The New York Clipper (June 1907)

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408 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Junk i. ARABS * Sie Hassan Ben All's * ARABS I THE TOOZOONIN TROUPE II Arsbi. By •pedal reque.t of the Sultan, will play two week* at Tel, Morocco, com- mencing. June 30. 2. THE BEDOUIN TROUPE " 19 Arabi. At Keith'*, Philadelphia, week Mn> sax. 3. THEBEHIZOUGZOUQ TROUPE 10 Arab!,. With Campbell Brother*' Circa*. 4. THE BENI EHELLAL TROUPE 10 Arab*. With Saraaeanl Clrcua, Germany. 5. THE FAZZAN TROUPE is* Arab*. Second year with Henry Circa*, Germany. 6. THE WHIRLWIND TROUPE 0 Arab*. How open for engagement. 7. THE TOUARQE TROUPE 0 Arab*. Casino Municipal, Rice, France. 8. THE ROYAL MOORISH TROUPE 10 Arab*. Madrid, Spain. Special lotiee to luagen-S*.£££?& SRt S&&TJSSS5; £2S2UL3?&£HBS> SIE HASSAR BE! AL1 - Office: Luna Villa, Coney tod, 11. Y. Tel. 838, C. 1. lets ♦pHICLETS contain everything that makes Chewing Gum "gocd," J^-' and such other things as make the best of all Chewing Gums. Chiclets are encased in delicious pearl-gray candy and each one is so richly flavored with pep- jicrmint that you need but chew a Chiclet after eating a hearty meal to insure good digestion, The better kind of stores sell Chiclets at 5 c. the ounce out of those hand ■ !s< >m c glass topped boxes, and in 5c. and 10c. packets—or send us a dime for a sam- ple packet and booklet. I CHICLET PAJH8TRY.-l.ook at your hand. If tour Life Line la separated at the start from the Head Line it shows energj and pluck. The Heart Line (the first line running across the hand below the base of the fingers) when forked at the start slgnines happiness In love. Little lines on the Mount of Jupiter (the cushion at the base of the first finger) predlc's Inheritance. Yon can read any bond with the CHICLET PALMISTRY CHART— Sent free with every ten-cent packet. PRANK H. FLEER & CO., Inc. 520 No. 24th St., Philadelphia, U. S. A. Perfect FOOT COMFORT Sure Relief for WEARY FEET A Bare Remedy for Corn*, Bunion* and all other affliction* of the feet JOHNSON'S BORAX, IODINE AID BRAN SOAP Manufactured only by THOS. GILL SOAP CO., Inc., Dept. C, 711 Kent Ave., Brooklyn, N. T At all Drug and Department Stores: Large Cake, 24 cento, or thla ad., your dealer'* name and addreii and HO cent*. In coin or stamps will bring It to you. Agent* Wanted. CAGNEY BROTHERS 74 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY Jl COLO MEDAL SPECIAL. Minialnr* Railroads for Parka, Summer Rt»orii,etc Th* Greatest Money Hikers and best Attraction In tbe World. No Park complete without them, earning tlWO 1b lixdayi. With proper care, will hut (5 run. ■HMD ro * Cataloou*. Thehousewiththeeoods Our 1906 STREET- MEN'S CATALOGUE It now ready lor distribu- tion. Writs lor It to- day. You cannot ■flora to be without a copy. Mailed free. 30c. per 1110. LEVIN BROS., 355: 30-31 N. SIXTH STRUCT, TKK11K IIAUTK. INI>. WHOLESALE 8..RETAI L MOST EVERYONE OSES A "CROSS" LETTERHEAD Free Samples, Contracts, Tlokots, Envelopes, eto CRObS 868 DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO STAOK MONKY, 16c. Book of Herald Cuts, ISO. MOVING PICTURE PRINTING. After Shaving IMENNEN'SI BORATED TALCUM ! TOILET POWDER and Insist that yourbarber Jk\ use it also. It t* Antiseptic, 'A and will preml any of the jj skin diseases often con- Ik traded. •^L. * A positive relief for jf^pfrPrickly Heal, Cfasloi and ^^^ Suobnrj. and all afflict ions of the skiu, Removes all odor o! perspiration. Oct Menneo'a—the original. Sold everywhere or mailed for 24 tests. ScmtUfrce, GERHARD MENNEN CO,Newark, N. J. I Under the Cents* HENNEGAN & CO., Cincinnati CORONA BAND (LADIKBI Hooking fur Summer season. 16 pieces and leader- new uniforms, now luslrutncu s and now music, Fur dates, address II. 0. 8ALANI>RI, Care "Telegram," Worcester, Mass. mm want Hi VW DAUurERTY.PitEStDEirr. ■ Ml r m-m BROADWAY. NEW YORK, EVERYTHING IN NATURAL PREPARED PALM* TREEi GRASSES, HANGING BASKETJiARTinCIAL F10WERS.FERNS.F0LIAGE.ETC ALWAYS SOME- THING NEW. CRASS MATS A SPECIALTY. WRITE FOR CATALOG N? 37 100 MAGIC TRICKS IIV ■ vv Wlth (. ard ^ Colns Ribbon,, et0 . IW explained so anyone oan do them. Catalogue In- oludei 0>toVBrl«Cc..rffW.3»U7 8t..NewYorX Notes from tub Giiand Old Bippodsomb Show. —This two car show opened at Fre- donla, Kan., May A, to tumaway business. This Is our fourteenth stand In Kansas, and although tbe weather has been unfavorable, we have packed them In at every perform- ance. Roster of show Is a* follows: Busi- ness stair—O. B. Cabin, manager; Newton Crawford, assistant manager; Mrs. 0. B. Cabin, treasurer; Frank Carpenter, eques- trian director; Karl Hawk, master of trans- portation ; Joe Llghtner and Jack Boise, ad- vance. The Rosards, trick house and barrel jumping; Clara Moncayo, contortionist: Bar- ron and Munden, trick bicyclists and unl- cycllsts; Frank Carpenter, principal clown, with Kay Jones, Herman Munden and Jack Yenble, clowns; Raymond and Rose, Roman rings; Mrs. F. V. Carpenter, with her edu- cated dogs; O. B. Canlll, comedy juggler; A. G. wTllman, director of band; Roy Ed- wards, cornet; Edwards Qertzenkrau, comet; Cbas. Tarr, trombone; Oscar Rhodes, trom- bone ; Newton Crawford, baritone; Walter Uerlew, bass; Will Zlegler, solo alto; Prank Rowland, clarinet; Earl Ilawk, traps; Jack Venble, bass drum; Nell McUrath, proper- ties; Doc Carr, boss canvas man, with five assistants. A double wedding took place at the Church of San Lorenzo, City of Mexico, Mexico, on April 7, when Father Rels united Gertrude etelbll, of SL Louis, Mo., and Albert Bell, and Nellie Lewis, of Trenton, Mo., and Ed- ward Bell. Tbe grooms are both sons of the clown, Dick Bell, while tbe brides are mu- sical performers In the Clrco Bell. Fobbpauqh & Sells' Notes. — Business throughout the Jersey stands has been enor- mous. At Newark enough were turned away to flll another full sized tent At Elizabeth standing room was sold. Tbe show moves like a clock, all of the acts dovetailing In excellent fashion. Tbe various riding acts, Including Oscar Lowande, Madam Lancaster, Mrs. H. BUI, Al. Dean, Orrln Davenport, A. F. Wallett, Rebecca Daniels, May Daven- port and Julia Shi pp. are always sure of big applause. The aerial displays, presented by tue La Van Troupe, Stlrk Family, Minnie b'orepaugb, Will Adair and the Flying Fishers,. Juat before the hippodrome races, nold the audience as If rooted to tbe seats. With few exceptions, tbe programme has remained un- changed since the opening. In the Fire and flames Show, Fred Zobedle Introduces a comedy bit as a woman, hanging from one of the windows, losing his clothing, and Is hnally dragged back by a fireman. He finishes with a Jump Into the life net. Mr. Zobedlc's band balancing act Is also a prominent feat- ure. John H. Gill's Military Band, In tbe concert and Incidental numbers, present high class selections. Joseph La Fleur's Mexican dog, "Chlqulta," gives valuable assistance to Fred Welcome, during his splendid hand balancing act. Al. V. Whekleb's New Model Annex Notes. —Will T. Miller Is again lo charge of this department, and business has been up to the New Model standard. Features: Madam Lascelle, untamable lion act; Cleo, snake hypnotist; Madam Belmont, Impale- ment act; La Dell, Marionettes and Punch; Miller, magician and ventriloquist; Mascot, small horse, and eleven cages of animals. l'rof. Clark and his eight piece band, fur- nished tbe music for tbls department Grant Allmon has No. 1 ticket box and Frank Harris has No. 2. Our new model arch door painting causes them to look up and take notice, as It Is quite a novel Idea. Fbancis J. Boilb, of the Boyle Brothers. writes that they closed a very successful thirty-two weeks' engagement as a special attraction wit* tbe Anderson Stock Co., at Toronto, Can., March 80, and opened with the Bun Brothers' Progressive Shows, at Macon, Ga., April S. Their big club Juggling, hoop railing and Illuminated chandelier bal- ancing act Is one of the effective numbers with the show. Jones Show Notes. —The roster of the dressing room Is as follows: Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wright, principal singing and talking clowns, introducing tbe "Boo Carriers;" Maud Josephine, aerial rings: Fred Salmon, talking clown; l'rof. Howard's trained dogs and ponies, Geo. Parento. ladder act and high backward dive; Lillian Harrington, Japanese ladder act; Clara Lawrence, perch and wire act; Geo. Parento and Sister, double trapeze; Miss Brown, sailor ladder act; Donnelly and Williams, January act, and Cudjoe and his trained donkeys. The show Is doing good business. Mr. Wright has charge of the dressing room. The Old Reliable Is n late comer, but is certainly welcome itoiiEiiT Weldon, one of the cowboys with Itlggs' Wild West was badly bumed by the premature discharge of a pistol while the show was playing at Xenla, 0. Mas. James A. Bailey, widow of the show- man, has given 110,000 to tbe Mount Vernon Hospital, as a fund to enlarge and equip tbe hospital building. In addition, Mrs. Bailey has decided to expend at least $100,000 lor a new hospital to be built beside the present structure, and to be called the Bailey Me- morial Hospital. It Is to be the central ad- ministration building of tbe whole hospital corporation. Al. G., of AL G. and Mazle Belford, writes: "I am with Tuttle's Olympic Show. With my wife, we are putting on the concert and have full charge of same, also have song book privilege. I am acting as equestrian director and announcer In big show, also doing sing- ing and talking clown. We are In our third week of good business." 4 ■ » MAINE!. Portland.—The Jefferson (Julus Cahn, manager) was occupied by a lecturer, May 20, 21. A representative audience greeted John Drew, in "His Bouse In Order," 22. James B. Mackle appeared In "Grimes' Cellar Door," 23. "The English Rose" was the offer- ing, by local talent 24. "East Lynne" came 20. E. V. Phelan opens his Summer stock company 27, presenting "Leah Kleschna" the opening week, with the following players: Cecil Owen and Harriet Worthlngton, leads; Louise Everts, Ceta Bennett, Carey Hastings, Hal De Forrest, stage director; Geo. Fisher, Mark Kenton, Warner Olund and others. 1'obti.and (J. E. Moore, manager).—Mov- ing pictures and illustrated songs caught on from the start at the opening, 13, and tbe second week's attendance, 20-25, was very large. AL D. Weston and Delia Aubin ren- dered their selections pleasingly, and Jas. Kcnney, trap drummer. Introduces mechanical effects, making the pictures very realistic. Savoy. —Messrs. Jones, Heatley and Miss Warren, In illustrated songs, with Prof. Bishop, pianist, and a good list of moving pictures, drew good business 20-25. Haboreaves' Cibcds was well patronized 21. ■*«» MONTANA. Butte.—At the Broadway Theatre (J. K. Heslet manager) "Hello, Bill," May 25; Lil- lian Russell, In "The Butterfly." 28, 29. Gband Opeba House (Dick P. Sutton, manager).—Week pf 19, "Old Pals," by the Lulu Sutton Co., drew very welL Claire O'Donnell and the motion pictures were very well received. Family (F. Nelsonla, manager).—Week of 10: Tbe Four Toledos, Gavin, Piatt and l'oacbes, Cbas. Bowser and company, Reeves and Kinney, Georgia Clark. Walter Jeffrey and the motion pictures. Big business rules. Note. —The li&of Garden and the Electric Theatre, at the Columbia Gardens, are doing excellent business. ♦ ■» UTAH. (igilen.—At the Grand Opera House (B. A. Grant, manager) the Augustin Daly Musi- cal Co. presented "A Country Girl" and "The Clngalee," to good business, May 6, 7. "Mrs. YVlggs, of the Cabbage Patch," S, bad a good house. Mrs. Leslie Carter 9. "The Girl and the Stampede," 12, pleased. Ltw Dockstad- er's Minstrels played to a full house 17. Tbe engagement of Otis Skinner, scheduled for 10, was called oft on account of a delayed train. Nat C. Goodwin, In "The Genius," 18; Walker Whiteside 20. Note. —The following Summer parks will open about June 1, and will run vaudeville shows: Utabna Park, Sylvan Park and Glen- wood Park. ««e NORTH CAROLINA. Wlnaton-Salem.—At Elk's Auditorium (W. D. Huhn, manager) the Osman Stock Co. May 27 and week. Note. —At Nissen Park (J. J. Slggs, mana- ger) moving pictures are given. i » Wilmington.—At the Grand Opera House (Cowan Bros., managers) Sunbeam Club May 24, moving pictures June 8-8. «■» INDIAN TERRITORY. Soath HcAleater.—The Langsdale Opera House (A. Bert Estes, manager) was dark week of May 20. Lyhic (Chas. EL Hodklns, director).—BUI week of 20: Herbert and Rogers, J. H. Shaw, Freeman's educated goats, and Lyricscope. *« » FLORIDA. Jacksonville—Phoenix Park Casino (11. F. Wlllard, manager) opened May 16, with Mabel Paige and the Wlllard Comedy Co. A good show was given to standing room only. Miss Paige Is booked for the season. ♦ i > MISSISSIPPI. Me rid Inn.—At the Coliseum (Vivian Whtttaker, manager) the Three De Lucas Sis- ters, Edgar La Zelle, Huntress, Marcell and Llnnett. Early and Late. May 20-25, had large and well pleased audiences. Rentfrow's Jolly Path Finders 27-June 8. HippoiinouE (L. B. Crook, manager).— Rogers and Clifton, and moving pictures last week. Dark 27 and week. Jackson—The Ina Lehr 8tock Co. will opon the season at LlvlngBton Park Theatre, Monday, May 27, for one week, followed by Andrews Opera Co., week of June 8. Liv- ingston Park Theatre Is under the manage- ment of C. E. Roland, and is one of the ten theatres of the Moles circuit of Summer the- 1 aires. If yon are afflicted with a dleDeur. ing and humiliating growth of hair on the face, neck or arms, X. Bazia'i Depilatory Powder will remove it with- out the slightest Injury to the most delicate skin. BE SURE IT IS X. BAZLVS DEPILATORY POWDER. Remember the name. Don't experi- ment with dangerous apparatus or cheap lotions. Use Bazln's, the oldest and most reliable. Sold at all first class toilet counters, or by mall, In sealed pkgs., for Oftr cents, Including postage. OUR N11E GUARISTEES IT. TTAT.T. & RTJCKEL, Maker* of Bosoaont, NEW YORK CITT. Q 0 ClubfrCockUil THOUSANDS have discarded the idea of making their own cocktails—all will after giving the CLUB COCKTAILS a fair trial. Scientifically blended from the choicest old liquors and mellowed with age make them the perfect cocktails that they are Seven kinds, most popular of which are Martini (Gin base), Manhattan (Whiskey base). The following label appean on every bottl*: Guaranteed under the National Pure Food una Drag* Aot. Ap- proved June 80th, 10O8. Serial So. 1T07. G.F. HEUBLEIN & BRO. Bole Proprietors Hartford New York London EVEBY ACTOB CAN T BE A STAB, But for a Dollar and a Half You Can Own a Star Safety Razor, The Headliner of Safety Razors. It Fits in Your Make-up Box- It is Simple in Constriction, It Is Reliable in Its Work. Shave When You Like If You Want a Clean, Velvet and Perfect Shave, Use the Star Safety Razor. Sold Everywhere by Dealers, or Kampfe Brothers, Manufacturers, Ten Reade Street, New York City. Money Back If Not Pleaded. SUBSTITUTES %8J£fSE52& WftSi HAVING THE GENUINE "•• CUSHION BUTTON