. Filially, Chiider, I'll., ll-ll. Seymour ft Hill, Kellli'a, Ultra. N. Y„ (Ml. Keyilkiur'a (ioinwly DoUm. .Molinnk. Hi'lieneclailr, \. V„ (III. Hellilnl. I.nlhi, Cnlon Square, X. Y. O.. U-ll. Seari, (lladyH, l.iiudon, N. Y. <).. U-ll. Seiimeii. Cliim. !•'., KellhN, ColanitlllM, (I., (111. Selbllll ft Crlivllll. I'oII'h, SprlllHlleM, Miihh., (l-ll. aSluiiimin, Lurry, I'ilyinplc Park, rSiultniMmaa, Teuii., nil, siiiiiiiuiin ill. Mnjexlle. Sioux Villa, 8, l>„ Oil. Miniuioii ft Straw, ll. It, II.. ilrnml HiiplilH, Mieli., SlilfhtH ft ilnlle. Allenlown, Pa., nil Slu'iin ft Wnrreii. Vlelnrln. X. V. (I., Oil. ' sheii.in ft iii.p.|-M. Ilnymnrkei, Clileaini, an. Sluicp llixw.. ihphpimi, Ml. Paul, Minn,, lil-18. Sliuli, .Miinek. Slur, Ihimosleml, I'll.. 11-11. Shaw. I.Nihil, orplienm, Sun Fran., Cal., Ml, Shirley, MiihIciiI, Xelwii, SprlniillelJ. Milan., U-ll. SliflTrr ft Trimmer. PAalor'a, X. Y. C. (l-ll. Sims. Ileoiihle, Dniml. Mnrlon, lr.il.. 0-11; .Mar- vin, I'lhilliiy, ()., IS-18. Slmoii-Onrdiier Co., Kmplre, llnlmkeii. V. J., 0- NIdonlnM, The, lion Ton. .lernry Clly, m, ).. .1-11 | UjiiiIuii. X. Y. ('., IS-18. Nloawan. I'nnllne. Ijrrie, I'l. Sinllli, Ark., (Ill; Utile It-nk, KI18. Staler, Flneli ft Co., (I, (i. ||„ Syrnouae. X. T- ■•III Shell'.,. llnlTalo. IS-18. Slater, Mnaler. Ilnymnrkei, Cblroirn, Oil. Smllh ft Campbell. Union Square, N. V. 0.. 0-11. Sinllli, Sue. Pell's, llrlillreiMirl, Cotin., (Ill, Sinyihe. Will II., Family, Sernnton. l>n.. nil, Snyder .'i lieliniuii, Aiiilllnrluiii. Norfolk, Va., (Ill, .Snyder ft Buckley, Columbia. Clm-binml, till ; Tempi •• Ft. Wayne, lml,, I.'M8. Soineia ft Low. London, N, V, C. (Ill; Troeailcrn, Plilln., IS-18, Siiiitbcrlnnd ft Cnrllk. flalely. OiileohuvR. III., 0- •Souk lllrda," The, Cliealiuil Sl„ Plilln., (l-ll. "Sidller .Mnalcn! Munpora (SI," Keriiey'n, New llrllaln, (.v>nn.. U-ll. Spncliml, Paul, Fountain Ferry Park. Louisville, Ky„ '111. Spi-.u-ue ft Dliun. siniidiii'd, Darcii|Mirt, la,, nil. Spray Slaters. .MetroiHilllnu. Duliilli. Minn., nil. Nplsuel 11ms ft Mack, Palace, London, Knulaiul, ii.Inne :,n. S|ie.lilen ft lleisnii. West Side. .Tiinoatllle, Wis., nil. Slelncrt ft Illjmi. Ami Stulmau ft Crawford, HMtr, Julliw. * Co., r.sth St., X. Y. C„ (i-ll. Sineldiiii. Jael;. Luhln's. Baltlntore, 0-11. Strickland. K. C„ Cnlipie, 1/m Aroielea, Cal.. 0-12. Stoley'a Trnnufnrmallon Co., Sarny, Uamlflon, Can., (in. Steplien, BnlanelnK. BIJou, Wlieelinjr, W. Va.. 0- "Stiinnlnd Clranadlera," Shea'a. Toronto, Can.. 0- 11; Kellli'a, Cleveland, IS-18. Sleln-F.vtlo Co., Moan ft Slnll Tour. Knfiland, 0- Sl. Rtiinrl ft Keeley, Forent Porlt, HI. Loula, 1S-1^. Stanley. Uenry. Wlndanr. 81. Paul. Minn., 0-11. Stanley ft Le Hoy. Tlltmvlll", I'd.. 0-11. Strain",! ft Thatcher. Xallonnl. San Fran., Cal., II- 11!; Acme, Sacramento, I.'1-IP. St. Odr Bros., Hopkins'. Memplila, Tenn., (III. Si. Clnlr Slslcra, l.nfayetle. Delroll, 0-11. SI. Julian. M., Bijou. Adrian, Midi., 0-11 ; Bi- jou; Muskegon, 1:1-18. Sutclllfe Trnii|«p. Or|*euni, St. I'nil. Minn.. Oil : Deliver, IS-18, Siimniem ft Cole, BIJou. lint He Creek, Mich., Oil. Siilllviin, Mark. Orpheuin. Kalians Clly, Mo., 0-11. Sullivan ft Posapicllnn, Armory, BliiithanKuu, X. Y.. Oil." Suilon ft Sutton, BIJou, Jackson, Mieli., U-ll; MiiHltecon. IS-18 Sntllvnn. Minnie, Nelson, SnrlnRlleM, Masa., Oil. Snininers, (Sins. A Jnsle, BIJou, Iron Mountain, Mich., i: II; Ben'n, Knenualia, I.i-IR. Swain ft Powers, Slar, Jennelle, IN.. (Ml; Broil- doek. IS is. Mwnrla. Franeea, ft Co., Ornnd, Newport, Ky., Ml. Hyrnnniin, Jack, Slar, SI. Paul, Minn., Oil; Melmpolllnn, Duliilli. IS-IR. Mwor Bros.. Cook II. II., lloeUesler, N. Y , 0-11. Hykes, Anile. Acme, Norfolk. Vn„ 0-11. Tiilcnii-., The, Braddoek, Pn., U-ll, Tnnnen, JiiIIiih, Orplieum. St. Paul, Minn., (1-11. Tnnminy. Kvn. Cook (I. II., llochenter. N. V . 0-11. Tann. Amlllnrliim, Lynn, Maaa,, nil, T.iyler, Henry ft Alice, Kelth'a, Cleveland, 0-11. 'I'aylor. Leila. Auditorium, Lynn. Mass., (l-ll. Terry A Klmer. Family, Scranton, Pa., 0-11. 'J'exarkann A Walhy, Family, Potlavllle, Pa., 0-11; iiatciiuu. anas. TliiiMion, liowr.r.l, Cairo, Kirypt. (l-si. Thonie. Mr. ft Mrs. Harry, K. ft P., Jeroey Clly, X. .1.. il-ll : Sheu's, Toronto. Can., IS-18. Tliorne ft Ctirleton, Shea's. BnrTnlo, N. Y.. (111. "The" ijnariiiie. lantli Nl., V. Y. C„ 0-11: Au- illK.rlum. Lynn, Muss., JS-18. •That" Qiinrlelle, Malealli., Chleniro, Mil Kfllh'.:, Cleveland; IS-IR. Tliompso'i, Win., ft Co., Ilayinarkel, ChleaRO, 0- Tltonian ft llnll, Acme, Norfolk, Vn,, nil. •llionipsmi ft I orlnit, BIJou, Norfolk, Va., U-ll. Thisnpson'a Kleplmnta, Younir'a Pier, Atlanllo Clly. X. J., 0-11. Thiirhor, l^ona. ft Picks, Kelth'a. "Plilla.. 0-11. Tlulie, Harry, ft Collejflons; Maryland, Baltimore, (Ml. Tlvoil (Jnarlette, Fountain Ferry Park, I.oulavllle, Ky., al-11. Toy ft Toy, Ii'nmlly, Lebanon, Pa., (l-ll. Tops ft Topsy. .Mnjemle, Llncdlii. 111., Ml, Tnnliey, T'nt ft Mny, Oryalal, Klwoodi lml., Oil; Pavilion, lihirrinn. l.'l-IN. • ' Toiirldllmi, Mux. Troupe, Orpbeum, San Fran., Cal., o-ll : l.oa Angelen, lS-an. Truesilell, Mr. 'ft Mta.. Howard, Proctor'a, Troy, X. Y„ Oil. Tricy. Mr. ft Mrs. niek. Family, Cheoler, I'a., Tnlly, Mb». ft Co.. Orpbeum. Kt. Paul, Minn.,0 11. Turner, Bert, Wlck'a .Kittulinlne. Pa„ 0-11. Tulsa, Colnnlal, Cnmlirlilre. O.. (Ml; llllou, Pi- nna. 1S-1R. • ■< .■:..■■ r " Tuseano Sisters, A. ft S„ lloslon, Oil. Tyre, Lillian, Maryland. Baltimore, (111; i.y- • l *um, Palerson, X, ,i„ IS-18. Pessema, The, Orplieum, Mlnneapolla, Ml, I'reliliis (S), Crystal. Hock Island, III,, Oil; Orpheuin, is-uvemvorili. Kan., 111-18. Usher. Clandn ft Fannie,- Orplienm. Allenlown. Pa.. 0-11. ' , I Vail, (leorae; Fonnlnln F'erry Park, l.milsvllle. > Ky., 0-11. Van (lorre ft Colrely. 'IViple. Bill Inns, Mont., 0-12. Vaile.s.' Mnrvekina, Cnlnii Clty.'.lnd., fl-ll. 0-111 Chaae'H, Wnsh- Kan., (MR, Tlininiis, Columbia, Clnclniuill, 111 I; mi Admr, Mlatt., ISIS. Van, .Billy. Orplieum,.llkln., 0 . huii, hi, n. C.. Ht-IR. •■ Vokkos,, 'The. IVotile'K. I.eiiv.-nworlli. Kn Von. Charles ft .Fannie'. Orpbeum, Allenlown, Pa. 0-11. Vurfely Quarlelte. Cryslal. Lincoln, »b., 11-18. Vaaaur (llrK Victoria, X. Y. C. 0-11. Vaunars, Tlte, Ynung'N Pier, Ailnoilc Oily, X. J., Varilelies. The, Umpire, Ashtabula, O., 0-11; Arch, Cleveland, lil-18. ValaUciiB. The. Proctor's, Troy, X. Y., 0-11, Valleello's leopards, Teatro Mnrll, HivHUk, Cuba, 0-30. V«a«>, Chestnut St., Plilla.. 0-11. Valveiin Broa., Ilomird, llnaton, U-ll. Vaipos. Tbe, 0. H.. Kerwra, (Int., Can., Mil Ft. William, Orit., is;is. Van Oleve, Wentwcrlh ft-"Pete," Armory, nine- hanilop, X. Y„ 11.11. Varln ft-llurr. Lyric, Ft. Worth, Tex., 13-18. Veslo, Belle, Majestic. Chicago. 0-11; Columbia, Si 1.1mIn. IV IK, Vernon. Keith's. Providence, 'II. 1„ 0-11 : Cnion 8i|tiare, N. Y. On IS-18. Veala, Xetta. Proctor's, Albany, X. Y.. 0-11. Vlelorla'« Dogs, IMII's, New Haven. Conn,, 0-11. Victoria. Veala, aso St., X. Y. C„ 0-11. Viola. Olio, Nnilonnl, Sail Fran., Cal., fl-ll ; (lltvhe, Han Fran., IS-18. Vlnelll'H Horses, Chestnut St., Plilla., 0-11, Vllluiie Choir, Kmplre, Mohnken, X. J., (ill. Vokes, Hurry ft Margaret Daly, Olympic, Chi- cono. Oil: llaymnrket. Chicago. tS-ttf. Vnnlelbi ft .Mini. Hopkins'. Memplils, Tenn., 0-11. Want ft Cnrron, Pod'a, Bridgeport, Coiin., U-ll. Walerliury Bros, ft Teone.v, Proetor'n, Troy, X. Y., n 11; Poll's, New Haven, Conh., IS-18. Waison ft Llule. Family^ Lancaster, Pa., fl-ll. Wataon'a Farmyard. Poll's, llarlford, Conn., 0-11. Wayne ft Iks* Aoache, Poll's.' Worcester, Mass., 0-11. • Wayne. A. J., O. II., De Pere, Wla., 012. Warren ft Howard, (irand. Peru, lnrt., o-ll; ttrami, lluntlnmnn, W. -Va,. 1.T-I8. Wunla, AL, Crystal. Frankfurt,-lml., fl-ll; Crys- tal, KIwomI, 1S-1R. ', Weal ft lleniou BIJou, Diihunue, In.. U-ll; llo- mlnlon, 'Winnipeg. Can., IS-18. Weamn, AL II,,.ft Co., Colonial, Lawrence, Mass,, 0-11; Orplieiim llkln., IS-18: Welch, Mealy ft Montrose, Olympic, Chicago, 0- Weber, Chan. D.. Mnrrny Hill. N. Y. C, 6-11. Weldi Troupe, l.omlnlon. Winnipeg, Can., fl-ll. Webb's, ('apt., Neils, 1 llppodrome, X. Y. C, fl- Webb A Connelly, Vancouver, B. 0„ Mia Welch, Lem, Mosn A SI6I1, ft rtleanl Tours, Kng- Inuil, it .lime SO. Welch. Ben. l"orllanil, Porllaml, Me., Ml. Whlleluw, Arthur, Colonial, Lawrence. MaHS.. 0- While, Stiiart, ft. Co., OoliuaMa, Cincinnati, fl-ll. \J i tuitiii A- lmvls, Portland, Portland, Me., 0-11. Whl I mm, Frank. Pastor's. N. V. 0.. 0-11: Km- plre. Flltsilihl, Masa., I:|;|R. ' WhllealdeHi The. l.yrle. Cleveland. (Ill, Whltinnn Sj«ler« ft Itobliiaon. Kmpltv, Ilohoken, Wblleley ft liell, Cryalnl, l"raiil:forl, Hid., Oil; Crystal. Klwuod, lil-18. Wbei'ler Sisters. Union Clly, lml., 0-11; I.lnton, To* I Hi Wllaon, (leo., n&th St.. N. Y. C. 0-11. Wilson Bros., iL'oih Street, X. Y. 0.. 0-11: Proc- tor'a, Newark, X. J„ 18-18. Wlxun ft Katun. Family. Cheater. Pa., Oil, Wllaon ft De Mondevlllo, Mala St., Pvorlu, III,, Wills ft Hasaan, Orpbeum, llkln.. fl-ll, Windsor, Benu. Allsky, Sacramento. Cal., Oil; Kiliplro, Siis'kloii, IS-18. Williams ft Pullman, Pador'a. K. Y. C, fl-ll. Mllllnina nno, lllnpodrome. PHtahnrg, n-n. Wllaon. Jack, ft Co., Chase's, WasblDtton, D. C, Wise ft Milton, Atlanllo Garden. X. Y. 0., fl-l I. Wlllard, elms., Verliaeh, OIl-CHy, Pu„ fl-ll. Wilder. Mnrshuli p„ Majestic, Chicago. IS-18. Work* Owen. Alhamhra. N. Y. 0.. fl-ll. Wordetle, Km lie, A Co.. Bennett's, Ottawa, Can., n-n. Wood Bros.. Dewey. Minneapolis, fl-ll. Wissls, Liliieu, (Hnlhe, Kau„ 0-11; Cnrrolton, Mo., lil-18, World ft Klngainn, llaynnne, BnyoUne, X. I., U-ll. Worth ft Dolctnr. Fnmllc, Lafuyelle. lnrt.. Oil:' niton, Rockfonl. 111.. IS-18. Wood ft I.unison, Keith's, Phlla., Oil. Yale Olio. Lafuyelle, Detroit. O-II; l.yrle. Cleve- land. IS-IK. York Comedy Four, Howard, Boston, 0-11. Young Buffalo Royal. Montreal. Can.. Mil Slsr. Toronli. 1S-1R. ' Yoke. Mnv. ft IMIIeTrlo. Malesllc. Chlesgo, Ml. \onng Amerlcn Quintette. Pack. Johnstown, Pa., ll-ll: Btnrer Falls, IS-IR. Yule, A-.-tlinr. Auditorium. Quelle, Can., fl-ll. Tonng ft Miiiiulng. Irwin, Ooshen, lnrt., Oil; Crystal, Anderson, 13-18; Zeno, Jordan ft Zeno, Young's Pier, Atlantic City, X. J„ Ml. Zimmerman. Willy, Sotot, Hamilton, Can.-, 0-11. Zlnaarl -Troupe, Jlennell'a, Ottawa, Can,. U-ll; -Proetor's, Albany, N. v.. in-is. Zola Slaters, BIJou. Baltle Creek. Mich,, 0-11. ON THR HOAl>, . 8opplemen(«l l.lat - Hecelveil Ton lastte for ( l«»sls1e«tl(in. Alhee,'« Comic Opern (ti. F. Alhee, mgr.)—rrnvl- ilenee. It. I., (1-25. "Ai Cripple Creek" (.las. A. dnlvtn, mgr.>— Wilkea-tlarre. Pn., u-8, Seranlon nil. Buchanan. Iirralne. Slock—Battle Creek, Mich., in. Indeflnlie. Croaroan, Henrietta (Maurice Campbell, mgr.i — Stockton, Cal., 8, Oakland nil. Cnrrell Comedy (Ion Carroll, nurr.i—Weston, W. Vn„ IS-18. Crawfonl's Comedians—Cherryviile, Kan., IS-18. •Cowboy dlrl" (Perce A. Benion, mgr.)—Farina, X. Oak., P. Cmokston, Minn., 10, Orand Forks, X. Dak., II, Vernilale, Minn., IS. Bralnerd It, St. Cloud It. Hloux Falls, S. Dak.. 10, Lincoln, Nelnr.,.-17. 18. • "Coming Thro' tbe nye" (Will .T, niock Amiiae. Co,, mgrs.)—Providence. II. I.. 0-8. Dudley Slock (Frank Dudley, mrr.l—Hot Springs, Ark., fl-ll. "Dark Secret"—Cleveland. O., 1.1-18. "Diilchmnn's Honeymonn" (Frank L. Whllller, nmr.i- -Riiihinal, VI., 0, Folr llmen 10, White- hall, 'N. Y„ 11, Tleonilemxu IS, Brandon, VI., Klllc'h Harden Rtnck—Denver, Colo., .".. Indeflnlie. "Free l.nncc" iKIaw ft Krlsnger, mgrs.)—Winni- peg. Man., Can., fl-ll. "Forty-Ove Mlnuiea from Brnndwny" (Klnw ft Krlnnger. tnjrrs.)—Corning. N. Y.. R, llhaci 0, Anluirn in, Itlnghnmlon II. "Fnnriy Mr. Donley" (SJ- Itenne ft taee, mgrn.)— Kcnivllle, N. S., Can., 8. Brlilgetnwn 0, Anntip- oiu in, ll, Dlgliy IS, Weymnulh 14, 10. Yar- iiioiitli 10, IT, Liverpool 18-20. "For a Human Henri," Wm. T. Kcogh's (To J. Fosse, m«r.)—Boston, Mass.. 'l-ll, Brooklyn, S. Y.. lil-18. (Iny Slaiek (C. W. Mercer, mgr.)—Oreenaburg, lml.. fl-ll, Bloomlngton IS-IR. "(llngerbresd Man" --Baltimore, Md., 13-1R. "(Ilrl of Ihe llaneh"—I'blladelnlilii. Pa., IS-IR. "(Irent Wall Street Mystery" (Vnmv ft Rulllvm, mars.)—Tomnin, Can., ll-ll, Montreal IS-18. "flytwy Jack"—Ilohoken, N. J., Ml. Illlchcock, Baymonil (Henry W. Savage, mgr.)— Seullle, Wash., (1-11. Holland, Mildred (Kdwnrd C. While, mgr.)—Low- rence, Mnss., R, l/twell 11. llownril llnll (Ohns. K. lllaney Amuw. Co., mora.) —N. Y. City IS-IR. Ilickmnn-Hcsscy isjf, a. While, mgr.)—Wauke(,bo, Wis., n-l I. Wankegan. Hi.. 12-18. Isaliel Irving (Llehler ft Co.. mgrs.)—Ishpemlng, .Mich., R, Calumet 0, Hancock 10. Sherburne, Cam. II. "In Old Kenlucky" (A. W. Dlnmrnll, mgr.)— Toronto, Can 1 ., 11-11. Kelm, Adeiiihlc- N. V. Clly 1.1-18. King Dramatic (Cbas. King, mgr.)—Greenville, 8. C, 0-11. Mncoo, fin.. IS-18. "Kidnapped for Revenge" (Cfans. K. lllaney Amnae. Co., mgTw.l—Youngstown, O., 0 8. Wnsollng, W. Va.. Mia "Little Outcast," K. , J. Carpenler's—Seranlon, PU., 0-8, Wllkes-Bnrri' 0-11.-• "Little Proa|M»ctoif" (Frank. 0. King, mgr.)— Council -BliuTa, la.. IK.jBlalr.-Xebr., IS. Sloui Olty,-la.,-Hv-I# Msrsl.1."-.. ■•■• •- .-',■--.- -Mel nlj re mill Hen Hi ililiiw ft Frlnnsrer. mgrs.)— Lancaster,. Pa.. R, Knsinn fl,, Trenton, X. ,1., 10, Plalnllchl 11. Mary Marble and I.lllle Chin (Wells, Dunne ft Itarlnn, mgrs.)—Memphis, Tenn., 0-11. "Mrs. Wlggs of Die Cabbage Patch" .(Liahler ft (To., mgrs.i—Ogden,'If.. R. Rait Lake City fl-ll. "Man of Ihe llmir" (Brady ft (Irlsmer, mgrsi)— Chicago. III., 12, liulellnlte. "Monlnnn" Mns. D. Carey, mgr.)— Detroit, Mich.. •VII. • , "Millionaire's Revenge" (Mlilputb.il Bros, Amuse. Co..' mgrs.I—Detroit, Mich., S-lli "Mad ■ Millionaire" ..(niistlo..ft Laisilnt. mgrs.; — Cumdeb.-N. ■.-¥.",, RflMmll ton fl, Onforil 10, iln-ene, 11. Candor IS. IlUaca It. Wotklns IS, nmii i«. Friendship IT. Smslhnoi'LPn., 18. "(hir Old Kentucky Home" tlVto. Ileywood. mgr.) --Seward, Nebr.. 8. Dnvld Clly fl. Osceola in. Hitoinsls>rg 11. York IS, Aiuirii it, Orand Is- land 15, llnliliinon Stock—Sprlngfleld. O., IS-IR. ' Skltirer, Olla (Charles Frohman, mgr.)—Denier. . Colo., fl-ll. SuHy. Daniel—Philadelphia. I'a.. nil. San Carlo Opera iHeury llnssell, mar.)—^Bos'nn, Mask., fl-ll. stoilih.nl Slock—Bay City. Mlcb., .'., Iniledulle. "81 Nlehhln-:" t lieu. X. Y„ 11. ■■I'pel- Toiii'm Cabin," J. 8. Krllcbflehl'a—Fair- uiillnl. .111., fl, H.Kiier 10. Sidney 11, Toll ii io IS, Bemcnt 14, I/ivlngtnu Id, Areola 10. "Village Hrncer" tlhwiin ft Lanolnt, mgrs.)— Nee; - Berlin, X. ¥., R. ltlelnield Springs II. Cherry Valley 10. Rharon Mprlngs II, Chillliiim IS,. Manchester, VI.. 14, -Wilmington IS, Rhel- iiiirne Falls, .Mass., 10, Walker Whlleslde— Us Angeles, Cal.. fl-ll. Wllllnirs, Hntllo (Charles Frohman, mgr.l—New London, Can,, I). ■ Williams mul Walter—Atlantic City. X. J., flit. "VVlsnrd of Wall Slreel," Ktlwln Palleraon's— Klgln. Xchr., IS, Albion l-l. (lenoa 10, Fuller- Ion 10, PlaUe Center -IVSebuylcr 18. Ye Colonial Hlock (C. W. Benner. mgr.)—Spring- field. O., Ml.' in iilpsih r. AND v \i in; villi:. California Hlrls (John Urrcve*i, mgr.)—X. V. clly IS-18. • i '. J- Mil Mien (Fred Irwin, mgr.)—Brooklyn, N. V., TraiiH-Ocennlc Kvlrnvngsnta—Providence, R. L, 1,'I-IR. MINfrTRRI.8. (iorlon's (C. C. I*earl. mgr.i—l.ecchhurg, Pa., 1(1, Tarentnm 11. New -Bethlehem IS, Brookvllle It. Punxsiiiawney lit. Ill Hoiry's—Sbelhiirne Falls, Mass., fl, Arcen. flebl'O, Amherst in, Xoriliumpton 11, IlnrCord, Conn..-l.'1-lB. ' Ti;m- SHOWS. Hunt's Sliver Plu!«—lulcrlaken Stockbrldgc 10, Canaan Four I.neky Bill's—Irrlnc. Kan., IS, Wnlervlllo n, Baiues 1(1, Green Ingion IS. Pawnee Bill's Wild West ami Col. I.UIIe's—Belleville, I It, Mount Veinoii IS, Marlon -IT, Mount Cuiniel 1R, MlfaCK^IiANROIIS. Fnust I.lf,y>rnliin (II. Powell, mgr,)—l.lnevllle, la., (Ill, AMenton is-ir,, ACHUSETTS. Hostiin.—The principal new bills for week of Mat (I arc: "Tbe Time, the Place and the GlrC* «t,the Tretnonl, nnrt the San,Carlo Opera Co.. In repertory, at the Park. At: traction* to continue are: Virginia Hamed, lii 'Tin Great Question," at the Majestic; "The Rogers Brothers In Ireland," at the Hollla: fllchnrd Carle. In "The Hprinjt Chicken.'' a: the Colonial: "The Heart of Marylnnd," pt the Globe, and "Robin Hood," nt the C'sstle Hqiinre, The Beaton Theatre closed for the season lant Saturday night. nntl the enc". Is In slghl 'or several others. HiislnesH vrns excellent nt all piny shops last week. Tremont (John B. Schoeffel, manager).— "The TIbic. Ibo Place and Ihe Olrl" will bnve lis flrat locsl hearing May «, Ihen beglnnlnK a four weekf;' engngement. Prominent arc: Arthur. Dongou, (Scorgla Drew Meniliim. Ilnr- rlet Burr, Clias. Bowcrs.Ueo. Dflmcrel. Harry Hnnlon nnd John C. Rowe. .Ins. K. Hnckelt, In "The Wnlls of Jerlchn," closed two weeks Of good buolnesa'B. ' park (Chns. Fn>limnn,''jileh & Harris, mnn- agers).—The 'Son Carlo Opera Co., Henry Russell, director, Is the attraction horn (Ml. The nnVrlng*; for Ihe week are: "laa Bohcme," "Don I'asqiinle," "li'mist" find "TroTatoro." Allco Nlelaacn nnd Hlg. Constantino bead the company. During the bast fortnight Nance o'Ncll aeored a decided Buccess, In "Cleo." The house will close 11. Ma.ikhtio (A. I<. WHImr, tuaniiger). —Vir- ginia Hnrned.ln "The Great Qnesllon," begins the second nnd flnnl week oMier engngement 0. Business has hcen excellent, nnd the play and Ihe nlflr were well received. The next attraction will be ".Tho Three of Da,'' lini.i.iH SritKiii' I l»jfir II. Rich, manager).- —"'i'lic Rogers Bros. In Ireland" retaalna the attraction, the second and last week opening '1. Good Hired crowds have been In evidence. Olgn Nclhersole. In repertory, week of III. Colonial (Charles Krolimnn, Rich ate Hor-. rls, managers).—'Hlchnrd Cnrle. In "The Spring Chicken," opens his third week nnrt concluding fortnight (I. Indications point, to continued gooif business. Cunii: i Kinlr, Wilbur & Nienlnl, mflnngers). —John Crglgand his stock coropnny opened A abort Hummer season here Inst week, pre- senting "The Heart of Mnryland" to good patronage. The same bill will be given this. week. "Old Heidelberg" hext wefk. Boston* (Lawrence McCnrty, manager),—. With '.he Until performance of "Coming Thro' Ihe live." lasl Saturday night, the regular season of this house came to nn end. The house folns the vaudeville ranks next season,- liooklng through (he United Booking Office*. liitX.vn Oi-kiia Hoiihi: (Ceo. W. Magee, man- n'rer , .—"ii'or n llumun J,lfe" Is tho current offering, following a splendid week's business for "Billy, the Kid." In which Joseph Sant- loy wa* fentured. "The Two Orphans" will lie the final attraction of the season nl this house. Castm: Sqcark (Boston Stage Society man- agers).—The stock opera company met with much success last week,. In "Robin Hood." which Is continued »s this week's bill. "The Gondoliers" next week. > HownniN Sol'akk (Oeo. E. I.otlirop, mana- gcrl.-,-Tlie i.iitbrop Stock Co.,. In "At the Risk of Ills Life.' us a successor to "No- Mother to (Julde Her." which attracted the usual good pulronage last week: "An Actor's Romance'.' next week. The house will remain o|>en nil Summer. "• Keith's (ll. 1'. Keith, manager).—Grace h'llklns mul James Home head the hill (his week: Other Excellent entertainers,are : Tom ■Mat-ate. Mc.Mohon'H .Minstrels Maids, .lack Norwoith,' Celllils - and llarl. notlald and cuisnn, Mi. \iiiiion and Cbappelle, Three Itosell."Eddie Mack. Miillcr. Chunn.and Miil- ler.,!JoKlc..',VII#li, .RltS".iBrothers, • O'Connor, Sniindertt nnd company, and new motion'pic- tures. iiusl'iisH contlnttes excellent. Obhhbiim (Percy WllllamH, manager).— Fine bills and crowded bouses. Bill week of ii iri.'imi. s; Chas. ,\lliler and company, Julian HoKr, Tom Ilenrn. Katherlnc Nelson, Mimic Kour, llallan Trio. Ilex Fox, Keno. WulKh and Melrose, Dorsch nnd Russell, and tbe. klnetogrnph, . • • Hou'Aiin (Jay Hunt, business manager).— Kxcellent'entertainment Is promised thin week by. Ham Devtire's Co. Andy laewls heads the fun brigade, and the olio names : Miller and Hunter, Mnwr. Bisters (3), Murroy, Clayton and Drew, Ibe Shrodes (2), and Andy I,cwIk nnd company. Tha Howard's own bill: Yorke Comedy Pour,' Henry and Francis, Valve'no Bros., Kenney and Hollls, Emelle Bennei, Hill Hrt.T Hill. Crnlmni nnd l.nng, Cutnmlng.s and Knight: Rowaldi and the liownrd-scofle. Ulblto Hoiinilers fared well last week. Jolly (irnss Wldoe-s next. . RAbAaTH tC. H. Waldron, manager).—The Bowery -Burlc-sQiier* ll-lt. Prominent In the cnmiaiinv are: Mxzle 1'rellgli, Carmelltu d'lOlced'^re. lien Jnnscn, nnd tho Icariell-Tfly- Inr-Trln. The Palace's extra cards are : Devlne nnd Shuriz, 'llll nnd Acker. Rlsteen Bros., Sidney Duncan, Jones and .Tones, Phil Mor- tfln, : find Wyckhoff and Hart. Good sized crowds aw Ihe Rent-Santlcy Co. last week. Irwin h Mnjcsllch next. f5oi,i)MBiA tllarry N. Karren, manager).— Billy Wattion and his burlesiiiters this week. Tho oil > Is furnished by the Yamamoto Bros., Mliiershlp Sldters, nnd Oracle and Iteytiolds. J.'lrat class cnlortnlnment was furnished bv Hid Broadway -Gnleiy Girls last week, anil packed houses ruled. ' I.ychljm (G. H. Batchellor, manager).— Grenlei' Now York Stars return (l-ll. Con- 30. i'be ploy is a well told romance the action of nbich takes place In Austria at tin. time of the wars/between Napoleon and {HER! ) ?W.r Dr ., of 4"» tr, «- Th^AiSitrlan Hmperor. having Won the support of thelovi ami true hen fled people of the Tyrol he trayg-them, olthouBU Ills brother, the Arcii duke John mokes every effort to assist Hi™' Hi one or his cttempta to do this. John mee tK Ann Plochtl. a Tyroleae, and /ells in love w th h.:r. Together they strive to help thHr cause, hut etcry effort fa fruitless, atid John Is comiiisnrtiirf to.return Io the pnlnce whlii Ann Is taken there as prisoner. John trie, to brins about, her rciense, nnd llnnllv the emnery.', for diplomatic reasons, consents t, their iiiurrlflpc. Thin marriage Is hlstorl and Ith said that Fronds finally- gave An.,' Ihe^ltle of the Countess of Mern. 'Phe wh i production gave evidence of Mr. Williams' excellent work and management. Uiaa n'e.i •ahnweil great cIcverncsR In her Interprctntlni and the choracler work of, Hermann I, el! de jertes ii preut deal of credit. The cast: fl ows: ArJie Plochfl. .Miss ReedV: Frniicis I'.mperor of Aiudrla, Stanley Wood: 'Mel e <■■ iilcn, .lolin M Sulllvnn : Count Von Hudells llerninnii J.lcb; (ienern Bmn, RtarllV.V Wood! Count Cbnslelflr, John Cumherlc it? Meyer. John M. Sullivan: Frllz. John c „,! hnrlan, ; -RMnhar.lt Ploehtl. lien Graham • Olio, G.'orgj. Pearcc; Pontor Karl. ICred.u Xu Snt on: Father;Hasplnger, Albert H. «,.,) Wallnor. I'renk Bronson; Hpcrky.mcl.er. V Wcln«Obi :Cf,nrnd. Frederick Suilon ; Kr.ic I'rnnk Hronnfm: Tony Wild, Thomas Mui arky: Krledl. Hermann l.leb; vSSt AM. irnnk Hronson; Second Aide, I. Welnsteln : lautloviea. Kthel Grant; Mario Ionise" Alice -■'■'-"> "■--» ■• ■" ■ -...HI. , .villi 11' liOIIIflP, A, CI' Rtker: rnmtnu Metternlch, Corlnne Simon" ii.T"»i*,,?'fSf. * « n ?"..?. 1 " i_f'"unless md Oreat Far East. tSSm^M^ ' M * e ' ''"" WC ° k " «rion l:, ;o, M il'!.Tl'l.«?K *5»*W * :S v T ™£% > '"5 r! " M < A ; «• •■" mnnagci'-). — Young Snnilow and I.i High White, nmbcrt, marvels, remain as heud- of 0. Other novel features Man of Persia, Alphonsc, • KKNTUCKV'. I.oalavll^.—^At tiie Mary Anderson Thea- tre (Friiiik Wl|llnms, manager) "'Pile Other lilrl" came April L'D-May 1, pleasing. Mrs. piiko nit. Avkmik (Cbas, A, Shaw, manager).— ''Down M.ol>lle" Inst week, uttracted large .'iiiillencca nt every |K>rformance. Cole nnd Jolmsoa, la "The shnn-l.-lv llegliucnt." 5-I.1. IliK'KiNtnuit (Whullen Bros,, managors). —The Avenue Glr'.s l«at week, drew well and gnve a plcnilng performance. Merry lliirlesriiiers 5-11 , Pontainm irKHttY Pauk (Wm. Relchman, mobager).—This popular resort will open the Heaaon r... with a morn elaborate and. exten- sive collection of attractions than, nny -pre- vious Benson. In addition to the-old attrac- tions, there will be: A Trip to Mars, Path from Parla, Kansas Cyclone. Rolling tbe Rol- ler, CIcopatrn'H .Boudoir, Calcutta Tiy Night. Tho Wat Path Jr., Arid YVIImerdlng's Irafned nolmnls. A new, feature to lie Inaugurated thin, sea ion will, be a free ntunUaloii to the pilbllc. New people week of May ,ri: (Juyar and Crisp'. IlaslliigH and Wllaon, I'uul Spu- <1<inl, Tltrrtll Qnnriette, and George Van Cook's Mllllnry Hund will furnish the music In tho pavilion Wiutk ClTr (W. H. I^bh. general mans- Iter).—This new resort opened m (fie public April v:T. The weather at tbe onedlog was rihysli'iil culture Incrs for we^k are: The Rluc . ociiilpose wonder: Hindoo Sum, basket trick; Olcnnoid, TcntrlloniilRt; rill's marionettes, Topp'B .bBtttl, and Trlxb>. snake enchant roan. In (lie' ihealfe Cot. White's Mlnntrel. Maids will cclchrnic their one .hundredth annivers- ary. Specialties are by: Vlolettc Dulc, llornthy Norton, Klhel Norman. laoulse ■ llrniuliniM, Idii Campbell, Lottie lllnnclinril, Cnssle French, Mnrin SlHtcrs, Frank Cook, Low Benedict, nnd Allon. Ultra vnudovllle offers: Vcntn OlIboM, Jercd Arthur, Tuscnno Hlstern, Kostciie and lommeit, and new mov- ing pictures- ... « WUMpn WumsoM (L. B. walker, mana- ger).—Manajier Walker's original fat beautlea ore curio hall features this week. Other cards sre: Mica Johnson, bigg puncher; Oxarf. magician, and Prof. I.yncb/s Punch and Judy. Stage flliow: Carrie Hwartr.'s Burlesiuern. Olio—Martin and Dovie, iCdlth Allston, Mae Richardson, .Alice Melvln, l.ulu Kimball. ICdnn Merrill, Minnie Andrews, and Howard's moving pictures. NicKtihOhnoN (VV.-'H. Wolffe, manoger).— In curio halls for week of 0: Soobretles' con- veniloii. Miidoane. strong man, and trained birds, nalltn Clltfoi'd's All Star Specialty Co.. furnlshf* Btake show. Olio Includes: ISddlo (llgtirc, AI. iPord, James Nonry, Frolb- Ingliam nnrt Denhaai, and moving pictures Manng.T Wolffe reporls business as excellent. Bertha . ffilfWftr, Myllle Ravel; Countess'Collorelo Hnlsle Inee; Bnrofleiw Hormnyr, Amv Whit' tier; Jounno, MOIIIe Ravel; Martha,'Mleiion Mr? wmiama. ' C - ' ™ ^»«S VMKKr.ix (.1. V. Burke, resident mana- TT r '.H Iol y tro " K Oronaflllc Society, In "Rob Roy" d, laosl week, Kllcn Terry, April "i drew .1 fashionable audience. Illxle Mln slrelfl (locul), ;i. hod K. II. O. M Hlnnley Nichols and "Chirk" Kox, of the BosT, S»*| w0 . n K 1 r ' , ' lt f«vor. "Mr. niurney. from Ireland,. 4, pleased. ■ -Kri. 1 *'" ii' &Crftjt||(D, resident miinageri. -Ijffl*. ofll:,W. J. Ollearn, In "A Romance of Klllmnoy;" Chnrlea Wayne, Gerlrudo Ins BS?™R. " nrt cn^ny. Rosalre and Doreio. Mile. Chester, I lorce and Malzee, McKay nntl Cnntwfli; the Chadwlck Trio, and the clcetro- grapb. .Buslm-as Is excellent, NOTi\:_r.ei> shubert "and oilier prominent theali icrl people were In town last week, to witness the performances of "Ann and Ibe Archduke." ' a . .lfww«ll.— At'tlie laowell Opera House (M M. Illn mi. resident manager) last week, "111-' B9 nM af V*! Ireland," with KIske O'Hnin.' did well.April 1!U. Francis Wilson, in "The Mountain Cl|mber," received a cord In l wel- come from a large audience 30. Carrlek Club. Dramatic Co. (localI, May 'J, delighted their many friends, In "Sowing the Wind " III 'Manrytsl 'Mlnslrels gave an excellent en- lerlnlnmeq-t, 3, to good business. "The lei. of Rong-Rong," featuring John W. ltnnsohe, 4. prarad a.very .clever.mimical protliicllnn. Henrietta. I.ce ri'.-elved many encores for her urtlstlc rendering- of her song minihairs. Korence Mae Smith. Cbas. 1>. .Morrison and Walter Unfe, ,werc nlso promlniim. The Hiastng and ptoditctlon of "Nan Antonio" was deserving of .special • mention. Htetsori's "llpcle Tom's Cabin" Co., 7. with mallnee; •IHploniacy " M T.I Dramatic'Co. (lorali. 8: ..-.Mildred.Hnlloml 11. ( . ■ '*•, ■ ACAimilY OF.'MOrtrc—Motion pictures and lllustfated. sotfgn, .direction of KdW|n>.-R. Walker,,II. I,. Snrnge.inherntor, and William I.eavean and Alice Pjrklns, aololstai, was the iiltrnrtlon last w^>eU, lo fair business. The house will be dark thin week. jnyri(AvV.a.r'.s (John 1. Shannon, resident inuntigei'i. —I^tyt week marked tbe close of this season's vaudeville. The year has been, the most prosperous In ihe history of Hie house. Muouger Slihnnnn has made man,' friends during his slay rere. and much credit Is due lo him nnd assistants for the pleasing nnd homelike fill-, as. wcl| as the excellent eolfrialnmenl. The prosperlly Ihnt the bouse Ills' enloyedis due'to these facts. .Motion plrlurea and llluuraled songs will entertain this week. Hohtov (J. II. Tehbetts. manager).—Xe|. lie iitirif<)i':!'H.Tr,tloini B-jriesniin nnd Vaude- ville Co. pleased big luislness Inst week, offer- ing an nc'Cpiullle bill of burlesque, vaude- ville and-mtislcal numbers. This week : Marie 1 Italy's French Beauty Burlesnuers. wilb the following Olio: • Uw Orth, Denno nhd Berwick, May Waldron, Eugene Sweel. Bel- mar and I'ratt, llliiaatrutcd songs and Ihe Boston bioscope. TiiKAtjiK Amiqiik (Frank N. Allmnn. mnn- ngerl.—This coiy houae, devoled lo moving pictures and llltiit rated son,™. Is doing nn ex- cellc.it business. Hurry -Wilson nnd Kstellrt Jlnllard, sololsta, eontrnue. MIsr Ballard's fronds remembered her with beautiful floral tributes Ins! week. UOI.I.AJVAV RlMC—The Thnw-Whltc plr liirais ended a two weeks' prosperous slay, 4, direction J. A, l*lghton. Mr. laeighton goes on the road with "The Little Mona" Co. (1. MRNTin>.—llai'grciivc's .Shows will enier- ttjln at the circus, grounds i.Moy 8 ..Dan McCnbe closed a" successful season wllh the "At Cripple Creek" Co. (Western), and I* home visiting friends. He will be with the ivnstern company next season..... .Fred K. Benne, singe director for Francis Wilson, Is home for a short, slny. Mr, Beane will di- rect the production of "The Great Train Robbery," nt one of the Chicago parks...... Grace Dnmselle. of the NbIIIo Hartford Cn„ Is seriously 111 here, at HI. John's Hospllol, threatened wllh pneumonia ;The Kmplre Ihealre, PHlKlield, Mtins,, management J. II. lebls'tts. linving rlosed a siiocesAful season. Airs. J. II. Tcbiictts returned tri net as treas- tirer of the local house ..Charles Sdhles- Inner. is the plnnlst-dlreelnr of the Nellie IMrtfoM company . ;THe laowell Aerie. 22.1 of icngles, will hold lis iinimnl memorial servlates, In lllks Hull, fl. Tlioiiias P. Con- nell will lie miiHier or cerlmonles, nnd the nddiessts by W. P., John J. I vers, nnd P. W. P.. Thomas II. ('mi..,i-iin. Thirteen members have pdsseu iiwiy.dtirltig the Inst year. fiarlngd Ullmore, a large vetalob," Mny'i.' 'llafISntMaKtrtatTof Lady Cicely wps all that could be desired, (leorge fcltou gave a fine bit of dhrtricter work as Drink water. An evening; of filfl wis enjoyed by a bis home, with Haltle Williams, 74di»s fllakelev and Thotnos Wise, in "The Little Cbtrub, 1 ' 2. irny Templettlii, In "Koriy-ilye Minutes from Brotldwtty." II, 4, scored n big iuccobs, with Victor- Moore a, close follower 'or- foyor. SprIHglleld Mimical Festival 8)0. "Ibe Isle of Spire" 11, ihe Hunter-Bradford l'ldyers 13, Indefinitely. Pou's iGordon,Wrlgbler, resident mnuii- ger).—1. rederlck Bond and compnnv formed tbe. slar not of laet week's hill, leremdnt Behlon gnve him able siipporl, ll*r bieexy I'Hit of iiBllehl—At He (,'tilirt;Srjunre (D. O. ', mpuugor) ulien Terry. ,wa» seen by oiidlcnce, in "Cftpt. llrassboilhu's Con- vefy propitious, nnd Immense crowds attended fore part of the week, but put a damper'on Ibe the fore part of the week, but cold .weather set In later, which put a damper on ibe pktri'nage. The only vaudeville Mtraellon given was an-outdoor aerial act py Krnaudo and i-'edorn. CfeatOre'i Band gives- conceits ttvlce a-day, anil <lrn#s a goodly number. Ills engilgement Is fur two weeks. • : i '4l»i4>i i hi J. n. OiI.i.vn, irhile hi I'ortliitd. Ore,, vis- lied mjtitf* of hla relfltleVs, B. F. Oil- Ion nnd Clmrteg Dillon. . Worceater—At the Worcester (43. H. Llgliton. reslurnt manager), May 7-11, Mnl- colm willlaois and his stock company, in- cluding If lot ence Reed, will produce "The Sign of the Four." with Mr. Williams as Shertoex. Holmes. ,"Ann nntl the Archduke," which ;nrpved such a.aucceia week of April 00, will be played again night of II. Week oM3. the coiopany afllj flrotlut'e "Dn Borry." "Ann and ih« Archdlike" Is hn historic drurnit. .n .fojir nct» % ;«rltt(yi by Dr, Antis- uapner and nnlurllnesi were worthy ... claj bote. Bill May,.(J nnd week: Geo. Abel spe- pnctlbr, of Cnlilmblk Unltenlly. 'it wnspro- nented here, for tbe .flrat time on any singe, by; the Malcolm WHUAOia Stock Co' Aprli 11 X...: .""J ■" a ? ° unn wees: nco. Auei and Ethel Arden, Tllree Hickman Blo».. flfl- JBM and Grovlnl. Lllllnh AJIcLOartelle.llros.. Leo Carll'o, Kelfe and Heart, and electro- gripb. . , . ■ ' , iw GhmoIib (J. A. lleuhesiey, manaier).— THe Octoroons stciiHi' pletised'2-4. I»nrlnlaii Widows 0-8, "fii -laOUlilMik" (i-ll. ; 2oW8 ifhl'i.Crdwn.'MinMth.—Bl I 'or w'Jlt of 0: Mmlcal Shirley, MTr.tlle Suliitiu, Oeb. kbne a nd n niimbel- of oihel ncii. • l.y>n._At tjfe L>riu .iF. G. Hnrrlinii, SSSJPrBt' J" 'W/W% ■•••■nt'lrfllai Abtll 2I»- '•The Hand of Fate, 1 ' local, by the Nannette