The New York Clipper (June 1907)

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470 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Junk 15, By JOLLY JOHN LARKIN a OtftYbur Order in for a Professional Copy, QUICK. THOMPSON MUSIC CO. Orand Opera Moui Hi >IC, Chioai On tbe Road. All fUMlteft Mum llcuch I'm: Not I. titer Tlinn Saturday Preceding; Dole of Issue For Supplemental Mot "** Another Column. DRAMATIC AND MDUCUUm Adams. Minnie (Charles Probmuti, uigr.)—Snn I'mllciSeo. Oil-. I"■-'-■ ■ : ■ : . Allen, Viola (Cuas. W. .Mini, mgr.)—1/0» An- geles. Oil., 10 IV, Vremiit 1.1. Oakland 14. 13, Furlhuid. Or..,. 17 Hi. Se.niIt-. Wash., 20-22. AlMim Oia'ra (Miltuti * Sargent Almrii, nigra.)— Wilsblngt U. C, 10, Hidcllnlle. , Anion, Hdwlli. Slock--, 11. On 10, In- 'Iclhlllej Alias.- Kldck (K. P, Albcc, mgr.)—Providence, It. I.. Ill, Indefinite. American Sleek (Arlbur K., mgr.)—Ms- rlnii, Hid., to, Inilerinllo. Angcll'a Cinucdhins (J. II. Kiiiprson, ingr.)—Kd- hi. Allu. Cun.. 10, Indefinite. Allen Slock—Portland, ore, 10, Indefinite. ..Wine' Comi'dy—Kelikuk, In.. 10. ludpllnl tc. Augell's Comedians (0. J. Bernard, nagr.)—florin, ,m.i„ 111.13.. llarrymoi'e. (Charles I'rol.innn, lugr.)—Den- ver. Oil"., in-).'. Bingham, AinfllH- - si. Louis, Mn.. 10, linletlalle. lini.Hielle. Jessie (C F. Lawrence, nigr.)—Buf- falit, .V V.. 10'. Indefinite. BiiMou Ideal Comic Opera (Kilwlu PaHci-son, IUKJ-. I-- Ivimihpih Clly, Mn.. 10-Sppl. .'!. Ilrminr Prince Opem, Kiln MlTla ' (Harry Lea- vllle, i- I.Mtie Hock, Ark.. 10-13. Ilc.-raor & Stanley's Ills' Show (W. J. McDonald, mgr. I—'I'rlnldad, Colo.. 12. lUHffl, X. Mt-i.. i:i, lUlli.n II. Springer in, I,iih Vegas IT, Snntn Fc IK. Allnuiuwiuf III, Gallup 20, Wlnalow, . Aria.. 21, Williams 22. Ilnrrle Stock (Barrio It (iraliniu. nigra.)—Pueblo, Colo., 10-13. . Hiiyd Hnrmwrs—Hcollii, Nelir.. 10 12. llncluinuu, Lorraine, Sleek—Palllc Creek, Mlii... 10, Imletliille. Slock (Albert Bruntl, Illlil'.)—Milwaukee, Wis., 10. Inilelll.lle. llnrk- Sleek (.1. Prank llinke, nigr.)—Full lllvfr, Mass., in, Imletliille. Hhikci Stock IManrlee Klnufiird, iiusr.)—Wlld- IVOod, N. J.. 10, llliletinlle. Ilnrgc** Sleek (Karl Burgess, mgr,)—Sciililc, Wash., in Auk. II. Il.ililivin .Melville Sleek -DnllilK. Tex.. ID, Imlrll idle. Hurton's C-nmcdliiu* 11 lurry Iturli.n, mgr.)—Hnlcs- i.iii'k, ill.. io Aim. 17. Hr.vui.l Comedy (Sniu III')..ill, ingr.)— Mllhdiiirn, I'ii.. 10 13. lllggcr-Plincr Oimtii— l.ltlle K«ek. Ark., ln-13. Jlpsslp Hiini.ell l.ielleH' Orchestra — Hull In. ere. Mil.. II), Indclliilto. "HrpwKlcr's Millions" (Frederic Thompson, uigr.) — n. y. city loir.. "Ilrewaler'a Millions" (CIi.iiTi'H Frolunnii, mar.I —la.udon. F.iig., 10, l.nleii.ii.e. "Hoys of (JiiN|niiiy It" iDii.iel l-'ruliman. ins;,', i - N. V. Clly 10. liMlellnlle. "Bogus Prince" i Fcrucr & Nulling, nigra.)— Sm,»llr>. Wash.. Il-1,'». "Hunker's Child'' ■ (Hurry Sliamiui, mgi.l—-SI. AhUwht, Ida., 12. Muour Clly 13, Itcabiirn I-I. Itisiiy IS. Carli-r. Mn.. Leslie (Win. M limy, llt>, WiihIi.. 10-12. Tniiiaiin III. North Ylkalua II. S|HiklllH- 13, ll.'le.ui. Mnlll.. IT, l-'Hlll IK, Untie III. Kargn, N. link., 22. f'niKiiinn, Hfiirlell'ii (Manrlrr t'«ni|iliell, nigr.) — 12. liri'al Kulls II, l!nlti> 14, It.' Odllt'i'. William li'hnrlex l'*rulinia!i, lugr.)—N. Y. Clly JO. Inilelll.lle. Ci.Kll.'nn. KlWr ISweely, Sl.l|il.i«i: ft Co.. mu"ra.)— l.Milvllle. Oilo.. III. S.illd.1 II. I'ltclilw 12. tiiwlo.v lil. K'lil (\iIIIiih 14, ClniyrniH-. Wyu., 13, Keiniiey. Nelir.. IT. Hamilton IN, Vurk III. Celinn. lie... M. ( Shim II. IIhitIh. ii.kv. )—M, Y. City ID, linletlnlie. Ouiiliawl. Ida. At Wnller llellmvK Slnek—Denver, I'.ili... HI, ln.lelll.lte. (ViiIk SI.h'U'lni (IralK. iiiki'.) — HiikIoii, Mn^n., 10, lii.lelhille. t'liller Slnek tWalliote It. Culler, mgr.)—Clinra- pulp.. Ill,, IK IS. Colllllll.lil Sleek ll.inkell ft l.lH-yer, msru.l — WllHlllllgliill. \V. >•,.. 10, llnlelliille. Colonial Nloek (t)rtMV & Cnnipla 1 !!, nigm.) — Clerelund, II.. 10. Inilellnlle. clnipiiell-Wliiti'rholT 8t<H)k I Marry t^i«|i|n»ll. mgr.) —Indriwndpnra", Knn., 11-22. ClileiiRo Slock (tilniM. II. HoiIh Kiiiii, mgr.)—Minis- Held. O., llllfl. Ciillinii Sleek (ll.irtley (,'iilliim, mgr.) — I'i'illiiii.l. Me., 22, Inilellnlle. (Vnivruiil'a OoninlitilM (Itnyiuinid II. Crnwfnnl, mgr.)—Mnimll, Mn., 111-13, Nwnho 17-22. C.iinill Oouieil.v (Ion Cariidl. iiiki'. )—lliirnavllle, W. Ya.. 10-1,1. Rlklitx 1T-22: tinrlla Oomr-dy tWm. (illiniin. mgr.)—Fairmont. Nehr., JO-IS. Iliiiiesleel 1.1-1.1. "I'Alilaln OirolCHK" (It. O. Wliltitry, mgr.)—Cl.l- eago. HI., 10. llnlelliille. "ConvletV Hi.i. Kilter" ( I). Ilnvtoii ,V Co., nigra.) —St. I'niil, Minn., 1113. MlinienpellK Hl- 22 DanlrlK. Frank (C. It. rillllnghaia, mgr.l-Chl- vngo. HI.. 10. Inilellnlle. DmnroKeh Now York Sympliony Oivliralra—Phila- delphia. I'a., 10-14. l)« I'pw llimlotlo Stoi'k (Tims. K, Dp Pew, mgr.I —, Intl.. 10, liMlednlte. noiiBlipfty Stoek (I'lrynu & Dongliorly, ingrH.) — ClmpiPl, Minn.. 111-13. Two Ilnrlairn 1T-82. lliirla Stork—Wllmlnglon. Dpi.. 10, Inilellnlle. Iieniiirpi.1 Comedy (Itohl. Imnnroal, mgr.)--Itome, (III.. IT, Inilellnlle. Dudley Sloek (Frank Dmllpy, ntgr;l—Merldlnn. MlKK,, 1(1-10. Dotiglna H(npk--Towpr City. Ta., 10-ia, "Down Middlp" (.Inn. 1>, Jlarlon & Co.. mgr.)— Ai|nnt.., (in., ln-lA. Klwyn. I.oriip— Onrliam. X. II.. in 1,1. l'.inplrp SliK'k (Splla ft- NnlhaiiKOii. mgra.) — Providence, It. I.. 10. Imlellnlle. V.l.ner Slock—Omaha. Nelir.. 10, IndPltnllp. UngllKh Sloek- Mllnnnkeo, Wl».. 10. Inilellnlle, J'lakp. Mm. illi.nli-oi. ti.ey Fluke, mgr. )— Hall FrtHieli-en, Oil., 1013. F'oy, Kddlp (Sum 8. * l.pp Stinlierl. lot!,, mm,)— N. Y. Clly 10. Imlellnlle. I' All siiiik n.eiv Fleldn, mgr. i Ilnaiklyn, N. Y„ 10-13. Fnwpplt Slnek (lii-o. FmvppH, mgr.l-lllvliiiiond, Vi... to, IndPllnllr. Fnneell Sloek Hleli. Fawrolt. nigr. i ---Allmilii, tin., in, Inilellnlle. I'rnnkeiillel.l, l.i.nm - Sail l.iikP Clly. I'.. 10. In- ili'llnlle. Frnwlpy Stock (Daniel I'rawlpy. mgr.I— npoilK. Minn.. 10. Inilellnlle. l-'etil.erg St,«'k iiii.». M, Fenlii'rK. nigr. I — An- gllsln, Mi'.. 10. Inilellnlle, F .urn.m Slink I Win. Fiiumni. mgr. i- -t'leveli.ll.l. II.. 10, Inilellnlle, FpitIh Sloek i Hick I'errlii. mgr. I". -Minn.. Il>. Inilellnlle. I'nlloii siwk U. Pultun..max.i IJiimiIii, Nel.r.. 10. Inilellnlle. Fuller Murk- Montreal. Call., in. In.leilnlip. "Fifty Mile, n-oni lln«loii" (Coluin ft llarrla, mgr*. i—Oitcago. lit., |n-i;., ltoMtmi, Miihk.. IT. llnlelliille. •'FiiM-lieillnu l-'lorn" <Sum S ft l,ee Shnlwit, Inc., nmr». ■ N. Y. CH\ In. Indellnltp. "Fully Felix." C. A. Smith's IF. Maeklnlo«li, mar i Waiikealm. Wis.. 12. Hartford lit. Ilpr- lln II. Nll'lmh 13. SlielNiygini III, lleiiver Diltll IT. WiiiifKin Is. New Ignition 111. Clliilmirlllp 20. \ in iu„ 21. Morrill 22. "r'ii„nv Mr. Iinnley" ll.n Hen..e ft |.w, ins.s.i- VlitbniuWh. N. S.. Can.. 12. Slplhirli.ii lit. Sinn- lll'.'r!.|ilp. I'. K, l„ 14. 1.1. I'liiivlntieti.vvii IT. IS. "l-'or tier Itrollier's Sake" tl'iink DiHlm 1 , mgr.l i \ Sask.. Ciin.. CI. c.iiiiilnrr 13. I'.rie- lleime i Win. \ llrndy. ingr. I, I.e.: in. In...'ill.lie llla| euln, I'lnis. I'. i Welts tl.intie ft ll.lrl.ii., WCt i Xorlolk. V.i.. Ill 13. HI,,,-- s»„ek iYitin.'liii.i illnser, mar. i Octroi:, Ml.-.i . I", linletlnlie. Uiubniuu, rutlliiauil—I'lii-iubavlllc, 0., W-'H, lillmoro'n I'lnyeiK (Frnnel* J. Ollioure. mgr.) — ArkanniiK.OIiy, Kan.. 11-22. liim.l'd O.ilH-dlaiw lAilolph C. (HITui.l. mgr. i - Tnniah. win.. 10-13, Spring tlrorp Minn.. 17 22. (itlek-Roberla Stock (ll T. lillek, mgr. I— Mc Co.nii, ■)., lo-l.l. i.oi.iHic IT-US. (iarrlrk Stock lltlehard Kami, nigr.)—Mllwankat, Wla:, 10. IimIAIiiKp. "HIil from Chill" (Harry 1.. Dlxaoti. mgr.)—Bot- tineau. N. link., in, Kramer 14, Kuaavll 15. "Girl and tin- Stampede" IV. K. [.ambert, mgr.) -lylgpinont, M. Dak.. 12, Crawford. Nehr., lil, Alliance 14. Sidney 1.1, ilgalliiln 10. lipid, Anna iriorena Zlegfpld, mgr.)—X. Y. City 10. llnlelliille. Hall, tint, F. (Frank W. Xawm. mar.)—Bar llnr- iK.r. Mo.. 12. Camden 14, Stoiilngion 13. Holland. Mildred (Kilwanl C. While, mgr.)—Buf- falo. X. Y.. in-.Inly ll. Ilermilll. Selmii. Sloek- Clevi-liinil, (I., 10. llnlell- iille. nillnn.ii. Muy.lK. Schnalatl. mgr. I—WltllPbnll, X. Y.. 10-13. Tlooiiderngii IT-22. Ileinle.'son Stock (W. 1. A It. It. Hrmlpraon, nigra. I—Ylnloii, la., 10-1.1. Ilinitley-lliadforil I'layera—S|.rlngllold, Masa., 10, liiiWlnlle. Ha; ward. Urate, Stoi'k Mieo. M. Uatta. nigr.) — Wichita. Kan.. 10. Inilellnlle. Illxiin-Barliiw Stock—NeWark, N. .1., Ill, Intlefl- idlc. lloward-Dorisel ((ieo. K. Ilowaiil. niKr.)—Tncomn, WiihIi. . 10.". Ilk'kiiniii-llPHwy (W. Al. White, mgr.)— Datpii- liort, lu.. 10, hidelhilip. KelH.onii Sloek (.1. W. Ilplanian. mgr.l—Home, (ill., 10, Inilellnlle. Ilnntlev 1-intertHliiirK (Hen Huntley, mgr.)—War- rens. Win., 12, Maiiatiiii FI-13, 1711). Illllaboro 20-22. IIiikIi'k c.niKsllaiis (II. A. Nlchola, mgr.)—llovnl, In.. 101,1. Howi-'m U'iIIc-' iiiciirsini il.eiiiia Howe, leinlerl N.'lo'iii, Mmw., lo-Xepl. I). Ilaileraiaun. Jennie, Chlengo I,ad1ea' Ori'limtra ID. 11. Ilnderniniiii, mgr, I—Hot SprlugK. Ark., 10, IndeHlillo. "Ilia Ileum-, the Mayor" (Win. Raymond SHI, mgr.l— N. Y. City. 10. ImJpttnlte. "Ilnrdy (lanly tllrla" (Chux. Marka, gen. nigr.) — Huston. Muss.. 10, Indpilnlie. "HooIpv'h Triinlili-a" IW. (!, Dowiw, mgr.)—Bris- tol, VI.. 12. Vergeiiui's HI. Klelin.iinil 14. Milton 15. Snaalvn IT. Canilirhlge IS. Ilaitlwlek 20. Ilnia-rliil Stuck ll,. IT. Cnrllii. nigr.)—I'mvldence, It. I., 10. hiilptlnlle. ,luvei.lie liosinnlans IK. A. Wolf, mgr.)-—1 Inn- cock, Mich.. 10.12. Calumet lil-J.1. Dnliilli. .Minn., IT-22. Jackson. isaVI (.'., Slock ll'erpy II. I.evln, mgr.) - I'lilliidelpliln, Fn.. III. Imlellnlle. Jpffci-son Slock IK. V. IMiplan, mgr.)—Portland. Me.. III. Inilellnlle. .lainon' Brooklyn MHJlni-y Baud --Pnirla. III. 10-15. Kin>tt.l(i».elle iSwii-ly, Slilpinan * Co.. nigra.)-- Tr/iveme city, Mich.. 10, MiniNve 11. <>adlllai! 12. Film. I.'l. I II. Adrian 15, (Ireen- vlllp. Pa,. 1T. Tltiiavllle IS. '" Kclm. Ailclaido (llnrtlg ft Keniiioti,'nigra.)—X. V. Clly 10, inilellnlle. Kolli ami Dill iNat A. Miiyi.or. mgr.l—San Fran- Cisco. Cnl.. 111. Inilellnlle, Kellpy Slink (Jewell Kelley, msr.I— Km.vvllle. Temi., lo, llnlelliille. . "Knight for u Ilov" III. (!. Wldliiev. mgr.l — Chicago.'III.. 10. tndi'llultc. "King (if. lln- Caltle Itlng." Kller'a, Kajdcn |F. P. Keed. mgr.l—HenildJI, Minn.. 12. Fnaalnn HI. Warren 11, Argylp 15, Stephen IT, Iliillock I*. ■ "King of (he Cattle Ulng." P.llpr's. Weslern (Joe Beckpr. mgr.)—Chehallal Waah.. 12. Wlnlock IS. Cnalle Itock 14. Kelko 15, Portlnnd, Ore., 10. -Hood Hlvpr 18, The Dallea 11). MfllUWtnuc Stuck IF. H. I.lvlngalone, nigr.)— SprlugHelil. III.. 10. Imloflnlle. l-olhrop Stuck l(i. K. I.olt.rup, mgr.)—Itimlon, Mass,. 10. Iniletlnlle. la-wla & laikc'H Mnalcnl Cumpily—Senttlp, Waah., 10-211. /.Illlaii Lawrence Stock—Boston. Masts., 10, In- deihilte. I.oreli. Theiiilore- Denver, Colo.. Id, Inilellnlle. Lyceum Slock (Waller I). Xealand, Ingr.)—St. John. N. II. Cun., in Imli'llnlle. I.lla-rll'a Bund (A. Lynn Slinw, ingr.)—Clove- land. ().. lo-Jnly 2S, "Llltle Prosiaatlor" (Frank ti: King, mgr.)—Hu- ron. S. Dak.. 12, Miller I.'l, KeilHeld II, Aber- deen 1.1. Mann. OiiiIm ISiiiii S. ft lai- Shnla-rl. Inc.. nigra.) —I'hlladelidila. Pa., lo. Imli-nnltc. Mack, Andrew (W. M. Wilkinson, nigr.)— Clirlsl Church. N. ft, 10-15. Tlmani IT, Dimedlu IS- July 2, liirercarglll 5-5. ,M mi nunnery .mil iC. II. Ulllliiglinui. mgr.)— "X. Y.'CHy 10. Imlellnlle. Mortimer. Chun. (J. M. Hill, nigr.)—llawea- vllle. Ky., 10-1.1. Slnek (li. W. McDonald, mgr.)—Mon- roe. La,, 10 15. Myrkle- Harder Stork, Soiilhern il.allmore & Leigh, ingrs.l—Dallns. Tex.. 111.25. Mnjmlle Stock—AllMiiy, X. Y., 10, Indefinite.- Mali'llnn IJlH'lll—Klliifm, X. V.. 10. l.nleHnlte. Miller llnw. Stm'k iIah- Slauloii. mgr.)—.Mtdatrly, Mo., 10-15, "Mail irf Hip Hour" (Brady ft; tiilamer, lugts,) — X. Y. Clly 10. Inilellnlle. "Man of Hip llanr" (Brady ft lirlsnier, uigra.) — Chicago, III.. III. linletlnlie. "Mrs. Wlgjis of. Hip liaMiage Patch" (l.leblpr a! Co., ingi'K.I-Umdon, Kng.. HI. Inilellnlle. "Miss I'lsahonlas" (lilinigii. 111.. |ii, ImlpilnllP. "My Wlfe'w Family. Ctnirnl (Frank t\«ke. mgr.) - -l.lllltttllllHigil, Toilll., 10-15, Allmilii, (in., IT- 10-15, 10, lu- Hlnger, Stork. Wolford—Wlnlleld, Knn.. 10-32. .".HljCaaiajn In Town" (II. B. l.lnion r .mgr-)—N««U vllle, Twin.. 10-15, Memphis 17-22. Taylor, Albert, Stock—Fort Smith, Ark Hot Sprints 17-21). Thompson, Mabel, Stuck—San Diego, Cnl. definite. - Thnrp'a Big Show—Joncarlllc. Ky.. 10-15 "Ylh«, (lie Place and the Olrl ,r (M. H. mar. I —Boston. Masa.. 10-13. "Tbree of TJ«" (Walter K. Lawrence, mgr.)—Chi- cago. III.. 10, Indefinite. "Uncle Tom'a (Tallin." Tprry'a (W. 15. Dickey, msr.)—I'ralrle Clly, In., 15. Monroe 17. Knnx- vllle 18. Itoac Hill 1!), Delta 20. Harvey 21. Kdd/vllle 22 "T.ncle Tom's Cabin," Mason Bros.' (Tom Mason, bda. mgr.)—Renfrew, Ont.. Can., 12. Arnprlor 13, Sniflh March 14. Ottnwa 15. Van Der Berg Open—X. Y. Clly to. Indefinite. Van Dyke & Katon (F. Mack, ingr.)—Elkhart, luil.. 10-15. Valliiinoot Slock (A. Glassmlre, mgr.l—Williams- port. Pa.. 10, ludednlte. "Volunteer Organist" (Win. Gray, mgr.)—Chicago. 111., 1(1-22. WarHeld, David (David Ilplasco, mgr.)—B.wlon, Mean.. 10-15. Wills Musical Oimedy (John II. wills, nigr.)— KiHixrllle, Tenn.. ID-July U. Wills All Stars (John B. Wills, ingr. I—Buckme Bench, Va., 10. ImleHnKi-. Wllla Comic Opera (John B. Wills, nigr.)—Dan- vilje. Va.. 10-Jnly 14. Wluhhigcr Bros." Own (Frank Wlniihigvr, nigr. )— Anplclou, Wla„ 10-15, Keaaoii emla. Wallnck'a Theatre. Xorlhern (Dublnsky Bros., nigra.)—Itock Island, III., 10, Indefinite. Wallnck'a Theatre. Southern (Maurice M. Ilutdu- aky. mgr.)— Chumitp. Kan., 10-22. Wiillack'a Theatre, Western (ICdward Dublnaky. mgr.)—Wichita. Kan., 10-22. WIIIIituiH Stock (.7. W. WIlllniiiK. mgr.)—Mount vriion. III.. 10-13. Sah-m 17-22. Wolfe Stock—Wichita. Km., 10. indetlnlte. "Wlianl of Oa" (Hurtlg & Seanion, mgrB.)— Clilcugo. III.. 10-1.1. "Wlxard or Wall Street," Kdwlii P H llersi.i.'s— Flanileim. S. Dak.. 12. MaillHon HI. Bryant II. Walerlown 1.1, Ilris.klnus 17, JCinoti IS. plenv 111. Miller 2(1. Iteillleld 21. Ala-rdwii 22. 2:1. •Wizard or Wall strivt" (l,e\v Vlrden, mgr.) — I.awlon. Okln.. 10-20. " Ye Oilonlnl Slock (C. W. Burner, mgr.)—Hamil- ton, O., 10-13. HtllLIOSUII': \M> VAIDKVIM.IC. llowcry lliirlesipa'is (Hiirllg ft Seiuuon, nigra. 1- - X, \. City 10-15. Meilx ft Biirnell Vaudeville (A|. Martx. mgr.)— Danville. Vt„ lit, Concord 11. Oll»)t 15. Wine, Woman and Song (M. M. Tlielse, mgr.)— .v. Y. City 10. imlellnlle. Walwm'a Coney Conier Girls |W. II. Walson, mgr.I—I'lillndelpl.lii. Pu.. 10. Iiidetliilte. MIX-STHKLS. Dockatnder. Lew (Charlea D. Wilson, mgr.l—Porl- land. Ore,, HI, 14. Tacomri, Wash., HI, Seattle ii.-in. iCverelt 20. North Yaklinii 21, Walla Wnlln 22. Diiiio.v nixie, Vohakel ft Nolan'a (John J. Xolau, mgr.)—Moose Jaw, Saalj.. Cun.. lo. Muide CrM'k II, Meillelne Hat. Alia.. 12. I.otl.l.rl,p.-o 14. 1.1, Cardatmi 17. Mclir.illi IS. Itiiymond III, L'larealnmi 20. Illgli lllver 21. Okotoks 22. Daly's. Win. Josh—llazlelon. Va.. 10-1.1. Fox's, ltoy K.—Dc l«0U, Tex., Hi-12. Gorimin 13.' 15, Chleo 17-111. TriXT SHOrt s. Alloa ft- Anderson's—Attica. N. Y.. 12. I,e |t,.v lil. Avon 14. Churehvllle 1.1, Akixui 17. Lancas- ter 18. Middleport 111, Albion 20, Biccsport 21. Williamson 22. Barmm & Bailey's—Flndlgy. o.. 12. Toledo HI Adrian, .Mich.. 14. Jackson 1,1, Detroit tT, Film IS, Maglmiw 111, I, mining 20, lonln 2!, Griiml ltuplds 22. Jliiilulu Bill's Wild West. Cnl. Win. F. Codv (Fred B. Hutchinson, mgr. I—Newlmrgli. N. Y., 12 Kliigaloti HI. Albany 14. Pltlattcld. Masa., 15. lloalot: 17-22. I'orepangli ft Sells Urn*.'—Niagara; Falls. X. V.. 12. SI. (Jatheiliies lint.. Cull., lil, Hamilton II, llraiitfoiil 15. Loudon 17, Clialham IN, SI. I'liomnii III. Wooilatiatk 20. Slraifoi-d 21. Berlin TO COR RESPO NDENTS. Onr theatrical: ciirretpetufentt are hereby notified that the credential* note held by litem expired June 1. Then are rcquctted to return them to this office at once, for renewal for im-BOS. ' ; PKNNSYLVANIA. I'liHiulelpliJu.—Another Summer sciuoti 1ms hcgiin, und I'hllndelplilii still lacks Hint which evpry other large clly possesses—a roof garden, with the uaoal combination of vaudeville and blgli balls. Great hopes were anticipated when the owners of the Lyric und tnc Adelplilu. wlilch adjoin each other, announced tliut u big roof garden would be built oyer the two houses, but now wc ure agHln In the slough of despond because the aclienic hua been abandoned. Lyric (Messrs. Sliubcrt, munagers).—"The White Hen," with Louis Mann, continues to In- a slrong drawing curd, and begins its third week June 10. Tbe run should con- tinue to Mne business far Into the Summer. (iiiiAim (Miller & Kaufman, lnanagera).— Tills popular playhouse put up Ha sliultera 8, the concluding week being devoted lo Chester D'Amon. ni!nd reader, and several vaudeville nuns. The past season has been the most prolitnble In the history of the house. IIaiit's (Mi W. Hurl, liiiintiger). —Vim Klnale, In "Kuthieen Muvournven," did Hue business lust week, which xvns the litial one of Hie season. Mnmigcr Hurl lias uo cause to complain of the business done during the season. J'.wiK (F. (i .\ixoii-.\lrdlluger. manager) —The Shaw English UpCfM «.'o. will begin n season of comic opera HI, opening with "The Mikado." The company Includes: De" Nlvcn, Wiillucv Hrowulow. Laiiril .Mllla Frederick Knight. George W. Leslie. William llrown and Frank ltiini'iey. Tom Waters, In "The Mayor of Laogliliind," concluded, S, a • highly successful run of six weeks. "The lloliciiiian (.111" next. Kkitii's (II. T. .Ionian, mnntigci).—Kill llils week George II. Primrose and Ills Min- strel Hoys, the Glliwroltl Troupe, May Tolly and company, Kdward F. Keynard, the Piano- phlends, and L'nverly, the Four singers, Xorlnn and Nicholson. Knlgbl Urns, und Sawtellc, Lnwson ami Nainun, I.cvllle und Sinclair, linker and Jerome, the Kuuff- iimus, IMmlllon and Howled. Frank ilowiunn und I he kluelogi-uph. Jack N'oworth and Henry 10. Dixev were strong favorites with the throngs that packed lite house last week. ■CliKSTNrr S'rituCT Oi'iiiix ll(ii:sn (Nixon & Zlininermtiii. inaiiugci's).— joisli- Juuls Is tin; lending limilnary week uf 10. Millers arc: Frank Bush. Adelaide llerrmunii, Ilulpli .lolin- slimo. the Itnliiin Trio, .Mile. Ktnruy s pots. Tom Ileum, hid. Latell. I he L'rucslo Sisters and moving pictures. .Vlclntyrc ami llenth. and Wilfred I'larTte were the big cards lust week. Willi (iverliiiwlng houses. UtJou (George W. Klfe, manager).—Willi Major Siun Dawson In charge, tile Snuitner season atarts 10, with Miner's Americans. The. olio mentions: Gladys Arnold. Will 11. Ward. .Hiiiin- Itowlaito. Wood Urol hers. Mel- IMltHliurK—At Hie Grand (H,„ rv , h maoager) this woek'i* BWiliidnrlw tl,SS i Si Dlxcy and comuony In "David ii M "\L'>. Anna Kva Fay, Geo. Abe and cotui. a ,Ve ',*v Norworlh, Pony Ballet. Gallagher 1 und t"" ! rctt, Hcsslc Wynne, Loulso Henry ffl* ftf nos. the Brlttons, Le Nore and «lnclilr if- !la nedy and Wllklns, the Buenos ainjfffij &"■ matogiaph. I^st week's bill wus cicelinT and packed the ho-ise dally diirlng H?c i, S 1 ' Nixon (Thos. f. Kirk, manager, •'■,■, week's bill liKludes: Alice Llo'd t |,e~,L ll ' i Nnoghtons. Kmplri! City Quartette Ire-cngag,'. for another week), Valazzi. Mason nmi n5i OKrlen nod Havel, Wm. Uurress? v ■ r ^i! ' bert'H Song Birds, Delmorc und lie, i| rc , Bert rum and tlie animated pictures. iS bouses have been in order. " l " Hii'i'OUltiuiK (Ira J. La Motte, mina«., This wecka hill includes: Polar Ifca? x ' Harry ('. Lyons, C'lienoweth and Ferrirt Dainty Dotlie Daleand' Boh Huheria rm«i nesH lias been very good. The Hallau UlSEi tra. lu concert, afternoon nml even lug Majks-ik: (Howard Koycr, maniigeri . This weeks bill: Catherine linker ttiau Muck. Will Taylor, Perkins and Calvert S|.„ ey and U Koy, and Bema U UmSSt Business has been very good. "w«n. Luna (Klmer K Gregg. jMiw^rJ.-Ti. .Navassars Lady Military Band bus la-en r» engaged for another week, and In 1|„. on M , Marzelo and Wonlfc. In « clever ucnilii- net, appear. Business has lieen good ; Kknnywoop (A. P. Mehulmn. ■juu2»t) _ Sunday aflcrnoon and evening, », MaVnV. Band. Mnrjorle Barrett, and ..titer fmi' tahters npppared. Kemp Sisters' Wild Wm and Hippodrome continues to pluy to nartai houses. ■ *™ SoiiTHKltx (A. S. McSwigan. manager)- .Sunday afternoon and evening. 0, Xlieii',,- ; Band, and, Karl Lindsay, the vocalist », peared. Kim ness has been good, und II, • 1Mb "father conditions are mlicli more, iiii.- I,BKAM r,TV Stanley V. Vlcltcr" ami ,'■ . l , 1 , l . l ,,.'.!l: ger).-Fl'ee twi,« dully. (aP „omH|e s Irotipp, innI Deliiceit's II. S. Hand. I!. in ,| eon cert* Sunday. Business lias been very t i WMtT Vikw.— No coiatrts .Sund.iv, ),„[ during the week dancing and bund codcpiIs Ciinbv Is,.— Tlii s nBW . mrk wl |, '. opened on June 2i). Lnnensler—At the Family (Kd. Moiarl manager) 'Tlie Cowboy and the Lmlv" was well iiutrnnlwil June :t-S. "A Stranger In a Strange Land," 10-15, will conclude Him me engagement of the excellent stock com iiun.v Hint Manager Mozart formed. 'I'lin house will (hen be closed for the BuuWr Hie eompiiny, reorganized, but rautainiig most of the original members, will lie it numed the Frederic Sumner Slock Co.. ami removed lo Itocky Springs Then Ire for Hie Summer. Kiiok l-iAIHiKS (Olias. M. Howell, inamigen openeil for I he season 3. "Thu Tolepbone Girl," Hie opening attraction, drew crowded hoiues. ilie new stock compituy proved In he of gi-ent nliltlty, mid K uve very .vallsfar lory perfornvunces. "A Trip lo Chinatown," 10-15. Kockv SfltINO Thhatrb (H. (irlffcliis, manager) will lie opened bv Hie Irving Dramnllc Association, of this cllv. in "VulJev harm. II. Commencing 17 tin- Fivderfc vllle und Itoller. and I)e Win Yotingand com- , s iiinner Stock C. removed from Hie Fnnillv pnny. Thi! Washington .Society Girls were re- 1 \ u \ u l*''; »'JH start Its Summer engagement. eelved with much niipreclatlnu, by line houses, lust week. The Bijoii Kurlcsiiuo Stock Co. next. , Lenlhlinvu, !, Cautiy til. Moiilevlilen, lildridgp Xnzlinovu. Mine, .\IIh I Henry Miller, mgr.)—N. Y. Clly Hi-1.1. Xorlh Bros.'Comedians—Hot Springs. Ark.. 10-22. orpls'iuu (ippra (Milton ft Sargent Ahum, nigra.) - -Brooklyn. X. Y.. lo. Indelliillo. ■ ilymida (iisna -Moiille. Ala.. 10. tinletlnlie. "Our New Minister" (Josepli Couyera, mgr.)— Mhiiienpolls. Minn,, II-13, Milwaukee, Wis.. II). Paige. Muliel. I.'ompdy (II. F. Wtllnril. mgr.) — .lacks,, li vllle. Phi., ID-AUK. IT. Pii.vton Slatera (C. S. I'n.vloa, mgr.)—Fori Snillli. Ark.. I0-2H. I'rynr anil Ids Baud lArlhur I'ryur, iMiiductor)— I'lilladclplila, Pn., I.VJulT 5. Pluyers iSioi-k I Bush Temple Theatre (.'«.. nigra.) - SI I'niil. Minn.. lo-Aiig. :il. Puyceii Slis-k-Peiirlu. III., lo. Imlellnlle. "Pwk's Had Boy" IP, S. Callahan, mgr.l - Leililnhbie. Mia., Cun.. 12. Tnlair HI. Mcl.poil II. Cl.iresli„hn 15. Xuiiloii IT. High Hirer IS. (■I.oioks HI. Caltarj 20. Dlilsla'IT.v 21, funis- fall 22. Itiisspll. Lillian I Gen. I". Hluloii. mgr.l—Battle creek. Mich.. 12, Jackson lit, Delrult 14, 15. season wills. llallan Open— X. Y. Clly 1U-2II. Itoyal C4iiiiidhin llaial (J. M. Finn. Ilnmlia. Nel.r., 1|l-Sp|il, 13. Itoyal Artillery Baud Una. De Vlto, llnlelliille. (David Hoi,,see. Fashion I'll,le-M,nail linloii. I'a., 12 lil. Purl Ito.vul II. Xenporl 1.1. I In till ii ir Brns.—Slcp|i.v F,ve. Minn., |j Gioloii. S. Dak., 14, Slssploa 15, Minn.. IT. ifmyV- Prlncploii. Ia„ 12, l,eclnlrp lit, t-t, Donahue 15. Luck? Hill's—11 rami island. Nelir., 12. Alda HI Wood Ulver II. Shellon 1.1, ( IT, Kearney IH, Axlell 111. Mluden 20, Noruuin 21. Holslclu Uv Bros,—ApiHiiuiitg. It. I.. 12. Xallck HI. civile II. Pliculx l.i, Sicrllng, Onia., 17. Mooallp IS. Jewell clly 111, Pawnee Bill's Wild West and Great Far Final Oul. LHIIe's—Davenport, la.. 12. Dulamm- Hi! Oerarrln I, llochealer 15. Mlnnpapulla. Mliui., I 7 .' i?' '"•'."'"'''I II'. Muiikiilo 20. Wortliliigtnn 21. Slum Fulls, s. Dak., 22. IHiigllng lima.'—Lawrence, Mass., 12, Mauchcs- ttf" ?'. "•• .'"• Lowell. Mass.. 14, FUchbiirg 15. Sprtuglleld 17. llurlfoiil. Conn., 18. ltobiison's. Johii—Wulerlou, la.. 12. Maiichester Ll. Cedar Unphla 14. Tamil 13. Itulibhia. Frank A.—Itocliealcr. N. II., 12. Snvlim- viile. Me., hi, linn, h. Jtucklund 15. Heed Bras.'—West Liberty, Kv., U, Kla»' Hough Itlders—Coliimhiis, ()., Kt-ir, Splls-Floio'a—Wiillncp. Ida.. 12. Missoula. Mont,, Id. Helena 14, Bulte 15. Aiiiicondu 17, Dillon IS. Idahn I'iiIIh. Ida.. Ill, Motil|,cllcr 20, Rock Snrliiga. Wvo.. 21. ItnwlhiH 22. Smith's, K. (I.-Oleli ltlckey. Pn.. lit. (irampl,,,, Lntliershiirg I'- ll, Silver l-alully IHurl Silver. iiigr.l-Coiiklln. Mich., .•■••JlWptwrllle in. Berlin 11. Cruudvllle 15. MiishlniHis. I.1SX1—Herkimer. N. Y., 12 Vuri i-""i. ,: Vi A » 1N '«;« , «'» II- Troy 13. Hooslek Falls li, Sheltuti-ne Fulls, Mass., Is. Greenfield 111 Xo.'lliaiiiptou 2(1. '"■ 1. Turners I nils 21, Orange 22 Cliuksvlllp, X. Y„ 1.1, Alamoi mgr.l — ingr.)— mgr.)— Chlengo, Shubert, ft lliilllaniri.. Mil.. 10, ''Hum. of tin* Itauehn' N. Y. City 10-21'., "Bound I'ii Uoappli Brodks. nigr.)— 111.. 10. Illiletliilte. "Hoad lo Veslenlny" (Sam S. ft l.pp Inc.. Iligrs.i -X. Y. I'lly III. Indefinite. Sotlieru. l-i. II.. null .I11II11 Marlowe 1Sam S. I.pp Shnlrri. hie. ingrs.l—X, y, Clly III 22. Siabl. Hum 1 Henry 11. Harris, mgr.l—Clilcugo, III.. 10. Inilellnlle. Skinner. (Ills (Charles 1'riiliioan. tllgr.)—Spultlc, Wash,. 1.1 1.1. Spokm.e 17. IS. SissiiH'r. Cecil (('lias. K. Illaiipy. u.iir. 1 - ,\. V. Clly UI-I.V Shaw F.agllsli ll|H<lil--Plilhidpl|>lilii. Pa.. III. Ill- ili'llnlte. San FrnuclsiM (i|a>rn (Frank W. Mealy, mgr.)— Pnrllaiul. On-.. 10-Jnly 1. SI. Clilr. Mae 1 Han,III.,,, ft- Wnlers. nigra.) • SI. John-dairy. VI.. Ill 15. Iliirro 17 22. Nii.i« si,«'k iMnrlliuer Snow, umr. I - Memphis, Ten, . HI. Indellullp. Slur Slock I'orilcial. hit., in. 111,1,'ihifl,'. si.alilari siis-k Buy I'lly. Mi.-h.. IK, linletlnlie, Stanley Slock (Arlluir Stanley, mgr.)— St. Louis, Mo., 10, luileUulte, Whirler Al. F.-ciniksvllle. X. Y„ 1.1. Alntnout NWlIivil'ie'Tl'i ■'"'"""•Wc IT. M.iiyllehl is. MIM liLI.ANKOlS. Ikisiock's A11I11111I Amin (FrimkC. Bi-slwk. ingr) — Oiuey Ishiinl, X. V.. Ill, ludeilulte. ItosKs-k s Animal An (Frank C. Bnsloeli. mgr 1 —Norfolk. VT:„ 10. hidelhilip. Burton Ilras.' Hlusluii Show (Gm. w. Usiimnl imii'.i--lliirtronl. C01111., 10, llnlelliille Criilbsbniik—Puiwroy, 0- lit. (,'ulihiolia 15 (,rocker's TrtWucil Animal Show—Toronto. Out.. Crystniplox '(.M. H. Wulsb. mgr.l—Worceslcr, D'Ahnu'a Trulucd Aiilmnl Show—Spi-lngnptil .Mass. 12. West.leld lil. Ih.lyokP 14. Xorlh,,,,,!-' ton IS. iliwntlelil 11. Oriinge is, tliirdnpr, mat., 11111I Hlehbiirg II), Lpoinlusler 20, Cllnlon 21 Mnrllson 22. llolden's Animal Show—(Tilcapi. 111.. 10. hnlell- Heek. W. S.. AanMHuMri Co.—Lima, o., 10-15 Jolly Ktliloplaus is. II. Dudley, mgr.l Stoeltiin Pa.. 10-1.1, York IT-22. Parker. C. W.. Shows il'rainor ft Tvler. mgrs ) — luiiklon, S. Duk., 10-15, MnlikAto. Minn.. IT-"" llioinpsoii Kuleriahmra 1 Frank H. TboninsoiT' Mr-l—Dial 1.1 llluff. Wis., I", I.'l, ll,," a,j- MiiniiKcrN nml Ac (lira lull)- I,, Hitylnu- lli-nl I'Xnle. Henry II. Iliirrls Is president of 11 now- orgaiilziilliiit. called the Astorin llevelniunent liV 1 '.„ J,,,i "l'. 1 ' "., Gristlier Is vice president, aud \\ llllaiin Ilnt-rlM. treasurer. Other directors are: William K Connor. Frank Daniels. Wit- Inn Luckiiye, Slinilslnun Slnngp und Kdwnrd Alleles. The couipu 11 y has hoiiglit from Hie Hlckerl- ITnln.v ltciilly O,.. (weiKy-llitep lots 1111 Villi Alsi and lion Avenues and llurclnv Street liiisi Ulver llplghts. |„ I., for *02.(l(M1, ami .will erect tiieicou a group of four, atory flats. Lvi'khji (John G. .feniii.ii, nianitger).— Purls by Nlghl, 11 house show. 10-15. The coliipany Is headed by Win, Kelly, wlih Wil- lurd and llnghps lealuicd In the olio. Tbe hill also included .luck Bluckliiii'n, In 11 box- ing contest. Business was good lust week. TitiicAiniitii (Fred Wlllsoii. umiiuger).— Hilly Watson and His Cozy Corner Girls cou- IImil' as a fine drawing curd. The burlesques are changed weekly, ns well as new lids in I he olio. The ninuieiir nets on Friday arc tilwuys piudiicllvi! of 11 capacity iiudlencc. Casino (Kilns & Kuenlg. luitiiiigei'H).— (<ile mid Juhiisoii will open a Htipplcnicuinl seuson III, lu "The Shoo-I'lv llegiuieul," which will com Itiuc IntlellullclV. lluN 'I'ox I Lillian Tyson, iniiniiger).—Hill week of ll): Florence llules. Man Fallund. kennedy und Lang, linker and West, W. Liivern unit moving iilcturcs. IlimciiWddii I'ah'k iK. K, Downs, lnatia- gor).—In Hie nrenu. week of 10, are: The Kelliilzer Sisiers und I he Uell-Prevost Trio. .Nearly nil the ainuspment feu Hi res arc now retidy for (he crowds, two more being Mulshed nst week. Venice and Ilie .lupunese Itimd is also relitIned for the current week. , "OOiisiDi: I'auk.— Tlie Gretmdlers' Bund Is furnishing Hue music for Ilie crowds. The amusement features ure doing us well us ran he expected, considering the weather condl- I ions. Wiixiiw GltiiiK Paiik (F. H. Llucoln, 1111111- itger).—Walter LMtnrosch mid his New York -Symphony Orchestra continue 11s the all ruc- tion until 14. when lie will lie succeeded bv Arthur I'l-yur and his baud, for a three weeks' stay. Wasiiinu'i-on I'auk (Win. J. Thompson, iiiainigeri.—A big roller skat lug rink, which will he 1.pencil shorlly. Is expected lo he the big feature ill rim park llils season. Tlie Itoninii linpcrlnl Bund ( (limes lo ( line operatic selections lo I ha evident tippru- clullon of tin! crowds. Wllini Cirv (II. If. Auchy, autnaser).— All the iimiisemeot feittuics urn being well pn Iconized. Including tho skating rink and l>ou.v (ruck. NiiTlis.—The Knll'iilo Bill Show did siidi nil i'IIoi-iiioiis hitslnoss Insi week. Mint ll was simply liiipoKslhlc lo handle lite crowds, thou- sands luring liii'iicd »way. The uiuiuigeuieiii had.also great d (Nullifies In preventing llcket sculping with the ndmlKslon tlckels, which were buiiglil up by the hundreds and sold for advanced prices. This W ns ihmllv overcome hy closing Die ticket otltccs und (lonipi'lllng everybody lo pay cash iidmissions ul Ihc gute. ... Architect Albert 10. Weslovcr. of this clly, la designing a handsome. tUO.000 nhivhouKp In .Merlden. Conn., for 13. '/,. 1> 0 11. Bids will lu> asked for In two weeks Harry Duvls has leased tho store property tit No t.lll Market Street, for $18,000 it year, for a moving nlcturc show. This mni.-s this fifth venture of his In this city, with J no,,', 1 , 1 .." 1 " r< "' "' 0 Properties running over SHU 1.111111 ,1 year Gcurge Dliguetii.. on,. 01 the broncho Humors with the Kiiirnlii Bill Show, Is seriously III hi the Sumurlliin llos- IV'"I, with piiptiiininla. Ills home Is ,11 Lake t liamplnltt. X. 1. with "My Friend from India." 17 Nun.—The lied Men will hold a lurgc State convention during current week, with parade on 12. und It Is exiiected I he thrums will be largely pnlronlzed. 1 m 1 \vnil(iins|,,,rl, —Al; the Kamllv (Preil SI. .nuiiKle. muimgerl the Four Dancing Itclh's. I'.d._ nml .II.ullii White. Ivtl llotictle, Taneiiii. I'llx und Cluylnn, Wilbur Mack mill Mill 1 home Worthley. AdamlnlTaylor and com puny did big biiKlness week of .lime ii. Mr. I.iimadi! aunotiiices Hint the house will clos« 2^, for teu weeks. VAI.hAMONT I'AUK PAVILION (AugllstlW Gliissiulre. mnnugcr).—'I'll-.! season npens 24. Willi 1 he following company: Augustine Gliissiulre, Wm. ti. Slider, Cbas Stevens. Geo. (Niiinor. Goo. Kiirle. .Tuck Ucgitn, Noib Iteytiolds. Chester Wallace. Robert Tule. Ben ha Creighton, Ham Summers, Virginia llennlngs, I In 11 It- Foley and Consltinco Irvln. NUTKH.— Wuslihurii's Animal Show did big business May ill Forpaugb-Sells Bros.' Show drew and pleased big crowds .Mine 7. Ilageiibeek-Walhicc Shows for Jane -4 The Pennsylvania BUI Posters and Distributors Association held their llilrtcritlli nnnutil convention In this city (I, 7. 11 was largely attended. t Tuiioinlul.-. —At the Grand Opera Ilnui" (George W. Lowdrr, manager) the local Knlghls of Columbus gave a repetition id I heir lulnslrel show io packed bouses, lift" noon and evening of'Memorial Day, and thaw success was so gratifying that Ihev iif making dates to nnneiir In towns within e radius of sixty miles. . Family if. j,. Blair, manager).—Week K .lime :): Wllllum Shallcs, in songs lllustruled, and refined moving pictures, r.very leatiii'' of the Innovation lias proved a winner, ns (he applause has a nested. Xiitk.— Forepuilgh Ik Sells Ilrolliers' GniH Show was wlih tin Saturday, June I. All seats were laken aflernoon and evening. HOT hundreds of llcket buyers were sat lulled lo hold down I lie grnss. Tim show is cnpllnl. AH (.01111—rn„j ytur, (Silverman Urn*, munugers) -a new and attractive resort was formally opened,limn 6, with moving (*•■ lures of the I'asslmi I'liiy. 'Hie following peo- ple uppcur Hi anil week: Doyle and Oralis". and Lu (,'lnlr und West. Lakkmoxt I'auk Thkatiik (.1. II. Sliiuk. tiiiiiiugen.—The season owns IB, , NriTKs.—L. It. Cool, formerly manager of the Lyric. In this city, will manage Ihc **■ lostlc Thcalre. In Johnstown, Vn tV Walter L. Main Fashion Plale Shows will exhibit al Tyrone, 10. » Vrltv—The Majestic (J. L. Gllsoti, ninn ■""TI and tho Park Opera House U. [» Gilsou, manager) aro both closed for to" senson, and undergoing necessary ronovalwu. Ilie piisr reason 1111s is?en very UroillgUK W the miiuugemciit. Waliiamukii (Thos. Malooev. inaiiagerl opened the sensou on Muv ill), with a rrwrn breaking iitlpiidnncp. jinny Hue Impni';'' meplsi uiiii nlirurtlons huve been iithh'd. J'| (ludluu; 11 roller i-ouslcr -i""l (Imire - ' June :i and week, Uteri uiwi his concert hanO' GET WISE,, beonn... Hi. (he und Strringe.t Tr«nk iwinV WILLIAM I1AI., Inc., Oliikei-a ut 110 Wesi luiii 81., New York Clly. SEND FOB CATALOG lit (J, ffiOiESSIONAL