The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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534 THE r lSOEW YPBg PLiIPPgg: July 6. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER * ii THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO. (Llmitia) moPiunoBR. ; ALBERT J. liORIE, KniTomAL and Boaixut UiNian. SATURDAY. JULY <!, 1907. Kntored Juno 24,- 1870, at the Polt OfllM Heir York, N. Y., •» wiond elm nutter, •lie act gf lUrch 3. 1870. H AT E S. Adrertlienieiils—111.10 per Inch, alngla colema, Adrerllecuieiits net nidi border, 10 per ct. extra, SUBSCRIPTION. One jeer, In mlmice, JI; sir months, $3 ; tire* moulhs, |1. Foreign iioxiann extra. Hlughi capiat Kill tie Kul. postpaid, on receipt of 10 ceaU. Our ivi-me itre €»»h. THBCLII'PKR In Issued erery Wednesday nwfn- In*. The loHt four (oilTprtlnlnj) page* 00 TO WtKSX on Sulilidai at 11 A. «.. IM til* oUtr I ages on MONDAY ami TUESDAY. Viae Forma Closing; I'rnmiillr, Toil- day Ht 10 o'clock A. If. rleaae remit by expreaa, money order, check, ¥. (I. order or registered Inter. All cui enclosed Willi loiter la at the. rink of Bender. Add ■'<•>• All 1 ip in in mi lent lon« te> TUB MilW YORK CMI'I'ICR, 47 Went i!8lh Street, New Xork. KfOittcrti Calilt AMret*. "ADTKOBrrt." THE WESTERN BUREAU of Toe CMl'PJUt la loi'.tted at Room B04, AahltaA Hlock. Chicago, John 'J'. I'rlucc Jr., manager ana corniipoiiilcnt, where advertisements anil tubacrlB- Uona aro rccelrpd at our regular rntea. THE LONDON BUREAU, Locateil at 48 Cmnliouroe St.. I»niion. W. 0., Jobn 11. Carner, manager ami correspondent, where ail- rerllseincnta and subrcrliitloita are received at oar ropulur rotes. •I'm: Currtm can at obtainio, whol»balb 4KB Irian., al our agents, flrelitoiio'a uewa depot, 87 Avenue ile 1'Onoru. 1'iirls. France; M. Lllfenthtl, Frederick Ktrussc 101 (Terminus Motel), Berlin, N. W., licrniaii.v; IMamoml News Co,, 128 Pernio, Ilami a; Moulin Hook and Stationery Co., 128 Kscoiln. Manila, P. I.; Albeit & Son, 11I7-1U0 King HI., Hyduejr, Australia. Till; NEW VOItlv CLIPPER publlahea OMly OII» cllllou. Mini final la ilaleU trom Hex* York. ' ~QUERT ES ANSW ERED." No Replica by Mall or Telegraph. ADPRXaaita nn wiikiikahoiivh hot oinw. All IN our.s-r "<■ mi' Ji siniw.u wnrra to tuoib whom TIIKV Htr.K, IN VAIIU of THK CLIPPER Post OrrniK. all iiniTO will in AUrmratan oxa wikic II' Tin: imri ■ or ANT TH1ATII0AL ciiuiANi in antiaiir, k«ieh to our i.ibt or Itouiaa UN ANiiriiKii rAim. Wa uannot naND aoviai at MAIL oa tju.hoiiai'K. DRAMATIC S. «'.. Quebec. We luive no knowledge of tin* ihvhi'iii wIiim-i'iiIiiiiiIk of llie parly. Ail- tlrutw n let lor In ••■•r enre mid wo will nd- verilso II In TlIK I'l.HTKit Inllcr lint. K. II., Philadelphia, M. I.., I In i-i Isliiug, ('. K., Wllkox-Burre, Ii. Km Mill UK". T V. S. I'm New York, nnd M', II.. Kansas I'll}. -Ket Hwor lo S. ('., Ilhnyo. _ Mux. I,. M, Km t'lilniKO,—AMHM n.' < . Wliltiii'v. I mm rut I ii|iii|'ii IIiiiixp, lieirolt. Mich. IP, ft I'. Allllll'HK II. ft WlllllllT, I'lllll llf Hie lliiKi'illwi'lf-Wllllnri"' I'lri'MH. for riiiitr-of wlilcli wiilili inil' nulli' IImI eni'li week. II, F. I'm T<i|K'kii.'- Any one emi nae IH« liiiini' mi- II llienlre. II. Km SA'i'iIi'I/hiiI. —I. We never o,iiole hiiIiicIi'k. :'. A nii'i'iiiiriiiiiN iii'l mil iikiiiiII.v ntiilily wl eiiiriii! »(h. .1. i)'li„ lliifl'iilu. We hiive no record «f llrnlh III' lllll'ly. i • . . II. A. Ii.. Itriizll.-Adill'exK I lick & Ml* ■remId. IS Ann Siivei. Nev.' York I'lly. Miks ft S.. KiH'In'iilcr." I. AddrexH nny of our Kkclrli wrlllllis mlvei'lInera. -. AelK lire nsiiiillv liiinkcil tlirniiKli II lionkliiK ii»reile.V. 41. il. Km 'rosiiK.--(inly one Ihhiio of the work wi!H iiiildhlii'il. S. II. V.--Wc i'iiii nnl nld you. II. I'm llllcy. I. ToimenlorK nre Ihe iilecis of net xrcii'.'ry nil elllier Hide of llie <iri^'. uxeil In umxk Hip Hal-; In the lli'-n nniuep J. An nlrilnliie Ik ii Siiintiil-r lliemie. A.v UTIIUHHTKIi IIcaiihii.-- AddrexH. Hie iiiuiiii-.'i' id Mi" illinium .V llnlley I'liviiv Wc hit re mi ini'iins nl kilnwltiB. A IlKAIiKN, rillxlnii'tr. -Tlic liminea. nre Iwiilied llii'ouiili m'vernrnwneli's. You proli- nhit- refer to S. K. HodKilon, St. Jiiiiich ItuildhiK, New York flly. Miss ft. KfliM I'll IkIimi-jx. —W« do not know oT iin\ iillier. Mils. M. II., I.os AllKelen.—Tlln company linn i-liisi'il. Sriisi'iiiui'.ii. Turualn,—Address any relln- 1 all- liiinMiiii iiui'tli'.v In New York or Vh|cnRn. CAR IIS. A. It. IL, .lersey rliy.—You enn only en!l iipuii the lice »t ii suit. If the hoc of nny sull luix I n mi-lied down you nuwt cull ii|>oii xiiiiii' niher ncc. or mil mil nl nil. • I., ami Om SIiiiwIii'c. Illjsli. low, Jock iinil Killue pi mil In llllx nnler of precedence. mim i:i.i,am:oi s. I'. S.- Any denier In xpurllni! RMldR. Ii. II.. Kusloii.* Yex. ... I.eivl.t Waller. lnu> arronec.l Unit, when be leliii'iio to JjodiIoii in the Tnie Kali, the,new piny with which he will commence hl« aensnn nl the l.yric will ho the xiircp»fiil Antericici piny, hy Milton lloyle, entitled "The rlniinw .Mnn." A«, howafcr, i thin title would carry no nn'nnliiR l»> KngHah Ihenlrejtoerx, Ihennmc will lir cbUDucd In "The Knirllah rowrtoy." Mr. Wullcr nn* ' nut. a#ttled who .will lie IiIh. leadlnc Indy dnrlns llln next London xen- Htiu, hut on nla Aiuhmn lour of' "llohln Hood." Xora iJinenxter will piny .the chief feminine role in Hint iirnnni. I:»elyn Mil- Inrd'x long enKaneroerit explrcx ni. the end of Air, Wolier'x nrexent the I-iyrie. I linve liliirned thni Kirn,' Kdwnrd hns Kninlcfl 10 HeerlKilim 'I'ree I lie roynl llccnxe iiinl inilliorliy lo .nrropt imd wear the In- mriiIii of the Third f'lnx* of the Uoynl Prux- ■dim Order of the Crown, conferred upon him Oy the licrmnn Krnpernr, In recognition of viiliiiihlc xervleex rendered hy him. A almllnr iirder hnx 1m*cii mnde In Ihe ense of .lames Thomns lireln. of Tnr Hiitnlaii Tlult: on whom Hie knlxer conferred the Inxienln of Ihe Koiiflll I'lnxx «( the Order of Ihe lied KilBle. John llnre. who recently made nix last np- liciirimceln London tills xenxon. hnx decided in mnke bin fnrewell lour of the principal provincial rtlle* In the Foil, thin being the iH'.'nsltin of poxlllvely hlx Inat prorexxlonnl nprtenrnnee In nil the plneex to he visited. Ills lour will eommnice .it Hie Prince's The- Hire. Rrlsloi. on Scnl. .'10, nnd comprises suc- cessive weeks ill Leeds. Illrmtngnitm. Nnt- iliiL'luini. Liverpool, Mnnehestcr, Newcnslle- nn-Tync, tMinhurgh, (llnsgow nnd rtrljrhton. Tlie*'lonr will lernilnnte on Pec. 7. I understand Ihnl the Lord rhnmhcrlnln lins decided in rcslore ihe license for Ihe per- formance nf "The Mlkndo," nnd that nn ofll- rlnl iinnnnncemenl In this effect will lie made in a few davs. H has licen notified from ihe war olllee that the order of April .*•, prolilhll- hiK 'he pliiylng of "Mlkndo" mimic by mill- to r.v hands, tins been withdrawn until further orders. Arthur Collins linn boon In I'nrla gctllnc delnlln for Ihe (trenl Oraml I'rlx scene, which Is lo form Ihe linrkgronnd to one of the chief episodes In Hie Anlumn drama nl Urn r.v Lane. The piny In the work of Cecil Raleigh mid llcnrv Hamilton, and nmoiig the nlnyers engnged Is Albert Chevalier, who will ploy n comedy pari, fr'nnny llrough, one nf the I'leveresi I'liinodleiiues In London, has also been engnged bv Mr. Collins. Connie K.dlss. (he bright light of the flnlely bIiiiwh, will leave Ibis country next month lo fulfill ii forly weeks' engagement In Ihe Stales with the Mhillierls. Miss IMIxs will npcii or, Aug. I. nnd will appear In several productions suited lo her particular comedy gifts. The Shiilwrls luire an option for an exlciilinn of her engagement, lo lie exercised In the llml six weeks. Oscnr liiiiiiiiicr.iloln has secured n novelly for priHliiellon In New York next season In u Spnnlsh iitiern. which he recently purchnsed In " Il . eoinpnny. hut In have an llnllan version made (II It LONDON' l.i:i nil. FIIOM OBI OWN cmtllHsroNllKNT. (lllpiier Hiireml. •IK I i liiiliiiill-iil- St., Leicester Siitiure, J^.'. l.oinliiil, YV. c. 4I'SK ^'1!. Nnlliliig i.f niiv iHiisetHleni'e has happened 01 III" llieiiire.i since hi si week. The weullier Mill i'iiiii limes eiinl. nnd 'Hie amusement. ulllli-s are prullllng theiehy. Theiv Is siime d-llnlle priispecl of Ihe Princess' Theatre, which Is binned on <»x- Iinil Si reel. iH'llm reiipeiieil In Ihe I "'ill' fnlIIre. The syndicate which lias now se- cured it lease of llfleen years, from It. K. Kellll. hex been III iiegnlllllbill for Ihe I belli le fur ninny nmulhs puxi, bin very nimvy sirni'- Illin> iilleliil lulls ore neccxxiiry III Ihe Imuso. anil as. until now. only ii shun lease eoilbl be nblaiiied. Ihe negollallunx have in-l pro- vI.uhIv Is'eit siillsl'iirlorlly iiiinpl.'leil. Xmv. Willi ill'leeii years. I lie xymtVulc. In .which I iimlerslllliil I in' |il'illci|Mils mi' Mcwrs. Muure. .Mini ii lug and Lewis, feel thin ibey me Jtistl- ileil in iiudei'lakluu Ihexe alleraiieiis. which will pi.telieiilly niiilsr the I'l'lniex*' il ncw Ininse. I| Is llnpeil lo I line Hie hull.He rondy In reopen In I leliilier. 'I'be opening piece will be a ilriiiiin. mid .'in advisory hoard nslsi- lug of Ai'llnti' Ciiiimi lloyle, liemge It. Sims. Ai'lbur Sbli-Iey and Lewis Waller, will select Ihe plnix In he prisiuceil. W'IIIIiiiii Holies Is llie general tnaniiger of I tie sytidlcaie. The wall x In "The Merry Widow." ill link's, ha* "set (lie Thames mi lire." ii )us nlreiidy heeiiiue n ontzc. Tliuse who hill" •lleiiid II lire humming II. nnd ulve Ihe fever 1o others, and those who have mil heard II lire buying t <.(>li— of II at Ihe music shops. Wlllllllll It'lllSCI. lllllllllglllL* llll'-'l'llil' of CIiiui- pell & Co., who ale lUllillxhlng the Innxk'. unld n few days ago Hint the demand was ■i.oie a feeoio nne ior lltllxle ol In!* rlliMi 'I lie liill'l'el olgtllls. ever eager t'> siMMire a good thing III I lie loiiii of a new. i"ilchy lone, tire on ihe elorl. London bus had noihlng lo whlxile since lite patilomlme miisoii, so lhal Ihr ndvenl of "The Merry Widow" and lior Wall/ Is iiio-i .ipriipos. and variety aeis. Dnwaa. Frlaco and Hstnbo nre the big xcrenm nt the Kolllea Bergere, Tony Wilson nnd Helolxe iWe the feature net al the Apollo Tli-entre. YVe opened at Hie Albnmhrn. Mny 1/nnd were Immediately en- ttnjred.fnr.IHe month of June at the jarrtln d« T'nrls. Next yenv we n|icn for n long conti- nental lour nl the Hnwwi^Bnroimrg.V..' In Tin Mii'ln H«ll to M0d 4 the following appears: "l^indon hns lnaplretl many lorera. fpw lhar hsve been nolo .to girl? rbelf passion record so delightful axjthnt of K. V. l.mjis. Ilia 'Wanderer In LondnjV In to be commended In the stranger as n unique nart rharmlne; guide, nod no II. fulfills n. noble mission.; but io a l.midi ner who believed himself some- what learned .already. Ji Jin,* proved fascinat- ing from title page to Imprint, It is now erudite, nnd now fantastic: It Is so admir- ably expnnsli'o In Its sympathy, so varied In interest. It ranges from the Tower to :i music lin 11 discoursing, for Instance, on 1'niil Clnqnevnlll. It. Is one.of ihe unavoidable blemishes upon the variety that, governs n nuislrhnll eotertnlnment Hint there must be a section of the audience who have to endure much, hi order to see a little that Ihey like. Yet. there Is always soaieiltlng Ihnt 1* worth seeing, nlivnys. in every hall, however re- mote from the centre, one performance of strength or dextrlty. Itr which all the supple heouly of th« human figure and Its triumphs of |i,iileiiiv nnd practice shine our. I would sll. through un hour of rtihblsh, since one may inlk or smoke, as may not In nny l.henlre, lor live mlnuloH nf Paul Clnmievalli. and him Ihe Londoner may see nny night, when he Is In town, for six pence or a shilling, nnd have the' honor of applauding thn vorv Shakes fienre nf equilibrists, it Is Impossible tn bo- lero ilml grente;- skill and precision than Clnrpieviilirs will ever he attained. For my part I cannot think we shnll ever see neenm- pllshmeiir. so great, but even If we do, I feci eyrhiln l:hnl It will lack the nlllnnco of such oHnrm nnd dlstlncllnn. It Is not merely that Ihe incrimoarnhle I'mil can Instantly suh- Jugnlc nnd' endow wllh life every Article nf furniture lhal he Inuehes, thai In n moment hltllnrd balls run over bis hack like mice, billiard ones n<aume Ihe blind obedience of sheep. It Is not only llils, hut take nwny his juggling genus, and (here would slill remain n mnn of compelling, arresting : chnrni. u mnn visibly and fascinatingly pre-eminent. 9 :■ I ■* * 4> , . OUR CMlCAOO LETTER. In Spain. It Ik mil Ills Intention lo iii-eseni Il In lis original buifiiage with a Spanish eoinpnny. bin lo hnve an llnllan versle In Is' iilaveil by his orlglnnl eompanv. i Cyril Maude, wrio is going l« produce "The Kilrl of I'liwlitekel" nl the Playhouse, hns alrendv made iirrnngeinenis for mini her plnv In I'nlltiw. This will !»• a play on an Irish sitbjei'L hy II. V. Ksmniid, and Is enlllled "The lirllidles." Marie l.lyihl made her llrst apiieaiiinee In I'nrlx Insi Mondny nlghi. at Hie Mnrlgny. II was n guln iilght. for the Mnrlgny always has a speelal bill for Hie lirnnil Prix: wbleh marks Ihe last week of Ihe icnson. The two slurs.were Miss l.loyd and "Ln llelle Oleni." .Miss Lloyd received xlxly lelegrnms from friends In London, wishing Iter goisi Itleli She will return to London next week, nx Iter engagements III ttilts country run right up to Ihe end of limn, with Just one lour to America ImMwcph. The inline of the King's Tbeiilre, Cnrdlfl. has heeu detdded for several years lo come. I'liink MeN'Xiighleii. of the McN'nughten lour, has iieipilreil the building on n twenty-one veors' lease, with option of piirchnse. mid It will open on August Hank llollduy as a musle hull. Aliniil £4,1X10 is to be spent, on Ihe innovation of the theatre. II Is rumored that Mrs, Adney Payne, the wile itf llie lute nuisle hull malinger, enntem- plntes reluming to the stuge. Her pictures anil drawings, which Include works hy 1'. HiHidnll. II A.: T. II. Hardy, James llladnck. Ildwln Willis. .1. ft HorYIng and oilters, are lo be sold by miction. l'Yitnk Kognrly. the "riiihllii Minstrel," Is In London nn n short visit, mid Is Ixdng eu- terlnlucd royally hy llie Anierlciin nod Kng- llsh perfornters who nre In town. .Mr. Fo- gurlv will undotihledly appenr In London on his iiexi visit lo this cnttmry. For Ihe next live years nl least. Ihe music hail In I'higland is protecled agnlnsl nnv recurrence of Ihe recent strike, for the nivard of the iirhltrulnr. Ueorge Ask Willi, litis Ixien aeeepled In advance by Ihe pi-o- prlPtnm nnd performers as lilndlng for ihnl period. It Is hoped that the award will remain for all time. IM elnlHirnle prorlsloii Is mnde for any ullernllnn in the terms of the awnrd which may become expedleni as Ihe business develops, or fill tire differences arise, io dike place by arbitration.. To ensure Ihnl an appeal in arbitration slinll not lie itnderinken on frivolous grounds, it deposit muxl be made of ('JO, tvhleb may he nwardeil In eoslK us Ihe nrhltralor dlrecls. liul nn nrlilI ml Ion can take place for Ihe next live vellrs. as before mentioned, nnd up lo Hun ilme the nwaril xlitnds In Its entirely. The award did not come up lo the hopes of the performers, bin everybody ennnoeled with ihe music ball business seems pleased Ihnt lite award has been Issued. Cnxs Stnley nnd his transformation com- pany are due In London about July nil. They «lll "iili Is' In London n few days, its (bey will leave for South Africa alntosi Immedi- ately nflcr lltelr arrival. .Newspaper eul- ilngs In hand Inillenle Ihnt the grenl Irans- I'oi'iiuiibin show has been greatly Unproved and elnlioraleil since II has beim In the Slates. Tile coinbl mil Ion returns loAincrlcu nfler Ihe Sonllt Afrlemi eiigiiitetuent, lo pluy tweniy- llve weeks on llie KIbw & lOrliutger circuit. The comroillng liHenisl In the cumpniiy which tllrei'ls the ilnnnl. Notlliigbain, bus been aeipilred hy Ihe Moss Umpires, l.inilled. It Is understood Hint the house, at leasl. to.r the 11 resell I, will continue to be n drama theatre. Nab' l,i>lpxhc Ihe wonderful card and coin ninulpiilator. liail the honor, recenily. of up- iietirliig :il Itueklugham Palace, before the king and ipieeii or Kngliuid. Ihe king and ipiecil el' Heiiiiiai'li. mid otlier mentlH<rs of tie- roynl family. As on n previous invasion his work was grently npprootnted. Vaseo. the '•Aliid Mnsicliui." returned In London cnrlv la Ihe week, nfler a very suc- cessful lour In the Suites. Ile opens In Paris on July I. after which he plain lima. sets. Aiiislerdniii and llerllliV He will reliiru In America In lime lo open m one of Klnw & Krlniliier'x linuses on Nov, IS. III Inn liussell writes me Ironi Anslrall.'i lhal she nri'lveil at Sydney on April -."i, iitui oiii'iied Ihe following Siiturdiiy innllne". Ilarrv lllckiirds pub I her the greal. compll- meltl'ol stiylng thai she made llie biggest lilt of any lady performer playing his house in nuniy years. Caryl Wilbur Is lu tills country on n visit. Ile Is inking a bicycle trip through Hie de- lightful country places of Kugliiiiil. He does not Intend lo nrriuige (Or nny iHigngenienls In this rtiiinlry as bis lime Is liiKikVd In the Sillies. > Tim following, received from lhtve Meier, of Meier nnd .Morn, who nre playing In Paris for Ihe month of June: "The show business has opened Willi a boom for Ihe Summer In this clly. Al Ihe Ainbiissndcurs a new revue opened Insi nlghi. and wits nn Immedlnle success. The Follies Mnrlgny Is turning them nwny nightly, ihe show cnnslslldg of n revue FIIOM om own <-oniiF.sroxnr,XT. ' We*torn lliireon of xhe New v.irk, Clipper, Room .-,114. Ashlonil lOock, I lilenwo. Ilxeeiliinr pnrk weather, which we have had for the pnsi week, iinnirally proves detri- mental to the theatres, which nave fell the effects of hoar and humidity. The hill of fare In llie loop district remains unchanged llils week, wllh Hie exception of tlte I wo vaude- ville houses. Considering the warm wenihe.'. business ltns been very good; but the weather mnn has cusi his blight on three attraction-. "The Hound I'p." ".Miss Pocahontas" nnrt "The Three of 17a, n" of which nre announced to close. The former being n tromendotisli' heavy and expensive production, itntnrnlly feels Ihe bent more Hum any of the others. Inn lias Inslcd twelve weeks to line bnslites.i nt Ihnl. Mnckiiy's droits hns been giving llie circus lovers u Ireat. nnd will move in another serlInn of the town ibis week coming. Spe- cial innlinees will be given nl nil h.nws July 4. Illinois TMHATM fWill .1. Davis, maan- gerl.—"The Mnn.of Ihe Hour" In pressing along to good huslne.i. unit ihe play is one of llie mnxl thoroughly enjoyable which has been seen here the pnsi season. rVrWKIM' illilrry .1. Powers, manager).— Itose.Hlahl. In "The Chorus Lndy." continues lo draw excelleni bitslness, in spite of the hem. A chorus glrlx' matlneu wns given 26, nnd tlte house wns completely tilled. OAiinicK l Herbert «'. Dure, mntinger).— "The Three of Ts." which lias been pin ring to very line business, leaves In two weeks lo innfcivtroom for "The Hoys of Company M." In wbleh the lending role will he played hy Jack llnrrymorr. A speclnl memenlo mntlnoe will Is? given July 4. Colonial ftieorge W. Lederer. mnnnger). —"Hrewster's Millions" continues lo please lilg houses. Kdwnrd Alleles hns mnde him- self a grenl favorite, nnd Ihe entire east is pleasing. Sri'DRhAKKn (II. ft Hnrmeyer. mnnnger). —Klgle Hnwen nnd enmpnny. In "Miss Pocn- hnnlns." will leave July 0. to he followed bv Itlehnrd liolden. In "Poor. Jo|in." Siipporrlng Mr. fiolden will be seen Alfred Hickman. Jos. Toiihey. Small MeYlckcr nnd lluth Allen, McYiCKKn'H (tleorge <'. Wnrren, ninnngor). —'T'he Hound Frt" begins Its twelfth and Inst week JIO, hnvlng played to splendid busi- ness until the very hot wenther sei In. As Ihe production is n very expensive one ro enrry II has been deemed best to close llie engagement, nnd the honsc will remain dark until the Inilor cud of August, when II will ro-npon. after having been extensively fixed up. Majmr Selwyn. In "Slronghenrl," will rtrnhJinly he ihe opening hill. The utuuil Wodnesdny mallnee will he chnnged the Insi week lo Tuesday, nnd will tnke ihe form of it professional innllnee. mid n speclnl mallnee will he given July 4. The one hun- dredth perfnrinnuoo will occur l. W'liiTXK.v Ornn.i. Ilnrsi: (Snm P. (ierson. manager).—"A Knlghl for n Dny" cnnliuiirs lo make people hnppy. nnd llie business hns lwen very good. Ornce McArty will succeed Lenora Kerwln. .10, In Ihe role of Klnlne. Ilisii Tkmi'lk (Hnrry Fmnklln. mnnnger). —'•Jane." wllh Mabel Monlgnmery In lite tllle role Inst week, served to draw Inrgo au- diences, which demnnslrnted grout approval. Miss Montgomery was leading woman liero In former dnys. and wns n groot favorite. Next week, "Thelinn." IXTKiixAiioxAi. (Kills F. rillrkmnn. mnnn- gert. —This house will close ilt), for ihe sea- son, hnvlng been doing very good business. It will rcoiH'ii line In August wllh Ihe Yiddish slack eoinpnny. I'kkix tlleberl T. Molts, mnnnger).— "Cnplnlii Hufns," Hie new prndticllon here. Is the biggest offering wbleh llie nniiiiigement has yet uiaile. 11 is Hie work of .1. Kri. Ilreen, singe dlreclop. nnd Alfred Andersun. Th" slock company,- headed by Harrison Slewari, will he augmented hy six or elgln new mem- bers, nnd the chorus will he enlarged. "Cnplnlii llufiis" Is ii musical, mtlilnrr tnelo- ilriiiiiii. denilllng the adventures of Itufus Jones, wlin Is shipwrecked on one of Hie Philippine Islands, where un Anierlciin regi- ment Is encamped. He Is mlsiiiken for the cninniiiliiler of llie troop, anil through force of clri'iimsinnopx is compelled to roitllutie Ihe inlstnke, Novel fen Hires are prmnlsed. pro- mhient nniong them being (lie witches dmice. >'ltoelnctilar hnllel. Ihe monkey nnd the snake, lighting In Hie cave, mid the Immense bnllle scene sol in musle. un effect never hefore soon. New scenery has been painted, nud new nnd cnlchy music will form pari: of ihe offering, which hns been wrltleii bv II. I.nw- reitco Freenimi. Joe .lordnn nnd J. 'I\ llrymn. The house Is being entirely re.decora tod,' nnd Ihe opening performiinre. July 1, will show nwny surprises before nud behind (lie cur- tain. Manager Molls hns engnged n number of Creole girls av ushers, who will supplant llie former male luciinihenis. They will Have uniforms III keeping wllh Hie pi'iidiicibui of "Cnplnlii Uiifus. Ma.iksti' i Lyman II, tllover, manager).— Husbiess hns been remarknhly gnmr bore, those who have boon lo llie house realizing how delight fully cnol It Is, even on (he holiest days. The hill week of July 1 Includes: Wni. Cnurllelgh mid eompanv. In "Peaches:'' ihe Five Mowntts. StitcllfTc Trnttpe. lloey nnd Lee. Howard and Hlnnd. Frank Hnyes nnd Ihe Whirlwinds. Lew Hawkins. Irmn Orbn- xnny's coeknlons, Hurry I,nne, Harden Clly Trio. Koscoe and Slmms. flen. A»«rlrt r Mon^. seb*efor and Do .Camp, nnd.the klnodrorjje.i onvloo oi-nti Hoi-mc (T». H. Htlnt,, innn- «aer>>-Tne hill, for week of July ljnriudes %by ^cTniifte, Klhel Arden. (Jenrge Abel and Sam™ Ron i™'* »HH! *fP5S?*aH5!" forT arid Winchester "'"""S^/a'nBW-n? - Ida Hawk and rOrrest Htlff/OelMr nnjl \>Tll- mlXtWl Hrs>fler. v Phlf!lps Sisters, itentfrew nnd'Jnnsen. th« Vagges, Jlny Sen- "ey Ames nnd Wallers, Harmony Qonrtetie, '."iwSSSS" Tll'nATnn (in.dwlg Srhlndlnr. managerl^-The.-hill «t tills, house for Ihe we* of W'l Includes: IMjkfr nnd M™, Yvn-shc'r nrothern. A. K. Cnldern. Loos Tiros.. Mntidc Mnllcry. Col. Jlntejt nnd company, nnd tile motion pictures. Capacity rules hero. ''WfHiDRiii.Awfi (Kd.- Lnhison, manltgei).—- The bill for the week Includes: IUi*mnn nnd Turley. Wright nnd Wntls. Kd. Cooper, Cecil Yin" and the Great Ulrlch. Odillon, llnby (ilridvs, nnd the pictures. Thalia Thkatbh (Tlionins Murrrty. ni.trtn- Krr .—The bill for the week of July 1 In- cludes: The Louises. Tot Yrnlng nnd oompnny, Ownniln, c. H. Iloberts nnd the motion pic- tures. I01.A TMRatrr (A. W. Rotli. mnnnger).r- The bill for the week Includes: Adams nnd White. Hans Sisters. Oscar linns. Raymond and Hall. Lllllnn Brunell and the pictures. National iThomns Baker, mnnogert.— Healv nnd Wllllnms. Wntidn Ludlow, Low Jack" nnd Brother. Florence Piper nnd the moving-pictures eoinpiete the bill here Tor Ihe weok of July 1. North Avknur (Paul SiMner. mnnnger).— The bill for Week of July 1 includes: Jennie Itentlev, llAkcr nnd Iloblnson. C A, Wllllnms, Price-nnd Mildred, nnd the motion pictures. Natio.val Thratbk (TomHukcf. mnnnger i. —The bill for Jnly 1 an* week Includes-. Wallace and Ilench. I.ew Jack nnd Rrother. Wnndn Ludlow, Florenco Piper nnd the mo- tion pictures. Hviir Park (0. A. Svennlng. mnnnger).— The Rent Qunrtctte. Melville and company. Piiddy Sliny, Ihe Three Musical Millers, nnd Ihe moving pictures complete the bill here for week of Jnly 1. . • (Snr.iT XoRTHKnx (Fred 0. Kberls, mnnn- geri.—"The Volunteer Organist" hns met with approval, nnd l» playing to good houses. Iti.ioi: (Wlllinm Roche, malinger).—The May llnsmer Stock Co. will close- its seasnu. '.'n.' with the perfnrmnnce of "From Hags to Blches." which has been given io good business during the work. The house will then remnin dnrk for several weeks, nnd will be donned before opening next season. Krxnx's i Sid J. Kuson. manager).—This rool. well ventilated 'house is doing nn excel- lent business. The entire back of Ihe house, which Is on Klnzle Street, enn he thrown open, nnd let the breezes from ihe lnke clr- enlnle through the house. "Miss Frisky" and "llnlf Hound Chlcogo" will he given this week, In which Ihe full strength nf the eoin- pnny. In new costumes, with new songs and dances, will he seen. I'rttnk Finney. Kd. Morris. Pole Dumvnrih and the other fun makers have a new lot of Jokes ready: Carrie Spitz and Minnie Amnio will be seen In new nnd pleasing dances, nnd will sing. A now ballet, drilled by AnrPlin Cnceiiln. will be given, nnd Hip vaudeville end will lie given grenl nllenllon. A new conceit. "The Mixer mid Ihe Maid." presented hy Aui-elln One- eblii and Minnie Amnio, will he n feature of II. i Folly (John A. Fennensy, manager).— Business here has shown very little fulling off during the hot spell, nnil the offerings hnve lx>en Ihe bos! olitalunble In the burlesque Hold in this season. The enmedlnns keep Ihe audiences in eonstnni roars, nnd the fe- male members nf (he ronipnny work well to sustain the Interest, which rnrcly flags. The liinise in ii it I Ik hilly cooled, nnd Is a plensnnl one In which to enjoy burlesque. TnncAni'.nii (|, M. Welngnrten, mnnnger). —Business hnx been on the Increase here, where Ihe performances hnve been Improving nil the time. "The Srhiitzenfest," n new burlesque, hy Nnl nnd Sol Fields, is Ihe of- fering this week. In addition tn which Jack Johnson, pugilist., In n xpeclnl fentnre. The Deluge, the living plrtitre. still continues to ntrrnel, nnd Chooeeptn. dnnelng girl, will appear. Fine vaudeville acts have also been engaged. Rmpiiu: (Wlllinm Singer, mnnnger).—The Cherry Plckern had a good week nnd pleased grently. moving lo one of the other houses nt llie close of the week. The Pansy Blossoms Is the current company, which hng come from our of town on the small Slimmer circuit. and Indications nolnl to n lively week. The house Is the marvel of all who attend, for the atmosphere Is nbove the usitnl burlesque house, mid this Is largely nttnlned by the quiet tone of the decorations. The entrance is In the singes of completion, nnd Is very hnndsome. Woxnr.lil.Axii (FN!. I.ninsnn. mnnnger).— Business keeps up well bore, nnd the bill In chnnged every week with good allrncllnns offered. Loxniix Dura Xli-RKi'M (Wlllinm J. Swee- ney, mnnngerl —Business holds up linolv. The following are In llie carlo hall : Mllle. Taylor, long linlred womnn: ihe Spotted finally, ceroid, contortionist: Nelson, nrm- Irss mnn. In the theatre: Alice Clnrk, lrin Chnrleston, Prof, Koran, nnd the Oriental Dancers. Ci.aiik Stiirkt Mphbusi (I.. M. Hedges, mnnngeri.—The itttcndiinee keeps up well here, nnd Ihe allrncilnns are chnnged quite regulnrly. Several ilinages hnve boon made in Ihe appo.iriince of the front of the house. IIivkiivirw P.uiK (Win. M. Johnson, man- ager).—For five weeks Rlvej-vlew Park has demonstrated Hint. It is u. place nf amusement which rivals any In the world, nnd the crowds during llie pnsi. week hnve tnxed the cnpacliv of Ihe various concessions, of which It hns ii vast number. Tlte ten cent admission fee is one of the features which nppenl to mnnv. for. -without the expenditure of another ceni, visitors .enn (Ind enough lo pntertaln Ihem to occupy nn entire nftemoon and evening. The roller rink hns been doing an cnormntts business, and the great auditorium nt. the "'Irani Bobbery" hns been crowded to its limit nt every performance, of which there are dally more given thnn tbo schedule calls for. The homing on Ihe river Is n feature which Is grently appreciated, and launches tniff around the gondolas and canoes for hours at a lime. The nulomohlle course Is another unique fentnre. nnd mnnv people titke delight In riding tJieough the grounds. Patrick Cnnwny nnd his Hhncn Hand have anoiher week to run. and the concerts, hnve been the medium of drawing greal crowds, for Ihe hnud iilnys tluely. The riding devlcen nn all in .action now, und there Is n round dozen of Ihem, nil different, which give the pnssen- ger a merry whirl up hill nnd down dale, around curves, with the exhllnrntlng feeling of being ln a racing unto. The nlr Is cool, and I here nre no Insects to mnr the dellghT of nn evening. The big Casino in n dell gin- fill snot from which lo view Ihe great eluiles and listen to Conway's Hand, across the la- goon, while through the thousnnd trees nre seen myriads lights, which give the spot Ihnl nppenrnnre nf h veritable fnlrylnnd. wiiitk Cri'v (Paul P. Itow;e, mnnnger).— 11 Is not loo great nn exnectntlon to And things here which cnininl lx> located in nny other park, nud many of the eonlrlvnnces for pnssing the hours ore peculiar to this parte nlnhe. Ill Ihe free circus there tire: The ll'iimnim Onetll Sisters, nerlnl wire net: the Ureal Cniucrotil, in ids marvelous slide for life from Ihe apex of the lower in lite centre of the ennrt of honor lo the top of the clinics, which in Itself Is enough to set every nerve n-ilngtltig. Then Clievnlier Knrleo Our- guile's t'olieerl Baud Is on hand to dlspei gloomy thoughts with waltz nud march musle. Intermingled wllh operatic selections. A short deserlnllon nf ihe manner In which White City came to be hnllt will not come amiss. In ihe Summer of 1001 the area wns n corn. SKIN CUR_E0JN a WEEK blaflgurlnar lied Spot, and Plmnl*. Marl* Life Miserable for Hl\ Mont'lts '* -8k|n *ow Like v«iy„i OWES CUrTtO CUTICURA •'Cifiicura Soap and Ointment nre n ie Ktentest remeditta for skin diseases On i-arld, I have suiTered six montlts from n disease which I vaninil describe, lint I will led V nu the symptoms. My skin was full m n ^ spots ana my face was full of red pimples It made life miserahle for intnnd I wns ills. couraged with everything. I went id several doctors, but it was useless.. .Then I resolved to try Cuticura Remedies, and afier using them for about one week 1 became a new man.' The pimples and the red spots have disappeared, and they made my skin as soft as velvet. Now [ am a constant user of the Cuticura Soap and Ointment and I recommend them highly. Albert Cashman, Bedford Station, N. Y\, Nov jq 1905." ... ..■.■■■■■ .... field and pasture land, nnd the minds of J.i. soph Bllellebl. Aaron J. Jones nnd Paul it llowse conceived the Idea o^ making a pleas- ure pnrk there. Witness the first spiule turned Sent. 18, of that yenr, nnd'through the lung Winter months the work progressed, and in the following Summer White i'lly wns ohris. toned, nnd hns been growing ever since iu beauty and size. It wns Ihe greatest scheme of open nlr nmunement which bad ever he.,, offered to the Chicago public, and ranted recognition from the slnrt. CHi'TKH Park (W. II, Strlekler, innnngor) —The enseados, which abound In this plate' form nn Ideal manner of cooling it an the hottest day. Onletti's Simian Hand, Nat" Moore's "Old Plantation. Shoe," Caldwell an.i ThOrnns; comedians; Wlllinm Sooker. In his death defying ride down the chines, and trained dogs nnd ponies nre only u fow nf the attractions. Business bus been splendid. Lt n 1 Paiik 1 L. It. Lnutlcrslein. mnnngcri —Business Herd Is big, and Arcnnum Dnr broke all records. The pnrk is n groat fa- vorite "lib fraternnl lodges, and there 1* hardly n dny throughnut the entire summer t.hnt Is not reserved for some lodge. Tinkhnm and company, motor cyclists: Honinlne nnil Cnmpliell, the Tonngee Troupe. Hoberl Mlllln nnd Mae 3lell>ane. together with Tlinrlii's Hand comprise the free attractions. Tim Renuty. Congress lins caught on. nail the Dockendorf Troupe holds over here, Krery conccxslon- Is hnndled in a business like mnn- iter, and there Is plenty of fun for nil. ILlvixiA Park t.l. J. Murdock. mnnaeeri.— Walter DamrosH'h nnd the New S'ork Sym- phony Orchestra continue to draw great crowds to hear the exquisite music, nad a trip to Ihe park is worth while. The weather of Ihe past, week hns been whnt the ntiinngc nienl lins longed for. SanxSulci Paiik (Leonard Wolf, manager). —This plnee in crowded every fight iindllie crowds hnve great enjoyment In the mnni offerings., in .Hie theatre are: linrrls snil Thomas, the Mosts, l.e Mont and Mlllliam, nnd Merrill Sisters. Cronlore will be here for three woekx. xlnrtlng ilO. The roller rink Is doing splendidly, being crowded nil the time. Bki.moxt Park (R, C. Cowdrey. manngcri. —The populnrlly of this plnee Is Increasing nnd the. entertnlmnent offered here Ix unique. BlKMAiiK i;.miiii:\k. —carl Bungn nnd Ills blind entertain great: Ihrongx aflernonn nnd evenings lierp. nnd Ihe sltunllon Is n line one. ('OI.IHKH.M OAlinRNH.— Since the opening of the season the gardens hare been doing splendidly. Kllery nnd his hand will nppn nn engagement HO, nnd lis the orgnniziil bin Is well known here, the attendance should In- crease, (iruoe Mortimer hns boon singing here with grent success, nnd her oirerlugs hnve been well selected. Ai'TKiiMATii.—Hurry Chnopell, mnnnger nf Hie Cbiippell-Wiiiterlioff Stock Co., writes that, the company Is dnlng a great business on the Airdomn circuit through Kansas Ills wife iSnrah Marlon, whom he recenily mnr ileil In this cltyi, has signed with llnivlnnd & Cllffnrd. to play the lendlngrole In 'Thorns nnd Orange Blossoms," nnd he will mniiiiiti' Ihe company Howard's Theatre, which closed recenily after n very anccessfiil son- son, will, reopen Sept. 1, with Ihe stock coin pnny, plnylng necnslonnl combinations. Mr. Ilownrd Informs me Hint he will shortly open nn oIHc'e down town for the nlajn hnslnesx if Ilownrd .V Doyle, known In ihe profession .1 long Ilme Berfrlee Shepnrd. olio wis taken HI Inst week, nnd obliged to go In lite llnvenswood Hospital, Is coinnlcsclng, and hopes In be nhle to resume her studies (or nexl sensnn in a short time Slndenis «( SI. Vincent's College gnve Ihilr nnniuil pel- formnnce. 22. In Ihe upw College Thentr". pi-pseiitlng "Julius Ca?snr." end repenting It 24 ..The slum ll'nt'M mnde lis llrsl appearance on the streets Inst. Wednesday, nnd presenled a line appenrnnce Carltn. "The Hlrl on Her Toes," writes I kill she is playing Ihe pnrks to Ihe Souili nf nx, with grenl. success, and Hint she shorily expects in go 10 her home hi Providence. II. L. for a well earned rest David Landau wns a Cui'I-rii Biircmi caller 28. hnvlng J4W reached the clly from lite KnBt. lie Ix re- henrslng nt the Hrnnd. Opera House Willi ihe Km. Kondnll Co.. nnd will play prninlnenl purl a In "Swell Elegant Jones" nnd the ro; vnmpod version of "The Bud Snniiirhiiu. Vloln Raymond culled SI. She will lie seen In Hie role ofn young Kngllsh woman, lu "Edelweiss." with Mntlle Vlckors. next son- son, under the direction of Franklin WrlgliL .lames T. McAlpIn desires to express his thankfulness 10 nil who have extended sympathy to him In Ihe loss of his wife. Dolly Fatter, who died recently (Inle II. Hamilton writes (lint he Is resting nt Powers Lnke, Wis., nfler n successful season, fishing. bill thill even there he feelx that tie must hnve TUB Old Hi'.i.iaiu.i: for n companion.... •_• Idoz Lane was n Ci.irrkit Bureau culler 2i. Miss Lane bus been oh Hie stage several yearn, but has retired tn private life, nnd is now ncllve lu the Interests of the Actors Church Alliance, nnd gives readings from iho classics and Imitations of Sarah Bernhnriii. with whom she formerly nponred Hie Negroseou Hnlr Co., which hns 11 very large establishment on State Street, hns been milk- ing additions nnd Improvements in lis fnoii - ties for 'handling the muss of orders widen have resulted from Ihe strenuous camping 11 of advertising of Into, wllh the result lhal nil commissions nre promptly llllcd. »'■ Negroseou, formerly nn nctor of wide ov- perlence. Is one of the best known wig makers In 1 his country or Kit rone, from whence no llrtlls. nud Is nn InderalIgnble worker anrl orlglnntor of Ideas In trick nnd fniM'.v wl««. Oil Brown. "Jig-steps." enlleil 24. on his return from ihe ronsl, whore he hns mot with grent success, nnd will spend spvorni weeks' vnentlon wllh his wife nnd children near llie Mississippi River, nfler which he will plnv dates for the Western VniidovHn Managers' Association Armstrong■ ami Holly, who hnve Just reliirned from a iHU'en months' lour of Ihe coast territory, canon 2d. nnd stnled Ihnl Ihey would ta> off for their vnentlon. nud will *P e "" It' on their Michigan farm. Nexl s0 . n : xon they are booked for forly weeks over Ihe Western Vnildnvllle Managers Ass" elntlnn lime Ilnrrlson J. Russell, agent of "A Country Olrl." writes lhal ho l* !»*•■ Ing for 11 month at Oxford Jimillon, in-i