The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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520 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Jri.v t>. HAPPY JACK GARDNER ALMOST BOOKED FOR LIFE. READ THE FOLLOWING ROUTE I Aug. 18—Toledo. Dec. Sept. 2—Dayton. Dec. Sept. 9—Rending. Dec. Kept. 10—Allentown. Dec. Kept. 23—Scranton. Jan. Kept. 80—Trenton. Jan. Oct. 7—Pateraon. Jan. Oct. 14—Hoboken. Jan. Oct. 21—Keen™, Bkln. Feb. Oct. 28—Xew Haven. Feb. Nov. 4 —Hartford. Feb. Nor. 11—Worceater. Feb. Nov. 18—Springfield. Mar. Nor. 25—waterbury. Mar. Dec. 2—Bridgeport. Mar. Mar. 0—Boston. Mar. 10—Providence. April 23—Albany. April 30—Novelty, Brooklyn. April 0—Troy. April 13—Gotham, Brooklyn. May 20—Union Square, New york. May 27—Philadelphia. May 3—Chicago. May 10—Chicago. May 17—St. Louis. June 24—Indianapolis. June 2—Cincinnati. June 0—Louisville. June 10—New Orleans. July 23—(Travel). 30— Kansas City. S—Omaha. 12—Des Moines. 10—Minneapolis. 26—St. Paul. 3—Denver. 10—(Travel). 17—San Franclaco. 24—San Francisco. 31—Oakland. 7—Oakland. 14—Los Angeles. 21—Los Angeles. 28—(Travel). G—Chicago. ,.uaT*T*l Permanent Address TOLEDO YACHT CLUB, Toledo, Ohio. NAT WILLS "THE HAPPY TRAMP" IN VAUDEVILLE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. ANDY LEWIS & CO., NEXT SEASON, AND MANY MORE WITH Al. Reeves' Advanced Burlesquers. Don*t mlta i li. ihotr on your life. George Waaht-agton was a great man, and never told a lie. THIS SHOW WILL BE GREATER. "AMERICA'S PREMIER SHARPSHOOTER," Myrtle C. Byrne AND HER CO. OF RIFLE EXPERTS, Presenting Sensational and Novelty Snapshooting SOMEWHAT DIFFERENT. WILLIE PANTZERI CO. Greatest Novelty Acrobatic Act in. the World. BOOKED ALL SIMMER HAMMBRSTEI.\'S HOOF. 120 More Weeks to Follow on Keith & I'rottor, Williams and Orj>lieniii Circuits ONE OF THE^BIG FEATURES. RHODA ROYAL TROUPE OF PERFORMING HORSES Constating of Utah School, Under Saddle and In Harness; Trick and Liberty lloraea; Alao the "Royal Ulack Horae Hussars." En Route HA8ENBECK & WALLACE SHOWS. In Vaudeville, "CIIE4TEKFIEL.D," White Arabian and Only Contortion Horae In the World. RE-ENCAGED BEN 8th SEASON JAN5EN PRINCIPAL COMEDIAN WITH BOWERY BURLESQUERS Direction IICHT1G <fc SEABION. Ur\IK: «& CO. m vsssi 8r* Which Do You Like- With or Without Hair? The same with u Theatrical Wig that la sold iiv dealers, or niailc by an Experienced Wigmnker. TRY fs. WE tJVAHAXTKE OUR WIUS 0.1 MOSEY IIKKIMJKI). World of Players. Tm Pebbt Stock Co., under the manage- ment of t. H. Perry, opened In Eaintmrg, 111.. June 18. Tbe Little Perry Sisters, who made a bit with "The Banker's Cbiid" (West- ern Co.) laat season, are tbe feature of tbla company. Tbe roster: Bert Dawsdn, li. li. Aulnton, Frank King, L'. Sumner, »'. Lbapel, (jeo. Hedmondl, Theo. Anderson, Miss Parrlsb, Miss Cole, Little Flossie and Paul- ine Perry, lira. Adallne Perry and E. li. Perry. Notes feom ihi Lobne Elwin Co. — Baby June Roberts, wbo la being featured with tbla. company. In ber specialties, tbla Summer, celebrated tbe ilztn anniversary of ber birth, Monday, June 17, and was tbe recipient of a great many presents from tbe membero of tbe company. A Teddy bear from Mr. and Mrs. Kralce; a small diamond ring from Miss Orey: a leatber purse from Mr. and Mrs. Oelrl'ch; a silver loving cup from Mr. and Mrs. Clark Mounts; a five dollar bill from Mr. Blwyn, and a gold locket and chain from ber father and mower, Mr. and Mrs. Will H. Roberta, were among tbe gifts she received. . _ „ Notes raou tub Beatt Bros.' Worlds Greatest Specialty and Comedy Show.—We closed our season June 12, playing a return engagement to a big bouse. Tbe Beaty Bros. are spending tbelr vacation at Shasta Springs, Colo. Tbey will open with all new people. „ - .Notes fbom Ketes' Stock Co., S. Burton Keyes, manager.—We opened under canvas on jiay 27, at Vandergrlft, Pa., to a large bual- nesa. Our business ao far this season has been out of the ordinary, and we are mucb pleased. On June 4 a heavy wind storm damaged our canvas, and we ordered a new- one at once, and upon its arrival we will have one of the finest equipped repertory snows under canvas. We have a new line of plays and carry special scenery and effects. We also have a laree number of singing and dancing specialties. Pennsylvania and Ohio time has been booked. Boater: S. Burton Kevcs, manager: Mrs. S. Burton Keyea, V. A. Varnev Milton H. Byron, Fred M. Mills, Will P. Crockett, Harry Boyle, Wm. Forsyth, Nor- man Vale, John C. Nichols. Louis Berger, Chester A. Keyes, and our feature, the Keyes Sisters. Cuba SiBTt, Betebs, after spending a four weeks' vacation at her borne at Chicago, opened June 10 with the Del Lawrence Stock Co.. at Sacramento, Cal. Notes fbom the Geo. W. Scott Co., sup- porting Dorothy Marke. — We opened our Summer season at Shady Lake Park, Peeks- klll-on-tbe-Hudson, Monday, May 27, and, In spite of the bad weather, tbe quality of tbe show brought them out when tbey sat In overcoats and furs. Bnt now tbat tbe warm weather has come we are more than getting our share of the business. The pink teas on Thursday nights are becoming more popular every week, and tbe Saturday mati- nees, when souvenirs are given away, are bringing out tbe ladles and children. Miss Marke is continually winning praise from press and public for ber work, and Is making many friends, ns are also all the members of the cast, whicb Is a constant Increase In tbe re- ceipts every nlgbt, and that la going some. Tbe show has made but one change since the opening, and all tbe people are here now to stay. The roster is ss follows: Geo. XV. Scott, Kelcey Conboy, Chas. Newson, G. M. Kohler, Edwards Hastings, Frank Craig, Stocky Hopkins, Dr. Sam Gordon (tbe world's famous strong man), Dorothy Marke, Florence Wragland, Stella Blodgett, Mrs. G M. Kohler, and baby Louise. Music by the well known Band-A-Rese, direct from Naples. Tbe company puts on two bills a week, booking high class specialties between tbe acts. This Is one of the prettiest parks In New Tork State, and is fast proving one of the most popular. All plays are produced under the personal direction of Mr. Scott, who Is fast Oiling his time for next season, and at the close of the nark season will take to the road. This will make Mr. Scott's tenth successful season with his repertory company. Notes fbom the Mtbtlb Vintojt Co.— We will open our tenth season July 27, near Sioux City, la., playing fair dates from the first week in August to Oct. 6, mostly in Iowa. Some of the fairs booked will have us for our third year. Our paper Is new throughout, and a recent order having been Elaced for an entire outfit of scenery, which as been designed especially suited to oar plays. Some of our people have been en- gaged, several that are well known to us, having been with us a season or so. With our knowledge of the territory we Intend playing, together with the popularity of tbe star, Myrtle Vinton, and her carfully selected company, prospects for next season look to be the best. Stash L. Pixley has returned after tours through Michigan, etc., In advance of Porter J. White. In "The Fool's Kcvenge." Ed. Melvin has been engaged for the part of Col. Howard, in "Tbe Sweetest Girl in Dixie," Southern company, for next season. Gkayce Bubootne has closed with "Hooli- gan's Troubles" Co., and Is at her home in Bridgeport, Conn., for the Summer. Next sec ion she goes with "The Sweetest G.rl In Dixie" Co. Notes fbom Maxsiillan Platers. —We opened tbe Summer season at Bell k Olen- dorPs Alrdome, at Sedalla, Mo., to nearly sixteen hundred paid admissions, turning away about three hundred people who were unable to secure standing room. Roster of company: Dorothy Grey, Almar Veva, Jennie McAlplnc, Germaine Lynn, Mrs. Hicks, Wm. Blake, Andy Hicks, Geo. Morti- mer, Archie Lochrldge, Harvey Becker and Don Maxmlllan. "Better than ever" Is tbe verdict of tbe "you'll note to show me" State. F.dwabd Waldmanx, the Shakespearean actoi, has just returned from tbe South for the purpose of organizing a company for a Summer tour In Goethe's "Faust." Mr. Wald- mann, who will play Mephlsto, expects to open about the middle of July. Notes from the Fbaseb Stock, under the mnnngement of R. W. Fraser.—We are meet- ing with big success, and filling the houses at nil performances. The company constats of R. XV. Frnser, leading man; Chas. L. Well, lienvles; J, H. Harris, comedian; Elmer Gamble, general manager; Mamie Fuller, diameters; Audna Lewis, soubrette; Iva Richards, leading lady; Mr. Harris, Mr. Gamble, and Master James Fraser, special- ties. Prof. P. C. Dledrlck is musical direc- tor, and Chas. L. Weller Is director of the stage. Joe K. Kelly and Virginia Kelst are In tbelr twelfth week with the Emerson "Hooligan's Mishaps" Co., playing the role of Chesterfield Skinner and Pansy Blossom, re- spectively. Miss Kelsy Is also singing tbe Illustrated songs. Tbe company Is playing • o big business all along tbe route, the show being a big success. Mr. Kelly's new three act farce comedy, entitled "McCormnck's Night Out" will be tried oat next season at Hartford. Conn,, nnder the management of Isidore Brooks, with a company of six- teen players. Twelve big numbers will be Introduced during the action of the piece. All the members of the Emerson Co. are In good health. Delia Pbixole Notes. —Miss Trlngle has returned to Colorado Springs after a five weeks' trip to Los Angeles, Cat., and Long Beach. Cal., where she was called to look af- ter tome property Interests. She Is now busily engaged in organising her stock com- pany for the season of six weeks at Hiawatha Gardens. Manltou. under the management of Sim Nye. After her stock season closes Miss Prlngle will take her company on tour, and will play the gold fields of Nevada. a an /accidental 'discharge impossible rvw 1 Hammer the Hammer The Iver Johnson S Automatic Revolver •.,>„',,„ off unless you deli;., ratt £ pull the trigger. Dot. ,,.'S you'll find it just as sure as it is s:;: Xh straightest-shooting, hardest-hitting,V.^ Z* liable revolver made to-day. Rightly mopor tloned, beautifully finished; a gentleman', pisjji" for pocket, desk or bureau. Our Free Booklet, ••Shots." tells more in detail «l, v u Johnson hat ocutripped competnon in public (jvor. Our hand (ofue goes with it, showing detail* of construction. IVER JOHNSON SAFETY HAMMER REVOLVER S-lneh barrel, nickel 22 rim.Ore cartridge. or SScenter-nrecart ridge Ittt at au. : plated finish. ida.16.00 IVER JOHNSON SAFETY HAMMERLES8 REVOLVER S-lnch barrel, nickel. plsi.i fl„i.w Sold ej Hardware and Sferttnf Good] dealers,, . „ M . trefaidon receipt of fruo if dialer will net nf/ljr. Look for ,-..',-, Aw on grip and our name en barrel. "" IverJohBMa'iAraii* Cycle Wort*, 156 River St, Fitcbburg, Mm New v^: 99 Chambers Street. Hamburg Germmy, PlckU « i Pacific Coast: ISM Par*St. Alameda, Cal. London, Ere.: 17 Mincm.. : -.-._ ; c ■aim rl liar Jtastsa Satis larrsi Shtlrnat ass 4 list Jtansa Trust Sndre Ixrttn Loott for the owl's head on the grip Iver Johnson SAFETY AUTOMATIC REVOLVER «^-""*" YOUR COMPLEXION will be smooth, velvety and as delicate in its tints as a rose—if you are a user of La- blache. Beautiful women everywhere sing i praise. A lady from Athens, Pa., writts: " Lablache is a good, pure powder, and adds to a woman's complexion. It removes that sal- lowness and shine or oily look that detracts from one's charms. When you use Lablache , it is with perfect confidence in its purity and beautifying qualities." LACH Face Powder is cooling and refreshing after exposure to sun and wind. Its users are immune from sunburn. It absorbs perspiration, anu is , preeminently a summer necessity to every woman of refinement. Refuse substitutes. They may be dangerous. Flesh. White, Pink, or Cream, j 50c. a box, of druggists or by mail. BEN. LEVY CO., French Perfumers, Dept.3-.125 Kingston at., Boston j skMiB^siBMi.iMartnDl>*-i>a-ateHfe W.B.MOORE.MANAGER MOORE—BOND CO. ii HOHNER. Harmonicas, Accordions, Blow Accordions For those critical professional players whose artistic reputations are partly dependent upon the fine lone quality of the particular Instrument they may play. These Instruments have no equal, and fill the bill for Vaudeville Per- formers who MUST HAVE THE BEST. HOHNER GOODS ARE FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS EVERYWHERE. 475 Broadway. NEW YORK. CANADIAN OFFICE, 76 YORK ST., TORONTO. "BARRELS" OP MONEY IN EDISON COIN-SLOT MACHINES Amusement parlors and penny arcades are the greatest money makers. Start one now and reap a fortune. Edison Coin-Slot Machines draw the crowd and the pennies. Run automatically by electricity, and require prac- tically no attention. Write for full particulars to NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO., •54 Lakeside Avenue, Orange, N. J. HUMBI • I Theatrical Shoemaker For IB years at 103 4th Ave., la now located at *+*,** SIXTH AVE., eor. 27th St. Always leader tor his high heel satin slippers, dramatic and tancy burlesque boots, wooden and spring clogs, acrobat and gymnastic, negro shoes, !'»>' s* n " dais, etc. I furnish entire productions. Everything to order, neatly and ilurabie. MJT m li MB THIS WEEK, JULY I, PASTORS, KANE VENTRILOQUIST * ^^™ ml>. m *i-^2SS2 SEASON 1907-08 OPEN. Tlinuku for generou* offers. I would not know what to do with the money* !J0O E. 1 ltli St., Km Yorh, or CUPrF.II. \OT -WE I-BIT BOON. PHIL AND NETTIE PETERS MAYWOOD, ll_U. HOME FOR THE SUMMER (IN VAUDEVILLE) ' IDIreetlon Joe Paige Bin I "'• _ ANGLES a»EK T | AI '' IRI 5r£i S . : £![ T .l BLACK A"" AM. OTHER COLORS. BOO BWaWU** SHAPES. MILLOT BROTHERS, Maaafactnrers, 4T W. 3d St., New Tork.