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510 Tills Tsns&r foiK oi^PJPJfefc June 29. Keno. Rosa, Keith's. Boston. 24-29. ... . ,. „„ Kpnton, Dorothy, Temple. Detroit, Mich., 24-28; Pastor's, N. Y. C, July Ml. • Keatim, Lurry. HIJ011. Dnluth. Minn., 24-20. Kcllnr. Jessie. Troupe, Hendersou'a, Coney Island, N. V.. 24-20. ' „_ Kellv, Waller. Wonderland. Chicago, 24-Ju. Kelly * Kclaey, Coin? UlrndeHu, Mo., July 1(1. Kolncy A l.aylou. Farm. Toledo, O., 24-29. Kelly * llnsc, (I. 0. II.. Pittsburg. S4-M. KemiPtly * Lang, Park. CannotistMirg. Pa.. i!4-J|i, Kennedy Urns, ft Mae, Piirk, Lcwlstowii. Pa., 24- 2I»; Wnldiimere Park. Krle, Jnly 1-0. Kenncdv & Wllkcna. Tower, Toledo, O., 24-20; Kclili'K, Cleveland, July 1-fl. Kelley Urns., Avon Park, Youngstown, <)., 24- fflt! Rock .Springs Park, Kant Mrcrpool, July t-fl. Keller * Paul. Keith's. Plilla.. 24-20. Kelso k ls:lgliton, rural, Toledo, O., 24-20; Valley, Syracuse. N. Y.. July III. Kins: * I.oiik, Illjou. Norfolk. Va„ 24-20. Klnanna. The. Ornheum, San 1'run.. Cal.. 211-20. Kings. The. Kleelrle Park, llnlllinorc. 24-20. Kl>:)i|zuiin Trouiie. Luna Park, Buftnlo, M. X., 24-20. Klnera Moulin, Orplieum, Iam Anuelen. Cal.. 24-20. Klein, Oil Broa. k Nicholson, FnlrvJew Park. Dny- lon. (>.. 211-20; Spring Grove Park, Spring- Held. July III. Kunwlcs, Hurry, People's, Los Angeles, Cal., 24-20. Knlvlii Ilrua. k Sawlellc, Keltk'a, Columbus, I)., 24-20. K.iiii. litis & Mnrlon, Family, Krle, Pa,, 24-20. Kniielnml k Theinar, Phillip's, Illcliinmid. lml., 2120; nun-. Mimi-le. Mi-July 0. KopiK-, tlraud, Palrinouut, \V Vn., 24-20; Wiley, CniiilK-rlnnd, Mil., July l-u. Kolilcr k Marlon, Llndeuwald Park. Ilainllton, O., Kramer* Belleclalrc, Fontaine Kerry Park, Luuls- vllle. Ky„ 2420. .. . I.ii Tell llios.. Steeplechase, Atlantic City, N. J.. 24-211. In Vine k Muni, Atlantic Uarden, N. Y. O., 24- 211. I.n (.'lull' h West, Oeeau Pier, Sea Isle City, N. J.. 24-20. I.n Wiv, Flora, Nortli Ave., Chicago, 24-20. I.n Mnic Bum., Atluiitlc Garden. Atlantic City, N. .1., 24-20. I.n VliK.-Clmur.in Trio, Cook O. II.. Rochester, N. Y., 24-20. I.n Nolo llios., Soeiely Circus, Dorchester, Mima., 14-39. Laveen 4c Cross, iiHIh St., N. Y. 0„ 24-20. Lnlrd.i At lllnl«>, l.yeeuui, llochcsler, N. Y., 24-20. Lancaster, Tom, l.yrlc. Ft. Worth, Tex., 24-20. I.n Kurd A lljerson, l.yrlc, Man Antonio, Tex., July III. I.sleli, Kd.. Ollnwii. Call.. 24-20; Kucllll Ave, Cleveland. II., July I-II. l.n It'ii ,1 A lli-versiiii. Lyric, Iiouslon, Tex.. 24-20. Lurko k Admit*, llnrloii'a Auditorium, Norfolk, V(t., 24Jllly rt. l.ti Tov BniN.. -liiiKtu.il I'nrk. Benver Fulls, Pa., 24-SO. I.a "piles, The, Howard. Boslotl, 24-2!). I.n nnuii. Ail, Al 1'reiieo Park, Peoria, III., 24' .Inly I). I.n Jess. Then. A Candllei Kleelrle Park, Knukii- kee, III., 24-20; Weal Knd Park, Champaign, July Ml. I.n Mont. iilll<-. Blur. Chlsbnlm. Minn.. 24-20. I.iilinlu. Ilnrry. Hwlshor'a n. II., Morganlowii, W. Vn„ 24-211. I.n <!mlx. I'niil. Hhcody's, Newport. It. I., 14-30. I,n Dellea, Puuluatlc. Verlavk, Oil City, Pu., 21- 20; rnmllv. Krle, July Ml. l,ii Tour. Irene, i.iinn Piirk, Cnnov Island, N. Y„ 2120; Steeplechase, AlliinlU: (Ml), N. J., July III I.n Znr A- I.n Znr, lluli|ue, l/.i» Angeles, On).. July I-II. Lawrence A Nylvcaler, Hanover Park, Merldcn, Conn.. 24-211. l.niiKdnii, Hnrille, Oxik'H Park, Kvanavllle, Ind., 21-20. Liiaky Oclctle, Allnntlc Garden, .V'.lmillc City, N. .1., 24-211. Lno.v, Mr., Oleti Haven Park, Itoeliealer, N. Y., 24-20. I.iitlim. Mile.. Kleelrle Park, linllliin.iv. 24-20. I.n delta, White city, llidluiinpollii, 24-20; Bo. Iieiid. Ind.. July Ml. I.ii iiiiniliiii Rouge, Atlantic (lurileu, Allnntlc City, N. J., 2 1 July II. I.nrella, The, Slicll|>..t Park, WlhiiliiKtou, Del., 24- 20. I.mlell k Crouch. fiHtti HI.. N. Y. C. 24-20. I.averne. Mil., Koreat I'nrk. Utlea. N. I.i 24-20. I.inrreiiee, Bert, Ciudilu. Allegbeny, Pu., 24-20. i in"-, Harry, (). II., Clileiign, 24-20. l.r Clulr A Ilunen. I2.MIi HI., N, Y. C, 21-211. Leon & Adeline, Mora Park, YouiiKaloun, O., 24- 20. Leonard A I'lilllliw. North Ave., Chicago. 24-20. l.c Wilt A Aidiuint'o, Kleelrle Park, Kxeelalnr HprlugH, Mo.. 24-20; L.vrle, Joplln. July Ml. Li'luiiuiiii, Jon., A Co.. BIJoii, Juckaon. Midi,, 24- 20. lit' Hem. (Ii-cal. Itork Hprlug Park, K. Llverpind, O., 21-20; Celeron Park, Jiiiiieatoun, N. Y., July Ml. ' Le Dent, llreat. Vlelorlii, N. Y. O.. 24-30. !,<■ inn. AlniiH.. Handy Ueaeh Park, Ogdenahurg, N. Y.. 24-20. I.i-" A Hulkey, Wniiderlund. CIiIi-iiko. 24-20. Le Boy A Woodforil. Keltha, Ciiluuiliua, ().. 24-20. Lemon, Trlxle, Niitliinnl. Chicago, 24-20. Leslie A Williams, Trocadrro. Chicago, 24-20; While City. Clilciigii, July I-II. Le May, May, Ashland Opera Garden, Chicago, 24 20. Lewis A llnir. Meyer's Lake, Cniltim, O., 24-20; l-'onr Mile Creek Park. Krle, Ph.. July Ml. lewis A CIihiiIii. llljnu. Htreator. III.. 24-211. Le dray, Dollle. Whim Oily, OaUkoali, Win., 24- .litly tl. levy. Bert, Keith's. Phlla.. 24-20. Le ird A l.ester. Lilt's, I'lilln.. 24-20. Lee Tung K<Mi, Lexlnciini Park, Boston, 24-20. Levy, Mrs. Jules, & Co., lintel Park, Hnteltim, Ph.. 21-211. lamnwi, llei-herl Berl, Benvenvlck Park, Ithaca, N. Y.. 21-20. l.linl. Vlelorlii, N. Y. «., 2-1-20. I. nili-. Irene, Cnliiite. Mluiieii|aills, 21-20. Llpiilnenlts. The, It. O. II.. Plttahurg. 24-20. l.oftiis. i -.villi!. Keith's. I'lilln., 24-20. Lloyd, Bradley. Mnleatlc. Chlrago, 24-20. I.nllse. Helen, l-'oivat Park, Ullcn, N. Y., 24-20. Liaia Itnis., North Ave., Cliteiigo, 24-20. Lui-y A Liu-ler. (Viuey lalniul, Clnelnnutl. 24-20. I.i A Luce. Sumy, Atlantic City, N. J., 24-20. Lueler, Mr. A Mrs, r'red. Coney lalaiul. Ulncln- iiiill. o., 24211; Meyers Lake, Cautuii, O., July Ml, Lui'niliie. The. Illjou, I'lipm. O., 24-20; Lnkeslde I'nrk, liiiyicni. July Ml. I.vilell A Biitterworlli. I.ukisui. I.udlun, Ky., 21-20. l.y.lln A Altiluo, lliiiiliin's Point, Toronto, Can., 21-20. Lyric QiiHi-tflte, 1'ninlly, Heriiuton, Pa.. 2-1-20. Mack. Tom. (I. O. II.. IMttHliurg, 21-20. •Mnmi. I.nnny, A Co., Kent <). II.. Kent, O., 24- 20: l.nkeslile Park. Akron, July Ml. Mnilliil A MiiMiiilllnn, Music Hall, Brighton Bench. N. Y., 24-20. Mnripils A Lynn, Crystal, Chlenpi. 24-20. Murk, I'lins. K.. A Co., Keith's. I'lilln., 24-30. Mack. Hick. Illjou. I.lnenlii. N'eli., 24-20. M.iin.n & Miirnni, A. A 8.. Boston. 24-20. Marlowe, IMtmkelt A Co., Meyers Luke, Canton, tl.. 24-2H. Marvin Broa,. Illjou. Knlatliatmi, Mleli.. 24-20. Mniiiell'M Mni-loiieites, Atlantic llnrilen, Atlantic City, N. .1.. 21 .Inly I. Mnsim ft Dorlm. Hhwdy's. I-'nll Hirer, Mhsb., 24- .luly II. Mnrlln Brim.. 12,Mh HI.. N. Y. C. 24-20, Martyne Hlaiers. Ureal Parker Amuse. Co. Mail A Kvhiih, Casino. Ityo Beach, N. I., 24-20. Murtyne. Knlliryn. Park. Wheeling, W. V»„ 24-20. MiiimliiK Trio. 1'ninlly. Hlnux City, la., 24-20, Mnhcvr. Stella. Keith's, Boston. 24-20. Mnnhnttan Comedy Knur, Allnullc liarciou, At- liuitle City. N. ,1., 24-20. Mnek. Wilbur, A Co.. 08II1 St., N. Y. 0., 24-20; 2.'ld SI.. K. Y. C. July 1-0. Ma.-k, Huh. tiriind. N. Y. C. 24-30. Miirllnea, Slar. Miuielp. lull., July Ml, Marshall A King, Hheedy's, Newport, H. I.. 24-20. Mardo Trio. Konr Mile Creek Park. Krle. Pa., 24- 20: Lakeside Park. Akron. O.. July Ml. Mnrrh.it Twins, Casino Park. Macon, (.Is., 24-20; Blrnilnghiim. Ala.. July Ml. Manhattan Trio. Bush. Belle Vernon. Pa.. 24 20. .Mi.ciu-li. A Woulrc. Aim. Pink, Albany. N. Y„ 24- 211. Marco Twins, I2MI1 HI., N. Y. 0,. 24-20. Mario. Berger A Mitrlo. Young's, Allnntlc City, N. J.. ?r-2ft. Miirlowe-Plunketl A Co.. Karttl. Toledo. O., .10- July tl. Mnrtlnex. The, Broadway. Mlddlelown, O., 24-20. Mn.leat<e Muslcl Pmir. K.dth'a. Phlln., 24-211. May, Cecil, * Co., Hvde Park. Chicago. 24-20. MMse.r A Kramer. Crystal. Klkhart, Ind.. 24-20; Irwin, iioshen, July Ml. MncOregnr, Lulu, Star, Alloona, Ta., 24-20. Mnrlon A Pearl, Farm. Toledo, O.. 24-20, lilies (21. Cnslnn, Washington, Pa.. 21-20; O. . a., BroTVUBvllle, July M). '« Dick * Alice, Norumbega Pack, Boatqp. Mc¥orley * Btranore, Coeur. D'Alene, Spokane, Wash.. 24-July 1. MeKnlght, Orne, Third Ave.. N. Y. 0.. 34-80. MeClellau, Jus,, Bijou, Dulutll. Minn., 24-29. McClellan Misters, Crystal, Chicago, 24-20. McKee ft Van, Bijou, Winnipeg, Man., 24 20; BIJou, Dulblh, Mian.. Jnly 1-9. McDowell. John A Alice. Park, Richmond, Va., 24- 20; Park. Norfolk. Jul/ ill. McCord, Lewla, A Co., Hamona, Grand Rapids, Mich., 24-20. MctlrnUi A Paige. Manila drove Park, Tamanua. I'n., 24-20; Tumbling Run Park, Pottavllle, July .1-0. McQoald, Jouiea. Luliln'B. Baltimore, 24-20. McCarty k Lnw'rence, Junction Pork, Beaver Kails. Pa., 24-20. Mclntyrc k Bennett. O. H.. Chicago, 24-20. McKces (.1). Adora Park, Youngstown, O., 23-20. McPhee k Hill. Farm. Toledo, O.. 2-I-2S. McCnne k (Irani, Lyric, Han Antonio, Tex., 24- 20: Lyric. Austin. MO-Jnly 1. McAllister. Paul, 4 Co., 12SOJ .Street, N. X. C, 24-20. Merrltt. I'rank II.. Casino, Portsmouth, O. 23-20; Orphliiro. Chllflcotbe. July Ml. Mexican Trio. Hyde Park. Chicago, 24-20. Merrltt Hlalera, North Avenue, Chicago, 24-20. Melville & lllgglns. K. k P., Jersey Cily, N. J., 24-20. Meech International Trio, Proctor's, Newark, N, J.. 24-20. Melroy Trio. Sans Kouci Park, Chicago, 24-20. Metxettl Troupe. Keith's. Cleveland. 24-20. Mlllronr Bros., Lagoon Park. Luillow, Ky., 24-20. Millers (tl), Hchlniller'a. Chicago, 24-20. Millard Bros.. Nornmls?ga, Park. Boston, 24-20. Mlddletoii. Hiiellmeyer k Co., Proctor's, Newark, N. J.. 24-20. Mitchell & Browning, Chestnut, Lancaster, (>.. 24-20. Mlllman Trio. Umpire, illnsgow. Heot.. 24-20; Htnll Tour. Knglaud. July 1 Aug. 12. Mlllnril Bros., Mayflower Park, South ILiim.n, Mass.. 24-20. Miller. Minnie, Casino. Wlldwood. N. J.. 24-July «. Millerslilp Sisters. Lubln's. Baltlmnre, 24-20. Monarelis. Instrumental, Family, tiloversvlllc, N. Y., 24-20. Mortlock, Alice, A Co.. (iran.1 family, Ksrgo, N. I).. 24-20; Butte. Mont.. July 1-14. Morion, Phil., Comlquc, New Bedford, Mass., 24- 20. Morton A lllaiii.in.l. Keith's. Bostnn, 24-20. Mo'invy A Holbein, Olbbona k Payne Halls, Lon- don, Kin.'. . Mirxnrts. The, Kniplre, Hackney, London, Kng., July S t-l; Kiniilre, Hollnwny, l/indnn, K.2(l. "Motoring." K. A P., Jersey Cite, N. J., 24-20. Mologlrl, La. Touring Iudlu and China. Miiran. PmiiIIiip. Ijikeslile Park, Tei^e Haide, Ind.. 24-20; Ccnk's Park, Hvansvllle. July MI. Morris A Morris, Music Hull, Brighton Bench, N. Y., 24-20. Morris A Kramer, Henderaon's, Ccney Island, N. v.. 24-20. Morrlsaey A lllcli. Illjou. Dllluth, Minn., 24-20. Morse. Hon, Onkfnrd Park. Jenmitt'e. Pa.. 24 20. Mon k (loodrlch, Ilroiulwny. ft. Y. C-. 24-20. Morton, Kred. I). O. II.. Pltlslnn-t, 24-20. Murpliv A Wlllnrd. Atlantic Oaidcn. Atlantic City, N. J., 24-20. MiirpTiy A Talle.v, Blalravllle, Pa.. 24-20. Murphy A Andrews, Park. Blnglinuili.ii. N. Y., 24-20; Park, Troy, July Ml. Murray, Clayton A Drew, Central Park, Allen- lowu. I'll , 2-1 211 Murphy A Dunn, Tlilrd Ave.. N. Y. C 24-20, Nagel A Adama, Keith's. .Boston, 24-20. Nmile. Mile., nrnheuni, Hnn Klin., Cal., 2,1-20. Nawn, Tom. A Co., Ingcraoll I'nrk. Dea Molnea, la., 24-20. Napp. Viols, Woonaocket, II. I., 24-20; Webster. Mima.. July 1-0. Nelson, Catherine, Havoy, Atlantic City, N. J., 24-30. Newman. Harry, Wesson's. Jopbln, Mo., 24-20; Cnriilvii! Pork. Kalians City. Kan., July Mi. Nehlhaiu A Wood, Carnival, Bergen Beach, N. Y., 24-20. Nell A Chapuian, Cok O. II., Rochester, N .v.. 24-20. Nlemeypr A Odcll, llljnu. Iron Mountain, Mich., 24-20. Nlhbe A Bordeaux. BIJou, Kaluruuioo, Mich., 24- 20. Mum A Kalop, Atlantic Uiirdeu, Atlantic city, X. J., 24-20. "Nightingales, The," Atlantic City, N. J.. 24-20. S..locus. The, Atlantic Uarden, N. Y. O., 24-20. Nusses (Hi, Majestic, Chicago. 24-20. North. Bobby, Keith's, Phlla., 24-2D. Nobletle A Marshall, Harlem Park, llockrnrd, III . 24-20; Crystal. Mllwaukef, Wis., July 1(1. Noblea. Milton A Dolly, Pastor's. N. Y. O., 24-20. Norworlu, Jack. Cook O. II., Rochester, N. Y., 34-20. Nugent. J. ('.. A Co., Keith's, Columbus, (J., -2-1-20. O'Brien, M. C, ludlaiinla I'nrk, Columbus, ()., 24 J illy I. O'Connell A llolden, Novell v. Deliver, Oulo., 21- 20; Tulllerles (Jnnlnis, Denver, July Ml. uTIiira A Wnls.in, Orphltmi, Portsiuoutu. O., 24- 20; O. 11.. Wiillslou, July Mi. iilyinpla giinrlelte, Kuclid Ave. U. 11.. Clevelnml. II,, 24-20; Chestnut Ht. O. II.. Phlla., July 111, Onrl, Adele Purvis, Myers Park. Canton. O.. 23- 20: I'nrk. Wheeling. W. Vs., .Inly 1 (I. i inlaw Trio, Norumbega I'nrk. Boston, 24-20. O'Neill. .1. 11., A Co., People's, liliiHl.ni, Intl., 211; Miinltvu,.Rochester, 27-20; Slur, Martins- vtlle. July 1-3. O'Neill's Majestic Mlnstivls, Leiivemvurth, Kan., 24-20: Lincoln, Neb.. July Ml. O'NpII. Tom, National. Hteiiliemille, U., 24-20; iirplilum. Minletta, July l it. Orpheus Comedy l-'nur, O. II., Cldcago, 24-20. Ordwny, Lnuru, Lyceum. Ri«.-lieHtcr. N. Y., 24-30. Orlnnd. I*e. O. 11., TraTerse City. Midi.. 24-20. O'ltourke A Marie, Howard, Boston, 24-20; La- tayeitc. HurTalo, July MI. oi'letin A Taylor. Lufsyvtle, BurTalo, 24-Jnly 0. Osbiirue, Clliis. II., Kosaliam Casino, Mguallelil, (I,, 24-20. Ostiums, The, Auditorium, Norfolk, Vn.. 24-20. oxavs. The, Novelty, Denver, Col., 24-20. Parker Bros., Alameda Park, Butler, Pn.. 24-20. Pnnfier, Willy, Trio, Victoria, N. Y. C, 24-20. "Pauline." K. A P.. Jersey City, N. J.. 24-20. Pnyton A Stanley, Hahbutlii Park, Taunton, Mass., 24-20. l'a Inc..la. The. dm ml, N. Y. C. 24-20. Patrick A Westhrnok, l^roclnr's. Troy. N, Y., 24- 20; Union Sipinre. N. Y. C. July Ml. Parker. Kil.. Maillmttuu. Norfolk. Vs.. 24-20. Paullnettl A Plnno. Allininhni, l'Torence, Italy, 22- 30; Teniro Del I.lde, Venice. July 1-13; Teuiiu Verdi, llenoa: lll-.'in. Perlns. 'The, Orand. Uomesleuil, Pu.. 24-20. Personl. Csmllle. BIJou. La Crosse, Wis., 24-20; Unlipie. Kim Claire, July Ml, Perry. Prank I.., Uodfroy'a, Grand Rapids, Mlcb., 24-211, Potching Bros., Meyers Lake. Canton, ()., 24-20; Lnkeslde (laslim, Akron, July Ml. Perry A Aleclii, O. Hi, Wnynesburg. Pa., 24-20; Casino. Washington, July Ml. Peters, Phil A Nettle. Keith's. I'lilln.. 24-2D; Proctor's, Newark, N. J., July 1-tl. Pevser A McDonald, Luna Park, Coney Island, N. Y„ 24-30; Keith's. Boston, Jul; Ml. I'liceriel. Kmll, Collins UsrileiiB. Columbus, ()., 24-20. PliilloplilPtids, The, (I. O. H., Plttsbnrg, 24-20. I'hiner A Kallniens, Collins llardeus, Columbus, 0., 24-30. plerif A Kulila. Weber's Park. Baltimore. 24-20; Hollywood Park. Baltimore. July 1-fl. Plum, Kulry. Scblndler's. ChlcaBo, 24-20. Platte, lleo. I.„ Pavilion Beach: Oawefn, N. Y„ 24-20; Summit Park, Utlcn. July 1-0. Pnlo'ir Sisters. Pastor's, N. Y. C, 24-20. Putts Bros. A Co., liriiuil. N. Y. C. 24-30, Prlnirosp, ileorge II., A Co., Shea's, Buffalo, N. Y„ 24'20. Price A Dlsluli, Havoy, Cninls-rlsiui, Md.. 24-20; l-'ainlly. Hsgeratown. July in. Prluiroses (8), Uhralnut Street O. II., Phlla., 24- 20. • ' Prohiiaco. BIJou. Alliance. O . 34-20. Prvorv. The. t'ltliilie. Minneapolis, Minn., 34-20; tirnoil, Knrgn. N. D.. July l-U. I'lillen, Baby l.nelln, Mountain Park, Wind Oap, I'n.. 34-20. Qimker City Quartet, Boulevard, Meilford, Mass., 24-20. Qiilmt. Mackey A Nlckerson, Ingersoll Psrk, Dea Moines, la., 24-20; Wssnn's, Joplln, Mo., Jult 1-0. • Rnrfayette's Dogs. O, II.. Chicago, 24-20; River- side I'nrk. Saginaw. Mleli., July 1-0. llnr, Fred, A Oo.. Majestic, Oilesgn, 24-20: ltn- inetm i'nrk. Grand Ranlds, Mich., July 1-0. Itnuisey Hitters. Alnlome. Leavenworth, Kan.. 24- 20. Rnlnliows. The. Phillips, lllelitiion.l, Ind.. 24-20: Star, Miinrle, July Mi. Rustus A Banks, lllpp, Brighton. Bug.. 24-20; Hlisfi.. Llveriionl. July Ml; Hipp. Birmingham. , H-l.'l; Hit.p. Leeds. 1020: Pavilion. Newcastle. • SI2-2?; rjuidre, -Wolr«u«lDptWi ;»■ Aug. 8> lUppo stsMrs. Nixoo. s9ttiMK£Mi| Bail.. A Bortman. Luna t* rk W B n al0 sV < v*' , Jj»r' Rene. Bessie, Heights, No. Beach. N. Y., J*™- Reogler A Hllle, Bprlng Orove Park, Hprlnglleld, O 24-20 IUmV, Will A Msy, Hngan's P«r*. t^stWUbiim, Ky., 24-20. .. _ Keno A Axora, lola, Chlcngo, .-'4-20. Ileipj, Edward. Lake Charlea, UtnjBjt , „..„ Beevl A Eari. Unique. Han Bernardino. Cal.. 24•■». necklgjr, Beckless, Peak's Island Rink, Portland. Me 24-20 Iteniiler A O'aiidler, Music Hall, Brighton Beach, N Y 24-29 Reno. George - R.. A Co., Ingersoll Park, Des Moines. la.. 24-20. _. _ n llevelle, Nellie, Windsor, Ht. Paul, M on.. 24-20. Rennet Ifarolly, Lyric. Dsnvllle. 111.. 24-20: Oak Hummit Park. Cbattanqoga, Tenn., July 1-0. Ileilfonl A Winchester, Ingersoll Park, Des Moines, Reese' A Alfrey Hitlers, Marlon, Marlon. 0„ 24-29. Kennee Family (5). Lyric, Danville, 111.. 24-28. ltelff Bros.. K«lth's. Phlla., 24-29. Rhodes A Carter. Keith's. Phlla.. 24-20. Hire A Mmer, Ocean View Casino, Norfolk, Vs., 24-20. Kldgc. Mr. A Mrs., Aahland Uarden, Chlcsgo, 21-20. Rli-hsnls, Klla, Young's, Atl-intle City, N. J., 24-20; Rocky Point. Providence, R. L, July MI. Rico A Prevost, Victoria, N. Y. C. 24-20. Bk-e Bros., Ashland Harden, Chicago. 24 20. Hlnllo Comedy Four. Hamona Park, Grand Rapids, Mich., 24-20; Majestic, Chicago, July 1-41. Rich Duo, Renwlck Purk. Itbaca. N. Y.. 24-20. Rio Bros. (4), Tower Circus, Blackpool. Kng., 24-29; Royal, Edinburgh, Hcot., July 1-0; Palace. Uvils, B-13; Kniplre. Stockport, IS- 20; Hipp, Huddersfleld, 22-27; Empire. Old- bam, 2d Aug. ;t. liiiisldos (4); Olympic Park, McKeeaport, Pa., 24-29. Kin, Adolph, Paxtang Fork, Harrlsburg. Pa., 24-28. Richards A Co.. Bchlndler. Chicago, 24-20. nkh A Howard, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. 1., 24-20; Atlantic City. N. J„ July 1-0. Rlshiirds, Ureal. Lakerlds Park, Akron, O.. 24- 20; Myers' Lake. Canton. July 1-0. Rllier A Kdalcr, Kniplre. Johannesburg, 8. A„ 24 Sept. 14. Robinson A (Irani, Family, Butte, Mont., 30- July 0. "Rocklngchalr Girls" (U), U. O. H„ Pittsburg, 24-30. Rosalie, Atliiiillr Uarden. N. Y. C. 24-20. llosal A Paulo, Orplieum, Kan Krsn,. Cal., 24- 20: Orplieum, Los Angeles, ,'10-J.ily 0. Ross A Is-wls, Kmplrv. Nottlngbam, Kng., 24-29; PnlllCC, Isdcesler. July 1 II; Kniplre. So. Shields. h t;i; Kmplre, Newcastle, 1S-20: Kinplre. Kdln- lioro. Hcot., 22-27: Empire, Ulasgow,'29-Aug. .'I. Hobs Hlsters, Providence, R. I.. 24-Jnly 110. Ronuldos (3), Kmplre, Hprlnglleld, HI.. 24-20. Boners, Aerial, Atlantic Uarden, Atlantic City. N. J., 24-20. Rogers, Fcum-ia A Virginia, Kmerson, Ca|se Ulrar- deau, Mo.. July l-U. lu.siihe A Doretto, O. O. 11.. Pittsburg, 24-20. Royal Russian Troupe, O. II.. Cleveland, 24-20. It.i-iilres. 'The. Majestic Psrk. l.n Halle, 111.. 24- 20; Lakewood Park, Vlnceunes. ind., July Ml. Rossi Bros.. Ft, Wayne, Ind.. 24-20. Ross A Vnek. Kmplre, Colo. Springs, Col., 2420; Kurl, Piieido. July Ml. lbilH-rts, Henrietta, Kmplre, St. Paul, Minn.. 24- 20. Rogers A Deeley. Albaiuhra, N. Y. C, 24-20. Il'icrrs A Mullen. Pustur'a. N. Y. C. 24-29. Rome, Mayo A Juliet, BIJou. Lansing, Mich., 24- 211 Itijckway A Omway, Riverside Park, Kagloaw, Mich., 2420; Kecwalidlu Park, PL Huron. July l-U RoutoU, Murvelous, Oinnha, Neh., 24-20; Nt. Jo- seph, Nov., July 1-0. Robin, Lakemont Purk, Altoona, Pa., 24-20. lt'«.f A Hart. Psrk. Pottatown. Pn., 24-20. Itiisaell A itiiymoiid, lola, CI.Icium, 24-20. Russell, l.e.di. Piiliiep. l/.ndoii. Kng.. 24 July 27, Itiililn, Paul, O. II., Patchogue. N v.. 24-20. Russell A Hold. Harlem Park, Rocktord, III., 24-20; Pavilion. Paris, July Ml. ItiiHselj, O'Nell A Cross, Deliuur Unrdrns, Okla, City, Okla., ;m July 14. Itynn A Kmerson. Orplienm, Turtle Creek, Pa., 2420; Star, Beaver Falls, July l-U. Sanson A Delllla. I'nrk. Wheeling, W. Va.. 24-20. Havpy quartet, Junction Park, Braver Falls, I'n., 2420. Hiimiisel A Aniesiiiuii, Htar, Muncle, Iml., 24-20; Orphlnm, Lima, o.. July l-U. Hll llaras. II. II.. Cleveland, 24-20. Siiymoiili's Dogs, Spring drove Purk, H|irlugtlrld, O,. 24-20. Smiford. Walter. Lubln's. Baltimore, 24-20. Hnnilford A Diirlliiglon. Keith's. I'lilln., 24-20. Siilsii, Joscpblin?. Touring South Africa. Hcliellhuru A lliii'tinsun, l/iguii, W. Vs., 24-20. s.iiimtet-. Milton, Piihiep, Boston, 24-July 0. Seymour Hlsters, BIJou. Jackson. Mlcb., 24-29. Heuions CD, Majestic, I.n Fayette. In.! 24-20. Brinon. Cbss. I-'.. 23d St., N. Y. C„ 24-20. Shields A Roger*, Spring Brook Park, Ho. Bend, Ind., 30-July (I. Hluirp BriM., AIIibiiiI.i'ii. N. Y. C, 2420. Hhes, Tboa. T„ Casino, Akron. O.. 24-20: Fair- view Park, liayioii, 30-Jiily U. Sherman A De l'orest. Cook O. II., Rochester, N. Y., 24-20. Sherman A Fuller, Fulrvlew Park, Daylon, O.. 24-20; Spring Grove Park, Hprlnglleld. July 1-0. Shall, Munek. Majeatlr. Pittsburg. 24-July U. Short A KdwiirilH. Olympic, Park, Mi-Keesnorl, Pa., 24-20. SliuvV. Lillian. Keith's. Colilniluls. Il . 24-20. Silvern A Kinerle. l.miii Park, Hrrantoii, Pa., 24- 20. - Singing Four, The, Henderson's, Coney Island, .V i.. Jbly Ml. Simpsons. Musical, Idora Park, Youngstown, O., 24-20. Simmons, II. A., Roller Rink, Norwich, Conn., 24-20. Slater A Williams, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y„ 24-20. Staler, Finch. A Co.. Park. Wheeling. W. Va., 24- 20: Uermun Village, South Columbus, O.. July l-H. Hiiilth-Bowmua Trio, llemlersim's. Coney Island, N. Y„ 24-20. Smith A Baker. Pastor's. N. Y. C, 24-20. Hinltli, J. W.. A Matlle, Tucson, Aril.. 24-July 14. Siuytlie. Will 11.. Family, Scrauton. Pa.. 24.20. Sonimers A Cook, Rust River, Green Bay, Wis,, 24-30. Htmer, Bert, Htar. Alloona. Pa., 24-20. Sinners A Law, Psstor's, N. Y. C, 24-20, Honors. John, Greater Ontario Bench Park, Ro- chester. N. Y., 24-20. Sinitherlsiid A Curtis, Delmnr Gardens, Okls. City, ukra., 24-July U. Siiiiiildlog A Dupive, BIJou, Green Bay, Wis., 24- 20. Splsaell Bros. A Muck, Palace, London, Kng., 24- 30. Sis-d.len A Hcmiiii. Majestic. Sundiisky. (I., 24-30. SiK'neer, Wslter, Crystal. Ht. Joseph, Mo.. 34-20. Stevens A Keeley, Trocndero, Phlla,, 24-Julv 0. Hit-Inert A Thomas. Crystal. Chicago, 24-20; BI- Jou. Kankakee. 111.. July Ml. Kleiner Trio. White Clly. Chleugn. 24-20. Slulsmati. Chus., Minerva Park, Peru, 111., 24-20. Stevens A Bocbm, Yorkvllle Roof Uunleu, N. Y. C ■ "4-20 Stark." Toliie. Family. HloUX Clly, la., 24-20; BIJou, Marshulltnwn, July 111. Ktewnrt. Ileorge, Atlantic City, N. J.. 24-20. Shiikliirtl A Wilson. Ft. Dodge, la.. 24-20. Ktnraut A La Vardu, Kldora Purk, Charlerol, Pa., 24-20. Hlrlekland, E, C, Novelty, Oakland. Cal., 24-20. 81. Is-oii I'linilly. Km eiiaiigli Nells Circus. St. Klmo, Leo, Island Park, Ronton, Pa.. 24-20. St, Onge Bros., Orplieum. Sun Fran., Cal.. 23-20. SI. John A D* Fevrr. Keith's. Phlla.. 2420. SI. John Family, Grand, N. Y. C, 21 28. Siitellfle Troupe. Majestic, Chicago. July l-U. Sully A Phelps. Lexington Park, Boston, 24-20. Silllya (5). Pastor's, N. Y. C, 24-20. "Hunny 8.0UI11." Tlie, Victoria, N, Y. C, 24-20. Summers A Winters, Orphlnm. HprlngOeld, O.. 24- 20; Grand. Hamilton, Jnly Ml, Swarfs. Frances, A Co.. Peoria. III., 24-20; Crys- tal, Marlon, I ml., Jnly l-u. Ta lent la. The. Olympic. Ho. Bend,-Iml.. 24-2(1. Tuiine, Vanity Fair Purk, Providence, R. I., 24-20. 20. ' Tasmania!! Troupe, Hngeuheck-Wallace Circus. Tangilay. P.va. 23d HI.. N. Y. C, 24-20. Taylor Twin dialers. Brltannla-on-Ba.v, Ottawa, C*n., 24-20: Lyceum. Rochester. N. Y.. July Ml. Taacott, Alhsnibra, N. Y. 0.. 24-20. Temple, IrenerBcenlc. Taniilon. Mass., 24-30. Tennis Trio. Shea's. Buffalo, 24-20; Temple. De- troit, Jnly I-o: Tempest, Grace, Trio, Union Square, N, Y. C, 24- 20. Thorne, Mr. A Mra. Harry. Temple, Detroit, Mich., 24-20; Park, IE. tlvernool, Ci., July 1(1. Thompson 4 Banner. Acme, Norfolk. Vs., 24-20. TboUpioo 1 Uarvlu, Lyceum, ftocgeslcc, N. X., 24-20, ' T.«a^CT.'.n^lclHV.N! , 7. 0 24.20. ToOrWIM'&s* Temple, Kuclid Ave Clevel.ud. O. 24-29; Lyceum, Rochester. N. \m July l-u. Tobin Ki. m&TTf-'Jst Torcat, Proctor's, Newark, N. J„ H4s\. TolUp A Co.. Orpblum, SprldWeld. O., J4-W. Toohey. Pst. Crystal. Frankfort, Ind 24 20. Tobln A Brooks. Orand. N- ^ Vi'-Vo Trssk: (Hadden A Bubo, Bell. Oakland, Cal.. 24- 20 Tnrpin, Ben, lola, Chicago, 24-20. Tully May, A Co.. 23d Street, N. Y. O., *■«* g or, "Snell A 5»H5.j5P^JK^)lE?Si. Tyler Trio, Oxford Lake Palk, Annlatoa, Ala,. M- Vsjdare, Bessie, Tioupe, Keith's. Columbua, O., Vnr/etjpAiartet. T,err;e Haute, Ind., 24-29; Marl- AelilW 2420i 0tphtaa - Rockford, 111., July 1-0. - Vnldliigs. The, Palace, Bhstou, 24-20. Van Oofre A Cotrely, Music Hall, Havre, Mon., V,m lluddlford. Grace. M«Je«tl<:. Chicago. 24^29. Van. Billy, Toledo. O., 24-29; Oleotangy Park, OdumbuB, 0„ July 1-fl. . _ . „ Vaileclu's Leopards, Electric Park, Newark, N. VamxrOlrta, O. IL. Chicago, 24-20; Koreat Park, St. Louis. July 1-t). Vardelles, Ine. Hipp, Pittsburg, 24-29. Van Dlrmon Troupe, HagcnbcCk-Wallaco Clrcru. Vainoiit, Victor, Nunley's Casino, So. Beach, N. Valu'dons. "'/lie. City. Brockton. Mass., 24-20; Crescent Psrk, Providence, It. I.. July 1-0. Vnnnl A Clottl, Keith's. Boston, 24-29. Veda A Qulntsronw, Alrdome, Beaumont, Tex., 24-20; l.yrlc, Houston. July l-U. Vice A Vlolit, Htar,' Alloonp-, Pa.. 24-20. Ward A Wetmler, Wonderland, Chlcggo, 21-20. Wnvne. A. J., West End Park, Green Bay, Wis., 24-July 13. . . _ . . Wntcrbury Bros. A Tcnny, Keith's, Columbus, O., 24-20. Wnlseys (3), North Avenue. Chicago, 24-20. Wuller A Msglll, Swisher O. H., Morgantown, W. Vu, 24 20. Walton, Irvln R., Turk, Johnstown, P«.. 21-20; G. (>• IL, Pittsburg. July Ml. Wahlund-Tekla Trio, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y.. 24-20. Wallace Hlsters. Crystsl. Ht. Joseph. Mo., 24-20. Walters, Jits., Hattford. Conn., 24-20; Electric Park. Baltimore, July l-U. Waters, James IL. Uiirlfurd. Oonti., 24-20; Elec- tric Park; Baltlmofc, July 10. Wall, .llmmle, Riiinonu, Grand Rapids, Mich., 24-20; Walsh, Lynch A Co,, Union Square, N. Y. C. 24- 20. Wayne, A. J., Must River, Green Bay, Wis., 24-20. Weston. Dave, I.atrobe, Pa.. 24-20. West A Siiy|or Lagoon. LudloW, Ky.. 24-20. Westln, Ureat, Bl oil, Kaliimaxoo. Mieh.. 24-20. Wells Bros. A Smith, Lyric, Terre Haute, Ind.. 24-20. Weston, Al., A Co., Union Hipiare, N. IT. O., 24-20. Wells A Hhelhv, BIJou, Norfolk. Vu.. 24-20. Weston. Clint. Crystul. Marlon, Ind., 21-20; Crys- tal, Elkhnrl, July 1-0. Welch. Francis, A Co., K. A P., Jersey City, N. J.. 24-20. Wei.'. A Connelly. Bell. Oakland. Cal.. 21 20. Webb. Mario A Webb. Atlantic City, N. 3„ 24-20. Welch, Ben. Majestic, Chicago. 24-20. Welch. Lent. Moss A Htoll Tour. England, 24-30. Welnls>rg, hub, a Co., Chestnut Street 0. II., I'hlls.. 24-20. Wheeler, SSeluis, tola, Chicago, 24-20, Whltehousc, tifacelyn, Spring Orove Park, Spring- Held, ().. 24-20. whit.!.) A Bell, wiiiilimiiit Purk, Kewanec. III., 24-20, Whltesldes. Ktbel. A Picks, Family, Hcraaton, Pa., 24-20. Wheelers, THe. Medford. Mass., 24-20. Wheeler Hlsters, Cambridge, O., July 1-3; Co- shocton. 4-t). Whitehead, Joe, O. H„ Chicago, 24-20. Wilson A Knton, Atlantic Uarden, Atlantic City, N. J„ 24-July 0. Wlngates. The, ilrand. Homestead, Pa., 24-20; Ktllsun. New Castle, July 1-0. Wilton Bros., Slieu's. Buffalo. N. Y., 24-29. Wilson, Jack. A Co., Ingersoll Park, Des Moines, la., 24-20. Wilson Bros., Fontaine Ferry Park. l^iulMvllle, Ky.. 24-20; East Bod Park, Memphis, Tenn., Wllmer, Wuller. A Co., Keith's, Boston, 24-20. Wills. Nat Mi, U. O, II.. Pittsburg, 24-20. Wlndoni, Constance, Majestic, Chicago. 24-20; Ha moiia Park, Grand Rapids, Mich.. July l-U. Wise A Milton, 23d St., N. Y. C., 24-20. Williams A lieuly. Kmplre, Chicago, 21-20; Folly, Chicago. .'Hi Jtilv tl. Wiggins, Berl, Grnuil, N. Y. C, 24-20. Williams A Tucker, O. H„ Cleveland, 24-20. Wilson Trio, San Kouel Purk, Chicago, 24-29. Williams. Barney, UiiImih-. Mliiueupolls. 24-20. Wllartl A Bond Co.. Bijou. Phlla., 24-20. IN lllliilns A Hesly. National, Chicago, 24-20. Williams Duo. The. Pastor's, N. Y. C, 24-20. Wlllluins A Piiltuiun, Sauatoga Park. Pottatown. Pu., 24-20; Thayer's Park, Amsterdam. July l-o. Winter, Winona Gordon. 23d Ht., N. Y. C. 24-20- Keith's, Plillu., July 1-0. Wjlder. Marshall p., Hhes's, Buffalo, N. Y., 24-20. Wordette. Kstelle, A Co., Spring Urovo Purk. SprlugKeld, O., 21-20; Lakeside Park, Akron July Ml. Worth A Delmnr. Wenst's, Peoria, 111., 24-July (I. Wood, Francis, Atlantic Garden. Aliunde Oily. N. Wood A l.nnson, Atluiitlc City. N J„ 24-20. Wolf A Vaughuu, Bagdad, Muscatine. Iu„ 24-20: Mnllne. IlH. July l-U. Wolff Bros., Butler. Pn., 24-20; McKeeaport, July Woodward. Kil. A Muy, Orphlnm, HprlugUeld, 0., Wo ?.i lw ?. ri '' v ' p " Puntages'. Tncoma, Wash., 24- 20; Panlages', Seattle, July 1-fl. Wright, Bess, Lakemont Pork, Altoona, Pu., 24. Wynn. Bessie, shea's. BurTalo, N. Y„ 24-211. Wrocs Dnnclug Wonders. Kellli'a. Phlla.. 24-20 Wynn A Lewis. Kellb's, Boston. 24-29. Mum *4.2ti""""' Hlgl,,, "" l p " rk . Brockton, young, To*t, a'Oo., Snus Soucl Putk, Chlcsgo. 24- Y "-m"2o" <a> ' SCW Y ° rk n °" f 0anIei '' N ' Y - °" York, u'rave, Hun Jose, (Jul., July Mi. io'u'I!. Cbas., Luns Park, Coney Island, N. Y„ garrow Trio, Shea's, Bulfalo. N. jr., 24-20 i'n'n 34 211 * Ze '"'' 8oll ""- ,, ' '*«, Montreal, glnMtl Operatic Trio. Alhanihm, N. Y. ft, 24-20 Boulgettls, The. Oulnrlo Bench, N. Y 24.'>n y. mmermuti, W'llly, Nixon. Plttslmrg, ' 24-20.' / ska A Mug Klettrlc Park. Baltimore, 24-20. Zlngaiellu. White City Shows, /siiibouliikls, Jelni, Reservoir Park, Paris. Ill 24- . . OK THE H.Q AP. Snppleitionlnl Mat—Received Too Lute for ClnaaltjcBtloB. Anselme.Slock—Terre Haute. Ind., 24-Sept. 3. Brown A Roberts' Druuiatlc Show—Hut on, W. ^KMm^™' "' Vb " ' J,lljr '' BpI,i lrt™ Bnrctinie. Myrlle. Theatre (Kd. H. Brunch, ingr.) -fgbctnftU. Mich.. 2-l-20. l-Jkton July I-uV Buuer's Band—Hersnton. Pa.. 24-20. iT! ,V 24 B W 'oerln!te T ' ek C °" W " 5 '' n « r >-Chlcngo. D ".',?.'"2 0 Aiigusthi, Musical Comedy—Denver, Colo., Damroacb's New York Symphony Orchestra (Wal. ik4Jnlte m ' l * m,c ' r >-^ I ""is-o, I™.. 24, Ib. Cljord'a Coniedlins CAdolrdi Olgonl, mgr.I— tlotcloiila, Minn.. 24-20. Preston July 1 (?. Kpyes.Block (H. Burton Keyes. mgr-I-Bviilvar, Kll(|es Baud* |T. P. J. Power. mgr.I—Dsllaa TJx.. 29. Kort Worth 2V. Wsei. 287 20. Marllti I?'. Co r " ic »" | a Jnly I, Hlllshoro 2. clebiinw' S 'KS?l2S l,r V' iW, W>«!^4:ittcllliiaU, O., M-July 13. "Wa« or tin CatUtj Bliig," Eller's, Ksalctn it, IsvmMUH PUyets IDdh Wacmlllon.- mgr.I— Mtk. burg. Ksn.. 23-Jtily 0. "' "" Maid snd the Millionaire (M. M. Tbelse, m-r'i N. Y. City 24. IndeOnlte. Phlnncy's U. 8. Band (Frederick Phlnney. inn. doctor.)—N. Y. City 25-27, Utlca. N. ?„ «l. 30. Saratoga Springs Jnly 1-13. "Uncle Tom's Cabin," Sterling's (Thos. L. Finn mgr.)—Molra. N. Y.. 27. Brasher Fall, zs! Massenn 29, Norfolk Jujy I. ParlshvllJe 2. Venetian Band—Chicago. HI., 24, Indefinite. Williams' Stock (I. W. Williams, mgr.)—KqnaBly III., 24-20, Hhawneelown July 10. '' Weaver's American Band—Wssblugluu, D, C 24, Imlefliiltc. • " TENT SHOW. Hunt's Sliver Plale—South Watcrford, Me., 27 Bar. Mills 28, Gorhnm 20, Westbrook July I Yarmouth 2. ' Wheeler's Al. K.—Elliuls/tblown, N. Y., 4, Keetu. Valley 6, Lake PlgCld B. Under ibe tettuT THE TEHT SHOW PEOPLE J D1BECT0HY t foriesnon 1907, will appear In (lie S J fl>r season Ivor, will appear In (he Julv 4 Issue of THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. L OUT NEXT WEEK Don't miss It. t ItOHTHB ill- AlTON & AmikusiiN's (illKAT United ShuWH. —Big show performers; Five Htufford Slaters. Vita. Nlcliuls. (he Weatcolts, Hnrtclls Trio, Kclda Zemora Troiipe.four peo- ple ; the Jbgllng Wilsons, Ncllfn Moullon, John and Daisy Hall, Tom Wright, Orvllle Healy. Wm. C. (Iccthi-n. Clias. Andrews, Wilson Peterson, Ulck Bailey, Mnrlc Vernon and Annu Hall. Side show and nnncx: ('. lv Anilersmi, manager; Mine. I,;i Torsla' New Mystic Wonders, B. M. Winters, enmedv muplclan: the Grimt Laretin. Eight. Boston Iialsles, Ml.n Loml's dancing Teddy bears. Smith iind Yockcy, musical wonders; Ander- son Bros.' dogs and ponies, (Jertlc Lea-Is. Ada Moulton, Laura Washburuo, Bess Orange, Frank'Simpson, Dick Wilson, with O. (,'. Sid- man, ticket sellers. The concert Is given by the Worton Bros., Millie Vouettc. t'han non Slster.i. Doula Uugsullouatlze, Ilusslan I'lissiick Troupe, Hall nnd Nelson, Pearl Kel- ley and Chnpmun Sisters. I he big slimv bund la composed of: II. II. Vt'oodard, Fred Hose, Kd. Andrews. Frank Simpson, Claude Nelson, t'omuces Bros., L, S. Kllpatrick, Henry Jon-is, Bob Moulton, ('. K. Perry, I'hus. Cole. II. Channon, (.'. II. (Jreem, Kredl'iixers, Kred Tryon, tin: Urcnt Huyden. bnnil uiiis- tec Bosses and chiefs of work men : Hill Williams, master mechanic; Wblty Lewis and Wind C'orbett, boss cnnv.is men ; J. W. Miuk'-iisi-n, train master; \V. Oilell, boss hostler; Dr. J. A. Bluckbiini. veterinary sur g.'iin ; Harry Sleginao, supcrlatcndent of ring stock and foiage agent: James Clark, hnss property tiuin ; Ciniey White, buss canvas niaii of side show top; Tom Toby, harness iimkir; Jack Clayton, stake and chain wagon ; Homer Antwerp, chief of prlvllego car; Wal- ter (.'olbui-n, oIIIi-IhI barbel'; Hen Dexter and Clyde Adams, car porters: Chus. Curtis snd Uscar Robinson, eight horse drivers. Kxe- citllvi! stun": Thou. Alton itu/l Clyde Ander- son, mitniigiiii: directors ; C 10. Andrews, nel- Ing manager; S. M. Jackson, special agenl; Frank Woods, malinger cur No. 1 ; N. W. Jninps, manager car No. 2: (.', W. Black, con- tracting agent; Jim Collins, 24-hour man: C It. HUItIm, big HhOW ticket teller; lli-ini t.'Hhlll, reserved seats; Col, Bob Tate, W. H. Cooke and George Acton, Inside reserved scuts; Kred James controls the advertising, banners and lunch car. The season opened Mar i). ut Glim Itock. Pu., to big business. This Is a twelve car show. PUNCH W'iium.hu, press representative of the Sells-Kioto Shows, writes: "The s.-ii- Kioto Shows' prices for Goldflcld and the Nevada gold camps circuit were: General ad- mission, HI; reserved scats, (1 and $2 extra; pink lemonudc, 25 cents; plain water, in cents; tilde show, SO cents, and concert, fid cunts. The receipts at (ioldHeld were over $H,i)i)(i on the day, and wc needed the money, for wood was $70 per .cord, broad 10 penis pet- pound loaf In lots of one thousand loaves, and pies CO cents each. Business was im- mense ut all of the six stands, Drinking wilier Is Ht a premium on the Great American Desert circuit. The new towns discovered were Minn, Tonopith, Goldflcld, Rhyolile, La» VegaH and ('alien le. Under a beading, 'School Children Get a Chance ut the Circus,' n* Tonopuh Sun of May 13 Bald: 'There was no school to-day. Professor Schoer thinking It wise to adjourn in order to protect the absence sheet. "Circus day has never been here before," said the profcsBor, "and I I bought it a good plan to give the students, big and little, and the teachers as well, a chance to get the greatest benefit of circus day." It was learned the lengthy, kind hearted professor suggested that any of his students that didn't nave the money, should hunt him up and the circus fun should lie theirs, and the professor was well prepared, tlnanclnlly. for a rush, so it was not neces- sary for the "kids" to take the under the lent route.' At Rhyollte, Jos. Gunt, the pros- pector, who discovered the famous Search- light mine. Issued a proclamation'to nil the children In the camp to be Ills guests at the circus. Joe said he loved the children, and the children loved the circus, and now the circus loves Joe more than ever." ROSTKR OF ADVKKTIHINO CAU No. Ii. I)f TO Sells-Kioto Circus: Krod Mc.Muim. cur nuinii- gcr,; Ray Yoarout. secretary ; Albert .?■ Ver- mi'tte. boss bill poster; George Kdmonds. Al. Turrell, Henry, Mpence, Homer Strong. Jack Mohen, Joseph Lewis and Hans Rector, bill poHtcrs; George Moyorand Harry Craig, pro- grammers; Claude Cooper, piisle maker, and Alex. Milton, car porter. Punch Wheeler, gencrul press agent, also has his offlce on thin cur, which is said to he Mn- finest advance circus advertising cut' ever on the road, at- tracting much Attention and generous new* paper write-ups at every town visited. Ii'ranl'ib J. BotLB, of the Kour Ho.vle Brothers, European juggling entertainers, writes thut they are In their twelfth week with the Sun Brothers' World's Progressive Show, and urc meeting with exceptional IhM> cess. NOTBS AND ROHTRIt OK CAMPDUbh BlUlS. Vauoevillh Annkx.-- Col. J. C. O'Brien. essce vaudeville nnncx.: Charles D. Sviu. hiiiUHgor; Kd. Vernlllo. Inside lecturer: tick- et scIUm-h: M. Damirc, No. 1 box; loii Dickinson, No. 2 bnxi Kred C. Moore. No. II box; Kd. Vernlllo, Punch and magic: Mini'. !ne!s (Mrs. Vernlllo), second sight nnd mind reader-: Frederick Poole, female linper- soniitor; Prof. Kruntg, tattooed man : the Roy Family, Albinos; Tow Brockmuii* California glnnt; Bob Inex, Zulu chief: Da Koiitlm. snuke chnrmni'; the Scamore's, comedy sketch act: the May Sisters, Kay Gornldlno. contortionist Our feature act, Flossie M Blanche, n strong woman. She lifts twelve men.at each mid every performance. Baxter Reynolds. Alabama Minstrels, and colored hand of ten pieces. John' Hulllvnn, boss can- vas mgn: seven weeks ahead, and wc do splendid business. ' Notch kuom tub Pamahasika Animal 8nr)w.-*We opened our twenty-fifth success- ful season at Luna Park, Washington, D. t.. n» nn open air attraction. Ideal weather prevailed, and many compliments were heard as to the wRy the stock Is kept, It being the policy of Pnmnlinsikn to give n clean por- romance.with.clean tinlmnls. The stock ' 3 .under the direction of Harrv Davis. Roberts, wbo also -will be transportation master tin*