The New York Clipper (June 1907)

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june.i. THE NE¥ YORK CLIPPER. 409 WAXTED, AGEKTS-Legltlmate .ubatltote for (Uot machine., patented.' SefU on debt for $1. Panloouw. fllMLA CO., Anderson, Indiana. FOA lALK-PDm or "THAW-WHITE CASK; oiyinpta Game., Etc. S. A. JONES, , n: Market street, Wilmington, Pol. UOW TO KTAKTIrl IHOW BUBflfBM. (OoprrlguUd), l different boou, 10c. AU kind. act. MofoHgPS SCHOOL. 637 N. lftn St., Phlla., Pa. WANTED, FOR WEKK STAND SHOW In Tent, dunge program earn nlghr, Sketch Team, man and wife, one mutt fake piano, do a sketch ami *lugle or two singlet each night. Also want Single performer, prefer Novell y Han, dnod Contortionist. Magician or Juggler that can rhange for a week. All letters answered. Will pay teams $2j and •Ingle. $1.1 and expense* after Joining. Address K.P. HALLKR, PECK. KANSAS, "WANTED, A NDM1IER OV GOOD ALL ROCN I) Medicine Performers, Loud Singers, Dancers, and put on act and make 'em go. State If joii plat anv Instrument. Address THE fiREAT HINDOO HEAIiEK. Roval Oak Hotel, Toronto. Ont., Can. |'410 BUYS HALF INTEREST In Big Plc- t tire Show, 26 Rig War Paintings, 40x70; tent, lights, new Capra Crank Piano, Phonograph, advertising nutter. All ready to open. Want man with Picture Machine. C. R. Culliertsoo, M W. 9th St., James- aown, N. V. WARTED-Qood Tuha Player for Hand to locate In Dooming town. U>M of ->ork at any trade. Band gives weekly concerts, other band men,' write. All letters answered. State what yon can do and expect in first letter. M. II. Wlde- m an, Pott Clint on, Ohio. WANT MVMCIANB, Band and Orchestra, on all Instruments. No tickets. State lowest sal- urr. Open Jane 24. Expense from opening. Trap Drummer, Strong Corneu. Address ROYAL PLAYERS. Morrison Show Prt„ Detroit, Mich. PIANIST WANTED. To open June 2. If yon do seat turn, tell it; must be Al faker, for my picture stiotv'. 11th seml-atinnal tour. Money absolutely sure. Sobriety, neat appearance absolutely essen- tial. Give references; te.l It all quick. Openlnde pendence, Wis. Ben Hnntley, Trempealeau, Wis. TALENTED AMATEURS wanted by well kuoirn Leading Woman to take Hummer course In stage training by mall. Now la the time to prepare for an engagement next season. Bend stamp for •Course of Study" and other Information to l Awrence School of Acting, Lakeport, New Hamp. FOR SALE, SEPARATE OR AS A wbo|e, 48-Seat Bicycle Merry-Oo-'Round; Tent, 50 feet-diameter; large organ, 18 tunes, with 4; keys; organ cost $600. Will take 1300 for all. O.'P. 8CHAAK, 2900 Frederick Ave., Ballo., Md. , JCBD.PERFORMERS WANTED. Come- dian that changes for week and fakes organ. Man to-Slug 111. Songs. Magician that Straights Acts. Claude Boyce, where are you? Wrlteatonce. W. II. Kl.lNtl. He Kulti Junction, St. Law. Co., N. Y . ' WANTED, FOR SUMMER STOCK - Peuule in all lines, Stage Director, Scenic Artist 10 pUj parts, Pianist to donhle stage. Preference given, those who do specialties; also stage Carpen- ter. Only fniir'performances a week, no matinees. Summer salaries. State lowest with full particu- lars, including photos lirst letter; if yon drink don't write. Rehearsals, May 22, open 30. Address OHAS. If. MAYS, Mays' Opera House, Pli|ua, O. WANTED, [for Hngg A Allender's Musical i.'omedv Co. under canvas, Singing and Dancing sketch Team, Novelty Man, Buck and Wing liancer'that can do a good straight, violinist to lead orchestra. Other good Musicians and Per- formers, write. We make week stands. Stop at best hotels. We pay all after Joining, deo. La ' Vette. Mgr., Lexington. Mo., Pen. Del. VAUDEVILLE ACTS WANTED-Muslcal Ants, Noveltr and Dumb Acts, Singing and Dancing Acts and others, write. Also Piano Players who transpose and read at sight. Address Stntzman ,t Andrews, Ninetva Park Theatre. Pern, 111. TUB "MONEY GETTERS" say It's great- est, of all oovellles. Compare jour sales and prodt 0UALBU8. TWICE the size or usual soaps, and us WHITE as snow, as LIGHT as a feather. Your people get Interested In It at once. Attractive pkg. Thedemonsiratlon yon can make with ALBIIB gets the money. Special prices on 6 grogs lots. OEO. P. WOOD, THE ALB0S CO., Traverse City, Mich. HOW'S This for a Dollar? :a flag*, 10 for l0c„ or all, 4(e.; 10 Funny Wants and Ads., 10c; .'• Comic Hotel Rules, 6 Comic Epitaphs, 10c.; Recitation, "lie's Ne'er Forgot", 18 lines, 10c.; Oaglet Reclta- Hop; one long airing of gags, 48 lines, 20c.; Talk- ing Turn, Straight and Comedian, 25c; 8 Paro- dlesi <s Hugs with each one, 25o. Sold In lols tosnlt, or f very thing for $1.00. 1 Jst of sketches for stamp. All kinds of stage staff to order. Send stamp for leffteni-es. and prices. Mary E. P. Thaver, 2190 Broad ,8 ., Prov., R. 1. . WANTED quick, Al Med. Performers, that really know the Idz; mnst play or fake organ. No lent show; hall or street all Snmmer. Play them all, large and small. Never mLss salary day. It comas In coin every Sunday. Slate Just what you do and no more. Can also use good lecturer, who can gel the coin and play organ. Booze not toler- ated. Tickets to those I know only. Address Mod- ern Remedy Co., Bprlngvllle, Suaq. Co., Pa. WANTED tfUICK-FOR GOOD UP-TO-DATE MED. SHOW, that stays out theyear round and pays good sulary every week, good Sketch Team, Dutch, Irish and Black Comedians, Contortionist and an Al Piano Player that Is sight reader. Long, pleas- ant engagement. Live In hotels always. Write all ru first letter. Will send tickets; require baggage checks from strangers. Address DR. A. E. IIER- REN, Oakland, Pottawattamie Co., Iowa. f^QA^TEtftiWcKT-Tuua and"froniboneT 1 Those doing Specialties given preference. » Other musicians and performers that do \ iPrClftltles write. DREAMLAND FLOATING "^ALaCE, Ronco, Pa,, Fayette Co., Jane 3; Joes' i.«lg.. Pa., Green Co., Jane u. B, AND O. LEADER, Clarinet, Piano; Read, F»|ie; Arrange or Transpose; M. P. Operator (no machine), desires to travel at-ct. wife's health. Medicine or boat show preferred. Make low offer, isolndiug expenses for two. I can hand out the goods. • Salary no object. C. II. SINCLAIR, Battle creek, Mich., Gen. Delivery. NOTING PICTURE THEATRE for sale. No reasonable oifer refused. Theatreallcompleie. .Must he sold this week as owner has two attrac- tions on the roud. Cannot give this his attention. (Jiiod hustler rau make nice money here. Harry I am'iert,.Osgood Hotel, lllon, N, Y. WANTED, MAN WHO PLATS AND PARES ORGAN, do straight in acts; man for gen. iilllliy round 'camp. No grafters. Sure salary. Long Job to right people. Eat and sleep on lot, MODERN RBMKPV CO.,Woodward, CenterCo.,Pa. FOR SALE-POWER'S CAMERAORAPU, Latest model, rewind, |8u: Moonshiners, wof 1., t4S: Chicken Thief, ?ooft., *2»; Firebug, MOfr., $26: Country Courtship, 500ft., $18. Will snip C. 0. D. on receipt of R. R. charges. Enclose stamp. C. A. KlRKPATRlCK. Tecumseh, Nehr. FILMS! FILMS! PILMSI-Flfty thousand feet of fine stock. No worn out dim. Moon Lover, The Soap Shot Fiend. Love vs. Title, other large and small subjects, ,1c. and up. New list. Have you.seen the NEW ANNOUNCEMENT SLIDE? Just the thing for 5c. shows and advertising. Send 2c. stamp for Sample. I ALSO BUY FILMS AND.SLIDES, IF GOOD. GEORGE F. G ALLOT, 10 Christopher St., N. Y. City. WANTED, for Thardo's United Shows, Good Organ or Piano Player, also Few Concert and big show Performers, two nrmore acts. No tickets to Pioiile unknown. H. Harrington, send that back. ED. Til A Rim, Dayton, Pa., June 1; Pltimvllle 4. At Uliliy to Nail Soisoi, El TIE ALBION High soprano, play parts; good, useful woman. P. ».-Cau 1* placed anywhere. Will work with good partner, man or woman. -■■■ 10 WEST 99th BT.,X.V.C. TIEITIIOIL HOTELS BOap'DlHB MUSES. WR. TELL HOUSE, Howard and Somerset Sta., Boa ton. Vicinity of nil vaudeville theatrer Abont U week. EMILY BANNWART, Prop. S98-SM Wabamk Ave., CHICAGO. 1 _ fl.OO per Day. EuropMfl. J5.00 per Week. TRAFALGAR, 115-117 E. 14, N. Y.,nr. Kelth'i Acad, of Music, Dewey. Rooms 6O0., ice. |1, tlJOday; taAOtots week. W.D.HANNlOAN.Prop. Waoaih A Madison, CHICAGO, O. 0. Vanghan, Prop. Strictly American Plan. $8-1* tingle; $7-12 doable. VandevlUe patronage Invited. PALACE HOTEL, 101 N. Clark St., Chicago. European, u.eo per week: with private bath, II. Tnrkfib Bath, too. H. B. UCMPHRKY. Prop. ■LOT MACHINES. NEW PIN GUM. Latest money maker. 1,000 OTHERS, CHEAP. SLOAN NOVELTY CO., Station 8, Philadelphia, Pa. MUSIC COMPOSED AND ARRANGED for any Instrument or number of Instrument*, scngs.words and music, sketches, etc. Send sump. 0HA8. U LEWIS. 429 Hlchmond st,, Cincinnati.0. FUTURE Husb. or Wife Photos for Palmists Parks, etc., $2.00 ner 1,000; $1.35 per WO, postpaid' CABINET PHOTOS, copied, 100, $2; 1,000, $16. KDENA STCDIO. 3312 N. Broad St., I'lilla., Pa. BANJOS-The World's flneit. The Celebrated want Laydle. Catalogs and Hair-Tonea of 86 Arum Free, the a. 0. Fairbanks co„ m Hadbary St.. Boston. Mat*. AMATEURS, ladles and Gentlemen, wishing to adopt the stage as a profession. Those having talent should register at this office at once. BOB MACK. 60 Whltiler Place, Indianapolis, Ind, R. H. BEATTIE, LAWYER, Confidential Cases aspeclalty. Judgments and decrees obtained promptly; no d c lay. Counsel free. 4941 Indian Are., third floor, Chicago. WANTED AT ONCE, FIRST CLASS, Thoroughly Experienced VandevlUe Pianist, sober and reliable; also Good Sister Team, or Two Good Female Singers end Dancers, for my stage. Must be good lookers and dressers and make good en and on*. No objection to color. Salary, 115 and hoard and transportation for all from N. Y. 10 Havana. THOMAS WILLIAMS, San Isldlo, 24, Havana, Cult*. HOW TO BECOME A CONTORTIONMT. groat and Back Bending, each trick illustrated. »»e. Borpnet'a School, 837 N. mil St., Phlla., Pa. ALWAYS A FEW BARGAINS In Second Hand or Slightly Used Instruments 011 hand—In perfect order. Send for New Second Hand List. »7 ALUMINUM CHIMES, Cliro., Double Decker Floor Rack. Would easily spaas for new, $88.00. 46 BAR STEEL MARIMBAPHONE, Chro., Moor Rack and Resonators. First class, $35.00. iii Oct., Chro., Orchestra Bells, In Case. Good as new, $20.00. 3 Oct. Chro., Heavy Professional Rosewood Xvln- phone. Almost new. $15.00. 12 Straps Sleigh Bells. Good as new, $18.00. J. C. I1EAGAN, 3157 N. Clark St., Chicago, III. WANTED, by an Al Song nnd Dance Come- dian—a position with good vaudeville company or minstrels. Characters taken, good baritone voice, buck and wing, soft shoe, clog, waltz clog and wooden shoe dancing. Good companies, write. Park Job preferred. Frederick H. Young, Box 1453, Middle town. N. Y. WANTED—A Professional Youug Lady or Mun for Musical Comedy Sketch. One who can play strlnglnstruments. C. HUDSON, care of CLIPPED. WANTED, Lady rarrner, not over 28, do ser- pentine dance and poses (I'll teach the act), or Al Singer, Illustrated songs (pluuo player given pref- erence!, to Join Electrician with M. P. machine. Electric effects. $40 to $00 awaiting us Jointly. Give description. B. I* Holland, General Delivery, Oklahoma City, O. T. WANTED—illustrated Song Singer and Piano Player for Nickelodeon. Must make good or closed at ilrst rehearsal. Six to nine shows per day. No Sunday work. $16 per week. Good town ui ti,Ouo. Send photo and programmes, which will lie re- turned promptly. Bijou Amusement. Co., Box 618, Robinson, 111. LADY VIOLINIST WANTED AT ONCE For Ladles Orchestra. Good Salary. Longest Engagement. Wrlle or call. SADIE BERGER, Deluvan lintel, Surf Avenue and W. Eighth Street Coney Island, N. Y, AGENT WANTED Who can and will get tip bis paper. All 3 day stands. Salary and per cent. Tent car show. No Itooze, and you must lie a real, live hustler. Wire or write lowest. WILLIAM TODD-Rnnte: May 30-1, Mora , w. Vs.; June ;i-3, Bramwell, W . va. WANTKfc Ur the MIDI! STIKI III" Piano Player, General Business Ian Aid Character Woman. Those doing specialties preferred, state very lowest Summer salary. Booked solid for Summer and Kail. Write or wire. CARLOS 1N8KEEP, Onthrle, Kj. AT LIBKPtkTV, ORCHESTRA LEADER. Double E-Flat Clarinet. A No. 1. Qnlck. W. A. MCCARTNEY, BI|on Theatre, Milwaukee, Wis. WAHTED, MEDICINE PEBFQBIEHS SINGLE MEN ONLY. Those doing While Face, Comedv or Novelty Acts preferred. Address tilt. H. W. CLIFTON, Ph. G„ Tolona, Missouri. WANTED, VAUDEVILLE ACTS. PARLOR THEATRE. OMAHA, NEHR. Medicine People THAT DOUBLE PIANO. Join on wire. DR. FRED W. BCCK, Ho l dredgc, Neb . WaiM for My Ho. 2 Conpaoy, Cwedlai That fakes organ, Man to Sing HI. Songs that fakes organ. Drunks, von will not hist, so don't wrlle. BILLY WILLIAMS, llermon, SI. las, Co., K. Y. Wanted, Dida Tank and Table And other Illusions for Summer resort. Address ISAAC PAYTON. IIIJoii Theatre, Brooklyn, N. V. Glrnr, YHig Uadiig Worn Will Joli Will known Actor tn sketch. I, H., care of CLIPPER. Med. Performers WMTEB M ONOE. That can change often and work in acts, stale salary, if you play organ, and all yon do. Piano Plaver that can work on stage, write. Address FRED. WIEGEL, Mgr., Nature's Remedy Co.. Har- mon (Randolph Co.), W. Ya. N. B.—This Is not an Independent company. VAUDEVILLE ACTS Wire or Write, at Once, Loweal Terms NO SUNDAY S1IOH S. RARV .11 MPs. T. A. WILHELM City Opera House, Traverse City, Midi, WANTED, At El Pno, Ttxat. CRAWFORD ft RICH. H. LESLIE SMITH COMPANY WANTS Dramatic People All Lines VN HER canvas. Three night, stands. State age, height, weight, exp. unci lowest Summer salary: you get It. I pay all. Specially and liand people preferred, want only those who are willing in work. Must Join on wire. No llokets, thanks: I've lieen there. Add. UERItON. Nebraska. ■The Very Beel I monologues, parodies, skotches, afterpieces,. etc., in MADISON'S BUDGET NO. 10. loo pages of Kilt-edge comedy material. I «I Per Copy. .TAMES MADISON, 140* THIRD AVRNI'R. NRW YORK. Crescent Comedy Co. WANTS ui'H'K YOUNG LEADING MAN. Other useful people that do specialties write. State all Ilrst letter. Must Join on wire. Address H. A. HERHMAN, West Baden, Indliiua. A SOBER. CAPABLE, SONG AND DANCE COMEDIAN A good Hue of parts. Lung season. Always pleased to hear frmii Al Repertoire Peo- ple. Address ML, Ji^KINBRY, MaHMflcld, Ohio. BAD SEASON IS OVER. Black Tenis, i«x:a up to'jjzoo, used. White Tenu*, aliout all sixes; FoWIIuk Ulialrs, Folding llcntihcn, P'oldlng Organs, Eoldiug Torclies, Spring Motor 1'lano, Electric Piano and Banjo, Nickelodeon Chairs, Kidd Lights, Mammoth Torches. SEN1I FOR FREE liAHQAIN BOOKLET. R. II. AKMBRPBTBK, BprlllgfleHI , Illinois. AT LIBERTY, MRS. and MR. JOS. BURTON Houbretta Leads I Character Comedian, and Second Rita. | Al Speclaltlea. Experienced, solier nnd rellahle. If you have peo- ple In these lines, dou't answer, jjiin'i misrepre- sent. Ail. Jos. Bnrion, Annex Hotel, (laleshurg, 111. WANTED, GOOD PIANIST For six-Piece Orchestra from June 1 tu scpi. 1. Must be Al. Accommodation iiest. Address CLAUDE EI.O.M, Leads, Care of Allanllc Hotel, Mooreheitd City, K.O. FOR SALE, AT CHICAGO, Tuo fiitft. aid Three 5«ft. Flit Cars, Eiiulppeil with air brakes; In lirst class condition. Pull description on request. I). JKT/.INflEK, 411 Ashland Blook. Chicago, 111. DOM'S PORTABLE GASOLINE ENOINE ELECTRIC LIOBTIHO OUTHTS FOR ALL I'lllll'OSES. DUNN MACHINERY COMPANY, Department 34, ATLANTA, O A. Wanted at Once, 8oed Versatile Sketch TEAM, man and wife. One must fake or rcud piano. Also want novelty acts. All Bummer's work and good treatment. Tickets, no. (I. BLACK. I King St., Buffalo. N. t. _ VAUDEVILLE PEOPLE Typewritten copy of live wire Jew and II. F. Sketch for One Dollar. Other real sketches on hand. CIIAS. LANIJON CARTEII, 2iil Clark Ave., Wurrenliurg, M<i, At Liberty. AI Pianist. Experienced all Hues. Also Baritone Vocalist. State your limit. W. II. POLLITT, _, 4-.'U', K, Commerce St., Sai l Anlotilo, Texas. DORA MYSTIC LIMOLEY CO. REMAINS South until August, then West. Wanted, Juvenile and other.. Managers of parks In vicinity of K.x- pusli lon, writ e ns. At ltlress I'REBTON, Maryland. Wanted, Al Singing apd Dancing Black Face comedian. Those who play organ preferred. Must Join on wire. Address SIOUX REMEDY CO.. B ox Ui, lola,JVIs. LADY VIOLINIST WAITED. Resale Burnell*. Lady Orchettra. The SUBURBAN, Park Heights Ave,, Baltimore. Md At Liberty June 1, Tuba Player, Piano In O., Small Parts; Trap Drummer, doubles Stage, Juveniles. Add. C. RESTFRAU, (leu. Del., Montreal, C an. VIOLINIST AT LIBERTY JUNE 1. Experienced In all lines. Add. MUSICAL DIREC- TOR, Savoy Theatre, Hamilton, Canada. After June l.Bnltej, ill llememray St., Boston, Mass. BABHET OPBBA HOUSE St"-^J"J Attractions, (lood show town. Three .hoe fac- tories, felt mill and sounding board factory. T. E. KOIIBINS, Holgevllle, N . Y. _ AT LIBERTY, Sketch Team, Do Black Face, Put on Acts, Novelty Turns,etc. change for two weeks. Write or wire MR.andMltS. CIIAS, KENT ,4M 0.Bt „Perry. Okla' Taught by Correspondence. Send for handsome booklet on VOICE CULTURE FREE Illinois conservatory, fig Lakeside Bid.., Chicago. MUSIC ARRANGED ror Piano, Band aud Orchestra, W. a. NELSON 63 Weit mi Street, New York. CASINO GIRLS BIG EXTRAVANZA COMPANY. JKS8 BURNS iiart*aK*»r sniliiilile foi a First Clama Hurlesqnsi Ol'KiitilxutloN. KvrrytlilwK furnUlieii. PlayiiiK ll>e Masteni Clrrnll nf U,irleai|iie Tlienire^. Address .IKSH IH'HNs, Itooui 'Jin, K ulckf rlioekei- Tlienlrr HulHIing'Aniii !lllle\, N. V, Bm&KOVAT* IVOXICIj?! FRANK M. BUTEN & CO., WIG MAKERS, TO 862.864 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. I.AIUJK.S.T AHMOHTMRIsT WlUfl, UKAIIOS, MAKK-I'P, KTt'., IN TIIK WIS I. SUM) FOR t ATA I.tint i:. , , VIRGINIA JEFFERIES COMPANY, Soiilirrtte. OonuMliaii, Spedalties, Stock IVojrli\ Write F.DWIN UDl.<KTT, Parsoiis, Kalian.. WANTED. FOR SUMMER STOCK, THE BEST L II THE y. S. Al Seeond Business Woinun. Al Cliaraeter Woman. Song mill llanee Sonlirellu. You MI'sT dellvee lire tliMids MM'have warilrobe, ns this Is the best sloek eonipimy Hesl id New Yolk. Oilier people, wrlle. JIM UAHOII, Mgr., Air Home, Peoria, III. ANGELL'S COMEDIANS W.UTKII AT MN1, FOR SIMMKII Wll 111.(.1 I.Ml SIOAKdN, A Ho. 1 HEAVY MAN, COMEDIAN, WITH SPECIALTIES, SODBDETTE WITH SPECIALTIES, 6EI. BUS. MAN WITH SPECIALTIES. flood RRMERXfttRR PKOI'I.K, wrlle. (I.J. IIKHN'ARII, Mgr., Memphis, Mo,, a: nnd wei'k;"Wvi nils, Mo., June a. week; tloriu, Mo., June hi, week. WANTED. A MANAGER, Who enn i-oniniiilid good lllili'. Must huve some Cuplliil. I HAVE A NEW MELODRAMA NKW YORK HIICCKHM, Klegunt Svnnli; I'rodantlon, beautiful Mile of pie- final I'aper. Kverythlng eoniplele for roiul. Right Man as Partner. Address LAIIVSTAR, L Uj7 Hath Ave., Ualh Beach. I„ I„ N.Y. \r\/ AM T E Q, AN KXPKRIF.NCKD Canvas Man. Slate lowest sularv. Week hIiuiiI*. .1. It. Hll'll- -ARIISON, earr of Jessie Colton Co., Wyonilug, 111., weok May_I7; l»rlnccville_»*ek June :i. WANTED, At TUBA aid SOLO B-FLAT CORNET for Ike GREAT AMERICAN AIRDOME Working Men In all departmenls. Wire Mgr. I'enn. Ainusenientoo., Lock Haven, I*.. Wled. Performers WANTED AT ONCE That ean iduinge often nnd work In atils, Oaintl OpenlnK for Sknlrli Temii, If one run piny urgan. Stale sulnry aud all you do. I*ian<> Pin yer ilial work on stage, wrlle. Addrrws UK. II. W.lilllimi'XI., Malinger, Niiture's Itemeily Co., Wise, Vn. N. H.—This Is not nil Independent eniiipany. Single Ladies, Sister teams NOVKl.TY ACTS anil TKAMH lit all time, at the CASINO THEATRE, VUINOLA, Mgr., Hi llamllioii Street, Allmny, N. Y. WANT ED, K<»It TIIK WltitesiMtraiiiSN Ooiii|iaiiy, PIANO PLAYER, REPERTOIRE PEOPLE IN ALL LINES. Stale lowest Snmntersulary. Nnsi lie good dressers, solierandreliable. AddressWIUTCsriiKSTKAl'SH CO..JV. J^NehiiHi, Mgr., l.ltMtriy, N. Y. _ HERON 1 WISCHMAN, Theatrical Lawyer!, 506 ASHLAND BLOCK. CHICAGO. 2. CALLING CARDS with YOUR NAME A . | AND PHOTO ON EACH. Ke.,,1 any 35R 1 plioui; will he returned Willi order. *»*"* CHRI8TMAN CARD CO., Dapt, C,], 0. CONTRACTS LETTER UI2ADH, BNVEI.OI'ES. TICKETS, PASSES. CAKDH, Kte Write for Sample.. Wehb Pi g. Co.. ar,:t Dearborn Ht„ Chlrugo, 111. MILLER, GOSTUMER, 130 N. Seventh St. Plillodelphla. COSTUMES ASI» tVKJ.S TO UlltE. Write for Catalog and Kstltiiate^ iHIIUllanlVl „ Prlees reiisonnlile. I.KAV IS PKTIT, 11 III IV. V. Ave., N. W., Washington. D. «'. Songs, Me,, writ- len to order; auy snlijeel. I.Orn' GOOD VAUDEVILLE WA ^o At the "Clalety" Theiitre, Alllanee.Oliln. Only Iwn Shows n day. Aildree-s /.INN HOIIAIlf^OTT, Miinager. _ Wauled, Tuba to Double Bass, Cornet lo Double Ilrst Violin, oilier Band People, i'errorniers wiiie. Two week smuds under tem. Hoy your own, OIAHUMU JACK CO.; ll.rken.arU, N, ,1, An A No. 1 Character Comedian WANTED. First Class Leading, Heavy Han; Ingenne, Singing, Danc- ing Comedian; People (or Small Parts and Specialties. DO NOT MIMII'PltKSl.lVT. FRAME H.DANIELS.8t.Clond.Mlau. TO RESPONSIBLE ItKrKKTOIUH COM. Will leiise al low cash lurins I'jo; s my ihorouglili' tried, fully satlsfiielnry, eniiyrighlei'l ilramnll/ii- Hon or itoiltNHON ntimoK. oreni iiritughi, nlglil or iimilnee. sluti'l east, iteslly singed, llnUllie nnd uver.v Will on), of tin- oidliuii'i. Aililiu-N I'ltASK S. DAVIDSON, lUlliiiwilv Slid lUHIIi, N. !■:...Cleveland, Oliln. WANTEb, Performers In All Branches 0MI18 Medicine Show Business, Miisifiaiw nlui lloiilile in Orrliwlni, No Sure* lUlviiueeil 10 iiiirlles iiiiknown to lis. Unit ho rauly lo Join on reeuiiil 1.1 nvirn. till. A I. VIS IIKMHON, (lliinillleu, No. Dak. RHEOSTAT l-'nr Hit AllRi'iiuiliig ur li'jtt liliinti (nrreiii. Ktri' I'i'ihh*; AilJiiMijii/le. 1:11 ■ j j• I 10 muni Hiiid ill »:m; only lis, i'lre i'rni,r IthiioHliil. lmv., $n. II AIIIIA CH A 10., Klltt Fllliifl, I'llllll,, I'll. AT LIBERTVV EXPERIEHCEO^VAUDEVILLE I'lANO ri.AYKIl wishes ougngumeni lit vamlevllle nark or thcaliv phiyliig viutileville. Tlientre iire- len-ed. Address II. L HACAIITNKV. M)7 Murray Ave., Mllwuukee, U'l-, BARaAIXS! PAHNION PI,A V. "TIIK 1'KIWOV A I,." Muuy more, new A Vml-hiind, Kdltoti Ivxhltililuii M.I'.MiieliltieH,ule. .'n.-.slamp for large catalog A list. l'HKItl,KSSKXL'IIAN( lK. ll-Jlliitli lolpliSl..l)Tileai |o. AT LIBGBTY, TOR UNOLE TOI'8 CABIN, Marks orst.t.'liiro; (In eoueorl turn. Wire or irrlle. Mill IIHOOKS, Otfl Nlirtli nth Si., I,:ifii»elli', Ind. Will need ilek'nt if too far. Wanted, for Med. Show, silent Aid Hint euli eiuuigi-, s. mill H. I'oineillHIH. No k|eker«. 'Aililri'HH 11 HI). OIIKSTKII, Mgr., AMliley, Mo. Al VIOLINIST (OR VIOLA) AT LIBERTY A, V. M. I'irieeli h:iim' ex|ierlence. . V., cifiwof Mil. I.OI'r, llidel I'mker, ■ llroiidway, S. IIimIiiii, Main. TOUPKKS, Paint. Powder. Stump for jirlco llm. O . BUHINDnKMH , Mil W. Mlh St.. New Tork. Magic Lists ot Tricks, 10c. None Fret. The Davll'a own Trick, We. Only N. K. Agent for Iliiglc, Wizard, Magic Inn, lie each. W. I', l,r!m>Y. WJ Court St,. HtiKloll. Haw. TRANSLATED FRENCH NOVELS (Some lllus- Iniiedr. Aciross' I'linhm. (latulogiie free oil re- ceipt of li eeiii h 1 iei ter tiOAtagel. A. OK SAII.l.K, Villa Iri s, 4 line lie Seze, I'arln. SNAKES-CM^ Python Snakes, AH Sizes'. I'lim or Turile lleml Siniketi, *i'. per do/.en, till iissorleil Hi/.en. C'lllilee lot of Monkeys. J, IIQI'K, » Konh Ninth Si.. I'lillinleljitilii, l'n. Wanted, A Sister Team, Man nnd wife with good mieemliy, M. I'. Oiieruli.r will) Machine. Oue slion 11 day, statu lowest. Address AM, SIIMMKH, cure of IH.IPI'KH. WANTED, for Lowerjr Bros.' Show, Performirs nnd MuslelniiK in all lines, nlxo lliisillng Hush Can- vim Mun nud ('oiik. Nil room for klekuraor drunks. Address (IKO, II. i.OWKIlV, om |>er_riiine. Talented. Tonng Leading Woman AT II Hill T V for nnxt neasini. Only telliilile man. Hgern of II11I el/iss eoiniwples eunsldereil. '• • V. tt.i'areofCMPPFK. ..*4\-;'