The New York Clipper (May 1907)

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ta$5. •3P35: MgW yQJIK ^QpIPPEB. 385 Devil Dlavolo, In a 125 foot dive Into ail Hxl2 foot tank: Prof. Uenry C Phelps, a •balloon .scout" of tho U. s, Army, lu n bal- loon uKcenalon; BonirliiBton Bros.'. ,on Cic lioiusii (IKIM a boring act. Tho noisofy loom and play room. In charge of competent nurses, is a great feature, ami this In free for all mothers. Here -they may check their children while they enjoy the sights. There N also.a commodious ladle*' and children a rest and lunch room and a froe emergency hospital, In charge of skilled physicians and surgeon*. An Illustrated monthly la pub- lished under the direction of Will It. Barry, publicity ugent, which Is a tine guide to the grounds, and is on sale at ten cents. The Luna Park,Co. has as officers: L. it. Lautter- stolu, president and general manager; S. Milton" Klchherg, vie©'- president and archi- tect; l^vr Meyers, treasurer; James 11. Kub, secretary, and Will II. Barry, director of publicity and advertising agent. RIVKRVIEW 1'aiik (William M. Johnson, in»iiHKOi->.—This great park of over fifty ni-rex will throw open Its gales to the public. "6, with a greater Hat of attractions, and larger ones at that, than nave been seen here before. The management added a vast ex- panse of territory during the Winter, and evou nt Unit was nimble to acommodatc all the concessionaries Who made application for spiice. New chows for Chicago, to be-sceu here during the season Include: "Around IDA World, '-The Great Train Bobbery," sceulc railroad, "Love's Journey." "Tho nakoiu Blizzard," "Hell Gate," and others. Besides which then; will be the Chlncso The- atre, the educated horse, roller coaster, and muny other',attractions. Kryl's Bund will perform during tho opening weeks, and the gates will be open from 1 i\ >t. until mid- night. ____ Ciiutks) l'AUK (W. H. Stickler, manager). The opening Is announced for 2G, ami rutin v new iiiid Interesting attractions are promised those visiting.the grounds. Sin Souci I'aiik (Leonurd Wolf, inanu- j.,.1-1.—Here ila another park to open 25, which will cause quite a commotion If the weather Is good, and with Ave parks then In lull swing the attendance at the theatres will probably take an appreciable drop. This park Is also on the Southsldc, within live minutes walk of White City,. and . they an- nounce the entire place has been reconstruct- ed. There will be a new vaudeville thcutl-c, and a large skating -rink. ■ bum of brick and Iron, costing $711,0110. The Casino lias been rebuilt also, and enlarged, Among the at- tractions advertised aro: Midget Know, "Hereafter." "Arcadia," "The Third Degree," Turkish Theatre. Shooting the Ilaplds, tho Water Show and others. tUviNiA I'akk (J, .1. Murdock. manager). —The best bands obtainable have been eu- giigeil to give concerts I Ills Hummer at tills popular North Hide park, which- fronts-on Lake Michlgnn. The night* are loo cool us yet, noil tlie 1 breezes from the Lake too chill- ing to admit of u Very early opening. AvrsauA.TH.~Thu "101 iUnch" Wild West Show Will close IX, having, phiyeil nearly throe .weeks to ever Increasing crowds, and demonstrated the fact that to Is one of:the most worthy nit met inns of. Its kind In the country. The- Jamestown Exposition is io |h> r.ivnieil DOW Kaltllyil l-iili'le, of Asbtou »nd Kurle. wus a CliI'Pkii Bureau onller, 18, and announced that her father died iu this city, Moy' 12, and the Interment was 18, Iu oak Ridge, Cemetery, this city. The deceased, who wins sixty-three years uld, whs ii painter of portraits and landscapes, and leaves.n widow and four children. Miss liiirlc also stated-that she .and.hor husband. Mr. Asbtou, left the vaudeville Held lust November, to heroine managers, taking control of the vaude- ville liousu ,ii .Muriel la. O,. since which lime ihe.v hnve added the vaudeville theatre at . IVl'kersbui'g, W. Vu., .to. luelr owulngs. the houses being on (he Gil* sun circuit. Busi- ness hits been very good Indeed at biilh bouses, nml It Is nt the bitter theatre that Hiev make their headquarters. 'Miss lOOrle will leuvc-for Purkcrsbnrg, 111 Ted Sparks, n well-known local,agent, bus opened an of- Ilea In Hufl'iilo, and betides the one lu this <l|y; hiiK one In Kansas City SiIIli and AradOH were ctillerwlS, and announce that they are organizing a vaudcvillo company M Play under!canvas this Bnniuier, and are booked through Illluols, Iowa and Indiana. I hey will carry a hand and orchestra of eight pieces Cordon Walton, who was a caller lust week, will play the leading role with Miss Archer. In "Mlas Civilization." by lilelmnl Harding pavls, opening at Hie trystal, Mllwnukeo, and are ulso booked to play the local.•Klaw" ft ISrlaugor bouses In tho Full Martin Bowers was a culler, id, and slated that lie closed with the "Huns Hanson" Co. at Suuto. Fc, N. M. lie Is resting ul: bis residence In this city, und will appear neit season either hi vaudeville or with "At. Cripple Crock" Co •. .Mary Cor- don, who was recently engaged by Oscar lluiiiiuorsloln for his grand-opera company for the Manhattan Operai|House, for next season, Is a Chicago girl, thirty years' old. who iiuadc her ilrwt success nt itte Opera •unique, Purls, maw. In 11)00. She was horn In Aberdeen, rtcol huiil, but has spent most of her life Iu this city Mr. and .Mrs, Pellet lor were callers, 17, and reported llieiiisclves well satisfied with the pew sketch wlilib they have recently purchased from Jack Burnett, Ihe "akotchwrlgllt," having given It -a try out at the Humboldt Tucatrc, this city, H, ivhuu It was well received. They expect to piny tho local houses shortly bellx biintus. chuructcr uclpr, who closed his season recently, with Al. U. Wilson, was it caller it), und will spend the Hummer at his home in this city..... .Thomas J. (Julg- ley. who 1s representing Francis, Day A luntcr hi this city, with headquarters at »i", hu , er «i",n House, was on the bill at the .Majestic /Theatre, und In appearing «t the oivuiplc this week, for the second/ time In four months, singing 'some of the successes "f hut llrnr Muhcl A.onlgomery, for- merly a member of the llush Temple Htock J "..will be-starred 'In "*/,liu,'"'noxt. aeason, >.v George B. Hunt, he having starred her last aeason In "Zuxo." .Etldln Bhmcv was a caller 18, and reported that he bud just, closed a very successful season of thirty- throe weeks with Cohan & Sutherland's "King ;t. tramps' Co. He will appear next season »• a new musical comedy, tinder the same management The students of the Chl- «'ag» Musical Hcliool of Acting, gave a very Pleasing performance, evening of 15. at the Mudoliuker Theulre, under, the direction of •i. It. iiiiniotir,- presenting "Ahine," by J. 'rVSO" «lmpaon und Herman, C.Merlvnlc, ahif>To Oblige Benson."..... .'Among promi- nent New Yprk manager* who bjlve been here In (he past week are William A. Brady, Joseph B. Gristlier, A. W. Dingwall and,Jos. Brooks. The, first, two urn here to witness too opening performances of .'.'The-Man of he Hour;' T Mr. Dingwall, on a tour of the Lilt- A .Dingwall i 'theatres, of which- Mc- viekcr'a Is one, and Joseph Brooks, to see The Round Up," which Is playing at that theatre Klsle Bowon, who lately made a hit. In "Two Little Girl*." will return to lui Studehakcr In u fuw weeks. In tho lead- ing role of "Miss I'ocnlinntas." Harry tbirke, who appears at the.Ornud,.In "Thu l uttooed Man, has set the town by the cars by hla clover work ut ull times, hut moru especially with his Imitations of James T. I oners, Sftm Bernard ami George M. Colian. • .'•i.Baseball night uccured at the Colonial. 14, when the niemlH'rs .of the ''.White Hox" and the Washington Club uttended In a body, ylth many of their friends ...Archie Hughes, who some years ago was In the support of Edwin Bodtb. T-awrence Bar- rett. Janny Davenport -and other promi- nent people, : Ik reported 10 be In' a destitute condition- In Cincinnati, and I'vlllg from general brenkdown Leonora Allen, a soprano from Decatur, III., mide her local dobut 13, at Coble Hull Tho Chi- cago Cnwurygtorj. or Music aunouuctm #a engagement of Klg. Cuvaradosal, of the Metro- politan Opera Co,, as head of-the vocal de- partment. .. ..Among the'bands which turn scheduled tube heard at the various-Hummer 'resdtla of the city aro': Brooke's."Krylc's Kranccsca IVrullo's, KUery's, Duss," Conwny's. John C. Weber's. Laniblsl'a, Uargullu's, Crcatore's, Krcll's KUery's and the .Kilties'. Bavldla Turk will have its formal opeulng, June --, when Walter Damroseh •nil his orchestra, will Inaugurate a six weeks' season of high class' musical pro- 'grammes Thunder Cloud, n member of the Wild West, last week, signed over.two months of his pay to -chief Bad Cobb, in settlement-of his bride. Bessie Fly- ing Bird, who became bis wife. Captain Jack Crawford performed the ceremony, which -was given-In the Cheyenne and Hlonx-languages. The two had only met ten days before I^mls Deane left Chicago, 12, for Jonesboro. Ark., to open a twelve weeks' season of Sum- mer stock.- 20. at the'MatOne Theatre, he being the lessee of the theatre. He will direct his own plays, of which there will be two each week. The company Is a strong one and Includes: Louis Dean, lessee and leading business; Mrs. Louis Dean, business mana- ger : Chandoa Brenon, assistant manager and press agent; Victoria Millar, leads ;.Butb dale, Margaret Saxton, characters: Bessie I.a Monda, Bather.Lewis, Daisy Ward, N. V. Miller, treasurer; Cliff J. Weston, Cbandos Hrenou, .Kdward Williams, Thomas Boone and t.arry Mack. Musical director, 1'rof. I ii'iic.y Harry I.. Duuktnson Is connected with Lindsay's )>og nod Monkey Show, at Wblte City, having recently closed his road engagements, lfi....... .'The Actors' Church Alliance held n meeilng In Masonic Temple, 17, at Which Itcv. Parker Ktockdalc nail oth- ers spoke. He. with ;Bev. William White Wilson, declared that ns the chasm between the church and stage had been bridged, and that tho purpose of the Actors' Church Alliance was .to secure for the theatrical profession the enjoyment of Sunday us a day of rest, the "Sunday performances should go," In which actors and actresses attend- ing, applauded The Maplewnod Opera House, North Kockwell Street.. which was to have ope nml evening of . 11, wus prevented from doing so, owing to failure on the part of the owners to comply with the ordinances governing fourth class theatres. Performers and public were on listid, and the police, had to clear the build- ing. The auditorium, ivhlcb Is on the second floor, seats 300, and it whs not provided with pumps I and Are apparatus, nor were there and ventilators or any asbestos curtain on the stage.'. Frederick Donagliey,-manager of "The Man of the Hour" Co., la 111 In this oily, but Is expected to be about In the course of a few days. Mr. Donaghcy tins many friends here. Henry Woodruff, now ap- •priiilne at the Htudebuker, celebrated I hi) thirtieth anniversary of his stagn debut, 14. Prod 1'eei. manager for Joe Weber, was formerly well known through the coun- try ns Ihcniimagcr of Hum lfccge, for whom ho directed lours for several seasons Pawnee Bill will succeed thu "101 Ranch" Show, In thu affections of the people, 211. It will appear tinder canvas, ut the corner of Hlxty-tlilrd Street and South I'ark Avenue. ..:.. .(}. H. Scltlcslnger. treasorer of the Co- lonial, is at lust able to uunounce that his beiieilt will occur at that theatre Sunday afternoon, Juno 'JX and already many offers have, come from people playing the city, volunteering their services. Thut the the- atre will be packed, goes without saving, fur •'tins" 1s one of the most popular theatrical iiii'ii In .thu city.... ..Belmont Park, which will run an out of door theatre on the North Hide, opened Its gates evening of .18, pre- Hciillng "Devotions." wllh Mrs. llosnllnd Ve- rn io IIS Ktlicl . DollglUS. J. ' 11 lli'l'lngl "I i il]i jicarcd lis Douglas Mrs. Mae Connors, mother of John T. Connors, manager' of the .Calumet Then! re. and recently loading woman of '.l'The Burglar's Sweetheart," died recent- ly, having • succumbed to an operation for stmnurh trouble, from which sue bad been suffering lately. Her husband, John Con- nors, inns .formerly, manager of the American Thcutre Asher.Levy, formerly assistant treasurer of the Onrrlck Theatre, was In the city last week.- Ho Is trensurcr on the Hhn- liert staff, In Kansas city, Mo Other Cliitkii Bureau cullers during the week In- cluded: 'Frederick W. Kdler, K. A. Rntsch, ■Jack Burnett. Kruncls J. Callahan. Mr. Nel- son, Bruce Itlnuldo, Mr. flrlffen. (1. Walton, Mr. Allen, W. Y. Perry, John H. Young. 4« » >t annai Ill si;ris. Boston.—The dramatic season continues Io wane. The Huston uud the tirnnd opera House are now closed, und the end Is lu sight for several others. Cyril Scott, lu "Tliu Prince Chap," Is the principal new utlracllon for week of May 20. Lillian Lawrence and bor stock complinv opened a Summer season at the Park.' last Saturday night, with "r-'nui I''roil" as Ihe bill, which Is continued . this week. Other continued offerings aro: "The Three of Us," uc tho Majestic; Richard Carle, In "The Spring Chicken," at thu, and "The Time, the Plana and the Olrl," nt the Treniout. Htock burlesque Is tho attrac- tion ut the Howard, the Palace and the Ly- ceum, and the other.houses make the usual weekly change of bill. The protracted cool weather has made business good ull along the line. -■ HUUJM Htkkmt (IsnacH. Rich, manager). —"The Prince Chap," with Cyril Scott, us thu star, Is the attraction here for a fort- night. Ill the supporting company arc : Wallace lU'sklnc, Charles'wells, Grace Har- bor, Florence : Couron and Helen . Pullman. Olga Nothersolo played to four largo audi- ences lust week. Illness prevented her ap- pearance during tho tlrst part of the week. - Majhnvic (A. L. Wilbur, manager).—"The Three-of lis'' scored one of the season's sue- ceases here, lust week, und remains the at- traction during tho current days. It will bo followed on Monday next. 27. by "The Other Girl." In which Thomas W. Ross Is slurred. Thumont (John B. Schoeffcl, manager).— "The Time, the PIiiimi and thu Olrl" begins Its third week and last fortnight on Mc-ndav evening. 20. Arthur Dcngun. Georgia Drew Menitum and the other clover folk engaged. continue In popular favor. "The llurdy (tardy Olrl." Richard Carlo's now musical cumcilv. will open Juno .'I, for a Summer run. CouiNUi, tChas. Prohmun. Rich &,'Harris. managers).-—For Richard Carle and "The Soring Chicken," crowded houses huve been ' tan ruin during tho past four weeks. Tho on- • gagehient will end 2o, when the house will cioso for the. season. I'AIIK (Cha*. Prulunan, Rich & Harris, m|iuugers).- i -The-Llllluii Lewrcnee Slock Co; opened hero Satnrdsy evening, 18, lu "irrou I'roii," Tvlilch Is conllnuwl this week. Be- sides Miss Lawrence tho company Includes: John Sulupolls. Charles Miller. Dorothy Ibi- vis, P. Morrison, Thou. Coleman, W. II. St. James. Jam* Dovlne, ICIcahor Parker,-Lena Lewis, Beverly West und Helen Scott. The next production will be "In the Bishop'*} Carriage." The San Carlo Opera Co. closed the regular season of this house last Sutur- drtv nfctit* ■ ^ ■ ■ ' ili.oiiB (Htnlr. Wilbur & Nlcolul. msuu- gers)^-rThc John Craig Htock Co. will he seen In "Tin) Orent Match," during the cur- rent week, following a gissl week for "Old Heidelberg." "The Darling of Ihe Hods" Is the special mitiiniui -emenr. for ucxl week. > ORAM) Ol'KUA HOUHK (Geo. W. Magei", manager).—With the tlniil performance of "The Two Orphan*." last Haturday nlgtit. the season at this house came to a successful end. The house will reopen early la August. Cahtlh Squark (Boston fltago Society, man- agers).—The stock opera company, which has drawn good bouses here during the |hisI three weeks, offers "Dorothy" as this week's hill. "The Gondoliers" was produced lust week. and "Patience" will make the attraction for week of 27. Clara Lane und J. It, Murray fcead tJw MceUeat cojunany. -t RowunlN Syt-ARii (G. W. LoUirop. niana- gi-r).—'ITic popular Lo(hrop Htock Co. gives "TheAvenger, this week.' During.tho past week "An Actor's Romance" attracted dig crowds. "The Blue und the Gray" will be put on next week. House will remain open all Hummer. KHint's (B, F. Keith, manager).—Mcrl- lOfhRM hills and crowded houses prevail here. Excellent'entertainment this.week l» provided Ire . the Metiel tl Troupe, Norton and Nlchol- son.■ Harnold's animals. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Barry. 'The'' Quartette. Knight Bros, and BawtolUv Avery and Hart. Four AvoIom, m Roy and Woodford. Paul Stephens, lerancon Knight, Lee Bros.. Norton and Russell, Amos and new motion pictures. OrciiKIM ( Percy Williams, manager).— Opening Monday afternoon, 20, for the cus- tomary two shows a day : Gallagher and Bar- rett, Six GllnscrettlK, Lee Harrison, FlUglb- bon-McCoy Trio, Carl and Mary Ohm, Bell- Tmvn and Moore. Hawthorne end Burt. Peter Grlflln. Martlnettl Riid Sylvester, and the kl- netograph. Business Manager Duffy reports a most prosperous season. HowAiiu (Jay Hunt, business manager).— The "wheel" season closed here last week, with the Jollv Grass Widows as the attrac- tion. Violet Mascottc's Howard Burlesmiers return for this week's entertainment. Kxtva cards arc: Geo. B. Alexander and company. Irving Jones, Brown, llnrrls and Brown, Stevenson and Nugent, Dallcy and Austin. Hanson, Wally Clark, and Ben Benton, the well known sporting authority, and his com- pany. In 'An Outing at Rob Roy's Farm." Coi.fMBiA (Harry N. Farren. inanajter).— The Gaiety Girls, beaded by Pat While, are tenants of this house the current week. A first class olio wilt Include: Iteno Wush- bnriip aud llolle Austin, Lewis and Green, Musical Bells, the Three Dellons und others. During the past week the MIsh New York Jr. Co. averaged good business, and provided ex- cellent entertainment. Pai.ach tCbns. II. Wuldron. manager).— The carefully selected stock company will present two snappy.burlesques this week, nnd the olio will Include: West and Williams, Wlinlcn and West. Itlce and Wallers. Pruncls Wood. Slcfiied and Vincent, Demoncllo Trio. Arthur Finn. Aldbph Adnms nml Howard and Wallers. The company Is headed by Harry Kblkelcy, Al. I'sHei-son. Milton Schuster. Leo Stevens, Phil. Mutlhews.l'curl Irving, Grace Toledo and Miriam Murlell. LvoF.ujf (I). II. Batcheller, manager).—Be- gin nlog Monday afternoon. 20, n Summer season of stuckburlesr|iii!will be Inaugurated. Belle TrBiveri beads the company. The olio for this week Includes: Botiannnn und Corey, York C'omody Four, Gordon Sisters, Nlblo and Spencer, end Bessie Rosa. The Trans- Oceanic Co. cloKitri the regular season of tills house last week. Austin & Htokk'h Mukkiim (A. II. While, manager).—hi i-nrlo hall week of 20: .loo Hood, pool phenomenon : Fni-tS'i-, slack wlrn act: Ccrtiioii. one iuiiii liiiml ; the l.n Hues. triipoKlsts: Ihe Flemings, contortionists: Trlxle. snake ijiiceu. and To|rp's liuriiionlans. In the theatre are: Mlhstrcl Maids, -Intrmluc. Ing> Dale. Dorothy Norton. Ida Camp- bell. Louis'! ltriindon. Lottie Bbiiiehuril. Win- nie ciiirk. Morln Sisters, Casile French, Fnlnk Cisik. Lew Benedict, .las. Carroll, John Mnnley, Alton, nnd extra vnuilovllle by ivy and Ivy. Dunn and Barry. Van De Hurt, .md Arthur West. Ilsndsuma silk .programmes wero given lusl week, us souvenirs, on the celebration of the Minstrel Maids one linn diedtb consecutive week ill this house. .WaIiKKH'h Muhki'.m IL. II. Walker, mana- ger).— I'rukos. wrestler. Is Ihe chief Uttl'UC- Rer>d being at her best In the title role. "What Happened to Jones" week of 27. <J. F. Burke, resident mana- ger).—John Drew. In "III* House In Order," 30. Shennrd'H moving pictures 90 and week. Mildred Holland, 11. had good business, iVum'h tJ. C. Crlddlc. resident niangor).— The Hummer season opehs at thin homo 20. with the Poll Slock Co., In "A Stranger In Week of 2T, "ATexaa Ciiicds will bo-In a Strange Lund.'" Hteor.'*i: Rt.Mii.iMi IlkoTinjua' town June 3. NtiTfe—'A new theatre Is being constructed nt the Whlto City. »—— \ ■ sprlnatlettl—At the Court Square (D. 0. Gllmore, manager) "Th* Isle of Bplcc." Mar 11, •brought the season to a close, flood houses enjoyed both performances. Leslie Leigh made a decided hit. while W, J. Mc- Uraw nnd Jack Leslie olevorly carried the fun. The Hunter-Brodford Players com- menced Its second season of stock, 18, by giving n benefit the opening night for the good road fnnd of the Sprlngflcld Hospital, from which a goodly sum was readied .for the.Institution. "The Liars" was the piny. and n creditable performance was given, the company being well balanced. Julln Booth had a role which fitted.her Io a nicety, and she played It with eredlt George Sumnor made, a most favorable Impression, and Cat] Kckstrom scored a big hit. 'Tho Cowboyand the Lady" week of 20. Poi.i'K (Gordon Wrlghtor. resident matm- gcr).—The closing bill of the season, 13-18. drew good returns aud .was fully mi to tho ilandanl. The ateck company onetia^n, with "Iiost. Twenly-four Hours." Numon (Phil. Crown, resident inansger). —Billy Payne, Clem Slagee. Anna Miller, anil Crowiiiigrupli made up last week s bill, ami wero.well received. PMBii-LtuiiTH.—Knrreat Lake. Palmer and Pemtot Park, Wesltleld. arc to be run by the street railroad company. It Is plrtnnod to build a .theatre at I'cmiot Park, which will open Muv Ml) with a band concert,....'... Buffalo Bill's Wild Wesl advertising car, No. .1, reached here, 11, anil covered what space the others had left. ■ Lyon.-At the Lyiiti (Frank G.. Harrison, nisuagori the slock company played '"Urn Henri of Maryland." to good business, week of May HI.- "I^ist Paradise" 2t|-'J8. AtitirrutiittM (Harry Katies, manager).— Thin Is the closing week of the season, which has been very successful. Jumna J. Cornell, who was Hie star attraction Inst week, mot many'of his Kostern friends. The bill this week Includes;.Rube Welch.and Kilty l>'rttn- els Co., Dbiniond and Smith, Rei Fox, Mel- ville and lllgglns, l'inlav and Burke, l.eoilard and Drake, Mr. and Mrs. Allison uud thu vltiigrnph. ... oi:M (Charles W. Shcufe, munagei).—Busl- ness continues line. 'This wiH>k's bill In vaude villi-, with. Intiiresllng moving pictures. Man- uger Kheafe will open his Bass Point, Nu- liunt, Hummer Theatre on June 17. s.m.i-:ii 'I'ii KA-i UK (Gnu. It. chvelhaiii. man- ager).—This week the attraction la the Gage Stock Co., with John Drew to appear on the eveulug of 24. NUTM.—Tho Then I re Comliiuii (If. Mark, luiiniiHori \h ul tended by largo iiiidlencoa, big hit week of Hi, and Imslness was large. Swasher Bros. 20-25. Noth.— -Girglulo andhls Italian Hand will flay a week's engagement ut Fountain City 'urk beginning May 20. m chnttoiuioKn At the Wells Bijou (Robt. Ik Wayne, manager), week of May 13, "Down Mobllo" Hoorod well.' Little Chip and Mary Marble 20-25. • ' ' - »»>» UttHAMA. Inillnunuolls.-- At Rngllsli'sOpera House (Ad. V. Miller. mniui«t>i-) Mary Mitunerlng, In "Glorious Betsy," matinee and night. May gave one of the most enjoyable jiiirfhrai- 11 TO. CORRESPONDENTS. Our Ihrnlrival coircspuiidaifs nm hr.rebu nntiftrd Hint the credential* now held I'll than will tfptn oh •'««« '• Thru «'<' >'"• guiMleit Io return tlicm Io thin office (it once, (or miiiKiit (or llxni&OR. Hon In thu curio hull this. week. Olhcr* mo : Goo. and Grace Poiiliols, feats of magic; Iteoni. slrong man ; Lynch's Miiuulklns. und Dr. Smith, In bis hanging act. Htuge enter- tainment Is furnished by Murle llealev's French Beauty iHui'1ubi|UC Co. Uuslncsrt holds excellent. • ' NiOKKWiiKii.v (W. 11. Wolffe, inunngnr).— In curio hull track of 20: The Creole Belli.s, Gregore, king of black art, nnd others. Doll ID Clltl'ord's Burlesi]iioi's bold forth In the uudl- torluni. In lbt> olio lire: Jennie Hatch. Glga King, lOdua Kerr, Olllo Rivers, Lillian i.e.ii'iianl. May Crawford and moving plc- tuies. House Is doing a Hue business. No-i'KU,—Rlngllng. Bros.' Circus will occupy ihe Huntington Avenuu grounds during week of May 27 .... Summer parks to mm Memorial Day are: Wonderland, Point of Pines and NoriirolK>ga Park. 'Hie others will all ls> in operation about June 17 The Premier. Comlqiie, I H'cnmbind, Lyric and other nioving picture iiui| llliislraled song resorts' are doing an Immense business...-.-.. Charles 1*. Salisbury 1ms been appointed general manager of Iho Point, of Pines Park. ■ > Lowell— At the Lowell Open* House (M. M. Bloom, resident" manager) Virginia I turned, In "The Great Question," May 1-1. was accorded u very hearty welcome, and the play nml players met with much favor. SolOtorlsky's Yiddish 1'liiyers,, In "Anna Kiirnnlna,' 15; had good business. "Mrs. Warren's Profession," Willi Virginia Drew Trescott, jiluyed a return engagement lo a largo and enthusiastic audience in. "(Irimcs' Cellar Door," with -James -B. ' Macule, 18, had big business. Mr. Muckln lu a greut favorite here. Wllh the exception of 211, when John Drew, In "Ills Houtio In Order," appears, the'-current week will ho filled by Geo. Fonlwil'g's Stock Co. The siicclallles In- clude : The -Colby Family, and Mario McNeil, roruetlst. The company Is under the personal iilrei-tiim of Mr, Fonbcrg. Boston (J. II. 'Tnlibults, manager).—The Wugncr 8lstcrs> Burlempicrs gavo an excel- lent entertainment, lust week, to good busi- ness. In the olio, Wagner Sister*. Clurq and Ted Steele, and. 1C. H. Parry deserved mention. Tho Boston hloscope mhde the usual hit. The house closed u prosperous season 18, Tiin.vniK Antkji ii (Frank N. Altaian, man- ager). —Tills house Is becoming so popular with moving pictures and Illustrated songs for entertainment, that'll Is tilled to over- ' Mowing ut evei'V performance, change of bill twice weekly. Harry Wilson, Hstdlle Hallard and the Theatre Antlipm Orchestra «ru per- miuicnt and successful features. Mkntiok. —Tlio parks aro all gelling lit trim for the Mummer openings Y. M. C. Ps (local) will give an Irish Minstrel show at Lakeview-Park Theatre, May :io. ... C. W. .Mo 11 in Is musical director of the Wag- ner Sister* Burlesque Co.. Clara And Ted Steele are having great success wllh their i new sketch, "An unsuccessful Boy." They are booked for the Humioer season over the'parka Grace Immselle, of tho Nellie Hartford Burlesque Co., who has been III at St. John's Hospital here, wus able to re- turn to her lioine In Chelsea, Mass., lust' week The M. T. TV dull (local) gave a a minstrel show In Association Hall 24.. .. J 'The ushers of'the Lowell Opera House will have llielr annual dunce and inerrluniklug. ;io. In Presentt Hall.: Harry Tliutuus Is home after a successful season with "The linger Brothers In Ireland" Co> ' i i i i Worrrilpr.—At the Worcester 10. II. Llghton, resident iimnugcr). week of May 20. Malcolm Williams nnd tils stock company, In- eluding Florence Iteed. will play "Du Barrv . 20, and "A'Hoclnl Hlghwuyman" for the rest of the week. Last week the company pro- duced "Djt JMir>,'' lu Mcelltnt faufiloo.'Mlsp with moving pictures as the latest produc- lion. .The theatre Dreamland and Klci'lrlc ulso played to big business, week of HI With the opening of the new season, next Full. Hnlein will have a now theatre, the rebuilt Mechanics Hall. It Is understood thut tq be used a* the dramatic bouse, while the present Sulem Theatre will bo dovulml exclusively I" vaudeville. I .%.-» Uedforil At the Now Bedford The- atre (W; B. Cms*, manager) Shepiird's mov- ing pictures and vaudeville still unntliiuc, with large houses. Roger* Bros, play ml to S. It ii. May 14. Vliglitlu Hurned, in "The Great Ouesllnn," played to good business I ft. Shepiird's moving pictures und vaudeville for this week. Ha'I'Haway'h (T. B. Baylies, manager).- - Burko & Barry Stock Co. presented "Up York State." to good business, 12-18. This com- pany seem* to bo very popular with the public. "A Soldier of tho Btiiplve" 111-25. BAVOV (W. It. Whine, manager).—Continu- ous moving pictures, with Morgan and West, German comedian*. Largo houses attend. s Lawrence—At the Opera House (Julius ('aim. manager) "Anna Knrvnlnn" (VlddiiM pinvi pluyixi lo a good house May 14. The Rogers Brothers drew a'big hmisuaiid pleased HI. "Orliuos' Cellar Door" scored well 17, "'The Isle of Bong Doug" had good houses IS. Shepiird's moving pictures wnek of 211, excepting 2ft, when John Drew will bo suvii In "111* House lu Order." Colonial iJ. Fred l,w>s, managed.-The. Colonial Opera Co. presented "'Tho Mikado," lo very good business, week of 111. •The com- pnnv Is very strong, end each imomhcriilc- serves much credit. "Pinafore" mid " Horn Riistlcnim" week of UO. ■ Taunton.—At the Tiiunton Theatre iCulin & Cross, muuugcrs) Shcpunl's moving pic- tures, with vaudeville, did well week of May 1.1. For week or 20, in addition to new flctures. Jack ami Rri'lho Rich, Ploltls and icycne and Shurts aro booked. Si'lnic Tn.Mi'i.i; (C. II. Prnuly, manager). —Kxeellent business week of l.'l. Murdo, llonlden and Unlnn. Louise Campbell, Harry Henry, and Anna Kruncls i-ome week of 20. New pictures Monday and Thursday. < i » " - TICNNKHHUn. Naabvllle,—At the Bijou Theatre (Gen. II. Hickman, nninuger). week of May in, t.'l'us. Grapewln; In "It's Up to You, John Henry," uisined to Mg Imslness, and gave a 8lousing performance. Week of'20, ^Down loblle. 7, Cani.m, TitMATBa (V. C. Alley, manager). —Casino Stock Co. opens week of 20, In "In Louisiana." Hii'fomioiiH (W. II. Bordleser, manager). —Week of HI, the Mat-lots Bros,, juggler* and acrobats, wero thu feature act, and mude a big hit. ■ ■ Memphis 1 .—At tho New Lyceum (Frank Gray, lessee I "The Wife," the bill offered week beginning Muv Kl, attracted splendid business. 'The Morilmer Snow Stock Co. Is giving Hatlsfacllnii, and eiicoinluuis are heard on all-sides. "The Little Minister" 22-27. Hoi'KiNM' Hast Kni> I'aiik (A. II. Morrison, niiuisgnr).—'The season was formally opened Sunduy afternoon, 12,, to a crowded house, The busbies* during the week was vary good, The programme Included: Paul Hpadnni, Tlvoll Outirtotbi. lOlnunor. Falkc, Georgo Van, Hastings nnd Wilson, und tins klnndrome. A* an outdoor all taction, Lamlase'* Royal Vene- tian Bund discoursed pleasant strain* of OMiwIc. .Bijou (lieu). M, Hlalnback, manager).— "Bertha, the Sewing Machine Girl.' was offered entire week, beginning LI. The per- formance pleased, and the house was com- fortably (filed nt every performance. For week of 22 "John Henry." '' KAtitYLAMi I'aiik IE,. C. Beach, manager). —"The climbers." week beginning 12, pleased. The cast Is it good iiini. aud.lhu per- formance* pleased. "Glittering Gloria" 10- ■20. ..,,, •,!' • • Knoxvlllr.—At Chllhowue I'ark Theatre (Harry Bernstein, manager) the Jewell. Kelly sini-k Co. opened n four weeks' engagement. Muv l.'l. Mr. Kelly Is very popular In Knox- vllle, consequently bis iqienlng performance was a hlg one The plays for Ihe.first week' were "A Soldier of France" and "A 'Mud Miser."- ..■.:■■ Ai'uJtoiiIum ll'NK (Chas. McNabb, mana- gcr).—CUmec B, JQliUUKm, hlci.clUt. IMdo » slices of the season, to cnpiiclly business. Maude Adnms, In "Pater hut." Hl-lft, paoked the hotme to the doors at every pcrform8llc^. The demand tor scat* wus so largo that it was necessary lo give u special 'Tuesday mttlneej Field", In "About Town," 24. I'Atik Tiikatbm (lltcksoii & Talbot, mana- Bcrs).—The Park Theatre Stock Co.. featur- ing Adora Andraws. In "The Darling ot thu Gods," week of Kl, gave an unusually well staged production, to very good business. •The Girl I Left Behind Mo" 20-25. IOMi'iRK (Hurry Drury, manager). — The Cherry Blossoms, in-tft, oiled'a return en- gagement, and closed the season of tho house. Fav Foster, booked for 1(1-18. canceled. > NotKH, — The Human ■ * Ballpy CI reus showed to full tents, afternoon nnd evening, 1ft. Lydln and Albino, and Alllc Jackson appeared at Wonderland week of HI. Busi- ness was Immense, considering the wcuther. White t.'lly and lllveuldo shared lu the general prosperity, s 1.n I'nyrtlc. -At the Orimil (Geo. L. Man derbiick, manager) "Plir Lion and Ihe Mouse' lind excellent business May 0. Pnni Gllmore. In "At Villa," It, pleased. After the third act Mr. Gllutni'e was cotn|H>)ledjlo miiko n speech. Ln Fayette Dramatic Club nuve a very creditable performance of "Miss llnbiis" 14, With M 1*8 Si unlock nnd Cliarle* Mavlty In the lending rdle«. "Tho President of Doling" (local i Hi. Kl, Blanche Walsh 18. Family IIX W, Maurice, manager).-- Business opened good week ot 13,. wllh the following people : Helen Ogdon. Teed and 1st- sell, John .Zmibouhikl. Fontaine, Beaitchump and Fotiiulue. Fcllk Rice nud the klnndrome. MajkhtK' IGnigg A. Frellnger, .maftajer). —Bill week of HI:Curl MeCiilloiigh, John and Mamie Conroy. Ktliel Young, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Colby and company, A. G. Berry and the moving picture*. NirfiiH. —Tho addition of another new the stre does not seem to affect the business of La Piiidette and Ihe Happy Half Hour, as both are doing well. The Family .Thealro close* after May 18. and thn building In lo be remodeled, ft will ho ready to open again about Kept. I Thn new Majestic The- atre opened Its doom May l.'l. nnd. from all appearances seems lo Soil the mHillc, hs thn house nils packed to the capacity. It Is A cozy, well -equipped little tliintre with a sealing capacity of 4B0. The Opening hill Is an excellent one. ■ i i Aoili-rmin.—At the tirnnd (Jos. IC. Hod- nlng*. miinager) Ihe house Is dark until May 27, whou Vogcl's Minstrels cntiul, under Ihn iiusplres or the B. P. O. I/Iks. '1'lie Grand Will then be closed until Aug. 17. Cuvs1.11. (W. W, Mel:wen. uianuger) • Week ot May Ul Tot Young and eonipuiiy. Bvrd uud Vniico, Blossom Robinson Plain, Musical llnssells, iilnl the klnodroine. H. It. O. rules. BMoi! (Dave Davis, iHpMiri n Wm of l.'l; Tetswara Jll'P*. 1 UihIIii mid Leslie, Vivian, K'elloy and >Mnosey, J. Fred t'un»ntor,. the Bijou Orclinstiii, und thn BIJoiiHcu]le. Good crowds pro-vail. "I Nirri;*.— lib bard Heniielt, furini'l'ly of "The Hvpiu rales" Co„ and now wllh llolsul File- son, III "Hiroiighcai'i," In London, hits ivrlltori Mnnnger llennlng*. of Ihe Grand, that Ihn play wus received wllh great success In Lou don it 0. 'Carlisle, mnnnger of Mound* Park, Is arranging lo open 2(1. fasturlng Biggs' Wild West Shniv. Mr. Carlisle has secern I good' shows booked, together wllh the usual park attractions, and probably will have large hand* this year......The Hlale convention of IhicT. T. A., held forth at the Grand, 17, 18, , Kvausvlllr. — Tho Grand (Pedley A Biirch. iiiunugers) lias been dark for Homo time, nnd will close for Ihe season after ihn performance Mny 14. nf "t.'hnrlle'a Aiml." Whi.i.s' Bijou (Allen Jenkins, inaniiger). —'Till* bouse closes I ft, with "Lost In New York," Couk'h I'aiik opened 14, -with h good list of vaudeville, under the dlroetm-sblp of Man nger Hurry Lawrence. The bill Include*; De- vine nnd Williams, und (.'aiders und company, Geo Harris, Itee* Lo Roy nnd Cluiidlno Riley. Iuiimm k Baii.wv'm cinct's comes 111. I'rankfoi-t,—At the Hltnn (Lnngebrnke A ItiirTiinl, mnmigcrs) "The Olrl of Hi* Golden West'' plessed a big house May II. The house then closed It* season. ■ CkTHTAi. (Cha*. welch, mnnnger).—BUI for weekof 20: The Medallion Trio, Jeanelln Ashley, Tom Hoyden. Chas. and Jennie Welch, the Kllppes, nnd the kluodrume. - aim' a KrlniiK«r'a Now ThrBtrr. Ivlaw it. I'.'rlungcr will bit Ihe lessee* of the new thciilie to lie erected on the Southwest corner of llroudwny nnd I'nrty-slllh tttreel. 'Ull* I* llm properly adjoining thu- Aster Theatre, which wo* recently acoulnsl by Kerbs, Wcrlhelm A Sc'ilffcr. of lOlll Second Avenue, .ind coiicornlng which tbrra lisvo boon many rumors, Thn now identic? will cost upproxltnutely luilf a million dollars, and will bo one of the bHililsumest III Creator Now York. Ilnrlx abd Tnllflil, who deslgneil Ihe N'oW Aiasterdiito Tbeittio mill the Llts'iiy Theatre for Klnw A l!rbinger. will exci-iitc the plans for 1 (ho new p'ayhuinio, mid will siipervlsa tho con athtctlon. The lease, which Is for a long term of years; I* now being prepared, the term*' hav- ing been decided upon at recent conferences. Building o|ierntloii* will begin-ImiucdliiInly, uud the th'Mii'i! will bo ready for occupancy uhoiit Jan, 1. 'Hie house, for which a name has not yet lieen Hohs'liid, will be operated us a strictly high class llieulro playing only llto best al (ructions. Since the inmiifor of Ihn site of the new pliiyliousc was made known, about three weeks ago, various rumors concerning Hi* Identity of the lessee* have been Id circula- tion, This anniiiinieuieiit Is the llrst: definite Ulld uuthurlli'llvn stateuieiit i oiiiertilng It. ■ ■ ■ ' i SI i > ■ ' Ttin Irlnri. The permanent nieeUng place of the Friars I* *t Knvii's Chop House, West Thirty-sixth Street. Tho Inst meeting wits held I here Fri- day evening, May 17. Recently proposed member* were: AuIIki —Jeuii • llufaa, .!.• J. Rosenthal, Svlvester Bulllvur), S. T. Man rice, Fred 11*11, I'. Law- renco Walker. W, Murdoch Und, Kdwltr-Well. George A. Kde*. Ormn Butler, lOtnll Anker- miller, WIIHiiiii A. Thoinp*on, Harry J. Rydlng*. Henry 'F. Greene, Geo. A. Bnryct, K. P. Wesdon. ,1 »mu:liiti:—U. Herbert L*w, Dr. 'I-nlncl* \t. MeNiimani. Albert ,L Borle. Cy. 1'ri-ll. F. 10. Kbcrts, Marcu* lleltnati. II. A. BlrrneM, H. A, Heldy. M. 'J.'nonlon, Wll- llntn Johnson. Victor Kmerson, Clifford Wiley arid Frederick Block. - _. Mr. Hawks call* the attention of all Friars to Ihe fact thai they always have a per- manent address lu N'ew York. Their mall innv ls> sent to the Friars, 1121 -Knicker- bocker Theatre Building. #■» Ma. ami Mil*. RonuiiT Niiiiim-) nro Summer- ing nt tin lr lioui", tile Knollwood, MuraO!i- voyk, Mu- '.'..." ...;. iVilJ.