The New York Clipper (June 1907)

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June 22. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. m HiciiABti Manskici.i* has sold hit' New York resident*, at 316 Illverslde Drive, near ilne Hundred and Fourth Street. It 19 11 five story American basement dwelling, and was bmiKht by Mr. Mansfield about nine yearn airo He occupied the houne up to the time ot his Went departure' for Europe. •• Marion Stanley, who wns leading woman for the Rogers Brothers last season, has been i-ncnaed for llielr new production, ••The Itogers Brothers In Panama." Am* ItiCAitD has beep engaged as. leading Note.— Daniel Qulnlan. of this city, who for the past few seasons has been Identified with vaudeville, Is spending two week* with his family. — m Jameitown At the Celoron Theatre (J. J. Waters, manager) the bill for week of June 10 Included: Young America Quin- tette. Mcl'hee and Hill, .Marlon and Pearl, rne Great Richards, and Kelso and l^lghton. business Is good. NOTES.—Til ■ ■—At the Stone . Opera House (J. |«. K.. Clark, manager) Rlclinrd (iolden. In "The Poor Devil," pleased good attendance June IS, AiiMiutv l.l. ft, Plynn. resident manager)). —".Mrs. line's Defense," 10-Hi, hnd good at- tendances. Unfler tbcCeim/ Is now appearing In vaudeville with ,ilarry l'invcnport and Phyllis Knnkln, has been en- auKcd as a member of 11 permanent stock eoiiipitnv thnt will begin Its season in the Huston"Theatre, Sept. * ■ - URHII M, S!ihom:r ani> Job Rrinork, of Cinclnnutl. O., part owners of the New Y'ork llliMMiiliome. will make llielr residence lu future In New York City. (•AiiBKT P. Campbell signed for two years wlili llenrv K. Harris, lie leaves for Chicago julv 1">, to Join Itose Stuhl, In -'Tile Chorus ' It" M. titiucK, lessee of Die Alvln unci the Bijou Theatre, Plltsburic P11.. was granted u illv.irtt' from Ktitharyne Cnrr tiullck on June 11, In I he shove city. « 1 > KISW VOKK STATE. Ilnffnlo.— At Ihe Star. (P. V. Cornell, manager 1 Hie Hnnsxelle. Slock Co., week of June I", present, a new four act play, the • stiirv involving nlllclnl life at Washington. Tlie' play will be named by (he people of ItiitTiiio.'a prize of ?:i!i having been offered for tin* best title. "The (llrl and the Judge" week of 1M. "School for Scnndnl" drew nice- ly 10-10. I.vkii 1 I J- Lnughlln, innnnger).—Mildred Hnlluud, lh "The Lily nud the Prince," this week. "Fast. Lynnc" week of 24. Siiha's. —Kill for 17 and week includes: .Mnrriliall I'. Wilder. Charles Mack and com- pany. Four Huntings, "The" Quartette, I.h jtnv and Woodford, Nell and Chapmau, Hounding Cordons, nnd Swan mid Bnmbnrd. I^AFATt.TTK iChns. M. Hogg, manager).— The Summer slock company includes: Annie Meek, Mvelyn AVnlker Winchester, Mae Or- letttt, Annie Cnrter, Mnhd Hamilton, Angle Arden,- I.uclllc Herrnn, Fred Taylor, Andrew (I'N'ell, Joe Rowers, and many otllers. "The tllrls from Chelsea" and "The Rehearsal" tire the aitracllons Ihls week; 1,1'NA PARK (II. II. MncRrooin, malinger). features In Ibe pnrk Ihls week Include: Webb's performing sen Hods nnd Paula rliliiel. Ill the lliealre : Itndu and lleiiinaii, Hughes nnd Itrown, Ollverre Trio ami Klcniinl I.eggett. Albany. — At Ilni'lililiius Kleecker Hull (II. It. jambs, niniiUKoi) Smiiiiier comedy si HI holds ntlenllon here, Ihe Majestic Slock Co. furnishing good eiiterlnlinneiil. "A lliin- iiwnt Wife" was llic bill June' Hi-r.', ntiil "Wliy Smith Left. Home," 111-Hi, hntli draw lug well. ••Tennessee's Pnrdner" 17-11), "A Stranger In 11 Strnnge Land' 1 'Jli-Ti. I'luM roll's 1 Howard (ii'ahnni, resident maiiiiger).—The Proctor Opera Co. Is delight- lug .Sumin.'l' tciilloiicea here, with sensonnble eniertalnmenl. "The Hola-mlnn tlirl" was the hill all last, week, nnd 17 nnd week, "The Clilmes of Nnrmnndy" Is announced. Ai.-tko Paiik (Max Rosen, tnanilger).— Ah Ihe seuson ndvnnces business Improves. .Special features are the Four Loudon*, .Mile. Hols Piquet). Work nnd Owen, und l'mi". Renuiuniit's Fully Circus. KbHCTtlKl Pack UJ, W. Williams, ninnn- gerl.—The Rustle Then-Ire opens in, nnd will continue during the season, changing Hie programme weekly. Perry's Minstrels Is the opening attractions. III'I-TALo Bili.'k Wll.O WMT 14, had two of the Inrajest outdoor audiences that ever mined out here, averaging 20,0110 people nt encii performance. lilMii.iMi linos.' ciin-i's couirs here on June M. Rochester.—At Hie Lyceum (.M. K. Wolff, iiuuinger) attendance Is large. < trace Hazard, In her unh|iie act, scored big Inst week. 1 till week of June 17: Victor Herbert's Song Birds liYliirn engagement). Kd. LiitelL Victor Moore nnd Kniina Llttletleld, (he Three Hr- iickIii Sisters, Mills and Morris, Muspn und Hint, Vnluzzl, and chromatic picture. Cihik Opkiia lloi'SP. (J. II. Moore, mana- ger).—Joe Welch and company and Krneat llngaii divided honors last week. Business Is Kill! S. It. (i. Rill week of 17 : Oeorge Prim- rose and cuiii'inn.v. l.lnil, Bowers, Waters nnd t.'rookes, Fiamct De Voy nnd company, Mc- Keintto and Shannon, Untile Siihcrs, the Met- /.clil Troupe, nnd klnctograph. National (Mux llurtlg, manager).—The. slock. In "The Avenger." had big returns week of 10. "Past Life In New York" week of 17. IIakkii (Mrs. T. .1. Royle. manager),—"A Man's Broken Promise" wns shown to crowd- ed houses by the stock, last week, with .Minion llaincv and Fdwui'il B. Haas In the lends. Mildred Flora, In an entr'acte offer- ing, pleased. "A Working (lid's Wrongs - * 17 und week. Hiikatkii Ontario Brack Park (II. L. Messmore, innnnger).—The Pour P.allius nnd the (Hobo of Death amused the throngs dur- ing lust week. Rosnlll'a Band concludes a ihiee weeks' stny 10. Nnvassnr Band, the Frnesto Sisters and Silvern nnd Kntcrln open 11 week's engagement 17. tii.KN IIavhn i'aiik (B. 1:. Wilson, mana- ger*.—Minora and Norlne scored heavily last week. Attendance was big. Bill week of 17 : Mr. nnd Mrs. Cat. Stewnrt, Miles and Ray- mond, Lulu Beeson, Dan J. Harrlnglon,, and Howard and Under. Nora.—Minhiiiic So Herns, who ended a week's stay, 15, nt. the Lyceum Theatre, mused 11 sensation, 111, by driving a team, while blindfolded, through the prhiclpul si reels of the city, und locating a missing package, that was secreted by a local news- paper conimlilee. I ilea, a the Majestic (M. L. Koncke, resident manager) "A Stranger in 11 Strange Laud" was presenled by the stock, June 10-12, and Vviilier L. Vim-lent, made a very creditable showing us lending man. "In the Illsbop's Carriage" met packed houses 18-1B. This week: "Snpno" 17-10, and "Big Hearted Jim" 20-22 Oni'imuM (!•:. r,. Knneke, resident mana- ged.— The pictures nrc sllll drnwlng big houses, nnd liilw. P. O'Connor's songs arc a pleasing addition. Utica Pauk, (Rcnm-A Donoboc, malin- gers)..—Ruth's orchestral concerts, nnd the iniseiiiiil nilraclIons are tilling the pnrk dally, and will remain over. Summit Paiik (I. V. Baker, manager).— Hood wenllier nnd big nltendance was llic rule last week. Ryan s orchestra, and ICtig- land's moving pictures nre Ihe nttrnctlon this week. Piiiirst Park (Prllst Brand, innnnger).— Vaniievllle nud iliiiiclng continue In draw well. Notes. —Cnle Bras.' Circuit showed In Rome, N.Y., 17 Prank Hill, former resident manager or the Orpliciini. at I Mica, and later with Wllnier & Vincent, at Rending, Pa., will hereafter he seen with Walters & Pfniity. In "The Hebrew nnd Ihe Actor." Mr. Hill will Is- 1 lie nctiir. » F.lmlra.—At Rorlck's OlenTlteatredlenry Taylor, manager 1 "Virginia" drew well Inst week. "Hih'ciiccIo" will he the nttrnctlon June 17-22. (P, W. McConnell, manager).— People for week of 17 : Leonard nnd lltistedo, He Co tret and Howard. Melrose Sisters, Hes- se shadier. Trlxh- Dennett and James D. I'rniidkive. itlnlinscope and motion pictures. Vlila theatre remains open Ibe year around. - Tub CM PPM, ilatml .lulu 11, will contain inn- itlriclorii uf tent s/mir pcuplt, s/ioiciuf/ citiiaurmrntH {ur unman uf Kf/J. I'ltc fret irill be «/" 11 litimlAmur iIckIhu, <ii /hut culur*, unit the number wilt be well illntleateil. ' A'UTKS MtOSI At.. V, WllKEI.KU'S N'BW MollSL Shows. —l)est>lte very unfavorable weather, uur business through Pennsylvania, New Jer- sey and New York has been very satisfactory, and the show has left a reputation behind it tiiut will be valuable capital in seasons to come. We now have sixty-three head ot stock, eleven cages of animals, nnd give a per- formance I hat Is "making good" every where we show. Our annex, under the management of Will T. Miller, is doing a land office busi- ness, and sending them out pleased. •• Tom Rankin, Pred tirlffln, Tom Rurkeand Major Keller, of the Buffalo Rill Show, were visitors at the llagcnbeck-Wallace Show, In Brooklyn, .Sunday, .tune 11. Ntrres i'icom TiiAiiiio's UNHID) Snows, tour- ing Pennsylvania, under canvas.—We opened May 11, ut Linesvllle, Pa., und business has been excellent irom the start. The show Is oue of the best we have ever hnd, and we have had lo turn people away at several stands, although the weather has been very unfavor- able, uur advance agent, lieu. K. Brondsuti, Is" the best agent since the days of Billy l'eard. We have an excellent lot of paper, and everything Is running us smooth, us glasR. Pollowlng Is the roster of the show: VA. Thardn, proprietor; Mrs. A. P. Tut He, uianu- ger and treasurer ; Kd. Thardo, contortionist: Muster Paul Thardo, singing and talking clown; the Thurdns, iinpuleuient art: lieo. A. Oram, wire wulker and Juggler: linn Mm- dock, Hexllde i'i|uiiliii-Kt and bulunecr; John P. Muck, comeillun nnd duncer, and Nellie Tuttle"s canine paradox. 'Pho concert Is under ibe direction of John I'. Mack, nnd we nre packing tiiem to the doors every night. We uave live big acts In Ihe conceit, und every act a rent ore. John P. Ann-It Is hooked on one of the Weslern circuits for twenty-eight weeks, after Oct. 1. The "ghost" walks every week, nnd we gel The Oi.u Hki.uiiu: regu- larly. Notes prom tiii: Cranii Ciiku BrUm Mexico.—Beginning witli our Hist Hiitnii ufier Icuvlug Mexico City. April In, It has been one ciinllniiutlon of Ideal I'lrcns weather. No ruin, bin wnrin, sunny days nnd cool evenings. Ilitslness litis Leva grand. At Cuiidiilujurii. for ten days, all records were broken tor the twenty-seven years of annual visits of the show there. Sun I<ouls Potosl, for Ihe leu days wuh Hie sumo, nnd at the present writing from Monterey, from Indi- cations, It Is going to happen again. The following help to keep things moving, also presenting change of programme often,: Klciinln Bell Sr„ proprietor; Dick Bell Jr., manager: Curt Wlllpps, equestrian director; Slgnor Bnxo und Jose Piiitcs, advance. Performers—Madman Scliell and her lions, the Bros. Dlerlcks, modern athletic display ; the Three Luclfers. novelty dancers: Prof. James Parker, Burton's Hog Circus, Truman and Schaffer, jugglers; Miss Raymond, wire act; Mons, Hugo (formerly of the' Florence Family), heavy lifting, Juggling and balanc- ing; Aldo and Vanerwiu, horir.ontal bars: Rlngal and Patatna, contortionists, and the Bell Family as follows—Hick Bell Sr„ Dick Bell Jr.. Franzlskn, Amelia, U'lla, Albert, Cerle. Ktldle, Nellie, Charlie, Willie. Ocorgte, Silvia. Ilstclla, Oscar. Arthur, Joseiihlne, Eva —all Hells, not 11 "ringer" among theni, and a more Yersullle and congenial combination of talent would be hard to had. Kmllle Lea Lucifer celebrated her fifteenth birthday at San Louis Potosl, May 20, and wns the re- cipient of many valuable presents from mem- bers of the Bell Finally and Ihe company. - Notkk 1'fto.M Mlllner, Itoselle and .Milliter. —We have signed for the seuson with the Bolllieur Rroy.' (iolden Mascol Shows. Wc travel In our own cars. They ure pnlnted a bright yellow, nnd all baggage, seats, poles, etc., are the same color. The big business und the success of this show, year after yenr, does 11 way with the hoodoo yel- low Idea We make one und two night statiilH, carry thirty people, und bund und orchestra. Tin: Clipper conies lo us lute, but Is always welcome. Tin-; Four Huiini.nis have replaced the Colby Trio with the Forepuugli-Sefls Show. Notkm FROM SUN Bros.' Shows. — This show Is In the eleventh week of the current season, und is Just emerging from a veritable deluge of rain and mud. The season thus far, from the ntmospherlc point of view, has been the worst In the annals of the show. Hver since leaving Macon, this Spring, the elements hare been anything hut conducive to outdoor exhibitions. S'nl withstanding this, the. show bus moved along on schedule lime, and given performances iwlce dolly. All of the people connected with thn show have enjoyed good health. The accommoda- tions In Ihe sleepers this season have been unusually Hue. Tlieso cars are conceded to he Ihe verv llnest ever carried by any leiiled show. They are both supplied with the most modern healing appliances, and during Ihe recent cold weather the cars were kepi ut a line temperature. Archie M. Donnldson of the Donaldson l.ltlni Co., was 1111 Interested spectator and guest nt Maysvllle, Ky. J. P. Piigon, of the Illinium & Rulley forces, hnd n recent look at Hie "Rig Little" show. Hobhe Fay, J. II. Hellers nnd the Aerial Twin Starr are newcomers In thn main show pro- gramme, and their respective specialties nre Fs'lng received In n most fitvornhle manner. M. Burgowcr has succeeded ft S. Clnrk, ns contracting ngenl. Mr. Clarke has been trans- ferred to the executive stall' buck with Ihe show, nnd Is making good In his new ca- pacity. An entire new layout of blue and red seats, all of the most modern unproved safety kind, have been added to the "big lop" department, which now ntukes Hie equip- ment practically M llrst class ns tiny show of Its kIsii now louring America. Notes prom Klcffcr * Turner's Sliver Pinto Shows.—We just closed two successful weeks nt South River, N. J. Have been out six weeks, und. In spile of had weather, busi- ness hus been good. Next week. In order to enlarge the show, we will Join the llolladny i.'nrnrval Co. Roster of the show: Kloiter « Turner, proprlelor* und managers; Wm. A. Mack, business manager; Prof. Tom (Hrtnti- ncr, musical director; Happy Jack O'Hrien, Ihms canvas man with three assistants; Pouev Wilson, boss of stock; Mack Turner, comedy sketch : Jnmes lOmersnn, Irish come- dian: Kdllh Turner, child performer; Ihe Turners, acrobats nnd dancers; Jack O'llrleii, black face roiiiodbn; Mllle Lettlon Alficlla character cluing.', und Perry nnd Thomas, moving pictures, l-iveryhmlv Is well. MM The 01.11 IlKi.tAiit.K 'Is n welcome visitor each anil every week. Ndtks from Prank A. Rorrins' Shows- - We are now entering upon our ninth week. We have never missed 11 performance, have commenced late once, and theu only fif- teen minutes. With the single exception of New Britain, we have never been upon a lot after 11.4ft p. m. Wllh very few excep- tions the train has been unloaded by 0 a. m., ana while we have hail a great deal of bad weather, we have never been short of work- tngmen In any department, the complement being one hundred and fifty, and the lowest uuraber drnwlng pay nt any one pay day has been one hundred nnd thirty-eight. For the llrst five wis'ks the receipts were big, and the next two weeks, from a combination of circumstances, fell off some. Since that time business hns Increased a little, probably owing to better weather. We have not had an accident to a horse, car, wagon ur animal, hut, on the other hand, have live colts that have been horn since our opening. The public and press have been a unit In praising the snow, not only for Its excellent pcrforiiiunvcs nnd the splendid condition of the entire outfit, hut also for the discipline and good behavior of everybody connected with the show, drunkenness, rowdyism and lighting being an unknown quantity. In a great, ninny Instances we have made the towns for three years In succession, und nil of them at least twice In three years, and In every case where the conditions were equal, the receipts have exceeded I lull of any previous visit. While we have never hnd occasion to turn any peo- ple away, we have done a very satisfactory business, but us our canvas Is toll round lop, with three Stiff, middle piece's, fifty lengths of blues, twenty lengths of reserves, and alx lengths of portable platform, we can do con- ' sldernhle business and not turn people away. Pawnee Rim, Notes. —Business with Paw- nee Bill's Wild West Shows since our iqienliig nt Nashville. Tetin.. bus been all thai could be desired, notwithstanding the fact Hint we have encountered rain or opposition, nnd In most cases both. In nil of Ihe larger cities, such us Mcmpnls, Tenn.; Padiicali, Ky.; Kvansvlllu nnd Terre Haute. Ind.; Hi. Louis. A10.; Chicago, III., and Davenport, In., we have done n liirnnwny business. In St. Louis and Chlcngo Mr. Thompson, our press agent, Is credited Willi receiving more newspnper publicity limit wns ever given a lenled ex- I'lbltlon. Al Pniluciih. Ky.. which Is'th- home of thi' Terrell Bros., formerly proprie- tors or KiirVsklu Bill's Wild West Shows. Syo Terrell gave Pawnee Rill nnd party 11 very novel on ling. Mr. Terrell Is now In the distilling business, nnd Is located about three miles from the city. After the nl'lemoon pcr- I'ormaiice three niiiouu. biles curried the "major" nnd his parly lo the distillery, where Ihe parly sut down to n luinnuei. which consisted solely of dishes famous In the Southland In the unlr brllnm days It was u decided novelty In nil, (lining, surrounded by many thousand barrels of whiskey, which Mr. Terrell guarantees has hod nil Ibe headaches extracted. Mr. Ter- rell siyj be Is not entirely out of show IiiikI- ness, mill expects III Ihe near future In launch tin enterprise Hint will make the wise ones sll up nnd take notice. Al Chicago, we received all new canvas, uud Ihe show, with lis new dress, looks very bright nnd pretty. We have been forced lo Increase our seating rapacity, and nl Minneapolis we will receive thirty more length ot blues, and live lengibs of reserved sents, which Is nil addition thai lias lung been needed. The Two Jiaaii.iNu John's joined Hie Jug- gling Royles, recently, und 11 irdlng lo re- ports, ure making 11 decided hit, Tills new act Is under Ihe guidance of Francis .1. Royle, and Ihls seuson Is being featured as one of the "big noise" specialties In the uinln show programme with Sun* Rrothers' World's Pro- gressive Shows. Notes mm Ihe Steele Family Show.—We opened under a 40x70 lent, near Detroit, May 20, to n splendid, business, which bus continued when the weather has been at uil pleasant, but since our opening we hare had some snow, mid u greut amount of rain. ItiislnesH hns been quite snltsfnclory, and when the wenllier becomes settled we exiiect to do our usual amount of business, which means capnclty at every stand. T"M L. Wh.sun IiIis closed wllh the Fashion Plate Show. Tim: Cheat Ai:ihai, Smiths are wllh Ring- ling Bros.' Circus. Majiui Keixeii. Juggling drum ninjor, re- ports meeting wllh success In his novel act, with Buffalo Bill's Wild West. Antiinki V.J'lmtu.ONES, the famous Cuba 11 circus proprietor was married In Havana. Ciihn, on Mnv 2fi. lo Oernldlne Leopold, a celebrated Diironean performer. The circus will stnrt the Summer season of ten weeks III Viiellu Abu |n. Cuba. ««» Al. H. Wiintlft' PIiihn. Of the twenty-two plays to be sent on tour next settson, under ihe direction of A. II, Woods, on 1 )- Iwo nre musical. Half of the re- maining score nre Insi season's successes, and ten will be new melodrnmiis. Mr. Woods has secured K. K. Rose and Frank Hatch lo stage bis productions. The American Theatre Is lo open Its next seuson lute In July, with "The King and (jneen of Onmhlcrs." thereby continuing Its policy of throwing open lis doors yearly with Woods' pin vs. lAiulse Beaton will likely reappear next seuson at it prominent tlroudwiiy house. In n new piny by 11 prominent author. Kill Hi Hi-owning, who last season appeared In the title role of "Rerlhn, Hie Sewing Ma- chine lilrl," will be starred next season In "Kdnti, the Bountiful Typewriter." Mr. Woods will uculn send mil Iwo "Rertlin, Ihe Sewing Muchlne (ilrl" cnm|uines, tiennrn und Rulley nnve been engaged for Ihe new musical comedy, "Tony, Ihe Root- hlack." Mr. Woods Is Importing Ihe "See-Suw lilrl," mid the "l>iinctisler Lassies." Iwo nets Hint have been nppeurlng In the Eng- lish music halls. The former Is lo he 11 fen I ure of "A Chorus (llrl's Lurk In New York." nnd the other of "F.diui, Hie Prelly Typewriter." Captain Kellev's Zouaves, who were with "The Queen of Hie Highbinders" Co., will be wllh Ihe "Convict lit)!!" company. Their wall sealing will be seen In 11 hreiik fur liberty, from the prison. "Chinatown Chnrlle." "Nellie, Hie Benull- fnl Clonk Model. flic (Inmbler of Ibe West," "Bertlui, Hie Sewing Muchlne (llrl," und "Ruled Off Hie Turf," are lust season's Woods' shows Hint will bid for public up- provnl next season. An elaborate mechanical storm effect will he a feature of the, "Since Nellie Went Awny" Co. Various phases of New York life will be depleted lii Hie production of "llroiulwny After Dark." Ralph Knhn, of A. II. Woods' executive staff, ban been yiHUidlng his vacation In Buffalo. N. V. There Is in lie an niiloliioblle effect In "A Chorus (llrl's Luck In New York," with Hie ninchlnes coining down singe. Instead of across the singe, us Is usual. "The Belle of Avenue A" Is lo he revived In the near future. ».» Illlilll-I I'rilllllillll'n PIllllM for Veil Seuson. . Daniel Frolitnun will present Margaret II- llngton, hi the Fall, ut the Lyceum Theatre. New York ITly, In "Dr. Wake's I'allenl," » romedy. by W. (leyer nnd Robert ord. This play wns originally produced ul Hie Adelpbl l,nndon. Fug., nhiiul Iwo years ngn. "The Roys of Company It." wllh Jack line- rymnre in Hie lending role, will remain at Ihe Lyceum Theatre all Slimmer. Mr. Fiohinnn intends to bring Kills-Ilk buck lo this country again lu-xf seuson. The violinist will appenr s" vera I times In New York, traveling thence to Sun Francisco. Kubellk will ulso visit Cuba nnd Mexico. In orkler lo nvold mistakes and to Inanre the prompt delivery of the letters advertised In thi*- Hat, •■ ruTelope plainly oddreaaed m»t be sent lor eneh< letter, nnd a written order for the letter, eln-ned with the fall name and addreaa and the Hue of kaalnesa followed by tar sender, must nlao be eaeloaed. Pleuae mention the date (or nam* ber) of the CMPl'IOll In which the letters lot for were adyertlaed. 1.Antics' LIST. Allen ciinrdlottr -'Hirer. Mnrle iNTctinlx Sisters Alexiuiiler IJIIsui'fonhm. Amy Hr«or. I.iuvle Arciiru. Miss F.lHlant. May (lids, Betty Akspne. Marie .•rum. Ilniel Peterson, fsrlnia .Vrnioiid. (trace j lr«y, MrsltnrryiPrimmer Vernle Allen, bin ' ilbleu Myrtle Prpyu. Mrs, .Allisi. Florence ; lurdeie-c IWHle lie Ami, .Mrs. I l>w«l«ln. Sue bugler. Hhuiche .llls-ri. Dot Hell MrH.Artlinr '.onion. Marina lleiim-ll. Mnrclc 1 tresiis Mrs Nit iiisuvncl KleauorJ Iwlwm. Mabel Barlow Uomtliy .lowanl Mrs.Jas 1..11-1.11. Mnble .Pun;nt ,v Carle Heliisiut. Morn lluliiinl. Kdni ItUTgnyNe, Hrnyce Itrown, Nornui Itonrite, Hate) KtiriKsi, l.llllnii llurrr. Iteun benistclll, Bertha Itrelllinn. Sibyl lie II. Miss V. Ik'riiliv. I'll.1 lieutou Missf.M Onttew tsiroltiy Con, Ray Ciutvfiinl, Wltnib Cnrllle Sisters Crswfonl Net I h lonnell Mrs His Casev Mrs. J.F I'oll.y. a MnlM>l clevehi'nd, Colilli Clnrk, Amies llCHMiilid.l Ml till litiprcc. jenin-t I lilt-cell. RIM HnuliHr, Kro Hide, lively 11 Drew, Miss Hll|Mtlll, Mnv hiu'llnglen. It us 1. M. liny tell, Mmlge I Mile. He I'luimilul Sisters He .M. in I. Ilrownte llemes Mni-y ¥ In- llailll. Mill llciUelie Itose n Jennie 11.1 ml hen Millie Ihmioat. Dalay Hemnrlii, Amy I'lnrle, Homihy I'lvmis, Minnie F.xceln, .Mile. Kteretl, Net Me I'jirly. Cecil Ktelvu, Com Ivsleile. Minnie Fvclyn Slstis-s Fowler. Fiiuiiu lo\ Mrs WiMIC U bid lei in . Iiniriiler Minnie -Miss 1-' Fox. Floreiiee |Miiil.s,■ Mis. Krelsluiair, Moete. Kilille lleriniiiel Mtlloll Bros. Kiilght. V. I). 'Murray. Jehu 1 Frninvs I,. Peek, llrnee Pallia. Ionise Itohson. Mrs. Stnnri ItiiSKell. Nells Healer Sllfndler M |ssi^» lleiimid. Mnml llndfoi-il. Amy ItiisMsl. I'nulhie Itnilford Mrs. I>. Kolker. Mrs. K. Itutmey. I'nrrle liaison. Mne Ryan. Mantle lie.) Hyoll. Mien ItildclllTc ItuyiisiiHl. Vlridohi Iteildlli'j. M nl II- limiisev. I III VI- Slewurl. l.lPXle Miri-wslsiry Sisters Seynnair. Iialina SntlM'thuul, Mll-ellc Siirnuue, Lurrle Scluierer. Piuiln SI.Deorite .Icamy ielley, Minnie Muitiirii. Ibisr ,n Miirr. Isieveus lleleac. Mai'lfarel Sue.let--.01 Julia .••slle. Mnrloti Soniervllle. Iteilhn Sliiltiiiiin. Mrs. »i. Sli,ley. Vb.l.-l MiilM'tMiiiiniiia. Mnv Lyi.olle. SIrlder Mlssl.,1*. Kiilherliie Silrk. Ai.nb- bawl) Helen Jflevem. Kit IU* .iivnialc Tnlisiil, It. II. Sislers'TyNiiii, I.Min '.invrems*. iTIinrls'r. Is^no Ida M-ie'lebbiH, .letin '.iih reins - . TIkhiisuii M, III" ilosllii \ 111 one K.isntliiil .11 Tour, t.utlle.Villlll, I'n,niie .11 Veil Sisters Vnii. Mrs. (', It Unllb-e. \.iii Mi,i.|iur..rd. Mrs. Wnrd : tlr Mcvllle. y.eidla Veriiiiu. Mrs.JM MnrlliKT. Miss 'Wmteiilnelirei'. Mnckey, .In I In ! Miirilui tlnrriiv. Mrs. II Wallers. (Inns- -•i.i!.'. Wilson, Kale Mrs. Harry C.iWnils. I.11I11 ! Murray. Maria warn*, .wmii ; Murks, A rile Men Is. HrniS' ileluolle sisters Mayo, lb ■ Misses llnle. Jessie Hess. Kllly . I,iiner llctH-veve Hutchinson. Louise Mawlliorue Amy ilaivire.-. Helen iliirrlson. Mnv ffan. Mrs.Jerry llnlniinb Hriiyc linvlliiiru Kitty lilllunl. Mn.l hull. Lrsllc IllltlllWIiy llelle ilicksiui. Allcel). :i'r.une. Corn K. tm-.'ii. Mnrle erouie. Vloln lash:. I«ii!n'I1c iisai. Lor.line Miiirauoi. Miss inn. I vrniiier, Mnnde 1 .'.ill..,. \ln.ul,. ebl A llllll *'vy. Mrs. M. .eve.v. i.'.t 1 ii-1 I'oIIihiI. Mae forties, Marlon Fielding. Mm. Ilsrrv LiiL'ii, Helena I'risterlck. Mm. Win, l'rur.ler. Pearl Parley, Hot I'ny. Fllle I" lower. Mine. II M. thick, Mam Corrliiue tlcNully. ■l-lieieslt.i Miwire. Florence '.In. I riu. Ml hi,'.-l M,lilies. I'liir.i MorrlM. Mnrle Nichols. VellU- NonvNiil. Sn/nnue Wnyoe. I.eean Wiillnis'. |s,mtliy li. Whipple. Mlssll. Win el house. Mrs. ||. I.. Wnlker. Mrs I',iin 1 : triiu-licll <'urrle WisHlriitY, Horn Willi •Maraucl W'SHi, l-l-le Wllmol giiisail" Wi.ids. Amelia Wlllon. llelle Weslixi Sisters Vide, Mnale WKNTLKMIBN'S LIST. II. Austins. Ureal Apnliilc, .1. F. A lion *Aiiilenmn Allen. Sum K. AU'xnnder .1. K. Asblou. Hurry Alton. Toiii Allen. Win, Aaliter, Ad. ArmslmiiK Wm. Annul mint Hoe, Ariusti-oiu; Arth AlelillMler, ltiism-ll Aii.lers'in. .Ilia A, boils I'liii-en,., A«lil.v. Heo. V. Aimell, Joe Allien. L.-ii Ansllii lieu, K. Axtell, 1). «. Arilell, Jetlll Iturcliuin. W. K. Iiiiiuii... it. It. Itrellineyra Frisl Pernelbi. Jos. flu,.|;iin,re. Hurry I) lliicliholr.. Ilis.,11 nulls Allen Hni-aes, Smart Itelhuore. Maurice M. Ilnsloiilaiis Mur. p.urke. A I. HiiMer. R, II. Ilia delt. belli Hush, Crunk IllllhllUloil (1. II. Hhieklitirn. lUsilv, Chto Itrniu. Kd. linker. Al. Hell. Jack lley.T, lien lilslol. .!,»' Hi lisle IM. Hides. Italic Hrimo. (his Hnrloii, Heo. I,. Iliiulh A Itiidil lluller. (I. A. lll-ssell II, lluker, Pert Hides. Jos. T. llnrrill. Tom llye. >:. II. Hrimniiu, Mr. Iln.iks riinrlle llruael. Tiwiiy Hclfr.ute llisi. I llarreii, Jos. Calhoun, Will. C0I11111, Ibis I'hler tilKidnla Fire CnM-liett, Will cum. s. Cunning, The .lull Hrenlier ('limine. <i. 1 li if.,nl « Ilurke Cnrnclln AFdUli- Cniirbln, Hilly I'l'liimns, W, W. (Milter. W. It. I'niiry, Jnek II. COIS'lHIIll, i-n.-l ilrlps, W. II. ('inisivell. 'I'. (I. Cnwini, l-'riink Ciirhtoil.v Ins. I-'. Carlisle, Mr. Cnrley. Pete Cole A Coleiaan (tlirlsly llrest Coiisldlne Hurry Chief HnniiliiK m (lump Hliepiiaril Christy A Willis Ihapyr d tiesr Clayton Frank Ciiniptiell. Wm. Creiidilon Clius. Cole. ins. ivsi|H-r, Harry Cars on ft Wllbrd Clnrk's fluinnly Slunr l.'llUHtll, Louis "rowbi. Carl K. OiiiiiliiKliiuii .ni' ('uiinntr. Kilille Holy. K. I.. Hi.Willi,U. IP. III. Hellililno. Morris liuis.y. Re, Inwiiliic Wnller Dale Pros. Iliiiunhv J. A. Duke, 1 'tins. (iiiriinil, C. II. \k' limn Trio Ilium, Frank IS I,mo-. W. IK- Lisle. J. 0, Hi!, l.l II Diii.oViiii., llnyle, .luck Ilewey. Miles llrls.-oll, 4. K. tlswsini. It. .1. Ik-iilon A Swill Owker. L.l. On Pen A Rur- al 11 Stuck dill Slis'k <".i. Puree, Louis I In veil" A Sheens He itiiMu. C. lb.II..11. II. F. Iipprex, I'rtHl l nl lev. F. .1. VAInu, J. iliisldnirloa Albl la.II. (.'bus. Ibiiui Tims. in.,. Celine A lliirry Fl org, 'tube I'usluce, Frist Liutllsli. W. P. r-lxistsllhiii Fniir l'1'Hlebrelh li.W IIMin, Itrent hi Holt A N.-ir Li llllll. J. T. Kclilhl. S. A. Lllbilt. Mil-. I! Kllliole. it, M. Lekel A Wiu-ner F.vtllis. C. |„ ].'.lv,,.,.i. Prince Freemnii. John Fhuiiii, lliiriiey Felte. Pred W. Fox. Ilert I'lnliiy A Ilurke Foster. I'riink Franklin llennle I'bimnnl. aJH. l-'IKKcrnlil, linn Fields. N'rirniuii I'leti-liei-, Clms Field,. It. J. I'" I IT. tern 111 M.A, I'h..,,1, F A Fiij. I.. Foiillnelle, Mysterious Fnley, fd. A Pox, llnrry Fox A Fovle I ' 11 :ii, ,1ns. field, N. It. Til" Fllxwru'il II. I-Tynii. .loin, l-'enlw-rw. He,, M l-'rislerli'k Bros A Jesse lliirns freenuiii. .Inliii (lurdlner. Wlllir tirml) Sleplll'll iliirxKiii, Tom niblirlsl, JollllNIIII illyiui. Nlek (Irnlinin. Frtsl I iIH III. Ivl. t.iliiune Harney (lunlhrle, II. C,,Krawr. 1. dngimnx. The ! Kuov, O. M. ti..uilev. Kccaiin;Klein, Kd. * thairley Klnro. ||, AMlldi I.'. nlnel. Hick l.'lilbreiilll. |P, lliinllier. Heo. (Ilesy. 11 link (llhiHiur A i.m Tour HalnitlK'f lliintr 11,.lines Clms N llownrd A ThulHTlake llmnini-iid. .1. II. H'Miker, 1 bus. Hlllllllll ItleluilM iiiinoiiii. lli.le. Wnller I lotve. Iter I Harris. Heo. Howe. I'rtuik Hurl, I'lnirlb- liaise, Cliiul I llllll ley. J. II. Illisthuis A Arnold Hayes, (lisi. Hurley. F. J. Ilemlerwiii. C.ll. Han-Is. Toliunv ll.'irdliit. Cluis. Ihlllisiek. licit lliuuui,-Albert 1 In iris, lien Hurrls. Joe Hurt, liniv HuywiiM, llnrry lliilin, llnrry Hurt. Tiniy Hen on Ill-rib' IIOWCII A Sent I Hollies. Mr. A Mrs, 1 feu". tiiitiinii.i Hurry lleviiiuu. ,1. Iluhies A Klsnu'ie lleililen. Ilert Hnv. C. W. I lllbl. Ill, I. H. R, liop's-r. Clms. Ilnmiorrlv Aduii Hiinler. W. II. Ilelsrt. W. 11. Iloi.por. 1^- Hoy Irvlnu, T Irvlim. Heo. luce, 'I'll,is. II, Imniiii. Win. A. Irish, Vn,nihil lo 1 less A ItVIIII Irish. F. il. J11N011. Harry Jegermn Co., Mar. llll'llSllll. (llsl.M icis.iisi liilinsnii, T. .lohuwni. I.swreuee Jeroiee, Klmer .Ionian. Ureal Jotnuh. J. A. J111 re, p. F. .!. I'li-lot.e A lltli-lilv .tones. 1' I,,, s, loloosiii, i;,.i '' lolien, IrviiiK Kcll. J. W. Ivliiihull A iHionviill Kllnii. W, II. Klllll. N. .1. kiswtier, Irn Kelly A Vlulelle Kelly, Clms. .1. Kelttifslv .llliutde Keen. Wnller I). Kellnni. I,. J. Kennedy, ft, A. Keeble. F. Knehler. A. King, of Kokottui. Mer. Klticsnnnii F.C. KcnliniH, Tlie n MclviHc, Murk. Hick Miles SUl.-hni'ils Morsti * Welsei Noniiiin, Iieioiie Sortiill Alltlssell Nernro. Jos, N'orlon. .Ins. H. Nelss. I'. I. .Miirrny,NelT, J11I111 S. Is- Hoy, Pierre i.Nelsim. Win. I.e Clnlr. llnrry iirlh, Frank I.colon., llnri-yll o'lirlen. l-'rank Kuox. Kelly Michael l.yitrhnn. J. K, J. A, Lawrence. IU>rl I yiaiui Twills l.n Rose, llerl l.lis'ker. Ilins. I.IVlllS'sl.lll 1 .en, Mark Leslie. II. II. I.a roes Irn Li vn I. Harry Lewis. Artie l.nrknye. Hilly l^'vy. Als« Lesulk, H111IJI .is- TllIlK Fisi o'lirlen, Tom IIIhiII, J. ll|ilwoh. Iinec, J u'lVH. Will, lllierle. Jos. o'l'otiisir. Kd. Oakley Clms. II Own, L. V. o'llnrn AWnlsun Preslon, llolsni Sli'illllll.lll, Ulins Ktllbnan Itnwrd Slattrr, Frnl' Stewart. llnrry M. Sliernitui. Inui S.'USui . , siolle. Frank Swesley, Slilpinun A Co Mi-nlt-l.k A Til 11 Kilt Saunders. Wslts Miehlon's i'iinuslliiiis M-<r Man", i.'iciii .siinnii Uvnni sIiiiiiikiii Hiii'.r Miear A l.nnj Minuiliiuitdi, Hurry A. Seridi. Billy f'.isulelil, M. II. ssiftoti, llnrrv Smtoler. .Ins. Sb.-iy. A, !,. Savoy, ■Jniii'lell hhawi F. K, 'I isaals-s ihsi.W. Tewkubury II. It Tilllllleu, Jillhis 'I'eniiex, IT. Thompson W. 11 TriH'lieiirl W11111 Taykir. Paul Teiiule Allnnlels IVsrier, Wm. T«-vnrciiitii A Wnlby Thiiiniison. It.iv Tuyli.i. W. II. I.auils'N, V. K. Polk. Cullliis A Tiiicsihile llnrry Lesson, II. II. cm mine sisters 'inner. Cur I,noil I've. Phillips. Bessie Lump's , I'11 lire. Clms A, MmilkniM pnlmer, Itevoe LnMoiil. Fred T'lvvosi. L. Lorn- .Slur gniii-l fust. I ti Lucas. Sydney l'lilll|S'. li. Letnek. • !||l<s> A lllllnil Tlieoilore;llnwe, .Ins. II. Mctil.dii AIM. K Itiwers A Hcely Melvln. .Ins. II. Hose, Fnsl Mnllliil. M. Unions..i>. Tina Muck. J. P. libs- Urns. Mnlenllm. Frtsl ' Itovciihyrne i'.C Msllov. Hun Hay. Jus. H. Mark. Clms. K. liccves CIHTord Meddi'iiiliirf. II. ! Ill vers. Fred .Merrill. S. Kiel II. Miirsiiull Hen. o.lfusscll. Italic Mrl'nrlv -Ins. K Idssl, Cltutde Kiniror.l. in. I Ituyaioinl. AI By F. W. itltct, K. H. Iths' A t'mly till.S| || ,1, |l,|||. IPisttrb's lliskivii) A Coiiway lli.Hi', Tom S. Heilcil Clmrley Leslie. Wult M faylon, Itnlpli Lewis. Cluuilo Prlniflc. llnrry Li'lKhloll A Penrl. Sum LelKlilon-l'iiwdi'ly. Frank l.nwr-nci" Funk 1 Percy. Jack I ..nliy, I birr) IPsrsons, Jink I ondoii, Louis ,PerlHo. Aii.ii-ew lelxliimi Hurry Phllllns, II. I 1 . Lewis clHTonl funis, ,1ns. I.HIS'.hi. II. Lee. F. Lawrence llreat Unit. H. S. I.iuitthlln, Josh Liutnii HiirryT. I'uiil. Oscar Parker. I.. B. Pitcher Fnsl R Presroi I'riinkl I'nlfii'y A 11...-lib r C< Malley. Will. I. Marsh. Re W. .Man hi. Frank Mil.hell. Dick Mill'1,.,1 J. F. Merrill, Pranl; McAdiiui. A. II. .McAllister. Win. M.u.hiiint. Hal M10 h. IMI Mlilllll, I'elK II • icl'iirtliey W A Ipib-oii. Hilly in. ii, ti",< ilKuw A Adnnis V.Cord, Fnsl I'ltlley, Win. F- Mnek, .1. W. Minis.111. John Marlon-, Ins, Mullet. Mr. Hill. I. A. Miller Wm. Thus. Shurp Morris, Percy Meeker. Win. MeCnrlli.v Myli's Melioiiidd. Mike Miles. II. A. Mu.-it. ('bus. i:. Mnrtlli. llisi. Mollis')'. IIO"S Molhiney Homei Mylle A thlh Mi.1 re, .Siiltt Murpliy, lieu. I' Merrills. Minv. Mitchell, lini..-. .MilcMI A I'rllenw Moss Henry .Minion. I. J. Morion, Clms, Mlib 11 Jack A. Mulililer. Fnsl Miller is'imnril ,M 1111 In. Hist, Maulboii. Mr, Manrru (lea, s Miir-lnill II. W Misniy, Itnlpli llyiiersoii Li.ioi. 11 .I,,'".-. II N. Ilellll .lolllllile 111,-.' Leo jli Hit. tinny IJossno, Mr. A Mrs II tohliisnii. II. II Itoekwell. il, M lllcln.rds H. II it,,Mas.',, Sinn ■'lie, nun, Ira SICKrlsf. 'I'lios, sydi'iibnm. Oisi. San nnw. sii-ciiliiuiu. W.l stun, llnl-ry A siilllvnn, .lm» i • liuiilfor.l. Lis,a Siniter, .luck siIiimiii, Phil Scynioitr friuikV Sliti|isoii. f. W sioiil. Iliirobl st..nt, l(. c. Slrltler. Jus. <uuds. Win. I.- Sv.lell ,v Siiiu.'l slieii, .Ins. s. hmill 1 I'reil Miler. P, A. Soluriiinii Fnsl Si-yiin. Hnrry Seliuinnii (Jiinrl lis A Tcrpey, J., Tin,rue Jus. H, Tiny nor. .1. A. JThniipsun, .Ins. ■ Vnriu'v. I!. Vice. Frnl M. Vlllluni, Iriiiil: liiVeLJohn W. Vnn. Hilly II. Von Smllli. Cllll". A llrnee Vlel;, .1. B. tilde. A I. Vnn Fosm'Ii. llllll I Vincent, Wm. I ll|Ce|lt. .Inlil, Viiliiiiillii Victo" Wulerhtiry II. N. Wulerlinry K, M Wnller. It. F. WlSsl. .I.ibli Wnllim. Ilivllle Uiiitiier I'rnhkl. WollY Bias. . Willi I ell. .1. J. Williams. A. Wilbur. C. II. WlMSlflllSl's Aidieids, Mur Welsh AMulllo-l Wat. Clms. Wlll'OII, Jos, ||. ' llillt ,In tVlleoy, F, M. Wlllltir.l, II. I . ivniil, P. A. Walker. Chiis. Wliltui.iii A . Hnvl. Wnrde, I'rett Willis. C. WlllKls, Win., Al. IVh.ekler. II. I.. Willi,mi-. S. M. Wl let', Hill Wiirren. Preil Will,ml A HlllSliiM Welch, Ben • Wisl. Ruiieue Wood. Milt, tt'els'r. CIiiih. West. Hurry Williams. J. C. Wbllller. II II. IVn Ids, Tom ViniiiMs, .Inelt 'enner. Il.urr N ,o fill v h ,*l Ml, II. I,. Zcrti. Kilwln Znrn.w. Iliinpy Rpfc, .lully ■MB WO'l'li IB AT IIBAI) OF HIT. i:ie\enili Ave. Ilpero III,use. Allouilll. I'll., Ilealroyed l>> I lie. Tile lOlcvenlh Avenue Opera House In Al Inolin. Ph., In ihe Ii'iiiIIiik six story block III the cenlrnl luinliicss ncciloti of Hun city, wns discovered on lire n little before iiiIiIiiImIu of .lane II, nud III II short little Ho- entire structure wns In Humes. The lire slurled In llic I Ilea Ice purl of the hiilldlnj,, and hi u short while II wns IiiiiiiIiik from roof lo cellnr. This iniikes the third I lieu I re hilildliie de- stroyed by lire In Alloonii In a period of less Hum I'lulii nionI lis-the Mlshler. Oct. Ill; the Lyric. Feb. I'll, und Hie F.levcnlh Avenue, Hie most eoiupli-ie dealriictbut of nil. This house was liullt In IHHH us it innrket and opera huiiae; Il wns remodeled III IHNK. when Hie lute I-:. H. HriHWold iiuiiiiiki'iI Ii mil II I. C. Mlshler leased II nnd Ulinndnneil II ua n lliealre, April I, of Ihls yenr, when the Imperial I icy Hoods Co. look possession of II. hi I'onlemtilittloii of cliniiKliilt Ihe In lerlor lo be used fur store purposes. «.» Illi'lllinl lllll.lllllt Wilis, In Apil.lliil.- lltvisl.lll. The Apis'llllle Illvlsloii of Hie Hupreme Court uf New York lust ivrc't sustained the iippcul of Olilciiull from Hie ilcler lllliiallon of Ihe court brlow iiveri'iilliiK Ills demurrer lo the answer of Liiclen L. Run bcitc. ns trustee In bankruptcy of Melville Raymond, lu a sllll brouKltl by Mr. i luieiinll for royalties tUw nit "lliister ilrowti." The answer of the ilcfetiilniils set up Hint Mr. lliilriitill wns nut Hie owner of "lliistiu' Itrown," und also n coiuiter clttlni for mullet' all.-inly paid, M:'. Oiilcnull In this answer, but his ili'iniirivr wns overruled The Aiipi'llnle Hlv.slon reverses this rulliit' nud miisIiiIiis Hie ib inurror. ♦<_». llieniie. New Vnrk, Nitlil nl tiicllon, In MoclHim. e. The Aslor Then I re, Itliimlwfiy mill Folly II ft II SI reel, Now York city, was sold al title Hon on Jiini' LI, fur $11111. The purchaser was ,M. L. Riiiideii, who hud alreiulv atlvaiiccd s.iit.onn on the hnllilliiK and IlKitred ns pliilltlllT lu forerlosiire pro coi'dlnjiK In ri'cot'i'C Ihls iMiioitill. The inorlKiik*' 1 covers tile hulldliiK only, us Hie Ki'ounil It occupies Is owned by the Aslor i.slnle. Oilier Iticuuilil'iiiices—-luxes und lit- leresl • -curry the lolul ilidi'lileiliiess mi the properly up lo s.*.s,-l?ri.l!tl. ♦-♦ MnvltIK I'leluie I'i'npli- Seen cc Injiiiiclliin. Jusllce Triinx mi June II (trniilcil a leiu piiiary liijiiiictlnn ri'strnlnlliK Mnyor Me I'lclluii. I'lillco CutitinlsMliiiier ItliiKhniii llllll John P. Coii-Ikiiii, Chief of Ibe Hiit'eiiii of Licenses, from cIosIiik nny of Hie "Penny" Arcades In Miinhiilliiii or the Rroiix. Ily ill Hon of Mayor McClellun, Mr. Cor iIkii'ii revoked nil licenses for places of this diameter. Mr. HIiirIiiiiii then undertook lo close them, 'lite Injiinclloli Is reliirmilihi I Ills week, «»•-• Hiivld Illsplinni Slm.s With llftiuiin-rsiein Hnvbl lllsphaiii arrived In New Vnrk Clly lost week, nnd nnnoiinred Hull he would sins; here next season under I he innnaucineni of Oscar llantmeratelit. Mr. Rls|iluini' staled Hint il wns prnlinble Hint the oporn, "The Vicar of Wakelleld," by l.l/.n l.i'htfiniin, whlcb he owns, wbn!d he siiuk here dnrlliK net I season,