The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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528 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. July 6. Klllckson, secy. Brows Tiller, Traverse Ooantr Ar"nUaV.l3o\:1«t7 Fair, 8. 6, 7; P. D. Smith, wvi. Dsaael, Duul Onuntj Asaoclatlon Fair, O. 18, 1»! Oscar E. Llnquktt, aecy. ™rmont. Martin Oonrty K«lr, 8. 9-11; Edward P. Wade, MCT. FRnnlutoo, Dikotk Oounly Agricultural tkSlety F«lr, 7. <- -) 1 W. L. Parker. (lien wood, Tope Oounty Filr, 8. (——■—-j: B. T. Thoraon. secy. Ulbblng. 8t. Louis Cfomty Fair. B. 20-23; B. L Olflln, secy. Kasson, Dodge County Fair, B. 1018; Ted Dyer, aecy. Madlaon, Lac qui Parle Oounty Fair, 8. 10-21; P. J. Jaeobeon. aecy. Mankato, Mankato County -); John D. E, Wbeaton, secy. Morn, Kcnabcc Ooonty fuit g, i ); Willi* Kalrbanka, secy. New Ulni, Minnesota State Fair (Short Ship Circuit). j; A. F. Bnnoelater, secy. North- V. field, Harvest Festival Association Fair, 8. (—! ): 0. 0. Ohadwlck, secy. Pine City, Pine County Fair, 8. ( >: D. Oreeley. aecy. Plnlnvlcw, Wabasha County Fair, 8. (-—); Cleo. F. Sylvester, secy. Uoaeau, Boeeau County Agricultural Society Fair. A. 14-10; A. Was*-, aecy. St. Peter, Nicollet County Agricultural So- ciety Fair, 8. 10-21; H. B. Miller, aecy. Blieko- nee, Shakopce Street Fair, 8. (——-—>; W. F. Duffy, aecy. Thief Illvcr Falls, Bed Lake County Agricultural Society Fair, A. 7-1); Daniel Shaw, secy. Wllltnar, Wlllmar Street Fair Association. 8. 19-21; O. It. Berknen, aecy. Wortblnglon. Worthlngton District Association Fair, 8. ID- 13: T. A. Palmer,_aecy. . MABSACHUBBTTS. — Amesbory, Ameabury and Sallabnry Fair, 8. 24-26; M Ii. Sands, aecy. Amherst, Hampshire Fair, 8. 17; II. A. Paraons, secy. Athol, Worcester Nortbweat Ajriculturnl and Mechanical Fair, B. 2, 8; Albert Blleworth, secy. Barnstable, Bsrnstable County Fair, A. 27- 29; XI. N. Harris, aecy. Boston, Maasaehusetls Horticultural Fair, 8. 4, 6, O. 10. 11: Win. P. illch, secy. Barree, Worcester County west Fair, e. 26, 27; D. II. Bice, aecy. Blandtord, Union and Horticultural Fair, 8. 11, 12; B. W. Boise, aecy. Brldgewaler, Plymoutb County Fair, 8. 11, 12; J. Herbert Leonard, aecy, Cbarlemont, Detr- Beld Valley Fair, 8. 12, IS; 8. W. Uawkes. secy. Oummlngton, Hillside Fair, 8. 24, 25; O. F. Burr, aecy. Clinton, Worcester Eaat Fair, B. 11-18; Warren Qoodale, secy. Frsmlngbam, Middlesex South Fair, 8. 17, 18; Oeo. 0. Blades, •ecy. OreeoDeld. Franklin County Fair, 8. 18, 19; Henry J. Field, aecy. Oreat Barrlngton. Houaatonlc Fair, 8. 25, 20; Fred J. Fuller, aecy. irtngiutn, Illngbam and Horticultural Fair, 8. 24, 2B; William H, Tbomaa, aecy. Marahfleld, Marshfleld Horticultural Fair, A. 21- 28; I. II. Hatch, aecy. Middle-Held, Highland Fair, 8. 4, B; J. T. Bryan, secy. Nantucket, Nantucket Fair, A. 21, 22; J. F. Murphy, aecy. Northampton, llamiislilre, Franklin and Hamp- den Fair, 0. 2, 8; 0. A. Montgomery, aecy. North Adams, Hoossck Vslley Fair, 8. 20, 81: Gilbert Maxwell, aecy. Oxford, Oxford Fair, 8. B, 6; J. K. Darling, aecy. Palmer, Baatern Hampden Fair, O. 4, B; L. B. Chandler, aecy. Bpencrr, Bpenctr Farmers and Mechanics Association Fair, 8. 19, 30; Oeo. II. Bamer, aecy. South Weymouth, Weymouth Agricultural and Industrial Fair, 8. 19-21; T. L. Tlrrell, aecy. Bturbrldge, Worcester, Bouih Fair, 8. 12, 18: 0. V. Corey, aecy. Worcester, Worcester County Fair, 8. 2- B; R. B. Kr.owlrs, aecy. West Tlabury, Martha's Vineyard Fair, A. 27-29; F. A. Look, aecy. Ux- brldje, Dlackstone Valley Fair, S. 17, 18; Dr. M. It. Hharpe, aecy. NKW 1IAMPHII1HK.—Concord, New Hampshire State Fslr, B. 10-18. Lancaster. Oooa County Fair, 8. 10-12. Nssbua, Hlllaboro County Fair, 8. 20. Rochester, Btarford County Fair, 8, 24- 27. PENNSYLVANIA.—AlU-ntown, Lehigh County Agricultural Society Fair, 8. 17-20; Henry B. Bcball. aecy. Bedford, Bedford County Agricul- tural Society Fair, O. 1-3; Wm. 1. Btcholta, aecy. Ilrllrfonte, denier County Agricultural Fair, O. 2-6; D. O. Stewart, aecy. Bclulebem, Pennsyl- vania State Aasoclstlon Fair, B. 8-6; II. A. Uro- man, aecy. Bloomsburg, Columbia County Agri- cultural, Horticultural and Mechanical Aaaocla- tlon Fair, 0. 8-11; A. N. Yost, aecy. Brook- Tllle, Jefferson County Agricultural Association Fair, B. 8-8; George W. 8tewart, secy. Bur- Sttatown, Union Agricultural Association Fair. 1-8; It. I'. Bterenaon, aecy. Butler, Butler Drlrlng Association Fair, A. 202S: W. B. Fer- ris, secy. Cambridge Springs, Central Crawford Agricultural Society Fair, A. 21-24; A. L. Faber. aecy. Carlisle, Cumberland County Agricultural Aiaoclntlon Fan-. 8. 24-27; W. H. MeOrea, aecy. Carmlcbaela, Oreene County Agricultural and Manufacturing Boclety Fair, 8. 24-27: Geo. L. Hathaway, aecy. Oarrolltown, Cambria Cor ' Agricultural Association Fair, B. 8-0; J. Maucher, aecy. Clarion, Clarion Oounty Associs- tlon Fair, 8. 10-18; B. B. Laughlln, aecy. Oon- neaut I,ake. Oonneaut Lake Agricultural Aaaocla- tlon Fair, A. 20-80; Ohas. T. Ifyrra, aecy. Corry, Oorry Fair and Driving Park Aasoclstlon, B. 10- 13; Stephen D. Horn, aecy. Dayton, Daytoo Agricultural and Mechanical Aasoclstlon Fair, S. 34-27; O. W. Corcoran, aecy. Dallas, Dallas Union Agricultural Association Fair, 0. 2-B: Wil- liam Norton, aecy. Emporium, Oameron County Agricultural Society Fair, 8. 18-20; N. A. Oat- rum, aecy. Forksvllle, Sullivan Oounty Agricul- tural Boclety Fair, 0. 1-3; A. G. Little, aecy. Urals, Grata Agricultural and Horticultural As- aoclatlon Fslr, 0. 20-28; Harry Bmlth, aecy, Harford, Harford Agricultural Society Fair, 8. 25, 20, II. H. Estabrook, secy, Hanover, Hanover Agricultural Boclety Fslr, 8. 10-13; M. O. Smith, ■ecy, llunesdale, Wayne Oounly Agricultural Bo- clety Fslr, ( ); 1C. w. Usmmell, aecy. Hookstown, Ilookstown Assoclstlon Fair, A. 27- 20: Allen McDonald, aecy. llughcsvllle, xtuuey Valley Farmers' Club Fair, 8. 17-20; X. 0. Cor- aon. aecy. Indiana, Indiana Oounty Agricultural Boclcly Fair, 8. 8-0; David Itlalr, aecy. Klllnn- nlng, Armslrong Oounty Fair, A. 13-10; W. B, Noble, aecy. Kulstown, Kutatowu Association Fair, 8. 24-37; Oyrua 1, Rhode, aecy. Lacks- wanna, Lackdwanna Grange Fair Assoclatlou, 8. 20-27; Lionel Wlnsbln, secy. LeUntion, I^lianou Vslley Association Fair. A. 27-30; J. A. Bollnian, ■ecy. Lehlgtiton, Carbon Oouuly Industrial So- ciety Fair, S. 21-27; A. F. Oreenswalt, aecy. Lewliburg, Union County Agricultural Society Fair, S, 24-27; 0. Dale Wolfe, aecy. Mansfield, Hmythe Park Assoclntlon Fair, 8. 24-27; H. L. Mulfunl, secy. Mercer. Mercer Central Agricul- tural Boclety Fair. B. 10-12; W. T. McCoy, secy. Mlddlelovvn, Mlddlctown Association Fair, 8. 3-U; Oeo. W. lUidfoug, secy. Milton, Milton Associa- tion Fair, 0. 1-4; Edwin Paul, aecy. Moutrose, Snaquehanua Oounty Agricultural Society I-'ulr, S. 18, 19, F. L. Leonard, aecy, Nnaarlth, North- ampton Oounty Agricultural Society Fair, 8. 10- 13; J. It. Uelnhcliner, aecy. Newport Perry Oounty Agricultural Society Fair, B. 17-20; J. 0, F. Stevens, aecy. Oxford, Oxford Agricultural Association Fair, 8. 25-27; T. F. drier, secy. Philadelphia, Horticultural Society Fair, N. 12- 15; David Bust, aecy. Port Royal, Juniata Oounty Agricultural Boclety Fair, B. 11-18; Jaa. N. Oronluger, amy, Pulaski, Pulaski Aasoclstlon Fair, B. 17-19; James 8. Wood, secy. Heading, Burks Oounty Agricultural and Horticultural Fair, O. 1-4; U. Belifel Thorm, secy, Stoneboro, Mer- cer Oounty Agricultural Association Fair, 8. 24- 20; Charles B. lllncs, aecy. Stroudsburg, Monroe Oounty Agricultural Boclety Fair, O, 1-4; John 0. Uenslnger, aecy. Towanda, Bradford County Agricultural Society Fair, 8. 24-27; B. Bergvu- lutrk, secy. Troy, Troy Agricultural Society Fair, a, 10-13; D, 1>. Pomeroy, aecy. Tunkhannock, Wyoming County Agricultural Boclcly Fair, 8. ( ); W. It. Heyiioldi, secy. Watlsburg, Wattsburg Agricultural Society Fslr, B. 8-0; A. L. Pbelps, B«ey. Weat Cliestcr, Chester County Agrlculturnl Assc,clallon Fair, 8. 11-14: F. Vi. Lewis, secy. WcstOeld, Oowanesquc Valley Agri- cultural Society Fair, B. 10-13; J. W. Smith, aecy. Wllkea-llarre,' Luacrne County Association Fair. A. 27-8, 1; Tlieo. 11. Oolcman, aecy. York, York Oounty Agricultural Society Fair, 0. 7-11; Edward Ohapln, *ecy. Youngwood, Westmore- land Agricultural Society Fair, B. 10-13; W. F. UolUer. aecy. SOUTH CAROLINA. — Anderson, Anderson Oounty Fair, O. 15-17; ( ). Batea- burg, Trl-Oouuty Fair, O. 14-10; W. J. Mc- Oarlha, aecy. Columbia, South Oarollua Stato Fair. O. 28-N. 1: A. W. 1-ove. aecy. Green- ville Greenville Oounly Fair, O. 22-28; John Wood, aecy. Lexington, I^xlngton Oounty Fair, 0. 22-24; O.-M.'EBrd, aecy. Woodruff, Wood- ruff Agricultural Fair, O, 9, 10; L. II, Irby, neey. •TENNESSEE.— Alexandria, D« Kail. Count v Fair, 8. B-7; Hob Hoy, aecy. Oellna, Olay Oounty Fair, A. 7-10; J. F. Stagg, aecy. Charts- nooga, llsinllion Oounty Fslr, A. 0-0; Jamea A. Dakln, aecy. Ooal Creek, Anderson Oounty Fslr, B. 18-20; W. R. Rlggs, aecy. Columbia. Maury Oounty Fair, B. 17-21; H. W. Thomas, secy. Concord, Knox Oounty Fair. 8. 24-27; It. M. Til- lery, aecy. Oookevllle, Pubnsin Oounty Pair, S. 1021; A. P. Barnes, secy. Oornersvllle, Marshall Oounty Fair, 8. 4-0; ( 1. Cumber- land City, Stewart Oounty Fair, S. 12-14; W. II Latham, secy. Dnnbar'a Oave, Montgomery Oounty Fair, A. 2981; W. B. Beech, secy. Fa- yettevllle, Lincoln Oounty Fair, A. 13-10; H. B. Borrela, aecy. Gallatin, Sumner Oounty Fair, A. 22-24; Lee Oldham, aecy. Huntingdon, Carroll Oounty Fair, O. 8-12; W. L. Noel, aecy. La- fayette, Macon County Fair, A. 29-81; < ). Manchester. Coffee Oounty Fair, ( 1: Wm. M. Smart, Beer. Murfreesboro, Rutherford Oounty Fair, B. 10-13: L. M. Roberta, secy. Newport, Cocke Oounty Fair, O. 85; B. 0. An- derson, aecy, Pulaski, Giles Oounty Fslr, 8. 12- 14; R. A. Bnrgeaa, secy. Rome, Smith Oounty Fslr, 8. 12-14; 8. M. Oorlay, aecy. Shelbyvllle, Bedford County Fair, 8. 8-0; II. B. Cowan, aecy. Mouth Pittsburg, Msrlon Oounty Fslr, (— ); W. M, Cameron, aecy. Trenton, Olbson County Fair, 0. 9-12; Ohas. A. Wade, aecy. Tullahome, OofTee County Fair, A. 27-30; Dosk Ayilelott, ■ecy. Winchester. Franklin County Fair, A. 20- 23; V. R. Williams, aecy. Kaniai Orrr, Mo.-Oamlval Park. Wm. Winch. mgr.; Fairmont Park, W. V.i Smith, mgr. St. Lotna, Mo.—Detour Osrden, Turner T. LewU, mgr,; Suburban Oardena. OppenbelmerBros., rairs.; Forest Psrk (Hlgblands), Col. John D* Hopkins, mgr.; West End Heights, Obert A Schsefer, mgrs.; Mannlon Park, Mannlon Bros., mgrs.; Eclipse Garden, H. Orueu, mgr.: Lemp'a Park, J. L. Wallropp, mgr. Buna, Mont.—Colombia Gardens. IIiLToif. N. J.—Olympic Park, Robrecht * Ollckman, mgrs. HitvrtKf, N, J.—Olympic Park, Herman H. A. Schmidt, mgr. Amstmwaii, N. Y.—Thayer's Park. JIbooiimm, N. Y.—Golden City (Csnarsle). I'khkbkiix, N. Y.—«iady Lake Park. State* Isijino, N. Y.—Hnppylnnd. Hviucuhb, N. Y.—White City, I/Cn B. Sloss, gen. Ciu'itoTm, N. C—Latta Park Auditorium, W. I i in: vi-:i»m \ns (Bert iukI Itene), Novelty comedy acrobatic duo, bnvc Juat Onlsbed forty weeks with Miss New York Jr. Co. SUM MER P ARKS. ADDITIONAL. For other parks ice CLirrriR dated May 11, 1007. Moiui.r, Ala.—Monroe Park, M. A. McDermott, Nan- i)«'o»to», AU,—Oakland Park and Osslno, Bruce Oonquer, mgr. Hot SrniNOB, Ark.—Wbltrlngton Psrk Summer Theatre, II. 0. Price, mgr. A. Peters, mgr. GaCKNBiioao, N. 0.—Llndley Park, Oliaa. II. Brelt- barlb, mgr. Oinoihitati, 0.—Coney Island, Geo. W. Bugle- l.retti, mgr. Oatton, 0.—Lakeside Park Theatre, James A. Kirk. mgr.; While City. _ _ . PonTLAND, Ore.—Oaka Summer Park, D. 0. Free- man, mgr. _ Haixron, Pa.—Hasle Park. Lehigh Traction Co., mgrs. I'ottstown, Pa.—Ringing Bocks Park, Wm. S. Lord, mgr. Its-Nova, Pa.—Alrdome, L. J. Obamberlaln, mgr. Soranton, Pa.—Rocky Glen Park, Frothlngham A Reynolds, mgrs. WAaMsj Pa.—Ironside Park, oooen, Utah.—Glenwood Park, Sylvan Park, Utnhna Park. Skattlic, Wash.—Luna Park. 1'Auicr.nsDuRa, W. Va.—Terrapin Park, B. 0. Dsrnold, mgr. Wutoliho, W. va.—Coney Ialand, George Schae- fer, mgr.: Wonderland Arcade. Kiiibovoan, Wis.—Dreamland, M. Dreager, mgr. Anbrey Mittrnth»r. Plana. Aubrey Hltteatlml' la to add ttree new melod«fmaa to lUIHt of iltacBw «xt aesaon. One play that ha la to, prodoce, Ii JailedI-MMMatBitaff qirt^frora Klllarney," o muaiStl Irlah dratnj, by Hal Held. The title role will be ployed by tllllan Helng. Bha will be aaalated by alx colleen;, who will be brouilit over from Ireland by Mr. Mltten- tial, aa a atrong feature. The MtogW i« a list of the people who have been engaged, bred Alyn, Jamea J. Connor. Samuel Mann, BUly Sbeehan, C. W. Goodrich, Frances Hero- Mn, Louis Heron, Albert Itrowry, WMChe Ix>well, Camllle Clrnme, May Thompson, Al- fred Dolaon and Al H. Brandt. . Another plav with a new aW^jM* Mr. Mlttcntbal wfli produce. Is cntttled The German Km granta," by Hal Ueld, In which the Wnldron Bros, will be featured as Heinle and HnnB. Marlon Leonard has been engaged to create a leading role, and fol- lowing are the names of the people who will play rmportant parte: Fred J. Adams, Frank Ulcnter. Paul Barnett, Joe Foley, Claudo oonraud, Janette Hackette, William Warden. Kathryn King, Florence Hackett, John Doyle, Freeman Klske and B, B. Helde. "The Life of an Actress," which Is Lang- don McCormlck's latest effort, will be one of the largest productions that Mr. Mittenthal una ever attempted, and the cast selected for this play will rival any that has ever appeared In a melodrama. May Joyce win play the "actress" and Campbell Btrattou Is to play the lead and Blglow Cooper the heavy. Ann Leonard will play an emotional heavy part. The others engaged are: Harry Nelson, William Tennyson, Billy Newton, Mandy IJendrlx, Dorothy Thornton, Clarence Durdlck and Walter Adams. "A Desperate Chance" will be sent out ogaln, with three companies—two one night Bland attractions and one week aland—this being Ita sixth consecutive Benson for lta phenomenal surreal. . . "Custer's Last Fight" will go out again on Its third season. Howard Lang has been en- gaged to play the title role, General Orater. ♦ « » Tbe Knickerbockers, for 1007-OB. Louis Roble'a Knickerbockers opens the season at the 8tar Theatre, Brooklyn, Labor Day, Bept 2. Mr. Roble has engaged Jack Held as principal comedian, who will furnish the closing burlesque. The people so far en- CiiKed are: The Great Christy, Blllott and Neff, Brodcrlck and Jessica, Jennlnga and Jewell, Clyde Darrow, Louise Willis, Held and Gilbert, and Harrison and Culver. There will be fourteen musical numbers, all com- posed by Louis Doll. Tbe opening skit la from the pen of B. Tracy Bweet, editor of The Bcranton Tribune. 4< » Meyer Harris to go with M. M. Thelae. Meyer Harris has signed a three years' contract with M. M. Thclse for Wine, Woman and Bong Co., to play the parts formerly played by Alex.' Carr. About four weeks Bgo Mr. Carr was taken 111, and Mr. Harris was pressed Into service. Without snv re- hearsal he went on and played Mr. tarr s roles without a break, and made a decided bit. a) « » w.-Mti-rn Wheel Invades Brooklyn, 1 •-. D. I'liuiH have been filed with the Building Department, for the new Eastern District, llrooklyn (Western wheel), bouse. A Cur- I'Btt representative saw James J. Butler, president of the Umpire circuit, and was In- formed that tbe house will be ready by Nov. 1. ♦ i > Stnley'a Transformation for South Africa. Ada Creaser, of tbe Staley Transformation Co.'s novelty musical act, galled for England June 20. The rest of tbe company will take u two weeks' vacation, prior to sailing for South Africa, July 16, to play a return en- gagement. GEO, P. MURPHY, Re-engaged for Campbell & Drew's Tlecr Lilies, to play leading comedy. This Is bU third season with this attraction. Oakland, Cal.—Idora Pork Opera nouse. H. W. . Bishop, mgr.; The Rex, J. P. Wlllmont, mgr. Hamilton, Can.—New Mountain View Park, Fred Weaver, mgr. _ . London, Csu.—Snrlngbank Park, Thos. Logan, Touonto, Can.—The Island, L. Solomon, mgr.; Scsrhoro Park, 11. Dorsay, mar. Woodhtook, Oan.—Fairmont Park. Jacksonvii.i.s, Flo.—Dixieland Park Theatre, L. W. Buckley, mgr.; Phoenix Park Summer Theatre, II. F. Wlllsrd. mgr. . __. Alton, 111.—Rock Spring Park, J. Edgar Collins, liLomtiNaTON, 111.—Nickelodeon, J. V. Harwood, DscATun, 111.—Nickelodeon, II. W. Kills, mgr. I.vonb, III.—Cream City Park, Joaepb F. Klapka, mgr, Sl'BiNonaLn, III.—White City Park, J. R. Me- And>rso'n, *iirt.—Crystal Theatre, W. W. Mc- F.wen, mgr. KoKflMO, Ind.— Athletic Park, Kokomo Amuae. Co. mgrs. Maiuon, Ind.—Itowan's Park, James Rowan, mgr. MiiNcia, Ind,—Weatelde Park, R. 0. Oarllale, mgr. Dag Moinss, Is.—Ingersoll Park. CoKniYviLi.x, Kan.—Alrdome, J. B. Tackett, mgr.; Hand Boys Alrdome. Fred Bella, mgr.; Clyde Park. W. 0. Long, mgr.; Forrest Park, 0. L. Ilolllniraworth. mgr. Post Scott, Kan.—Alrdome, H, 0. Enrich, mgr. 1'ittbbubo, Kan.—Alrdome, W. W. Bell, mgr. WiNrici.n, Ksn.—Alrdome, II. R. Grose, mgr. Ashland, Ky.—Olylfeslde Park. Salxm, Mass.—Rleclrlc Park, Charles W. Sheafe, mgr.; Theatre Dreamland, Lord A Downing, mgrs. Kalamazoo, Mich.—Alrdome, W. 8. ButterSeld, mgr. Jackson, Miss.—Livingston Park, O. B. Roland, mgr, "The Girl Behind the Counter." Preparations are already under way for the Lew FleldsShubert production of "The Girt Behind the Counter," which will have Its Initial presentation et the Herald Square the tatter part of July, and Julian Mitchell will stage the work. Connie Eddlss, the lOngllsh comedienne, who Is to be the chief Hiipport of Mr. Fields la this production, will not arrive in New York until the first of next month. The cast will also Include such well known players as Vera Mlchelena, Lotta Faust, Louise Dresner, Clarence Harvey and Osenr Flgman. "The Girl Behind the Counter" will first lie presented in nearby cities before being brought Into New York. When It Ib given here "The Orchid" will be moved to some other playhouse than the Herald Square, but Its New York run will not be inter- rupted. Mr. Fields naturally prefers to mnke hlB first appearance In his new pro- duction at hlB own theatre. 0 » > Manager Mnsand'a Adventure. On Sunday, June 23, William Masaud, manager of Percy 0. Williams' Alhambra Theatre, accompanied by his wife, were adrift In Jamaica Bay for more than twenty-four hours and unable to find tbe shore, owing to thick fog that settled about them, Mr. and Mrs. Masaud are now under the care of a phy- sician In their home in Bath Beach Buffering; from exposure and exhaustion. Mr. Masauil stnrtcd out from the Bath Beach Yacht Club with his wife In their naphtha launch late Sunday afternoon. When a mile off shoro they ran Into a foe bank and began to drift ntmlcsnly. Not until late on Monday did the mlBt lift sufficiently for them to discern the Bhore line. The boat was then more than S mile off Barren Ialand. They managed to tiring the launch into Bergen Beach, whore both occupants fainted. Neither Mr. Masaud nor his wife bad had anything to eat or drink during the twenty-four hours they were adrift s)s» Another Western Wheel House In Brooklyn. Umpire circuit (Western wheel) have re- ceived title to a piece of property In the nnmo of James J. Butler, president of the Empire circuit, at Flatbush Avenue and La- fayette street, Brooklyn. The plot acquired has ii frontage of one hundred and fifty feet running through the block. On this ground there- will be erected n handsome theatre for the Western wheel attractions. The location Is one block from the Orpheum Theatre, one block from the new Academy of Music, and will be near the entrance of tho Subway, which Ib now building. • »» Mowers, Wsltera and Grooker Well Booked Vp. Bowors, Walters and Crocker, the three rnboB, have received contracts over the Or- preum circuit for twenty-five weeks, begin- ning Aug. 12 DD WITT, BURNS AND TORRANCE, Presenting "The Awakening of Toys," a feature act on any vaudeville bill. They have played all leading houses In Europe and America. To Oo With the Parisian Bellea. Cans. E. Taylor has signed the following for the I'arladan Holies for next season: The Three Famous Armstrongs, tho Seyons, Gladys Sears, Musical Kilties, Morgan and West, La liclle Duseth, Edward Kenny, musical director, and Chaa. H. Cary, stage carpenter. ♦ «» Jules Delmar'a New Home. Jules Delmar, booking agent In the United Hooking offices, has Becured a country home at Now Canaan. Conn., where he plays farmer and host to his professional friends. «■» John P. Hill's New Appointment. John P. Hill, formerly stage manager at Hyde A Behman'8 Adams Street Theatre, llrooklyn, has been appointed resident mana- ger at Imperial Theatre, Providence^ It. I„ a western wheel burlesque house. William iniiuin and Company's New Act. Wm. Inman and company will put on a new act, "The Btar Gazer," by Edward at Pastor's Theatre. July 8. Maxwell Reynolds will play a part In the act 4 i> . Georare P. Murphy With the Tiger Lilies. Geo. P. Murphy has been re-engaged for Campbell A Drew's Tiger Lilies (Western wheel), making his third season with the above attractloa. •5 ♦♦♦ The Planophleada at Hammcrsteln's. Jesse It Laskey's Planopblends opened Monday, on Hammersteln's Roof, for a Sum- mer run. Cohan a% Harris' Plans. Cohsn 4 Harris announced last week thai, plus for the coming season, which aS Indicate that they havo cone very sironsu Into the managerial field. Tlext Fall iWHS will again send on tour "Forty-flvo 'llnnfE from Broadway," which has been hoo'w.d JJI a very eitenaive tour. Bcott Wcl-A «*» played Kid Burns in the aecond e in nan- last season, will again be seen In that i tXt J "Fifty MI1C8 from Boston" now uis.i— In Boston for tbe Bummer, will be sr.'„ JS! la the principal cities, Including a New VoA engagement at a Broadway Theatre tm play Is considered Mr. Cohan's most aeri«!! effort. Tho cast Includes: Edna Walliu-n Hoi. per, Frits Williams, Emma Janvier (;«»!. W. Parsons, Donald Brlen, Haiel | o»™ James H. Bradbury, James C. Marlowe uTiiL Rial, Lores Crlmm and Zelda Sears m The touring rights to "Brewster's Mllllaaa* have also been secured by Cohan & Harris It will open Its season Sept. 1, and will h. Been In all the principal cities bb fur n« th. Pacific coaat Bobert Ober will lulMnni the role of Monty Brewster. "Georco Wish Ington Jr.," Mr. Cohan's starring vehicle la.t year, will make a tour to the coast. The ca. will Include: Carter Do Haven, Flora 1'niSf Willis P. Bweatnam, Lola Hoffman, jobs Boone, Jack Rafael, Olive North and Harold Forbes. The firm has also assumed the mnnars. meat of Thomas E. Shea, He will he seen only In the larger cities, and will present hla standard repertory. Mr. Shea will also nri- sent a new play, of which he la the author entitled "A Soldier of the Cross." "' Mr. Cohan's most Important production next season will be a new play he Is now writing for Victor Moore, and which he hsa named "Kid Burns, Esq." It will be a ran. slcal comedy with the usual Cohan trim- mings. «-»-* "The Merry- Widow." London advices all seem to agree that the Viennese opera, "The Merry Widow" u duplicating Its continental success since George Edwardes produced it In English at Daly a Theatre, in London. The title' of this opera In Germany, where it has entered Its Bccond year of unprecedented pomilnrltv la "Die Lustlgs Wlttwe." In England tho name was translated Into "The Merry Widow," at the special request of King Ed- ward VII, who preferred that to "The Jolly Widow" aa was first suggested. Ills Mnjeaty cited as a precedent for his translation of tbe title, tbe fact that, when "The Merry Wives of Windsor" was produced In Ger- many, the same name was given Shake- Bpearc'B comedy was "Die Lustlgen Welber von Windsor." 4«» The Rolllokera and the Strollers (or the Western Wheel. M. M. Thclse will be Interested In two at- tractions In tho Western wheel next season the Rolllckers, which he owns himself, and Strolling Players. In which Mr. Thelse and Geo. W. Rife, of Baltimore, are Interested The latter takes the place of Wine, Woman and Song, which goes out on Klaw & Erlanger time as stated In these columns lust week ■ »» » Cary MoAdow's Automobile Trip. Cary McAdoW, general manager for P. II Sullivan attractions, has left for an automo- bile tour to the Berkshire Hills and through the Maine pines. He will return to his desk July 10 ready for the opening of the Fall und Winter season. 4a» Union Hill, N. J., to Have a Vandevllle Theatre. Turn Hall, Union Hill, N. J., will be turned Into a vaudeville theatre and, be- ginning Saturday, July 6, alx acts will be flven, together with moving pictures. Al. utherland will take charge of the bookings. «»» Keith A Proctor's Flfty-elorhth Street Theatre Closes Its Season. ICeltu A Proctor's Fifty-eighth Street The- atre closed Sunday, June 80, for tbe season. The house will be redecorated and altered. - A new stage will be put In and tbe proecclum boxes will bo rearranged. Tho Kail and Winter opening Is set for Aug. 10. t i» John 8tapIeton Ena-ased. A long term contract has been signed with John Btapleton, by which he will direct tho drumatlc part of all of Mr. Askln's attruc- tlons, as well as hove entire charge of the Btage management of his dramatic produc- tions. Mr. Btapleton was tbe stage director of "Checkers," "The Virginian," 'The Heir to the Uoorah," and also produced "Swell Elegant Jones," Ezra Kendall's vehicle last season. ♦»» Ben D. Stevens Engaged. Ben D. Stevens, one of the most widely known and highly respected men In the the- atrical business, will be associated with Harry Askln, In the management of the New York enBueemcnt of "The Time, the Place and tbe Girl," which begins at Wallack's Theatre on Aug. fi. Last season Mr. Stevens directed tbe tour of Richard Mansfield. 4e» Kendall's New Play. George Ade has practically completed the play Harry Askln commissioned him to write for Ezra Kendall, lta title is not yet fully decided upon, but Mr. Kendall Is more en tbuslastlc over the possibilities of the play tciun ho has ever been over a manuscript dur- ing hla entire career. "Fifty Years Young and "A Second Time on Earth" have been suggested as its title. ♦ <» "The Flower of the Ranch" Is tbe title of the new play Joseph Howard has completed, In which he and Mabel Har- rison will be Btarred by Harry Askln next season. It la a Western drama, with music, "The Flower of the Ranch" will begin Its season early 1n September, probably in Kansas City, after a ahort tour through the Middle West <« » Baker and Wardel tor "The Girl from Broadway." Messrs. O'Brien A Mack, managers of "The Girl from Broadway," have secured linker and Wardel to play leading comedy roles, and will give the piece an elaborate pro- duction, and play 8toir A Havlln and Cnhn & Grant time. ««» New Theatre for St. Loots. Work on the American Theatre, the new playhouse building In St Louis, is nfOgresfj lng rapidly and unless the preBent plans >*'' It will be ready to open In the early PMJ Tbe new houso Is located at Seventh and Market Streets. sf x > American Singer Returns. Ottley Cranston, formerly of the Savage "Parsifal" and English Grand Opera CO* panics, will return to America next swaps. being specially engaged by Mr. Savage f»f 'V role of Sharping, tho United States consul, In Puccini's ''Madam Butterfly." NOTICE. HALFTONE PICTURES i> the rend- ing pages of THE CUPPER vrl» be Inserted at these prleest single (Jolnmn • '■ r '" Doable Column flB.OO