The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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542 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. July 6. Koilti A- Proctor's Twenty-third , . SF.Vf YOnK CITV. .Ivellli A Prnplnr'M Union Sunnr* Tlicnlro (M. F. Allow, general manager).— AlHinugh Monday afternoon, .Inly l, wns practically ton wnrm for Inilnor entertain- ment, there were not mnny soars unused nt , the matinee |H'i , rormnni^--lWsfr-»n-Hirr<m-^i'*:^w^J!(»rt-hiii»nr, and-he-plays !t -s nicely, Evn Tnnguny, who is retained from Inst week, continues to win a tremendous hit at every performance. She ritartn one of tun citt, amH» mx ran- WWW! ^ftjg JfS£-T5 next senson. -f Ooi.of.n Citt, Canarsle.—The Six Flying street Tiicnirp (E. F< Athee, general man- pan' nger>.—I'lniitlo Ollllnjrwnle.r. appeared bete last „ on July I, In Ma lotcst farce, -The Wrong on the free circus programme will heSllvero, nr " "f""""*,,"-" „"' « e. n Francisco elrl Man," which MM written by himself, and the ami Emerle. sort- Hie BMwksway Barlows :. Ocpara. —!JM r:?_»» «J»ggErla net. swre/t uaalM MMM Mr. Ollllngwater - A - baby show will he MlM on July 0. "who hart he.prima donna roc m -»»»awg Baker (Mrs. T. J. Boyle, manager) — "L'nclc Tom's Cabin" was given n floe nre. nentatlon last week, by the stnckr-to fine ni' endonce. Rlchnrd W. Crnlpo cnitftatoed iJ. tween the nets. "Home Folks" Jn| v 1 Mia VHk. fcexlotto, in n Dftvol dancing operetta, en- fltkd"Tho I'ndorsludy," moi wllh miicli ap- proval S for their enrnest. .Aynrk. ; Phil nnd N^tle'. Peters, I he "Entertainers nt Enter- Illinois," kept their audience, In n continual JiiiikIi throughout. Rrnlrleo McKrnzio nnd Walter Shannon nnd company scored n de- rided hit In ihelr novel offering, entitled "A Shine Flirtation." while Cliff Hnrrtnn, '•'I'be Herman T'nllllelnn," .made his usual good Impression. Others who come In for their full share nf npprovnl were: The Elton Polo Trio of gymnnsls, Eddie Mack, .Inck Colrtio nnd Snm Burns, I he "The Three Wise Hops:" Leah Itusscll, --The lihetio illrl:" Diamond nnd Smith, the favorite lllusiralcd unpg sinners: Klmhnli nnd Lewis, ranlor- ilonlsts nnd singers: l.e I'evre nnd SI, John, •The Effervescent. I'nlr:" lone .Mnei'lnnili, Imllnrt singer, awl Ttinnn, juggler. The mo- linn pictures closed the performance. Keith X Pri.clor'n I'll'tli Avenue Thentre IK. F. Alhee, general manager).— JCdnn May Bp a aa t T iinrl her ennipniiy ap- peared In n new,piny on July I. nnd nl- llinugh the W PHUt fr was by no menns suited In o:,iiousllng omnllnual work, the Htnr inhered with on ardor that defied tbe titer- inAmeier, in.d i-nlne out with llylnc colors. t'llle Akerslrnnt's romantic: drnmn. In four nets, enlltli'cl "The (fj-|isy Horeerexs," wa» the piny, and on .Inly 1 II wns «lven. for the. tlrsl time on any staRe. It ha« n numlH>r of Intensely thrllllne; moments, with dminnlle material of mttcli fon-e and Interest, nil of which Is well handled In the telling. Ml** Akeistrom liftH done well with her theme, and with a. nillclienltiK of action In tbe earlier. norMans, whlrh nre n trifle tnlky, nnd a brushing up of the humorous iinsftiges, the piny will lie one deserving of lusting siiccckh. Its story, which Is laid In !''niiiec, tells of how Nina, .supposed daughter of llcudlio, Hie gypsy chief, Is loved by two men, t'apl. I.atnont and tho Marquis He. I-'nr- inurne. Xlna renirns the captain's love, but through the wiles of the marquis Rite and her lover are of the murder of Ueudlln, who has lieen slain l>v the marquis. Capliilti liiimniit. Ix inrliired In tin* prison, nnd N'lntt, In order to save him, promises to go with the marquis. Ilul: it transpires Hint Mm Is lint the child of llendlln, lull has been stolen by lite gypsy, and powerful pressure brought 10 liear upon the king, frees her nnd her lover. The ninrqulx meet h. his fate nt lust, fullllling tho curse iironniineed upon his heart by Nina, over her father's dend body. Miss Spooner hns noine fine opportunities for force- ful work, nnd she misses none or them. In lite second net she delivered .Mini's curse with telling effect, bringing down the curtain prion an Intense climax, nnd her acting In the lot-lure chamber, when Nlnn's hirer Is lielng broken nnd lorn, wns'nn itniistinlly try- ing and splendidly handled scene. Ai Us finish .Miss Spanner was called before the audience rcpciiicrtly. .lames Montgomery played a huurhliiick with distinct success, and Harold Kennedy <|lrl wonders with the role of a wiiiiileilng player. Iten |.\ Wilson made a inn illy Cuprum Lumnni, mid Arthur livers played the part, or the unscrupulous: marquis wllh grent creilll. Kdwln II. ilitrlls, \V. I<. West: and Elennor Wisdom Were, prominent, mill all scored' successes. .Miss Wisdom's Hinging being especially well liked. The ciisl : Oipluiii Ernest l.iinuinl. Hen I'. Wilson; Pierre, llurold Kennedy: Marquis lb' Korloiiftie, Arthur Evers: llen- dlin. Kdwln H. Curtis; rather Jacques, \V. I.. West : (jmirtrn, James Momgomerv : Tristan, Cllir C.Storch: llnrleqiiln, R. K. S|Mionor: Manuel, Waller H. Nenbiiid: i'edro, l!mi-ge A, Stlllwell ; Anlolne, James AlcAullffe: Count: Cimriiiil. .Inmes Ay mi: iinppo, .tack t'oweii; Oftli-er, Ktlgene Ordwny ; Mtw Soldier, Tom Slieeley; I'umllla. Olive flrnve; l.oulse, Miss McAllister; Marguerite, Josephine Eox ; Made- Ion, •r.leminr Wisdom: "Marian, Julia. Mor- . ids: fiypsy (llrl. Iiella, Wilson, nail Nlnn, H? l i'i. , . ,Kk ' "'"','". •l'iKiille Iho hot. weiilher Imawar " l0 , '" 1 wofik «'f July 1 Includes: Agnes Siflll, lii u one art playlet. "Tho tied Hose," assisted by Marry Mngllsh. This Is .Miss Scott's first Harlem vaudeville appear- ance. She Is a grent fnvnrlle In Harlem, and Iter many frlendH I nut to accord her a III i big welcome. T'lie pinylrt, which then received Its llrst. presentation on miv stage, wns well preseoicd. l'nnl MeAlllster end coinpttny. presenting Herbert Hull Wins- ton's new one net piny, "fierman Jjessnns:" AI. II. Weston anil coninam, Henri French, Young American Onlnlcitc, Welch and Krnn- cls, Nora Kelly, |,e (,'lalr nnrt llowen, and motion pletiues rounded nut. the hill. Al.HAUiiK.i (Percy C. Williams, mnnnger). —Business cnnlhiucR . | H % of the liesl. lb-- glnniiig July I, Hie perforinnncea will lie given down stairs In (he nfiernonn and on Hie grenloi successes Inst week lliot wa< ever sciireit by n single perlormer at thli house. , Oitiers on Iho bill, July 1, were: Wilbur Mark, nssisled by Minlhorne. Wnrili- lev. In a bright and well rendered offering, 'The ilneholor nnd Iho Maid," during Ike progress of which some songs were cle.verly given: Willie Eckstein, hoy pianist; Herbert. Utvioks, wllh <lls excellent trunk mystery: Hnlil.y Vorlh, In his Hebrew fun : Hie llnldens, rqloreil singers and ilaneers, anil (.'n'lruu, In 1ier Hirllllng looping lite loop on n bicycle. The ne.i pictures continue t ciNliifi (Sum S. & Jyce Shiiherl, Inc., man- ngcrsi.-— Fitfclnnllng Flora" liegnn. July t, lis seventh week. The twenfy-lifih onnl- versnry of Hie opening of this house occurred on that dale, CJnrrlck Thrnrre (CharleR Frohmnn, man- ner).—William Collier heguii. July I, Ins twenty-seventh week, In "Cought In the lltiin." J,yrlc Theatre (Sum S. Ic I .re pimbert, Inc.. ioan:igcrsi.~"The Koail fit YeRlerrtay' began, July I, Its twelfth week at this hiuis'. Aerlnl l.nrileiin (Ivlnw ft Erll|nger, innn- ngersi. - ilcsirge AI. Cnliati began, July I, his llfth week. In "The lloneyraooners." (■rami Theatre.—This house, nfter n few weeks of vaudeville, closed June 211. Atlnnale linrden IW. Kramer's Sons, managers).—f|'he lllce Rrolhers, comedy aero- lials; Cooper nnd llnwley, cbiiracter come- dians: l.evlne and Hunt, acrobatic comedy sketch; Marie lie Itossetl, "The Military <!lrl;" Hrolhers (jipone. acrobatic clowns; Belle TraVIs, serin comic, moving pictures nre the attractions: for this week. IIi>uses closed : American, Aster. Academy of Music, Rclnsco, Bijou, Itrotidway,Criterion, Hnly's, Empire, Fourteenth Street, Harden, (iritnrt Opera House, Hudson, Jlackott's, Hip- podrome, ■ living i'lace, Knickerbocker, Utt- erly, Lyceum, Lincoln Sqttnre, Madison Square, Mnleslic, New Amsterilum, New York, Star. -Thalia, Wnllnck's, Welier'a, Yorkvllle, Keith k Proctor's Flfly-elghlh Street, Circle, Colonhil, Dewey. Eighth Aveinte, Murray Hill, Irfinilon,'Miner's Bowery and Hither s Museum. Ilniipylnml. Slnt«-n Islnnil Among the big features here nre the lion training act of Mme. Tliclmii. In I he Fcrnrl animal show, and "The Flremnn'K Christmas Eve." Current topics. M ° tniuT-'StrmSSm Jgi^'fiiWffril S «"»ATr.B-0.vfAW«...-ita»eii-PAttK (H, r 111 for Tub Foiiii Babjis nro rosJlnK nt their home, llendlnr. Pa. Next aeaaon-they will put on n new line of catchy hand balancing tricks, .which has made them a premier act In vaudeville. ,j. '• ' .Jostiitl'i.YNN, formerly of 'Wnahburn and . Flynn, will work nlene nejt tienjioij Jjojing B |^,prt wlrh .TnmeF 1 te-slgneil with V. H. Cnrr's- Thornnghhrwls .|" ns(Pm wheel). ; (Western wheel i. losrto n. single Rpeclnlty. next season. - JS Sh„«.Iris e9£SliS£^ He will put on a Wg net Hme onnny stage, at JjattWa; Jbjm zn. at A new act Ir beloir written for her.' Cms JlnBiMRONy comedian; laRt ureek wBh -Maxif.-a xn Ci.aiik Will do n talking and r„|n n lnl Helles, took his first degree In the singing del, In vaudeville. Ed. Mattle wns jjiinn Lodge, F. nnrt A. M., Jtmc 27, at Ma- fnrtjterly one of the comedians with Ceo, Primrose Minstrels. DntS-im amp M'chtoji, fierman comedlaus. bnve been working-stendlly since, Ihey joined bunds, six weeks ago, and have a new act In preparation for next season. I,"i is Pr.ti'ZKOw hns signed with Jacobs, Butler i l.owery's New (Tentiiry Clrls, for next season, to play one of the comedy parts, Itowi.ns, Waltkiis ano Ccookeu, Hie three rtllie acrobats, presented their new act for Hie first lime In New York last week at tho Union Square Theatre. Caki.ton amp, Cerman comedians, will put on a new net at Eros' Casino, North Bench, f„ J., week of July 8. Adiiitionai. engagements job the ftioa Koi.i.kks (Enstera wheel) nre: Lee Hick- man, Untile Mills, Mitbclle B. Dnrr, Collins and La Belle, Verna Draper, Paula Neasoh, sonic Temple, New i.ork City. llc.wrt.t. anp Scnrr have signed contracts for Keith k Troetor circuit, and nre booked solid Tnr (he season of ]fl07-(W. They will leave July U for Atlnnllc City, lo spend a few weeks, prior (n lhfc opqiing of vautlevlllc senson. May Nfw VflTJi will put on n new act next season. She Is the daughter of tbe. well known . referee, Joe Ward, of ; Jlockawny Beach. Tub Tiwkii Bets hnve arranged a novelty ■Way act, which they will present In vnudc- vllle'next senson. Ton TnnKR Dhanes, comedy hand hnlanc- Idjt trio, have signed with Miner's Bream- land Btirlesqiiers for next season. gngement here 2li, to good hnslbess. Arlhar I,l 'i t &S"!i ha»,ctorJ wl f h the Dick- fj.foiiy's Minstrel Co. July 1 nnd week. ' k Talbott circuit, at Indianapolis as ■*= Cook Opcrn. House, a new comedy drnmi sketch, eatltled 'The Ae.rcss nnd ikT Devil," by Edgar Allan Wllff. It seared a big hit Frederick It. Luesrher. of it,'. Hiirtln k Seamon forces, who Is Interested In- rally, Jnvj_i!iilned control of. a comhinniiin house Ifl Tctilton, N.- V., and will direct £ management from Bocbe3ter, with a local representation. . I Hen resident manager) - uur unarnir nnse"nn ••'llie J'lt." by the stock' company, did hlc business, last week. ■ sent "At this week. OKPiinnu ..CR...L~ KonckCi. resident mana- ger).—rThe Jamestown Exhibition pictures drew well last week. Summit Pack (S. W..Baker, manager) — England's moving pictures closed, their en- -At ihe Majeslle fE. L Konek.. rmngeri "Our Boarding House" mm ' by 'the stock company, did big last week. The Summer stock pre. Plney Uldge" ana "Bauson's Folly'' features to their novelty talking nnd sing- ing act next.season, on tho Keith & Proctor circuit, '.linens and Hehjiax,, "Around the Skele- ton," have added nn original character to ttieli- unique pantomime, in the shape of a polar hear. Hreamland Bnrlesqueri '• ItiPA Johnson lotiNq, authoress of "Brown of Harvard," ."Olorlons Botsy" and "The Boys of Co. B.V.bns,-signed a contract with the .Messrs. Shuherts.Jo supply them wllh a mnslrai libretto wlth'entlrely novel features. Tills does not .mean any wide departure in the. Marvelous Lavlne, nnd Helen Louise Eaton's Orchestra. Notks.— - Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show appears July. B Atarlc Canlll occupied a box at the Majestic Juno 27. Miss fshlll and party nre touring In an automobile from Mr. Clemens, Mich., to New York. Honr.™ akp. Honors, musical duo, will m "3™l comely sa\« * h «t *",£-P ot , «jj ■*• Twenty bands and other anjupements will bo play six weeks of Summer park dales. visible and yet lend itself to mnsicnl setting tn<> nttraetlon at tbo Firemen's Convention Tiik CiiAi.wtCG Tnio closed their season of and splenriiii cos umlng. 'Iho mann S crsjvlli at Blon, X. Y., July .*!, 4. thlrly weeks at Keith k Proctor's.TVenty- *Sl^^^^«fflBL JPffl\»K - - ' - --■ . Iliirlfin.— Ai Keith & Proctor's Harlem Opera -linu/e IK. F. Aliiei*. general mnnnger) "I'nrmen" Is the oiferlng for this week, open- ing Jiily 1. Oit Hun date Beatrice Morgan returned to Hie cast as lending womnn, after nn nbsoni-o of several weeks, and she was accorded a warm welcome. The piny was presented In the style Mint has made the slock company jiopiiinr. Besides Miss Mor- gan, those who scored a success were: l.ouls»> l.'nnriolph, Emily Melville, Bay lleve- (hlrly third Street Theatre last week, and will go to' Atlantic City for a two wrekY recreation. Nat ■ IIainkm will go trout flshlog up In the Adirondack Mountains for tea days. Ai,> has been to Norfolk, Vs.. to look after u floating palace show, tho bookings for which he attends to. lltciiAnn, In Harry and Edward raulton's comedy, "Poor John," will be the opening attraction of the season at (he .Madi- son Square Theatre on Monday, . Aug. 12, coming to this city from a four weeks' stay nt the Studelmker Theatre, Chicago, where ho will open on July 7, equipment, while hMlevlhg a plot has be- come it necessity In musical comedy.' "Tiih Road to Yestbroav" uninterrupted- ly hns held *thc attention of. the New York Hieiilrogocrs since the llrst of the year. After Jamestown.—At Celeron Park (J J Waters, manager) for week of June 24, the most expensive bill of tbe season was pr scnted. - The Quartette, one of the bn celrtiratlng Its .two hundred and fiftieth per- singing nels In vaudeville, were the head- fnrmance at the Lyric, the interest. In the J] ncrs - Billy Vnn r Bender and Earle, mil. piny took anotber.-titrn for good, nnd seems Cherry nnrt Hill,-and Bedlnl-und his iloga n far more popular entertainment now than conyibjtcd the prorramme. din n ANttA htiAiiLRY is, n new nddllIon to the ridge, Louise llruiinell, Dudley Bjiwiey and Frohmnn ranks, having replaced LnitlRe Drew Ahilionv: Etliler. Wt:sr Evn (J. K. Cnoksnn, mnnnger).— 'Phis house dosed for .the season June 2ft, and will open Sent. 3 with Ihe Vundenberg Opera Co. (llnrtlgft Seamon, managers). —As n closing in t met Ion. Adelaide Knlm presents' this week "Her Ijiist Appeal." ller engagement here tins proved a great success, and she bus uuiilc many friends In the Bronx. Tlie roof garden la (his house opened for the senson July I, wllh n strong bill, and was pin-keel to utmost cnpncliy. The lilll for the opening week: Macro nnd Fox, llecil and MnlHiinil, Friend mill Downing, Anna Clinnd- ler. Dorln Opera Trio, Weston Sisters, Hill anil Wilson, and Minerva Vnno. Kritii & Piioitor'n Osb Hnxnimn and TWKSTV-I'IKTIt STIllIRT TtlBATRn (B. K. Al- liee, general mnnnger).—Tills house eonlln- In tho part .of Nellie Gardiner, in "Cmiffht In the ilaln." at the Ourrlck Theatre. Miss Bradley gives an excellent Interpretation of thn role. She has been engaged lo play it next season. Ukshii: Dh Voir:, for the past two seasons n member of "The Rogers-Brothers in Ire- Innd" Co., has been' engaged by Cbnrles Froh- mnn for n prominent part In' "The Dalry- niiildR," which opens at the Criterion eariy in t lie senson. CitAH. Hi,.u;i: will play a return engage- ment at Rncknway Beach this week opening July 1, at: Maiming'* Music. Hall. Lrw Hh.uin, of the Wine, Woman and Song Co., and Harry Kohler, of the Bowery Burlesqiiors, hnve left for the. Adirondack Mountains. They will return In time for the opening of the HcnRnn. at any time since lis opening. Minnie Du- pree's delightful portrayal of MlRpe'th Tyrell has lost none nf Its chnrm, and the splendid cast continues to win new honors with each performance. • Wii.mam Coi.t.iFit now has nine months nt fun making conquest lo his credit, with "Caught in the Unln," which continues to crowd the Carrick Theatre nt every perform- ance. Mr. Collier will continue right, along. » and will present (he novelty or n Fourth of Rlmlrn.— \t liorlck's tllenrv Tnrtnr July matinee. Wednesdays and Saturdaysnre mannge'r'The Mock ng Bird" wa{ gaVSfitt. also regulnr matinee days. received last week "Sail P-sha" w ... "Miss PuJuiiiA," Ihe vehicle In which Elsie siiog week of 1$ • 145 ' Sotks.-^J. Frank Hatch's Carnlvnl Co showed here 24-21), to good business Messrs. McDonald, Ellis, McKennn nad Hud son compose "The Quartette," which piay.vl Celeron Park week of 24, nnd Ihe bass Is Worthy of special meatlon E. T. Con- nelly.geis many recalls nightly wllh his Il- lustrated songs .The Blngling Brothers' Circus 20. will iw Jnnls will star next season under Charles Dilllnghr.m's management, is by Henry Blos- som. WAsm.wmN I. Kii.rATRiCK, theatrical manager, who (lied a pelltlnn In bnnkruptcv over a year ago,, wllh liabilities ot nearly S.->,000„ was dLschnrged from bankruptcy Inst week, by Judge Adams, in flic United Slates District Conrt. In this city, Riai/to (F. W. McConnell, manager).—The hill for week of July 1 Include*: and French, .Do Cotrct and Howard, little Fayette. Bessie SbaJner. Lillian-Me Vnrc and James I), l'roudlovc. In Illustrated songs, and the motion pictures. Business is big. i Poiiclikcepsle—At League Park (F. C. van Allen, -maonger) open air vaudeville nt if. , g^7,,Tnn7 Zm ,T. ■ ......i ». .. »«•« 'liK-u.-ninuuger) open nir vaunevi e at in -vL iZS ?» Si 121 a prominent role this, place was opened June 21. Tbe show In "Thc^Movcrs," the new piny by Martha wno i-nna nnH •»../<,.« .n »..>. ««..ih k» Mrtrton Conhelm, In which lleiiry B.' Hnrrls 1-lndfl May Sjvmner. • \ leiocln 'ITustli-e (Oscar Ilnmmersleln. tnnnageri.—'I'lw Summer senson Is In full BWlng here. The regulnr pat runs ill the imitl- neus In the illi'iilre proper continue lo enjnv the ivrfornianccs given by well known vaude- ville people, while nt night Hie sumo per- formers: Miiccend In nmusing nnnlliei' big nuill- ence nlop Hie Victoria and Belnsco Theatres. 'This week Ihe Plflnnphlciwls, u musical net, composed of talented male nnd female per- formers; Belle Blanche, n clever imitator of prominent: singe people, and Thomas nnrt I'avne are the new comers. Those who con- Ihiiie are: Bice and Prevnsl. Collins nnrt Unit, Edwards' School Boys and School •'■'Iris, Iturimill's dogs nud uionkevo. the Four Avolns. Willie Paitizer Troupe, That Quar- tette, Llinl, nnd Ihe vilograpn. The engnge- nienl of Sober Sue, ns it roof garden nitrnc- ilon, been iiliendeil with much success. JojiN.Mt: Ji:ss will put on a new nnd orlgl- »"' pre,seut IJrace Elllston, at (he Ilnckctc ■ Hjieicii with the Lid Lifters next season, ' wns good ond attendance nil that could he desired. nnl \gnos for which fifteen people will he engaged , Bed Jon Baiiton lies signed a three y<>nrs' con- trnct wllh Tom W. Miner, for Ihe Bohemian Biirlesqiiers (Western wheel). Ho will piny the part ot Ihe sheriff next senson. Lt:s JfNms. now with li'orepnngh-Sells Bros.' Show, will play vaudeville dales at the close of Ihe circus senson. Loi.a CtitcFNTRn has been engaged to play a pail, wllh ihe (lay Torendors iWestern wheel). - - Etta A'tcrontA will piny jiork nnrt Xnlr dales this summer. Tut: motiiki: of Willie Pantssor, now at Iiammersleln's Roof Harden, nrrlveil from Rd rope .Inst week. She will go to Pan Fran- 'I'bcnlre. this city, on Sept. 1 llKiNincu Conmkii has secured Beri'hn Morena, a noted Munich prima donna so- prano, for three years, nnd she will arrive in the l!Dltcd Slates Jn November. I.tii'isi: Diikw has retired from tbe cast of "Caught In the Rain." now playing nt Hiu' Onrrlck Theatre, nnd Is on her vacation with her fnlheiv John Drew, -nt Ills home In l^ing CoMjIngwood prEU-v. Ilot'sn (W. O. Mil- lard. manager. 1 .-rliocd vaudeville bills, .have goad business continually. . . .. < U . WASHl\GTO.\. Sentlle,—At' tbe Grand Opera House (John c'ou, manager),. June Iti-I!),' Pack- stsder's .Minstrels did .fine business. Viola ...— ,— — „„,„ t ... ,__ Allen. 20-22, in "Twelfth Nlgbt," with mail- Islond. She hns been replnced by Anne Brad- nee of one act from four Shakespearean plnvs, ley, who made a hit In the ingemle role, d-r«w big houses.-,Hthel Barrymore. 24-20, and slio has been engaged by the manage- in "Capln-la Jinks." Coinmeaclng SO, the tnent to play the same part next, season, when Ihe piece goes on the i-oad nflcr lis lengthy New York engagement. (Oceania Hack will he under Ihe mnnoge- mcat of Cohan & Harris next senson. He San Francisco Opera Co. tone of .Mr. Fort's organizations), comes for'an indefinite. Slim- mer engagement. Skaxtlk (Unwell & Drew, managers).— . The Earl Burgess Co.. In- "Cliinalown Chnr- elsco, and accompany Lai la Sol burl, Mr. Pant- W !'J > K featured In one of their productions. He,'' week ot Hi, had fine unnsos. Week of iter's wife, on'lier Orpheiim lour. Gnimnn Trrrrnv Smith will write, the hnr- 23, "No Mother to Guide Her; L.e. ronf In Hie evenings, weather [icruiliilng. The roof Is one of Hie most pleasing of ner'iiil . Fi.tzABirni VAKCIL has Ri»;ioit wlHi"\Vh A n lesqne for the Jolly-Grass Widows (Western Knighthood Wns In Flower" for next seoison. wheel) for next season. Tun Two Vivians, sharpshooters, nre now -^M"' SiqiRns Is purling anew nef together. , week ot SO, A Marked Woman." I.vric (Rnssell&Orcw, managers) Is dark. Lots tAlen. Pnntages. manager).—"The Geeiv Pcllte Mlinple, the kliii'togrnph mid Fdlson pli'lures. Pastor's l lienl i-i- (Tony Pastor, ainiia- Brl - ).— Despite the wnrm weather ti guild sir.ed audience was on liaiul at Iho Monday mnll- nee.July l, nnd enjoyed a well arranged hill. . Horolhy Kenton, "The Girl with the Banjo." was wolcomely received after Iter long ab- sence from ilil< house, nnd wllh her mnny M'lectInns on the strings, scored a pronounced li't. James I-'. Kelly and Annie Knnl, in it singing and dancing skit, were nlso worthy of ilie lengthy applause recelvrsl. Hurry Kinie. ime nf Ihe most eiilei-tnlnlng of ven- Irlbiquisls, seoieil u big lilt, and his "Take iue Niwr HIT" weal big with bis inhnlrers. Others inijieiirlng to good advantage were: Allien nnd 11itnn, In Irish comedy; (lie Great Christy, Juggler, assisted by Louise Willis, toe dancer: Gnfiirlh ami Bovle. In u romeilv sketch, entitled "All Right:" Iteded and Had- ley. "Tli<> AiiloiiiaHe Soldier and the Mtll- tnry Maid:" Gmuvllle nnd .Mack, In a hunch of devcr nonsense; John Frcemau and com- pany, In "How a Bell Boy Won n Million- aire's Ma lighter;" Mile. . Wlsilnm, lady mil- glclan; Sadie O'Neill, singing comedienne; Frank Miinn, tramp comedian mid dnncor, and the vltngraiih iilelnres. .la nl I u «U» Purls \ F, Zlogfold Jr., man- ager).—-Newcomers this week nre: Mason and Burl, Europonu comedy bur jierrormcrs, g, July 1, dons. Hi mil.Ivn—,\, f| ln Orpheiim (Percy O. \MIIIiinis, maniigerl "II Trovnlore," In "Eng- llsb. Is Mm offering by (he Oriibetiin 0|iern Co. during this, the Until week of Ihe Summer season. The entire cnmpitnv is heard, with listelln Went worth In the prima dnnnn rnln ot Leonora. Excel Ion I business last. week. Luna Pabk. —The following acts open in the circus ring on .Monday, Julv 1, nnd will stay, for at least, two weeks: Protcssor Dewnr and his cats and rtqgs. Mile Orln, wlro net; Bonn and Smith, comedy ncrohnts; Lewis. Spanish ring act ; Hoke and Poke, ac- robats; Milton's dogs, Kennebel, Nelson and Lawrence, and Pete Barlow's elephant, "Qneenle." ' MiiKAMLANP.—The Fourth- of Julv relobr.v Hon will lie made attractive by the display of fireworks from n Iwnt moored off ih'u Miviinilnnd pier. The Imat will ajinoar to l«' In Oiimes. Then a squad of lire savers will rescue the crew, and Ihe ship will: np- pnrently burn to tho water's edge. Anothiv feature. Is William A. Ellis' "Fountain nt Youth," which tins heeu set In Hie "Feast of Helshazztir" enclosure. Bostock's AaKKA.—Features here nre In- dra, the wlillo elephant : Halliard nnd his lions. Rlcnrdn and his wrestling hear, anil Mine. R.ilajiiva. wlllt her two lions Iwo Jamiis ano I'Rion will put on a new act at, Pastor's. July IS. They hnve just arrived from I he West. Slits. IHicni'Jt, having recovered from her Illness, is resting, prior (n going out Willi Mr. Hughes, In "Suppressing the Press," next season, ns Marguerite, l-'rcdcric Clarke as Faust, nnd Frank Fanning nnd Percy Hunting alter- t'j&SSZ**- "armanus "Blocker Hall Wg'hous^'T^FIstef ur^e^TrJS (H. R. Jacobs; manager) the Majestic Stock i dea « *E% . KJJ'comnanr a "The Two to completed Its engagemeat Inst week, aad Ornl inns ""'SJulv (L Lon,panr * la 1M " l0 U ' U™ u'V Vl iSd C SlZ H1 A ", K r t ; STAn S (Iii. DoVr'. m«nager).-Bill week of mnS% w nS'ef 11 ' 1 ™' *" ac »! Nellie -Kiting and- company. I-i :'.»•—The , I mw -Opera ..Co.. sang Mabclle Meeker, Allen Shaw, Krelsscl's ik>gs i pr, son. Miss Elmer will carry a very' elaborate wardrobe next season. the park day and night. New .people are: ioledn ami Price, Young Bros., the Threo Llvlers. Valleeltn's leopards, and Rosatl's Navnl Reserve Bund for Indonendence week Et-ECTair Tark (F. W. Williams, mann^ ger).—Resides the various outside attrac- ting pictures. VUBMar (Alex. Pnntages, manager).— BUI week of 24: Swan's trained alligators, Arthur. Glwell. Mny Burton, Courtney snd company, the 1m Vails, nnd moving pictures. Note. —A liaseball game, 10, between (he nines from the local lodge of Elks nnd I-ew victory Mttv Moiioa.n will spend her vacation ot ltockuwiiy Beach, till August, when she will begin rehearsals with Hnrtlg k Seamon's 1'iiank O'Riiies has signed with Klaw & Erlnngcr for "The Ham Tree," to play a prominent part. Blani-iib WASitntniN will do an net In vaudeville next season. CRA«fnmn asd .Ma.nmno will do a new act In vaudeville next Reason Rixoi.iNn BnCiS.'Cmcos showed to two vast „ 9 W»fc»ne. — At tbe Spokane (Don L audiences Monday. June '24. Harrv Parrlsh "caver, manager) Otis Skinner gave con- usslstnnt property man. aged, twentv-clgh*' ' vlncl ag performnwes, In "The Duel," June died at St. Peter's.Hospital, as a result of ii 1| ' 18 ' to lar 8 e audiences. Dockstader's Min- foli while at work In the tont. at 7.15 o'clock $£^ a E'uyed .the afternoon and evening cf that evening. While at the top of a pole he p> t0 Ethel Uarrymore, lost his balance, and fell to thn eround a i n "Captain Jinb," and "Cousin Knte," 24. ress nl Malieiuii, gave, mi July I. the llrst nf n series of three Wagnerian concerts, a big audience gnve Ihe lender nnd his hand hrorty ImnicnsnphniK Manhattan Bcacii. —"Sheridan's Bide" has caught the public Cm icy In earnest.-.'Ilie fire- set each No u aim mrm near uteveiana. n., nnrt has Jiatiie Mcketle, ■ Collins nntl Brown Mm V aside one- hundrca acres In the name of Tourblllon Troupe, Tavlor 'IVIn Sisters amt 1< h of hlsM-hllrtreii. chromatic pictures. ■ *• ■ I &b^&2JP$22*i!&!!!**** #«■ L'noK Oi;r.tTA Hotsn (J. n. Moore, mans- £ *teri.—"The Man of tho llour"'.bog(in, July », 1U iliirty-flrst week, Held, tlie Bell I'revost Trio, and moving pic- tures, "'! jrtiwl"' f ° r ,h6 °" Sl " 0 ° Irl9 (Ea8torn oWuiy'T fSi *E^**?*** 58 • -"v .(nn.-i n i_ [ (_ , «»l, V- UI UllCf iJini.' • ■■ alols. Monte Carter, Harry C. Lewis, Mnr- orle Ijtke, Cella MnVis and'Thomas Mnck. Hiss Lake scored a lilt in her singing num- bers. The company closed its engagement "ia Mummy, Summer sea- Summer msnngrr).—- Alene Stork "Monto the ba.- Falnnon, l-a ...s, Bnth Boo- , Uiiaa Bapaaa* Verdler Sisters, Bonnie A'onnce, Ruth. Mel- I havoy, .veine Bvererf, Li Mftson and Fllhurn ier Sisters, r brook, Savoy and