The New York Clipper (June 1907)

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412 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. JtiXE i. E^AEfcXaXAJMEJSIWT* 1906 THE SUMMERS THEATRICAL ENTERPRISES m CAPITALIZED AT S40.000.00. - - - - - HEAD OFFICE. HAMILTON, ONT.. CAN. GEO. H. SUMMERS, President. HARRY D. MARKS, Genl Manager. J. P. STANTON, Solioitor. ATTRACTIONS FOR SUMMER AND WINTER SEASONS, 1907-08 ANNUAL TOUR OF THE COMEDIAN MR. 6E0. H. SUMMERS Playing Hock Hnim of fnur to night Week! In PRINCIPAL CANA- DIAN CITIES. by EVERY IIOC8E MAHAUER In the Dominion. 8EA8ON OPPINS SEPTEMBER 9. HAMILTON, "NT. The most beautifully .11 nut, ,1 SUMMER THEATRE on the Ameri- can Continent. STOCK PRODUCTIONS. One Play each week. "HAMILTON'S ROOF GARDEN " 1000 FEET ABOVE THE CITY SEA80N OPEN8 JUNE 24. TRANS-CONTINENTAL TOUR THE SUMMERS STOCK CO. In a HIGH CLASS REPERTOIRE. 18 People, 60ft. Baggage Car of SCENERY and EFFECTS. Flaying at price* from 85c. to $|,o». Time all Booked until May, 1008. SEASON OPENS SEPTEMBER 16. \\r . mTfim^I- LEADING WOMAN, capable of playing V» All M. MX ■'■"Character Actor*, VAUDEVILLE TEAMS tperla en pr WANT TO BUY 40,000* Feet Moving Picture Film, 00 Belt of SONG SLIDES,, Mnat be STRONG LINE of General Lead*: LEADING MAN, HEAVY MAN. 1.1 IS that play Part«, work In one and change for a week. .OTHER - LETTER,.height, weight, pa.t experience and your LOWEST SALARY for both Hummer and Winter aeanon*. Send PHOTO, which will be returned ment* tor the coming aiiiion given preference for the Summer Stock. Then* attraction* play to the beat claa* of people, and you MUST MAKE GOOD. 90 Feet Moving Picture Film, 00 Set* of SONG SLIDES. Unit be In GOOD condition and strictly UP-TO-DATE. Addres* all communication* to slit Comedian with Specialty. Woman for Juvenile* and lieuvie. Useful 'STOCK People tor varlou* line*. State It ALL In nitsY ■""fan to accept engaae. urn. a. good PIANIST, PHlSt People-who are free to acrept^vnii NO two-a-day time. Can ; GEO. H. SUMMERS, Hamilton, Ont., tan. BBOADWAT TBEATBE VSNSSSH Kronlng* 8.10, Fashion Matlnoo Saturday, 2.10. THE HKAMON'S GREATEST HIT. AXV&1L HEI^D IN THE PARISIAN MODEL. "388 HELP'S DRKS8 BONO Ut and Mfc BA I n BAA THEATRE. IHd ST. VlnBtU WB8T OF BROAD WAV. EV'08.8.15. MATINEE SATURDAY, 3. DAVID BELABOO Pras.nt* THE ROSE OF THE RANCHO. A New American Play by DAVID BELABOO and RICHARD WALTON TOLLY. 0A8T OF DISTINGUISHED PLAYERS. PASTOR'S Bunlh and Ruilil, Lydla Yeamans Titus, Johnstone ind Cooke. Baker and Lynn, Gray and Graham, John F. Clark. Rote and Ellis, Mannon and Paarl. Texarkana and Walby, Leonard Kane. C. H. Hennella and Co., Harvey and Lewis. Phantoscope. Am. Vltagraph. - NEW- CIRCLE h'wht .v own Mats.'Wed. A Sat. ' Exira mill. Decoration Day, May :ui. M. M. Tlioliio present* sixth Mouth. WINE, WOMAN & MONO CO.. KONITA, ALEX. C'AKR & Urcat Cast -THE- DEWEY East Mill St. Ladles' Mat. To-day. COLONIAL BELLES U—Mariettas—L'. Vaudeville. -THE- (iflTIMfl E, laitn St. Ladles' Mat. To-day. \F1V li;\TI KVI.'IKIN "French Hull." Vaudeville. &OUu& Or Utah I la.« Vaudeville Thealre*. M. MUYEItKKED Jit. PRUS.; MARTIN BUCK, UlCNURAL MANAGES. All Application, for Time Must Be Addressed to C. H. RIIAY, Booking Manager. Majestic Theatre Building. Chicago, lit Huber's V.'Museum ' . WANTED, STB0H6 OUBIO HALL ATTBAOTIOHS. Add ress J . H. nMHBBWM.Msyi a«_abovo._ aB UKKAKI) ST., LONDON, W. TAFF VOLTA & ROBERT O'MEERS Artiste wantluK Knropcnii Unto write, stating open tt mn and terms. Oajje, "AGO NIC, " LONDON. BERTRAM MILLAR. 41 W. aatll ST., NEW YORK. Dare Devil Schreyer. A gain Tlio Sensation of Knrupe. SrX-C0ENALLAS~6 WORLD'S eilKATKMT AUIIOHAT8. Address; per route. FtiltKl'AlMill-SKLI.S llltijs.' CI ItUUS. PnTK UOItNALLA, Manager. (ALL THE LATEST) For Sale and Rented Also Second Hand Slides Bought and Exchanged SEND FOR NEW LISTS, CATALOliS.'KTO. HUB SONS SLIDE GO. 221 Tremont St., BOSTON, HISS. FILMS FOR BEIT. ATLAS MOVING PICTURE CO. Machines, Hterocptlcona, Slides, Films, sold and rented. SMITH A I'lLAN, Prop*.. W'msli'g llrldgc Plaza,M Hnvormeyer St., IPklyn. Tel. 4gj W'msb'g. • WANTED, BASS and TUBA, and an Al COHRBTlST. with Solon, to Load Band and Play Cornet in Orchestra. Musi i>e A. V. of M. ami men that do nut. drink. No parade*. One show a iiuy. Write.* lowest salar.v ami pay your uwu. Long Island cngagc- ment. Address HAItltY MASTEN. Musical Director, AL. TKAHEKN STOCK CO-'Hayvllle. N. V. QUICK, Mail for Juveniles and Light Comedy, or Gen. Bus. Actor. Prefer llmao doing specialties or doubling hoiiic Instrument In band. Company stays ont nil hum- mer. Stale lowest, 1 pay all. Adores. ADOLPH (.ill n III», Vlroqim, WIh,, May g to June 1. WANTED WANTED, SOBER, HUSTLING FOR WAGON SHOW. Address F. J. FRINGK, General Agent, ALF. r. WHEELER'S SHOWS, FONDA, N. Y. WANTED, HAERING STOCK CO., UNDER CANVAS, Man and Woman for Juveniles and Gen. Huh., Tuba, llHrllone and Trap Drummer, lo double Stage. Olliers write. Those doing spcihilllesnml doubling brass preferred, state all In llrst letter. Slop at hoicN; I pay nil. Also want a Hnss Canvas Man. Address CI1II.L1C0THK, Mil. WANTED, Stock People in All Lines At Leading Mali, niusl huve good wardrobe; Man for Ueneral llitsiucss, with scripts. Can use good Vaudeville Acts. Want Hood sinter Team. Suiit- liter stock. Stale lowest salary llrst loiter. N. K. WOOIIFOIU), VICTOR THEATRE, Chippewa Falls, Wis. BEDELL BROS., •*->>•• wilh Ilia Hon. i.nil " THEBRADYS Hhi'd -in week*. Siilllvnn A id southern I'liiiroruia iline. Shrewsbury 'I'll" Ray* with ilia Bone anil Mum In. J .MUM | 1 J ff if I,,, : . ; : i i: V :. KITl'V Jusl llnlalii'd -in week*. Siilllvnn .V Con-liliiR' i 'ticull and Siiullii'i'ii I'lilliui-ulii lime. NINTRHS. ADDItKSS THIS OFFICK. Ill FILMS. Ulalna Lttnaaa for I'litiiic niui'lilnv* ■ liner Ilia i, Uiili- iiliigf III |>i ai - lli'iil |itoJ«iiillon. SUPPLIES AND REPAIR PARTS. S0N6 SLIDES FOR SALE AND FOR RENT. SEND VOn CATALOUUK B. C. B. KLEIIME, __004 Slx*h Ave., N*»v Vork._ WANTED AT ONCE, Vorsatile Med. People That vim i-lmngii nflcii. Say all vuu ilu ami Imu-sl salary in llr»t idler. Aildiess A. HAILKV, Inimlalr. Jellersiui < <>., iililn. plays MANUSCRIPT WANTED AT ONCE! TRAP DRUMMER and Other MUSICIANS THAT mil III.I. NTAUK OH OHCI1. SINGING and DANCIN6 SOUBRETTE. 01 her vematile, aolier people, write. Long season. Sure salary, so name owes'.. Wo pay all. Tent and ear snow In hummer; one a day. Adiiresn IHUHVN A KOHKKTS, Uary, W. Va.. May 31; liavy, w. Va., Juno 1; Panther a, Wlllinmsou 4, Naiigutuek-.-), Side Show Attractions Wanted. I'ri'iikM, UmtoaHlOa, Meelianleal KllecL", llluslon«, elu., fur Siiiuiiier season. Address .1. «'. tlDHMAN, 100 llfiylaliin St;, Ititslim. FILM Feature Films 4cts. Per Foot. Also a lot at au and llets pr. foot, Sliori Lengths SEND FOR SPECIAL LIST aaaaaaaT" Prices fur One Week. HARBACH & Co. »J! :h S: WiiiitteilV lor Mystic tsiiriiiers, ONE NIGHT. JUNE VJ. FIRST CLASS VAUDEVILLE ACTS. It. II. MiiltCAN, MM Kasl o.'ith St., Clyvnlilnil, O OPEN TIME At Saranac Lake. N. Y. The great health resort, in June and July, fur good rep. or ouo night, slaud eo.s. III/., good. Also open time In Sept. and Out. Address V. M.JACKSON, Mgr„ Suramin Lake, X. Y. THEATRE CHAIRS For Sale. A bunl flOU Iron Frame, UulioUlemil Opara Chair*, In axrallanl eomllllon. Will ha *ohl low for cnali. Anuly lo HDWIfll O. MKItniLL, Dangiir, tl... J23T«Ci' SK42 C0L0R3 PRI<ftSS: ,00...-.,,....»7C0 ' IJU. ..»»» I60O .' 4006 4a k m mm, OJ.imt nariMiM . M& l>.»aa,l>.ir*wi.oaTAi.oati«r ■.'...M. -F.v K wnp. ***** ■<?*"■* WANTED, FOR PRICE'S FLOATING PALACE Sister Team That hI«k and damn, Novelty anil t'um- etly Act* and |(ooil niuslclnn*. Address OAPT. PRICE, Waierijuceii Floating Palaee, PiltsbiirK, I'a. WANTED, FOR SUMMER STOCKS, MACON AND AUGUSTA, CHARACTER MAN, SPECIALTY COMEDIAN, 6EN. BUS. MAN. Those with speelaltles preferred, or III. Songs. Tell all. Other useful people write any lime. Also Vaudeville and Outdoor Acta, and Scciilu Artist who Is gnod aclor. AAdress J. W. HKISMAN, Mgr., Park Hotel, Maeon, (la. GOWNS SKETCHES»PUIS a l.l, sours. Think I can suit most anybody, if 1 cau't, I'll help you find what younVMiil. Prices easy. Send for list, IIOWAItll WALL, _ _ Stan dard Theatre. Philadelphia. I' n. wwi•!•;» UIKK, POK THK Burton-MoMahon Stock Co. strung 11 iiiniioiii- anil Clarinet for B. and 0., Harl- lone or Cornel to double bass, either, string or brans, In orchestra. Must Join on wire. Only pro- fessional musicians waiui'd. Unties, don't an- swer. SWA/.KK, INI). AT LIBERTY. Owing lo chwlng for the Summer. ATHWART and MALCOLM, song and dunce eonicdlnniind suiiliri'tte: I'LOUAHKIil.K MALCOLM, leads, soubreltcs. .luvcnllcs and light heavlea; \V. .1. STKWAH'J', light and low wuneil.v and n few elinraeli'i'K. Wardrobe good. Address W.J. STBWAHT. Hk Miinlleld, Nelir. A FEW GOOD CONCESSIONS TO LET INiTHE VINKST l-ltKK AUMISSION I'AltK JN NEW ENO- I.ANH. Apply after IMP P. M. u K DWAUl i A. Mll.LKlt. all Wesl '.Md St.} New Turk. FOR ISALE, Singl. Action Hirp In Al CoillUm. Tills Is a rani t>argaln. Musi sell al'ouec Ail- UMM -C. E. H'Al'UUor, Red Wing, MIUU. FOR THE STAGE, l,Y USED. Also HI'KEET COWNS. We imve mi hand a large asaortnicnt of slightly worn I-Aciilng tlowns, Dinner, lleueptlou ami Tendowna. These ruhes are perfcel In cvorv respect, and are nspci.'lally suitable for wear In IlKill CLASS UK A MATIC i'KDIii ci'Kins. Wu havo a full line or Seal skin Coals and Kurs of all kinds. MltS. H. ST AIIIt. :U I 7 South State St., Clikago. ON ROYALTY, For Stock, Repertoire or Road With or without production. Full Line of 1'rloilng by llusscil.Morgan anil Emiulrer. "Iikakts ADHIKT," Willi Its record of three scasuiis over the Stalr-llavliii elreuii.; and Manner Weeks Huslucss in stuck, Uoston, lirook- lyu. New fink, Kail Itiver, Philadelphia, Klc. "Wii'K IN NAME ONLV.'' Another Box niiiei' Maguati', with or without, production. Hare lew Suls Scenery In good Coiiilillon to sell cheap. OAKLAWD OADKN, Freopoit, L. I., N. >. At Tvitoerty, CORN B. and 0. Strong on Street. Reliable Managers only need answer. Wire C. M. UKVENPOUT. So. I'ranitugliam, Ma»s. WANTED, COMEDIAN m SPECIALTIES Also ii Cornet Plaver in Join at once. STAItNES DRAMATIC CO.. Prluecluii, Intl. Tciiini unit Singles, send In your OPEN Time. I. i-'Ki.n. .Mgr.. Avenue Club House. Spring tiriivo Ave., near Mitchell. Cincinnati, t>. If You Have For Sale F I L_ M S The Pna8lou Play, complete; Hie Haunlcd Hotel, the Uoar Hunt, Mcplilstxj's Son, or any other Teat- me Villus lu good condition, and will send on with privilege in run through machine once, state your lowest cash price, I to pay express charges both ways, Iftio sale. Address J. N. IlKNTPKOW lilt! STOCK CO.. Meridian, Miss. IN REP. Wanted, for BBMUiST MEOY (0. (ieu<Hus. Mini, with speelaltles; Juvenile VVumaii, with snci-liiltlcs. Illustrated Singer aud (ithcr Lserul Pboplc. with s|h.m^„ wrlle. ItehcnrMils com. June U, «t HOME; HA. State all pariicularii llrst leiier, wiiii lowest Summer niilary; pay own. Coining season lo right people. • • ■ llDBKltT DEMOItEsT, Starke, Florida, Wanted for (-arroll Comedy Co. cuii'i Singing nnd Dancing Coiuediau who can change nightly. Also Singing ami Dancing Sun- breltc. No parts. Only a shows a week. Name Summer salary. Pay your own. Money sure. Must Join at once. Audruss unlet ION CAItKOLL, Rlch wooil . W. V a. WANTED, Au K.\|iericuced Sliowmnn to Manage, Uook and Finance .s-Aci comedy rornext season. Nine |ieo- ple In east. Can lie made big production. Good luiliicenii'iiH to right pari v. So angel wanted. t;arc Moorman SllOWMAN, . :HH E. list., K. V. City. FUTURES TIIOUSAND. InvlHlblo Fortunes*1.1I» per 100. Printed Kortiuics ant-, per lOOO. t-'ablncl Photos or vmirseir for sell- ing uiirposcs, per 100 or tW per 1000. Send negative or phulo to copy. Send for Samples. Free. WKNDT, Photo., Boonlon, N. J. LECTURER ATlJMRtY; PLAY ORGAN, NTIIAIUHT IN ACTS. LECI'UltElt, 711 Uuvktvy St., Hnukeslia, Wis. Wanted, Colored Performers, Malo mid fotnalc, ilunrlcl thai can slug ami dance. Those who play string Instruineiils and do special- lies preferred. Also old Man Banjo Act and oood Looking Women who sing, and buck and wing. Musi be suiier. reliable arid well dressed. Salary sure, so make it low. State all lu llrst letter. Scud photo, which will be returned. Address FRANK 10. M INTER, :wi Superior llldg., Cleveland, Ohio MONOLOGUES Dutch, Irish, Jew, Conn, Italian, Rube, Kid; straight, Ham Storm, Etc., *k\ eacli. ' tor *i,oo. Sketches and Acts $i.iai up. stamp tor replv. Sliuiips laken. GEO. H. ALLEN, 340Ka«tO»tli street, How Yolk. WANTED, LADY rOH INDIAN GIRL (l, eniii, about ,'ifl. 4 inch, id lbs.; also Man for t.'haractcr Comedy, Western Heavy, and Houliretle with strong specially. .Must be able to join at onto. Address with mil particular** suit photo. iNESIIIT SOOVILLE, "As Told In Th* Hills," The! aire Loiidou, Out., May »i, Petrolla 30, Sarnla ai. Port Huron, Mich. ..Mine 1. ' .'; ■ MItglOIANH - Cornet, Clarinet, Il-nat Troiiibone and Drum*. Performer, do- ing two or more acta. Hood Cook. Slate nil; Join on wire, LYONUllOS.'CIItCCS.Uonou.IIL.Jantil. Permanent address: ROOM M, Orand Opera H ouse Kkjck, Chicago, III, WANTED, HAN FOB "TOM," TROMBONE, COBNET, TUBA. ALTO. 0«DBN'8«U.T. C," - Wilnpata, Wl». PETER J. RIDGE, Mgr. WesJtern Dramatic Agency Circular. Freo Vaudeville Sketches, Etc . Written S mall and Leading Parts Rehearse d Dancing, Etc.. Buck, j| 9> Skirt, Nov.), Caka Walk, Chorus Work, Sister Acta, Rag Tlma Songi, Dramatic Art, Vaudeville Acts, Monologun, Elocution, Optra, , Etc. PETER J. RIDGE. Men. Western Dramatic Agency 127 La Salle Street, Chicago, III. S THEATRICAL cenery Vaudeville aud Production Scenery. " The Largest scenic Concern lu Hie Werlit, Water Color, silko and Ore. DA NIELS SCENIC STI.DIO S, CHICMiU, FILMS. so,ooo feet of Films at. genuine bargain prloci. Large lot. of pose and gcrpentlne slides, richly col- ored and blocked out; comic, lecture, adrcrtlulm and miscellaneous slides of every description at > very low nrlco. Send for lists. 0. L. it in.i, A LU, a» East Mth St., Near Jackson Park. Chicago, III. HIGH CLASS MAGICAL APPARATUS At. - moderate prices. Large slock, iitiiucuse variety. Illustrated Catalogue Eroc. Now Mam- moth Catalogue just issued, '.Mc. Just out, list ol now books on Magic nnd new list of bargains In tricks. A. ROTERUEIta, 178 Ontario St., CHlcago. FOR LEASE OR SALE One 60ft. Scenery Oar, $350 One 60ft. Scenery Gar, $450 One 6011. riat Gar • • $560 Oars' stored and repaired. N. .1, CAR WOR KS, PamHlc, N . J. SKATES For Sale. two pairs tlenloy Hall Hearing Skaliis. Wood a» naw. A burciiin. .1. P. imtm ' i 17 It..II In •>it St., Detroit, ItlUll. B E i:.^ LITHOGRAPH' ABOUT HALF~ THE PRICE «EW UTHp.TIHT PAPER SEND f6r"c"»TVC0GUE "■ ;- Morrison Showfrint FOR 3AL-E, My Lubin's Complete Moving Picture Machine Combined wlth.Stereoptlcon, with -I0O". •'■I',"" 1 ; Two Set nf Song Slides, Electric Limi|i imd l» c ' sluts. All In good coudtllou. All for M* w»'l' rorsoiue. *lo down, rest on e.xanilnallun- Ailil, WM.FHANKLVN, llox No. 76, Oiunhib ,^. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, Must join ou wire, Versatile Medicine Performers; also Man wiln . Picture Machine and Up-to-tfate Films- 1)11.1'. M. STIWEK, Franceatown, Kew BMBjsMg- MANAGERS! Open for Summer Reeorw Big, liunghalile, Vandavllla Arl. H. WALKER AND 6. STQDDER AND CO. aBf* 1 A *»*TT IN SHOW BUSINESS OlAKl 8ja J «ilr«ITUcth ! r.j WhstAets to Learn antl Hew. Points on BaWJ How In ohtarn engagements and ninny i'»' essential points every bajtlniter shoiiiii s"r -JMn ao cts. ou Co., aro w. win St., mw * otl