The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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530 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. July 6. i 9y*$I . ■■'■■!/&*■ ■■*& f-^M'vr-:-,-- ■■„ -..., . •:;'..-'v.--;•■:-•;'■■■'.s #IL V ^ Y»ft" '' "' ' J •• ' ■■■ "' - : < ■' ^W?-A'>fki''L--iy-:-\. -:u ?^.*?y- ■:••:■'■,,■ '.--■; ;■.'■* >U:',i K^&iw&ri& v^^^.^J.-.t^r.^.' ..■■■■I'Sif'ajl^'o.^:--'-. A CIGARETTE thai is merely mild cr „ merely strong can never commend itself to the undivided approval of critical smokers with experienced tastes. MUBAB CTGAROTBS so harmoniously combine the full strength of the finest Turkish Leaf with a mildness as delicious as it is rare, that they are universally acknowledged to be "THE METROPOLITAN STANDARD" 10 for 15 cents S. ANARGYROS, Manufacturer, 111 Filth Ave.. N. Y. DIRECTORY Wacom, Bod. clown—Rlngllng. Bates, Fred J., mgr. ear 8—Cole Bros. mi ' «&4.iv, ,•] MP WttW/F-'-- yi; "j> ; '■)■ - ■''•■ ■' V: '-' : V'"V'.' .;■'■ rOHICLETS—That dainty mint-covered, candy-coated chewing gum. It takes two great big cleanly factories to keep abreast of the still growing de- mand of these pearl-like pellets of delight. Your neigh- borhood druggist or confectioner can supply you if he will —or send us a clime for a sample packet and a booklet. FRANK H, FLEER 4 CO., Inc. 520 No. 24th St., Philadelphia, U. S. A. OF Ha ten, urea «>.. •"«. «« »- Brown. C F., band—Jones, Bennett, Joe C, band—Jonea^ Cart Show Peopk, €K. Z??,ZZ3ggasz Brown, JoaepMne, aerial-Jones. Bahr, Peter, car ojr.--Pa.wnee BUI. Brady. George, bow hostler—D'Alma s. Brick* J. J., car and ring^rfonner- ^ Barlow, Ella, treas.—Great Barlow. Borclnl Family—Klngllng. Bates, Theodore, adv. agt.—Barlow Bros. Bowen, Mike—Alton * Anderson FOR THB SEASON OF 1007. The Routc$ of the Bhowi mentioned In ifcij lilt may be found in route column of thU of later Ueuc i. Arlington, Edward, gen. agent—Pawnee BUI v" .A "t i * i»°i 0 . Xv««hhurn a. Arlington, r.uwnru, gcu. »&»-"*.. ,r Annlth C 1 ., band leader—Wahburn'a. Ayre, Wm., baritone—Haag. Ardell 4 Sblne, gymnasts^ackay ■. Alkin. Dollle—Cosmopolitan ta™y»'- RIU Alexander, IL. stock asst-Pawnee Bill. ArcarlB Trio—Itlngllng Bros. Andresa, Charles, gen. *V^ mn ft Ba n ey . Ashburn, Waller, animal trainer-Son^ Bros Allmun, Giant, prlo. clown—Al• »/}^f elet AvaUon-UcDonaft Troupe, r ^^ Abram., Bob, boss. ^v^^&^iuce. Alfredo * Cerlta—Sells-Floto Adauis, Billy, Juggler—Nave a Western. Arnold, Maud—Costello. Auger, Cleo., giant—Barnum * Bailey. A..r, Princess, snake charmer-^ & BaH(J Aronson, I*w, mgr. side l " low ^- ollinBr B roa. Abrama. Robt.. supt. ^Hagenbeck-Wallace. Ashworth. Boss, supt. s tock '7 ttDkee noblnson. . ,.,„„ n xc nrnir adv.—Pawnee Bill, a'cha.: r«» •- d ffiion ^te. Alvarez, Th. Aster, Evans, clown 10 Ml BIG MONEY BY GIVING PUBLIC EXHIBITIONS We Have Only the Latest and lost Complete Line of Bloving Piclore Hachines and Stereopticons. By writing us before buying elsewhere, you can save money. The best is always the cheapest. MEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE. T. H. MCALLISTER CO., 49 Nassau Street, Mew York. Soubrette Dresses, Ankle Length Gowns ANV COLOR. ANY NT U.K. ANY QUANTITY. All Garments made to order from Special ami Original Designs. FIT, MATKRIAI* AND WORK* HANSH1P GUARANTEED, or money refunded without argument. Hand colored plates fur- nished freo, on request. WOLFF, FOIlDINO & CO., iil-ei Eliot St,, Boston, Uass. ■Blngllng Bros. AUen; J. lruct^e:niS»dk.n Broa. Atkins, Chas., band—Jones. B ,„. Arnold: iSuu'de, ladder-Caatello & Co. AltonB (5)—Van Arahurg. _,.. A^iiVX iaaV o^Fn^Xlon- Aahbrook, Ulck, bill ^"'"^nbeek.wallace. Amah, side show—Forepaugb-Sella. Alverta (4). acrobats—Forepaugh-Sells. Adair & l Doan, wire P^f.-^paugh-Sella. Arizona Troupe— Forepaugh-Sella. Atklna, Cbaa., adv. car, No. 2- paugu . 8eUa . Austin, ThOB., cook—Alton & Anacraon. Anderson, B. C, bill poster- ^ & Ander8on Acton. Jaa., bill poater—Barnum & Bailey. »ong. Ward, bill poster- fc BnlIey Almea, Harry, chg. Xjgf^, c , ark 4 Bona. Alvord, Ned, bill poster-Hagenbeck-Wallace. Abbey, Jerome, mgr.^lde ahow- t ^^ Allen, H. Frank., mgr. aide .how- Aiken. Geo., "Ilrood contr-John lloblnson. Asal, John, excuj. agt.—Van Amburg. Alpine Family—Sella-Fl Aronson, I/sn, m«r. Bide show—flollmar l»ros. Anderaon,, boa. PWrlgj^ Br0 ,. Anderson. Harry, boa. bill P°sj«- ar Droi . Arnburg. Jim, ndvance—Great Gay Ashtous, The, acrobats—Gollmar Broa. AHhton, Joe, clown—Gollmar Bros. AUen. ilob, band-aollmar Bros. Allen. 11. Frank—Great Lugar. Alexnnder. H. K., mu.lclan—Kced Bros. Akol'ro*., musician—Mil*. Almee'a. AnllA. leading chorus—l'arker Arnus. Ilrownlc*. J. W, chge. pilvllcgcs-Wa.hburn. Itnldwln. Geo. A.—Pawnee Bill. ?«. Clarence F.. band bm^p-Joom. llurk 0. M., gon. mgr.—C. T. Burcn. itake'r, John', ?bge. prop., and w^JW^ Borrls, Trof., Joseph, ei» M G ^ a p Co)e n . 0B . Uurke, John, asat. canvas mb^ & Ballcy Bates, Geo. W.—Barnum & Ballcy. llradv, Chas.—Sells-Kioto. Uurbnnk, Lillian, eques.—Mackay a. llarnellB, The. equil.—Mackay .. BctzeH'a Animals—Mackay .. Uulger, Everett 8„ ■•"■<^ nllB &m i loT . Berre t Hicks, gymnast^-UoblnBon. nartonc, contor.—Lugar. . ■ nolln, Prof. Jesse, bandmaster—Lugar. Brady, James J., press dent—Blngllng. Marlon, Tom—Krank A. BobblnB'. Bailey, Josh, bus. mgr.— llargrcavc.. Banka, Sam J., gen. press rep.—»H£MTH. Radford, Walter, asst. mgr. |»»gf^ Bakman, Whltey, train -a^ h Kowe , Benson, Henri, chef—Sun Bros. Boyle Bros., hoops—Sun Bros. Brown, Wm. Kllev, aupt—Lugar. Bancroft, Great—Pawnea Bill. Beckmun. Frank—Mp»_. ninweoek Itulrd Jack, coucs. dlr.— HerringGlasstocK. ItnlrdB, The,—Hcrrlng-Olasscock. BIlllugB, Uoy—HerrlngGlasscock. Burton. Jerry, band leader—Ketrow. Burton, Millie, contor.—Ketrow a. BUkile Krcd. W.. privileges—l'awncc Bill. Bell * Heur>, acrobats-Bnmum k Ballcy. Bates, George, trained elephants- Boiler, I^uls, bicyclist—Barnum & llallcy. Brow.,, George, leaping hounds-^ & ^^ Bcrtlul, Great—Dan It. Robinson Amuac. Co. Boiler broa., acrobatic 'cycll.^ & w||fj Bradna. Klla, equestrian act- — & Borclla, Arthur, clown—Barnum A Bnlley. Bennett. Sam. clown—Barnum & Bailey. Bell Peter, clown—Barnum * Bnlley. Burk. Col. K. M., gen. mgr.-C. T. Burch. Beattlc, Jaa. W., mgr. aide show-^ BobcII, Vlto, side .how—Bamum & Ballcy. Bayroot, Troupe, gun nfrgfa, 4 Ballcj . Banvard Troupe, aerial—Norrls A Rowe. Bradford, Wm., asat. mgr. P'™^,^ Bronlce. Geo.—Rlppel. Boger, Herman, chge. animals— * llagenbeck-Wallucc. Buchanan, C. W., mgr.—Yankee Boblnson. Buchanan, Fred, proprietor- ^^ Bishop, Al., eques. dlr.—Yankee Hoblnson. Bnrtlow, Chas.. asst. boss boatler— Yankee Robinson. Bishop Family, aero, and aerial— Yankee Robinson. Bella, The, aerial and tumblers— ' ' Yankee Robinson. Bell. Mile., aide ahow—Yankee Robinson. Belford Family—Itlngllng. Bedlnl, Flora, equestrian act—Klngllng. Bedlnl Family—Klngllng. ButterQeld, Stewart, clown—Rlngllng. , u liowen, mine—>■««•- **~ „,"„i,' „ Rnlrd W. B.. car No. 1—Klngllng. ifackman: H.' A., car No. 1-AtW 1 lllngi, i.. Mil 'poater-Pawnee Bill. Balkef B., paste maker-Pawnee Bill. Battls, G, bill poster—Barnum A B«''«7 1 ' Batterson, F., bill poster—Barnum A Bailey. Blckerman, C, pa.te «ak«- rn0|n ft Bal|ey . Bean, R., porter—Barnum A Bailey. Brown ("frosty"). Wm., bill Iffifr^ Barnet, Bay, bill poster—Gentry Bros. Balllnger, Frank, banners-Gentry Bros Bryant, Perry, bill poster—Pawnee Bill. Baker'. Concert Band—Gollmar Bros. Bredeson, Carl F., band—Gollmar Bros. Beck, Edwin B., band—Gollmar Bros. Bell, Cba... leaper—Van Amhurg. Burton, Fred—Hagenbeck-Wallace. Beeker, M. C, band—Holders , Burtyn, Chas., performer—Holder.. Barrao, Jose, Iaaso expert—Pawnee Bill. Beasley, Wayne, cowboy—Pawnee Bill. , Buckley, Tim, trained elephants— Pawnee Bill. Boyles, Juggling—Sun Bros. Boyle, George, clown—Sun Broa. Bryant, Arthur, musician—Sun Bros. Butts,.W. J., train master—Sun Bros. Benson, John—Sun Bros. Bassett, Illchord, bos. of animals—Sun Bros. Burke, John M., representative-- Buffalo BUI. Bulger, 13. S., 11th. and bannerman— Buffalo Bill. Blsplng, Tony, rider—John Robinson. Burke, 0. M., trained dogs—John Robinson. Burchelle, Fannie, pert, elephant— John Robinson. Brock Bros., acrobats—John Hoblnson. Brasle, Charles, ticket seller— John Robinson. Boucher, Ed., bill poster—Barnum & Bailey. Boycc, Ed., bill poster—Hagenbeck-Wallace. Brown, W. E., bill poster— Hagenbeck-Wallace. Blackmore, H. A., bill poster—Rlngllng. Barlow Trie—Barlow Bros. Harnett. Capt. Jack, aide ahow— Forepaugh-Solls. Busson, Alex.—Forepaugh-Sella. Bedell Broa.—D'Alma's. Brackenrldge, J. F„ lariat.— Rlgga Wild West. Bowers, Harry, bill poster—C. T. Burch. Birmingham, ChnB.. excur.—C. T. Burcb. Belford, Al. G., and Mazlc—London Olympic. Brown, Fred, progs.—Alton & Anderson. Brunn, P. M., progs.—Alton A Anderson. Barnes, Al. 0., props, and mgr.— Barnes' Wild Animals. Byrnes, Dan, bill poster— Barnes' Wild Animals. Bagwell, J. C, bill poster—Barnum & Bailey. Buach, Frank, bill poster—Barnum A Ballcy. Bvrnes, F. J., lltho— Buffalo Bill. Barber, F., porter—Buffalo Bill, lilnklcy, J., excursion man—Buffalo BUI. Beyerles, C. E., prop.— Burke's "U. T. C." Show. Berry, Miles, gen. agt— Burke's "U. T. C." Show. Burn., Johnny, bill poster—Cancle Bros. Brownwell, Lou, bill poster—Cancle Bros. llorretta, Tbeo. R., equea. dlr.— Col. M. L. Clark & Bon'.. Brown, George, boss canvas— Col. M. L. Clark & Son's. Bnzell, John, bill poster— Col. M. L. Clark & Son's. Brown, Peter, bill poster— Col. M. L. Clark & Son's. Burtlctt. Miss, checker up— Klsk Dog and Pony. Bridge, Wm., bill poster—Gentry Bros. Butler, II. i;., press agt.— . Hagenbeck-Wallace. Burkhart, W. E., bill poster- Hagenbeck-Wallace. Bush, Geo., paste maker— Hagenbeck-Wallace. Burns, Foster, mgr. car 3— Hagenbeck-Wallace. Bcrkey, Floyd, bill poater— Hagenbeck-Wallace. Bauer, W. J., special man— _. ., „. Hagcnbcck-Wallace. Blu.kl, I'M. F., bos. bill poster- Hagenbeck-Wallace. Burtln, Fred II., bill poster- Hagenbeck-Wallace. Brown, Edgar P.. mgr. aide show—Hubln, Holen, Jesse C, band leader—Lugar. Billings, Josh, special agt.—Norrls A Rowe. Burkham, Geo., bill poater—Norrls A Rowe. Bradley, Art., bill poster—Norrls A Kowe. Bahr, Peter, special agt.—Pawnee Bill. Bryan, Perry, checker up^—Pawnee BUI. Broderlck, Geo., cook—Pawnee BUI. Bledsoe, Jack, local contr.—Van Amburg. Berry, Qua. chef— Al. F. Wheeler. Bell, Ed. H., supt. privilege.—Al. F. Wheeler. Bartholomew's stallions—Flaher'g. Browning, D., banners—Gollmar Bros. Billings, Gay, owner and mgr.—Great Gay Billings, Eva, contor.—Great Gay. Brown, Jaa., chge. cook houBe—Great Gay, Bishop, Al., cqueB. dlr.—Yankee Robinson. Barqclla Wm., clown—Gollmar Bros. Baker, It. W., band dlr.—Gollmar Bros. Brederson, Carl, band—Gollmar Bros. Beck, E., band—Gollmar Broa. Bunuy, Harry, band—Gollmar Broa. Blum, Paul C.—Rlgga Wild West. Brown, KUey, Bupt.—Lugar. Bernards, Floyd and Maude, wire act— Adams Ideal. Brack Bros.—Fashion Plate. Baker, Steve, advance—Colorado Grant'a. Brunt, Frank, bill poster—Colo Bros. gWWB, L. W., bill poster—Cole Bros. Brush, Walter, Ilthos—Cote Broa. Itrlggs, Jas. F„ animal man—Ilfberllngs. Burns Bros., clowns—Castcllo A Co. Holl, Harvey, steward—John Koblnaon. Blake, Wm., bill poater—John Robinson. Brown, W. E., bill poster—Cole Broa. Bnzzalo, Walter, bill poster—Cole Bros. Brown, Fred, bill poster—Cole Bros. Baker, Milton, bill poster—Cole BroB. Bullcn, Wm. H., opp. and excur.—Cole Bros. Burn., Wm., opp. and excur.—Colo Bros. Becker, Jack, opp. and excur.—Cole Bros. Brownmlller, W. H., opp. and excur.— Cole Bros. Black, Frank, and horse—Southern. Barrow & Mundon, 'cyclists— .,.- ,,, „ Great American Hippodrome. Herlew, Walker, band— ». ' ■ »,.. „ Great American Hippodrome. Bowles, The—Fctzer. Belmont. Mmc.. Impalement—Wheeler. Iiolsc, Jack, advance— ■MM. n Great American Hippodrome. Dodklri, Harry, Impalement act—Reed Bros. Blanklnsop, Jas., prlv.—Thornton's Bucklln, O. J.—Will S. Heck. Bejano, J. J.—Patterson Carnival. Bnmcs, Lee, train master—C. W. Parker Barkley, A. II., train master—C. W. Parker Bernard, Floyd—Great Louisiana Carnival. Balllstrler, Louis, De, animals—Mundy. Beck, Louis J., press—Mundy. BllUe, F. K.—Lo Bruno's. Benjamin, E. R., elec. theatre—Le Bruno's. Brown, W. 8., mgr. Old Plantation— Bcrtollnl, Prof., band leader—Lc Bruno's'." 0 * Bartlctt, II. C, press rep.—Le Bruno's. Broker, Harry, band master- Parker's Fairyland. ■ "'■" "■ ■• N minimi jiuaawt'i: .. PabstExtRKt For Dyspepsia Loss of appetite Is nature's first warning of Indigestion, the lore- runner ol dyspepsia. This dis- ease, like nervousness, is olien due to Irregular living. Improper lood and inattention to diet. Tliedi- Costive organs are inert, the weak- ened membranes of the overtaxed stomach are unable to perform their functions, and the tood you force yoursell to eat distresses instead ol nourishes. Nothing will do more to stimulate the appetite and aid digestion than Pabst Exiraci Combining the rich lood elements of pure barley molt with the tonic properties ol choicest hops, the nourishment ollered In this predi. Bested form Is welcomed by the weakest stomach, readily assimilat- ed by the blood and its lood lor the nerves and muscles is quickly ab- sorbed by the tissues. At the same time, the digestion ol other loods is aided by promoting the Ilowol diges- tive Juices, while the tonic proper- ties ol the hops create an appetite and tone up the system, thus assur- ing a speedy return ol health. Pa&st Extract creates an appetite, aids in the di- gestion ol other loods, builds up the nerves and muscles ol the weakened stomach and conquers dyspepsia. It brings strength to the weak and overworked. Induces relreshing sleep and revives the tired brain. For SiUai at! Liaiing *Dr u jjp'jri Inftit Upon (Af Original Guaranteed under tne National Pure Food Law U. S. Serial No. 1921 Free Picture and Booh Send ui your name on apoatal forour inlercilinj At DOoklct and "Baoy* a Firrt Adventure" abeiuti- ful picture o{ Inky life. Both FREE. Addrna Pabit Extract Depl.Or, Hllnaukw, WW. Told by The Laundry Bag weekly expense—frnjed . and split button-holes." Why not cut out the expeusc, and 'be neat all the time? „ . Wear LIT1IULIN Waterproofed Linen Collars and CnlTs 'Look like linen because tbey arc linen. Perfect for Summer wear—unaffected by heat or peraperatloh. Tbey cannot wilt, and when wiped with damp cloth are as clean and white us when new. Cut In all tbe IateBt fashionable styles. Free illus- trated booklet on request. Collars 25e. Cuff. QOe. // your dealer cannot eupply you, MHI style, tlte and hoto many, with remit- tance, and tee will fonourd, postpaid. The Fiberlola Company. ^7 Waverty Place, Dept. 10, New York It penetrates and cleanses the minutest crevices of the teeth. B. permeates the gums and the lining of the mouth. It is healthful. It is the only thing to use if you have a real genuine interest in y°" r teeth. The friend of the teeth is SOZODONT. , ceNTS„ STrWE HALF TOiTeTrOCESS CO mum now amotwa. ky. crrv H* 8SS£@