The New York Clipper (June 1907)

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410 apRfi? Npw iroR5? PLIBPEH. Jjwi, SPOTS THE NEW YQEK CLIPPER : - «! ■ g - ' THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO. (Limited) ' r ''■:>'.■■ noranou. •* ALBERT .T. BORIE. RnrronuL iiit flosmsas Mimosa. 8ATDBDAY. JUNE 1, 1007. OUR CHICAGO LETTER. npif OUS OWK COBIUrONDtMT. Kntercd June 24, 1870, at the Post Office it Now York. N. V., •■ second clau nutter, «n4tf Ibe act of March 3. 18TB. . RATES. AdTortlieniemit—$2.80 per Inch, alocla oolama. A J tarlUf awnti set with border, 10 per ct. w tra, SUBSCRIPTION. , One year, In alliance; M| six months, 12; three months, it. Foreign postore extra. Slnjle copiaa will be aeot, postpaid, on receipt of 10 cents. Oar Terms aire Cash. TDK CLirPEB la Issued every Wcdne^ay jaorn> log. Tbc last four (advertising) pafe* 00 TO PRESS on Satiinluj at 11 1. u., ana the OUH t parks, namely: Rlvervlcw. Chute* rlgno, Horton nod Lai Trlska, tbc-Poor IJn- Honcl, which, added to those al- «>"«. Burnett Ud WuilaM, Pete Baker, led. makes five In all, besldea Bel- Armond Sisters, Ld. Moon and the klno- TVeatern Rarrnn of the New York Cllpp--. Room BOl, AibUnd Block, thlcaso. Chief Interest was centred, last week,' In the opening of tbrec of the city's Summer amusement and Hans . ready opened. _ mont Park, where a stock company la holding; drome forth, with vaudeville between the acta. The weather was variable, and covered all the styles from the chill of Winter to the unbeat- able of Hummer, with rain and heavy winds thrown In for good measure. There are Ho changes to be recorded Id the down- town houses, but several of the outlying the- atres will elose with the ushering In of June. All the houses liave been doing excellent busi- ness, and there ore now more theatres open Lllllnn Shaw, Warren and BHinrbard, Cal'a- noon T>r May V>. trader very unraroraoie ban and St. George. Mr. and lira. Frani'ln circumstances. Since Monday the rain had Colby company, Marie Laurens, Beno and been failing almost constantly, which ren- AzoM, and the klnodfomc. dered It difficult to finish the vast amount of OliUpjc (Abe Jacobs, manager).—The bill for week of 27 Includes: The Dancing Dalies, May Howard ami company. Julius I'an- nen, Wesson. Walters and -Wesson, Dorotliy Kenton. Three La Mare Brothers, James liar- work to be completed, and then the skies were overcast oft the opening day, threaten- ing showers and heavy rains. In spite of this there was a crowd waiting at the gates, and when they were opened they pouted In to sec the transformed area and dodge tbc rain drops when they had to. Increased to more than twice Its' former site, with good many more than twice the number All Over K»re-Phy»lcl«ut Called It Kczenia In Hi Wont Form CUTICURA c"URE0~THE DISEASE '•About four year* ago I was afflicted IIavmabxkt (William K. Xewklrk, mana- of concessions which the park has bad here- with black splotches al over my (ace and ger).—This house will close for the season, lofore, the spectacle - Is one: to bewilder a few on my body, which produced a severe 20, and will bo entirely refitted before the even the most tried amusement seeker. j tcn n _ Irritation, and which caused me , onenlhe In the Fail and made one of tbo The main sect on of the grounds Is In tire •«-"«■« "*""T"72 .' -"«•» «^tubea me a tSSSSJ^^S£fkSSJStmcSSo^. same relative position as last year but to great deal of suffenng. I was forced to call SctnsoLBR's (LudwigSchlndier. manager), tbc South and West, vast stretches of Jerri- in two leading physicans of . After a —The business here Is at the capacity tory have been acquired, and before the Sum- thorough examination of the dreaded com mark continually. Bill for week of 27 ,n- per Is over, still more will be added. The . . t * announced it to be skin ,„„„' dudes: The Three California Hong Birds, Bowery extenda from the main thorough- P la '" 1 "><=* »"""""H 6 ? ' \ x f ° a aUln c « cm » McKce and Van. Bessie Crawford. Marie Ar- fare to the Southern limit of the grounds, in its worst torm. Ibeir treatment did me than any previous year at this late date, and thur,' Bingham a'ndtfabo, Hnnpbcl and Aros- and Is fully 10O feet between building no good. Finally I became despondent ami an and the Stadium Trio. lines, so that there Is plenty of space for decided to discontinue their services Mv Camtmkt (John T. Connors, manager).— all to walk at leisure. With a few h „ b __j D ^ lrcha9 „j a „•„„!. „. n < r"; "' . Pawnee Bill opened May 23, on tbc old The bill for week of 27 Includes: Anna Eva trifling exceptions, everything within the g™5™ purcnascct a s ngie set.olUiticura they are playing as many huge successes as man and the Stadium Trio, one could see here In the height of the sea- pain on MONDAY nod TUESDAY. The Forms Clnnlnar Promptly. Tues- day nt JO o'clock A. M. riease remit by express, money order, check, P. O. order or registered letter. All cash enclosed witb letter Is at the risk of sender. • ■ Addrens All Cnmmtinlcnttons to THE NEW YORK CLIPPER, 47 West 28th Street, New Xotk. KmMmt CnbU A*Jrc»*, "AptnoaiTT." THE WE8TEBN BUBE A.U of Tub CLtPFEs is located at Room (501. Ashland Hlock, Cblcogo, John T. Prince Jr., manager and My --ICura Washington Pork race track grounds, to te- Ray, Lucy and Lucler. McNemec, Prgerlta gates Is brand new this season, but the same Remedies, wnlrli entirely-stopped the break, main for four days, after which time he will Arnold, Calef and Waldron, De Onao and glorious shade trees are there, with hundreds ing out. I continued the use of the Cuticura be soon on the North and West Hides. An- McDonald. Hdna Shepherd, and the kino- of thousands of electric lights strung through Remedies f or «ii months and after th=t noiincoments are up now for the fortbeomtag drome. Business has been splendid since them. At tbc end of the main parade Is one . wn , mWr i „,, Jll,' ™ ,! ' engagement of Buffalo Bill. Manager Connors adopted vaudeville as an of the highest and longest chutes in the *«ry splotch was entirely gone, I have not Illinois Theatre (Will J. Davis, mana- entertainment. country, with a deen. long basin Into which tilt a symptom of the eczema for three years. Mrs. Lizzie E. Sledge, Ave., Selma, Ala., Oct 28, 1905. correspondent, where advertisements sad subscrip- guzement is Indefinite. lions are received at our regular rates. Powers' Tukatiie (Harry J. Powers, man- THE LONDON BUREAU, ager).—The end of the engagement, and of Located at «• Crnnbburne Ht., Tendon, W. O.. John the Bcason of "ITie Lion and the Mouse" II. earner, rasnager ond correspondent, where sd- are nt hand, for this will occur Saturday, Davis, nmnn- entertainment, ger).—:'Thc Man of tbe Hour" has scored Stab (James L. Lederer, manager).—Busl- the boata plunge, and around which, and up years. Mrs. Lizzie E. Sledge, uo tones us great u success locally as any play which ness is big here. The bill for the week In- both sides of the chute and strung across It. ^ ve - Selma Ala Oct, 28 loot " we have seen in a long time. Tbe great eludes: Fred ftnrlft, the musical conrique; are mlrlads of llgnts. Just to the North of strength of I he lines nnd situations are Reno and Begar, In "Up In the Air;" Harry this Is a roller coaster said to be tbe longest forcibly brought before us by a remarkably Harvey, the "comical Jew:" Alexander, the In the, world, and a ride on It seems to bear maK | n g It.-, first appearance In this ritv t. rlever company, among thi> especially notable Buckeye Trio, and their trick house, and the out the statement. The new band shell Is wag an | mme dlate success from the start Jn ,i members ihelng : Robert Fischer. Harry Har- Staroseopc. located In the centre of the South side of Major Lillle may feel sure of a welcome wheu wood. Orrln Johnson, Thomas Melgban, apoixo (Kd. I*mson, manager). —This the grand parade, and. Kryl and his band he returns next season. Tbe ooeninc i'..r house, on the great West Side, awny from will perform there. Between this stand and f ormal)ce waa g\ yen during 11 heavv ntiV Prances Ring and Kate Leicester. The en- all the other theatres, has been str- ing up n fine trade and the bills offered have dense grove of young trees, under which remained until the finish. People from eve« been the best that the circumstances would hundreds of tables have been set. and one qDa rter of the globe are seen here ami ihJ, allow.' can watch the fun at the chutes and listen y aD10US trpes or B r | ders were wlm , T ,jS£J Humboldt (William A. Lang, manager),— to the music at the same tIme. Tbe seenlc and as there has seldom, If ever, been sueb vertlKemeuls and subscriptions are received at out and the corapnny will disband. Arthur Byron TWs house has closed for the season, and railway Is a marvel, and the water carousel recK i ess w6r |t gcen jj Crei | t wag no Wl , lin , repilar rates. ...,..., will then t-etlre permanently from tbe_cast, will i>robably not open until.late In August, to one whicb will delight the ybMger class. Cossacks, cowboys, cavalrymen from the •t'lis C'uriER c»n b» onTiiNan, wnoLBSiiJiKij having over 600 performances of the chnrac- |s£ (Ben Snyder manager).—Tbe bill Big Otto has M» animals in an Interesting armies of our own country and Great Britain THIS NEW YORK CLIPPER publlahea prayers have been warmly welcomed." "and —The"bill"for"the week"of 87 Includes :°Beu posing the I^ke Shore League will play here to "appear on the West and North sides "this onl" «iip edition, and that is dated "Dream City" haa proved a clever offering Turpln, In acrobatic dance and song^ Tlpk- JJfWr^and Sunday at^rnoons. T*" from Kq\* York. QUERI ES ANSW ERED. Ho Replica by Mall o r Telcgrnpu. AUOCESSBS OR WUBaKABOUTS HOT OiraW. Alt, IW QUEST OP SUCH SHOULD WHtTB 1'0 TDOSB WUOU Tiirr sar.ic, IN oibb or TBK CLIPPER Pout OrrioK. All UOTKas will b» *dv«htibid omb wrr.K UNLV. llT TUB nOUTB OV ANT XHBATBIOAL fOWPiNT IS SOVOI1T, RKt-ED TO OUH LIST OF llOOTBS ON ANO-lilKn I-AilE. WB CANNOT BBNU BOVTIS BI MAIL OB ZBLSOSArlL RRAMATIC. S. B. CJ., Kaslon.—We have no knowledge , uf lite present whereabouts of the party. March Address 11 letter In .-are of this ofllce, and we will advertise it in TUB CLiri'Eit lettor list. W. II. C, Chicago, A.vxioiK, lrf>nvcnworth, ('. S., Louisville, II. A. R, Mt. Pocono, j. P. tl„ New Hiiveu, Miss K. I)K T., Conncutilvllle, mid J. A., Brooklyn.—See answer to 8. 11. 0., ■bove. K. U, S„ Colnmhus.—1. There Is no book published which gives what you want, li. Tin: Ci.ii'i'KU dated May 11, 11>07, contained 11 list of Summer parks. 3. Tin: Ci.iri'Bit Ited Book, which will soon be issued, will contain n list of booking agents. A I'Mi'fKu Rkadkk, BtiBton.—AddrcsB T. H. Wlnnelt, 1403 Broadway, New York City. II. & Co.. Lyiu'liburg.—Unless extra per ~ ? efl [ week , and it deserves the best of patronigr. for the Intermediary sensrtti, which closes this ham and company, motor cycle cage; the roller skating rink, in which the champion- Buffalo Bill Is advertising his comlnc re many impersona- Victors, bag punching and boxing: the snip races will occur this Summer, Is all fully two months ahead of his arrival, and great applause, and Roberts Four, In "The Doll Making DHcm- IS 8 *^"^ own fJ» "*'% lt ^ bc - t ana y O"^ 01 the llagcnbeck-Wallace Shows will be hen week. Cecelia liOftus ttons, which colled forvu Otla Hnrlnn was a great favorite. Madelyn ma;" Curran and Milton, In comedy sketch, the best In the worid. The piece de rcsisf- later on Marian Griffin, a relative of Marshall was well liked as the "help," and and Illustrated songs and pictures. Business ("ice Is The Great Train Robbery, and the j. c> Williamson, the Atlstrallan ninna- the costumlna and staging wag gorgeous, holds up very well. thirty horses and riders nnd the more ..tan „ r can,,, t0 America a few davs ago. and Next week. "The Three of Us" for a%n. Thama (Tl Colonial Tiikatilk (George W. Lederer, inauager).—"Kitty Miles from Boston" Is speeding along at a rate which almost cx- ecwto- the sliced limit, and the pretty house WP H.~ thirty horses and riders, and the more uian homas Murray, manager). The ^ e ""."A 1 ^ °I ncr ?.'" ?? e prodnctlcm, ipjtke bill for week of 27 includes: Kates Bros., comedy acrobats : Wishard and Peres, castlug act; wliaon Trio, singing act. Ubea't Noktiibb.n (T'red C. liberts, mnna Is pneked at every performance. No other ger). ; —"The Wlstard of Oz" has been play- nliiy of (leorgc. Cohan's has proved more popu- ing to excellent business. At the matinee, 22, Inr here than this, and the cast Is it probably the biggest outdoor spectacle ever seen in a Chicago amusement park. With tbe tremendous space at hand, the management of the "Bobbery," of which Fred Wright Is the head, has been able' to give about two hundred feet more Stage _ praeti- Owm tUn*. who pTay's the SraraHowTwrna foow than was accorded the same attraction tally faultless. Mr. Cohan bobbed up In f'ont nuable to appear, and uobert Burns who ln g** E » 8t last *<**■ 8n , d therefore the of the lenders desk last Wednesday night, appears as the Lion, played Stone's part to engine and cars ure much larger and more after the first net, and, amid great appla.tse. great applause. Burns also doubles Sit• Wvlic substantial. Illvervlew deserves success from • Gyle, und Ralph Nichols, a chorister, played the'wart.> Tom Pryor. popular with every that port very well. Joseph Schrode doubled •*&. S thc manager of tbe department of the Lion and the Heifer in quick changes. Bijou (William Roche, manager).- Missouri Kxpress" did very welt last ond was liked "Human Hearts" led the musicians through the "Brookfleld Stli 11. 1iAKi.1t Thkatrk (It. F. Uarmeycr, manager).—Henry Woodruff, ln "Brown of Harvard," Is drawing •good attendance. ■ Tho olned Joe Weber's company, now plavlng "Dream City," at the Uarrlck Uln^ Weaver-Carson, u local soprano, made her debut evening of 22, In Cable Hall "The OrchldT" It Is said, will divide the Summer season, at the (larrick, with "The Three of L's," In which l-aura Nelson Hall will be seen. Trlxle Frlganza will be fent- ured In the former offenng when It comes. Thc Illinois Naval Reserve Band will give a concert at the International Theatn-. evening of 2f, at which Jules Lombard will sing. It will be In the nature of a Decors- Hiipi>ort!ng company Js strong. "Miss Poca- hontas," given last year by tbc First Drum Corps of Cadets, In Boston, and which Is from the pen of R. A. Ha met. Is announced for the Summer attraction, opening June m. McVickek'k Thkatbk (liforgc C. Warren, manager).—"Tho big show'V continues . to pack this large house, and the effects are just as well handled as on the eventful opening night. There Is no change In the cast, and week, and the plav pleased as If business keeps on In this manner, the close past. "The Convict's Daughter of the Summer will still sec "The Round Up" log bill of the season, and th moves from the North Side this week, and Is sure of u line reception, which appeal Next week, ! XveraTfe T T~< " ~ i'monw'th^tilaS ^TJ^t^S^lt '^wf™*^' ^"and'sta'iell^hat CB1TBB.ON (John 11. Hogau. manager).- SgHi <LP»lWt< fiiSd thi^ Tvro" h . n wa ' bUHy a " H'e tlme/fllllng orders f«r ••lliimnn He ? rtB»dld aspleSdid.buslne'ss'la t fe^. Bleke?.' jK' Anhetre' Kelierm 5 a™: fttt9LS<.JS*»IV"IL'JfS?*Jj the h Ions fur was taken to the animal hospital, but ruiilil thc following arranger uf Oneontu llulld- Hnmett, the . Man." has the house crowded at every per- inriniini'pH lire stipulated In the contract It fenkamee. William Pruette, May Yokes, would bo uiuviisonablc to request extra per- Harry Clarke, George Cony, Gilbert Clayton, lorinnnces wlllioiit proper remuneration. Charles Drew, lsabelle D'Armond and others W. \\. S.. Phllndelphia.—Address party carry thc piece llglitly on their shoulders, care of the Players (!lub. New \ork City. la. Salu: Thkatbe (Mort H. Singer, man- C. J. G., Baltimore.—1. Mfiko appllcntion. ager).—Many other mimical comedies have In lUunagcrM of companies'tint visit your eon* nnd gone since "The Time, the Place illy. 2. Address party cure of Tim CLiPi'Klt , mi | the Girl" started Its career, last August, ami we will advertise thc letter In, our let- ter list. F. M. 0., Grand Itaplds.—From J40 per week up. • O. 0. !•:., Brooklyn.—Advertise In Tun ('LIl'PKIt. doing business here. remain dark until August, when (Jiianu Opeba Housb (Harry Asklii, man- opened for the new season with Lincoln .1. to'm'oueen TlaleTtourT the"«ea J t"eoaster" MP**.—Frank.Daniels, in 'The Tattooed Carter's mammoth production of "The Cat ! ' ■ -- • our8 -- tnc .B ^ . e ? , ^ r ' and Fiddle." Vaudeville will be given for one matinee aud night, June 2. Alhambba James II Brown, manager).— "The Convict's Daughter" pleased every one Inst week, aiid the receipts were good. "The .lumnri nnva In UIhuam.I" la ,I.a ............. 1.111 trip through Venice, the airships, figure eight, infant Incubators, tin- Chicago Ore, miniature railway, over a mile lorig; vaude- ville theatre and the board walk. Chiitbs Pabk (W. II. Strlckler, manager). -This park, oh the South Side, opened Its itpte **.,. nnrl In unlto nf tlni Hluurvr„/,al,1n next season. These will consist of Maine Vlckers, In "Edelweiss;" Bertrlcc Shcpanl, ln "Nettle, the Waif:" Mac Steal, In "tteudy. the Mall Girl." end Adelaide Randall, In "Her Great Sacrifice." Bertrlce Sbep- ard was a Bureau caller 22, and reported n very busy season, though she was feeling well from the effects of hard work. She und were It not for tho excessive heat which visits this city tluring thc "real" Summer months, the record could easily be "one bhsluess. solid year In Chicago." No date has been set things us yet for the closing, and as long as tbo patrons cool weather continues, tbe fun will go on. as .in nxtr James Boys In Missouri'' Is the current bill, „„.»"- -J and Tin sollf> of he dlsaereeali e wl " H,ar nexi sfMm ln '•Nettie, the Wnlf." and should do well. Next week, "The Moou- weather alarae crowd a^mbled to^^esa ,md, ' r thc management of Franklin Wright. shiner's Daughter." Ha" rnaliv chanaes wblclT hadT been m.ule 0|>enlng nt Blue Island, III.. In Hcptenilirr. Kubon'8 (Isld. J. Kusou. manager).-The L t J coff sut Si KvwvtliC .William T. Gasklll. manager of Ibe stork company here has been an overwhelm- SEsJiii., *ST*.J!5ftJ!VZi-. J.- V . el ?i"' ng h . ? People's Theatrical lixchange. and Mr. nKsntcess.and.Ihe house isdolng a splendid Si™ '"'"2J ^SJ, *' ."?„"' liV Newell, of the-team of Newell and NiUK.. were cullers 'li. Newell and Nlblo have re- turned from Ktiropo and South Africa, where they have lieon pfriWng siiccesKfiilly for over it year. This week they are. apeparlug nt A. CARDS. T. B., Korhester.—B wins thc pot. manager).—"A hulght for a Day' goes on Follv (Joltn A. Fenncssy, manager).— splendidly. Arthur Donaldson retired from Hnllly & Woods' Show was well received A the part of Marco, last week, and his place last week, and the offering was a good one. upeiied an mi Illegal hand, and should Ihi was taken by his understudy. Win. Stowell, The Fay Foster Co. furnishes thc current peiiullxed twice the amount of his original who was formerly a member of tho chorus, bill. Two burlettas are offered, aud the olio ante, which goes Into tho next pot, to be Mr. Stowell achieved an Immediate success, Is a generously good one. The choruses arc playoil for In tho usual Way. nnd will lie retained In thc part. Kvery mem- well handled, the comedians and othe S. \V.. Alexandria.—As it Is necessary to her of the chorus will be given a two weeks' take a Hick before each meld. A can not vacation, with salary, and Mr. Whitney will meld the dlx ideccc), as bu can uot toko have extra chorus people to till in thc piaco another trick. of the absentees. K. II. K., Johnson City.—Three a's and a . Bl'su tumm Thkatiih (lilizabeth Scho- ber, manager).—"Camlllc" was well played last week, and the audiences enjoyed the performances, with Sarah Truax as Camlllc, nnd (JeorjreFarren. as Armand. "Graustark" will lie the closing bill of the season, which will end June 1. Thc season has been a very profitable one. INTKIINATIONAI. TlIKATBU (Ellis V. Click- . man, manager).—Nothing seems to daunt thc .». v„ ., .,« t „ uu „»■ nci .V' l ",.i Union.—I hero Is no rule ror la>lng theHtrogoers of this hbuse, and tho business and supported by mnny of thc best people ln mills. I hat Is left entirely to the party kmn)li up j U8 t the Mame. whatever the weath- burlesque. The olio will Include six big acts, milking Hie hook. er . .'j; a e stock star system has met with sue- Including living pictures. "On Board Ship," cess, and the three or four weeks which each the burlesque, will enlist thc services of 11. with 11 (1 turned up, count eighteen points, Then: are live 1.V2's which equals ten points, six for the ilnee ,'l's. and two for the pale nl' It's, or. a lotnl of eighteen points. MUM It. K.. New York.—1. Theodore Rob- erts played tho role Tubywuna. 2. Baco White was thc mime of thc Indian. IlASnilAI.L. general opinion was that the show was one of the best given during the past few months. Summer stock burlesque will bold forth, com- mencing afternoon of 26. headed by tbe popu- lar German comedians, Nat and Sol Fields, at. the Colonial Theatre, which Is much opening, owing to some of the struct irennr ■ Iue colonial Theatre, whicn is muni BrVlvuS on V ilme^TlMs noVdoinga fine SSStL.*'" VheVkln s^cT wllfbavc SHSt ™" e - D ?S??r»..«" Brigade." Efflr^i^JL^iiS^ia^^rtS MIKC'GLLANBOtiS W. II.. Ilrtxiklyn.—We can not undertake to answer legal questions. Consult a lawyer. Tin' I'rlnrs to Give n Summer Oatlusr star has devoted to this house bavo been thirty-live people. greatly appreciated. Kmpirb (William Singer, manager).—The'N (Joseph Pilgrim, manager).— Fay Foster Co. left a lot of guy hearts bc- "Dor« Tlmrne" drew good houses last week, hind when lt departed for the South Side, Other attractions Include: The ffouse of 8t"21tW2*a of booking next season «M' Nonsense, Topsy Turvy, Foolish Factory. Ktni^'"'!..'? Il,e St ' iumeg B,l 1 " u ! lu ?,-'',,,: Pony Circus Biding Ring Mi-rrv Waves Tiii.r »■ « W . . & , Krl »oger atinounce that the hie Theatre. SI JenTlns oVrv^ House. Itnzalc R^K\ J ' nen,re ["V"? 8 ' ." Tnc ^"JL - Dazsle, (Jypsy Camti. amf the big auto coast- 1± wll ' ut '. Presented In Umdon next ses- er. An efficient force o^ forty unlforme 1 « on - •< the Drnry I*no Thenlre. A sperls IHillcc-maintain the tx-st 2 or3*7 SmtSSS ZPTSL "2 be ? SffWSiJ '«l2 ."j ,« one hundred fraternal organizations have Be- l,~ g ' ven hy memi *n of the XH-boru *» lectcd this park as the spot at which thev n^' *A"« n 8 r«Wi club, at the Whllne.' will hold their outings. * P ncra "»'"»• afternoon of 21. the proceeds Kavm Hnrei |,.„ u . ,,.„„ ,, .,.,. 599 dcvotetl to viiilous charities ■ ?» A,, *-.S?. L y_"*"•£ (i-fonard Wolf, mana- "Brewster's Millions." with Kdward .S. rli-il ou Sunday, .May tit, to II. B. Warner, leading nuitt for Klennnr llobson. The cere- ninny was pet funned ill .Mrs. lliimlln's npurl- liM'ii't. IS Fifth Avenue, by Ibe Itev. Dr. Ilitughlnii, ot "The l.lllle Church Ariuinil thtr Coiner." Mr. nnd .Mrs. Warne-r have sailed to spend the Summer in Kuglund. They will return In the Full, nnd 'Mr. Warner will resume his engagement as leading man lu likKQor Uobsvu'a company.