The New York Clipper (June 1907)

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438 THPE JZ&W YORK C LIPPffB J.UNJE 8. C.-ll.. Cain- Pope, J. 0., & Dog. Olenlaogy Park, Columbus, ii.. 3-8; 0. 'I. Mm Wcllaton, 10-lfi. Primroses, Muslral, Ijnum, Washington, V. O., n»8 * ■ Primrose, Geo. H., Colonial.N. Y. 0- 3-8. Pryor*. The, OMraiKi. :i-H; Bijou. L» Crosse, VI*., Psycho.''Sans Sonol nark. Chicago. 3-8. Pollen, Haby Lnelln. Hrblgetown. N. J., 3-8; Cen- tral Piirlt, Allentbwn, Pu.. 10-1 r. • QubM * Muck. Trinidad, c«l„ :»K; Pueblo, wi... iJirtCK, Marker * Xickerson. Porreat Park, M. •■■jidnteife,"" Tb». Pnntolne Ferry Turk, Louis- villi-. Ky., 3-8; Hopkins', Memphis, Twin., 10- Itnn'tvHa ft Lyman. Shortly'*, New London, Oona., 3 8 Hatrayeltr's twigs, Proctor's, Albany, S. ¥., 3-8; MiiJoxlli', Chicago. HMO.. Mnoldii D Piivi-n|«.ri. Alhngilirs, N. \. C, . -8. Husins A ItiinUn. Umpire, Wr»ki» Neivliigton, hno\, il-8: Lyric, Liverpool, 17-22; Hippodrome. Ilrlidilon. 24-211; Iflpii^Ii"""^. Liverpool. July IIni. Pr.-d, ft !'».. Hlii-a'«, DulTiilri. N. Y., 3-8. KiickMt ft llaruril, Scliliullcr's, OWM ;, -8. Hnveri'KTiifl, Charlotte. Ilomonn I'ark, (Iranil Hup- 1.1*. Mich., 3-8. „ _ _ llnlnliuwH. The. Cooper, M t. Vernon. O., J-8; lir- plilum. Sprlngrteld, 10-1ft line I. Jlrnsehe, l(. ft P., Jersey City. r>. J., 3-8, Hani* ft Vmi Knurmnn. Novelty, Stockton, .'in; 1'nlipie, Knii Jose, 10-IB. n.-.ltiiMnl. Julln, •'< ''"•• Farm, Toledo, <>., 3 nock Springs, Past Liverpool, HI-1 ft. licuin-e Fondly, Howard"*, ehl et t tt i .1-8; MM, So. Chicago. 10.16. ..._-.._ lleno, Will ft Mny. IlnBuifn. Kllsnbelh, Po., 3-8. IUuio & AMrn. Hlymplc, Chloogn, :i-8. Ilevnohl*. tan. A., Family, Krle, Po., 3-8; (Iranil. (HI City, 10-15. _ „ . Itellly. .loliniile, Unincl, Milwaukee, 3-8. Ilene, liessle. Alliiiillc Harden, N. Y. C. 3 8. hvitlek, Carl I*., ft Co., Council Muffs, la., J-8; nmiiliu. Nell., D-IB. Reese. Harvey, ft Airry Sisters, Star, Mnnele, lii.l., 3 8; ilrpliliiin, l.lmn, (I.. 10-16. llcyimrit. Kd. I 1 .. Union Square. N. Y. 0., 3 8. Heckles'. Itcckhiw, Itnllawny Itiiik, Quebec, linn., 3U; Blnk. Si, John, N. H., 1016. Ueno, i.'co. II., ft Co., Conk (I. II., Rochester, N. neml'milHi. Mnyme, ft Picks, TU Street, N. Y. Renin "ft l&lwnriln. Anne, Niirfolk, Vo., 3-8. Held llroa.. lii|ilieuin, KiMliin, 3-8. Hint! ft WllllaniH. Alriimne. VI. Hunll. Kam., Klii- ft Pieviwi, Pnr.iillne llmif (ionlen, N. V 3 8. Hlcby, Arllnir, liljou, liiilnili, Minn., 3-8. Klnllo Ciimeily Quiirlelle. Pnrk, New (irleanH, Itltier ft toiler, Alanm Park, CHilnr llupliln, M; Park. I.ii Holle, III., 11-10. _ ItlMeen llron., pawliiekpi, Pawliukel, It. I., .18. KIiiiiim I'll, Kelili's, ClevelBinl, 3-8; u. O. II., I'lllflmrg. 10-16. lllo Bioh. (4), l'.mplre, York, KnK., 3-8; Hippo- limine. Liverpool, 1016; Piivlllnn, New IJoHlle- lllii, ftilolpli. Cioieaile Pnrk. New Cnalle, Pa., 3'8. ItlclmnlH, Crenl, Knrni, Toliiln, •)., L'-H; Celeron I'nrh. .lumenlown, N. v., 10-IB. Knix'H, Uorn, Kellli'n. HokIou, 11-8. H,i«»|, (IninteKii ft. I'iiiiIo, Irrplieum, Snn I'run., rul., HI 311. lto»» SlnlerM. Provlileilee. It. I., 3-.liily ,10. llonitle'H llimil, iiulnrlii llenili, Itoi'lteater, N. i., Ho»9 ft I*wIk, Kmplre. Hwaiwen, Kn«Iin4, 3-8; Kmplie, New|»iil. Hi IB; Kinpln-, lllrmluglii Pa.. M; 3«.; Cll.. Ha*. , 3-8. 3 8. . 0.. 2 8. la.. Ivvlniliile Pnrk, Wnrren, Jerwy I3ly. 3-8; I I'ii. lb I.Hllil nil Rote ft .li'iininHi M. ll.iitern ft Deely, K. ft ,mi., n. y. <:.. in-iav llonf a- iliirl, Vlrinrlii, N. Y. (I., il-8. iluekuuy ft C'liiwny, Itnniiiiin, (Irnml Itopbla, Mli'h., 3 8; Wviioim Jtcnc-li Park, Hay Clly, HI- 16. noirn-, Mnyo ft .lilllel, H. 0. II.. Keokuk, In., 3-«, MiiviiI MiiHlitnl rlfA firpbeiini, l.iw Augeleti, Cul., 2-8. Hiwi'in- ft Slma. Hlnr, slonoiiKobelu, Pn., 38; Clili'iiKo, 10-3H. JtiiHM-ll ft lleM, Ciu-iiIviiI Pnrk. Knn«aa Clly, Kmi., .1-8; AIuiiiii Pnrk, CVnlur Rnpltln. ll.. 10- KiatMHIk, Mimli-iil. Cryatnl, l-'rankfort, lml., 3-8; (.'ryalal, Klwiml, 8-IB. Hnf ft UiiHlvk. I.yrle, CulBory, Cn.. 3'8. Ilynn ft llinitfliia, Purk. .Inekaoii, Mich., 3 0. Hviiii ft Itlcbllelil. Kellli'n, I'lilhi.. 3-8, Itynn ft While, Family, Hcrunlon, Pa., »•». Siilh.r, Mae, llcmli'rnon'n, Coney Ulainl, N. Y., 3*8 SnnU'll, Ureal, Alnlome, Term llniile. lml., 3-8. Snbel, .Inaepliliii'. Touring Mtnitli Afrlcn, Jl-.luly 3D. Sibililer, .Mlllnn, Pnlmv. lloaton, 3-1,1. Silmili'K H), l-'amlly, llnlie, Moiil., 2-8. Siiil 1 ft Whaley. CiihIiio, Toledo. O., 3-8. S.ilninr TroiiiM', l.iniu Pnrk, Chloogo, .1-8. Si-henk-Miirveliy Troiipi-, il.'lil HIiih'I. 3-8. . Srliepii'n Dogn, Kmplre, Sprlnunelil, HI., Shn-'n, Knkonio. lml., I0HI. ■'Silimil lloyn ft llltlB," Vlclnrln, N. \. 0., 3-8. Seltilnl, l.iilln, Kellli'n, tkiliiinlmn, ll., 318. Sevuioiir Slnlern. IIIJoii, Mnrqiielle, Mich., Seirn, Cliaai, Vlclnrln, N. Y. C, 3-8. Helilon. <!«>., Orlentul, Duller, Pa.. J-8. i>. mil n. y. a, ■ 1) :i N. 681b Mimi, N. Y. 0.i 8'8. Mnjenllc, Chicago, 3-8. Srlllilll. riiiii. I Sbepheril, Kiliin, - Slmiwoimvl, Proclor'n. Newark, N.-J-. J-»> Slienn ft Warren. Chentnul Klreet. Pblla.. 3-8. Milehla ft ltintern, Koiilnlua Kerry Park, l/jiila- vllle, Ky.. 3-8; Khhi Hurt. Meiupbla, Tenn., 10- Slici'ldiin, Will. Conneniil, 0„ 3-8; Uuuklrk, N. Sliori ft Kdwiinla', Shuily llrovo Part llnlnnlown, Slierwinil, 'Wnltiv S., Ornnd, Wilmington, Del., *!-M Sli'i-bloii ft DnvlH, MiiuiiiaiiHii. Norfolk, Vn., 3-8. Siiunuon» Hi. Ilrpheiuu. Vnneonver, II. C, 3-8; ilrniul. Victoria. HI-HI. Silver. Nudnre, IIIJoii. liuliith. Minn., .VS. Slrrwnje, llovranlV, Chlciiko. 3-8. MK.fH.n, Pauline, Kgan'n Hoof llnnlen, Tulsa, I. ■P., 3-8. Sinter, i'lheli, ft Co.. Arch. Cleveland, 3 8; Idle- wild lift. Newark, 016. tiuililm. Mimical. Parlor, iniinha. Nell., 3-8. sn.lHi ft fJiiimi. I'lwlnrln, O,, 3-7; Preemout, K-1'' Sinylhe, Will M., l-'mully. Sernnton, Pa., 3-8. MiviIit ft llui-kley. Knnt Mud Park, Menuilila, Thiii.i 341 Husernoll Pnrk, De» Moines, la., Hmraeriund ft Curtli, liclinar Oardens, dkla- li.uiui i.'lty, tlkln., 3-30. Smuci-h ft Slorke, llnnovei' Park, Merldrn, Conn,, :ill; Purk, WoomuH-kel, It. 1., HI-IB, "MiiHC llliiln." The, ll. II., Clerelimil. 3-8. Siimy SlHiern, I'lilcugti, I S. MMwmrily'ii llenrn, U. O. II., Plllslnirg, 3-8. spisieii Itms. ft Muck, Pulncc, London, Kn(., 330. Knedilen ft tlrphlmn, Shelby, 0„ 38; Odiinlnl. Cambridge, ID-IB. Dmrh, ruble. IVople'K, l.euveuworlh, KM,, 2-8; i:\celalot- Hprlngn, Mil, HI6. Slelnerl ft Tbnmiin, Slur, Aurora. HI., 3-8; Stir, Mlelu, 10-ir.. •SllinnliiF i;ren:idlern," The. 0. ll. II., PUtaburg. ;i-8; lielUi'H. Ilomim. 10-16. Siiinri ft Kivle.v. Olympic, Cluitlunmiga, Tenn., ;t-8; Oiik Summll uPrk, Kviiimvllle. Ii-IB. sinuiil ft Thulcber, llnlou, llakeralleld, CaL, 111; People's. Los Angek-9, lo-lil. Slulev's 'fi-iiiiaformnllob d>.. Nixon, Plltntiurg, 3-K. SI irk, Klate. Allnntle Hard N. V. C, 3-8. Sloddiird ft Wilson, IIIJoii, l-'llnt, Mich., 3-9. Meveiis. Kitty, Shady llrore Park, I'ntouinwn, I'll., 3-8. slwilc.v ft l.e Uoy, Unlely, Alliance, O., 3-8. SI. Klmo, Leo, Urpheuni, I'lh-ii, N. V'., 3-S; Klnasliin. 10-16. SI. (nice llros., lluckfonl. III.. 3-8. Sutcllttr Troupe. Urpheuni, Sail l'ran,, CaL, 3-8; Los Angeles. HI-1SS. Siimniers, i;hn«. ft JoHle, Mnjeslle. I.nfnyelte, lml., :i-8. •siiiiuv Soitih," The, VlelnrlH, N, V. «'., H «. Siimiuervllle. Amelln, Muji'ilb 1 , Chicago, 3 8, huuimern ft Wlnlers, Mujeslh', l.ufnyelle. lad.. Sweet', Chiirles II.. PliMlnnl Slreel. Pblln., 3-8. Swim ft Itiiuihiii-iL l-'iiiin. Toledo. II., 2 8. Tiilcols, The. Lyceum, Phllu.. 3-8. Tnugunv, l-'.vn. Kelili's, Cleveluiul, 3 8. 'InleV, Hurry. C... Nlimi, Pltlnhiirg, 3-8. 'I'livlur, Phil.. Hiilelv, Hast Liverpool, ».. .L8. 'J'a'yliir. IVu-n, llenderson's, limey Island, N. \., 't-8 Tii'vlo'r, l.ellii. BSHi Slreel. N. V. C., ll S. Terry ft Klnier, PnslurV. N. \. C„ .IS. TeWeesI ft. Suiii-liliK', llendersoli s. Coney Island, N. V.. 3 8. Tii-d ft Lnrell, Hlvmplc, Ih'llnlre, (I-, 3 8; MftilMV, ML Vernon. 10 IB. „ _ _ Tbui Qimrlelie, Vklorln, N. Y. 0., 3-8, i_..^ Tboni«, Mr. * Mrs. Harry. Park, Lewlalown, 3-8; Avon Park, Youngslown, 0., 10-15. Tbifln'f Band, Luna Park, Chicago, 3-8. Toy it Toy, Nipniuc Park, Mllford, Maas., Brookalde Park, Atbol, 10-15. ' , Toaca, Orpbeirm, Lon Angeles, C«l., 24. Toolwy. Pat ft May, Irwin. Ooahen, Hid.. Crystal, Ardcrnon, 10-16. Tontblllon, Max. Troupe, Ingerroll Park, MMnes, la.- M > Tratk, aieildra ft Ilaiih, Acme. Sacramento, 3-8; National. Man Fran., 10-16. Tsuda, Harry, Caalno. Toledo, O., 3-8; Four Mile Creek Park. Krle. Pa., ii-ib. Turpln, Ben. Thalia, Chicago, 3-6. Turner, Bert, IIIJoii, Canton, 0„ 3-8. . Tully, May, ft Co., (>. O. II., Pittsburg, 3 8. Valoilnns. The, Kobmer Park, Montreal, Can., 8-8. Vnnlelles, The, llrand, Comcgle, Pa,., 3-8; Orond. Turtle Creek, 11-16. Viilaitnn. Paul. Young's, Allnntle City, N. J., 3-8. Vuldare. Beitsle. Tronpe, K. ft P.. Jersey City, .V. J.. 3 8. Vim llofre Ik Ootrely, Culifornla, llutte, Mont., 3- Hl. Van, Hilly, 8hen>, Toronto. Can., 3-8; Buffalo, X. Y.. 10-15. Vni'ln ft llurr, (Inlvestoii. Tex.. 3-0. Vnocn. Vlel-wl*. N. V. C 3-8. Vhsssi- (llrls, Olympic, Chicago, 3-8. Variety Qnnrtelle, ll. o. II., (irnml Itapbli, Mich., 3-8; Kmplre, No. Bend, lml., 0-10. Vmrge'n, Reeil'a Lake Park, llrand llnplda, Midi., 3-D. Vnne, llnrry, Oiuncll Blnffn. In.. 3-M. Veiln ft qiiinlawlno, Idlo Hour Park, Plilsbure, Kim., 2-8; I.yrle, I'armnn, 0-li>. Vermel te-Carpnlli Trio, Olympic, Lyon, France, 1- 1S. Veilmnrs, Tlie, Allnntle Harden. N. Y. C„ 3-8. Vermin, Paator's, N. Y. ('., 3-8. Vernon, Tony ft Flo, (Irnnd. Newport, Ky., 3-8; IIIJ..H, Plipiu. II.. 10-1.1. Vlnlon, ltd ward, Nprlnghank Park, Isunlnn, Cta., 3-8. Vhl«, Mile.. Nnrlh Avenue. Chicago, 3-8. Vincent, Chax.. Hip., (Hen K.-ho, Mil., 3-8. Vloln ft Kngel, Niivelty. Snn Jose, CaL, 3-8 ; plre, I.ns Angeles, 10-15. Victoria, Vesta, YoMiig'a, Allnntle Clly, N. J. Voltn, (Irpheum, l.oa Angeles, CaL, :l-8. Yokes ft Daly. Winona Beach, Ray Clly. Mich., 3-8. -. Wnrd, Mnyfl, * Her Dolls. Fnmlly. Scranlon. Pu.. 3-8. Waller ft Maglll, Orphinm. Mnrlettn, n„ 3-S; lirnnd, Cnli,in.i«-ii. Pa., 1016. Warren ft Faual, Family. Sernnton, Pa., 3-8. Want* ft BluitiHinrd, (liymtili-, Chlcn^i, 3-8. \Vii> iic A. .1., Fust Hide, 'ireen Hay, Wis., ,1-16. Walsnn's Farmyard, Keith's, tVilninluin, 3-8. Wni-.i, Hilly, Dewey Pnrk, llarre, VI., 3 8; Palk, Bellows Fulls, 10-16. Wall. iii, Irvln. Keith's, Boston. 3 8. Welters ft Fveris, LVimlque, New Bedford. Mus.*., 3-8, Wuierjiiiry linn. St 'Penny. Union Rquare, N. Y. (!., 3-8. Wnbloif ft Meiulea. Paxlnng Park, llnrrlnhiuv, Ph., 3-8. Watson. Harry, sprlnghnnk Pnrk, l/mdon, Can.. 3-8. W<-stons cn. Ingcrwill Pnrk, Des Moines, la,. 3 h. Wesevllle. Iluhy, Sprlnghnnk Park, l/imloii, Can., 3 8, Wek'h, Jnmes ft (lella, I'hlln., 3-8. Welch. I em, Moas ft stall ft ltl.-ur.1f- Tours, Kn.;- I.iihI, 3-311. Welch ft l-'rancls, 23d Street, N. Y. 0.. 3 8. Weslnti sisters, Pnstm-'s, N. Y. C, 3-8., Willie, Mnjestli-. Ciibngo, 3-8, Welch. -Mealy ft .Montrose, (irpheum, Boston, 3-8. West, Arlhilr, A. ft S., lloston, 3-8. Weldi, Hurry I... Olympic, ChlcaKO, 11-8; Crystal, Milwaukee, 111-15. Wesluii. Dave, Mnjeslle, PlliMliurg, 3 8. Weldi A Connelly. Acme. Sncriunento, CaL, National. Sun l'ran., Hi HI. Wi-riien ft tllndlsh, Orpheuin, Snn Fran,, Cul Welch, Joe, (I. (I. II., Pittsburg. 3-8. Welch, Ben, Union Hipiare. N. Y. C, 3-8. Whnlen ft West. Pastor's. N. Y. 0., 3-8. Wbllelry ft Bell, (Iranil, Milwaukee. 3-8. Wheeler Staler*, O. II., Kokomo, lml., 38; larla. O., 10-15. While ft Hanford, urpheuni, Seattle, Wash,, 3-8. Windsor, llena, Novelty, Oakland. CaL, 3-8. Wills ft Ilasaan, lloldoaon Park. Fl. Wayne, lud., 3-8: Itumonn, (Iriiad Haplda. Mich.. HMO. Wilton Bros.. Hnlou Square, N. Y. C, 8-8. Wllaon iiiiin., Mii.vw.sni, III., 8-30. Wllaon-Iie Mnnvllle ft Co., llrand, Marlon, lml., 11-8. Wilton Bros., K. ft P.. Jet-oey Oily. N. J., 3-8. Wilsons (2i. Family. Scranton. Pa.. 3-8. Williams lino, Orphlum, Sidney, I)., 3-8; Or- phliim. Chlllleotlic, 10-15. Wlllliuus «c Pullman, (Ben Iti-lm Hippo., Washing- tan. I). (!.. 3-8; Tumbling Dam Park, Brldgetun, N. J„ 10-10. Wisdom, Klcnnor. Bill Ave., N. Y. 0.. 3-8. Wlngatea, The, Casino, New Caat,e, Pa,, 3-t; Tliealorlnm, Mt. Pleasant, 10-15. Williams ft Melburne. Paator'a, N. Y. (!,. 3 8. Williams ft Ilealy, BIJou, Strentor, 111., 3-8, Wills. Nat M.. Colonial, N. V. C„ 3-8. Williams ft Walker. O. O. II., Pittsburg, 3-8. Wlllnrd, Clma.. Kdlson, New Castle, Pa., 3-8. Wonlette. Kalelie. * Co.. 12BIU HI.. Ni Y. 01, 3-8. Work ft Ower, Keith's, I'hlln.. 3-8. World's comedy Four, Winona ' Park, Saginaw. Mich., 3-15. Wood, Francis, Keith's,-Boston. 3-8. Wood Bros., Monumental, Bnlllmore, 8-8; Bijou, Phllu.. 10 15. Woodward, V. P., Novelty, Oakland, CaL, 'J-8; Panlages', Portland, Ore., 17-12. Wrny. Roy's. Marionettes, Ideal, Monongahclu City, Pa„ 3-8. Wright. Hess, (lien Haven Park. Rocbeater, N. V., 3-8. •Yu'-I.lei ft Bunnell, Hoag Lake Park, Woonnocket, II. 1., 3-8. Yeoman, (leorge. Euu Claire, Wla., 3-8; I* Crosae, 101.1. ,i. Young American Qulnlctle. Farm, Toledo, 0„ 2 8. Young. Ollle. ft Bros.. Holler Risk, Ashland, Ky., 2-0; Casino, Toledo, 0., 10-10. Yule, Arthur. (Irunhy. Norfolk, Va„ 3-8; Pa- vilion, lllclnnr.nil, HI-1.1. '■ Znacl ft Vernon Co.. Union Srpinre, N. Y, C, 3-8. ys-tta ft tloncfl, Ludlow Lagoon, Cincinnati: 3-S. /i-uii, Joriliin ft Zi'iio, Keith's, Boston, '3-8. Xlugnrelln, Lornlm. ll. 3-8; Morley's, Aahlaliitlu, 10-1.1. '/liieail Opera 'I'rotipe. Keith's, I'hlln., 3-8. Zoiihoulakls, Hrnnd, Peru, lml . 3-8. 3 8; , 3-K I ... . (W. J. Streets," TO CORRESPONDENTS. Our theatrical correiporiitinit are hereby notified. that the tredenllalt now held t>u them erplrcd June I. Then «r« requettet to return them io thin office at once, tor reneimt for J0O1-IM8. Michigan. Bay City.—At. (he Washington Daunt, manager) "A Girl -of the Muy 25, scored well. unioM (W. J. Daunt, manager).—The Earl Burgess Stock Co., In repertory, did ca- pacity business May UO-.Tune 1. Ut.iou (J. D. IMImore, tponnger).—Attrac- Hon8 OMojbm Urea Alvln. .. tin- Hljoiiscope. Capacity houses ruled. Lyric Ttuufts, irresentlnit moving pic- tures and Illustrated sntiRs. opened here May •2«. Notu. — 3. It. Prentice, a hlack face come- Ulnn, called on friends In the city May 30. Hi- appear* in Stantlifth June 3. .,, a lluKIc Creek.—At the Post (K. R. Smith, taamiRcr) Mary Miinnerlnj; delighted a ca- pacity house May 28, In "(Jlorloua Betsy." Helen McRelh, her understudy, Whose scliriol days were spent In ami nhom Buttle Creek, also received well deserved applause from her many admirers. "The I.lon and tha Mouse" pleased n big notisc SO, The lliieluinnn Slock Co. presented "The Mines of Siberia" 30, .'II. Lillian Russell Is due June la, Bijou (W. h. Huttei-ileid, manager).— Hill for week of June •". Includes: Muck and DhkuI, Hemli-e and her hoy tenor, Billy Beiiril, liiiiilmr'n Hoat ClriMts, Ifluslraled tongs, nnd tin- cllneloscope plettireH. Niitk. —I'.tirnum & Hnlley's Circus Is hooked for June 26. a i ■ .. Kalamaiun,—At Ihc Academy of Music (B. A. Hush, milliliter) "Tho 1,1"" and I he Moiihc" pinycd In S. I(. 0. Ma; M, nnd the audience wiih delighted. J. (!. Lewis, In "SI I'liinkiird," t'linie to hlg htmlness mallnee nnd night, 30. I.llllnii ItusKcll. In "The Kuticiih," June J1. IIIJoii (W. S. IluHerfleld. mnnnger).—Ijirge houses week of May 'It. with n line hill. Bill week of June .1: Ijimonl'u i-oekatoos, Krnuk Minor, Josephine .Ineohy, Alherleon News- lioya' Qunrlelle, i'.lnioi- MntbewB, Illustrated songs and riiiii-tiiKciipc. a Mnnlmee,—At the llamadell Theatre (ll. R. Itamsdeli, mnnnger) "The Hidden llniul" tilled the house 'May -J.'l. .1. Porter While, In 'The Fool's Revenge," 31. Hi mil t k. Itlnphiim, manager).—ThU popular house Is drawing Immense crowds every night Week of May 2il, "A Bod Man from Iho WesL" HiiriiAitu UKRi'll I'.uik Ii.i.h Joined the Michigan Park ilicull. with J. l-'nust as mnnnger, nnd will open June 2, wiih high class vaudeville. NEW JKR8KY. \e,v«ru A', the Shubert (H. M. Ilyams, munagei), David Warneld played the Unal week of tM season for thin theatre, May 27- JS£ 1. to record breaking business, tnrntng W % , orV'o fl *VTR J C^Stnart. resident maoa- ger) -The current bill 1" headed by the llOlt- RVg sketch, "Christmas On the Island. .Nor- ton and S'lcholton are aI»o proinIne>ilt. In "Ella'si All Right." and the .Nichols Sisters ire we to the fore. Martlnettle and Sylvester, Pauline Perry, the Chadwlck Trio, Fronk and Ma on Moore and Shtingopavl coapletn the novel and Interesting blir Art excellent bill was well appreciated week of May 27. and iSna v.«s pnrtlcnlnrly favored _ Coi.t'MniA (M..J. Jacobs, manager).-^- He Sign of the For.P" Is the offering thls.woejv Enia « lutrp.—At the Grand (C. Il Hnn» manager). "Mj,.Friend from India" (hi,|! tJKion».<Wni. Arraond. resident manaassi —Bill,for.June 3 and week:- Dnnster ■,■,! Leslie. Dolla Wntsop, Donovan and Arnnlit Wn. Annond, (Jlrdellefs dogs, Geo. Yeornni,' and JMm Harrington. mmnu ■ NrtTBB.—John Hoolntion'a Circus j un . , ,. .-.Barmim ft Bailey's Shows July o <»» (iranil —At Ramoua Park (I/'W Delnninler, mnnnger) for week of June 2-8, the attractions Include: Hart's "Hnhi-lng llitlsles." Dkon nhd Fields, Jennie l.ticng, Miuuz und Alazcttc, Chnrlotlu Rnvencrofl, it ml Hock way and (,'onwuy. +~* ILLINOIS. I'euria. -.ii iiir Main Street (Davis- Churuhlll circuit, managers) the Hummer sea- son opened Jtlne 2, with the Payccn Stock Co., in "Men and Women." Star in. Walter Van Dyke, manager).— Business continues good. Last week the stock comphny gave "An American Bom," . Stunk ilit.i, Uakden (Frank Grave, man- ager).— Stock company. In "The Sunset Mine," last week. The play gave excellent satisfaction, to good attendance. AiitooMK (Jim Bauga Amuse. ■Co., mana- gers).—Stock company, In "The Gambler from \\\e West." last week. Good business ruled. ■VVmht'r (Chas. V. Bartson, manager).— Week of Mny 27, crowded houses ruled. Bur- lesques, "Madame l.n Blanc" and "The Sul- tan's Wives." Kip and Klppy, Winnie Alonso, and moving pictures. ViuoiMA Beach (Frank A. Helneke. man- ager).—Week of 27, the Ijelgbs played a re- turn date. Illustrated songs and dancing completed the hill. At, Fresco Park (Vornon C, Soavcr, mana- ger).—James' Brooklyn Military Band opened a two weeks' engagement 27. Business Is satisfactory. Notes. —The Barnum ft Bailey Show comes June 4..... ..Francis J. McCarthy closed May 2(1, at Stone 11111 Garden, and opened ut Iho All-dome Mnnnger Van Dyke, of the stnr, will shortly opeu an alrdomc. Ground was broken 20. A brass band was In attendance, and the mayor of the city made n speech Manager Grave, of Stone lllll (iarilcB, has been in the hospital the past week, suffering from u severe case of blood poisoning. Owing to his continued ill health, Mr. Grave has decided to se'l the garden Eihel Burrymore canceled her date here at the Grand 27, owing to illness. The scenery was In place, and the house s.lil out Lew Worth, of Worth und Dclnuir, Is producing thu burlesques at Wenst's The season has.closed at Hie Grand and Ma- Jesile Patterson's Carnival Company comes week of June 24. ON TIIR ROAD. Sn|i|ili'iiion(al I.I«l — H.'i'elveil Too far ItiiBslUi'alli.n. Ilcimclt-Miiiillnn (Ad. P. Heed, mgr.)-—Norwich, N. V,, 3-S. ulffinil L'uiiiodlnns (A. C. (HfTnrd, ingr.)— Ontario, Wis.. 3-8, Tuiiinb in I,'.. Jueksnu, Isaliel ('., Stock (Percy II. levin, mgr.) -■ Philadelphia, Pa., 3, ludeMnile. Thorp's lllit Show—Pluevllle, Ky., 3-8, Joncsvllle 10-13. "Uncle Tom's Haliln," Mnson llros.' (.luck Mason, bus. mar.)—lloekvllle, (mi.. Can., 3, Prcucott il. Keiniilvllle 7. Smltli's Palls 8. Perth 10, Hlnr l.nke II. Renfrew 12, Arnprlor 13, South Murch It. uilawn tr> SIINSTIIIOI.S. Il.nnlv nuie. Vivlekel & Molnn's (Jnlin J. S'olnii, mgr.l—Minwomlii, Sash., Pan., 3, Imllnn He-id ll. Iteitlim 7. 8 'PRIST SHOWS. liollnmr llros.—Owaionun, la., 8, Clmluclri, Minn., HI. Jnnesvllle 11. Sleepy Kyc 12, I'nnby 13, i initial. 8. Dak., II. Slsselnn 13. (lav's--MeCniislaiul. In., II. Princeton 12. l.c- elalre 13. Kltlrldge II. Donahue IB. WKST VIRCIIVlAi VilH'elliiK. -Al tho Cntii-l Theatre (E. II. l-'riink/.hciin, mnnnger) Lew Plclds. In "About Town," May 31, liud hlg business, nnd the Heason for the Court closed wllh (he above. tSi'huck ft Hcnrley |in>|irli>lnrfl).— Business Is mill good ni this iiuiiuliir place, und the iHlt'iii'tloiis for week ending Juno 1 were very goiid. People for week oC June 3: llitrrv Moure. Miiiesllc Qunrlelle, Dally and O'Brien, HinsIi' i.uMuiini and the moving pb'tiires. WtniKi.iNn P.inK (l''rnnk J, Baker, general malinger).- - Buslnesu wiih good for week ending June 1. People for week of 2 : I.vrlc Cnniedv I'our, Iho Great Da Coo, Jon. R. Kel- ler mid I'limpiiny, Clulrc .Mci.nugliliu and Lillian Dow. Nom—Lawrence Wheat, of "Hie College Widow" Co., which lias closed, la spending klM vncnlloii here with his relnllves, *•* Coptuhi ami 01U.KTTI openedj (heir sea- son al Itaclne, Wis., and nre. booked solid fur one year. ■leentnr.—At the Powers Grand (.1. P. Given, manngoi-l, Innes' Band, May 28, mati- nee and night, pleased. The house will be dark until next season. «' liitcAMi.AMi Paiik (A. Slgfrlcd, mnnagor). —Tills resort will open the regular season June 2. No arrangements for n theatre liuve yet been made, nnd the building given up lust season to vaudeville entertainment:* will he used for a moving pli-inre show. The other ntlracllons arc: Laughing gnllciy, Japanese games, circle swing. Perils wheel, merry-go-round, howling alley, billiard bull, phoiogi'Aph gnllery, dancing pavilion, roller cim-iiT, shooting gallery, roor garden, boat- ing, swlntmlng, .penny iircnde, zoo mut mon- key house. Goodman's Bund Orchestra avcty night, and Goodman's full fourth Infantry Bund Sundays. Special fcnlures for opening week will he Hie Plying lllckells and the Hungarian Band, from the White Cllv, In- dianapolis, Nm-Rs.—Manager Slgfrlcd closed the sea- son at the Hljnii May 2fl, to give his entire limn nnd attention to Dreamland Bar- mim ft Btillo.v, 30, had n full lent In the afternoon, nnd nt night turned people nw.iv. The usual parade was eliminated. — «aa» NOilTIl (AUill.IM. WllniliiKlnn,—At Ihet'lrilnd Opera House ti'iiwiin Bros., mnungei'si the Sutilieam Cluli played to a full house .May 24. Moving Pic- tures June M WiiiiniT.svii.i.i: IUmcii Casino will open June 20. Willi comic upertt. under Hie man- ngemeut of Itohert Mnnsfeld, formerly lead- ing mail with Pcruclil-dypacuc Co. «'» MISSISSIPPI, Merlillmi.—At (he Coliseum Theatre (Vivian Whlltaker, manager) Kenlfrnw'u Jolly Pnllulnders opened a two weeks' en- gngeinenl Ma,)' 27. to big business, nnd drew well pleased audiences. Booked: Prank Dud- ley Stock Co. June 10-17. \ 1,-ksliurn,—At Siihtirhnn Park Theatre (Jim 1-1. Moles, nm tinner i Prank liudley nail his company opened for a Iwo weeks' en- gagement,-In "Because She l,oved Him," us lending lady. tftlV S. Clark. m*g*± The Gay Parte BtirJcsquera closed the- regu- lar season June 1. with a week of good busi- ness, and Treasurer Lovctfs benefit. June.U, promises to be it great hlg success ond a grand finish Io a remarkably good season. Olympic Park ill. A. Schmidt, mann- K< , r) —May 28 found this resort reopened, wllh many new things. The Olympic Park Opera Co. begins the season June 3. with •"Pile Belle of New York." and promises to make this as prosperous as last season, "inn Telephone Girl" will follow. Bristol's Pony Circus created a sensation on the open air stage, and remains for some time. ICi.KC-rRio Park (C. A. Dnnlap, manager). —Till* hlg place opened on tlmoMay 2r», and business has been good from the start. All the out door attractions did well on Decora- tion Day. and Marlborough Hardy I; "gain on hand, looking irfter the vaudeville theatre, which this week Offers entertainment by La Salle Trio, Snnsone and I>cllla, Wnlllng and llrnilley. Cr.ntrclt and IllckS, the Great White Yogi, and Joe llnrdman. Manager Dunlap Is again making the .electric fountain a cen- tral figure, with new spectacular additions. ■ , .-a JiTsn-y l-Hy.—At Keith ft Proctor's (P. Burns, manager, the. offering Tor week of June :t Include*: Bessie Vnldare Troupe, line and ' BroselL 'Connor and Kajrmnnd, Donald and CtMflhi PIlJigllilion-.MclToy Trio, Wilton llrolhers. lingers and Deeley, and the La Belles. Nanette—Buffalo Bill's Wild West June 11. The Carl llagenlim-k-Wallace aggre- gation 17 The Jersey Clly Amusement Co., with Prank ML Henderson, manager of the Acnilemy, on president, and Prederlck Klein, owner of lite Bon Ton, ns secretary, is now hulldlng Ihe new Mnjeslle, and placed on record at Ihe register's ofllce. May 27, a iiiorlgnge of $iir.,000, loaned by the Provi- dent Institution of Savings Prank fl. Meoder, of St. l/iuls, Mo., hns brought suit ngnlnat the Buffalo Bill Wild West Co., May :>l, for nn uccounl.lng. Mr. Mender alleges that he Is the owner of ten shares of the Htock, and he demands nn accounting of the proflls. amounting to over $400,000. Mr. Mender claims that the Wild West,Company Is a New Jersey corporation, formed rob. 8, 1887, at Jersey City. The defendants set Up Hint the Wild West Show was never owned by the Wild West. Company, nnd did business ns a partnership, nnd not a corporation. Mrs. Salisbury, widow of the laic Nathan Salisbury, was also present to tcRtlfy. a Atlantic City.—At the Snvoy Theatre (Prcd P.. Moore, manager) George M. Cohan, in "The noneymooners 1 ' (first presentation), drew packed bouses May 20-June 1. Vaude- ville will be the attraction week of 3. with : Vesta Victoria, Kirk and Wilder, Collins ond Brown, Harry Brown and company,. Bell Prcvost Troupe, Mwe. P.mcry and her can- ines, iicnrv Lee. and motion pictures. Yousn'a Pikr Tiikatrh (W. K. Shnckel- fiu-d, manager).—Good buslocsa continues. Anounced for week of 3 : Paul Vnladon and company, Billy (Single) Clifford, Billy Van, Gillette and McParlanp. Paris Chambers, Mile, hatlnn, Pour Melvin Brothers, Marshall and King, klnetogruph. a Cnindcii.—At Woodlynbe Pnrk (H. D. Le Cato, manager) cold, damn weather marred, to some, extent, the opening of Woodlynne Pnrk, oil May 25. 'Die weeks attraction in- cluded : nisteen Bros., Denton and Scott. Plorence Pierce, Daniel J. McGnrrlgnn, Billy l-lvnns, Ye Colonial Heeds. Adams and Guhl, anlmnted pictures, A. B. Fortlner, ojierator. ♦»» WISCONSIN. Milwaukee.—Albert Brown produced Geo. Ilroudhurst's new play. "The Man und the Woman," at the Davidson Theatre, week of May 27. The work of the company was highly commendable. The play was also ex- ceptionally Interesting, and will most likely be taken out by Miss Walsh next season. The Brown Company will put on "The Kreuticr Sonata" June 3-8. Pau8t. —The English Stock Co. put on "The Reckoning" last week. Cntherlnc Grey scored a tremendous hit. Week commencing 3, "Cousin Kntc" will be the offering, with Janet needier In Miss Barrymore's old role. li.Miisii'ic (Itlchnrd Knnn, manager).—The Garrlck' Stock Co. did some excellent work lust week, In "There and Back." It proved a good lively comedy. "The Girl Wllh the Green Dyes" Is announced for week of 3. Amiamrra. (Jas. A. Hlgler, inunagor).— "The Time, the Place nnd the Ulrl.v which was given Its prcntlcro ut this house, last Summer, will return for n week's engage- ment, commencing 2, with the entire original company. Oscar L. Plenum scored last week, In "The Tenderfoot." Business was good. Bunt: (John It. Pierce, resldei t mana- ger).—Martin's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" put In .last week to the usual good business. "The Cow Puncher" 2-8. Nkw Star. —Manager Prank It. Trnttmun hns them coming In crowds, itellly ft Wood's Big Show put up nil Al performance last week. The Six Bergs Merry Girls was Hie big lilt of the show. The Pay Poster Co. 2-8, wllh Louie Hucre. "The Happy Girl." Crystal (P. B. Wluler, manager).—Pol- lowing people week of 3: Geo. A. Bonne and company. Iledrlx nnd Present!, Then, I'll- mark, Sloddiird und Wilson, Tops and Topsy, and the Cryslnlgriiph. Grand (W. W. Brnden, manager).—Peo- ple week of 3 Include: Helm children, Krctore, Johnny Itellly, Whltcly and Bell, and Irene Harris. Notks. —04n Hyde, the geulnl advertising agent of Ihe New Stnr, has made quite a lilt in his new uniform An orchestra of Oneida Indian girls Is being formed, and will cover one of the large vaudeville cir- cuits "Salome" Ir to be put on by the Pnbst Kngllsh Co.. week of June-10 The New Star Is Issuing a publication, styled 7'lic Wrrklu fltar. The llrst Issue beors the dale of June. 1, nnd has n number of good things In It, Prank It. Trotlmuii Is pub- lisher,- John Schlppocnssy, business mana- ger, and Joseph II. Dnruey, editor Audrey Iinuelcntill. ha* retired from the cast of ihe Garrlck Slock Co., nnd Itlchnrd Kami Is about to close with a new leading man. MINNESOTA. SI. Paul.—At the Metropolitan 0|»» House (L. N. Scott, manager) the Mack Leone Stock Co., In "The Liars." had hi. business week of Mny 2(1. The bill for west of June 2. will lie "Hearteane." which win conclude the engagement of this enmnnnt During Its engagement. Ii has neon-el * hhi success, nnd ha* done very good liuslnes. The Bush-Temple.Co. will open an imaaiw! Manager L. Jt, Scott Is \ttift SliolJiiymiTi—At the Opera House (W. II. Slnddard. manager), "The Tenderfoot," May 23, delighted a big house. A. Capclln Choir. 2(1, did poor niisTncss. IINIQIIK t Arthur Lime, manager). —lines- man Troupe. Prank Mlllon. lie-long Sisters, TiHsttwnrl Pnmlly, Prank Minor. May Mc- Donnell, the l^aveys. CoIIIr Le Page and illndvs Williams Lakh Viiiw Si-.Mxir.n TniMmn (Arthur Lane, mnnager) opens 30, with "Said Pasha," to bo followed by "t'ra Dlavolo.' ment week of 9. In New York. Grand (Theodore L. Hay*, manager)- "The Pour Corners of the Ktirtli" drew lV eii week of Mny 2(1. "Onr New Minister" week of June 2, followed by "The Convict's Pnnah. ter" week of 1), which engagement, will clow- Ihc season. During thn Summer vacation extensive repairs and Improvemenl* will iij made at this theatre. The house will rmnn about the middle of August. Kmi'irk (Snm Pink, manager).—Huslni-.« was fair week of Mny 27. The onlv new pan pie week of June 3, are I he Great Jackson nnd Bobby Carroll. Those holding over- Delia fanrd, ltuth Le Vuo. Billy Wells, i; n '. (rude Leslie, the Martin Sisters. Lottie |i,.|. more. Ladle' Blnke, LllHnn Gardner, limn Matthews, Theresa Kemp, Bit-die Van llnwk and Clyflop, and Shuw. . ' Winiihor (Smith rt. Hull, manager) — Business was very good week of May 2«. a Diiinih. At tnc Lyceum (C. A. Marshall tlianager) Raymond Illichcock. in "The Vun- kec Tourist.'.' Mny. 21). 30, hud fine business 11 was the ,flrnt, time for the piny here, t; |' Tyler had a good audience, 22, at his reellnl Dandy -Dixie Minstrel* pleased 24, 2.I. Hie selle Knott .11, June 1, Lillian Itussell 7 s (llrst time In Diiliilh). MktroI'OLitan (W. II. Longstreet, mona- ger).—-frank II, Long nnd his slock cnnuium- week closing 25. For week of 27. Ihe play for the llrst. half Was "ICIected Io Congress" Bufin (Joe Mnlllund, mnnnger).-,- Itiislnns Is gooil and l.he'showH arn HrsL class, i.nat week Ihe Three Keiilnus brought down tin- house with 11 musical act, A. Jolsnu gut four calls for Ills offering. Bill lor weak of June 3: Seven Multomo Jnps, Carey anil Leclalre, Arthur Rlgliy, Abrani nnd jnhna lsnilore Silver, the Bnrtelmes, John t'mighlln' Jas. McCIellnn, wllh lllnslruled songs, miii moving pictures. Notk. —Campbell Bros.' Show hns paper up Io appear here on June 4. " » inn n.-n polls.—At the Metropolitan Opera House (Ii. N. ScOtt, manager) Perrls Stock Co., In "Cleopatra," June 2 ami week. Same company. In "If I Were King." did very good business! Inst week. Same company, In "The Judge nnd the Jury," 11 and week.' Bi.inli OpKitA Hni'Si: (Then. L. Bays, man nger).—"The Knur Corners of the Kurili" 2 nnd week. "Hie Cow Puncher" did very good business lost week. "Our New Min- ister" 0 and week. Lyceum (I. P. Speers, manager).—Pram- ley Stock Co., In "All Ihe Comforts of Home," 2 nnd week. "A Lndy of Quality" bad good houses last week. DKIQim (John P.lllott, mnnager).—Bill Tor 3 and week: Morrlsey and Rich, Mabel ('tis sidy, Kimi'i- Jerome, Brudley ami Ihivls, Carol Sisters, Irene Little Business n-aa great last week. ■ Bin Iri.and Parr. —Outdoor amusements. • «» DISTRICT OV (111,1 mill. HioililiiBtnii. —At the New National («'. H. Itupley, manager) this week the Summer opera season wutt opened by the Abom Opera Co;, In'"The Serenade. Last week "Itobln Hood" was capably sung, to standing room audiences at every performance. "The .Mi- kado" June in i.y Columbia (J. K. Luckett, manager).— This week, the stock company, In "Trilby." with Wilton I -ticks ve In his original charac- ter of Svengnll, and Hilda Spong and Char- lotte Walker an alternate- Trilbys. Last week the same company, in "My Bonnie Jim," drew well. •'Aristocracy" next. Bm.ahco (L. Stoddard Taylor, manager).- This week, ihc lodwln Arden Stock Co., in "Prince Ktirl." Last w«ek "Rallies" wics well inn.ved, tn excellent business. Owing to In- clement weather all of Inst week, the Porrest of Arden Roof Garden was not opened, hut will be Inaugurated this week, "Dlvorcons" nM *' Majestic (O. L. EUslcr, manager).—This bouse closed a verv .prosperous season 1. Lust week Rose Melville, In "Sis Hopkins," crowded the house. Chask's (Miss II. Wlnnlfied Do Witt, man nger).—Last week this house closed the most successful season on Its records. Stnntllns room only wns the rnlo nt every perform- ance. Lyckum (Kugene Kcrnnn, mniingeri.— This house closed Its regular season 8, with the High School Girls Co. as the uttractlon. The Thorougubrcds had an excellent week hist week. The Lyceum Theatre Stock Burlesiine Co. opens a Summer season here 10. Luna Park (Charles J.. Ooodfellow, iniina- gen.—This resort opened with great bril- liancy last week, but the rains, which were almost incessant, kopt away the crowds. r lhe Royal Berlin Military Bund Is the main at- traction. , (il.KN Fxiio IIiPl'OOUOMH (L. ,T. S.vinomK manager).—This place was opened law week, bin, business was light becnuse of bud wenlh- er. This week's attractions Include: Ihc Cvcllng Cogswells, Lu Petite Alma, and Illus- trated songs by Charles Vincent. Nm'i;.—Buffalo Bill's Wild West showed here Mny 31 und June 1, to fair business. «-»> MARYLAND. Hull I more—At the Auditorium (James L. Kcrnnn, manager) J'Thc Kortune Teller Is the attraction June 3 nnd week, "ihe no- hemlan Girl" was well received lust week, although the continued cold weulher prov" a boon Io Hie few theatres remaining npen. "The Chimes of Normandy" will lie put on l«- Hoi.i.ipAY Htiikbt (George W. Rife, 1»«»» ger).—Anlonto Mnlrlo will give one perform- ance of "linmlct," 4. The rognlnr season closed 1. „.,. GaYety (W, L. Ballnuf, mnnnger).—ii'J Freni-n Polly BurlcRnuera begin a week s stay 3. The Brooklyn Belles httd n prosperous week, ending 1. Next week, "Paris by Mgi»- Nkw MoMtMKNTAi, (Sain M. Dawson, mini; nger).—Miner's Amerlcnn Biirlesqitcrsareine current attraction, opening X The ttnsnini' ton SiMtlely Girls,did well last week. LiiniN's (I'Mwnrd C. Ilarle, ntunnger).-- Aritohlo's perfnrmlng milinnls nre the he"u- liners 3 and week. „ „ .,„„ (IHRATKR Kl.RCTRIC I'AnK (P. C. St'lUn- hcrgcr. mnnnger).—In Hie ("nslno this we»» nre: Mile. iJhii Ihe Singing l;«'»' Marie irfionlonl, Clmrles Wehcr, j^'c BrMnera, und Tascntr. .„ „.. Lvitto (It. tllrleh. mnnager).—The »'|i concerts continue, with Irene Dletrirn soloist. ' ««♦ ■< Arthpr Stuart and Ihe Keeley Sister? * I finish n season of fnrty weeks for the w«i- era Vaudeville Managers Association J' 10 .' '■ after which the ml will dissolve. jWlfeJ},*. ley will work wllh lier lliishand. »»B" XVashlnirn, In Ills one ncl riclng play'*''.,.',, fii 1 Shoi." The learn will he known as wo* burn and K«eley.