The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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y. ■■■■:/ t I mm v -: •'••■ « <i 'i' : - '' r '•' « Y ■ ii * m ■• '-•'1' Nil mm M.-J, fSTfc Pft$fil mm pill .' .* lit ! 1* fff|U 538 THE Nfe¥ -YOEK CLIPPER. July .6. MMM ir.), G. 0. If.. PHtsburg. 1-0. ., O'Brien k Havel. Music IJoII. Brighton Ik-ucb, N. o'Couiii'ii k (^iick-n. nhdw (f « wl— ■ ■ otw, Ml; Star. Lwidvlllc. M-lil. O'Hhrn 4 Watson. 11. II.. WollsKin, O., 1-6; Chcxttint Mtrtvl. Lancaster. s-t.'S. tllriupla tjunrletlc. Chosliml Street, Phllu.. 10. Olboiis WTi Henderson's. Coney Island. N. V. I* Ollvofto Troithiidniirt'. KcltbV Columbus. 0., 1-0. u'Mcors Sisters. Fouliilne Kerry l'urt. I/iillavlllC, K}.. III. Onotti Kialem. While Clly, Chicago. Id. Onrl. Aik'lo Purvis. Purk. Whrallmt. W. Vu., 1-0; I-'nirvlew Park, linytnu, 0.. R-ia. Onelll Waters. While iHly. clilcaxc III. Onlo<v Trio, wlnnim neurit I'urk, Hay City, Mick., M): Winnipeg, li**.. B-tt. O'N'etlt, J. II.. A fit.. Slav, MaHlusvllle. lud„ 1-0. O'.wm'f- Majestic Minstrels. Lincoln, Nrti., III. "Sell, Tom. Orplilinu. Ma Met In, <).. 1-11. Nelll. Kadlo, Pastor's. N. Y. C. 1-0. •!o. Mile., Limn 1'iirk, Coney Island. N. V.. l-l'J. O'lbuirke & Marie. I.11 Kilyelle. HnfTulo, N. Y., Orlclla * Tii.vJ-.r. I^faycttc, ItiifVulo. N. V'., 1-18. rirluissany. limn. Majestic. Chicago, 1-0. Ontliiiiik A Hlaiirlicllc. Summit Park. L'tlca, N. X.. Ml. flwuiiln, Thullti. Chlnigo. Ml. Patrick * Wcnthrotik. Ciilou Hyuire, N. I. 0., IMuilr'ielU ft 1'lnuo. VbMM del Llclo. Venice. lUly, 145; Tiaiio Vcrill. (Icnoii, lO-IIO; Kura«tl, i;«neTii. Hwlcn. Aiiir. II.V PKniwr, Willy: Troupe Victoria, B. V. 0., Id. I'»|.lnt«. KeMirs, Plill».. 1-6. 1'arwmn RMtM) Hon»erHon - rf. Coney Inland, N. T., 10. I'nylcii .v Sintili'v, I'nrk. Ilroeklun. M»b»„ M). Pnikcr IlruK.. Alomuil.i Park. Ilutler, Pn,. I-U. Puhiior. MurvelwiK. Park, Wlicelliig. VT. Ya.. 10. PiiIIciih (III. Luna Park. Hartford. Cvuij.. 1-0. Pi'iwnl. CiiiuIIIp. Unlipie. Knii Olalre. Wis., 1-0; l.'ulqiNt, Mliiiinipolls. V-1J. Peiku (S^-'OnithlM, Nprlllatleld. O.. 10. Perry ft Alcelu, Ciislno; tVaalilDgtoi). Pa., 10; liwliocloie, <>.; »-l!J. PelelihiK llnw.. l.ukeHldc CaHlnv. Akron, 0„ 1-0; I'oiir Mllo Creek Park. Krlc, Pa.. «-10. peiTv ft Prari'p. Keypori. It. J.. 1-0. Point. I'lwl ■ Annie, KrliliV OoluinlHIu, O.. Ml; Park. K. I.lvernool. Kill. Net ' 111. Pi'ierti, Phil « Nettle, llnluu Hquare, N. X. C Pi'Vmt & M.'lJuiiiii.i. K,'UU'h. nostou, 1-6. Phillip'Sinter*. 0. H„ Oblcaipt. 1-6. Pierce «• Knlda. Ilollywooil Park. Baltimore. 1-0. "Phiiinihlend*. The." Victoria. N. Y. C. 1-6. Platte, (leo. I... Knniuill'Park. T.'tlca. N. V., MJ. Poll'ler* ljl», Newtntl. 111., Ml. • IV>nr llaltet. The. Allmlnbru. N. T. O., 10. PrtiiiroKc, lint. II.. A IJo.. <l. O. II.. l'lttebura, Prli-i' *: IiIhIiiii. Kamlly. lla«er*iowu, Md„ 1-0; itiilaa Dni. Park, liaiilmore. n-ix. Prliu- ft MllilriMl. Nurlli Avenue. ChteuKO. 1-0. Prior*. Thu. tlrund. 1'argo. K. V., 1-0; BIJou. Whinliiea. Can.. 8-111, QnnkiT On> yanrlelle. Illverton Park. Portland, Mi-.. Ml- Quiirtel, The. KellbV. l.-li!velaml. Ml. tJiikK. Sluekey ft Klrkpravn, WailHon'ii, Juplln. Mo.. I-1». Unuiioiiil ft Oiirerle. H. 0. II.. PttUtMC, 1-0. lUiyiiHUid, Carl. I nlguu, .Mlnnruiiolla. 1-0. ItnirnrelleV ItuKH. Itlvvmlde Park, Sinflnnw, jfTrii:, i-o. ... UliHtiN. Hank*. lllp|M«lroiiie. Liverpool, Eia„ 1-01 llliiienlioiin-. tllrailiiuliani. 8-1.11 l.i-eiln, li,-20; I'livllhili. VewciiKlle. 2a-S7; icinplre, Wolver- kuiajilun, 2i>-A«»!. It, , . ., Hay. t'nil, ft Co.. ltanioaa Park. Grand Itapliln. Jllell.. 1-0; II. M . I.'hh-aao. dlH. Itiiveiieiun. Hiailotle. Keen'ahdln Pnrk, l'ort Huron. Mich.. S-HI. UulnUiw*. Tin-, Slur. Muuele, tin!.. Ml; Orpblum, I.I11111. 11.. X-IH. IlimniiiKl ft. Mull. loin. i:hlcillp>, Ml. Iti'iiii. Ivl«-iiril. iiIiii-i-iiii.ii-. Inil.. 10. UibUiI ft lludley, PiimIoi-'h, K. V. 0.. 10. Iteiliniiiiil. .Iiillu. Celeron Park, Janiv«tow-it, N. V.. Ml: Valley. HyrneiiM'. H-lll U.-iiini- I'mnllv. Ouk Summit Park, r.ianivili -, Inil.. Ml: Olympla. ChiiltatMHiua, Tumi.. 8-U. 11,11., Smltli. I, linn Park. Uutu-jr ihlaiul, N. V-. ■•13. „ , Ill-no, llenNle. M'liilauli liardcn. Inr Itockaway. I. y.. i-o. ll«ir,inl ,v Wliii.lieiiter. 0. n.. Ohlenga, 10. Ileiios, Will ft May. Hugim'*, New nichmouil. Inil., Ml. Heiil ft Miiltlaiid. MctropoltH Hoof tlunleu, N. Y. V.. 1-U. ltceM', llarrcj'. ft Alfroy Hlnlew, Cooiair'H. Mt. Vernon, O., I-»: National. Htenuenvlllo, S-18. IteiHikl*. Jo*. A., fryatal. KIhooiI. lnd„ I-U. Itli-o ft Kluier. Ileuelnrooil Park. Phllu.. 10. Illeli IHio. Kleelrle Pni-U, Albany, N. 1'., 1-0. Hire ft PicruKl, Vlelurln. N. Y. O.. 1-0. HU'liiinlH. ICllu. Iloekt Pnlnt. Providence, it. I„ 111. HI11' Drws, Atkuilli- Harileii, \. V. C, III. PliliardK. Ureal. Pour-Mile Crwk Park. I'.rlo. Pa, III: Amu Pink, ViuuiKiilowu. (t„ Sia. Hlnllo t'oiiieily Pour. 1.1. II.. OhleuKo, 10. KIhIio CniiK-ili Qiiurlette, o. II.. Chtruuo, MI. ith-ii .v. Itovranl, Ailuniie oily. N. .1.. 10. HI" HroH. (I). Itoyal. Killnburuh. Scotland. Ml; Pnlaei'.' IamiI«. Kiik., S;lll: Umpire. Hluekian'l, l."-V0: lIlpiHiih-oiiie. Iludderallehl. iM-UT; lCui- pll'e. OIlllllUII. 'JU-AW. 9. llli-li, Jai-k ft'lk'rlha, l lto Ow wr Park, Truy, S. Y„ Ml. Hliii-i- ft Po»le)'. l-iuiphv. lohauueitburg. Si. Africa, 1-sept. la. lib, Aclolph. Lukeuionl Park. AHoonu. Pa.. 1-0. nii'ulviio'a Iliirae*. HIiulHiiK Droa.' ClK-ua. Hovnl Mualenl I'lve. Kunlnlnc Perry Park. Uula- vlllc. Ky„ 10. W«*al. OoiinleB*. ft Paulo, tlrplieimi. Lus AugaUd Hal.. Ml. HiwKley ft Ituaielle. t'liliiin-. Mluucepolt*. I-o. Hii-m Slulei-H. Provldeiice. It. I., I-Auir. ill. ItiainliloH 1:11. Alnhmie, Term Haute. Intl., MB. ItoanlKH, The. l.akenoiKl Park, Vlnveauea, hid., I-U: link Suiiuiilll I'urk. P.ruuarllle, 8-1.1. Horn, ft Lewi*, Pulacv, laileeKler. Kng., 1-0; Um- pire. South Shields, S-lil: Umpire. New Canlle. l.-i-ao; Kinplm, Killutwvo, Ti-iT ; I'.iaplru, UIuh- n,«'. Snilliiiid. 211 And. II. Hvlilnaun. l'nri|iii'1.le T'rlo, Horney Park. Allen- H'Mii. Pa.. Ml: New HeimHelleiii' Park, Troy, x, V., si:; lUlierl*'. M. 11.- Tliulla, Chlcnai,. Ml. ltuia-r*. Kraiielv ft. Vlrglnln. ISmi'rauii'a, Uape Ul- riiileaii. Mo.. I 01 Veiih-i'. III.. HI Huoncy ft Hem. KellhV, l.toluiubu*. U.. 10. Uw'kivai- ft Conway. Keeu-uliilln park. Port Huron, .Mh'h.. Ml. Hol'liiHUi ft- (Irani. Pamlly. Hulte. Munt.. 1-0. limiu'll. MurveloUK, SI. Joseph. Mo., 1-0; Pco- pli-V. Ix'iivenworili. Kan.. S-UI. I!ns> .V Vaek. tirnuil. Ilenn. Nov. Ml. Hitter. Kay I... Xlxon. cni-.tuiri;. 1-0. ttuKerh. Will. Clieat Slni't O. II.. Phllu.. Ml. ItiKiiiv ft Show. MiileBtle. Clilcaao. Ml. HtanaliM! ft Ciiinpliell. 1-unii Park. Ohlraito. 10. rtawll, la-all. I iilim Squuiv. N. J. 0„ 1-0. Khi-m'II. ti'Xoll ft UTM*. Ihduiiir Oanleiib. Okla., t;ily. I'kln . 111. Kiil.ln. Paul. llayHhttre. N. V.. :': Palcliogtie. B-in. Kum4'II ft Held. Ilarleiu Park. IhaikfuM, III.. 10; I'ltvllloii. Paris. K-1.1. UuppHlii, The. Mm'U. Pltialaim. 10. Ilyim ft I'.iiierwin. Slur, ellavcr Pulls. Pa.. Mi; Ktiu'. New Knislncniii. X-13. M|ini|ieel ft ArUKinan. (Irphliun. I.liiiu, II.. 10. SamiKoii ft /.uitIio. lilliiii. Hiilulh. .Minn.. 1-0. SniiNi-.i ft Dellla. Sprlnu Orovo Park. OiiKlni', Spilinillelil. II.. Ml. Sul'lae ft Pale. (Hen Haven Park. Itaelii'Kter, N. V.. I il. SiiIh-I. .loKephliie, loot-liu: Siulh Africa, 1-Auil 111. Sn llarc*. Clie»liuil strii'i (I. 11., Plilla., l-rt. SeliiiBler. Mlllon. Palace, Ikwtou. 1-ia. Keluail Hoy* ft Hlrl^i iKdwarila'l. Vletorla. N. I, «.'.. Ml. N-.itt. .\fiw-. PJMh Si.. X. Y. C. Ml. Seliafer ft Pe «.':im|i. f». II.. Chleiiso. 10. Si'vaii'iir A Hiiin-e. Itaiiioiiu Park. Criuid Kapldf, Mich.. 10. SejMH'Ur Sl-ii'i-', Hlli'ii. Adi-lnii. Mleli.. III. SeViinair A Hill. Keith's. Phllu.. Ml Sciniv Men.. Alnl'iiie. I'.nlil. Okla.. Mil, Si'.vnw'inr's llof. I.-icihiii. l.mlW. Ky.. 1-0. Si'veuuuln. SchiHieclnily. N. V.. TCI. Si'iti--. Cook o. II.. tt,M-hi'ster. X. Y., Ill, Si'vei. May. O. H . Chlcukv. I* shleiils ft Hotel's. Sprliia llnaik I'nrk. South lt.,i,.|. I11.1.. 10: Mu.hw|le. Chli'iiRu. St.". ShleKN ft Hall. Atlantic City. X. 4.. Ml. hlwnuM A lutler. Sprint lirove Park, SprlnijHelil. O., I-O. t-ltuh. .Minn-*. Majestic I'ltisluirc. l-lil. Shea. I'h.'s. T, ruliilew Park. Hayluit. O.. 1(1: Spi-lni: lU-uvc Pin-),, Spi-lii^tlelil. ii:i. SI e. Madelyii. Lawrcuye, ISIwuod Oily, l'a., S- ia. Sinai ft IJIwi'iilH, PaxtaiiK Park, Uarrlaburg, Pa., iWw S-cur." lieKdersou'i;, Oouey Itlwd. N, 5t,i 1-6; tsacutUiR Part, ObMtgiait, S-ts* .siiouter, ncasic. nuiHo. mihiwr.«■»*,,, t-o, _ , ; Singing Pour, T4w, HoiiOerjoo'B.-Ooiicy laland, X Y.. M l-0. tjlatrr, l'"ln.'h. *.i>x,'Ouriuao_VUUij«>.-Soutb' Co- lunibua, 0.. 1-0. SliiHxun, Puiillue. Alrdiaue, Alliance, O., 10; llliilKiilroine, I'ltlnluirn, l»u.. 8-ia, S111III1, *. V., ft Muttlc. Tiicwu. Aria., 1-7. Sialth; Mr. 4 Mr*. T, Murray, Butte, Moul.. 1-0; Washington, S|jokaue, Wuah.. 7-18. Southerlaml ft Cortln, .Delular (ianlena. Okla. Olty, 0*la„ Mil. -. ," SniiiinerH & Coot, Punt Hirer Ciinieu, (Ireea Bay, W1*., \4i. ' ■ I Hooker, Wlllluiu, Clinic Park, Chicago. 1-0. Splller MuKlcal Humiiers (Si), Lake Nlpnuc. 1111- furJ, Ma*>.. MI: Brookalde Park. Atliol, 8-l.'i. S'lteduen ft Ueraon, New Broadway, Mlddletown, O.. 10. S|ienccr, Wulter, Cryatal Purk; St. Joseph, Mo., Ml; Sleliicrl ft TUoiiium, 11IJ011. Kunkakec. HI., 1-0. Stark. Tobh.'. BIJou. lllbblDg, Minn.. 1-0. Stanton ft MiKidberg. Kmplre, Sun l-'run.. (Jul.. 1-6. Strickland. K. O., PaiiUgea. Portland. Ore., fill. Steven* ft Kelley. TrocaiJero, Pblla., 1-22. Sleveim. KltUe. Avon Park, Youngatown, 0., 1-0. Stanley, Mr. & Myk. I*w, O. H., Waynealierg, Pa;. ,1-tV ■' . < Hlunnlng (Jrcnadlers, Lasky'a. Sohmer Park. Mon- treal. Ouii., l-li!. HI. Leon Family. tTorcpuuKh ft Sell* Broa. Olrcus. Ht. l-'.lino. 1/co. Manilla tirove, Tamaiiuu, Pa., 1-0; Tumbling Hun Park. Poltarlllv, 8-13. Ht. Ongo Drok.. Orpheum, I^o* .iiigelea, Col., 1-0. Hully. Lew, Fontaine. Perry Park, Louiarlllc, Ky., I-O. SullJou Troupe. Dlemlljig'a Ouiluo, Hockawaj, N. Y„ I 0. HutelllTe Trouia-. MuX-atlc. Chicago, 1-0. Sunny South. The, Albamlira Hoof Garden, N; Y. C 10. Suintner* ft Wlulera, Grand, Ilauillton, 0., 1-0; Plillllp'H, Itlchmuiid, Inil.. 8-HI. Sivarti. Pruucea, ft Oi„ Cryatal, Marion. Intl., 1-0. Swan ft Banibard, CI. (i. 11:, Plttatmrg. 1-0. Tnlcottf. The, ,SI|i<-'«. Kokonio. Ind„ 1-0. Ttclus, fJeorge. Proctor'*, Newark. N. J.. 1-0. Tunii'i. Union Siiuare, X. Y. C 1-U; ITaJrylanil, Palersrjn, N. ./., 8-III. Tnamanlan Troupe, Hagenb«;k-Wullace Clreu*. Tiylor Twlu Sisters, Lyceum, Ilocheatcr, N. Y., Tangnay, • Kvu. 2!!d St.. S. -Y. C...1-0. Tennle Trio, Temple, Detroit, 1-0. Tempest Trio, Kelth'a. Plilla, 1-0. Temple, Irene, Scenic, Rerere Beacli, H0M00, 1-0. ThArne. Mr. ft Mrs. Harry. Keith's, Columbus, U., 1-0; -Pnrm. Toledo. 8-13i Thomas & Wilson,' Acme, Norfolk, Vn., 1-6. Thoinna ft Payne, Victoria, N. V. C, ML That Uunrtette. Vlolorla. X Y. C 1-6. Thompson ft Banlea." Acme. Norfolk, Va.. 1-6. Thurher, LeonaV Cook 0. H , Uocbeater, X. Y„ 10. TlnLiiam ft Co..' I.dna Park. Chicago. 1-U. Tlppell ft. Kllmcnl. Purk. Wheeling, W. Va., 1-7. Toy ft Toy. Ft. Krle Beach, Buffalo. X. Y.. 1-0. Toungee Troupe, Luna Park, Chicago, 1-0. Tourhllhiii. May. Troupe, Lyceum, Itocktster, N. V.. 1-0; Oheslaut Street, Phllui, 8-111. Trlller*. Tbe, U. 1.1. II.. P)tlsburg, 1-6; Johus- tnwn.- B-1M. Tivvollo. Kelth'a, Clerelaud, 10. Travis. Drlle. Atlantic Harden. X. Y. C, III. Truehnrl. Dillon ft Burke, Flood's Park, Baltl- uiorc, 10. Turner, Bert, Orpheum, Turtle Ciwk. P11.. 1-7. Tulsa, O. IL.-St. Marys,• O., 1-0; l'Mlson, Ash- land. Ky.. 8-1 a. Vailii ft Burr, Oiiim-y. HI., 1-21). Vardelle*. The. Majestic. Pittsburg. 1-0. Vuhhire, lleastu, Troupe, Temple. Detroit, Mich.," 1-0. Vulillag*. The. Plum Island, Xewburyport, Mass., t-ii; Ci. 0. II.. New Bedford, 8-13. Van. Illlly, Oletilnnguay Purk. Coluinbua, 0., 1-6. Vun Dlmiuu Troutie. Itagenbeck-Wulluce Circus. Yuu Unix., i.akeiuoiit Park, AHoonu, Pa,, 1-0. Viisaai- clrl-. IVrrest Pari; nighlamls, St. Louis, 1-0; I'Viitf.lne Ferry Park, Louisville, Ky., 8-18. Vurlely gaartctte, MarlueMe, Wis.. 1-0. Vnmoiil. Victor, N'unlcy'a OnstDu. South Beach, Stali'ii Island, N. Y„ 1-14. Vuages. The. Orpheum, Itockford. III., 1-0; Majes- tic. Olilcago, 8-13. Vnno, Minerva, Metropolis Hoof Ourileu, N. Y. C, 1-0. Vuluilon*. The. Creseut Park, Provldcuee, It. I., Ml: llvcky Polut, Prorldeuce. 8-13. Veda ft tjiilntniouw. Lyric, Houston, Tex,. 1-0. viae! In. White Olty. Louisville, Ky.. 1-20. Waul, May, ft Co.. Cbeatnut Street O. II., Plilla., 1-0, Wsyae, A. J., Weat Kud Park, Oreeii Buy, Wla., I-1.T. Wultei-M, James. ICIectrlc Park, llaltlmon , 1-6. Warren & Hrockway. Gleu linvcu Park. Hoctii-ster, 8. Y., Ml. Wiilion, Irvlii It,. 0. O. H.. Pittsburg. 1-0: Atuii I'urk, Youngatown, O., 713. Walera. Tom, ft Co.. Cbeatnut Street O. li . l'liltu.. 1-0. Washer Ilros..' ScUludler's, Chicago, 1-0. Waldorf ft .Mi-iiuc/.. jiiiii'Miin Park. Beuver Fulls, P.I., 1-0; Temple. DctlMlt, S-Ut. Wanlu. Al„ I'llle. Rock Ishniil. III.. 1-0. Wataon'H Funn Yard. Foutalue Ferry Park, Louis- ville, Ky„ 1". Wells Bros, ft Smith. Lyric. Daurllle, III,, 1-0; Mujestli- Park, La Salle, 7-1-1. Weston Sisters. Metropolis Roof Garden, N, Y. C. 10. Weston. Clint, Cryatal. HI khan, lid., 1.0; Irwlu, Ciisin'ii, 813. Welutierb-, Oils, ft Co.. Cheslaut Street 0. 11., Phllu.. 10. Westou. Al. II.. ft Co.. I2&IU Street, ,N. Y. 0., Ml. Webster ft Curlclou, Lakcmont Purk, Altooua, Pa.. Ml. Weuiw.irili. Vcslii ft Teddy, Lincoln Park, Wor- cester, Miuts,, Ml. Webb, Homalo ft Webb. Atlantic Harden, Atlantic Olty., N. J., Ml. Welch ft Francis, 12th Street. N. Y. C, 1-0. Weleli, Leni, Richard ft Moss Tour, Australia, l-Sept. lo. White Hawk. Oreat, lillcutrlc Park, New Havni. Ooiin., 8-14. Wharton ft l.e Hn.v, Majestic. Ft. Dodge, la., 1-13. Wheeler ft Curtis. Morrison's, lluckaway Beach, ft. Yi. 1-0. Whtlrlcy ft Hell, Dclhvood Park. Jollct, 111., 1-0. Wheeler Slaters. Coshocton, O.. -I-O. Whipple, Walter, Palace, Boston, 1-0, Wliigatef. The, 0. II., Druokvltlc, Pa„ 10. Wilton Bros., Keith's, Cleveland. I-O. Whiulug ft Kvaus, Vans! Park, Iltlca. N. Y., Ml, Wilson Uios.. Kast FlHl Pnrk. .Memphis. Teuii.. 10. WlBtaua. Mile., Pastor's, N. Y. 0„ 1-0. Wlhnar Itroa., Collsemu, Ilauilltou, ()., 1-6; Ma- jestic. Cincinnati. 8-13. Wllllauirt ft Pullman, TTiuyet-V Park, Aiuttterilutu. X. V.. 1-0; O. Mm Palmyra, 8111, WIIIIuuih. C. A., North Aveuue. Chleugo, 10. Wllllanpi ft llealy, Folly, Chicago, 1-0; Star, Milwaukee. 7-13. Wills ft Ramalcy. BIJou. Phllu, 10; Woodlyu Park. Cumileu. N. J., 8-l!l. Wlxon ft- Kaloii, Atlantic (lanlcu, Atlantic City. X. .1.. III. Wlllliiiaa ft Fair. Oleudiile Park, Spartlnsbmv. 8. C. 10. Whiter, Winona Cordon. Keith's, Plilla., 1-6; li. O. II.. Pittsburg. 8-13. W'linloin. Coiistnaee. Paaauia Park. Cram) Itaiilds. Mleh., I-O: O. II.. Chlcagu, SI.;. Wilder. Mai-shall P.. Youiik's Pier. Atlantic Olty, X. J.. 8-14. Welti' Bros.. McKeesport, Pa., 10; Crceurlllc, 8t3. Woidctlc. Kstelle. ft Co.. Lakeside Park Casino, AkiHm. iv. Ml: Myers Lake. Canton, 8-13. Wolfe ft. Vaughn 11, Kaglad. Mollii", HI., 1-0. M'n-tii ft Uetiuai', Wenst's, Ptvrla. 111., 1-1.1. Wood, Francis. Atlantic Uardcu, Atlantic Oily, N. .!.. 1-0. V'oisl ft Pluard. JaiiMtslowii. Va., 1-0. Work & Ower, Toinple, Detroit. Mleh., Ml. M'ooilwanl. l-.d. ft >luy, ('.rand. Ilauilltou. 0., 1-7; Phillips. Richmond, Inil.. 8-111. W.Kslwurd. V. P.'. Plottages. Seattle. Wash.. Ml; HcllluKhaia. SCI. Vright ft Wntls, Woiirierlaud. Clilcaao. 1-0, ' Wrac's Dancing Wnnilcr«. Keith's, Plilla.. I-O. Wynn, llessle. Keith's. Cleveland, ML Yueklev ft Bunnell, Siilibutln I'urk, Tauulou, Mass., Ml. Yarrlrk, Jos,, ft Co., Cryatal Park. St. Joseph, Mo.. Ml. Yiiioi.iii.iio tiros.. Lakeside Casino. Mum. <L. I 0. Yihiiiiiiii. licorgc. Ilellwvwil Park. Jollel. III.. 10: llljotl. I'arge. S. P., Slit. Young America Quintette, 121b Street. N, T, 0., 10. Ynuiie. Tel. ft Co.. Tlislla. Chicago. Ml. ^ fa», X. Y. ltwf (lanlcu. N. Y. C..'l 11. York, ilrace. Sau Jose, Cnl., 10: People's, Los Angeles. 81.1. Yollllg. ,'euaetle, Atlantic CH», X. J.. III. YuMiijt, Ollle, ft Bru., tVtlav Point, Sandusky, 0 , Soias, com,, abitttfit State. 1-S. 2***.>lS*t lAtp&ktt), Freeoort,. JjJ^VlfcT8«SeS..-fit^ Cklcato..8.-U ..... -j.. -. • „■••■• Yule^ Arthur, Forrest Lake Park. Palmer, Mass., 4-0.4loag-I.aku. WoonaockcU-U.-»-^7al3..-. ~ Z4lel * Vernon. Co., Cook O. II.. llocbesler, N. Y.. 1-0.; Majerfttc, Chicago. 8-13. /.arrow Trio. Cook O. II.. llocbesler. ». 1., 10. Zlngarl Trou)>c, Heiiderson's. Couey Islund, N. 1., 1-6. /.InKsrella, White City Shows. ZouooulaklB. BIJoq, La Crosse. Wis., 1-6. ON THIS ROAD. (supplemental l.Ut-Hcrelvrrl Too Lite for CluaalllcBtlcta. Burrlc Stock (Kdwlii -Barrle.,.nigr.)—Marshall, Mo., Ill, Jefferson City 81S. Beiinett'a Big Show (Billy. Bennett, nigr.')—Leeds. N.'Dak.. f-3, BottlBeau 4-0. Antler 8-10. West- hope J113. . „ "Border Beds" IMuy A Lulwiut, mgrs.)—Lnos- Inirg Fulls. VI.. -1. Swnnlon 0, Chainplalu, V Y,. 0. St.-Johns. P. Q.. Cud.. 8. Albany, \t., l>. Bristol in. Braudon II, Manchester 12, Cam- bridge, N. Y.. 13. , Crealore and bis Bund (Howard Pew. mgr.)— Chicago, III., 1-SO. Crlnimlna and Core—Youugstown, 0.. 1-0. Crawford's Coiuedrans (Raymond D. Crawford, ragr.)—Aurora, Mo., 114. De Lucca's Band—Pittsburg, Pa.. 1-0. "l-lllery's Band—Chicago. III., 1. lndeODitc. Ullmour ft L» Tour Stock—llldgway, Pa., 1-0, PuimutatTiiry S-13. Ouy Slock (Chal. W. Mercer, mgr.)—Decatur, Hid.. 1-0. KctnlallTlllc 8-13. liurcourt Comedy (C. K. Harris, nigr.)—Bkow- began. Me.. 1-6. Huerliig Stock (Ed. Ilaerlog, mgr.)—Lloueua, Mo., 1-0. Henderson Sloek (W. J. ft B. 11. Beudcrsou, nigra.)—lluhiptoii. la,. 1*6. '•Lamb from Wall Street" (W. W. Lauolut. mgr) —-Barton, VI.. 3. Nortb Troy 4, Unosliurg u, Albany 6. Rouse Point. K. Y.. 8. Chamidalu II, Alulone 10, Bi'UBlitou 11, St. Regis 1-', Masscnu 13. Miisou, Hosnr, Stock—South Bend, Ind.. 8-13. Puge, Hleeta (Page ft Lnpolnt, ingrs.)—North Woodstock, N. II., 1-3, Bristol 40, Friiiiklln 8-13 HoiiiKls Ladles' Bund (Herbert 0. Rounds, nigr.)— Jackson. Mleh., 1-0., 111., U-27. Hounds Ladles' Orchestra (Herbert (J. Rounds, mgr,)—Sac City, la.. II, Worltilugton, Mluu., nil. Qulncy, III.. 1348. St. Clair, Nae (W. W. Lapolut, ingr.)—Baire, Vt.,8-10. Nortliilidil II LI. Trousdale Bros. Tkaatlt. Kusteru (Merle Troufl- dalr, mgr.)—Wlchliu. Kan., 1-0, Arkansas City 7-110. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" (J. W. Shlpman, uigr.i— Wolfsboro. N. II., 4. Alton 5. Ossl|>ee 0. Frec- ■loit, S. .Cornish. Me.. 0, Brldglon 10. "Cnele- Toin'a Cabin," Sterling's (I. L. Finn, mgr.)—Russell. N. Y., I. Hcrmou 5, Kdwurils 0, Benson Mines 8. Van Huron Slock (W. W. Lnpolnt. mgr.)—Furia- liigton, X. 11.. MS, lllllsboro Hrldge 4-0, Bethel, Vt.. 8-10. Bnrre 11-13. Weber's Baud—Pittsburg. Pa.. 1-0. TteNT. Sun Bros.'—Muumee, O.. 8. .Muulpeller 4. Hiiller, hid.. B. Augolil II. Llgonler 8, Keudullvlllu I), Lugrauge IV, Vlcksburg, Mich.. 11. ilpn.i.HMiniv Thoruton'a. C. 1'., Carnival Co.—Jersey Shore, Ph.. 1-0, D11 Hols 8-13. MHHI.KS. BY HAT ljnWAUD CI.AIIK. There were hoiuo "lur^o" doings %i our i-'ti), niDiiiM lust Sntindny, when tbe Hutu gave tin- I urges!, anij -must extensive acuiupcl' ever Held. In lioitor of nlir ealeemed friend. 'I liuolhy H. Siilllvun, mill wblle .Mr. Sullivan liluisi'lf was nut uble lo be present, owing tu Illness, lie neverilielesK, senl. Ills pcrauual body of friends, also bin upologles, and tblngs went oh* a btimuilng. 'I'lie festivities commenced with u two act iiicloilriiinti. by U-ii .liinle McL'rcc, entitled, "Tbe Itallnu'u Outliig. or Ibe I'ollccmtiu'a 'lining." The latter linlf of tbe title was very uiiropw, its ltal Hcrt Leslie pluyed tbe liolli-eiiriii. u'lHl It was- norlalnly Ills Inning, for ivlti'ti Hie ItatluiiH were kidnapping Hat Major Doyle, he utruek out three men. and when till! lighting wuu til" thickest, be uiude 11 home rap. .Itinlo MeCree liluyed tbe llulluu, Huil In- i-ldeiitly uncorked u gem lu the song line. wi-iiion exnressly (or thK produetlou. eulleil "Mulberry.'" TI10 lyric Is very catchy, and the tune so tnuslcul Hie buys picked It tip right from tbe start, 11 ml whistled It the whole ulgbt long. Hurry walteru. who played tbo Judge, In the court room acetic, says that It pays to be versatile, for no sooner was tbo show over than be reeolvcd not less than a dozen offer's for next season—to piny a Judge. Notable faces mining 114 were: Wui. Morris, lamia Werbn. Pat Casey, HA'It. Suiter. Mr. McNulty, of the Suriinue Hotol; Ed. Itcnlon. Lawyer lico. B. Leaventrltt, and others, too nuiucroim to mention. They all voted tbe nffulr n ling,- success, and have ulreudy ap- plied for liivlliitlons to thu next seumpcr. Perhaps tbe funniest bit of nonsense perpe- trated ut tbo seiimiK'i- was the burlestiue drill mi the Pekln Zouaves, mid If some show don't take the hint und put It on next season, I miss inv guess. All that was missing to make It a Ivplcul "Tlni -Sullivan" affair was perhups the 'chow- der, Bio. Morris Dclphlnu Is on the sick list, being eonllned to his bed with rhuiimutlum. Brother Huts are mourning the loss of I heir comrade, Bro. lid. Florence, who died lust week, after uu illness of a Tew days, and Hip Chief Mudge has been authorized by the lodge to wire n tlorlst In Kunsus Citv to place II wreath on the grave of our late lamented brother, at the expense of the order. The resident manager of the Urplienin 'ITie.. aire. Huston, writes Tunt he has In his keep- ing 11 slide titliiihime belonging In the Mil- .lesile .Musical I'our. Scud tor It, brothers, send for It. The following brothers were eleeted mill Initiated Into the realms of Hntliind at our lust meeting: Wiu. Sluirpe, Jos. Watson, John. |i". t'oveuey. Joseph Burton, Tom White. M'lll Slanlev, Jus. Wnrrcu, Win. nines, Jos. Kekel uud Alex. Can-. The fnllowltig candidates were elected; Jo'liu Dillon (relnslatcdl, fato St. Elmo, Al llullet. Knm Rowley, Md. II. Dulley. Jus.'J, Marlon. Dwlgbt Axlclle. AVII1 II. Armstrong. Tom 1\ O'Brien, Bert tfltzglbbou. E. .1. Tan- ner, Joseph Ahxilnt. Jus. K. Post. Ijco. W. Alleu. "Ilubc" Welch (not Joel. Art Adulr, Joseph Ciillahnu and Ned Wnvbitru. Well, the White Huts Baseball Tcun) 1ms at last forged to the front, uud Bro. Felix saya It Is there to slay. The standing ol the ns follows: ''-JTAIMIW'** VProdecIn* Centfe. " Jr'cW people TejUtzeJhow-^mnch thls-giaiit erty of the Oentral Wcat^the second city In elite 'lifTneTThTled T?taies, means to iDelbe- atrlcul manager, nnd'bo what an extent It is taking the "cejitrc. of the stage as a pro- ducing centre. Within the past year there have taten nearly a score of plays which have drawn their llrst breath here, many of which have been great successes, Perhaps none more noted thub "The Time, the Place and the Girl." which ran for the entire season at the l,a 8allc Theatre, scoring the phdndmena! run of 45o performances, iwhleh Is oVd* 100 nioie than the former record for consecntlvc per- formances. ■ , .„ . . ., „, "The Hound Up first saw the light at Mc- Vlckdr's. where It Is still running fp splendid houses, In spite of the heat, and Klaw & L,r- liinger. Its sponsora, have made several other productions here. , ,. Jn addition to this the AsWn-Sklnncr Co. Ik a lirm of local producers which must be reckoned with in the future, with hoad- quartet'H In the Grand Opera House Block, and Charles a. Dillingham and William V. Connor will produce .'Artie," n play, hy (Jcorise Ade; at tbd Studcbakcr, In the Full. They also promise other .picnvicre* In the future, to sfiow their faith In this city. Other local play prodoclng llrms Include: Howland & Clifford. Kllmt Si Gazzolu, Kl roy- Ilrltton Co.. BeUt & Hayhor, Cohan & Suther- land. Lincoln .1. Carter. George, W. Lcdercr (who will make a stopendoua production at the Auditorium during tho Winter), De l'ew- UurdattO Co., und others. j Chicago Is now the animated centre or a friendly wai' for business, between the reprc- Kentallve driimutlc Journals of Hie country, and wltJiln tho post week has given birth to a new paper of this class. ,. , ., Two new theatres have been added to the list within the' {Mist few mouths, und In a comparatively short time we will nlso bnye. tbe princess, which tbe Slngfr Brothers Will build, and the Virginia, on the West Side. The Singer Brother* have neverul notable successes to their credit, and In the leaII will mako a new production at the La Snlle, and one at tire Princess, when that house Is completed. Victor -Moore, lu "Kid BjMM Esu.," will be laiinchhd In stardom nt the Colonial, In August, and Edgar Selwyii^ In "Stl-ongheart," ut- McVlcker's, In the same mouth. Thus the list might bis carried, 011, mid the word to the Wise is, "Watch Chi- cago," for It Is a lively city. . . «■ » • nsl.i.. < elel.ri.l.s Urn Tv» cnl j-llf I h \ miivei-siirv . The twenty-ltftb anniversary of the ope"- lug of the Casino was celebrated on Monduy evcnlnjr, July 1, and many extra numbers were added to tho regular programme of "Fascinating Flora." The boxes were filled with well known sturs who have at one tittle or another gained prominence In productions at Mils house. A speech was made by He Wolf Hopper, In -which he referred to the various managements of Ibe theatre, und also to the stars who happened to be lu the audi- ro.uce. Specialties were given by, La 'Petite Adelaide, the toe dancer, who is now playing ut the Herald Square. Theatre. In "The orchid," and In the last act a "Florodorn" sextette, composed of the company playing here, and led by Trlxlc Frlganzu, went through the song und dance, to the amuse- ment of the lu'rge audience. Allele Hltcblc received lengthy uppluusc whenever she ap- peared on the stage, und during the second net un Immense bouquet of roses was passed over the. footlights to her. One of Edna Luby's Imitations was that of Anna Held, singing "I Cun't Make My Eyes Hehuvc," and Miss field, who occupied n box With Lillian HiisKcll, seemed much amused. Others wlm were present were: Louis Munu, VeruoDa Jurbeuu, ICdgtlr Smith, gueeule Vussnr, Amellu Suniiiiervllle, Klldolf Aronson. thu lirst manager 1 of tbe C'aslho : Signer I'eriiglnl nnd Joseph Cawlhorne. A letter was received at the theatre from Pauline Hall lu which she regretted her absence. . <»» White Hals... ... I'omcdy Club. Ileal Mill Yankee Doodles.. the clubs up to date are Gniiics I'foi/al. H'ou. Lmt. T 4. ;i ,7 4 8 « 3 a 0 2 1 (C. c. LOUISIANA. »«• Orleano.—At White City Mat I hews, luiiitugerl the Olympic Opera Co. continued week of June -"Jl. In '"The Gclslhr." "Fra Dlnvolo" Is the offering for week of July 1. wi;si- Kmi l'.iUK 1 A. lilstcs. manager).— I'nrroll nnd linker. Kates llrothers, Fox mill On Hull, anil l.iiurti Howe intil Her lircsdeu hulls intiile up 11 good bill week nr June i!8. The usiittl big business coiitliiiies nl ibis uuuu- Inr resort, liotierls. Itnjcs uud llubi'rla will be I he lieiH'llneis week of July 1. with Cur- roll unit linker, und Kales ilros. as holdovers. «»» ' , Tim Bah nulls ure I'luylug vamJurlUe dules va. tu* misak ..,.....:,,, . ,.^_. . j \i« ii.ioUIiik ^% 11,lie,it.- Formed. On June '11 there was Hied at the futility Clerk's iitllee. New York City, papera of In- corporation for a new vaudeville syndicate, to bo known us the William Morris Amuse- lllenl C'O. The purpose uf thu new organization Is to purchuse, build und operate vaudeville' the- atres, opera houses, and other amusement resorts, us- well us to conduct a general vaude- ville booking ugeney. Tho directors are: Wui. Morris. Sow York; W, I.. Sinclair, Seagate, L. 1„ and W. C. Lit- tlelohn, Brooklyn. Pin; company will book lu conjunction with the Klaw & Ki-lmiger vaudeville circuit, and will bo able to give pot-formers from twenty to twenty-live weeks, lu addition to the above circuit. New.theatres will lie erected or leased In tin- smaller cities where Klaw & Krlangcr have no holdings, and the bigger circuit will thus be extended and strengthened. <■» Mlty Itfiliniilt to Slllr. L. S. sire makes the aououueeiucut that he has nearly completed the cast to support May Hobsou, In the pluy. "Tbo Itejuveuullon of Aunt Mary." by Anuo Warner, who hus been spending u number of weeks at Miss itobsou's home revising tho drttniutlzutlon of her novel of the sume ntimo us the pluy, und bus Just gone buck to her Western home la M. Paul, Minn. Mr. Sire luis signed coutracts for tho sea- sou of 1P07-08, with tbo following pluyers: Nora O'llrlen. Grace Parks Flake, Ifrunccs Hcmrlck. Nlua Kuvllle, Duvld l'roetor, 11. M. Cowley. Frauds Herbllu, Win, l^ovls, Geo. A. Stcveubou and Jack Storey. «»» Ucurgc 11. Ccilinii Mnrrle;i. George M. Ctoliun und Agues Noluti, of Bruoklfno, Muss, were unirrted uu Salurduy, June ail. at Freehold, N. J., by 11 JuslJen of the Pence. The bride, who. Is twcui v-i wo years old. Is thu daughter of Mr. uud Mrs. F. J. Nolnu. She bus been wilh Mr. Cohan's company for some time. Sumucl Harris, Mr. Cohan's, partner, and Alice Noltin. a sister of the bride, were the only witnesses at the marriage. 4»» AdnniN Street Theatre, liriiuUl.vii. for •* llui-lcniitle. The nogollallous which were pending be- tween Frank Keeuey nnd the Hyde & Bclmiuu Amusement Co. for the lease of Hyde & Uch- man s Ailnius Street bouse.. In Brooklyn, have been culled off. Archie Kills, secreturv and treasurer of the Hyde & Belunan Co., in- formed a Cbiri'Ku. representative that the house will open Sept. 2, us a high clus-s bur- lesque house, with Nlek Norton us uittiiagor. I he bookings will ho made through the Co- lumbia Amusement Co. <*>♦ lloiin onK-liiirL, r Co., ISiileritrlMeo. This linn, wllh nfflcos In the Steluwuv Building, Chicago. In coming to the front, and in a short lime Will have coutrol of the Hindi -Temple Thealre, In that cllv, aud will devoli; It u, dnunallc stock productions dur- lug the Whiter, and to light opera during the Summer. They, will also buve an opera com- ptuiy oil the roud. iHtpi'iirlng in "Tho Chimes of Noruiiiiidy" nnd "lohititbe," numbering iimoug lis metubere several veil kuown players. «»»■ "The rtmmer" for Doatln Inrmim. Charles Frobmun wttl-trresent-Diistlii I'ltr- num next season, la "Tbe Ranger." a new play which Augustus Thotuus Is writing. The scusou wlllopcu Sept. 'J, at Wullttck's, tins wl)>, .'.,. .., jt ... I'laus. fur the Auilltorluoi, ChlcuVu Btnefinhc-TrtH-'of-A. -L;-Krlongcr lo'Chi' cage, Ittjt week, the- plans for the Andltorf",.' have taken more de Unite shape, hriiVhi , Interview.- .the. manager from; Ui« |,;' a si "J 1 pres8«d, his ylliwa and sketched out some n't his planB. Othera nro in embryo as vet u., wilt, be .divulged Ih good season. lixu'u,!' ganza, vhudoville, Christmas puntomluic sure" taenlnr melodrama and grand opera will r,...-' a cycle from which the public enchaSm? Millard Adams will continue as tie fi£ manager, which position he bus occunlcd for some years, and Uoorgo W. I.cdercr. mutiuucr of the Colonial, will direct the musical im duetlons. Mr. Lederer Is already at work ■ Z n big musical production with which ihe house wll) open Sept. 1, and which will sir pass In magnitude anything of the same na. lure ever seen In this city. "The rinmi Mogul'' Is scheduled to follow tills, under thi. auspices of tile Policemen's Benevolent \V soclatlon. for two weeks. In October Tawb Tlllo will be given, with a list of tHjadllnoS never before seen here. Christmas pantumhni, and spectacular entertainment will wide owuy evenings and matinees during the mlii Winter holidays, following which will eon. grand oi>era, probably including ibe Meln> polltun Grand Opera Co., the MantHJJIan Orand Oiiera (M.,.aml the Ban.Curio ormuii. zatlon. Mr. Erlunger said': "i think thls'eitr ciimjinres very favorably with New Yorit anil London as an amusement centre, und llmt |J will soon, uccomc. the grculest vaudeville centre of this world." Sir. ICrhingrr Is r! pected back here from New York In a law duys, to go Into more details of the work »»♦ IHnrk Twain nnd the Clliiper .trllgi oh Board lln- s. s, MIiiuchjioIIn, Bound for London. It has been the good-forlutie of 1'. Illcliurds our artist, who In now luaklng a lour of l';tiropc. In the Interest of Thh.New Voiik. l.'Lifi'Kit, to be u lellow voyager wllh Ameri- ca's "grand old man." Mark Twtiln. 'litey lert New York together on the 8. S. Mltnie- npuils. on June 8,\ last, and arrived In Lon- don on Juno IS, tlfter a uidsl. enjoy uble voyoge. They then purled company, as Mark Twain was bound for Oxford tu receive Ids degree of Doctor of Letters. During' Die voyage Mr. Richards conversed verv fre- (Iticntly wllh Mr. Clemens about Ihe'alrlcol matters, and found, him to be very well posird about the current evenis In thu amusement world. Jokingly. Mark 'Twain asked Mr. Richards: "I wonder what my turn would he worth In vaudeville?" Now, agents, there's your chance. (Mr. Twain Is suld to receive seventy cents per word from his publishers without being limited ua to space). Tho humlon Itaiti) c.lii-tmlrlc of .Time ut says: "During the voyage I'. Itlcburds. the eminent American caricaturist, cxcctilctl liulf a dozen picture postcards of Mr. 1'lene-iis. which were put up ut auction, wllh the result Hint a sunt of nearly £M was bunded lo a seamen's charily. One card alone brought tu." * a » inn I uu In, u, A; Connor In ChleiiKo. This eutcrprlsing llrui of .N'eiv York man- agers, buving secured Ihe Studebaker The. ntrc, Chleugo. will'open it In September, wllh the llrst production on any stage of "Artie," » comedy by George Ade. 111 which Luiircnci M'heut. who formerly played Stub TnlDiudne. lu "Th» College Widow, will pluv the lltlo role. All thu Dillingham stars will he seen al this house In their turn, and tbe pulley of Iho house, which bos been to close li on Sunday, will lai changed, performances belli;; given every evening. ♦♦♦ _ riii us of the CollcKeThentrc, Chicago. Thin house, the properly of ti clnircli In Chleugo. bus been turned over lo Kugcuc M. Cllluu lo manage, und he Is In Ihe h'usi. Hclcctlng pluyers for Ihe slock company. which II In proposed to run Ihere In Ibe lale Summer and, next Winter. This house was recently opened with Ihe prrmtrm ut "Othu VlHcounll, which was given four perforin- tuiccs very successfully. 4»» To Go With the Iratifrlala. The following have been signed for II. \Y. & Sim William.' Imperial- (Western wheeh ! Margie 11 III on. Lurry McCale und eompiiny. 1 ii-iai/i, and McDonald. Opp und Bentley. Bert Wiggins. Julia llelnt/niiiii. Ida Slurgoss, ('bus. Ludwlg. James Weedon, luumigei-: Jesse Rlker. Edun Claylon, Menu lieu. Sadie All, Catherine Gibson. Belle Leruc, Miss Bent- lev, i-;iizniietii Hardy, Fay Stunlon, May King, Kdnn Brockwny. Sylvia Walker. Lo- it-11ii Clnxinn, Agnes King, Gltidy MIihoit, Delia Carmen. Nellie Lulor. Syivln Itay- uitrd. Silas Warren, .Margaret liarlb, Llllle linnh. Minnie Smith and Tina Allen. . ««» !■:. D. ri-l.-e nnd Cntlterlne CouiillaN llarrli-d. K. I>. Price, tlie well known luaungcr, uud t'litltvrlne Couutlss-.-the ' actress, were mar- iled.on .Sunday, June 30, In the First Mellto- dlst Cliurcli, at Mount. Vernon, N. V., by Ihe Rev. OU10 F. Burtliolow. Sir. l'rlce la ut present managing the Jurdlu tie Purls, on Hie New York Theulrc roof. Miss Cotiutlss Is ouc of the three daughters of Judge and Sirs, T. J. Crooks, of ]>milsoii. Tex. Her stage career begnu about six years ago. when she joliiCHl the Murray lllll slock comiiuny In this clly. ■ ■ « » » simiIm ri 1 h, ut el,-nl Co. luereuNca Ha Sloek. The Sliiibert Theatrical Co.. of New Yurk Clly, bus em-tilled lo an Increase in lis eiiiil- tal sloek from .fOOO.OUO lo |WW,uOv. TM slurkliolders urc Lee Shubcrt, Jacob ,1. Shit- ■hcrt, Mux C. Anderson, Joseph L. libliioek and Geo. II. Cox. 4 «» I.oiiIh James' Next Seiimon'a I'lnua. I.onls ,ii s bus complcled his cunipHnf for next scusou and rehearsals will coiiinieuce nbutit Aug; 10, ut Mr .lunics' Summer home ut Moiiinnulh Beacli. N. J. '"lite Sierebuill of Venice," "Tint Merry Wives or WliiKor" and "The Comedy of Br- furs" will be Ills chief product Inns, ami his season will open Lubor Day (Sept. '-'I m, Wash. Joseph, (.nincr How nt the IIclui ol Three Theatres. Joseph Gainer, who bus been for some thus tho .resident munager of I'he Grand Opera House, Wilmington, Del., for Slcssrs. Miulj & /.Imnieniiun, bus been notttled by Geiicral Muniigcr Fred G. NixoD-Nlrdllngnr Unit be- ginning Sept. 1 he will he placed m clmrgc ol Ouern House, at Huntington. W. Vu.:I in; Ashland Thealiv. Ashland. Ky.. and the ««« Tneuire, now belbg creeled at. leontuii, <• Ills lieiidiiuurlei'H will'be In llunllngloti. ■'■ 1 .connrd Johnson, who bus bwui Mr. Gainer.'' iiKslstunl. will succeed him al the Wilming- ton house, — . ,. , -„ „ ^ t +, Row Wt-sierii Wheel House la I 0 ri, 1,1,,. The new Slur Thciitfc (W'eslern wlcii liousei lu Toronto. Oau., which Is la' 1 "? erected, will bii ready Aug. .18 to play J, 11 "* New York Jr. us Its llrst. burlesque atlrui'U""- Nellie DoucM'un'M Siiccchs ui ""' Garden. Nellie Donegiiu.. one of the (levered °t fancy skulers before Hie public. Is 11 feu nie- lli Is week al the Mailisuu Siiiiure Gurd'-a ■tilth, ibis clly. uud Hie exhlbllloiis rhoo by lu.'r each evening urn meetlug wllh uiU'jn approval, A Ret* Comedy for l.oltle WIIHni""' Charles IS. Bluney has secured for Lull' 8 Williams a new pluy. entitled "Joslc. the I.n He Mudcup." v.bleb will be prisbtcert r»n» USit feVlliOU,