The New York Clipper (June 1907)

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406 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. June i. ■m w > l r, T' ' on his part to marry her. When the tcrmlna- fMTCC I [T5T)PT* SI llon ot her *tenogntpblc services occurred, 1 **JJ V» 1 1 J ,he ttere ' ore brought suit for breach of promise. ThD person serving the notice called while be wai absent from the office, and on hla return hla quiet partner Informed him of ST1GE FOLK Slid SOfflCtiniCS OTHERS dampening'effect on his usual self-sufflclenoy. "I'm sorry to tell you, old man," aald hla TO CORRESPONDENTS. IIXINOI". _ Peorlaw—At the Grand. Blanche Walah, „.,.._, , \ . » »„ In "The Straight Road," Mar 16, playe* to Our theatrical correspondents are hereby capacity. "Down In Wile" (local, ik, Bthel notified • that the credcntialt note held by ' Barrymore 27. coKcnxiffo them tc„l expire on June 1. They art re- queued to return them to (Ate offlce at once, for renewal for BOJ-ttOB. BT JOSEPHINE OHO. Jilnnle Dupree'a height li Ave feet two Incuea, and thla dimension of the clever little woman waa used by her manager a aa • basis for an attractive bit of advertising for "The Boad to Yesterday," that exceed- ingly novel play, which haa held Broadway boards since New Year's Eve, with the ex- ception of a week In Brooklyn. The management advertised an invitation to the matinee to aee "The Little Olrl Who partner, "that your former atenographer la about to bring eult against you for undue encouragement aa to the matter of your mar- rying her." "You don't aay to I" gained the other, then, after a moment's thought, he meekly added, "well, I don't aee but what we'll have to take care of the case." And since that episode he haa more often verbally Included hla partner In the business. A story, said to be true but not really vouched for by the two moat concerned, la Hew Vaudeville Theatre. The Grand, at Homestead, Pa., a magnfi- cent new pay house, opened its doors to the EubHc on Monday evening, Hay 20. The ouae Is finely located, In the business sec- tion of the city, and Is owned by J. William Barnes and Dr. Wm. Doyle. Percy Walling, late loading man of the "Buster Brown" Co., is the general manager, and Harry White looks after the stage. The orchestra la in charge of Prof, Adolph Herman. The new house waa designed and constructed under the supervision of an Ivastern architect, who carried out his commission admirably. The front of the house and the lobby are finished In white marble, while the interior Is done In red, white and gold. The management is to be commended for Its effort and public Majestic (Earl J. Karm, resident mana- ger).—Llvlngstoao Stock Co., In "Which la Who?" 1D-20, pleased. Main Stbklt (Davls-Cburchlll Circuit, managers).—The vaudeville season closed 20. The house. Is dark this week, but re-opens with the Poycen Stock Co. on June 2. Wbart'b (C. F. Bartson, manager).—Bill week of 20: Grace Anderson, Held and Dun- ham. Burt M. Jack, Crtt and Bose Jcssee, Don and Mac Gordon, and moving pictures. . Star (H. Walter Van Dyke, manager).— The stock company, In "struck Gas," last week. Stoke Hii.t. Garden (Frank Grave, mana- Ser).—"Under the Harbor Lights" was given y the stock company last week. Aibdomb (Jim Bough Amuse. Co., mana- gers).—This resort opened 10, with the stock company, In "Woman Against Woman." VIBOINIA BEACH (Frank A. Helneko, man- seer).— Week of 20: Williams and Healy, and Illustrated songs. At, Fbesco Park (Vernon C. Beaver, man' Couldn't Wake Up," Mlai Dupree. However, there waa a provision attached ther-^o, and this waa: All ladlei were to be admitted free, t0 | d ot Pa ul Armstrong and Nat C. Goodwin. fPP'f, 0 ' 0 , 1 ' 0 " evidenced by the "hundreds of ag ^ opened 18*"end buslneMhas been good! provided the, were twenty or more year, of Arm(rt rong wrote, strong one act play, which ^Zo^ltf^^L^ylli^ MEfiSSnTt* ""***' I " D °' ""^ age, and the aame height, or under, that of was presented with the greatest success by is the policy of the house, and a strong bill vSrrl-_lJvlni«tone Stock Co closed Its Ml» Dupree. Goodwin at either a "gambol" or a benefit was presented as the opening attraction. The * ±°-.S. K Prank WlUtach avera that out of the four performance. At all events, the comedian opening bill Included: The Manhattan Comedy hundred applicant, that submitted to the waa ..Id to have paid the playwright |260 EfeSaSS^L^OTS tape measure, only two hundred and eighteen to hold the play for his use until a certain ToJbott. Marjorle Barrett, child performer, were successful m holding themselves under fixed date, at the expiration of which It was the limit Many of these accomplished the to revert to the author, and the amount paid result by very low heeled shoes, low dressed to be forfeited by the actor, hair, while some of the appllcanta for the The time arrived, and Armstrong received and Arthur Dunlevy, In a monologue. season at the Majestic, 25, and will play an engagement at Springfield. IB Harry Kdman bas Joined the stock company at Stone Hill Garden Frank B. Weston, who was resident manager at Main street, left for the Bast, 27 The management of the Atrdome gave a supper to the local newspapermen, 17 Manager Bartson has postponed his barlesque opening until 27, .._'.._. «» th. thoatro Avon went so far as an offcr ' or nl " property, which Goodwin bad Golden West,'* No. 2 company, Is at her home courtesy of the theatre *™™ tB0 ™" „ot used according to agreement. The author J" Cincinnati. 0.. sufferTrTg from a serious to shrink their height by stooping, many a »-u___ ♦„*»,,. ZtZZZ . .«m throat affection, and has canceled all her en- miss, In a borrowed long skirt, yet in her »*nt a telegram to the player, reading: "Time gngements. early teens, has on her conscience—those who possess one—a little whits lie, declaring her age to be more than twenty. At all events, . the censors were not unkindly discriminating, and pasted these eager ones within. • Eddie Foy has not heretofore been ac- credited with a knowledge of floriculture, under which comes the floral title of his latest Broadway success, "The Orchid." WU- ■tach records how the comedian recently astonished a friend with the apparent extent of hla learning on the subject. The friend had not yet seen the performance, ao, In his reply to the question as to what "The Orchid" waa, Foy, with a great show of erudition, replied in a speech of the play: "Why, Its the easiest thing In the world to explain, old man," he said, with an ex- pressive Foy wave of hi. hand; "you see, If. this way—If. a rare flower and a beauty. It' order of monocotyledoneous herbs, a perennial tuber-bearing plant. They almost alway. have boautlful, showy and curiously Irregular flowers, with .Ixparted perlanlte adnatc to tho one celled ovary, In- numerable ovule, on thrce-parletal placenta), and one or two quandrous stamens with the pollen cohering"—this all In one breath. Then, taking a second long Inspiration, Foy waa about to go Into further explanations, when his friend stopped him. "For heaven', sake, Kddlc, quit I" he gasped, atunned by the scientific heavy word- ing ot the comedian's lines. "It's great I but keep It qulot hore—we're not up to It- wait 'till you get to Boston, where such word, are common conversation." 9 Conlan, the clever player, who»e lront name Is Francis X., relate, a Barrymore story which he beard at the club the other day. Augustus Thomas, of great famo among playwrights, and Barrymoro, were discussing the name, of those great In the profession of the latter. Booth and Barrett, of course, wero placed high In the category, with Irving and a host of other lessor, yet brilliant, lights. Barrymore, with apparent pique at his friend's omission of bis name among these great ones, said: "Don't you consider me eligible to be placed en tho list? Don't you consider me great?" "Well, I don't know," deliberated Thomas, "you see. a man to bo a groat actor ahould have experienced all .orta of Inten.o emo- tions. Ho should go through deepest sorrow, TOM MARKS Is pictured hore with his celebrated Irish bulldog, "Buster." Mr. Marks Is the nroDrietor and manager of tne Tom Marks Stock Co., which closed a season of sixty-two weeks May 25, at Kingston, Ont. The same company have been engaged to open with him In August, playing Ontario and Michigan next season. When the company closes Mr Marks Mary Hall Cancels Her Engagements Deeatur.—At the Powers Grand (J. F. Given, manager) Billy Link's Vaudeville Co.. May 10-18 (return date), pleased eood bouses. "The Magistrate," auspices Post K„ T. P..A., by our best local talent, 24, had a full bouse. The regular season for the Grand closed 18. Bijou (A. Slgfrled, manager).—Week of 20: Wells Bros., Jennings and Benfrcw, Dixie Hnrrls and her mamma, Paul Wltte, lledrix and Prcscott, and the Bljoudrome. lluslness was overflowing on account of the G. A. It. State encampment, 21:23. Notes. —Nickelodeon (H. W. Ellis, mana- ger) had a big week 20-25 The Hud- son Sisters, Babe and Ola, amateur Juveniles of much promise, joined Billy Link's Co. here, for a two weeks' trial engagement The Bliou Company, as above, will appear at Dreamland Park Theatre 20. The formal opening of the park, however, will not occur until June 2 Leonora Antoinette Allen, a pupil of Carols Loos-Tookcr, has signed a contract with the Consolidated Lyceum Co., for one year, as a dramatic soprano Ilnmum it Bailey comes SO. ' s Canton,—At the Grand (F. B. Powelson, manager) "Jerry from Kerry" pleased May 18. "The Lion and the Mouse, " 20, pocked the house. This wee the closing play of tho season. Manager Powelson Is deservlag of great credit for the high class entertainment given. The season has been profitable. Di.tou i Hook & Powelson, managers).— Opening May 23, with: La Vera and Hebnrd, Minn straley, Lewis and Crossman, moving pictures and Illustrated songs. Notes.— The K. of P. Lodge Is making great preparations for Its circus In June. Its tent, accommodating 8,000 people, has ar- rived The five cent Family Theatre con- tinues to please good houses. D. It. Capes, of Pontine, has purchased the theatre, and Phyllis Oordon will sing Illustrated songs. I s Alton.—At the Temple (W. M. Sauvage, manager) "A Poor Relation" closed the house, end Its own season May 10, with good busi- ness. Notes.— Rock 8prlngs Park will open In a few weeks, with several new amusement de- vices and concessions. Also with a new vaudeville and moving picture theatre. e ■♦ RHODE ISLAND. Providence. — At the Providence Opera House (F, It. Wcndelscliacfcr, manager) "The iwo Orphans," May V!0, 21, drew outajroodly collection of old friends. Borres and Bcsnle loinaslicfsky. In two Yiddish plays, "The ;,'°««n People" and "The New Star/' 27, 28; Itlchard Golden and companv will be seen In n new play, "The Poor Devil," 30-June 1. Keith's (Cnaa. Lovcnberg, manager).— The Albee Comic Opera Stock Co. closed Its four wecke' season 20, to crowded houses, In 1 hei Fortune Teller." The Edward F. Albee 5j8f*.F?- 0 P enB ltB seventh season 27, in Phe Heir to the Hoorah." Of the original company, Helen Itelmer Is the sole remain- ing member, of last season's members there are: William Ingersoll, Berton Churchill, Lora Rogers and John J. Flemings. The new members Include: Adele Block, .Robert Cum- mlngs, Scott Cooper, Leah Wine-low, May Stockton, George Stuart Christie, Dennis Har- nSJSVte? „ M <f Ra<! Webster. "A Lady of Quality" June 8-8. , Bmp">" (Bplta &. Nathanson. managers).— and * wllT start forHrltlsh Columbia, wliere he and his brother hold large mining Interests. The EmoTre T<h«&, s7,™?A°oV, man & cr8) — ••Well, then," drawled Barrymore, Inter- Mr. Marka will return aboutTluly 1, and spend a month at the Eom° of B the Marks sVcessfX present oT»At P^e^ilS™ S rupttng at this point, "you write me a play, Brothers, Chrl.tle Lake, Canada, 2 0. 2 5, follow^ 27, bV "Fot Fal?%ir7lnfS'" Qu.." fcjg* J, h , e JW' fo« »• *!■?" Kathryn Conlan tella about two rising young Chi- cago managers, partnors In a money making theatrical venture. One of them la inclined Is up—play revert, to me." To which Good- win telegraphed the reply•• "All right—.end me back the 1250." Armstrong, apparently accepting this as a Bert Morphjr> s Purnell will make her appearance with the company, vy strtoh *■ eslih a»nmn ■„„...! .a.. '_ HZ "Nat C. Goodwin—always a comedian." 9 Pauline Hall, whose good work at the recent Actors' Fund fair, helped prodigiously toward tho final big result, had an occasion, while there, to assert herself as being yet In to lake more credit to himself than perhaps ntpon a ci ,„ tho „ ma , plrl t: he deserves, though his partner la Just a. f*J J flowlwln _, efficient, In a quieter way. At first the former, who appeared to be the dominating one of the firm, was profuBO In using the personal pronoun In the firit person. Up to a short time ago It was "1" and "my," and the quiet partner rarely objected. One dsy tho dominating one hurried Into the flesh, the office with a friend from another city. With a vlow to making things pleasant and accommodating to hi. friend, he exclaimed: "Now, old man, make yourself quite at homo In my place. It you want to talk to anybody, Ju.t use my 'phone. If you want any letters written, all you have to do is to dictate to my typewriter—In fact, make my office your headquarter, whllo you're In town." Tho partner, who lletencd to the hearty Invitation to use Joint property, and who was getting somewhat weary of the Incessant girl was first personal pronoun, called tho other a.lde and " and expostulated. "If. lucky lor me that '/ can proee a "Where do I como in," he asked. "Don't halaii.'" roguishly Interrupted the hand- Hits Hall was aelllng chances on a lace garment, and while for a moment standing near tho photograph booth, she chanced to overhear the mention ot her name. "Yes," said a patron of the fair, In a sor- rowful votce, to a friend accompanying her, "yes, this Is a One picture of poor Pauline Hall. I remember her In " "You don't mean to .ay she's ieadl" ex- claimed the friend, taking that meaning from the tones of the other. "Yes," said the first speaker, "the poor killed In a runaway accident, for some time, because of the oddity and gen- era excellence of hla art. His powerful baritone voice Is heard even above the music of a band, and his singing has placed him In demand at street railway parks and other Summer resorts, chautauquas, fairs and cele- brations. He is an Ideal attraction, and those who have heard him once, return to hear him alng again. While he 4s familiarly known as Bert Morphy, his full name Is Huber Timothy John AloysluB Morphy. He is a son of Col. Alexander Morphy, of the British Army. He had hlB first experience as a public singer with the Sells Brothers' Circus? doah," week. Shenan- wlth some novel stage Ideas, 27 and »yB8TMiN8TiB (Geo. H. Batchellcr, mana- ger).—The High Flyers Burlesque Co. enter- tained good house. 20-26. The season Is ncar- Ing Its end at this house, years he rang with the circus, under canvas, as a foaturo act. Since then he bas forged rapidly to the front Woonaoehet.—The Woonsockct Opera House (W. F. Barry, resident manager) has closed Its regular season, and for the Sum- mer will be used as a combined vaudeville and moving picture bouse. Judging by For three present Indications, this new Summer nolicv At- «■» Eleanor Robson Sails for England. Eleanor ftobson closed her season at the Liberty Theatre, this city, on May 18, In •Salomy Jane," and sailed for England on Tuesday, May 22, to visit her mother, Madge Carr Cook. MIbb Itobson will spend two or three weeks In London, and then will go to the South of France for the remainder ot the Summer. She will open the next season In repertory at the Academy of Music, this city, on Sept. 2. She will appear drat, for four week, In "Sa- lomy Jane.' Her repertory will Include "Nurse Marjorle" and '"Merely Mary Ann." e»» i An'hair the business of this office, don't I some singer. In the word, of Francl. Wilson, Actora' Chureh Alliance 11 \™. \L -,n. n .«v_.n.l v«t vou always as tho comedlan-thlcf, In "Ermlnle," the Convention Ends. opera which made both Francis WHaon and ...Theeighth a lualconvtntlon of tho Actors' will prove a very profitable Investment, tendance Inst week was excellent.' Bin (Jas. W. Conklln, manager).—-Sara- son, Burt, Brown and company furnish the programme week of Moy 27. The attendance here Is holding up remarkably well for tho NMOBf HoAti Lake Park.— /This popular Summer resort will open for its eighth season on Dec- oration Day, May 30. While the park will be under the management of J. A. Blake who lias charge of all railway parks of the , N n W „,H?; veD ., 1 eompal,}r ' " wl " Probably be under the direct management of the local f. tr -^ ii ra ." way c . om P° n y' 0 ' which Boy B. itandall la superintendent The bill for the onenlnj week follows: Oscar Kolberg, Short and Edwards, Flemen and Miller, the Great Huston and company, Adeline Francis, dow and Lambert, and Dibble', moving pic- ■»»*■ assumo that you're the whole thing." "I don't mean to," said the other, "If. only my way, and I'm often Inclined to for- get there are tw> of us." A few day. later, however, he was more than willing to Include his partner In a sud- den responsibility which confronted him. Previous to the discharge of a pretty young Pauline Hall famous, the latter having played the name part many hundreds of times. NOTICE. Church Alliance of America ended evening of Friday, May 24, with a dinner at the Im- perial, Brooklyn. At the business session hi the morning Bishop Henry C. Potter was re-elected presi- dent of the National Council; Mrs. Mary GlbM 8pooncr, first vice president; Isabella Kvcsson, second vlco president; Ellta B. Har- Henrr B, Dlxejr Win*.. Tho Injunction obtained by Walter N. Law- rence, restraining Henry a Dlxey froo Tbd- Sui ri ^ und l r SSL 5 ?™ management, was tSSKOl 'K! 4 .* 6 *'' - by . a "Jecfslon of tho Appellate Division of tha Supreme Court" Mr Dlxey Is now free to appear In vaude- typewriter In their employ, ho had paid her i„. pasrea of THE CLIPPER will ba «♦♦ pany a few months ago: ' * COIn some slight social attention, which had ,„.„<*« at these prlaeai » gq!&H B gg!i.wl» g<W« ?_«JW»JL fcg bet'wee^ri.S^^y'rl that tte S"S«S* — tt . ,. .■ j, m . ,.„iri„ „ naiiu .- hi season with James K. Hackett a company. In petween uiwrence and Dlxey waa not bind- suddenly discontinued. The aspiring young Blugle Column »T.50 "The Ulrl In White" sailed for London this Ing In character. For this and other reasons woman had construed thus Into an avowal Bonble Column 918.00 week. the Injunction Is dissolved. Acid Dentifrices Deslroy the Tenth Millions of people are ctrelessly undermining their health in a way- least expect d. The guards to the gateway of hea'tl are the teeth, 3n< i no constitution is so strong th ,l it wi.l not finally succumb t> ih • im- proper rtastlcation of food, vou ctnnot properly nnuticat •■ f oi wjtj, loose, sor», se siiie teeth, which are only sone of ihe results of ihj use of Acid Dentifrice* and Hi se filled a ith grit ar.d other injuri us stuif. Tnere is ona great popu'ar Alkaline Dentif ice kno vn in all parts of the w rid, and used by discrim- inating people, that should be iu constant use by i rofessioi al pe >ble, and th it 19 Sozodoni. It make* string, healthy gums and beautiful tee h] that guard you maty of the i Is that come from improper dig s- tion. We will send you a Sample of our Liquid and Powder on request. HALL & RUCKEL, NEW YORK CITY. fit/Lc*.** CMXKH K Students are mighty shrewd Jndges of tobneco. They want the most for their money, and It must be good. That Is why most ot them smoke LUCKY STRIKE Sliced Plug Pipe Tobacco Floe aroma, easily handled, (In thin slices), gives a long, cool, delicious smoke. Does not bite the tongue. Pocket else, tin box, lOe. BEFORE AND AFTER THEATRE, MOQUIN'S 6th A»6. t bet. 27lh and 2Blh Sis., New York. HOST POPULAR PIIKSCII HKSTAVHAJIT. f ARI8IAM OAJK. : : MCBIO d.OO TO 11 P j< ASBESTOS CURTAINS Send for Booklet, aW. TRAINER CO. 80 PHABX ST.. BOBTOW. Galolum Gas and > Moving Picture Outfit Entirtalnlnl tha Publlo. ■WoiUrtyou.furnlslilnBComplclnouin" with simple and oxpficlt lnatriicttona. The field la Large, aonnlilDg VJJ TOgBlartheatre sndloctare clrciilUJJf local flold. In Churches. PuWe^J** Looses and Oenoral Public Oatbonlg* Nothing affords better opportuBlilej B» S&3U Our Outfit Comprtsg the o. p. oo.-e mSHfr'^m OALOIUM OAO OUTFIT, the greatest oandla power.the aaios andmoateoonomloal«aa>i nkirji outfit aver Invented. *ei««»»|JJ' StiriopuMD, Holing Heron «iw* JJ^ all subjects for the public's odJ'J"^ ■MR entertainment aupoly «ataloB" a 8MCIAL OFFEn fully explains everjth"•. CMCttO rlOJECTHO CO.. 22S Burtori It.. M* »'• "^T HALF-TONE 8bs^ ^ 5TRATE HALF TONE PROCESS CO SKWrt now»uaioiwa,»sv.C ,r »'* v - 1 ■ MUHJIIl.' GO*" M. 8TRA88MAN; ATTORNEY. 858 Broadway. NtW xo« »