The New York Clipper (June 1907)

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•tJjJXE"!. Jmtca' *''BiyuToud, onmlum, Shelby, 0... 27- Marlon * Mjffe Viator'*,X. T. C. 2TJTim«! t. Pierce * Boalya. Fontaine"FerryPark, Uiuia- 'Wilsons,*TheTTarii,:'Wneelliig. YvTVai.'ST-'Junel June 1. • .- ■ -■» ~ " ■* " fM ^ 1 ' *- «■— "•—■■-*»•- »• • -«■•—■•-• —.--- ~.^^^ . «_.— fc.._. nuii. *» « 1. Kane, Leonard. Pastor's, X. Y. 0.. 27-Juhe 1. Hanr-. Morns, Grand, New Caitlr, Ps., BTJrjne 1 liimu'K riuiomiint- Co., Savoy, Hamilton. Can. 27-iline 1. j ?/0 Knroai.The,'Atlantic Garden. N. Y. C .27-June 1 Mania MJIh, Vouiiy'a Pier, Atlantic City, N; J., Marco 1 . Twins, Fontaine Ferry Park, Loulavllle, - Kf., JB-Joni- ) : -Kin Kill Marei-un, Xevaro ft Mareem IMM X.'Y„,2T-Jibh! ' Knlftird. Irene, ft Her Koinly Kid*. Lyceum Mrfrshall. Bert, Goillni' Garden, Coluwhns, 0„ vllle ;Ky.. 2d June 1. "Planophlend«> The, Alhambra. N. Y. 0., 27- Ferry Park. Loultvllle, Joue 1 j Colonial. X. Y. Ol Jl-8. Kltd i'ark, Memphis.-2-8. Plearos (St. Howard. Boston. 27-June I. wna, H«"Wrtoa , «, Corny Polrlers («), DoBalot<m;i Winnipeg, Can., 27- J.' • '•'•'•] J»no 1. (■• "• .••• Rochester. X. Y.. 27-Junc ] KarlZells Tfl". Wilson, X. C, 27-.1 line 1; Fay- ettcvllle. It-N. Kccnc. Juggling. Dreamland, Inintnn. (I., 27- .lune 1 ;-Hroj.i|«rs.v. Mlddlelown. 3-H. Kelso ft I.clgliton. Keith's, Beaton, 27-June 1; Troy, X. f\, 11-8. i Keuui-dy ft McAllister, r.lli Ave, X. Y. C, 27- Juia? 1. ' . Kelly A- Ruse, Kninuua I'ark, Grand Haplda, Mich.. 27-Junc t Msoey. Herla-rt, Hippodrome, (lieu Kclui, Md., . 27-Juue, 1. i Mn Msybew, Stella. Keith's. Phlla.. 27-Jime I. Manning Trio, Bijou. .Dulntli. Minn., 27,Jiuie 1 Juno _. Pope. J. C. ft Dog. (1. Htrvena * Horbm, ■HlJoti, Pkila.. 27-iuno.l-. Sir*™. BmE! ft .fco.r ««ilf»tlc, Chicago. 27- Stadium Trlii, Sehindler's. Chicago. 27-Junc !■ Stuart ft Kctiey, Hast. End Park, lUeaiphls. Tetin., 'SottBooKkls." SlfcPa', Kokomo, iTd".,' ar-Juhe i (Iraodj Peru, tigs, . •1-'*'--' 0!Y THH ltOAl>: 27-Juue J ; t)leniani.r Park'. .ColOnUjU". 0-, !) : * PoVhrra.. Edwaril, WlrHlaor, ■ gt. Paul, Minn,, 27' JOM 1. Powera ft Krccit, Oriiiilum, Mprlugtldd, (>., 27- liine 1, 16-lwt l : .Oiymiiln Park, .Chattanooga. :)-8, O. H., MWdletown, 0.. Btrtind ft Thatoticr, Ualaiie. 8»i» Jo«e. Cal., 1'7 - JoM 2: UaJoS BakerBjelil, 0-0. Strickland, K. C I.vcciiiti. Sk« Krnn., Cal., 2i Jim* 1. Ailaux, Maide (OUarlca Proliiuaii, rugr) Dt>u,„, Colo., 27Juno 1. . "*■"«'. Allen. Viola <Oia«. JT. Alien, mgr.)—Salt Lake Cllj-, L\, aOJtUic 1. Mareclo A WK Ilapp/land I Park, Bo. Beach, Poller ft Harrla. Colmilal, Camlirldfe, O., 2 aintcu Inliiud, 27-Jime 1. Miifrlot Twlim. Itlnk. Ootuinlila, Oa.. 27-.Iilue'l. J1.BM0 ft Iwraii.-Hhrcilj'H MclicliMlenii, Pall Elrcr, .Man... BTOnuv ,",(i. >rai1leri-. Lnnra. 0. If.. Newport, K. I., 27-Juae 1 Jatle l. Sloilclnrt ft Wilson, BIJou, Adrian, Mich., 27-.Inne AugoU'i Oitnedlana (0, J. Beriinrd, oigr.i—«,.„ 1; Kllnl. 3-8. labia.. Mo.. 27-Juue 1. Wjaeonila ■ a-tf" Colian^aeu.^ M. ISam H.liurrla. uiKr.)— Atlm,. 'Stunning arcnadlern," Cook O. U.. Ilocliealcr, N. Y., 27-June I; «. O. II.. Pltrstiurir. U-8, jnpai I,' •■(■'!• I' ■ 1 ■ > a>l OUiiifT a • ' •- ■ '. •■•• a •a'<*vu , ft>i> " ■" Primrose, rico. II., ft Co., Alliambra, N. Y. 0 , St. Kltuo. I*o. Uewieraon'a, Coney lsloml, N. Y. 27-Juw I, , 27'Jime 1. „ . _':, . Kcela.i Tom, I.uillwv Liigwui, Cincinnati. 20 June JlacV" ft Ilugal. llljou, KalamatOft, Mlcb., 27 1. Keagon, Lulu, Kelaou, KprlngSeld, Maaa., 27- Jun? I. _ ,,. Keltnera. The, nijou. Mamlulltowji, la., 27- June 1. Keller ft Paul'a Arslm, Cook 0. II., Ilocbcatrr, x. v., Tniip a-8i Keelej- llruK.. I2.',tb Street, N. Y. a, 27-Jnne 1; Temple, Detroit. 8-8. ■ Kclfonx (3). BIJou, Uululb, Minn.. 27-Jnne 1. Kenton. Dotolhri Olrnplr, cailcago, 27-June 1; nopkln«.' 1-onlaTtlle. Kr.. 8-8. . •■. Keatooa, <ai. Hbea's, BufYnln, 5. YV.27.Tune I. Kelly, Ethel. Nelson, Bnrlngneld. Mass.. 27-June Kvlicrmau, Aouette, White City, Chicago, 27- June 1. . ,- Kennedy. Meinpbla, Empire, Dm llolnca, la, 27- Juacl. •••■ . ',' ,.: hellf. Win. J., ft Co., 123th Street, N. Y. 0., 27- June I. Kempt, Tlie, Kcllli'a, Cleveland, ()„ 27-June 1. King'. The. Atnii Park. YouugatowD, O,, 27- .June 1: ffirmi, Pa.. 3-8. Klrolfo, Una. M. 11.. .llerrln, III., 27-Jnne 1. Klntlfo. Vincent, Bijou, ''nluraci, Mich., 27-Iune 1; Maniuctte, 8-8. KIMIe .Trio, Idorn Park, Yvuuga'rnrn, V)., '.'• Judo 1. Kings (2i, Henderson'*, OMatf IhI»d(T, N. Y.. 27- June 1. Kltal-Hsnwil Jaui, Chaae'a, Waahlngton, D. C, 27-Jnne 1. June 1. Marca's Itoyiil Mnulklna, 0. K., Newiwrt, B. I.. 27- June 1. Maicagnl*. The, Proclm-'a, Newark, N. J., 27- Juue J. •■•..' Mawey ft Krnuicr. Crystal. Nohleuvlllo, bid., 27- June 1: PeoplnV. Blutrtou. 3d. .-! Ma<T ft Hall, Cheatnot strwt. Phlla., 27-June 1. Jlaw.n ft Hart, Cheatnnt Street. Phlla., 27-Jaue 1. MaJlileu. Juirllng. Mannlnn Park. Bt. lvuila. 20- Jiine 1: Owk\ Park, Ktaiianllle, Ind.. 2-8. MaeDouoiigh, Kthel, Orpbeum.iLe* Angeles, Cal„ 27-Jnii» 1. MaeBaiina, Juggling, I.ycriini, Ilocuestcr, N. Y., 27 lime 1. Jlocl>onal<l. Iblna. Lytic. Joplln, Mo., 27-Jnne 1. MeDorley. ft Eleanoret Coeur D'Alene, Biwkane, Wosli.. 27Juno 80. MeWattera Tynon Co., Majestic, Chicago. 27- Jnno 1. • McDowell, John ft Alice, BIJou, NasbTllle. Teiin.. 27-,Inrie 1. • ».- .'•: McKce ft Von. I'ark. Preeport, III.. 27-June 1. MeXamee, Caluroct, Ho. ClilcarJ. 27-June J !'J,yrlc, DanrUls. 3-8, MeN'aughton Bro»„ Chealnut Street, Phlla., 27- Jiroe Itm - . •; .'r ■ Mcrjughlln. C. Claire, Park, Jobostovn, Pa., 27- June 1. *-. McNutt Ulsters, Empire, Dea Moines, Is., 27- June 1, MeOlellsn, James, BIJou, Dulutb, Minn., 27- June 1. Prince ft Dlaton, IllJon, Wheeling, W. Vs., • .Jooe 1. • . ? Prtory, 'J'hp, Lyric, Jophlu, Mo., 31-June 2; Ill.lou, La Crosse. Wis., lu-lff. . . Oulbiln ft Mack. BSIb Street/N. r. C, 27-June 1. gnigf ft Mack. Crystal, St. Joe, Mo., 26-Jnne 1; -Trinidad. Colo.. 3-8. •■ ;• Qnlgg, Msckey'ft Klckermin. l-'orrent Park High- > lands, St. l/wl», 27-JoseJ. Kay. Fred. *Co., Cojonlal. -N. Y. 0.. 27-June 1. RanToyctte'a Doga, Proctor's,' Albuny, N, Y.. 27.Ju»» 1. ::• it-:-.' Raatml ft Baiika. Palaee. Chelsea. England, 27' 7- HI. Oiig" UroM., Alamo Park, Cedar Baulda, la., 2fl-Jiji>el: Ilailein. Bockford, 111.. 8 : 8. Stuart aiateiT. J8lh Slrccl, N. Y. C. 27-June 1. Sttlejlffe Troupe, Orpbeiun, San Fran., Cal., 2.- Kutton ft'Sultou. Grand. Jollet, lit.. 27-Jnso 1. Haraiel ft ttaxell, InduaUUI, Mldlne, III., 27- Jnne 1. •'• Siibera, Rinll. KcltliV. Boston. 27-June 1. Street. CUarJcs B., Lyceum, Rochester, N. Y., ' 27Jnne' 1. Strut. Pred. Star. Chicago. 27-June 1. Tatcott*. The. MIIlTlllC, K. J., 30-June 1 Juue 1; Pnlace, Stoke N'eirlngton, 3-8; Lyric, cevm, Phlla. 3-8. l.lTsrpool. 17-22; Hlppodrotoe,.Brighton, 2<-2». Tatwen.' .Ttttltn, Olympic, Chlesgo, 2i y. Anna Bta, Caluhiot.' Ohteago,'.274une 1. Taoeons, The. (lien Haren Park, Hoc Ly- Ivitvwjea, Harry, Olobe, 8au Pran., Cal., 27-Tune H'SW 1 ' . nl l! 5 '• BU *"' '■»'»/•'»«. '""I.. 27-June 2. 1) Bell. Oakland, 8-8. MeXU-h ft Biirgeaa, Oiainl. Altoona. Pa., 27- Kiilgbt-BniN. ft Hmvtcllc. l>8th Street, X. Y. C, 27-June 1; Keith's, Phils.. 8-8. Kuahcnabuc, Hoy, Luna Park, Chicago, 27-Jnne 1, Kolllin ft Ktlstou, flodfroy'a, Uyand B«|llda, Mkb., 27-June. 1. ""'. ' " Konler ft Marlon. JllJott. riqna o.. 27-June 1; Coney Island, Cincinnati..»•»; Kicnika Bros.. Orpheum, New Orleans; La., Juue :i-lv. Kraincr ft Bellclalrc, Orpheum, Lc« Aogelea, Cal., 2?-June 1. La Clair ft West, Wick, KlttannjDf. Pa., 27- Juuu 1. i lM-ey. win, Hlppodroiue, Olen Rcho, Md., 27- Juue I. Luiigdmis. The. Star, Muucle, Ind., 27-June 1; OtTliluui. Lima, 0., •"■•». I.u Mont. Ollle. Star. Cblsbolm, Mlnu.. June 3-20. Lancaster, Tom. Lyylc, Jo|ills, Mo., Jane 3-8. Lambert (; Williams, Kenoala Park, Danlmry, (kmii,, 27-June .1. Liimtfi'il. (}. O. II., Pittsburg, 27-June 1. I.n Itpiio. Art, Al Kreano Park,. Peoria, III., 27- June 30. Juno I. MeCuiie ft Orant, Ljrlc, Parsons, Kan., 20-June lrlLyrlc. Irg, Worth, Tea,, 8-8. McDntT, Jan., Majestic. Slnni Knlla, S. D., 27- Juue J.'. • • i -.' MelTlna (4). Colonial. X. Y. C. 27-Jnne 1. Merrill, Prank R, 0. II., OreenvUlc, 0„ 27-Jnne Mulrllle. Jean, Hnber'a. N. Y. c. June 3-8. Mellch, Albrrtina. Perm. Toledo. O.. 27-June 1. Merrllt Hlsters. Lake :Vlew Park. Terre Haute. Ind.. 2tl-Jiine 1; Chester Park, Cincinnati, 28. Metaettl Trnnpe, O. O/. H., Syracuse, N. X., 27- June 1. i Meltllle ft StelMin, Keith's. Colurubus, O., 27- June 1. • ,.' ■ • Melrose Troupe. Orpheum, Boston. 27-June 1. Mlllmnn Trio. Alliambra, laiudou, England, 27- June 2;■ Palace, nirmlngbam, 3-D; Olympla, Liverpool, J0-1U: Hippodrome, Mnnchcster, 17- 23: Umpire; maagotr. Scotland, 24-80, Mitchell- ft Browning, Phillips', Richmond, Ind., 27-Jime 1. ... ■ W Miller, Mlnule, Lutein's. Baltimore, 27-June 1. Kb- Uainbostt, The, Oth Klreet, Coshocton, O., -27- June -1: Coopers. Mt. Vemon, ?,■». ,: Bate ft Berlman. K. ft P., Jersey City, N. J., 27-June 1, :: ' . ' Hue. Dorothy. Cher-ter Hark. Cinclnnitl, 20-June 1. Itawls ft V«n Kaufman, Bell. Oakland, Cal.; 27- June 2. Itedmnnd. Julia, ft Co., Keith's, Colombo), 0., 27-Junc 1. Beded- ft Hadley. Lake. Nlpmuc Park, Mllford, Mass., 27-Juue I. •. » Benheo I'amllr. BIJon. llaclnc, Wis., 27-June 1; - Hcntsrd's; (hleagi.. 2 8. ■•• Reno, Will A Msy, Bogan's, Ilrotrnstlile, Pa., '■■2Wuilr'l. - ! o -■ Ucuo ft Aaora. Majestic, Chicago, 27-June 1; ■'Olympic: Chicago.'3<. '-• ■ Reno ft Begar, Star. Chlcage, 27-Jnne 1. Reekleits Ilw-klnw. Hint, Ottawa. Can., 27-June 2; HuIIaM-Hy Itlnk, Quebec, - .1-10. Ilcrhlnglon. Mnymr>.' ft Her Picks, Orpheum, Bis- tou, 27-Jmii' l. - ■' • • • ■• Rtynard'. Fa(. P.; 23d Street. X. Y. C, 27-Juue I. ..Juno 1. Bfochesler, X. r., 27-Jmie I. ■'■' " Tanguay, Kfa, G. 0. H., Pittsburg, 27-June 1. Taylor. Leila. K. ft P;, Jersey City, N. J., 27- Jnne I. ■ - • ■ • TexarkaiiH ft Walby. Paator's, X. Y. 0., •27- June 1: Casino, North- Beach. 3-8. Teed ft Lasell. National,- 'Stnbenvlllc, 0., 27- Junei 1 | Olympic, Bellalrc. 34». "Tliat" Quartette.' Kcl'th'a'i. Phlla.. 27-June 1. Tlghe, Harry, ft His Coleglans, Colonial,. K.• Y. C., 27-'June 1. Tluklmra ft Co.. North Avenue, Chicago, 27- • June 1. Toy' ft Toy, Woodland Park, Ashland, Pa., 27- June J. . ; -•', .-...•. Tops ft Topay. Crystal. Milwaukee, 3-8. Toubcy, Pat ft May. .Cryatnl; Elkhart; lad., 27- •Tune 1; -.Irirln.iUoalietw 3-8. i "1 V Tonrbltlon. Max. Troupe, lngeraoll Park, Dei Moines, Is.. 27-Junc 8. Travcrs. Itblaud,' HIJou, Lincoln, Neb.. 27-Jnne 1. Tracy. Mr. ft Mrs. Dick. Shady. Grove Park, Cnlontovrn, Ps..' 27-June 1. La Mar. Wayne, Lyric, 'Houston, Tcz„ 27-June Milter. Carrlo Hello,' Wheeling, W. Vs.; 26Juue I: Lyric, Dallaa, 3-8. I i Lakeside Park, Akron, O.i B-8. I I.n .Mont's Cockatoos, Cheater Park, Cincinnati, Military Octette; Proctor'k, Albany, X. Y„ 27- 211-June 1. I.m Urttu, Robinson I'ark, Pt, Wayne, Ind., 27- June 1. La Blanche, Mile. Marie, Dewey, X. Y. U„ 27- Juiie I. l.u Tiitku. Phil, (jiilgiie, Han Joae, Cul., 27-June I iXnvvlly, Slocklon, 8-8. l.u Blanche, Great, Pottavllle, Pa., 27-June 1; Sliiltnuklli. .T-8. 1 .in mi- ft Aihnnt, Aiiillturliiui, Norfolk, Va., 27- June 3D, . La Belle, Will. Keith's, i'hlla., 27-Juue 1. Lakola. Harry, Sixth Street, Coshocton, 0., 27- Juue 1. Milton's Dogs, Heuderaoo's, Coney Island, X. Y„ 27-Juiin 1. ■ •' ' Mllllo, Godfroy's. Grand Daplds, Mich.. 2S-.Tune 1. Mlimou. l.s Pellle. Young's Pier, Atlantic City, ' N. J„ 27-Jtme 1, . - j.5..- - .Mortons (4), New York Roof, X. Y. 0., 27- ■ June I. Morse. Itlllle, Anhauaer Hall, Aberdeen, Wash., 27-June 8. .-•-;' .... Moiell ft Aruient, Rlchmoiid, No. Adams, Maaa., 27-June I. Morton, James ,I„ Orpbcuui, San Pran.> Cal., 27- J1111 • I, Moon, Ed., Olympic. Chicago, 27-Jnne 1. Heynolils. Jiih. A., Majcatlc. Plltflburg, 27-June Turner, Cora Beach, ft Co., 0. 0. H„ Pittsburg, tjtiramlly. Brl», 3-8. ' " Bents A Kdwsrds.'Aerae, Norfolk, Va., 27-June 1. Revell. Nellie. Unique. Mlnnespolls. 27-June 1, Rlrter ft Ptoaiter. Harlem Park, Roekfort, 111.. 28- June 1: Alamo Park, Cedar Baplds, la,.- 2-8. Bice ft Blmer, Luna Park; Wsshlngton, D. C, 27- June fa* »" • • •■■ -i • !~i Rice Bros., Howard, Boston. 27-Jnne I. Richards. Ureal, lloek Spring Park. East Liver- pool. O.. £7-Juno 1: l'ni-m, Toledo. 2-8; Rlateen Brea.. Woodlyn Park,' Camden, N. J., 27- Juhe l: PawtuCkct, Rl I.. 3-8.'- ' ' Ulcc, I'anuy, SHen's; Diiiralo, N. Y.. 27-June 1. Rlanos (4),- Temple, Detroit, 27-Junc 1; Keith's, Cleveland. 3-8. ." •' ••'• E Ring ft Williams. Alrdouie, Ft. Scott, Kan., 27- Junc 8. Rldllo Comedy Quartette. Park, Xew Orleans. 20- Jhne.8.- ' ■ ■ ■■ ■■■ .i. Bin BroH. (4). Empire. York. Eng.. June 3-8: Hlwfodrojue. I,lver|iool, 10-15; pavilion. New Oastlexih-Tyue, '1-T42; Tower Circus, Black- pool. 24 28, ' . niri, • Adolpli, Idora Park, Y'oungstown, 0., 20- 1 June 1. ' • • ••" ■ Roujiell. Marvelous, Tnlurles Park, Denver, 20- ' 'Jane I.- ■■• nous. Delia, Atlantic Garden, X. Y. C.. 27- Jnue I. ■. • t Rose ft Hills, Pastor's. X. \\ C, 27-Juue 1. Hoof'ft Hart, Cshonln Park, Reading, Pa., 27- •' Juue I'i-.-Vlctorla. N. V. C. fl-S. - * Roses (0), 58111-Street. X. Y. 0., 27-Junc I. lloas Slstera, Providence, It. I..-. 27-Jut<e 20. Bobertti <4l. North Avenue, Chicago, 27-Jotip 1 llosa ft Lewis. Empire. Cardiff.- 15og..- 27-June 1 Umpire, Kwonsen..- 3-8: Broplre, • New Port, 10- 10 i klmtilre, Blinilugham. 17-22; Kniplre, Kol- Crystal, Milwaukee. 2T- Julie 1: Star, Douora, PS„ 3-8. La Didlea, Pantasile, Caalno, Washington, Pa.. Moon, Ed., Olympic. Chicago, 27-Jnna 1. «J!BSW*SaBi 27-June 1; Brownsville. 8-8. Mooney ft Holbein, Tourlna,Knglahd. 27-June 30. v"JS yoh ,* Oblldwsa, I.uveeii ft Crow, 23il Street. ,N. Y. C, 27 Juue 1. Mowatta (0). I'outalue Perry Park, Loulavllh), ,,,i u l*,J'. . , ;, . Lime. Arthur. Manhnttan. Xorrolk. Va., aT-Junc t. Ky„a0-June !.■ • lUihie, Mayo ft Juliet luaa n w l l Park, Baa MaJUaja, l.nugblln. Auna, Proctor's,' KoVtark, K J„ 27- Motor Glrla, The, Unlou Hquare. N, Y. C, 27- „'"" 't'S"*. 1 v, 0 ,'.^' 'J.-.'Keokuk-, 8* ' June 1. , • .-' Juno L • • = '^"fy ft Bent, Keith's, Boaton, 27-Jllne 1. La Zar ft La Zor, Lubelskl'a, Deovor, S7-June 1| Moaart, Pred ft Bva, Celeron Park, Jamestown, Ko Z!', Vj?' 1 .** 1 "B* P'»MssB, Sao Pran., Csl„ Pueblo 2*8 X. »Y 27-June I ■ ' ■•■ JT-June 1. , Moa ft Goodrich,. Broadway. N. Y. C, 27-Jnne 30. BKl^'i^JteM^JBWWl* Ia...27Jnne 1 l.u SHlo Trio, Atlantic Garden, X. Y. 0., 27 Juue 1, I.ii Belle, Bhiuebe. Keith's, Boslon, 27 June 1. Laui-euB. Marie, Majestic, Chicago, 27-Jujte 1, '. Lit Auto Ulrla, Lyric, Chicago, 27-June 1, La Tell Iti,is.. Grand, Altuoiis, Pn., 27-Juno 1. ' la Mow 1 Bros,, Olyiuple. Chicago, 27-.Iuu« 1. Lloyd, Alliv, Ciicaliiiii Stixvt, Phlla., 27-Junc i.'; Lc Olnlr, Harry, ldora Park, Yoiuiaatowu, O, 27- June 1, l.ewla ft Hurt, Akron, O., 27-Junc I. .'' Liaiiiuril, iIik, Acuie, Sacrauicuto. Cul., 27-June 1. In- ft I'loyd. Ilichiunnil, No. Adams, Mass., 27- June I. I.'-iiuniii. Jos., ft Co,, llljou. lUclne, Wis., ?7- June 1; BIJou, Kenosha; 3-8. I.e Dent, Groat, lleuderaoti'a, Coney lalauil, X. Y,. 27-June U: Kinphv, Palerauo, N. J., 3-8. I.e Roy ft Woodford. 23d Sheet. X. Y. C, 27- .Imio 1; Iliilim-Siiuiuv. X. Y. U., 3-8. 1-i'ivK ft Jiiiini-y. llljou. Wheeling, W. Va;, 27- Juue I, I.e.... linn, ft Y'ouugtlera, Uuliiuc, Mluueupulls, ST-Juue 1. ™ Leslie, h'ddle, Grand, Portland, O., 27 Junu 1. LiiuIh ft Ityiiu. Vkilorla. X. Y. 0., 27-Junc 1. 1.0 Wilt ft Aslutlorc, Star. Haunlbal, Mn„ 27- Juue I: llljou, Lincoln, Xeb.. 3-8. la'sllc ft WIIIIsuh. O. II., Wiirsun-, luil., Jujio3-H. I- •■!-> Miiv, Muubatlun, Nor folic. V«,, 27- Jnno 1. l.i-.Hiei- ft gulilli, Victoria, X. Y. C. 2ir.linw> 1. I.e i.'lnlr. ticrtle. lluirsid, Boston, 27-June 1. Levy, Mrs. Jules, ft Co., Athletic Park, Uuffulo, N. V., 27 June 1'; Avon, loiiiisstown, 0.; 2-8. l.wtuii-il ft Maw, l.einlley Park Cimluo, Grcena- lnno. X. 0.. 27-Jline 1. Leiiuard ft Phillips. Slur. I.atrube. Pu., 27.Juue I i Vlinatorluin, Kenton, 0., 3-8. Lee. Henry, Lycuiiin. Uucliester. X; Y„ 27-JuUe I. Mologlrl, La. Touring Indlu. 27-July 81. MorgsI) ft Crone, A. ft H., Boauni, 27-Juuo I. Morgan ft West. A-. ft 8.. Boston. 27-June 1. Morn. "Silent," Casino. MansOeld, O., 27-Jupe 1; Casino. Manalleld, n-S. - '•'- ■ " ' • Murtun ft Ulonioml. Vnkin Square ,X, Y. C, 27- Juno 1. <• .-. ••' Mutette Slater*. Baltimore, 27-June 1. Moulin, Le Klners, Orpheum, Sau Pran., Cal., June 2-15. Murphy ftA'Icliol* Co., Keith's, Phlla., 27-Juno 1. Muudy's Anlrliala. White Oily, Chicago, 27-Junc 1, Murray sisters. Parm..Toledo, o., 27-June i. Mullen ft CorelII. tlrphcuili. BoStou, 27-Jiinp 1. .Mui-libv,. Mr. * Mra., ..Mark. l'Jith Street. N. V. C. 27-Jimc 1. Xiih'u. Tom, ft Co., Cook O. U„ Rochester, N. Y., 27-Juue 1. Nuiip, Viola. Lyric. So. McAlester. 1. T., 27- Junc I : Cycle, Pt. Smith, Ark., 28. KadJI. Mill-.. Keith's.-Cleveland. 37-June 1. Newman, (tarry. Lytic, pan title, -111,, 27-Juue 1; White City, Chicago. 2-8. Newell ft Nlhlo. Dominion, Winnipeg. Can., 27- June 1. ., , • r. Newton. Margaret, ft Co., Orpheum, Springfield, 0., '27-June I, -...-■•: i Nletiipycr ft Odell, Alrdonjo, Pt. Dodge, la., 28- June 1. Xlehola Sisters. Proctor'a, Newark, N. J., 27- Juno I. Xortoh, Ned. BIJou, Battle Creek, Midi., 27- Juno 1, ...» • \ Xohlclte & Marshall. Star,, Mo., 27- June 15. , .. . ...-.-ii Lewis.ft Chiipln, Dumlulou, Winnipeg,' Can., 27- Xoriiih ft XlchoNou. Union Square, X, Y, 0., £7- Mooro ft' iTttTefleirCheitnurstre^i; TWSB ««W *'OribL Orihd"l7w"' N :'D.'^J: *%&£& *»*■ Morse, Bon, Cascade Park, New Oaatle, Pa., 27- "XJJ , & **<*?, Union Squaw. X. Y. C, 27- 5j^jAFl8jjJMj| _ • Ullt? [ I • • * '• • u. ..„. . _. ... _. tV.ft'ft £-• KaasakCsa A ...kla Iloscoe ft Sims. Star. Moncsaeu. l'a„ 27 June l- w *. u *; J»cobs, Audltorltint, Norfolk, Va„ 27 Star, Monougahela. 3-8. ".Juuel Boss ft Vack. Lyceum. Phlla.. 27-June 1. Rock way ft Coinvuy, lloblosou I'srk, Pt. Wsyne, • Jhd.v 27'Jnno- 1 ; Ramoha Park, Grand Rapids. Mich.. 3-8. Rufl. ft CitHlck. Lyric. Calgary, Alberta, Can.. 27- June 8. . lliiaarll ft Held. Wuason Park. Joplln. Mo.. 27- • June 1; Carulvnl Park, ICausas City, Kan., 3 8. ltnssclls. .Musical. Orystal, Logansport, lad.. SO- - June 1; Frankfort, 3-8. Ryan ft Douglan, Godfrey's. Grand Raplda. Mich., 2, June I; 1'iivk, Jackson, '3-8. ■ Ryan. -Kallieryii. Spring Grove Casino, Spring- Held, O.. 27-June ■ He. City, X. J., 27-Juue I, S. V. cfiy 3. luikd. ll|l^!. Collon. Jessie—Wyoming, III., 27-Juue 1. Prln... tllle 3-C. ' ""' "Cowboy Girl," Kllroy ft Brltloii's—Kaaaaa cut Mo.. 20-Jnne 1. . •' lie lvw-B-irdette Stock (Tboa. E. De Pew, mar i —Kokomo. Ind., June 2-2B, Douglas 8lock (Wutkyns Douglas, rngr.) Down InniuH-ii. Pn.. 27-June 1. Boyertown 3-8. l'ranEcnnc'.il, Lnuro—Salt Lake City 27, Indc8nlt^ Pcnberg Stock <Gco. M. Penberg, mgi-.)—Augu-tV Me., 3. Indetli.lte. . -«ni.i«, "Patty l'ejto." C. J. Smllh's (P. Macklntoib, mar.)—McHenry. 111., June 8-9. ' Golden.. Blehnrd—-New Haven. Conn., 20. Orahnnie. Perdlnend—MSnsueld. O., 27-Juuc f "Girt and the staxopede" (V. E. Lambert, nigV i —Livingston. Mont., Juno 1, Columbus 3. Lanrri 4. Red Lodge 5, Brldger 0, BIHlnga 7, Sbcrl- dnn 8. Hopper. De Wolf (Sam S. ft Lee Shubert Ine mgrs.)—Gloveravllle. N. Y., 20, ScbonectaHv 30., Troy 31, Poughkeepsle Juuo l^tSmSf Maaa., 4. ' Henderson Stock (W. J. ft R. It. nender»on mgrs.)—Cedar Rapids, la., Juno 2-8. "Iluinpty Dumpt.t" (A. L. Satlllc, mgr.) Sterl- lhg,.Til.. 30, Rock Island 31. June 1, Joliei 2. Ottawa 8, Aurora 4. Elgin 5, Bockford G Briolt. Wis., 7. JoncsvlUc 8. . ~. Klnscy Kolnody Ko. (M. L. Klnsey, uigr.l—I „u. donvllle, O., 27-June I. . LewlB Stock (W. F. Latvia, mgr.)—Henderson. Xelw., 27-June 1, York 3-8. I.lndley. Dora Myctlc—Dover. Del.. 20, 30. ^. 8 ^U U ; H l'n r d ry T^: 3T ) - XC0 ""' •*■' lmi "Lion anil the Mouap" (Henry B. Harris, mgr )-- Hamlltou, Out., can., 31, June 1, St. Cather- ines. 3, . • -' Mnndell, Richard—Boone, la., Juue 3-8. Myrklc-IIai'der Slock. Southern (Latliuoie ft |/>iii L mars.l^Dallaa. Tex.. 27-June 24. Manhattan Jlnslcal Comedy—Oakland, CnL. So- Jlltie 2. ■ , "Matinee Girl"—WlnBeld. Kan., 20. Arkansas CUy 30, Kingman 31, Hutchluaon June 1.. North Bros.* Comedians—Hot Springs, Ark. "7. June 22. t "Peddler"—Buffalo. X. Y., Juno 3-8. Itoyal Italian Grand Opera—N. Y. City Juue 3K Skinner, Otis (Charles Prohuian, mgr.)—San Pruii- cIkco. CuL. 27-Juue 1. .. "Pncle Tom'a Cabin," Terry's (W. G. Dicker mBr.)—Anita, la„ 31, Adiilr June i, OuUnip (.'enter 3, Sluart 4, Casey 0. Enrlhaui 0, Vim .Meter 7, Vslle.v Juuctlou 8. "L'ncle Tom's Cabin" (J. W. Shliiinau. mgr.l— tlnpojoharlc. N. Y'., Juuo 1. Pondit 3, Johnsloitn ■I. 5. "Wlrjird or Wall Strecl" (Lew Vlrdcn, msrl— Altns; Okls.. 27-Juue 1. Ijiwten C-20. IllHLKSIHIO AND VAIiI>l!\ ll.l.t;. Buteary.Ritrlesqoers (Huvtlg A-Soamon,-Ingrs I — X. Y. Cllf Juue 3-8; Bose SydelPs Lomlon Belts (Sydcll ft Slewarl. ujgra:)—Gardnau', Maaa., 20. Fltchhurg ::«, Naahun, 5. H„ 31. Derby June I, Brunswick, Me., 3, I ' TENT SHOWS. Cole Bros.'—Bradford, Pa., 30, Port Allegany ill, St. Marys June 1. Fashion Plate—Leerhbiirg, Pa.. 20. Apollo .'('l. Derry 31, Windber June I. Piuixsulawaer :(. JrahalTy 4. Coalport 5, Bnrnesboro 0, Holltdais- lu'T T. Houtadale 8. Smiths. K. G.—L'nloiivllle. Pa., Juno 0, Snow Shoe 7, Graasflat 8. ♦*-«> WISCONBIN. Milwaukee. — Local thcatrcti are sllll doing a good business. Weather conditions lioBslbly one of the lirliiclpul reaaons for l.u I iiomi holding up. Wonderland opened vast week, but aid not' receive' usual attention, accountiof the cold weather. ■■ UaitKii'K (Richard Kami, manager).—Mun- . day, May 20. the Garrlck Stock Co., In "Lcnli Eod Park, Green Bay, Wla., KlaBCbne," opened this house and scored well. .-■: "Pber* and Back'! will be put on week of 27, Sslem, Maaa., 27-Jnne 1. and "Tlio Girl With the Green Eyes" Juno 3. ark* Barre. vi., June.0-8. Davidson. —Albert Brown's Stock Co. ap- 27-June. l Turner. Bert. Gayely, East Liverpool, 0„ 27- Jnna 11-j* ■•- •• TUrpln. Ben. North Avenue, Chicago, 27-Jua« 1. Tully.Mayi ft Co.. Keith's, Cleveland, 27-Jnne 1. Tyroleans. The. White City.' Chicago; 27-Jdoc 1. Uiclilns. tun Bljob; Doboqup. la., 27-June 1. Vardelles, The. Canuonsburg, Pa., 27-Juue 1; Grand, Carbegle. 3.8. ' -. • -.-.:•. Vsldarp, Beaale. Troupe, Alhambra, X. Y. 0.. 27- Jdnc 1. .. .... Vattes, The. Reed's Lako Park, Grand Rapids, Mich.. Juue 3-10. >• -.u. Van, Billy, Keith's. Cleveland, 27-June 1; To- ront* Can.; 8-8.- Van. Cbss. ..& Fanny, Union Square, N, Y, C, 27-Jnhe J. , •' • •-. ■ Viiaco, Nixon, Pittsburg. 27-Junc 1. Variety Quartette, Crystal, Pea Moines, la., 26- Jane I.- i ■ -.■-... Vsrla ft Burr, Houston, Tex., 2G-June 1; Galvra- lon, 2-8. .;•-.. '- .; • • -. .' Vabei Harry, Malvern, la., 27-Jnne 1; Council BlulT, 3-8. Vad Oofre ft Oolrely. Lyceum. Ogden. U., 27- June 1; California, Butte. Mon., 3 1.1. Vgrdaman, Grand. Homestead. Pa.. 27-June I. YslpoH, The. Empire, St; Paul. Minn., 27-Juue 1. Vermelte-Cnrpalll', Trio. Olyupla, Lyon.. France, June 1-13. Vcela, La Belle. Olyftiplc. Chicago. 27-June 1. vesta. Nelta, orpheum, Boston, 27-Jnne 1, Vernon, Kellh's, Phlla.. 27-June I.'.. Vltlan. Miss.. Godfroy's, Grand Raplda, Mlcb., 27 June'1. Victoria. Vceto. Colonial, N. Y. €.. 27-June 1. Victors. The, North Avenue, Chicago. 27>June 1. Viola ft Biigcl. Unique, Sun Joae. Cal., 27-June 1; Novelty, sioekinui :i■». . ' ' i ■<-■ Volte, Orpheum, Los Angeles, Cal., 27-June I. Wsierbury i -Bros, ft Tenney, Proctor's, Newark, X. J., 27-Jnne l. Waller ft Maglll.i Colonial. Cambridge, O., 27- June 1; Orphlum, Marietta. 88. Walton, Irwin IL. Isliind Park, ISastoo, Pa., 27- Junc 1; Kelth'a, Boalou, 0-8. Warn-u ft Rlancbard, Majestic. Chicago, 27-June 1. - { - Widls ft Hetla, Lyric, Chicago, 27-Juno 1. Welch, l.em. Musk ft Stoll ft Rlcsrd's Tours, Pug land, 27-June 30. . ''.';' Welch. Mealy ft Montrose. Keith's, Columbus, 0., .'27-Juue 1. • •:. . i West,ft Benton, Empire, Dea Moines, Ia„ 27. June 1. lieared the past week, with success. In "The woman In the Case." "The i Man anil the woman" wlH receive Its Initial pcrformam-u 27. for a week. Pabht.— The Kngllsh Stock Co.. headed by Thco. Huberts, appeured In "Soldlcra of For- tune," week of 2D,, iiml gave a good perfnnu- ancc, which was well attended. "The Reckon- M'eston. Al. H., ft Co., Proctor'a, Newark, N. J., 27 June 1. ft'lllcbDcid, K. ft P., Jersey City. N. !.. 27-Juue 1; Cnion Square, N. Y. 0„ 3-8. Samsou. ft Zaccho. Umpire, Dea Moines, la., 27- June i. ■::, SniitelL Great. Hippodrome, Xaahrllle, Tenn.. 27- June 1:J Alrdome. Torre Haute,. Ind.. 3-8. Webb ft Connelly, Acme, Sacramento, Cal., Juno h)g" Is -announced for week of 27. "Cousin 3-S. Kate" June 3-8. t . . Siiumsrt (lOitwlii Thnnbauacr. manager). —This house closed Its season 20, with Lew Fields' company. In "About Town," and ca- pacity attendance ruled. Buou John H. Tierce, manager).—"The Four Corncro of tin- Kurtli" held lite slagn the past week, und drow; satisfactory attend- ance. "Undo Tom's Cabin" will hold its ini- nuat engagement week of 2U. Aliiambba (Jaa. A. Hlglcr, manager).— Meston, Clint. Kokomo. lod., 30-June 1; Kobles- vlllo, 8-r>;Elwuod. OS. West, Arthur. A. ft S„ Boston, 27-Jnne 1. Wesson.- Waltera ft Mack, Olympic, Chicago, 27- Juue 1. Warden ft Gladlah, Orpheum, San Fran., Cal., 27- Juno 1. ,.... .v: . Whajen -ft Weal, Lyceum, Boitop, 27-Juue 1; Paator's, X. Y. 0„ 0-8, ..- Subcl, Josephine,- Touring South Africa, 27-July While, Stuurt, ft Co., lugemoll Park, Des Moines, "The Tondcrfoot" In tbo attraction week of ■ J1 ' ..... . ,. t . . «.. Iu " STrJuim 1, -Si 28. A high class vaudeville bill, past week, Snrouy. Gilbert, Orphlum, Manalleld, O., 27-Juoa Vthartoa. ft I* Uiff, Electric Park, Ft. Smith, was well.rocolved. June 1 Lewis ft Thompson. Howard. Boston, 27-,lu|ie I. little. Irene. Unique. Minneapolis, 27-Juue 1. Llntoo ft La'wience. Majestic, Chicago, 27-Jqne 1. Lindsay's Bogs ft Monkey*. White City, Chicago. 27..lunc I. LlncoliiH (Ii. Olympic. Chicago. 27-June 1. 1.1ml, Victoria. X. V. 0.. 27-Juue J. l.l|i|ilncollH, The, Howard, lloslou. 27-June 1, L.iPkhnrt Sisters. BIJou. Oslikosh, Wis., 27-Juue 1; BIJou, A unlet mi. 3-8. Loi-kette, Mntllc, Savoy. Hamlltou, Can., 27-Juno I. lainn. Musical. Savoy, Hamilton. Can., 27-June 1. I Ave. Harry, Lyceum, Rochester, X. Y„ 27-Joas Lucy ft l.ucler, Calumet, Chicago. 27-June 1. Luelei. Mr. ft Mra. Fred, Palrrierr Park, Dayton. C, 27-Juue 1; Bprlng Grove Casino, Spring- Belli. 2-8. LiiesOs. Tile, llipllluui, Mnlistlcld. 0.. 27-Jnue 1. I,iiela ft Vlate. Fiiriu. Toli-do. 0.. 27-Junc 1. I.yuu ft Una, llljou. 'Battle Creek, Mich., 27-Juua L.vdell ft llutterwoith, BIJou, Wheeling, W. Va,. 27-Juue 1. L.vrlc Four, Itlclimond, No. Adams, Mass,, 27- Juuo 1. Mallort. Clifton. Ft. Plain. N. Y„ Juno 0-8. Marshall ft King, Henderson's. Coney ' Y„ 27-June I. Mssoit-Kcclor, Co.. Proctor'a, Albany, X. Y., 27- Jujic 1, Mann, Pauny, ft Co.. Spring Urovo Casluo, Sprlug- llekL.O.. 27-Juue t. Mut-lltipz, Thb. Cooper. Mt. Vernon. O.. 27-Juno 1. Marlon, Marlon,. 3-8. Mujeatlc Quartette, Grumble's, Miuucupolla, 27- Jana 80. . Murtln, Dave ft Pierce. Kiutilrc. RakeraAeld, Cat, 27-June 11 Chutes. San Fran.. U-8. Mittthetrs, ISIrucr, BIJou. Kulamanio, Mlcb., 27- June 1. Miirllnettle ft Sylvester. Norunibega Pst-k, Boston. '.'■■June 1; Proctor'a, Newark.-.-N. J., 3-8. Muee, Frid, Xlxou. Pltlsburg. 27-Jiiiie 1. Mnek* (81. White City. Chicago. 87-JtuiP 1. Msek, Wilbur, ft Co.. K. ft P.. Jersey City. X. J., 27-Juue I i Family. Wllllauiaport. Pa., 3$. Martin Bros.. K. ft P., Jersey City. X. J., 27- .lune 1, Mnrllul ft Miixlmllllnn. Oman's, Washington, 1>. I*„ 2T.J<uir I, MnihewK ft Ashley, Orpliemu, Los .Indoles Cal., 27-Junc N. Miihou ft Doian, Hucedy's, Full River, Mass., 27- June M, Murlyn. Avou Park. Youiigstorvu. O., 27-Juuo I. Uarr ft Bralia, Lafayette, Butalv, N. I., 27- JlllM) 1, Xorlli. Bobby, Keith's, Boston, 27-Jnne 1. Norton ft Russell, Uciidervon's, Coucy Island, N. V.. 27-Jliue 1. ' ... O'Brien, Havel, ft Co., Chestnut Street. Phlla., 27-Juuu 1. o'Connell ft Golden. BIJou, Great Falls, Mont., 21'i-Juue 1; Family, Anaconda.. 2-8. o'Day. Ida. Shcala, Toronto, Can., 27-June 1; Farm, Toledo, .0.,, 2-8. . O'llara ft Watson. Broadway, Mlddlelown, 0,, 27- June 1; Oi'iAlmu, SprlngHcld.' 3-8, 1. Scqtl. Carrlo M.. BIJou. Alliance. O.. 27 June 1. arhNdes (4). Panill)-. Butlc, Mont., 2-8. Hcliunwcrk. Lyric. Chicago, 27-June 1. School Boye 4 School Girls, 125th Street, X. Y. C, 27-June, 1. Seymour ft HI", Young's Pier, Atluntlc City, X. J., 27-June I. Selblnl, Lnllu, Keith's, Phlla.. 27-June 1. Scuvoy, May, Uoiquc, Minneapolis. 27-Juno 1. Semen, phaa. F„ Union Square, N. Y. 0., 37- June 1. Soebeck, Family. Scranton, Pa., 27-June 1. Seymour Slater*. BIJou. Caluuujt. Mich.. 27-June 1. Seymour's Comedy Dogs, Park, Wheeling, W. Vs.. 27-Juuu 1. •-,- - ! Sheldon. George, Grand, Turtle Greek, Pa., 27- Juue 1. . Sheridan, Will. Oil City, Pa., 27-Juue 11 Oun- neuul. (I... 3-8. ... hihencrd. lCil|ia, Calumet. Chicago, 27-June I. Sbeuii ft Warren. Alhambra. N. V. C 27-June 1. Shervood. Walter, .Grand,. Wilmington, Del., 27- Ark., 27-June 2. Whitman. Frank, Casino, Aabury Park, N. J., ' 27-Juiie I. White. Bd. It . ft Rolls, Family, Lebsuon, Pn., 27-June I; Family,' WilllaiUHport. 3-8. Whit.-. Cbas., Nelson, Springfield. Mass., 27- " June I. "•"• Mhllelay ft Boll. Electric. Wuterluo, la., 27- Jiine 1: Elite, Davcnoort. 3-8. Nkw Htak. —Alaniiger Frank 11. Trvtlttiim opened the doors of ills new theatre Sunday, "(i. ami a large crowd was in attendance. It Is the general verdict that this house is onn of the prettiest of ■ burlesque houses; as every- tiling is up-to-uatu In'completeness. I'ltvsTAi, (V; B. Winter, manager).—Fol- lowing Is the bill for week of 27: Three Trou- «-W" , , ._,ii.*,igii<, nvmsisviH, ,*-c i JuilC 1. WIW^JjrjnjrrtSBniOIJIat, Ingcrsoll Park, Dea Moines, .Shields ft Rogers, Foulalne Ferry Park, Louis- la,. K7-Juueil, vllle, Ky.. Juuo 3-8. rt.'ii.ii K "r el,y, «l ,0 ? TC ' r * U ;S-.i . ; a »-, , Silver. Isadore, BIJou. Dulutb. Minn.. 27-June 1. O'Nell, looj. Orpbcuui. VAellaton, O.. 27-Junq 1; ' Impel tut, Fremont, 3-8.' - .. Wheeler Sisters. Jeffersou, Hamlltou, 0„ 27-Juue badours, J. C. .Nugent and company. Golden IllBMl' InTH und Hughes.'Blssett and Scott. Thco. Ull- w lis ftiHajtan;.BIJou, Lansing. Mich., 27-Juno 1. stark, and the Crrstalgrapli. J!!n^^•^^.J;llr^. t \ l L' m l' ,, !lB F ''" ,, •• °"'"' 27 - -Gbano (W. W. -Brodcn. munugcrl.-BIII Wflaon Bror., Mavwood,' III., 27-June 30. parity of 1050, aud has sixteen double door Wilson, Jack. ft.Co.. Fontaine Ferry Park, Loals- WtaV three-floors and three tiers of boiea. vllle. Ky.. 2(t-Juno l.-; . A splendid cafe Is on the upper balcony Htitl Wllsou * Hawthorn, BIJoli. Wheeling, W. Va., orchestra floors. The atago is 48 feet wide, 27-Junc l. ■ •" 28 fact deep and do feet high. Klcettlclly !e{i85< «fi" JiSSil *%&L ^ h &*l* , !» *■ from numerous nnd massive lamps corre- Kia^^T^^i^iaaffi&-. at V» ,B? %»*i-- , "P" 111 n'ee'y w«h Its olive green tints. Tbn ArrlRum^sidnc^ S-s". ® ' " ' H*W and'entrances orn fliflshed in marble. Williams ft' Hcaly'.' BIJou. Ketvauce, 1; BIJou, Slrentor, 3-8. Wlllard. Chaa., Hippodrome. Pittsburg, Ormu. Grace, llljou, Dulutb, Minn.. 27-Juue 1. Ortb.'ft Peru, Orpheum. Boston. 27-Juuc 1. Oslairne. Clinrlea II.. Family, F^-le, Pai. 27-June 1. OHQ'a AiiIumIj, -Rlverrleiv Park, Chicago, 27- Juue 1. ' Otto,Broa.. Culot.lul, N. Y, 0., 37-June 1. Ovcrlug Trio, lllnglmnitun. X. Y'., June 8-8. Slde.Shou-," The, G. O..IL, Plttajnirg, 27-June I. Slmon-Oardner Co.. S8lh St.. X: Y. c!. 27-Juue 1. Sldduii Bros., Howard. Boston, 37-.Tudc 1. Slater, Flncli ft Co., Grand,.HeUance. 0„ 27-Jun« J: Arch, Clevclaud; 3-8.' ■:*■ Sialci- ft Wllllama, Uulou Square, X. Y. 0., 27- Juuo I. Smith ft Compbcll, K. ft P.. Jersey City, X. J., 37-June 1; island x "fftfOTXraraili *■•*'"« «■*• SX-3wt Siutlh. Bue, Proctor's. Allsiny. X. Y- 27-June 1. Island, X. |; Halt Lake, U., 10-13. Suirthe. Will M Famllv? Hersnton ■ Si ir Piiplnta. Ondieuiu..San Fa-an., Cal.. 27-June 1. June I ' ,7> ocr * nlDn ' '■•• «■ Paylbn ft Stanley, Taunton, Tauoton, Mass., 27- Snyder ft Buckley. Fontaine Ferrv Park, Loals- P«ntZ-.\viil.e, ft Co.. She.',. Buffalo. i.-Jun. I. Tenli K S: 8 !!T - JuUC ' : K " 6t KoU S* : «# I'srlHleunea. Uj Models, Avon Parki Youagstown, Soutberl'and i Wlso ft Slllton, Keith's. Phils.. 27-Jnne 1. Wills, Nat M..- 23d Street. N. Y'. G.. 27-June I. Wlahard ft Perei; Ttidllu, Chicago, 27-Juue 1. Wliigalcs, The, Grand, Turtle Creek, Ps., 27- June 1: Edison, New Castle. 3-8. Wlllanl ft Percy, Ludlow Lagoon, Cincinnati, 20- June 1. • • Wilder. Marshall P., Cook O. II., Rochester, X, Y„ 27-June 1. . . Wordette, Kstclle. ft Co., Orpheum, Boston, 27- June 1 : Lakeside Park, Akron, 0., 8-8. WoflQ's Comedy Four, Furiu, Toledo, 0., 27-June 1: Saginaw. Mlcb., .1-8. '•• -:»»"» '< iodoics ana ontrancus orn lliiished m luaroie. in ST.jnn. The building is llieprooC thtougliout, cvcr.v- ' •*»•»•*■«• thing botng made of concrete, brick, atone uud irg, 27-June 1. ,t8B * T h« «at of the house wob $180,000. NIK I'll l!All()l.l>.l. iimiila. At Hyatt Park Casluo (Col. Klee. St. Ry. Co.. managers) I'oruchl-Oypwn" Co., traveling In a private yacht, wuro de- layed en toiiif. Tlio opening of the park win postponed until '.'■!. <a» Jnnu 1. ■ '.. 27-June I I'ninahuslka's rets. Suuhury, Pa., June 3-8. Parr, Charlotte, Proctor's, Newark, N, J„ 27- Jono 1.. ■ Parker Bros., Pdrtora Park, Obarlorol, Pa., 27- Juuo I.-. Ten) t: Wllaou, Tuinbllng Run Park. Poltsvllle, Pa.. 27-June 1; Park, Camden. N. J.. Peklu ZoiiMM-s. Ilciidersou's, Coney Island. X. Y., 27-Juue 1. Terry ft Alerls, Star. Homestead. Pa.. 27-Juue S. I'ptelilug Bros,, Spring Grove Casino. Sprlugfleltl, 0.. 3f-Jiiai> 1; Falrvlow Park. Dayton. 3.ff. Pelot. Frail ft Annie, Pntrvlsw Park, Dayton, O., 20-Jiuie 1. • - I'puillelnns. The. Lyric, Salt l.nko City, U.. June I'prkhiH. Lapplu. ft Co., Umpire, De* Uolues. lu„ 'J7-.IIUU1 1. I'lccliluunl Troniie. Young's Pier, Atlantic Clly, X. J., 27-Jou« I. Perry ft I'eurce, Atlantic Garden, N, Y. 0., 27- Juue 1 Curtis, Dclmnr Gardens, Okla. Cliv, Okla.. 27-Jnuc 8. '■ ■ . "Song Bints," The, Lyceum. Rochsaler, N. Y.. •J7-Jiiisp l, Suniera ft Storke, Ilnuovi-r Park. Merldeu, Conn.. 30-June 0. Stella. Luna Park. Chicago. 27-Jmle I. Ira.nk II. llryiin's lien. tit. An excellent bill was presented, May 27. at the Murray Hill Theatre, New York, for Wood Bros...Lyceum, Washington. D. 0., 27-June U ,e o*" 8 "! of^ ^tho popular actor-manager. Mr. I: Mbuumental. Ballo., 3-8. Bryans brother managers of.both burlesque Woodford ft Marlboro, Crystal, Marlon, lud., 27- wheels, and his other friends In and out_of Jane 1. Woodward, V. P.. Han Joae, Cttl., 27-Jun* l! Novelty. Oaklund, 8-8. Wright,- Beaale, Atlantic Garden, X. Y. 0., 27- Jnne 1. Wycllerly. Margaret. Colonial, X. Y. C, 27-June 1. Wynu. Beaale. .Majestic. Chicago, 27-June 1. —a., V||- s l , J'l 0, 'l- £»?'• Bamooa park. Grand Raplda, Y'anlamdto Bros., Vlctdrla. N. T. C. 27-Juiie 1. • Mloh., JTJuiHi 1. •■■ • •• Yeamans-Tltus, Lydlo, Pastor's, K. v. C, 27- Spray Sisters, Kmg. Omaha. Xeb.. 27-June I, June 1. ■ SplSrell Bros, ft Mack, Pulace, l-oudon, Kng., 27. Yolaillhc. Prlnccas, Orpheum, Los Angeles, Cal.. Juue aO. " 27-June 1. Spjdden ft Hersim, Anilea p. H., Foatorla. 0„ Yorki Grace. Acme. Sacramento, Cal., 27-Jnne 1: Massllloii. 3-8. Xitloiial. San Fran.. 3-8. •■*une., Spillerii. Musical (Si. Honderaop's, Coney Islaud. Totiug ft Manulug, CryaUl. Logauaport. Ind., 27- ■ vti.-x., 27-Juue I,' -»..■■ i jauet. i- : '---- •■- Spencer, Walter. Crystal, St. Joseph, Mo„ 27- Zateli Vernon, Co., Keith's. Boslon. 27-June II June I. i• . . • ".•-., Union Square, X. Y. C, 3-8. SpesBiird.v'K Bears. Chestnut Slreet. Phlla, 27- Keud. - 'Jnrdtin ft Zeno, Keith's,- Jmiei 1. Stiiley's ininsforinullou Co., New York Bonf. X. Y. 'C, 27-Jnue I. - i Sturunt A laivardo, Tark, Wheellug, W. Va,, 27- June I: ■ ~ Htelncrt ft Thomab. i;Utc. Rock Island, HI., 27- j I'lvu, £«*«>, Biitou BQtun, M, X. &, «-Jua» l, - Juas-li out. Awra, «■».-«. _ . -.• Boston, June 3-8. Zeila ft Hall, Paradise Roof, N. Y. C. 27-June I. Zenos, nrput. Orpliemu, Limn. O., 27-June 1. Zimmerman, Al. ft Pearl, BIJou, Osbkoth, wis,, 37-June I. Zlskii ft King, Alhambra, X. V. C„ 27-Juue I. Zlngarrtla, *hlto Otty, Elyrla, «., 27-Juue I; , : Mtwai, 8-B». _ the profession responded handsomely. Tho house wag crowded. All the nets on ih« programme appeared us follows: Harvey and Walker. Bniley, Austin and company; Nil- Ured-Btoller. Jack. Korworlb. Tobln Sisters, Uardnor and Mnddern. Junto McCrco and company, Mhkou and Shannon, t.'oukle.v n«'' McBrldc, Ivihvurd I.utoll, Wlllv //Imiuertiinn. "!" Tlirei' Best Bets, Tut Ins, and the Impclliil troupo of lluaslnn dnnuors. Slajor ilsnvt" reten Oh master of cereutonlcs. Tim Coiumblii Amusement Association and the White Itiils. who had clmrgo of tho arrangements, were ■ '""lied with the returns, and Manager fc'rcd Irwin reported that a aubatautlal sum bud beea jealiaed for the benotlclary. The Murruy Hill la now closed for the:Benson, -- i a) a ♦ Doc Waiuu:i,i,, nress representative of In' John Itoliinson Circus, denies the truth of tlio '••♦'Bimpi'i- i-eiiortH concerning tlm recent con- flict at Mendota. III., between the eiDii'".vi-. ••J^ljMVclrcUa und the police and rowdies' of tietbWEi _« •