The New York Clipper (June 1907)

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JUNE*!. TO CORRESPONDENTS. Our theatrical oorreapMdeafa are heretu notified that ilia creienttolt now held bu ihr.U vlu t/xplie on June t. Thty art r«- i/uetltd to return ilitrn It thtt office at oni:e, fa r reneioal for livt-nos. ' • ' • IOWA. OsUalonsa — At the Masonic Opera House I J. Prank Jersey, manager) "The Lion and the Mome," May 13. pleased n large audi- race, giving tat. best of satisfaction. The Shannons, in "The Hanker'* Child." mine on abort notice IT, and did nullo well. Mnu- sger .Jersey stated (hat Hie Shannons will very likely be ths last attraction at the Ma- sonic ra« season. . • PONS (Hewitt & Duncan, managers).—Thin bouse did excvllcnt business for week ending May 18, which ended the season at this house. W» management will take out a show tor tan Summer months, under an eighty t&vt ion, playing thma night stand*, giving vaudeville MM and tooting pictures. 'Hint aliening will be at Allila, In., about \7mis.—Gollroar Bros.' Shows did only' modern to business II, owing; to extremely cold weather lenses are being nego- tiated for the opening of a new electric the- atre'In Osknloosii about .Inly 1, by one Curl Ojihibv nnd others. In the ilendle Building. The building Is to be remodeled for a ne.v amusement house; 'fho Osknlooan Aerie of Eagles, No. 'Jit!. Inli luted,'on 15, ll class of llfty candidates, I he largest class In the his- tory of the local orgtiorwillon. Many promi- nent Eagles of the state were present nt the bati'iuet. 'Die Fugles HW- negotiating for a fine'new lodge quarter*. ■ ' ■ i Odnr Hn til.l*.—.it Greene's Opera House (Will S. Collier, manager) the second and ln?t week of vaudeville cloned May 20. Rthel Barrymore'20, Henderson Hlnck Co. -lime 2. P|:orLn'H I Vie Hugo, -manager).—The. iIkiiiiI big business week of May li», which closed the season : Vlr Hugo, Wesson, WallerM-nnd Wesson, Anolki Comedy (Jiinrletle, Memphis Kennedy, Mme. IItwo, Ray W. fay, and the kniefnseope. Alamo P.litK (<"!. K. Barton, nutnnger).— The season opens SO, wllli SI. Olige Bros., Hilly Allen mill eompany, Grace. Amiond, Siiiomnn nnd Brown, liny W. Fuy. and the lilliotnseopo. John IIoiiixson'm Cntci's June 14, » ii. ■« Hiililes.--At the Aiidllnrlum (Win. Finder, manager i Kthcl Uarrymore, In "Cap- tain Jinks," In honked for May art HiianiI ul'iaiA llrmin: (Win. Foster, mnnn- gonrl.—"The lllni'l. Hawk Mine" Is In he presented liv lh<> t'liase-i.lsier Co., 211. "Our New Minister" 2H'.'I0. Rmciki; (M. J. Karker, manager).—The bill fur the casing week lit this house, be- glliitlng -". Ineludes : MeNnll Slslovs, Duffy, Snwlelle iind Duffy, Ssmsisi and Ziieeho, Memphis Kennedy. J'erklnn Luppln and com- pany, Jules llerron, and motion picture*. In'ORrsiiij, Park (h*ml Buchanan, mnnn- gcrl.—This resort open* Its season 211. The opening hill includes: ClnyLun White nnd Mtirlo Slunrl nnd company, Louise Aiigmlst anil company, Booking Bros.. Ollvattl's Trou- hadours, Home, Mu.vo and Juliet, and kino- drome. ,THE, ISTE^T YOPK CLJIJPE^. r i ,| ...—fj > i— t 'rv I J 1 i 415 . MKIUOAX. lirtrult. —At. the Detroit Onein House («. 0. Whitney, nmnairery Ilechert ^KcliMty ontl Kffle Shannon, In •■W^dowprB , Ilwuea." played to packed houses May 'j:i-JS. I«vr rlelds. In "About Town," ^'7, 28: Mary Mannerlnit 31, June 1. • UVCtUUfC D. Stair, mnnnprri.—VnuRban dlose:; mul cotrtphny, ln."lA'alt Kleschna." played to packed linutes last week. The same .•oinpnn'y. In "All on Account of Kiln*.." week of 2fl. WiliTXKv (10. D. Stair, manager).—"Hti- ronn Hearts" entertained packed' houses 10- iM, rraiter-Jiivellnr Vlddlsh Opera Co. week or 2<i. Avkxci; (Drew & Campbell, managers).—• The tiniimnnt ctironopbone dre*' well week of id, nnd will continue Indefinitely. TtsiiPt.E i,i. It. Moore, manager).—Attrac- tions week of 27: Kildle Leonard, In "Tlie Land of Cotton:" Vinle Daly. Jolla Hlni mid companv, n. I'nlnnd Sorxennt, the Rellelalr llrothers. the Knur Itlanfls,' Cnrlln and Otto, the Mm jest It: Musical Four, and the klnnro- grnph. ■ liny City.—At the Washln*ton (W. J. Diuinr; mnnnger) I'orter J. White, In "\ l'ool's nevertge," pleasetl a small but pleased audience May IS. Klchnrds & PVIngles Mht- strels did Immense business at two perform- ann's, III. '•Illuelieard Jr.." 21, canceled. "The I.lon and the Mouse"'31. Ai.v.vrado tW. J. Duiiiii, manager).—The Hunt Stock Co., In repertory, did splendid business week of Hi. The ICiirl Marges* Co. 2d and week. Bi.ton (J. P. I'llmore, mnnngcr).—The fol- lowing bill drmv cnud piilronnge week of 2h: I'lart and Temple, the /olan, Mitroiila and I.jno, r.emlce and Master Clinrles Qnlgley, Triunun Seymour, and the Itljoiiseope. Wl'.NON.V llt.'AI.MI I'ARK ANH'CaXINO (D. W. Itlchiinls. manager).—Harry Vokes. Murgnre.t Daly and company head the bill for the open- ing of ilils resort, which occurs June 2. NfiTR.—George J. Itohlis. known as "Roxy" Itoblis, a shownidn, died of pneumonia, al llin home of his mm her. In (his city, on May ll). 'ilie funeral was held 22, under (ho .direc- tion of the C.'igles. of which the deceased was an honnnsl member. Dnliuiiue.—At the Grand Opera House i Win. I,. Bradley, manager) "The District Leader" (third engagement) hud a pneked llttltto May 20. "Hunipty Dumply" SO, "A Stranger fu Town" 27. BUOU (Jake Rosenthal, manager).—May 20 began the Inst week hut one of the regu- lar season here, to a full house, with Barry and Wolford. Clever Calrln, I«wla unit I'lutpln. Net tic Klelds, Adams and White, Theo I'hariner, Al. Tlerney, In Illustrated songs, and the kluodrome. Next Hnlurdny Is the annuut henollt of fin slhse handti. I'Ntn.v Hark iL. D. Mntlies. muungcri opiMii'd Sunday, May 2ii, with the Dubuque Military Unnd: Other attractions are to follow weekly: ■ Keokuk. — At the Grand Opera Housa (D. L. Hughes, mnnugnr) Havlllos "Humpty Dumpty"dretv a pricked house May HI. "Swoet i'lover' 1 pleased a cnud house 22. V. M. C. A. Minstrels (local) 28. Casino (C. H. Dodge, manager).—-1'be Acme Comedy Co. opened an luilelltiite en- gngement 20, In repertory, to good business. Notes. —The Ijt Sallo (D., K. ltcevcs, man- ager), presented moving pictures und llliis- (raled songs, week of 20. to good houses llelm Bros.' Carnival Co. opened Its Sum- mer road season here, 28, for a five days' (lay. Davenport.—At tlio Utirtls Opera House, Kibel JJarrymore, iu "Cuutnln Jinks," will uppear soon. The date Las not been att- noimcert. IOi.itk. —Business Is exceedingly good. For May 20 and week: Ttume und ivrgusou. Dave llnse, Three Itlnuldos, Morgnn nnd Chester. Lena Kline, Bums .Morris company. KJp and klppy, Joe Watson, Arlington and Heist on, 'Mild KlUescope. h'AMii,y.—Kuslness continues lo ho good, and the theatre will be o|Km all Summer. For May 20 and week: Do Onxo and Mc- Donald, limner and Thompson, X'lemeyer and Odd), nnd moving pictures. Kiilnninroo,—At tho Academy of Music (Hi A. Kiufll, manager) ICIhel Itnrrymorc, in •Ciipl. Jlitks," packed the boiiso May 25. "The Lion and'the Monte" 28, J .C. l-icwls, In "SI I'lnnkard," »0\ Ill.toti (W. S. Butlertleld, manager).—Hill week of 27 : Muck and Doftgull, Hernicc and her moments, Mlmer Mathews, Billy Ileanl, Dunbar's goats, and the Illustrated songs drew large crowds. '• * . WoVtiHiit.A.Nli (W. II. Johnson, malinger). — Illinium \ Hstley's Show Is billed for June 24. XoTK.-r-W. S. Butlerfleld, general manager of the Bljnii Thentrlcnl Knterprlse Co., at liatlle Creek, will hullil nn alrdnine In this city Which wl'l he i omjileled alsllll July I. ll will Include a ring with regular circus pcr- fitriniinces nnd n stiign for vaudeville enler- tnlnmcnls. The sealing rnparity will be from Limn to 1,200, and the general admission ten cents. » lint tie Crrrk.—At Ihe 1'ost (K. K. Smith, man:lKerre2lhel Barrymore, In "Cupl. Jinks," oleased a big house May 21. Lorraine llUchhnnn and stock company ill led all open dates last week, plnying "Du Harry" and "Turned Up." Mary Munnerlng 28, "Tlie Linn und the Mouse" 20, "SI I'lunkard" June I. Lillian Russell 12. Ili.tor (W. H. Ruttorfleld, mnnnger).—Mill fur week of May 27: Allaire nnd Und. Ned Norton. I.ynu and Tina, the Hlrschortis, Illus- trated sonns. and cllnctoscnpe'plctiii'e*. Gruml Itiipids.—At Ihe Itaiiionn Theatre (Lew lielhniiiter, innnuger) week uf May 2(1: llesnah mid Miller De Vnn Ili-os.. Howard's comedy dogs. Hughes Musical Trio, Spencer Kelly und Kivderlc Itose, and 1'aul Spadonl. Gonii'iKiv's Pavilion (Cbus. Oodfroy, man- nger).—Week of i'u: Kollhis and Kllston. .Nillllo, ityiin and Douglas, Miss Vlvlitn, and moving pictures. " ■» .liicksiiii. — At Ihe Allieiiicuiii (H. J. I'orter, resident miiiiiigeri Hthel linrrymore, III "rupt. Jinks," May 20, delighted a packed house. Mnrv Manuerlug 20, "l.'iiele Josh Sprileehy" ltd, "The I.Ion and the Mouse" June ::,' Lillian llussell 111. Boone.—At Aries Opera House (Hen wlley, manager) the Henderson Stock Co., In ivpe.rtory, two weeks, beginning; May 20. linod business rules. Itleliard Mandril, In "Sex Against Sex," June 3. Scenii!. —Tim Scenic Amusement Co., with moving pictures nnd vaudeville. Is doing an excellent; business. Levotis. In black arl and trapem work, and Homlsh, Ingram mid stiniri: oris lending features. ««♦ nisi un r of COLtlUBlA. WiiHhiiiKt.,,,. A i the New National (W. II. Itnpley, manager) (ids week roarkA the «i|iontng of the summor season by the Aborn i ipera (.'o.. In -Jtobln Hood." Next week, "The Serena iters." Ciii.i'.uiiia (J.-K. LiiekPlt, manager).—Tills week, the Columbia Thealre. Cn„ headed by Vtllinn Liirkaye. lilldu Spoug and Charlotte Walker, in "Brewer Jim's Baby." Last week "FVsiheriirnln" imp} deservedly good business. Trilby" next week. nuLAMU (I* Sioddard Taylor manager), —This week, the Kdwln Ardcn Co.. in ••llallles." Last, week "Tho Guy Lord Quex" had excellent business. Auutwrro (0. L. Klsler, manager).—This week, uose Melville, In "Sis Hopkins." LaBt week the KiilJiryn 1'umell Co., In "Under i wo Klugs," luld good sized houses. I'llMUgft (Miss 11. Wlnnlfred De Witt, mnn- nger i.- -This week closes the season of this popular resort, wlih "Jn Dreamland," by Laiiiiii. De Voy company; Little Hip, Klta- Trmlpe, Hilly (litston and Kthel Oreen. '■race Hii/nrd, Happy Jack Gardner,' Martini und Miixinlllliin. and the vltagraph. LVCKt'SI (Mugeue Kernnn. manager).—Tills week, the Amcrlrnns, Mat week Hugbey Kehinn's Wnshlnglun Society Hlrls made good 1o exceJIent business. The High School Girls next. , l.i na I'AttK.—The noynl Berlin Military i'nnd. The opening, 25, was interfered with by heavy rains. c.uix Huiio HliTntiROMK. — This resort opens this week with vaudeville, In the Audi- torium, by Will l,ncy, Sam Drane, Gurdcn mid Sninmei'A, GHaen Hlslei-s, nnd Herbert Mncey. BiVfami Biix's Wii.p West II, June I. Hi.nrriMc I'.vaiv iChns. Frenkel, miinager). —At the Csalno 'Plientre: Lomhanl Brothers, Haxlelon'Slsttrs. l'hil K; Davis and lyragrsf are drawing fnliiy well. All concessions la the park are doing well. t ■■ ■>■■'■* " ■ (ialiiesvllle. —.The Auditorium, Summer Theatre (fMmonsoli ,t Gallia, managers) was dedlcnletl May 20, by the, ltodney Stock Co.. and enpsctty business has prevailed at etery performance. This new thedtre hns n searbiu capaclry M 1,400, Is up to dnte In every re- spect, nnd line ni tract Ions have been booked for Ihe Summer season. Xotk. —Two Nickelodeons here are running day and night, and meeting with line returns. Austin.—Tlu> Lyric Theatre (W. H. nice, manager) cluscd week of Mny 20, for. Im- provements. llVM Dark Tubatbb (Karl Walker, roan- ager> opened 21, with the Columbia Opera Co.. for several weeks' engagement. XoT»i.--Thc Majestic Is closed. ■»«»■ " tnuniHMA. I.os Anueles. — At the Mason fipeta House (H. C. Wynti, inanngeri Annlo llus- sell. In ".V Midsummer .Night's Dream," clfised her engagement .May IS. Oils Skin- ner. In "The .Doel," 20 nnd week. Mrs. Leslie/Carter, Id "Du Barry," 27 and week. Amirroltli'M (Sparks M. Berry, tnnnageo. —The CiiltfornJnits presenled "The Mikado" to good business, week ending 18. They will play In Snn Diego mid around Southern California, 20 and week, rerumlng to the Auditorium 27, with "The Bohemian Girl." liw.AKi-n (J. II. Illnckwnoil, innnageri. —iTie stock eompany presented "lleforo nnd After" to good business for two weeks, ending is. "A lloynl'Family" 20 und week, "Sue' 1 27 and week. Moiitist-o'N HriuiAXK (Oliver Moroseo, manager).—The slock company |iresen(e«i "Znxa" to good business week ending IS. ■linver's Lane" ill. and week, "A Lady of « « * tnxam, Houston.—At the Majiistlc (F. V. Sturgls, in ii i in nor i the bill May 20-25 was one of the greatest of the season, nnd filled the house dnllv. The programme consisted of: Wright Huntington, Louise Gerard and Adolph L«s- tin". In "The Stolen Kiss;" (leer, gymnast; A. II. Burton, Ilulley und Itclhen, Alice Mor- ton, Dillon and Moore, and the Majestograpb. The house closes June 1, the munagcuient being well satisfied with the season's busi- ness. Aihdomk (Alvldo A Lasserre, managers).— "Down on the Kunu" and "Dora Thome" tills out the week, 13-18, with vnudevliu added. Cast same as the last. Lvkic (John Dlcketf immsgcr).—This Is a new addition to the amusement circles here. It Is n Summer open air theatre, economically constructed for the production of vaudeville and moving pictures, and ad- vantageously situated. The opening nlgUt, 1J, drew a crowded und enthusiastic house, ■with tho following peoiile: The Klngsburys, Doss and W-adulony, Wayne La Mnr, Leo Dalle, Illustrated Bongs and moving pictures. Note. —Flight more permits hiivebeen Issued for moving picture shows, nnd every promi- nent square In the town has one or two. The public patronize them well. HkAicn 'Oi'ifiu Hot'sn (Clnrenee Drown, manager).— "How Hearts Are Broken" wns presented lo enpsrily business, lry the Ulrica. Stock Co., week ending tS. "Nellie, tho lieuiiilfiil I'loal; Mutlel," in and week; "No Wedding Bells for Her" 2(1 nud week.' l''i8CJiHH'.Ht'A'. I!. Fischer, innnuger).—For 20 nnd week. Fischer's ComedlntiK present •i'hedre." New'' vaudeville feamres. Illtl's- i rated songs nnd dunces and moving pictures, Khpiiiu (Billy Itnnks, resltlent ninlingerl. —Feaituvs in and week: llnydens, in "Banker nnd Hie Outcast:" Gene King, Dave .Marlins fierce, Laura Bunks, Carlos Bunks, Fmplre Slock Co.. iirescutitig "Sliol-Guu Jus- tice." und the clnciniiiogi'ripli. • i Martin Heck, general mnnnger). —Fealures 27 nnd week: Foy nnd Clurk, Chns. lynnnrd Pieleher, iho Diirnnd TTlp. "I'l'lncess" Ynlnntbe una her irnlnsd cackn- loos and panels, Vnllii, Mm hews nud Ashley, Lihel Mil. liimuuuli, Kianier und llelMalre, and motion pictures. I'koim.k'h (Al. (J. Flonrney, manager).— Features 20 and week include new ruiulevlllc nets nnd muvlug jitclnres. . ; I'xiQtx ilfenix & /.nuee, proprietors).— For 20 unit week, new vaudeville fenturos, lllustrnted songs, sketch by Unique rinyera, and the llnlqin^o-scopn. •' • .Vitus.— Al. u: Field did hla fellow Bin-Inert many special favors during the iccent meeting of Ihe Imperial Council A. A. 0. N. M. S„ In this elly . .Manager Kretl Manikins, of Suit Lake city. and. Clark- A. Shaw, nt Hortlnnil, members of the (Irenl Western Lyceum and Musical Awns'lntliin, were la eoiihiiltullun with Manager Leu Beiiymer. In Los Angeles, lately..... .'Lovell i'aylor, who 1ms been visiting with relatives la this clly, lognther with her-sister, Grace Hull, will leave for New York soon II. A. liriiiil.iii Is now scenic urllst al Ihe lleliiNco Thenlre Carey Llvliigstnue, sou of Kleanur Cnrey, will Join Ills mother with the Bcliiscn forces, when Ihe Nut «'. Goodwin season closes In June Knllh Wnkemnu was greeted by mnuy friends (luring the Otis Skinner einrugiMiioiit. She wns a member nf (he iiurimnk Stock Co., In this city, for a season I'rellmliinry work Is under way un ilie new popular priced theatre to ho coli- utructed by Mnnager John If. Dluckwnod and associates ulruady liilercsled In the lli'lasCo' i'heiilre 'J'he llotchklss Thenlre. Is also being uinde ready for rconi>n!iig under moln favorable .'UTiiiiM'Miimils lliuu formerly pre- vailed. Klnw J6 fOrliiiigOf are reporteil us tho new leasee*. , aire uqentd a leu weeks' engagement week of -•JO. with the Mariln Slock Co.. In "The Charity Hall," with the following In the east: Marie Penes, John Carroll conney. Jean Adair. Margaret ttalph. Maud Lee, Frederick Wycfh. Clarence Hrtnle. cnrolyn Macke.v, Jorin 11. Hynes and II. H. Allen. . ItMoir ([., M. tlorman, mnnnger),—llxcel- lent tmslness week of 20. with Diiffy, Snw- telle nnd Duffy. Frank Combs and Munet Stbne, Mmlle Chevrlel. Jnmes McDuff, Chnrlen L. Kavley and olograph. Nnri:--Mr.. Gnrinnn hns recently ois*ned • uoiher ntou»etue:ii place near the III Ion. It Is nu automatic vaudeville nnd moving pic- ture's, snd Is styled the Wonderland. Busi- ness has been very big. ,!,.,. , »»» NKW .IKniSKY. NVwnrk.—Atithe SliulKirt. (II. M. Hyaras, manager) David Warllfld this week. In "The Music Master," and. nt advanced prices,-tho entire week has been sold out. Blanche Bates. In "The Girl of the Golden Went," muUe a big hit last week, and turned tunny • way. The house wDI probably close for the season Juno I. as ihe Itlrdsnll' Stock Co.. which was to return for two weeks, closed In Orange, N. J., on Mny 22. FnocTou's (B. C. Stuart, resident mnnn- ger):—Bill this week: Charlotte I'nrry, In "The Cumstock Mystery:" Al. Weston and company, Wnterbury Hros. and Tenney. Anna Luughlin. Silvern und Kmerle, Iawsuu and Numou, the Mnscnguls, nnd Brady and Ma- bonev. ... coi.i'jiuiA (M. J. Jacobs, manager).—The Spring engagement of tho Illxon-Uarlow Stock Co. is proving prnninble, und entar- talntng to the imirims. Ths current offering is "Supbu." "llewnre of Men" received good atleutlon week of 20. "The Sign of the Four" next. iii'AM.T's (J. ii. Bucken, manager). — "Friends of Jjihor" (his Week. Manager Bucken's Is-noOt, Mny 21, was u big success. Wamima.nn'S (W. S. Clark, niiinnueri.- - The Dslntv I'nree Ilnrlcsquers this week, -in- troduce :• iUohv W. Craig, Hurry Ui Mnrr, Mueller and Hold, Mllt-u and Nltram. Amy Butler, nnd Laurence crane nnd company. Cbtra's Ittinawny Olrls drew good houses 20- SB, The Imnse closes June 1, excepting for Trcnsurer l^ivetl's lietiellt, June .i. Olympic I'aiik (ll. A. Schmidt, manager). — This-resort opened Mny 25, for Iho season. with many new features und attractions. The opsrntle season will be inaugurated with "The Belle of New York." with Blunrbe Han Htl- wnrds. Carrlck Major und Will lam Conley m the principal roles: In the unnu nlr, Arthur Hidden will do his fatuous loop the loop und sensational high diving. F.LHCTKti' I'aok (C. A. Dtmliip, miuioger) opened for iho season on May 25, with Severn 1 new ten In res added In the many it tin h exploited iu Ihe past. The vaudeville theatre will open with Muller. Chunn nud Miiller. Fischer und llcrg, Hie International Trio, und Curlln nud Hlnsxom. 1'rnf. MeMahon will do high diving In the oisai nlr. iin.i.sinii I'aiik |R Thaller, manager).— This purx niiened May 25, will! n big equine and wild west, entertainment, In addition in the various features of lost season. Xhtk.— Buffalo Bill's Wild West June 10. Jersey Clt>-.—At. Keith * Proctor's (P. Burns, mnnnger) Ihe current offering Is Bcuiiniont's pmilns, Carter and Bluford, ltyan- Blcblleld company. Smith and Campbell, Martin llrolhers, Leila Taylor, Wilbur Mark nud Wltithoine Worthly, Itado and llerlniini. anil the klnetograph. NnrHN.-—The local lodge T. M. A. benellted nt Dm Academy 211 Buffalo Bill's Wild West June II The Hon Tun closed (bit season j.'i. oiiLIiiihi. At tile Mncdouough ((Tins. r. Ilnll, niuhiiger) Wnlker Whllesrde, In "The Mnglc Melody," nlvnsed well lllletl houses Mny Hi-Hi. Leslie Curler. Iu "Du Harry," drew excellent in lemlmice 20-22. Aunle Bus- sell. In "A Midsummer .Night's Dream." 20-25, Leiv Dockstader's Minstrels 20-21), .Manhattan Musical Go. .'lO-.luuc 2. Ft. W«r«h.—At the Mnjestlc (J. H. Mc- Donald, manager) the bill offered week open- ing May 20 was one ot the best of Hie season, with Long nnd Cotton, Arthur Doming, Shock Bros., Cnslellniic and Brother, Yutl and Bovd, and the Mtijestogrnph. .Souvenir mati- nees arc now one of the features, and business Is booming. ', ' % ' , Lyrii: (W. D. llussell, manager).—BBi week of 20: Mead and Mamie Werntx, Mcntz- Sor, Jones and Thompson, l''red Blount and in klnedrorae. Crowded houses rule. Wurri: I'm (Jake Schwaitc, manager).— In the White Itose theatre tho vaudeville hill luoludes: The Wnlsners, Ihe Grout Gltnnel- leiiti, Mile. Corlnnc, and the farce comedy, "Wafer." The outside ntlmrtlnus cuntluuo the same, and business Is good. Lakh F.iin: (Ijeo Fleming, manager).—A bad lire destroyed the theatre und dancing pavilion, 18, and the vaudeville show at this popular resort will be abandoned ponding the erection of a new nnd more up-to-dalo playhouse. The loss is abont $18,000, nnd the Are seems to have been nf Incendiary origin. Great crowds Oiled the park, 10, viewing the debris and Incidentally taking In the free attractions. Stanharo (Frnnk De Hemic, manager).— Teople week of 20: John 1'. Brace, Pearl Gil- more, Sadie Gilt, John 10. Green, Magglo Brooks, Jostle HnrlKcl, J. H. N. and Georglu Powers, and Hose Klltott. Business Is boom- ing. * Galveston.—At Hie Chutes Ports (C. II. Nolmeyer, manager) Ihe Pnlncc of Wonder* drew large crowds, with Aniblnn Drenmlnntl. It Is n hand colorrsl, 1,500 feet Htm, Fairy- land arcade. Parisian Illusion theatre, Delia baaehall parlors, KatzenJainmer caslle, Texas carsgraph railway, nulnmailc shunting gnl- lefy, city of yesterdny, naval bnllles of die world, Hot«llitnn's crazy house, fan factory and mystic chutes nre all doing n good bml- uess. LtnKiirv (If. w. Bishop, manager).~lsn- belle I'lc tehee and l-'rnnklvu Underwood i>lnj-«tl their farewell week. In "The Case of llebelllous Husiiii," nnd drew rapacity bouses throughout the week eliding .11), Name O'Neill, supported by Bishop's Plovers, Iu "Nagdu," 20-20. "The Sorceress" follows. Iooua Park onnu Houbb (II. W. Bishop, mnnnger).—The Idorn tlpern Co., In "The Fortune Teller" (second week), drew excel- lent houses week ending 10. They presented "When Johnil.v Comes Marching Home" 20- 2li. with "The Wedding Day" imderllued. Bki.1. (13d. Human, manager). — Attrac- tions yO-20: Olchard J. Joso, singer; Buth- well Browne's Gaiety Girls, presenting "The HiiIsIiih and the Bees;" Herbert's trained dogs, that Wnywurds. In a comedy travesty, entitled. "The Messenger Boy's Dream;" Viirnle It. MncPhersou, illustrated songs, nnd the motion pictures of car strlko and riots In San Francisco, made a big Impression with the audience. Business is excellent, NOVK1.TY (Tony Lithelskl, manager).—Bill for 20-211: Professor Swan's trained alliga- tors and crocodiles, Francescn Bedding nnd eompiiny, presenting "The Cattle Queen:" K. C. Strickland. "The Mimical Uiilio; 7 ' Meeso Bros., acrobats; Maud Williams, female lmrl- toue, nnd Ihe projectoscope. Business was to capacity Inst week. i' Nnn IHegrn.—At the Pickwick (Palmer Bros,, managers) Hie Msble Thompson Co. played to good business-. In "Teunosseo's l'nrdtier." week ending Mny 10. The samu cnmpnny. In "Counless Du Barry," week of 20. "The Deacon's Dsnghter" 27. Grand (De Lseour & Field, managers).— The regular stock played tn good houses. In "The Old Homestead," 15-11*. Week of 20 the, coniimny will appear In "The Shorn Lamb." "The King of Tramps" to follow. Kmpihk. — H, 11. Boiley, Susie Lehyman anil Little Teddy, In Illustrated sougs, und the Idlest moving pictures. Business Is ulways good. F.i.Ei'TniooM.—iclnlne IXltvards and Ethel Itose, Iu lltustraied songs and duets, and mining picture show. H. It. O. at all timet. « M » NDDHA8KA. Lincoln.—At the Oliver (F. C. /.dining, malinger) the Slimmer season opened May 20, wllli the Fulton Block' Co., In repertory. Opening was "Blue Jeans." to ihe capacity, followed by a change or bill 28. for the. rest of the week. 'J'he following i-umnose (he com- pany : Jess B. Fulton, Kriille Alderson, .luck C. Marlowe, Frederick Harold, (loo. Castle- berry. Frnnk Thomas. Jessie Glhlcrinelster, Ivy Bownmn, Belle Jncksnn and Mnld Jackson. Ai'MTOnifM ik. c. itewlck, manager).— Mr*. Flsfce. Ill "The New j'prk Idea," did splendid liuHlness 21. The Thoinns orchestra and Festival Chorus did excellent business 22. '.':i l.viuc (ll. M. Miller, mnmigcr).—This the* the hospllHl. She expects to.leave next week- Maude Adams and company were, busy rehearslnir "L'Alglon" 'ahtt "guslltv Street" during their engagement here. Those two plays will is' put on tinting the Hon l-'rnh- clsro engagement. ii i » ' st.|ih.--At Tootle's tC. 0. 1'hllley. mnitngeri Rthel Barrymore Is nue June fl, and closes the season here. I.ViT.r.vt (C. i:. Phllley. muiiager).—The Lyceum Stock Co, continues lo please large iiudtrnces. The season of this popular house will close Mny 25. To* company will occupy ■ in- Alrdome for (be Summer season, opening 3ft. l.viuc l Frank IV Alley, manager).—Mrs. liske, Iu "The New York Idea," pleased « good slued audience, mid closed the season nei'iV 21, Ciivstai. (Fred Cnsinnn, niaiiogeri.—:Con- sltlcrbig Hie wchibcr, business Is excellent. The bill for week uf 20: Musical Btcnnaris. Waller Spencer, Claim nnd Hndiilffe, Qnlgg and Mack. Cmitlpr* nnd Snuiulers company, and C.isman's moving pictures, ' .».», I'OI.OIItDO. Deiiver.--At the Broadway (MM Mc- Ciiurt. malinger) last week Viola Allen did big business. Week of May 27. Maude Adams. lliieiiKi'M tA. C. Carson, resident multn- geri.—Last week the bill Included: Tho Fln- uevs, t'llff tlordbn, Ferguson and Mdck, WH- Ham Morrow nnd Miss Schelllieiv, Bert How- ard and l.cnnn Bland. Willie Weston, Klners- Moulln. and klnodiMinc. .,' Ni:w Cuiitis il' & Smutger, wnnn- uers).— 1<hsI week This) Loi\h and company did Dice business In "Hip Van Winkle." "I'axt Lyniio" and "Snpho," by l.oreh Plnjeri, week of 20. TaHoh i iii vmi (Pclvr MeCnui't, ninnilguT). — Lust week "The Social lllgltwayuiah" did nicely. Htlivnrd Mnckny mid Flitch Gardens Slock Co. week of 20, F.i.nvii Gaiiiikxs: (Mary Pfo- nrleiol').—-Mrs. Fiske, In "Tho New York Bleu," 23, for four performunces. Week tit 20, Ida Coiiiiitcst and Ihe Bbilows Stock Co.., In "The Girl Willi the (Iroeii liyes." CWtarAJ, (tieo. Irn Aflnms, manager),— Ijisi week, ihe bill included: The Juggling Thorns, Osenr Wnbii, llnriis and Neison, Gehlo Thompson Trln, Jlmmln Uoborts, Three Jiicksons, nml pictures. N(ivi:i;rv tSiilllvnh & Cnnsldlne, nmna- rjersj.—-Lust week, good business with Wal- are and llem-li. Pan o'Nell, Slim nnd Ida Kelly. Kildle Dolnil, Senmiin's, Chatham nml lingers, Mudire mid Morion, nnd picfiu'es. Xci'Ma.-—'I Ills week sis>s the- closn of the populur Orpbeiini and Tnlior Grnnd. and the opening of I n Summer gardens, Mitch's nml Miinliiiiliiii Bench Flitch's Is covered nbove, and I lie August In Duly Alitslenl Co. will hold the boards ut Iho Manhattan. Bench this Summer, opening May 110, wllli "X country tllii" Gertrude Lederer, a talented voting Denver glii. Who Is now pin j Ing In the Sun Francisco Oporu Co,, touring I'uclllc const, cities, trill return In July, und spend the Siiminet' nt her home here. II. 1s though! she wllli Join one of the companies phi vlng Summer engagements here. la i » : o ■. IIMIVLANO. Baltimore. -The closing of the tltofttres ng iilui Atlantic City.—At tho Savoy (Fred H, Moore, mnnnger) .Hainle I'leinlng, In roper- lory, did well Mny 20-25. George SI, Cohan, In "The Hoiieymonners" (nrst proiliicttoni, 20-Jiine 1. . Y'lMtxo's I'lnn TiiHvrgB (W. K. Shackel- ford, uiuiing'cr).— MiiclletK patronage. Hill week of 27; Hpecchlunl Troupe of Night, Lit I'etlte Mlglinn, Howell and Hcoll. Cates Family, Hayes and Suits, Mile. Maillot, Sey- mour und Hill, mid klnetograph. »' « » MIMSOCm. Kiiiishs t;ttj- At tho Willis Woml (O. D. Wood .null, niaiiagi'i-), Inst week, Mniidn Adams gave "Peier hi, to iiitiaclly, folir nights, 'Ilils dosed the regular suasoii of the boose. Kiin-i Uarrymore, Iu "Captain Jltilts," Juno 5-7. Ham Sut'iiciiT (Waller Snnford, manager). -Joe Weber uuil his all star company, In "Dream City," 2-ft. ( iickii' H'Misk (Hudson & Jiiilnb. maaiigcrsi.—Last week, "Our Now MlnUcur had good attendance. The show reamlued over fur two pei■furiiiiuiccs, 20, when the slu- sh ii of. I be bouse closes. Gil, iK. S. Hrlghum, uniuugeri.- -Lust week, "Happy Hooligan" drew well. This neck, "The Cowboy's Girl," which will prob- ably close the aoikKOii of ihe house. Ai-|iriniili..ii ((>. D. Woodward, munugcri. — Last wi'iit, Lmuin Dunn, Iu "Miss Hnlilis." scored a great hit. Tills week, Barry Bores- ford Joins the compuny, and '"('he Professor's Love Ulory" will bo ihe llrst production. In bo followed by "Tho Wrong Mr. Wright.' I-'iiiiIJST I'AIIK III. K. llussell, iiiniiuger). — l/nsi ivijek's business was good, nil tho eiin- cusslons rcporllug Huh returns. Iu the the- niii- (he Boston Ideal Opera Co. retained "Frit Dlttvoln," This week, "La Mascot" will be sung. Ki.itcrmi; I'.inic (Ham Benjumln. mana- ger).—Kansas Cliy's line new amustuuent park threw open Its gates Sunday, ID, with u crowd of 5H,ooo people in attendance. This park has been rightfully called Kansas City's Coney Island, for It Is one of the handsomest in the United States, The Illumination re- minds one of the World's Fait, Rllcry's Bond was the attraction In tho band stand, nnd will continue Indefinitely, In the Gorman Village the vaudeville bill Included: 'the. Yam (j Duo, Helen Hie wart, Tom and ftdlth Almond, nnd tho Country Choir. Tho oilier concessions In the park are: Klectrlc foun- tain, ball room, iiauitorluui, alligator farm, chutes, dip coaster, Norton slide, old mill, Hooligan's ensile, Hying Luly. double whirl, circle, swing, peony parlors, Japanese rolling hull. Scenic railway, Halo's tours, electric, Studio, boat tours,- casino thenlre, alt gun gallery, boutlng, ciirousel, giant teeter, knife rack, doll rack, shooting gallery, fortune tell- ing mid palmistry, pool room and cafe, Ham Bciilninln emuh'.ues as mnnnger, ■ nml Hose's Orcliestra. uiider the direction of Wm. H. Hose, is heard In Ihe German Village. Tho car service and arningcuiuiits nre excellent. ami the Helm Brothers are lo bo congratu- laled oil giving Kansas city such an np-to- dale amusement place. F.Mf.iioux'r Park (W, F. HiiiIUi manager). —This beautiful natural park opened its gules Sunday,- Mny 10. with nn luiuionsu crowd Iu uKi'iiilniice. Mr, Smith bad every- thing In excellent shape for Ibis season. Many now concessions have been added, and cspecinllv at the Imthllig bench lire the Im- provements noticed. Hlner's Military Baud, which scored such a hit last season, will continue to discourse harmony every after- noon sod evening. The speelul feature Inst week was a high diving ttci, which wns enthusiastically received. Ci.ifi'KiiiNiJs, —Dolly Castle, the lion I inner with Barnes' Wild Animal Circus, who wns ntincked by a lion while giving nn exhibi- tion nt Wichita, Kan,, several weeks ago, is still In St. Joseph's Hospital, this city. Miss Castle, was severely bruised nnd he left, arm was broken. Albert Barnes, owner of the circus, came to Knnsns Clly Inst Mon- day to take Miss Castle In Hastings. Nob., tn rejo<n the show, hut she ivns uuublo Iu letive nml ihe opening of the siiliurbnn resort* Is nl bund. Fords (Chns. I-:. Fncd, malingeri closed Its donrs Mny 2!Y Down's pictures enjoyed it week to S. It. O. business. Tills popular house hns luld un untiltcrrnptcil siic- ecfs dining Ihe Winter, nhil will go under the bands of Hie (leeorntnrs ut once for nestled ImpriivcnienlM. Ai'iicn .u iJiiiuch L. Kernnn. mnnnger). • "The lloliemluii Girl" Is offered 27. "The Mikado" drew full houses 20-26, "Thn For- tune Teller" Is iililiuiliiceil for June 11 nml week. iliui.iii.M STiulin: (iieorgo W, Hire, uitinii- gel')- Cole nnd Johnson, urn seen, tills week, In "The Slmii-Fly Heglineut, lolloivlng "Thu obi from the Hiineb," which did well week ending 25. The Miirlnrl Itnllnn Co. Jinie 11- S. iiAVitv (VV. I., Bnliaiif, munagor).—Thn Brooklyn Belles uiieii their euunganiODt, 27, with a lestlnlotiliil benefit In W. I,. Ilnllnuf. The Trii-ie Ai'untlrs tilled the Iioiiho entire week ending-2fi. NHiv MiMiMiii.srAi, iHum M, Dawson, njari' tigei'),-The Wnshlngliiti N'i(;lul.v Oliis 27- .iiuie 1. The Thordilghbhids did well 20-26, Miner's Amuiienns next. . i.i in n -s ii'.iiwiini c, Fnrie. manager).— The Five .Minnie St. Oliltn, Hrnest Llfinre. Mny Miller mid (icnevlevn Jncoby complete tlm hilt for 27 and week. ilKiMTim lOl.KCTtnc I'AIIK (F. C. Schilli- bergcr. niiiiiuger).--Thls resort opens Mjny 27, with ii vaudeville bill and the Tyroltinn Hlnuci's. The pufk hns hern much Improved since Inst season, mid good weather should mnlie || a great, success. Xotk.-- Buffalo Bins Wild West show* here 211, no, ♦■♦» i ■■■ tiOXTVl'HITICIIT. Now llhven, - At ihe llypeiinti (Sluibrrt Bros., miiiiiigemi "The Other Girl" hud good business Mnv '.'0, 21. '"('wo orphans" had I'nIr piilroinixc 22. lihiuirjl GnldOll 2N, 20. Ni;w IIavii.n HI. II. BoDiHil, intmngiir).— HI Henry's Minstrels drew u big mnllenre 22. "Al. Villi'" hud good returns ■•(. 21). John Drew, in "llin House In Order," Is due. June t. I'ni.i's (K. '/,. Poll, priiprhitor),—This bouse closed Its scimoii 26, und the reports arc that I his hns snrpiisscd any previous one, Thu opening uf the Pull opera Co. will takn place 27. The opening opera will ho "The Fortune Teller." ■ » Hurtfiml.—AI Parsons' ill. C I'n r sans. manager; week at Mny. 20, Hunter Brmifoni Players, Iu "Ills Kxcellouey, the Govornor" had large houses. "LchIi ICIescbuu" 27 ahd W«ek. ltABTKDiti) OcijiiA Hoiisi; (II. II. Jennings, iminagor).—"Tim Chosen I'eople" had good houses 24, "The Dreitmer," 2S, Old- well. Hose Hydell London Belles 28, 21), Por.t'H (Louis H, Kelly, laiiimger). —Week of 20, "Thn (iirUtlnn" had large houses. "Mistress Nell" 27 njld week. Hi.'rii'Ai.o Hri.t.'H Wii.n Whht, 22, drew large crowds, * BrldKeport.—At Smith's IB, C. Smith, iniitiiigori Shepnrd's ninvltig pictures for the Slimmer season. Fold's <K. B. .Mitchell, manager).—Poll's Stock Co., In "The Miisiuierndem," week of 27. STn.Ti.i.vMAHi; ist.i.sp (Paul Boyton, mnn- ni'ori opened Informully 20; formal opening ", '<«»' /■ IiOUMIANA. Men Orleims.—At the While Clly (C C. .Maitlimis, malinger) for week of May Hi. the Olyinphi tl|s)l'tl. Co., utidrr thu persfilinl direction Of lid. F. Henlnons, enjoyed a good week's rnu, with "ilic Telephone t'/lii." Frank lllnlr. us Unas Nix, Hcordil heavily, Front Willie ivlille Ihe work of Herbert Carter, Joe Cnrey. Hob Pitkin, Koselle Hhelilnii. Alice Mllhi'. Laurel Alklns, Cntlierlne Mitchell, IMlm Fain and Lottie Kendall won many recalls, The many side shows cunUiinc to good busi- ness. "Tho Hiiiinwny Girl" 20 ami week. Wkht Unii iTotn winsioii. tnanngei').-.. Big crowds on hdiiii III nud week, to listen to TVufso's Ciuicerl lis ml, und witness the Hoc viimlovUie bill offorcd by Mnnagcr WLns- loli. The hold iivots: Frederick Bros, arid Bilihs, nud Mtieller nnd Mueller repeated their former wceh's success, while Hie new colliers, John /'miner and Mabel llerrn. •cored heavily. Tho two lattet turns will bold over welt ut 20, wllli the Musical I'liniedv Four n« hcnillliiers. The kliintlromo will sliow new slldei. The Fefrls vM\,